ItsoApibug gintlinut LOCAL DEPARTMENT. ednesatily t Sept. •11S, MU?. r p %v s will moot out mown.' for all total row , Priararia Hock howediato hMar thor. if thry Wit writes allt , lllonientlim for Ilya huhhe eyr, at them bruit no a brief rwatetheoit of overyiliilig of oNonto in their rofretire rottororitiro. A list wl stioriagew deaths, arrillfots. Afar, motorail', hurl irrastbanier. ike. We will put them to for.o. ruff* Aida of Ms kind ha rho art the hewer it will uwit If owl for fowlers. Whit mill dri it t 10 Ato - ontsoras.— Persono rile-Woe kittlitiorments illiterted. mow Wool them in early ott Tireedny room• ai to illoro 'Nit OW rliuw fm that week. Orr The amounts of the firm of 3.troby & fur na PClit fer volievtitel nre In the hond4 or the forsowine peer nu Atiftlln ntruxh N 11. 11 mom ; SAMUEL en Kt Ay, Pearer.—llts.t. 7.lmmEam,r 4. M J. e ANNIE' . Catatrhaa.— STEN' EN 13.11.0 Y. Rooringemek, OWI to tingarionrrowin.bip. biil for eoll4 , etion have been pineeil in the hand, or m( MY COLA to ,hour paymptit i iisittephsl to be made lathe earlie:4 enoveni4.tnen. In seutt Towte , ltip, all itemota Ittmaite? themselves in arroars rot eniweriptiom advettiaing, to the 'lost a RAT, will 1134k0 payment t .lo,:Epti 1, 1 1, 1 , h y. Benton.--llasitt, %et Yi,4, Ilryrrrr~ ,- 4f , t'llA K 14 4 :1. Afernl4,..-1),; , ,I; Itulahhoey---Mythiw. prielmm, Greonlqwk tire dawn 1 , ) ernes. Ar is= nre retaile,l in our market nt 111.25 per ImArl, WA. Petato, were FI , I+I tsu our ;.troeti this reel at' ecow lAt 10,1. M. If yLit unnt a brind , cnic to stAtetid the Fair, he has just received t1:0 lat—t vat. 1 1 telling or nt r i,Kr at Very Inve lOW A or Dv,360,,ti , mftt ::;" ; l e, beim:lll.M in tiii4 County. lite 1 i t .ls%o. Committees two flint proper exvrtion lK matte in getting the voile out t.) the.e. meeting*, Yctcrr.ou' S twine F.,r o, , mher is on hand. The reading public, and - ially the fcnxalw p ,rti.m r 4 it, are treated to a most capital miner. 'the Et4hinn !date. are handsome and the reading of the choice. This M •Ingi a.. tLaumo,t others—terms only V 2.60 per annum. &kr ettAnum ft. PAxpix. ettAnt,rs B. lircKALLw, JottN K. finterz,, and a few other men, h v a Na ion.,) Bank, at Bloom ;burg; the n0t...4 of are seeured by : the deposits of I "inted Foams bonds, upon which those men ysy LA No', and to pay the interest on the seine poor Jaen are tared. 'Ems our dawn town eotem ,porary "vomproliend"? THE PLArKS TO EA - v.—The pereons to buy from are those ho advert fret) netts in the new.purers. 140 l our Lime anJ city cdrerti tool make your purchmws from pertons of hm.ines enter priso who are not efrai.l of Om trifling expense incurred in rolkitiym your enqmo. Y'ouwill always boy cheaper franc tho thor. ough buckles.; man who advet ti , e= than from the drone who dt. ItSr The Denteerath: Ticket is printed at This office and reaLt for di,t.ibutit e. Can didates will please take notice, as they am 'expected, in a great measure, to see to their distribution. Every roll should he furnish td with a good supply of tickets; awl can' should be taken that they get into the right Lauda See to this in time, and all is well the victory is ours, and the State is redeem t?(.l. eel" On examination you will flnl the betnocratie Ticket its the maht-hea.l or er• cry Pentecrntie local cr County paper pub- Halted in this State. When the ticket is nt.t touud theie, the paper is lcokcd on w;th anapieioe. as not being sound in the raith. When it is shored about runeupt advertii ing, in obscure plums in the paper, what are the trader* to infer? Po they make tip their winds that their paper is Democrats? "Nut much 1" =EI Out PAPER.— We return our sincere thanks to tho. Democrats who have actively taken the matter in hand to extend the cir culation of the PEWocrtAT. Since the Con vention, they have added litany names to .our HA. It is gratifying to B•td that our v:Torts to furnish the party with a good pa per are so highly appreciated by tutu who sever heforo subscribed fir their County pa per. Keep the good work going on. You ore doing as nitwit fur the pally by giving a wide circulation to its local organ as by any othercoUllie you could pursue. Mr Dr. Jahn has resumed the pill box as per advertisement in lest week's local col umn. Ile there talks of "digestion," "rice water discharges," "Llack drops," litre a very Esenlaiitus. Hitt he shows his spleen 10 hitching into others who were for merly his patients, but who now. according to his amount, have stolen into the profes ioti, profiting, he probably thinks, by their experience while in his hands. The Doctor's chaste and beautiful exposition of nedicsi knowledge will probably help the ltepublitsa party a good deal, sod the Ikm trade party some. Saturday last a great hunting tch took place between parties from this The choosers were, Ursa+ l)u.ticr. thelts r ide, and WILILIM 1 Mtn Hui: ill the They selected their hunting u ;d, stall commenced curly ou Saturday to feturn by 9 o'clock in the eve . the party to pay for en Oys ipper !lAA hands, at the Saloon of k Mem Everything considered— trill • strange grounds--there qc s,, 1 114 good game brought xg w .; 4 one "hear," two ' %lot of 7 • • and gray oquirrelm, n th .1 ground squirrels, mins ,larks, wood-cocks, c o, U. The suppers fell stir Mosul who aro not t►lre - Wooed should rotuetul►er that dept. 27th, is the last day when it em ho done. Do not l',altot it, as it 14 fl very important matter. A few votes in each &teflon district, phquld they 1w last, in the aggregate, would amount to kevoria thousand, sullieitatt to bawl oonwly turn the elcetion. It is seareoly nee. exec►ty to remind the Democracy that this is a very 111:1111 AD- Cole uontionos to rise. Rep adieu n. Yes, and it will riontione to rise until the thieving, Comoitotion•hoting, rag-brior urn vto I% kb you iJeloor are lii&tvtl from power. LI the row men make a note. New Within the whole range of tonk niterotive nieflioines known, none entitle:l o more wil.,iflerition tli n t the PPIIIVI3II Syrup, In nil Cases of enreehle , l nwl eotheafttion it is OW nary remedy need. fqh tnOA p,mitive prua of this can to Ems' St 7ltihing at Wilkes'lottrre a thy not long since we nano! in the establiAtuent or 'ntr Denowratie friend joitcpti MianY, and rofillfl him. al ho alw.ty , 4 is, pleasant no I 50...J0!" ...Jo!" enjoy.; the reputation, and justly, of one of the inNt minim: , in the country. l'or gnall to eat and everyl.o ly owe, to !dowry's. IV.i v.% roN's OIN rA'r 19 an CM Dna triad ron,.*.ty, nbieh keeps rothiantly lug po i rthirity 94 it. , nwritsbecome Loom). It li been tho puhrw kr more than tixty awl is universally :,-;.n0w!.4iir...1 to kt thy mo certain and owe t ‘cr fiw Salt It bourn. I 'lcor.% rhiii,lit'n., t ter, vt: adi i or it is, Itch, an <1 bill cra , ll-we the nv , uip.tin ea , q. , inlrty.vight hour-. Prank Lady's )Iralaz . me as 1 GA). •tw or 1 , 11;oa i s rule, la rye, tionthi,y rowl;Wina. all tlw 43r a tirxt elom 78 . 1a-v r z: t w awl t:az,tte Th o Ilion aro promw, eI at a 1.11. ,, ex.}. ..n • IT the pa' 411. rcrst Prat Park All iwri• wlo fie•lre to t wt the krte start' .. , sw/ ftshions will sub,et•il=e r,r this iwsitnte not one mma m i t Vit t .ler. Toms $3.50, and it 14 %VIM/11 . 0M' tittle.; tilt. 1114 they. Col. (Tx:leg Kloliter, a native o 1 Now liorlitt, and proqmt proprietor or tho Charles rat Third Street. Philadelphia, Las vet eived the I:ailival nom ination rn. Assembly in the Sixth Diatriet or that City. Vt,r The Republ;roa sayi that a Demo er.ll: paper in Ohio ha 4 come. oat in favor nrnettro anffra c, aml want: , to know what w. think of that. It would ho Crit Mr , to know what the Prim:ll.'ln 11.4'4 or it. Ii; oditor or that cowardly shoot. O 4 we an in favor of Math sn!Trago, Lut h o d u o not avow it. Our z•entino tits on the woll known, and it is weak and Tinent to a k vs *that ste think' of the alrolittation. But let the it'eptil,ll.- rqu, if it d4re.., rite its !TO ler:, t h e views of itt, editor as f.titly ant sturdy Ito we do onr. Jinn (' —Thu Cholera and Throat Disease in lbw's i 4 prevailittf.`„lo a fearful extant, in FnilinCeiltniS. It is tntlettd mud' to be regretted that the farmers and meek owners shonK in these pressias times, mitt ter to math loss front these tend& divsse , . it is stated, by same that have used the reparations. that F4)111.'S141.:11RA• IT I )11 1/11SE: AN I ) c.tri . LE vow outs will tam. it; and it' eevasionally used, this time of the rear, will entirely ' , molt the Ilisea4es. 'this is a sinnhln TOtaiply and eu-y to get—we believe all respeetalde stoves Nett ahem for sale. We wcotki advise owners of Hoes to t kti it a trial, as great g , ed can he accomplished by its tute. Tim ritlExo, fir 04olsv 1867. A beautiful Steel Engraving called "Tug LActc-31.tx re," leads off flee etubzlli-h -tattoos of the Oet.',ir nutu!scr of this "Queen of' ;he Monthlies. Then we have the mad refined and elegant doable Fashion Plate, etigravol on stc4l; not rt common lithograph on iia :P. This is followed by elite illustrative of Children's Fashions, Walking Dress, Spanish Mantilla, Tuttle Peplum, Velvet Jacket, New Basque Waist band. Lady's Jackets and Paletot, Princ ess Tunic, Paleiot with Sash, Little Boy's Blouse. Little Girls' Paletots, &c. &e. The Music is "The Wife's Dream," and is of itself worth the cost of the number. Among the Literary matter we note "Ralph Kirkwoods's Sister-614c," by Amanda Douglass; "Hew a IVoman Had Her Way," by Elizabeth Prescott ; the conclu sion of "Orville College," by Mrs. Henry Irmo/ ; 'in Love." by Helen M. Pratt ; "How to Make Wax Flowers," (with illus trations) Editorial Articles, Receipts, the Fashions, &c. We would suggest to our lady readers who desire to get a Wiintatu & WiLsoN Smixtt MAt ntNr. that the "Lady's Friend" offers one of these ma chines as a Premium for Clubs of' Thirty names, ntni that it is not a moment toe soon tocommenee making up their lists f o r next year. A beautilid Steel Engraving will also be sent gratis to every single (2.40) sub seriber, and to every person sending the usual club. Specimen numbers of the magazine will be sent for twenty cents. Price (with engraving) 52.40 a year; Pour copies (with one engraving) fcB.oo. One copy of Lady's Friend and one of Sat 'allay livening Post (and one engraving), tloo. Address Deacon & Petersen, 319 IVelnut Street, Philadelphia. MARKET REPORT. Wheat per bubliel, $2, to Rye, •S 1 10 Corn, ll 1 (10 BM:lWheat " so Oats, ' 4 .: i • • 70 Cloven:mil 11 71K) Fizzes. " 2 50 Dri'd apples " • • 2 MI Potatoes, " 71 Flour per barrel, 14 00 . Butter, 30 Eggs per dozen, • 211 Tallow per hound,. - r .. 14 Lard 14 15 Haute, if 23 Shouldere, ' 1 - 15 Ilay per ton, • ' ' 12 00 Irtitittn . ; Ou tho 214 Inst., hit 0 Roy. William J. Ever,Mr. Wm. It aolser, to M6O Anna Elizabeth sotestoin, 1,11 or Catawba*, Col umbia County, D . . In Illeoinmburg, on Friday, September 13th kit., William F. Cramer, after a lin gering aged '2 years and I day. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. It. IK1,41.1:1‘, ATTORNEY—AT—LAW, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Onitv, 20 . floor, in :xduinyo . TPork, near the "Lxvitsthire II t 431 plowed In him band's will ne. nrtrnAnd and ram. L'ullerlina* inn.le With the !Pawl 11001161 n dolay, I Sem . M 7, lissol,llloN OF COPARTNER .:1111'. Thn f rto of )4. A, Four! k Mitt any 4ts sulveu /by mutual rr+usttrt $. A. rout* rotritta U. 1 1, I'OCTZ ix busby toithotixed fasmolt. he bust ttess in his own 1141110. S. A. POUT', 4JAVI9 COCTZ, Amino, I 00, evntintte Ds Orr DrIIOI,ESALE, DRUG g AND DEDWINE 1111.41NRAA MANITAIITUR. IN': Ft Pi t`i . Z . A it C. DICIN phf.., No. I I Franklin greet, under th 3 1131111 , anti «r URYtU G. rouTz, minium°, Aneu.l 1, 14117. ITCC:CIi S ITCH! !!! Felt Writ ! Fett xrcii !! scunTro t in from 10 to 14 boors. Wo!bstort's ftirtme...l rums Itch. Vibt.tton's Omtuttrit rams pat, R..rm Wheattot'a Ointment runs t IVA /R:trberes' Itch Wheatotes Cirtment IIS (Mk 014 Forea. Wheaton's inn , in.nt count Lvory kind ar Humor like Mafia. rrien, pa rent p n ;by total. bit rent,. A Ol l/r+ , ,. WEKKI 4 At PO rrlia, NO 00 WitAlttrillil *10,4, 11,1,0141, .alit by 311 Wing iSta • Viti7. -1 yr. not? Ili A G Tr WA Ni TED eoirit 00 , 1 . . for 3 N,•Vt' BIBLE DICTIONARY. Ci:oMri,r IN ()NE VOLUME.) I , ll''fitO.APY v 1116,011. 11,0 rooel.l or ti, pool ro-oot ,1 t4lll V. rt'loOtO tl. 11114 ittve,tlgetieti of ehoet e s It* t*, hve of the 1101.4 tie Breit thlth e,l Settolere 11..t° Inapt I'b repttee of rat tteneett iluiaer r. ,eer+. et It toed rester , . it 10 , 1110 , !old work , 4 * It. WOO to the Vitt. tett' Itateentte. nett tete Oliffh em-kt 10 he In the 1113.1110 Or every Bible reejee le the thud. rwiilfiling ift4r Work. Avnto e9ti twi n pica , * ant nod lor.oit ;,;etc employment. notnerona oh. p-rtiott. unicti are , ouivially rornatitored in rwillog eetdin.try works will not exist with /4c,, lint. ohs thn col , rntY e o e.nit3V - ioent and friendly aid will ati,tnd the %)rmit, mown( is labors tigrin, 01110. noefni, knit Inemive, 1.111!# ,• 0, re I red C let 01 Dien. Pehrml TeDelloro, rrirniero, titteleete, onlf rill other+. Own ' , Dote., W9l: V, MT ttilfitl 4, l to ist In Can v =too ng every nerd 1,11'11;1, to w ho a' thtl 11104 w ty, I~tG red. For p»nteutare. tipptv to Of adatost t..% It MAI 11110111131,A, 722 A;41 , 44 0 :1 1 04,41, t row) 1 ,4 14—E ay., ( 1 EN EH E LECTI. t 4, A 51 A T I ON Inftltrll. by the Imo' of thi.Coonunnwe.Attb it is orlde ttpn duty et the , Sheriff of eve r y c o mity t o give nowd of the G.oerul Eleeti,m4, by publie.t• Itollll 4 , 1 Matt. 11 , -W spapPrit of oho toonty, ut lea.t tw , toy , re tote elisetiou, trod to eou moretr tib - r , qo Ib^ Whet'''. to he ri , e1 , 41 and it/ (1C.414. olf“ tueltt:itew at winch lb • vblettub jo4 IA be held. Tttetel. , ro. I SAMUEL SNYI4t. ILO sheriff of to!..toOtto Count tr.rotly toAlot kootvo and t Ltiot 1 ,, Ut, q 0,14.44 of Ctduroh Con nt y. alit! Geo tut' lit,. toot Witt b,ht o , * Lit:il ra 01V Of 1 /00111tAt. 1P , 117, timing tio. , ctool Toe,doy Ut Pn , l mouth. / 41 144 1414,111 01`tr. I , wrttun the minty, to wtt r toss ‘,..istp, at the 'pout Ootoso of Ch ti .totn Stilosikao do Nau iltOtt ht the pubfic !boom! of Julio J ilwtov,“ of T. za lb , 6'uu.l house, in Bloom" fiery irk, tit thn Timn linnso, in the her. twgh Uerwwk. l'o,ronyth r 7, nitatitt, at lha public houlet or It. A W. 1, 4, /1840. the p4ifilic Pella° I PtriA 5v %,1 , , 5,N at tip+ pat,liu roofs of Hoary j 113! I+, in tioe t,,4 CHU, ithth, 4i the tte.nokil twits,. near hafay trio t ...OA • 0,1 t) nOia towtaAtip, at tlvt halm of Gan lel Al' Is 1,. rtshinr , reek town.hip, nt the Nitrite hotsle for k. yti.j Held:MOO Ilenry Ott 111,' , Stole fond. F1 , 11.k tio tow 11:i) 60,,111.1 - 0.04 140110t11111 01 the 1001,te 01 .10.0141 Itut no.tup. lit the puh!h: house of John Huffman to tiou luau of hoch iloro j 4c ,..ds I,ll%N.ittp, at uo• of rdt • t.i• I Colo. t,orupt tux nobs.. tit III.! 1111; lc 1.01.1. e .41 1.1 Yemert, 111 taht:rtottn. filoilloos tuts &whop. ql the ptsioltr, 11,01,e 0 1 A wn' , lie, the tutt oil of altuthowsitu. tiNii.liip• Al tU. lioldlo busip.• of Samuel *ll titito•illtott it. I. ri.littaltl futVeisitip, at tlif• public limise or 11, t . Awihk. Montour town thsp. at the hou‘a or Wm. 1191ti40 • Mains km bebop. at the pue:te bowie . of &tout!! Puler. Konfin:cree% tewwthm, al Ihtt boom" formerly oc. /milted by (ang, ton is.hip, at he p•ubile house of John Sn)'der. is. (troupe% . Pnu• ton o, bq.. at tiro eerily: school holm. Ibe n .'n• place flied by 'Ale of tun cot rige.t. ••f , tosJ tottuthlp . yytt4.l .1m r.. 11,11 Rollie Qr A.itirle srul• ~NlN,hip, mt psrittac bowie of William N.Mley, in Al h 'eh I Ipso and p Ince Ihe poll:heft electu . s will kr, by ballot the lona% hog mate, Juoietary au•l otticera. elr peg. n for Judpe of the Yopreme Cutrrt of pennytvinta, one toter•all r.., mho, oi 1,114. 1,.• r•• a lux l.uuuty OIW lo•r...11 for 1: Holy 1 , onoillip•10111:1. and ofto perpoll lot Jury Cootairsomer. tool owe pecton fur County I'4 ildstur. It la (Holler diverted that the eleriion polla of tom weerel diattirt• shall hr opeond b.ll%een the ..... ro el eight end lan • 'dock in the WlOllOOll, and •hall rotating° open Imbue' Inkfr7pllo4 or cold our nbto •rw'4 u'lluel6 the cruau•y Nhvli Use pada •h4ll b.. tlepiel. • It I. foutlier *liveried that the interline Of the re• tutu inag e e At the Enert Honer, in olowso4eire, to wake old the R.norol gleri . b, h o w na t tidal the Eleventh dty of 04.0b.r. next. 'nu, Newly Indere of the Etpre.rodaltve Marino foll.l so , A of the fiillhll.o of 4 4114111abi4 so.! . 31 0 144,4 a. d bol meet lit the Cowl lloono itkosisomirit 055 7 dumbly. Om Fifteenth day or Una's , . nett, lo 411500 nut Vie tettli Ito Art itioWbet nr NuTIvE Is lILUEBY IiIVI s. That every person excepting iiirtleee of the _Peace ' A n n . h ail lil.l any attire or ippoill Motod of profit or trust tinder the United rime.. nr of tete Store. o ny ineraproasi d dititirt * bellies a routlllllo •Itottro onieur Of uthprviri.e. a Itiliorilinale tinker o Item nitre or !loll! be un g., t h e r. „, or attire. f.11.•011111V0 Of judiciary clepartnimit of this PIMP, or of any rill tor or ally incorporate:l illoicict. and airy. that tarry an other o r ...ban,. an d of ri ru , elate 11.egiiibitiste, and of Ito. Pruett Of coioniOn cow,. ea of any e nr ...Wrier { of any incorporated Moffitt. oil by law int enable at the none Slit, othre or armour uu tit ul Judge. lia•pec• tufo of 111, rk faun) Oct I 101 l ol MID 1.011.1/111111 , PUll h. and that 510 1 to•aa etot Joiolgoo tor other ()Meer of a Kb rterbnn dealt be eligible to ho !ben toted for. ' 11 enall be trig Italy or Ibc oteleeroll A r..itrOr. te• rprruvly to attend al ilia plate of !widow *very aptetal ur Irwn.lull. firrltool If Sept oven 1 . 1 teelorPool Vann' Ittloofinollool to the .r. ant i Julie• * lieu called on. in relation to li.. tight 1 ,1, 0 4 6 , 0 4 by tbein to vine at awe else mod on aiii b ether onntl .irs in relation to IV aosessitiont ol votere• to in..pectora or t tiller of them i.ti;ill from I i Ille MI • ••Fn person aleall he permitted to vote at any elee lino as aforesaid. than a whits citizen 01 the' aye n twenty•on,• ur more. who •hall re•id , •,l iu this st :raid moo year. and in the elcrtion oiatreet *hale hr• offer* to cote IVll iltivo immediately preen dins surh r triton and within two years pouf a Slatt, (40 Cnuuly lux w hirli .11011 110.0 linen red 44 I I. kit I. is 11u) a brinr.• the clue I tint. Hot a 0101110. nt OU who ham pr, viouply lowa votor or I h,. Slide and rt.lltar.l. and w ho shall have Tr 5i11...1 I. the rlrchnu ninirtet and paid Intro as alnre.d ud, shot, be Chi tiled to vote alter ►e. old In 4 in 11 t■Stait via month... Pt ovlded, Y•hat Or w bon Irembnll, runtime of ihn Cm Aril States. bet wrest er ic a y. at Iwmutv•nna end lWrilly two years who the Mention district ion day. its afore. .1.1 shall bn rniolvd to Cole althouab they shall mil 110 Vi: 'laid 1140. ,t , ,.11 under my hand, at thy ogles, to tlloamaber~, this /nth day of neptenobbr, ENYDEK.Stoiteel. Sept. lei, tijoy. I;TItIX'S NOTICIR: tears or Jam. Ks RIM 'NOWNIP bourn Ix hereby el yen 11141 letivr• in•tu mentarY en OW cede ul Jacob Kerns, decocted. late or ri , lllllll Cfrllk lownobtp, Columbia Omni), have been grllrit• yd by 11w Next titer et %GM County to Ilfertbah Semi, who recut*. In wild town•bib : bed ill pi repos hit lag chime me/onel the relate are xtutlasted to Mufti them to too executrix for lettiemeat, anti thole lienw• Ina lbeiuselece to be indebted will tottlie payment, ILLItPIII. Executrix. Awfult 1867. :~ Jo 'wonby giount 141 oto, Wit ookrolinoi, Olson. or 11000100 (.. Tooroo Coho*No. I.lnooly, from thlo dnlo ^rIO. 144%110We! *Foy porker lir inmenno WINO Ong on our hind.. 111 wMD ire Nowt In deft will he floilt of , OP ortoudloo In kW. Moibloo ppltrason, lir. J. 11. Hymns. I.4The I 7 Nurnl, WUhiai %palnman, lloli 11444100, Pyoroosor ruffed, Clt. W. ( Richert, I .Ikeith nil Ho tit b. I Woo. Wintorownn. Ilvinlo.k, Moot, 10, 1407.-30%-pd. EXTRA WHEAT noUR, • AND PEEP, OP ALL KINDS, Volt sun mow. BY Monm.burg, July in, N 1 11' (IOOI)S! NEW (loops I The public boar in mind that W. CREAMY t CO. have constantly ms hnnJ TEE LA Ilf; EST AN D BEST SELECTED STOCK OF MODS IN . 7 , 1 416111 S REIA. All kinds of Rood Good. tit CAP for rush or mon• try proauco. 11.10111 1 Irtel, 1 ily 111. II EX CRS* Newly im pro ed iVA ESCNINT SCALP OVERSTRUNG PIANOS, Acioliiwi.miu on to lig Lonittm rrizoledul n9d boxintot rewards in Muir Ira r , c+ivoll. M,Pultios nird SCroll4 bond P 1 no,i , Moor, IVo. ARvIl STREET below April efi, AN ArTrAIN titItAJESTION Now, as heavy fogs arise and searching winds coirpituetwo to blow ; now, as the Itn rnall.bodn oNiatnstel inanimate natuni by the beat,i of summer, begins to wilt and droop ; now, ere the indignant winter makes its trying t : NOW is the time a prepamtory course of the le4 ttedhulting in eXi tatwe, itiisTrmut's iwnrits Fever and .lane is rampant in all parts of the country. Quinine. the physicians nd mit. will not quell the phase (lithe disease vltivit at present pervades the entire IVest. It is well that it is so, (hr the remedy (su eall,d) i deadlier than the malady. lint if quiltine intermittent fevers, tit tvrartat's rrrrEus is irre4istible. It.would be safe to make a contract, under heavy penalties, that env given "Peavcr.atl Ague District" should Isar e ompted from the ilisorikr for any par ticular time, provided every inhabitant would 111,e the iirrrPttS according to ditee tinns, during the term of the contract. There bas never been au instance in which this sterlittz itivigoratit and anti-febrile med. icine has failed to ward off the complaint, when taken fink' as a protection against malaria. Ilundrock of physiehms have abandoned all the otlieited specifics and now prescribe this hat mle-s vegetable untie, and nothing else, as a preventive and cure for all the Lorne , of eliilis and fever. Vigor is the thing most needful in these eases, as well as in dyspepsia and nervous affections, and IllosTrrrries VITTITS are the safest, sureq, the host wholesome and strengtheeiltft weptrat ion that human skill has yet concocted. Sept. Is. tsii7. 4w. Dr. WlNtor's Mason) Of Ditd tlierry. Where (his article is 'known it is a work of sut , ererogation to sly one word in its fa vor. so well is it established as an unfailing dp ‘mwhs, Colds Bronchitis. Croup. balfinz mh, A itlim diseases or the a, disea, Coi bffil Longs, as well as that oto-t dreaded or all di Consumption, which high aw4lieal authority has pr , 88.018- 0 d to la. a eatable d 8 8, , „ Those who hare mt.) this remedy know its Value ; those who have not. have hot to make a simile trial to bb satisfied that of all others it is the itonedv. The twits" v. Jo.; oh gethiler, well known and lunch re , peeted among the t ;enroll) population of this country, writes as follows : Hanover, Pa., Feb. 14, 1859. MeYsrs. S. W. Powle & Son, Roston. tear Sirs Having realized in any important benefits limo the uso of your v:tittable pitiparation—Wistar's Balsam of ild Cherry—it. affords me pleasure to re commend it to the nubile Some eight years aro, one of my daughters seemed to be in a &Ohm, and little hopes of her recovery were mite. mined. I then procured a bottle of vont. excellent Balsam, and befitre she had taken the whole of it there was a great improvement in her health. 1 have, tu my ett , e. made frequent use of ~ o ur valuable medieine, and have been benedttell by it. I would, however, caution the public against imposition. became there is a good deal of spurious Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry afloat throughout the country. None genuineunlem signol "I. Batts" on the wrapper. Prepared by Seth W. rowle & Sun, Is Trcne Street, Boston, and fur tale by Druggists generally. CHRONIC DISEASES, SCROFULA, I:iceri, It is well known that the benefits deriv ed frion drinking of the rongress, SsrilloF,a m i id other celebrated Springs s principally owing to the &Etre they contain. Dr. D. Antlers' lodine Water contains Wine io the SUMO pure state it is found in these spring water, but over five hundred per rent more in quanlily. contain ing as it does I grains to each fluid ounce. dissolved in pure water, without a polrent, discovery long sought for, in this country and Europe, and is the best remedy in the world for &r o ndo, os a r e ra Salt Rheum, fleets, and all Chronic dimedera. Circulars free. d. P. Dinsmere t Proptietnr, 3f, Dey Street, New York. Sold by All Druggists. Sept. IS, ISll7 4 w. NEW BAKERY AND CON FEC TIoN ER Y LlBiztvlatblltlactilVm.cip mitt Obi Tn it o 'AT u ET, nw.ow m AR K = r. PDX, Ploppirtorof thle estebliehment, would rePtiPrtrally lacono hia old and new real oilier., that h•• has evetyllwia tilted op nt hia new !land to Ph able Alin to furnish them with lIREAII, I .7AKEt3, AND Ca tilt i4"l lON MOEN, a. heretofore, Ile has made arrenapinente Ow the rale of Bread, with V 6 m. Kraethas, who keeps a Conteetton• „y store illtPetly *PIKIPi" "EX(7IIANGE BUILDINGS." where pnrenns Jeri ring bread an be neruninmdated St nll thine*. r/^ iirrenher all person•. wbn have hens furnish rd with Ale, 14V, Hem snit POW,, by the whole, half, or quarter barrel, will all upon Wtt.,6lMl GILSII JIM at his Saloon In Phives' Block, Main Stria, who has hero etithorise I by the iinderrlgnnd to .ill the seine. Metallic/instantly hirer a rupply on hand, which will he wild at the lownrt frigrolot rated. Mr. F. har to tonnectom with Me iltikery and Con. ertlonery , fitted up rooms for the rale of IEE CREAM, , . to all Who may favor him with their custom, Ile I. ilea prepared to make lee Creneu In terve queeti ties for parties, ptitale or militating& as thn rare may he, Everything pertaining to his line et humor** will treated entrful and dtlikelil.,ilitellti nß k CT He id thenkfnl to his enrolment tor part la von, and most cordially solicits s contlenanen of tea souls. J. Y. Fox. April a, 18117. BLANKS 1 BLANKS!! avirr (humor' no 101 milt, at Me oMco arkOratie NOTICES.,* FIPECIAI4 TREAT MINT In NIP come of 11001001, flooool. V flow Anil IfervoulP *novomoo In WOO Or re• A4rice Prop find sorroppumlinoo Illicitly can longiol. [Jan.% 11107,—1y. Pomples pool free. No eaplial reglred. tiolleo or llentlomou can earn hum IPA* per Aar.— Enclose otamp,ond othltooo TMIPP k GU. , Xighth et, pew Tort. Jon, 0, ING7.—Iy. D. W. POPPIND The, alh.ctiono of the awoke mill may an gained by following eluipla 'oleo, and all may ma rry if &aired, withwlt NUN to wealth, age ur bean ty Mend directed envelope and stamp Ow particulars to Madam 11.11011bLE OKIN ARM:. Jan. V. IvOIL-Iy. nibin Honey, pins. Took. If you aro mifforins from Ow Wires or Youthlai tn• diaormion an 4 have Stillillfd Weaknomr. Emission*, will read yon, frau or charge, illrOflllatiOn which if followed will emit you without the aia o medicine*. Addreas 11111 RY A WOWS, JAlt. a, Station D. New York. DEAFNESS, MA.), ES$, And Caterth, treated with the Minuet *tweet*. by IR A ACrt, M. O. Mullet end /Intim (formerly oilier den, liollOod,) Ni. 319 PINK OM Pt. Pll ILA D'A,— Tentintoninle, from the most Potable nefiret'S in the city nod CMlllify CMS he 'teen et hie flaky. The med. kat (acuity are invited to necompsity their pidieloll. Ug tin ice no secrets iti hi. penetiee ARTIFICIAL EY Let. inserted without PAIL No chow for exam. ittntion. April tl3, Nat —ly 11. W, CRI:ASY St Co. FREE TO EvEn YBODY. A forge d pp. Circular, giving information of the great"! isopotionto to the young of both sexes. It tebehrs how the homely may become he willful. the deninned tnapeeted. and the fornalten toyed. No yeah* lady or peotlttnan tditatld fait to *OW their, toldrest, and 'meatye a sop,' port paid, by to. torn tuna. Adhere P Drawer, 21, 'N.D . , N. V. Fab 17 The oxprionee or the pnnt tun yenta has ilnmnii Int mini the rail that reliance may bo pinion in the et thery or Bell's Specific Pills, for the meetly and permanent corn ofinrinhist weak• nets. Emleriotlo, 111Sikie.11 And Mervin'. debility,tm• potence, er want ot power, the result or neguel tem,. o youthful Inthocretion.whieh negleeted mine the kaphineen, nod Hornet pufPrer tar flusiortee. iiintiety or Marriage, and often terminate,. in HO untimely VOW. Make no delay in seeking th e remedy. It to entirely wettable and harmless on the 4y,t1!111, flirt be need without it, tertion or inter. femme with business plinitilto,lllld no change of Cie, in necermiry while using them. Price, One Dollar, jli!l cannot 11 , 1, them or your &unto, semi the money in 114. J. nryan, HO Broadway. New , York, and they will be rent free from obtertiation by return• of mail, Private Owlet's to Contletnen rent net on appli eahon. (Jon. 9, 1,417, 1y & co, yots requi re a rehable remedy to ferrate yon And re move frregidar Mos or r)brtractioa•. why not one ihe heft t 'nutty yene foffieriehre has proved the have no equal for }teaming Übnifuntiens and Irreg ularities. ho matter from what cause they /AMC I They are, safe and !UN in every case. Nit*, One Donor. per hod. is a remedy four degrees stronger than the aboso, and intended for wrist , rases of long attending, Pure. rive Dollars per hos. A Woes' Nit ere remoter, with Engravings, sent PTO' na applicninin, if YUU cannot gei the rills of your ilrorgist, send the money to Mr.!. Bryan. ela Proadway, New York, Ind they wi ' li be Sent free from observation by return or now. pen. KNOW THY DESTINY. Madame IL F. Thornton, the great Englinh Antral. rigiot, Coin roynnt and Poydiumetricnn, who tow antoninhed the nrientille elannes of the Old World, has now located her , elf at nude" N. Y. Nail une Thornton p. 1444 9 ,404 molt wonderftli powers of 04C. ond sight, en tuirnatile her to impart knowledge of the no - alert importance to the mottle or married of ,idiot tea. While in 4 mate of trance, she deline ate,. the CPO' fflilliffOl of the person you ore lo ono. ry, and by the ail of an instrument of inteane pow• ,14114)4111 it. tie Foy chuniotrope, poorooloos to pro. duce a lifelike picture of the Niece husband or wife oh the applicent.torififf with date of tontine. Poi sition its lire, leading If4lif of ChAttificf, &c Thin in 140 bomber, an hounands ofteetimaoeiaisran cc. moot rhe c 111 SCO4 whorl &Orid a restaffed rettifl• Cole, Of Written yuarnotee. Vint the picture in what it porpoitn to he, By enclioni; a small fork of hair, and Outing place of birth, age, dinpunitioti And CO. elltittojinf fifty cent,* And OWIIIOII Oficol. ape addressed to ~t, ,, vlf yen will receive the pin-- tore and desired 'frothiest un by return mil. Alt communications *mortify confidential. A ddress In PI E. E.3IIOIiNI"AiN. I. if Poll 1404.444 N. V. l Eeb47 n.7—ly EXCHANGE RESTAURANT. The Preprieter hoeing' tennvate•d and ta fitted Rti6TAURAN.T. in the hAsemeo,t of Ile EXCHANGE HOTEL, he would most toSporlfolly solicit a continuance of wt. pull ttl.llo , 10 iuN of t irllSltilllerp, lllid carriinliy in I, 111 , I lit , NitOnlie.n el 111:W lo pit terrew),efierna foll"ws = s. i tk. Stir LI OT SIP' ) S ' 441 ',I i J CANNED OYSTERS zsileLD OVPTERS. ftlEttll VISII, time times per week, HAM AND FAM 4 . TRIM, BOLOGNA, limiter LIQUORS AND CIO MIS. Ai" t Iy. ter* can be served up to customers at 4 moments notice, in STCW6D. AFTI). now), on HAW. tomtit the tatitoo ot the viturimt. JOHN F. ettl44olV. tfloomptturg. Athrttot. ZA, !sea, A BUSINESS CHAT. Conti morning. iSioire, which way with btu bundim. wool On my way 'mow, sir ; 1 have int rolls tor my lid w. *ton to ON . ); Well *mire, it it is n kit queation, where 1114 yoli 0 , 1 cording door , on slum? Volore's factory, Where is Mid t , Near Orangeville. I tell ynti it Ws to art ratifies done there. Vence enrols for 0 ea. per hi. if you hike nod bring your wool. le has rebuilt hie rna• ill 00 unit got frOWitirds on. Deoend on it no poor rolls ye wage there, as he is tending his machine himself this season, lie says, for en 40emilmodn. tiOn for thove,who live at a dishowif if they leave their wool at sillier or the 010,114 in ormotoeit in, the paw will but atten.loil to. Abe*. their cloth for fel. lints (•luring and dressing. over •:s yea's, Owe Jane 1441 Vetere has been steady at the Wl , lOOOll, with one rootlet price. No ono sod downs in his priers. kith and poor all served Fartory OW Or tnitoville, in Mt. pleasant Town t.hip,C, Imam County. GEORtie VANCH. A orupt, 14, 1007. IVIANHOOD: HOW LOST, 110 W lit ESTOR ED. .1_ . . ~ , • , Surr published, f h a " s nit ed mere+ ~,ljid 3 lop. Price a tents. Matere on the limn** lahrifor. 14,41 Mil sure of k i ateatanOrtantoona .0 moire emit, itioriiiwt boor-low , inv.i nt id el „ 0 „ 1 i m .. Otiltiftr i Tifillot I ttg4A l antViZi Elto ; COI AI AO ~ Myeloid .Inommte, ty. - . „. Robert , . Puliefwell. RC P.. author of the . Rook,' Mc. , -".,..„- The wort., rottniefint anthem. In Min lid MI rafillot4 tome. Money pt 0,0 31 3 . f0311 ill* own eipnrience, illmM t h e a wful eeneedneneitio of Salto/them may be 'Mirk artily neentred restbnet Medicine. and without' MM. woornum matrical oplorattena, bnotwipm. inetroonteitti, tiro, Or cordials, prolate, out a Med* of MI I WOO OOPlOill 11011 elfetrotal,, *hien every , to . to .. mote ! what Me rtotte n nem he, Mal ' hlmsilf cheaply . priVatety nit + rielitaity, Twit titre will prove a boon to thnetionotot and thoutomollo. Sect midi, wok to any addrenikiiiip i ttet , 4 on tootollt of ail tont*, nor tiro Alen Pr. Velverwelll Iderropl eel z i lk l , : itel w ai tt .444,.., 0.441.0.1 44 , 4 in. .. , 5 z 44111111 !lowan}, neme w • . ..`i ?VI 131191re—IY Milli =I A(1 NTS IV ANT ED, LOVE AND MATH DION Y. AVOID THE QUACKS. Yin - NO MEN. TO LAMES Dr. Harvey's Female Pill, Dr. Harvey's Golden Pills, V AMOUR sTTLEs, EHAt XOTIMS. ERRORS OF YOUTH. A Ovalle/mut who euffUred Inv ream Dom Nrryoua Nebillie, Propagate pats and 011 ibn ydnala of ywill , nntlatul Indiscretion, W, fi OH read of Pulrorlnf unworn,. mood frau In all wbo deed It. dud oreolun and Medlin*, for walla* the shook wooody ky % mos he "gig typal, 1111011.1111 W WWI% to malt by Iha advetti•Pr's ompoOrneo, ono do do brh00...11,4 lu pee*, roalidesen, JOHN N. ONINNN id l'odar Wrest, New Valli. May WI, 1017. ()verraiso AND rirrivn novo, reader oddrodood oolooloPo mod s 1 rrolo,hud I will mood ?ad damn valaallle mho motion Nod will plods* rm. Addroo• MANT MAINE, 031 alruadway, la. Y. May IL Iliad—iy. T'" a WOLF OF MAN F IP NTRNOTN. A /cello Nam wbo ralfpruil furyear" haw "lortnue and riential Debility, Nightly guilualullo, Sad ilerilual Wpalisiear, tke resell of youlhfoil laillserailoa, aria 'alum 11041011(11114 hie day. is hypoderm Din.'/, Will, far the oak, of oar, lux Dial, 'veil wary us« shot ad, the Mull. mime toed by Ilia. which alliecled a cure is a flow rirerkr after IM failure Of numerous isoldecusfte. *qi a Mauled onvelorsallil Melo" sad will ono you nothlua Mara's. ifirOAS TIMM Alla. Itltlth fit. N.Y. n AT; T t., ridir.N Prodecorl ny use woe of Prof, ilmilinur moon I,e 11111:VEI , X. Me applicatior animated in earl the moot mislaid rid stubborn hair of calm wet Intn vestry heavy essasive citric Ms. heel% USPII by the faattionirbtan m P.ri. nad Landon with the mast eratifyinr vaults, Igoe. no ittlary the heir. Praise by mail, pealed sad partpalit elfe.lllll/0 mailed Ore. AbildarreNClllUU, /SHUT rti & (SM, I. hernirtc, trei 15,., It:. Tray. ,Nude Agent', far the united Plater. Yob. TY, 107 —ly, . _ GRACE'S CELEBIIATEI) SAINE, Pram 34r. C. Toseker, Winn 14413er at Ralialiury hove been troubled Cur years witlo bad tumor I.tatwarilly. and sometimes Inwardly,-- Pltririg the poet snowier it uterieeirted Wolf' more then 1..m.1 outwardly. and I used Your Paive. Ali noes of tt have since di itippOriff.l. wnbout ateetitiii IltP inwardly,WOWS, 1811114,0 w Jradiaitioil au. tote or the Nov, $llll. W. FOWI.II, Ar, Itibutm rropriemrs Rrdd by nil Ibrunivie, of iRi ate, s bon. Flout by nisi , Os :LS cis. SORENCR'S SIiA,VIZED TONIC. Thee niedirine, InVOnlivl by Dr .1,11. of PhiOtaotthitt. is Intended to thatolire the *34 and woke tt IMO ohs tun. the tint proem of dims**. at showing the stone/wit 'th thhostetrt Mandrake the T4ulit loon *gore* the auirtle, and *34 that could *it he eetoo tow* union It *W he eatdr dideded. entrumptlea anent les cured by eaheriore Pei monk Syrup uniera the ototeseh sod liver la Ins& Lealthr sod the appetite motored, brim tho Tote* and Pigs aro required in mart, ivory Dm of goo. ihimptleo. A halt dozen bottioe of We dttA Witittt TUNIC rid throe or tour btstoi of the U 4 N tuAlt a PILL) *III ewe soy ordinary oars of dreptipoia. Dr. Ova tens. makes yra'eationat visite is Now York. 0 utou, and at lila o:incite Ditto in PhittodeD we every crook. Soo dotty p.ottrt of soh p ace, of paioylett on alicintrulniOn ter Ad days tut eitenot tt3a. rein* cheery* whan putehnelny, that the twenty*. me et* er the fleeter, one nitro lu the but stun 44 end the ether so be now Is, to period hearth, anion the nortrutnent ennnp. br rin nruretete and (*Worn prim .1.110 par both, or .T. nil the heit..esen. *SI letter.. for street sh , ..ted he 64.1n0tee4 to Hr. lionet.un'e Vika, Me. le north eth Street, PhilyhEnhie. 114.. neittritt WhoteenY A*ents s Penne Tierney is Ca, pi, T. ; 0, nem", nntholore. *Et Jetta D. Parke Claelenatt, Ohio; Welker is Torten, CU. 0.10. ILL; Ceiliai Woe, Itt Louie, Ste. i r t.t w. en. Nay 1" WONDERFUL BUT TRUE. MADAME RRMINGTON. the world renowned Astrologist and tioninambulistit Clairvoyant. while in a clairvoyant Slate delineates the very features or the person you are to marry, anti by the aid of an initonnent of intense power, known an the Psycho matron's, ginrantees to produce a perfect end life. like philtre of the future husband or wife of the ap. plicant, with date and manioc. oteimation. leadiet traits and character, ore. This is no i mposition, as testimonials without number can assert. Hy mating mama of tiyth, ado. disposition, color of eyes and hal; nd inideg arty cents aatt stamped trivet. opt addressed to will receive picture by return of mail, 'together with desired information aP Address in co indent*, hIADAME GEUTREDE REMISIOTON, Y. 0. Eta TA, West Troy. N. Y. Feb, V. lebl—ly A YOUNG LADY RETURNING To her country haw, after a sojourn of a few months in the City. was hardly recognised by her Mends, In place of a course, rustic gushed fare, she bad a soil ruby complexion Of alment marble smoothness, and Instead of twenty darer she really appeared but eighteen. Upon inquiry as to the cause of ro great a change, sire plainly told them that she used the Circassian Rahn, and considered it an in. valuable arloisition to any Lady's toilet, fly tin 1111* any Ludy or Gentleman east improve their personal uppeeranee an hundred fold. It in simple in its cam. as Nature hntAltr is sample, yet onnupsu. ed in its etlitney In drawing impurities ft , tm, also bealtng.eleatining and beat flying the skin and eons. plosion. fly 'tottered Palen on the entitle it draws Isom it all tin impurities, kindly healing the name. sod leaving the outface as Nature Wooled it should be, clear, twit, smooth and bentitifol. Price SI, sent by mail or express on reecipt of an order by W. L. CLARK k CO., Chemists, No. 3 West Payette frt., Py tattoo. N. T. The only American ARtLits for tho sale or the saute. Web li 1.67—1 y N EW STORE AND NEW GOODS, ;tr. ritirons f t Monmobort and (armed that H. H. %Hamer has just opined n IHICI load GROCHIY AND CONFKOTIONARY Mite, to the t'uld Rebbrion 'tend," letety purehnued nett II tted up by hlnt, It you neArt to purthase tAwieriN, TNA. twqmit, Moi,Asews PAt:P• I'UPPNR, PI'IGGP, ate., ALPO. VINED ‘ll, PICKLES, MAIN and runty pt AN. ilia Al t , eiNA us, crtArKtAtn. RADINI O . CANDI LA, evii ry thwrint mn. ttnd a vent turiety uI other artirlet, Notimo, •t., dwitatvr than it toy other re kul rstahltrntutut In tine frectim4, call *iron SIOIMER. Dloontrburn, Angina 't*, WC, SCRANTON BOOK BINDERY. ttaiini *Penrod the *Pt Picea or Mr. tt. Zoehe, one of the MIA hinders to buntline in the Rate, WO ate pttlostco to (tallith to UANKA. INsenAscr.IIMIPATIM:I 4 . htrACIIAOITS, ASVPACTIMERS, GOAL °MK itTrinet, eottto and ahem, with BLANK BOOKS al retry deaseltdion , en abort notice. bound IA an y style desired. In the must substantial manner,= at reasonable prices. Magazines bound, and old books rebound, at Pew York prices. Order* left at the Mitre of the paper publishing this 34vertiseetent, or sent by Exprepa, will he at tended to and returned without unnecessary delay. E. e. N. MLA. Scranton, pa., June 18ti7.—tr. NEW COAL YARD. The undersigned respectfully 'annex the eillaena of Bloomyburg and Volumbia county, *het they korp ell the different numbers ar stove coal and effected lump coal for within' purposes, on iholr wharf, ail• fuming deeKolvv, Noel On'• Furnace ; with a Said pair Runnels' seal's on the whittle , weigh crk l.hay .and straw. Likewise a horse and walnut, to dallier COSI to thooe who desire it. As we nordista+ a largo amount of tool, WE Intend to keep a superior article. and *et* at the very lowest prime. Please cell. and unmans for yourselves before ipurthaslngelee re whe. J. W. Auuturrue DIMON. Tiff 6 undersigned will take, lb exchange for Coal and Oromtries. the fellowlng named articles hear., gire,VorthAlists,Palletare, bard, Illem,ghtial• der, old Ada meat, flutter, le4p, Hay, Ac. ' .et the NOMA emit pate% it hie Ofeepry Poore, pdjmuial e=rd. „ .3. W. lIENDEIteIIOT. ris ifkiip,llls,—is. W9l. fir.' eAsporni, . . Mr: liblisbed 1828. O. w CaIsENTER, HEM ET t CO, 010 I. ESA I. k DRITUGISTY. ?31 Mini? I?. one door below eih. traabetenten* noun's. mrnirlivap. rtiEMICALS. p AlleTe. UU i I. illAdlkVAßletettlitt. DWI" And everytddleet write 1 NO the beanie. ter,loW Jibe. St bee et the' !Menet *OW tee. *web 11, SPECIAL PrOtleilla• • TUE HEALING POOL, ANS iiOUlllll IifUO Y. 1111140414,4.40441404 s 4144441K140., roma Yam no that 1111141/It 14 , 44 7 40 1 Intl& loot itto,lolllllNO Alll/$Bll osil 14111 h WS* illortter, 044 ... I powroo, atol mots otpodhaosti to HAlRlttitti . PM *lto woo masa at Mier. Nom to all lottot oat , 4010. Wu of oltottew 0100/ 04 .J. 011411.1.1P1 1101.10111101. liootard Otootoollttult. itadel Ist ta t p N. Josue J. lOC -1.4. NEW GOODS IN BLOOMSBURG The subseribor hutnkrn some pelf's to replenish his stock by WWI porch's's, sod ho is MU I. lo Pbro 4 lu Sell as low as say Dealir le thee wettest of country. Atoll untie him. by any person who andrireleade tee prior of gouda, end the quality of 11,, IMMO. will melte IMO fast plain. Of routes no woe need hey toilers they are batirnly sallined. lie will le glad to men his friend. and the public generally whether they buy or nit' , 111.4k13/11.1/111 of the beet Tivilinies of rpre,ll, 1/401.ANNNO, IWO IN Of , 'TEA PION line quality .) OWNS, Dal Pal hA'l•6, (611 their summit.) Mwrriel. AND imam uItAVICI:IO 4 . 00,1 p a I:a al.Rd, ac., (.31Eadtl. COAL, a MIA Sal) 11111.14. sip' • owe araorlailii of Dry fiends arid Hosiery, and a fell can rty of goods of the 'bore Oise, roof of oilier hied,. le addition to which he has mostly added In hie stork a one nrinortinent of CEDAR WARE AND WILLOW WARE; In %whit* varlets of goods be has several new sent ses of modern Invention, etiensivellly word wawa /nowt, and which iangl CAW,' Iwla toss byre Ile moo loos a floe .aril/ of French Moroccoes; and also of lIIMOCIIa Linings fur Ilbneotakesl worn ; and a pond aesustoappi of quecisibirrare • PT Call and minis,. JOHN K. filwrinv. P. C. Co m., Main and Iron limos Illoomaturg, April )0, Ido. J J. BROWER, (Or. Main it• Iron ors.) II nue, °tiering in the Public hie STOOK OF SPRING GOODS V 1115191114 In part of a fall lino of INGRAIN, WOOL & RIG CARPETS. rihu rlothi and taalinnle edam Ilnud.oinu limed Gonda of $lll Pntwrna and qUill lIMIU/11. and Printo op( 'lnman qualmee and priced, Dlesetied had brawn bluiliar, Ladish Freud' Caron* had BA.LMORAL SKIRTS. CNA e•sorltnent or Ladies and shildretio' Gollea and Onots. Freon ()merle' and Nikes. New niniertinent of Glass and Qateasware. Bs-vo. 1 liarterel In nne half and one fourth Rambo; Now is the time to make your Telethon*, an I am rattling goods at very low mires. and Our motto id fair dealing to all, and not to be undersold iv; any. J. J. tlItUrV Ploomsburg, April CONFECT FRUIT, NUTS, &u., &U. VIVIVRIVER 6 JACOBY, NANUFACTURiRk Wholesale anJ Retail Peden PLIIN /ND FM! CONFECTIONERY, AND DIALED, IN rouctwv MISTS AND NrTS$ Exchange Plata, Elnnineburg, Pa ORANtitte, LSMCY9, RAIAIRII, PIALtNO DOCK CANDY, PMlumrsii Lan Rurtur, , ICUsWfil CITRON, FICS; DOLLS, &C., DREAD Arm CAKES; 01 ALL HIND% ENOn JAcnnv, rFtra.) 1 3 / 4 1. wumvsi nioftmoiarc lone TA, 1t,1:7. LOOK TO worn INTEREST. I%EW CHAIR MOP. J. 1.4. BATES . Reeeettfally Worm* the patine art eral'y that La bits opened a firet , rtaae CRAIR LSTABLISIIMENT in lito OM Amman Building, [over MOW, gtore 4 Ofnotiewburv, where he has Post teemed from Pinta , delphia, it Imo assortment of BUMS us, titandlo f c):ItROCKING CHAIRS. NUM CHAIRS, CANE SEATED ORATES; Atm Chairs and Windsor chairs, alt of wool he of. feta in the public at reasonable brit ells VP Cane Vented Chairs platted to order, Men ail other hind of mutton,' dune upon reasonable terms. Don't tail to give hint a tall and secure great bar. lama. Mooniaboni. Nov. 7, leOrn SOLIIEDER'B BOOT AND SHOE STORM rorrosire TUN erIIACOPAL elltinCllo On Main Street, Bloomsburg. The taharriber tahre Neonate in tanneanting the eetithe ni Mni , tnehtith. and 'faintly, that he has an hand a large And 001, 000cOlUltlit 01 BOOTS AND SHOES, for TAMPS and gentlemen's wear. to suit all fancies. Nis City work in of the hest quality, and fy in the most reliable manufacturers; he twins a rattiest workman and ft good judge of titi vlii)o3S37no! he la nal libel to he imposed upon bf receivin g worthless material badly made up. Those &airing anything in his line would do welt to give him a call, before purchasing eleewbere. lie soils a GOOD ARTICLE, and et priers to milt purchaser*. All pewee who desire light or heavy work trr,4o to older ego be arentutttailetoil at MI establiltatriar,i. tT Apo, repeirioit will be done with neateen.ase dentteb. An oteinnt hooortinent of Ladles Eprinß e,b4 ties*. 'err Oboes on hand. A. SOLIiADAL Apt N EW CLOTIIIN AND GENTLx. MEN'S FURNISHING '43TGRE. THE underolaned reopertrielly nor t s.. to b many friend* 'hot he has openef 4 now notatoo woo tlentlernen'o f , intiphins atom In the !IMP/ boom of the Hartman RuUdinf, southeast eneloo t of " ism , ~,„d Mar►r;t time's, siouptoirs.r.. Ilaylospet retard front tlilloitelpP:r,with loop 'lock .4 Full and Ttilnoer re:lathing ■nd Genilemon is Furnishes' gem' s, ate., as, sk, est• tets himself that he can please sul, ii awaa cow. prises MEN S AND BOLT; ab,THING, MCI DRESS COATS, SACK tOATS, OVER COATSS A. A. VESTS. on thy, trahaltafftlTS DRANIMS, coLt-fas; COLIMA xacrrnca ftointar. • sysPE)rorns, t ote cauts. ling In htlinterll Alai In tho Clothing et INtrniolihng 11. II rify bite Nee% In adslll,lo% tel the &Soso ki he as elegaal alas* mint of aflthell, Cameimert, and Vesting& Ir 7" Olniblag meal to soder at the ehattlet satin Call sea is. before purchasing alsawheta. sod PECIAIE LAVAOIIIIIIIIIIAR. October 10, 11160, J. N. C 1 I WILL CO TO 111110,111111 1 11 TO OFT MT 440084