Vloomiburg Ilemottat. IS LOCAL DmPARTMLNT. LZ==3==l up. We will think air 'Wets fin all local occur• times In their Immediate local li les. If they an not 411111* to write a communiretion for the public eye, et Item rend nu a brief statement of everything of *emit in their respective COIIIIOIIIIIIICII. A lid, of Iniarriages, death•, accident., fires, removals, busi - nese changer, ke. We will put them in form. The more facts of Ihit hind we can get the better it will cull us end rut mailers. Who will do it To ADVIRTII , IIIII. Pe Mini WliiiliflglidVettillellittll• taloned, min hand thaw to early on TuoadaY morn• 1 ni to looms Mott insettiolo for shot tweet. ler•The accounts of the Om of J. & 8111:MAN as far as sent out 14 concede aro in the hands of the following persons: Township.--JonN 11. "[EYLER SAMUEL CREASY. Beaver. ZIMMSRMAN, P. M. J. CAMPRRI.I., P. M. Cataitissa.—STEPllEN Roaritegerrek, t'entralies, antl :Ishlund. 401 IN HARNER. In Sugarloaf Township, bilb; for collect io bawl been placed in the hands of IslosmnM Y.RY COLE, to whom payment is roque.ito to be made at the earliest convenience. In Scott Township : all persons knowin themselves in arrears for Rubscription, advertising, to the IhmocitAT, will plena make payment to Joss:Pn LILLEY. Bea ton —I)A N I 1.3. I !AWN N. Orange. —.3IICHAEL K ELLER, fititiixon.— WI WAS, )11'N INCH. .11entliwic.—DAN 111. N lIA itT. Rohrsburg—Mathias M. Appleman. ,(tom A new I)emocratio paper is starte. la Tamaqua, called the neon D r i si n c r u g It ins real lire paper, and ought to do well Success to it. OW Prof. HENRY CARVER commenced the second Tern► of his school, in the now Institute building, on Monday last. It is the best school in this and adjoining counties. A great many scholars are in attendance. Wir A social game was played between the "Athlete" and "Dexter" clubs of this town, on Saturday last, which resulted in favor of the former; the game standing :23 to 36. Good playing was exhibited on Loth sides. *IP— As a Tonic and Appetizer, nothing ran equal the effect of Dr. H. Antler's lo dino Water. I - 011ie all stimulants its of feet is permanent, building up the body, and giving strength and vitality to all parts of the system. In old and chronic MC'S it may be used with almost a certainty of sucee.s.s. NEW CON FECTIONICRY STORE.--Our young friends, Fox & Webb, have opened their ;:ew store on Main Street, nearly oppo,ite our office, with a large and fine lot of con fectioneries, including nuts, candies, and sweetmeat', of every description• They are also prepared to ilirnish families with good fresh bread and cakes, at all times. —This morning's mail (Tuesday) has brought us nothing new, 'hurtling er other wise.' Our dailies that heretofore lived upon excitements must feud it diiheult to fill their eulutuni these times. The ream ul of STANTON and that of Sitßatumi has furnished them with a little food for their craving readers. I Judge ELWELL hula Court at Tura:- buttock, Wyoming County, last week.— From all amounts there were inure than the usual number of Commonwealth cau.ei tri ed.; which grew out of indietments brought under the prohibitory liquor law paw(' tbr that County at the last session of the Legis lature. Coen.—The regular term of the Court of Quarter Sessions for Columbia County, will commence in this platy, COI Monday next. The Comm. trials will Lc greater iu number than usual• There is about the same amount of business on the civil list as the quarterly term generally present/ for settlement. A large turn-out is anticipated. 1141.. The Republic an in smelling about for a candidate for the Legislature, pitches upon Dr. John licister Vanderslice, of Mt. Pleasant, this County, as that man. There is no doubt the Republican editor endorses the one essential qualification, i. e., that Jr. Vanderslice is able to pay the piper. If the Zeller-writer insists, this nomination will lie made. Of course the Democracy would never consent to Dr. V. 's election, but what does the Republican man care about that, only so as the candidate "comes down" pretty handsomely. MONEY.- We know that money is tight, at least every body says so ; nevertheless we must have it, and thet:Ciro admonish our friends indebted at this office, that their fur ther delay to pay up, will seriously inconve nience us. We hope this honest hint will produce the desired effect. If every sub scriber to the DEMOCRAT would pay up, and one year in advance, we should be able to rimy the hard life of a newspaper editor in a ifferent light. How many will comply ? ' 'e shall see. 2w. ,• • ORP: — . John Leacoek, Proprietor of the erican House," in this town, made a MT commendable improvement in his pave ment and about his pump, a few days since, mmoved the old pump platform which Lung over the pavement as a shin break.s., • ump-stock as mueh as fifteen inches .utside of the walk, and put down . .-toue level with the pavement , ',the old wooden platform about Pedeetrinns all exclaim, "bully ED ! at this office, several rs, on subscription and job tter pert of next week. We to meet —and some pretty .pod must have our money. bseribers will please bear either mid or hring as indebtedfleas the coming net Court, it will afford Many to send in their Hitt haul our money, the Grocer, the . ' theror, from our wo law. irgs )ux , 1 1 ser A fire broke (nit in To*and* on the 7th inst., destroying buildings occupied by four htorep, and involved a lONS of nearly fifty thousand dollars, upon which there was an insurance of thirty-six thousand. kr9.. 'rho canal between this place and Northumberland was injured severely by the late rains. It will ho three weeks before boats can run.—LeirLot ary Journal, 22nd inst. fte• Some whites uro getting black as fast as possible and only need a little nitrate of silver to make them so. Their principles and inclinations have long sines) been low enough to suit any colored individual. Kir A negro and white girl from Warren, Ohio, were mirriod at Sharon, Mercer County, this State, a few days ago, by a Radical Justice of the peace. "The world moves," exclaims a Radical organ, over the occurrence, but it neglects to say which way. Srnrric BY Llnfivaso.—.A. barn belong ing to Mr. Kistler, three miles from Du shore, was struck by lightning during the severe thunder shower last Sunday night, and, with its contents, entirely destroyed. Loss $2,000, No insurance.—Sullican County Democrat. SSP The State Lunatic Hospital at Har risburg, has now one hundred and fifty-eight patients ; as many as it can accommodate. The trustees have decided to receive no more until the number is reduced below one hundred and fitly. They reccommend an additional hospital, to bo located in ono of the northern counties. Edwin Stanton, son of the deposed Secretary, still holds a place in the War Department. lie will be able to keep his precious "pa" posted as to the doings of Cen. Grant and the secrets of the Depart ment, besides drawing his salary. Fon sENAT6R.--Jolin Reek of Lycron ing Comity received the unanimous 'lumina thin o f th a t Com i ty for Senator. Mr. Walls will he renominated in Union county. Should the candidate from Snyder not press his claims. this County will hold the balance of power in the Pietriet convention.—Se.‘- liasyroce Timor. SC' That negro loving organ, the Re p►ddieon, asserted that the blacks of "(Anis. iana fought shoulder to shoulder with the white nun, under Jt.ekson. We denied it, and ealle.l for the proofs. They ore not fortl►coming. Another square backdown on the part of the llepublAwn. When will that journal diseover that some Flight knowledge of history is requisite in these matters? War Boys, in the busy season, arc gene rally sent to the pasture to drive up the cows. Often they have an adjourned game at ball to play, or a lish to catch, hence, if not specially cautioned and watched, will, "pot the cows through on double-quick." This is a bad practice. It injures the health of the animal, vitiates their milk, and di minishes the flow of it. Cows in warm weather and with distended uddero, should never be hurried in this way, BARN lIIIMEM-011 Saturday nhiht a new frame bank barn. bolonging to Jlr. Samuel Rau hi, of Ne-em,eek township, Imzerne County, was struck by lightning and entirely consumed, with all it-t eontents. We have heard the toss est imated at between $.2.000 und*.hoon. It was insured thr $l.- 500. The live sleek were all ant in then at the time the building was street:, and con sequently saved.---lime -echo Gazette. —Who wilt cry for Stanton now ? Nobody but a few black and white "niggers." If reports be true, the tunes a scoundrel, and deserves the reap much more than ever did Mrs. Surratt. The survivors of the Ander sonville prison have the proper and just ap preciation of this man. Nu doubt the East is the most healthy climate for him. Ile d better stay there. c The harvest Home Cele'ration at this place, on Friday last, was well attended, considering the postponenu and the un l'avorahle indications of the weather the fore part of the day. Perseus from a distance who were desirous of atm' ling, did not venture from home on account of the threat ning rain. Oar necessary al,,ene , prevented us from being pr,,lsent, a eireumstame that we much regretted. The ladies, we arc in formed, prepared and invited all to one of the most sumptuous dinners ever gotten up on such an occasion in this County. They deserve a great dcal of credit. The pro coeds were received for the benefit of the Reformed Church of this place. —CoNcrwr.—The Guernsey B r others gave n vocal and instrumental concert, in Snyder's Hall on Saturday evening last. Their entertainment was right good ; they sing well and play well ; besides, they are gentlemen of the first type. They are no humbugs, but give a decidedly A. No. 1 entertainment. They will give exhibitions, in Columbia County, at the following places At Itohrsburg tonight, ( Wednesday ; ) Thursday evening at NOV Columbus; Fri day evening at Benton; Saturday evening at Millville, and on Monday evening, the 2d of Sept., at Jerseytown. We bespeak for them a good turn-out nt these places. They will give you the worth of your money. Call awl see that. =CI Thr Peach Crop of 1867 has by no means been a failure. Thousandsof baskets of peaches arc daily delivered in Philadel phia, and they are sold at very low prices. The New York Journal of Commerce re ports that this weak one hundred car loads 'Lily are expected to arrive at that city di rect from Delaware; and that next week and during the first weeks of September this is to be increased to 275 car loads daily from Delaware. This will give New York an average supply from Delaware during a portion of the season of 110,000 baskets, to which New Jersey will add 40,000 baskets more. The Baltimore Gazette says that in the section from which Baltimore is supplied it has hardly ever been known that the peach crop has beau so large as this season. It is evident that the peach crop is no failure, but, on the contrary has been a vem good one, Persons visiting town during Court week should not fail to call at Hendershottie Now Drug Store and examine his large and carefully selected stook of drugs., patent med• icines, paints, oils, glue, &e., which ho re ceives weekly and sells at the most reasona ble prices. All goods aro warranted to bo of the best quality, and purchasers will find it an object to call here before going else where. 103. Fanners in Wisconsin say that be fore the end of the present year wheat will he selling iu that State for fifty cents per bushel. Ift3s, "Blessed be the man who first in vented sleep," quoth Sancho Panza. Sleep has often been "murdered," not in Mae beth's ease only, but in many modern in stances, by Indigestion, Nervous, Disorders, Headache and a host of other complaints. For all such there is a remedy, andeufferers may now exclaim, "Blessed be the man who invented the Plantation Bitters !" This de licious Cordial and fine tonic is now hailed by millions as the great Ilealth-G iver and Restorer. Resolve to buy a bottle and don't "sleep on it." "Be wise in tittle." MMINOLIA WATER.- -A deliAtful toilet article—superior to Cologne and at halt' the price. 2 w. MARRIED. In Briarereek, Thursday, August 15th, by Rev. W. B. Fox, Jesse Klinger, of Beach Grove, and Miss Lizzie Trough, of Foun dryville, Columbia County, Pa. In Ihiuvillo, on the 24th of July IBtl7, at the M. E. Parsonage, by Bev. J. Mclion dree Iteiley, Mr. tieorgo Deihl and Miss Anna Eliza Apideman, both of Bloomsburg, Pa. Tn Philadelphia, on Wednesday the 21st of August 1867. by the Rev. John Width% Mr. Fred. 1« \Vidmyer, and Mine Sue K Fry, both of Bloomsburg, Columbia County Pa. MARKET iIEPORT. Wheat per bushel P 2 00 Rye, f t 1 10 Porn, ll 1 00 lbwkwheat " tO Oats, t 4 70 ClOVerSeed " 7 00 Flaxseed, " 250 Dri'd apples 11 2 50 Potatoes, " SO Flour per barrel, 14 00 Butter, Eggs per dozen, Tallow per pound, Lard '` 11 alto, At ShMiltlf TS, " !lay per ton, NEW ADV ERTISEN ENTN. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Est • i s or 3scoll Kinn,. ?IMMO ems Tstr.. Nonce b hereby given that te•tanisnlarr an the eMU5•1 he la not likely In to , Imponed upon by 'receiving worthless material badly made tipi Those desiring anything in his line wniild do well to give him I all, Wore purchasing ilsewhera . Ile wile I GOOD ARTICLE, and at pries. to cult purchase's. All hemmen■ who desire light or heavy wink mhda to miler can he neenromodiSed at his milabliehment. 17 Also, repairing will be done with neatness end despatch. An elegant assortment ad Ladies Spring and hum mar Shoal em hand. A, lIIALLDER. Apiil h. DWI. ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. Wiwi of adsninlstratinn net the estato of Retiree flerlesen. late nt Prost Township, Calisiudia County. deneawd, have brig' wanted, by the Register or Hu'welds County, to rbllip't, Hartman and Rdwaid Hartman. the roster reeiding In iSeois and the latter In Centre Township. meld County. All persons haw • Ing claims against thu mutate or the dnreuwd are re• quested to present than duly aullientieetrd to the ail ininisiristore, and thole owlue the elicit will mate suediste PHILIP T. HARTMAN, &MYRRH HARTMAN, 1 " n r . .• Perm. July 10, 1167.-11 w. IN THE ORPHANS' COURT IN AND for lb. County of Colombia : le the ■altar of the gismo of►rler Eveland, ieetessud. Aa4 POW In wit Sof %b. 11187, tbg Coen apaulat ■lgab k, lkil.r, tel., auditor, lu make diettlhot ion I.lla. a.int,. In the kinds ot . Prtet fr.al.ad am! .latta (Ireland. 114- wiasalsatur 4, w mad ammod the hair' Add it rap liigggiaUggs. By tbg Ciotti. ►rom the record lases Cokaaki.laptk. Tb• atWithr above nomad will attohd to We dull.. .r hie ippolutawal, at his office. Is illoohugborg. uo 1814ra/if, /My %rib at to o'clock a, la. lICEIER, Midi tor. filootugboil. fall 10.1147. IN COVET -1N and for the County or Volambi* : In the matter of the polifloo of John Homer. auarillas of the peso and estoto of Ifitfab Elsonbarh. And now to Wit : M•rr 11th, MO, Ma Court oypolut Vf Missal H. Abbot, auditur. to report for to of the neli trrot, By Ow C.Aft. Front tho Record Jima Couroc.x. CIPrIt. The amittor above milord will attend to the Mille* of Mon appointment, at the ottirkt of louse A• Monroe. in Caton Isom on iatu►da the thirJ day of Augu.t, ■t IV o'clort 4, at. '4%' M. H. AUOOTT, Auditor, Cattaiviaim July litti7. THE COLUMBIA 110 USE. U. U. STOUNER , Proprietor. Tk la la a new eland lately fi tted up for the seenmino dation of the traveling public generally. situated on Main Street. a law down nboys tan Court [wise on vi bet le known as Ito. "Itubbisoa property." It is centrally !seated in Ire town, ato 'et pleasent pier, for assets to atop . bring in that part of town where the majority of the baroness is being done. lliti proprietor feel. confident that he is wolfed to glee general antiorsrlion to his Rural., and would solielt a fair portion of the public primps's. ltionuistiorg. May IS. tsu7. ERIVINE & PitturreAL HOUSE AND Slga Painters tad Paper Dangers, /IL 0 WISBURG, PA. paving had a long et periance In the shove boo' - nes, they woald respectfully offer their servleco to the citizen, of Illerimehuri and cworrounding erran try. They are prepared In do •Il Ilnd, of Henri:an g,gn Painting, Papering Graining, Olezinc. and all . 1 07 k beinnline in the Pain sing hu.ines.. CL.T Order, left at their chop In the Court House Alley, or at the Exchange Hotel , 1.. N. Meyer', bring Store, and C. tt . Snyder's annotate, done, Will be promptly attended IC. Bloomsburg, Augott 1. NEW BAKERY AND CONFE6 - TIoNERY loahmtientontlsel3csmacania2 ON THIRD STREET, BELOW MARKET, BLOOMSBURG, PA. J. F. FOX, Proprietor of this establishment, wonli terpettfully Infnlm his std ■nd new easterner', that he has everything fitted up at Ms new ■taad In .n• able him to furnlah them with BREAD, CAKES. AND comrrkTurtmair.pi, a , heretofore, rz — Ne has mad. arraagements for the ule of Bread, with him. Erasmus, who keeps a Confection ery Store directly apposite THE "EXCHANGE BUILDINGS," wh.ro presoaks dseirloi brawl can he accommodated at all le mes. ll.reafer ell yrersofte, who have been furnish • e 4 with Ale. Lager Beer, Ilfid Porter, by the whnl•, bait', or quarter barrel, will call upon W1L1.1.1111 GILMORE. at Lia Baloo■ is Ehivea' Block, Main Street, who bar been anthnelsel by thin onderaigneel In ~II the 112113... II 0 will constantly have ■ stipple on band, which will be sold at the lowest inart-t rate'. Mr. F. has, in cones/Mon with his Bali.try and Can lectionary., Sited up rooms for the sale of ICE CREAM, to all who m■y farm hint with their custenn is also prepared to Mae Sc. Cream in large gnanri• ties for pnrtiss. public or social gatherings. as 'hi ease way be. Everything pertaining to his line et holism will receivers/flul and diligent attention. 10" He is thankful is his customers for past f+► tws, and most cordially solicits a coolinnsnee of the same . 1 . F. rux. April 3, 1867. rhiladelphla & Erie Rill Road, SUMMER TIME TABLE. TIIROVGII ANln DIRE': r ROUTI: tItTWEE't rIJILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE. II AR 111/13PU40, WILLIAMIWURT. MID TUB GREAT OIL REGION OF PENNSYLVANIA ELEGANT SLEEPING CARS On all Night Trains, On and after MONDAY. Aram , Z9th, 17. the Triune nn ron Philadelphia t Stia Hail Mud will !moss fuilews; WESTWARD. MAIL TRAIN leave* Philadelphla. 7 110 p. m . Northumberland B 34 a, m, arrive at Erie 4Mp. m. EXPRESIS leaves Philadelphia IS 00 Northumberland 0 44 p. iii. arrive at Erie 843 a, in. ELMIRA MAIL leaves Philadelphia B 00 a in. " Northumberland J. 4 RS p. m. " arrive at Lout Haven 743 p. m. BUFFALO EXP. loaves Baltimore 10 30 p. m. Nu, thumberland 6 03 a. in. '• alive at Loeb Haven II 30 a: m_ EASTWARD. MAIL TRAIN leaves Erie 111 RI a m Northumberland II 60 a. too " smite it Mimi', Iphia ENI6 EXre I ESS leaves Erie NorthumM3rlrind 6 03 A. m Arrive at Mimiclphilt I o p. ELMIRA MAIL leaves Lock Horan 7 15 a, In. •• Northumberland 19 19 a. tn. •• arrive al shilatielplim 340 p. in, L'K lIAV. ACU. /eaves Luck Haven 1 30 p •No►thatnberland 3 10 p. in •• arrive at Philadelphia 111 311 p. at. Mall and Etprers emitter% with all triune nit WARREN t FRANKLIN RAILWAY. Papmenliers leaving Philadelphia et I/ 00 M. arrive ailrrinedurt it 46 a.m.. end Oil City*, A 311 a m. Leaving Philadelphia at 7 30 P, M., arrive at Oil tyty et 4 AS p. m. All trams on Warren 4 Franklin Railway make clove rnnneclion• at Oil City with train, far rank• lin and Petroleum LbUtle• SAUCACC cliseKso THROUGH. A. L. TYLIIII, General RAO Rilo. July 04, 100. 028, HOOP SKIRTS. 028. N EW SPRING STYLES "Ora ('brae MAKE. " Embracing evert , New and dealrable else, idyls end shape of illain and Troll Hoop tikirts,-2, 2 I-424.11 314, 33 1.4. 3 II 9 3 3 4. and 4 yard. round every length and else Waist : in every respect FIRST QUALITY, and venetiany adapted to meet the wants of First Class and most fashionable Trade. "Our Own Mahe," or 'loop Shirts, are lighter, more elastic, mote dirrable, and Really Cheaper than any other MOM of either PllftrlS or Double Spring Shirt in the American Market.l They are Warranted In every respect. and wherever introduced give versa, antisfection. They ate now being eitenslvsly sold by Retailers, arid every Lady should try them. Ask for "110PKIN'S OWN MAKE" and are, that each BLitt is Stamped W. T. Hopkin'a Manufacturer, 698 Arch Street, Philadelphie.' NO nUtrn are Genuine, A eatadimue containing Style. and Retail Prices, sent to any sddress. A Vol• form and liberal diaccotnt allowed to Dealers. Oh tiers by mail or otherwise, promptly Sad earefisily filled. Wholesale and Retail, at Miinufactnry and Sale room', No title Arch Street, Philadelphia. Mufti made to older, altered and repaired. Terms, Net rash One Peke Only March 90, 117—lOrna, WM T. noracirati. MILLINERY AND FANCY' STORE, Light street, Columbia Co. ESN. 111/111X1 1411111131 Would announce, In the eititcns of Light Street and kvicialky that she hag opered liPo 9llllloory &Fast' Mee i lk which she has stocked with a large acid mew aesert• meat of Millinery and Irises Goode, from Measlier' cities, fht lee Ppriag aid Pimmet trade. per *nth annotate of ALL ARTICLES fawn le heat elan mlllinery floras. Her sane an the heel and moat heedeoPte lathe meta►. BONWETS made Loader, add repairing , eau with neatness and despatch. All loofa eiteemtad la the beet and most tatty manlier, apes reattosable wen. Particular attention I. paid to dress welting. @As has PATTERNS of every description pertaining to the trade, Om land and far Sale cheap. 01•• bet • cull—Stnrs le Wordon'• buildlag,to•mb Italy besayiee by Mhos Julia Miter. April se, ow —3lll. i nn a. rti• 10Oi • in •