Vloottiotittl pcmg(rat LOCAL frEPARTIVIENT. vtlint.pithiy. Slid. tai. Itits7. • • QT * WI( 14 iq Matra our rPo,a , t4 fir,r all local tarat • mutt In fora If the V ton ikkiro to St 4440 n S t Inntiit iBtloll fur lilt Roane rya, rl ACM vend Its a brit''' . 4411vawat of ryerythutsl or mentio in their toopectivo erinthntniWs, A 11.4 or foottiop,w, degto, atriaval (Vi.i , vaiA, !mai laraa 41thaaap, 410, ‘lstl put I 41• ill ill 1 , 4 m. Tat` Mat , . rods or tats klo.l EPti get tttebratcl St will Veit tie and our Mlol' I,Vao 4411,40 it 1 Ts AtailtaTisttatt, 1". 14 al* It I.Hytt intlerted, must band taco' in ratty .*lt l'llttirttatt nit Io insure. their Int , eition lot Gnat wink, IV * Tito vetittntr Cl Ow jinn or,l.tr o!!,r . & tint:lsm( rift f,ll re, itt rout. ctr ronorti , m aro in the Imacis 4,1 . the for •A''mv Pv" ,- ml‘: Towndup,, 111 11 ,131: (Itrksr. Aar, Zrer,,:i; , „. , .N. P. M. (' STYPIVEN 16(tritigerok, f farrtliq, rtho! (ins ilAitNEn. in S. ugarloarrown.bill, 1414 lore 11( etion taro Men pit4 , 4l to the ettLE, to whom pnywolit is 0 bit tlindo at tho entlio,,t,•otivonicovo. In Seto To •unllil> nil por I.n.m;s: lininmlve4 in nr ,, nr4 pn , l dinni6int.:. to tho 1117.nwn . will I leave iske payment to JoS1:111 1,11.1,1. x. Bentnn.---I).vilm, 1; ‘nrm t Orattrm—Ntriim..l, Modimm.—WILLIAM 7 , 1 f ''..^.07 , t firmlwk—DA,ort. leahnlntr , ;--, , lat lilt , App!nnan. Prfri'lni`rt h 0 Pr' 0') Innk-out ror 4?. , f 0i , 1% IT ling at Cha , ,, AV, Sny 'tre e ertulin , t +3l er e burin .: Arthur's Magizine , recolvo , i, snri mu:A r In a litorrtry 'lola of I;2r?a -is ht•nd awl lioul ler; rill of erg, 12() PlYs. ul to f. rt. for it. and he 1,10:ii. If you *I , a iz,tp , rior art; in the dry g•-0,1:; Sheer} J. J. Brower, who hags rt turned the Ii stern eitie , 4 with him more 111311 large aseortment oP Fall and Minter Jude ; , 4 no r epu .Vltor 4 in ftvor or er , rs ebb;; and ir f::'. rold ust do to, and nut in 'cc...A. ut.,:ne or , and ea!! h le,f;al tender, a;'icr 1.C4 - gl 44 lto.lflt to Fky it `r A 'furl: 13 Lq i to mor \Vild rry is true!). b01 , .. 191. ttttllllB the 1 , :t1-arn;e lld Cherry, the h 0-2 , r00 provertior and of pine. Is • i; ,rroJiont-, ail tics. Coughs, Lron stud cotromptio% orally t-Tis.Tl ar its ittthattnie The Premium LiA u!' ttre Ceiumbia grieniturni rnir will b 'eun.! in t tuinimnr. iti an o our rea&ro, and i—pezi,Ay Owe engnoni is 1,7:014,1.ml tur.tiit44. 4 m041181' er , )Wth upon end :•:',VVit usuany krre ri,an ng it 2 ail, : bP it ruby 4 ek in otlwr del A difot , r WIC; gr; ('our: 10•IutitrilAire Mntul; :' ; 01 6111. rote ' • :•.• 0. *4 . :17211111 .tie D. A. L' , , soa 11, J.vuily, P. Dv:. pt 1,1,31.11, 111,1;•14111. J. Fr, ;„4, lull PON. Vo pttbikb this w, tIo rain. .4 of ber of the ot.+l Vi, , ihowe appointed by (he Ve,a , t-sat:: CouDnittoo of -. int MPH is WO7O 1. ; ` ll t 'vlCnot 01,10 i :111 ii• ! rill:to in t!lnt , to, ~-r pa; -. that the , , w.'l eo y to work. he RepitUt ., i,:, 11 , 1: 4 11110, r s estrome . It (-Aim, Leelie howl v,t, the true. tall: e— prineiplesof Derno , Tvoy. Pedi otLor awn tell,re tth rskte;i#:e., 41ti nal aced. hl Jetkr,iniln t 6 meeting of thl irv..rplrafoz; or .12 iburg 'Ant w,A! Fwd. on .oinp„. lust, J. , tela:A. J. Brower ed Preziticut. 1 , -wir,;,',o. to CC ye3N; 94:: • ~,1,,. 'rli , tsnn." • : ( h am, C. y, V, Lit ', IL tlae9l:y, 001 1 .. , . ( . .0,,•nr...11. 1). A. lltYkley, Frras , ct, lee, I. AY, Ilai Imam, hitters is An tafreetinn that wa it. ; on 'one are exempt on 4 tiler- are rm: , relief from its att.tei . NV b!wver xh this heeome4 cur bele-thetor. A prevoiles that .1)r. Ayer dues it, of the blood have been tub. and M40410:14 ot the lung. !try r!'ehorsi, too fre q uently on 4 ly to be. tlisrmod. Ilis Agate ;1, by thoie 'who u‘o it, to th,vcr Of you twist have m otio n ' 9 1,1 , •or mealeino. how no/ are cheap, at any riee you them.—ehor'eogho four =Lille, itualitientiens MIT a earthly rtltte. ,,,, , hips • • : kct, Si!vor in bite 1 his „ 11 1 - mitt Iron in hi, re i* I ppul ttll wli melt It.ct t . ,1 fecent elections have biouOt out mune curious facts. Kentuoky, a Rttathern State which dill not secede, gives about as) itemoera tic majority ; while Tennessee, a southern State which gifl secede, piv( stout 3t.,t00 Badkal majority. This sot 0.- the o n , tion preck etreetttally as to wh't tio et-al eraitms -itrowttiow'a men or `i'lustisme , ‘. who now vote the iiaelical tie!“ t, or the tiotie motor Ken tuoLy who vote the I)emocratio ticket. Ftvergr!‘ to the 4 •l64crootrBt" for the month of August OstiT. Bnl. 111,111, >x`2 O 0 .ior, Mothip, ImOy, 100 11.11ortmanae4 4 , oo .!::Hamel Mom, ti 544 (*million Party. 1 . - '1 Heimbayl),l 00 J. 11. I loisthol, 2 00 K. A. Smith, ( no) 11. h nttr, 1 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 0 4")44 114044, it 00 Miksu (14111oht, 200 1, I.trnntln_ lier, 200 Eau Cirtim, t ho Ander,e,n, 5 75 11. 3. I`hillips, 2 00 !Ll' . 1 1 ; 0 ' 14 4 10 09 de4mll4 Witt 4, I ito .‘411 4 . 0.. 4 .*0) Wm. Haller, 2110 ,1, I) , M..m.re l 4 o) SAlnul4 Jaer4by, 2 0,4 11. 'An ppi figysr. 2 0.) IV 411, Parr, 2 104 Thuma. , ., 2 04) Tlpona- Poker, 250 in!aiel :et Stephen Baldv, 2 0:4 l'ent.tato 11.12 440 :lamb Itiehard, 05 11. S. Di.4riet, 4 40.) Bahl.: Sterling, (.5 0, 1101041,y, 190 JohnlleiNer, jr., .1..1, 11.01 , 14in4, 74) Tutu' Leidy, 2 John I I•lrtinan, 2 40) !lards fiat t man, 2 hO Elia* A ...IN !JO Wm. Wagner, 2 5)1 3.4e014 2 tat 1;4410,4ii% Steelier, 2 44 .) Paniol 11111 yr, 150 L. M. Ilartimm, 25r! tionti twi', 4 tat Han. Neyliard, 200 dae.44 Ilarri4, 200 .laenl) Ilarris, 2 ,',14 1,11. 1131'11{1311, 2 (K) Elil4 StllllWiti, 2 44 , 4 1)...L1-1 Snyder. 200 J. 11. nivrt.on, 200 4 lINCE 4101111ITTEE4. The s=tanding Committee at itt Ncent oting ntinpted nn hYteol three I%f nrwro- tasth Di, triet to art as a I`.,lntnittee ; to whom initrnmi%oo wID ho - , nt the Ftittlinz Cotuniittte ; anb the nut the to be irtb. in 4:1 the Pettna:rati? I,apuri ' Ira) 1 ,11, , n Mann, I,liobfw!. B•rt .1. Wii"nrY, 1. K. NrH,loilin, 1 , 31,11. llowcr, 11 wlson ()wczt, I,°,weriter f .., P. Billtocycr, B. 4 j,lr, , ^•:, J. C. Jacol'y, Smith. Coton;;. , r--71. V. 11. Klino, Pr. J r . K. 11. et 03. y, (art's* , --('. IL P, , itrick, IC. P. Knorr, Arnlrow Freyt. Kni;•:0, P. T (.I.Cwithatly c,....,ppyiy m —Wm. Co ,, ,lmitt, P. WK , Tulvt, Or. W.,b!r.gilj, 17. , :,i'). : 11.rf.k —P. M ihnry, 11. Savace., John Sutton. Parr, 11. J. Ilee,ler. John i giott, A. 3. A lhore,,n. PO9l l, -W. H. Shnemaler, Capt. I 10, Etemitt. ,/ Youug, :`•!:Ffenry, 11-nryWavlif‘r. Power, John lznOor, Dan Ed St i,te, ('apt. S. J. Allen, James Ki , ntr. A. K. Soria,. ('' , :np1, , .!11, W. T. Shuway, 4 4. 61.1W . r. • Lf,":7.'n -- die rriPnlvA.er, Dr. Mont go:t 110:er. .`4.11.-r, f. Ilo:nibeell, 3 . 3111 i l'arn,w“rth. 11'm. \i'm. obl 741 f ,rthm. Or. Magar t .7,ll, Col. ftillno v ,rot. oh n rtr,7,l .1., John A. 't P, lin D. Bowl:, N. Dreii ho.,4l, A ,ilvi Fw, L. 1 . .". Eirie,harl. Lac Aloirew Lau ; I ; dr : !:I'I.7EZE 1. : 1 4 11:171'4.1 - itr. r t 2 Qu 1 lo 1 01 . iist •; 11. 0 . r I , 4'T I‘.4TTO .014414 r .• T :E. t, per I 41 rd I 1; r ton, IA ...JAI. Str”.. 4 , i. 4 441111,1‘i3 Comtv„ 00 Mlll4r S, pt. 9111, 1 , 1 . 7, by Joseph Mr, t'! • 1 wk.; "4 , 11,t,i.avh, to ,‘lis.: ias :411 or Espy, Columbia Coun ty, Pa. At •Nny'ilie, Pa., on the Sth Itnt. J. N. Itttwo,B, 1),, Mr. John I,:otia2 •1 , M 1,3 t ( 1 ,1? low both o! Jihiows busg. Coloothht Contoy. Pd. At 4, J'A., o,i the 31-t of An -11.0,7, by the lb e. Ntolmob i ipt•aa•, r, B. t. CA •., to .!•11-4 !Lad , t Rozet', b,•ttr et Btb:on. t 'alambirt C,tray, Pa. I* h , to+y giro!) tlllO t, iho 114.1,r014141, ritiztoto k Tow .hip. roitonl, Chanty, Erma thtx 1,44 j rarbtd 04V j', 4',01t1 p1t44101 trf , • ~ ;i.otr 13.00. t.re (400 to dutill 4.4,4 eohttutt to Diw. ttiattstnn prto.ntsti, tir. 3. Ev 44111. I e:,; P 41. ,, Wittguti 41110.'144n, Hugh D Seitt 1 0 )D,t-xtyr 11441, Y. 411'.0 81.114 D, 1.44.114. 11,11. Wii,tettitton. Deattu , L • S:pt. '147.- 1 1 4, pa. r 1 1 ) 111. AT .F.JA It, 4 41 AND FEED, ALL KINDS, sm,r. ti.cAr tk' Monttiblotrr, Jtity 10, Isci, KW (()0 ! r. ‘t »001.6 The ',One I.h .nlll bear in mind that IL W. CitaAPilf & Co. THE LA It G EsT AND HEST ;I:LEcTED STOCK OF GOODS IN . .4 • IGITT sTI)EIq A.l ktodo or good 410m1 o. eisiAP tor tooth or court• try prodiou. nd 14 ft gentle ble virtue irr -T. No owiele plie pot already c fkttt HA DruggiAti Wig vtist, g Light latrett. 1 Iy $1), EU*" New Sy prOVed 1,11 * ESCHNT KLA OVER STRUNG piA,Noss, 1111,41- ArKl(swthtinstm TO MI - r Lordon him) and Wrr Wilmot tuatas to Aetor. jot tryiwed, pAtitm* and Wand blosA Plat!no !tole, rith Wit ARA It STAIOM ApOS Whot elk PUMA. PA. A ( 15 ....... 12 00 MAIt It I D . r.OTICE. D. W. SWAMI bfAve ertts*tsintly nn Intrhi 11, w. CRIMSY & 11 h OMS B t7e tarn? 4116 87771717 e. 1111.003PRIVRG. PA. HENRY ( 'AItV KR, A. M. Prirc 4 pal, I'rofnavur of t i:)1 1111011.1 ring, tnlailecwal MO Moral ratto4ophy, dies MAUI! A. CmtvEtt, Cyerrptrrs., Tooehor of Frotich,tiotony and Otnainental tiritywhen. or. TAAArt 0. HEST, A. 8.. Teutwir nt . A tic ient tattuaids. CIWILESA. 8., Teficher Ateb,,,,,,iie.,a,14 co s tibts tsranetod. 31issryrr, 7oae;hur fu rr... l ...ratory peolement. )1i,.,3 A Licr, Watt, Toactioroi Voc ti 20111 toolviromital hiss Pont Timm PAriX, Anro+tatitTokrbpr of 1414411% The In.titniirm still embrnee in its rthcly vll t h at iq to4nicol pre pare ytinntr ladie4 an I gentlomen (*or ,vo e i t d th“ t'utinting Ituoni, or for tho !warned Prore.:; , ,lna 4. Special attoition gitTn i 0 swat :1• 1 de PP bl tit tLemArtf.3 f r tenehinz, and 70.41i,,1) 4 , 914:4641 .14 211 who are well wa2l - for the, buNilleN,4. A ele , s will be taught, iii Boni:, KtTessa; during Term v , initeetiehig Nur. 4th, 1N,;7 Clairmiar for 1%67.4. 'Vi;: mm , t, 24th Term t 'rntnenen.l Nov. 1 t Term ("loses. Nov. 4EI Seentul Tern) Commenee 3an. 17th Term nent,`,4 One Wok. Jan. 27(11 Third Term Cononenvel. April Ch“o4. n0ta,,, , , on, 11,,k. Sp: 14th Mutt th Turin Conitui.nceq 27t11 Term t X .!'ti, $ anti tr.ll) For Term lul , trmmtt, So l o, he,7, AN AUTUMN 8(1:ti.0%:"Illuti Now, ;is. heavy ligi4 ati-e and en-I:all:Ili; winT; vonimentai to lilow ; now, a 4 fin: hit man !oily., wiliaitOod inanimate nt.t.. by t it , it" , a :•Utillr'r, 110QiitS t ) k il t a w l droop ; now, ero tIIC itiolcn,nt intorniiikes it; uYin oit‘i : NOW 1.1 Ow time for a viwy twit atalitnating no divine in Cxiaanee, ISTri Pn s Fitrtt..tert Mrri:itA ri - o.r and Atmt in rampont in all torts of the country. Qninine, the phrt;eiltri atl ta;t, will not town tho phtt ,, ne the di-otitt whiett at pro: -to port-ale , the WiNt. It it well that it is so, i;o• thu rented' t.„l, ettro , i) iH tltlntlior than the mahnly. rote if quinine tt in , tll-iont in intoilnittent yen:, tiosz mt ., : nri - rints It would Le Fife to make a contmet, utelcc ho,avy penalties, that any civet) -Feavor and AL'll4, li.triet - t.hottld bet exempted from the diso r d, r for any par ticular time. provided every inhabitant would take the Ittr:trtLs 3Ctt (.011111 4 to tiit" - tiow, during the term ~r the ecntract. Th e re never hevn an ittAance in which thh..terlitte inviecrant and ant i.fcltrile med icine has failed to ward 011 the complaint, when taken duly as a protection again -4 m a laria, nundr o ls of phy.iciaus have nhandomed all the nffrinal spek.ite,4 and now proserihe t hi, ha:tale a repet.thle took. aed nothing a he, as a ;4.x:entire and elm. l'or all the i'orwi ofohill an' fever. Visor is the 11,1 m,, ,, mo-t needful In tin eves, al, will as in dy- , pepda and nervous affotttions, 11111T1I8 me Cho Friff st. nko•st wholecrtme and rengs booing, preparation that huwan yq .::111elbetcrt *pt. IS, lSt3i. 4w. 'Whlar'N Ila'onto of Wfid Cheri.). Ibis I,IIIA-1, it it , a rm t 4,-, ti, , fISA 'v , rt! in itk fa ‘,r,% a 4 an Ithriilinz enugiN, Cold. Brawl, it 'Ffittp, avid that afro :1 1 ,1 i r o va:i CilthqUill4ioll, b authority laa I,:tinonn -4, 1 tui,r n curl.ilt* d a asi% liaxe nqai 1:11.1w iii vuiva ; thasNz mho tiara not, Kaye bet to net k a a singic it ail otbilv it ix t.rc 1120. riev. 3,zrob S,r-etiEvr, troll In - .own and 1111:0'1 r,optsietl anionq thw :si,ulation of this country, writes as follows : r Mir} ;.~ rtM flatovvr, Pa., Feb. HI, 1559, , 51,4. S. NV. 14 ~.:, 1 , (.1r In t; realizel in my fami ly imP , o tam bcnotits front the mo of your rideable . tueparation-- Wistar's llad-arn o f Cherry.—lt ofret,l- me pleasure to re it to the Some. cight years. ago, cote of my daughters reemcd to be in a &aline. and little hop,l: of her recovery were entertained. I (lion 11Nourod a bottlo f roar excellent Pal--ani, and befne she hal taken the whole of it there was a great imoroventem in her health. 1 have, in toy itaitviebtal ca-v, tt,ale fre,vatot, use of your vainable mcdienie, albi have been I,cnotit tad by it. I would, however, cartoon t agra:int imposition. became there is a goed dial of emurions Wit,tar's lit&ato of Wild (*berry afloat throughout the country. J,tont SFoni.rn. NOTIC gonninentdes,4 tigued Mutts" an the wrapper. Prepat -4 by Seth W. Powle & Son, reinom Stro,q, Boston, and for steel by itruggists tftal ra Hy. CHRONIC DISEASES, ELI, &c. It is well known that the honofits deriv ed from drinking of the Congrers, Saratoga and ether celebrated Springs is principally owing to the trrue the; contain, IDr. 1114. 41,12ttetett,' lodine Tl'aler ~ o i ji zOps jrZno in the same pore p...tato it is found in these spring waters, hot over foo hundred }creep. more in Irmo/ft.: i f . , contain ing as it doen Ik grains to each float ounce, di,olved in pure wafer, witleAtt et soteent, di,covery loaf; nought fOr, in this country and Europe. and is the hest remedy in the world for S..rotitt4, o:nee's &di Rheum, t 7e, r 4, and all Citron c digraso , ', Circolare free. P. Pim-more, Proprietor, 36 fey Street, New York. Sold by all Druggists. Sept. 1/4, 2867 4 w. THE SWAN HOTEL, prim UPPIIR iloesro Orangeville, Columbia Co., Fa. The Setteetihet teverifolly ihrertop his frhyude end the public, toot he has taken the an, ohovo welt ktIfIV,II ULII4III 14 4 11 tAI: or ENTEMTAINMINT, and trill htv pila4m4l to retteive the cottom aP ott who will raver litat with nen% He will knew A GOOD TABLE, it Her well mocked with the beet a Liquote,and every ON* atilt be tnede to reader attire POOOK. tine. JUN tdltrf bra. nclegrtAille ROO 20, Ht t ECUTRIX'S NOTICE , itstAtanr7ACnnHeattn, FIRMIIO (NM lISCRAMM Yintitte is hrtebr ofitroo that latteti Instamonints on thn estetn nt ts,oli Kerns. deesssad, late of Fishing vie , * township, Womble +Jaunty, luso been nistb rd by the Naaittsr.Or said VOUkty to Mnritoin Ksrn., %no ie.:tees in isle township : and an prisons hoe. ion chinos sitontst the Witte lire felursitil Pmwet the in to the exlienitie fot nettleraent, and thoss now. ing Mutat:lves to be indebted will oinkeiotkolent. Auguel niklititilM /MW Beeentitts . SPECIAL NOTICES. BRYAN, - COMllitinertiriit47l: $1 Broadway. Now York. SPECIAL. TREATMENT In all coon of rtoarinal. Bernal. Urinary and Nervous Inottawle in wain or (0 , 40010. Advice Pre and corroonntidencio Shah, eaa Odra vial. Jan. O. At iENTS WANTED Sample. ' , oat Noe. No capitol regimi. buffo* ot o,mirmen eon oiffli tram $3.4/0 to COM per day.— Ear 10A 11141011.410 addr , oot THAT & Nistith St., No& vet, j„ n , IsO7.—ly. LOVE AND MATRIMONY. The utt,4 limo. of Ow orp.ite aes may he gained by following simple tilieW, and 01l may Um rtY if dw , ll^ , A, , Attito re4rEl to tve.attli, at; 41. beauty SCII4 1hr , (1 , 4 envelope awl ' , tamp for pm - guilt:ire to mutLitti 1,1101..1.11 HI;MAltitE. Jon. ttlbte llowo, New York, AVt)l1) TILE Qt: If you am suffering Pinar Merino:is of Youthful Cu• diserelion and hat A SA•1110141 Weakness, M. 4100110. Fie.. I will sond you, free of sharps, infortoutiou v. hid, if followed will me you without the old u leeiChlues. Address I:ARV A WOWS, Jon. tt, Station I), New York. And Catarrh. treated with the eitinihrt aUCCe4I4 14 J. IR RAPS M. I)., (kolott and Aurbd (formerly °Me) , den, unhand,} Nu. 519 ftNE Stir et, ILAWA Te*timen«nl*, (rum the mot reliable SOUrCell in the City rind conntry ern he 1111.1”/ at hi*ollire. The nied• I I faculty are invited to necompooy their ontionto. it , Ito hts en get rota in hie ptertivat A Wrivici AL h.:YEA, mile:led without para. Nu thaw Or exam. ination, (April 25, trfitt.—ty FREE TO EVE it V.BO D Y A large ii pp.Cire‘tAnt, giving in tormeti of the e thute.t. thqou inure to the polite of both sown. It iro.thes how the homely thvy,boc,,me ho ;m i t r e '. rounvete Laud thu throtheu loved. No y..tit4i lady or reialeoiitit nhuutd Nit to aped their ti,hegi#, tit V - tf it ' 'Op r I,llOSt prizd, by tutu Mail. AA Ith,e U. Den war,. ¶ t 'Pray, N, V. !y V 4)( !%IEN Th.xt h,„. tbpast t t y.ars haft li , MlOlll the fact that ItAJllot , may be placed in the et" •Ltel's Specific Pita, speedy and permanent cure 4 . 04. 0 ,1n 1 1 weak. t;nutieion•t, Physical and Nervous tiettility,tm potehre.m. wnut 4 power. the 0,014 Of Se 1 , 1111, nr , ifl3.llllflll 11141111ere111111.WIlit h argieeted, t uji m 111 , happiness. end 11111itilhe stitThrer Err Rosiness, ; 10.6 A t snoov or !ttartiue, and often terminates in an untimely grave. Make nu delay in seeking thu iontedy. It 13 tltill , l4y veg-taMe atiJ barmiest on the system, ran he us. d withont drtecgi ut , m r (matre with husimis pursnittimid by emot e c d.di et is itei,..gary whtle 11til lig them. Price. Ono Dollar. y.•o cannot get them of yen: druggist. send thu 1111.11.1 to H t . 14yais, 1 , 19 Oivaiwar, New tf u irit, "d they pro he twat ft'l , l‘ from otts,stv.itiuti by tuturu• of 1.111. v ate eitroint4 to riontioMPti Vqit frill o appii elk ton It. Si, & TO LADIES re a telteLle remedy In reenre yeo,arid ye h ,,w- 0 I tilar 'hes Oli,truethato, why hot usn the Mrt t 77urty yr aro caioeneaerz has ptevedth4t. Dr. Harvey( Female Pits, tisvc nu (vial fur licumoing Obstructions and Irrcir ntat;tios i No matter Amu Plot canto [nil :MSC They ;trr• car." and aura in every case. Prier, Ono Millar. pot boo. Dr. Harvey's Golden Pills, le a r”ewily lour t areas strone,r than the above. and ietetritud far sperra. cave or long atendleg, rtlew, Five, th.ltate per Not. A Latttea. prlr•ate tirettiU, Milh Logrivingo, sent rrr on 4i,p10,11„,„ If tou rauuat t the l'tlls of your drtiggist, send Uor tdetiey to Its.). itrysti, t Itroadvray. ?Sew York, *lO th e y wt I% I.e fl• from obtryvattisti try tetutu of marl. jlan. t, leii";.-1?,, KNOW Tlll7 DESTINY ma4ntm, T. v. 11101,1011. the great Etig 0310, Clitil•Voyent tout Poyelonotrioan, who hoe aetwii , 4red tht *e'en*, fir filifCcen of tha 014 World, hereeli r,l lloteen, N. V. Matliwe h.waton prt.:1,...,-rt 10th WO.Pierfni 1.0130310 f Net . 43.1 tight, iii her to to,pari kdowledge of Ito p, imioot,theo lu 11w atogio or tuartied of tie I 1 a mate of rranro, eho &dlino atae the very fratotce of We to , tron you are to War• ry, and ly Uhl of en tuattoownt of ihtentse pow. cr, Inewo an the rephoo o .trope, fillhranteeit to pro. dare' a life hkc picture of the future Itnehropl or wife of the applicant, ter:fitter tcPtt date of u.arriale, po• traits of character, raw Thor i* )101.033.33. so te. 32.1 as. deeire4 a rettitied ointill r oe. 0 , orpt.o v4,0,01E...that the picture to what it poreoo. to he, eheidona U rntali lark of halt. toil Vetter Plata of h.rtb, age. I.lll.le4oliipii 3113 0011. 1,1,4,1, 0113 ...11:13titig Pity relate aud .tiaouped novel • upr aadrtir,wil to ) 011 04 If you will comer, the pic— ture and 4rrsrrd ialornattto by return roan. All tom muei:atuone tarred ly roondentsal Adaroon in 3.P... MAP ANSE E. F,'.IIfORNIII,L r . rt, ltni lAutbleti, N. Y. tete IC ly ExcuANGE ItEsTAURANT, Tim Or , ,pri. , or haviep renovatrd and fttltV4 hla itElt r: 4 o.ltAvr, to pta aftaktattqlt n ilia EXCHANGE HOTEL, I,4„inlimit:lt a rootiolotnerf of the phliforthp , nr ilia eld rol , (UtHera. and rorAlatty In rat the I,lla ollai of new wive , to 'out telteAUl4,lll.o as Mows : Ad I 1,4 I 's "I OYSTERS, • AO CANN Et ) 1 . ST 1.; S al i l I 1 ors Tens. ritrFu END, them, times ptir Week, DAM AND Itnt,t)tt VA, hot of LIQUORS AND (I.(IAR • P. 7 . (1). t , t. raft be served up to Ca atqual,tl at mumble tiettrt., in ratovh. *minus, vitArttl. ,tint, OR RAW, te ' cutt the tobtes wf taa epicurinn, JOHN F. CAStoIW. liimmit3llll e, Augupt Vr., A BUSINESS CIIAT. Grand worriNft, Fqittre, wttirh war with 743 r 60441.4 of ttol,l I !ha my %03, hnnu, , Air ; 1 heee got rolls for m y Otti Koir,, if it ig n Nit TlClltiOn, where did yon get etttdostt eitttto ttl, KOMI at Oabrr`a Factory. -s« 10, Nu! 1,4,1 ,ynn it phy,te get ear ilitte dtnta tiw, r enrol. for efe. per IN. if yon Irate tout {sine Yaw wiet, tie he* re.lielit iota Ilta• 0111 , 1 , eitt got 11,0 farttoi oh, 1,, , p ton ti Ile peer MOM, hit he it tending hie meet' tee this P1q114 0 .1, tle pays, her an fle.orytamia. ion flir 111++, , `AVII4liVO ht a dielnhee , if th ,, v ;cove their wool at either of the Mori:4 to ()reap:lll le, the eathe tp ill be alto dept tn. AN°. their cloth for fut. hog eolefleg Una litusehtg, river it vcata, aisice JIIIIO Viinf a imp bean steady at rho bitaittr. 4 4, with alto ropnlnr prien, Aa up 4 and llnwini In his prico. Rich and pant' all petrel!. alike, Factory nor, Or on/voile, in Mt. Pleasant Town thip, eoitinOtoi couuty Au6ust, I 4 PM MA.N11000: 110 W IAYST, VIC) liV i l STORED. /ITT puhllehed, In a periled Pave. Illre, rrire II (yeti. A I.cturr no lhn miturr, tvoMmrm and rndirdi cure or " OmmisM I , l4.nlinrml nr Pitermetnirhors, i n d ue7o by n t h-Abuse ; I nvidentnry Paoli 'lone. Inc weeper. Novena Debility end. to /s/larrl4/6 'rectally • I:nnenniptlen, bpil,,ol, mid blts Memel end 'rthylleall Inraparity, an. 117 11, Inn J. lUulvetwi.ll, IN, D., guider of tit %tees &r. 1 „ T o e!' e r te n: T T , te r n i.o or t i s nif irn a m ilth ti n i : , ownlftlh is adnrlrsp~e the 100 NI aelleeddeneee of 11.11./thnee may be efroat. unity removed Wlthent Medicine. and acitbnul dais. pio r nii• puoic r al 0per410144, boogies. Inetcomnote, ngs, or elifilllllOL.ll lo lMing Old 4 mode of cOto at once end ninefold, by welch *eery eulieref, no tonal., *bet hie rrndlllob MO/ he, mey CON IlinfooOlf cheaply, pflnatcly and radically, inlo 44.• lure will prove a boon to tboueonds IndAttelletuld& Wont under meal to 111 address, 1 1 1 4 iNdo eseelopo, on receipt or els IePOIO, Or two Monies, *temp& &Inuit?. t.luttetwoll's !demon 041110,01 , t0, eou t s , Address, CHAS, J, MUNI: it Ig7 Bowery, New York, M. O. hot Odd, fee, 13, 1687,-4 Neel' Co SPECIAL ' NO. tlatOllB OF YOUTH. A Gentleman *he angered car yearn hem Noronha liritientore loony, and all the eilheio of tiratite ltil itittiewrbtion brJli. rut the polio er initrories tinionity, send free le all who heed it. the leciiipe sail directions ror the *hoping remedy by oho) he *op aYre.i. Sufferer* erioliiiic to Pront by the eilverilner`o exporieece, con 00 an by m 14 1 44004 to petted m 4104104. JUile4 11, °UDEN, 4 . 4 l'odbe dhoti, Row Vont. Afar fitt, itga, OVEI.Y MIMS AND VOTIVE NOVA, rend AN I hd‘repoold ea voilnrit nuti tgi celilKiind I Will world you /ono. Ilan will Waneyou. Addrepg MARY AILKIAX.O34 brusloNF, N. V, Mn' T "' ;Lori' , or MAN IP STREAM P. A goalie win who nistr”mi jot year* from Verrone nog aaniusi ilehlltly. NNW, IiiN4 toes, nod tionainat Winikuna*, Ihn moult of yonltifol indincretinn, and lotto *tor .nit 110 days in impales, snowy, wen. for Ihn onkel of noire/mg man, want to any ono offllct. ed. the ample 'henna toad by him, which ctinchttl a coo. in o tcw wceka alter the Whir. of m 1,11,144114 8,..41,19c0i. bond n ditPcmrd enveloyouutl *tamp aud *WI to r t you nottong. Addecan. EDUA ritkAIALIN, .11P , th St. N, Y, City, fiRA UT YI a, • AtiEIIEIN, EMDEN, rLEttri k OMEN. Produced by t h e w.h td" Prof. DEfiltl:l' X' I , lllAlak LS bt , EU X, Urge appliestioa wuranted 10 cull the most *ltaight nod stubborn hair of tithes sea into wavy ntalvt+.ur hoary aiaeal,t ttOrlsl, twott need by Ow rmiblotzghh. of Patio and Lawia v n with the Wort yrtitlfyinit 'motto. hoes au injury to the lOW. Pricy by matt, OtOttO4l and ptiptynol 111.- IWwyiptive tltlfOlitta noultd Itec Addrrae 14:110Ett, sEETyo & 1:0„ ft. beniist., Nu. ..0,5 Etter tit„ Troy. N. t V. Stile Ali tut* fur tish United Matt*. 1z407-Iy. GRACE'S CELEBRATED SALVE Frani Mr, CS. Tardier, Septa masks. id Salisbury Mass. linvn been troubled for wire with a had hamar ehtheiill,4lll nutwltrdly. and 'Wiwi, fit. a la War a !luring the paw el/owner it waritte.ited now mope than usual tmtwallly.. sail I used your Stove, AU ninon of it have %non' , dltdpnenttni. without att . tillig 1111. iawnrdly. tndivailt , I think, the etualauting ua tare of the etn v " Sri' 11. tY. Ft )W1.1 , ., A:. SON, Moc;o n rroptelnicc, Sold by t at Druggitao. at y. 3 ct*.* Vic Acid by wail tor 35 (lc I ! ITCH ! ITCH !MATCH ! SCRATit ! eriwrir Wl4 E ATO N'S OINTMENT Will Cure The Itch In 4K Ileum AIAI3 cures SALT KU MAL II I'VP,S, CIL., INS, 1,1,4 IrAterlif +NS OF AKA N. °rt., ;',u rents, rut wala uY 1111 Bruct , i,, , ,, By rrnts to SVI:IRS fia I'uTTCB Was!, Bow, street, Ruston, It ttill bu torwur,lt.,l by um!. of 1)104:igN, to ally putt of the ILANDItAIKE PILLS. Subseituto for Catomet. Thew Play IT oompusea of ?Woo cools, awlall Iho power le role the wereflool of Übe flow co premptir sod effectually as blue plll or WorcarY, mud without I:coda:dog wty of 1114 ow Oloacreeobh w du:arrow ofleoto wluob offers follow the ow of Or &War. In sit bUIe j dheetere Ihroo rills ow be wed witk ionifiduace. as they promote tbo dlecharoo of ?Riga btlo, sad emcee those obetroctioos trots the brat led hill/try duets, ertueb are the aeon of billow siCre.xtras t ;cavil. BC H FNCE' ItASPELSL PILLS rule Wok ileadistbs, sod all disorders of the Liver, In4lcsie.l 61 sallow Ala. cooed tongue, conthonoss, drowning% and • mom! Cooling of oreorlunts sod Isaias^ 111110WILif tho taw User Is to a lorphl or °banished sanditlon. aliarl, lbw TIN may bo arid wub Masa. lap la all ewes when • paraailve at allaniara pedlelaa la raqulreal, Ptatat oak br "Pr. Illeboool's Ilataroke PUY,a sad ammo that tho two liktocano of the D.. 1 aro an die Oorstotoota stamp—owl whoa to the WS Moo at Consumption, sad the War In bia amend MOM Sold br C.l Preppies sod doolm. Pr:ad 111 am% per bor. Prim:oat Orke. No. lb Nor* RR Woe% /111101o1Pkia, Po. tleneral Wbolonle Aponte; Perm Ruorki 11 Park Row, New York; B. 8. Rues, Ili NO. son N., 86111morr, Md. t Jolai V. Park, N. 1 yourth and Walnut pt„ Vlookux44 Okkr; Walker 6 Tailor, 1.14 eel 110 Watowk Ammo, Chime, IU. ; Coll na Brother+, oOrdbwook sow fRi baud sad Vile ALL. Bt. Louie, /So. Ii Rb w. ea. ao.l oNDE it n BUT TRUE. RrmlNerrertt. the reef hi renowned Aetrolnkiat and fl , oonnintiolleli, Clairroyunt, while in a clairvoyant %taw 4,4444carea the very features of the preen you Are to marry, an d by the nil of an inettuweet of intOttfoe newer, known a+ the Payrher filoirope, Wilt:l4.o , g to fondue , . a Vila . ; and life itke lArtettf• of the route 11.10o:rt cc VW." of the Idielot, with date and inarriove, eeeermot, teedtne tetote and ehardivter, lie, nit* ia pe, tlq+lllSathialll 10. Wont number eon meet rt, fty *lotto,: Wart' of WO , alto. th r epesttton, color of eyos and hair, and PnelosiNt fifty rent* ma., ptaiar.l enact. sd.lr* 9 , ..2d to youre.K. you will receive peter, by to turn of mil, 10r. , 11.r with deo., l lofemeet ion tit Aildre.win eo ififenee, MAD iMit fiLKTIt CM: tn, Want 'No). N. Y. ercb.ll, !eV:— ty YOUNG LADY IiaIIINING To list country home, after a *Mourn or a OW months io tho City, iris hardly tersateice.l by her frleneta, In Ow of a emote°, rustic flushed ram abe ))44 s soft ruby completion of alum.* marble 011ionthriefo. and mote:Jet et twenty •liitor she rra!!y appeared but einltteen. L'iWn eh* canoe of toe great it Chatip, ohe plaints 1414 them that abe used the Circassian Rahn, and in. Valuable araniritinn to any 1.,a4),"a loitet. it its use any Lady or Gentleman can improve their ',vicuna' ilifiliNtrAtifil an hundred fold. It is simple in it; tonal ton, as 'Sentare herself is simple, pt unonpospe rd in its rtftrurq in *flowing inemuitoor ft Me, also brthel!, cleansing out beat trying the skin not tome NY itslifrmctaction on lti it draws from it all its iteporittea, kindly braleng the oriole. and lent ing the vtirfaci , es inteniled it should bt!, Naar , sift, smooth and le .3filift4l. by mail or express on retie ipt of on ardor by W. 1.. CLARK 11. CO., chemists, No, 3 West Fayette et., Syraruse. N. Y. The ohiy A,.otirne Agents for thei sale Or the same. h i 4 , 7 —ly N EW STORE AND NEW GOODS. Ina ciiiltne cf ilivontvlttirg and vicinity nip in, town that IL U. Stohilvt 114, plat ()WWI a brit (14. N GRorrlty AND 1:11mq:0 - N4/NARY sruin. to the "old . 0 411 3 , * ' lately pur0 , 44e.1 and tined up 11 tin, if you d.ire tll purrhalo 4 41414:14 THA. ors; AR, AWL:I 4 PCB 4 4 A LT. PI:PITH, tit' 14J 4;s, Av.. ke., ALM, VlStEit AR. Nil.: I.lig, PLAIN owl (Silty so,iiitti, Tiiit VI il. $1;1; il , •1 1 , i 'lt Aett l'ltS, 11 .Isl NA, tiliN DMA, II OW ry Om w wtt,,n, and ii steht misty of other rim, ii,„ liiitisso, ks., clisollist ittan hi, sly *Miss sti WI est nblsolinant in this suction, call twin ti. H. siTiANE:II.. Bloomsburg, August 7. iSit7. . _ ScIaNTON BOOK BINDERY. Itnvinq pr , riired Ihr rOCOO Or Mr. H. Zorno, one of thr hoot 4iu tyre to Ire found in I IS SUII,O, WO Ws ri , parvil to i r [iMiigh In BANKS,xc Arlor, costrmiltS, MERCHANTS, MAN v Emil , amt. cum,. ov Ammo', nureLs and others, wOll (MOB GE VA TWE L A I% noons nt every deetrintiow, an PitOrt hntite. bound to nn etyln deelred, in the west tuth*tatoret nitionor,, at renronabh , wanzifl, b o und, and old broke rebound, of New York prone. Orders tett at the rake of the paper butdotana tktsedeettin..nient, rtr rent by Ltorese, will be et tonfleat to and returned Without unorsernoty deley• 111. P, 111. 'Betitten, ra., June latit—tt - - WI, e. wow, ono. or. IMMIIIrin. Etstabllshed 1828. G. W. COVENTEIL I III:IO2EIT 8 CO. WHOLESALE ERflucilSte. 137 WWI lc ono door togloW eth, trtnoodUltrd. PIMP, MEDWINEFI, eIItWICAMIL PIIIIIIV, 011.11, 01.A$N, V ARN mom wrisi. And vorerrothor nri tele appertaining to I. Moines& of the beat quellly, tad it the lowest Wank's Mardi tre.l3lWl, no TO 111t0W40$ TO RUY YOUR LICHENCRID miiwcoupx, SPECIAL NOTICES. T !Mr poot AND 'won oF stracT. Herrn.. fat VerSYl INFN nn thu CRINIL 111 , P 4 01.11111E. tool IN. L i t n.. 4 , 4 miusrm and hiSIiAKCS which dear,/ thu manly power., and rreutet illipeohlholibli t t mnititt wito Ntiltr of etinni in .iord rolopon, (env or thorn. Mitros DC L. PK 11.1.1 N ltt/UUlltlee, Hawked lionneintion,Plihinklphir, Pi, 5, te..7-1.4, GOODA IN BhoOMSIIIIROf Ths sabaellbsr hls tttit.qt enmt lotion to tillnithitt hi* much by cash 0111617144.4*. slid he is susi yhtpsfigi to Sell as low as any Dealer in this reetion of country. A eels upon him, by nor perenn who amlsratemis the price of Rood*, and the limits,' of the same, wilt make this tart plain, Of course no one need buy unless they are entirety eatieded. He wilt Its Mad to nen his friends and the pubite pcavrally whether they buy Of out, Um mock r (mews of the best nittintinn of Etthett. lattfith TEA VISE (or Are quelire,) DRIED N bATA, (in their ransom/ instrrov, AND tt I' omit ot icKLitzt. suite k CAIIIILES, ke., 44, • tAtAL ki.tkeKED tato a MO tinnOrtMent of Dry 'loads mid 11 0 0047, and a fell variety ofgouda of the *trove clam cad of other kiwi*. soldition to %bad) he ban resselly added to his stroll a hos duo/niece( of CEDAR WARE AND WILLOW WARE; is "whirl) variety of goods he has eeverad sew articles of modern invention, estensivelly teed where known, sad which most toted tato use here lie slim ha. a floe thoply uf French Moroccoes; and elan of Morocco Linings for bhormater's work ; sod a food armortnomt of 4jurkli%w'are Do Call and tnAtintlO. .IMIN K. GlltlrOir. O. E. Cornet el Main and Una !hosts. Irtoornihurg. April 10. 1,107, rJ. miowEP (Cot & Iron, rto Is now offering to the Public hss STOCK OP SPRING GOODS consiniing in pert of a 1'4,1 line of INGRAIN, WOOL & RAG CARPETS. Finn elMt* mad easaimeye frvy !.4419.1' Nylon, Sian noniet itrosm thsyds Or nit r4wins and titutillfpc 1)041(4o and print. virimro , ft 1%1111#4 awl pror,r, Aleached and ProWn Muslin*, Ladle* rteisch Curtnin and IMMORAL SKIRT 3. 41n6.1 a•snrfnlept or Ladies and children«• Gaiter. find I6IM a. neon Owertes tna Spares New miertment of Glass and Qateasware. rt-"to. I Marterel in nun luttf and MIP front, Thirreic Now if. thA Imp t.. tank.* 'Mgr lifq , (1.111(1 4 . as I am oltet Ins goals lit very iow peens. CO Mir map, is fair dialing to all , and but to be underooki by tiny, J. I. Min Ea, glonrno , borg, April 30. 1407, CONFECTIONERY, FRUIT. ISTTri, &r wvroivEß ft, JACOBY, 14 AVVFACTUritrItgi, ~Chale+ala •n 1 Retail Dealer* in TEM AND rim CONFECTIONERY, AND DEALEVA ronimor TRUSTS A%P NUM Exthavise Watt. piammaara, Aa ORANGE:I, LEMONS, IRA[PIMP, PlICE:115, ROCK CANT)!, 11411111 P, 1.011111 rCIIII•1Rs CITRON, FIDE, POLLS. fie.. BREAD CAKES, OF ALL KINDS'. r.Nns JACMIT. EnED E. WIUMYER 14 Immo! urn, Jeirr LOOK, TO YOUR, .I.\ NEU" Cilidlat J. H. SATES Ito*Portfolly 106014 the public general', flint he had opened tirst•da** 414515, IZTASIASUMENT in 'Op rad Merle tlaihhoit, (over %littera latrtfO, filnamohtift,tit ho bits putt 11Ceived from ?hilt -4/10;44, a lotto A., , oottorot of florrau%, %Lind*, ROCKING CHAIRS, RI num.., CRAM. (*Sant PRATED onmrts, Arm Omit* 101 l Wtt.ri,fie rtimero, 1111 of whi c h he fors In SOW o , o l it at P.4.01111te le I rieoc rr ran. Sommt Slow* prone tt to ottlot. also nit oth•r Ain4 or topstring ,Imie up o n renoo l ame terms, Don't riot to ittve hoot a sari and secure great bar tuourrshurg, Nov, 7.lAftit () I, J I) I: It '8 A. - Noir AND sinnE INTORE, torr , upli re Tni: rri.h;orAT. cueßmr,i On Min street, Dloomeburg. Tho foekarriber t kra pir , afturo in annnnnein* tfl Ihn p,"rpin I/ IltnoThittwpg,,,,,, gbin b. tii, nit hand n latse avid fin( nskonmktit BOOTS AND 8110E8, for Wit.* and Rontloottm'it wear, to toil loneirm. Itto 1 IS %omt to of tho hem ptalf ty, tot (rim ttm moot tOtatoo ntn Mri ;hu bolo* a pruticAl workmen and a gmutplaga erf ap .. 3, 4 Ltb,C)==" o l he j a n o iihOp to ho titqw..fl upon by feeeltibllt wortitte. matortnthUAtp nutile np Th o .o 4pplrotig ;timbale. It% hiU tine wntild do ROI to ct v o bun a tail, Wm.w ptirchaplng wlsowbore. n. 'wits a GOOD ARTICLE, and kt pricos co ilia purchnerre. MI ;melons who ,1,1,1 m Uaht nr hentry work made to ai ki. ran be geortimmtmed at hie emahlicnnnt. gr.Aima. ft pkifikk till lin Ono *nth heathen* and &worn, An ,•frannt ***nrlmont of Ladies 'pin/ and Mum Tarr rlkope .1 hand. A. 801.1.1..DEA. N E CLOTHIN AND GENTLE MEN'S FURNISHING STORE. reetatetrntlr minnoneep to Me men , rtirhic , that It, hem .pcnot s nuev Clothing and Gent IPoo.o'n rnontahlitti fit,4c, in tha Invent room of the Hartlllllll Nullding, rxn+ltreet moo, of Vain and Mullet Mums', alnumahuta, it living Jon Muted front IrtniadniM• 'a with kluge stock of Fall and Winger Clothing and Gentle men'sFnrniehi ngflnodn, &o ,ie. No OM. lota hlnmalf that he can Malice all. RIO 'Will cog , prista MAW S AND 130 YS' CLOTHING, Poch as DRESS COATS, SACK COATS, OVERCOATS, PANTS, VESTS, rums. uNmenitre DR.011.118, COL NI RN, com Ans, swirls" nositnr, AMP EATISPR, oINDIVICRIZIFt !win RUAS, H and In rot eterpthini In the Cloth! ni of ratnlehing Iles at ref, Lath /Wm . to 1.1.11110 n to the Wei he hoe an elegant avow meat of Clothes; Cassimefs, And Veitintok trr . Clothing wide In Wet et the Ow lest settee Call and 'ea before pnrelnelng alsewiere. aid talliiT BARGAINS, J. W. CHNIMINIIIIII. WWI IS 1060 I WILL. GO TO snownws I C O not m IoOODS. A 'MINIM'II ATOIIB' NOTICE triter& of noltnlntorntirn nn thp onintn Oftftfr lialftOOM, 'Ono Or SClOrrpOthip. COMO* CostaW l tit , c1.414041, lonvn bOra tty itm itnottotor nr rolninhin t:.ntotr, tny4,BOrlifilin *ad Hilviadd Iturtnlnn. tn. rdrmer renttllng in Ilvott and tint hinny In centre, 'row gothic,. 0141:41104/..sqlli to•pronottadt• inp riattsto agnin.t flirt ' , Wit* bf tht 41Posamql flu, fa» ryttoOtoti in !aroma thorn duty Onthotllnet.d t, Om adthlntxtrntuta,nod Won° owmi,tbd , tstod willnnbq iwwedtate payswitt. Pl " itt:o T. ZOW ARV) 11 ARTISAN. Pdnts. Jnly IN TUE Oal'ILV - Ti_ S' COITRT TNAD SW the Covell of Columbia the mutter of On tatote Orem* Ittretattd, Ofrvilltql . bow to Wit May t#th tee, the ',hm, appoint Ithoh R, tholor. Zeta , auditor. to wake otetrtt,4l ton of totteot to in the hethlehr Peter Iteelnutt and John IlrOhmt 111111iinflatlft. 150141110.1 the hew , etir ipso rep • tesaittattitet Of Shit mot, Prom she heel Co..sar , e,l.ifitit: The auditor shore ea rn ed wilt atoms so toe duties of hie AppOintIOHIS I ut arts /Am M Ilt.eraebhrt. an datutday, July VIA st Itt o'clock a, W. IC IL Bloonebarg, Yelp 10, fret MLLES, Auditor. TIM OUPEA..NS' COURT IN and for the roomy of Colombia the Mina* of the potitino of John Hornet. huird4is of tbepervoet and P , 4t*to of Oars,* Iktvettbeeh. And now to wit; May Htlt, I.*A, tb , . Coon appoint William H. Abbot, aadotat. la t.owtt Nett at Oa itrat ISMM, by tba t^ottft. Clean the Itorov4 . Jason Coman.elerk. The *alit., above nata,l will attend to the duties of bit appointment. at Ivo Alto of tow Monroe. to t 'too loso, on ttotatesv. the third day of at Itl e 11411116 WM. ti, AOW IT, Aalttor. Cattoototek laic 11, tat T HE COLUMBIA MOUSE.U. IL STOW En, Proprietor. Thlo tae new nand Lately MOO Opfer the SWAM tbltirttl of the toirelinc potato parfait,. snowed on Mato Otreet. aOW doors mantra ohs Clout Wtan, op what is Mtwara as the “Itobbisori properly It to centrally legated IN Os ottoman tot 0,4004 plarro (fit auesto to stop , besides hermit In Oat part of lawn *here the ma)orlia of the buttress to befog Jana. TIIP proprietor feels ronlideot Ora* he is prvollr44l to giro gametal aattotaction to his enema, and lowa Solicit a fair pr./torn of the pahhe 11100111*IlUte, May M. teat. E I 4I B,WINE & SHIPMAN, PRACTICAL. 110 (SE AND Sign Palters and Paper Rangers, BLOOMSBURG, PA Hyping tot/ a loot atpartanra In the *hove hoot nee. 11, , e wood r4t. MUM, 01.3. et ,, "W. ie. , . la Via etuton. of Illootaonnee end enotrootoli a; coon. HY. / 11, 1 ate ovpaHot to 4t.. ell hoods of Hoe... as. then ?matins. Papa, aft Otelattot, (Hamad, and *fl w ork bl'llfteloe to the ?mottos 0701/* 1,11 at their alma in (ha Court tiaaaa Allay, or at th, Iterhenga Hotel, L. N, Moyar's Drag Rafe, . Hnedtt's !taffetas* Stott,. will tie promptly *Hoofed to. Illooatebera, Aulest 7, Hoot NEW BAKERY AND CONFEC TIONERY Misoliallbtlilmlkaucualersra ON THIRD STREET, 11EI.oW MARKET. 111.0031N1111:11.6, PA. J. r. Po . proprietor of Dile eittattliehreent, wank* resport folly infotia his ot4 an 4 new ettetoro.e., that tv. he. eVPrythtut Att.d op at hie new *tend to .1.. obi. him to furnish them with BREAD, CAKED, AND CoNrEcTIONERIES. e, tottetotore. O. eswelente tar th. vele of !tract. with Wm. er who keeps Vesfirctiost. Cr)' Atore dtreetly spolsitit TUE "EX(MIANGE BUILDINGS." w ho", ii.qtatie deritleg broad tea be *totem/W*lmi CI All tomes. 4 r,- 'Oftener verso**, whew hate been befalit. rd with Al.', Laser Btfq. awl tarter, by the *We, hair, or quarter barrel, will sail apes WILLIAM GILMORE. at his Maio* is Shivees Block, Mein Street, who has been authorise' by the unkrelareed to sell the alum He wtilcnulantly bare a simply on band, which will be roll at the 'owner mullet rotes, Mr, F. has. in connection with Ile hiker? lad Coo. lectiotiery., titter" up rooms for the Isle of ICE cuicAn, to all who may favor him with their totems Ito is prepare,* to 111.1".1 114 CIVIC' ill %fp ,quisnei• Wu fur partici, public at social fatharings. as the rim" Mity h*. Everything pertaimait to lira Silva et bos'un's, wifi rocoivarnr•ful awl datum alvntial. lie i 4 t hankful to hia coo tomer, lc.r past `fa var., aril 1110111 cordially solicit* of the same. J. F. Fox. April 3, 14G7. & Erie Ball Read, SCIIDIER TIME TABLE. TRROrG9 ANni 11111.r.cr norTn nrivirres 11111.‘ IWI.PII lA, IlAvrimortm, H ARt KISMIRG, wriAamosriunt, A lm 71111 GREAT 011. REGION or PENNSYLVANIA. ELEG iNT SLEEPING CAMS On •n Mint Train*. On PM aro, MONDAY. APRIL ihn Thins on see listindElphia k Erie fUnll Amu! 1111111 tnn as NI tnws WERTIVARD. NAIL 111 1 1IN Icier, Plishiiulphlt. 701 p. on, . 4 .. 11.irllitimberlaiil 1 51 a, T. .' amiss 111 Erie 4sep. m. ERIC r:XeREMN leaves Philadelphia 11 tilt noon. ii e ii 010rtimmketle44 4 41 p. ow, .. flrYll4l at Este' 041 a. Si. E.1.01111/1 MAIL. leiliwas phil t oeipp i , p P 7 a m . " 0 " Norlimmh..rliinel A yr. p. in. •• melee at I.mk 114 mm 745 p, m. fitTFALO EXP. lomrestl4ltimmt. 10 3.1 p. m. 0 I. .. Nurthumberlpiiii 11113 0, in. . arrive at Leek Davao /I 31 a: Si, EASTWARD. . MALL TRAM leaves EH' , 10 2.5 a la. n Nerthnethr7loolll 011 it. M. 111 " arrive at Phill , l4/Irbil" 7 I/0 11.110. ERIN EXPRESS 'raves Erie in 93 a. nt• 0 0 prnrikinortlneirt II 03 a. nit -0 4. arrive at 174.14.101ph1a Ioop. m. ELMIRA MAIL leaves I.w* Divan llsa, or .. ' NotIORIPARrIOIR/I 10 D a. ap .. . arrire at Phda4mpttle it 40 p. so. I,'IK DAT. ACC. Ilmvoil lock Ilamm I+oo p in, 4. . . NortheitMetle44 5 10 p. Irri. " " arrive at Philadelphia 11 511 p. in. WWI WA E‘rreill riiliOefl with all Irlllllll 05 WARRCN n. FRANKLIN RAII.II Al. faaavitivie 1,,,,,,,,q Philadelphia al Id al M. arrive al Irylncise al a 4a R 10,104 1)111.111, at 9 31 • nu. 11.rnvIne l'hilmitiploa at 7 31) i'. M., arrive at Oil l'ily at 4 3) ri In, AIM/11110nm Mufti 4 Franklin 1114114447 midis elngi. conmommt at oil City with trains far frank • lin 004 Pelrulevim Centre. 11A0gAGH CIIRI:KHO il I 1tri4 7 4411. A. L. Til LER, ileueral Sart Erie. July ill, Iso7. 020, HOOP ISKIIITO. e2e. V, VW SPRING STYLES, A.ll " Ora Owl! MAR. 7,." Embracing r•nr, Now Rnd dooirisblo site, styie anti Ph ape n 1 Pinin and Trait Deny balms.-4. I 1.4 2ft, 33.1. 33 1.4, 3 I 4 3 3 4, and 4 yards mad stay length and alas Waist ; in airily leaped FiRST QUALITY • end eepprielq adeptad t o w.,‘ the west, of Flit Clain and moot fenalonabir Trade. "tier than Maio." or Ilona MOIL Ire Ilkhtor. more HIMIIe. War durable. and Really Calliper Mani any Mart moan of either Finer or Ponble Plorina Oarri in can Alarriran Inarket.l TACT art WarrantP4 II orpt reapeal, afA sh,reir.r giVe uni• . They are now brinit sold by 10100i:in, and earl, Lady lika 4 add al MOON All for "IMPKTTS OWN MAKE," and sea that Oaeh Skin la eltsmned W. T. fllooln•A Illonufnetorer, latel Arch PtFeet, roitoilelohto," No foils are tionnlna. A 1'111044a ermlaining Ptvla. Muse and Retail Prim , . eons to any address. A oil.- 10101 and liberal Comint allowed ti Dealers Or. Ants by Mil CM otherwise,promptly and canton, hided. Wholeoala on 4 Retail. at atonulatetary snit Awl MOM, No eV Amin atnipt. Wilda wade is nidar.altesallas4 repaired. Tomo. Net tlaoll Ono Pries Only Mira Yo, 07-10th. Wig 11011111119. ill NERY AND PAM STORE. , Light Street, Columbia Co. WM HEIM IM MO Wool. worm@ to rio 'Him, of Met POW( .0,1 orrrorti riot oho ku wood a A p o eri 111111luery & Fusty titer% .• ," , *mei Av. Aar otortiod Toni a limo poi Imo wort. spot or ilollinory and rimy iands, from lb. torioro dries, for tie 'loud sod lloromor Irodo. . 6 " 41 4 7^rglios of ALB ARM'S!, MO/ It; r trim ~i nrty Wits% Met RM the Ws g eode err 1011 IllindlOW lo the Milltat - , Bowmen outdo to miry, and ropoirtity Mono wall' soolloos mid deol,llltlth. All wed ofecotod to Me boot aid 111104 tasty menoor, upon tosoefilabllOnlik Partiedler *stewing repaid or otrets. meting. NW hie PAT MILAN of every 'lgo Npti. , n pertitoing to the trade, en hand end for sole erwrip, I - livelier a rail—llltoro In Worami'm baildiagoorimaa lalrly atratplerl Ily allies hill ehlror. April 20, 100-301.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers