ifloimsbittl Allemande WS. 111. JACOBY, Editor. Wednesday, 'Oct. VISO?. Plrellllllltl. es.• n Part Row Nr w York • duly soclortard tn edicts and 1'1,1,1 Vlt PO rlp • MOW 111111114Vorti.inil for Ow lharcret fear, yob. HOW at IN•oiusburg, Columbia county, pa, ^44 01 /We t District & County Ticket. Pr Judge of the Suprente Court, SOS. OZO. ONARSINOO2B ov I.llll,Amiri4 A: 4 SEM BIS, CAPT. THOM 18 MILPANT, of Montour County. MAIM MORDECAI MILLARD, of Crotty Tap. TRICARritEIt, JACOB YORE, of Alain Tap, COUNTY COM)1 . 11, DAVID TEAGEII, of Locuot, Tap. JCKY COI/Nett, THOB. J. WELLIVER, of Igt. PlossanL AUDITOR, JACOB HARMS, of Hemlock Twp. DE3IOCRATIC MEETINGS. By order of the Standing Committee of the County, meetings will k held at the following points, to which the public am re spectfully invited. CENTRALIA, Wednesday evening, Oct. 2nd. BEAVER VALLEY, Tliurddny evening, Oct. 3rd. BUCKHORN, Friday evening, Oct. 4th. BENTON, Saturday afternoon, Oct. tfilt, ROHRSBUIIO, Monday afternoon, Oct. 7. The afternoon Meetings will be called to order at 2 o'clock. The evening meetings at haft' past seven. They will be addressed by two or more or the following named gen tlemen. Hon. C. R. Bacltalew, Gen. M'Candless, Om W. H. Eat, Joseph 11. Bucher, Hen. Thomas Chalfant, Joseph H. Campbell Esq. Capt. C. B. Brockway, Capt. Ueo. W. lift, Milton M. Traugh Esq., Charles H. Miller Hr. P. H. Freeze, Lieut. Mahlon B. Ricks, Ww. 11. Shoemaker Esq., Col. John 0, Freeze. Vigilance Coin tui ttecs are specially reques ted to attend to lighting the Bowe, erect ing the Stands, and arranging fur the meetings, by circulatinglln. notices. By order Pt' the Committee. JOHN O. FREEZE, Chairman. 111.1.11 GER I .IND ITS REMEDT. 'ft is penerally conceded that dell nbotn• inable legislative bodies which ever awni- Ecd in any eiviFted country, the eresent so-called Congrees of the United states is the most abominable. Snell utter disregard of the fundamental principles which impart whatever of vitality belongs to the represen tative theory, wee never before witnessed on the face of the earth. Just to think of it. A written Constitution, framed after years of struggle wi t h a despotic power, and fram ed by a set of mi n whose ability and patri otism are our pride and our boast—framed that a perfect Union might ceist and that no man might gainsay hurt it came into ex istence and for what purposes—this Consti tution, we are deliberately told by the con trolers of this "Congress," is a weak and imperfect instrument, and of no special, binding importance I The very sheet-anchor which our &titers coot to windward to fur ever prevent the ship of'State from drifting onto a lee shore, is to be cast loose, and the mighty vessel is to helplessly take her chance Amid the dark breakers of anarchy I But the subject is so serious that meta phor seems out of place. We call upon men ot' all parties to awake to the impot ence of preventing the very frame-work of our government from going to pieces. This is not a question of party. The few leading Radicals in Congress by no nicarie represent' the views of the honest maws. Let these honest masses go to the polls after deliber ate, unprejudiced reflection, and rebuke the demagogues who have misrepresented them in the councils of the nation, thus restoring us to the position of a peo p le baring a well deflue , l and well ordered government. Support the Ticket. The Denneemts of Columbia County have this year an unusually good ticket, so far a% the men arc concerned who have been placed upon it, offered for their support. There is not a man upon the the ticket who bar not at times, rendered important. service to the Party, and who did not fail to help to elect other tickets in trying tinies t in the past.— Thl have for many years given the Party, its measures audits men, their untiring and strong support. The ticket then is entitled to the support of every man who claims to be a Democrat, and Democrats should give the ticket their hearty support. The elec tion this fall is most important. It is the forerunner of the great Presidential Cam paign in 1868, and a success now will go far towards securing success next year. Indeed a Democratic success in Peeusylvanis, .t the coming election, will virtually settle the matter for next year. And to secure success this year, awl to wake it full and complete, it is the duty of every Democrat, and every man claiming to act with the Democratic Party, to give both the State and County Tickets, and every wan upon them, a united and hearty support. A LONO PULL, A snow; KU, AND A POLL ALTO• Gram, is what secures success, and such a pall, will give an old fashioned Deu►ocrat ic majority in "Old Columbia." THE MARYLAND arrrrox.—The election in Maryland resulted in anot her com pieta and glorious triumph. The Radicals were beaten to the tune of twenty thousand. The adoption of the new Con ititution a9ures to the people of the State a Republican form of Government, and does away with the in novation of the small clique of corrupt po litical despenidoos who obtained control of the government by force of bayonets during the war. Maryland is now free in name and fact. The glorious tido of victory sweeps on uncheeked i and everywhere a people wearied with abuse and outrage are aNierting their rights. I=IEI sEr The ltepubliean Convention of Wy oming County nominated for Assembly, Zib4Lott, ofthat County, in place of "Juke" Kennedy, the present Member. The tom penesee question made a yearling of the R. Mr. Kennedy. How the ticket tN to be Voted. Voter+ should bear in mind that under recent legislation the manner of voting hne been charmed. At tho cy cling oleetinn. . Lilo ticket win colloid, of two slips, one rabeled Vailiciary,' (which 'woril must be folded out) containing the ballot fur Aptige of the Seldom. Court; another labeled 'Clarity,' (which word molt also be folded out) con taining the ballots of all the other offices to be filled. The two 'lentil then be tied to gether, and thus voted. 01111=EM=11111:111111 lISL. Vote the Democratic Ticket if you desire an early restoration of the Union,— The Republican part] have given ample proofs that they area Disunion party. They will not allow the Southern States represen tation in Congress, and still declare them out of the Union. If that is the fact, what was accomplished by the war? The soldier fought for the Union—to prevent a dissolu tion. The Routh did not accomplish a dis solution,—they laid down their arms, and gave up the contest. Were the Southern States, then, not whore they started—still in the Union?— We contend they were, and from that time their members entitled to admission in Con gress. If they were not in the Union when hostilities ceased, the war was 811eCessful on their part, a failure so far no concerned the North, and all the loss or life and expendi ture of money unnecessary. This the north ern soldier will not admit. He will not agree that be failed, or his MSC, yet the Republican party ray he did by th.dr con duct ever since hostilities ended. In order that you may have the satisfaction of know ing your services to be appreciated and ack nowledged, all you have to do is vote the Dentwratic Ticket. VOL With this number Or Ow IltatocaAT , ends on: owirtunity of addressing the pub- I lie am the issues involved in the approach-1 ing election. Our labors have been earnest, ( because, as being among those upon whew the consequeuces of the mismanagement of the party in power press heavily, we have a lively appreciation of the necessity of being restored to the old fashioned rule of econo my and equal rights. Taxes press heavily' enough upon all, but, as things stand, the poor OM rinds it more difficult to pay his i proportion, insignitiennt though it may be i in amount, than the rich man ; and to the former class we beloug, and their intercede we have had especially in view. Not that the interests of the rich should be neglected , but the army of millionaras can protect thempelves ptctty effeetunlly behind their breast work of greenbacks. As a closing word to the Republican real er, we :Why, weigh candidly anal with ant prej udice the arguinentswhich have been add uc ad, in favor of restoration to the policy under 1 ihh nhieh we once flourished—the policy of einvtitutional rule--and then act as eon :slence may dictate. To Democrats we can only say, do your duty. At.t. friends of the Constitution and Union will vote the Democratic Ticket ; the Tick et seen at the mast-head of this paper—the proper Owe to look for a Ticket, and where it will be found in all County. local, political organ.. In other journals it is inserted, if at all, as paid advertising, and in no other tray. That is not the ease in County papers. The old custom is a good one, and has not yet been changed in ally of the County, weekly, Democratic papers throughout the State. What would a party think of their journal, if, after the formation of a Ticket, it did no pad it up at aft. The paper would be denounced as spurious, fishy, not sound in the faith, and !tided upon as pre farring some other Ticket, but not having sufficient courage to hoist it. On the other hand, when aTicket is shoved about through a paper, among advertising, and at the saute time not marked as such, what conclosion doesthe common reader come to? Why, that the paper, for some reason, does not give that Ticket a hearty support. New styles these times may answer certain parties but they will not Eimer the old fashioned Demote cy. liar 1)r. John in attempting to show that the Republica!' party in Columbia County has not lost ground since 1860 up to 1866 dues not give the figures correctly; for in stance in 1860, the Peumeratie vote is put down by him at 2,367, when by reference to the 'Acid vote of the County it will be seen that the Detuneracy polled 2,580 on Gover nor; and on Number of the Legislature 2,040. Curtin polled 1,818, instead of 1,e73. The State Ticket is, as a matter of course, the test vote. All the candidates on the Democratic ticket in this County ran ahead 210 of the number set out by the Doctor. He having misrepresented the fact so grossly for the year 1860, it is reasonable to suppose that be has dune the satnething through the other years. On examination we find ho has not quoted the Tote correctly, fur 1861, for either of' the two political parties. The Republican vote has been increased in this County, in six years, according to his show• ing, just ninety-tu•o votes! While on the other hand the Democratic party, taking his figures, has increased its vote in the same length of time, twelve hundred anti sixteen ! This goes to show that his newspaper has had Lut little influence in the County--the Republican party having had accessions to its ranks at the rate of fifteen votes per an. num, while the Democratic party increased over two hundred, each year, for the past Six yea re. As to majorities the Democracy hare "played smash." In 18eo the majority for the Democratic Ticket, says Dr. John, was four hundred and ninetyleur ! (This, how ever, is not correct. The majority was larger.) In 1966 the majority was sixteen hundred and eighteen ! An increase in the six years of thirteen hundred and twenty-four ! This shows clearly, that the Republican party have not "bravely held their own" in the last six years in Columbia County, for out of the increased vote of thirteen hundred and et:oh,t, the Republican party have added but ninety-two to its Tasks I Yon ought to start another paper. Your party might Rain more rapidly. SFr Let nothing but bkkuepi keep ynu from the polls on Tuesday next. One Vote f . One rote sometimes decides an election. W hope Deinocratio voters will bear this in i' mini, Let every one come lip to the polls. L'very vote that is cut will help to swell our majority in County and State, and we want to make it am large KS possible this fhli— ' INni't imagine that there will be plenty of votes without yours. Stich a supposition might, throw all our calculations, as the printers say, into "pi," and make a bad job 'of the whole matter. Be out yourself', and got all your Dentooratio friends to come out. Don't rest easy until you are sure that not a single Democratic voter in your district has been left behind. Dear in mind that as Pennsylvania goer this !kit, she will go in the Presidential election ;tea fall. Recol lect there is a big stake at issue. Detnoera ey must win it, or down will go the hopes of ' the liberty-loving people of this country. lII=CE CITARTER OAK LIFE INSURANCE Co.— ' There is no Company in the United States insuring lives that enjoys a wider reputation for htmesty and rainless in all its transac tions than does the Charter Oak of Hart ford, Connecticut. This Company was or ganised in ISSO. and works on the mutual plan, paying dividends every year, averag ing 40 per W.W.II'S. Over seventeen thou sand policies have been issued by the Char ter Oak, with an insurnnra of more than forty millions rf dollart It has been dn• ing bukiness for overfictects years, has paid louses on something like four hundred pol cies, and has never litigated a claim. Pre miums can paid in each, ur irbon the pry !Mom is Ss(e more, One half orris and one half note. Almost every man eau of ford to take out a poliey ; the cost is trifling and the security is amply sufficient. to war rant all in doing so. The Company have esialiklied an Agent at this place, in the person of S. 11. CoLt)iAN, son of Jesse Coleman, Prothonotary of this County, who will receive applications of all those who de * tire to insure. /iii The Radical leaden in Congress w:l' not agree that the war has restored the Utt ion. If this is so, what did our soldiers fight for? What has been accomplished by this enormous expenditure of blood and t►easure 7 Have we no union after all? Such wen as Stevens and Stunner say no. But moderate Republicans think differently ; they agree th.►t it is about time the Statos should be considered as united, so that al sections, north and south, cast awl west, may prosper and be able to bear their share of the public burden. A NOTAIM STATZ Iv LlNE.—Maryland, "my* Maryland," "loyal Maryland," has, with Connectieut, California and Montana, declared once more for the Union. Not withstanding the fact that the "late lamen ted" Lincoln ltad 8,000 majority in 1864, the Democrats carried the State last week by over: 0, 000 majority. This is even a great er revolution than that of California, be came the State is still filled with the meanest creatures on earth—whits negroe.t. Twenty thousand for "my Maryland" is truly glori -111114. If the machine keeps moving tic in this manner, the peinocrats will have fifty thousand majority iu Pennsylvania on the iith of October next. flir We frequently have been a.ked, "what is the salary orJury Commissioner"? We here state, as we did shortly afhir the passage of the Act creating the office, that the Jury Crnnmissioner receives Tin, hers and fifty cents per day for the time ac tually employed performing the duties of the office In this County the number of days employed each year will hardly exceed ten. It would seen► like an office of honor and responsibility instead of an office of emoluments. 86P Let the bondholders of Columbia County remember that the dedsion of Judge Sharswood is calculated to render their in• vestments secure. If one contract to pay a debt in coin can be legally discharged by a tender of paper currency so may all others. Every attack upon the decision of Judg! Sharswood is an argument in favor of ma• king both the interest and the principal of the government bonds payable in green• backs. If the bondholders wish to make sore of having the contract to pay in coin declared valid, they should vote for GEORG/IC SuAttimooo. ster The Pottsville S'emidaral says a great number of persons, mostly miners and their families, are leaving the coal region to seek employment elsewhere, the depressed con dition of loudness rendering it impossible for them to remain. In thineounty the distress is SO great that many who desire to leave have not the means. We understand that at Trevortim sown of the miners' families are at the point of starvation. Mr On Saturday night hint a portion of the citizens of Illoomsburg and of the sur rounding country asncrabled in the Court House to listen to an address by the Hon. C. R. Thiekalew. The audience was made up mainly of cool, deliberate, thinking men, and the address was of a kind corresponding with the characterof those who sat so quietly by and beard it. Pew speakers in Pennsyl vania can bold en audience as well as Mr. Buckalew. He announced in the course of his address that it was the duty of every good citizen to aid in the election of Judge Sharemaod. I=l Tho October Phrenological Journal Contains Portrait); and Characters of Mary queen of Scots ; Charlotte Jiroate ; l'hoinas Nast, the Artist, Ira Aldridge, l'raaPdian ; Alfred Sewell, and others. Well-written articles Oil AntbrepO)OgY ; Married or Sin gle'? Boobs and Beauty : Sick Haaditclte. its Dame and Cure The Fashions, Illustrated Man's Spiritual Nature; Forming Character; The American Physingnemy t Tapression Whining Women; Gmpea and blackberries, Illustrated. 83 a year, or 30 wow a am ber. Address 8. R. Warm, Editor, 389 Broad• way, New York. 114." Five Mrstrrasrolt Tilsransusunwr." —Everybody who has travelled by railroad has heard the above announeeinent, and has probablF suffered from eating too hastily thereby sowing the seeds of Dyspepsia. It is a comfort to know that the Peruvian Syrup will cure the worst eases of Dlzpop rbt, as thousands are ready to testify, Destructive Hurricane. On Wednesday last about noon, one of' the most destructive storms that has ever visited this section of country, anise sud denly in the west and burst over our town with terrible fury. It. !listed some thirty ininutem, during which time it overthrew spires, blew down buildings, toppled ever chimneys, twisted up trees by the roots, and otherwise did immense damage; The beau tiful spire of the Mahunieg Presbyterian Church, which had braved the tornado a ycat since, had to yield to this blast,and was broken off above the clock face, lifted up bodily and the base thrown upward by the storm, midi); the npez to strike tho roof of the church us it came down, shoot ing through it like an arrow, the point end lodging on the sofa in the pulpit. The loss to the congregation will amount to over one thousand dollars. Mr. J. G. Thompson, On Mill street, bad both gables of his store house thrown down and the roof carried clean off, one portion landing on Bloom street, while soother section landed in a gar den in the rear of the block . , while still an other portion fell on the adjoining house, crushing in the roof. The eastern cud of the new school house on Walnut street, was blown down to the second story door. A house at the corner of Church and %honing streets, was part ly demolished. On Mill street, the tin roof on Henry Sloyer'a building was rolled up like a scroll and carried completely over the large store houses on the opposite side of the street aml landed in the rear. Various other buildings on this street wore wore or less in- jured. eeveral buildings on Yorks' 11111 I were much damaged. The new casting House at Hancock & Crevt ling's furnace Was blown down. %%'hi u chimneys without number were toppled, fences, sheds and outhouses blown down, trees uprooted, &c. There were woo hair-breadth eettapee.— Part of the roof on Stephen Cuthbert's house was wrenched tiff and the chimney throwe down, the bricks from which fell through the roof on to a crib containing it small child, covering it up completely with bricks and debris . , yet strange to say it MS pea with a few slight bruises. The escape from death was woederfut. Since writing the above we have heard from the country. In Liberty, Valley, Ma honing and adjoining townships the destruc tion was fearful. Any number of barns were unroofed and whole orchards nearly de stroyed. One near Manstbde having prune twenty.tight apple trees torn up. The corn and buckwheat sulfured badly. In some fi e ld s the bu c kwheat is laid down as flat as a floor. making it impossible to harvest it.— Besidesthis miles of fenceshave ken thrown down and ocattered. The destruction of timber has been immense. A gentleman from the er u 'try informed us that he untie e 1 where Mat ry tret it from eighteen inch° to two feet in diameter were wrenched of at the roots as though they had ken reeds. Altogether it was a storm long to be re lumbered. It wu-saccompauied by heavy hail and a deluge of water. Save our town from another such elemen tal war.—Dantilk Atefligencer of the 27tA Obltsary new!Wiens. At a regular meeting of Bloomsburg Lodge, No. 139. I. 0. of G. T., the follow ing preamble and resolutions were adopted: IP/crews, it has pleased God in his All Wise and gracious Providence to suddenly remove from 'be busy I,:enes of time, to the solemn realities of eternity, our beloved Brother, WILLIAM B. DRAKE. Therefore be it resolved : That in his death we recognize the lost of en indite rhea, and useful citizen, an affe'•tiotate husband and parent, and an ardent tidand of Temperance. •.d. That while we lament his sudden and unexpected end, we bow submissively to the Lord of all, and feel aware the importance of "working while it is day." 34. That we Meted to the bereaved and afflic!t d our *mutest sympathies, and prayerfuliy commend them to the God of "Os widow and the fatherless." 4th. That a copy of these resolution. be given to the with of the &masc.!, awl the several papers of Columbia County for pub lication. .1. A. Piney., r N. VAN IiCSKII2K, 1 L.Orn JOHN RINK me, Bloomsburg, Sept. :A. 1867. ••••• Obituary Resolutions. Died on Thursday morning, the 19th ult., M r s. D. M. F. W AMISH, wife of Prof. C. W. Walker, of Ilillvil4, Pa. The deceased was a zealous member of lmotw Lodge No. 257, I. 0. of G. T. The Committee appointed to draft resolu tions expressive of the sense of said !Age, on the death of enter \Volker, submitted the fiAlowiag, which acre unanimously adopted: Wherrus in the workings of Divine Jinni deuce our beloved sister, P. M. P. Walker, has been removed from our midst by the resistless agency of Death, therefore; Pruilvol, That on the demise of our sister we have sustained an irreparable loss, the cause of Temperance an able advocate, Soci ety a worthy citizen, sad her home circle a devoted and intelligent Christian, wife and mother. latolved, That in our ad bereavement we reco gnize the fact that there is no safety w except in the tlild of Christ, putting our whole trust in those things that are unseen, eternal and that fittleth not away, truly be lieving that "righteousness keepeth hint that is upright in the way; but wickedness overtliroweth the sinner. ' Resoired, That we most tenderly sympa thize with the bereaved family of our de parted sister, in the severe ordeal through which they are passing, praying that they may find consolation in Him who tea "strong tower, - "in whose presence there is fullness of joy, and at whose right hand there arc pleasures forever more. ' Resolced, That these resolutions be pub lished in the Columbia County papers, Temper:woe Banner, and Monthly Circular. CIIANDLEE EVEN, ANNA LYONS, Corn. LEAH Hinan, Sept. 25, Iti67. noontime Munotm—One night last week we were aroused from our slumbers by the report of fire arms in raphl sutioession in front of our office. Throwing open our window, we had a view of the whole scene at a glance. Directly in front of the "Owen Rouse," we observed several men making a desperate attempt upon the life of a colored individual, an obnoxious and obtrusive guest at the hotel. He was set upon with htones and pistols, and bruised and beaten until life was entirely extinct, and horrible to relate. loft hay weltering in his blood until morning, when the authorities had his body properly cared for. We have not beard the individuals name, but are inhum ed that he belongs to a numerous tribe of Mcphiticel Americans, natives of this coun try, and of more than Africa' "scent." His extreme offensiveness, was the solo cause of the horrible outrage. No arrests have been made np to the time of going to press.— Berwick Gazette. Wender if the "individual" wasn't from "Skunk's" hollow ? • Vir The Radical Congress has establish ed Nero Suffrage in eh the excluded States, and given every one of them into the power of the blacks, Do you endorse such infamy as that ? pIiEMWM LIST, Of the T.celfth Annual flehibition of the ('olutti4ia, a - , nor Agrival.‘nral,,lleeieul ty till Ana ::' 4 ' ano'cal Ailitacktioli. fa be ' * d , !IIL i '4l/. n (WU, On Iredile4- .• . • p . ' pate t may, October tech, 10th affi LI '' 180 t, Ike lea rn of the Aaileultdral Sootily or Colon, him Ouramerill andeuvoe to put everything, in Ulf beet order to wake the areorouradellunitilimprelo lbw year, and re oldrrealtural Smaolloe hare now locum and inalitutione. and ovary body orli wow lodise that there to a inn mount of inharnietloa, 'vermilion sad allliellble 1141.04 inti on la ottandoi la w e lt !mi . dueled, and a well Shod up ran% she Cominlitue, to whom the monition! of she Poet 3feare rm r h.ve an. snowed the amougeworil, would earnestly and re. imietrallyearlicito *oti•oporotion of every prepud fli the oftelllty. Moulin' ray will 1111 bfiftg sOnselhliog lo the great Pair of tAdituilita this over memorable year tif our Lard 1407. As evetrillhill vg this Mud runt have a spaniel to carry it its with allielairtioa.ealtibitoro •. a 4 eon Ink. titer • will pirgmt grad Hie ifletrisvlioute. and come to the Pair aapueilng tu libido by Wow without &eking for any alieratioo. By order ef law fhweailvo tromuirt f o. L. N. itursirr, Secretory. Abner Welsh, Superintendent. ct,sai l—nonica, Sect pelt iltsealit biome. SS SI do do do 3 Part yak carries' 4 4 4 St do do do i Bala pair carriage rumor, II ad de dye do 3 MN Stallion over 3 rare old, la IM no do do II less brood oars, with call at her aide, both awned by the rooms,. 2 2a h am watt ware with yell at her ehle. bosh Inwood by the oilsitoll.d. 3 2.1 do e b in gin's'', c d arylage horse. 4 do I Bala 00112111 carriage ware. 4 Rd do do do Il Boot gobbled between 3 lad 4 years old 4 do Mare de do 4 do Urklieg it. 0 end 3 your old 4 do Mall do MI 4 du horse colt bows,* 1 sad a gear* all, 3 in wale do du 3 do horn nr mars COM undo; 10 aootbr, 3 2 , 1 Met liella/ or more cull do do 2 Bins pair mobelool cults oilier 4 yeara old brokrit to boomer ' e Exhibitore unites this elan will !twee their horsem Qs the ground by 10 u'eleek, Thar , .. day inornA., when they will be exani:ti d. Judges—Abner Welsh, Orange; William !Aldine, M lad born ; Clin. Mindenliall, Frank. lin; William Shaffer, Centre; Daniel Vetter, Ittiii. 11—eArru. Nehemiah Reese, Superintendent. nufitian oirwat. 800 boll 3 yeara old awl apwarda. 11111 Ild de do du a 11...4 bull between Rand 3 rears old, • Id do An 4,1 4 rtol bull between 1 and 2 years old, 3 3d d• do du 9 lle.t bull calf under 10 womb. old. 3 3..1 du do do .4 rt.v/tueist 1 year Bret Cow 3 year. old awl upward.. a Id du do do 4 Dept /wafer between 2 and 3 year. old, 4 24 do du do 3 Wilt heifer calf undrt 10 mmillis 01d. 2 DO' , IN W11111:K Deal boll 3 yews old slid upoPordd. 9 2 id do do do 4 do bull bemoan 2 sod 3 years aid, 4 24 do do 40 4 do bull between I and 2 years old. 3 Id do d., do I do 'aulf elm under 10 month' old, a id do do Au it rierteldriot 1 year do Cow 3 years old or opword. a :I do do do 4 d.. licadr ImIlWC(111 9 and 3 yenta old, 4 Id do do do 3 do belfur under 10 months old, 9 A 1.1199 NEN el) WI C . Fled Hull 3 years oil ■nJ npwarJ ill 24 do do do 9 Heel Hall below Sand 3 years oil, a 3J do du do 4 Berl bull between I and 2 years old, 3 24 do do do 2 reel Bull calf under 10 months old. Id .0, du do Aretratestial I row Bert Cow 3 years old and upward 6 9:4 do 44 do 4 Heat Ilelke between It and 3 years old, 4 34 do do do 3 Wit Heifer call under 111 months old, 9 WM HUI Sl'o 'H, Ild.o boll 3 mo , old and upward Si 2 24 do do do p do bull botArdo 2 644 3 year. old. 4 24 do do do 4 do bull betwreu 1 stud 1 years old. 3 dd do do do 4 do buil colt udder 10 woolbe 014. ft t'd do do do oppriolturtat I yea , do Cow 3 yaara old and ova att J 4 2.1 do do do 4 40 11.0fIr between 1 bud 3 peat* old, 4 24 do do do a do Heifer volt ander Id months nl4 8 NATIVE IVIWIC first ball d years old and upward*. ad do do do 4 do bull berwa. n land d years old. 3 id do do do d,k bull rAlf under In 0111fithe old. g lii do do do 47r tufligrin I odr do row 3 yeses old and upeelltde. 0 Vd do do do 4 do heifer Innween 2 and 3 years old, 4 Id do do di 3 do heifer calf under I 1 'wrathy nid, 2 ON IN AN I) STEER& Rest grate (melt (,*;(4,41 and workr3 by esblbitor, $3 11 3 • Peal yoke itleeta ';flWCtlllttfl 3 years old, 4 do Jo to 2 Exhibitorn will have their stock ready for the Juolgen to examine by 10 o'clock, a. in., on Thornily, and to reutain until Friday, 3 o'clock, p. 14. Judgem—Nehem'h Reese, Hemlock; Gott lieb Gunther, Catawissa; Jesse Roffman, Centre; Jacob Yohe, Mifflin; R. Wilson, Madieun. ridirs iii—pwimn. A. P. Young, t 4 uperintendent, 11..ri hoer, .3 MI do do 3 do Wood low, 4 Id do do do 3 do how nod NO (0 or more./ il On LA 3or more pigs under d work* old. :1 Id do do do 1 do Lot lick lango (3 of more,) do do do Judges—A. P. Young, Greenwood; Rohr Mefloury, Benton; Lowy, Roat, Montour. CLAES Il'-81112Er. Frances Evans, Superinteudent, /112121 Beet 2d do do do Ewe, 34 do do MIDDLE WOOL 1141,1 Burk, 9,1 An do do E,w,r, 14 do do LONI) WOOL. arid Buck. tid do do do liwo. 2d do d Judrx—Fratieem Evnns, Briar Creek; Georgo Fetterman, Locust; Juhn Smith, Madison. CLANS V—Pot:I.TIIY, John Cadman, Superintendent. Der* and largest Airplay of poultry. 11 1 2.1 An An In I do Pair chickens. .firriesitarist 1 peer IA do do SO du Pair 7urklyei 1 PO Id do do it do Pair 00C110. I 00 24 do Au SO do Pair Duras, 1 On Best and wrest Airplay of game playing. al) Judges—John Cadokno, Bloom Henry Hemlock; Joseph Lilley, Sot. CLAIR! VI-ORA IR AND BEEN Joseph Mourner, Superintendent. Iwo i bushel Flown sewd. In tal do Au do 1 30 du half bushel Thesolly, 3 2 , 1 do do do I Sio du bushel Lod When, 3 du du Whits I Violet, 3 du du Rye. 110 do do Puckish,/ t, 130 do do (3uued dud cum Oslo, 130 do to Yellow On do 130 do 414 Illiondod do do Ido 00 Ilo1( Omani PlOdeeed. 1 so do bushel lists. 130 Judges-4mph Mount', Montour, John Gruber, Hemlock; Wesley Bowmen, Orange; Jackwn McHenry, Fiehingereck ; Frances P. Eves, Greenwood. CLAM VII—VEGITAIIIia . Hiram Applunap, Superintendatit. ego i %OKI of sop of 0. cores% ord. rano of putoinol L 01 30 on / bo.ooldorovl 1•04.1001. I do butte' Mold Tomos, 1 Id d. f boiplitti gita agog. 1 30 do I 4111111 0 11N1100 WM , . .fgrunstlorlit 1 par deo booby' 31andold IVortool, 1 do hoohnl Ibn.to, 1 do 1 Molina norown, .4rldollurlot Ism?. dol berlpil PefordPll l / Intrbol notlnno, 1 on i AMOR Voltodablo Willits (1111169 1 do rok Tnnunto.o, 1 0103 Hoods Cabbage. do 3 OksiohoolDolory, 1 4 0 4 en Plaits, 1 io II quarts Lire 1N441. I 410 0 'parts Cvoliai 11001, I 6 1 folirld loop 80. BO MI 44. Ida Opera's/10 Bior #0010) trkodiodlit I pow Judge -11. Apploman, Itamlock •Solo , - num Shuman, Catawiasai Conrad Bitten- Imutim., mourn. cz,,folt Vitt—stotifirmoldr if AnntrAirrt.win, Iteuban linmbily, Supurimendent. th..l, m ya,di iloonol, 11 31 lid do do do ,yrnystivrto 1 year do 3 yard* Wooloo Cloth, I NI do in yard." 1: 11 tool. I Yd do do do Agrlcoltorkt I y do 10 yards Ploio Limn, I do do 10 yordo limpdr. 1 00 do Klall Wool StOON Ingo, 30 do do do Union., 10 duration Sioekingo, MS do !lowa midi" ybirt. 150 id do do do do I 60 yolv Wyol Mookold, $ do pole 140e11 Phoois. ..devoilorist I yds? do Ilona um& Toblo Chills. Ayricoltartst I year Judges—Reuben Busboy, Hemlock; Mrs. Philp Cool, Roaring Creek ; Mr& ilinklu 11. Kline, Orange ; 31rs. threw J. Roeder, Franklin. CLAidd IX— nostatic sr 40ferdtrir1711118. John O. Quick, Superiutondent. flop loaf 44 'wad, be do Poond OA., in giro oii•vor Calle, JO do Oponto Coto, 30 do MHO. ropiprini. 311 do do vireo lolly. SU do Curauoaor Pickloo, le do Medlar uf any Aber kiwi, be do Apollo Ronan. Jo do hire tuner, JO do Plaid Nome, II MP Gray, bunko*. JO do liol l on dburent eo. 3 do Carol Him .eyfnouffadUpt I y e s. do Roll of d 10 0 ntio d r—not leos thin 3 imp, , yu So Id d - o do 44.01 , 4 Iliiiiiio. JO do Appal. pin, be do masonic V loot. so do du bard Mk/. lY do do soft raw. 30 , • Judges—John ()molt, Montour; Mm. Jacob liostenbailor, Yrunkliii; Mrs. Houton Wilson, Madison; Mrs. Sarah E. Purse', °mop" grorge *. Dreisioich, Hemlock. ci.mts Arm:Luis AND rl.luW CUL Caw. I'. Jac. e cstm, : 3upnrinwn lent. Bert knit Ju do Qom, do Tidy. do Total,* work, de op. , ritireo Bred ork, di. do NWII work, do An Yorr work. de An I,,retOor work, 40 de Noir work, An An Woe work, de do DIIIMIIII4I. do do remind. de do Pi k ginbrololrrT, do do Wo,rellec do de r Atun Mohr*lderl. 30 on Warned Me , YI An 4 . 0:01. Not. 341 do Worked slipper, du limey Pre Cookinn, d.. Woo Dreg., d o Doyley Slogs Poiolial, do Voil.mlion Doh hoc wi du ito Aronvel Flower., 13 do 4.1 Ilou.e Mille In 410•10, do do Pried Grow. 30 An do Dried Fkowire, 34i de V.m..17 rewrre, Su du Oyeesiore of Yeautenehlp, Judge.-Captain C. U. Jaoltpon, wick ; Mnry Mendenhall, Franklin ; Mra. Uunicl Hem, )Irs. Harvey Crerling, Scutt; Mrs. Charles IL Fowler, Scott. t—rtotts, privc4. Turr.wikut, AMU DeNlidTitY. Crites, Superintendent. Ilea) Su yitirode Wired A Air. *1 do do buckwheat fluur, 3 do do rye door. S do de emu 111 , 0. 3 do roirkibe Sidra wbb Orituree. 2 do do du der a, I r,al teeth, do variety of l'ie•Ware, 9 Judges,—Noah Critci4, Catawiesa : Wm. M. Ent, Scott; IVm. Itichart, imeutmemns ANTI Jacob Harris, Superintendent. Peet Plnagh for donor:11 wc, Cl4ll l'orn planter. 9 do Threching alorhirre and Ninny.. 4 do Keeper and 'doper combined, do Younloo Mill, 9 On Ilorre Hey /orb, do Corsi Shelter, de Uraia 11,111, 3 do Faro Wagon, do straw or !odds( cutter, du Horse Itekt, do portable Wier milland peon, do (*holm' wringer, do Wochiog Machine, In cuing" grinder. do clover bulls'', do noire, do Wider barrow, SO du Holler, Afr MaliVi4e one pole. Judges—Jacob Hemlock; Win. T. Shuman, Main; John Hama, Jackson; JIM .%IP.ters, Madison. CLAI.M X 111 R01)1!11. Purse', Suptrinteurient do NW) lo.aggy, An afiriph. do Judges—ltob. Pur4ol, Mnoiiinn ; Ceo. It. Greenwood; N. P. Moore, Hem lock, CLAM Xll/-11Erig AND PICCHI VES Osinir Anehenbach, Superintendent. ow filiatel eS bete. r 24 do do do fgrioulteriti t yap do non or Ave pothodo of honey, J do boob's'', 1 Judges—O• Auchenbach, Orange; A Smith, Hemlock ; John Scutt, Catawiasa. CLANd XV- IVINEB AND 1.11(WOR1, A. K. Smith, Superintendent. P.% lllVOlfllffirt Wine. St do do blneknorry wino, do do grope wine, do do cherry wino. do do rye wbi•key, Co do cider Vinednc, so Judges— A. K. Smith, Madison ; Eli Men denhall, Benton; Peter Laubauch; Benton. cLaaa xvt —caauerr WANE. TANNIANB.IIIIOI. MIANER 4 . TAIWAN, v)mit, AND PRICK !MAW d MAK. Joseph Scattergood, Superintendent. Beet News. II do dressing Mad, I do lisp ay cabinet ware, I do set who Noe chairs. I do spring 0.51 chairs. I du main' choir. I do settee. I di, made PO{ of tinthoir , I do ball' ilnzen br mull, Aerie,'levri.i 1 gssr la set obiale lieriii.es. II do eel double barn,o, I do two sides sum bather, do du do hip, do il n do pelf aloe, du pair calf boots, do pair hip boat., do tut earth •a wars, de sample bricks, so Judges—Joseph Scattergood, Pine ; Noah Mouser, Montour; Philip Hereunto, Scott. OASIS XVII—FRUIT. Thomas J. Welliver, Superintendent. Pest half bushel of any vaned or addles $1 011 du display or applcs. II 00 2..1 do do do arrilealt prise oar pear. do Airplay of pulp., 2 00 &I du du do Jerissit oriel ado Y ar d do display of wedelns. 2.1 do do ib Adrismitoriel Nat year. do dosed .711111Cel 1 1V 2d do do JO du dye ellistrrs of grapes, I IN do display sirstioa.., it so igdi du do Is /Irrriiirallteelal oaf ,Mr. da Owe clusters Creireling dross, 30 du do Concord grape* So do du Maus drapes AO do do Origami: rapes $ do In Isabella grapes, SO do loot or Poo var.. se do display 14 liniPb l. lll ol . I 00 1111 /MO: lit dried apples. $0 40 ather. as that sa m ple dried do cherries, r stoned most kaalonitill, 3I Judges—Thomas J, Welliver Mt. fleas ant; Reuben Rich (ironwood. Ilias Krum, , Scott; Hiram Dealer, Vlshingereek. Cl 4 / 4811 • X VIII SPUN TI NO LIM' Pen irmlni lentre,mari,or gelding (euirenee fee In nu) 0100 no ir 'hen Mur hones lIFII mitered, Per garb berme lees man Ow, lig/ @bell be deducted from the pre mium offered. rAgnorner mow—FIRST VIM'. Heel trotting boner. mare ur gelding, k•IIIIISRell feeig) $5O 00 U lose l to on leer hereof are entered. for each horse lime then Nur, 010 shell be deducted fruit 1145 pre. ninon aline. ECON n T HOT Wet trotiin/ bone, were or loldlng, (eutnice ro 110 00 If lege Min faun harea ire entered, fir colt Ores Woo itwo four. 13 shell be deducted how the prowl" am eared, No preotlamo will Ito owartleil hinny of Ow oboe* three trot, II tee. Iltaa two twreoe appear to compete for Ow prowiwoo, Mlle, bests. le baroers—bat oot of tbrei. la the Pamirs' het all bowies inset be entered by wwideals of Columbia County and owned by the coat• pottier at hoot Owes wont Ma bailor* 'lha role. • Judge9—Stephita H. BadWO" Thome/ J. Vaudereliee, firnakelki, • la Shaffer, Centre; Freas Pow*, Br maw ati,—pror 1114,11, Rs* run 001 e. aronn.rnuton (eittrano. taq , allir $1 nakr.o4 4D du 4,, 4 Wes thin three perturb. tette tin the run me premien' Wtlll bietwererd. thulgitt--Aildrow Madison, MAiotnn ; A .1. AlbertiKmOit . wok* A. Muflick, Mt Plassoutk =I (Article third of Its bbnintlyibbi reeutree peewee no pay no the A enoetatiote MIN &Mar l cupeligoi. op.mhpr .hip, The venm! Ilmtet.tere ha. belga 14 My ticket, an nor days, and half. their name' te carded at the time ) neat. Kvery person jerky attletee of comphililloil, owlet Imeome a iambs, of the Ante flatlet, before esierloof Mem 1111inuro eau becalm toombuee or eablbttare letreate are honsfero, Twit 11•14 of vonivolitioo ig oPro Mae Ittelleather Mutt lee and Ptnten etin itehemli es. islhiherii upon the SWIM late. b. ettia , aq mf Lilly vestal,. Fluttllt. All 'Melee neared rnt r. ■ mittian ertst be owned by no remp , tontr. tot. vrietablits, twit.. t.. taut W Ike.rnYrlh cf tfie , tatopetltor. itAd all maatothantai 'Metro moot be made by rile strutpetita , . Mb. All Mealleatored all/1M W h at hi 1.•91./.01.1114 111 POI Willa. a ill be Ittoktfrel. Muth. andclae Pw enuillittatt or camp ljtiee ani.s ewied by I woo/rig. N 00/rig. r. N. IAa Oil and exempt to tospneolltle mom, Man lb , . /naiad at Mat lime, mad teasel% Ire-re onto! r ridey aa'oltum P. M.. Whet they a ill be at Me dleymoll of M. eat* Ware. Ilerenth. Mande for Ills sal* of r,freelimenta pf lio obtained by application to *cif:tarp or Wittman. Eighth. Ne Hessen will be grants/ etheee thee yell 'pillager or malt hinnire •haollre appointee to ermine the Eifureht 111111111 P will aster a favor on Me Anodethrn by 'tallier al I►e eh trrtaryli flip early oie Tlivowisy reanthinag te tbeir 10c11.10 in in. rkir eon be obtained at Al 411rereal Wow , before the rail or It the Vienne Vince iloAnd ri.ir Jaye. Juagrtl IP. CON NKR, Peet. I . 0 arrest. Hwy, blorowil.wri Sept. 01, 1667, Nt [MAME RTISEM /ATP. Trclt.—T he Slorourborg Mutest tioville roll • Ottarlettne l• Now rosily to receive ellitorliP • fronip for .twer, A polo to). J aretwor, Protolortl, bit et. re, P. rIA oto yr allot store. ttoorr, ..rrctery, at I. Oro. Of to soy or Ilia Otrgettrif• a; order or the issettiMlM, asitiacsettesarr. INFORMATION WAZILED. 110•Ai Ms home is Nonaleek Townbhlis, I:dissida roomy nn the enening of ISO 1711, •r Joy WI. Tomnoocir, Ngy , ,Al aln aced IS plass. lis4 00 *bon be left A *tuts 'viol lot, cheek okorS, dark panic asl I roil emit ronsidareklY .11.0 S 0 lioAr. and b.reronlArd To. Isd loss dark Isis Sod dark or,s, ditto 'stir r fkln, and is 0 051 n 411 4. Any Infarossillon of his shereaboos wolf Ala ihnnkfsily ressoirsiS by Ms ins ioue 551.111.11 el Ileek• tones. MARIJARCT orish.r 11, 1007. WI RAY. rove to the. premise* of the tindetsisora t it reale« township. some time about the arit of • , r rte; September, a LIDO r RED ittll,d,, ear.. 106, posed to be ale-itt In month, opt. Tait owner a sesissetsw to rf/tpe ifttWOITIC proem oropest e, pay dvits. Ins talcs hint *way. othostilso he will Ito soli assenting to law. MIAMI A If ADIERRACIR, Caotrapetohor 11161. sIIERIFFS SALES. Hy vide* of revere! wrlis of AftWilirl /lees an 4 Vhostiti mit tordee. ion ooti int f the Ottid of t'onn• loon Vireo of Codnait,io County. to sop turrttod, w ill ht *ape 114 14 public rats tt doe Ctort I. Wird on PA ruguillY. Mei% feta Islll, ei IO sittionk. A . the fattooins real owe, via ; Al, that rodent inossuaa* ant trod of lan wit?* in Medi/Inn Township in the. Costoty an•l Piste arum• .80 bounded and acortll,o I so I.lotws at 4 white oak corner of IMO of Fier ,, ,..*H•rr 114 , 1 1' 4 11 , 00 Crlf Orr, these, north Oftyfise a , •ref s *sod. per iPt to a pad ; throe* ►y 1101 at res•riek Derr WlOlll VW , I.ty two anal o wrote**. wool• 711:ierell4ti to 4 pod ; it Once room fft Oty.lit coo and 44. (mirth t1 , 11r0411 40:111 In of:refire to of 1 1 001; th , stst a - olth Wit) , Orrrtt and no* Imit lit fftwolof Wort. i)0 pvrride At r WM; loons* by I.tod of (Parse otttfp a+•nth to: it to vro ant 00* rico , dew.* ion. 4 r., 41 + , t: 111 , ffel nod sir JN* 001411,0 tom • o only d• ORM* 'Art, l r.r.lik• 1111 " itn t of 0 33t4'1 Cr* mr socl en d. ryr ot. Ifoti 040 prtearr to 11 W ; Iho**► floret fitly thew end ono fotorto degrees oats, 3 0 .1 peddles .n 3 01100110 110 ; Piths* tooth twenty four and .4411 1 411th 40111,0 eitAl 149 poretto* tn, the p ISM 4 , 1 beginning. endt4iiiing oho ban Wed and tee - sty - at ". " vs. and ore It fadied 4113 ^terra parches *lt Woo the Moww Itrrtnd.oa of *horn A.otew to titer thod ***set nod whim after pro,re..l#l4 JA potrtitiol Was 8414 by or lot el * Orpiitho' CO tot J.trksno 'I hoodo ids od3llllllolllllor, Orion 11141311 nieflooor Wl4 data to *edam the one•t*ird poi of the pufrlotr money.) P. tai** 10 44mo'i'ls* ARO to Ito so ts as l o is property if *lathed Coon and duo tenant* , A LAU Alf that err'stia,lttii joentol on o et or JO*. of train,. in Montana City. i;ohjoshans $ 0 , 4 001“. Colonohit County an I. Own on patio of tas M. and 4. biota 3 in the 4101.1.44 MOMILini Ca, nni is of +to ito4 a half innintod betnt shoot oittroon lost in f r o. thp moot, five in In nep• h, ( obey* stomas t fot e.at.r.riata ftitsiolt , O for soul bnictitg.) tolsoo, taken is evrosioo and to be stold as en pr , p-tty of Peßs nowt% A 1.410 A tennis tot e ;mina *Minato in f o r Rorongh at ri hik l'hihathia COUlal Wag Mho*, Pv• foot (tont t nol two hundre• a , titurp nn alma ii.iii•cloo a Iwo goofy frama bons* la lb ibit appnii•natit•s. o•4l•dat nnth. +onto hp lot or Mu , ht.eaCert. on Rh* tireot uy Chfalat Airentio nn tha north orr Io of Amain Barry one as the own by ib.• lands of the 1.41111111 a tiountvin rot! tad Ifni Carnally/. bailed, Wool into • le- litiolb rod II be lola an this property of aarnoy Msitintety. imaivat, SNyprp. Merit 0 totter 9. 001. LADIES' FANCY FM'S: AT JOlllt FAREIRA'S Old LombIRA./ Flit IllooToforiory. 10.7111/ACtlsritrxr.ll%lll , lool.l . 9ll.WaGelt Free now In ltrr• of 11. moo looporlotiom sad MaItUrACIUM OOP of the WOO amil moot beralifai selections of FANCY FURL for I,a 'Nes' end Cbildree's Wear on lie Clay.. Alma. a bile • rertme at or 0•1111 ► er in wiles led ....9•••. Imm • nabbed to dirpose My 1." 11 . " nt , , ri 4 . 411. able 'leer, aid I ir.ula gbaralbre oralien ROO hem rT fil‘ Die of Calumets Comm, wed eireislay. Remember the s.a, Wombs' era Street .11:11% FAREIPS. NO, ne ARCH PI.. above 7lh. MOO PK* rilrlitle 4. rr I pave pie !Parris'. Nog 1.011111111.17011 MITI* INT arm a Siwts IM rilidlablarlila. Octubrr 1. 1147 STOLEN. Prom the ,tibia of t tor other:rarer 04 lit 4 pieta of the 4th inet.. a fawn . NAY tiraheilt, throe yrstrouid 144 opring; Platt moo. soo4 ; and about 14 Wald, 1001, . Aye r A eettionable reword will thirrilfl for the ',tufo of the hem. and oleo for the tide. Tao horn was tomer!). welted by riveben Kim*. Ia AN karthilitAlt. Tows 1101. Lateetoteek, Sept. le, tict.-3w.p4. . WOOL ! WOOL!! WOOL! t 4: Lai' of EICHAPIGICD P I WOOL. Two vailerrlgerir will pay irpo Wisher{ wankel prim ha 'whoop (or •14111 @Him or his own roiriourris arr. Whirr War Ilillr. Willisiorport, or Illy. firing oil your Wool WIN. hlooui Normal 11111,„ at Mellilo4o. V Me, Pa, J , 11, COWL 1, 1567. TO CONSUMPTIVEB3 Tbtt Rev. EDWARD A, W11.00A4 will evatll thee of Mims') Is aq who desire it. tit* reetrilttlett wilt the directions rev meting arid eider the elmrl* tersettir hp %Inch it* was tenni at r Intl effeettee and that defied dieveee Cuesentption. His en ir ph' Jeri to to benefit the reteted slid hi bows* every enterer win try *hie prtteripteen, as it will sort Own within, 111114 mey prove * Messier. Phalle sittheee Nee. - COW A Ith A. WILSON. . t6s South desoad saces, WililligniburS, New M=HM preshits a laptiael groerlll of hair ripen • liel4 head iont ►eyslir fat slow a reeeii.e t.r lam renenevef eof PieNalise, glaieftee , oatlla atm leaving the ram* elni Oast, nee beautiful. ten lee Waimea witlioni chair 17 alaireesiss TIIOO I .Y. CHAPMAN annual. 183 lhoodwoly, Nsw yolk _ AUDITORS' NOTICE. Ettcrs or Noen.act !NAN trait creltiewtoe Catania* (Norm tilitiamia. Trot tiattereigarel. Audtior appointed by the : 4 phone Mart of the thilettoMehlateta, tow** 4 ? *libation tit' she belenee tit the.ilitell d e eerel I keter whohlistrittor or itasweliflptild late at 44 wood townehto iIWII II IIO II 44 1 101 044 ire rredflore wane ihewitt, - tia itout e.ta ttglIAW *4 " 44110 d n Oleo' 41 kiliteoooool Ittedtir tee tWolltyllbet hh t y aroppliner idoi't at 10 o'rfoek A, IL for the parrot* er r' to the dialer Id elpieetetereter, when =mad all parties totnittitted Orataireet to 0 , 0 004 ofriwe «tu. let doitarrailirtiooutlet to roe o ape glue, g, g gloomegute 4111. DR, W. al g , BRADLEY,. . (Lahr Amalgam . Ale!' rhydelaii Mid' Surge. Its Oise it titlitthr NAO. atkiimilift is Cells promptly ottiviliiiiimmituigli dr' mipoutour4, wow, 21. .~ Ii!!!!IM!!!!1