Bloomsburg democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1867-1869, September 04, 1867, Image 3

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    ' . .: 1 1 . . 40titg I . Itt# ',,:, iiiioititi.
We4nesdity, Sept. 1, 1'467.
Wi Witt thank our tenons ent nit loco, Nellie.
fe Area in their inotodinie 1(01'1110c if they no not
deetto to Write n coothinftholthil for the poitho
et Meth rend He a brier etnivineot of evotyththg of
Menet in therr riewertivr ounoitnititiee. A hut or
Ithitriryee, dreths, nrrhleme, Oros, rentovale, heel-
Pros (hunger, kr, WI , win lot them in Corgis. The
More hole of title kited we ran rttt the better it n Oil
roil OP and one toOdere. Wondo it t
To Annoittopoc— i.vro.foof o I.lli ne n+teertiermont•
triortod, marl baud them in rally ph TOPOrtay rititn=
nit in irtmirr their that Ulna far that week.
Pir The amounts of the firtn ref im . olly
kg. urmAN ns far as sr ot out for eolleetion
lire in the hands of the followhttt persons:
il/i7Yllo Totrttd.44--slottN IL lit :run;
fieirrer.—BEN.t. ZIMAtERMAN. P. 31'.
CAM1 , 111:1 1.. P. 11,
Rforringrreck, ifia hinet
Sugarloaf T0wn,.14, NIL , for colloo ion
have been plaeo; in the 113101,. of Mom toot. ,
FRY 0/1.1 , 1, tt* whom pnyinctit it ro4ilif•,l , kl
made attlte earlie t oottveoietice.
to Scott. Town- hip. all hoowittz
ilkon 4 elves nod
tolvertiNing, to the Drmoriivr, v, ill 1..1 , w
)make payment to .1,,41,1. 0
Benton. —I OANIEL, IL%l,rM.tiN'.
ironqe.—M Iclrt K1.11.11t.
I 1.1,1 AM Mf'Nt \fit.
J/emiode.--JIrtNIEG NIA it ‘,
L'ulastoirg---3.lroiti:.s 31. .1.1.14t0nn0.
.6- Very intere-tint; torAter on the first
Inge pP tf)-dsy's I)Emo3t°stAT.
W 41.. . NOE CARVER'S;'chant 14 in NI
4 , last in tint new bniHing, *kb t0pt , ,, , E , 1i
three liutniro4
Mr. Llupl dm firm of
Paxton & • nt 1:11.
01;14 hem) ill cm* Om , ;.'• t
‘Whou Lt 4 11 , m4 he tr. , Orb 1!1.2•
tail" 4( = e'..! aflero I.
tertiMmilo a Dr. 11..w•a*.
Nhoe, flat awl rap .''tora, t.) I.r.m
-bCRAT. has !Loll aia r„:.. a tri
Welkelvetell ,totI•
0;•;.r The romipts to Ow IN:No vr for
the mouth of A1t ,, 04t will app ,, nr in our
next paper, on oceount of our tt , ,t Irtvine.
the ema to stoke thout up fx the pre ,cot
LW* J. N. thiEnt mom is ttylt:tvr nut
t"plentlitl orelothing, np
f , eir, With the 11,i-tano! of his skillful cm
wolk wiN I,n inti , ,,:ve any.
'whom, an iwa rant, to n ver ; Ivo
;dint a trial.
ttio4erat,t ,et in tit}
night !wt. an I till 8 o'clfk,k 00
Tuesday mortiiliu, turtlsint , the rtta,l-4 wet
owl muddy. The att.•ml t;iee at rActrt wi
t - cry slim oil Tae-lay. pill iu eon-, H
of the weatle
Wr New Goods at Storo.
Calicoes tort:;, per yard: 1; inc . .; on , , rt , .:
Muslin,: 12 etm; Sugar I!“ re -
2:*.i to 70 et , .. api To. gv• t 1:;„
Store to trade. They do well and vo I one.
rejoicing over tteir good 1 a rv:tin,..
1 1 r. Durkin, 11;1 , 1. tql arr.
and is now enntitied in the
jail. Ti , mer's i• MI ir` • to
be Janv, Deltimer. It wa, an:••;. • 1 at
White !in}!, New fork. Tb.'
voittbient ha rim }ti- ;ph •..
Gootts.----.1. .1. lino r. 1 IC,P.!
jUSt returned front the eitie 4', it h a
large and well sp . o.eted Rack of dry tystdes
and groceries, at to
buyers by Felling finun 5 to cc colt.
cheaper tleit at, any ether e-taldishlnen: in
town. Cive hint a ran, all ye who de,dte to
tare inonc.,,
thvi: 11In A CALL.--If there are any
persons in this vicinity alto are not aireali
aware or the f urt, we will gly for thvir L 1 ne•
Ht that P. A. 110,1,1cy, on the ' 4 llntli
earner of Market and Main htre , l4, in this
Place. has a sibtulhi ft ~ ,, rtitiont of hoot-.
shoes, trunks, Ike., which he is selling at r,
tuarkahly low prices.
COURT.—As we go to press Court irG still
in Femion. The amtidanee is not large.—
?wing to the bad health of dad:le Lt.wELL
no r i v ii ca w', will be trio 1 at till , 0.1111.
'le Cont. will be I of. In
out 'next pap r wi3l lie blind a ~yn of
the proceedings. Court is e , :iwetod to ad
journ on TharAay.
Sfr .141olphti th« t. cat Iroelw nnl
Root Doctor, will visit this place, on the
17th and ISth 1114. lie can he
in his room-, at the ;'wiz , (lute), in relation
to Rhettniatka, Cancer, Fits, : 4 011.
Eyos, White, hewn, PIO
all discuses to which cow& ai
Stir JOHN MORA N. of Centralia Boron
Columbia County, is carrying on the boot
and Aloe business in all its branches. lie
t capital work man,—no better in the
Antry,—and enjoys the yonrni, nye o f his
entire community. All who tly:•ite a tiffs-:r p
pair of boots or shoes matte, with despatch
and cheap for rash, call at the e..tabli
moot if Mr. Mon.t:.;.
4Nr.— On T0. , ,1ay last, Inch
town. met with a serious
premature discharge or pow
was preparing to blaht rock ore
mines near this place, whieb
Wes and terribly mangled hi„,
He is hot expected to t,urvive
Se i a 111311 of considerable
t', W
v out
0 fa
WV dun those or our
in our Often the forepart
their :utbnriptions to
agveil nothing like
ve been paiti
ittAnnla nee nt Court,
--for nroesiouper
. ean find plenty
' ry purpons,
Kew almost
iV At Blifralo, on We& , the foist
trotter Pester Mode his mile in 2. I eis which
is the beet time eirettretted in harness by
seeontie: Afier the trot Dexieiwtal rad
to Robert Bonner, of Nait York, for over
ebi woo.
Tito Chairman 'of the Democrntiu
Standing I 'emelt tee of Columbia ( 1 4NrInty,
(Jul. John G. Prerm, has issued a call lin a
11 1 ..;.t i tin of ,nid cooooittoo at the Register's
Offwe, in illoomAurg, on Monday, the tlth
inst. A full attendaere to requestlil. •
bur On Sanday u week the body or an
unknown man was !blind drowned in the
Delaware river near the Lazaretto. On his
all , a r,-,o and Ow word "Philadelphia,"
wore picked with India ink, nutrks insuffi
cient to identity him. He had Ewen in the
water a long time before discovery, and was
%cry nitwit decayed and swollen.
The recce t changeable weather has
produced a peat deal or Avkil(NB through
out the country, eveeially among ehiblren,
an 1 in many enema the di*ew•es hare tenni
tri,e4l fatally, ~No doubt mach of the gene
r health i± caused by ovei-!tolulgenee in
unripe fruita awl vegetables. They should
eale rells avuialral. Itipe fruits, on the
contrary, shauld be extol:41111y used. They
are a touch more healthy article ordiet than
, daily in %aim weather, an ;l the
same may he said, of all ripe veto:llde
.kei a 1); t Sinrr.—On Sunday 1 ist.
Mr. henry Shraub, of l'inegrove township.
was ace lethally killed by the disehargo of
his gun. lie was out hunting, with others,
near Tremont, when the dogs chased a
e.romel hog intohis hole, the man tried
1,, a: rim out, when Mr. Shraub reached
for bi- gun, which was lying on the ground.
lie *l,w:et:lowly td it towards him by
thy* monde, when the ha miner caught in the
1m:1011nm-11 Told the gun ttystiimlorgod, the
: , 1 ing thron:h his lakaiL 1 iiliug hin,
nol t es a with and moor three
ef ' ,7,' AY All krrd.
wmtot.r. —Ti! ll,puf,/i'r a thi,4
the 4harswo
opiu: aUor 100;az vaikd upun by sts ia
tao-a hal;raire tu This
f.l-1-1 , ; a :tititme of that iirimter in
which 1.:. 1 .!:14.: id' the Stnte
an . 1 4 0111W:h. • OW Tlity tom:,
the h.u~tit.. , fl ,tittbo. hut ar ; afraid to
:airy it to tfs it reallor.,c This ouvardice
and Cie 4.-au , e thorenf a e er .
by taauy voters , tweta the r r eAm t.
Ouse :aid th, s,eund Tuesday of Octuh,r
again iCi tridibl.
~,t ; rmt. lie lE=i9 tined the
ittraps Fheridan and
Siekks, an I ail dly ye.• illy the two great
haiw,bilin -.11 awl Grant, were quietly
,hulking tlw or 1. It is said that
the tii , ww:lll:-Ided with the
liter e 1 "the Great Vinninoner" to
id" hi Whirl, Thadil-ns
that the distrkt commanders (wad be
rtqw,ved the con•unt ur the
Lck or hi tori••aioi
the rut or thg , I nnq I , r! 3 1:It.le
it rot.edit , ;t•rt"the
ItATiw nel 3 /7-. / , ir, tier hi', he (Al r
inaot t ••••••‘ txtritortlioaty !cum
in bat lit , i.lis•Ws that thn .1; ` ,1,0,/it' , /.0 as
wi:Pt it 0.1111 nut prt•vrt t when it
that norara.-: , "Ft •••trlit sbittlata• to :It •ttl
\l'.•:t•- •tt ••• '••r \Vu •1•. , ••
ito! I Itt•• • •s: I• •toI it watt 11 , 4 liwth
••••m;ng. Th. • • ;:t a. a the 14 , 0'•11e017 f a lls
C.. tilt' " LID .1111(1 ' 14' his cotemportaries.
110,... tlitr. provAke ?
)10' "11:o:• ,,,, I be the man whn first
oulit Safiehtt Mma,
L'o , "IM) ht. cli hot In Mar
h 01 • :t hit in man: nimlt.rn
. . lcdigetti•m. Nervous., bisorders,
bctlimb, aml a lmst 4'; her emnpiaint,
1!.•r nil aicli there is a remedy. and staleters
may nun exclaim, 111 , !1)):111 Wht
iNv:mbsi the l'iamatbm !litters ! ' This (1, -
lioikats ( . ..rdial mit line bmie is t elw hailed
by t ilhtni 38 the great kaltii. 4 .;ivcr and
Itesm.c.% Ilesn!ve tnlilly a !mole aml don't
p on it. ' wi.e in time,"
:k , \\*ATER. A 11(147110111
art , t;e--upotior to COliTllO Mlll at half
v..i• Sr,
Tho IJemovraaof Schuylkill County held
their noviinatitor Convention on the linh
and took, the ticket :
..b.dp—ineolf. Kline. Pott , rille,
in. X Handal', North Man-
Afga , P. E. Niee,
Miehad reard, Tannoina.
Korn... Orwig,lntrg.
i;',aeber, Tnsearora.
Trnrrlir,r--l' . .dhs;ud Bradley. 31inermille.
',/,tio7..sio.ree— Pat rid: 1 )ormor, St. Clair.
ql itwir—ltiehard Uolahan,
....17/.l.(,,e—So:onnm L. 'Kirk, Trenont.
r 7„ Here is nothing very interesting in
the papers, from \Valfifmton, as we go to
pre- , . The Prcshlent Las at last "put his
foot down," and it has had the f rood effect
to quiet the enemies or the country—the
Sheridan wad Sickles, two mill.
wry ellieftaips in the inteali st of the Mull
en! party, have Lepn mihmv,l to take up their
10114 aa.l walk, from the Al affluent they
are now commanding,. The Iladicals have
about &it ti up over the matter, 14 fo:o.
Johnson would arrest some of them and
put them in Volt Lincoln or some other Ale
tested hostile. Be a little cautious gentle.
teen, Andrew J. has his eye on you!
Dom" For the intbrmntion of our friends,
and cqieeially tinec partiva who have been
ercrmelN rind btborimtsly engaged in trying
to destroy our buninesn, we would state that
the circulation of the DENtoett.yr in to-day
as large as it tcas last year UN or Wore the
lst of September. It in true, wepritned OUP
list at the commencement or the new volume
(as every editor does,) besides the Pone.
cratic ColiiinUonaca sumeded in having a
few subscriptions stopped, but that reduction
has long since /wen mode up• Thanks to
our friends. Three cheers for the bolo
(TAT! and as ninny Tigers u yon please to
throw in.
At Orangeville, on the 22nd ult., by Bev.
William C. !leaner, Mr. John Coleman, to
Aliss Caroline Itolirbach, both of ColuMbia
County, Pa.
On tl 28th of Auguat, at Town Bill,
by Rev. K Wadsworth, Mr Sheridan R.
liaeltalew, or Plains, 11111101110 County, to
Mims M. Ansa Mom, of Fairmount, Pu.
On the 20th ' at the same place by
the same, Mr, A. C. Kingmbnry, to '.sliss
Duleie Fulmar, all or Huntington, 'A
mino:, County Pa.
the 29th lilt,. at the same Omen, and
by the same, Mr. Benjamin B. Ilikllttek, to
Miss Catharine Meliek, of Huntington, all
or Lennie County, Pa.
On the :ilst tilt_ by the Bev. William J.
Eycr, Frederick 'loose ' to Miss Veil:lda
Ann Varner, both or Catawima, Columbia
In Bloomsburg on the 20th ult., sir.
John Ilalloway, awed 55 years, Ho was
formerly of Clinton county.
In Bloomsburg, on Sunday evening. last,
Yltontas P., little son of Edward and Eliza
beth Rauhogs, aged 5 mouths and 1 week.
In Benton, Aug, 24th 1567, Laurabolla
M'llenry aged six years, nine months and
eleven days, daughter of Russel P. and
Margaret 31'1 Jeffry.
711111164,CT itEPOUIN
Wheat per loisbel $2 oo
Corn, I 111
hit 4 . 74)
CI •
01 cr..4. , , 1
Fla X.VI . 1 4 I
Dry*, , .'t ~, “
1.0,...1 Mildvs f f
i..l:;:t 110,4 "
li f r l'cr b. •
ado, 4" rel, .... .. , .
Kic.B ,
Tffm!"-1' 4104,,,k,
Latrtl 141. rollliti"
111,; ', f I f .
....W. ~
, :1 . 10,11011 : ,
I I . ‘ 1, ,, r tun
roll WV' ror tEEti 1 4 : E pollootpt,
t. h. reht` rlvrn 1111 t 1, 4atopninty•
tbv • (.oo= of .1;0 oft 11,11.. 111 , or vv.111,7,
1'01,1414Ni 47011111 y, ha ra been grant.
r = ,l ht. 11,4. lt“gt , t,r 41i WWI ih . .l..ty to ...Unbolt K e rn
Wt.. ( 4 1W1141/p : and all P. lo4V•
ink 0:111o, 41:111110 Into t 040• tat* roptvolvol l 0 1-9., , ,ttut
t h . ut to r x, tri l l 1,4 O Villtiettl. llowt‘tt Ittlaw•
mg tilt IM,riVeS nolkt 14ttyttitteIt.
31 Kit 11.1.AiNS, Eleeitt/iX.
Thr. Propri , lor rqinvated and refitted bin
ttLeTA I itAN in tin: frpt
th. ttmtl 0000, 0 .10, tr,oly rcqltrit 11 etth1111.1311.• rf
the 00 rthatge ed th. uiJ eurthmeire, :04 tleittiillly iu
tt , the hth 1451 If bt ilet% tha.ti
(”11 ,, AN :
lr' S , ll l . - 1
Sh ELL 0/ 111
S 4 k
• (
CANNED 017: 4 7'ERS
Web:4llt*Lir ovsTcus, 'Trim ru4u.
iln nr tow, per Wtit , , HAM AN')
E.4/“S. TRW. ilitt.opVi A, twolt.f
l.iQi'Uit A N ('TIC AII .
a?' ttp.t , r* c:11,1 Int .tttVt , 'l op to to,tooters at a
sTEWMI, eiIAFT.D. FRIED, 011. 114 w.
to Fria tYlri irt t of Ur ,pitur inn
jinni F. chst,ocV`
Bloomsburg, 'Viola Itt 1 , 44.
*ltoultl harm mini! that
IL W. CUE tsy & to. 0,11.14110 y oil trot,'
IC HT ca - CfP 1;141 1
All kinds of good Good.. for takli or coun
try produce.
11. W. CREASY & Co
Ititett 1.1r,t ,-, t. I tly le, 1:467
t ;-+ Cll A T.
Corot onsism. Fugue, which way with your
bonds , '
Tiny eitt ;
.4,1,0111'0 10 STl' , ;
MAI ;•.:, luin , if a i.l{ n fair itlCrition. wlrrt: Mt/ you
rar.lipit I
it, at kittlt r Victory.
%%11.5*. Itt twit I
It. v.).1 it imp:to get enriting
,tOOO Th. re. N.IOE , tilY .1 tor 6 tti. per In. it . pot
take and bring phir wool, ~e bt4 (o , totilt big nta•
(11111 , Ulla got 10.101 , taril,loll. 1./..1 P 1 0 1 1 It Hs u /0 r
folk '114) Blade *bare, hr 1111 1 4 1 tl , lllllllg. 1 1 / 1 1 1 11 .11111 1 1 1.
,Ingw s s r . a,1011. lb! Pup., for an roxottoloolg
t ton L 0 111 so,wll otv.. at a otAatw.r.. taint
toll wool at 011n0r111 111 , ! rtOre. Bt 1 /(40'p:1'1 11 e. 11111
111 to: o 0 , 1 to. Ater. tlthfir cloth for lul•
lirg chloi u,g t....l.ll.eisitte.
UV, rg4 Since .Iqllo LI Vance hae been
rit,ht‘ly at 1103 11 , 11111 1 e*s. Wllll one regtilia [Otte. No
111.11 11101 d.rteni Hi 1,1,1 1110.1+. 11101 and poor 011
51 . 1 1 i.! atilt”.
Nau~lllry noir Or tie ville, PlPtt,ant Tnaq
hip, C. hi Couitt.Y.
rOnti VANCE.
Anpull, 1-67,
Tnroindarsnin.; H. pe: ;lilt !I v annotincro to
nntuy rlnflnln that he ha+ ontnn.o a new (Tod" 4 ,0
4:era leaa , a'a t'ointAhin; St..k., In On inu r rxna 4.1
the Hartman Uurtdiugr„ rowtien*t cur ritr tit Main and
Markut citrvetii, Inountrnury, ht.
Hiving jest retuned front rtitludelph 4 Wiiil nluge
Stock of
Fail and Winoer Clothing
and Ci.atleaten's Parnithing Itootta, ke , dot. He flat.
tu4a titataalt that Ite tan pitlate all. atatk eua•
1117.‘" 8 AND 11015 CLOTHING,
4lith n 4
V 1:$111,
wir ,
usr rxDriuc,
god in Net everythinc in the Clothing Of rti rninhing
tole fit cr •
rrnli LITIO
In ;Wit lon to the ith , ivc lie hap an elegant aunt.
went ,ir
Clcither, Cilsi , ilnerS. and Vcstings.
.c-. 7" ClOlllll2 mad.. tonuler ihn
' , n u and son benne purchasing elsere, t tiec
o r i l dwe hi, INA.
White Liquid Enamel,
For Improving and Denti4 the the Crimplesinn.
I be moot vithiable end pr , r el prepnridon I u not for
giving the oath a beautiful tint. OM
only found in youth. It quickly remove. Tan. Nruck •
lee, Piniptes Welching, Moth Patches, Pallowneos
Eruptions and Inniortlies of the skin, kindly healing
the woe leaving the akin while and clear as MAW.
tor. Ito use cannot tio detected by the closest mu •
tiny, and being a vegmoblu preparation Is perfectly
barmiest. It is the oat y ankle of the hind used by
ins French, and ho cunahlernd by the Pariaisn as In.
diopenaible to a perfect toilet. Upwards of IU.OOO
bomber were sold Miring the past yrnr, a samninat
guarantee of Its efficacy. Price only 73 team--
dont by mall, post , prod. On receipt of an older, by
MOM MUTTS & OM, Munk°,
Feb g 7 INN—ty 800 liver M.Troy. N.Y.
Aura. Iketener 0.41 a,
Pittiturf. h.
think I am only doing 14 Pert of a good
Mixon whim I testify to the groat Welke remised
by mu ream the uor ref your Moment' illiateSo daring
the last five yearn, hoMurning for n time in the oil
in MI, I had 4 severe Mho** *hark, which
in conotetion with dyspepsia, lett Mein* very wit.*
Was advised 0, try your Bitters, end,
haring pudetred a battle, found that they worked
like a charm upon me, eight pound. having been
added ta my weight in the *Pam of one nook, and
new life semen Ia lamberts fadeout into my syo
tem, so web an, Duo I have been Winced to use
them every summer ohms that time, As a mule, I
think they arc invemums,
This eummer.ll3VlUg had a similar ntfack, (and
as be One, mite!, reduced,) 010040 under tae wet.
mot of an A No. I phylittian, I was again emoted
to have recourse M the old hitter*, and wish the
ammo good room. having mimed ma peunds within a
few days. I purchased a halt domm koala* 0 few
weeks sines, libtl tatritoso to eau them regularly A.
t OH tr.
imh Jog ynti every nuccroc I MIMIC
Yours, 104 , .(t0L
August It, 1,167,-4w,
IDE or ItitiN, wiliploot the Mood with its LW&
ELt giviog strength. villt", and new
life 11) then hole *potent.
If the th itiolilithi who are Platting (non D****proik
rt..IIAI.P WE'sl±lll , olrs. dce« WOlll4 but W.(
the *Woe* of the I'r Vat P, the coact would
not only asloui.h theuasuirns bat would please nil
11wIIfrinads; Olt inottuld 44 (41113(1%110W, "4111144M5 "
and intolerable, !buy WO.llll he nitoorritl, vivito An and
A visrcvot!it4 . ttr.n
i 4 I )
I have If frit the l'e.aintint SYRON. 1111111 the ttolill
Cully outlining ,vigut intglitlion. it 114* 11144e41,5y
04 41f Of 01
1 , 100 lino Rydem now 4 , 0 1
; l 4 10 na lan. 1.114,11itid..d,
414 Miro you lgot tato egit, 41,1 titniginn. hednitt,
and 011 0 Mega calumny for ialuir.iiitinui and palti•
cal . lit tiii) Unto dining the lust the yeato "
Thinand.. trail befit rhistged by titotior of tato inanity
from riot., Aft Al" affirm* tratarow to .ttrvitg, bcattky t
oo ,"boer t t men. oar/ oilmen ; oast IttVetsl , l to 4104 .1 , 111011:
atty ht.l , tto ore an t 'tot.
Is gtinggin: . likatt.l3,o4 SV4VP " blOWn ill tliu
A 3 . : pup l'aiitliltt trill tk,, pot
4. I'. tit VtgSlt l'tivrittn..
tny tit Picw Volk.
Sotil by all I.nunnno.
. 3 . I
t • E.
Owe—to , fiat jig 10,4110111 , 14 , d It it itv•
ttagi) for wrolto WWI a io•Vttitt attitrttilt.
H.,' ding tnt IP. Of tliil4 011 ,4 11
11111141/ (1 4 14 . 1V11111 toy r4lirr. until C tlppflod poir
;Mr-. %%11101 4441 , 41 .4 .1,1110 , 4 111141 twintAttelit rot , ,
1 titilt . tttre terl happy pl.:vilify toy road it'll , o 111 tta
1.1t1.1104 1 1, 11 H. 14114 tehirvrt.
A 11 ht. 1;1; t!tt
I ohtry to tho it otttrattot of the ~Ooto ph4teittoot.
it S. PLahototts.
tt lAA tl', riAvt.t: soN, rropri, two,
5.4,111 ail D mi3tl .l., r.l it rttote A AAA.
A f,;01.4
Utz. J. 1;1t1"..1).. eutmiltitig Phy,kian,
I}ieatlVW4f. New York.
ePITI Tug AT %FAT in WI 44.9 , etNwndl,
,14,‘,140, urinary and 111,0.4 ,, es in a,nir Of fn.
male. A !vino Free and Entrnsnoinintine
ad.n4ial. iJan.9,lra7.—ly.
SUMO Of. pent trke. Nst capital r.vroti. Lathe. or
Genfirionn can earn irttnt .41:1.1* td ‘110.09 per day. -
I:ncloae tottistsp.ami 414t,hrolt
& Gtr., Eighth Pt., New York.
Jan, 9. I ,ti7,--Iy.
The 141.,tions ot u ttes opposite sex to iy be gained by
((Mowing simpfr ruler. mot MI may ma rry happily.
if desired, %Mtn t, , xx(+l to weaho. age Of 4 1'40 y
Sind itifectA envelope and stamp tot mittietttmo to
Simlam 1.1111.14: DEM A IMP"
Otte Itousg. New York.
Jim. 1,416.-1 y
If yno are, rutforing fr o m thPetnTta of Youthful In.
Aiws+ahoi usht has n s,uinal %Yeahueas,ll.nitoiou*,
6,„ I win p.m! you, (rOl of ehAre,.., iftrortootion
whh if Nnew., will cure you without the 411 0
110 , i if' tr,a. .1,14 r.llO 1?V It V #IIEV,
Jan. h, hlahou I),Noa. Yotk.
And Catarrh, treated with the utmost Olire" 4l4 , J.
is A Aer!. , 41, D. I kittl,t :and Aortst (f , r1“1: V “MeY'•
fl , l, 114,113/Id,) No. 413 N Sweet. 191 1 1,A1FA,
T,t,titterttat., fiat thi. MOM reHatth, soorc 4 va to th.
City 0114 Country cati be neca ttt hie (Are. The med.
je3l thetitty are invited to mrottwatty their patioto
PA he tit. till Iteetet3 in hint Name*.
FS ES. 111Sef led without PAIL No rhttrge tor 1 . 14 , 11.
intitl , l4l. I April 14. I,ol.—ty
A large 6 pp. Orr: ll4 r, givins information or itni
g r,4,1t,t4 importunes to the young of both OM*.
It (P mho a how tho homely may:heennie beautiful,
the 4t,iptood respornot. and tho fornaaen loved.
No rung lady or gentleman Pholliti ritil to VOW
fin* address, 411 , i reeoive 4 , iwy postpaid, by re.
torn loud A 4 fr , ,4 I' U. o:uwor, 41. Prey, N. V.
Feb 181i7 ly
CXperience of the yam ten year. ham dames
rtrated the fact that reltaace ta,ty to; plarea in the of
ticary of
Dell's Specific Pills,
rot the r peedy find permanent cure of ftemiall vregk.,
nest. Eint,sions, I9tysteal find Nervous ilehtlily,lnt•
potence, cr mom of power, the result .4 Sexual Ex.
tees, tir Youthful lgliscrellott,whlch neglected rains
the happiness, nut unflta the sufferer Mt thisiness.
Social [Society or ►unlace, and often terminates in
on untimely grave. Make no delay in seeking the
t , lllll V. It is entirely vegetable mot harmless on
the syst,an, can be weed without .letertion ar inter•
tetente w ith business poreults,ntid no ettalip el eta
is necessary while twang them. Price. One hatter.
IC }on cannot fret them of rut, draxgist, send the
motley to pc J. Wynn, 819 Urna,lway, New York,
and they will be sent hen front observation by 'elan,-
Private Into to nentlemen pent free on nppH
eatioo. Jan. V, 1067, ly C. tic Co,
If you requite a tellable remedy to reotore yol,ond
rtqw,vr I rillrldar rtirqi er Oboartirl ion*, why hot tire
the beet I ThiOy yr hre experience hoe provot4 that
Dr. Harvey's Female Pile,
have no equal (Or Removing Obronetiong and Ovec •
'doilies. Na miter from *hot calm theyitioa.
They are rate mid gore in every NW. Price, Ono
UMW, per bea
Dr. Harvey's Golden Pills,
Is a remedy four degrees arranger than tiro above,
and intended for special eatlell Of long idanding,
Prtee, Ftve Donate pet
A Ladies' Mardis Cirtotat, with fingratings,
rris nn nriplicaton,
If you ammo get ilia Nth; of your druggist, send
the money to 14,1. Uryan. ale Prondwny, New York,
and they will be sent free train obriervatiou by tattoo
of wail. Jan.!), 1i411,-1,
madams y",. F. Thornton, the prest English Astro'.
ogist, Cloit soyaot Lod rsycholoutrleso, who ha•
estoolshed the Prollilfir classes Of the Old World,
has now 'firmed herself al. Iltlddon, N. V. Med tine
Thornton possesses robt wonderful powers or sec
ond woht, alto unable her to Import knowledge of
the greatest importance to the single or Married et
ellhei Iwo. While 10 a state of Ingots, slle deline
ates the very features or the person yon are to nom
ry, and by the aid of an instrument of Intense pow•
er, hboWn no the esychoroutrope, guarantee. to pro.
duce a hfa-like *tome the future husband Or wife
of the applicant, together with dew of marriage. po•
anion in life, wading traits of sharaeter, 40, This
Is no humbug, as iliousiande of testimonlele win as•
pert• She will send whoa desired a ?milled cergfl•
cate, Of written otterentee, that the plrlnte le Whet
It purports lobo, ily ens:login; a smell leek of heir,
and stating plata of birth, so., disposition and com•
plesion,and enclosing MO Den. and stamped entre •
nog addressed I. yourself, you will revels* the pic
ture and deeired informetioa by return atoll. All
eointuunications leered ly confidentlel. Address In
conlidence, MADAME I. P.IIIOIILNTON. P. 0. Ikvt
W. Hudson, N. Y. Rob 117
A Mid‘ilVlZY. Ort 1:I1it, PO,
ETlTROTifliff YoUT IT.
A irlenilAntaa *An 'altered for yet', from 'Nervous
Ptumittura limo,. and all the afrirrto of
yawn Ful indioridlon, will, for the mean nr antrerina
ImbibrillY, rm., In ail who need it, the recipe
and dirretiros rat tnalttol tho elmple rern....ty by
which hi. WC. cured, 14111rerori *1•111111 to [milli by
Ihn adaeriweir'd eaperietww,can do in by •d.lreselho
In prtft,t Nididrtica, 3011 N B. OtlItY.A. 41 Vadat
html,to New York. Nay dl, lao7,
I ()VEIN Glltl.o AND norrivE 110101, read Ile
a Ild4fellenll ef.yl.llllle amid IM evatcand I will sand
you .nine rtithnhln p1 , .116,1 you.
Add tens M ARY MWI R.ICII itruitilway, N. Y.
May la. iy.
lefillOOttY 04 MAN 1$ WTRYNUIII . A Benne
Mua who rittrorod for yearn front Nervous and
naliMal Debility, Nightly Euitorinns, and nominal
Whatnots*. the rrrult of mid
eillve Neat enitiltit his days in hoprlrrs iiiimpry,
ref the tilt. or sult..ring 111111. nond to ithr one nflllci•
meal,* u•ell by hint. whirl. rfurtnll IA
earn in a tnw to enks arise Ml' n „„, u ,„ u ,
rundlethea. n dirortnd nuvo4ope and stamp and
will tfirt yea Within% Adel /PI%
EDGAR 114101.11 N, ilst It ht. N , Y. City,
El 1 4 : A U 1' Y
AUBURN. 11101.11 EN, FLAXEN & MI [ACM Cl.r111:14.
Prn by Ih. Oaf Or 1 . , Or. DEUR kW( ISP.II
LK Fill; V F'.l X. Into ropplicatioci warrnnlnn In curl
lli Intmt pltufght uud attildairli h a ir id' ' H z
Into wnry rinsl.l4.or hravy sinissirs cut 111. His
104 n need by the foolunnubb... 01 Patin and London
M ill, tb.r u,nrl R rnir ) •,.• rrytilic 11OOM on ini.trY
lb. twit'. Price by no.ll. analod and itonlyinbl 81.-
11n.1•roptive rtroiltint 11,1111, 11 flee.
0111!T & 1)., No. go3R.Vat NC. Troy.
N. V., Mule Avon,' Int the llintold &men.
reb..4l, Idta —ly.
(;RACE'S Clil•Ii1111.1'1'1 , :1) SALVE.
From 3tr. L. l'inekar. D 111,4 1111t1114 9 t at Nalisbury.
•1 linve lwen trotthle,lf..r years with ■ hs,l humor
.1114.111111•11 011114'4,4 1 Y. stint 401111q111mr. ihwardly,—
Dims. Ih,• pant •umuter It munirnototl It arlf wove
Huth still I Anent Pain, AII
111111 p. or II bore 1111100 almpprared. Will k I or, c tior
Illy illdlttlllllll, 1 iil.lllll, the triolie“tiss na•
lure of U.., Pale •'
Ni W.FOWLE, At. SON • 1111.tnn ribrrivinro,
Kohl by nII Dribuints. it ItS t box. $ 41 by mad
fbr El 4.
.1 ITS ! ITCn I ITCH !
Will lure The Itch iu AK Hours.
Also mires PAII.T trti•Ent4, tint
1111,A INA. and all E111111"EltlX$ uF TII it AKIN. °nee
5041'11114. r4.r sale by all Ilvactiotr. Ity Amman, 00
nolo to Apia a, wa.b
ingeon Firer.. bey' 'II. n *eft bo lotWar•le4l by mad.
Ws` to all Pot tier (Jailed 8144411.
TO COlBl'3ll'll%* ES.
The adirettiart, haring Nil" tegtntea to in
(ow vretrkx by a V•l'y, utter tinving
ortrota! ynnrs w.tlt a ...ante tuna air.,
sum, and that arra 1 othonstin Condatnittinn n,i%lotis •
4. wake 1111. M II WWI M the ' , WM s or
To all Windt:We It. he will rend a ropy of the
preortipti.ot aped (iff W. of rhyge). with the (1014114)nm
At, prep siting owl nuns tiso amino. which Hwy nIII
0.14 a +Una .I . lla fat CaNar ger I Ina..‘. five!. am.
otailla. 1:01.1 , 0, 1111,1 111 , teri i at I A It•eip.. o ..
The only otijert the ailvertioq in sending floe Pro.
aeripiloo 1. 1 , 1 hets.dl Mt 4111 0ir. , .•
aahan litrft eiineetvol to h' ;owl As
hope. t i very map., will try t illy, a. It will
iraal them aatillaa.lll , l4 sway prove a litetiittig. Patties
WI, Wog the pr. scrltitiati. nice hy tanrn moil, t, 111
p'eniie EltIN AID Vrll..lN. %Vit.
Ic i mehhig, Nspipi New Yom. Kay tt.
TO ems cosermprioi, the oaten mot be
rePared Ito that the tun..., will best. To ieZalilp:lob
Ihe, the !Nee and itomab m tut OM bo cleansed soil
au appale crowed or Fend wholeeome toed, st bleb,
by Om." mediclem will to diere.ted onverlr, and
gyod Lca'thy Cold mu dans building up the
alma* the glotuseh ot stt bl; lons or mucous aerutou
las lUINI; and, bt• using the hos Weed Toole la ohm-
Dec' 'on. the allet,w h r...n are g.
SCILIESCIVS PULSIONIC E ynt? le nett:elate
as well me medicinal, intl. by using the three romedaa
all Itoptintlei are expeott trom the system, and
good, wholesome blood mad:', wh'elt will repel all
illeestr. II potieute will two the.," thedieloesenoord
tog to (Erection,. COutui,p•lon very Ireqnently to
fir too etsTeilelde readily to *ditto. Tate the
pllis :to/ meetly, to eesnee rho liter and stomach. 11
duce not follow that Iwcanse tho bowel. nye nut oar
It e the; are not rolultml, for somethnos in d :err
ata* they are femme!. The scot orb roust to Ivy'
hcolthr, gad an oppq . !te rrokt:.l to allow the rul•
ason it* Sirup to set 04 the rep; rater). organs pruperly
Uhl CV soy Irritation. Thee &Utile& to roluirol
:mown' a gonna:tent euro Y, to prima taking
'old. EvercLte about the ra n t, an much as paaslhly
eat a:I the erten loud—:at meat. genia. sad, in 0 14
an rth us the appetite entree: tut be Rudy:ear sod
tkenkato well. (aid w. es. me. 1 nr.
NIIDA iirmivrrox. the triad renowned
Astrologist and Soinuatobtatistil Clairvoyant. whit,.
it ChirrOYttnt totatil delitieotN4 the very retitetreo or
the* , ll you are to marry, Atli by the aid of on
instrument of power, known Rattle Psyrtio
ositurnoe, guarantees to pro.lueo n pPrrret and life
like picture of the fut,ars husband or wife of the ap.
Ottani, with data and marriw,itertioation,, lending
Mots and eliaraeter. tit. This is no i moosition. as
tektimonials without Di 11111“ sr ran itl.Seft. Ily Marina
plase of birth, ne, disposition, rotor of eyes and
him, aon she losin, liftt cents amd stamped imoet•
nos od,,l to yon will 11 , .‘" , 5V.1 forlorn
by toUun of 101111, tint,ther nPh desirsil information
Address lit to iNJoncc, MADAME GERTRUDE
It Eat I NGTI P 0,8 stip, Wort Tony. N. Y.
Feb. Z.
To her country haine, after a sojourn or a (OW
month., m the City, was hardly mosanilled by her
friends. In place of a emaroe, rustic dashed Mrs,
she bad it sett ruby completion of almost marble
smindliness. and instead of Monty three the really
appeared but 6.4ldeea. Upon inquiry lotto the tease
of so great a iihange, she viands volii them flint she
used the rue:novae !intro, and tunisideted it an in•
Valuable manisitiim to any Lady's toilet, By its use
any Lady or Gentleman can improve their personal
appearance an bithitted (kit& It is simple in its coin.
binutiou. as Nutitro herself is wimple, yet antimafia.
cd In its clficacy in drawing impurities ft im, also
beating, cleansing and beatifying the Alit and coup
ptyalin*. By its direct uctimi On the reticle it draws
from it an its impurities, kindly healing the tame.
and leaving the outface es Nature intended It should
he, clear, soft, saineth and beautiful. Pries $l. sent
by mail or !Apses, fm receipt of Pi order by W.
til.AltK Co„ Chemists, Ni,i 3 West Fayette
Syracuse. N. V. The only American Agents for the
sale of the same. CFeb ri* I'o7 ly
1 1 . 1 11
f Miltimsbure and vicinity ay, 0,
farmed that 11, ii, htottner tins Just opanad a fitat
to the .old Itahhismi stand.'• lately puorrhased and
third op by him, at you desire to purchase
( ttl 1 , 1 l:
NI ? I
r.X V
r ,G.
PLAIN and fancy Kr A Pd,
TA ro Amu, SE,G ',s,
of every fl.peription, HIM n Rant variety 141` other
0 ,11,1,,, Notions, 4r,, cht.111,1 4 , than st nip other to
lad eidilbilvilitiletlC Ut thistnetion. cull upon
Morounburg, Aliquot 7. 067.
flowing reelited the Per lerp or Mr. 11, Zorthe, one
of the nom Otholoth . Iff tro Nunn In the etete, we ere
preoored to furnish in
nova/win conIPANIP.9.
and others, with
al Ps's!, riePrriPtiolli on Mon notice, bound in en y
otos doused, In the most substantial manner, at
toaronsble prism
Mainalnee bound, and old books rebound, it New
Yore priers.
Orders left at the ethos of the paper publishing
this advertliesiont, au aunt by I:sprese, Mrtl br at
lauded to sod teturned without unne ce ssa
N. ry dui
S. d, HILL..
igerssinin, Pit„ June 111,1807.-11 r.
(21 (.11)CE) LID A 3
itieser.LA rrcif OINTMENT, an 'macaws
and renaln Care 113
nls else n sure remedy IN stretches on
is unequaled 50 ode
111.11tr1F.1.1,'n l'll,ll OINTMENT, curse liner all nth, , ,
',goodies hove lull. d , SI U 0
There ulnlntootto are certain, .are, endrelinbo,
it/works, tin 11111/ , 1 en: daily .ertirym r ,
Y.,' rale by all Dm/Ogg and
Cholera' De'pnt at PlYllllol', illttleN b.
IYlunlesoilo Druggists, 1114 Yultua 54., (near eleselt•
%kb), hew York.
1.1, - Sera by well ; itch. 40c.: S. I .5e .1 Tile $ 1
lens 3 Inti 7-3 m.
'lnward Isrocintion RProrl*, for IrdiJNfl
ntt the CHIME (4 , soLtrow, and itta filtßohn
Alirrillin and DISI.APIP.II which deetroy Die amply
P"`" , ". An.) lupondionento to MAIM( ADP,
wile oorP infteihe n 1 Wier. Sent in vralrd Idler no
vPinforn.l}.ta of charge. Aorrlrcno DM. J. MK ILLIN
1100111 Downed Association, Phi iadelphi a, Pa.
Juno 4. 1007.-1.4.
NEW 000D8
The iellitrther hat taken .on,. palm. to rpplenlah
his stork by crab purcttro,p, nod to: to how prepared
Bell as low as any Dealer
In thin neetion or country.
A cull upon him. try miry pinion who tinderntenilt
0, price or and the quuilly nt the moue,
wilt ionko thin hog Omen. (if cow... no one need
tiny links, they pore coittrely nati•thid. ii.' will be
Rind to nee hie friend.. and the public generally
ni mot Ito.) , tiny or het
Ilia rontints of the beat varieties or
ri '
I.: A
11 , 10111 (4 fine quality.) Nl'll`RA,
their neittuni/
Al) Ii ER CA 4 111 t
to iyO, ti i•A toixot CHEESE,
I. k 1.1 , 41 E ill ill I.M.
M.) a Mee nosortittint of Iltry antlefill 1111141
NMI a full timely of ',Hit. or the hboVe elms, and
of other hinds. In addition in whirl tie has rvrently
gild,' 111 lip. parlfk it hue a•rortitleill of
11'11.1.t )1V W.IRE ;
In rwhlch variety f Rands he has several new
article. or mintorn Invention, ostensive! ly it pot
where known, and which inn.' nowt iutu luau here
He also ban a fine nit pply of
and aloft or Morocco Liolnco for atti.outaker's
work ; roof ri onod now , rwovot or
tr Call and examine.
P. 11. l'oTn.i of Main antl Ivan Strati..
Dlootnaturg April to. tPba,
.1. (I ie Iron Ns.)
loy •
II now otll.riog to the rubluc Au STOCI( Or
enn■iating in pact of a Nit Ilea of
Fine rldilt nod earalrnete for Ladle.' emits.
Iland•o+na rornas Gonda of aU Farierna and plain we.
Indaina and Front , . of rinn• Inntiliro and prices,
Mein tied and Drown Musiino, Ladies French Cornets
Gan 4 ovimiriasest of ind children.' Gaiters
Ned Bono,
ries* Otaeorie• And Spires. NrlV nsiortment or
Glass and Qacensware.
£z-Vn. I Mat krerol in one b,uf end one fourth narreln
Now is Ihr Uwr be io.,lce your relrctiong, Arr I AM
parting soorlu sl very low priers arol mfr ru,,tlo I.
bale dealing anJ not to ha unti.4.l
J. J
Mimindperg. April 30. (RAJ
gist tr, NiTTS, &P., &P.
Vrtinlegale and finial! Dealers in
Exchanir Block, Blooinshitrig, Pet.
ORAN(:E:4, I,F.MosS, CAISINP, rnuexo,
Illonmolifirg, brie :41, fro 7.
NEW CHAIM{ snor.
Iteaneernitty Worms the public g eneral'y that ha
has opened a fitatnnstas
in the tn.! (Weer MOWN Otnie,l
Moomohigrg, where he buy. , j tat rveciVed ftlaa
thi g nia, a Large assortment or
131111•Calis, Stands,
Aron Chairs and Windsor Chairs, all of which he of.
Ha to ilia public at reasonable pfit`oo.
Q 1 Cabe t 4 ented llama platted to order, 111.0 all
Milt', kind of repairing done upon reasonable terms.
Seel rail to give hima call and warn great bar
IllaPaltburg, Nov. 7.INC.
4.0 for the County of Volunihtn : in the wetter or
the emote of cm AS IMTTERMM, late of Montour
township. &courted. And now to tall: May ninth,
MO; the nom appoint 13. 11, Ittorkway. Keq., auditor.
to make diotrtheiton of the halanee in the hen& of
}An 0. Quirk, winnotAttator, to and amongst the
erteditern. Uy the cued. From the record.
Jame'. COWMAN, Clerk.
The niptitnr ntinvn tutninfl wtll attend to the itutin.4
or hi', appointment. at hie othee in Ploomakura. im
Saturday, the twenih•atcand day of June, 147, at tan
tn., at wlttrii Uuin and Once all io•raone
having elaima ',aid estate toast Preeefilthaim
or be debarred hem claiming a ',hare in the mite.
B. IiIitiCKWAY, Auditor
June S. ISA
The underpigned will otr.r hip valuable farm at
privato pale. situate in Wormwood ToWnship, Col •
ototda county. thrl,o MIN. (NM Ruktoball. tilmv
miles from Nil Iville. on the Wilk road leading to
aloont.borg, fontainina EMOTEKV ANO TOKEN
comma ACRES. atom ono acre of Thole r land,
irk, ik rite t rectoda TWO STOTT 'FRAME
i o ROUSE, and a Frame BANK BARN, and
0 1 noceeNary out buildings.
' There is a good Well of Water e the door,
Moo II good oppin orchard on the premises. The
land Is in a hidll state of etilliValoll..
Terms %Ili be matte ettey to the pui4.011.14f.
Jely 10,1 W. Uteesweed, Vol. Co.
A . 8 0 LLEDHIt'S
(OPPOSITin Tile eriseopm.
On Main !Street, Bloomsburg.
TllO pubutribOt blies plenallra IA adannnelng to
MO !weal@ 1.1 Illlonmeburg, and ir 10,114, that Ile has
an hand a large and net asecniment of
for ladles awl gentlemen's woe♦, In molt ellt Merles.
Itie I by Work to of the beet ottahty, And Ir..te the
1111114 rellnhla etariefiteturm ; he being I prettleal
wurkuish Suit n PIA Judfe of
41:r 41.)33/35,
be I. hot Moly in be Imposed upon by tedolvlag
woyibloon material badly wilds up.
Theo desiring anything In die Hen would do wall
le give Win I gall, Won purl:hulas elsewhere. He
sells a
and at prlena in cult purchninra.
All persona who Joao. Ilabt or heavy work made
to (odor can lot accommodated at bin twiabllahnienti.
a Also, repairing will be doom with twataeos and
An elegant lownriment of Ladles !print and Palm
mar Share nn hand. A. lIOLLADEL
April S. ten:
French Moroccoee;
.tNI) ptur.Eits IN
01 Al,l. KINDS.
Lettere of adoninistretten en the mete of Crime
Harlow,. lets of Menu Township. Columns cour t ly,
decestool, have been gtanted. by the Register af
Colombia County. to Philip 'V. liertnoto end Minti , l
'know'. the ftirmer refolding in Scott end the latter
In Cent re THIN Ash ip. sale County. All 'lemon. key.
lee Online against the veleta of the deemed ate re.
quested to present them ditty rielhentiested tel gh4
administrator*. tool t h e owing the WWI will nic h e
immediate payment.
Plfll,l P T. 101 RTMAN.
IRIPW inn HARTMAN, Aelteirs,,
Ikea. /sly it 1467.—tiw.
for the Comity of Cultimhte: Ift the minor of the
estate of Peter Zeeland, deceased. Atal now in wit
May oth, Ino7, the Court spodlnl 1:10011 Y. 'Melee.
Esq.. auditor, In make Illstrlbollna or the balance In
the halals at' Peter Itireland and John Evelio& ed•
minietratere, to and amongst Be , heirs nod ireni rep .
ruerentattves. Ity the Court. Prom the record
Jess" Cuban se.
The aodirnr above now., will etteod to the dm.,
of hie sopointoorni, al his take, In Bloomsburg.oA
daturdey, July trth at 10 o clnekg. to,
IKELER, Auditor.
Bloomsburg. July 10,11..07
IN THE 0111)11.1NT COUIrr IN
and for the rounl'y of Cninmbta : In the nutter of
the petition of JAI, Hefner. atiardlan of the r , yan k
and relate of Sarah Eilienbarh. And now 1., wo
May litfi, Ma Court appirtrit U. Abbot,
satiny?, to report (meta at the next WM. Fly the
Om et. Front ihe Record. Jadat Comm.*, ilea,
abovu named will attend to the 1111•1411
or lil• n000lotaro•nt, at the Odle,: or loan S. Monroe,
In latwe men, in, Bottintay the thlrd day or, Auvial,
at to "'docks. in.. I9M. M. 4811011', Auditor.
Cattawiaaa, July IT. the.
U.H.STOIIIPIiEIit , Proprietor.
Tw o sp e new viand liktoir filed lip for the acenrotou •
dahlia of the traveling s:11111e generally. roweled op
Alm Oltreet. a feW doors ribose the i'mirt house. ins
what fp known as the • Robinson prop,ty..• It I.
cilitrally locked in 11 e town. aus Ist pleasent place
fit to td plop berielre being In that part 0( towel
where the triajoritv of the lorptureini Is being done.
'rile proprietor feels continent that he
to sive Renern I potistictrint In his purists, and atria
initiilt a for portion of the public patronage.
liinoonourit, May IS, tool.
PnAcTrcAt2 flOt's ASH
sign Painters and Paper Rangers,
Raving bad a lona aapPrien , e in tho ahoy,. huoi -
ROOS they wnn►d feopnrlloily , a far th,•tr ....l e ,. In
the estmen g of 111onm•burg mot rolitroondisf
KY- They me Ol , Oared to do oil kinds cd: none, en d
aign Pntntln . , I'ap,•r Pro•tiey,
end nll work N. I'4 in ltng b n ri neap,
Order, h•fl at thee, Mop Iti flu, Court 11,,,i••
Alloy. Or rit tilt, Exchange 1101e1. L. N. M..y.
Prntt Ptro. nod . snydc►'a Hard %ar., I.3tQlv.
" 111 ho ittlnoded to.
Ilionni•tirg. &woo 7, lolil.
TIoN Hit
LIU al -3411: - .) 11 rl miticimaann
Tii it 1) wr, FM,
nr,i,(lw MARKET.
11111.41)011S1111111(:. P.A.
rox, Erniit Whir of this estnlill , hment, went.)
reenerthilly iiihnin his old mid new customers, that
he has everything fitted tin at his new timid to ma •
tilde Min 111 Nun oh them with Kitt:AD, K
AND EtiAIEEteI'IIriiERIECI. toireuitnre,
Cr.. — lias made sittalnoiiiwnts fur thn snle
Mond, with tt in. Erosions, who keeps a C.mtutwit
ery Shirr directly spinwity
where persons deli ring Druid can be acenniniaditad
at in iinr.a.
11.:rnarter all personq. who have been fornl.ll
ed lib Ale, Lager Geer, and Porter. by the opal.,
bait, or otiarier barrel, will call upon WILLIAM
GILMORE. at Ili...Saloon in
Fhives' Block, Main Street,
who brut been unthorizo I by the iingervigned to tell
the some. Ile will community have a atipply on hand,
which wtll ho soil at the lowe.t invrki.t
Mr. F. hat in connection with hi, Itakery and Con-
Ice Watery , Otlo. up ro o ms for the gate of
in all who may raver hint with their ...trim., 114
i•alen prepared to make Ice Cream an lento aulloll•
*lea (or portico. public or social hatherinee. ea the
e. - p be. Ev..rything pertaining to hta hale rf
u ill receive careful and tlituteot attention.
UP Ile is thankful to hi• p.syt fa
yore, and most cordially oulirita a cocaine:taro of the
4 11111P.J. F. FOX.
. _
rhiladelphla & Erie nail Road,
1411'1111IER 1 7 11 E TinLir::
Tllltorcm ANn nlttEcr noun: iiErwuwi
PHII.IuE6IIIIA. 11Aurimimt6.
nisaitn, N•r►.taAmoruß•r,
Un uii Nmiit Trains.
on and afterNti %Y. APRIL, ,18(t% Om
Mitt/Ina the raiintielaltia, ai Eriii Nail WNW will
Naas follows :
MAIL TRAIN Havre Philadelphia. 7 its p. in.
0 .. Northumberland d 34 4 . in.
1 " Arrive at Erie 4OA p. tn.
ER lE: EXPRESS leaves Philadelphia IS Oil aeon.
" .. " Northumberland 0 44 p. ni.
" arrive at Ede b43a, nn
ELMIRA MAIL. leaves Philadelphia oOu a in.
.. .. Nortinuntwriand ,4 23 p. pi:
14 .• arrive at Leek Haven ,2 43 p. tn..
BUFFALO RAP. leaves Baltimore Hi NI p. us.
.. i• " Nor tliii it 3U
03 a. on.
arrive .. .. at, Leek Haven tSU a: in.
TRAIN team,. Erie la +8 a m
IkmthureAMland It 60 a. m
nirlve Motadopma 7oha. in
ERIE EXPSESS itAlVed Erie 10 tro a. as
Northmatteriand 6 03 a. in
.• "' arrive lit Philadelphia Ioop. m.
ELMIRA MAIL leaves Lock Haven 7 15 p,
Nonhumbetland I* Id a at:
arrive at Philadelphia 540 p.
HAV. ACC. leaves Lock Haven 150 p
•Northandierland 5 10 p. m.
, " arrive at Philadelphia It 50 p.
Mall and Flamers connect with all trams an
leaving Philadelphia at lit tin M. mien at trvinetott
at ti Mt u. m., and Oit etly.Rl 5a a M.
Leaving Philadelphia at 7 30 P. M., arrive M Oil
City at 4 35 p.
Alt trains on Warren & Franklin Railway make
f lora ronnertion• at UR City with iraing far Prank.
lin and Petroleum ileum NAGGAGE CHECKER!
THROUGH. A. L. TYLER, General Bup't End,
July 04, 1807.
628. Hod SKIRT 6284
Emhranine every Kew and desirabln size. style an 4
Phtpe of Fiala and 'Frail Hoop Bitirts,---0,11 411.111
33.4, 3 3 1.4, 3 I 0 3 3 4, and 4 yards round ever,
length and size Waist every respect
and riiperially adapted to meet Ilia Wants of First
CNA* and
most fatittionablo Trade.
"Our Own Make," or Hoop Skirts, are lighter,
more eidetic, more durably.. and Really Chespei that(
soy other Make of either Single or Deuble Spring.
&tit in the AllittflEASl Market 4 They are Warranted
in every teepee'. and wherever introduced give MO.
yerypi eatieraction. They are now being extenrive'y
Wit by Retailers, and every Lady should try them.
Ask tor
and see that eget Skirt is Stamped W. T. Hupkin'il
ge ß noreetorer, eau Arch Street, Philadelphia.' No
othere evetlenuina. A Catalogue containing Style.
Size and Retail Prices, sent to toy addre , s. A Uni•
form and iihotal di count allowed to MOWN. Or.
ders by mail or otherwise. promptly and carefully
tilled. Wholesale end Retell, at Manurectory and
Sale rooms. No WM Areh Street, Philadelphia.
Skirt* made to order, altered and repaired.
Terms. Net Cash Otto Price Only
March :10. WM T. HOPKI NS.
Light Street, Columbia Co.
Would announen to Cur eltiaeos of Wahl eireet and'
c a m. 'feint,' that oho has emoted a
ft r kiiiinety & Fancy store,
w hin she hos sinned with a tarp Fed new wort.
meal of Millinery and Fahey aloud'', from the sanlora
eltleo,lor the Spring and Sirainier trade.
Her %Mk consists of ALT. ARTICLES found in
drat clam millinery pint,,. llvr Roods iio the hest
and moat handsome In the market.
11071111rre mode to order, and repairing donp with
peonage and despatch, All worn eireutoel An , to
boot and Inuit 14any monant, upon fordonnblie WIMP.
Fattiest!, ottentloN Is paid to die,. =Ms g. She
►u PATTERNS II every demtption portals's{ to
the trade, on hind and AN sale &kap.
give bet a call—More la Wordirs's
araupeto by Miss Ma Nit.
April 10. WA-8A