Bloomsburg democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1867-1869, September 25, 1867, Image 1

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President Judge—lion. lirilliam Elwell.
Associate Jud Inn Derr
ges— { Peter K. llerbein.
Proth'y and Cl' k of Courts.—Jesse Coleman.
Register and Rotuarder—John O. Freese.
Allen Mann,
Commissioners— John F. Fowler,
Montgomery Cole.
Sheriff--Samuel Snyder.
Treasurer—John J. Stiles.
Daniel Snyder,
Auditors— { L. B Itupert ,
John P. - Hannon.
t ommissioner's Clerk—Wm. Kriekbaum.
Qmsmicsioner's Attorney—E. H. Little.
Meroentile Appraiser—('opt. (leo. W. Utt.
()aunty Surveyor—Lame A. Dewitt.
District Attroney—Milton M. 'l'ntugh.
Coroner—William J. Ikeler.
County Superintendent—Chan. G. Barkley,
Assesors Internal Revenue—lt. F. ('lark.
f John Thomas,
S. B. Dimmer,
Assistant Assersor— i
J. H. Ikeler,
J. 11.. Woods.
Collector—Benjamin '. Barnum).
bf I MAT'S 14TORIC) 1111.00MOUUllt7. VA.
TIM undersigned Ines J•ut flood up, and opened,
We new
this pinre, where he is pm pared to make up nnW
Tib. WARN of 111/undo in his lino, and do n pow
iklo with nrotitess and ilisp ach, opus, the ra.
'finable 'prin., Ile also kerne on hand lart IVES Or
•ariou• pa ite ran and style., which he will anti upon
terms, ha suit
Give brat.. 111. 11. , is n vo4 mechanic, and de
serving of .h♦ u.ibilr pairotiuge.
JACUU s!6'l'Z.
Binnin+loorg, Sept. 0, 1406.-1 y
TM ttad•rrigned to •bttt fitting ■p •
PIASTER rittlat
at the PENN FURNACE 11111.1 i, arid will offer to
the public UNE HUMMED TONS Ilia
Nowia Neolia While Plaster,
prepared ready Crn ate In monolith," to reit percher,
Etc at oily time from the first of Mack Nell.
J. O. SlIcNINI:11.
Cataw iota, Jan. U. NM.
ipte s perifutty turiisms ills mobile that lie is now pre
pored to manufacture all kinds of
at (l i e LOWL'ST Paval Prkes ;
et chart antler" and in the vary kepi and Intrat Plylot
111 r. airinn, (no is wril•killwn in Illomo.Oorrid.) Ira
had many yr•rop of ancrearfni ozio•ro n.. wok a rap•
Walton fort /rani work, integrity and lionorarde deal
ink unporparwd.
tt Mae , : r.f Inioincois nu Routh Ignot Vorio.f of
Main and Iran rirt.Pip, over J. h.O arloll . ll eitlrt..
BIOOMSba/ 00. In, 1P4H1.--@m
GEO. W. NAGGER, Preprtotor.
Tide ahoy, well snows lintel her recently under
rune radical cliiitige• in its interns! iltrttioVouicids,
•fiti its prulirletnr unneunres In his Fernier
and the travelling public that his arrow latkini
for the crinillirt .1 his gliekirt Urn ..'wild 1..10.11..
the country. 111/ table will sluays be found say
riled. nut (nil) with substantial !WM, but with ail
the delicacies the 111+ nine nod Ilqunrr
(ext. lit twat pnpninn lie veraso known on
purchased direct Innis thin ititpuriseis 6uuees, ore nes.
tinnin Winn, nod tree Crum ull poirnrintwi itrue+. Ile
ti thankrul for n Immoral 1.1.11111114.: in the past, and
will riantinue to deserve it In the future.
June 19. Vtlit.—tf.
TNE undersigned would moat respertfolly an•
twine, to the pub he generally. flint ha ill/frilllt.ll
In eldCllle all kinds of MACIIINCItV. nt
fill FOUNDRY, In Bloomsburg. where he
ran always he (mind rea.ty to In ill kind. of P . llialf•
Threshing Jlu hi nes. nod in Own, all
kind. of Farming Ut , Al.tto, 113 RN NO AND
d on , o n short 'mike, in a good workmanlike man
ner, ul.mi the most reasonably terms.
lilllll/411.11/1/fIOIICII in MU WlOlll4O, as foreman In
the shop of Lewis 11. Maus of this pla,e, for flier
nine year., warrants Mai in saying (hut he rail sire
entire satisfaction to all who may humor him with
het, work.
Bloomsburg. Nov 111. 181*
Tny. ruhscrlber havlug purchased Om —rallon
House," Iu
property RC e. W. Piney. Esq., would any to the
/lend• of the linear, his acquaintances. and 111 r pub
tic generally. that ho iniine• io ”kri.p a
with the accommodations and comforts of a 1100.1 g,
land humbly solicits their patronage.
hats of the *Wagon !louse. Philadelphia.
Lock Haven, Occ.
ould announce to the fedi,. of Illnoin.hurc and
the nubile generally, that she has just tricot v ect from
ttle eastern rtlies her
spring and bummer
ftinck .r
eoeieleilog or all Wien.. tipttally fintrill In Net Harr.
Millinery t•lorvr. Ilrr mode ore or the let •y n altly
sed.aiung the ntuel hniolsonie nod eln.nreol In the
amain. 1411 end examine thew rot yonroelv , qt.
Nobody elionld purcisnin. ,lA,•vrll..ry before, t• gninin •
ins Wish Peti.rinea's murk ale ... de Connote Wade
to urder • nn the photten notice, or
Stott en Mein *treed. 34 d or below the store or
mendabbeil t Kapert.
11111oorseurc, May It, soa_tr.
11. It. 11UNSBERGER,
jfisis ~Ytrert, below the ".leteeleast Me se,"
Where he hoops on band, anti foritinhos to the 11011111
Boa errantry trade, n t l'hiludeipitin fitment) price s,
DmiLentu AND IMPORTED CIGAR all ktritls 01
peon, Meerachnuro and Briar Wood ripen, and all
i mosne pertaining to hie trade.
theant small retail dealer. In cigar. and thew.
taltfreciaa. wortid do well to line hint n rail. ho
rued pending to the cilia. for every ortieln they
w oo pinata tiny of thetie country pedlar..
o i orewer V 1.1800.-3 m.
es, at John R, Meyer', prof Ptak
sad Marto 81.1,01,.. A 0 0 41 a pfs
E DR 11601,
(HI. and Virmiaboa, always on
said dieoper lima at any other
i gloo
Ily compounded at aloyer's
taigas mold at aluyet's Aral
sut,l qt ilnyrr'i Dray
~a.„,..,:,„ ~,.......„ ~
*.V.• ‘4llll ' '
/I rs ßt ißG
...,.. 4 , se,ilii.„,.,. :: „ .1
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~. ~ _
Vloontoburg przorrat.
1 . 111131 0 .-61 110 in advance. 11 . 00t fold wtthlet
!IX IttONTIII4. 50 retitle additional will be charged.
117" Nopuper dinenntiniteg limit all arrearagee
are paid except at the up:lon of the editor,
1 as tan, roilitiTtrrit • raceme.
One square ine er three Insertions et 30
Every entigegnent Insertion laps matt 13 50
stu.cs. IN. 'irk 3r. Or, tr.
f 1
One square, 2,00 I 3 00 4.00 0.0.1 10.10
Two squares, 3,00 I 5,00 ,00 PO i I
I 14.00
Three .• 5,00 7.00 5.50 I'',llo IP I .O I I I
Pour agia. rep, 11.40 0 1 .00 10,00 14,011 30.061
Half rolumo,l 10.00 13,00 14.00 IIS 011 30.00
One column. 1 15.00 11. 00 011,00 130.00 50,00
I'.irrolnr'r and Administrator'. Notice. 100
Auditor'. Notice . V „So
Other advertidements itineri ,, d according to special
emit ra.t.
Posineer entire., without advertisement, twenty,
eerie par
Trail. Loft ndvertlu•menta payable 113 a,li ance all
other. due after Art inpertion.
CT uYF'ICI --Ise tllurc'd BIWA, Cor.of Main dan
Itun elitTet..
Addreso, W. 11. JACOItY.
Olonnieloirl. Columbia Canal)
nn the Sunday Mercury.
WIVE 'IOU 41:2:1 TUE 11:1.E.
"You need not atop your nose, sir ;
I spoke hut by a metaphor."
All's Well That Nadir Hell Actsth Scenr 2d
lkflatboat) and Agassia say,
That men antl.wonum kind,
Like other beasts once hat, a tail
Hung gracefully behind.
by Pitting orernotch,
It wore down to a stamp :
The rest of which may vet he Peen
On what isealled the hump.
'Tbi4 theory may be why we have
1 ain puppies pow-a-days;
And, pYalis, originate:l, too,
A very vulgar ',lira:a,.
But now to live without a tail
We all mum be content ;
So I will tell a tale about
A taillete Elephant.
An Af icon, and strong wablio—
One of the rankest kind,
But minus of a trunk before,
And of a tail behind.
Ile had a very wooly head,
Which wits as hard as steel .--
TWA lilyt. flat nose, and tender shim,
.And elongated heel.
Dot. notwithstanding these defects,
The pions saints Down East
Deelnre,l it was cli,loyal not
To bow berore the beast.
Therefore the pnintp Anek Aso to him,
No matter whore he went ;
?or a raakee ahe,q/N pubs his mac
Whrrc he can gct a s-cent.
notv fir 4 the animal got here
It (14)1.4 not matter time!' ;
Or whethor he wits intrishiceil
liy Hag ur by Putt+.
Three billion dollars 'slave Leen paid
For him, his keep :
And all his trurshipperx declare
The _Beast is very cheap.
The propla surel must feel proud
In havin g i mil a prise ;
In honor o f the animal
Let acelainations riso,
And keep him in the bureau,
Though three billion more is spent;
J)(m'l mind debt or imroilott—
AO ?pm got the Elephant
aguitue ilAseenT
Shall the State be Overrun with
Ti: Delaware Republican (Radical) says
"the negroea have a right to vote now in
every State of the Union, under the Civil
Rights hill," and it will "proudly and joy
fully join in the appeal to Congress to en
force the right." Long ago we stated that
ismietim e or other the Rads of Pennsyl
vania would take that position, and we say
now that should Judge Williams be elected
to the Supreme Court in October, they will
immediately atter so declare. The election
of Williams would give them a majority of
negro partisans upon the Bench, and hence
such a decision as they desire. As at pres
ent constituted, a majority of the Judges of
the Supreme Court arc adverse to negro
suffrage. This fact have kept the ]tads
quiet upon this subject, and prevented them
from endeavoring to push negm suffrage
under the civil sighti bill. The people can
rely upon it that the election of Williams
will be the signal for an attempt, b o th
through that Court and the Legislature, to
give the voting privilege to the negrees.—
And if the (tads succeed in their design,
hundreds of thousands of negroes will im
mediately flock into the State from the
South, to vote and become a tax bunko up
on the people—for thousands of them would
fall upon the counties for support, as they
have done hitherto upon the Federal Gov
eminent. If the thinners are wise they will
nip this design in the bud by voting for
Judge Shorewood.
FILTHY LUCRE.—Money the root of mod
ern evil, is causing trouble in the Radical
camp. Some of the "loyal" 01104 in the
South have appealed to the "loyal". ones in
the North for money. Theyrooeivod it and
spent it but the loyal cause was not advanced.
Now the torriblo suspicion is aroused that
the "loyal enas may have been too loyal to
themselves and not loyal enough to their
party, and the Tribune mussel! long pursed
loyalists to send in the future no contributions
to the South exoept through the Central
Republican Committee at Washington.
Will the Northern 'loyalists' never under
stand that the object of a Southern 'loyalist'
is to muko his polities pay ?—Churicatint
(8. C.) Mercury.
elliciase, tall et 'iloyelei
Celle' lad retail, etilal.S.
1, Pe.
Negro Paupers.
A down-eaater thus relates an adventure
he had while traveling on foot in one of the
Western States: "Well, you see back here
beout a mile beyont the Nockyernoseoff
creek, I wur walking along as happy as a
lark, looking about over the prairies and
thinking heow beautifnl the girl All Seeing
had made the world and what awful tatirs
this silo would raise, when I see a big drove
of cattle just one Pia. I wur admirin'
berm fat and slick they wur au' lookin' at
their good pints, when an almighty great
brindle bull jumped up out'n the tall grass,
and begin to shako his all-tired big curly
head an belles an' switch his tail an' paw
the ground over his back. I concluded it
were best to let on like's if I want afraid,
an' so I began► to whistle, 'Hake her down,
Sal,' and other good chunes, thinkin' as
heow I'd slip past the blasted old cuss; but,
jist as I got oppersite, he gin a snort an' be
gin to fetch a rake in the site with his fore
feet. I put in a few quick stops 'bout then,
but wns afeurd to run, cos I !mowed if I did
he'd feel encouraged. Putty soon he begin
to come on a trot, an ' then I let out in a
kind of canter. Then he riz to a lope, au'
seein' it wore no use wain' for him to quit
I just loosened these ere legs of mine an'
cou►e down to best time. I looked 'lomat
for something to climb, but there I ware in
the cussed 'waiver and not a pea stick to be
seen nigher than a mile uhead—henw I did
want to stop right there an Miss the 1,1114-
ed prairies. I gin a glance over my shoul
der an' see the everketite cuss with his
nose drown an' his tail up, eomin' jist on
the dead lay drown, and I let my legs count
another notch. The chase went nip an
tuck till I got near the creek when I see
that the bull were only, 'beout a hundred
yardeLehind me. Lord Jehossyfat, but I
felt quee•ish when I was martin he were gain
; it gave me such a skoer that my heart
seemed to dissolve in dish-water, an' my
legs kinder lost their feolin' so I could see a
lot of trees ahead a little ways, an' of I
could hold tout three minks longer, I'd he
to cm. Hooked back and the sufferin'
Moses, of the bull warn't within twenty feet
of me, his eyes all green and his nostrils
looked like a mita a put my head in them,
an' as red as% holt of new flannil, 1 got al
most to the erecltwhen I found the timber
wur on the oppervite side from me, an' the
bull so close I could almost feel his breath
on my cheek. I tl►ot of my flailed° in that
offel time ; sez I, 'Farewell, little Jetl, an'
you, Sorer Ann, my gentle companion.' :fist
at this instant I see a stump right on the
bank of the creek, an' made a spring for it,
expecting to get on top on' t, but it happen
ed to be holler an' I landed inside. I jilt
had room to squeeze drown in it an Fit my
bend below the top, an', not a darn bit too
soon wur I in, for its my topknot went drown
Mr. Hull's head came up whack again the
stump till everything jingled. '
"You buyer beleve I felt thankful I wir
housed at last; and the old cuss of a bull
wasn't he distippointed. Lord, huow 6
did rave round that stump, switch his tail,
paw the rile, and boiler. 1 peeped up at
him, jist to see how he wur gcttiu' on but 1
kalkerlate I peeped deown again offel s od.
dent, for I hadn't more'n got toy head up
till his horns twines a straddle on it, and his
skull hit the stump like a maul. The little
incident convinced me that the best thing I
could do was, in the langwidge of Wheeler,
to lay low, watch the black ducks and chew
pokeroot. Just as rd made up toy mind
not to put up my head again, I felt the of
fulest pain take me in the leg, I never see,
an' at the same time it commenced to whiz,
whiz, deown in the bottom of the hollow
stump, I tried to look deown to see what on
airth it could be, but the holler was so nar
ror, 1 couldn't get a chance to look, an' at
once it popped into my head that there
war a raitmake in the stump. When I
t6t of that I made 1111 offel plunge to get
out of the horrid den; but the cussed bull
warti't more'n six feet off, an' the mink he
seed my head came at mu full chisel. Thu
first I knowed 1 had dodged buck into the
stump agin and hadn't more'n touched bot
tom afore 1 felt another offel kcon bite in
my leg. I made a rush to get out again but
the cussed; infernal bull drove at me, an'
I was bleeged to pop back again. As I
squeezed down inter my stump again,
would bet'er barrel of runt that Surer Anu
would be a widder in less'n ten hours. 1
tried to cipher out which would be the
most becomin' fur a Christian, to be 'drip.
cd to death by an etrel great snaik, or have
my inards slung to the four winds by a
missed brindle bull I thot of the martyrs
—of Amos bided in ile, Elixir smeared with
hooey and Jose ; ,11 tempted by Pott wire,
and concluded that I ott to profit by their
example, on' grin an' bear it no matter how
much it went light the grain. But I got
list then an offel bite or tew, an' ter save
my soul coldn't help stieken up my bead an'
the bull being on hand let drive on, filled
my eyes full of dirt an' bark, so deown
bobbed again fur !mike. I now begun to
get bites offel frequently, an' I squirmed an'
twisted an'sereeched at a fast rate, an• in
grabble' around I katohed something RD'
got a bite iu the hand.
"1 belt my holt on to it, an' behold, it
proved to bo nothin, a yalkr jacket. When
1 found I wasn't anaik bit, I felt suthin lift
off my atummick like a bag of shot. Glory
to sea I, I may live to perteet, the wid
dor an' fatherless yit. I 101 t for a winnit as
if I didn't koer fur all the gallsr jackets be
tween the Misnissippi and the Missouri but
the blessed Joruslud I hadn't seen one there
where I seen a thousand in another mint,
The whole holler of that stump pot yallnr
with 'em. I couldn't stand it long that
way. I tried to think of some kind of pray
er suitable to the occasion, an' commenced :
"Now I lay me down to sleep ;' but, by
Jewdas, I couldn't pray for cumin, I jist
swore, bull or not bull I wits gwin to emi
grate from that partickeler spot ; but every
time 1 put my head above the stump, the
bull pitched at me, en' hit the stump jist
like a maul, ho looked offel ferocious, with
his eyes as green an' the foam droppin from
his mouth. I was bobbin' up and o deown
so continnorly that I wus abeout half the
time in the stump en' half the time eout,
au' last I found the stump bcginnin,' to
give way under the thumps of the infernal
old brindle heathen, an' I ewer my heart
rot straight on end ; I made up my mind to
get coot of that, somehow, party quick, but
jist at the milk I raised up my head to
jump eout an' nun, the old cuss came at me,
with heal' down nn' tail up, at locomotive
speed, an as I dodged deuwn he struck the
stump, tore it up at the roots, an' shot tne
°out like a bunibsliell clean over the bank
into the creek ; ate after me come stump,
hull an' all.. The fore feet or sonic on cm,
of the bull struck me right on the back
knocking' me clean dcown inter the muddy
botom of the creek. When I rot the fns
thing I seed MIT the old feller's tail, an' as
I couldn't swim a lick, I made a grab for
it an' made hint tow use whore. 'Who*
we got there, I let go, an' run one way, while
the bull run the other, an' that's the long
an' short ont't.'
MAMMA EDTOll.—i 11 my last letter I liotrell
whar de fast white man climbed from, and
dat de culled t;,lks am do true Lerds of do
creation of dis world—dat do white potpie
am euniebances—dat do white skin am de
work ob do murderer, and dat do white
folks stole de arf from do nigger. It fol
lows ob corns dat de dirty am do sperior
ob do white. Brudtler Greely and tiumner
and Garrison anti Stebens and a heap ob
odders hub seen dat de nigger hab not had
his true place in de world, dey, derefor, hab
been laborin and still am laborin to gib him
his rights. I)ey got do truf so far as (Ivy go,
but dey not got de hole truf ; dey see do
light shinin true a dark cloud, for do tru f
am, de art' whar gibbon to de lust mto and
his pickaninies and de rust man wha black ;
derefor it am clear as de sunshine dat de
arf belong to tie nigger and dat do whites tin
antelupers. De mistake dat tie learned make
am, dat dey say dat, de nigger am de equal
oh do whites, when he am sperior. Dose
men hab done well. lien old or, and dey see
de light little by little. Fust dey pity us,
and say it am wrong to keep do culled broil
ders iu slavery--den dey atop slavery in de
territories. But dey know flat de constitu
shin uphold de sour in do right of slavery
and dat de nor(' hab no right to meddle wid
de aouf (ley know dat, and if dey would
break up slavery, dey must break down tic
constitushin and de Union dat ant built on
it, but dey know, too, dat, in time ob peace
do pelvic will not lot dent du it. Pay dere
for, bringed on de war ob de liberation, and
in midst oh de noise and confushion dey frow
aside de constitushin and di, laws and do
just what dey wish to. Dry have proclaimed
slavery done gone. But dry now see dat
de niggers hab not got dare rights yet, so
dey am tr)in to make dem equal wid do
whites, dat we must vote wid de whites, ride
wid de whites, marry wid de whites, and
hab share in de guberment wid de whites.
Dey tun eummin 'long bravely, dry am learn
in do truf fast., but dey might jilt as well
sum to do pint lust as last, for de world will
neber move right till dey gib do nigger his
true place; but it takes time to edjukate
den and we can wait a while yet. Dune am
one ting howebber dat we claim : de souf
belong now to de nigger, and de soul hub
always been de land ob de Presidents but we
am modest, and ask only dat dey gib us do
Vice President din time and wo gib dent de
President, den if de Lord should move do
President, or de debble put it into tie hart
ob some darkoy to play Wilkes Boor, de
Nation will be blest wid a culled President.
Den de President hab de right to pint de
Cabuit like himself, and do honer tab tie
Nation will demand dat de forma ministers
be all culled, and de offisers at home will be
gibbon to de niggers, and den Gosh Molly,
wont we hob de time.
We 111,1 open de blujet, and retie on de
And donee 1,11 of tier het le gat harder than de atnnap
(lit out ob de way white folks, for de great
day objubilo am cum. YAW yaw yaw yaw.
Yours, wid great importance,
Cabin lime, Sept. ad, Iso7.
tor The black republicans are, at this
early day, beginning to agitate the question,
"who shall be the next radical candidate for
President ?" They evidently don't trust
Grant, fearing that he is too conservative
for their purposes. The New York Tribune
hints that they can take Sheridan, if they
must have a military man. Why not fall
upon Fred. Douglass lie would bo the
best representative of their principles.
firkr Judge WilHeins does not deny, that
if elected, be will favor the extension of the
elective franchise to the negro in l'onnsyl
vauia, and his decision will be that it is
Constitutional I It is probable that a man
born to believe in Radicalism will adhere to
that fitith, especially when personal aggrand
isement is to be the result of such adherence,
We have oonfidence in the integrity of the
Democracy of l'imusylvania, and feel con
fident that their support will not promote
ono who is not governed by the principles
of law and iustme to the highest judicial
position is the State.
Democratic Vlctorlem.
Everywhere whore elections are held, or
the people have the least chance to express
themselves on the great bones of the day,
there is indicated a vast change in favor of
the Democracy. After the Radicals had ar
rayed themselves squarely against the con
stitution of the country the first State beard
from—gallant little Commettotrr—fired the
first gun of the campaign which is to end
with the complete rout and utjer overthrow
of the fanatical and revolutionary power
which has wrought so much evil. Then
followed Kstrrvexr with a magnificent Dem
erratic majority, after which CALIFORNIA
sends over the glorious greeting from the
Pacific, and wheels into the Democratic col
umn which is marching on to complete vio
tory. Next comes the news that the hardy
pioneers of the new territory of MONTANA
have elected a Democratic delegate to Cou
gress, and that the whole territory is strong
ly in favor of' the party which is battling for
the constitution. Besides these absolute
victoria, we have also cut down the 'Lidi
cel majority wherever elections have been
held, and even in the most fanatical portions
of New England the tide is beginning to
run the other way. We could not a,-:k for a
prophet more encouraging, and them) tokens
which come to us front afar, that are breth
ren hive and are battling manfully and suc
cessfully for the Union, ought to incite us
to renewed exertion in the contest in which
we toe now engaged in Pennsylvania. Fays
the Philadelphia Age on this subject : "If
Pennsylvania gives her verdict against the
Radicals and their revolutionary plans in
Oetoher, the Union will be saved, and white
Men rescued hunt the degrading thralldom
of negro supremacy. Montana unites with
Connecticut, Kentuity and California in
beckoning us the way we should go. Let
the Democracy heed the invitation,and place
this State in the Union line at the coming
election.—!democratic lliatchmaa.
about here knows crazy Bill Bailey, and we
need therefore not give explanations. Some
time ago he entered Jacob Miller's house
in this place at an unseasonable hour, and
came near being shot for a thief. About a
week ago, lie entered a house on the Island,
went up stairs and considerably frightened
the lady of t halumsa whn happened to be
up yet but alone. Ile has been guilty of
another trick too revolting to mention in
public print. If the overseers of Monroe
township don't soon lock hint up they will
yet bo made responsible for some of his
misdeeds, for we aro certain such a character
is not safe on the streetr. But let us come
to the main story: A few nights ago a
certain girl in this vicinity sat up quite late
sparking. The matter becoming rather
tedious, about midnight her beau proposed
to take a moonlight promenade to kill off
monotony. I►uring their absence Mill
Bailey entered the house, went up stairs,
occupied the girl's bed, and entered upon
a good snooze. It so happened that, con
trary to the rules of propriety, the spark
ing party continued up all night and the
pretonce of Bill in the house was not known
till next morning when tho children gave
the frightful alarm that Bill Bailey was up
stairs in Angelina's bed! Bill begired off
and said he would do so no more.—Sslins
grore Tinul •
Tonto row MoNnnc►as.—Tho New York
Express says: "When a fool is born King,
it is not ►van's fault,—but al►en a fool is
made King, man
L is to blame.
The creation of Gen. Pope, who lost his
coat, pantaloons, &c., at the second
Bull Run, to say nothing of his head, and
who thereby, made a mockery of the Union
cause, in the Rebel cause,—whose coat was
stuffed in a Richmond shop window, during
the war, and labelled, "my headquarters in
the saddle,"—the creation of such a man
into a monarch, is man's fault. President
Johnson—not Congress, was to blame there
fore. Bo was from the President's King
ulannfactory, not Thad. Stevens.
Pope is doing all sorts of things in his
dominions—lbw, that are sensible, and those
only by mistake; the most of them being
as senseless as his silly military campaigns.
How such a man ever got into the army—
how and why, he is kept in—are puzzles
unacoulitable on any reasonable hypothesis.
Sheridan :111 , 1 Sickles have brains—Pope is
GENF:HAL RANT. The Radicals are
felling this gentleman, as they would a
lemon, which when well squeezed, they
will throw away. Chase, the Chief Justice,
beyond all question, is to be their machine
man fur the Presidency. The Freedmen's
Bureau will send fur him to the Convention,
11 Southern States—and Now England,
and New York, will go for him,—with dele
gates, here and there, from the West, wore
than enough to nominate him. The bletho
dists, too, are to be enlisted, as the Chief
Justice has recently become very pious in
that Church.
Gen. Grant is a good enough soldier, and
a groat enough General, but a green, very
green politician. His only chance of being
made President, was, in holding his tongue
and his pen, and ho held them so well for a
long time, that many thought he would hold
on,—bat they wore mistaken. He was
desirous, we see, to be President, and the
Radicals in Washington have told him the
way to bo President,—was to talk, talk,
talk, write, write, write, order, order. He
has begun, and ho will end, with the poli
tician& lie is by no means sharp enough
for them, and they are laughing well, at the
way they have been using him up.—.Els
An Incident of Married Life.
A wild young fellow married a lovely girl,
and havieg lung been addicted to habits of
dissipation even the sincere attachment
which ho entertained towards his wife,
could not entirely disentangle him from
snares. Ilis occasional irregular hours
would have given any but one of so pure
end sweets disposition every reason to ex
pect she did not hold that place in his affec
tions, which was her right ; but this refks3-
tion scarcely ever intruded upon her spirits.
It happened once that he was called out
of town, and in his haste,• he left behind
him a letter, in which to please an unprinei
; pled friend, he had spoken of his wife in
terms of carelessness, if not derision and
(Mimed freely upon his course of life. Im
agine the anxiety and suspense of the profli
gate, when he found himself borne by a
rapid steamer upon a journey which must
of necessity, be of' several day's duration,
yet. remembered distinctly that the fatal let
ter was exposed unsealed upon the table.--
lie recollected, too, with a pang, that he
had wantonly, in answer to her inquiries,
boasted that it contained a prollrund secret,
which he would not have revealed for the
world. Ile paced the deck in agony of grief
and shame. Ile pictured her opening the
letter, turned pale with horror and indigna
tion—perhaps fainting with anguish--
alarming the servants— flying to her father,
and renouneingt►im forever.
As soon as possible he returned, but with
a sinking heart lie entered his dwelling,
bracing himself to meat the fury of en en
raced and wretched woman. Ile opened
the deer softly. She was bending over the
table busily writing. A placid smile scaled
her mouth of perfect beauty, and spread
over her glowing features the mild express
ion of joy and peace ; and even a s she wrote,
the fragment of' a sweet ballad fell from her
lips in low music that only flows from
heart entirely at rest. The husband stole
noiselessly around and read as her pen tra
ced her gentle thoughts.
"Your letter is lying by me, the very let
ter containing the "profound secret." Now
I could punish you for your carelessness ;
but, by dearest Mulcts, how could 1 look
you in the face when you return, after hav
ing basely vinlat,sd your trust in my integri
ty, and meanly sought to gratify a silly curi
osity, at. the expense of honesty, delicacy,
and confidence. No, the letter is unopen
ed ; and, lest you should feel uneasy, I en
close it to you with the sincere love of your
affectionate wife."
"What an an angel !" uttered the con
science stricken husband.
She started up with a cryof pleasure, and
as Charles met the light of her clear un
shrinking eyes, he was humbled that he
should have su.•pected her, and deeply struck
with repentance at his own conduct. Ile
henceforth severed all ties that drew him
abroad. And if the pure being whose influ
ence had lured him to the path of right and
perused all his subsequent letters, she would
have found nothing concerning herself save
busts of the sincerest love and admiration.
(.'tn•ncn KriqurrrE.—Let tho lady ad
vance one pace beyond the door of the pew
slip wishes to enter, half-about face and sa
lute. The pew must then be vacated by
molt gentlemen as are 10 it by a flank move
ment. The squad should arise simulta
neously when the lady pte•ents herself, face
by the right flank, then deploy into the
the head man facing the lady, and the
rest walking to his right and rear, the di
rection of his halt being changed by a right
countermarch, and forming again into line
up and down the isle, still iced by the right
flank. The lady, when the cost is clear,
completes her salute, and advances to her
position in the pew. The gentlemen break
off by files from the rear, and resume their
places. Great care should be taken, of
course, by other parties, not to enter the
aisle when this evolution is in progress, un
til it is completed.
Kr Isn't it a fine thing to think about,
Mr. Radical, that your party, in order to
retain office and power, is now engaged in
the grand and noble work of disfranchising
white men and niggerizing halfthe free white
governments of these States by enfranchis
ing the negro ! You attempt tomako armor,
ignorent class the guardians of the superior
How many of your Radicals, who now
advocate this '.`policy," but a few years ago
complained long and loud that foreigners—
"ignorent foreigners"—obtained the right
dear:we too cheaply in our Government,
and that Democracy, the foreigners' friend
and protector, must be compelled to change
its policy, requiring them to "wait a little
longer?" We don't understand this par
tiality for the nigger over the foreigner.—
Is the elective franchise cheaper now than
it used to be? Or has the idolised negro
grown so loyal? What is the matter?"—
Niles Mill Sentinel.
Lori you Tits tant,ntsrts Now.—
Never was the shameless" hypocracy of the
Radicals so clearly shown as It was last week
in the nomination of a city and county tick
et in Philadelphia. A number of gallant
soldiers—men who carried the flag and bore
the brunt of battle in the recent war—wore
candidates for the several (Alcoa to be filled
in that city this fall, but in every instance
were they set aside and the nominations
given to professional politicians—mon who
make politics a trade and live off the crumbs
they pick fl-om the public crib. Wo are still
not without hope that the soldiers will yet
learn that their friends are not in the Radi
cal party.
Judge Williams an see• by are.
Jane G. Surleebelen.
In one of her letters to the Chambernburg
Repository, (Radical), Mrs. Swilehelm gave
the following as her estimate of the Radical
candidate flit the Supreme Court. It may
be premised that Mn.s 8. la i thorough go
ing Radical, a shrewd observer, end probe
' bly as good a judge of mental abilities and
stamina as any ono of her sex iti public life :
"It appears to beim acknowledged fact
that the Pittsburg bar is today as littlebur
dened with brains as at any period Mace it
was a bar—and no better evidence of its ap
preciation of respectable mediocrity could
he offered than its selection of Judge Wil
liams for the Supreme Beach. In '4l and
42, when he was a law feculent In the officer
of Judge Lowrie, I had POMO business iet
settling my father's estate. Judge Lowrie
was my attorney. Going to the office one
day I fbund him explaining to Mr. Williams
and another student a point of law and he
asked me to sit down and wait. I eat down.
and had the benefit of the explanation ;
lienrd the qtiestione propounded by Judge
Williams and the other, and the going over
and simplifying the case by the teacher. I
sat in blank amazement, wondering if that
little man ever, ever, evfn, would get
enough law into his head to make any kind
of' living by letting it out in quantities to
suit customers ; but ho is sober, industri-
MIN patient, and plodding, and after all his
dullness of comprehension, did learn a good
deal of law, and I think that in any cue
which was well established by precedent,
and which lied been carefully and lucidly
explained and simplified, he could under
stand it, end would decide according to the
best of his knowledge and belief. When ho
comes to a field of investigation, the saints
have compassion on the poor, fat, short,
huffy man. What a time he would have
wading, floundering—and what a muddle he
would he likely to make of it I A man of
active brains would not be likely toren quite
as much to that substance most valuable in
whales, and if' the Republicenyarty of Penn
sylvania have no better material out of
which to manufacture a Supreme Judge
than lion. W. W. or 11. W. something
Wiliame;of Pittsburg, they had better rote
for the Demnemtic candidate, tehOrreP he
may be, en the ground that they cannot be
Packing the Juries.
Scarcely a Democrat appears in name up
on either the Grand or Petit jury list for
the next term of the Dauphin court—and
not one of those residing in llarrisbnrg (a
Democratic city), is a Democrat. Whether
or not this was done to prevent the convic
tion of the Radicals indicted for the recent
thefts of paper and records from the State
Capitol, we cannot say, but about the time
of the arrest of those individuals, some of
their Radical friends were heard to declare
that they never would be convicted by a
Dauubin county jury. Scrotal libel CIVICS
are also now for trial, on a change of venue,
in which prominent Radicals are intcroted.
In ono of these cases John J. Patterson, a
confrere and business partner of George
Bergner, is prosecutor, and in another re
spondent. It is considered the duty of a
Radical court to protect its friends, and
when erinte is ouncertwd, to prevent them
from getting justice.— Ptterint.
ter Negroes of New York city are being
shipped "down South," by the radicals, to
vote their tickets. We wouldn't trust them
but after voting they will ship them to
('uba or South America and sell them as
slaves. They are now inaugurating& "slave
trade" in Now Orleans, under the name of
"Cooky labor," whit,h, in every thing hut
the name, is infinitely worse to the "chattel"
than never was a'avory. They are bringing
in ship-loads of Coolies from Asia, under
the pretense that they aro good laborers,
and dispose of them to planters who, under
the dispensations of the Freedman's Bureau,
are unable to procure negro laborers Tho
planters must have labor, and, of course,
their radical friends make a "good thing"
out of the want in this way. The ancestors
of these slime radicals supplied the South
with negro slaves; their descendants are
now doing the same offices in supplying
India substitutes.
Ur It is an old and true saying that too
much familiarity begets contempt. We do
not like to see any man who during the war
would have willingly oat our throat, now
cringe about us like a spaniel. Wu hold all
such mon in supremo contempt, and we do'
not want them to go to any extra trouble to
be sociable with us or to manifest their
friendship more forcibly than those who'
have been our steady and uniform friends in
adversity as well as in prosperity. Sun
nier soldiers and sunshiuo friends have no
place in our head or in our heart—Selina•
grove num.
WILL nil sow DEctlan?—The oppo
nents of John B. Beek in Lycoming county
were extremely anions that he should bo
defeated in the nomination, and none was
more anxious than Samuel C. 'Wingert' who
had received She Republican nomination
just two days before. Wingard undoubsedly
fools beat now, and will probably decline
and very wisely save his time and money.=
Ile knows that Bock cannot be beat..—Salimw
grove 7nsa.
11191. A lady who hd harrowed a diction
ary to read, returned it after having got
through with the remark: lt was worry
nice reading, but it somehow changed the
subject worry ottem'
NO. 30.