Bloomsburg democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1867-1869, October 02, 1867, Image 3
. ~~~ lomointrg ittilmat. •t .q 1 L bErAncmcNi. iVedatoany, Ott. 2, IMJT. li•YellTel=rll tri Irs "PI 111000 010 trailers, PllOll Ineel frell.e. UPS /11C11111k11. Ir they 110 010 41 . .111.11 In will.. h rolonmulritliets lie the ludas* eye. Ikein rend us n brief rtnieweml of mietillilne .1.01/481 ill (Moor roopoesivo cousindolsio., A hot • 4144444441 1 0 0, dalhe, ICCIIIOIIIII. vniciwila bow.. ,Ifeeelltliwiere, ate. We will put :h. 141 104001. ,The '*err kile of lbw, Mod we can ea the boom, it will 0111 1.11 end 1 f/0161,10. N'hnalllduit t To ADVlClttlir Pere.,n. looottsd. wuoi herd then, in early wit Tacos's% worm. 4 eR lo Insure theft Ind, noon for oboe , week. bar The accounts of the final n14140001' & Sllllll,tri us fill' us rent uut Air collation tiro iu thu inttulls Q : the following impotts: 43h.7)/in Ibtensh:4).-40tis • 11; lirrt.zn ; fi d tsmu. eitr.AsT. • • BENJ. ZI M EII :41 A 211• I'. M. 12.tmenr.c.t.,,J). 31. "Voratasso.—STrill HALPT Roo ritigeriN*, Ca frolic', 11(1 nit 1311:4 ITAIINEN. Is Sugarloaf Township, hills for eMleei ion have been placed in thi. bands of 31 oN•room. ig (2OLliotO wham payment k requested to be made at the earliest convenience. lu Scutt. Township. all personr knewiog themselves in arrears for subscription, anti advertising, to the I)Emnen.vr, will it t lease disks imputed 'to Jo 31 , 11 ilentun. —I4NIKL II A ItTM Ora nge.— 311(11A El. Kt .Lett. Mae/6ton. WILLIAM MC I Neff. oilentbwk.— DANIEL EVII.IIVr. Rohribur u—)littiaias 31. A pplcuatn. Or Ste new advertiamticht4 iu tu-slairt MONOCRAT. 11%. Sl. riff Suplor patAishea F,everal writs in this paper. Solos to t4ko ',loco oil tie 26tli inst. Or J. .1. Bien er in not to be out-sold by any tuerelisnt in this place. Ile sell, excel lentgoods, and at anunisltiaxly low prices ; and receives now rustle every few days. • ser The Directors of the Blooturdierg Literary Institute had a meeting a km tiny* ago; tho proccedittp of which, et the sub stance of the tame, will appear in our next Wee. Ifir This section of country was visited by "Jack Frost" on Tuesday warning last, Cur the first time this season. 1h nipped things as he went, irrespective of owner ship, pretty generally. NIL Another hunting party ;son Mr topi4 In this place, to come oil on saturdny next, the weather permitting. euppers to beltall at the "Exchange Miter at lean so sap Madame rumor. ter Dou't rurget the Fair. It common aes one day earlier in the week, this year, than has been the num{ eaKtoin. 11 eretnfore the exhibitions eonittienixal on Tionsittiy, this year on Irohiculty. and continue till NIL. On Saturday afternoon last, Capt. Thomas Chalfant and Jelin 0. Freexe,Em., addressed * politieal meeting at Slahtnwut, Lpeust Township. The attendunctl was net u large as might have barn expected t honk; h very respectable. Locust will du learn that a fun or (harp W. Driosbach, of Roaringercek Township, this County, died front sufilleation by a lime-kiln near Ashland one day last week. The sup: position is, that be laid down by the kiln to sleep, and whet discovered life was ex• Mr The Reputiham editor in Wyoming County cautions his readers to not allow thy temperance quehtion to come into till emit paige in that County. We suppolc it might be damaging to candidates. It was! to "Jokey" Kennedy. Igir' We are sorry to announce the illness of uur toolisinan, WILLIAM &iv urn, who bas been lying dangerously ill tbr several week ; but from last accounts seas con valescing, and strong hopes were entertained of again soon setiiug km enjoying his it , customer] good health. i:f complaint is a disease of; a atumach. s'iter.J.- J. Itoo , ins &(:A). arc f. fling up tite basement of S. C. Shire's Furniture Room tnid 'Office - for a Grocery awl P,nvi - ion Store; They will receive their goods in a few days, and intend sellin,g eintap fur cash or country produce. There is room ti.r torero! more Grocery• wen , in this town. It would have the effect of either bringing goods down or making theta still higher.— Can't say which. ter The Democratic Ticket as timid at our mast-head (and uut in tho advertising department s ) is a very good one and also a popular one. \V know or but one MR in our party in the County who is apposed to it, and deolarea be will not vote ` it. Let ovary Detuocrat work earnestly ' and faith fully for this Ticket on election day and the majority iu thiseuuuty will be considerably inaniased. Fot:ND Dzam—The hostler of Joseph Long, proprietor of the .ins,itiettanna. Hotel iu this place, died in him bed on Thursday night of last week. 110 was found on Friday morning stiff and cold. Ile bad ken ill fur some timu. He was a German, aged about wyeara,and named I ieorge Miller. Wound- received iu the army, from which he wa dill suffering, no doubt hastened his death. ,Sorthumberland PrtnOergi, LOADZD editor of the Republ c aa, who it lie e las rather "overdid" himself, went back to Dr. P. John, his fountain head fot ninuuition, and k its returned, „, doubt bailed to the liturgic. Look out for tome of. Pr. John's stale lies in a new garb. The Dr...utanutitetures and Yost poldhl.— Dariatltie,,lJr.'s shut torte es Revenue i m essoiebi• gut a perpetual Lie cense, fur i n enting "nev! and enlightened view" gong ir.vonihni Dentueral. n Almighty evening lust, as Kater t our entitittlato for L irjujing in his sulky pear the the hon.° Weitiou fright ' viuleqt ranting threw the hind very severely.— pins'," but bears the utliflent.-- Ntn 113 i tem. Y, sod,. i gad til 0 Itepubliean, if you dealre to vote the Democratic Tioketyou can do so without letting everybody know it. W certainly have IW,Aiyjln l oils; filial' not a eay a word ; wily 'beau quiet. _ . BM IT enAnt.tai WitAvEit, the en I k of ConitnieeionarA of thus eount , ,., (1101 Ott Monday night, in tlito plum. 11e w. 14 amok wills Insley on the Nth Anguet, and wan apparently improving until about a week ago, when he eeitimetmeil to rink.— Ile wee 'dont filly two years of ago. Murat natterfuncl Densucrit. `The flepublican party is dead in this Comity. They are powerless fur harm. They hare not had bile' public: mooing ill this County, this Pull. General apathy saittus to protail in their tunics.. The State 1., allrl. Cheer up my lively lads, the Wolin 111411 hem'er, null the State put & ma fur the Democracy in this as well as Chi e•itkvtial campaign. b We take pleasure in introducing to the ettlynt, of Mick inny our young friend, JouN H. RATE», id*loolimburg, or a gen tian' in of lione,ty anti pure integrity. Ile g worthy and exemplary young man, and hip conduer.and atria attention to hu,ino. , :, will work Fort:iin sticoosi. o will Carr) . on the chair and furniture bunitorm generally. success to hint. ktr"llz.vm,lo oN ITS WlNibt," ba y all who hare 'made use ,t 1 Ik. triststr's Bal sa:4,ot cherry, by each have been cured or coughs, colds, bronchitis, bore throat, influenza or eon 4111:1 pt ion. The pru dent will always keup this atzudard remedy by them. CATAAVisiIA 11 D. — Tili Made On' ILI Oe of chief Superintend. ent. Q. IV. Webb, has became mat or the utest tut 1 bed e.mtltteted maim itt the State. An accident veareely ever heard nf In em t eeque lm e, th e pit , wenger travel has in eteatted very rapidly within a few month.t. Awl in the matter of the delivery of freight the road eatnut ezeJlted.—thaville In. SO' Our respected townsman, Phillip Unangst, has broken ground, near the south cuss of Main and Centro Streets, preparatory to the erection of u 110 11 and substantial building. This will be quite un improvement, being in the central part of the town. Mr. Unangst is now counted among our 'oldest inhabitants,' and as au honest man and a gaud neighbor, his repo• tation will bear comparison with that of citizen, old or young. Tut Fatn.—The preparations that are being mule for our County Fair, look us ils-ifigh the managers of the Agricultural Society expected and intend having the best and largest County Fair ever held in this County. The buildings and the truck are being, pot in good condition, besides many other things are receiving attention ; all cal culated to make the exhibition a grand cur , c 0..% Wu hope our frivol+ throughout the County will manifest an equal of intereA in it. The ogicers are practical and energetic men, and will leave nothing un done m m their part. Jokeph P. Comer is an•) I.e , usurd B. Rupert Seoretury of 11,t: A ,p4,eirkt;oll MEI. C. 1:. Hill. 0' Hazleton. and former ly of this County, k cmovaising as Agent fin• the Aetna I;de In.uranc.: Company, of Ilartford, Con. This. Company is perfectly reliable and so are their Agents. It was chartered in 1850 with a capital of $159,010. The assets are $7,009,001); and the income fur tha past year ewlinz in Juno last wa. $4,526,516.35. No. of Policies 663. Its asset•l arc safely and us:un•ly in• ye•ted. and its directors arc among the oldest atel most sulstate.:ll citizens of Hartford : teen of influence, experience in business, s ai d Or wealth. The Compatv is prompt, pays its dividends annually, and its 10.4e14 in every case without the least hesitancy. Give it a trial, through our yuung friend. Charles F. HU Riar Dr. John again shows his want of knowledge, in his "reply to the statement" made in our lust bete, rulative to the Dank at this phoe, ik charges us with saying tits% the Dank "pays no tax," which charge ever per-on of tsunwou reuse, who ham mad our article, pmnattnee ttehanded. We said no such thing; but that "the notes of which (this 'Dank) are were(' by deposits of the i 7 1tittl States Dt•ois, on which these m en tth.t ~.te et : l l , ,!,le rs ) pay 119 t 0.0." That is what we said ; and we again repent it. Next he says that the Rank payed "in one year—VW—as taxes, TwrxTY Titot . sun AND EIMITV•THREE DOLLARS AND PIM SEVEN CENTS" (Alonas half the amount of the capital stock.) Who, for a moment, believes this to be true; we dettl, nor does any MC man, it' lie knows ouytAing as to the amount of Lusiness done in a country town Rank, with a capital of Fifty Thousand Dollars, anti a circulation less than that amount. What, Doctor, is the average amount of deposits? What is the average amount of circulation ? What is the num ber of shares? ou which the owners are re quested to pay a small amount of tax. On wh a t is thi s I .ortnons amount of tax raised, and by whom is it paid? Let the Doctor explain. It is true the Legislature, at its last session, imposed a snull tax on Nation. al Bunks for State purposes alone ; but from what are the t'ounty, Poor, Road, and School taxes raised? Nut from these Insti tutions. Lastly, lie charges us wi'.h "deliberate ly ing' ! Now this is blackguardisw, and the editor of the Republican eecms to have license for the nom of billineftgate. We don't like fiat kind of talk, and no gentleman of flue tastes and Fet►cibilit L s would tusk() use of Fuel' language. IVe have written the above out of no ill feeling towards the it is a necessary and useful 'lnstitution, and there arc many honorable gentlemen commuted with it. MP Lien. Grant's father addressed an int. tnense Democratic meeting at Cincinnati, the other 40. The old man and Andy Joboson will keep the General all right. flurroh! Loyal "Things is woikiu'!" Par The petrified body of a woman wa. dug up at Albany last . week. It was as whits and sulid as marble. The body has been buried seventeen rare. =CM MARAIED. Ou tho 29th ult., by the Rev. Win. J. Koir, Mr. Levi Albright, to Virdilla Dela butli of Ruaringereek Tp., Columbia }may. Ou Toe*lay, Ow 24th ult., at the re.i. (knee of tho I,EiIVA futher, thu Rev. 0. Hron4inuer, Dr. A. H. 31.imrult, to Mies Emma Millar, both of Berwick, Pa. On thu evening of tho 24th ult., at the roaidoime of the hridu'it father, Elwood Ilughea, by the Rev. A. 11. Sheila, Mr. .13mea to Miss Mary C. Hughes, both of Centro Tp., Columbia County. In Bolden City, Colorado, on the 2I by the Bev. N. Thompeou, Mr. W illiam Loomir to Miss Annie Penman, formerly of Itloott.burg, Pa. On the 221 ult., by John Lore, Esq., Mr. John Alp Woo, to Susan Corfu:Non, both of 11,i' Ip., Coluinbla County. lu Danville, on the rith ult., at the reit. deuce of the Inide'e father, by Rev. J. G. rariiiielian, Mr. Arthur W. Beaver, to Minx 31ary Alice Diehl, all of Danville, Pa. In Waellingtonville, on the 15th ult., at the M. E. .Parmniago, by the Rev. R. P. King, Mr. Henry .1. Row, of Valley 'Nip, to Ass Martha A. Leidy, or Hemlock Twp., Montour County. On the 28th of Sept., 1867, nt the resi dence of the bride's rather, by Elder J. J. Hervey, Mt. P. D. A Prt,mm.% x, and Miss SAIIAH J. K use, both or Columbia county, 11enlisylvanin. DI ED. -- • - lu Illoomeleirg, on the 17th ult., Mary E. }wards, aged 2 years, I tuo. and 16 days. In Berwick, on the I4th ult., Mra. Elisa beth Ileitteriek, aged 18 ye'rs and 7 months. In Bloomsburg, at the Exchange hotel, on die 21th uh., rifler an ilbioss or folirteen days, Jlr. A. L. Menuex, of Breilriektiburg, 011io, uguil--years. In this place, on the 16th ult., infant son of Albert At 141114. At Ithondstown, in Locust Tawnihip, Cohautl.ia County, on Tuesday, the 27th of sopteinber 1867,13 Amt 8110.11108, aged about e)2 years. MARKL'T DEPORT. Wheat per bushel, *2 00 Rye, ~ 1 10 ' Corn, 16 100 Buckwheat " so (/at4, " 7i) I loverored " 7 00 Flaxmsed, '4 240 Dri'd apples " 2 50 Po!st oes, " Gil Flour per barrel, 13 00 Butter, 35 Eggs per dozen ..'.O Tallow per pound,- ...... Lard t 4 (tams, 44 Shoulders, " Bay pe: ton .. AN AUTUMN SUGGESTION Now, as hoary fogs arise and searching winds comments, to blow ; now, as the hu man Wily, haustc.l like inaiiimuto nature by the heats of summer. laigins to wilt and droop ; now, ore the inilromiit winter makes its trying onset NOV is the time for a preparatory mum of the best aeelimating meilieine in existanee, tiosTETrEit's sTomAcit isirrtits. Fever and Acne is rampant in all parts of the country. Quinine, the physicians ad mit, will net quell the phase of the disease which at present pervades the entire West. It is well that it is so, for the remedy (se cant:ft) is deadlier than the malady. lint if quinine is inetlitient in intermittent fevers, iinsittiTEß's nrrrEsts; is irresistilde. It would be safe to make a centract, under heavy penalties, that any given "reaver-and Ague District" should Ist exempted from the disorder Ihr any par. ticular tune, provided even+ inhabitant would take the nrrrEks aecortfing to dime. tint's. during the term of the contract. 'There has never been an instance in which this sterling invigerant and anti febrile med icine has failed to ward off the complaint, wlnat taken tlnlv as a protection against malaria. Hundreds of physicians have abandoned all the officinal specifics and now prescribe this Larmless vegetable (mile. and nothing el -4 - , as a preventive awl emit , tlar all the Callus of chills and fever. Vigor is the thing most needful in these eases, as well as in dyspepsia and nervous affections, and luvrrf:rrra's arrrr.its nro the safest, snreA, the most wholesome and strengthening prepanitioa that human hkill has yet concocted. Sept. 15.4, 11 , 307. 4w. Dr. Wiretaro Balsam of Wild Cherry. Where this artiele is known it is a work of supererogation to ply one word in it , . th vor. so well is it esmblisko.l as an unrolling rentoly CIA ells. Colds 13ronehicis, Croup, Whoopier Cough, .I,dinm, disemos or the Throat, I. 6;4, uud Lunp, al Well 43 that ninq (healed of all di-euses, Consumption, M oc k high ' t wine: l l authority has pronoun ced to be a miroble d s •use. Thous who hoye u-ed this remedy know its rdue ; those who have not, have but to make a single :nal to be pedalled that of all others it is the remedy. The Hey. Jacob Sechler, well known and mewh respected among the German population of this country, writes us follows : Hanover, I's., Cob. Ifi, 1859. Mows. S. W. Bowie &ion, Boston. Dear Sirs :—!laving realized in wy fami ly important benefits from the use of your minable prepantion—Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry—it alThrils mu pleasure to M -0011111100 it to the public. Some eight years ago, one of my daughters seemed to be in a de c line, and little hopes of her recovely were entertained. 1 then procured a b9ttle of %mnrezeellent Bakitu, and before she bud taken the whole of it there was a great improvement in her health. 1 have, in my individual easel made frequent use of viur valuable medicine, and have been benefited by it. I would = however, caution the public against imposition. because there is a pried deal of spurious Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry afloat throughout the country. JACOB SMILER. None genuine unless signed "1. Betts" on the wrapper. Prepared by Seth W. nate & Son, 14 Trement Street, Boston, and fur sato by Druggists generally. CHRONIC DISEASES, SCROFULA, Ulecrs, - &e, •• It is well known that the benofits deriv ed from drinking of the Congress, Saratoga and other celebrated Springs i s principally owing to the Indine they contain. Dr. 11. *seders' lodine Water contains lodine in the saute pure state it is thund in these spring waters, but over five hundred pct. cent. Nance in quantity. contain ing as it data 11 grains to each fluid ounce. dissolved in pure water, without el eutrent, a discovery long sought ter ' in this country and Europe, and is the be st remedy in the world fur COROPRII Suit Rheu ,n, rleers, and all Chromic disease*. Clrculars tbce. J. Dinstnore Proprietor, Dey Street, New York. Weld by all Druggists. Sept. Is, 1867 4 w. -- NOTICE TO CREDITORS. All ppronti knowing themitolvre Indebted to 111 • underelined, kr. toquestad to milui paytmotirillotit delay J. C. IItUTT6II, MD flitiossttuts. ret,.l3 Ike/. M. JULIA A. k Sens M. BASK LZY will opon a feattionablo Cloak and Drees Pattern Store for the special accommodation of the huller and children of Bloomsburg and vicinity, on the week of the Fair, (October 10th, and 11th,) at their residence on, Jlaia Street, (south iiido) 2nd Square below Market. Ciao thou a call. Advertisement in unit week's paper. afar Will any Radicalpaper tell us why the Republicans of Philadelplia, in the iuidst of the late war, refused to make a uomination against Judge Sharowood when he was the candidate of the Democratic party for Judge of the District Court of Militant. phis? If Sltarswood was a nullifier, wee* xionief, traitor, tt.e., why did the Republi rani of his own city endorse him at the most critical point of the late war ? Gettysburg Compiler. SPECIAL NOTICE 3. "The perfumed light Swab; through the !ilia of alababtcr And every sir is heavy with the breath or maga flowers that bloom 1' the mi,lst or roses." Such was the flowery land filled with heal ing airs and life-preserving products, where Dr, Drake disesavered the chief ingredients of his wonderful Tonic medicine—PLANTA TION the enchanted tropical is land of St. Croix. The PLANTATION BIT TIIIR, combining all the medicinal and tonic virtues of the healing and lilb-mstaining products of that favored dime, are, without doubt, the Worlds (heat Remedy for Dys pepsis, Low Spirits, and all other Stou►ach tc difficulties. dl 14;NOLIA WATRIL-A Wield toilet ertiele—superior to Cologne awl at half the price. 2 w I)n. .1. BRYAN, Consulting Physician, Big Broadway, Now York. Stritel Al. TREAT NI FAT io all crises of :tenons,. denial. Urinary and Neroon. Diseases in mein or fe 19410• A,l ice Fro.' and correspondence strictly cm Aden tie'. Jan. V. iy. AtIIe;NTS WANTEI) Samples sent We. No capitol re.ilred. :Adis,. or Urn*lemon con aoin 'rum NM to 1110.04 per day. Enclose stamp end address Tltlre & CU.. gightli St.. New Yolk. ha, 9, LOVE AND MATRIMONY The affertioon of the orgualte era may be gained hg followoog .1158pla rule., anJ all may wa rry oopprly. or desired. will° a regard to w.tlih, op • Of beauty &oil de ttttt d rovelnpe and memo lor oorrienrorolo Madame LirCILIM AY 0 10r0.- Iv 01010 Ilona. New York. AVOID Tf l b: QUACKS. It yes ar. ruffering from !lie effects or Youthful Iw disesellmi and hurt Mrminul Weatutu, Eerie*lollll. I th 111 broil ytio, free or charge. Inrweowitiwg whyds it !Aimed will role yon witAnut lb. He 0 psodieises. Address lIIIIR Y A slohltN, Jim y frutiors D. New Yost. I )1.;.‘ FS MS, BLINDNESS, .. 23 . 15 . 12 00 And Catarrh, treated with the lamest eiteenee. by J. I~AAy M. D. Oculist and Amite (fonnerly ono/. den, lintlan.l.) No. PINE dwelt. Tuallninelals, from the tatter reliable ►oatree Io the City and reitittry tan he tern at hi• Mika. The med. km faculty nr• tee tied In aereteraity their palinode. en he hri• ne pourrets in hi•iitartice A ri PIDIAL EVES. assented without rain. Nu charge for edam. teathse. fAireli SS. 1110.—ly FREE TO EVERYBODY.. A largo ill ph artlllef t riving information or tfts Irc•toot impOrllOtl to the yoong of 1, ,, t • ar It tattoo how the homely m.v he e be ouhfal, the tiloopiowl roopveteltatitl lb. forbakon loved, irsigi 447 nv rtattwanalt airontri F. to tbolr, imldgewo, owl receive • copy mut p•i.l. by ye. NOM mail. Athos. 'O. Drawer, 21, Troy, N. Y. Vob V/ 118/-1y YOUNG MEN The expertise. nf the pen ten 'mare has driven Mood the Witten aniline* may be placed :u the of testy of Dell's Specific Pills, Ow the speedy awn permanent.l/ IP or weak• sere. Efolorifmr, Physic•.l anti Ner cons debtlity,ltit• 'Witte. as 'row of povter. the teettli of Seatial Es• trim or Youthful Indterretinn,villich neglected cums awl unfits lite sufferer fur Routines... Snrial tiocirty OF NI irrtaatt, on I often terinottniett to en YcliWriy grave. !lake to delay In peeking ilia rnnmA)•. It tto ettiiittly vegetable and harntie.# tin the nyetetn. COC tO , •ta^n Witioaft detcctinu or mtrr• terrier., With bosiorr• ttursisita t and tot change of diet is accessary Whi p • Oil Of them. Prtr., fOie I 1 krr. if you cationt get thorn of role drt,t/,i•t, send the money Is lle. J, 'Wynn. ea, It•ondway, New York, and they will be vent free from übservatiou by return• of mid. Privet* Circular* to Gentlemen rent fiel on appli ; elll/0111. Pas. 0. 1e67.- iy .—J. C. k Cu. TO LAI)IES. ir you require a friable re 'only 10 rP•tnre f ou ,and retrieve Irrerularitiew cr Obaiructione. why sot rye ihe bat t Thin, yraro experlapte has pro , / edible Dr. Harvey's Female Pils, tolVe nn (viol for Hen:owl.; Cth.truritens and No sootier from what Cuott: they arta. 'they nrenare and rust' In ovary cabe. Price, One Dollar. pat boa. Dr. Harvey's Golden Pills, is O remedy four degrees !Wow, man the above, sod intended for specie , cursor lung *lauding, I Niro, Five liutlaris per Hoc A Ladies' Private Circular, with tliigrat lugs, scot toe im uuldirut ton, If you ritniint got the Pills of your druggist, semi the merry tr Pr.,. Ilrysn. h) 01011 11 % 11 Y , New Yea, itod they will be sent free boo observation by return of snail. lJdn. 9, 1861.--gy. KNOW THY DESTINY Madame I:. F. Thornton. the great Rogllrh Aetrol. ogiel. Cleirvilant and l'sychuinctoran„ who has astonished the setenttific classes of the Old World, bee now hunted Morsel( at Iludsou, N. V. bled tine Thornton po ii eeece such wonderful puwers of sec ond sight, as to enable her to Impart knowledge or the greatest importance to the single or married of efthet eel. While in a state of trance, she deline ates the very features of the person you are to mar• ty, and by the aid of an instrument of Intense pow• en, known as the l'ayebotootrope, guarantees to pro. duce a life like picture of the future husband or wile of the applicant, together with date of h.arriage, pe• lotion in life, leading traits of character, k c This le no humbug, ea thousands of testimonials can as• ern Phu will send when desired a minified certlfl• cate, or written guarantee, that the picture Is whet it purports lobe. l y enclosing a mall lock of hair, and stating place of birth. ago. disposition and corn. tuition, and enclosing fifty cents and stamped eoyal• arie addresard to ymirself )01* will receive the pic ture and dewed intionallun by mail. All ariernalliniestione sacredly eonildenlial. Afitirors fa dente, Ai A PAMF. E. r.Ttionwrom, F. 0. ant pd intimpjf. Y. (Feb 1,1 '67-17 EXCILL I CGE RESTAURANT, Tin , Prop,lathe haying rinithated and refitted dos gEnTAVKANT, it, tile Laietnent of the EXCHANGE HOTEL, be would most reeptinifuily solidi a continuance of the p airflow of hh old rosimers, and cordially in Wm, to rel s resiMents MI follows : ShELL OYSTERS, f; CANNED OYSTERS g r ivp.t) ortrrints, Mau rirri, Woe lowe per west HAM Amu iluLoqNit. best a LIQUORS AND CIGARS. QT Oyler* am N carved u 0 to toutoutats at • itiotaeota nodes, in VARIOUS STIrLES, srswmp. cssrart. Irmo, Q SAW. critatt thetallls K Lis selection. JOHN F. CAPLOW. llosmoburg, August V Mgt SPECIAL NOTICEL. ERItORB OP louTn. A fiestleme in who ithrid foryears from Nervous Dellity. Premature Meaty. an d an tie *Mtts it youth tut ludieerotion. ern!. for the take of eudirtny huntony, wood free to all who need It. the mettle and oireetlinte for analog the simple rowarldr by %%Inch ho wee cured. Boehm, 'riskier to pro t by the adirettliwes experleoco, eon do eo addrerreatty In psalm eonddenu., JOHN B. OLIDILW.I9 Cedar litnet. low York. May IC WV. lOYISMOIRLS AND IPUTIVI BOYS, mod As I BdolNessai imvelope and V 3 eentcaad 4 will aeod pis NNW I I MOM* infortoat too that will pills, so.. Addres• NARY MOOSE. 031 Broadway, N. Y. May IC 1341G—Iy. Tit E O WHY OP MAN le STRENO7 H. A gentle man who suffered for years trout Nervous and (WWII fleblitty, Nightly Emissions, and wea l inai Weakness, the result of Youthful indiscretion. and scree near ending ilia flays in hopeless misery, will, for the slake of suffering Ilion, geed to soy one afflict. td, the simple Milli. ucad by him, which effected a eure in a few weeks after the failure sr numernu. medicines. Send s dirented out/girls and sump and will coot you nothing. Address, EDUAIt TilEktAlN, likitti St. N. Y• City. BEAUTY! AVIIMIN, (SOUP:N. FLAXEN &SILKEN cue EB, Produced by tbu um* or Pref. DEIIRKIIX' FR isk:a LE P.VEVX. On, eppllcetiou warranted to curl the moat Natality,. and aubborn hILIf ur ettbec eel emu *ivy ringlets, or heavy marslye curie. Hee been used by the fiebtopables ol Pule lied ',unclog wilt the P 30.1 RrAtiryibr roeultr, Dons no injury to the hair, Price by 11,411. sealed arid postpaid ll. lie•efiptive rirriilara mailed free. Addrr me Nesgica. Atfuf it; & CU, . I helmet'. No. 2j Ricer It, Troy. N..Y., Pole Aviint• rat We Coiled iltelce. Pgb.`ll,l+9l--ly. (MACE'S CELEBRATED SALVE. From E. Totekar, Dopot mutat at Etaliktury, Marr. '•1 lava twin troutiled for year, with a had humor aninCialn , ll outwardly, and aoinetrows inwardly,— Donna the past rummer it inantfaolnd Itself wow than usual outwardly. and I mind your Pitivc All ...tine of it have Mace disappeared, without affectioa mr inwardl. ludicallial, I think, the eradicating na. tura of ilia m elee " SETH. W. ROW 4F., & SON, Ro•ton. Proprietors Mold by till Druggist., at 11.1 cls. n Iron. !Saul by IWO for 33 CONBIIffiPTIOi ICLIR,ABLE BY DR.. SCIIENCK'S X.EDICINES. TO CURE comantrT:ox tbo vtatem mow be prepared ao that the lungs will heal. To aceeteplish that the liver and dentalt rood !trot be c'ealwel and an applt , teel for peed trho'strotue mood, which, by thee roolirines will to dlget:ed prcperly, and good lustiby brood mate; tbs. building tp the stonolltution. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS elegem theelomaela ol all billow or mama. emanate. halm ; end, li• natal; the See Weed Tonle ha eon. tertian. the epp 'tile Iv radored, SCHENCit'S PrI,SIONIC SYRUPY nutrlelous as well as tuel:elnal. a::4. by using the three retried's, hopur.tlen are expered from lbe 'ram, and good, wholeaome bleed made, which will rotol desire. It pat'esse will take thaw rucAlelnor aswerd• Ina to directions, Coaanniptlou roes ttagaetttly to lad Mass rio:de reality le thotr aotkia, Take the freitatutly, to eteesse the liver sod stetnaria. It does get [snow that boatman the barrel, aro nos 150 F Sire ale/ are net reanlivd, for sometimes In Warr hlA they we neoriary. The storosett meet be kept healthy, sad an appetite created to allow the Put man's, Sirup to ea en the reriVingor; organs property and allay any Irritation. ?ben ail that Ls required por ornt a permanent cure Ls, to merest taking eat. ElOtelloe &lout the roonu as much ei poielble‘ eta ail ate r:chort rood—at meat, lame, and, to anything the appall. craves ; but be pettleeldt find emealseld, well [IPM ash tn. WONDEItITI, BUT TlirE. StAPAIIIK REMINGTON. the wsild renowned Aerologist and Somnambulist' t Clairvoyant. while in a clairvoyant ante delineates the very features of the person you are to marry, and by the aid of an instrument of intense power, known as the Psycho motrope, guarantees to produce a perfect and Ilfe• like Newton(' the future husband or wife of the ap• piieont. with dale and marriage, occupation. leadlag traits and elimrseter. etc. rm., I. inposition, as teetsmonials without number can assert. Ity stating place of birth. age. disputation, color of eyes and hair, and enclneing filly cents add stamped envel• ope addressed to yourself, you will receive picture by return of nail, together with desired Information Addresa in ito itidenee, MADAMIGERTRCOM REMINGTON. M.O. Dcz 297, Welt relay., N. Y. ILI.. la. A YOUNC, LADY RETURNING To her country home, after a sojourn of a few months in the City. wee hardly recognised by her friend,. In plan• of a muse, rustic dashed face, she had a colt ruby complexion of almost marble smoothness, and instead of twenty •throe she really appeared but eighteen. Upon inquiry as to the cause of so greats change. she plaint" told them that she need the Circassian Balm, sad considered it an in• valuable acquisition to any Lady's toilet. By its use any Lady or Gentleman tan improve their personal appearance an hundred OM it is simple in its coin• intuition. as Nature herself is simple, yet nominees. ed in its efficacy In drawing intpttrities fr nn , also bitaliag.eletitioing end beatifying the skin and coin. piniion. fly rte direct aches on the cuticle it draws from it all its impurities, kind:y healing the tame. nun teat/ in; the surface as Nature intended it should he, clear, volt, omotoh and beautiful. Price V. sent by mail or roomer, on receipt of an order by W. L. CLARK de eel, Chemists, No, 3 West Fayette ft., ftyraeuse. N • V. The only Amin lean Agents for the sale of the acme. (Feb i'e7—ly ♦ SEW PERITHE FOE TUE HANDEJUUMEL Plastim , s aleimaing iCersiso.” !halloo', "Night Blooming Corgos.” IrWent, "Plight lllooming CeeoN.►► !halms.. "Night Bloomlag Comma —.— Plia:ea's "Might I.s Ceretta.o A nod esqttleite, deftest*, awl !Fragrant rock... Inn led from the roe mid Isoletttiel AWN' from etitich It Meese Its RAMA liaavfacteired only by PIIALON M •Old, Now Work. BCWARII OP COUbiTEAFEITS AIX lOR PRALOXI-TAXX XO 0111714 _ . NEW STORE AND NEW GOODS. us ciiiaeno of Rlmmohuror end •lelnlly are In Forinud chat B. H. ibtohneo has pun opened a Am Ours ucocrity AND CONPEOTIONARY STORE, in she "WA Robbsenn stand," lately purchased and Ruud up lov ho n, If you atioirt: to purchate torrNE, TEA. EDGAR, MOI.AOPES HALT. PEPPER, ispiew, aka, lic., ALPO. VINEGAR, MELEE, PLAIN and fancy ein A p 4, Tookoco, sec ANL CRACKERS, RAISINS, DANDIER. of every deerriptlon. and a great variety of other Wide.. Notion/. Ate., cheaper than at toy other re tail tutatilishootut in this section, call uron R, E. 6TORNER. Elnoinshurg, August 7. 1867. SCRANTON BOOK BINDERY. !loving morel the services or Mr. U. Zoeha, one of the best Madero to be Ogee le the BUM, we rte prepared to furnish to GAMIC INPVIIIMICIECOMPANIES , 111111tCHANTs, MAN UrACTUICIII, COAL 011SAT0.14 NOTCLA sritt others. wilts BOOKS oI every iteerrlptlon, on sliort„noties, Mood io sa slyly desired. the moat oalrAunntal manor, at reogonoOlo priors. • _ Madoelnee bound, and old NOW rollound, at Now Torn prices. , Orillefe lan at Oho ones of SIN pa'r stylish*, tale advortlesesent. or east by Hawed. will be at loadiM to sad eeturned without sogodiseary delay. Z. V, M. HILL. Scranton, ra., June IL 1667.—1 f. 4. R• HEELER' ATTORNEY—AT—LW. 13LOOMSBURG PA Oiloe, 2nd door s. in Exchange Block, near the "Exchange Hotel." AD business placed In Ms band. will Us attended in with sitempinelis nail care. doll emisaa asane yrs* the least delay. lelt 0° TO BROWER'S TO BUY YOUR ONFCIEKIDtEItieIoi lIIPICCIAL NOTICES; THE HEALING POOL, AND ROOM OP *Mt. Muria Alstuelotles lours% for 'YOUNG MIN its Ole CMIIIIIII OP POLITUDX, sod the SIMMS ASUUNII Bei OIALASSII whist downy Ole wanly puma, uol outs lopodbuitto to MAIIIOIOII. twito moo woos of tone, Sou In o•tilod I•ttu an vetq/es flmo of ammo. , Adhere nit. J. MULLIN liOutt Howard P. Julie 1. 11110-1.4, NEIY GOODS IN BLOOMSBIIItGI The orbacrlbor 1u (slum moo pales to roptoloti Ali clock by cosi pgroktool, lad is is euw proparod to Sell as low as any Dealer in this section of country. A call upon Wm, by any pursue who itoder e tesde the price of pods, and the quality of the emote, will milks this fact plain. Of course so Soo need buy unless they are entirely satisfied. Ile will be Iliad to eat kin (Heeds and the public g /II whether they buy of nut Lila sloth coastal* of His host varieties r 4 4.3wriac, PdOLABlllfl, HUG kW, TIC A VISO (of fine quality.) SP Legg. natnila Wl Ai'd. ((an their veation, ituorrom. AND OViER CRACREid, ROM fit:ANIMAS. d.c., de., CIL EdU. COAL Si I.INOCID 01 Lei. elan a lies aseortrnint of Dry Goods and Hosiery, mud I hill variety of sends of the s ho ve clap., and of other kinds. In addttlua to shish ha has recently added loins stock a flue aleortuteut of CEDAR WARE AND WILLOW WARE; In rwhkh variety of goods be bus world sew articles of siodura invention, extensiveny used where know., and which must come into use b.. Hi situ bee a line supply of French Moroccoes ; and also of Morocco Lining§ for tibosmakor's work , mud a good assortment or Queeneware c - Call and eSoUlise. JOIN IC• (1114.T0N1. P Corner of liala and lion Ntregli. 111ouin.l,urg. April 10, 11.1,7. JJ. BROWER, (Cor. & Iron as.) • now offering in Um Public tiro STOCK OF SPRING GOODS eonsliling In part of a full lino uf INGRAIN, WOOL & RAG CARPETS. Pine Huth. and casslinrre rhr Ladies' coats. Iland•uuie Ciuods of all Piller MI and qualities, frelaine ■od Prints of Wove qualitiee and prices. Bleached mad Brown Muslims. Lidos. ifreoca Como' and BALMORAL NEWEL. ()nod esouriment of ladies and children,' Gallen and Roots. Freels Groceries and Spices, New ueertwut of Glass and Queessware. gx-No. I IN I lane. halt Bed nee fourth Reuel'. Now Is the time to make your selection., n. I ea olfrrlolt good• et very low prices and on? 'sone to felt deallas to all, sad butte be undersold by say. J. J. UMW ea. April 30. 1807. FRUIT, NUTS, So., &n. WPDMYEk & JACOBY, AxurAcTuans, Wholeula ami Detail Dia!aro I■ MIN AND FAMI If CONFECTIONETT, AND DEALERS 1N FOREIGN FREITS AND NETS. Eschaole Block. etonattburg, Pa ORANGES. LEMONS. It A 191,70. I'EWENS. ROCK CANDY, sunburn 'amis. Lath %alms, rattan. TIM DOLL &C,. DREAD AND CAKES, OF ALL 'KINDS FlVoll I Acnnv. rim) E, ‘VIDMYII4. Blonaitharg, Jim* 2G, LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST NEW CILIUM SHOP. J• H• BATES Resneethilip informs the public secereily that be him opened it Ilret•clame CHAIR ESTABLISHMENT in the Old Arcade Huiliana. aver Mtller'e Vlore.] Illnomebure, where he bag Joliet received from Phila. driiihin, a law alieurtioeut of Itareato., Stands, ROCKING CHAIRS, NURSE CHAINS, CANE SEATED CRANIA Ann t'hatra and Windsor 'Moira, all of winds too of. feta to the palate at critaettitale name*. try' Cane libeled Chairs platted to order, oilman other kind of mantling &ma apart reasonable term. t)on•t tail to diva him a call and secure peat hor. !Moir. Ulootatburs, Nov. 7.186 C. SOLI EDER'S A* BOOT AND SHOE STORE, !OPPOSITE TUB ariscurm. cuuacii.l On Main Street, Bloomsburg. Thri imbseriber %Ara pleasure in nonouncing in She ',Pi pie iii IllloNdrburg, and ricinilY. Ibnt be beg on band n large and Ont. apoortmeidiOf BOOTS AND SHOES, fur Indiue and gentlemen', weer. to putt pH himipp, lite City work ip of the bort enelity. and Ivou the meet roilgblu menukrietere ; he being I prieueai WOr ll o4 l lo and a good of 6715 4 Z.N.Z)Z8=6' b. I. mM likey to be imposed upon by melvlag warthleu material badly made up. These desiring anything in hie line would do well In give Lam a COI, before purebdslag eleewtterei Hi sells a GOOD ARTICLE, sod of prices to sat pureheeere. AU persons who desire liitht or heovy work sad., to otter eon be oeestubodatert it hit stablithsent. gr Also. repairing will be dots with neatness ud despatch. Am elegant soortosot of Ladlee upon mod Pus mar shoes et hood. A. OUI.I.EDICP. April I. 15417. NEW CLOTIIIN AND GENTLE MEN'S FURNISHING STORE. Tor: iitider•lreed reseertfulls announce, to Ms many friends that he has opened I new Clothing end Umitlemen's Furnlehing More, In the lower mom of the Hartman Building, southeast cot nor of Mala and Markat iloalabOrs. Havluojest 'stared from thiledeler :4 wlth a lame stock of Fall and Winter Clothing end Ointlemee's Faralskina Goode, dm.. .. He flat• kris himself that he us pleaae all. Illa c etoek car. prises MEN S AND BOYS CLOTHING, welt se DAVIS COATS; SACK CO ATS, OVERCOATS' PANTS. VINO, • .RATS. UNDIIIIIIIIIIIII D11.41 , 1111A COLLARS. COLLARS, Jr/lar Ina NOILLItIf, t erfr/IPENTJIJ sAnuaserrus. VNISSILL4B. end fa lief overylblell la that Cahill* a tafalablas limb at Very Low !Wee', la 4441110 i TO the abate he has as elided woo alas of Clothes, Cassoere, and Vegans" Clothlam Made taat the sheeenictellee Calrand ese bike Parateldnd tutelibetes astosicIIAROAINS• W. cuallielliMr. October TO, ISM. I WILL GU TO 11111111,111011 TT $T ST 60101. 111