Bloomsburg democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1867-1869, September 11, 1867, Image 3
floomemg Airmomit --;" • - %MAL' DEPARTMENT. Wititterdity, -8opt:111, . r 1 INTI lair millers (01' all local oeettr. Immeclinia lueoUliea. 11' WI du II(t -thin nitori (or 11.. public eye, 411 likesei l imod us is brlrif metettient ur OVerythint nr ilrtheir ressomilve communities, A hot or loarriaies, &Mho, occident,, ikon, removals, heel bustfmaitra. Am Ws wlll put them in Aim.. Thu 0 0 1 01,111114 of this ha we an set the belle, it will Insikelieiii our settlers. Who will An It I I llitlovintetsens.— Persons wishful iftivertisements lantsed. gran hand them infamy nu Tumidity mare. 111, to ifilethre their 101011ti011 rnr Mit week. 1116 r. Thu arrouuto c f the firm of JAc, SUUMAN a fur as seta 'Mt fbe eolleetion • are in the hands of the following persons : MOM' 7bunts/dp.—JottN 11. 1 1 ; eituttEr, CREASY. Beaver,-Im, ZIWIERMAN, P. M. INotn.-11. J. Camrnm.b, I'. M. yatowhout.'--STErti LM' EN BA. loaringereek, Criaralbe, and .14114 , d. JOON lIMtNER. In SUgarittal TOWMMilip, bills fbr collection have been plaeed in the handsel' NoNTwol• UT COLE, to whom payment is miluest,:d to he made at the curliest convenionee. Io 4eott Township, all persons knowing thomsolves in armors tier subscription, and advortiaing, to the INmova.vr, will please make payment to Jintren rA lITNIA S. Orange. !rim Er, Ic ELLER. Madiaion. 11.1.1AMAl( ' 'Nem fistutock.—lbi tom, Nti) HART. Ruhrshurv-31ntliitm 31. Apple:nun. *Er Applennre in fair demand in Mann+ berg. Al.o potwoeA. A 11. w load.; of each or either would meet w:111 rya ,alr, OIL Mike Ulan:lll'e Circus hns got un der way *gain under the lift of I)an Cerd per, end opened rim exhibition in Philadel phia on Monday night, lust. bar It those who visit their neighbors ty night, wooll not, leave the front gates open, it might save them born cost and bad feellog. Oas t RN' ER. ter A new as.sortanunt of Goods at Rev. A. Hartman's Store, as cheap as in tip market, call and see for plimsoll: tar Bo►ue prospect of making our town a Borough, thererme, those who allow their boys to bile their time at stores, fze,, ha l butter take warning in time. Onsmtv We have long made it a rah not to publish extended obituaries aceomplinyin4 the announcement of a death. un'eA they are poidfor co Mr rate of adr••111'111'aq. We ficquently receive death annimmement,, with a string of poviry attached, us to give the whole an ilisertiou without E,a y. All suet, productions are premptiy Ai, in this office. AccuiENT.—Vu Thursday evening last, a couple of children of Leiiis Et;Le, of tho "National Ilutel," of this Otter, fell from the IA of the Wagon Shed. Roth ',film! sustained serious injurivs. The youngest. a boy of about eight months, fill upon his head, causing of the brain. id mid to be laying iu a critical torivia (Andre. Evert and Niedt, manufacturers of Out best chemical ert...11,e soap., in this part of the country, advertise in this paper. They do business in Shamokin, Pa. Their beep iv sold 11411 respectable dealers through oil the country. It i 3 a first class and as cheap es cat be purchased anywhere Its the Ut.itad Stat Kir Eminent inn of Scictte, IHR, dis covered that electricity and are developed in the system from the /ma ;n the btood. This neeounts for' th lOw ilpirit4 and lack of energy 1 ,4 in, a rk,L, when this vital clement 1 , ( .1,•n i ,e4 twin, e The Peruvian Synth a pretexille of iron, 'supplies the 4%01 with its Iron Cietiolit and in the only form in which it is possible fur It to cuter the circulation, Naw (loops ! Nr:w Gouw!!---Our towns man, David Lowentaug, has just' returned from New York City with a large and com plete stock of pods for the fall trade. Hz. Lao seine of the finest ,sloths and eassitucrs ever brought to this town. He has the la tent stylus fresh front the Emporium of IPashion. All who wish u neat, tasty, and (leap suit of fall clothing will give him call. He has in hisemploy nobody but mud the moat experienced persons, to wake up his goods. aQI. C. G. Barkley, County halt aim wake by hand-14113 of the examina tions of Teuehers' in the severs! :..ehool ;The trieta throughout the County. The eXam -1/18110118 will commence on the 23rd MA., and close on the 17th or Outober. T vw d i e r , i ' should Mend the examination,- it; the dig arida where they exptet to he employed. Director.; are respeetfully invited. The ex aminations will commence at 10 o'clock on cacti day. Sue hand V& Thayer & Neye's tircat Circus and V o iloetivn of Trained Animals will exhibit r Bloomsburg on Thursday afternoon and venltig, Sept. 12th. This is the largest irons and Menagerie traveling in this coun try. They have four wonderful pm forming Lions, one of which will walk through the &pots of this town unchained. A large Wird of people visit this 31enugerie .xitibited. It bears a and is composed of Ind way he properly Circus. ing tailoresses of this heads not long since Id accordingly ou inSnyder's Ci rove, •e our sincere thanks treat sent us of their We would have given men at the Pie Nic and but some how or oth• bend. The Blooms present and discoursed twellent music. These "gay and happy" o f Torment and beauty »Others in this or any times. 2140 it while 101. The liters Koplin Q t tows hove now on hand as large a 'took and u Bee a variety of goods as have beetroot) hero for long ti►►ru. Our businue men aro -t►wetly Arus,(l, and they selected their goods when the privem were low, and are prepared to sell tweurdingly. N ortm. —After the lirit of October next, all feed.lbr utTiciul work in the Register's and Iteeurder'n °Dieu, must be paid in ad vance, as authorized by the Act of Assein bly: and all persons indebted for recording or other official labor, are requested to make payment. J. U. FilliEZE. wept. 11, 1867. NoTteK.--The 'Duplicate containing the Road Taxes fur 11 4 67, ftir Bloom Township, has been placed in the hendA of Matthew Wyhiosip for celleetiuts, awl. he desires all who here nut paid their taxes to be prepar ed when he calls upon thew to :Wide the 143111.1 C. Car "With four nietalic qualifications a man way k pretty sure of earthly succeNs. These are Gold in hip euekut, Silver in him tongue, thii:m in his tam, and Iron in his heart." But for a tonic appetizer, and as a gentle stimulant, there is im reliable virtue in PLANTATION BITTERS. No article hum ever Leen so popular or done half so much good. Let all who have not already tiled this great stomachic, at once test its quality. We understand that the Druggists and Ureeers of this section are selling vast quantities, and that scarcely a family is with out it. MAnNOI.I.I. deligtftd bola— to Cologne and at half the price. 2 w SEmilus Arrita.n.— We regret to an imalllt•U (hut our townsman Mr. Hiram Smetherv, met with a serious accident on .Nlooeity last. Ile Was driving on the Race Course, and on jumping out of the vehicle to adjust the shafts, ho broke a bone and dislocated a joint in the ankle of his left kg. Ile was promptly attended to by Drs. Little, l'iieuderling and McCrea. The broken leg way properly set, but the dislocated ankle will necessarily remain out of joint, at least fur the present. lie is in good spirits and keaps up a lively hope of soon being able to be about again,—Bertrick Uftzettc. Bonoutat.—At car last court application was inrele 14 the incorporation of Blooms km! a , a boioNli. The application was laid before the Urand Jury, and by a large majority of that body pronounced upon lawrahly ; and at the next term of the omit the judgment of the Urand Jury may Inc etodirmed. 'flier,: is great diversity of opinion among our citizens as to the pro priety or being inc,irporatA, but unless sonic good -mason is shown to the contrary, we will probably take our place licit court among the thousand and one Boroughs of the State, IlAt - TA;;;):3 We have to record that one Jay hitt week 34 Ur. Jubn Perkena, the of rruh Perkins, a well-known cuucn ul' our CI mnty, was engaged in i7ather ing black I erries on the aide of the bill next to the will, on the upper ei le of the Ilidge, he was set upuu by two females in dia e uiat% and his person most brutally vio lated. Mr. Perkins called loudly for hie who Ic.ln iu Z.ite neighborhood also en gaged in Lerrying, and the hearing his cries hasteucl to the rescue, but, arrivied too late to prevent the , accomplishment of the de signs of thews tiou,la in human n John Im...wilted s moat &greasing aspect t,heu his wife roaelv. , Ll him, his clothing heir g ahnuat entirely stripped from his body ; and the 'maims and gran a around leaviug evidence of the liereeuess of the contest. Let the misoreatit% be brought to justice at all has- 31AURILIO. In l'ativiile 4 , 1 i the 29th ult., by ltev. G. M. Iti.od..s, Mr. IViltiatu J. Ne'dim, of Vti:ley 'FHA:whip, and Hiss Louie Ilawk, of We,t IIt: utitiek Awn hip of Montour Coun ty., Pa. Greenwool, by J. P. Lore, RN., on the IA net., Mr. Franklin Ctunford to Miss Lavin& Tamer, both of Greenwood, Colutubio County, Pa. DIED. In holdout I owuship, on the 211th of August, Peter Weaver aged 57 years. In Light Street on the 31st of August, W. W. Melba:, aged about 35 years. In 31ifflinville, on the 2nd iust., Jacob, aged about 91 years. In Orangeville on the morning of the 2il 3latia, wills of EliJitt Herring, aged 27 guars. In Danville, on the 17th ult., Mrs. wife ~r Iva,. 4eL,tt, in the 72d year of ho u,ge. In Danville, on the 27th ult., hue, con sort of David Junes ; aged 42 years, 2 thontl.A awl 19 days. on Friday last, Charles Henry, son of Abjah and Mary ugeu DI months. t7luy, has that lovely cherub fled, On whom so late yen smiled ? And have you numbered with the dead, Your youngest, darling child They tell me how from day today He bowed heautetats head, 'Till his young spirit soared away Among the happy dead. Remember he was not your own, Hut lent awhile to love ; Your bird of song to heaven has flown, To welcome you above. Then think not of his opening charms, As on your breast he lay ; When softly slumbering ou your arms, You gazed the lwurs away. Dwell not open his infant glee, 'Twill but increase your grief; The strongest powers of memory Can yield you no relief. But look, dear friends, to yon bright sky Whore storm and tempests cease, Where tears no more shall dim the eye, And all the realm is peace. Cost. On the 4th inst., Jamb Diehl, of Blooms burg, aged about 44 years. Mr. Diehl will be membered by most of our readers, tar and near. OentiMenly in his deortiiiiitit, and perfectly upright in his bosimorifinttroserrse, the numortiiiii .possonis with Whom his boy life had brought Matta contact will liaaa of his death with :nerd then44Up tetra. Itonoster or bettor matt*ten live, or die. Ms disease was omensoptiote T. 7 14 la Iy other "viitigiii9llo I would loam every person, and - " ally sueh , -as sty sometimes by Christian people and kind magistrates termed "children," not to enter my lot without being accompanied by m or my wile, and by no means to bide among the bushes or they might be aimed at and perhaps hit as a rabbit or other vermin. I°IENItY Z U PPIN GER. Bloomsburg, Sept. 1, 1867. MARKET REPOUT. Wheat per bushel, $2 Ou Co I 01) Duel:wheat " $U Oatti, ClOVellfeed Maxheed, " Dri'd upplen " Potatoes, Hour per barref,.. .. . Better, Epp per dozen, Tallow per pound, Lard Haws, Shoulders, " Huy per ton, ti di:, 1W A DVEIIITIMEMENTA. E XECUTRIX'S NOTICE. &TAB% w J►Cat Krum, Foottito Collet TIPVP., AIICSABSO. Ratite to titlell , given IWO Wier* te.tatsentarY on the estate el Jacob Oertto, deCraotti. lota of Robin Cteek tootiOltO. Columbia 1 :01Ott." bay., bees greet• CO by MO ittirt Orr ot *std County to Written altaita. who reesolee w *lot townelop : and all person. itav• in Cl4lllO a.noiet the relate are reloWilited to present thew to the ext.... Atria Ibr wet; 1p upt Ht. anj Ulm... know. tug 111, q 1 . , .•{V , A 4. he 11141011,4 . 4 it 01 Wilke I.4YUP . Mt tatli.AU KLRNS.. Laetmilis. 1+417, EXCIIANiiE RESTACILAY The Proprietor hieing rennvittel end refitted his RESTAURANT, in tin baienieut if ids EXCHANGE HOTEL, he wool d moot renteet fully solicit a continoanse of the I. ettoilioge or his old thstontero, and Cflrdixify in rite the Pitt:Mica tit now pots tu his mime/twits as follows ShELI, OYSTERS p CANNED OYSTF,IIB ......ygirsp in . Ptleen overm, 1 , 1411. kl4 'rr" l/79 7 1= i l t a n gt i gl i Z :e f t or "*"""" mQvolis AND ARS. rl" Optert tea be stored op to euetoutere at I moment. getti ,, *. 111 7 4RIWIS fIiTTLFA, orrw En. AFRO. FRIED, OR RAW, he sot the testes of the epieurish. JOHN F. CASLOW rtionwighorg, Autust V. 4 E w UOODS I NEW GOODS N The puh!le bliould hear in mind find 11. VV. CREASY & Co. hay* constantly on bawl THE LARGEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK OF GOODS IN ET. CILIT STP,F All 111148 of good Cowls, CIIF.AP for cash Sr try prodaev. N. W. CRUST • Co. 1.101 Viten, I ily 10, If 7.! A BUSINESS CHAT goad 111‘0004, i nra. Whitt way whit your toolo. or weak! On roc war Annie, air I have got rota or aky old woman to solo; diluiro, if it io a fair ritreetioa, when did You pet eardinj dew, an poon 0, at Vance* Factory. Whore to that t Near Ora VII 1.. I tell you it mato rot carding done there. Voice tarts for G cis. per Ih. if y o u take and tiring your wool. re bar rebuilt his ma• Emile sod got new made on. pripeiht on it no poor roll ter no le Moe, no he I. tending his machine himself this amion. lie nays. for an areaturnorta • thin for thow.wholivu at a dtatsnrr if they leave their wool at either of the etore4 to (lranpreil le, the some will be ntten hid to, i 4a. their cloth for fie. lane 4 4 1Orliig and dressing. Chow 24 years, more June Ina Vence has been sfrgity at ibe liosiners. with one reactor price. No ups slid downs in htr pricy'. Kicb and poor nil settee ;dike. FurAniy near Or 014evale, in Mc. Pleasant Toww 0;14, Angu.t. 14. IrC7. ,LNV CLOT 111 N AN!) GENTLE- MEN'S FURNlSilltiti STORE. TH tiodereigned reopeetfolly anationtee to hie men y fr inudetPitt ha ha. opote4l et new nothio l g and Gent ii.lllPn't4 r tql4o, to the lower nmm Cot the Hartman Buit,fitsig, I..uthoftiit Coflltt of laide and Market titian*, Blownsimty, ?a, fluvingjort refardd from l'allalelph ,4 wita alma, stock of Fall avid ilVinorr Clothing aid Gentiehwh's FUrlti*hing (;ands, kg, Am tie gist. Woe hignikelf that ha eau plane *li. the stack CMS.. prides MEN S AND BOYS CLOTHING', midi is /MESS COATS, SACK COATS, OV Eli COM, PA. TS, VESTS, SHIRTS, LIR! CRS rJoI IF S, cot/ s I l I AY BUSPEJIMEILS, N.I.NDIVEROMIEF6, UNVII ELIAS. te,, and in fart everything in the Intuiting or Furnishing line at t Tore /Wee& In addition to the above be: I“an a n etyma; anon meat nt Clothes, Cui.sitocrs, Vothits. C."; ,— Clothing mode to order at the ehorteel rotiN Call and see before purchasing elses here. and tilibAT RAI:GAINS, J. W. CUESIBCRI.IN. (hinter In, IRA. THE SWAN HOTEL, [THE UPPER 110UNR,] Orangeville, Columbia Co., Pa. The thibseriber respeetfully isforuie hie friends and the public, last he hos taken the ofi slihre well known ifoillt UP ENTERTAINMENT, and will be vitrified to receive the rectum of ell who will furor him with acad. lie will keep A GOOD I'l% ISLE, a der welt stocked %Kb the beet of Liquors. end every effort will be made to render entire eatiefac. tion. MAIN ONYMEit. Orangeville March SW 1567. There rowuth glad tidings of joy to all. To young and to old , to great and to small ; The beauty which mice wee so prerious and tam le tree for all, and all may be fair. EXTRA WHEAT FLOUR, AND FEED, OF ALL KINLS, YOB PALL 1111 CAP BY elnomelaul, July JO. 1067 ridEVEIII6 9 1 e slyy lisspreted CRESCANT BVALE OVEAST PIANOS, RUNG Avv4uwt.arvoisoro HE IH* $ SOl' 1,40400 roloo Natal eat lusheti rewards 10 Amt. lea pettroti 511111*01441 tuiastitt 0004 Plasm . mole. 0. M Alcit irratwr A N Pik 661-.o*. Mow oth PIMA.. VA. mt. ou aksoirsags TO IVY 111 40091. M/AL D.IOIMIL . 2 - - • lorrumit UGC am 4 .1011•Moilt 706114' •• Plashre. Pa. Gum ;-4 think lam only doing the pert of 'Mod chive MOI testify to OM great &teethe melted by OPa from the liar of year Stomata OttMrs during the loot Ave years. IleJourniuo fur ■ time la this oil region', In 1601, I loci a severe bilious attack, whleh iu cmoisation will, dyepepsia, hen we is s vary WO.I OultiiiliOn, I mac oar peed to try your Cuero, told, haring procured a bottle, found that they worked like a charm upon me, eight pound, hiving boon added to my weight to the space of mut weal, 1 1 4 nate life seemed to have been antacid tato my opi um, Kt 011Ot so, thin 1 here been iodaced to use them every summer since that time. As a Viola, I think they are Involnehle. Two dooposs, having had a similar Olga. (and as Mr (Dm much reduced.) altbmigh under this tuna *ism of an A No, 1 physician, I,wae *pin obliged to hays recourse to Mao old flittera, and with the same, good result. having piaci sin pounds wallahs ■ few Jays. I purchased a half down bottles a few WseSs since, null purpose to use tbSILI regularly is 4 ; .. 15U 8U . 14 ixj . 0 1 ; I ouse. Wishing you every sumer. I 101114101 drawfully, WILLIAM MILLER August gl, 1867,-4w , paRtNIAN SYRUP. , 21 : - 04 A IrftofTEOTKO SOLUTION OF 'lllE,' PIIOTUX. lON or IKON, supplies toe Mood with He Lird ELEMENT. Il g Ulv, aivtws etremooth, viper soil now lots to the ahutn Ilyognoi, If the th oueaude who are oolTerlios (nun (herarel• UIIIIIJTY. Faustai Waseasseas, AA. woad but lest the virtues or the lowvt•e Maur, the idled would lint only OnlUnidll iillnlIOVIVllll but would Ouse all their friend,' ; ter /mead of MOMS cross, ”all hues" /Ha ili"aeraide, Way would he cheerful, vt{uruae anJ active. A DISTINGpAIIED ,)!Tr,:vtWRITEd 111) A I have tried the ISt her, slut tile re s ult (idly your predietion. It ham wade a NaW * AN of we, miutud tutu my *potent how V tifOr Hail utieray ; t rat Uo lunge* r traUltiloUl and debilittittd. 00 alien you laxt 011 W We, but 'Mailer. beanie,' and w i th larger capacity for trib4r, Marital and titiyai• cab than at any tithe tiering the laid five yarn.." Thaa,ancis haat Wm eltaiged by th bog if Mir rattail from freak sickly altiertiut t nritareS to A droit, Amstar, gad happy mica anti teemsta ; sad isetillis cannel befogs* tali A 41,114114 to pith it a trial gulittina has if " Mote* iti the A 32 page Pamphlet will be seat reeo, J. P. MN: 0101 M PrOpriatill, NO. at thy ht New Vett. tioid by all ItrOgaiiita. BAC L'S C ELUL"( ATELD NAM L " orlee* peri r me; —II at liven sdliared;rtev• musty fur severs' rviceks with a severe airsdess upon lay plain, I used severs. remedies for its eradication In annul receiving any relief. until I applied your Olths, witch effected a speedy and periusnont guru. I therefore feel happy tucsruty iny confidence in its Virtues. Yours With respect. JAIIIHrt 1 corta'y to the truthfulness of the ailou statrment, H. H. Deesuoun. Y. O. Llll W. rowt.r. & lON, botoo. Proptiototo. Solo by al i Druggists. it OS touts • WA. August el, J. RUYAN, Consulting Physician, SPECIAL TREAT RIENT in all cams Sexual. Urinary end Nervous iliseeses In male or fe male. Advice Free and currespenJeuce 'Wetly esa fidsn Jam 9. IM?-1y. Pomplee met ina. No motel retired. Willi or Gentlemen can urn from $3.09 to Salim per dup. Enclose etemp.ond adtivroll IL VOA et., NNW ton. Jan, O. 1/107.-17. LOVE AND MATRIMONY. The affections Mille opposite mid mey be Rained by following rimyle rule., and ■ll may marry happily, If desired, withuit ritkar , l to wealth, ei s or twenty Bead directed envelope and stamp for parileolart Madam LUCILLE I►EMAItgB, Jamb, Moues, New York. If you are flittering from the eWects of Youthful In , diseretion and have Seminal Weakness, Erelselorie SIC, I will rend you, free of Muse, information which if followed will awe you without the Mil medicines, Address HENRY A ellitool, Jen. 9, Itic7.-iy. elation 0, New York. DEAFNESS, BLI N DNESS, And Catarrh, treated with the utmost success, by J. ISAACS, IC D., Oculist and Aurist (forinerly of Ley. den, Holland.) No. 519 PINE career, HAIFA.— Tout&ultimata. from the mows retiatila source* on the City and Country can be seen at his Wise. The wed. ieul faculty are invited to arcoinpany their patients, a* be has no secrete in his practice ARTIFICIAL, Flied. inserted without tato. Nu claret for exam• April 95. Idakt.—ty GEOCGE VANCE: FREE TO EV.I;ItY.11()D1. A forge g pp. Circular, giving irt remotion or the grestmit importance to the loans of both seam it teacher how the homely sortyrbecome beautiful, the despmed respected.aed the forsaken loved. No yi Wig laity or gentleman should fail to lend their address, and receive a top, postpaid, by re. lure mail. Address ?O. Drawsr.9t. Tswy, N. Y. Feb 1.7 —ly 'The esperienee of the pest len years has demon pirated the fact that reliance mil be placed to the of nal, Of Bell's Specific Pill,, far the speedy and permanent sure of Sentinel weak• Pees. Smiesions, Phyricel and Nervous elebility,l ru • potence, or sent of power. the result of settent Es. cess, or Youthfill Initeeretion,lehieb heitleetett ruins the happiness, and unfits the seders, gee gegiliess, Social Society or Marriage, and often tereitaatte in an untimely grave. Make no delay in * easing the remedy. It is entirely vegetable and harmless en the system, cam be treed without detection or inter. /mute with business pursuitcand no Osage of diet is necroses, while using them. Price, Ose Moller, If you cannot get them of your druggist, sand the money to irr. J. Stun, DIP Broadway, New York, and they will be sent free trout obeervation by return. of mail. UNDU tJIRTe Xi(t•Tlid, Private Circular* to Gentlemen sent free oa 'pall cation. (Jan.% ly & CO. it you require a tellable remedy to restore you,end remove Irregular itiee or Obstructions. why not on the Lest 1 Thirty year. experience has proved Oat Dr. Harvey's Female Plls, Nave un equal for Nomoving Mr:ructions and Oros • Wainer!. No moiler from Irbil rouse they arise. They In ogre and sure in uteri ease. Fria, One Donor. per bnx. Dr. Harvey's Golden Pills, I. m remedy four degree" stronger than tholhoirs, sod intended far special ease" of lung standlng. Price, Five Duller. per A Lillie" , Private Circular, with Engraving", sent rte on anylirution, If yuu MIMI get the Pill. ur your druggist, genii the more, to Dr. J. Ervin. alb Uruudway, New York, and they will be cent tree New übservntion by return of wail. I Jan, 9, Ititi7.-41. KNOW THY DESTINY. Madame E. F. Thornton. the great Gnallek Astral. ugist, Clairvaptst and l'oychuntetrican, who hes astonished the remount clews of the ukt World, has now located herself at Hodson, N. Y. Madame Thorntun possesses such wooderfol powers of see und eight, Na to ehable her to Impart knowledge of the greatest illipntlalletl to the single or married of either sec While In a state of trance, she deline ates the very features of the person you are to war• ry, and by the aid of an instrument of intone. pow• er, known as the Psycholootrape, nuarautoee to pro duce a life like Octane' the future husband or wile of the applicant, together with date of odwriap, po• ,plus in iii., leading traits of drunter, he. This i no holoblill, an thouseads of testliziogialo eau al. sect, Sits will send when desired a certified 01111* cite, of Whelan guaranies, thud the picture fa what it purports tube, hg seciemiteg a mail luck of hair, and stritiggibbini - er: bit% ege, disposition sad wow illOakohlaad oisehlellieg 114 coals and etamped aseel• ape whitened to yourself, yowerill receive the pie tere and Aspired Infonsielen by rotors mall. .4 11 coniinualcationo saute44 oonildbibiel• AdarsajPl eonhdrace, MADAMS B. Ir. Tilialr r• 0 . Mai t r ' - 117-.11 V. W. IA ODIN& IMlmvuumli Arra~uxr. M ue , tat, 13th, 1803, $l9 Drua.iwoy, Now York. AGENTS WANTED. AVOID THU QUACKS. YOUNG MEN TO LADIES SPECIAL NOTICES. Ej RitOli9 OF YOUTH. A gentleman who eugerad for roars how Nervosa gebilliy. Nl.lOlllOl Dec.,y .ad all the groats of youth fol ludissratlua. far nalie of arrorina rend Noe to all who seed It, the melba and difretinan tub waking the iilmple remedy wbsch Ho wee erred. 161111610/11 w lethal to peat by Mw 86 , 11101'a ceporienco, ran do en by sadriaelita NI ',Wort rootAtinnein t AWN I. 41 renal Nam. Now York. May 20, ltgef OVELVOIMUI 41110 119111Ttill BOOR, food om addroomo saveloy. and vs etate.iwal I will sand you nano tolaablin lahmosailall slat wlll pleader et Addeo,. MANY INLK/1114, iiroadway. N. Y. May M. THInLORY OP MAN IR trill "ACTIC A tratie man who autyrnd for your, from Nerrone and Genital Debility, Nightly It integiuss, add Mealiest Weekneea. tbe moult of youthful sad came tuner enditie his days i• bevel...weer?. will, for the sake ()reoffering MP, ...l 10 any 0.0 ed, the simple weans tuned by blot, which effeeted tare I. a Nor week, after the tailors of nitisieroas wedirines, Semi a direst,/ nnyotops sad limy aid will gnat you nadlond. Addy,.,, EDAM TAIIMAIN, Ptah • ----.----- BEAUTY! AUBURN. EIOLECN, FLAXEN /lc 81 LK FM CUR EC l i tniinetni br ill* ISM of Pror. nutißcur PNleek 11.4 thin apolocatiott warranted to tor! thn Nod atinlibt otml rtol.boris boor of either sea into wary rin WU.or bleary maraive coil.. Nil 11106t11 trial by the Inaloonabloa 01 Parts anJ London with I 1,! moil gratit)iny rerult • . Iteeq no injury to lbw bolt. FM, by mall. sealed and yorly.aid sl. Ihretriptire eirettlorre mailed tree. Addr•All NEalißß, ellerrtl lloctus•tt, No. :OA ils•mf bt., 'troy, N. V..solu Arid* fur WO United Wales. rvb.V. liibi—ly. (JRAC CELEBRATED MINK From Mr. E. Tacker, Depot manor at tlibibury M•re. ••1 been *Muhl.' for years with A bad Wilton sometime. outwardly. iriWardlY.— nurtiol the pslol •1111111 Mr 11 waelrn.ted Itrolf men• thou u•oal Out. ally, rod I stool 'your Salve. All eirlos of it pure 6110.14 111 cippeowd. withnot alferttue the inwardly. Itidiraiiiii, I Muth, the tradietitina tore of llot Halve " SETII. W. 1 , 0W1.1.:, 4 stl Proprktnra. Wall by all Drumlin,, at no. • box. I±l,lll by mull lur 35 cI4. _ . 11 I T ! ITCH ITCH I toßArcia hcitivrtr stiovrs• WHEATON'S OINTMENT Will Care The 116 in Ati Hours• Al.O cures PALI' Rll Ka' 11 , 1, IA — KRA, 1.1111.. 111. A INA, and all EIItIPTIONIN or TII EAKIN. "rire 5a tonic For rale by ill Drag/1.1.. fly 1;0 eralp In WEEKS 41a14311131,14a1e Arnie. 1711WP.11 pglnn airaol, Ilaatan. It NO bo faravard.d by mail. t r ee at posing', PO any part of the IJulow 111,11... Jour 6, 11366 —l7. - 4 , itt PULMONIC SYRUP. This great nwellelee eared In. J. 11. Sun so int, the Prepr:rtor, of Pulovenarr Coo. oo , Ption. whoa it had areurnvel its twat torn/ Ideble apet, and whoa speedy death appeared to to inevitabe. 111. phyalelaor pno• mourned hie care looarehle when he eornmeored th• tees of this sionge bet powerful remedy. Ilia health war renewed In a very 'hen time, and rie mono of the 4 MVO has buss apprehended, for all the eympttmts direpneared, and hie pneetsl wendit to more than two hundred pnuida. 1401.00 fr. be bar devote.' he attention uclervely to the ears of Conauto.relon end the Orator* which are woolly eomup'kSLM whit It, and tho rarer effe:!ei by he medicines have been 'co , nemereas aad truly wonderful. 1/r. &nein* wear . profewhoual vial,. to of tbelt:rger ellke weekly, where he by a tarry ret,r, o one ‘ ,l end .1 le truly eatovhhine to sae poor ronaureptiveu WM bent to be Iltel oat of their airriaenl, and ha • few months healthy, robot persona. Mt. Scritorcic3 rt. Litomic SYRUP, ISKAWE6I,I TONIC. wad 111,1111/ItAICE P 11.1.8 are generally regained le wing Coneoroptlon. Y.O direh Vora aoeusartey eadh, to that an/ one an take *heat without etw:e4 1.17. /011/1•174., but a Leo II Is ewer vetuicit It le beet te lea lota. He a.... whine nee* bon kw • tborea o h ex alle with hie ile-piromeeile Ile lee Is three deem. Plain oboorvo, wise purcasotog, tt,sa th. S ilitti , twols of The Dootor-otto whoa lu th Mt Nye C.tonooptlau, and t&o other so Le uaw par: - ^et brig. -aro 03 013 Gorornmowt ramp. god by of Oniktioto and Doa.nn. Prim *LS par loot* at too bag A•Dea. Lotion kat atria. oboovd strata» h. il:motod to Ih, (lemma% ratio al Ofdoe. l t Non& Oth ft., ?WWII pits, P. tiowend WbOANLIS Agog,: Dem= Brow I Co, 11. T.. S. S. Hum, Salitinora. ltd.: Jolla D. Put, Ctsegmtu, Oblo: Walter h To; lar. Cti.eart, 111. ; ignido, et. L0v , .,11%//.1 w, at ma. I n, -------- - 1,17 ONDEBFUL BUT TRUE. MADAME RICIIINOTON, the woild renowned Astrologist sod doinnambulietis Clair•oyanl, while to a elsirvoyant 44444 delineates the very features or the person you are to 111111431, and by the aid Sr ai instruithent of intense power, known as the Psycho ;mumps, gutrentees to produce ■ perfect cud lire pictup, of the fut.ire husband or wife of the y• plicant. with flair end mai riage.o - cupstwn, leading traits and character. etc. Ms is se i taposition, as testimionials without cumber can eisert, lir stating place of birth, age. disposition. tutor ar me aid hair. sad enclosing fifty cents add stout pad sn•sl. ripe add, to yourself.yo . l wilt receive picture by is tore of :nail, logeiber with du•irod iuforination g 7• Address to cu sAileace. MADAM It bißirrattlre REM iNtfrOX. U. BOA 111117. West ney. N. Y. Feb. 27. 141117-4, A YOUNG LADY RETURNING To her rountry home, aflef a sojourn of • ho , niontli• in the City, was hardly reeisinteed by bet friends, In ;darn of • cootie. rustle noshed face, she had a loft ruby complexion of almost marble iwo,..thness, •nd instead or twenty Three sbr ren.ty appeared but eighteen. Upon ionuiry no to the cause of so gri.nt a thauge, the I..•lttlY told them that the used the Cirritsril•ll Balm, soil Considered it an ttv valuable m . 1111,110.1 to any Lady's toilet By 111 urn soy Lady or Gentleman Call improve their personal appearaeeu an hundred told. It is simple in its cons. timeline. as Notate herself is simple, yet unstops's ed In 111 ethcary In drawing twin:cities fr on, also heating. cleansing and beatifying the skin and cont. Omen. By 1141 dwelt action mI Ilse eatlcle It draws (row It ell Its impuritiee, kind!y lieallng the Millie, end leaving the surface•. Nature intended it should be, clear, •ou, otnuelli and Price 81. mein by wail or express on receipt of an order by W. L CLARK k CU., Cheadets. No. 3 Weal F. , yells , St., lyrac•s.. N. Y. The only Americus Apiu for the sale of Ili. moms. (Fob al I•ai-1y NEW STORE AND NEW GOODS. ilia •lifter• 1 f Illnennabirs and vicinity are in lamed that N. H. Mahan , tae fuer upanod a Arai ONOCkitY AND CONPI,VTIONARY WO./RC, to ohs .•oul 11.ibbiimn lal•ly purchased and !hied up by him, If )au tICIYIU to purchase I orrtti. TEA. MOLAPAES PAIN' PdPPE*. SPICES, At., At., ALPO, VINEGAR, PICKLES, anJ Piney th I A 141, 7/1441:13), MEG A .41, 1:114 AI, K LAU, RAPINP, CA % LS. or every dearrlptiun. and a treat variety SC mbar articles, N.Minilll, he., cheaper than BI cry other en tail aliablishiutut in due &callus, call oron U, 11. eII'OIINER. Bloonieberi, Atwood 7. 1067. SCRANTON BOOK BINDERY. lllslam, secured the services or Mr. 11. ?Arlie, one of tot be • t biadrre tu or, (wow in the Maio, Os ars prepared in futhigh in ismuft,oteivlC riMPANIES, MERCHANTS, MAN UFACTVIIf:Rft, COAL OPEHATORP, HOTtL and strata, with IBLANIC DOAK% ul erery dePcrletlnn, on •hurt unties, bound In an y teals uerlrud• In t h e must substantial wanner,. st reatontible Wenn, Magnetites bound, and old bout■ rebound, at New Pork pries'. Orders left et the aka or t h e paper rabilshing thlandrestisenient, or sent by Llllll7llO. will M at loaded to and yr/Inroad wittatat Donne aaaaa y /slay• HILL. Beranloll, Pa, hue li t 1857.—tr. Ws, e. ismsint Established 18213. G. W. CiitrENTER I HE? ET & CO, WHOLESALA; IMUUGIsTY. 'll7 M It. coo door below etb, Pinceennwa. DRUGS, hIRDICINKIII, Villehltegue, FAINT*, UILII, OLAite, V MINION/4, DYES. And every abet article appertaining to the businese or the Mas MN %w hai ally, *a luvnert i / 11Iv* RR, IRIRS WELI,TRIICD REMEDIES. OtldTblltrf, do Itum.dl.te dad aortal* oars alts to. Ilk also gar. reolldf gerincio, on •10111, • atnidriVil BALT 1111111V/11 01PITIdINT. la unequaled ad eta 11//911//1,1.1/ PILE OINTMENT, 01111111 after all other reirindlea Plate Maud,l SO Tadao elatnunato are tartaln. We...l rehab*, nraidna, se tbaileande Urn lad ani daily firbry l i nt . rot sal. by all Druggis and medmina de411./ P. .010.11$1 Nags at l PiewHor, ts 1111UNN 11101A111% wh o l iim i. Druggists, lid Pullen it., (neat Uresa• wka), hew Vert. y- Nadi ay mall; nab, 405.; ; Jane 3 Mt —3 a. THE HEALING POOL; AsnifouNg 0)' mracy. Froward I..Pciatioo Report.. for vouNG MCI on the CRIME Ur Phi 171 , 1411,, IN,I the F.Rittiblo Ant/KKR on/IttPAPRP ',Nen (te.troy the maul, powers. and pre.te impediments to !WARM AGM. *ire sure mean. el relief. Semi in e.aieJ tpitri Worm., ft.. of atom,. Attilritior Mt. J. SICILIAN! Nswit4 Aweeliktivil.rtmatlulphis, vs. Liu' 3, Itkif-1.4. NEW GOODS IN DIA )0118BITIM 1 The sobserlber hos takes some Woe to refileoish A 4 etosit by crib purcloseee, sod he hi ogee plowed Sell as low as any Dealer ill this section ur roust ry. A cull upon into, by any ammo' who undttreisa.llo the i„i„ o f good, Ind the uudlety 1.4 the Luna. will hone this tart plain. of retiree no env nerd buy unless they ore entirely saltsfled. Ile WWI he glad to see his Mends and the pubbe i;eactolly w hi lbef they buy of nut Hi. ettork ennsists of the best Varieties nr 1 1 11 , 014 FL PICO (of line quail! ty.) SPICES, ATri, t ill their ItthsTlMl, AVli ariCit CIIACKENIA rl tfrA kt. A\lll.Ell. As, ClitEde. (.41A1. k 1.1Nibgb:11011,01. Alen a nice areurinitist of bre nnods and Hosiery. and a fall variety of god. of the utters clasp, 40,4 ef oilier kind,. In adtlitiun In which i.e boa faccillly lithrd Whin shock a lino nagoirlinclit of CEDAIt WAIIM: .1N I) 11.1,111 V WAItE ; Which Varlet, er 11..41 he has s o s en gt sew articled of modern invelitinn, sateusivelly ailed shnre kuuwu. Ind whirh mu.t Conte into las here Ile also has 4 flue supply of French Moroccoes and al.. or Moil/ten Lining' tur IShoconster's wort ; and s g,“),1 aorg , rtrtit.lll or queen*Ware. rr (..„1 ...twine. JOIIN K GIRTCIN. P. r Corner of Main and Iron BUCeld illown4burg. April Ilk 1%7. J I J. 13 1t ONVER, (Cur. Main it Iron sta.) • le now offering to the Public Me wrack Off SPRING GOODS ann•iating in part of n full lino or INGRAIN, WOOL & RAG CARPETS. chill,. and rai.sinutC PV 14,11 , • conic ilan.J.mon Urea. G.tmle of 411 l'Atierup auJ quallititil, Iwisoise rma• „r bali.Jllll A and prfcra, INfrachtd and Itruvrel Muslins, LadMi Prowl% (Angels and BALkORAL SKIRT& rinnd sornriment Wino And citildrrno.' Oitalnn' and It,ndo. fresh Utdeeries and Spices. New astortment of Glass and Qateabware. Ex-Me. I Mecerrel on one half end nue fourth Rarreln Nem le the Mae ta make your selections. as I lit nfrraing 100.1. 111 very low prier.. and oor mow I. fair dealing to all, and mot to Nu undersold by au/. J. J. MIL. 4 bi t. Ell otimaberg. April 31 ($7 CONFECTIONERY, FRUIT, NUTS &c., ke. WID:VITER & JACOBI, Wickliffe aid Odell Dwain In PLIIN AND FAXII coNrEatostair, FOREIGN FRUITS AND NETS. Psrhanie Blork, Itithnushurg, CA ORANUES. LEMUNd, RAISINO. PRUENS. 4111JP11, 111 /11111 NP. • CITRON, FIGS, DOLLS. au.. unuiD AND CAKES, EN(api YALU E. WIDMYES 111.,..0•4tir5, Jun. 26. ow. 1 OOK TO YOL;11 INTERIM. I NEW CIA AI It 811101 P. J• H. BATES IN rimpetfully looms the public gesersily that Ms hits opened e nrst•ciess Cll4lll ESTABLISHMENT in OA fh I Arcade nuilit/of. row hfillorri Siorn,l Illootoshurs. where he /I...just festival flout Visite. eeipliis, a taros essof !mem of Hes reat th., Stands, 51ROCKING CHAIRS. xtr wit CHAIR!, f'APIE SEATED CHARS, Ann Chat,. and Windsor Clown. all of which he ot Ceis to the public at reimmuithlp i.tices. C:.7 - Cant illratett Clint,. WWI oil to order, iii.,, .11 other kind of revolting done upon 11.11110110/I,' t. , r ttm. Don't 1.11 lustre bun Ishii sod oscura greet bar gains. Bloomsburg. Nor. 7.1864 IN THIC ORPHANS' COURT IN med litl the County of Colombia : la the matter of the mato of ELI lots of Montour tnwaehip.derrnrrd. Alit now to wit: May ninth. 11 4 67; the Court appoint V. h. nenckway. Rry., noiditeic, In Make dietreloition ef the balance in the hand, of John 0 falai. to ii” 3 tinunist the creditors. fly the Coon. From Or rerord Jun 0.1.1111/,11, Clerk. The aildllut above alined will attend t.. Ike dutlea of he. appeoniertent, at his ulltee 11l illoOfitrhilfg PRlllrday, the I Welitli•Yeroild day Ai 11667. at lea n'elork. a m„ Si whirh Uwe 5114 id•re fill haring rlllllll,l aaaiust maid ratillo owed prevent thew, Of oo debarred (few tlsitnino r 'barn in th e " ht .. C. B. BROCKWAY, Adiditor . how S. INt. piIIVATE BALE Or VALVABLE FARM 1110 ormierafigovs4 Will otG r Ilia valuable farm it private Pei. vitualn in aitootwood rovioattlp, rot • umhia county. three notes from Kohr•borg. Inuit miles from 11111vIlle, on the public road leading to Hionm.roarg, containing EMI' rgli'd AV() TURIN QUARTER ACHES, about inn arra of Timb• r land. whereon are erected a 'ONO 1 4 TUTV FRAME v 11014. E, and a rrame I.llthlK IMAM, and ne4..t i . t v e r ,: i r i p youin: Wi lltb, g :! . o . f Water at the door, allot a good apple orchard On the ptentivea. The land is to a high .rate or cunt, atiun. Tenn. wall bu mad. easy to Urn lowhaser. VETEit 111.3..1.15R, Jv ly 10.147 Omen wood. Cot. Co. Al S () 1. 1. E 1) E It '8 U4H)T AND SHOE STORE, IUPPOESIT6 TH EPISCOPAL CHURCH.) On Main Street, Bloomsburg. The aubserlbor take* pleamuto In non/marina to tne eel plc ni Kloomsburg, and vlclolly, that has on hand a tarp and an atoortsuent or BOOTS AND SHOES, for Wise and itintlemen's weer. to sail all fancies. His City wnrlt Is of the brat quality. sad Wen the atom tellable Minnithirturrre ; ha halos a prsethal **Hll' and a gooiljudga of Aa la not likely to Dm ',weird aims ►y riestriss wartliloss malarial badly loads up. This Nelma! saysiliag i■ kis 11•• lipoid its wall In in ►in aea Wu,. piiirshasiag MON a GOOD ARTICLE , min. w. cAtrara so. and et priests to suit percale's's. All ketone' who deetto Iteht ut blowy work Mete to eider cast be acatomisiodated at hie setaellekinsnt. Er Also, topiaries will be Kum with neeutree sod despatch. An elegant afieriaset of Lalts. fring awl GUI& Air Moms 4.14 hand. A, 111OLLIDIX. Aril S. tom SPECIAL !NOTICES. MASV ACTUuIU. AND DEALERS IN It OCK CANDY, or nu. KINDS. ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE, - Lettere al altetalstratk s I* the eatate of Hawes Hameln. let* of IknitTcuriehip. Co'wheel' Collet', deeese,d. Aare beep i,rats/ Iy tie Register et' C^Huphis roolltr, to reHie T. /lass%le Ned ,Re10•PI Herteme. Theme/ reel/Is/ In Ikea sad the fatter le Crum* TewuAlr wid Covaiy. AU psrenne Si,• An/ elohne,asaleet dui 'emu of the Cumin* life re. tweeted to pursuit them Oily estheoteited to Ma wlclalm,rators, and Uwe* owl*. tie *Mat* will make magi Me helmet. PHILIP T, HARTMAN. SWARD 11ARTMA11, j Num hip itor7.-6«. IN Tllit 0 Iti'l'lANS' COURT 2N All - B for the (bony of Columbia : i• she .allay of taili estate of Peter avoland, firceamed . Aad now to wit May 11th )MI7. tbe court appoint 'Elijah It, !Oster, Erg.. auditor, In woke dlotribut ion of tbri balance II the hands of Peter EV016114 and John gp r io n d o ad. wtularatOlS, to and pinompt the heir. all.l legal reP • reeeutativve. kly ttirt Coati, li'rnui the record /pin Cowie ciff re. The auditor above named teal ahead lu th . duUej if his appointninnt, al fn. nllicr, In Nitxhamby, g . uu daturility, July 97th at Itio'clock E. a. iggLia. Audi •THE ORPHANS' COURT IN • an fur the roomy of Columbia : In the matter of IN petitios of Juin Hew?. eusrai,ts of the pereo and 'owe of itarak Easettbach. And now to wII Mity UM, Mil, don Court &Apulia William H. Minot. Is report Nets at the next term, By tiro Court. Iron Ike itmord Cl/16111 1 / 1 /1. Clerk, The stoltoe above esiato , d will attend to the duties or hie Appointment, At the Ole, 01 Isaac 8. Memos, Is Celesta... oil daturday, the third dry of August, Yt i h WM. H, 41181'11, coltaßless, Juip IT. 1157. l a HE COLUMBIA HOUSE B. IL STOIIEVIE R , Proprietor. This tea new stand lately fitted Opfer Oa walnut.. Potion of the traveling putrlie (tortilla, situated o mein three'. akw doors shore ths Court Moose. on what Is ;known as the .Itobtnann property." II 1. centrally Wanted In tie town, a pleasent alien for &orals to stop . besides hem' in that part of tuwu where the ntalority 01 the titioine‘s to Wag done. The priihrteibt feel* rualidesit that tie is prepared to giro general satisfaction to hie silent, sod would solicit a fair portion of the public patronage. bloonisborg. May IS. Idol. ERWINE & SHIPMAN; PRACTICAL DOUSE AND Sirs Painters and Paper Hangers, BLOOMSBURG, Et flaying had a lona ego...rot/ler in the above beak no. they wool., reuprettully ntrer their Iseult,' is the cameos of 11100m.hurg *ha Pourrountling• try. They are rrepared tO.lO ali kande of Houle an Satn Paluting, Papering Urninturt.thvaiag, a 1.4 all wort 1,. looltof to the rotating hutiarer. e wevr. Mt at their atop In the Court tious4 Allcy. or at the Lichinse Hotel. 1.. N. Moyer'. itruu Shure. riad . elaydrenlitg*Mu w 111 be proistptlf *tirade/ lc. Stoosusbuil. MSC's% T. IVO. NEW BAKERY AND CONFEC TB)NERY 7.311a.-4a1./DUO.seitharaucarizitk ON THIRD 14T1tIEET, iiit. 'l 44 l ilai r. PA. • J. r. rnx. Proprietor of this establishment, would respectfully tufmist his old and new eustomert, that he has everythiurt fitted up at his new stand to en• aide Hilo to furnish them with AREAL), CAKLA4 AND CtINFECIIONILIHEN, 44 permolore, • Cr He ha. made aernagemanli for the We of Dread, nit it A nt. Erasmus, why keeps a 1;00011101. ary Iltotn diructly apposite THE "EX('IIANiIE BUTI,DINGM," where perooes deal ries brawl tan h iteitorntioartaiali at all timr, 21" Hereafter all persona. who Mere keen (umiak. d with Ale, Lunt Heer. and Porter, by ifin whale, half, or quarter barrel, will ull upon WILLIASE I.llLbtuffe.. at hag ttaloun In Slaves' Block, Main Street, • who has been authorise Iby the ondersiined to the sew. Ile will constantly here • supply on hand. which u ill he hula at thy lour At market rates. Mr. F. he. in connection with hie Ilakery cad Con• tectiouery , titled up 101.111• 1,4 the isle of ICL CREAM, to all whit may favor him with 01 , 0 custom. N. 194100 yrrpireil lo main lee Gram in have quaritt. It.. 110tIlle or 11414 r Or, i. a. 149. 9490 4M lie. Everything p,rtatniaa to hi• 1100 it bovine.. will receive (Weft.' no I diligent vitentinn. g: - /- Ja Ihduhlul to hi. rusiotner. for pait fa• •nre and moat cordially gulicjit Lgontinuanre 11 /gine. J. F. lu.X. April 3, 1961. - Philadelphia & Erie Hall Head, Nl'3l3lEll TIM; T %MAI. THROUGH AVI) fl►accr ancrs nerritzot um.Timoas. HMI 111611CIW, WILLIAMWORT, AND Tan GREAT OIL REGION Of PENNIRIV LVAN lA. ELEGANT SLEEPING CARS usll %shy MIAS. ,On and after MOND A It, APRIL rot, ion 04 Train,' n■ tt• Plniadelptila & Eno Rai load will runu : WIWWARD. AIL TRAIN leaers l'hltadelphla 700 ~ •• Northumberland V $4 a, in; " arrive at Erie 4le a. in. ERIE EXPAESA trareaPhiladalphla II 00 non*. " Nurttrumbetland a 44 p. ro. " arrive al Prie • 43 a, mg. ELMIRA MAIL triage Philadelphia 6 00 a in. hortuumberlund 4 p. m. " tinier at Lurk Ilavun 74$p. 4. BOINPALO EXP. leaves Baltimore 10 30 p. m. •' Northumberland 6 in a. in. •• arrive at I.oik llseca 1/ a: m. EnerwAßD. MAIL TRAIN hiatus Erie 10 VS a an• .• '' herlburabyrland 11 30 a. m• •• arrive at 1'0.1.411,1011a 700 a. gi. 'lia zireq:ll4:l leaves LIM 10 II a. m. •• leurOilimittrland • 03 a. 111. pfri•., opt phliad..tpnia IWp. m. ELMIRA MAIL leave, Luca Haven t 13 a, it: liiirthoniberland 111 19 a. at " arrive at rh.laolphla II 40 p. w. 11.11 , ACC. tenni Lick Haven 1 30 p m, korthaiubarland a 10 p. in. arrive •t Philadelphia II Sit p. m. Mall and Expreas renni•ct won all trams an WARREN k FRANKLIN! RAILWAY. Pavairogent leavilia Philadelphia at I/ 00 M. arrive at (fruition at 046 a ix.. and 0.1 City gl : i 0 is. Leaving Phtladalphl• at T 3u P, M., arrive at 011 City at 4 33 p. in. Alllll'll4 en Warta,' & Franklin Railway make dna* eannectianit at 00 city with trains far Proint• lit% sad Petrulvani Centre BAGGAtik I'HECKIWO TllOOl4lll. A. L. TYLER, lachaval Bup't Etta. July YI, 1867. _ . 628, HOOP SKIRTS. 628. NEW SPELNG STYLES, "Owe MAPi." Embracing every Kew and desirable site. ;Ara awl Snap of Ylatn and Trail Hoop 1.4 ill.* a:,.1, 3 14,3 I 13 34, and 4 panda raved ilatry 'with and cizo Waist: in oval :gape" FIRST QUALITY, and especially adapted to meet the watts of yirM Clas• anti MOM Whitlow,' wady. °Our Owls Make," at hoop Marta. ate 110 tar. more Plastic. mote durable. and Really Cheaper titan an 7 other matt* of tither Pinata or Double Perini data in the A ne.rwah alarApt.i 1241 arc Warranted in every temwst. and w her. VIM inttedueed give uni• PPrsal OAlleinCtiOft Threat* now noose estensivety a,,t.t by itetrileta, and arery Lady ahe ad try tam. Ask fur - 110PKIN'M OWN MAKE L " and me that each dklrt I. Ittanipel • W. P.lleptln'e Mauuraeturer, t Arch Itieet. No others are Genuine. A Catalopes winuislag time and Retail Prices, sent to Any &dirs.,. A thil. form and liberal discount allowed In Dealers Or ders by mail or othetwise. promptly and earthily 611,1. Whulerale lad Retail, at Mamtfutary sad [late 111011111, No On Ambition. Philadelphia. 1111.161 to ordst,eltesed Med rapialred. Terms. Net Conn Onn Pries Atli March en, '67—tOme. WU T. soraixe. 1 ~1 ILLINERY AND /AMY DTOBIr, Light Street, Columbia Co. MRS. MINIS! SIIIIEn Wonld mosoonee to AI Otiocos et Lllift awn aid 'Willy that arig has opera. &Millinery a, Faiey Siero, l llll wh i e h Om lime 'inched oritlk a tore sod aro somoil• meat of Millinery and Fast, 111 nod., Om. a. Nam. elites, for Me Optimised Ilsomot *ado. llor *lock wool* of ALL AITICLIMI IWO/ to drot ohm motinoty @omit. Not WU boa MN Ma Yd toooskandoomoo to Am saaraloll. RCrN NVA es d • to to.”, Ikea raps*, ag Arm AAA octisitos all dospateb, All wort wasted la Am Nn aid eon lamp is krile tta.Uli, Ms& ?wilco'sr ittoolloo la NOON, drool Oilhille• as hail PATTERNS of every Olooriptlea pealabadie as Me lots, us Mai gall fur sale clasp. Mae bar a oall—Mon n IlVar:o WIIIMI6IIIPONII lout; ociapesel by Mei Jaffa A r il so, imm—RA,