flosolobw. MtlltOtrat WM. 11. .11.114:01111% Editor. Wednemday. 11.10. 14. 1407. O. M. PiaWilljEt, St, CO., IC rub Row Now { r ack Wu duly authorised to solicit and porpivo xub.rrtp• 4WO and advortialtur for tho ihrleorre k star, Pub* laba4 at nsuuoiabura, Columbia comity. ea, Stale, Phtlict & County Wicket. ',l4;4' 7 iolg(rof the Suprenu Court, rd i 020. SITAUSWOODi OF PIM.ADELMIA , ASSEMIII.V. CAM THOMAS CHALFANT, of Montour County. 'MORDECAI MI LIAR!), of Centro Twp, J HOB YOHE'S of , of Mifflin Twp. ettt pAvilt YEA 6 ER, or Loeuht Twp. JURY ('.MINOR. THOS. J. WELLIVER, of Mt. Pleasant. Arnim, JACOB HARRIS, of hemlock Twp, DEMOCRATIC MEETINGS. Ey order of the Standing Committee of the Comity, meetings will be held at the following points, to which the public are re invited. I .1( i IT 'SIR EET, Friday evening, Sept .20. MI FEU NV IL LE, Saturday eve., Sept, I. JONES' SCHOOL 1101ISE, Mt. Pleas ant. Tuesday evening. Supt- e ENTRE:44.'IIIIOI4 LIOUSE, Pine, Wed ne,dav evening, Sept. .25. CL tN'S '11( 401., HOUSE, Frank lin,., Thur. , lay evening. Sept. 20. 1.'64v evening, Sept. :27th. 1131.1 WA V'` HOUSE, Saturday evening. :^ 1, 1,t. '2-4 h. IMARING(TEEE, Faturky. aftoruoon, pkmber, 2 , 111. JEItSE VIOWN, Mouthy arternoon, rapt. h. ORANGE ILLE, Thesilay aftcrnoon.Oct. MAIN VILLR, Tuesday evonine, Oct. I CENTRA LEA, Weat:sday evening, 21 'WA V Ert V ALLE Y, Tb ursLy eveviwt Ivt, 11l "CKI !OBS, Friolay evening, Oet. 4th. KENTON, SaturAy afternoon, Wt. :nth, IBA Itt 4BtJEttx, Mon.lay crto,on, Wt. 7. The afternoon Mooting , will be ealiv4 to order at 2 o'clock. The evening tneetinws at half past wren. They will be addressed by two or more of the following named t. 1.11- tieffilsn. Ilon. C. R. Ruckalew, non. Gen. W. li. Ent, Joseph C. Iltwhor. Thomas Chalfant, .loquph I I. Canti.14 , 111.:.1 Clpt. C. 11. Brockway, Capt. (Ivo. %V, 'lt Hilton )1. Traugh Charier= 11. Mill or FA., D. P. IL Freeze. Licto. Mahlon B. I licks, Win. 11. ehocunticr Col. John igilituee Committees are firovitllly vines led to :mewl to lighting the I lou , e, erect ittg the Stattik. tool arranging for the ineetirx , , by eirenlatim: the notices. By order of the 'ommittee. JOHN G. FREEZE, Chairtortm RADICAL TLlrtinril. The Ihntiettl State Committee are circula ting through the State, and endeavoring. to Thee it in the hands of Petnoerata a lying iennn appealing to the pecuniary utter -04 or th e voter. We give it entire, aril atteex smile errant rats upon it. Read it and nutiee its lakehomh; raci4 for Govvroment nowt- holdem AND TNT ITOLDEIN OP cnr.rati,rx,, aLm*, nr.n.ECT—Atit) HANOI() YOUR NEVitt EMS In IsO, eleven Slates t.eeeded ; and duce then only twenty-three have been repre-.en ted in renrres ,, , until tho adtuhAun of Teo new() in INA% All the I rnitetl Statcq Bonds-5-20's, 7- and In-40's-- all the greenbacks, and all the National Banks, were created by Mb. Conerk , s o f twenty-three States. Pre.itlent Johnson calls this an "amnonril Congress"—thererore not !col. Ili; sup. porters and the Democrats call it a "rump ('imyre.qx," and a "usurping Congress," and hence, lint [I lawful Couerems; and the great effort has been to elect Congressmen in the North, and admit enough trout the rebel Staten to enforce this "PoUry," Jr a Congress, representing but twenty three States, be not a lawful Congross then, cwt . ). Unite:l St at..s Tlond, anti all our green ',JAl, and National Rank notes, are worth nothing ; because an unlawful Congress could not make lawful bonds or lawful mon ey. The mad effort, so recently made by the rebels and their sympathizers, to &story Misgovernment by force of arms. fa ilea.— Thus far, the attempt to do the same thing, through Congress , has ttl‘o failed, because of the action of the loyal voters at the bal lot box ; and the lust effort nit dostruction is new being wade TIIR01:1;11 THE (,'firliTS. Witness the recent attempt by .1)0I,1111.rat ie. lawyers to induce the Supreme Court of the United States to issue an injunction, nullifying the Reconstruetion laws of Gum tress in Mississippi, (Irorgia, anti other rebel States. Read also the opinion t f tlyorge Shar-woud, the Democratic nomi. nit) tier the Supremo iourt of l'enti-3 Iva- Whh`h he gravtly dynics the consti tutional power of Congress to make paper money a legal tender. I /Itoic tR rot,, L. !pitlliyentyr ' of' Mandl stla, slit, ) Judges Woodward an d Th„ mp . NM of the same Court, announeed from the bunch the same alarming doctrine, in I stis. I ,s.'frUM.; ' f id., Loyd In fllg, ;•cer June 16 & 30— 1 (stIC), pages and 205.) And this, ton, in the fare of the fart, that the Superior courts of every loyal State in which the question has been raised, have sustained the power 01' Con.nva.4. It requires, therefore,, but little knew]. edee of either arithmetic or law, to estimate, the imminent danger, of' putting any more Men of Judge SharAmol s opinaous ou the Sureme Rench of the State I l I I' you believe the present Congress to he tta/oefid, or desire our National currency and (lovernment Honda to be declared u,k -boolit?, vote for Judge Sharuwood. li' you bolieye the present Congress to be intrfat, or desire their action on Currency and Bonds to otond good, vote to smtain them,—flir the party that created the reenbacka and the bonds,—the party that sustained the war, and compelled submis sion to the National authority,—and that stands pledged to keep faith with the Bond holders, and to maintain the National credit --vote for Henry W. Williams, the worthy and honored nominee of this party. LOOK AT THE OTUNIR 81Dp. Then secession came, Penmerats sustain ed t h e Government, shed 'heir blood, inves ted their money in 5-:O'F, 7-Vs, and 10-40's, vent their members to eongress, and obeyed the laws that a Congress of twenty-three Stated enacted. That wu their Government 5wd.4400-4 14 / 44 4* th~26#114101 4 initny ot them, died for it. Intrinithe war, eleven States were not repretiteteil in,Coogross, and the,/ reAled to I" That wasA lawiy enugrea4 all abeyed it and alloilta taws are Wading under the Oenetit oti,* l Witt' a the anti area over the South Admit ted, then the IW:heals kept them out to give the negro power. They "ode./ out side of the Constitution," as Thaddeus kit revs rays. gm If it be true, that the Democrats are try ing to destroy this Llovcrntuent,how strange it is that they should hold its bowls and notes, awl fight and die for it. Their ol t ket is to preserve it, to bring it within the Con. stitution, to govern according to law, to economise its resources, and to pay its f(' ( s. Are your Bonds and greenbacks safer inside of tho Constitution or outabie of If we have no Constitution, at Sterols says, what soeurlty have you, for your debt. The Constitution is the title deed to the property that your debt is a vi ma. In the ease of Boric against Trott, ;fudge Sharswood decided that a man who (tyre , (1 to pay a dcbt in gold should pay it in wild. Was not this right? lie did not decide the question of the power of Congress. You hold u 5-'2O or a 10-40 bond, the in terest is payable in gold. The Maml -. and their Judges say the Government may pay you in paper. Judge Shorswooti holds that a rout ract to pay in gold should be enf o rced ; which beat suits you? Which is the wore honest? P o you see Micro this 'Radical doctrine leads you? They ofiludy ray that theprin• el / m/ ()I't he Bonds may to piti'd verper.-- 1 f .Judyti 'MI limos ticcides I hat your lo 'Tea rr yorgqide in purer, it your coml.:let with the Givertuncut carried out? Will he not Ploy trill pay in paper if 7heir cc/rot/- goat( Ulrike:4 it neetuiyary. The intere.t en obr State Bonth wits joryobie # . 14 ;Pohl , law made it ?.o, (Set" [ICI qi IMO.) In iSe , I, %Lai gold was the Radicals in the 1,-g_ idat ire pas:A a law waking it parable in palwr, un the ground that they could .are :not ( yi'slab'ri 180 Are pat any wore secure than the dihnl of the State? Th,,, i wn,%--; of the Covernmatt arc more than its income. The Radical. are expend tyro hundred ond OreNlY-fire naltions of your money for this year. The Democrats Tent la,dq-hro MlNnts the last= year they were in power, for the same purposes. Can you sustain this extravagance ? Doe, not the security of your dc tit in mul,mt manavement, economy in public bus:te ss, and in nourishing and tieveloping our re so4rec,? Are the itudicals pursuing this coxll . If you wi.di your bond and itA interr-t le ',over and your eoutrtwt with the Cot-ern:lmM vielated, vote fur It EN ItY W. WILLIAMS. If you want emu tact 4 between man and man, and between Gm Government and your. solf carried out, vote for GiAn4;t: &Luis wool). (Conti mniestiel Dias .a DlToa—Pe whits folks fib deco selves a heap hltrpobble abont whar de lost kmiled pussin canted from. Sono: slay he floto de Ape, but ti y am iuyams , 1,7 know nutling at all, for tie Ape bah strait hair and tie nigger hab wool one hab lot h ; tail, de odder hab none', de one hab not got de speech, de odder talk like do (water. Do one walk on his tbre-leil, d e odder nebber, 'eept when be creep to do corn-crib or de 1011-roost. Sum oh de lamed eiy We be emnohnnee., but dey am mistaken. We be no rem elt:lnce, ; we no spring up out oh de groom! filoe tie nutdireon or de toad-stool ; we crea ted by de Lord. De white !Wks feel mitt' proud, loge dey tink dat do fast man whar white. Don't dey know tint de fuht man whar made ob de ground ? and de ground am not white, culled; hew don could de fast man be white? No! do in 4 man bar a darky. dat do question am not whar do Ili culled pusAn eumed front, but whar do fist white man muted from. De trap am dis Adam "Aar de fit man, Eve whar da tialder, Cain whar thr wiekcil man, lime lie killed his twinkler When Cain killed his builder Able, do great Massa cum and say, Cain, whar your bruibler ? Cain say. I don't know, Massa, Ma•tsa rum again, and say, Cain whar your hrwlder? I don't know, Massa. Massa Vlllll again and speak mity sharp dis time, and ray, Cain, whar your invader? your p u ll e d cu s s you. Den Can get sheered, and de culler leebe his face and cum hack no more. He be white all ober his body. Here den am whar de lust, white man mut ed from on dis nrf; and had it not been for dat cussed Meter, Can, we would not been übbled wid de sassy whites on de eireumb ler globe. Pon do Lord drove him out into de witat , rmvs, and Cain, too mean to be nigger, envied de culled Iblks, and bein wicked and eunnin, he tried to do dem harm in ebery way. Ile lust push hint dia way and don dot, and finally stole do arf away Iron► him dat de Lord had gibbet), and tread him under tiot; and .m.) it hab bin Aber sinee, 'till de great Mas4a Liukum break de yoke ob his neck and sot him free. tilory he to his hallucinated name I Yes, de dark day um ober and de light begin to shine, and dis light veal de Cq, dot de nigger tun du true white wan and de white mini am de true nigger; but, by your rand:Alen, I say more a nuddor time. Yours, verry importnnily, Uumg Bor. Cabin Home, Sept. 1.1, 1867. 07" The Phrenological Journal for Sep tember contains portraits and characters or lion. R. D. Connolly, Rev. Newman Hall, Rev. Thomas Ilinney, distinguishcilOrators anti Authors ; Mrs. Husband and Mrs. Suntory lleroinem ; iSindies in Phys iogramiv ; for gentlemen to read by Mrs. G. W. Wyllys ; True and False M arr iages; Memory ; Conscientiousness 'tame Mine. lions Our Religion ; Oriultitions of ititsb heat ; 'The Rases of Man, their Origin ; Queen Elizabeth ; Toggery ; A New Steam er, tyrit of the Ago ; Central Park, and the New Bouleyard—illustrated, An inter esting number, 30 cents, oryear. S. R. Well, Editor, 880 Broach* Now Yotk. ADDISTAIN or t 6 ifiklMOt 7- 4 Clair Inv vointarriati. ALLOW VlM=:—The coming milted Isolllo of tug importanoo, not only in httittedia upoxt,tho polio of the ring :wpm the future, and-Inits mum 10 the omit* Presidential fileetion. Untimibtedly the eourso or the 3tadieal leaden lake been inch aa to "Pr mAY disaffect many or their 'former followers. ‘Vhatever affinities have Weretofiwe they are not prepared to Pillow in the alarm ing crusade against till 7onstitutional pro. tectiona and guarantees, and eimyert our beautiful system of Federal government in• to a eorwolidnted iltspotiiwn; they are not prepared to admit that emigres"; has the right to make the negro a voter in Peensyl. vania ; thus OVl!rridinF and setting at naught our own Stem Constitution ; they ere op• posed to that Radical State legislation which places the negro on an equality with the white man, end makes it eriminal to farads him with n Frieda, ear for his accommoda tion ; nor do they desire to see n man pledged to nihnini,ter the decrees or him political party, upon the Jimich of our l3uprenie Ooirt, These and ether considerations are ()itera ting silently but powerfully upon ninny per setts, who upon passed issues, voted nmonpit tho Democratic party. h e dead past must bury its dead, We can nll very easily me that the living issue of today is the one upon which elections will turn, The ques tion whether ten Southern States shall be subjected to the local domination of the blacks ; whether the fifteen thousand ne. groes in Pennsylvania shall be on political equality and hold the balance of power, and thus actually control the legislation of the gran d o ld commonwealth. Thete are some of the questions which must now lie met a n d derided. het us address ourselves every where to these things, fuel 1114 waste our time and energies upon matters, which the inexorublo logic of events have already set tle A majority of the people rot' elm.%) ata are P convinced that the ptineiples of the temorratie party are rorreet ; and that its candidate for Supreme Court is able, itone4t mei iv u•tworthy. Th'y know, too, that on all thoso questions of 1 , ,T7.1t0ti Cou• Ritotimal prermatire4, litnitatlons of the tiovernment, fuel the ju , t rvereiguty ct the people, the position of our party is witml and right. Wo are, in view of there facts, clearly of o pinion that sasecesg in l'ennsylvaMa ira ca-d!y within our reach, it' we do our whole duty. And di n t duty consists in the active psnsom al eversion oi' every individual member tit' the p al ly, 'these politieal cmstests ate not won by the great leaders (iv ! now-4#aperg, io 1111101 114 by the sissies but vithient working rif individut) Demo• crass in cad, elect t• It is there awl hy atom, that the battle is lowht and I.et emsh man fed Limn-Winter. •te.l. make hineelf aopmitste l with rWtS, 1,,. 4= Ito opportunity or tirginr, them upon the eon ;,uharntion of Ins fellow eitizens, labor earn estly. constantly, nor remit his exertions hir a moment, until seven o'clock on the even ing of the chtetimr, aml them when the tdegrassis annunnees the glornnn i news of the election of Sharswood, lie can say with pride, satisfactien and truth, it Li iti part my work. The party hag elaimg u• on each individu al member. When the bugle has sounded for battle. he is a recreant Democrat who does not :-tep into the ranks and labor for the ci , aory. The Committee trnas that no 111W1 in the collate will be Court wanting; but that there will be a united and earnest endeavor to secure a larger majority than has ever been east heretofore in Columbia enemy. Great battles are won and closely eonteqed elections carried by ual bravery and personal exertion; and we call up in every plan to do hi, fall duty, and the Little is won and Pennsylvania roklevwed. By order or t h e JonN FREEZE, Chairman. The Great etrormanner. This appellation is given to Tlovticus Ste vens and, we think. very properly. 11. , 113 been the enunon property of the prostitute politicians of Perne.ylvania fur the pa-t thirty years ; and ; if reports bay tree, and they never have been contradicted, he live. will a woman, not his nit{, 'awl block at that, of a very r-anm , ln character. Ili; tint that neerees in common with white men slo.nld enioy the elective frawhi• minty is a very common man to I.v ono of the chief's of the nation at a time when we noel the intellect or a Jefferson or a Clay, a 'Webster or a Douglass. Later ally Stephens 'Tread his sable wimp! and at tempt. 4 to roar from the 'common' field of the House of Iteiv,entativu, to the higher region; of the Senate ; but with Forney as ballte4 he came down ignominiously With groat 1011-ideal hurt—not to his reputation, tr that is past datunaing—lout to those no hlcs aspirations which led hint to attempt the night. lie has subsided to his position in the lower I louse, the house of commons ; and truly, so far as the material of which it is cotni n it is a common house. May its days he short. Death or Clovernor Heim The country will hear with rearet the an nouncement of the death of Gov. Mtn, of Kentuelty. Ile was buried one short week after his inauguration. It will be retnern bored with what triumph his election was heralded ; and it is distressing that he should not have been permitted to norm 'dish that which wc short Fit ist ekl mortals had supposed to have been his destiny. His work must now be finished by others. Another election will be held in Attanst next. In the meantime the duties of the office will be disAarged by the Lieutenant Governor. gc2r-, We can say with all sincerity that we never knew the Democracy of the coun try to be in better heart previous to an election than they are at present. Perhaps we should not mention the democracy in particular, but the people in general. There appear) to be n quiet spirit of determination among the thinking men of the land to bring about such a change as will relieve us nil, as much as possible, from the burdens which the policy in vogue during the past few years has imposed on us. This, of course, is desirable to all ; and there appears to be that proper disposition among all ClaSsCs to examine subjects fairly, which we hope will lead to such a change of our rulers as will bring about the desired results. TM. The election news from Maine, Cali thrnin, and Montana, the places where elec tions were lot held, is somewhat distressing to our friends of the extreme radical kind, but the quieter and more thoughtful of the Republicans "acknowledge the corn," and agree that if the influence of Stevens k. Co. should eventually be destroyed, thine nive not be No bad after AIL e .~ ~ ~' ..r ~_~ 4 4 1E4 • Of Me rovittli Annum Aript r * urzept ref tl4~ l'olundda eonota Aorkultitrat, 71 0 , amt. hired and 11,whookal dimorkstioo, held at .13LOOMSB17na, on Wolof*. dap s ritunnion, and' Friday, (MAT 904, ltok and 1104 1807, The Mlthallfil firth. tietle.ultiltol Soil'', of 410 11 1 , 11 hi nototy will mire", to put itertethios In the boot order to mike the neromilitolotionetoothlete thin rot, end se OttititutMire, Itorintire hove now Minion used inoriiiwinnr, and poor, boo s oolowltonaot !hid thorn io a stidffi l entlltt 14' ilitolingtiOn. TPrfontlnn psi oariginaido no.oriati on in ationdina a will roe. dotted, and it well third up Foie, the 4'oltiffititoo, to whom the moinOtees of tht , cart your . * Enir h.** en• trusted thu msnageraont, WOOld NiffiMaly ant rO , 01,0016811 y tolheito 'howl NIOVIII 4 OI or event proem in the roomy, !maim! 'boy wilt 411 bring foutethiott to the mut rail of Colutakin this ever memorable year altar Lord 1 , 407. Am 1.101 , 1101 th% OW* land moat havetrysteut to wary it on wsth vailWar Won, exhibitors a ad riming. *into will plow road inoirininitia, and row tar the pets eterettea to abide by them *Wheel nebina Ott say alteration. Ity nide, br the Como Ivo rommlttert, 11. nurturr, Miteretary. Abner Welsh, Superintendent. CIL eta i—ItORI4VO ilea pelt draught horse.. 114 ad do do de Roof pall colleen do R 2il do do do 3 111.0 pot, etotiose owes, o td do On do 3 Wet Ststlion OWN' 3 years old, to R 1 do do do d Bret brood now, with wilt at hot tile, both owned by the exhibitor,A " 24 he.l brood mate with roll it hot ddb Iwo mood by Ili , esiiiii:toy, a Dept stogie Earflap hoar, 4 14 114) en do V Root dined Wade mom 4 Od 414 do do V Beet gelding between 3 sod 4 yeses old 4 do More do do 4 do Gelding do 2 snit 3 seats old 4 do Mare do do 4 do horse edit between I sod 2 years old. 3 do Mal p IN do 3 do horse et mote colt moist Id moths, 3 21 beet horse or owe colt do do It prod pelt hilliebeti COOS 1.111401' 4 years old broken to 110f1WVP, EXhibitOrg under this class will hue their burgs WI the round by 10 o'clock, Thttre flay mornik-, shell they will he oxauriliA. Jaelge4—A mow Welsh, Orange; William Diltliso, Maflion; (Tim Mmelcoliall, Fmk lio; William Shaffer, Ceutre; Daniel letter, M aim `CLAPP Nvberninh Reese, titiperintPnihnt. punu 01 mock. Galt NM 3 pr3re olr# and , tvw4r44, 24 lit, 4., do Feat 1041 between"and 3 %JIM old, 24 40 do 110 M ^•^l boll botwcon I and t't porn. 61d. 3 'ld do do do 4 Mot billi tali under 10 mootho old. 3 1,-1 do do do Agr ronatorrot 1 pow Dort Cow S yrors odd and opwlods. 0 .11 do do ^to 4 Itvot tolfrr belWratt V, and 3 year. edd, 4,1 do do do Beat bons ratr tiwter riowths 014, rucK Best bolt 3 y rata old owl onwards, $ 2 24 do do do V do 1,4 , 1 between a and 3 years ofd, 6 , :,d do do 01q 4 do bull b., I , tees I ands years old. 3 dd 4 , , so ,b, V do bull COI MOP? 10 110` , 1010 0.1, 2 trt e.,, do do , Viirirsittorirt 1 year do row 3 y, 4f. old or opward, 11 A do do do 4 do heifer between tial,3 3 year. 04, 4 4 drr do 411 du beiliq un , lor 19 worth.. 91.1, AI.IIM9EX P , Tt w K Bela hull 3 ynarn 014 and upward do do do B ,01 null br lwtea 8 sad 3 yew, Of, 114 40 40 du 14nt bull between 1 and 2 year* old. 3 rid 0 s do do $ Vert Hutt salt under 10 mouths old. V 24 do 00 dd ..1g rt. Ildiertit 1 per Ile.t row 3 years old and upward 6 1,1 00 du do 4 Best Heifer between 2 and 3 years old, 4 21 do do do 3 Brit Heifer calf ender 10 math' •14, CIIADED First bull 3 'cars old And npward 119 id do .1.. do 9 do bull between 2 and 3 'cola Old. 9 Ild flu du do 4 dd boll b.:wren I and :: years old, 3 94 do du du9 do bOli golf under 10 foonthd nit, 2 Id du du du ~fg riniturist i Teo do Cu* 3 y..afa o/d sod upward 6 9.1 6o du do 4 Au mire, tw.ween 2 •nd 3 yew old. .2d do do do 4. 4 Hear, calf antler 14 month. 014 NATIVE fiTocK. flat bOllB yedrd old and tipwatda 24 do dos do hull bet wrs a I WW2 'mots old, 3 gd do do do $ do boll salt under 10 months r 4,1, 9 9.1 do 40 do ..t.r , uttirrist I peat d , Cow 3 p ats old and op% arils, 0 til do th do 4 do drifrr b-tw , ca V and 3 ,years 0 41. 1.1 do tie Itrtfer eaif tiod.r i temvth. old, 4)XIIN ANIOSTLEiZA. Rest yoke oxen or ?Kt! and xatk d by exhibitor, 0 3 2J do do do 3 ,tty& Octet.' ttetWPll atiti :t yu a 014, 14 du di) Exhibitors will have their stock rea ly fur the Jtolcos to CV.IIIIIIO by lo o'clock, a• 4otiltr , 4lay, and to remain watt Friday, a o'clock, p. Judges ---Nahent`lt Reese, IrentlocL; Gott not Gunther, t`litawbiqa; 36,5 c ilotTtnan, centre; Jacob Yoho, Mifflin; R. Wilson, Madison. CLAPS II f—PWINE. A. P. Young, SUptlintillant, Tkoi boar, 2,1 do du do brood soar, 4 tad do do do 3 do sow nod pigs (R or norP,) 6 do Lot 3or more pip tooter 8 *cobs •W, 3 Id do do do '4 do Lot .tack MVO (3 or mom) 24 do do 410 Juidg, , F,--A. I'. Young, Greenwood; Rohr Methou, lkutoo; Lowii Rout., 310lituur. CLAWS I Franees Superintendent. rim: wow.. Rott Tiork, 2.1 do do do Cwe. 24 do do MZDDIJ WOOL duet mot, 94 do do do 9:,fr, Id do do LONG WOOL. H hOt. tta On do do Cy's, 31 do do JrulgoF—Franeog Erana, Prim. (WA; George Fetterman, Locust; John Smith, CLAPS V—POULTAY. John Cann,**, Superititemlent, Deft and tweed ditmlay 11( pat rii el ti do do do 2 do Pair chicken*, ArrieuttwriAt 1 gene 24 do do ait do Pair Turkeys, I (O 24 do do do do Pair Goose. I ea 24 do do lio do Pair !Who, I On Dort nod inremt dieploy of tome piano**. Om t Jodges--Jolat Cwlturm, Bloom ; Miry Deichmiller, Hemlock; Joseph JAUNT, Scutt, 1171. A PD VI—GRAIN AND scum Joseph Mon l cr. gliDeriitteUdCfite Dept I bi/Pll.l (*Mt *rod, 91 Pot do do do aDi l'O half h nohel Timothy, lid do 40 do do hlldu , l ISA Whiott, do do White Wheat, do do Ro m do do finrkorl,3i, do do tiourd deed tarn MO*, do do Yellow do do do do Smoked do do do Doi( h itdarl Plowed. do Medal Date, Judges—Joseph Mouser, Montour; Joint Gruber, Hemlurk; Wu!,ley Nyman, Orange; .Tnrkson McHenry, Fitillingereek ; Frauotai P. Eves, I reenwood. CLASS VII—VEOBTABLEII. liirnm A pplr,man, Superintendent. Eery I Bushel of any of 11, Matsui sad. sties or potatoes,. el 30 do I bushel OWIPI Sotatoes, I do bushel nom Turnips. I MI do i bushel lota 1 1 811114. 1311 do bushel Suss! Iletibl, Atpievisurost t pray do Nisbet Mangold Wettish I do blittel Busts, I do 1 brittsl carrots. iirriallearlai I pose do i bushel Parsnips, I do i Nobel nuluns do d cloven Vedetultio Opal's (salsify) I do peek l'onistnes, do 3 Heads C l abbsde, do 3 Rtahehes Celery, do 4 add Plants. do 0 Tuttle Wan Wass, Sp $ glum violins Moils, . 40'0 fmarto 1043 0 31 !loth, $1 go do IMO ounk one fear mare)otioaratiolo) iv a i , Aid g 513•41, A ppktium, iioo3l(wk 1 140iG• 10011 Shurtian, CutaWimai; Coltrutt Bitten. Nair, 1110 1 )10. U4lotsll-301 33 43int.1 1 MANIAPAcTtiRI3B. it(.l3oso 1105133r3y, StiputiittetitiOnt. Ast i 10 73334. Vim no I, $1 $1 V 0 , do an Agriolimrin 1 irmr 41 yolk WNW) 01010, J 60 40 10 yards clirpot, 1 Au Id 'do du du digrhottorirt I rear do PI rime ruin Linen. 1 30 du it, yorrtx Mope% 1 I ' D do goo wool 14tork101111) .. de du do Midoo t do Collam diorklngs, du 110001 in Shift 011 do 40 du do do pm, Wadi IllapArtd. do !Mir $4lOOll Phottis. Affrieultorio 1 iftfr do Dame made 'redo Cloth, dieroeratertot I oar Judges—Reuben Bombny, Ilemlnek; Mrs. Philip Cool, Roaring Creek ; Mrs. Ilir:4111 Kline, Orange, ; Mrs. Hiram .1. Reeder, Franklin. CLAM IX —IMIMPMTMI M %NV rAcTunes. John td. Quick, Superintendent. peat soar i.,14 nowt, Ao do roundii.k.. an do Omni. COP, 50 do 01,011:(1. Cake, 1111 d„ , ,, Nogg& weren't% $0 do do ei sot Jolly, 50 do efirtiddiPt Pi , lll o o, SO dll riekhoi or any oboe kind, An do Alplo. is•diti. 50 do roach Hotter, do do Plow itoio'r, ad do Grape WV% :+4l 4 1.) gi4lloll SorghtllTl, 3 00 do Cored Woo, otte4rooorirt I roe do Roll or hurter--not Ifoia than 3 Ili., i WI id +to do do oo do mom).* thwinkt, AO do 4 pplo o.*. 50 do rumple Yeast, AO do do hard ilooft, 50 do do rota soap. AU Judgev—John 0. 9niek, Montour; Mrs. Jacob Ko4tonlindvr, ranklin; IVilson, Madison ; • Mrs. Sarah hired, Orange; George Si. IhriAmcb, 11011210 a. CLAM X-FANCY ARTICI.Cd AMU FIA•WERS. Capt. C. G. Jackson, Superiutemlent. Best knit Shawl. do do Unlit, do Tidy, do Toiling work, do writ/ion Waif T 4 Ork, do do Shell work, do do Mort %orig, do do Idoithdr work, do do Iloir work, do do Will work, do do Drawing, do do Painting do do Itirk do do IVoroe4. ofiroolery, do do t 'piton kloinioidery, roi Morin I Ma•, do Mier, Mot do %' ked ,r, do Panty * *V**ll**Tl, do Ileod do Ilr lo4y Moro. Pointing, do Collection Don to, do do Ar t fici ii Pi owl s, do do MJ.,. Noma in Idea*, do du Oiled Cdoi, do do lined Flowers, do Variety r'ilAt't *. do Koot moo of Penmanship, Jolge, — C4tolin C. G. Jackson, Her , w;,:k ; Mary 31erolunhall, tramilin ; Mrs. lintel 11—s, Mitilin; Mrs. ilarycy Crerla, Scott; Mrs. Charles iv. howler,e Scot coats XT—Ftoun. SIM' PA, TINI-WARE. Ann) Noah Crites, StipOriaciph,nt. Rest Gut=mtndo wheot floor. $3 do do rolAwltest flour, 3 do do flour. 3 do do porn moot. 3 da Cooking Stove With Maniac 9 do Parlor do do do ar••t artidosol tooth, it, variety of TteoWaro, • Jmiges,--Noah Crites, flitrivrissa: M. Ent, Scott; Wm. Erhart, Hemlock. CLA,SB 7Ut— AhRItULTIMAI, IMPLEMCV re ANTI XACtimar. Jacob Harris, Superiuteutlea. Bon Much for general ISIR. do Corn plough, do Coro tdontrr. do th•to.loor ntnrrlinn and rower. do p.av,•r nod Rower romboned, de E3nolod o` , Haft. !toy Fork. do tarn Stoller, elmin Oral. do Form Wagon. do Straw or Polder Vino?. do How Rolm do port dole color millana prole. An S4A, do Clothe" wrirtt. da Working *lrina% Ar sausage ef 'Mkt. da el.“ 1 holler, do Choro, do Wiwi borrow, do Roller, Jui, os—.tucrtir Tiarris, licoilook; Wm, T M3io;ihu Itantz, Jae son; Jos Mastors, MAjasott. CLAB7I Xit I—vl:nicht:A. RAert Purse'. Superiutendent Is, tummy ettmage. c o op botlir. do op, blgiy, *frittn, do talky, tzfict , ..— Rob. Pnr , v , l, Mviison ; fien. R. hunter, GreLawoutl; N. P. Moor:, liew lock. CLAPS X IV—TICER AND DM:DM& tear Alt.:he:lW* Superintendent. tn:st ova rtil of hoot, 4/ Id do tin do Altrteuttortat t rar do paino , o Are pounds of honey, 1 do beehive, l Judges-0. Allelelnboch, Orange: A. Smith, Hemlock; Jelin Scott, Cutawittsa. CLASS XV—WINES .V4ll Lttauttas. A. K. Smith, Superintendent. Beet qult t rurt4ol wow, et do do hinekh..try wino, I do do stop,. wmr, I do do Cherry wine. I do do ryes 14111,101, I do do cider Vitiego, 56 Judges—A. K. Smith, Madison; Eli Men denhall, Benton; Peter Laultatielt, Benton. 1.:1.4,8S XVI —CAIII sr. r WAIIE, T I, NVERS, dII.OE. M A KER 4. TAILORS, POT l'1:11.d ANL/ MUCK V1A104:4 WORK. • Jotorih Scattergood, Superintendent. ipso, aervail, $.l do dulling stand, I do dlotOoy coronet were, 9 do too win lean emirs, 1 do wing limit r hairs. I do rucking rttom, I do settee, / do tondo sod Or sloths,, 9 do boir dozen brooms, .dirruldtorrot I r , do set lobate Worm,. as sot doubts barium*, 9 do two Woo sole loather. do do do km. do Is dn obit Was, do pair ralr bolds, do parr kip boots. do lot Parth.nww, do sample bricks, 34 line; ~. , Judges---Jm:ellStattlorganti re • „Noon Mouser, Montour; Philip Hartman, Scott. ct.A04.4 .VII—EIWIT. Thom , : .1. Welliver, Superintendent. nest toorcooloi of any variety of apples $ 1 MI do di•iday of OPPl';',. tt Oo 24 do do do Ifiruallioobi our µf:V. do db,play of preen, '2 40 id do do do ..fgrtesdi wrist one Ivor do display of peaches. n OD Rd do do do Ifgricalturirl one ear. do dozen , 411 i two* i I 0 ett do del Se all five chimers of gropes, 1 co do dteplay of grapes 0 Oo 2d do do do Arrtrvtlarfat awie year. do nee eldoiofs croyoting preps*, Sit do do Concord grapes On do do Inane grapes SO do do Delaware grapes Sd do do Isobel la grapes, So do Lot of Fax moo«, tot do dtsploy of ICotoberrioo, 1 Od do oomph, of dried apples. lid do do peaches. So prat Odmidd dried cherries, stoned and nnstoned, ,?d Judges — Thotuas 4. Wolliver, Mt. Piens , ant; Iteuhen 11 ich tt mm ieo& Ulm Krum, , Seca; Hiram Pettier, Pioltittgereck. 1 ao l ,sty • 1,) 1 ) 1 SU Clfsvui epuwr uwr Rest truttine horse, ware, ur gelding (entrance fee eau 00) 4100 Oa If iera dam fuer how, are entere4, for ma how less teen four, t♦•JO Ranh be detteeLed Craw Wu pre• miuur uttered. FARaIIIOOT LIRT—FIRST TROT, Mot trotting YOM, Life or gelding, tflttfaltee GM glob 11150 qi If lees loan font hones ere entered, for owls nom lees than four, gin shall to deducted from Is pre. Mum offered. limn trotting berm, mare or gelding. (entrance fee 0:11) VS 00 It Mee than fttur how are entered, Mr each boron lose then four, $1 shall be deducted from the prom' , urn filtered, No premiums will be awarded foranny of the above three trios if If's. than two horns appear to compete for On premiums, Mlle heals, In harnaire—best out of three. In Um Farmers' list all hovers most he entered by residents of Columbia County and owned by the tont. Mattel it kW thin Mouth@ before the !air. Ell Aireinelinrint one rev. SECOND TROT. Judpe—Stephen it Pettibone, Ortutie . ; 'Mourne .1, Vendersliee, l ip>ttrlork, illium Shaffer, Centre; Freas itmerereolt, guess xtx—row eArtmit, too run opet 41000,4 emirs (VIVI /4We 1,0, r Sernml teeSl do d.> 4 it Woe theki three persons n pier ter the Om ee prenobon sri9 w etViree4. JudgeirkAndrow Madison Madison ; A J. Albartiou, Greouwued • r Militia: Mt Plemant. IttU,C4 AND RemmATinstm, (Attlee osim at the thhotthihos opium)e nrrsnns in pay to tiot ittllttrintiMl rtsie dollar tk) enli..lllUht Mort,, , ship. The prhrtice tostetqbre hhe host, la Nor tickets oft nor days, ana have 'twit 1111.111”4 re corded ht thn taw ) MI Hut. Every screen lawns articles tit. extnbitinn Or competition. met iwethtle d tottnitter or tar dew. elmtfto before anterior( Meat Second. Minors can bestows tastabrts or COMM.. when their parents aro xoatnherr, Third, Tim , e,t4 rtanyetitiva in Aiwa to ail. pat Oof 011 from Other taunt lea and rttntett elm !mama ex hddtors toss taro saws jetsa as tat/sena at this !Jaunty, yaorth, Ail articles ar:weJ fay ratnartitiott WSW be awned by the sompettlnt. Pratt. vegetates, dowers. Ste . Who he tiro grow h er the e ewitentor, mud tilt UtOttithictiigVa ittlidEl wart be inado by the competitor. firm ,40 atttah 'amts.! mast ba what is reyttesents4 er nuneltrUlP * dl be forfeited, Ail nit exhthitiati er eampatitihn MHO. he entered by 3 tinelc.ek. P. M.. Wednesday the Oh and event of tagfaxeible cargo, ha on the Orfolod at that Ihne, and rnniain %dere unlit Friday 3 0 taun k M., a hen Inv Win in, at the thermal at the esht , (mete. torah, Pt and* rm. t ire ruin of retteshmnntt ran lot ohlawd try ttilyittatwo to Hut deesututy ur tt. F. 11144n:in, P:e¢htb. Nn IleetNe wIII be ;rota Muds that estl opiritoo44 or WWI 11 , 01.1111 J 041 1 , 1, Spionoti,l tae examine the different Masses mitt renter a laver on the Anguriateon by talithil IHe la, Cleta ry's Oltice rally on noroday Isionulos to ettiebt their inttructieh, beta to the For rah he nbotthett et the different otorea Ware the Fait or at the Ticket 4:thee eutin Fair days, I . 8 attPtaT o Illountsbutt. &Pt. f f 1,1067 STOLEN. Prom the oroble oft he ontereriber on the rtisht of the Oh aR tort n 1,16111 . DAY ' three phre old tart ; week mean and 4sil ; rod about ill hoUtio high. A rensonotdo reward will he peld ter the plirro of the horse, end Woo for the lOW, Too horse w so formerly Owned by Stephen /thee. Et AN PR rdRI.I N. Town till, I.IITAIne CO SOO. FQ'CRY. 4. 4.114 , In the pmsni.re et the *eh • ~Cahn~,d- • re!, k %b nml cdt. MI of 8b0,4111 1 ,4 Thin of Jotr, fru% ft brindle co iv, with %Mtn 40 mark 6,0•01t.id beN/J4A SOME! Witte. "„, =•01..11. itnr body, ettt;4l el , tut vino per', and not giving tonal Intik nt prekent. The "dug, ur re are re. 4 no - 01,..d to (AMP .PIVk tad and Olf.,ve Wolter/Ir, pay sutd tultd he away, rdndr wtye rho wdi ha dirponed Of isit tilt law 4414004 tIeAU CIRTOY. 4 netti'nek Angor.t . l4 1 4 47 —3w. %%TOOL! AVI)01,!!1 4:4.4yr Exr rf GED r oft WOC I. Tnt an•fi , raivrod will ray OM I.4lbeet market inke rev vialiw wilket " ms wwrilaii we, White t0....t IHtil f. tritfoatuatatrt, at city, ylAr 4Ya..1 lu uta Mount l'lrittiot Mill!, at Motia.t. v tits. Pa. f dmdim. 'rapt. 4, 11..E7'. TO CONSUMPTIVESJ The Rev, EDWARD A. Wit., oona (fro! of ,hstrge , to n 0 who aa , tra it , tut• p1 , ' , 10t109 111th the +tirecttnn• for making omt tr•ing the •i n pl , teem* I,y Which he VC CANA eta hog ofteciaart 0.1 that arena ft Ni! t ` nnrumptpro, 111,1 only oh• fort +• to to ?WM the ntitirtr4 and be ho eg every ntTrrer w 011 try Mt* gteocanption. no it ITI:t ru.t 111,tt oothitty, Mid May yrrtse a bleywny. P:Pnee adrirre• Roe, LOW ARO A. WSLIg)4. . . Nu .105 South Secoud Ott eel, Willtutuoluirs. Now V tor& . INFORMATION 141(0mo:inn gnarantemt to prnelora a 'omit:Rat growth of hair npon a halt head !et to Monroe frten, mlon a reempe to the removal of Ftrnpiea, Motehea, Ernptinna,ate,,onttse oath lanama Nits .do+• 111 , 41 nod tommenl, can he ntohthr-,1 wiiMett charge by midterm:lg Till 1•111 PM' AN Btuadnay, Nen York N OTI CE TO 1110 VGEECILDERS, The commi4•lnit.tor et rolipot,lol A L Montour entry,. tine Will meet lit the Mouth Of tionritteetvon no the :Mtn of Sept toot., at to o'rlatk A. !bl. to rt , rtiv. prprntr, for erecting it care red arch NOV ft" , itoArtngert , h. 'trio fink*: wit, ho seventy Are feet between the top of the Abutment* find twenty I . "nt note. The nbuttnrlllo will he, tot shoot five feat tutih nrtd ihe other ',hoot too (wit him with oh it obit ittro;00 1 1e. A. MANN, retemineionern jNo. 1 , , roVr fall, i of cotutobin Mt)NT. 11.114:. I : ,,, ety, 10 1 A At; AMERMAN Comnoloolonern ,11.11 N MtrultE. of M orator JAMbB eituvri. County. Pop, 11,1M17, Ar 1 1 ['MRS' NOTICE. 0/ rl3lll t AT? 0? 17 * ??Ilt0 . D Att ?.. =1=1E1! nnib.re,g red. An fitor nprnint,l by the r'ir. rnntl..l the C• , ttniy in libit, trib :lion of iho b - ilanr , in Oa in4n4nn 11. r adoon.trat, of it,awot i ..",141 .. 1 igtr of ilrorii n+i,in !frt.«. ot,i, lir tcn tif-411.4 - 0 nl fin dt rt i iii, in th e by l.tw wits nit , •n ,l at 1114 einr , in 01.1Pktn.4,4r, an Tillif*d4V MP iwoety rfe,,,a day ~r femrember 1 0 .7. al 1 0 detnrk A. At flit the 1,,iry01.0 ef ntt•nding in the dtilios er hit npyainir.,.iit, when and Where lot rwton Intoftstott ttt# toltuto4 iii pv: 4 l. - 4 twit plaint.. of be debarred from eototoz in roe a sham , of the to ort. k. Ifi.harEit nbromatorre, Sep i. fl. I. ; iTtNIZE 511.;17 UFACTo ETERT h nr,mr, CUEITICAL EIRSIVE SOAPS, ARE Ittaanfartnte4 ham Data matt.ttala and may trn ...nnoblernl the Ilit41(1114V1 of Fnr 0111 f by all Ot.,ento. Can hn had at Cataytioan, Manoaa. bunt, laalit ewes !ivy, end all trgulat *tore. btnnatnolt the county. They Seep con:tinnily on Mind rtieminnl rtosire t. heroical. Olive, Pete end Miner Vii" WO,* solicited, Oletit .11. tinl7.--dirt. ASTROLOGY TUE FUTVRC RGVEALED THE CURIOUS SATISFIED rn nfllll nna ISPII*. t 'orlon.* VII.- believe Ina tot I ton 40 a writ— (bow loteta fioar And never foot A little wholcoorne troth to twat. Daring * tatidento in Spain. I rdll4llllo of a PttniitithVrof Of astrologer a myatic botimmobt tmlboi a Itmoammo, by wittch.emnbOof ua a pro flo 1.1/%1 only to itlyetlf, lam enabled lo produce a COf feel pod mt of 'YOUR FUTURE WiFE 011 WUZDAND. Nino the date ur marriage, mime. thardcter, residence wet ev. , iy itirtitiit it. Thin IS nn 1111n9Sition. ns Witinnti iiiiintiet flirt assert, ity battling piaan er birth. UV, Cnint or ilea and hair, and en. tinning fifty Cents and stamped envo,,ps to yourself, yea Will teettinn 'hit pietiite l 'dim% .1 I mail. With &lotted informatinsi. Address in root RI deuce.. J. FRANKLIN, Drawer Sa, Pavamtrarsuc, N. Y. TO EAUMERS! TORRINGTON h HODGKINS, MANUFtWITIMROI Or 41;:ktilg.9' LISCEYEIr HUH PHOSPHATE OF LIME, srmargt, PIENVA. Aothe genoon is at hand. we otter to the Pirmore our Soper Phosphate, *which, as n fertilizer for Whtnt, Ginn. (Into. Petatooo, 4e., motor be egret 1 4 4 nod wallow in non per 1011141111 improver of all kinds of mot, (110 t Wertinq any .j It dare net act PS a simple Pti OWN ti I , fivr one crop 0011, but is /listing in Its Weep. which run be proved by the titanic, of !lower mid adjoining onuotieo, ;hie ditto t aloft of the adjacent mantle,. a Pc 111W4 ft and Maryland, who have mood zit matiorariore Att the 1481 g yenta, Noe Wheat, 300 Oro per 441** &died to 10t511 brim/rain. for Cain. 130 to 200 lbe. per sere, dropped V, bill at Wu* of pleating. rer Outs, 1341 Ibe. per erre, wen broideut. raw esteloev, elw Ib. per sere, ecolisted IS the ruts. Per arum 'MA Mc per pore, as p lop dimmer. This quantity nn Mails Lands will produce an IL mane on first crop of Ito le tuns per erre, Glee Ii p trial! Ws blow sant the will be satisfactory. told in nage of 100 pounds each it $l7 Per than' epnd Pounds al our New = Nenureetuty, toot end Waist Street also promptly shipped In all poling on P. 14. Cas 8.. ff. U. and II 1, N. Roods, Apia ,kluatusbunt. MOM k Agent, Denville, of I. Ib. TOIMINFITOII, all, lltlll( iluINS. 0 14 : 10 moburl , July 31. 1p(1 .—lie. Jo9f:1'11 1.. CONIVEIt, OA TV, PA PAXTON HA niTIMIT PA. littrarithruntit 4 A.CIF:NTN Wt. PAU; Off' DAUM( RAW BONE Suprr Phosphate •40 Lieu - AT M 1 NIT 4 ort - Rmse PuleEs, WILL GIVE 40 PER CEICIP ~~ Hutu - rt. A livpst Isl;7.—lrn c. flown, has opened ti nto 'tots IIAT ANT CAA mime. at Itho'old item! on Maio flt.oot, kluomotottft, pi e on, k it ontopooott of the VnrY latoot tow two o l i o,. even , ofrenns to the fotizono of reqrnbil County, Itn ran neennininant• the minim with toe fnAnnini kind. and nt ninfot prima: lkien • w Pail hi.ta, fine, rnPle: kip, rintlblo rule, n 0;4 ' r bird's how., Mn, , 'o ;love kld , ermerpos, kt,f, 4 4,10. glove Rid INlmorat stow*, Mn, , ., hope, ror , l Ww ite ry., glove kids, very One. Won' , frit tae Cast Ilt.tutt.l 1,3 , 1ti.r414. Wiciwire,4 and calf mmwnn soti.n.‘, know o' old rt,ria's 0 1, ,(0 mew.. misoo , `, boy**, sod thiSd's Coppers. a'llo *MIMS great vnrielY of n %TS, ('APi, AND ATRAW (10009 of every Ittnfl, 41 tho !owe,' prier', both far gm* grid foto ni •y grotlnee. Itetrietoher the tatretetiort ig to emir tnada , D o m Ar to.r.-4 .1 the try of high priers, but roll 444 gro for gottrioltrt Respectfullg, s. nowet, glept. 4. 1A67. "BEYOND THE MISIHISSIPPI:' :1 Complete 114,6,ry Yem S'obv and Prritnrirp, from the Orrat River In the Urrat (keno. 1W MART D. RI: 114.DDISON, mem 20,000 COPIES SOLD IN I AIOSTIL /Aro and .4drovarts an Pritrien. APP./gin, and fir Po: Or Cnnnt, With nrfr 200 be , tt , qptirt and l'Aoto v4,,te rtre• of its Or only. (49.0. for. fr .4flntot. P fi , plt and Crne-arumrf t nig Nine Sinks io.4l , ,,rignonn, proixrantn and nnltirro .fl tun "Tit %WM," thin it ontnry tlINt VlO4 1,1".4 t•titl4, r o gron t:I p One a n vaionble asri.tnnon, pgepty*nt 40 it 40 0, 1 a 'MAUI Inna P.!, et * Gill, rotbent)c and rrli • *M. !wide to clttunte, nod. prottettln. Wan! Ot $4,,. .160iT.4 W.4wr n -Ptio for rirtolork rnd ark out ktorl f.Ol fiPPeriplfinl of the work. tildfros NATIOV N. Pr51.101”4.4 407 Minot St flaitadet,hta, Ps: Ant,i.t, 1,467—!'s MoAMt 4 EVEICETT CHM IiERTZLER & (UION , I'lo 1111:1::, "ENO W3NES AND UOUOPSS, I "IV 4 1 1 NUT switc,irr, lq OftANrit: mrgrcr, to %PW ' fa:O. h. UCION. A nen.l 7, In* SAM!' EL M. ill EN lISS, 4,71. ERINARY s rRo EON, ORA INGEVILLE, r. 41. AVM!, frost an nevi. of Aims*** that fittivit flrdt It o 1 , to, hod whore :Om oirrOllo,llo *Una Ppi ent , 4l 10 V , hours or no pay, Alquat 7, fr 67. NEW STOCK OF GOODS ME TIE fifillWAßE BAN OF COMMA COUNTY, AT TO% !Him %TOR f, C. W. SNYDER, Eidacoasni:uG, of asrrr ArOete , r , t/P4 rilt 4 awrM Ntnrn, nmAolt Which are the t(lkming IR~;V, !Cl/Lt4. and 9 tTiAl.. Wt,c. STA V.gal sad AXI.IIO, PAINTS, and Gt. V 4 i4, Mt AIN r APS SYIUM , 14 VYTPP:SNATILI, GRAIN CHAiii.r.S. BAKES, ti., KIRBY'S et )Mil is E . .. . ... .... .. . . . .. U 1.7 A VER. & MOWER, I lOS.TETTERS (.1 4 .,1.V.8RAT i.a.) .. PATENT BAG-110.14DERs AND THE IMPRO V CD C 14 ERR Y SUPER. Livirr.RGEWP CM, NAIR?! at ITAcdoesla uA new. mvfnrwACL. 11)nr+mitotri ).0)e _ _ _ W to i t reeneemelty temeeffeet that .the 144 is always the prof ;" aril trent bei.t elit/liftd pleasure Is toast) in to the p,11,11e DOTY'S CLOTIIES WARIER whith in reptile tweoming ponnist enit with tltti Machine tho herd work if wani.thn iti tnitiented to a rithrortubli. and &meant U. 'the dollies its piteett in hot suds, and *lint in. tVitilo thne homer*, et/ and the fite4fil cenfiond, the in.: , hitt , is optated as 'won stints. Thhe the work it wortity, tiserlj and Pintiiy 4090, mil that inn without vittinf rent the clothe., winch to a rte,“ otet.t,l ii the cause anklet tho 014 ittahinne4 tubbing proem With ITIMIYERNAL OTHES lINVUII44ER the iehnle Intolr or waphloi le bet bees lime ni tonnrrel wi th th e !Unger itiodit folneuto ANN ROA IC NO, and 111014/Nt otcliollitukii, nit dirt ie oci illopulved HOT bAI e,dbp?•••inn le nreeeeer, ioiipel ih fv, - hisirr .a. ("east, obeeld be wilbell DOTY'S CLOTHES WASHER 404 ths Off VIBROAL C 10711104 WOINCEL. ?be pries* at mesa Ilashessap map as Wows Fame site Waster. • •• • • •SD it S. 1101t1 Sem, • • • - • • • • - • • es ?wily stes, NO.l lortlerst la op. s. an, IL ••• • • • •• • • 00410 - emit by M. It, 11U14, Avis, Marsh 0 . 1 1407—1 y• Nerseisk. roc' BLANKSIBLANKSH Of *very deseripo' NA for rite. at tali 0014 2
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers