AGRICULTURAL. Dios BY Wstuut —A dozen of eggs is a litde more debits quantity than a dozen of potatoes, but etillevery in•deinitequanti ity. Adozonofegge from little scrawny, kept ehiekenseell for the same idealise dozen from large, well-kept fowls, while the differ eneebetween them is as grelt us the disparity between the hens that produce them. Parch a sersinthe marketmle their chances fur big and little, and each gal a air average. Bait is not so with producers, and here is where the justice occurs. The DIM who raises choice fowls, and keeps them in good condi• tion, sells large, rich eggs fur the same price per dozen that is paid for others one-third smaller. This operates as a discourage ment to raising good hens, and as. a Komi um OD poor ones. A writer iu the Canada Farmer insist+ that eggs should be sold by the pound 11.3 well as meat and butter, and gives the tilt= fere= in the average weight of a dozen of eggs from the different breeds of fowls, as follows: Common fowls. 1 lb 6 oz. BpaniA 1 lb Ili oz. Gray Dorking . lb 10 oz. Gray Dorking and Brahma 1 lb 1.1 oz. Gray Ducking nod Cochin I lb 151 oz. These are the differences in the average weight from different breeds. Should we compare the poorest specimens of the porn , ett breeds with the best specimens of the best, we would find a difference of fully one half, and yet all are sold at the sumo price. We buy and sell nothing at so loose an ad justment of quantity to price as eggs, ex cept when wo buy wool by the load. Even apples and peaches, when sehl by number, have the price adjusted to the size. But big or little, an egg is an egg. TREATMEXT OP Co ws,—lf cows arc wor ried by any cause, as fright, or over-exer cise, or are in Ima, the milk is lessened in quantity and deteriorated in quality, and sours much sooner. Unnatural, rough or harsh treatment affect the mental and phy sical condition of the cow, and react direct ly upon the dairyman, by lessening the quality and quantity ot milk ; censequen tly, he should realize that not only humanity, but self-interest demands that his trea:mcnt of the creatures under his care be marked by kindness, gentleness, and consideration for their coutti,rt. Donautie animals are not naturally vicious, and if a minim law of kindness is observed towards the cow, she becomes attached to her milker, and yields her milk generously and trustingly.— The cows should be milked by the same milk er, and at regular intervals, else she bermes restive and impatient, and the process should be gently but rapidly performed. Milk very readily absorbs any taint from vessels in which it is placed, and from odors contained in the atmosphere : hence to see cure a good quality of butter, every sur rounding of the dairy room should be in a condition of the utmost purity. Too little pains is taken in raising and selecting stock with reference to the ntilk-producieg foal- The common stock might be vastly improved in this respect by judicious treat ment. The Jersey breed probably excels i n richness of the milk, and the Devons per• haps comes next, but the Ayreshires yield a large amount of milk, and are the best fie. cbeese waking. The Berries are small and pretty, and tire good milkers ; while the Herefords arc largo, but are usually poor milkers. PIIFSERVINIJ FLOWEILS. —A friend who has had experience in preserving flowers gives the following recipe : "Beat fine quartz sand in an iron pot, and stir in some stearie acid and sp‘rmaeeti— in the propor tion of half an ounce of each to every five pounds of sand. Taken from the fire, the whole is well mixed and used as Mk,ws: A small box, with a drawer lid, with the bottom knock d, out is inverse l. an 14 roar e piece of wire gauze placed inside, over the lid, which now forms the bottom. This solve is then covered with a layer of the prepared sand. The flowers, properly thin ned, are then placed on this sand, and com pletely imbedded in more of it, to keep them in position. The box, covered with paper, is then placed in a room or oven, in which a temperature of 100 to 110 degrees Fahrenheit, in which they will soon be dried. Then the lid of the box is drawn, which causes the sand to fall out, leaving the dried flowers on the gauze. Should the flowers have faded, they are touched up with paint afterwards." HIM IN OLWIIA UK —A correspondent of the Richmond (Va.) Former soya : "Several years ago we had a fine young or chard which never bore at all for six or sev en years. We supposed frost was the cause of their not bearing. At last it was con venient to fatten our hogs in the peach or chard, about six years ago, :ace which time the orchard has borne abundantly, every year, except last year, when the frost killed the fruit. The cause of the barrenness was the flat white worms eating into the roots of the trees—these the hogs rooted out and de stroyed." A NEW FERTILIZER.-A correspondent writes from the sed•sido of New Jersey, that ho has used for the past five years, thousands of tons of muscles in manuring his land. They are easily obtained along the coast of that State, and when applied, give a remarkable fertility to the soil.— Mmics furnish a large per ecutage of ni• trogenous and prosphatic matter, and are good for any crop—especially corn and grads. Sea weed is also a good fertilizer, and can be obtained all along the Atlantic oosst• =XI MEADOwS.—Now is a good time to top• dress with fine manure, giving a protection to the gram roots from a burning sun, and furnishing a stimulus to start a good after. math. Millet is better for feeding, cut be• fore the seed is ripe ; out as soon as the seed begins to form, or before even, if you would have a safe, good feed, after curing. or Orchards, grown front roots and 'rafts are abort-lived, and never can be proatrble, Plant only 44;0 -grafted trees. N EW ItESTAURANT, IN Msln', MOMlncas Men Wed. WM: GILMORE Infnrme ihn eitiarns (411lowashere had vicinity that ho hal ula[llo4l a New ItusTAvu,iiniT t ip this pi., *herd he 1,11(000 1114 OM irriondo and ortotorooro tonsil mod port on.. of No ref f u s itipoit,,,— ft ti hii totootorn to ranp the hest LAGER BEiR ASD ALE, onnetently on !Henri ; AI" iNtreniterilie• aiid tont Water, rano Lemonades, Itaseberry and Lem sn Pyrues, ten *lows be had at We Ilatetiturant. In the eating Due he presents a nut enrpnesont in this piano ,pia Pickled Oreinn Clams, tonortonen. ?soh, liarbetund Chicken, Piektoo Trope and Beef Tongue, ke.. Ike. He *ire bas * soot article of Di nun and Chewing 7Lbacce Whin customer*. It?"Goe how* MI. hionionenuroo. Juno 13. Inun, G REAT DAROAL S AN9 IR eduction lie Pried. The uoilereigned will offer to the public ItEA I I I UAR Al' In ill kiiii/O of Xlmotracsitkiericciallagricsi e Such me ' Dia GOON. QUEENSWARE, HARDWARE, Hoots mad Shoes, Nato: Calm. and Natintis in every vnriets. ( ler business (rein the Out of January, will be con. ducted on a strictly CAST! rlf S 14,111. and persona wishing to purchase anything in our Use can do soot a very small percentage on CUrrent 'Wholesale Prices. All kinds of produce and grain taken In exchange. CC?' %%e cordially invite the public to G VE US A CALL and a abate ur their patronatin. AttNINCII k Via/ V eataulaan, January 2, imti7. LUMBER ! LUMBER ! ! oimrANy. wank! reepectfully inform the public that they have their PLANING MILL now in operation with an extettrive araortinatit of Ll a Wf uj,„ and arP now prepared to supply nil order* at ohms notice. and at th , lowest prima for rai , h, Their as , analinent of 111.70.44 . COnai•lo While raise Multi, It onrik, Flooring, Surriec Boards, Siding:, Hemlock 193111 i. landed or tio!daited, to suit prtrehasets Framo stoff. toter and et:watt:l of HP sizes. Th. , ir Plaiting Mill nail Loather Var.i is entinte I at the halloo.' liefot. es ty movestiently for shipping In ober by tits canto. 'Ebel , ere I,lk.lebtly ntsuulitriurina lumber of all ktati,i, nod persons is Ito desire lumber of every *minion will do wen to ersetille Ibeit stork before pure .acing Osewhere. 'they urn determined and PM. imgoily prepared to sell as cheap se the cheapest. Thr yats.. tivrite to inform thiptdilte nod erperially those who Wish to purchase toff stow t hat they Witte one Jilt specialty prepared to rut timbers of utmost every size :not tenant required. Times Wishing to belid ur Contracture for busidtas. ran save looney, by omit use ail 'rho undersigned would also annrunre that they aril prepaid to Its all kit.; of repairing of Machinery. sorb s..Threstotta Machines. Mowers. Brasiers and all kook ui agricultural impleuanits, upon reiterant• bit terms. Address, Y.C.EVER.. Pee,. illocusbuig, Eh pt. 19. MC Bloomsburg. sin. I EADING RAIL ROAD. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT:: Api it Nth, 1-47 GREAT TRUNK LINK 1111531 TIM NORTH and North West for Plisladvipbsu.N. , w York Pet tacit la, Tato:ulna A inland, I.,bantdi, A tlen• siren. Li., lon , Ephnita, 111 i& LatiCaatat 0,4011441, 44 , .. &e. Trains leave Harrisburg tar New Y or k, as 4,11„w5: At 3 tat, at la and 9 35 A it plot d in and 9 telex centieet ri Si ith simintr Trains nu the Pennsylvania Rail fl.l hod strriaPill a 1 New York at Snit and In 11l A and 4 40.3 min 101 Z vM. Sleeping Cars aci cttail. axing the 300 A M and If 00 p 5. Trusts without change. Lea va thrri.litirp for Peaililif. Tatita• ann. Map Grove. Allentown and 4kitattelplita. at '+ IM A a and it 10 and 4 la p •Conping at Imhanon and principal Way stations ; the 4 111 e At mak Ing connectiona (Or Philadelphia and 6111 y. Eor rottaVillo, echuyikill llarea an t i monist, via Schuylkill and Sitaluchanna Rail sued, leave Ilarrieburg at 3 rx. Returning Leave Now )(ark at On AM.I2 M and 3 na and e tat p a; l'hllatudenla al 0 15 a a an d 3 3 05 5 Way easpenaci'l ran leave.. Philadelphia et 730 • Intn , mar, (root 11,:adtig at O 30 p x 144,110111 at alt ovations;Pon,. vtile at $ 43 A a, and d4a p a ; Asp b in d i ; 4,0 tutu I t 30 A M. and 1 US P. 414 Tilitiagna at 945 A. a, and 1 tai and $ 53 P. M. Leave Pottsville for Harrisburg via dc,buylkill and ttu.gnehanna Railroad as 7 00 A at. *ding Accondnodation Train : Leaves Pending at h 30 A a returning front Philailelpl.l4 at a fin p x. tolutol , ia Opt,rowl Trains leave Heading at : 00 • it MO a 15 pn for Ephrata, I.llig, 14ancast4r, 04111,40,w, Etnist.4% a Art "in:nod:ol , dt Train : twavr, , a Puna• town at ti 90 A. a., returning IcaVei Pilliatielphia at p. M. Cotuit loin Rail Row! Trains leave Rending at 7 CO M nit,l it 15 P. Si tot Ephrata. Um, innihin, 04e. (to $1111011) 4 Le:11 , 1 New York at 8 IISI P M, Phil i ‘ 1,4 1 4 1 :, ao A :t!, awl 315 P N. tite oo A M e lton! tannin: only to M./Wong ; inl A M. ; Gar. rwaurt; 9 :13 A M. and at Intl and 7 nu A M. r.r Ilarthborg and 11 :LI A M, for Now Vora and 4905 P M. for Pht adelphla. Inta.usinaG.,a, 41110 fa. Porton Nettnal and Exeut , stun Tirketn, to and to UM all 11014114 , at reduced rat... thsagare cnotkod tht with ; ktl pound* allowed oath Paarmanor. G. A. MCGILL* General tttsporinwadeict NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! I FOR FALL and WINTER, AT It. W. BOWMAN'S 4.lltittocialp EZ3a.csaracea s IN OBANGIMIZAL THE underrigned has Just received a very larva and etreileat aseortment of FALL AND WI NI TA CCODS, which he peptise,. to sell at very Jim , ra t es lin hex the hest ititattteis of cum's, cASSI.3ICRES, !NUBIANS, CALICOES, DELAINES, IDERLNOES, C II ELKS, &a. Ste. The Grocery Department is filled with the Bust quality of freori groceries and provisions, such ao sugar, moluasea, flour, oat, doll, ham. boom, spices, &c. IL7* Country produce taken in exchange for goods, for Which the higheat market price will be given. VI Don't fall to give him a call and accuse great bargains, R. W. BOWMAN. Orangeville, N0v.".,?, Irin MA . 111 _ $ IN 000 ' l'" 1 How Lost, How Ratora lust Published, a new edition of Da. CiILVCRWLI.L'S Celebrated 'Essay on the rad • teal cure (without mediciuoinf Spermstort bees, Sem• lulu %evenness, Involuntary Seminal Losses, town. tency, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impediment. to Senrriege, etc. ;mita Consumption, epilepsy. and Fits induced by self•lndulgenee or Sexual rttravn• puce. 11:r - Price. ina sealed envelope, only 0 cents, eelebrated author in this admirable cosily clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years' rairessik ful practiee, that the alarming consequences of self. abuse way be tedieutly anted without the Sauget• ous use of internal medicine er the application of the itiffe...poioti ug net a mode of Cars at Oriett pie. certain, and effeetual, by means of which ever! su Urn, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply. privately, and radically, U Tian lecture should be in the hauds of every yonth end every man in the land. Bent, under seal, ins plant envelops, to any ad. dress post laid, an receipt of six cents, or two post sterna*. Addles*, the publishers., 11l A 8.3. C. imixr: a CO, 127 naw" , Y. Re% Yo u Post Wk. s, 43811. Deo. 10. 'Niel. REMEDIAL ISSTITUTE. TOR IMO LA CASES, No. 14 Bond It, New York. Br' roll lefarmstion. With the MgArse teethe/wet, also, n Book en itteeist Disuses In e sealed moth"' pent free. CY th eeriest! Hill f.r Om. and par win not OVIIPII it r (Or. oe advertiplow phypltieus ere too poster', without referencia ea stringer should be Welted. &Wass a limp Car vaelase. cud direr 10 DR. I•AWRUNCR, NO 14 BOND 111 1 18117, NOW VORL NOT. 14, 1861-17. 11, F. BROWN 64 PERKINS. Pianos for the People I woliNl rail the attetalmi or the public mut Om Dade to ow vieg4nt. hew Set& Pintos, in :he ft/NW. W4l oty1014: d'll'l,lt: A, initave, rr , mt huge room, corent VA, pfitin ,pist• vilher Wit 0,4 0 ,1 or (limit Ines, strrtittho button, pittith ryi,6 U, 7 tirtavo, style A wioi set. wow oteuhhos on Mile, 4,11 sited Vas and lyre., 507 wry 7.17 it, 7 octave, Front corners terse round *marmots itottom, troaddinus own, w , on style O. served tyro sod desk, Piney edited h trrvt,E 111, 7 octavo, Peer large round emote, finished ksek, mouldings on rim and empentlus bottom. carved lyre sad desk, olu. grim tarred trust legs tlOO The above styles ors all liniehed in elegant rose. wood uses and hare the full iron frame, French action, harp pedal, beveled top, Ivory keys rind key fronts soil esrred in overstrung bass, nearly all the 7I Orbit n Pianos now manufactured, They ere made of the best nosterielcand (Or finish, durability, purity sod stve4 Woo of tone, cannot he *nplowed. We Inoue the muumuu 1,1 the public, of deniers and the profession, to s critical elautitiotton of the meths of our Pewee. fly avoiditog doe great expander atteddatit alma costly factorles and expensive wereroonne on the city. woo ate enabled to otter these Proms at polies which defy competition, and favite on to call and esuisone them before puretrodog elsewhere. Pattie* ordering from a dodders ran ruby upon receiving their Nano* promptly, and an cmtiOloom CM{ ati,e as the styles 11,41 ire distinctly designated by the letters A U It, Ttw Our sty lest described above, embody MI the essential Plumps in exterior lidieh of ease, winch are by ninny ulanuhaturere run up to 13 uu.l potterris. MUSIC DEPARTMENT, We would rerprettully cull the attention or choir Leader, An d si mg in g ,S c l i nal Teacher. to our eideb nohow n where all kind, of Church nitric, nice end Anthem 9:4411 eau by obtained WI the mat favorable Wrung GROCERIES, nerrfritre of nor Mr, Pennine in Mosietti Coovetitione. Choirs, the tiourett Room unit Sonny, &hoot, ambles boo to give advice awl iontrovittoo on nil points nt 11111.11C411 (W. ~,ferti,,j, of proper work. or Irtstr o (prom two or „ 0 „,„ 4 1 -progress in 111 , 101 , 1111..10 , 11 ,,, . a n d Items nt toti mit to outpost:l4, Isoders tsttrhereonl studaots. t , firwt Morin fortiielteil on the oisoill terms with ptolUpitit p 4 anti ti wpatelt, Count ty OW iaited— mot eeiettione mad,: for pupil*. leachere, coorette, rex Arc , hr. Now ready the new equday School Singing Book, 1112 0 LI) EN PR OM I t4111.' ny 1' R. rcithoot. Author of Parted Lute. thohlay Arhool iiilNUtlt. Oriental tllcc tlooh, King, /km., kr. We will oond a 11(Wrillittil ropy, post pAi4, to any thlrefo. on fet.ollll of twenty cents. The mire of Tuk 6ohorto rsoshoi . is as roitow : Singh, topics, to paper covers N 0. 30 Ity the Inn .3.0 n ninth , tepees, to board covers. Si 33 Hy the lOU ** Mao Stars Unriralltd Kenn Ju.ii introduced. and being adopted by all leading bowie,. in the tintfillructim or ['moo. tiraatin. Bard 'Fable.. Furniture, he. Are. Every one woo has a Nano should have a bowl, of !hip Scat( for Omit:it . ..and we tail give full particulars and aweetiutia. AtipllVattlllo for 'Verritoty and Atieurie* received by MOWN In PERKINS. (fractal yids fur flu ruited State.. 110 aroma , . Sheet. N. Y. C As hi my tfer.sll4 in thq o.ll.ary WWI! a All bottliT, 4114 RN the ortleln rjfinof be opt,' by mail, where 111ttbadre nctae Hp. and ..oe + , l , 44 , 1 , ..1, (with the money) we will Orwurd by ex preas, v.h“rjes pat I, i n,, r 66 per damn. meows rL PERKINS, GEN% AGED TS FOR MR rNITED fi r vrco, No, 440 Broome Str,ct, N, Y 0tt.24, 1,416.-Iy, t TTLICTED I / 14 . - - SUTER NO MORE!! When by the use of Int JoINVII,E,tw LI.IXIft you inn be coral permanently, and at 0 tr+,lllo,l The ASlOnibbtfir, f , Otreoo holt has enrolee,' t h is invaluable medicine for Iffiyotent and Nervous wennum.,4„o e limo tieliiliay and Prostration , of %tip:culla Ottergy. Impotency. or any of the con sequencer al youthful indiscretion, tinders it the Milli valuable preparation ever distort/red. Il will remove all 0.4V1 , 0A affections, depression. teranacity *milady or burineso. leas of mentors, confusion, thoughts of sall.l. , , , trwtion. fears Or insanity, ar. It will restore the appetite. renew the health °ribose who have destroyed It by *camel excels or evil prmdir,s, Young men, be humbugged no more by *Quack Itortedo" and 4.W/fain en - tubule:a, bat send w Mon t delay for the Elixir. and he at once re toned to health nod happiness, A portend POW is 0110Mlitted iu V4Cry Si, or four bottles to one ad. ,lies,.. one bottle in sufficient to circa a Cara is tallordiunry rattan, Men, ttr Joins die's Pporifie Piffle, 6.r the speedy 'Mitten( Cliff* of tionorrloei, Iliee4 rreth,fil ih.rhitrat'S. trawl titeirt ore sod nil IT rime* to the Kidneys end Madder. Cores etOftte,i in Own OM, In live days. TlieM lOC prepared from veet Tilde extreicts thnt are It ritthos on tllr, system nod n , v,r INillseale IhW*4olll/11 hOf 1.1;11,410AV the breath No thongs of dint to oecessoll while osioil them. too doestio ir t,cttol in oily muddier inturf,re with busi. oess liter, $l. (ICC lOC tither of tier, above ineolioned articles will he sent la hoy nrhircen, 0.0, sealed, end pant raid, by WWI or express on receipt of price. Address :di or. dens lA, rill &Co.. C eniteicle, No. ilea hive: et.. 'rroy. N. Y. 11 , 0,17, 117— ly. C ItISPER COMA. Oh ahn was beahlital and kir. With starry eye, and 'edema hair. Whisre carting tehtleilii roil, eat %low!, Etwietriheil the very heart arta mind. eit I 1 6 : P It COMA., I'or CUlrlill6 the Hair of either ti ~x into Wavy and Glosay Kindlota or Heavy Mtavavo Curl 4. By usi nr this article Widif and Gentlemen ran heautify thent4 , lve , . a thou:tend fold. It to the only article to the world that will curl sttatAt hair. and at the saute G.. , give it a Gcauttfol, gloss% appear• awe. The Crisper Coma hot tatty curls the hair. bat invigorates. bertot tree and ctotn,es ii; and delietlohy perhLuted. 11114 is tine tout eimq..,q, 4111 tit. rtt the kiwi ever offered to the Alit , ' 0.1.111 p. 11). The Cr111:) , t 0111111 will be sent 11 any attires sealed hud postpaid Itr $l. Addn tts all orders to lr• L. CLARK Or. Cit., Chemists, No, 114 est Pay, Ito St Syracuse. N. V. Felt l 7 t7--ly Lac kawauua & Bloomsburg ltallioad. awleagnams ,Or TWO DAILY TRAINS. -Oa PAtI N AND ArITH JANOIARP zs , I>+67, OSENDER TRAINS WILL RI , N POLLOWS: LEAVE ROUT II WARD. A PA AM P Leave Pentane, .1.30 7.111 b. King , loll. 11.53 b .0 'LOU Rupert 940 0.17 Dim 110 A rr ut Northumberland von 11,35 LEAVE NORTHWARD. A M PM Lenve Northumberland, 7.00 510 7 , 40 Gto o Rupert, 0.13 l' M 1133 H Magoon, 1100 Vat ft 03 Arrive, at Vvraninn. 1100 4.00 ill 15 Trains leaving Kingoton at h3O A: Al for Scranton cntinert with Train arriving at New York at :mai Paskidurcr4 taking Train Sarah frau, Scranton at 3.50 A At via N thamberlaad,resii li Haul Antra V. 130 PM. it0ti,,,,,,,, r, 30 P 31,, kvuolington 10 00 P 31 via Ru pert teach Philadelphia at */ 00 P M. I. A. FONDA, Supt. Kingon. Jan. as 1567 BEALE'S LATE POWELL'S EMBROCATION, FUR ALL DIREAPIM 11 4 1CIDF.NT TO 1100E6. HUMAN FLESH, requiring the use of en external oppficatlon. This new Unitipmind, prepared by a practical Chemist. hales a fell knowledge of all the medical virtues of oat ingredient that enters ito its mope. lotion, is warranted to exceed anything of the kind ever yet offered to the public as an merest, upon cation for the diatoms for which it is reeoluewthlefl. We toe satisfied that it will work its own road into the confidence of all who use it, and those who try it once will never be without it. nod theretnro we rely on experience nu the best test of its usefulness. It is pronounced by L.Vdissls rl3. 1,11:11i and all whe have tried it, to he the best application ever used. This Cuihrocution has btea put up for over eislit yearn, rod it Orally airimsh the me/eosins demand sod (Weld request of my sliceda and the public that I send it forth as the crane re eclat admit fur the various disesnes to which that noble and useful animal, the horse mooniest. *luny remedies have been lettered to the public under itinerant (ems. some of these are injurious, others at best of little use, and many wholly proper to answer the purposes for which,they are recommended. A judicious and really useful composition, free tram those objectione, but heretofore Wag been tie• sued by many gentlemen who have VAI.IJAIIILE HORSES, and are unwilling to trust them to the ears of design. lug and pretended Perrier'. Their wishes an II length rally gratified, by (Dr. Seale) Whig prevailed upon to allow this valuable Sudorweatteu (which has proved so eMe .eious lo the various Winton) to b• preparod and brought oat to t h e public 'Phi. Embrocation was eatansively timid by the Government during Ste war. Address all order to DR. EDMOND BEALL MN *tomb Seemid St. Philadelphia. Pa. Moreland, 'o7—Demo. W ILL 01.1 TO 420 Broome St., 14. Y. C•TTLN, ♦ND TUN 1112011VIWS TO ET I.OOIM. N" C OAL yARD. The undereilehd rtepeetroliy Inform the citizen• or tiloomehetx and voiumbie etieety, 'het they k« p oil tree liiirOtiolit 4441h0t,1 41 01000 tuns ueJ 0,1 o i o ,l lamp rote r , or wtwithh.4 (mow e 4, sn tinnit wh .0, ta, Jammu Slattery, Wet & (We Versos*: with n goad pair Pm thee eraire ea eta islenif,ln waiihreeithay and Liknlohez hem) 440, venom to 1teq4010 , 041 to 44.41 it who deoita it As we parratiya a War !format nr r OOl, we itil.qt4 14 imp u superte► artiaa, qpii eels et the very toweet prices. II 4#4 ale and yar mile tot yOUDINiVOI beNfa 441414,11400 , .% 4 , •, 15, J. W. 1110e0EIMottr, AuGusTtle iinerrolsneil swill Haw, In ' , lv :hangs for UDC I and Ura s rinr, llin fnllowlnn named nriiriss nye,rorio.thtte, rigid's% laird, Pain. kilinul r, and shin will, hinter, tints. Hay. kn., el ;hit highestroish his firsitery 'Atom, ',limning their vial yard. J. W. 11N111;1161JUT Illoothiburg, April V.l, NATIONAL POUNDR Y. 131,00MSBURG , CO. LUMBIA PA. sfitemcrebt.r, proprktor I or tpa ntwvo nntOhii. illienl,l. ,11,w prepufrd rteett e orders for AU Kinds of Machinery, fur enflorlas, Maid rnynatuui, etationary Engines. MILLS, THPCSIHNIU IA &C.. &C. Ilxis atom premed in make Stoves. all sizes and odium*, plow.irinis, and everything usually made in stwinas Youndriss. ilis OXIANiVe MOOMs and mortice, workmen, tear• tam bite in ' , mashie the Wpm contracts on the 1,014 reasonable term*. titaki of ell kinds will be taken In exam's! Co, tti This. esielolleheieni le lere.ed nem the Lachitwe. na Illuoweliere Ruilined Drid. PETER ttleontsburc Rept. 1% A. J. EVANS' CLOTHING EMPORIUM, /%ea Iy oppoßile Ihe Epi,ropill Chock CLONIING OF ALL DESCRIMONS. V stork is rnmposed of tine clothing, medium I,l'l sod tow priced—adapted to 411 condition., tastes and watt's. tie tots tits latest stylus fur the be:omit—a flail assortment of overcoats and Gentlemen's Shaw.s, from low to Op very boot flea Goads are bitAltion , thle and weld liirde. In 11.1 , 111t00 to my Awl< of r. - t,ty..01 , 1u clothing, have piece g °this fur eitoom order*. Cloths, Cam,lit:sere:o, Ace., And having one of wflrot elaso rutl..rg, I g , inran i.e a fit In all ease* and give nAtiNfaction. Also a varfrty of ItOOLEN AND LINEN shifts, Stoelting#, Nvekttog. Collars. Strickg. Ilantlkorritiefo —,.ve•ry taloa to tit, getttleaseteo lute of tiothiaz Alx+o, tf‘tte, ttcytta attd bhaeta, Truttlta and Carpel tVI/I P , it 111 the loweot Marlo 4 priers, phase give me a tall lolort , elonwh , ro. ANOU.I.M J. EVANS, Pionuishurg, Nuv. 13, 13113. STOVES AND TIN WA RE A. M. RUPERT, Atio o one ,, i4 to his malty initheron4 tots, rs. that h 0 tihnce bh.thfoot ut hie ohl 1 44,0 of hth.iiiekii oh MAIN Srtt Ilia otettobwre and other.. can be acconiutottAtud FANCY STOVES of all kinds!, StnirepipecTinnnre, anti ever,' r m g' art lr(e famtil Is all regulated STOVE - AND TINWARE USTABLIniIMtiNTd in the awl On the ntn,.t rea•nnable terms. PPoirfilkil, for houses and 11:rna, will he put up on abort ootica, MAO, all kinds of repairing; dune and noon liberal terms. He oleo keeps on hand a lane inipply of Milk raw., of dillerv , ot nod prices ivi*idee a tine na• aortineno of rioner 'a Paten, iielf•tealink Fruit Pre. serving Can& Give hum a call, fall, itido.—tf. UENTISTUY • E • C• ° SirfiG EON ' DBNTIST. 111 rcurru LIN otf r*ilia profess 10'2j halal service* to the ladies and gentle Mfg' Or duashurgand vicinity. Ile la 4 * prepared to at iend to aft the various or !rat iffile Id the nor or hie praf..s%ton umber provided wilt the ii4leat unproved rt/tem:am, tExric whir! w II h4lM+erted on odd. platina.silver and rubber br to Inekiv. 41, the Minitel tt,th VI Herd plat and husk teeth manufactured ar• all of , r. liens nit tecth.ean tall y nod properly attended to. itr.h!eace tied 44(414 few doers above the Coda H in .e . sane al it melturg. June 6 IMt3 . NORTHERN CENTRAL DI It I.,CT nom: NORTH AND SOUTH 7 1 70 , 05:, , 7; b , lircen BaWino& mot Rwhysler Ihoul Change of (3ar4. O N and Ow, April 2Ur, Ixll7, Train! 'will run TRAINS NORTHWARD. flirt 4. /1 leave Suraiumberiniod,stonpinit xl, prin. cip4l st.illon4, arriving nt 11 , 1asosport, 140 11. at.. nwiro to PO noon, Canntol.iii.,“ 3 15 p. 11,401,4- ter 4 4 P. /4., 12taral4 t 15 P. M., Ninarit Paolo on P. 4 45 P.m. kayo stopping tit WI stAvnis. arriving at Williamment, ti 45 p. mica II U 3 s 1 iti Anti SOU Tli IVA II Lt 6 03 A•st., knave N,0110001001:001, slopping al principal station., ittrli.oo4 nt N Jk• 000100 fee Id :9a Phtladelp.... I 0.1 p. At. 10 10 A, M. leave nig Al All arriving at flutri.horg. at 115 i. 11.11• iipwra ti no p. Motu.lelpin. 5 40 p. M. 6 111 P. M, !pato Ainrilostither!and. stoppin.r at All stomas, arriving at tl nrrisirnrg pikt3 1 0 0 A. M., nallitoots 700 It. II 50 P. m, leave Northumberland, slopping ut ft:lllo . 4ra! dation& arriving at llarridnirg 11 40 • M. 01131.11110. M. OM A. NMI dulphia 710 A. M. J. N. IIuBARRY, E. 0, YOUNG, Can't Harrisburg, Pa. Ceit`l Pass, Agent, Baltimore, and ISAAC M. scii Now:Ritmo:, Gen . ! Western Freight Agent, Baal°, N. Y. May. 8, 1007. EMPIRE Silt:ME SEWING CM U:11.11 - Zt I ;M:7W Are AftpflMdr to eU iltherf for FAMILY Atilt NUPAt7TIItt NO PURPOSES. Contain all the lattott improvements • ate PpelAY MdgieS.l • durable and teo,E to work, Illomraed Circulars Prey, Agents wanted. end di,COUlal 01014141. No 0/110IMMUMIS Made. Addreso EMPIRE S. 11, GO„ WO Broadway, New yolk. September 5, & CO. 100,000 SHINGLES & A LARGE LOT 01? FENCING BOARDS FOR sale. The uaffersigned offers for sole upon the most rmmenohle term, at his place of busitteskt, in hoyoN, COLAIMItIA CoLINTV, ado hundred thou• sand eltingles and a huge lot of Puma boards, of the very best quality, both pine and hemlock. J. J. MatiMNRY. Denton, May 9, MK DR. W. H. BRADLEY, (Late Assistant Medical Director D. S. Army,) Physician and Surgeon. trz- °inv. at the Harks Hotel. litoolusbum. P Cells promptly attended to bath nipt and day. illoottobtirg. Nov. Alt'. N EW TAILOR SHOP. J. N. OHERENDER, Ran rimmed a New "Min, ttlirm on Mato Street, 114 , 0111111mq. Where he Non be pleated to 1011! Mt who may rum him wills their eustoin. tle keeps on lined a we II es hmteg lot of riotho, Vomiters, vest tees. whirl; he will make up to order with neatness uui despatch. Attention paid to cutting gentlemen and boy's Nothing. Also rafting none in the line. Keen:ring done upon short notice. All work warranted. n✓ . UNo him a tall. raloolliOurs May B,lBe EXCHANGE HOTias BLOOMIIUIO, COLUMBIA COUNTY. PA The landeraigned having purchased and lately 1 . 11• ailed this Well House, altuated all MAIN MT.. Inunadiately oppealle the Court House. respectlulty Informs his Merida and the public gensially that his House le now in order for the accomatudatioa add omuttainnotat of lie bus spared no pain. In preparing the exchange for the entertainment mid comfort of pia guest" file lpas spacious, and *plops a good beeineee leas. ti uMNIM:71010 run at all times beiwsen Ibis Ilmise arid the allbront railned Depots, 11 which trere~srs will be conveyed to one from the respective &Woos In due lime to meet the caw JOHN r. PLOW. 1/14 lell. G HEAT 1.51 ; f 1 N NEU 'NG MACHINES. Empire Shuttle Marhiase ! P LESRODMA. 3 32 NtnetlWeY. N. Y.. 250 %turbinelon kt eel. this nitre'. Philinit Intllei PATENTED PEE. 14. puts Id Aciirtir: I. ent.trtiele.l nn entirely new prinripto, or goorbao;.m, p0•.0...r0r niftt.y ram and eulnitble Intim veinettl•• lEtv 1112 te•eto eimsoineol by the 111041 palmed experta. and struntnincett to be Sinti,Veity awl .I;•rfiction Donthinrd. it to. n nornirlet nrrilh, perpendirulor motion. maker the Lull( or 1 4 111 TI'LE perrren. %Idol will neither KIP am RAVEL and to alke out both .idrr perb.roor perf..rt 'onion on wore de.rrisitsoo .f nosterial. f loather to he floret Nnto.oolt with cotton. harm, or Wet threw'. 60.11 I ler ronrrr•l to tbo Motet nooollor. Ilnrbll neiiher M or ()lot wo fwd.. owl the loist posurtrlo frictiu.s. rt rung 140 011101 1 111 10 dlndo, and id Empha :I"a4telene Madam. II requires PER CPA TT. ie.ot rimer In Uri** than silly idler niuritinn the ninrkrt A ROI sw"lv.' yearn or mg , ' ran wick It *tenuity. Without (Misfire or Injury to health It* Stretigili fool womlrrhd Fimpt{rtivoff'r u ,*, 'lir. 1t.... In prl oil of oiler. and io ItANTI.3;II by the company to give ene lire putiorni 1 inn. W.. reopnettn:ly invite nit Mown whn may ,11..W0 U. rupply linitwelser with II rnppnrrl vaille slid rtnodn.• skis IINRIVAI.1.1:01 "1,11.1111 NE. One half hoot's , inottlittion it esietel.lsi 10 1..10111. any p..r.on to Work the* uniehine to their entire .nt • tainci A_. at. wenond rer au Bowes. i e the ItnHrd Istat•o. wb••r. 001 already Also. for ['ON. MeXICO. Cuistral and /Conti America, to whom n liberal slioroooll will N. tHven. L MrliteSLAVINa .WAVIIINK !urn rn 53ti Broadway. N. Y. G no v ESTEEN & CO., Piano-Forto ganutaoturerr, 493 Broadway, New York. 'ring ATTENTION n( Ihn Nadi, and an• leadn le I Os vit..d toif P.1 . :1V SEVEN I flfrAV E. .1/ :lit Pi ill'lll4/. whir b trr volume and $$ or lone Are atorivalleal by ally hitherto fle ftervol in Urea minion. l'ln7 emarin nil the 111.'41711 Uoprovemrnts, Viva( b grand whop, hnr it ped:d,irnn frnuo•, over•eiraim bass. etc. and eia I, eualrameer bring made at.Jer Ilte 1et , (.4.1111i visini. 11, 11. GithillrflrEall. hn hasp pi a , 11r41 n nrer thirty years on their ruaaulaclure. is fall) k% ranted In .very parrerablr PLIIATITORTX" OKFOIVIIII 7nli 11114111:•F aW MID OF MIMI at IRS felt• BRATIO Wolll.led 1• • ala MOTO wire P 111161 1 ,4 iiiPtirmaoent4 from 11.8 hro makers or 1 •roneo. rat ix. thitnatty. 1 - biladOrtsin. gull ...... re, nn•l 'turk ; and Min at Ilse A nierirun for live ourceshave yenta. the ttel.o 810 So.Vall 3/81,t1.8 Irolll bogt of wbn.b eau be Se.•ll 81 0.1,18131,-F lir ilict inlrudur of iii.prorritientr tee nink.. • rtlll more pet feel Ihunn•fnrtu, awl by Inrm•ty, Milli a oli icily ra•11 Direr lur r ln.1ru1111•Illr ale price elnch t% ill all eanpviltlOSl 01111 1.1141 , 0 We from $lOO to t wo cheaper than any Ant elm.. I'm ao.fart... TEN M2 , ll.—Net rash in tumid fnuan. In.seript ern circular, free: Ady 11, & P. ew Ntock of Clothing. /3 11 .132:51E L.:1:1. 1 . 2 •1MAZ Spring . SanililiCr Goods. 31‘7111:1; Y N i LinN t ol i tz a t n if i r a t i o hi V i alk u lf cheap mid flub. MA /V STREET. BLOOMSBURG. two doors above the ihneriran Ibiuse. whim. ha has inal malve.l Cram Now York and Phi ladell.lita, a lull aagariawut of Itirci and Boy'rg the mohot 11,1111 , 11441 N. 11.1 , 41111. 4:14 Ihllllll4l geMP. PH CHM 600115, cord st rig of flax, Sack, Frork, Gum and Oil OW eies. and Pant", or An and colors. Ito 0. 0 1114 Vp1”11- Isll , li Itt already large ' , lurk or rail and I,Viar,r Shosfs: singer , . figured and alma V, , ,a4, shwa, cravOs,,ia,4,o, haf,dk.rrhi,(4, tu» , pendero and Nary N ha, rotwuntiy nn baud n i n ro, and W,ll gelerted atasurl wuut ur chdlii stud V.,14114J, 0111111 h.. iN prfl,itil 41 10 Mal ,, * 1 :I. to "rdti. Ifito any 1.1t1.1 or chutaug 0:11 Vcry sll4l't and itt tltu neat or In iu• tet:r. AII hie rlothins, i# Wide to wear and inert or it i 4 or hoii.c mtititiii, tore. cLLi Lta Of every Desertio Min• and Cheap. Ii ease of jeweiry t not surpassed fa this , place, ran and cz. amine h;s general arr.ortoutot of Clothing, trotth , s. lewvlry, isc. &c. DAVID LOWEN111.111(3 Bloomsburg, April .90,1rM,L ASTR 01.,0( V. wOR LD AS TONISHED AT THE Wonderful Revelations Made by the Great Astride gist, MA DAML 11. A. PIAtItI4O. She reVellle ea Crete MI mortal ever knew. Sao restores to happi noes Ifittes who from &ON events. catastrophes. ermines In flies. Wee of ridaticor, and friends, loss of money. dre., have become igCrifflitifenti Stiehl/op took r those 1004 separated, gives information eon. renting absent friends Or lovers, restores lust or stolen property. tells you the tinniness you are best qualified topurnue and in what you will he mart rule resstu . reefer, 'Weedy marriages and tells you the very day you will marry, given you the oaten. like ness and characteristics of the persoo, .the your very thoughts, and by bar almost supernatural powers unveil. the dark and ludren my= ernes of the odor, prom r.tars wo see iii the tirarcire-ot filo wujesie stsrs that five/T.OMo or predom twit, in the 000kurorion-from the aspects nod puctiono= of the platiele and 00 lived stars in the heav , lis nt lb a tine , of birth. this *leaves the future dectiny of unto. Vail not to consult the greatest Astrologist ea earth. It rusts you Ind a bills, aid you may never agate have so favor..ble an opportunity. Consult:nom fee with likeness mad all desired throne:dine, SI. Patties living at a distaitee eau consult the Madame by awl with 'prat softly toil illeilieelVeS tie if in person. A fall and explicit churl. written nob %oho! Inquiries answered and likeiteco enerocud, heat by mail car tea ipt of prbie above teentioned.- The strictest seem.) , will be maitilatned and ail col , respondence returned or destroyed. Roforoooos of the highest order furnished those desiring them.- Write plainly the day or the mouth mid year in which yeti were burn, enelositig a sactl cork Or hair Address, MADAME 11. rell.Rltiti. Feb it.; '67- 1 y P, U, Orawer '193, hutttlo, N. Y. REPARATOIt CAI ILL!. Throw sway false trims your switches, ?inn wig; Destructive of comfort. ono not worth a fig; owe Hued, moo youthful, room usly uud fair. And rejoice to your own 'Ulu:iota hair. RE PAR et TO it CA le[l,Li. Par restoring hair upon bald heads Mom whatever cause it may have fallen out) and forcing a growth of hair upon the face, it has unequal. It will row the beard to grow upon the rindOthest race in from live to eight weeks. or hair opoo bold heady in from two to three months. A few tenoratit practitioners have adSt lied that theme is nothing that will Awe or host• en the growth or thy hair or heard. Their assert inn ure false, as tholiestole of lit leg witnesses (from their egperiehra) can hear wI nes*. Het ninny will say. how are we to distinguish the Rename from the spuriours t It rertatuly is matron. as ddird,,dithd the different Pt rialtarroll oho hair lOW heard urn entirely worthless. and you may have al. ready thrown away large einountio in their purehese. Torioth we would any, try the Reparetor Capitti, it will cost you nothing unless Ii fit Ily come up to oar representations. If your Oruggiao dues not keep it. send us one dollar and we will forward It. postpad. toothier with a receipt for the money, whir* will he returned you on applreatinn, providing entire sa,is• faction is nut eiv Ai. Address. W. 1.. CLANK & Co. Chemists, No $ West Fayette NC, Syracuse, N. F. Feb Y 7 *ol—ly MEYERS> Newly Improved CRESCENT SCALE OVERSTRUNG PIANOS, ACKNoWICPUMD TO OM THE NEST London Prise Medal sod lushest rewards In Aeon lea received. bilelmbues sed second bend Pilllllllll. Mink, No. 741 /Udell taTianklT An•q PO, IPO7—ginhoW nib PHILA.. PA. GO TO BROWER'S TO BUY YOUR CIDZADVIDbee „- i . POUTZ'S CILZURATID Horse aid Cattle Poclors, i v i: COLtOIIB, DI TEMPER F' VERA, youNDE 1.0 OF A PP' TITS AND VIT. ESEirly, kc. use Improves ths wind, Inerias' the a irpetlte r •klver • ipapolts its gloysy skin —al tratteforms t miterablv skelel Lune. In all diseases the Lunge, Lime be., Wile Artie' Ism m a epeeiti, Ily putting tent oneLialf a lam to a paper In s barrel of Twill tht &hove Illnesses will he enalleated or entirely pre, preventive and Prise I Conte per Paper, or p Palters for $l. PRITAMSD TT O. A. rouTz 13110., AT TIMM 111110LER1LE DIWG IND 11V.01eINF DM?. No. 118 Franklin Bt., Baltimore, Md. /or Wu by Druggists and Sturektelars tirougb• oat Dot Vatted *Mob CrT For sale at for Drug Peers of l'it K 4. 11 , 101'RR, in...burg Pa elootoothomr. Jon 6. 1063 -.Knon OMNIBUS LINE. -rug untlerstent..l w 0.11.1 iro..nettr.oly minim mil. to llbo ritiapna r.r Itl burg, and ilia I oL4c gen• orally. Oho tor t• ionising an 11:$1%1111:$ 1.111:E. be, sworn 11. i• lace and th.dir•ttlt- A itA : • wed kael Mond Wilma dal. i tV 1_! r - 411 , 10 oy. (Sunday* eacrittr.l) In • roniwrt With Ili:. Inor •ral Train a viol.: a W.ll on Ilan 11•14W9A0111 Anti Willinin•ii•irt flail Road, and o lib !how. gonna !lintth and dou 111 on Ilia I.:uk & • Ilia /MN '• PO ate In Rom, rona I rnm ow, and rotornti.d.t.., r; bio. u:r Yerion. u to Inept or at.eit•••if depart. can n• o crow I I • tip• 111 110011Phie 11 1 0 11 01 . bi leavi!or• nearly notice 1.1 any of the Itu. late. JACOB L. GIRTON, rrormint. fikonnislourg. Aptit IRA pm:Elision! ! ! cif A$ la A II ' Ain EXTERMEVATHR PAR REM/WI/CO SUPER. ro.uors HAIM !I 'l.. 111.111.1ie1l ell • efildir, Ibis invialeoble iblittainry ~,,, 4041641 A lIIONir a brine In utmost iiiillmwhable orl4rie Wirth:de beauty. is easily applied. lours not hurls or Injure the .kin. but nets d'iritty nn lb. mutt It Is t en tta nt e d In femur., snllnrbuwus bait front tow eon beads, or trout tiny pert .4 Shotdy. treat. 1444 !Ay. int,iiir and riolicislv eats/patina th e sum.. lour suu tior skin soft, sot ~,,, ti. Snot antaral . This Is th....10p vat article sped by Ibr Prrootb. and I. the 1.1.1 y 1.41 , 11 . 41/14 I Ili-plow). rrier 1$ ...hi per pheltade. I' o 4 1 1,1141 . in nose nibtrrsr. 4 641 4 , 4' 4. 40 of 441 ordirt, bv to. it:, '6", -Iy, lhrmsst., CJ 111ver et. Troy, . . _ EVEIi7 awl tilt' piinhn:.S.d«ry n l ryc• iromPakt in: /Imre.). men CON 4.. hi, nwu prinfigHt FM ly, q... k ty mot rtwapty. Th e y nee a 0 .1.M.. I n r..i.strut • i. o itiiit ft tow to rim, nt• esn lon•ity hot , ..v. Imeret tl 1 3 Pailet4 sisAfr,iri ions •.r.• sent worn hal .4^C. V 114,111111 She tool rhnsor logo um n .Ol vs DO 4 511'05.0d:I kli•MI•1411. GI IN proliel6f. 4 Orrul3r 444114171 in log 101 l sleoctrisitms. 1. 4411:011141111 &C {VW lirc 144 all. Our Npurisetel. tlhrrle _1 1 N'T* u 4.DAIVIS EP fTy pr. (tuts. kr. onva. tns. 26 Ann Street. Mar. lo Iy. 1 1 .1.1 V VORK. MAN CHAS. G. LI - 4. - 11.T2Y, Attorney at Lalllr, BLOOMSBURG ) COLUMBIA Co, PA. ritlice 1n Ow : 4 14 1 11+4.r dlr. 6.1v.t 1.. v til , viurliork April 17, 1-177„ M. M. A TTO RNEY T-L. W, 1.h0W1,5711710, Will pra rtire io the Sl:lo,nd Coots of Coiumbnt and nilpfnumc emititcs, fie An Collcoloor promptly ottople.l to. Jam! V, I Hid. DR. J. It. ' , NAN S, Phplrian and Surgeon, Avim; ;:t.twaorotly on Maio Str.ol, nLowasswiw. Id in tarn the nnhho lib 1 I Rtrprorod to Atlond 14. ail Ou,inro—a Nothinliy loot 11141 way fou iftlim44,l cam, on tcut.i V-Mittieli•ll rate with no. Ita}a at i t atteatioa to Stir:3 ,o l'y a 4 wall art iftedfrine, Nov ,13,, I 863,-. ly MU NCY HOTEL, i'NCV, tycoming County, Pa. N. BUDSUN, rroprittor. th C. K E It, Counselor and Attorney at Law, BLOOM SBUEO, I'a. Wattlit altaalact to Ilk friNOR puhlta in tatteral, that he haw tewain4.4 the Practice of Low again. Conveyancing mid all legal bruitowle promptly attended to, VITICE in the Exchange Banding, getoud glory , over Eyvt & pr'o Drug 61,01 V. 11lunutgaturg, alny 1, Int 7. STEELE'S EOTEL, WILKESHAIIRE, PA. wiLLIAm B. KOONS ) PROPRIETOR. (Successor of Mr. llofford.) Mr, Koons he lately taken Omar of this pelyu Int mot nell ertahiiKhait house, and will he pleiweil to sue its otit ( wentl* e rall lie )11, u capita and keeps chow bee t. hi,l $l. W E 14 1)1(1t 1 . The undertil i ped live* notice to the p u bi k gong,. ally that he tri a practical WBLL Durum an d i s prepared to did writs on short notice upon the most rearonabir terms. He has had in his long esprri• epee is the fleshless remarkable success Thuile wishing anything dune in his line would do well to give biro a trial, WILLIAM BOOM Bloomsburg June, Id, 1867. NNW *AMISS einefra The vadereigned respectfully announces that he has 'earned I shun, tine duor beim" Meyer', Dm Snore, in the Eschew Plum where he Is Inspired 10 conduct the barbering bow.s In all Ile brioche', The art of ng hlebere and ee is practiced by W col u ori inust w 'Wilfully. Ilemorielach 11190 clerical clothing, waking them loolialiearly as gouda' new, upon the fellie.lllolll feriae. Wee how a trial Tr Hair Tole of the very lest quality, vend run cleaning belt, kept genitally on heed. *lid Ott sal' IS. C. CULLOM 8 100 sebum /Not This prepuration, mit mid faturably mown, will Owl. moody rtinvidon•to tu.rn down sad .wirplrll44 to, ##### g thmilrst 414 cle4ni.l4l thv toinacit wad lota. It Ii a fun pre. /entire of ell dip eaves Incident to CATIIAICII.O PILLS OPERATE by their priretful inflnenee em the internal viewers' to purify the. blood and stimu late it Into healthy action. They reroute the obstructions ado, stomach, bowels, Wan., and other organs of the body, and, by restoring their irregular action to health, curvet t, whetever they exist, such derangements ax are the fir•t rouses elf An extensive trial of their virtues, by Profeecure, Physicians, tend Fatients, has shown cures of dan• gerous eliseenaw almost beyond ?relief, were they nut substantiated by persona of such exalted pallor and character as to forbid the seeepicieni of lint:nth. Their certificates are published in my Atnerievin Almanac, which the Agent' below nomad are pleased to furnish free to all Itiquirin.t. Annexed we give Direction. for their use in the complaints which they hare been fouled to yore. Fox CoIITIVIIPIRKR.--'fake one or twee Pills, of such quantity as to gently move the bowels. Colo liceneas is frequently the aggravating mime of Plum, and the curs of one complaint is the tiers of both. No person can feel well while under coative habit of body. !fence it should be, as it can be, promptly reieeted. Fug Dyrere,44, which is sometimes the cans! of Costiveness, and always einrom not a ble, t a l i ,' lo ge( doses from one tee four tee a amnia te tier stemma' and liver into healthy action. They will do it, and the heartburn, Iv dylatcn, and goo/barn of dyeteepsut will rapidly diaapKar. When it has gone, don't forget what cured you. For a Font Itroxi aro, or alarhiel Inelegant of tie Bowie, which produces general &Toluene,. ~r the spirits and bad health, take from feeler to ei, let Pella at first, and smaller doses afterwards, wail saltily and strength is rester .1 to tile .o.ei on. Fon NcitvorannAs, SICK II wthiruit, 1 4 1,09 , 101. Pairs in the Stomach, lurk, or Side, take from four to eight trills on going to bed. If the do not oper ate aufliciently, take more the next day lanai they do. These complaints will tie swept out from the warm. wear these and their kindred dia• orders because your stomach is foul. Fon BettOrtYLA, Ettlislezt,Ao, and all Mamma of the Skin, take the Pills freely and frequently. l 4 keep the Ire.ella pen. The treintionn nut I,vner• ally *Ma begin to diminish and limp par. ?lacy dreadful ulcers and .aces heave' lwen healed up icy the purging and purileing cite. t of these Pills, end es • disgusting diseases which seemed to utliente the whole sysetent have rom!,:rtely yielded to their hatlitence, It:acing the sufferer in perfect health. Patienta! your deity tee society forliells that yens should panole %morsel( around the world covered with pimplts, trotelees, 'deers, sores, and at ter any of the neie lean diseases of the akin, beecaimee ye system wants cleansing. 'lee Newry TOP !Mown, they ere the heat melt tine ever discovered. 'they should be. taken (reel and frequently, and the inipetritira which sow th seed« of inetwidele diseases wiII lee swept out of th system like Moor Wore the wind. By this propert they dec as o u ch lord in preventing *lllnellll/3 b the remarkable cures which they are making ever where. Liven COW; IINT, JACKPICP, and all Nihon Arretams arise from some deratagetneut —tithe torpidity, congestion. or 0,1.441.14 ms o f the later Torpidity Ani cungtaiun vitiate the bile and recede it unlit ( o r digestion. 'this is disastrous to th health, awl the ronatiteetion is frequently under mined by no other mope. Itegestion is the sym tom. Obstruction of the sin., which empties th bile into the stomach causes the bile to overdo Into the blood. This produces Jaundice, with long and dangerous train of evils. Costiveness, a alternately costiveness and diarrhow, prevail Feverish symptoms, languor, low spirits, wet,, inc. reatiesenexa, and melaticholy, with sometimes ability tee sleep, and •tieleos great drowsities sometimes there is severe pain in the aide; the ski and the white of the eves become a greenish yellow she stemmed' arid; lhr bowels acre to the tour the whole system irritable, with a tendency to (eve whirls may tom to bilious revel, bilious colic, bike diarrhoea, dysentery, Ac. A medium dose of the or four taken at night, followed by two or th ill the coercing, and repeated a few days, will remelt the cause of all these troubles. It is wicked to miff acerb pains when you can cure them for 2t carte. Itioncumrisse, Gorr, and all berMereotatorp F rent are rapidly cured by the purifying effects t these Pills upon the blood and the stininlos wile' they alfierd to the titan principle of Life. For th 'Wall kindred complaints they should lee taken mild &mem to move thorium/4s gently, but freely. As a Pistratt PILL, this is both arrceable a useful. No rill ran be made more pleasant to tie - mod eertaioly none lens been made MOTe effectual the purpove for which a dioner pill he employ Pitt:PARED BY 1111. .1. & CO.. Practical and Analytical Chemist lan le Inesluebtet. 011 the glopilti lie milk. It hat proem byete. uxperttnti.t to :muse thr 14 MM. r of milk and tm treaty prr and make the .ter firm e nd t.t In talfrnlng .le, It give/. tla•m piv lotw.ns it lilAe, and ‘es them tbrlv• rnr.. Inc rr , ray Altr, itrrAim (*car nr Nirturryt rKvra, art 4104.4 H.,mrt ISA t 1.4% I'UN I, h., Lit, I.s AMT. Pr:3 Extut ,111 , 'WO HY— AN 141.1 , gf. rEVIII.. , ; I‘6El , l+ lltt. tl , 0W ao, "Rica, • rom ifl pr tlr ii 1.011.1 T, Atr,7 , 11 Nti Tnr MALARIA or attArA t ,11.144., fo 4 to., o , ,erfly CUP , the lII*Vt 44 t ho , eever, end it 1014 tut* rfrl.l ~o . r r ot rt wool rolopimot 1 ,, the fo , OE It Okla* 11• I , p1“ , !11' oe rith a de I• 1 ,,. /roux tlOvs e. , pr , olU t OM nr footriou• ridcl ovoir . ffha4ina luothe IF of tht: otioy of 110 II no.: you nits e oatotoo, atotortootio. t' Dd. J 1.'..t YEA &CIE, I,nareti. th ruin n. 1 .1 I “li ornalio4 and deem*, le 4414th ci EV 1 L 1,1 , 4' HOTEL, COLUMA COUNTY, PENN'A ISRAEL MUMMEY, Ittreel:SSlA Io %%Wta. EXBRETT4 it:l.l4loy tithen charge at this well known and venz , ntly 1114,1111, resieertfullh informs 1•111 ft - 1414. iot welt as new, nod the pthtie in v. I al, that hl. !wage es In realeteletet outer tor ihr, 011111U,1:1 or heyerders. and for She renarplion ai eat, rtantenent of travellers who only fret to favor hen wo:h their custom. Nu expense h been spewed let ueepdring 1144 ththil re, ins t ier thinment of Xurl. , and nothing tith ii he whaling. hoe awl, to neiteistEr in their lwrvmal coontert. T helitinw as well as the 1/M6101,1 . 4 a tined nne, a ail toitsthr r is asci iy arranged to please the yeah! it)' II Slur eviii hinny her turnts4ed with t two of liquors, and nil tabiu with the nest the in: keel afford.. Ia:SRAM, UMMIA Ornotp v5U4c, April 3, '47 —tr, C. E. SAVAGE, eractical Watchmaker and Jewel.. MAIN STE EET, (ttettr the Court !low BLOOMSBURG, I'A Cettetantly on hand a line niwertment of Attwri , and Skis* Werke*, Clocks, Jewelry, Silnnrivaie Spectacles. Particular attention paid In the repairing of flte Watches and Jewelry. Magnate Marks wakt order. All work Warranted. Illooandotry, April ll' REMOVAL OF TO SHIVE'S BLOCK. fuer BOVE ' nemocßAT r III: underiaime i l having received hew the a full and curopimtn supply at SPRING AND SLIMME DU Y GOODS AND Notion', Tln.orare, Hardware, P.. dar and Willow Ware, Munn, Copper.' fry, GlassMre Tobacco. H aor num Flour, Pe a 10%in and hlra ato t ; i l f which I propose selling eery we , corn or ' , Toluca. our Nod see. C. CI Bleuaionurg, April 3, lean. ATTORNEY' AT LAN' oMte In IiENOCIAT AND STAR aull.AN SHIVE'S BLOCK' Mara 0. 417. 111.00110111310 LOWELL, MASS., ANN) BOLU Ay. is Ague, Cure. teitt by :111 Druggms in the C.ran' May :.',2d —ly, PROPRIETOR, C. C. lUMIIR'S GROCER! WESLEY WIRT,
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