floomo'burg finnotrat. WIIL U. JACOIIIi. Editor. Wednesday, Sept. .1, Is 6 N. M. perrssasst k On. 37 Park Row Nes , York iseogsoly sothortsed to Solicit And TerrlVP IMO andsdireellsing for the posomi 6tar, pub. rkaJ Non oroburg, Columbia county, Ps, State, District & County Ticket. For Jdye of AS`npreme (Iturt, KOMI. 010. ONARSWOOns OF TO.II. 1 11)ELPIOA. ASSEMBLY, ICAPT. TllO3lO CHALFANT, of Montour County. 1411FRIFF, MORDECAI MII.LABD, of Centre Twp. TREASURER, JACOB YORE, of Mifflin Twp. ('O(NTY CO3/3e9. DAVID YEtWER, of leicust Twp. Jlifl' CONDI R. THOS. J. 'WELLIVER, of Mt. Pleasant. ArIPITOR, JACOB HARRIS, of Hemlock Twp. SORROW FU L. Judge Williams, the Yankee candidate for Judge of the supreme court of Pennsylvania, continues in a bad way. As most people know, he is suffering from an overdose of repudiation. The certainty of his political death is not a matter of conjecture. This man assisted in giving rummy to vertaia bonds issued for the improviment t f his own section of country, and now has not the common honesty to say that these bonds Should have been paid. Ile would bite the hand that fed him. To cover up this villainy the supporters of Williams would try to make the people be lieve that Judge Sharswood entertained the same notions on the subject of repudiation as their nutmeg candidate. Judge Shars wood decided that when a man borrows in gold and agrees to repay in gold, that the terms of the contract muht be complied with ; in a word, that there must be No nE -11:DIATION. What a contrast with the Yankee-Williams doctrine that you need not pay at all! “Absurd and Criminal.” The Pittsburg Chr o nicle, a Radical 4.4 paper, is unable to submit to all the vile ut terances of its party. It quotes from Ow nddress of F. Jordon, chairman of t be State Committee, the following shamelets sen tenee : "The Democratic party, with Judge Slt-t -wood for its leader, and 'with Free Trade, State Rights and Secession on its b ann er, is again marshalling its hosts, and now sum moning us to the field of political combat on these same issues." Disgusted with such infalllolls falsehoolb put forth by its owu friends, the C,'hronac ic Fays : "It is insulting to the people of Pennsyl vania to say in this judicial contest the Dem ocratic party has secession inscribed on its banner. We warmly support Judge Wil liams in this contest, but we will not even by silents.: tend our endorsement to t.o utter ly a shamefully and unwarranted a charge as the one above quoted. itis a signor bad party detuoralization when such means arc adopted to achieve bweem. It is utterly wrong and utterly unnecessary. Such things recoil agninst the men who 1 , 'dim them, and cloud even an honest cause with suspi cion. It is both absurd and criminal to say that the right of secession will be an is•me in the approaching election. The Republi can party can go into a canvass upon it.v own merits and upon actual issuei, without com promising itself by these shabby devices, and we trust no respectable in the. party will lend itself to such a style of war fare. It is a veritable Mexican business." in_ It now turns out, through Republi can sources, that all of the Andersonville horrors were the result of the mature delib eration of Bolt and the War Dcpartmcnt.— Thirty thousand of our fathers, sons and brothers left to die horrible deaths because the authorities at Washington said they were too feeble to be of service in our ranks and it would cost money to maintain them in hospitals, and to have exchanged man for wan with rebels would aid the Southern cause. For one whole year, Republican pa pers published cuts diseriptive of the prison pen, hung Win for his cruel treatment of prisoners, and denounced the South for its brutality, when it now turns out by the showing of the highest authority, that the South was anxious to get rid of them anti exchange every man• If Stanton, and Holt, and Butler can live through all this they have charmed lives. WILLIAM AND REPrIMATION.-It is charged that Judge Williams was promi nently identified with the repudiation move ment in Alleghaney county, some years ago. He was certainly an endorser of the Radical State repudiation of the coin interest on the State loans, in 18t4, and he is now as surely an approver of the policy lately adopted by the Radical State officials, of paying six per cent. on a loan of three mil lion dollars, to pay off an old loan of similar amount, which bore interest at only five per cent. and was taxable for State purposes. Such views will not suit the people of this State, who though they may be a "stolid Dutch element," have too large a percent age of "Dutch honesty" in their compo sition, to repudiate honest debts—either in dividual or public. They will repudiate Judge Williams, of Connecticut. gar The Keystone Saving fund, at Ash land, appears to be in a prosperous condi tion. Eleven hundred and seventy-five shares have been sold, and after deducting expenses the fund has loaned $26,018.03. At a meeting of the stockholders last week the following directors were elected for two years: Wui. ILI. Bright, Anthony Lilly, John Dreshman, Vi A. Marr, 4:10(1., Joseph Byers, Jog. Parry, Moses Faust, and Peter Burke, one year. The directors 0(4 , - f -hi the following officers: President Wil liam 11. Burchfield; Vice President, J. Irvine Steel; Treasurer, Martin Monaghan. There remain but twenty-five shares in the fund to be purchased. Present value of shares s23.66.—Pottrville Standard. NEGRO STATES. pkt any decent "Republican" ever dream that his party would make NEGRO STATES of ten- States of this once free white Republic? Incredible as it may seem, this may hare teen done I Tennessee is uow ruled by a Governor elected by Negro votes. Every Southern State under the rule of the "re-construction" Satraps, is Demised, the greater portion of the whites being disfranchised and the blacks, to a man, made voters. Negroes sit on juries in those States, to the exclusion of the most intelli gent of the whites. This is the God's truth, and no "Republican" i d ordinary in telligence will attempt to aw!tly that it is true. Is this what "Republicans" expect ed at the hands of their party? Did they vote for Negro States? Did the two hun dred thotomsd white soldiers who went from itnneyleania to risk their lives and their all its the late, seta, fght for a BLACK EM PIRE IN THE SOUTH ? Let these ques tions be Tendered and answerod by the fair minded and honest masses of the "Republi can" party, before they cast their votesonce more for the men who have betrayed them. —Bedford (hams. HEARTREND(Na ACCIDENT ON THE P. & E. R. R.—On Wednesday afternoon last a most heartrending neeitlent occurred on the railroad, at the engine house, in Caketown, and which will most likely result in at least one death. An emigrant train was stand ing on the side track waiting fin. the up mail train to pass. Some of the emigrants were on the opposite side of the main track, at a market car, and hearing the whistle of the coming train, but supposing it was the whistle of' their own train, made haste to get across to it. They were run into before they noticed the coming train, the engine striking down a German woman and two of her chi'dmn. The poor woman is now lying at the Augusta Hotel, terribly mangled, and momentarily expected to die. The children, who are lying also at the same house, are not so badly hurt and stronghopes are enter tained for their recovery. Strange to say none of lost a limb. The woman is a widow, and hail six children with her, and was on her way to Illinois. The children said they had an Lurie in Baltimore, who was immediately al ;bed of the sad calamity. —Suet trey Dewerat. DAN SICKT,T3, THE SATRAP. —Dan Sickles, a few days a^o, organized a court-martial in Charle4on, composed ofhis malerstrappers, and arraigned betbre it the Captain of the ..tvata-r Pilot Boy, plying between that city and Ileaufl,rt, upon the grave charge of re fusing a state room to a negro woman who wished to take passage aboard the boat.— The satrap Pays that she (the negro woman) was a “re.meetable female," and calls her — .Miss Frances Itollitt," while he imputes guilt to the captain, whom he puts upon his trial fur the offence of refthir.:!, to rut a negro in one of the best berths on his boat. The Captain was found guilty by the shoal der straps that composed the court, and lined $250 as the penalty, which his imperial highness, Pan Sickles, duly approved.— ..Aft ounium Nrafttx lllNtstts Aums.—Prcsident Johnson, if be contintuas in the righteous work jutcommenced, will soon be boss of the White llon.-e. Ile has dismissed Stan ton, Sheridan and Sickles, and we hope, will soon send Pope—of "headquarters-it the-saddle" notoriety—to Minnesota, while the murderer of Philip Barton Key will be allowed to practice his imperialism in the ditch of a Colonel. Now, if' he sends Bolt, A-h!ey and Butler to the penitentiary, or the gallows, where they belong; banishes the "irrepressible conflict" fox, Seward, to Au burn; and kends Granny Wells to Connecti cut, be may hereafter rest in peace, and adorn the hall of the Capital as Chit f Magistrate ; °chemise, he deserves to be devoured by his own dogs.—eltatyitld Re putlAan. Zar An old preache in 11 estern New York, who was being urged by some of his churchmen, during the political excitoment in that State, last fall, to join the Itafl'ond party said : 'co, my brethren, I can't join that party, becawe all the Abolitionists in the country are in it ; and Abolitionism. my brethren, has done a wonderful sight of harm among the people. It has hurt tunny shepherds and , cattered ninny flocks. It got into the Methodist church and broke that up. It got in among the Presbyterians and split them in two; and got into the Government and broke the old Union to pieces. And, my brethren. I don't know of anything it is good for but to break up. If you have any enmity against the ohl boy, I advise you to semi Abolitionism into his dominions, and it will break up hell itself in less than six weeks.'' CLEANINO OUT THE STAULES.—GeneraI Grant and the Secretary of the Treasury have within two weeks, dismissed over 210 clerks, GO of whom were females. The Gen eral has, since he took charge of the War Department, also relieved about thirty gen tlemen of their shoulderstraps, who had been retained by Stanton around the War ollice as ornaments and to bleed the Treasury.— It is the ornamental soldiers who howl after Grant, and those loyalists who fought NO bravely during the war—ki suhstinsies. The real soldiers maintain a gentlemanly deport went towards their chief. "Sr Every Radical in the Senate and Howe of Representatives at Harrisburg, in I e, t, voted in favor of the law repudiating the faith of the Commonwealth pledged to pay its interest in specie. Every Democrat but one, voted against this "bold repudia tion." As repudiation is the practice of the Radicals when it is their interest to vio• late solemn contracts, what securitr, in the future, have bond-holders, or the holders of any kind of securities, State or National?— Their only hope is the election of such a man as Judge Sharswood. Think of it, bondholders, on your way to the polls on the second Tuesday of next October. ster A young lady in Colmbue, Ohio, re wetly gpvived Prom a tranoo when about to be laid Out ihr burial. Removal of Sheridan* General Sheridan has at last boon relieved of the command of the military district, and General Thomas mit there in his stead.— He is ordered to relieve General Hancock of dip oomumind of' the Department of MM. Skin, who ie transferred to Tennessee in Thomas' Owe. The Presideet has done right in removing Sheridan, and the only tkult we have to find In the premises in, that it was not dune long ago. /le was not fitted to discharge such delicate duties as those that devolved upon him in Louisiana and Texas. He was too embittered against the people, and enforced a harsh law with too much severity. his conduct made it appear that he was more anxious to please the Radicals than assist to restore the coun try. lie was too ready to make capital for the Presidency—and his administration of ahu law showed more of the partizan than the soldier. His contumacy and insolence toward the President merited a court mar tial, and we are surprised that he was not arrested months ago. His conduct obstruct ed reonstruction. Ile can do little, if any, hero► where he is going, nor can he manu facture much politiesl capital. 'rho Radi cals arc trying hard to make him a martyr, but they will hardly succeed, The Presi dent has disarmed one half their vengeance, by replacing Sheridan with Thomas, an ac cepted Radical. This change is a good beginning—which we h►►pe to see followed up by the removal of Sickles and Pope, both of whom are ns great tyrants ns Sheridan, without half his reputation as a soldier.—L)uyleah>►rrn Drrno• erg,. A IDangcrou• rolfcr. The limlietil nre entering upon n fearful experiment in their so•called reeonstruetion policy. They are putting the negroem in power in ten State.; of the 'Won, or one third part, of the country. They are, by military force, placing the whites in sulpe lion to the blacks. There nrc about six inillienn of white inhabitants in these States to three milli o ns of negmes. The minority an interior race, ignorant, and just emerging from the bondsof plantation slavtry, are tor cibly placed over the superior and intelli gent white race, who are in the majority, two to one. It is a fearful experiment : for in the history of the world, says a eotemporary, the nogro has riot been able to govern a civ ilized ix - immunity. Ile has flirlive thousand years at least been in servitude or barbarism. Ile has not advanced in civilization at all, unless forced into it. This rave the Midi cals are placing in power over six millions of our fellow citizens of the South. It is a fearful esperillent for our republican frrni of government, but still more fearful, per haps, fur the existence of the black race in the Southern States, in considerable num bers. for any great length of time. Brought forcibly, by temporary and accidental pow er, into antagonism with the white nee, and placed over the latter, the result cannot be such as the Radicals predict. Under such circumstances, one of the races tullYt yvield to the other and disappear, in the to-tin, from that section the country ; ~;;, 1 when the Radicals tell the colored men tbat the whites will go under and finally succumb to negro domination. they are de ceiving them and arc not their true friends. The superior and more numerous class will as certainly triumph in the end, are that the laws of nature continue to exist, and this attempt to crush out the white race of' the South—to follow them vindictively—to dis franchise them—to threaten them with con fiscation and other dire evils—suppressing their Legislatures, removing their Govern ors and Judges. in order to secure negro su premacy over thcm, must inevitably produce a reaction, and very soon recoil upon, the fortunes of the ignorant negroes. The re sult cannot well be avoided ; and we do not doubt that "extermination," following this crazy attempt of the Radicals, will soon be us palpably written upon the foreheads of the colored race at the South, us it ever was upon the red Indian or the North and the gazette. A GlinTi.Tl'll.ll. I xiiiiimoNs. —The fol lowing is n list of the limo. and Ohms at which the Fall Agricultural Fairs are to he held in 1110 several Counties of Eastern Pennsylvania, so tilt as we hare been able to aseertain them : Inter• State Fair, under direction of Penna. Agricultural Society, at Norris town, commencing .Sept. I I di. Berks County Fair, Beading, Oct. 2d, 3rd and I tit. Lehigh County Fair, Allentown, Sept. 24th, 25tlt, 2fith and 27th. Farmers' and Mechanics' Institute, Eas ton, Sept. loth to 13th, inclusive. Northampton County Agricultural Soci ety, Nazereth, Oct. Ist to 4th, inclusive. Carbon County Fair, Lehighton, Oct. Ist to 4th, inclusive. Bucks County Fair, Newtown, Sept. 24th, 25th and 26th. Doylestown Agricultural Society, Doyles town, Oct. Ist to 4th, inclusive, Schuylkill County Fair, Orwigsburg, Sept. 24th, 25th and 26th. Chester County Fair, at West Chester, commeneing Sept. 26th. Cumberland County Fair, nt Carlisle com mencing Oct. 2nd. to. The Democracy of the Senatorial district composed of the Counties of Cen tre, Mifflin, Juniata, Huntingdon, Blair and Perry, through their delegates at Lewis- town last Friday, nominated S. T. Shugert of Centre and L. M. Mclntyre of Perry, as their candidates for State Senators, This is an able ticket, and will bring out the full Democratic strength of that district. The chances fur the election of these gentlemen are quite fhvorable, and strong hopes are entertained of their litloooBB. We trust the Democracy of that district will be watchful and active, and leave no honorable means untried for the triumphant victory which an earnest effort betokens the Democratic party all over the State.—akdon Democrat, Wia..Our farmers are busily engaged pro• paring their fiillow ground for the seed.— The time for sowing wheat is rapidly ap proaching, nit se in Delivered. ....... At last--' We greatest humbug of modern bistory"—na he was styled by a not over discreet 'edited, General U. S. Grant, has defined Ms political atataa and been safely delivered of en opinion. We congratulate the General and the country upon the IWO• woeful parturition, and bog for both father and child the sympathy of a discriminating public. In another column we print in full the cor respondence between the President and Grant relative to the removal of Sheridan, which resulted in the delivering of the Gen eral's opinion, adverse to the removal of the New Orleans satrap, and culminated in the most pithy, pointed and sensible reply of President Johnson. We rejoice that the climacteric of bullying the Executive has been reached, and that even now, late as it is, the President has exhibited sufficient manhood pluck, to take the bull by the horns and be Cernumnder-in-Chief, Grant and the Rump to the contrary, notwithstanding. While we confess our gratificnt ion at the prompt man ner in which the chief-magistrate has met and decided the issue thus presented, we are none the less pleased that it has been the means of definitely boating and defining the political whereabouts of Grant. Not that individually, we have ever had a doubt upon this question, or eared, to the extent or a starved fig, what his opinions were ; but, for the satisfaction of a few "matmliieturcrs of public sentiment," who have been ''laying pipe" for his nomination to the Preside/ley, by the National Democratic Convention, next year. We incline to the opinion that the 17th of August letter, has settled that question, as well as Grant, beyond even an attempt at resurrection. The conclave of New York politicians, bodied by 77ic World newspaper, who for weeks ha ve been persistently and insidunusly entleavitrilig t o thwart the wishes of the untm.rs of the I h , moeney, by foisting a hitherto political non entity upon them, have had, as Tlae Pena end predicted a month ago, their hilr fi,r their pains. Just what General Grant eX• peetea to aecomplish by liksingular deli.nre of Sheridan, it is Irni . isAibbi to de ar ly de, termitic. It may be, possible that he really desires to Le a candidate for Pre .iden tial lion ors, and fearful of offending little Phil. takes this method of conciliating him and his friends. On the other hand, it may be sim ply a fear of' results--a dread of the power of the revolutionary mob, misnamed Con gress. which makes the hero of the Wilder ness "urge, earnestly urge," &e, the re,eind ing the order removing the man at New Or leans. In addition to these somewhat plaus ible conjectures, as to his action intim prem ises, we do not forget that the Hon. mem ber from the 3(1 Illineisdistrict, Mr. Wash- Inane, who ham been health seeking in Eu rope, huts returned home in the very nick of time. This individual's boast for some years, has been that he made Grant, and as he (Times 110111 V. so says the despatch, bring full of' impeachment, it must necessarily be expected that his protege Grant will obey or ders. flaying exhibited him throughout the West in much the same manner that Cum ming or Dtt Chaffin would an t 1111PliellqC lion or gorrilla, it is not unlikely that his appear ance last week in Washington, had something to do with the earnest plea of' the COW mand er-in-Chief, in favor of Sheridan. Be the cause What it may, Gen. Grant is politically disposed of, and out of the ring. The radi cals have managed to create sufficient preju dice against him to prevent his being the nominee of their convefition, while we think Gant his endorsement of Sheridan, and the empty twaddle contained in the annexed paragraph, will effectually cure Democrats of any "hankering - utter him : Gent nil Sheri lan hast affirmed his eivi duties tivithfully awl intelligently. His r e . mold will only he regarded as an effort to defeat the laws of Congress. It will he in terpreted by the unreconstructed element in the South—those who did all they could to break up this government by arms, and now wish to be the only clement consulted as to the method of estoring order—as a triumph. It will embolden them to renewed opposition to the will of the loyal masses, believine that they have the Executive with them." The text of the above has proved too much for even The World, and we nre gratitieil too Fee it, promptly repudiate Uranl and Moan, it,ell for the issue, The President is evidently of the opinion that forbearance with him has ceased to be a cardinal virtue. If he will only act com mensurate with the manner in which he talks, his administration, thus fitr, only a re proud', may end in a blaze of' glory. 11, as it is rumored, Grant refuses to execute the or ders removing Sheridan and Sickles, let him order the bellicose inli.idual under arrest, and place at the head of the army a General instead of' a half-fledged politician. Of course, Congress upon reassembling will impeach him, and for this let the Presi dent be prepared. Let him see to it that the national forts and armories are in charge of the right officers, and then do as he should long since have done, declare the rump a revolutionary mob, conspiring against the peace and dignity of' the country ; ar rest every radical member for treasonable practices and send them, until they can be tried, to the ease-mates of Fort LaFayette. Then issue a proclamation of general amnes ty to the South, invite them to send their Senators and representatives to congress ; dissolve the military departments, declare the war ended and the Union restored.— Should this programme not prove acceptable to the jacobins, let. them, if they dare, ap peal to the bayonet and cannon. We in cline to the opinion, that under the circum stances, then existing, they could speedily be accommodated. Clinton Democrat. Mir An exchange puts this question If the Radicals had any idea that they could not control the negro vete, how many of them, do yen suppose, would vote for black surffago ? Not a corporal's guard in this Of in any other state. So far from voting ibr negro suffrage, they would, in that case, call upon Congress to disfranchise the blacks in such States as might allow thorn to vote, on the . ground of their manifest unfitness to macula the right of suffrage. a A Maine judge bp decided that hop beer is not intoreating. But beer driukera are nearly iutoxicated with delight at the deeleiou. 11110 h Ron .on W. Maynard, idont Judlue of the Plortisampton Judicial Dis trict, atinomaise his intention of retiring from the bench at the end of the present year. He hae been on the bench in that district fbr the past five years, and his with drawal will be generally regretted by the people thereof: lie intends to remove to Williamsport, his former place of residence. —Reading Gazette, SUDDEN DEATIL—A man named John limbic., was found dead in bed at his resi dence in Winfield, Union county, on Satur day morning last. Ile was at work the day previous, but on coming home iu theevening complained of not being well, and went to bed without eating supper. Towards morn ing his with, upon looking after him, found that life was extinet.—Nenholw tlemorpit. = VOTEntt FEEL IN Yucn Poctrmu l--- We are taxed otemt one hundred owl AIN millions a year, in toilet to pay /*feast oo the wor dehtl If this interest were 10 be paid in green/odes which er=r have to take Q 3 utoney—we would be five 4,14 thin tux 1 Ii re have to take priailoteks in I,lsee or wad, why should not the. Roue//rudders take tlea ranwl Why does not the tb•vetonwiii print off some more t wee n todo,, and bondholders, in piney of talons, the people? War The potato crop sqvi yty pi, t o , unwietakable evittenee fir the tot. In Nome ~,,eeshae s ir , rl raven., and rllllWin 01,111.1 , f te I,e hio.% of woletriou tin• in ' 4l, h , ,obee them away ttnto 110•0 S• 14 0, 114 11011110e9i will WO/plioi/ • . 4 4I• Innis effeek of are t)errrtlenttA ‘",rniAn NAME, 14 Lf.lilt trt e 7 Li' mit plied 10 Ihe iniiiirtientl,ln 1,4 1,34 , 1, the n[ itr i tilje , t. It. would vAlt hfre whir ale finlitliql with hpilitiVnOv irr clintbit! +dein s, nl , l cry .11,031;11;4 n, ;,rtten' tnkinali.ol , very hurt tirnc, trot , bun ts, cull , 01"41 WOUndA, Ib. Stanton has gone to hide hi t/Vw ir itt the White Mountains. %Vc do not t.of , how sxittlil pot,ibly do w bettor (Ling for hittt xisll his country just now, than to go up on one of their higliml oraes and jump off. The Mongrel papers amt now all prai.irar him, and there is no telling what they may be doing six months from now. It is evi. dently now a good time for Stanton to die, as he will be sure of a great many first-class obituaries. VA. A new Fenian Congress, under the auspices of the Stephens and ()Mahoney branch of the organization, commenced its session in New York, on Wednesday, 31r. O'Connor, of Boston, in the chair, A nil about two hundred delegates from the dif ferent circles in attendance. &V' The cholera is reported to lir raging malignantly at Shawneetown, Illinois, on the Ohio river. Twenty deaths had already occurred. Disease had also broken out among the !Seminole Indians in Kansas. Mesiee is a bad place for women The wife id` Mendez is insane ; the wife o Miramon is stricken beyond hope of recor cry, and the Princess Satin-Satin is in jail. SW' A Printer in Cincinnati has been through the mill. Within the last ten years he has been a soldier, a sailor, a school teacher, a bar-keeper, an attache of a eir cus, a negro dancer, aconfectioner, and now is—judge not too harshly—au editor. tor Mr. and Mrs. Streeter, of Jackson, 3liehigan, have a child twelve days old weighing only one and a hall pounds, alive and healthy. A common linger ring could be slipped with case over its arms to the shoulders. SW A fire in Shamokin, Northumber land county, on Monday evening last, des troyed several shops and stores. The lo s e is about $5 )o, part of which is covered by insurance. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. livooL! 1VOOL!! AV(JOL!!! C OT II CXC►IANOCD roc' woo►. Tor narloraionoil will pay tho highoot market pries in , n 1130140 rot ♦loth either 111* own notnailiw talslto Doot Dliliv. Williamaport Of city. Prina nn pint' Wool to the Mount hoar/ail Mill*, it Monism, Ole, pa. J. LIM:I4IS, tlopt. 4. 141, 1. HosIER, hat opened a firot-clars HOOT, SHOE. HAT AND CAS STORE. et Wield stand on Main Street, Itinnolidince. His stock is composed of the very latest autt, best otrfes eves offered to the citisens of Columbia County. Ile con accommodate the public with the foilowinp kinds nod la chimp prices: Men's call hoots, line, wen', kip, doable vole, Rays' child's boots. Men's 001 , P kid. Coopers. kr. Men's Clove kid Italmoral shoes. Men's. women's boys', and misses' Clove kid lamina itaiugs, Women's Clove kids, very tine. Women's fine goat morocco balmersts, Women's metes morocco and calf shot common plow*, Mistime and child's shoes. Men's, boys', nod child's slipper*. U. also Moms a great Vol tuty of HATS. CAN. AND STRAW goons Or .V O4 l Med. nt the !tweet ptlees, both for taloa end roans.♦ Prodne". Remember the attraction is in our ,1100.4. be alartne.l at the cry of high proof. but call and are Cur youreelverc Uerpectibily. U. C. ROWER. Sept. 4, lea A XI':II' 6TOCK of G(11 a)8, FS. FOR THE HARDWARE' TRADE OF COLUMBIA COUNTY, AT TEE NEW STOOII OF C. W. SNYDER, mmomsniunc, PA., rnnaininif of ovary article found in hardware mom among which are the following; IRON, NAILS, and IfTEEL, WAGON SPRINGS and AXLES, FAINTS, OILS and GUARS, GRAIN and GRASS SIeTIIES, and SYTIICSNATIIII, GRAIN ERA OLEN, RAKES, dic,, KIRBY'S COMBINED REAPER & MOWER, HOSTETTER'S CELEBRATED PATENT RAU-HOLDER, AND THE IMPROVED CIIIIRRY SEEDER. AI.SU. LIMIIEBOU'II OIL POLISH at Whatnots end GIVE Hl3l A CALL. Illoomolourg, June Ing rAtroit iirlikA Km ON • RUPERT PA. MANVEATILIWEAS AGENTS To:, SALK Olf SAMS t WWI RAW BONE Super Plumphate "of Lime, AT 41/.1 NI T lerrimu,s- rumEs, {'ILL GIVE 10 run CENT. INNIEASic or coork Rupert, Aitiwit °BEYOND THE MISSISSIPPI:' Alf 'amplete history the No Sr Hhifts mid neri7ielfl4, froin die ?At ill I:1'1 rr br the (;#4•441 (lowa. BY A I.llEirr ISOM/N. v t3l, tto,orm effifli* ttrlt.lt IN I MoNTIL 14Ir nod Ade.ag. , •• tit* j4troppoteno* and lb* tote 261 - 1 In.. ripttum diod 14,,.. or , #l.4i+ Cif,. Mt bowl. Ahot#, 11' , .0* lOW tsar aeshtr. rf thr Mr* Moir. and o,,offyrfro .41/110 t 1144 so ilk,. fa tho "rm. 11,14 y atf I it , if 4 , 4+1 .04 brill'. (SCUM , Viff pf 4.111,410 if 14.1 If 11 , ,, , * it w.nr f• ,• Sf a ISII iswhoidif os4 Irif Shim ft.*14 , .. , otofAitr Irsvel. , AIJI• •• I) ••• 1.4 movi *en •.:1 •. •• 0. •• o', ;I. Yri MOW., > I'bilsl44l,ll4tis ti Ala ',LI, IN lON IS Vir =1 , 111111 , (3,1(1N, 4‘lo Ort,4l,Ett4 WUNES AND LIOUOTISI NO, 11 S SIVELT, A so to t rt i3ItANITK rittl.t. 114111t1, lINI'9%LI t. Aorivt 1.1, M. PRENIISS, 11:rEIONARV SCRGEON, MIA GIEVI LLE, 0. h 1,44 of di.en.er iiritl Ivltte f 11i..11' 1$ nu cure, Ho c barge, 104,4 V 41" • 4 tt+- it %* iI aot uo Stay, Ana,*s II) Etlt flJt s TORRINGTON & HODGKINS. M t•curAcTi:rtnivi or stPER nosmin: OF LIME, SIUNBIRL PESS'A. Ax the 0rt111. , 41 bi at hand. we tdrer to the firmer* mix Phnsrh:ltn,ewhich, tie is fertilliter tot Corn, flat., 1.481 0, 0. kr eV:e1 1...1, l...I, add ttlirrafit it as a rim:m..Bi Improver of 111 knots of soil.! hot exrept tog any ) It d,a•A Wlt. 4 , 1 a filttple P11.1.1a.t. lot 01.1 (rot* only, hot is 180 ing is, Is. %Ouch rail he prov,l by the (waters of I'll.'oll and altjoilli.4 rr,nnlirr, of this 'State SIP" of the thl,peetit riotob,s of ftehtwA to n tot 143ty1;01,1, OW have Used nar warmfartolre for Ow 1,10 s years. For WiwtA, 31 1 4 Ito iwt 'Acre, ottUri of t,0+. 1 .81 hroadra•t, ror on. 150 to 1210 Ihm, per mere, dropped jin hill a! time planting. Ent (into. Iso Inc per nen.. sown broalea«c, E.,r rotators, 400 Ito, per acre, at altered in the ram, For Gra f ., Itn) the prr nrrn. Alt a kip drainer. Thi+ tinaniny oo Vaasa 1.4t1d.1 %itiproducean in• twang. on tirvi crop o(i to ti boon pet atr«• Give it a trial: %re knot% that the result Will be ontWartory. ttold ix nags of titHl pontuts osrh at 107 yr thrut- Sau<) tOHltttlf, at net New Vtamtrst tory. ram pm) Markrt : also promptly ttlitppml Y. all points on dr. K.. I. 14 11.. N. C. and $ ft. It, ft:pts, J. K. EVER, &golf. Illuom-burg, BMA/ & Co &p.m. Dan v lite. rIIIIIINOTON. Kt) HODGKIN : 1 . Bloomsburg, July 31. 1897.-3.0. . WASHING MACHINE. It is geserslis 'attended that "thy hest je always the thrnitiest ;" and that bring the ease great osaintre is taken in introduriNt pi the public DOTY'S CLOTHES WASHER which is Tepidly Ifeeornint vnpulnr arta with fli , p muchinv the herd work „r le , a enthfortahle stet pleasant reek. he fleet!, Hu . phieett in hot pod', end shut tn. While thus iI11111004• 0,1 and 1110 011.:1111 confined. the Ms - whine is ohernt. as Feet' ehove. Thule the work its speedily, elehrly fool retelly done, awl that 1011 Wlllllllll 101411 V HMI temitittettht the clothes, which to n great etteht I. the ranee tinder the old fitehoned rubbing process WWI It 111113VEMMAL CI °TIRES WRING ER. the whelp thbar of wnehine is hat a Wilton' pas• was romptire,l with the rennet made of ftlinglem ANTI) . and its istiag and wringing. The dist is oil , 11 4001 Vtil WV the HO MINS that hut little emuprasrlan is assessasy to raps, it. Nu filially in sniaild be without 7)Ol'Y'S CLOTIIES WASIIER and the UNIVERSAL , CLOTHES %TINGE& 1 - ha Prim' , " of these Machines range aN follows: Family rite Wneher. . • • • • • • $ll fin lintel Sine • • • - • • • • • • • In 141 Family site. N O .l Wringer. g 511 Etize Nn, ti, • • • • • • • • • 10 tni Nutt) hy E. B. 111.71.1,, Agent. March tti, 1067-Iy. lk•rwiek, Pa MANH001): HOW LOST, 1110%V RESTORED. NOT hobnailed, in a fowled roam ~4 1 1 I' lope. Price u tents. A lecture on the nature. footwear and radical cure of Sentinel Weakness or Piwrinetothrere. Indrieed by p e lf-Mow ; itivolinitary tforissions. fin potenc y, N er vous nobility and, Imp 'Morelos to le tanertilly ; Vourtrinprion, Pyolepsy, and Fits • Mental and Physical ifiraptirity, iltc , by ft,t,e'o J , u n teerwell, AI, it,. author of tier .tireen itrink, , The wor ld re nowned author, io this admirable hem ture s eineriy prove* from bin own experience, that th e mewl consequences of Self• Abuse may be etrieb e n try removed warlord Medicine, 'tad without dam prone sorriest operations, bungles, inesrionente, rinp, or twain's, pointing out it mode of mire at once curtain and effectual, by whirls every sufferer. no matter obit Ms condition may be, way tom himself etomply, privately and radically, This 400. Me will prove a boon to thoutoinde end theorised*. Prot under seer toothy address, in * plain esivelope, on receipt of six emits, or two postrum stelOPta Alan to. thilverwell'e Manure Outdo, prieoll3 emits. Addrees, CNAs. J. C. KLINC It / 0 8 ° ,1,0 0'. New York, P. U. box OM Feb. 11. 1140, —ly Peas te BLANKS ! BLANKS ! I QI every desert, lot sale, at this clam NEW ADVERT *T$. THE UNION PACIFIC RAIL. ROAD CONPAN TILKI it FIRST MO 14 BON AN sin luveotineut. T 1 0 1: rapid progress of the I.4tloit Ireati, now building we.* from Oniah Nebraska, and forming, with its weste emtootions, an unbroken fine aernss th continent, Attracts attention to the value t the leirst Mortgage Hon& which the Cot t , puny now niter to the public. The firs que,tion asked by prudent investors i. "Are these bonds secure Next, "ar they a profitable investment ?" To reply briet , Ist. The early eqmpletion at the, whole gr‘ at line to the l'atifie is as certain Lis any future hurih e r event wan be. The novvni meet pant of over twenty wllluatl need I,f bind and fifty (Inllars in its ;ma bond., praetteally guarantees it. one fourth or llw n-rk is already done, and the tra , k vont itmes to he laid ut tie rate of two a day. 21. The t'nion Pacific Hai!mail Isinds am i•- , itteil u p on what promises to he One Of ti,C , most ptotitalde lines of raih.” l l , l in the co u rt . try. For many years it must he the only hue einineeting tie Atlantic and : ant king without row:edition, it can maintale remunerative rates, :al. .125 miles of this road are fur hal, and fully equipped kith (ICTOt., locomotives. ears, &e., and two trains are daily runniest 41.111 way. The materials fur the remai e ; t.cf miles to the eastern base of the Becky 31ountains are on hand, and it is under 41 - at tract to be done in September. 4th, The net earnings of the seeti.Mg .1!* ready finished are several times creator than the cod interest upon the Frst lklertctee Bomb, upon such sections, and if not anoth er mile of the road were built, the part al ready completed would not only p a y i n te r • est and expenses, but be profitable to the Company, rt: b. The 'ohm Pacific 1:0'111.o:el bonds van be isste.o only as the road } sses, a nd the r efOre esti never he in the market mite , . they n , tir-sent n 1-101 tide vriwri s , 1411. Thoir amount is strictly rutted by law to a s n ot taittai it. that iat Cratittai bg the 5, Government, am! for whieh it take-t see etPl Hot as its er‘ nvity. This amount 11101) the first 517 west from OtuaLa hr only sl4.oott per mono. 7th. The filet flat r. S. G u ee r r,.. went considers a -t ta t 1 i n nron the rfxt , t I a illy,- talent, PC*Slic of ti.ti ! shrewd railroad 1•11:' rs ot . . 1 • contuse Kaye already rihiin ;:v• - • : a dollars , , upon the -to • ww , t, is !. ; a third lit nR, mar wt:il lit a fi rst • oi s•th. Altle - ml. it is r••• r.,:11. ther• , can be any better I.ot - in I memoirs,lire are Varie• Ntlo. - first mort cape mien such a pror ems- `. O w very l est security in the world, al s ell their 4 ;overnments to rednyest i n t !, • hotels— t hus seem hie a greater interest. nth. As the 'Mon Pavific RailreoLon•lx are offered for the present at Set cents t.•, the dollar 344 :merited interest, tier are the cheapest security in the market, being mom than 1.1 per cent, less than S. Stu( ks nh. At the current rate of premium I on eoey pav ()V h;11 ld, N th PER PENT. tYrEnEsT. The dad:, subscriptions are already tart' , and they will continue to be received in Nt w Yolk by the Continental National Barth, No. 7 Ntetaa Street, (l ar k, (iodize & Bankers, No, 51 Vail Street. John 3, Cisco 4k Son, Bankers, Ni, 3:1 Wall Street. And by Banks and Para ers ron , raNy throughout the United States, of male, and deseiptive pamphlets may be ol hitter!. They will also be sent by mail trim the (*ompany's ()ake. N0 i .20 'N assau s treet . New York, on application. Suliseribers will seleet their own Agents in whom tlit-y have confidence, who alone will be responsi lk to them for the safe delivery of the ;row; Trew.urrr. New York. NROCL ILITION. (V 1 111EAS. the Hos. Wudds Emelt. Presid^n aa Judge et the Court aft Wet nod Terminer and Gen .sal Jail Delivery. l'ourt of (Platter ..tessions of NU, and Chart of Common Pleas and tlrtdmie, coon in the tlt;th lottreial IMriet. ClThipOrnd of the rott of o , llllllbbt.sllliit.llll and Wyoming a n d the lien, tram 1 , 4 , 14 and Peter K Iterhei r, Asso'ateiti , tees oil foia 4 . 0.11 a V.' iP3dlnd their date the tun day of tt„,, to lII' yror or ott r Lord one tleut•otti eittd hundred :Ind frail - and t o 11.0 otrerred for hollitne l*Onrt oft ty,.r au:“Trrn.it. r and Jail deliver,. It ..,I. r 5.'0,0 ,, 115 of the Pearl, rommou near And intiliah's coml. in Ino:o t iAorj, iu the roomy of rotunda, on tl,” first NI onsay., to.ing the lid day; ttf septeitilwr alit. to continuo one 'NM ii.' is hotly t,, the l'44otier, 1110 histirea of the P,-we an.) tr3f,, , t4lit. , s of the said county of r wt. noiloo that they he Ito it nod there in their proper per. son .it lit ultra k in the fotnnitoll of said ilay mitt their' 4.4,nr,5, niquicitions and other remerohronce to do those things trick lo their noires appertain to he dm e. And tho,o, that are hound by v'el/gllll.ance, to i.vute altain.l the prisoners that are way be to the Jail"( said comity or t •ootottoo to he then and there to prose • cute them as AVM In*Prat. inform ore reiwsleo to ha punctual it, theft attendaort,ogr,riddylo their lonises Dated ot Ittoothsbora. the Ittih day of July. I. the year at nor I.erd roe ahaotand eight 1,1111601 and tea,, and in the oroolieth year of the Independence rd . the rotted *rates of Aeries. ( Goo NAV, ef0m.10.111A41.111. SA 311,! KI. AN V DLL Sheriff. MnmahUrg, Mallet 3, len7. I ° ITATI()N TO LEM POTYKR, Athtt'r of Charles Stowart, deer d. COI.CMOI A COUNTY. $5: In the Orphan.' Corm in and for the said ennoty. it in inter Or* thus rontained : The petition of Wesley Fleming reopertfulty rep. . resents, that Charles Stewart, late of tend coolly, died about the flat of Jona A. ft., Ni 3 Of Ott or before, intestate. and that nilminiotration of his goods, thattelo and credits Was no the 224 day of Jane, A. fl, Iso3, ditty trained by the Register of paid County to Lemuel Potter, end that the petit inn• or became sorely in the onto of Ott huodred dollota in the namintitrotion bond of the said Lemuel Pot ter, with rendition areording in ten. that by Siring, of the authosty conferral upon him as ntiminiotra tor aforesaid, the sold Itemise, Potter pos•eeoel Wankel(' of the *aid goods. chattels and credits amounting in cable to the *OM Of one hundred and forty ttolitttP nod ninety eight cents at by au Wren. tory hit itiO ramp tiled in the *Mire of the lord Regis ter on the Ind any of Juno A, n., Ito, *mappens Toe petnionet further represents that the *ail Lemuel Potter is wasting and nitoinatinging said estate and property under his thaw, by protecting and retuoteit iii render full and Woo amounts 0(0101 ttelttttO or ptoperty tome to his hands or know lenge. The petition.. thetefore prey. the Cowl to issue A citation to the said tA•11111ei Niter, fllUittlt, Milt 10 appear in this Coen on a day tenon. to answer this romPlainti And show cause if any he have why he should not be ordered to give ouch counter aeon. Meg as the Court obeli Jodie necessary to tOttOMltify the petitioner against loss by reason of hie sorely. *hip. nod tent the Court will go.nt such further re. lief no may he authorised by law. Whereupon May 0. MP, citation direeded to Lgemg• net Porter to, on the first day of neat Term, phone canoe welly he ShOU'd not give additional security op he removed. 3 •,.., t 1n testimony whereof I have holopittn k.P. r set my band and atomd the ollicial oral of ....... SNO 11:0111it to he affixed this twentieth diks of May, A. D., itto7. 3ISSE COLEMAN, CI% Bloomsburg. July 10, Ml% ESTRAY. Came to the onanieee or the onto. rr A fCtiber, IletUlack ToWnollo. . undue County. on or about the With o r July, tear, a torstidte to et, w i th *was owl, in mooned beside* atone what . " 014 S 0 0 0 her boily, aged about nine y ea " an , not giving' emelt mile et rowel. Th e mow o r (merry are reu looted to tome teraelisal and 010,,, eproperty, pay c hotito. and hike he away, timoociaa a , lls will be diapason or at the taw doreet4l,, WU Gino& hemlock, /tarot N, 1547 INCORPORATION. NOTICE Is hereby ;Isom that an appllcasion hue been goods to the Court of Common Pleas of Volum. Ma !Nom to arson a thaws of Incorporation ao ..The Meow shots MUIIIO I%Villa Fund Assoc ',lion," an instilment lo *Mom Morriss specifying MI tb. )(fere. arlicfra, (v101100)0 and ;mote, idyl. or Idts of ecld proposed Association, haring been Mad la 'alit Coati at May Tenn linit JESSE COLIMA?1,11 1 40410T. Anvil 14, WM.