Bloomsburg democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1867-1869, August 28, 1867, Image 4

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Turnip EtyPreveatative.
Tlw Nefth British "Wien hark, alluding
to the ravages of the turnip fly when the
phmta are newly brairded. Steeping
wed in oil, and afterwards dusting the seed
with sulphur, preparatory to sowing, has
been found to be uf considerable set ties,
There is, however, a still more certain
method of prevention. Nowly-tducked limo
strewen thinly along the tut made by the
seed-coulter of the sowing machine at the
time of the branding the plants, proves a
prole fon. We have also found a mislay
of lime and soot very effectual in protecting
the young plants as they put out GPO leaves.
When a small quantity of white turnip
wed is sown in the hollows of the drihl th e
insects resort to the white turnip plants,
preferring them to the Swede. This teeth
ed of protecting the latter is more expen
sive than top-dressing the seed rows with
limo preview+ to the brairding of the plants.
After the rough leaves are retailed, little
damage is mused by the turnip Ily, hut other
itrawts feed on the leaves, the black beetle
being the most common. Time most effectual
meal/ 4 to combat all insects is te rob for
ward the growth of plants by manures ap
plied at the time the seed is K ee, so u l aft e r
the plants come up to stir the surface fre
quently, but without injury to the tunsip
Anorr run 110 cm—A bit of shrubbery
in a yard, a vino dinibing by a trellis, a :trip
of refreshing green nevad nom thc door,
are sure to wake a placed grunter markt t•
able value, which, with many, i a con. , ider
ution to he thought of bet;oe any other.—
Snell need no further appeal to their sense
of neatness, then. Hut those who really
love the s;iggestions of beauty for their owl:
sake, will not admit the turf patch, the
shrubbery and the hedge and vine, because
they make almost any home more a ttractive
awl lovely, and cause the mitiments to
sprout, like the 'Very leaves and buds them
selves. how few stop to cl_msider what a
powerful association lies lurking in every
simple but &miller object that holds us Ri
miest as steady and strongly to home as wife
and children ; they are closely associate.?
with them , in Ihet, and can with difficulty he
separated. Therefore, we say to all, brush
np about the door, and plant near by, an
object of simple beauty. It will bear fruit
in the heart a hundred loll—Amt. !Tots.
lkonaE-Rakixti av tns.—We are glad
to see that many agricultural journals are
WV taking grounds against liorse•riteing at
our agricultural fairs, and are urging its
discontinuance on the ground that "felt
horses" are not at all Beres wary for the far
mer, and instead of being an advantage to
him is in many cases directly the contrary,
in enticing him to engage in the business of
raising these Imrses e to the neglect of his
limper farming operations, and frequently
to the demoralization of his sons, who, get
ting a fondness for fast !torsos and fast men,
frequently go "to the bad." Horses, the
noblest and most useful of all domestic ani
mals, should have a conspicuous position at
cur ;fairs, and they should be treated
liberally in the way of premiums, hut
they should not be allowed to monopolize
everything and cause the rest of the exhi
bition to be ignored. No agricultural socie
ty can long hold together where such a pol
icy is pursued.—Geentastotea Telegraph.
goad able orchards are allowed to become
defiteed, as well us seriously injured, by . al
lowing a profusion of suckers to prow at
the base of the trunk. Attempts are ome
times made to get rid of them by cutting
them off down to the statitee of the gromnl,
and l e aving eo.t.iderabV portion.
the form of ;d'art stumps. Nut
again, and they soon become as bad as ever.
A better way is to wait until they are in
leaf, at which time they are loosened more
readily, and taking each separately in the
hands, and placing a tlthl Lout upon it
near the tree, they are quickly I .paratoth
If done at this tin.; of the year, tiny will
not be likely to sprout a:mi,).
To MAKE A SrAolir Surat: Tut s,—There
IWO two things to do this; keepin„; the
centre ttp; pitching oa all
'fhb.; Inst will make the zta«k settle evenly.
Pitching on two :ides will batanco it; but
it is Lot so good, at it doe.; hu t ma k e it
evenly solid all round, but leave; sonic
parts lower, where the mTter is apt to settle•
.11y keeping the stank dllat ttp in the eentre,
as it is built up and ;toping nutwar.i. the
ruin will be .' . •:. ,, !r it , , a
roof; it wards it off. p ldgh in the
"Iliadic from b..ttom t..p, and pi t ch °na il
cidos. to make cittall;;
Curl T , , , 1AT0 rtcti:LE•c—Cut In jcc
one pock el' eon tomatoes, about han hid,
in thick ng. ash them and let them lie to n
ty-lour hours. Then drain and presto dry
with a towel. Cut six large onions into thin
rings. Take onesquarttr pound mustard
flour, one-quarter pound English mustard.
aced, black popper, one ounce allspice, One
ounce cloves, half ounce ground ginger, mix
1 4 1 4 cm Put a layer or onions, tomatoes,
and apices alternately into the kettle, cover
with good vinegar and boil till clear. This
makes an excellent pickle which all ladies
will admire.— Germ:lnborn Tilegr,ridt.
I['ttevr.--Owing to the I cry tine crop of
wheat this season and the continued high
Kivu We heitethat au extended breadth or
land will be put in with it this fall. All the
cereals, WA crop could be a, ,, sitred, la as pro
fitable as any, on the ground that with the
exception of corn, they require so little la
bor. After seeding little else is done. The
crop taltca care of itself,—(kentantywn
To CURL WARTS ON illiorrut-1 earree
pendent of the Main Fanner cured warts
upon A cow's teat, by a row applikAtious
or spirits of turpentine. a few wek4.4
the warts all disappeared, and she was
never troubled afterwards.
Oltpowtrhy, the luilk which produces
two anti n half plinth; of ahem will yield
ono powid of butter,
In 11Itivit't meINIn Street
lararma ph. rhinrn. It(Moomoltorg ■nd vicinity that
ha hut opt and n New
111 wrA UR NT,
In ibf• pier.., wii.!/1. he Invite bill 111 .1 CI tend"! NMI
it.clll end !nutlike lir reffuoltdiu lad.*
It 1• hill 11114'011M In 411111111 e bed{
LAG .'k 11E1 , 31 AND ALE,
ton•(antly ou band ; AI.). Porto'', ParoapartlN. Min
unit Witter, rim.y L 05,0111441..“, Itn.pher►y aid goals
*II kyrap•, tNtl Mlhsyrs bn bad at hi/ kestamrunt.
Lt thU he Pre0",,14
art, or PAIN
not surpassed In this phase , vin, nysterr
Clams, th,rdine• pi Ob. 114thoruell (IWO 11, Pick I.•
Tripe 4114 User Tongue, die., be. lie alroh is 4 gaol
article Ur
( Weir hig nit , WM
for his customers. 4,7" Oise him a call.
Illnunsobtarg. Juns 13, OW.
Reduction In rriccsi
Th.. and r00n...1 %Di ol6rr i. oho
$ll mil loitsdi of
I SX.O tra czolla ua ago q
dui* BS
tilly CoODS,
Boob, and shoes, Slat* Calm.
and Null in eyory yuriuty.
lui.iiiess front Mu firtil of fonoofy. will hot con
ducicil un n ***** tly
004 ppl , ool. 111111,011 10 pOl , lllOOl 01101000 in our
ill) , VIM doO NI 0 v..typBo,ll p•: h.. 0400 Oil
Cumin Whole:sale Pricers.
All kind, prniiirn nivel plain laken In chasers
V.. in% II Mot public to
and n *lmre tor alivir patrana a..
SIII; .11N
141 1 13 ER ! I,IIIIIIM, ! !
III: ~M Ni V
. T
I,,pt•ctruny tof“rest pidaisc that they
bay.: tbeu
MOW in OP.IIIO OI I 011 h pu Illteltriv..l..,ilftilwal ul
por•TRINNI to poirply all or.h. a Rt elltIVI
RtUlrn WA NI 11,- 1..w0.01 iffir Viroh. Ti w ir
oortismist tot livrottcr cg.elplAN
Line Planl:, Boards,
Flooring . , Sairlhee gip:1111s,
ilienalocli Plan
or Miriade& 14 snit 1 1 111Thilafftll Elfllll.. Staff,
S. , i, 0 a thlecialliac of al. Ta-.r %I
afol I.voliber Yard iv •liiialed at the liutlnmd Iletial.
vain to41..111 4 .1)1 1 1; for sbipyiuit 111 lifwe h) 111 V cargo.
1 hey Mr 4..1161111111y aasaulketuriag !limner of till
loud., nvd per,ain4 who ileaira 111111141 . td every
f.pijr,ii to as4llllllll 111 , 4 04 It 11.4 ,1 1 q
Wirt .11.1111/ eloewlarre. They are ilvlCirl/1111141 4111111111•
Ihenily &if id I..l.l.llUffrlel l lllll UP On riteap ,
Th.:, of on .1...1/1. to intorno Ihe ;Image :lad Ily
il.stiolt kat they have
oat Mill t.p..rially prepared to rid timber+ of alaaavu
ovary site and leavils required. Taamv 1%11.14'1 to
aiiild or rontraetia • for building, rail saVe 'natal% I,y
It •tile lien r all_
Tim under,agand would also !towline' , Ow 001
an p'elte'd lit &t all Mead of lapin mg of Ma. , liwrry.
101 , 11 n. Tht1 , 11111: Maebities. Nl,,aer4. lie:lo4a 411.1
all Muids 1// UgllCllll.Ullil 111/1 1 1(111 1. 1/1.0. 11 1 1011
Addromr, F. C. BYt it. Pur'p.
Illamitsliista.Pepl. 19, PM. Illltaanetairs.
• -• • .•
‘ lll4 . 1)!' 41001111
11.4 m, Lost, itne csk,erd.
1.14 rtitilirti..l. u uow edition or
rri.v cm:A Vo•ny nr 141 rid •
k i d nunlicinn
Int :.tuntary 4 4 ..1111110
10111. Ilerinl and Phyll;rlditient.selly.
it. All1(1141 . ; 011. ; tam. 1 . 4 , 11i1•y; 10.11
ritPl tmlured by IlltliChiddiellett extrntn-
I'rire, in 'aled enr.. l .lte. "Illy qr"'"".
The tale:touted author its the. adeuerable easily
, r ;party denionstralca. from a HOW Pare' aU O "...
tut prort e, that the al,st going ettlea,..pleures or t.” 11.
nkn•e may be radically eared without the along et•
oar err.• of internal towhee:le er the apple. Moog or
t h e h h tr e _p oll .ll m , •oat n ~,,,, 1.• of rah• at oar( etea.
NM. rattan, and e Were aid. by 110.11 lel of teltlrll
WlRit tug eg111.11131111 way Mkt
cure iumNll cheaply. privately, and reeteally.
1'.7 Tht,e wawa .hiied be in the halide of every
youth and every Mall in the land.
ni, under a cat, is a pinto ruvrlrpr. In ally ad.
deer* pool•yaldi on receipt of *ix cent., or too port
Address 111/1
Aft ), RUNE & Co.
flowery. New York. Peetthhet Ida, 454.
Dec Id.
NEw 4ioous! NEW f1000:4
B. 'W. BOWMAN".;
ORAN antittztr.
Til on , kr.julted has jut ta44v0.1 a ~, r y lama
and . ag.orthwtit or ALL AND WI NTIAS.
tiotHIA, hA t prOrpOW'S to sell at vary taw nava
Ike U• 44 tbe twa *mastics
C of
LUTli$, VA: 4 : 4 I3ICD r!,:;,
&.e. Scr!,
The Grocery' Deparitipent
is@o94trithlbebegs quality of fr,h trv,+r , rl99
prtIVI.IOI46 ,1.101 nr 4ogar. motagser, flour, gait. deb,
bacon, 914eem. 4tr.
rnnntry vro,tnce olonn in evtin•yre , for goorlr.
for who'll tle nntlinal minket porn w* 16n awn.
170)* Don't fall to give flint a call and regore great
0rang..%1114, 1-111.-311,
REMEDIAL. 1.143 T inn E.
No. LI Bond St, New York.
. V. , 1 1 1 •
is • • •• •• . • :1. e *,„ 4y u x• 411 vat r
If f ll f k
pr ~ ~ rrn„plry•fi•raif•l ;LI/ ty •
•••^,.. .1 1 , 40,” ‘.l
~•••: • -lallll/ 1”r ; 4,14 40. , t to
1.4.11.—N4/.:, NO 14 III)N NVAV
11, 1,1-1).8. 4.2. I%
iti , \DLN , ; RoAD.
stlh 1-1,7
nod North WI:81 El Ph Iphta, N , Av Yolk, It+rtt,h
.14ilialt4, Lebanon, 1111 , 0-t,,wn,
t,,wn, Ca,t,on, Ephrata, LitiL harreatt tt, e 011.11111.4.1,
I,4yr Itay,4,l,ary far New Vatic, as tn'lntrs:
At tal.e4 Wain( 934 A and In and 909 r
ingt\itthsiulliar Trani on the Pennsylvania itatl -
ram' awl art it Ina to New York at 5110 and 10 lo AM
and 4 4n, 5 In ;pia 11195 r Fleenin9
1114012 the 5 at/ AAI alit' 060 p - N. Truths without
heavy hnrriab lrq for Tanta.
1,14, ,4401.1.4 . 8 , e, A..11'18111, Pica 11ito.8, Allentown
and Phlo<lelnlBl, rit Nln A m an.l In and 4ln p
topplug ut Lnl>xnuo tufa prlllelpal Way „,t9t,anq
r 9 mut. emilivelialis 49r 81811,4elinna and
',,lontila r , t441,11p.
an 4 Annnnl, wia 8080 8011 and easyithalialt 14944
t1 , rti,h9,14 at Vtl M.
atalag : NM V ark at 9 00 A M, 1i M and
5 Wand r iai P 8; Ilatiolptplita at P 15A AI Ittia 3 39 p
Way Ea8. 91 9 , C 1 rain kaVe4 Pbiiadalphla at ; :P/
AL 14 lu , 41)110 Croon 14 , 91.18 5 1 at n3op 14 *lopping at all
qatiots; Pett.ville 418 44A al, antl V 45 P ; Aah
1,0“1 Ii (Itl 51+ , 1 11 70 A w, and I (JO r. 31.; Talitaqtla at
945 A. 9 , and I Ott and 853 P. N.
Lcave rattc , v Mc fur Ilatruamcu via Schuylksli
taw qachataia Railrund at 7 A at.
it+adingAeraunnndatiau'i'rain: Lcatv*:* llen , liug
at 1.3(1 A a rUtlifiling (rola at 3 90
Trallla leave ]loading at 7 99 A a
and 6 13 r M tier Ephrata, !Alit, I,uncut,if,r, 4%11,9449.
041,40wn Accumniotlittioo Vain o 1.99v94 Putt*
town u 1 9 It 9 A. M., saturants tr:tir es riniadriphin at
0 c.
Columbia !Nil nand Trains hover tiendins nt 7 00
A. umd it IS x, at. fur leruhratu, l.itia, Latitzsoo,, , ,
Col9flobiu q &c.
ts* filuodaya Lortve !VOW Yori t P 110 P M,
dolPhta. Oil A M, atol a Li P M, 100 ti 00 A M , 000
NEMOSIC 004 to Ika4/11,: ; Pmtaville cm A M. ;
laatturir 1133 A 31 mast IttAAlllgiit abd 'I VA/
alf Mattiolotta millet A 11, for Now tort ant 41*
At. for P41t , 0410:t.
tlouotaltAtArim, filtitot fgt. Seraatta Heboal owl 04tolitA
100 11411 140* Ittlartat 1,00 all. ie*isia, ralloctid nuoi.
Naggegiftbetled the ;ugh; te triliJit *HOWL' 011 11411
Pissimpt, o t . As ICOLL&
412,11110 110114,1164
Pianos for the People I
120 Broome St., N, Y.
We Would call tho attention of tlin puhlir and th..
trade lu our aleph,. hew ideal(' Pianos. In the lulluw•
Ina styles;
A. 7 Octavo. rpm% largo round tato. re.
plain case, either Ninon .1( relfYrti leas,
strniaht bottom, heed ninuldina on plinth ....$l3O
STY IA: 11. 7 1111A1q). Paine no little A WIIII apt.
protino Hiroshima or. With. rarer.' Ipamlittillyte.. SOO
CITYI.I; 0, 7 Of(fIVO, Front corners 14rge round
0010:IMMO bfiltolll, 1110111‘1111g. mono as on style
11. Carved lyre Will desk. Piney cured ha.. ...
STVI.E (I, 7 octavo, Pcut large round cornett,
finished hack, mouldings out rim and plinth,
errppoliiir bottom. carved lyre a n d 1111 k, ela•
gaol rervp.l irnal logs run
the Üb.nt , Itylre ;ire all litilehed in elegant tone.
WOOli utwo. and have the full Iron frame. Freoth
eftlon, harp pedal, beveled top, It ory and k, , y
front., and V.14 . 1-'l•ii in liVl . OlOll/11l Lawn, 11/ arly nit the
7 ftrlevO rhino. now hatittefl , 1,1(0,1 Thry nrr
mane of the beat materiels. nod by
ppanty and nut erinr. of tone, canon' be
Wn ifIVIIn thn lieluitlitolol lit., piltsfie, or and
the prof...,olott, to 4 examination of the
1111.11111 of our VllllllO6.
By %voiding great expense. uttunelnut upon
costly factories and minensiva %yeomen'. in On
ell y, *ease enabled in offer these t'inano ril prirce
which defy pennon, and invite all in cull nod
ft nn nu n.' fore pureliaellis eleew here. Peril...
link flog (rum a il . l late fit I. ft . ') 'revile lag
thou Moms promptly. 1,15.1 no, co MN...MI calf 111..51
xa thu atU ll...twisted by ilia
lettere .1 it i 7 is.
T1,n1 ,, u, drocribed nbovn, embody ail tip,
waaentml fllllllO.. 111 I.‘tt 11ilt ii,ll+ll or "1.., labial
nrr by ninny manufacturer* run up to a and . 10
Wt. would re.r. r ti - ony roil LI., tlit..llUoll nr Choor and Mitignig.Sellool te.acii,ot. Otir r.ttolt
lt.lim.• n whorl. 411 k1u41,4 Mildir.lut. and
A.llnon ":00110 coo Ito obtained on the most navotunle
The long expri , nri, of nor M. Partx pro in Mookal
flonvotirion., eh.nrs, ttio Concert Hoehn iit,•l Sindy.
rtrhool.imanti.ii hint to rtiv.; ndvnCn irnd information
on all pOlllll5. 01 000.041 i mei r to the rmitrtion
of pmts.!, work, 01 10.010( . 1100 001101.100 Of 01 kipur4l
1.010 0 14-.. p f. 11,. In 1111141141 MtUtill . .. mid I . 'loo 01
1 1 i 11..1 4 1 ililtfPot to toostp.odetil, I..uriters tin/
Fitoet Mode forniall,l on the og oat terms with
peonepturre .rsol cit. vomit Y "niers eo.terinel—
nod /1101e0i11/11,11 11161 , 11! fOr 111111114. te.mhc. re, concerts,
nix kw. C.
Now reedy the new thstidep R. boo, r a gging Kook,
‘lllllll6 44OLDEA
Itlf ri. reneges. Author of Peered lotto. Pitman) ,
iiiii ff. Ofielltal Ulna Book, Naito Kies,J e.,
%Yu, wlll Mend a •rmeitisen enpy, WWI 4 .1.1. nify
B.l.lrergi,.ar rec. apt twetity ef:lll.§. he pfjcip of
rk0M1.N..16 sln '11 , 11"W n:
Irltselt.oolol.lM. 111 paper taste OKI *I
fly 1114 /00 •
Finale 1 orloo, sit board covet.
Ily lho 1150 "
Stars rur;ralled 11:11.111.
.1111.1 191110.111re11, And heing Adopted b .11
illlllO. $ll Ile.• iitattafacturc Af flow's, (Prima., I+ri•
hard Toblor. ro..ry env It no !In.
Podim should bate a boll« of lido $1.1.1
for eircitture,atta We will atvo full itartirtslus
.tirertiona. Applicatimill Pot 'Verrsiory end Agentiri
tereive4 by (Mt tbV eguK General Agesda
for the Coiled stides, 4•N Broome SlfNot. N. Y.
_ - 1* As ui iny pi,roini• in the country %out u rin
!slid 114 ortirli. cannot In, ecut by
IcWl., Mans urn uidrie up, Poll DIM at now. , ,joset
ilrd,rwl, (With ilo• ky) tw• Will Piro by ru
prem. (cliuriqs for Atti per oloarn.
/Mr() IVA' a P''RAIN S,
4:1) Drutstu: l lr el. N, Y.
011.24, A,
ST'FFEII NO 3108 E!!
Wle , n by Ow tun or 11111 JOINVILI.VA
you dun 1., cored petioftnroily,riod sit • trittissig
The sartonliliang soccer:l who Is ha. attended this
In au Imable medicine for Phyrteal an.l Her% ou
Wenknerr, fleneral Ilehltily and Prostration. 1.0.,
of illfircular "Nervy lannoteney. or any of thaa eon
~...pietorer of yoothreft mdlrrrrlinn. pndrre it lire
aval/ 1.11.4011.1111111 , 1 u 1 I'? db , r ,, Vereli,
It will se iiiii all 'fervour
et. i trmraL aaraparliv toxin:lv ur hu.inear. 1u+..•1
memory. eranNoion. thoughts or roff.d,,fru. t iona.
In otiosity. ger. 11 Will fii41.1,1 the atayel It.
renew• the health of Moor who have all:.allroya fl it by
et Ir.olllll ulrad of
let Infanlanglf , l uo POOrn by "Q"bek
tors - and ignorant ,rar u •ntea. but semi WllllO.ll
akt.ay for lbe E.llXtf. ab.l Le at fliMlet , 114,3111.
Mfg{ hammier:9. A verpori rata 14 I.l3,'fnlp•'•l In
"ty leaalrca . Price or root boll , to oon ad•
One laelite is euttrtent to elPet a cure in
all itf•illiarY rasa.
Jollies Pp, t r..r thu openly
tintt permanent run• Giinulten.
1,1 .eliarono. Grovel Incleitire and nil nit u:
tn , Kliliacyo suit rtiren elfrrted ill 110 , t1
f:fr, to tr.• 'PI.•.r are prepared f►umo I..•getable
pAtt.l4l.l.l).Pt aft: b 111111 a. .•rr the ry.ferier. and never
iintioente Ihr eloulnrb otr 'laureation•
Cllnttg.• of dirt I* iiereroary wbtbl Upiitg Ihriti. out
shier 'kelt *Won lit tiny wanner Interfere with butt.
ise•,. ' , undid*. Pules $l. per bus.
Vithef of the above mentioned arllele■ will be sent
to toy addrere. clearly sealed. anti pont.paid, hy
moil or es pima , on receipt of price. Adders► all w•
det.• sturrrs 4 co.. hin.2015
Mfr.:, et" Tow. N. V. !Pah 27. • ta—ly.
CI, OW W3A htnatind mid Nit,
W jib taarry fa.:iitllt hair.
V‘ll 4 / I .e carting hm.itik "'act. via wined,
Enehained the very 'matt and mind.
Fur CutliNt Ru nor t r eibor Sex I u Way 1 1 11,1
(lotuy Ringlets or Hoary
Mu,sive Curl+.
Ha 0,1 at this amid=, Lad irs and Grntlenten ran
iilll :!t tlll'lll ,ll, Vl , 11 1;1 1, 1.11111/ 1 , 44. It It 1114 only
artten to the no/id that v.,11 al rl $11:,12111 taeir, anti
at the Tama liar giveit a beatitiflll aloes} appear.
'llll . un.p” - r Count not 4 .1-0 y auras o r ,
t,ut tor ta.,rate.., I,cnntila alit ; j, 1,0,1 y
11111111,1111tilllit pvsiVilll,l, 41,11 1
3111,1 v 1/1 thtt hirl,l one( +lllretol to the American rdb.
tic. The Crie,x,r rihttit ba *ant to any oddness.
rewind 'had unel wait tit $l. Addlalao urdoct bi W.
1.. CLANK CU., Cht:tui*ln. No. 3 W 0,4 royatto St e
dyrueuse. T. Fab '27 '67--ly
Lackawanha st Bloomsburg itallroad,
a in ist a 1 / 1 4EMMEN
4N AND AMA JANUARY : 8, 1567, PAS.
lonve Sonnton, 5.:i0 . 710 4.10
4i Iliong.ton, 053 ' 010 OM
Import 11,80 ex
Danville , . 031 Ken
Arr et Nurthundoland 10.10 0.35
(,0000 'Northumberland, 7.00 310
panvele, 710 0110
0 Ri.i...ri, ..I5 P M 0 01
.. it iip.ton. In 50 0.50 0113
Arifyr nt Scranton, MO 4.09 Pi 17
Trli 00 I -0 , . lug Kinvton at 0.50 A 01 for Srpt.iton
enonert with Twit arriving at Ni.w York at 1..51
P., taking Train South rpnir Srratttort at 5..14
A n out No.l4.l4,,iirrian.hri.aili Itarwliarg ig 30 I' M.
Iliilliii.or , 7 74, I' M., Wallington in Ohl' Al via Ru
pert reach Pitilwittplint at i 041 P M.
U. A. FONDA, Supt.
Kt 114.4101). Jan. *.'.o . . _
repnring ttv, tißo an , txt,roll opt-Oh : m.l o n.
Thin now C mophit tt, !Mita tiy
Chemist, halm: n full hnowliotioi of nit the tnntttt~nl
yirt. , l"ii of 'mai iogredwitt that o
in WllMllittiti of MO 41+4
14111ic utr uu eliielllll npitH
Craton fur ill., oiseuses for which it in it'itiiflllll , llll4l,
in lit a iirit 1,41e3 that It will work at o wn rood 101,,
the , o nno,oo , of all who use It, aid Moss who try
it our, w tit :waft be without it, sad thereto's wo
roly nn etuorisose us the Beat teat of its ow:Nine,.
u, Ist, Exa rje
and all who hive triad it, toi t iha husk IiPPI,C,I",
c^l uaud, This Eaubrogultua ha" howl PM 11 1 , 144
.ver right reuro, rod It Fn r , uiy thr.ush th,mgr,,,sigg
deloattil sad art. lit te , , , 114,1 of lay 164 , 11118 Had the
t bat I gelid it birth as Hui grand retiwa
utiebt for the various iligra , ig io Muth that noble
Ulitt 11.,1111 the Wage IN lillbjeCt.
Alan y rgaiktlics have been attliod to the public
u slur ilitleietit forms, some or thee o aro fujiititotss,
;atters ut bast of little use, and homy wholly wt.
prolog. to austvt:r the purposes for whtch i they art,
reettotow with!.
A jo.topois and really mogul composition, fret"
from afore objetlitlnA, has herVlllrktre Wog woo do•
sited by tunny geottemot who hate
and ittO unwilling to trust tltoto to MS eii:llafbirbigtc.
tug stud pcycymltci , Ferrier.. Their µW M, tqc• ut
length fluty guttilleiL by (Hr. Ilyale) hying Obituiled
twos to allow this yOuttbte thybrocitlitut (Which hits
prorY4 fro ettio.yiotts the ynrutus tbsettses) Is, by
pcypscutt and lobibiht hitt 1.11 Mt` PH 1/I
The* gitsMOtAtitnn wsa est.q...tvrly mold by the
Cuserythyot during OP *sr. •
Address alt artist to 1/It. 1:11 . 111;ND HnAT.N.
tat tcyytttSeyontl tbiltolulphis,
March ..t b,
SiaoWaa li d
TO HUT MY 60014.
N sw ceitzt y ED:
'rhr onderelitried respectfully Informs the clilsene
of Hlorosieburg and Columbia county, that they keep
ell the different numbers of piny° coil and 'elected
lump cool for elm thing purpose*, on their wharf, ad.
Joining *lrk.lvv, Neel &an'e running; with it geed
pair Ilau nt,praleeunllte Whilf NO Weigh eli k imey end
'draw. Likewise /I hero, and woven, to deliver royl
to thone who 11.1111 e it. A. we poreltnee a law
auenuot "r coal, m e Introit to keep house riot MAIO,
anal sell al the very loW eel prire•. Plervie rill and
4,1411111 M fur yularrielres brier' purrhaetegelsewhere.
'riff: rind.rolgited will take!, In nnrhnnßn for enril
and Owe tine, rho follow/lig hunted ankles
Whoa. ve,rorn.thats. Potato.... !Aril, linm . Shoot
der, nud aide most. Hurter, calt•. tiny , At', at the
prices, at him floret, 1 , 1 ,, fr1, miJorhihil
their r , .al yard. J. W. II ESL/EL:Mtn%
Illanueburt, April 25,
1 1.00A1811URG, CO
it fin NO./Tiber, propriPlor
of lii shown nnuu•A Pt•
•oriti n.tobliohmont,lo nu*
•rpnrvd to rem:lto erdeti
Ail Kinds of Machinery,
for Vt.lfrrie*, Bloat Pornares, Plallonnry
m mat, 'mai:1;111Ni; MACIIINEIi. Ate .
11..1* xl•n prupqred te make tithves, nll eilaqi and
ntiernp. prow •iron.. and eyerythillg 1 111 1 101 y made In
v 111,1.410,1
ilia and prnetleal w•nrkmen. war•
inn' him in ri.i , .ving the largeot contract's on the
mt mitionable
irp 4rans (gull kinds will be taken in estimable rot
ar This establishinitni fa Incn.e.l near the Larkawn
n 4 4loostudburg Ka,lnstd Dern,.
rrame lIII.LLVEIt.
tilwomobarg, Sept. 12, ISO
,Ven•ly oppo,rite the Epipropal Church
CLOl . lllNti OF Au. vEnnirrioNs.
qq Y 410ek 14 inwpn.. d or
oft,l low prir.ll. 3.1.110,1 13 311 t3.3.111100v.
11171101. w 311171. 110 ptyit, 11$••
!lOW a ..“..11 . 1 .tl .
Evalicnivii's riia e•,s.
from low tot , , ,
f ••h. , 0 r”.
I" I "' 1 11 •:•, ..1 •• I I , I I
1111 V.. 1. , " Ito. , •1• Cot 1•4•• i ttttt
Clo 4.*:l9.sionevelk, r., &4.
,„,, „ fl y ing u „,, „( If f ri 1 . 0111, I+. 1 !!ll Ir:1
lh is all .-ttac4 aka 4111 , , too L;`srti•ns. Mon a
% 0101 4
11 . 001,1;N AND LINEN Shut 14,
Slork;rico, N 10.144.11411 ikrrrhil•fY
_,• 1 •, t) thing in the bate or 60:11PC•
Moo r Ilat•, itieJtai and ei10..g., Tr ink 4 au i Currm
will 0..11 m On lowed Net k•• 1 I'i••:.Fe giv.
u udl la..r.tu puto,4,jug
AN if J. LI. Atie , -.
Ri"ot.z.bure. Nev. i:. I#l's.
STOVES _i\l) TIN tl.'\ lit:.
Anti , tarea UI hi d . si.any 1.41.14 xnd tittivi , rntoo
.1.1111•11. that 110 Et kill I ll.ivto I 10 , 6 V e !AI .11:••••• p,
old Illcuot llllPatit rrun MAIN
Ihrr r"4l.)fil,f nod °Mere eau be ar ee nti n .4o,,,l
ora kinds. Stovepi p• 4v!, 'A er y
ortfrin found in all w.•II rclntat...l
AND TINW ARC larl'Atsl.ll. 1 11%ItATtl in the totse,
480 11..• uu.rr rcna.,• lermo•
Sri Irovi+.9; 1.1”) rno, will I, pul
up on nli•ut m 011.... M.o. nit 0r dotw
protgsplly itlttl
IN also ki•rptt 4,11 1/Alltl IL lama ittrpply ur %Fla,
n 0 . ,. Or Illir•P•Or 1.4,1.1,
poiltl , OL 00 I ' ,• n. rai , tok.
ttrivtitt Iltvo. Wm u ,uls.
°,„ u
„ 'R1.1,1 Trut,Gy
iyl I 4 . o i r i er e t . r .i t , l s iLlai v s;:e .L. a i t i t y 4 . geed .•
i.reparrd o ahead to ail Ile. tar 11.11.
op is eh Ib.• levee or :op profr%Ason nadir y ruvt=x•A
sl.e It 1... le,r.t Mg ••4 PUIWEI.11.411:Er11; %Mei
aqlll.l ux ueet.t.solnlaisecrolvut and nodular
ILO IMAM. II U 9 the SIOIOI al toile
lendNl plale and lele-ek teeth IlOollialiftlifetl of • all
of er+ Oil 11.0111.C011.11111y sod prup.•rly alle•st,10.110.
11r.le'e , nee and 01114., a l'aw doors above gnu Vaud
II 01.0. «11x11• /IWO.
10.1111hU fg, Jahr C 1863
D It ECT not:TE
Mll•tyb 1 , 1 'teen INltinuirc tror,7 14'4elosfri
Clnlnge of Cars.
CO a n d after April 9 ,- th, lert7, Vraine will run
1 as tattoo., :
Tia AIN!: sonimv RD.
03 It:It tI Northumberland, stoppine. nt prin.
cepa! rtatt.3it*, ntrrr Ins at WIPI4IIO , pOII, 140 M.,
Litillf‘t hi 1 , 0 WMII, 1'd11,1 , 14145104 3 14 r. L001.'4-
1, , r 1 VI p, , Cutralu, 915 P. ar., Niagara Naha
9 (Si P. It.
4 45 P. M. 11 , 3170 N0rt1111,1111 , 1110141. stripping at alt
tau 14011,0• urn% 9 14 tit 11"9115ittepoit,. 6 VI P.
udra it 07/ P. M.
6119 h. 14, stopping 41.
' , wird arriv ,s 30 A. X
liall.ilUtlf XHi PM. Piiladelpltia 1110 P. M.
11) 111 A. M leave Nnriliaincrlant. *tapping at all
arriving at 115 P. X.. OM . '
ti an P. M.. I . lll , hili , lphia 5 40 p. M.
3 /0 P..M,lnane N , lfallllflb , eilltd. etioping at all
stations, arriving ti ll3•ll , tcltr :kJ P. M., PI - Magni.
Oita 10ti komor.• Mil a M.
II 150 P. M. lea V" irtanili ' , Nipping at
pniuetpal sei, arriving at Wirriiinarg Il .40 A
Baltimore;, rho 4.441447 , o
Gem'; Sup% Harrisburg, P. Gen', Agent,
italtiamre, unit
Grog Women' Freight, Apia, Hotrato, N, V.
May, S,
EMPIRE SD uix siulvlN(}....
Ara , Loperior to nil "Otero for
tho 140.4( if - tit 11/W . 04,W. •UN .111:4Ay
; 114(0 ,, ; o.try to work.
Moot it , 4. t`,rctl:a Aw.cois ‘vont.O. Lth
Emriat: s. M, t 44"..")"'"Y1
pt-mbar 5, nut., & ~.•
100,000 8111.N0 1 Z." , , A I,Alt 1 .; I:
I,ol' (..1.1? Et t, .110 A 11.1" S I 1 1 1 - 1
$.ll , . 000kr, for 400 410,0 the
r lu; +4 , tit
HC.),TON, t t Ultst , .Cltr 6m,1r , t1
5hi1.11 , , , 111.1 a lulu , tt=t of freirintr I.,rirls, 44
lice vary on, rut.,
J. J. Ali sit'A
livialro; 31 ay
I.l;stit :41, , ,1u al Uix ctur v. 44. Anay,)
rhysiciass and Surgeon,
V , ' ' , lie' 04 0 1, 11140, I.llw,m•wmt,
4`nilt; prohylly :men 1, , ,1 la butt/ inglAt and day,
N , f. 1.11.011 61101).
J. N. OBE It EN ILE it )
title oproa,l a IN: , ~,' Tailor Sto , l , , rn Mlilu
:,,tram, Illootostaws, 010 w to , o 11l 1, ,, pl,uwaol in , so—
All airs MO (ror Iwo Alai thiAr c. 1.4.11. 11 ,, k ,,, , , 0 ,
on lowol i, wo hF+ t. 4 1 ,4 led or cloth., c.ism , lwro, 1f0 7,4
tor , . whim lot will untko up to Order with lionizes*,
and ,1, , ,,p;,10,.
Anutaton paid to cuffing sontlernan and boy's
stunting. Also counts onus to rho flame line,
dono upon short notice. All work
ii'" Wye him a cull. Ifiloomsburg May e, luto
Excii AN G I.; .11 o'r E 1,, -,
The 414.1er4nzue.1 hroving jet relan , •,4 and lately ra.
alt,d oft, b , iy hip,wn MAIN 1 4 11'.
11 - 11111 , 414.1.•'3. reurl 11,es 4 e. r 41 4 ,4 411 4 1 1 Y
it.1.•r4.4 11,• n,04(1 0 440 Ilu pehlto. 4:P441411y, that Ilia
is aaa (et the necum444,1411411 arid
rup rtaim.,...,1 at traveler.,
ju pr , paring 1114 e44111444:4
6.1 . ‘111 . • 1 1 111I , II, i 1 .0 1141111 1/1 hi. ittithla,liin
1104-e 14 .1.44 tuue, 444 cup,* 114411 $4404114 WWI.
' ONINItti 's:t IN tee et WI times betteeve Ow*
Ilii the Job p•ht reamed ih.p.o h , by which
Will b. con* cviid 4, 4111 d I rum the reepeettee ittetielte
in due uu,rs 40 umui do) trot.
1 0 . CAit.OW •
EDON` Shuttle Machine !
II A 1.E01100N14. Ilroadwny. N. Y.,
Wi•hinutnn Yl "rt. Ilowon.
Chetunt etreet. MA1;1.10001.
PATENTED rEll. 11. P'01!.
TI,IR NAItIIINF. I. con•trucled on entlr”ly
prthelple, of enrchnn;bm, pn••rnoiu4 many rot.,
and valualdn impr. vonenid. tot: IP•1•1. QVIlt1111.•ii
wan pruluund experto. and pr0m05n.....1 Cn
Perferlit)ll DOlnhiowel.
11 hex u rltltt26t ttretile.perpeetett tiler et lien.
nthAtto the 1,011( or PIM Tri,s tA lilt It %%111
air UV,' a 51'1:1..niu.1 ix u0l;x on 6010 ridr.
lierfnrau Pl.ffert eiviog nn P.vvry ile•cripll.ol
1,1111.711111, (rear I,4.llther litsr•t. Nolit•mdt Still .
with rotten. hnen r of ollk thread. from
to llrn Henn nosialmr. Having twlliwr lAN n r ow;
anti tbelnert vtossible It 111111 U 4
IlideOlit glooo. and Id
Riff lihrff /C. dig H Nast Ar AA f ALI C.
1111 *gloom. ri rry PER i!lggrp. lovio paw.►lo d i iv e
it Iknn wog Mho, swichitio in Ike soul oft. A girl
orPloo goons of age .•nn work it glitaitily. wunuut
fulita.• or I.4iiry to !meth
It 1440110 es 34.1 wots , iurrol sitopli.•tiy I.Mo:slum
ti .1 1 , 11' ,, q.1l ni purl llllnd.odd.• In gel hot of "'del'
I:1 ANTEIIO by lit. ' , outwitsy h i mve
~ . .I.•rrtully Wylie till 1b.., Whn map deal,. to
MI II .11IN•1/ f 11110 . 10. 1u cudia
11. , 1
\.•1.111« , 1 ,, I' , IIIIIIVM.I.KII
• 11.111.1'11011 I. Pliffill , lll to vookin
la. W4•lk UM , 111:1(111110 10 1111•ir rutil•l wt•
tranterl for all I the Vatted tetatea.
vt it , v•• vee are not already evvlahltelved Alan.
Mr.% leo. Central anti South Awnrira, to
kt/111 .1 liir , ml eliprom.l will lee given.
I 311'110: It al
:Eh; itoliwwft). N. V.
itOVE:;TEEN & CO.,
Piano-Porto ttrnriufacturerr,
499 Broadway, New I o►k.
el.!! r ATE 1:74 . 1 . 11144 of 1110 100141 r mud filo. Irma.. is
1 itlc 111EI1' SI: sEv rot otrritv
11 wbot 1:4
of 1001.* iofe •1•1 , nailed by ..00) , ynbrrl., ..f.
r. 1 . .1 0.0 1!, , 01 °Mum 141 1 the li•ris
j.,,y,,,,, nt hfli••11.11400. I
% 1•0•40, Olt.. 0111.1 earl, .11•1f1111.14
11 , 10. g tisitelo 0111.. r the ref •••041 .0peiv• • • •• 11 o r M I.
J. 11. 4: Ito, well:ION %1 110 luau W 1 1 ,1111,11 e‘pelieure 0
..V 11.1111' , 111 , Ili nellsoilaclurv, i• tally
11:1114,1 it, Pvt.," prorlwillnr.
i'lti; • fitturk.r.rt.b.Ar
•••ICD W 4.1111.1 1 .01 Ir4lll
Whet,. w•rrn •ab,hil.J tnstruulnnlr ri..41 she
itiniwis or s Porto. o.lw/toy. l'holadvirbia,
Palls tttttt and lanes llrrk ; and ft1. , 1 at Ibr
4.1.. t Ira es Io %mute 1.. r Err. *ser.r....iv 5. env, thy
f`ll.%ta 31ki.Al.s from buW , of which run Inc
rrn 11 ut MI! Wllrr.r.PUllla.
110• I'll.. !.rllOO ..r Plop. n y.. 10001.1 W.! muM••
•N 4 INlflrt !Wart, altel Ity nianterm.t..riog
larg,ty. wpb a otiolty ra•h visalard to
tln• 0 inpi !Iseult' at a wire a 0 tcle tt ill ptct.lude
o u rpn r r•Ctomi!itti to 1; lAO3IOII thus, any
bat rin.r rtaOn
cp.', in onirre.nt 61101.
J ily 11, I In. Is ' l / 4 .
• tlO Si tick of Clitithi)tg.
11:1411 - 1INF.L1:4 CD :11
Miring and Slimmer 6001101.
latioto •1 1 - e ,
v VV
NVITRii /Mouthed' to hi. .t.dd • of cheap and &A
-1 tunable th,thiadi at Pied Store. on
two doors etbove the 4mtrirasi House,
whrre ho has juot received Irmo New Vora and
ladeleldia, a lull 11111111111141 Mill of
Men and 11toy's Clothing,
inrludint the mnn foollionablo. dor mblo sod Mood
woo, LO: GOt conoi.too., of
Box, Sack, Frock, Gum witi Oil Clout
rind Paut,,
of nil sorts, ni m.. o ot ilo oko has Plltvit
kbed hit+ altoit4ly 14 , 0 , .took- of 1 311 hod I,Viott r
r4b.,0 ; Kinpc 11. 11;4, tol aol plain V+ , 41-4,
Aork, linnOsordnvi,, 41. , VVi, atia.
petition. Ault funny ;lath 10.,
N 11, -11 v 1 1 1,, eowo.lotly an 1.101.1 n hrtY affi: rr. it
±.olerttl nas,.rieteut of 1144 104 Ve *till: a. I , lntl.
ha 74 pro I.Urd In . 1.1., Ali In SPI.. ,111 kiuq of
ciothtlig on vory eh.xt nowt. and in the t0 , ,l of iO,ll.
Ali hirr rlot!tiris i. iiiritto to wear aril wort of it i 4
of Ironic mrutaflotoro.
ojuki yjut 24.1134waw50
of are D , Re ri prom. pito! noel:heap. His ease of
Jewry is it Sitrinixiintai in 014 11131,.. Cnf 100 A•
mi.:tic hi., .4f tp.r , l at*orlinetil pl Clothing, Watches,
tawdry, Ar,..
Woom, burg, Apra ea. Ft 43,
AsnloD THE Wt)111,1) As_
Wonderfal Revelations Made by the Great Astrola
gist, MAI) t MF, 11. A. PLattloo. She reveal. se ,
Crete no mortal ever knew. She restores to happl
lti sit Mom! who from dideftil events. tattltittopiwo,
misses in love. loss of relation, and friend., lo„s
of ittOoPy. Ate., have become ilespondent. ribehringir
totp,,thet those Ion„ separated, gives in fertunthm
corning absent friends or lovers, restores lost Hr
stolen property, tells you the billittlitWit you are be•it
titialitit i ti to pot sue and in what you wilt he tout pee
ressini, ceases speedy twit tiara atilt trills you tlite
very day you wilt marry, R }ell the name, like•
Hess and characteristics of the poretet. Shit reads
you very them/Ms, and by her almost imperil:Worn!
powers OH tali. the dark add ilithien mysteries of the
(More. From the stars v'e see in the firmament—
the tnal , tic, stets that overcome or preiloastiiitte tit thtt
yotilithf,tli!ti -front 111 , i'lopet of the
plan , -!s and tint filed stars to the !Jewett* th: time
of birth, mite fittnre dem , if mi r th, Fail
Out to roituott the et. alert AJtroloci,t on +girth, it
rests you but rt Mkt aid
i'aver,v, 00 ttittt
stce ss sad all destrol information, $l, Parties
IR ie.: at a ,liat_uice 0411 01 101111 by mittl
with t yml safety and mtisinetem to thous. eas a
in i .„,, A (ill and rs , hrtt thatt written bat,
n atmwered and likette.s ebetoeed,
s r“ mt milli na tee' its 7f prise :dove
Ail!ti • ! weary Will be trtitllitatittM itti.l 4 1 1 cor-
I . (if det,troyiiii. RtN'tirtiiiiiii4 ttf
fariti..hed desidant
p• day of thin mow!, and year in
tt - hirit • • '' reborn. enebrin; a simil ItitA of hair
A. Pliattlth.i.
lyo, ttrawer heir do, N. V.
I'ARATo It ( 1 .‘111,141.
Tgrow raw frizzcs, yogr switrher, your wig;
Uue;lrm•uVr r•l' em,,fint.,,no 1.1 fk'iri It 111:
COMP peatthtu 1, crime hittl and fair ,
jnd ri•:aite in yuiir °yin inanriant hair.
IRE iiVat ATOtt CA11 1 11,11,11.
Per re,inr u ait hair upon totitt Orrt•ltt (from w Innover
raw,. it Noy t•tire faiien trot) and forrltltt n gr , q , th of
h,or opoo the fat;), it litt. 11/kepi/IL it %111 twee th e
1•• ::row np.aa ton Sllll4/111i441 . 11440 1/1 fmut 1.1140
' 4 4 4' , ; ,4 44. t 1, 4 / 1 4111341 airitil 11.i1/1 4114;1114 in from two
, o is •t• memo,. A rely iggitirgrit prileflijinietg f ig%/ ,
1- • • • d t th,:r it( (140, or Bait.
irt e...h thy: or heard. tr atsertittuyi
, ,•. of living WllllOlllllll 11144.1111
141.11 4.,,/ , ) ar Wi 4 1 / 4 /11, (flit loony %111
, now are or tthaa gtolintio from th e
showers i it i.e./ugly et 'lit - 1 . 141111i ifs biliiglelllll/4 rir
the illaeruta Prup alit eta giV4.411 1 / 1 4A for the lotir an t i
h eh ro am//iii r t o •ly ttatrtblavv, and you way litiVe 11 4 / 4
randy dirt/Wll away largeanwuntu 141 their Pgrdlll44l 4 t
11141111 WC would nay, try the Reparmor Cahill', it
wiltcoa&byounuthinxanleaatltfatllycostae* up to our
ftimegefiligivigg. It your 01104101 r titian not knots It.
bend us one dada) and we Will (401.Wi1f44 it. 1)044104.
thiether with a roeeipt fair the goooni, uhkelt wilt hat
returned you on 11111111.11g11/411, prevehog entire e4.he
(Action is hotstl ati. A.l.lreoe, EY. L. CLARK St
Uthertheto, Na a Went Fayette s4..4?yriteuse, N. Y.
Feb ly
uto. w. ea.:twat*.
Ws, C, IltrozEY,
Ed tablished 1828.
737 34 . Roti1° ST. ppp door halm sui, PVIL 44,11[411M,
bell ituptattim conOte4
And evrwy othet VI, appollifolos to tho
bialooto, of the het (0404, ono et the
ioweet Mane% Raft&
Minh Or HIP),
, ( s,PrO c UtZ'B
Horse lid title Powders.
Y K W.
(means, Dl
vEn4, Form , :
Loss til? API'
ES POO Y, ke,
U 11111100Vel
wind, incrennei
the niwtite-give
muoth Nr
tranifurind t L
Iniscruble 'Wet
.Ist all dliieseet
the Lunge, I.:
ite., Mile art
acts all n /INV
Ily patting
eme-lialf a p
V.ton paper I
larva of owill
idreve dlreaa
will be in:Wiest.
er entirely preven..,
preventive and cure le.
Moo U Cents per Papor, or 3 Papers for $l.
S. A. V0171"Z & IMO.,
AT Titian
No. 116 Franklin St., Baltimore, Md.
For Sole by Druggios wad litortkettenl through-
out the 1.7u1tc4 States. •
Cr tuf attic ut Ik. Prof sl ur , o r
Y Lit 4. MO 17M,
Monnwburs. inn q, Isll7.—Halo.
Tit P.llndrrsiftned vvinil4 reopyrtnoly nnommn. to
Ike c015...11,1.4 DI bum 411141 1110 n4IIIIIC geo•
Tinily. 111111 III! in p ii
4141 IJM llilnl
I this .
“...4.1 ddi•
I r. Ohlle • nr. r ii fri .
1111 l . 41 with rlt•• PTV4.IIII Trbin• oninl South n Vc•
..0 3!..1
with 0, 0 going %loth Thud 1i14.1114 011 the Lark, &
Ills itNN 1111 'S. CS tin. in von' roinfilion. mums.).
41114, and fhpn rr 114,10.1114 hie.
re.r.,114 W 1.116011 to Moot of OPP 11,1•
d-purl. e o n or. 1111 l siontstiol, moou ioltsilist:
bilift:c by Icavin linicly notice kt any of Ihe Ho.
1t1.u...b10w. Apt ii 7. le1:4.
HAIR ExTrawiv.vrillf Pon Rt.:NI/A/NG sip En.
.10 11.0 lnrtir•. CV ...laity, 1111.. In val.! t hie ,U ynhHnry
frr !nolo br 10$ nn 1.101011 eildiepoliaWa
I.rlirle to l•rm.ln• benotly, is .welly not
hUrO I.r inrwe ihd toil nets ..31 py
It id n arrniona to dopedihimin hair Cram
Inst tu-.h,v. t.. or (rum any rot ,•C the I. do„..
naati h1..1 the ram••,
waving Ito plion d th nod iniinral. Thi. id
by Hod Fr•nch. mit/ sy 1110
noty reltl rir•riant del aasdry In r*..i.•nt••. p r ." ;5
rll.l per pa(hitgo. dOl.l in.t•pdia, to ally
tr.:v*lorau ordo r. toy lIBIW En. Villirtsli ei)..
rdli. 14-Iy. 1.:m.11,1*5. t. Itlt•er i. Tray, Y.Y.
and Mg printing anantiol no.
rinnpan) ll.rvoiy roan rag
W. awn printing
MAN pork ly . mid cheaply. fhey nn
conotriAl4 Itint
• hob , II rierd obi can ink.sly
nolisPige 111141 Weep, MSC.
F.I 3 re itito d ist , trurtion4 at.. sent
wills catch °Mee, enabling the
puichacer tutu *think with.
privitaill know/city.. n
OWNA t 1/011.0 MOWN
lug full 41..rvriptititi, pricca.
ten. ' I*. gig , nem (Nu
4, all. {Aar ;" • 1 ,, t 1 , m , 1"11 , .•Is
t • wilitioW 11,Lt'S eq„
Lt. Ann :«ttc.4,
Mar, h 1,1;7_
NIZ W" P. 4.11:4T.11: 'S ift o.r.
'P he ttrot4'riliCtled te.p-rifoltv 4. 11 116011r1 , 4 0141 11t.
11.1,1rt`1111t.' , 11t r..ltop, tutif 11..110t. 1111ey, opjw , ite
i• pri p It:Ull•
dust( 111 , , t "to 1 , 411:114 , 0,
Teo' 4;1, .1414,7 pppi,tlicusei is
ploitimer,iovirh:l•• 44+."14.1 /11^W,
Upl/0 UP! 1{1 4, ,z1 re:VIM:II4E' tt.111... It", 1001 p If t , I I
Iltltt TOM , .4.-111i' Itstql
di:anis:4 tl ir, kspl cosstrully ..0 liarpl, :tit, 61 014th
1114011,barg. April •••11.
Attorney at Law,
Offi,,i in tn. Evinine ltuitdinp . ontimi ntarp, ucrr
Stonunt Co's. Stbre, Secoa,l door above Ulu Lt.
Blontaborti, April 17, 1%7.
T M. M. TRAUt;fi,
-A T-14.1, IV,
6htio i;
Win prn rtioo ral (burly of eldUtithin
anti esttnliios.
IL , AU collection s pluming , anomie,' to.
Jolty LU, 14n.
mt. J. R. EVAN N,
Physician and Stageo9,
a A Avfm; perinaistthdy on
*- Str,!,,;,va. wol4:d Ili
6-4. N the pakliv trotter:oy, that he iA pr, T rar e ,l ro
nth 10 to att loo.toomf fiottituily awl looolo.iily that
may Iv. Wm:4Ni to kW oitro, 011 tows comuteouog
rut ,, %%ilk the tl lees.
pays strict titt , lntioa to flarvry as well
Itr' hi,' WOW,
It.yroming Coanty,
N. HUDSON, Proprietor.
O . C. KAHL I.; It,
Counselor and Attorney at Law,
nunnntice to bta frien,in and Inn ptiblie in
11..1ms rq , .iintell Ihe Prartio. or Law
;wan,. uonveyniicing and nU1 4, 01101011V,44, promptly
tstl,,,lpd to.
0111( 11 Wing, Inwood story,
over I:yiq.n, lirng Sore,
Inuninatitirk May I,
(Sitecosior of Mr, nottord.)
tir, Koons hoe hotly token rhargin of thin popular
mid won oiwitbiwtoid Immo!, sod will kw
see hit old (mod* givii hint o Xll, lia is a capita
landlord, and keeps a drat claar bvuoo.
)111 td, sti)i.
WELL PrOG,lira.
'rho ttnifeteigoeil Elyse melee to the_lehlic itenet•
ally that he is a rattiest wut4 OitinKitorad to
prepared to Mot wino coo ilhOit mitipp upon the most
tro o totobte meths. Ile hoe had ot hie limo expert.
Poole ilet Anstoese reeteremitte *twee*" Illose
it Midas Itoythlog doem io ht. hoe 'maid 41a Wei 10
give him a trial,
looinaburg hne, 11167,
Eloroilda or King's Evil ,
hi a constitutional disease, a corruption of the
I,lood, by which this fluid becomes; vitiatcd,
weak, and poor. Being in thu circulation, it
Pervade" the whole body, and may burst out
to disease on any port of it. No organ is fire
(ruin its attacks, nor is there one which it may
nut destroy. The geraniums taint is variously
caused by mercurial disease, low living, dis
ordered or unhealthy fund, impure air, filth
and filthy habits, the depressing visas, and,
above all, by the venereal Infection. What
ever be its origin, it is hereditary in the con
stitution, diseending ^ from pal - mita to chilcireis
unto the third and fourth generation ;" indeed,
it seems to be the rod or hum who says,
will visit the iniquities of the fathers upon
their children."
Thlo prepantlon,
Irma 1111(1 151vorahly
know n, will thor•
mighty reinvigorate
broken-down and
low.enirind horre,
by Ntrenpthtniiitt
and cleansing tho
'wound' and Intro-
It is a sure pre•
wentive of all Ohl
_ ipeidept .... to
Its effects commence by deposition from the
blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in
the lungs, liver, and internal organs, is termed
toberelie ; in the glands, swellings ; and on
the surface, eruptions or sores. This foul cor
ruption, which genders in the blood, depresses
the energies of life, so that scrofulous constitu
tions nut only suffer front serollilous com
plaints, but they have far less power to with
stand the attacks of other diseases; conse
quently, vast numbers perish by disorders
which, although not scrofulous in their nature,
are still rendLred fatal by this taint in the
system. Most of the consumption which de
cimates the human family has its origin directly
in this scrofulous contamination ; and many
destructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain,
and, indeed, of all the organs, arise from or
are aggravated by the same cause.
(inc quarter of ell our people are scrofulous;
their persons are invaded by this lurking in.
feetion, and their health is undermined by it.
To cleanse It from the system me must renovate
the blood by an ulcerative medicine, and in
vigorate it by healthy food and exercise.
Such a nudicine we supply in
Is Invaluable.
•es the q u ality
to milk. It has
t proven by st.
I experiment to
•aso the
• of milk and
tm twenty per
and make the
r firm and
A. In fattereng
le. It glees them
',petite, !wools
e tilde. owl
3 them ttulve
Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla,
the most effectual remedy which the medical
skill of our times can devise for flue every
where prevailing and fatal malady. It is com
bined from the most active retnedials that have
been ill. covered fur the expurgation of this foul
disorder from the blood, and the rescue of the
system limn its destructive consequences.
Rowe It stviuld bo employed fur the cure of
not only scrofula, but also those other affec
tions which arise from it, such as Ifiarrrno
and Sam Distascs, Sr. ANTHONY'S Fins,
if LoTrII ea , If LA :Ns and BOILS, TIJMORS, Tarns 4
Sri-untrue and MERCURIAL Du.
yen on Istrcnn BLOOD. The popular belief
in d. impurity of the blood" is founded in truth,
for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. The
rartieular purpose and virtue of this Sarsapa
rilla is to purify and regenerate this vital fluid,
without which sound health is impossible in
contaminated constitutions.
Ayer's Cathartic Pills,
are so composed that disease within the range of
their action can rarely withstand or evade them
Their penetrating pruverties liCarch, and cleanse ,
and invigorate every portion of the human organ
ism, correcting its diseased action, and restoring
its healthy vitalities. As a consequence of them
properties. the invalid who is bowed down with
pain or physical debility is astonished to find his
health or energy restored by a /clued, at once an
simple end inviting.
Not only do they cure the every-day complaints
of every body, but also many formidable and
dangerous diseases. The agent below namsd is
pleased to furnish gratis me American Almanac.
containing certificates of their cures and directimus
fur their use in the following complaints: Canino
ow's, heartburn, Headache arniny Irons disordered
bl mock Nei vs. si, hid/ignition, l'ai n in anal diet-bid
lorretiro of the Dowels, Fintadowy, Lea of Appe
tite. Jaunthre, and other kindred complaints.
arming front a low state of the body or obstruction
of its functions.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
COURTIR, Colds, Inlionize, Hoarseness,
• Croup, Bronchitis, Int ipient Consump•
tion, and for the relief of Consumptive
Patients in advanced stages of the
So wide is the field of its usefulness and ea ma
mernaa are the cases of its cnres, that almost
every section of country abounds in persons pub-
Heir known, who have been restored from alarming
and even desperate diseases of the lungs by its
use. When once tried, its superiority over every
other medicine of its kind is too apparent to escape
observation, and where its virtues are known, the
public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ
for the distressing and dangerous affections of tiro
pulmonary org ans that are incident to our climate.
While many inferior remedies thrust upon the
community have failed and been discarded, this
has trained friends by every trial, conferred bourns
on the milled they can never forget, and pros
thred cores too numerous and too remarkable ty
be forgotten.
line lately taken charge of this well known and tan•
venienily ineulett 'nand, respectfully informs his
old r, Jona s , well 11a new, and the radic in me t ,
at, that lus donne is in complete Order for the tte•
rifigtokodiliwn of bostutern, and for the manikin and
onteeinininent of travellers who map feel dterpoeed
to favor hnu with !hair custom. No expense bee
linen Kinard in preparing this Hotel tot the octet.
talum.tnt of gusts. and neti,Mtg shell be remitter, on
his toot, to tuinlidlt to their personal comfbet. The
Location, us well an the building, is o good one. and
nit ti,piuhrr is empty arranged to p l ease the public.
li-9•• ;Always he furnished with the
be s t ~r nod ins Lahti, with the best the inat ,
set 4 trilf . RA Et, hi VMMR
Oreuvvillo, A pril 3, .67—tr,
"radical Watchmaker and Jeweler.
31.11 N STREET, (near the Court lionae,)
ronedantly on hand a fine osportmont of American
and Niche Wow Iwo, Clocks, Jewelry, dilverwate and
Parlinilar attention paid in the repairing of Cloak*
Wairliel and Jewelry. Maeonie Marko; wade to
Gram All wnrk Illkkrtkkird.
Apui 17 1@67.
rinwr DOOR AIIOVI3 "111.310 l RAT OFFICE."
undersigned having rea.frod frost the Op
a 1141 and cumpluto !supply of
Notions. Tin•ltate, Nardsratili, Cot
tint end Willow Were, Drelgs. Onersetw.
try. Glass. Were, `rebate°. MOS Irief
sws, }leer, Walt, Fish site Neat f aitat
whid. I propose seines 41 a very low illstiespie
osph nr produce.
eIN Cali end see. C. V.MARIt.
InftUmiburg, April 3.1 N.
'ESLEY Wittit,
DR. J. C. AVER & CO.
Z'4,1,1 by all PrupreAs in the Country.
May tl24l—ly.
pito PR I ETA n
11L003181.11*RG, PA.