Bloomsburg democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1867-1869, September 25, 1867, Image 2

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WM U. JACOUT, Editor.
Wedaoll/117, Sept. Silo 1.487.
M. M. firrrnisim. k 0•.. Perk Sew We tr York
duty a ilibutisPd In IMMM esidl remiss onborrip•
Una' and adverlllaing for the 000•11.411$ Air, p.b•
I shed et hieueseberg. Womble 1051Mr, a.
sr- -
Ntate, Mark* AI County Ticket.
Fur Judge of the Supreme. Court,
of Montour County.
JACOB YOUR, of Mifllin Twp.
DAVID YEAGER, of Locum Twp.
Jraty iromm'tt.
THOS. J. WELLIVEI{, of Mt. Pleamtnt.
JACOB HABILIS, of Hemlock Twp.
By order of the Standing Committee of
the County, meetings will be held ut the
following points, to which the public are re
spectfully invited.
lim_Thursday evening, Sept. 26.
ESPY 4 Friday evening, Sept. 27th.
ALlt WAY HOUSE, Saturday evening,
Sept. Eftt 6.
BOARIMICREEK, Saturday afternoon,
September, 'lath.
ERSEYTOWN, Monday afternoon, Sept.
ORANGEVILLE, Tuesday afternoon, Oct.
MA I NVILLE, Tuerulay evening. Oct. Ist.
CENTRALIA, Weduebtlay evening, Oct.
BEAVER VALLEY, Thursday evening,
Oct. 3rd.
"MOUTONS, Friday evening, Oct. 4t b.
BENToN, Saturday afternoon, Oct. sth.
ROMISBURG, Monday afternoon, Oct. 7.
The afternoon Meetings will be called to
order at 2 o'clock. The evening meetings
nt half past seven. They will Le addressed
by two or more of the following named gen
Hon. C. It. Tlockalew, nen. M'Candlcsa,
(ien. W. 11. Ent, Joseph C. Bucher, lion.
Thomas Chalfant, Joseph B. Campbell E.g.
('apt. C. B. Brockway, Capt. (co. W. Litt,
Milton M• Traugh (.harks 11. Miller
Dr. P. H. Freese, Lieut. Mahlon 11.
'licks, Wm. H. Shoemaker Esq., Col. John
G. Freeze.
Vigilance Committees are speeially reguel
led to attend to lighting the Mw, erect
ing the Stands, and arranging for the
meetings, by circulating the notices.
By order attic Committee.
JOHN (1. FREEZE, Chairman.
The &tate Debt.
'The Republican papers of the State are
attempting to produce the impression that
the State debt has been reduced by the ex
isting administration. But that all state
ments of figures or of assumed facts, to this
effect, are entirely fallacious, amid be easily
shown by proofs thatwould be overwhelming
ly convincing to all reasonable men.
An array of figures, however, is easily
made, and a flue display of type at the head
of a column has often more effect with a
certain class of readers than a profound ex
position or a labored argument. Thinking
inert of the Democratic party know how to
heed such clap-trap arguments, but the
publishers of the several Republican papers
of the State presume a great deal on the
credulity of their readers; and with this
class of publishers we have to mention our
neighbor of the Republica,*
But suppose a reduction has been muse,
how was it effected? Why, by ts.ri‘ty the
1er1,14: I This is consolation indeed.
The truth is, that of the abundance of
money filched from the people, the greater
part goes to the pockets of government
thieves, and the small balance left is "trans.
mostritied" into some sort of nnintelligibie
sinking fund, leaving, upon the whole, the
debt ab 0111.11.9 it was.
These thieves must be ousted before the
people will have their accounts properly ad
justed and know how their financial affairs
really stand. Let the farmers and °O'er
working men act accordingly.
Viir There arc a few Democrats, so-ealied,
who say, "Why don't you support the Presi
dent." "You should stand by him, because
the party tbat elected him are fighting him I"
This kind of talk may do for weak I)eino
crate, but it will not change our course to
wards the President. Mr. Johnson is in no
sense a Democratic President. We did not
elect him, we have no claim upon him, nor
have we set up any, except the common
claim which all citizens have upon every
Chief Magistrate, that he shall honestly
support and defend the Constitution. From
the very moment the Democracy accept
President Johnson they will have to bear hie
sins and defend his blunders. This the par
ty is not ready to do. The party is ready as
it ever has been to defend the President in
all his measures deemed constitutional, right
and just. To expect the Democratic party
or the press of that party, to stand up end
defend a man simply because the Republicans
oppose that man, is worse than telly, and
nobody but fools would talk of doing the
star If you are in favor of negro suffrage,
vete for lIY.NRT W. WILLIAMS, the Abo
lition candidate for Judge of the Supreme
Court ; and if you would not have the ne
gro vote aide by aide with the white man,
vote fiw Gnonoe STTARSIVOnT), th e D emo .
envie, candidate for Judge of the Supreme
Court. This is the question, and you may
as well make up, your minds first as last to
meet it. The Republican partyis trying to
cover it up all they can, but the people are
not to be deceived. They will vote under
VIP The abolition manufacturers ef pa
per promises to pny Ptil! insist that Judge
snAngwoon is a repudiator beenuso ho de•
tidal that green beaks were not an good an
golf. Why wo all know, people who are
judges and people who are not judges, that
green hacks have been at a discount of from
fifty to two hundred per cont. over einoo the
rag. picker was set at work at Washington.
In all fairness we ask of the voters of
Pennsylvania one question. Are you in
favor of having the negro vote? The res.
son why we ask it is this; wherever the
present party in power have had the sawn
dency, they have pressed upon the people
negro suffrage; and in localities whore they
were not sure of their power, as in Pennsyl
vania, they have handled the with
gloved hands. The true union loving wen
of the country in our old Connueswealth do
not wish to go to the polls with the negro.
But if the Republican party should carry
the next eleetion, we know what will be the
result. Lot us pause and consider.
To TAX l'Antna.—The Radical financial
policy exempts the holders of government
bonds from taxation, pays the interest on
the debt in gold, end allows the National
Bank interest on the bonds on which their
circulation is based; whilst every thing you
have is taxed to death. l'ut out this !lord
of legal banditti, and save to the country
one hundred millions a year. Let this great
sum be npplied to the payment of the
national debt —not to enriching those who
are living on the laboring classes•—Luxerse
Wir Lot the bond-holders of Columbia
County remember that the decision of
Judge Sharswood is calculated to render
their investments secure. If one contract
to pay a debt in coin can be legally discharg
ed by a tender of paper currency so may all
others. Every attack upon the decision of
Judge Sharswood is an argument in favor
of making both the interot and principal of
the Government Lends payable in green
backs. If the bond holders wish to make
sure of having the contract to pay in coin
declared valid they should all vote for
George W. Sharswood. It would not be
safh for them to vote for a wan who has a
bad record on that question.
gel The Wyoming Democrat, in com
menting upon the doings end candidates of
the late Republican Convention hold in that
County, thus refers to "Jokey" Kennedy,
the defeated candidate for a re-nomination
to the Legislature :
"Jokey, this time, paid for Isis dinner &e.
beforehand. in anticipation of a hasty de
parture. At the close of the convention he
left, vowing vengeance on the Ttmsplars, to
whom he attributed his defeat. In erossiivg
thecanal. which be did on a timber raft, to
save a short walk amund by the bridge, lie
pitched headlong into the mai. lie floated
up like a dead horse, and finally suemedel
in getting on the other side of . Jordan.—
This strange mishap to the elderniattribated
by some to the fad that he had indulged too
freely in the "&c. " kept at the temperance
hotels in town. Others think lie must have
inhaled too much of the breath of the dole
votes. The more general opinion is, that he
hastily emdusled to abandon politics ; and
in returning to the ministry thought baptism
a savingordinanee. Certain it is that though
thoroughly disgusted with the temperance
wen he takes kindly to cold water. We en
treat him to give his god-forsaken corrupt
party the benefit of his prayers. fhe can
not give them any more of those CM) sup
plications, in which he indulged last winter,
he can at least put up AMC cheap petitions
for the ungrateful wretches."
In. The Democratic Convention of Mont
gomery County nominated the following
ticket to be voted for at the coining election :
Senator—Arthur P. Markley. Amiem
bly—,Tame4 Eschbach, Henry 'McMillen
Sheriff—Philip S. Gerhard. Treasurer—
George W. Jacoby. County Commistioner
—Benjamin Tyston.
Mr. Markley is a man of ennsiderable
legislative experience, having served three
years in the lower House. He was an in
fluential and popular member. We hope
he may be elected to the Senate.
DV" The leading radical organs through
out the country are recommending State end
County organizations to ignore all local is
sues. and confine the campaign to attacks
upon the President. This is a virtual sur
render of the game and admits a proximity
to the wall. The Democracy will not be
caught by any such dodge, or driven intn a
defensive attitude towards Mr. Johnson.—
We have nothing to do with him, he was
not placed in power by our party and it is
not responsible for his acts. Its whole
Cabinet is yet Republican, and we have to
hear of any of them traveling in the direc
tion of Democracy for advice. Tho end
draws near for radical misrule and they feel
its approach so certain that these spasmodic
clutches at straws only the more certainly
demonstrates their weakness.--Johnstotru
Is 3. The Democracy of Luzerne hare an
ablo Ticket ; with Hon. George W. Wood
ward at its head for Congress ; Gen. E. L.
Pans for additional Law Judge ; William
Brennan, James McHenry, S. F. Boasard
for Assen:bly ; Michael J. I'hilbin for Pro
thonotary ; Col. Samuel Bowman for Clerk
of the Courts; and I). L. Rhone for Dis
trict Attorney, they are bound to make their
majority in the County reach three thou
of the war of 1812, named Andrew Klotz, of
Lower Saucnn township, Northampton coun
ty, committed suicide last week rather than
go to the poor-house. The late Radical
Legislature, which increased the salaries of
its members and officers to $43,0)9, repealed
the act granting $7,000 in annuities to sol
diers of the war of 1812 and their widows,
hence Andrew Klotz, the old veteran, had
no alternative but the poor-house or the
grave. lie chose the latter, and his patriot
ic blood will rest as an everlasting stain upon
the heads of the Radical cormorants and
kr The liernoemcy will have, in the next
election, large acceiaionsto its rinks. There
are many well moaning people, tax•payera,
electors, who are going to vote with the De
mocracy ; believing that the Democratic
party is the only true party to the country,
and that under its influences the Union can
and till/ again bo restored to itaformer pros.
perity and greatness.
tar Oen. Wm. H, Kase, of Rush Town
ship, has received the nomination for As
sembly by the Democracy of Northumber•
land County. Ile will be handsomely elect
Mir The "Now York World" admits the
'urthistiflabie,‘' 'unconstitutional,' and 'revo
lutionary' character of the military bills of
Congress, but says : "It meatus impossible
that Mr. Johnson can, after ell he Lea seen
of the temper of Congress, indulge the
thought of attempting to prevent or thwart
its purposes iu respect to the late insurrec
tionary States. Those purposes may be, is
his estimation, vicious, &0., but that. does
not relieve hint from kis Constitutional ob
lige:loos to take care that the laws are duly
executed." That is, sou which are wares
oretlly aimed to overthrow the Republic and
the Constitution, must be executed by the
Executive, who means to support and de
fend the Constitution I That is a specimen
of the sagacity of the "World." Should
Congress pass a law that the editors of the
"World" should be bled to death, to sup
ply red ink to the government, and should
pass the bill again over the Prosieent's veto,
that functionary would be bound to "take
care that the law is duly , executed !" That
is the "World's" own logic. It is a pretty
fair specimen of its sagacity in matters of
government. While papers calling them
selves Democratic indoctrinate the public
with such infamous ideas, wo may expect to
see the revolution go on. Tho "World"
chimes in with the tyrant's old music, that
"Revolutions do not stop." A shabby say
ing that has been contradicted often enough
in historic time. Our doctrine is, that this
Afrian Revolution of ours must and Ault
be eopped.
gl npeN Mani or A CLMOTIIA.N---We
regret to State that Rev. Mr. Anderson,
minister of the Methodist Church at this
place, was suddenly stricken with apoplexy
on Sunday evening last, at Snydertown,—
I le had preached three times during the day,
and 011 his way from the church, about
n'eleck in the evening, he stopped suddenly
and complained to Mr. Wolverton who was
with him, e great pain in his head, and
placin r his hands on his forehead, asked to
be laid down. He soon became insensible
nod was taken temporarily, into Mr. Far
row's residence, and a physician was sent for.
From thence he was removed to the how
of Mr. Wolverton, where he lingered until
Tuesday afternoon, when he departed this
life for a better world, aged about 63 years.
The deceased was a corpulent man, but was
apparently in robust health. He was a man
of unaffected piety, with a genial and
cheerful temperament. His remains were
brought to his residence, in this place, on
Tuesday evening, and will he interred this
(Friday) afternoon, with due solemnity.—
His funeral will be attended by many of his
clerical brethren from the surrounding eir
cuits.—Sotnhary Antrrican.
DEATENT INTO A Wri.L.—A young gill
living in the flintily of William Heaver in
Iteavertowo, this county, fell into a well 35
f•et deep, with 10 feet of water in it, and
escaped without injury. She was drawing
up a bucket of water, and as the bucket
neared the top of the well she readied down
to take hold of it, when her feet slipped and
she fell into the well. She had the bucket
rope in her hand to which she chine till she
got out again. Mr. Beaver heard the
caused by the very sudden revolutions of the
windless and went the well to see what
was the cause of it, when he saw the girl
below, partly unconscious but still clinging
to the rope and to which she clung till he
wound her up again. She is all right now
and uninjured.—Selinsgmre Timm
"What do you propose to do if you get into
power again?" is a question frequently pro
pounded to Democrats. There is no "if"
about it. The Democratic party will ngain
get into power, and that before long. There
are A great many things we ran, anti will do.
We will cut down the taxes, and lessen the
expenses of the government, materially.—
We are against those rag machines called
national banks, as diAtursing agents, nod by
FO doing S:170 shout twenty-four millions of
dollars vu year its this one item of erprmliture.
We may collect the Internet Revenue
through the States, instead of through Fed
eral officers. who are vczy obnoxious to gen
uine Republicans, and thwave about Min
ty-three ncilhin sof dollars vsr yew. Re
store (be Democratic party to power and
the South will he encouraged to ga to work
and repnre and restom the territory devas
tated by Sheridan, Hunter, Pope And other
infernal scoundrels. If you are a true friend
to your country, work late and early until
the sceond Tuesday in October, to induce
nil to vow for Sharswoo d.-11 , nnsylconia
NEwseArxn.—An exchange says, of all
the amusements that can possibly be imag
ined for a hard-working man, after a day's
toil, or in its intervals, there is nothing like
rending an entertaining paper. It relieves
his home of its dullness or sameness, which
nine cases out of ten, is what drives him to
the alehouse, to his own ruin and bis fami
ly's. It transports him into a gayer, and
livelier, and more diversified and interesting
scene ; and while ho enjoys himself there he
may forget the evils of the moment fully ar
much as if he were over so drunk, with the
great advantage of finding his money in his
pockets, or at least, laid out in real necessar
ies and comforts for his wilb and family, and
without a headache. Nay, it accompanies
him to his next day's work, and gives him
something to think of besides the mechani
cal drudgery of his every-day's operations—
something he can enjoy while absent.
41,0 • 0.
"The perfumed light
Steals through the mist of alabaster lamps,
And every air is heavy with the breath
(It' °rame flowers that bloom
L' the midst of roses."
Such was the flowery land filled with heal
ing airs and life-preserving products, where
Dr. Drake discovered the chief ingredients
of his wonderful Tonio wedieine—rwryA-
TlM( Brrrraii—the enchanted tropical is
land of St. Croix. The PLANTATION BIT-
Tina, combining all the tuedicitial and tonic
virtues of the healing and life-sustaining
products of that favored clime, are, without
doubt, the \\Todd's Great Remedy for Dys
pepsia, Low Spirits, and all other Stomach-
MACINOLIA WATER. —A deligtful toilet
article—superior to Cologne and at ball' the
price. 2 •
The Atanding Committee at its recent
'fleeting adopted an address, selected three
Democrats in each District to sot as a N'igi
lance Committee; to whom instructions will
be sent by the Sculling Coininittee ; and
directed the address and the list to he pub
lished in all the I)emoeratie papers of the
Beaver—B. Zimmerman, Allen Mann,
Charles Michael.
Benton—J, J. M'llunry, Bohr M'Henry,
I. K. Kriekbaum.
.lirrwick—Teaish Bower, Hudson Owen,
J. S. Sanders.
Blootn—I). Lowenberg, I'. Billinryer, J.
B. Casey.
Briarrrerk—W tn. Lemon, J. 0. Jucohy,
J. C. Smith.
allowing—M. V. B. Kline, Dr. J. K.
Bobbins, J. H. Creasy,
Centre—C. 11. Deariek, 11. D. Knorr,
Andrew Frees.
rentralin—J. B. Knittle, P. Killeen, T.
('ony/wham—Wm. Goodman, 1). 'l'.
M'Kernan, Ur. Wohlforth.
ti'shisriereek—D. It Savage,
John Sutton.
l'rauldhi—David Knittle, Washington
Parr, 11. .1. Reeder.
(Ireenworul— Isaac Dewitt, John Lcggott,
A. .1, Albeinsm.
llgmlork—W' 11. Shoemaker, Capt. I.
Leidy, Jackson Emmitt.
./aebom—Daniel Young, Silas M'llenry,
Loma—Gera llower, John Snyder, Dan
el Stine.
Modisoo— Capt. W. J. Allen, James
Kisner, A. K. Smith.
Maine—lr. J. Campbell, W. T. Shuman,
M. Grover.
Seltweppenheinr, Pr. Mont
gomery, J. 11. Baler.
Montour--Noah Mouser, P. lleintlateli,
James Farnsworth.
3h. Pteuront—Win. Miller, Win. Howell,
John Mordan.
. .
Orange— Dr. 741agargell, Col. Kline
Moses Everett.
line—John F. Fowler, John Lore, Luther
A. German.
Thatrillyrre,k—John D. Houck, N. Preis
bac+, Ainzi Craig.
Seoit—C. Ent, B. P. Reigliarl. J. joike.
SoPodoof—Alinas Cole, Audrew Lau-
Lac+, 0. Moore.
By order of the Committee.
JOHN G. FREEZE, chairman,
An Amolansinnlllon.
A Memphis paper furnishes an account
of an occurrence in Alabama which seems
to call for investigation, and demands the
notice of the press. ft is stated that Capt.
Morris Schaff, commanding the Mount Ver
non Arsenal near Mobile, had a controversy
with a citizen of that neighborhood, named
Fredrick B. Shepard, a gentlemen well
known in this city in former years. In the
course of the dispute Mr. Shepard, it sews,
sent a written demand for satisfaction to
Captain Schaff. That officer might have
taken no notice, or a proper official notice
of this proposal, but the following is the ac
count of his procedure :
Ile sent an officer with some men to arrest
Shepard, had him brought within the walls
of the United States Arsenal, anil there.
with his own hand, shot him, an unarmed
prisoner, in revenge for a private grievance.
Mr. Shepard died of the wound. The as
sassin is still at large, protected from the
local law by his own tniiitary power. It
seems due to the character of our army that
these circumstances, which arc thus publicly
alledged, should be promptly investigated.
Military tyranny has indeed reached a pitch
never equaled, if acts like these eau be per
petrated with impunity in a civilised coun
try. General Ord lately rebuked publicly
an officer who claimed to be "a master of
the people." We doubt not that General
Grout will see that justice is done in the
flagrant Me to which public attention is
now first drawn, though nearly three months
have elapsed since its oeunrrenm—Age
MR. F.orrce:—As Saving Fund Associa
tions and Trust Companies, are new things
in this County, I kg space in your paper
for the filllowing explanations :
The Bhminsburg Mutual Saving Fund
Association is chartered under the act of
12th April 1859, and is strictly conformable
to its excellent provisions. It starts out
with an assumed value of t.:00 per share,
which shares of stock may he increased to
the number of twenty-five hundred. For
each share of stock of the assumed or nomi
nal value of $2l$P that any, person takes, he
will have to pay nne dollar initiation foe and
one dollar per month for eight years, or un
til the dissolution of the Aweiation; thus
bringing it within the means of every one,
to make a safe investment of his carnine.
liven the most needy an save one dollar
each month. The money tints paid in by
the share-holders is, the evening of the
same day, loaned out to such of the share
holders (and to share-holders only) Its desire
it. The borrower paying therefbr six per
cent. interest, payable monthly, as well as
continuing to pay , the monthly dues of one
dollar for each share, and by thus paying
dues and interest in abort eight years be will
have repaid the loan. The borrower having
these easy terms of replying the loan, is
willing to pay a peemiun for the privilege
of borrowing the money, These premiums
and the monthly eempoundinF of the inter
est cause the fund to accumuve so rsuidly
that in about eight years, each sitare is , .t
have reached im actual value of $::00 while
in that time the share-holder will have paid
into the Association only $97. Thus by in
vesting a small sum monthly, where it will
at once draw interest and that interest will
be compounded monthly, a person will have
saved a large amount iu the course of eight
But this Association offers the largest in
ducements to men of families, who are pay
ing high rents, and are desirous of getting
homes of their own. Thus let a person take
ten shares of stock which will cost him ten
dollars per month : upon these ten shares
he can borrow (with approved security) ten
shares of WO or a2OOO, less the premium
which he may offer for the privilege of bor
rowing. With this money a comfortable
home can be purchased by the borrower.—
If he then pays the money ho is now pay
ing for rent, towards meeting his monthly
dues and interest, it will nearly or entirely
pay them, and in the course of' eight year&
he will have repaid his loan, and own, and
have paid for, a property.
Should a share-holder at any time desire
to withdraw from the Association, he has
only to give thirty days notice in writing,
and all the money ho has paid in, with in
terest at sip per cent. from the time or times
it was paid in, will be returned to him.
The Association is under the control and
management of twelve Directors, elected by
the share-holders. There can be no loss,
for all the money as anon as paid in, is
loaned out on_ gond security, approved by
the Baud of Meows. •
pumitibi LUM
of the rook Almwil ilehibition of , the
f"nlunth(a Oyttly 4ipicuattral, Bodin&
tarot rod hirsionotaa/ distoolutiott, to he
held AZ f WARBURG, oe %dm*
and /Way, October Oth,
100 t 180.
' illi
` of Calm.
0• 41 ; itVla susser iirrryihieg yha
ktM of to o allow' templet,' Shia
foto, rin Re IOW lea have lam hem",
nee loolitlitlitanh wad stony Oily arkitowiadge. that
than I. 1 11 iistoeSt 404 /OElll4OOa
and airmen* awroaleti eh In atteroling a well eon.
dow.S. nog a wilt Alien op fair. oh* futintoltine. to
whom the inershere of tho WA prier Fair an.
truing the atearogrhea, would earoitatly and to.
epeathilly shift* thworrogendioti o spry prom
in Ilia whooty_, hrintng Wag Will Oil bring
to the groat VOIR far Cilltnatitia Ono grey tathaatithla
year lait linfOlitli;:'z.
Ae " 01 001 .0 f lOWA/ MI MIL WM.. now , in
ra it tot Wit WitiethatiOni~lllo.lll4l contrib.
playa will piroko , road blOrneOliiihsed 00111111
the Fair etioreilant to skids tig ti
for any alteration.
lif rioter of the Illsomifiro Oemositoo
14 . P. SWPINtiV setros;y.
Abner Welsh, Superintendent.
01.4 1.410411111111
hest pii draws* woes.
91 dto do do
N pail caarloga do Il
2.1 di, 'do do $
Duet polo carriage mono, a
'ld do do do 3
boot illtalllon over 3 yews old. 10
all die do do II
fleet hao o 4 more, with enlist her aide, both
nomad by the exhibitor. $
24 heel brood Iwo with coil at her side,
boll owned by filo oaluinaar. a
Diet finale tardily borer, 4
94 do do do 11
hoot single carriage mom 4
Id do do do 0
float geldoto between 3 and 4 years old 4
do M ern du du 4
do Gelding do 9 and 3 year. old 4
do Moo do do 4
do how colt between I and 9 years old. 3
do OM r do do 3
do how, or mane colt under 10 months. 3
24 heel bored or noun ono 0.. do 11
Inept poor mooned colt, under) years old
Wolof' to herniae, 0
Exhibition under this class will lissm their
horses us thu growl by If) o'elock, Thin*
day morning, when they will be asatnire d
.Judges—Abrier Welsh, Orange' William
[aline. Muilirem; Clin. Windmills:lb Frank
!;n; Willitun Shaffer, Centre; Daniel Vetter,
Nehemiah Ree Fe. Saperimcmleat.
Prot bull 3 yarn old und upward,. $l2
241 do tin do
Pest bull between /sad 3 4004 aid, 6
/d du do do 4
Peel bull browern 1 and 9 year', old, 3
Vd do do do I
pert bull cur under 10 months old, 2
Id do do do Arriestlarielll purr
Peel Cow 3 years nld and upwards. 0
"Id do do do 4
µrµ hem./ br%*orn e trod 3 year, old, 4
2d do do du 3
Orot heifer calf ender 10 moulls4 old, 9
DEV4II4 011'01:2
Best boll :1 pears old and upward's, 0 li
2.1 do do do •
do 1001 between SI and a years old. 4
%I do do do 4
do bull between I and 3 years old. 3
24 do do do
do boll Call under JD mouth, old, I
24 do du do Ifelredrerrel 1 Fier
do Cow 3 plod old or upward, u
Id do do do 4
do heller between 2 and 3 years old, 4
V du eh ilo 3
do heifer under 10 months old. 4/ i
Ai. moot E y irro on( .
f.M Mill 3 yNkro old end upward
do do
Neu Nu fi briworn Vend 3 years old.
do do do
Bert bull between I and 1 years *ld, 3
Ild du du do I
Bret Hull calf under IU nwnth• old. 9
'ld do do d• Apesialtsrlse I paw
Peet Cow 3 years attend upward s
gd do do do 4
re et Ileirer between I and 3 year. old, 4
3d do do de 3
Bret Heifer eel( ender II menthe •Id, 3
GUMMI/ errocit.
Beet bon 3 years eld and upward *lt
24 du do do 9
do bull beau rant and 3 yodreitold, •
Id do do do. 4
do bull between I and 2 years old. 3
2d do do do a
do bull eel( under 10 months old, I
'ld do do do Arriantrisrier I deo
do Cow 3 yeare old and upward 0
24 do do do 4
du Ileir4r between 9 mnd 3 year. eld, 4
'24 do do an 3
do Heifer calf andur lucocmlha old
OW hu i 4 rear" uld and upward',
do do do
do bull bottom n 1 and I years old.
Id do do do
do hull foil( under In month• old, 2
Id do do do 4/rooilllirl4l I ',sr
do Cow 3 pats old and updadds, I
'a do do do 4
do heifer between 2 and 3 years old. 4
ed do do do 3
du bestir, ceallfiltiPt VI month, old,
nee{ Inßil oven awned nag worked by evlnlnlne, 93
VA .In ag do 3
Knit yoke steer. between .4 and 3 years OW, 4
',ld do du do 2
Exhibitors will have their stock ready for
the whip; to examine by 10 o'clock. a.
on Thursday, and to remain until Friday, 3
o'clock, p. tn.
,lurNes--•Nehr'm'h RCM. IlettliOlti; Gott
lieb linother, Catawksa; Jesse Hoffman,
Centre; Jamb Vohe, 31illlin; R. Wilson,
adiso a.
CLAPS 1111—PWrilr.
A. P. Young, Superintendent, •
Sari boss,
do do 3
An brand pow,
2d do do do 3
do pow and pigs (• or nioc.,l •
do lost 3or more pigs under • wish 411 d. 3
44 do do do 2
do Lot stork hogs (3 or mors.)
kd do do do
Judges—A. P. Youns,Greenwroxi; Rohr
Mdkury, Benton; Lewis nom, Montour.
Francen Evans, Sunerintendenk
Ben Mick,
'ld de du
de Ewe.
do do
11414 Burk,
de , do
Ail rive,
Od do do
P.M Mock.
2d de do
do F.wo,
'll do do
Judges—Frances Evans, Briar Creek ;
George Fetterman, Locust; John Smith,
CLAPP li—Pol.7l.Tar.
John (In , !man, Soperintendoca.
Prot and Inrceot of p••unry. 6*
Id do do do I
do Pair rhirkens, Airritrhor/os 1 ycir
2.1 do do 30
do Pair Turkeys, I iiii
vd do du .50
00 Pair liesas,. 1 00
24 do do 50
dr: Pair Duel's, 1 di
nest and Moot 'Hopis,' of tame pigeons. SO
;rudest—J . oh Cadman, Bloom ; Henry
Deichmiller, Herniae::: Josnph lAilleY, Scott.
Joseph Mouser. Superintendent,
nestl bushel rlevor seed. ill
21 do do do 150
do half boned Timothy. 3
24 do do do ISO
do burns! Red Wheat, 3
do do White Meat,
do do NYn. 3
do do Illiteitwl•sat, SP
do do Miura Need cora faro, 30
do do Yellow do do AO
do da Ohnobtoll do de .00
do Ilalf bushel Flamed, SO
do bushel Oatt, SO
.Tudges—Joeeph Mower, Montour; John
Gruber, Hemloc k Weglif Boirmsn, OrmitteL
Jackson AlcHenry, Fishinpreek ; Em men
P, Eves, Greenwood,
Hiram Appitman, Superintendent.
Mat I hustlei of soy of the ditersist sort•
ttfoo at potatoes, •1 SS
dot busted Sweet Potatoes, I
do bushel Field Turnips. I in
di bushel a i l/ var.
) I 30
de bushel r to. .4riovilorist 1 year
Au Issusiddllisdohl Wurlsol, I
do ill
P .
Is t Oileistas
s, Agrtsiathrtst i fur
S firssi
do Issohdt 0 1 10000 . p
wi ll
.k., ric stable Oysters (Welty)
t Alitlag is Albelle.
l e
i l i t ill arti lui !hums.
ft IrOltriltArellut Illashil.
Or noltin - )ferldrltairlel 1 .4 .
XiMalair— -
Jud 8 Apploman, Ileminfk i Solo
man !Shemin, Oatewiree; enured Mann
bender, Bloom.
i i iirio—novermobn or 4 mnrAerunts.
.:. mien !tomboy, Suporiotonclont.
yams ridoool,
L s
do do 0.1 411/01/iiirilli I pm'
4 yank Wooimi moth, ! ',... 164
Ao IV Fordo Owl, I A.
lid do do du Airrlsidtwriot I par.
du 111 pude Philo I.lnos. I AO
do le yards maw', I 6o
do Knit Wool Allocklude, au
do do do Ilind.o., bo
do Vinton Ildonnilll4, ila
do HUM , Kidd MOM I AO
Id do do do do I
do pair Wool blonholo. I
Anlour Linen Alloollo, Avicir/roplot I Amor
do mood wade Tlibio Cloth, Agror/Infing/ I pm?
J mlgea Reuben Bomboy, Hemlock ; M rm.
Mali]) Cool, RoariauCrook; Mn'. Hiram
IL Iclino, Orange ; Mr& Hiram J. Reeder,
Franklin. . ~ ~
chaos IX—nomorne itilcovroterusip.
Inhn O. QuioKloperintentlant•
Mt lonf of srassi, so
do Pewee COL In
do Oloaor Cake, 60
do Olonato MAP, AO
do soolplo pleeerooe, 50
do Oa Wren Jelly,so
do retalooketr ?lOW. 80
do Pliektne (Irony other IWO, 60
do Apple lIIIIIIti r 60
do Pooch nurser. bo
do Moto Ilultal, In
do Grape tensor. AO
do Oillom OurphAn. 3 on
do 410nel Haw, Aorleelterias I r ••
d• Mull of looser—not We loon 914 x• 1 IA
Id do do do SO
do onenple Olaosaoo, 60
do Apple pin, 00
do wimple Venal, So
do de bard snap. SO
d o do eon mono, AO
Juilget —John O. 9uick, Montour; Mrs.
.h.ob K o stenbipter, l‘raliklin; Mrs. Reuben
Wilson,ladison Mrs. Sarah K. Pursel,
Orange; George *. Dreialmeh, hemlock.
Capt. C. G. Jackson, Superintendent,
Soft knit Show,
An do (Suitt,
do Tins,
do Timing work,
do sperimen head Waft,
do do Shell work,
do do Ulla work.
do do ',pettier work.
do do Mir work.
do do Wow work,
do do prow Ind,
do 40 tainting.
do do Sick Pulbsnideriii,
d o do WorWN: 01,1,broi
do de 'MAWS tioncui d ory, se
em 11'o,attd Wl* ,
do Comm Mot.
do Worked
. slipper.
do Pitney No Cushion, 1
do Neal Press.
do Display ?doss Painting,
do COO+,t4loll 1 4 0 1 6 1 / 1 1.
do do Aetiflecil Plowsra
do do nouns Plants in blood,. 1
do de Pried Prim,
do do pried Vinwetil.
do Variety ?lowers.
do Aperients of rannionship,
Judges—Captain C. ti. Jackson, Ber
wick ; Miss Mary Mendenhall, Franklin ;
Mrs. Daniel Hess, Mifflin; Mrs. Harvey
Crevling, Scott; Mrs. Charles R. Fowler,
Scott. _
st—rt.otta. STOVES. TIN , WASE.
Noah Crites, Superintendent.
Ow So pounds wheat fl our,
do do pork w heat flour,
do do rye floor.
do do rot n meal,
do Cooking Stove with
do Pot r Int do do
do Set *COMO teeth,
dei variety or Tin. Ware.
Juilecs,—Noah Crites, Catswissat
M. Ent, Scott; Wm. Richart, Hemlock.
xll—stistrt.t.Tusst. IsteLestetrrs
;Tripoli Harris, Superintendent.
Beet Plough ror general use,
do Corn plotter.
do Corn planter.
do Threvhing 'doctrine and Power, 4
do Reaper and Mosier antribined, •
do Fanning Mill.
do Morse ibly Purl,
do Corn Sheller,
4) Main prin, 3
no Farm Wagon,
do Straw sr fodder cutter,
do Sorer Kale,
do portable eider Minim! pram
Jo Sled,
do Clothe, %winter,
do Weaning Machine,
to among.. verde/.
d o clover
do Chute,
do Wheel barrow, 3
do Roller, .Rgeinvitat lot es. pa.,
Judges—. Taro TiarriP, I entlock ; Wm. T
Shuman, Main; John Jackson; Jos
Masters, Madison.
CLARM f I I—vrmici,nel,
Robert Purse). Superintendent,
Rem I amtly rum Isis,
do top 6 uK{r.
do open tom,
do adridd. •
do sulky,
Judgel—Roh. Puml, Naiimon ; Gen. R.
Hunter, Greenwood; N. P. Moore, Hem
()sear Attelletibliett, Superintendent.
Nem swarm of bur*, $ 1
dA An do du Iferitulturitt t year
do ramp r Ave pounds of honey, I
do booldre, I
Judges—O. A nebeniteh, Orange; A
Smith, Hemlock ; John Scou, Catawiafta.
1:1.198 XV— WINES ANII LlWlrrllla.
A• K. Smith, Superintendent.
Bi t e wooer cameo/ wine. el
do do blackberry wino,
do do grape wind.
Jo do cherry wino.
do do rye wbi•kcy,
do do ChIFT viaboar.
Judges;—.A. K. Smith, M adison ; Eli 'Men
denhall, Benton; Peter Laub:meth Benton.
utsetts xvi—rAitiNtrr WARE, TANNER/1,1/110E.
sin art'. Tsit.orts, rorraas AND
Joseph :seuttergood, Superintendent.
Boot Bilte**. $1
do drooping Pinn4l. I
do dioplog roadie% Witte. 9
do out winlror chairs. I
do opting prat chairs. I
do racking chair. I
do pewee, I
do mode snit of olotboo, 11
do half dozen nronino. igoPseiltwritt I goer
do riot ainglo Wiwi*. 9
do pat double borne..' a
do two Woo pow Hu bertber. I
do do tin kip. I
do do do tilt okinil. I
do pair coif knots, I
do pair kip boots. I
du lot oortlionwpro, I
do sample bricks, SO
Judges—Joseph Scattergood, Pine; Noah
Mouser, Montour ; Philip Gartman, Scott.
Ifli.iloo X VllT.Fiturr.
Thomas J. Wulliver, Superiiitenleut.
Vest half hiisliel of any variety of apples 01 PO
do Mops) , Of npplee, V 00
Qd do do do Arrierlisirist oaf par.
do display of poser. d 00
3d do do do .Ikyriertterist env par
do display of peaches. 1110
01 do do do Apipaierisi owls pear.
do dozen quinces 1 I 0
2d do 0. 30
du Pre cholera of grape, 1 00
do dieplay of grapes V Oil
OJ do do do Ageisvirsieilsc es• par.
de fire Posters Creveling palms, So
do do Voncord grapes So
do do Dlana Rapes SO
de do Llentivnre 'rupee 30
en do Isabella grapes, 30
do Lot of Fun popes, So
de dirplay of RuepOurries. 3 00
do IMO. of dried iloplee, SU
dui do peaches, SO
Mot Pimple dried cherries, Sinned sail unstoses, s'.
Judges—Thoinns J. Welliver, . Mt. Pleas
ant;. Reuben Rich, Greenwood; blias Krum,
Scott; Hiram Polder, Fishingereek.
Bert trotting borne, nom. or gaining ontronott
rem ON 90) $lOO 00
If Ifis then run, hemp ere mitered, Air eseb bow
ler. wen tour, shell be doduetrod truer the pre•
velum eferrd.
fleet trotting It arse, 13111/111 or 1 1 10111. (en trines
fen U) NO 0 0
Jr lees then blur heroes are centered, for earls Our,*
lea then four, SIO *ball be deducted front the pie
wham edbretl.
ORCOPIP 71107'.
Best troithie horse. mere or geldlol. ( 0 .1 6 4 11 "
Ass Si) 11103 00
If hiss this leer home aro entoreql , for nob lore*
less than tour, la shall be chclucted trout the thou+
NM neoree,
leo premiums will he hleorde4 frofeer of Ilse above
three trots If lees than nil home* isypeor to compete
for floppeilunis, ,
AI lit IS% harnssie 000 amis.
Ynntliftra• lint eon Nita M *NOM by
lunibla t wee • d aintOyd thy lit*
; e es Tab.
Thom ea p* : • ,
Pin fee t Centre; Preen► Fo , utionmok.
• 86000 VS-4%M It AM Va.
s'sl af* loWor matiO4 oamtio Matoroto tea, 34) VI
ro, via MK 40, de do
Oleos UM* WO promo t mop ftot Ow 041* 4 4 ,
{,Main Win WON**
kilgoor-Aliiitew Madison, Madis:ai ; A
ATVAlbertoon, thoonwochi; A. NI
14Wirio OW tiro aboalitotlon romans loom"
In pas to the AelffibilittOil 000 400 110 et...styl i n g
sne w iiyiyhip, Ms prottrao horatetwo hole he.* t.
May Whet. an Par days, and herr their 1111111.4 tli.
601ded Oil rite thav )
Poet, Lean wane MM. Snirfril nolt.lhibitioi
or romper WWI. 0111140 lentantoraitnewbor or tins Awe.
elation bolero 'Morino tbrelie
r*.rond Wawa 104041144009 Mitilarn it pion 04
whets their testy eto ewe/Wm
rblifi. T ' 15010 , 44 0 Was' , 0 4 10 01 ”111# pi , r.
yoga Soto r ~MOW Maley WI wg* yy.
btbitntoWWl !ill 1,1 11 ., 011 1 1 0 eitb.44llll6tbst
rumot. #lll ankle. Owed tor annipatomn moot
bo am nod liCillaV oppitedst. rms. einratablyy,
*lower*. ke . 115.1 be Um Powl 'I Of th. , vfilliwiltai.
end all wanilliplitiotil whiles mist be toads by Imo
etrorineno , , .41 , ,
Pain. An dock errieroll oleo lail "bat le royrrroolo4
or promotions * Or ba ibilleiteAL
511th, Au owialeo *ay otbibition or aorupreitioa
Witt ter pourtrill by lirPooloit. P, ,I 4„, Wednatioy in.
bib- and elope** worepriblo cows, be on the /online
at that iliac lord remain there um tit Vriday 3 044
P. 14,, when they wilt be at the diepututi of the aut.
*tooth. Stood* fat lb* silo or rollphdipi . WO*s
ds obtoinod by oppittittoo to any arthatity or it. r.
1;,,1 hill No liaise WM Wl. od.tald.lllrt Nil
rpm, moose or molt Hos**
!odors oppeinseduosoinbio ;be Cloven; claw.
coati - gar am. lawam. Alootatotio• by Whops*
two i *CP Wry (MN early ott Tborodoy ottorotoy
obtol , o notir lootroctkoloo.
irklio tio dm nit deo be obtslood at ill, /lama
010 Mil Wore Ityo raft os a; Um Trobot trier 0601111
r air days,
poirrti P. etnil NEL Pun.
I 8 (Irvin , . f ll BO,,
814.matwitri *pc 11.. 1147
►O,OOl or watt pros imb*crtber an the night of
the alb Ow— I.ICIBT MA Y HOW: Aft*
ptirt.itt hitoi *tries: Wadi Mae ;
1114 AWN 14 thomir
A relliftiliiitbei retard .01 he outhl WSW
rtt4to QS the Wor t ova ewe tot *0- out too
bets, w ee lot wily otonod by Otooph n Won,.
L%41 Elt410.1,11",
Tows 14111. !Ammo Cs .
Came 10 the premise, 01 tio
nefdlet, sit if .iitfuelt Tewneliii. roe.
•••• u 'astray, oil or *bout the iltiM at
icisu 111 0 7 . a brindle now, with *nine
mark in I.4eliand sireidee anon wadi
s b. u s her Andy, aged about nine reale. OW
sot pm, 'open e.t.a et wreak. The await, lit
oanrra ate tog anted 10 tame ern ard and niteit
propotrir pay castNo, and late he away. Otheralal*
Cite wtti be dopate 4of es hits isw dieeett
1•1011.1 taINTOI.
I I lfein'nek. Auftial 14. PO —3w.
Tito toderaignral will pay Ma highosi market ►rhi
in , a , h 4114. for .loth *Orr 41 his 111 , 011
Ito hear Mill.. liVllllaltolperl, •r Coy. Priori ea
your Wool lo th. %cm Ploasont Malt, at Morcoao.
yule, Pa. J, 6 , SAN WA'.
pops. 4, IM7,
The Rom tam Ann A. Wll.Pief will .inn (free
of ctitraM 14 all who detite it, the pemiettlitiort
the directions for mtkieg and toed the mull*
remedy by which ha was eared eta long MfiectieW
and that detail dime* se Consiimptiee. Pie oily oh.
jest to benefit the afflicted and he lieges emery
•iifferer win try this presertption. se it wel mew
, them Bathing , lag may piece Meeting.
1 1 tilde's* hem r.DwAtti) A WILSON.
N. , 163 eau* &mood Alt set, Willitotottnirg, New
Infermation anareetee4 en proatwe 4 tirsufaini
growth of tam neon a bald headier aeattlwee O*u.
oleo a temps tot tee removal nt lettopter, Illotettec
t:t Notions, ett , quiet Ain leaving the ettat soft
elem. end aeauttful. tan ke *Wonted towhee; *beep
by addressing Tittos.r.t.n,ptimi oncost.
Itioadwey, %ew Ifeek
Th*Vommis*Oeutre of t oinmtia h hltinthey Chile
h ie tem meet eg the month or itnarinssra«t Oa tho
with of hest intl., at 10 o'clort A. M. to restive
pi..poeale for erecting a towered arab bridge seer
Boat titterer*. Ibe bridge will I. ferrety Awe
feet between the (tilt of the einittneate sea tweets'
fret Isola. The einitinents will be, as* shwa Are
fret high and the other about ten feet bigo, *Ma salt
obis witignalls.
A. MANN, 1 Coestaissionsre
/NO. et Cannabis
i eol,lllll{ollionsfili
ji SiCi
it t E. of Mesittat
JAhlt.d SHULTZ. Cavity.
A uDrroas• Ncrricx.
Errata et 100WRIA. RNlrw SAT* or Gitstsweilio TV! .
l•nLGnata otoirt bertaallo.
The iinderaisned. Auditor appointed by tba fh•
(111311111 Connor the thionty of cnitinibta. to:make dui
in/I.ton of the belong* in the bawls of Altosen N.
Ikrler tolministratot of boo wel Idinob late of (lioan.
wood tewnebip tleceaereil to and among thr reeatet4
ire rfPllttlltO Of the decedent, in the 4 , ?0, eetabliabil,
by lA* will attend at toe office in 131.rotr, 0/14114 Oo
Inc twentysret day of Ifoirenthet A• D.
Phil'. at 11l o'eloelt A, M. rot the porpoise of atteneltoi
in the dubs* of lite 4proin.rvnt, when and whets
all parties interested 4111 re , ihite4 M prreeat theta
claim., or be debarred front eolnilla to lot * abate
the food, R. R. !KRUM,
Illoomebnot Pep t. 11. 11401,-111.
mown CRAM SOH%
Afll Mseureetured from psis materials 444 ma?
he ...nettle, d the standard of Melanin'rad seie
by an eitnerrp, ('Co be bed el Catswiees, gloom,
hors., Light Street, Eery, and all muter slats*
iticeeshion the Conway.
They keep ennoteetly On head Chew'd graph%
theniieci. Mire, Yale and Miner Raab e,
Orders solieited, Sept,
TUR FUTURE ar.vmen
To Doom ■od Dello. I l'orioneo telt—
Itptirep me for I can do tt
Come Myren deer And novo , tear
A little *hotelman train tit hx•r.
fluting a residence in fipain. f illoiline4 sf •
Np‘surb /Ott! T.l Of eilliftingif n rnyinis it 1411111100111%
cnll.l a lloromrope, by which, enobinbll will a pra•
ergo Mamba mils In my 'RIG las Saab ha to Fifties
a cusses( pertieit of
ition the tl4tx of marriage, name, Charartm. rasidcnltis
and every particular. This is no impamtiun, as
testimonials without 11111041. ORO sanest. tty suttee
plane of birth. alp., entot of ayes nod Mir. and tn.
titling Arty con,* and stamped misstep , : addressed
to sourish*, pin mi II rewire the White Jty isinrit
a tivi n i 4 l . ..with desired information" A Wines in cmill•
J. PIS lit Pl.
TO rid gy tits I
AI .143 'JD :rt
A. tb* otalann is al hand. we offer to Shit Armor*
our . 1 141 1 r, PhOrphaja, Iwhien. as a fiattliaat tot
Wr'eal. uoth. Hato. Pol4l , mil, &e.. cannot be effeak
led, ald Wartilfit it a palm/meat ihtpwayor ail
k 'Ma et roil. (not atitapi tap any.) I kdtwa sot seam
a simple atinsfiant. Ihr Oho crop on ly, tot er towing
in na alt et., which taa bo OtaVeld by tire farinal.
of Cheater and 40,04014 MOW_ .0 4 .111`1bia *the ; alsa
of th e aitjatual cul/01104 01. Pereeleee end karyirlad.
who Aare 14044 11411111111Mittf, for the laid d year/.
For Wham, no late, arinat •r fora
Pot Cont. LSO to 100 lba. par ewe, dropped i ie bib
41 lino at Panther
Pot Oats. ISO lb., per ern. rows breedeser.
Fat reloWee. 400 lot. per acre. Inatome re do
rOt gne lbs. per stile. •r 4141.0 Paper.
Thir qualotiv MI Grape I ptlpept pfrymbies el it Melo* oil AO* AWN 4to pa. oPaii.
Olre_Grl 1 014"1_ "AGM *GAS result will bk
0/01,emirity ' -
1444.,401 11*..eadt •*I stiwo ibmv
Poorml fits, Na m Anahotketi4t; m. 14
mem! to r r ciiin wor Woo
sit . two,
.1. W. 1"0, , Alto &
4141VaSi t •
IlletlHOMO NS.
itiwit Mit* $1007.09* .