Bloomsburg democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1867-1869, September 04, 1867, Image 4

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Ii,VTIJIMINta AND gfrapjaa t tN
ben.wity a well untionnectl I.o4;.wipht thus
mars am improved by being gathered boron)
folly ripe, Swim should approach nearer
maturity than uthers, But early apples
shouhl he fully ripe, ttt a eemotil rule before
gathering. Lute fill stud wiatcr
about,' not be woulde when picked, end all
the Iran winter Viirktif4 rltoul c l be gathered
I , be n too hard to yield to the pressure of
the thumb, and always berme hesvy fall
fit=rite. A dry time chouht be oeleeted s if
There will be a fete peeiluens
)o+4 yet mature, but you can word to thiow
them out to rave the best and the wain snip.
What a rood keeping variety be hot+) do l t
fieely from the tree, as is tatmetime, the
ease, !secure the balance crf the cop that
mains on the tree us soon as ; bat
they should not he mixed with those on the
ground—not one Omni.' i,c auved with dee e
picked. Witallidla will not keep, thr in wl
ditien to the injury ' , nit Lined from the fril
they become lowest by lying upon they
ground exposet to the sun and hot air, stud
the ripening process already towunentted le
hastening it to a rapid devay.
So minter how Lot the lATai Ler ir, au ap
Ple it always cool while upon the tree, and
in that condition should be talon care of, if
we would have it kept in its most er:01
condition for the full developeotent of all
the delicious jukes with whip it it is ao asr
dantlydy aupplieth flow to oi haft that e .0-
(litho) will be my purl,_". n tw tar bow, We
Lave 1.4:V ti that it I t ..her-.1
it istoo ripe, alit is,; . „oily tesme.l;
.-dy L'rorc tt h... 1 it is site
ht to eat, and that eettalely I Li"( he
the ewe with t.: la. it
r i.
tit... al .) • t h b yt ha t i , 4 the
Itim , 1.1,-, • ;I. 4t • “1.1 t3rl•
Appt. , •Latid thmers... k.•l 1 e001.4111.-:y
o not to t•
tore ,f illirty font 1 polo! a;
v.ith as :t• ' .
It not r • m. ; of
I now more Ciao) the !: t :.:• .;,••
e.t method of 10
he r,ttiticet o lats•t. a !..; in this a .!
1 ut it is to give it more i,vatttinrtwe in
delibetations than it has Itelt.cfore La !
regard it as one of the poimo. ,y t..nch
overlooked iu all raveling • of ti
Wll.-ther we I the riywnim.: 1.. c.
It.- a vital or chemieal action, it 1.,
that it should gn oo ; :radoal Wit/
mail all the good qualities are tally
and alma the highe-t v,int of 10,1
knee attaMtul, then the fruit h„u11
ukeil. It is never so to:, 1 v,heminot
ripe; but it is fretpt , tely .1.1 •f. r •
tint tonto vari
mealy, others tough and
ley ;King kept very reel. tt :;I
main in a ver...t.00l rortlition for a very L.c..
time, or by the t •:• of artir.cial L
e kept for an alum. t infhl;nite
1 ho! ,1 that the tipenimr •
no nevi, .4- en. no matter :!.if h -f
is nr4 pr , tent. slowly. p. , 0;,•11 , . 1,;; , , ~, •
tolil full maturity - . 11: 1.•
impertano , of a tr. W..", !I •..
dry irk. It 1 I
aired •
trill allow it. 6,440 orUch mono
to this tteattm nt than tabor...-
11m NVitle , ap, for which km a
-thick skin, mtv be aim ed a gr, at , L , JI ira
handling and but litly f,r in
the cellar, and et it will keep 'l,.etty ;
that is, it will rot but little, but, if and warm, it is 1..10 ; i, et to a :
that renders it Yilreely t,,i, ra Ll o t o
lint if it i-, kept e../.1 en.! dry, all ;;; 1
f .; are retain, 7 . It is al.', one
that doe, 1. . ! a ..L , ;%
The Ilelmoat. ! AIL Ult:t It
I ,, eard as one of a:, 1 hey: .
Lk apples, i- . vrry is.; .. 2 1r
tut. Its (kin i. lit red II:i, . tt::
ile:-11 of a th1,....-ate t , 11'1
and he t t in a warm it ..,
. ful l ishandled and k ,
cool place, it keeps* with very 10;1 , Ica to
till April or May. Indeed it is with me.
one of the very best (..1' keepers.— 1,q,:7,1„ , ;
SAvlso CAtramir.A.—Seleet a dry part of
the garden—dig trenches of sufficient d•pth
to receive the root and .stocks up to the
bead—into theme trenchrs tralephint the
cabbays, heads up of course, fill in the dirt
carefully about than up to Ott le tide, plant
four Aorpo‘ts to of them tieing higl'r
than the others to give a pitch to tho roof
nail ehinglim lath, or strips of old 'maid
from one post to the other, anti another
beard half way up, lay upon this a number
of beau pole, and upon there throw straw,
corntlelder, or been-haulm, protecting also
tint 4.1 e., and your cabbages will keep in
good condition until May.
Where there is a fenea, only two po: is
will be necessary, that being employed as
the apex of the cover or roof.
Ems? Ilot:Ntli Cusrti: rN ANErIrtA--
Thefir , t horned cattle brou lit to America
from Europe, were import, d by Columbus,
in his -mond voyage in the
,yeart 1.03, con
sisting of one bull anti t ere ta l vo ws. Th e
Portuguese took cattle to Newtbuntitund and
Novo Scotia in the year 1:J63. In tem
L'Esearbot, a French lawyer, took cattle to
Acadia, the same year that country was set
cid. The first cattle introduced into
IVI9 previous to 1600. In tir
Ralph Lane imported cows hits that colony
from the West Indies. In Intl SirThomau
Cate.: brought into the same settlement- one
hundred cows, besides other horned cattle.
A • ,, nitTING.----Tlik is a noire profttalle
operation than is generally supposed, and
the larger the fruit, the better does it pay
to make at least two qualities by seleetion.
Where careful thinning has been done,
there will be loss to go with the second qual
MIL Careful handling, at every step, from
peitharim; the fruit from the branch, to the
linal delivery of the !wimple, is esmitiul
to its reaching the distant market and the
easterner iu guod order.
10 Oh Iv e't Mig in Mimi,
joilortmA fbo cilliatex 016.4544:trit tai4 Plo ihity tlrA
be l!ao 0144110 a I NOV
E TA 4; ct
iq IGf, pitiw, id, phi rtends owl
114104Wt111 laellu and wittnio. "I lira refrer4ioria,.-
444 1101C - .11. , ..i to .6crtlr t6u 1,4,1
1,1111:11 BEEN A NL)
IMO ; Ale". Porter,. SarcosrOill Min
rust tVeter. i'Pl I,noyno,lr, lhol.berry N 44411,4.141
0 , 4 44i, y cydy rrtysey+beNndntsu,l Bela .4110144 t.
la hole Ise preoeisto 4
VIVA 0* VA13.4
0.4 .."..0.1 to nolo ' , tun viz. rict.t.d Oyoter•
114 WO. igr f to* via, DAV I.Wilfrd (1,14,0, 'eh :r
I', at . rd rw, jt. 1.., Lc. fie 01,0 hty 11 soot
F.1114i «41 id
1,414;4 4ol:114,17) . • 1;1V • lOW It
tit„nat. 141.1 , I I. MOIL
t:Altt iA I Ns
tic darti{l Ira Vrttcw.
11,e , toitoo , l 'I, rthr ,0,0,
5t44.W4 !
UKS Gticani,
unsl,7En I no,
(11 1:1:NsW A
‘ll WAR
itt,:": 4 s Plaid ShOrPol Dlalf 4 ;, Cato.
ttet Vdi',ll., ry Vji
U., it - 43111W fit 4 of brinary, It • ill bo ruv
t 4 1 / 4, 4 ( I f
i.,r1.1 to p. 11,1) sn tioytlong 010
!lop ti ytyt4ll oil
Vtamlebale Pritett.
Ail k:toik of rtr o btolo 170 , e.of
V. • r. Iftt 1.•
4 44 f, 4 4, k .tof :kJ
.1 , 4 a r
cane, •!,
! Li ! !
; Pr. 11.1 , 1J1:1 1 8ra 4 !fa:RING AVV,
I V , - +::11 - q1.1 41.11A1: •Au tli, p141,1R...
0 1.. A 1 , 4. I :. :,:i ::11L!
‘,1.• I 1 ,, t. 11 , . • ,, t1t:11••41 tt
• ••i • • • • • •• .••• •
• .~I•..!i. 1 : .r .:
. . :
,a !• ,aiV.l:.l.
ta r a
a••• a ••i!.! : I •.i. e• I: •!.
.• • • ; . 4
' , I •••• a • I ••i
. . • I a . • - )Att '• • . • • ! ...i•• I • ••I
• •,
• ~i'Cn~
- . .. a.' ...'
•S : s'..••!s•
". :L . ... •• s :••• • Is I.• •s. !Is •
.:. , ..
,i • , •• •• 1 ••• 1 . 4:•••`, 9111 . 1 1;„• 111
T!,• I • ;•1 ..!• .4 I'l COI- 4 ,4,3 .1. • •.
o i11o1•1 1 lIIS rir y , •••slrr , .'.•
!•.1 I : !.• ; ro1, 4 0.;r4!•1 ! , !!! . 1 '
. ; rilf• d '.l,tta•.at 1.• . • t•
„„,, , rr Ita• t0,0,41,, , 004
ttl Itp•t p. • 0...• •.14 $l4 • 1.• ~s• cap , at pro•• .4101.
pte, r,;! 1.1. ao:1 !...!.14 , 11. by 4444,444 ' 11 hit 41 1•4•4!
It hr. 1.1 I; 4. 4 , 411,1.?
4:4444',411 • • , •i • at,*
.• .•• ; • ; o !It /.0.1 1,111, 114140iel of 1..1 CI 1
;•:, ..m.0.! 14t lite 440,1.
r • .Ipa 0 I I•y;11 1 . 144', 14 t!! 411 , 4' iii.
i ••. t 4,4 4•;4 ,1.1 .1 ciz 140 14 , 0
1.10 14. v. 1,4:
to of J. r 1;1.1V k t,
!I"t' k ti.:; A, 4.,
2 . .;F:!#'; G0.(...)::S ! !
.•::..ti:.• ::,.), , ,..1. ..:;'a. .;,:.-,,c,x,a
• . . . , 1 . AN;II \%;
•. . • t ; %;;11 %; 6.%% ea 1
• • ;,!,10. , :`. 4 .
: .2
Ti:4 * re , err,. i: ' ';olliil ' itLl'Ze;3l
11.1r.1 qulitty of 1” wb ttro, , ri ,, * rold
unAt,ii,, p.
Cr,' ( * Wintry prattle. , p.,krfl in eSOI3 , I::P ;moat , .
for Wiilol Unr liiow4a mark,t pot , v. di be {Men.
117 , 0,0,1 fart lu gtVu Lim a rail and serum great
ft. %V. V0%V.11
Ortthp-vitle, Now.
No. 1.1 Loud St, New York.
run with liig4net
1.00 , 0. 3 t o 3:, on h3t3.11 Lisrrite ton .11,1 tortit , Ve
. itt
' ,n re CI Y 1,14 for !kern. no , / rpm roll! ,or rrPrrt
tt : tor, It* 11314411 , 1 M: pilyrtrltltli 104 , gv)
Wlllllo4t rrjerr una 110 I.trAngq ,
r Po, e• :4 el nt p for pl.. 1 a ; 3t.1 t
,N 4) 11 11.)%1I stal:lrr, NI:1V
volll4. Nov. 14. 1 . 4:6-4.5. M. S.
rr=ll.ll)l2iG BAIL 1Z0A1).
April t 1), 1,67
CTIn I'Ttil t sl.LlNF. PT , OI THE NtUrrit
/Ind Nort WV$l lor rittinde!phl4. Vl.v %ork,
rOt IAV 31 le. Tama qua o
tattyn, l lsitou, Eplirat.o. 1 to. 1-.31,fa51,1,1,4•1Umbi4, , tlurrifit , irg for 0. folowg:
At I+t a.: 3 3", A H 0:1+1 13 31419 04 pm
1, Ttillthi Olt tilO Penn.plvtunttßail
and “r , tvitte m '9' 55 York 01 503 093 10 lu tst
a 33 3 40, 3 tllm o o JO 15 p y. 1 4 10( pi4.l (Mr , 01 , ;1 0 :313.1. , •
11V111.: Mt , 300 A 91 000 000 p St. 7r./Hoc 1 1 / 4 01/01
for Reading. P.Mt 4 4oa, Tail•
qua, 3)l4rrstiit, Atrtio,i, All46l,vvii
464 11))11)))3111)3t, At 8 It) A M 104 L la 333 4 IP
P:opulo),) at 1)) mom 554 15,5 ipal Way 44 ;
41,5 4 15 4ra .M 54 ri55‘,14 , 65 lnr r:illtt 1,0114 mni
04444,614 ittily. F 44 ettittil :glary 11,01 II ,ven
aud Ambut a, via r540:4 Mill 1,104 ria,oo:llsau4 14411
r 45 va 11;0510.1141d 3 1 :M r M•
0a4a4 1 40 , 4 Laave N. 14 VOl. - tt 005 A tt, It! SI An , ?
t' (Maud t 3 Oil Al 015 A. 5 a n d 333 p P
Way 1'a.05501 (OR frit Att4 a 4t 31) A
M. 1 , 141 , 1112 Irtota 4 , 4.1144 At it :tit p at Attplotittt at aH
Alatto4l4 l'amaYmla aK ti 43 A M. and M m , .114)
ialid 6Um 11 34 A At: And 1 tt.i t. AU , . T'lll4l4tt at
St 45 A::1 1.4 , 111 1 1.11311t1 At t P. Alt
Imay, 4vilfr , tnr HAm:burst Via &lily Htill awl
Sit“olohanii &nikuud u! 2 Ott
AtTouinoplatioo Tr ai n Leavel RMA , ling
At tM/ A M rcrurutnu from At A ts) " 4 .
roiiloo.l W. 0 4 ,1 Truttiol,fivo veh,1 1 , 4 nt 10, A
and A 1.. p M 1.0 Cpitratu Lowe, 6une0.t.r,1.,,Ww61 4 ,
rOl M'A 11 A twomniellot um `!'ruin: r
t(MAM at A l,to A. M., ruturninglrarae l'hiladultalLt wt
6 30 A w.
Othootkin Rail 1440 MittSlnca ftenittntt nt 7 CO
A. St 15 P. X :Jr LOMAX. Litri.
t : Leave New VorA at r , 00 P Af., PhPa.
datlrhra r 111{ A At , and 3 14 P W. the e 00 A At, tram
ruontno„ wily to 0, adtett Potterllle tz oo A M. tlar
ri,.0.44 9 31 A M. 4100 000e,eg et I :glom , 7 Id A Al,
for Itarrieirlirt and I I 0 A U, ittr New York and 10,3
U. for Phi I :t=trlptiirt.
coo, 4100 No, Sewn gthool awl Cull , '
Nit/t1 Tiejittitt, 1041 W It OM all mints at reduced rate..
Itototego checked tilt luith ; puutota attnived each
Pawnor. U. A. 1% 14.3)1,1,8,
Gummi Nnperialeadett,
PhillOS for Aid I'eol.►le
00 Moos* $l., N. T.
W* would cell the atteittlott of tt pribtir mod tNn
trAdo to ow 44,114144 NOW {Po
int 01yles;
751`V14.7 A, 7.15v0. Front tulle round coraus.
Oslo 111...,littft or rattvo.l lugs,
01.* eh,, Ir *4 itt44l Oft .... $450
p.TI IA; 71. ; 00. i OW Ai 010 , A With 11 , 1 ,
p.+lllloo Is,olll4iwg tea l e gt..rm ly, ,r,pp
c, 7 .14vr, EttalA In DORA I.trifv round
f.ipphtit,r hAt. , lll, 4..i...t4(01rift0, 000 , a. nn sty ta
D. rtlf 14,1 iy77 , and cy.v.A gale....
9, 7 orlay. , , Pon' Iglu round cortiorw,
114i7h.11.476, 107.1d0nig.4 nit itht And 010417.
set pout tor 1.74i447 rarvud lytu nod 41144, olle•
putt calv.,4 $.7411. E 01)
The 147w7 41)1.11 ore all f 101.1.4 la .110iNtot
and hill 11.4. 11111 iron frlloo., roma. Wry pa alai. 1.11111014.11.1 p, ivory koys nod k.l
Iruuts pa,14,,A., 4 "v. 17717144 1.111.4. n, arty All sits
I klla WOW 111.00a.trtai tett. 'floft ar ,
of the 1w..l tom. riot/ ohd for thmth, oltithhithY•
imeity mid .rkeethe...7 ramout
IN, the attenthett of Me wthlie. of th.. 11 0 ,1 untl
Ito , ton r#lljr,sl Ex4o7that7.l of thu
Ur rttot,figg the #rvi.l ti;tott
1,100411 , phi • lit
an.. r
A birb tvromeeiltb , o, /IV ufl Iu rtrU WO
• 111.'111 ill flat`
04, rill 1,4 i 4 111 t,lh t cIII rely 01,011 fi•ret%
ll.• and nu 4 , 0'1 , 1011 C -••
i•• • al' 181 1144'111011y •,5 , 1,0atc,i by rip,
II• I •
b, I ~ • r 44•*cribt 8 d übbve, th,
`1,113.1 ill V 1, 1 ,1111( ti,llatr of f , LLee,
or" 043, Mil Lill aua tld
I!!Tit EN T,
roll 1114 , nttimlfnn of tlimr
ti h i hud rI,VIII`t fq tvir
It , to, n wilerr 4it F0t.14 o, l : Church 41.11t` lies 41.4
- 4.4.14 trait be u6lnnscil uu tats ivo.t
11,1 , 011(.11v - 6 , •Hee 0 I , qi• Ur, i'vro,ito , ttf Muoirro
.11,1 fite44ll an,l $411hly••
I.oolilll 41 I+lok 14.4 el% :tit% 0 110 , 1 010110411 , 4 a
0 ,1 all 10•4111••• 100 , 11,1111 , 1 , vet 1,1 tar 1100 1, 11111
pi , p•ot 4444% 01 0,41 uar. qi 1•11,1•010,0 0111,0.0
••+t• ,o•ok - 10104; 9 . 114d1, 1 , 1.1111 It. 110.
11.“ COEN 1 r• 1., 11,0 r. , 1.,411111,11,1
off , 111,
1:$ It 011 0111 11-,1111 1. 1 ,111 4 whir
1 1 1 ,1 oi 11•• t••.• 411 . 1 I . oll , itly • 1,1,•05 , 0 jt.j
,•-!,•• 110110 1:4.04 , 10( 1, 1 1 . 01:., 01101.(11,
, .
i• fso 4 4 'lf.
C,i 3,:;•2';' , i
T r Aoilhor or t , artfA
I`. .
l'i•• ftllVil rm.y. pdit. to
• t• of f ettl , l` 1,1
N •r .
f•• • •
I ••
: ;r•L'. l O.
• ; : • I 1. , .
N.: , ••• ,•1 ,
. ...A IC. tit , m A . t [.;
rjA{• /. 't •.*
• 4'l I. 4 ,
rvlttTH', v! vi'•i'i'i
N, .: V t vt, N,
tl'L•n 1 , 1 , 4 tilt
0,0 t , . t .411 , ! ik? 3 Ia $!
“.1 , 111.1,1,, acre s u turd Wl* ;ifiugetui Ito s
, no fir I'hy-.1. t., tint
1.11,1 1 1 . ! :;11 , 1 I'm-,t
't; . 04' 4 111 '
• .• • • )1•1..,15i t 5, It tt,
it , /,•., • I;;
• A .... :.• II lA ,
~.,• • ,•1 ,•.• . er. p .taro
p•••• , tb. .•'.ll P:
1.!•* , 1.f.011 , ,:r• f , .) '" k
••• prari , ,o ;0. WO '4
r. II I'M 7 , •
1:!. ••
••• • • •' I •Iwir 01.4 4 ~ •4!
,•-• !a. I ” . t , i , ; I a 1.,;”
Isr Aro,r.!• • .
• • • •,, tot , tit C. C. Cl'Alf.•l
Oi• • f:MSCI 4iict • A
(Ds CAC..., • :mil .!••
I r 1%11 i•
S.• Me •
SC”Cc . A!" MI , :•.CV 01 , U,. I,l' No
t k.,• , 0) •• 1:!•
I“),ilwit 4as 04,11 a'sy kirdk
1:1111.r +.l II: , Iliaot ,t Jot d ;ye! . . 1 0
addi..yd, • id...ty
55.11 , yYIYI•. , f•
U 4 * 0.. 4 . M11 , 1•!•• N., *2.,
rq„ N. Vytt ly.
S Eit CO MA.
Cot Pair of -iowr Fr x TO , tl ‘l'avy and
”r• ifravy
tiO uni4lo t+ip to,,r 1";.
I , P" *f 'AI': CU .:4! 04.41
rvivo if a; • ,, 1..111r.11 ,!••• ••.*.
• t,
111 in ‘ • • •, .`• . h, .1,141
y 1•••• •I. .c,d
,•t C, 1.1,1 r.,1 , 1 ,, ,1 1111. , Abtl, 0,,141 11.11.•
I'll! WIC 11 Mt 44 4,111. I• 5 ••ity
• • 01 ill
1 , 1 W.
, 3 St ••••• r,., ent4la,
: iilc,ail:s;:tirr
. • •t. -.44: , 41.4z$
• d . szu -
Crib - TWO I) 1141 'l' It %IN S. - -, 4
0 ‘ : : 4l . :tit: VA: '1% 1 I71 1 ; s l i t 1:1 1 1. 1 1 i :1 1 :N ' :1.4 1 1* ::,; .0 1 1 g:
LE.Ai V E :4 tr l' TII W Alt 1)
Lravo ettata ,, ll. ~,, :4 7 14 4 4'.
.. 1itn4.0.1, 11,4 l :31 JONI
it , lpt it ii,..11 I,G
.* ilAtl4,llt,•• 1,,,,.,1
Art at N0tt5aa.5 , r5,;1 to„at 1 , .:X4
LEA 1 . 6 ;ti WIT II %V .1 II D.
1,,,ve Korthlimtwttaad. ?.bit 5 2t
11 , 5v0tt.., 7.15 C. 19
" It , :p.rt, N.V. r M I , 3;
lifaggtAi, t vA
11,i 3, 1,1.11) 4<, , l la
A . A2 kiin4+lon A 30 A: 12 61r ± t rra t
rvu,ncrt %tilt h TIAn a , II VIM!' ‘,o4`of it A A1:0
TrAa oft SCriliff,lo at A. 5.1
AAI Ilarn , u , ,• . g .A
l'AlitnA , s:#t tla,i,ooA, iu 041 r Al via Ru
pert teat 11 - 10.141VIVIlia at i
11. A. VONDA. Fapt.
• •
Jrct. no I 't,7.
rowELvs EiVll3/10C/ITiON,
rue *ru
rins tit° am, ,tit t .ma ffftr ii„ foi , fa.
'o f t.: pow r1,1,11' ,, i 11) 1 ,111 0. 11,11
11.11104 1i I'loll,llll'l4h d1„1.1 or all ih” fa .
twit, at ettelt IltVit.llll . lll t 101 • 11,1, 1, it* r,,,e,p,0•
3,1:11.t 1 41 , 1 411:5111,11;1 111 ,1 Min
et t , r p, t ft:lttrt , tll/ 1111, ,t,111,, - 114 4,11 ri.;rrlal upper
ruii to 1. 1 ( 1 / 1 1 . 1 , 1 V.lllvllll is I.
Wl l llll* t 18114 1 1 1 ,1 11141 11 ~,14 it, anti rta.l
thrt c,fttti,,,ffre of all tt, 1111.1 111,,
it 1 1 114' 1. 4,1 1 1 aryrr 11. 1 511111, 1 11 11. 111111 1hr1 ,1 1 ,1 1,
r'dy nn ckporif , llCl l an Ow tat teat
it 1.4 protwativv.l fry
401 :di wto lt.tvt. 16,1 it, 1010 , 10,
vv”r oscd. Thim I:llo.nwatvel hug G,rn put 0 0 for
over 'Tait rnd 1.11, r
tirgent fe , 111,1 u 1 toy IrleouB runt It,'
politic I hot I tin: ;.!4 . 1 , 14 nlO Ile!
111;'1 , 1 fOl Of! 10411 tilJl 001,1 e
410,1 11000
0 . 41 rs•!tk. 4111'S pnva 1,14•11 t• 10 OW pqt'llf•
113;1 'l,llt to 114. 1 , 4,110; •
1,1•• ,, t •„:,o) 1,,,,Jy
prepr the porpoAes on , 18 y Ares
A j,idhhow4 stud teeny fwrfol toohpo >ttioff, bo,
thop tporcofoch wog twit 441
swhd by tunny thowlmhon who thAo,
and are unwilling to mild them to the care of Ile.tign.
tug Oka 101.1410.1 rattier*. twir lir, ut
lesloll billy gratified. by (Dr. Reale; brim: prevailmi
omit, so allow this valuable Embrocation (which bon
prayed et, rhic,ein44 tO the VtitlMl4 Illireares) to be
prer,red and brought out to the goblin
TM» Embrocation 1444 Clitriloiyely used by the
Government during ttitt NUT.
Address sit order to Dn. EDIIOII ft) f 1 t Le.
cult *Huh Heelmd St. Philadelphia, Pa.
March 10, •o:—.,fito
( cro. rratstif , ! tori
w , simrs 1144.
ro• Ifrli,ut trnlltll. wr4:l. rflrt , A;nea
4.01/17 , 1 tksa vory
N CerA L AnD,
'rho oroidaajituad royarteolly Informs 1110 Hoa a as
of ploompbstra and odambia troonly, thot 1110 y kot p
li tare difooolloooo o o* or atnru Entti lin in Orient
loan, rni ifae Lut OM, par 1 . .000 4, on ihnit Whiff, if 4-
loaK a faa, Naal i Oil i n ; with goo,f
pair NO/M. ocnialoal the *10(10 welsh erml.hay and
atraw, LO . O ow hdrof sad to +l,li ..,r r0:0
to ttioaa 4110 40000 O. .40 wn ptochlo. a Wren
tunmrni or flint, Isl' Winn , ' in keep a ouvall,,, 4 ,1),
H ad 0,11 at the arra lox rat pranc 19, a»e rail an 4
,Laium fur )oura o lvva b. 1,10 pttft innilitjukni; non;
J. W. 111A141..410)r,
A4IIII.IeTtIS J1A..1014.
Inntirralanvti will Ink.., in otrithnze tor Cool
p fu l 41r o periew, the tolloWitls 11:1Itird artirir+t :»
Wh,dl , Ow), tht 1 4 nin. Snout
der. no 4 5+,141 moxl, Horn s% Y10y.4, HpF, ,tr.,
at 1110 Etrovelry MOM, o,ll"rniim
ir 4 OM vitro!. J. VV.
141..m.tsrg, Apiii 1 ,, a1,—1y.
_ - 0 . 111.00MSUUIW, CO.
i.'' ='...,..:,,,,,, iiiiMik A (.0., I A.
.--%," P l .
; lit
~ .., q , 11E. .üboeriln•r, prowl tTr
•., a a ..,. • • i 4,r th, sow.. ii,,,„,,, ~,,.
i lls•m 1 r.. t , 11 , 11 , 0 1 , 441 , 64,0.-M, $., ~,,,,
1.114 ,
..... :. 15:„it,;„, ~ , ,,,, , ,,,,,,4 to f , , , ,, t, m 4, r , ..
mi .- 14 0 'V.-'''"' , .: f.,r
Alt K hid': of ilia ciencry,
Pi:o4 Eltrinoo,
11 I Tnr 1: ,4 111 4; VI •%cur , ,ce, ‘4O
11,, asl.l
all, a tr sr •irind, 3.01 Pil,rything nnnally 11. ark in
tior XI told prnrin,al von keen , war•
“ita lo , “ in the 13, - 41,01 Oriftr.“l-9 MI 04
~ , t”,,hlt•
•d rain or all id , “I,‘ v% ill ne taltoi in tot
rkl owe,
4,lll.l4.lpneist i inrn,ed lo.or the 1.a.f1.4w4
.4; 1".!, , ,w,! , ,ire Ito
1331:a 13 LI.:11i1,11.
lot rg , 12, G 443.
CLO THINCI 1 , 4;10 r i t
Nov y oppwli e he F/11 , 1.01)11 rift:, eh
"SaV .11$0.t it I.ofolttrai r 1 of
t ,11 V -1 11100 , 1,,
1344. 111' 10/1 lit, 13{ , st of tuK tot thr
~4 ,0 n ftay.,t !:••
I":frettFtia and Citaltrateit's !1 . /ay s t
i 001 IttAt err
to,- ttt,,.i.,e
In'-!.( ttt r tv. I
!tarp ~; ,11, t
ii!,!"..-4' . .;*l•Nct:
~ :•;L":"; . 1 1'...r. 1 7,7 ' r!;:,
• I. . . . . •
~ ~. i ~ .~ ~
..~,.. t': ~ nisi•
A. r„ . P ri .
: • • • •••
!;•• • ; 8,1 +l:.•r , r.,n I .;;;;-.4t1
FANCY 6 - 1(.. ,- Vt.".3
qr tele ;01 1.4.4,11
* Ad, C.l.kt .
u+; 10g p
! " . .!e;
41, 4
e : • • 1, ;.“ , e lei, col I
I%ll+. 111 and rt ;
,leA (..IV+O IWO A Cali
J, • 1 , 4,0. it.
(!. II 0 W E IL
• VaNntly.
4 ,
, ti.• ? •11 4 1 - I.lllltY, 11 , 1*
d,,ttt. • 11.1 tift•
•i" , t , t , f ,” "1 , 154 , , et •,
.'10,1(4 14t( tee=th ,j)
, • ottlif eie iit sr 4.'111 441.1,, the
.• • • Ade,
.-,t '- . .. . 7orritvilN cii:N,TRLAL
4- 1
LI ;3 risl .4.!1* irteolV
Pll it N. ri,",‘!UrP
behrt Ad/ 'l% :I
1 icatotsi C !age :1)1 r:4„
r ,„, 1 r April ',!'411, (VW, Tr ill tun
tp, i v, , ro prim
/• I , 4 , ,
3 r , 11,
r h 4=4 p, at., IA 10
tr, p, ‘i„
4 " 0 3 p, N.irihtotat rhrr, 41,4 yin: id r ot
~rrryt.:4 rrt :r.ittorp'•it, G 41
I', 3
661 A, to I , at, N0rtu,,.... 71.11totte
ttv.t al il , ‘,l , litirg A. It ,
„, p Wt.! i 10, .. I I ati P.
It , to M `1'.p,414,at 711
m 1 Cr m,, 60,
i'. 41.. ri't NO. ',hitt .1 111 P. M.
5 Pt v. at, Ah1,„.1.1.1 tit oil
03(14 , 6 , m! t+ atl P. pip!
Itlzta M o.l:lutt 7 10$
II J 7 p. , Iran . Not 1titi4d1.1 1 .1..),
rti'leip a :tat l'Uti Pall tog to 1l trri 4.1,4 2. $ ~,
, k , 1%111 ttuirlitit tOA 4.
J. N. tie , C. S.
(71 , 61 Sup'l, Itarrinbure, Pp. 170 - 6 - IPils4.
14,A.1e St I 1 eli , l , lUsltUllU 4,
Itrt . '4l3ls lOn Aguld t ItAttklit), N Y.
11,t).. 4 , 147.7.
UP )11 1 1 n FA SHIA ThE : 4, EWI
„CI IC:f
it, nil nfht = rs for
Vt if (IN ASlt St% Nt GANA; elf Itt , (l , 4cit,
crqoatn tat ittiptilyolW lit, • aso .pmly
noisy ~cay ; ; 404 ,may to thrOt:4,
111:1010 , 1 VV.IIIIVA, Litr
Pl4l .1,1.4111 ronot„ottifills made,
Attareoto EMVIIIM AI, CO, WHO ltt testy, Now
I 00,00€) 4iIINUJ.IaS & A LAIWE
Aa . k• 111t.11`1,11.N1 , 1
ur.-t ro ill:, plat, 1,1 bli-11“..nt. ni
ftL VP 1 Nll.l A OH , ' VE1%44110 !, , thitrool I
,1.1 rhiMO. 9 act! a lorgc Irri ui frtecl test b. 31.4, al
the cnry brit , 11414111 y, (WI h pibu and Itebd.n k.
J. J. .
r.. , [0..ri „it ay 9,
tlitettor N. Army.)
::yiN rge n.
17. 11 „tp 1 ,
tvostIll• aitea.led to both titcht tad day,
Wootot.bort. Nov. 11. trttit.
N. oit E Eli
tiara , IE - Aivd ft Now Toitor tlttoo on
Sirt,t, 1110.'11 , 0 , mq, Vt HI he p1 , ..t00t to too.
ftti oho mob' ihi or loth with thow ohttatt Ito ka. h t ,
a no It r.l. 4 , 1,1 tot it( 1 0(11..1,1..1 it,t,
111,, WOO h he will to:tke tip to linter with tiettlielse
Alt,hl too rvti4 It rotting geolleopo tint 1 4 , 9 , 4
Alan cottiott two" tot the letitee'
k ols ,rhog d o n e Uplift short entire. All work
a. " Give hita It call. flilonatsburg May 8, IN , '
The undersigned livinc. purchased nrol lately re.
linen this nell.known sttnste.l ou MAIV
immediately OplMPittt the nowt House, Insv al ut ly
lewtois and the public senernlty. brut ins
noose is now in Oflitif fuf the lIICCOMMOthniO4 and
Plit , ffititifitelif of travelers.
1101010 spored no pains in preparing the exchatiee
for the ailiffl manna and eteehat of hin pur=sts• His
ijollge is epigittUt t and uttloye a pud Wilmette !twin
itillSllollBo l l44 run at all Worm hetwora thin Holm,
and the olitterant railroad thipoix, by which travolera
will ha conveyed w and rroin thu rvillitmtl4llal4444ls
14 due time to meat the cam
April W, Md.
45'64;r7.17:.1.:±..-:.-.': .•‘.. •'...›...
47- s ittilt : t . i. ". .: *: - ' ", .'*
**4):44•.:-/ ..,.. • • • , ,
. ..' .. , •
' ' '
1.14 - t , „:;'' ' .
i kAl‘ k ''S. '.
..... .
tri.,. ......,,
io .z.
l 5
t ~..
kf..7 ,, .
Gtr.. ,
~ ilf;
4/ 0 .4
t.,.. ,•• ~. .S.d,-,--;*
• r •;; ; • '0":':::V .4 :': ,) ! , % J .-
' •,. . - -:._":: , . ‘ :..-......4. : */
6ii ' , Ai' Fi iiiiiiiii f i .S:
Erocrire %bull tf. Hat.:ll4t e !
PAt CNttlNlitN. 111.1b11Wly. N. V..
trot lAl.4lslbzion tt 1:16.1".•
14•11 OM 1 4 1441. A.
t'l IAT1:11 Etx. 14. 1 , 031.
141141 44.14•111 NI: Ir con4trurb..l on rbtir. ly firW
pritselpl4.4 werliall;mll, pity • nv.iisig immy
And 441414410 ',lwo vnbt..ol4. 1.4v0n4 mtNblibb.l
by thse suo4t preCosibi experl.4. Ashl prob.libiced 'Ol
Sborliciolreid 1111,cann Donihi:mt
n sit:tight notollo. iwrooo ri ro l, r
n ua k rA tko $.Ol 'K or Tri.K p•rurglo. will
nil' tor It nfol Ito oo't
corforrnot rorO•rt ton log on .410146. 61..T41.11.1,
nosloolol. r to 10. rim, Son.oon
ith or 'llk throw!. Ifoof coaro..l
1.. Iloo+l onoolkor, H av ing t0..ti0.. Mor %An;
%V 11 VA— nn.l it,,. 1.98 , 01 poooilild fl olio'', N fOllO lig
I, 119 Ono, {II W ill
L'aiphatiratia 11%.:-,11..a , .Ifar:aur.
It rirry 'tern cr.ST. 1,41 I.IIIWPr 10 4411 f.
it 111.1/11.11)/ lob.' ja It,. A
I v.. . 4 ur.. of two rah work if .1/.,,41j'y. Sif!./4/141
1 . 4 11u.5.. 40 1,..i.11! Ih 10.4.111
11. bi•ovirrred 0610441 y rofPnil , lrov
• s• altsoorl lte evi Will or urger
311.1 i. I.l' VVIT.I:11 by n.. cobspossy to Novi)
111 , ill !..11..11
indly Invite till wk. n
01 h pill r
1..1. T . NitiVALLI.iI
kili! , .1•••t!
10k I. Goof otr.trititte to ttwor rani , . sill
•. 01 , 1 I.f
••;II • 1..? •11r. 14y ...1:11.1,h, I
%b.,: I : •.. • ....zed UIII 1.. 1.2%,•111.
NtirtuNitllirt: .
iffiNstlVV:ly. $
A.. CO
.4 - .4 ay, it'S I wrii.
• . Arri:vri.pv 1.1 15. I.l'l, • 1,, r.
I 01vit ,, 11.1 wit 1 .1:1v 'I. r. v
1:1 , , , 1„00) 11A \ l . I 74 • ,
.1 , ....•% •
;. /.::A• I. . '
•• • • •••••.•• 1.1 . • 1 . 1) • :•
• Gi.f , UP.../V:r.`,'
I: err. I, iliMit.•ll . All • •1 ,- I . Al ia, rims
WWI carte 110.11
taalt..r• Pt 1 . MON. 14a1a4..11.14a:
11.0111.1.41.. 11,4. a /ma arm, Vara ; sia4 111.0 nt
I.•M 1 fleieht.• for hire piste, 4ese y• 511 “. the
lio* San *Le limas of a hi. It can hr.
ra,ll 11 1 ~ I t W.ll , -fr.. ..... e.
j.cppovpm, 1110
ddl lit..g.. /... , !:CI (.•,0.. 0114 by .e.leihti:cl itt.g
: ; .•:.•ty, oat, a .g,ertly 1041 4 y It li.
.31:ef the It th•tf , thleittp n ptiC , An ill Aei 14 , 4. 1 4 t:
6.114.-1111•. o.
I lor . pal,. are rum. ma s:Wna t
Ni .1 (•:..,1.6.11•1•1•41.•.
rittlezirm ..••11 We:
i.ity I I, H. .t
—........ _ - _ . _
• 4 , /
_C_LV. 4 4 )1 () r Nth-ill:4 •
ntsci .°4 zrnt:sver 01:;1;11;?•.
v •
1 VITUS :Mention to hi. rtrrn k i!.• ap am! 144....
I.oabh• !.s. 2:114 •.
.17 1 / 4 . 1:1.:7'. /; 1.14 1 ).1.1S 1.71 .
hno doors afore Ilse thnrrirnu ihust.
tp . r. ho? 1144 .In.i
I'.l tx.t. 46,,y. a inn a...Walt:it .4 1.
11e t“:
iii and
Is,,.r,•6'uck, Prof A, n•,. 1 (Ad
fut.! /•••it:.,
, ..,••••••• • :• . 1 6", t
e'.•1‘,1••••'• •• :1; ••• 4 . i•• • ".• • • eo•itt-,
1 , 0 , 1 .1, •11.. 4 •. *Ol.
Ye ; .• irs:th. , 5,1( to
I A 15,4 5 , 0,t 0 , .1,5 4 la tr... 155 ,1 rl5 51-
v.. , ar and uttimt cC
of 1= 11 hi rFt.
.e •
, • - I° .
1S • t y •••.'rr,, , T Ci u..AP.! 11.0111 •• •
j• , • • • • . .1$ P • rP: ,j Ur W:f,”• •
I hs,ortnow irl 11"thfr1: .
•••ii;ilLl 1f; 13 IV( WM)
Tt)N I:- 1 1 ) 417 `III P;
tV.rie , tl"o l'to Malitollot Mold , 1' the (front Aootr.rlot
oatoot, M 11 - I'llr A. rqoto tor`oalot -oo
fry to till 11, 110$ tor tor kit -u. 01411 rooootooro oo too t o ,o; i ,i
000 mho 21001 eteci , ll 1 - Vet,l,4
teo , et. 1, , A of ro-1411,,0.t, Ith 1 Itieo4.,
moo.- ot. Slat oriuyts
tho,t lon/ .+1,104 , 4, tzntt 131 ,:toiti-th
(Oh lie., ~r fot,. to , 11 , t, 1 , 0 tont Or
y , o yo,a otr o o t0.0,0r
oroalooool 1111400- 41,1 11l riot y.url
, t.thre, fl oy 00,50t1,1.:t 1111, ;',4
,110 , 404 oArry, 41% the hehte. Ilk,'.
Or ,40,1 dlotrooottort.titoo of t!I :oorotot,
ytootr vrrp ttrrt*«hty, 1 - ,v bar 'ronl, -- 41
0 , / rrs ”t, I, • - the444o t :ttei thj 0,,
, O , t l, - tri - (trot an , - at
11*.' otoot:totio• -too, Otoot otro`r,oottto• ere ,, 0.3.10 , 1, v it I
f , ,ttiilot4ll 'lll ^ rrt.,l ttiv aO.l +4.t4,:t. tf4. ,
14014• t, At,' ~t;,/..4 ut 114, , o > , 01 tti
of OM', the totor,l , .4.14 y of 10114. F 4 ,1
00l to I'OOlU4 thu g 111.,4 Artifo;,h,lll 04 O , Ohil
411.11 11114 tiny ti et .
opieti hinny. l'ol,ol-11,tet
Itkritoo•to null all 4,0 . 41011 4:41%,r414414
Itrntr at 0 00-I.roato t>o,l lotoolot oho iloo to , by
motls t loud sar: 10,1 •at to•lat tota to tot •tiooo, ttoo o :too oi
titittt A tool ottoot 0 otratt Wtil4r 1.40,
1 1 11 411 hoptirtet4 1411 1 1 114. II
.1 4 .4! 14: 1:/.111 I , {l r , a 01,
Ili' x1,11,-.. 14i:1 H 111.141 0, 4 +14•1 s v. ,
irs.r.d , I , l+l 1.401040 i tor oio•ooltoot•o,t oo• • o
titoo 01oo'o•rt I , tt 1 , 11 ill ot,
'IX rot , • tooo,ot, the ttoo!, tof ilto• 000 ..oto ,00,1 ,tt
Vi $Oll Wore 11-40, lee t la 11 tir
41•A4.011„ I,
1',t,'.,'*., - ty I , VUt , , 'l`,
r+t , tv ut:ay ft 1::". y - Ar roir wig;
D. 4,1 ruchs 1'C , 11,1.111. 4114 11t,t lit 3 flu
04110 )111$0111i. 1,11 ,4 MO) soli itiir,
etE4eASItATI;;.: t',11:"511,7,f1.
113 if uota 1+ , 1:11 from o tirterrr
coo , : it way kart, *Mkt, tog mot torrOl4 4 ei'ttatti of
hate Opoo rite tare, tt tor. tot ,rptal. it it 11l iorro the
IP 0 , 1 10L tars 1”•• 'IN a tae , '
ri hi •{ i•i iii••• • I ihit two
I,lt, ;•.. lit .2 *. .1 1 ,b • • , ti 4111 pa , P'l`tl,tli'r hare
ar-= 0,1 t. •1 :,••• to toftlit.,! th o r 011,,
t , ,- •, It , ot
floor rot., tit tr., taa
lir .1. , ) t,n t„•at 141 •s,
nay, I 11 tite we to dintili i tiit i th th • geli 00° 11"01 Ilnr
It 4et talit t y I. oillirtia. , lo bOottirellt , t I .
ttre t;ltrull l'lritatt,tooi,h,o,ll,, , ,i fit th, hair 1 ,1
4,..1311 ratirt iy thit .11.41 lwvi , at.
traaV tArtern Okay latle 31 , 1 ,1 11111 S in 14 , 0 p3r , b3.. , ,
roNmd, ion would soy, by rho 313 , r 4,'30111,
v‘,l, your tiothiuy Attie,* i 1 tally C 0111 1 ,4 op to Pon
r ,,ppipp+. II y o ur 0h404101* iloc,v 111 d on' , P
~, t o rte one ittottir 14titi WO i*Ul to/Aural 1 1 .1. ,, t1qvi.
1.04,111,r It lift a ro.olpt for 41,3 not Hey. %Writ Nlfl fin
tvitittwst ythl Erit amtlivaitool„ praridoet auUru aa.1,1•
thll PHI II hot Otalt, Attarrµ,r, W. 1..14..111K fit Co,
41winhank, N 3 3 Weld roette elt., Syrip3pw, :S. V.
rob ly
EAmbilehod 1828.
11110LES,41.E DRINGIVre.
737 MAllKlet tit, out, door tolow eth. PNIADIMIA.
MAtl7tltC. MIMIC IN PH, ell PM WA I,A,
PA INTO. OIL*. II I.A en. V A ItN ISO Ed, It V PA,
And every wane art kir appertaining to the
tottiotagi, of the boat Tonny.and, ilt tde
NINO Marina igaima.
March iitiOatO,
VAVID IttV.L:SII !.:11(;
10111111 ME
rBO Rd Catilo PROM
fElt II EAT go,
collo us, AM.
V RUA, rwrWllll.:t
ENEIN; Y. Re. It
woe lempreete the
wlnd, Increases
(he appetite-giver
smooth ew:
glewy skin—ling
tree 'forme t
tail. ruble tkekto
To keepers of Cows ibis prepneation Is Inentualdo
”‘ e 7 the noway
the milk. It !ul
,t1:1 pwrcn 1.). as
1111 I . lloeriMetit. to
MOOD 010
ut milk and
cam twenty per
W. and make dm
.tter hem and
.eet. In Intteniug
tile, It piers times
, Ir hide,and
ekes them thrive
In MI 41;n-atnn of
lie Lung+, Liver,
tos., this polies*
nett n 4 a ermine.
Itv ratting from
onrissa u !KIWI'
to a 101111 111
barrel of noll!tlso
*horn Creosol
will he eradicated
of entinly rvven,„
pn,ventirt Nroil cura for this Iton Cholsou.
Price 2 Cents per Paper. or 5 Papers for U.
N. A. 1 7 131,71 - ./. 13110.,
AT S111:111
Viri9t.ll tr. DTI% it AN:I oEros.
No. 116 Franklin St.. Ealtimoro, Md.
~,, Sal, by 110,,,,,,f,E1 n 4 tionOuttlers through.
tett the Chittil nave.
:Y.: - Eta .ele el IN.. 1 , 011 4 1..1(.• or
EY 1.0? 9. morw.?,
:., n h.;";
o it tIS 1.1:4 E.
T it!: t r.• •14 - , iln•IV
(t, .. 0,, , aft Ur., 0 :111 1..
vi ,11
I,f inn
tn 4514 0 I
t•u• t: tii
• by
1.. h,
Apr4ll7 1 , -+ I
I i I %,
11%tR ENTEIIIIN , v!
2.11 M
il :•• •, • • v..• •
F r
•s• * .
GHf.3. 0... , 4'
‘,1!or::,:-1" a:
..; ;:s.;„ ; tIL; rt,P. k
it3l. • , : i; •
i,.,. ,~., _ i , . r
. . . r .. jrrnvy :'y atE te.S ta,
Jo o.
4L:d Stvtgzo4,
i,; 11
, H\l7.f;rlo; !'4 I"
"" • • pr.!,", I
111.• • •, r••
e 0 . 1
th. 'IL
1.. • . Mt'll. to S fr,rty
.... . ....
Al 11 N(.::' ; I (...) T.E. f„
Istsly ,
412 13. tor.
a C. EAltf, El:,
wri . 4 1.•• Ir .11," 0, iriOri,l ;11
• ,t I • II c.
U4l w
+, :WI 411 1r11,11,,,
I it, f'Srinrtu 1 , /1%:/114,
r M-,ltt', 111.!;
lti 4.44,1rnr '‘l.ry I, V. 1.:.
)VILKI:P . 11.%1:11E.
c.101:1: Poi:
Mr, RGn,. 6 , • *; a Lir
!•, •- ,
~ 014 , o •:I C.l fit, I • Li 1111,1t1.
it ,, ,!,11 - u,t v t,a a that $
Itrr4 t 7tlt.d pit. 4 notice to 'to , lotto sen,r
th-it hlt Ie VtiattOat WKI,), Ith.l:lAt, ap,j IN
p r ", trt to wait, t.o vtt'ot 1111011 th , tllO , t
rea,iountsW 191 H, Ili bon botsi iu M. long r.q..11.
PM, 10 11P , ht:44.. , +. rrllatßntlic µID
wtattiu4{lltylltitfit doors in tIII /Me 0“1461 do Vt.,lj to
1141 , 0 11111 a trial,
IN , wittAtirg holo, IQ, INiNi,
NIAMEXI 6110.1 n
The whleektrod reepeettlifty snowmen,/ toot
hob rervithi,l n chop, ono ,Icor home Moyer's lititg
Stow. in ow Esehmilo thintn. whom ho Jo hretmeil
to cooiliiet the nsrliering oo to MI it,. ntnnninin.
Tho Hit of coloring whist rq itfid 111011 09{10100 le
morticed by him flinnt shihrolly. fin Mon deans
clothing, oinking tb. in look nearly no 'Midas now,
mint , the most I . ...Vninnine teruta. Give Win II tritil
fCP Mir TOM , ' oethe Very heat 41uolity, Hoeg for
clerking hair, kept eunsteptly on hand, mill for unlit
Dlenkhodurg, Alaimo 16,1867.—tt.
I. s
,O‘.. :Y. EITC3,
e a • i
... vtinwie•
tt4'..± :f
. ...1 , 0"
This prolotroll , n,
long and t0t.51.1.1,
kiv.wn, will tiler.
ntischly r.•h.rißorula
broken .lott and
low -pilltind hortik,
otrwogtht ping
n,,.1 etwon,
Wounicli stud tutu*.
It Is n sum rm.
' 4tl dI
CA'r A 11'1 I C 1)11,14S
ArmitATl: by their powerful influencer on the
V internal viscera to purify the blood and snotty•
late it into healthy action. They remove the
obetruetions of the atomueb, bowels, lit ev, and other
organs of the body, and, by matoriire there 'eyeglass
anion to health, correct, wherever they esistoitek
derangements as are thus find motes of disease.
An t•titeusive trial of their virtues, by Professor%
l'hymicions, and ratients, hiss shown cures of dam
germs diseases alinest beyond belief, were they not
substantiated by persona of anch exotics) position
and chime:ter as to turbid the ettapicinn of untruth.
Their eertftleittcs arc published in my American
Alumnae, 'which the Agents below mined are
pleased to tallish free to all niquiriag.
a ri o .,,,, er t we give Direviiitot tr their use in the
oomph:intro which they base been foetid to clue.
Fon CurtiVlT4t9o{. —Take OW or two Pine, or
finch quantity es to gently niece the hunch. Coe.
ammo; is frequently (ho eggraviding ems. of
rites. end the cure of one complaint is the cure
of both. No person can feel wet/ while under a
costive habit of body. Mcßee it should be, as It
can be, promptly Mimed.
Volt D1'41'1%1' 4 1.4. which is enmetimee the cense
of naikelleSS, end always uncomfortable, take run
doses from sue In four—to sti late the *tome eh
and liver lotto healthy action. lhey will do it, and
the heanhurn. ?rout, and arm/bum of dyspepsia
will I.:trashy disappear. Alarm it huts grate, don't
forget what cured you.
Fur a Sift 4 61 Al' of, or 31,,r6id heirt, floe
Anneh, which remitters general 1/11)M..4011 of the
spirits and had health, take f four to eight rm.
at first, and untidier dose* afterwards, oath! activity
and strenuth is restored to the ayritetu.
Yon NIKItYtit.OWINtI, Pita Ntl * *Plit
Nitt is Utr Siith:rt , 4, nark, or Sisk take horn how
to eight pills on going to bed. If titer du not opera
ate suinewittly, take more the neat day mail they
41.. ' Thou' complaints will tn. swept not from Oat
are-aeon. Don't flaw and their kindred die ,
1 . 1..1r n 11171134. his find.
h I , :hy,trho.tot, and all Mimi,*
0 .• • 1. t (trely and fteloartitly. to
, , ;. . h r UMW..
ii;', 71 , .1,1it....01 UM/ tt;vapprbt. Many
,i,ll /' art I,cti hcalct up by
,Erse Pill., and
• .t: attic!' totammyrl tn natarata
tk• hare ramp:Orly yiehlt 4 to theit
tviag the tailfrrer its pflarrt health.
the. , e tit variety turbid, that ynat
toeic4if atottnia ihu world ra+ertal
a:Ili h... NIA An or an,
1•( C.. rr of 030 Allah 1)001411111C your
o.ot g Pi
; r r , .; J 'trod off fiiiimia
: (can some ihistigrineitt either
t.. • rilAtrovtions of the I.iter.
r, 'l. •t..:.+liiits tiliAte the Idle and retitle/
it 1.• ,- ,t f. 1 hitt is AN:oqm% to the
i* heitetent4 under.
4 t,rt Indigestion is this systip
t dung, which emptie* the
i„ to 0., ( . 411 ,, e11 the to ovorilow
jra the. 1,14+0.1. '111;9, i lure.% Jnnudire, with I
rt..l grrolig Item of rt ...tileOPlM. Of
r• ,ti!y e.•, seal iiiiiithope, triessiiih
. n r, , v. , ir•..r,1 , .w *pirits, weatines,
•.1 • • with sooirtienrs
: - !:. , drowsitome;
side; the Aria
••••U . IT.
i' I. ;, 1 r
e a grecrtith yellow;
.fire to the touch;
•••. witi. II t , ..p.droey to fever.
t. •.r.O! •••
• • ;.,.• ( A trt . lore of three
•• t 1, •to•I ut two or three
t !t. ry, d U 91 6 1 .--4 ittrott
0.. -t • w-.• keel to antler at ,t r 2.5 rents.
• t , !tl•ts of
to tours ;Lt. , ' u..M tn.;
ovtr. PJi cr..: le rout
; • .• to take,
• ,*, •-r• to
it • •. .1 employed.
f)it. 3. C. At Illt aY CO..
1 r El , nl and Analytical Choiraitti
AN... .: ,, ,Yl,O el
M1144.1'Ul xrt tV•
t rt. t At, City. atm( 1 fret I. et tr.
, tt, rttytont At 1!
• ' : i,pittn.f, ft
:~ .. ti`
• • •• ' ' t : tltt•lV t 4 to two
4 4•
t - a k 18r 81 1 1.' 1 . 881. 81184 1, , f8-41 *4*
I 8 8 , - • 8 • .18 8 18. -81111 1 18 , ,, 14.0 I 1 0.8 8.8 . i,8,8 888
• • •8: • •18 • 1 V UP: p•tie It •
r ,8 28, (.14
; 1 • ' 1 •• " 1 44. if 0 west.
, „ :I I.y *l' We west, try
i 1 ..
•- ; PENN . A.
1 L f uratoE. Y,
• L ru 141,1114% 4;I`ERETT.I
••• ••: Ix-It ko.ets4 PIO
,• f •1111'4110" ht. .• • tt it"" 1,11.1 e.
I. t - Ikl[ the Its •
(0, ..10 1 1 , 4 tit.' t• , 11 . 11‘e..n na,l
••t• t, t ,
,• ,r ruo,ll. doXitYlt.e hll.
11 , 04 11 , 4,1 tor tho nter.
:s. hr 0 11
r 10 th , tr 11,1,011:111.0111fOrt. Thy
1.% "h , " 1706401 g, "I a guml 01:11", nn4
4"1:ei , 1 asuuuxrd h. p ., "tlefe th,
= I == 61' Uirilt,led tt , ,th thst
t == Liar ly
int th=t=tit MU
. 1.,
1. , 1 ,
1512.41t2. .I=l UNIX/A .
t April 3, '67-tr.
rarcietti ti attbtu tker anti Jeweler.
Ai Al N SP ft EET, (near the Court House,)
ropotkpr !mad ft tine nogortmont of A Mhtitaft
, '•V , (lochs, Jewelry, tithe; vt atv and
Pt. 4,110,1;411.1 paid to Ito. reitotrimg or clocks
Watt it,: 0t,..1 3rti.rt ry. 51urks math: It)
r. Ali is tot( tVartticto4l,
Itttotooootrt. April 17 087.
REmovAL 01?
If X Sr- IS
1r 0 as
To sffiveys BLOCK.
ot kV * xr orrics,”
11l Pt 4."4...;;ftif,1 -11'i414, reC+.ilto4 from th e eity
4 pp!) , Bt
t;•.)oitS AND
To,mme, tin,thvor,, Ce
dar eizzlV War,, 4.ollrtzeunz
v 4:111 , ,z.‘‘ Zs rv, Toboaro, thn and
SZKzev. Satt. rtga uwll Moat or
t~Meltt propo , ti selling at It Vl:iy law elptga:io,
en-b or rr , itoro.
aid .nn. C C.MARL
I N , April 3, Port
oak, , to DR3tOrRAI' AND STMA ripgdld~, Ns
Morth 'O7.
1 u dte beet me&
4. They All'oelkl be takeu frte;v
: I ta u • impel-0141111;A row
• I n • di .114 . 5 will Leowei4 eut, or tho
e the wbvt. Ity 111114140 re, ty
ne,ll prelentittu ni.•kue.+ a* by
~ao. nijra they we making era,
, ..,
, t1,1.1!411:4 , 4 1, 114401
• • 1 : 4 •,..0 1111,1114 ,r
' !.; a,:l alur:k tuvistifte
isl.oo3lBlll'ML PA.
C. C.