Bloomsburg democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1867-1869, October 02, 1867, Image 1

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err"li*! COLVDIMA
President Judge-111M William Elwell.
( 11.111 mr
Associate Judges—
Peter) 'K. llerbein.
J'rnt,ll'y and Cirk of Courts—Jetqw Coleman
Register and Reveriler—John ti. Freeze.
Allen Ninon,
Commissioners— -1 Joins F. Fowler,
Mmitmonery Cole.
ornery C ole.
Samuel Snyder.
Treasurer—Jilin .1. Sliles.
I Daniel Snyder,
Auditors— ) L. 11 Rupert,
1 John P. Ilannne.
Commissioner's Clerk—Wm. Kriekloaum.
Commimioner's Attorney—E. 11. Little.
Mermintile Appraiser—rapt. tied. W. CU.
County Surveyor—lsaac A. Dewitt.
Nituriet At troney-31ihou M. Trough.
Coroner—William J. Ikeler.
Couniv Superintendent—Chap. O. Barkley,
Asscsorw Internal Revenue—R. 1 0 . Clark.
John Thomas,
I S. R. Muter
A.sorixtant APONCSSOr ' n
n. ghee?,
I J. S. 11'oods.
Colluetor—llenjamin P. Hammitt,
M A llk t STE Err. OR A RIM OrroAITE
TUE underniannJ boo riot lilted tip, and opened,
Ws row
STOVE ANDTIti 14110 P,
t „ , hi s Wpm whore he iy prepared to wake oh HOW
TIO 4lt of Gay and do repel?.
ltd W , th tiontilooo Odd illoweet. them the niesl flta•
ile titan keeps en hood ST4 WIN el
verities pe •rthe shd ot vivo, which he will yell epee
'toe to suit wireleige4rii.
riveta. tin U. a gnat meehtnic, and de
se,eiad of . .ft ~.ttdie patronage.
fp r o m .bor l , Pew. 9.
The undet*ipted i* about Ohm* up a
fIiIbePENN ITIIVACE: 11111.19, flood will ulrte to
ill, public IIINE; iili.%olli.:ll 'HMS 111 s'i'
Nolla Scotia W ile Plaster,
vr. , ritrett rmidy for gaat..itine to Weil ;MIAMI
CM at any time rune Om Out or ma:rlt nest.
J. d. AInVINCI,.
Oftaw igen, inn. 23, 1007
BOOT AN 8110 E 811.01'.
0 30.1 P. gin 'my,
It.tltoctfolly Odom% tbo puHRe that tot it 'low re.
pored to manufacture ag kiadd of
abp ai tltr LO IrENT noxll,r, twee,, ;
Itt Aort notivr. and in Op v..y twin and
Mr. C. to,, (Po w..V•I. nbt Wo+misiotha.) us
has Y , q0 , 0 of 44.:r00k.r0l eXprri , urx Wail a tou•
t;!1t144 for grand work, intrgrity and bonorg , ne 4, 4 1 •
142 ungurpwowd.
time on South F.+4l, eiWier,, or
:444111An4 Iron hirPf.g, OVI.f J. K.Giften's thorn..
el.nnastonti. &)u, In, Itnni.—:ha
GEO. W. NM:GER, Propeatior.
The shey well known hntel has recently tooter
ieette radical changes in it. interns! 1,Trange,,,,,t,,,
alld its proprietor announces to his termer .1.1 , fl
trod the travelling /matte that his ittrAitiiir);h.ii4ill.
!'or the remand of his guests are second to tome in
the ettuitiry. Him talite will always be /moot ono
tied. our Mil) with substantial 1 . 00.1. Wit with ai
toe delicacies of the season. Me wine not
;except that popetar beverage known 01 ',AP nenri.*,
wireAtased tilted from tie importing houses. ate tm ,
civets pure, and free (Haut ail poisonous Muss. We
Is thankful for a line rat patronage in the pest, Ned
will continue to deserve it to the rehire.
ill;mltAlt. W. MAULIER
Jima 13.15011.-0.
At N.g
) lit;
' l /E silo!'
TIM undersigned would moot reoperifolig on•
to file puntin nencrally, that
, tcr ode all Mods of gIACIIINCUV. at Poiggli
sit tit It!tiouwioirm, %hoe he
t 01woyit Ua hatud ready to do uII Med.
In , hiding The hind Ala nines, nud ut ,1100, uli
44 Paruslug ALSO, TURNINi, ANSI
ruDia Ve or CitrifiliG ANTS
-NAS 111 KY.
UN abort notice, in a gond workionrilikentun
• mom the must reummuid4 Teruo,
Ole looor eipettettee is the htfoiee.4.4ll (woman in
+ohm, of Lewis if. Malta of this co , ever
0 , - vitas% warrant* him iu going that hoe n aim!
W1:11 IpOIIO4COUn to Nal who may favor him with
, nus.Lu•R, Nov 21, 1,611,
rput wittswriber Gavin, purellasen the •.Fallon
Wattle." in
r —pe r ty of E. W. thaw. Esq., wouhl any to the
outionf the Moose, hie tooloointatwea, and the pow
! i r gruerully. that ate Ito, oda to *.ktoo u nutty.,
.10 the ateolonoolations and comfort* of * noose,
oo humbly solults their patromuta.
J. oi - rowing.
Litte of the Madison House. Philadelphia.
k Hoven. Dee, tali, Moo.
ariaraince to the ladies of formation and
tlffr iil Ur. ifolterftlfri that she busiest received from
4it" viletatU cities her
gpring and Summer
stook *f
„..niintlni e a AU 11WOO . . usnalty rnund in first eye
mit finery 6torne, tier gooth, ere or the hoW nosl y
0t ,,, mining the wont hinninotne and ebonite at rn tuv
reef. Call 404 gamine thew for youinelees,
.liouhlpotewun chtewhern inflow 01114Wi
M Ifeht , ltell stuck goods. Bonnet. watin
5.•.:.•/, as the ohort4st notice, of fOingred•
• • r n 0,84414 ntrett. 34 ti , nt below tilt+ *We of
Mei -Magi th . Rupert.
r %%ay 4, 13i,1t.-IS.
llaix ,Trot, below the "American Muse,"
131600NISBUlte g 'Art
hr lichee liebd, end furnishes to the borne
Q , Mule, et Phitadeiphie (lowest) price*,
~.,monseiwor end Briar Wood Pipes, and all
palmitin in We trade.
email retail dealer. In charm and chew.
I ...onto. WWI Id de Wail In ells, lama tall, ha
oadiso to the china for every ankle they
oidesininit of Dove tawdry pedlar,.
lobar IliMe/R-3Ne.
si 0' 0
66 AIM
301 m L Mloyer's Mug lhor
Arkin Mount. A good aro&
mut Weld*bort, aiwuys on
raper than at apy other
estopounded a 4 Moyer',
... .
141/31:,- A!ZI. ''' ", , i, , , , : Ili 44 - , , ' . i, ' * . .
If A •
l'. , ..
. .
_ .
tit .
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Ili ,41,,.11,1
lA. i ,1 4 1 ,,, ,--, ,
.• • !..i,i ; . -1141' ni'f'W '':s i'; i ' , ',, A
' 7 , aV. 4 . ‘. a .''ltlL- ' '''''''
• : . "
floontointrg Ntmotrat
111.00lls111:110, TA., BY
I'Enl4l:l,-111 no in *draftee. If owl path within
six wits nilditionst will be eharaert.
to No paper dierentierled wail 4 11 Ittlearlel
are peril except et the op ion of the editor,
L%TES or Aftwintitsmn.
lts UNE* CONOTillrli 4 o,m/dui.
One square ono or iltree insertions $1 30
Every voo v equeat insertion loos MIA 13 .... ... —.30
sever. Isl. IN. 3w Go, lv
. . ..
fl ~.o e ogoaro. ' V,OOI 300 I 4.00 0,00 i
Twa ogeureo, 300 I 3.00 I 0,00 000 I
. 4111 4 '41 " 3,00 I 7.00 P. 30 I", 00
r „„, ,g,,,11l fen, 6 1 -0 I t 4 AO 10, 0 0 14.0411
MI( so , som, I 10.00 1 jl.OO 14.00 (IM no
Ono rolll4lll. 1 13.4 Is 00 20,00 30,00
rotOrilinel4 and Ad winistrater's Netter:. . ,
**Otter's Notice d. 50
Othrr advertivetneutaingerted accordfni tuspociai
ituoineos sot tees, without advert itentent, t wenty.
torts per fine.
Tranolent tut verttsernents payable in ad% Allee atl
others due Mier the drot ;avert ton.
ta - OFFICE—In Knee's Mock, Covet Main Ilan
Irmo Starts.
Address, W. IL IntatllV.
Ohnonsburg, Colutottia County,
Vlveti l lona 7110 liveth
All other life is short awl vain ;
Pe livedh longest who Van tell
01 ' lir u must fZir heavenly gain
tie liveth long who liveth well
All elm, n being flung away;
Ih limit lottgeAt who can tell
Of true things truly done each day
Wtkte not thy being: back to bum
Whu frcoly lave it, tredy give;
lane h; that }wing but a &cant;
'Ti; but to be, an! nut to live.
Btt what thnn seemost ! live tby erreil !
Ilo! , 1 no to earth the torch
Be what thou praveht to be made;
Let the great 'Master's stew, be thine.
11 up each hour with what will lag ;
liny up the moments as they go;
The lire above, when this is poet,
Is the ripe fruit of life below.
Trnth, ifthou the truth wouhl4 roan ;
Who:owsthe litf.e, shall reap the vain ;
Emet tam I thy conselene kelL
From hollow woetla and deeds refrain.
Saw 'love awl taste its fruitage. pare;
Sow pearl, awl reap it- harvest bright ;
Sow hutil#elle= tia the rack and moor,
Atol land a harvest hn;ni of light.
The Nest Step.
Fa;l'ev: wev to sopercele the Presirlrnt ol
the United States, by General Grant, the
Itadkal managers may now be expeyted to
polt tlwir imp-aylonent etw,spiravy Ve.l%
renewed vigor. Pepublican journals which.
has e heretofore hesitated to follow the
Ashley Conover eliquo. are now ,!.tiving iu
their a dhesi on to it, while we hear (4 . va
rious members of the Ramp Con:re , s,
who, at the last se4sion, were indisp-sAI
encourage the plot, as now fallim is with
the clamor; and the clamor no doubt, will
grow louder and bolder, as the tim e f or the
,reassembling of the Contra! Direutory draws
near. This Batt:cal party, are ilytyrmin
to hold on to power, at all hazards. They
are afraid of the people, and hence, they do
not intend to wait till the regular President
ial election collies along, to obtain a succes
sor to Mr. Johnson. That Presidential dye.
tiou is SOlllO fifteen months remote yet, and
the people by that time, may be in no
mood to continue the Debt-and-Taxation
party iu power for another term of four
years. Hence, they have concluded to steal
a march upon the people, to see if, by the
proves,: of impeachment, they cannot put
Ben Wade or some other demagogue of
that description in the Prasidenti3l
That now would seem to be the programme.
The people themselves, meanwhile, can do
something to arrest it, and to give the con
spirators to understand that the making of
the President is their business, and not the
business of a Rump Congress which has
about as valid a chino to represent, and
therefore, to speak and act for the people—
that is, the whole people—of the Unite , '
States, as it has to speak and act for the
people of Great Britian and Ireland. We
should like to have the conspirators put
upon their .fore the public, at
the coming autumn elections. Jr we can
Let a judgment against theni at the polls of
those States which elect in October, it is
pretty certain a summary cheek would by
put upon the eontemplated eonspirary, it
not the contemplated usurpation, in Deeeto
bet —X. V. Erpren.
D.M.. Governor Brownlow and the mayor
of Nashville arc at odds regarding the pow
er of appointing election officers for the
coming election in Nashville. Two sets of
officers have been appointed, one by each of
the two disputants. Brownlow threatens
the Municipal authorities. with the militia
if they persist, and the city authorities have
appealed to President Johnson. A bloody
collision is considered imminent, and Gen.
Cooper, of the State Guard. is concentrating
troops at Nashville.
siir Warlike Rumors from Europe con
tinue. At present Russia is the chid
source of these reports by secret spies sent
from Austria to he making extensive prepa
rations tbr war, by collecting large armies
and arming her troops with improved wea
pons. Russia is disappointed at the mode
in which the map or Europe has recently
been patched up, and she hai a longing for
a slice of Turkish territory.
410•01 ,
Ibiir The Met asks why the Democrats
did not nominate soldiers for Are during
question war? The estion is easily answered.
Such toddlers as Democruts nominate were
in the field during the war, and were not
candidates ; and as for the parlor soldiers
they went over to the Black Republican.
*old at Moy*e• Moor
1104 Liver Oil.
d or Moyer's Drug
u, call it Ittcyces
rO.ll, ow. R.
BY H. 110:1.11.1.
We found a men seated on a curbstone
near the post office, lane night, muttering to
himself apparently, as them Was 110 01110 ildpe
to mutter to. We felt constrained to ask
him what he was doing.
"paint doin' nothin"" was the reply.
"Where do you belong?"
"Don't b'long nowhere, and nowhere
don't b'long to me."
"Who are you?"
"I'm Broke."
IM 1 1
• 1 1
. 1
"Well, suppose you are broke, you've got
a name, haven't you? What_is it?"
"I tell ye I'm Broke—Dead Broke—that's
my name, and that's my natur'. My father
was broke before me. If he hadn't Leen, I.
wouldn't he Broke now—at least, not so
bad. My mother was n Peaseley, but she
wanted a husband and she gut Broke —that's
my dad—and Broke got me. I've been
Broke ever since."
For II few moments the unhappy 1). llroko
levied his face in his hands, and seemed
lost in the most doleful reflections. Then
raising his !wad, he exelahowl bitterly;
"1 wish I had been I,om a colt!„
'Why do you wish you had been born a
aolt. "l:eeause n colt :tint hrokr until he is two
or three years old. I was Brooke the mo
ment I saw the light, and never got over it.
It is hard to Le broke so young."
"How did your parents come to call you
'f/eall Broke?' "
"Well, ye we, ns snnn n I was barn some
thinu eeined, to tell ue that 1 had Ind to
he liruke all my lire unless 1 could get my
ursine ehangol by :let or Legklature, awl
that you know would he an
— How au impossibility?"
"Are you hitch a bloeklea4 as to suppose
that a Matt can get anything through the
Legi , latnre when he is l,ry/' :1"
"Von are right. th, on."
When the conviction foreed ii elf upon
my intuit brain, confused as it was by re
cent experiences, that I must be broke all
my life, I telt that there was nothing kit to
live fir, anti lost all conscious n ess ut once.
(1 have fotot 1 only part of it since.) 'lle
is deatl !' flies! my mother, wrin g i ng h e r
keel, "Yt s.' groaned my father, 'dead
laolo I revived alas! But Itead Broke
beeante my name, and I have been dead
ktike ever since. My name has been fund
to the all thronalt hflt. The smallest boy in
altra:s broke me in playing warbles.
lt.loke wore wi n dow: i than any other boy
in base ball. I always broke down at reel
tidion, and hat] my head broke every day
IT the seltoolmaster. Wkrell left school
went to elerk it for a broker. One day
there was a heavy delieit in the accounts.
we afraid that he ittitlit think that I bad
something to do with it, so I-1 broke.
They cart .1 t toe though, and put me in
jail; but I broke out—"
"Out or jail?"
"No, broke out with the small pox."
"What di .1 you do nest?''
"After the court bud disposed of my
ea 0 I was alloyed to go into the brokerage
business again."
"[low was that ?''
"1 ho,ke stone in the penitentiary—dog
on it ! Alter I got out I broke everything.
1 broke my Prolnim!, broke the Sabbath,
and broke the pledge."
"IV ore you ever married?"
"Yes (sighing deeply), matrimony broke
me up wove than anything else. 3ly wife
wag a regular ripper. She broke up my
furniture and the dishes, nearly broke my
bail with a flat-iron, and finally broke my
"Ity running away ?"
"No, itclocti, by sticking to me,"
"Von have had n hard time ;If it?"
"All owing to my name. But bad as I
tlhdtke it, it's mine ; I came by it honestly.
You wouldn't think anybody else would
want to he in my plave, would ye? but there
are thou•ands of inipmeors all over the
e(Jnnfty trying to pass themselves off lin.
"111 what way?"
"When they tell their creditors that they
arc 'Bead Broke.'
There was another pause, during which
the unhappy pos.T.sur of an unthrtunate
:value could he heard to soh. At length he
broke out:
"It will be n simple and fitting inscription
for my tombstone, though."
"Jklul Broke."
M. ()crier:ll Schofield has issued an or
der requiring the whites and blacks in Vir
ginia to vote «t s-paratc trolls. This is not
exactly the thing according to the doctrine
of motility. We presUlllOtheVieal press
will object to this distinction between the
races. The order of GeneralScholleld looks
as though he does not think a negro "good
enough" to vote at the sante poll with a
white man. This doctrine will not do for
these times of advanced and advaneiug
Am I A RADICAO—God forbid I Call
rue any other name, but "au thou loved mc,"
call me note radical.
Whiit? a trampler upon and a despiser of
the constitution of my country ; a vilifier
and an abuser of the section of my birth—
so oppressor of my people—an avowed
enemy of my own race and oulor and a wor•
shipper at the shrine of Afklea I No, no,
not a radical. Call me anything else, but
for goodness Rake don't ottll ass
Ammo! qf Commerce.
Citemot Demeniber their own
At an election in Richmond, Virginia,
last week, auroral hundred registered ne
grecs were prevented from voting by having
forgotten the names under which they were
registered ; and a North Carolina regiater-
Mg officer estimates that at least one-third
of the blacks in that State will forfeit their
newly acquired privilege of voting by reason
of their inability to remember ut the polls
their names its they were registered. This
gives a hopeful view of .tbe, intelligence of
the now black Republimn citizens of the
United States,, under whose auspices ten
Suites are to be reconstructed and the
American Union restored. These new-born
citizens were registered but a few weeks
since, and have al ready forgotten their H 1411114,
They seem to be blessed with less of mind
nr memory than dogs and some other four
legged animals, and are, as to memory, far
below apes and monkeys. This forgetting
their moues cannot he attributed to the fact
that the dark ies have no duration or book
learning, but is owing to their natural in
tellectual incapacity and brutish stupidity.
Humanly shaped animals th a t canno t re
mender their own names would make out
[merely at acquiring a knowledge of the
laws awl institutions of the country.
opine a let of these brutish bipeds studying
the Constitution of the United Suites, sup
posing that they had been previously taught
to road. But even this is a very desperate
supposition, test how could animals that
get their own names ever remember the
names of the twenty-six letters of the alpha
bet? They would forget A while trying to
learn R. Yet these creatures have been
enfranehised and invested with all the privi
leeem pertaining to full citizenship in a
country governed by the people. They can
vote awl eentrilette to the snaking of local and
general laws. In nine States they can
probably elect the Governors and other
Sta.(' officers, a majority or the State legis
lators and of the representatives in Congress.
lu one other State they may he liable to do
this; but if nut, they will come pretty near
doing it. 'raking the ten outside States
together, it may be seed that th>y are under
the control of a set of' black, brutish senti
ment:es, very many of who ec la4.k the in
tellectual capacity to remember their own
names, and most of whom are 'but little, it'
any, more lit to vote than so many cattle.
The Radicals are prone to prate of "intel
ligclice" or "education'' as au ind 4 pensable
requisite to good citizenship, and attempt
tost:gmatire their opponents as "ignorant"
people. Yet these saute Ral;eals have
made millions ()reit izens, "at one NI swoop,"
of the most ignorant bellies on t h e continent,
the history of whose race 14 thousands or
y, ars has proved beyond question their utter
incapacity for self-government,
A stupendous eivil war, in which probably
a million of human live , were s a o r itie vi l au
thousands Of alilliOlSS Or 111',avy exptords , l,
was provoked and floctitt ; a mountain of
debt has been heaped upon the public
:healers; the public mind has been de
moralir 41 and debauched ; tlwCon..titution
has been and still continues to be trampled
in the dust; the robin of the States has
!Well destroyed and ten States have been
reduced to provinces, and their white riti•
:tens disfranchised and subjected to a mili-
tary despotism that would disgrace Russia,
Austria, or even Turkey ; and all this to de
base American citizenship by enfranchising
a race of beings that cannot remember th e i r
omen ifftmes.-11ric Irn•k Mirly Noes,
Newer Lied to the People.
"The Republican party never lied to the
people, hut Inv redeemed every pledge it
made to them."
The above is from the speech of the or
ator of the Black and Tan Convention that
avanulded in (70shoeton last Thursday, and
resolved that white men were no better than
"The Republican party never Heti to the
What pronti-es did a Republican Con
g ress make to the people or the South in its
resoiu•.ien of 1861 ?
IVltat party prolesAll to be ler the Union
anti the l'on:titutim►, anot ile-troyed both?
What party Mated that the war weld , '
eett‘te when rohinkAutt to the Constitution
was enforced?
What puny proposed to be the champion
or liberty, free speech and a free press and
what party has warred upon these with the
What part• professed the pending Con
stitutional Amendment as a finality, and
then sent armies into the Southern States
to overthrow civil government?
What party has made its record a living
lie upon all its pretention of love fur the
Union, the (7ougitution, civil liberty, law
and order?
"Never lie to the people I" Why the
Devil never had such a harvest of lies to
gather in a;► he has in the Republican party,
oh which he has a full bill of sale,
"The Republican party never lied to the
people, but redeemed every pledge it made
to them."
Thu brazen faced lie combodied in that
declaration is enough to welt the lips of the
mean, low scoundrel who gave it utterance,
and who disgraces his paternity and re
proaches his maker by his boasting declare.
tion that he "would not object to a negro
going an into a position higher than he um
cupied."—Afan'oe Democrat.
OW A Naseachimetta Yankee, the cap
tain of a conipaily in a negro regiment, has
been diainimed from the service ibr steeling
the property of tho United State®, saint it
and approprioting the proceeds to hie °Fp
As won as the :result of the California
election was known many congratulations
were tendered or sent to President Johnson.
Whether he has also beenfolieitated on the
[democratic gals in Maine we are not in
formed ; but his share of the credit is just
as great in the one ease as in the other ; or
to speak more bluntly, it is nothing:in either.
We do not deny that the great reaction
ought to give hint:considerable satisfaction,
although nothing he has done has had any
tendency to produce it. As a patriot, hon
estly desiring the re•a►hnission of the South
ern States, he must, of course, be glad to
We his adversaries weakened. Nothing
could be more dlturlish or illiberal than to
question his right to rejoice in the joy of
the'Democratic party. We should be quite
willing to heat the bush and let him catch
the bird, if the country could thereby be
benefited. But inastm. as President
Johnson has no proper identification with
the Democratic party, and as a false im
pression of that kind would be a drag on
the reaction, it may not be amiss to place
the subject in its true light. The zeal with
w hi c h t h e Democratic press has defended
the President se flu• as it deemed hint right,
must mislead nobody to suppose that he is
in any degree responsible for us, or we for
him. Ile can take unjust offence at our IT
-1110i:161;g his modes of operation, since
he has uniformly di carded and repudiated
Mr. Johnson is in no sense a Democratic
Pres' , lent. IVe did not elect him, we have
no claims upon bun, nor have we ever set,
up any except the common claim which all
citizens have upon every Chief Magistrate,
that he shall honestly support and defend
the Constitution. 1f Mr. Johnson, elected
as a Republican, had ever become a Dow
nenitic President, the change would be dated
fron► such a reorganization of the personnel
of the administration as placed the govern
ment in Demooratio hands. But no 'such
reorganization has been made. Instead of
a Cabinet consisting Of well whom the Dem
ocratic party respect and confide in, Presi
dent Johnson has chosen to be surrounded
by it Republican Cabinet, front the first day
of his a-col-ion until now. lle has had
occasion to appoint several foreign minis
ters ; but in no case has he appointed a
Jlemoer•at;in good standing with the party.
General Dii, the most, respectable of hi,:
appointees, though calling himself:a Dem
erat, long ago dissolved his connection with
the Demovratie party. 7 51r. Cowan, Mr.
Raymond, and Mr. Greeley, who have been
successively, but unsuccessfully, nominated
to the vacant Austrian; mission, are highly
respectable gentlemen, but they:have never
been Democrats. Central Kilpatrick, alter
carrying . - c°►t Jer-ey against the Democratic
party I,y a Campaign or venomous scurrility
and eras promptly rewarded by
the nii,,sion to Chili. This was more than
neglect ; it wasyntre than an ordinary at
front ; it was an open an wanton insult.—
New Jersey was the only Northern State
which the I party had carried for
McClellan, and our pride would have been
touched by its loss even if it had been ta
ken front us by fair means. But when nut
rages scurrilities prevailed against us in the
home of our chosen candidate., the immedi
ate promotion of the head libeller to a full
foreign mission was an net which laid the
party under no deep obligation to the Presi
dent. We did nut complain even of this
insult, for we had no claims of any kind on
Mr. Johnson, and there was no good reason
why a Republican President should nut ap
point to office men who had rendered ac
ceptable services to the Republican party.—
We must not be understood to make the al
lusions, even now, in a toned' complaint.—
They are intended only as proofs that Mr.
Johnson has never been, nor ever sought to
be considered, a Democratic President. We
happen to agree with hint on a point on
which he differs from the party ; but that
must nut be taken as an indorsement of his
maladroit, nnstatesmanlike, unpopular ad
Mr. Johnson not being a Demoerat, we
ant unwilling that, with his great weight of
unpopularity, he should be classed as such.
The contention between hint and Congress
is a fight within the Republican party. The
distracted condition of the country is eharg•
able upon the party that elected both, the
President and the majority of Congress, and
we expect no relief or remedy but in the
overthrow of that party. The Republicans
cannot fix upon us any part of the odium
which has resulted from their own success in
the elections. Let the fault lie where it may
we are responsible fur no part of it,. We
have not been in power. We are no more
answerable fur the Republican President
whom we did not eleet, awl have net been
permitted to advise, than we are for the Re
publican Congress which has kept up a per
vernal quarrel with him. Mr. Johnson is
your President, Messrs. Republicans, not
ours; from your party he has taken all his
responsible advisers on you he basbestow
ed all his offices be has kept you in power
by mistakes and blunders wore servieable to
you than co-operation; and whether you
doom him a blessing or a bane, its origin is,
in either case, to be traced to your selection
and your votes.
In the recent talk about Cabinet changes,
the Republicans have been willing to Ihvor
the impression that Mr. Johnson intends to
form a Democratic administration. Even if
be were willing, and representative Demo.
orate would consent, ouch an arrangement
would be every way undesirable. Its only
dim would bo to reader the Dessoeredo
party responsible for blunders and misman•
ag►mleltt, perpetrated against its judgment
and in contempt of its wishes. We should
gain a few paltry °flees without influence,
and go into the Presidential election vulner•
able by all the weapons that theßepublicans
hurl at Mr. Johnson. As he gave us no aid
when he might have aided us, why should
we now, when ho has no longer anything
valuable to give, imperil our cause by as•
suming the burden of his unpopularity ?
As things stand ; the Republican invectives
against Mr. Johnson impeach their ability
to choose a good President. A man might
as wisely think to impro"e his social stand
ing by living with somebody's repudiated
wife, as for the democratic party to expect
any advantage from adopting, in the last
days of his unsuccessful administration, a
fettered President elected by their enemies
and popular with nobudy.—N. Y. World-
Freemen of Pennsylvania.
Are you in favor of npulioting the Con
stitution of the United States, and govern
ing one third of the country outside of its
fundamental law?
Du you wish to:make the:National Legis
lature omnipotent, and clothe Congress with
imperial power?
Do yon wish to cripple the National Ex
ecutive, and deprive him of the power of
removing his own Cabinet?
Du you sanction the transfer of the ap
pointing power from the President to the
:..efatte of the United States, su that the
scoundrels whom the SuilaW hay Pureed into
the revenue service of the country, many re
main there for life?
Do you approve of Military despotism at
the South, awl the erection of Five moan:h
ies in Republican America?
Do you thank (as did Congress) tyrants
fur subverting elective governments, enact
ing and repealing laws by autocratic power,
and resisting the judicial process of the
United States?
Du you clime& to Congress the right to
regulate the elective franchise iu the Suites,
so as to dislianchise and enfranchise whom
it pleases, and thereby perpetuate its own
power and appoint its successors?
Do you sanction Negro Suffrage at the
South, and Negro supremacy in the Union?
Are you prepared to admit African Sena
tors and Ripresentators into the Congress of
the ported States?
Will you agree to have your votes 111,31
by the ballots of plantation negrocs,and your
Representatives neutralized by colored Eq.
rescritatives from the south?
Will you consent to have theSenatorsfrom
Pennsylvania balanced by the Senators of
California negroes?
De you want the President of the United
States impeached and removed from office,
because he has left the Republican party ?"
Are you in titvor of mpuindering fifteen
Millions per annum of your hard earnings,
through the freedmen's Bureau, upon the
lazy negroes of the South?
Are you willing to waste millions of public
money in registering negroes for suffrage?
Po you sanction the tionous extravigance
and corruptions of Washington and Harris
burg ?
If you are prepared to answer these owes
trolls in the affirmative, rote the Mulieut
But if you respond in the ilegative,
von THE PE3Iw,;IIATIc TICKET, and follow
the banner of SuAnswooD to vietory.—
Lancaster ktelligencer.
Ramem. ExTISAVIIIANCE. —The whole
expense of the War Department in 1860
was sixteen and a-half millions, while in
1867 it is estimated by the Treasury at forty
seven millions, both being periods of' peace.
To give the negro the (hirer to rule us,
therefine, costs the nation annually thirty
millions. Of this amount, Pennsylvania's
share is at least one tenth, and her industry
must annually pay three millions of dollars
to support a policy that cloaca her woolen
mills and stops her factories.
In our State affairs, mismanagement, cot.•
niption and extravagance are thcirule. In
1860, the whole amount of money appropii.
ated and expended, independent of funded
debt and military expellees, as shown by the
treasury, was nine hundred and ninety-at/he
thousand dollars. In 1867, excluding the
same items, the Radicals appropriated and
expended one million three hundred and
seventy nine thousand dollars. In 1865,
excluding the same items, the Radicals ap
propriated and expended two millions and
eleven thousand dollars. The reports orate
Auditor General show these bets, and prove
that in six years of Radical rule our cash
expenses have more than doubled.—Eqslon
Arming Naggers.
The startling filet has come to light that
in Virginia secret military organizations of
negroes exist all over the State. They have
been provided with arms by the Nigger
Bureau or some other Radical Agency, and
their purpose is, no doubt, an insurrection
and the massacre of the whites, the same as
happened several years ago in St. Domingo.
The whites arc all unarmed and living in
constant fear. And yet it is raid that we
boast of a republican form of government
Such are the means which our Northern
Jacobins are using to accomplish their in
fernal purposes. It is no wonder that the
President has oommenoed to overhaul
these scoundrels and brim them to Judg
ment. We have been inaned to look upon
Gen. Schofield, in military oonamand of
Virginia, as the best of all the Rump sat
raps, but it' he tolerates those nigger organi
sational he cannot be put out of the way too
quickly. The hot is not one of these des
pots can be trusted. All ought to be abol
ished, and let the country have pesos.
A Supentlllons Tenant
The relations between landlords and ten
ants would Leta more amicable than they
commonly are if both sides wore not so often
exacting and hard to plane. One party is
inclined to think be gots too little rent, and
is called upon to make repairs too often, in
view of his heavy taxes, and becomes gloomy
over the perishable nature of dwellings
made with hands, and the other , part+
thinks that his repeated payments of rent
would eventually amount to more than the
dwelling cost when it was new ; and still,
though a tenant his whole life, be cannot
lay claim to a splinter of it ; and he sees no
reason why his landlord should be reluctant
to make any repairs he may arik,consideriag
that it is but an improvement upon thelarab
lord's own property that he requests, Thus
their conflicting interests seldom leave both
parties satisfied.
Not long since a certain housekeeper call
ed and thoroughly inspected an old but sub
stantial and well•repaired house to let, and
was apparently well satisfied with it, when
the landlord chanced to remark that his last
tenant was a gentleman of high respectabil
ity, and had lived there for over thirty years
without ever desiling a change.
"And what made him go at last 7"
"Why, madam, it wasn't his fault nor
mine. lie lived here and died here."
An instant change dar?iened the lady's
countenance, and she gave a shriek.
"()h r. cried F! he, "dear me! Died here I
Then this house will never do for me. I
don't want to live in a house where anybodi
has ever died."
"It don't hurt a house any, tna'atn to have
a person die in it."
"You may think so, but I think it un-
lucky. Besides, if I live here, I should al
woys be thinking of the dead man. I feel
faint now, while I think of it."
"The man wasn't murdered ma'atu. Ile
died a natural death."
"I presume so, but still I think it un
lucky to have any one die in a house."
"People must die somewhere, ma'am."
"I know."
"And we certainly don't want to die out
o f doors."
"I know it," repeated the lady firmly ;
"but that don't alter it a bit. I always said
and always shall, that I never would and
never could live where a person had been
and died, if I knew it. 0, horror ! how
could I ever come in and out of a front door
where a body had been carried ; how could
I enter a room where a man had died, and
had been laid out, stonocold—andi suppose
he was decorated in the parlor for visitors
—in the best roam, of course."
"But what of that? Once gone, he'llnet
er come back to bite you."
"I know it ; but there the life has de
parted out of him, and out of the house—
that's what I think of it, if I express my
self—and when the life;goesiout, it seems to
me as if it left unluckiness behind."
"Than this is a vcry unlucky world, my
dear ma'am ; for unnumbered millions have
Ipft it in the same unlucky way, and thcro
must be a great many unlucky houses in this
unfortunate scene of nus talky."
"I suppose so, though 1 never thought of
that belbre."
"We are living in but a little better than
a graveyard, maam. I havo no doubt that
the world has been scarred all over with
graves, so many have got in this ugly habit
of dying. Lill: comes and goes, like the old
lady's soap."
"You appear to be a cheerful-tempered
man. I only wish that 1 could take things
so easy."
"I am so-so, ma'am, fur the matter of
that. But since you have this superstitious
dislike of a place where the life of a human
being has departed, what is your epiuion of
birth's ma'am?"
"Births ? Oh. dear, law, air I They aro
lucky. I always hold to that. I shouldn't
want to live in a better place than where
there had been plenty of births. That is
life! That is life cowing in ; and life is al
ways lucky."
"Then I can refer you to a house that
am sure would suit you. There were ten
births in that house—and all of them were
children of one family."
"Ton children born in one home 7 011,
heavenly goodness ! That was a lucky house
indeed. And where is it 7"
"This is the house, ma'am, and the ehil.
dren of the gentleman who died hero."
"Oh 1 Exclaimed the lady, leaving asigh
of amazement, and throwing up her hand.
with a stare, as if endeavoring to strike the
balance between life and death."
"I hope you're a true American, ma'am.
and believe that the majority ought to rule.
Only one life departed in this house, and
ten came in. One life balances one in death,
and nine lives majority in favor of good luck
to the house. What do you say ?"
The lady smiled, and said that she would
take the how,e.
ANY COLOR, NO IT'S BLACK !--1110 white
people of the border counties of l'ennsyl•
vania were robbed of their property, food
and clothing during the war, but the Radi
cals in Congress never voted them a yard of
muslin ore pound of bread. The Southern
nogroem lost nothing and gained everything,
and the Radicals fed and clothed them at
the publioexpenee, ever slow their libera-
tion. Every man who votes the Radical
ticket will approve tun preferenee of the
Radical Cungrese for the lazy blacks, and
their oontempt for the impoverished whiten,
lifer When you go to vote, remember that
the wasted and oppressed South, 00011 the
richest section of our country, is kept int•
puverbled by the poliqr of Congeals.
NO 11•