AGRICULTUItAs Returns for July bre.lietrat be Department of Aitirleuthlro. WASIUNOTON, August 2.—'The following id a condensation of the crop returns for July received at the Department of agri culture : Never has the Ilepartment beets able to report so favorable a loosPert for uniformly good crops since the establidi. !tient of the Statismal Itivibion. While ex aggerated statements have been made in influential papers, especially of the so-called failure of the wheat crop oflast year and the importation of wheat in the face of the fact that twelve millions of dollars worth of bread-stuffs were exported in the first four months of 1167, immense numbers of emit grants were fed, a much lhrgcr amount or wheat used for seed than usual, with a sur plus still remaining over sufficient to break numerous speculators and banks, It is grat ifying to know that we shall have a surplusi to more than wake good the delreicnry, not the failure, fur there never was a !Aare of the wheat crop in this country. Of the last three crops of wheat three or flair States— West Virginia, Kentneky, Ohio, and Indi ana—made but blare crop. No other States were in the category : and lowa, Mi,.snuri and Kansas made a crop. Instead of a de duction of 30 per cent. on 90 millions of bushels of wheat, which would at least have threatened a famine, scarcely more than a third of that deduction should be made.— Fur three years past the product has been but about five bushels to each inhabitant.— The crop of 1859, if the census. returns are correct, was about five and a half bushels to each person; the promise for the present year is about six bushels. The statistical returns fur July show an improvement in the condition of Winter Wheat over last year, in every State but Texas, Nebraska and 31innesota, the di. Initiation in the latter case being but 4 per cent. The highest improvement is in Ohio, ltio per cent ; West Virginia, 7S; tieorgia. tl6, Tennessee, 72 ; Indiana, 51; Kentucky, 23 ; Michigan, 35 : Vermont. 25 ; New Jersey, 23 ; New York, 17. Spring Wheat was a the less variable product than laq year, consequently less variation in the figures used in the pram etimpaiison.— All the States however, except Vermont, New York, and Pennsylvania, show an in• crease on last year. Corm—The average, in corn is onw , nally large, every state showing a material in erme except Mailia, New Ilamt,sbirea. New York, and South Carolina. In the South• ern States the increa4o ranges upward- to 102 per cent. as in .10,awas. The tier as reported is a little de2, , iefit iu Coe Northern and Western Stat. • on account rf the letenozoi of the Alitig. With the con tinuancc of the tort-slit weather thole is ..mple opportunity to make up the entire eficieney. in which raze the yield will Ic mprecedented. gp., —A glanee at the tal le4 will •bov, he line condition or this crane Wl4l the rr:- wvrkable unit4rmity of the improvement. hurley.—The coniii6in at' this train rasoni , e- an inerea 0 or 11,,, 0 , y. cent. in Ma —i•ilti-011- neerr.ut, New Jers• tueky, and Indiana, and 14 per at. pi OhM• Most of the ...idler Btatr shoe increase. aite.--11,e oration or Nit, point 4 a full avtragc in the West partiodtrly in IViscon:in and 'Minnesota ; also, in Ma —a ehusetts, Rhode Island, Connoctient, New Jersey, and the South ; slightly less than last year in Maine, Vermont, New York am! Kentucky. &dart, and Mtg. --The , c emit , are al most universally large from in average tip to 15, 24) and even 1u per e it• flitotoot.—The report of acreage „r po tatoes indicates a larger area planted in ev ery State except Maine and New Vorl..— The condition is also above an average with a few exceptions, among which ar o New York, Ohio, and Indiana. Fruits.—Peaches arc so exceptional in their successful seasons and localities that estimates for States can scarcely be made with accuracy. New Jersey, as indicated by very general returns, shows ;3 per cent. improvement over last year ; Maryland, 25; Delaware, 150 ; Virginia, 25 Miehigan, 127. In other States estimates arc given upon whatever data was received, generally showing a considerable increase over het year. Apples are promising in portions of New England, the Allegheny region, and the West. Grapes are more unifmn in the average of States and generally appearing unusually well. It has been a snore successful year for strawberries than usual, as a study of the table will show. Sorgliam.—Tho Sorghum crop is gener ally retutued as in a comparatively poor condition with lower figures than any 'other crop. Ohio and Indiana indicato a dd. ciency in averaged' 14 per cent. All the principal Sorghum growing States show a similar state of facts. Tobacco is much like Sorghum, mani festing a decline in average and quality gen erally. Cot/mt.—There is an increaseofaecrage in North Carolina, Georgia, Alahams, and Arkansas. Texas, 10 1•l0; ;Mississippi 9 4-10. The average is about the same as last year. There is a slight difference as re ported in favor of the present crop. The Department estimates, made last October, of 1,84000 bales, proved to be singularly accurate for approximate calcu lations of FO early a date, though they were severely c.iticised by Northern and South ern speculators, some of whom publicly ac knowledged their error after the crop Ira, sold. It is too early to predict the success ful avoidance of all the numerous enemies of' cotton. Had the !asst crop been a good one it would have yielded 2 ,ti 0 n,9 0 0 bales. A wry good one would have realized 3,000,. 000. Such results are possible thin year, Wool. —An axanduatten of this heir of tables will show that losses of sheep,: au. thrifty condition, and a wet spring, 'havat ' had an Influence both upon numbers tiiN weight of fleece, and will . lend to the mu cluaron,that Aar wool eh* of the prelim!. year hrbot diktirially larger than that of lest year. NW itusTArktuvr, 17PI WM: GILMORE, tntUrtins if 1?“1111 rtr UlUitlijyhtlfg AMd witthity th4t tan tam 0P4144 1 a tun, wr A V rt ANT I is tbis ohms, whore WI ittvitos has fld tilt:ails sod asstmitors wenn .110 purtnkta tar ins tuftsstntastsa— It is hir i1ii0141.1.111 eit 4.lPit I itti bs'l4 L.1(11,1 1 11,13:11, 44V D ALI 4 votoiniitly urr harm ; Alin, Porter, 'Wee/patina. Men Ul4i W4OO r, ralnty LethittlNdeti, lteepberry and hem blyrupe, von al Wept be tied et nor ilestautaell. Ili th e Ming line be preeerd* MUM DI FASO not surpassed lu this Visor vio, Picklo4 Oyster , sof,lioHO rimh, Uatherue4 Chicken, Maim Tulle and Dorf Tongue. ise.. aloe ha I soot oriole of NM „, I'S WO VbeiriSig Macro tbr hts customer. ive hm* 0011. Illoom,wouro, Julio 1 3 . lecn. REAT li RGAINS AND Reduction hi Price'''. The umlerviowd tttil t•tier to the GREAT BARGAINS in 01 Irimlo of I , ..'‘LitSo , LrcroilatsaLlactlitlocs • 4 Burl n b DB V GOON, 141.: UNISIVA R C. IRA WIVA It 14, Booth and Slloeiti, Halo, Cap*, and Nation. in every va Our bniineas front the did of lautlaty. will be can ducted an a *trio ly CI. ASh SYSTEM . and pett,na wishing' In pattlnoto anytkont fn ant line can do go at a t,ty antall partannatta on Current Wholesale Prices. All kin.b. or product+ nod groin tokoo iu exthooge EV' We rotundity invite the public to G VE OS A CALL and a share of their patrona eit ali NINO( & $111..111,4N. Cathy:troth Jasusary 2 , 1A417 LUMBER ! LUMBER ! ! rume.4,Ny, Inform the public Ma they have their PLANING MILL HOW in °Pertains* with nn extenoive sorinftment HI Lt j Art 17.4... e uti 1,13. and nrr now prrpurod to I.ovaly all ord”ta nt short notice and at the artoa for ca , h, Their ns sort inelll Of I Wlllwr Coll t fine Mesh, Bonn flooring, 11411111 w iloardps Hemlock Plank, 1:110 , 11 nr 11111111011 , 1, t , r) rm.., spar joire nip{ tioithtltiitt of all stX,A. Thi•ir halloo, Mill and Loother Yard ik rit tent e,i tit the vory r oriveriolitly for iihipping loather hy th, rug", hey aft. cil,tkolly thilog lumbar of all , 1110 Hegira I iher of every Wlit dr walk 5,. intro,, Ohm atnt kbe fore pow .3.411;! eimAt 11,ry, They sire em• iheotly prelim et! to sell thelp $1.4 1.11, The•oili—iit. Int.*el th.. WWI , ;eh,' i•111*. it big It , 13 . 4.11:11 they have too. Mill ipeciiiity oropare,l lee rut liftilwr.: Tioiso wirhih; to l•oilit or tot:troi,tiii. hie I ildnig, eau Naas I“otie, by VIM" it n tail The uit. 11,0 11,4 nra rirolfat,l t‘s do :Mt knot of rettiwtmi'i io• "Ow Ant b ~•11111,01w4 Miithineii. Moo rIII kind* at Gle lot 111, Soot. 19, fis'A C tiqi) Ni 61 ,111 3 , .17# ###. 0. If, ## • # ; Jot l'aliloah. 41, a ovw f ,f 1+4,19 'IA I ft WE1.1.'14 c'tl , brale,l FIB -14 y r,a rho rod ,i+l++.o++lM+ll+ljl +, I ov,dahlat.l 11,,110; k;urv• Ntepral tn. apaeuy, itiptii+ ‘1,1,11,0i, IS • +I VpiiepAy, aed ir;" ;:,,141f 4 , llW.utscia, err vt,,trovu. • • ' , etre. iu a• , .•ailed 4, .!•• r 3=•L•••r•.1 'Mi., WOO, +l,llll++++,llNlW+++ $OOlll It lbirty year. , ' 1,,1 rf tici•! the 414:Wing ..”,q111'10:1.t.i 1 , 1 Melt , • may ha rudi,olly curt,d With,rht tiro cidouvt o,r. 114 e iI joh , to:tt otodiroto, er the tt-pplwaloon of he acaNlin7 IM , " of tote 11l Onrr , 0101. pie. r , rllsin, .1114 twit, by a.. ona which even OliiitS.r what hi, v.rodttion tufty bc, may • litni.elf cheaply. prir,,toy, and rndtcaily. De ill tilt: hautlu of over, yooto otot wary moo to the hand. under a crd, to u plum vovehrpo, to airy ad drt p1t,11,164, on receipt tootr ,- , rte tn.) pest slit was rasa !Iry 1.411110,914. C. & 12 Hortrry, t'utk,PortOtficrt r,a,iv6 Dr:e. FOR FALL and MATER, It. W. ROW MAN .Ul,ti)aw 4 p`a.C , WCV'CD49 IN ONANOEVII= E.* Tin's iltittOttiglitOt hat, itl.l tervive , l a very largo and excellent OtOtOrttliollt of WALL AND WINTER l;OflI B, ~, hie b be propoSO'nl to Men at v erg low Mtvii Ha bap the beet iivalities or CUM'S, CAI,AI.3IEKES, AIO 1:1CoES, DCLAIVV:4, C111:110, &c, /ice. l'he Grocery Departmetat is M1..11110 Ihr bast polity 01 tre4t trroeeroNs and ouch no €agar, otolusbee, dour, Tait, fish, ham, ho,ou, •Spil try pr,, t nee taken for goody, forlto ti ail hi at 'Haricot prie , %ill given. 11 1. t roll to giv e him a cull and motto gnat bargaitta. R. W. hoWM AN Orangeville, Nov, .IR, REMEDIAL ItISTITU7E. FOR SPEOIAL CASES, No. 14 Bond St, New York. information, With tbt highest ti s Litanies Woo. a Book on kpecial !distaste to a sealed envelope malt trim. fin sn r ennit send for !Acr . and pm oral not regret it r tart as IV/VT/4101W phyttei#oB are 1:1.r...ti t - Ay im. poster* * without references ntr strangte bh4114 imwd,stun+pcol pastAgr; and tlir re% to DR. LAINHENCII, NO 14 110 NO PERCKT. NP ,W YORK. Nov. 14, IFl;ti—ly.S, M. P. READIN4; RAIL ROAD SUMMER ARRANGEMENT.n April Bth, 1867 GREAT TRPNg LINK FROM TRH NORTH and North Weet liar Philadelphia, New York, Real. ink,. Pottsville, Tiworepin Aebinml, Lehnooli, A lien• town. Euston, Fphrata Lilia. lowieketer, Columbia, s t r„ Ate. Tratnu !neve 11ncrintoirg for New York, on thilthvol At a 110, N in m 01135 A AI end 110 and tt Dorn connert ing halt eiwrinr Train', on the l'entn , ylvanta Rait raag owl nrrivtngnt New York al 501$ 004 Pi to A 0 nod 4 40, 510 nod 10 d 4 ea, Weeping Cnrs tterem let • tit tett the 300 • m and 0 pm. Trains %%anent • henvn tinrriAtirg for Pending, l'othiville, 'puma. cool, Mincroville. A »Wand, (tine Grove, Allentown keg Pkilitol , 4lphin, nt ri 10 A M and s< in ant) 4 10 p etnpp;og at Lebanon andel a tt aaa ; the 4 10 r 0 untlang connethons (or Pnlig,leipoin and Coin mina only. PeGvcill,.. 110ven nun Anbure, pin klcbuylkill Awl inpaquAlialina Rail coed, leave Marriekilrg. at 3 20 pm, Itetaraina ; Leave Now York at 9 03 A M. le M and 5 /Wand Ita I. 11; PhiladelphiaAi 13 A M had 330 p m Pang Way PaaailetT Nita leaven Philadelphia at 7 30 A m. retwniui Irani Meath hit at/411p ..tapping at all prations; Port:withe at n 43 uN. and 295 pm; Ash land ii cal and i i :10 A M. Ullll I 03 p. M.; Tarn/MU tt 943 A. 14, and I and 83 P. N. P01444 , /114 for Harrinan vin Schuylkill and elvitiehaiina Railroad at 7 00 A A t . Rending Arcommodation Train : LemtVall Reading at WM/ A at militant/ from Philadniplint at 3 00 p M. Columbia Railroad Train, Inayo hooding at 7 00 A m and 0 13 p M rut Ephrata. MHz, Lannotor, Vow ethic pout:town Arrountiodation Trani: Loaves Puna. lowa at 0.0 A, M., raturniha Ivavin Philadelphia at 030 r. m. flail Road Truing, IHAVC ni.40100 et/ 00 400 1113 r. M, fur £phrala, Liras, Laniakstor. Volumbi4, 01, Ouuduri : LeIIVO Nrw Perkin 0 00 P M, Phlle• ilelphde 800 A M, cod 3 13 I' N. Um a 00 A M, wain rennkag only la Readmit ; rotervltie Of OU A M, • Hot. notturs 9 34 A M. and Itene,ne at IWI and 7 tili A MI, ferPrtriceuei and i 1 al A M. for New York and 403 PM. nor Phi ntilalpttin. , , Caatanalatias, iatkala,llllasn Selinol and Sarno. Tianota. to and from al d alma icta reduced MISS. :litigate tat taint th e Nib ; prr panda alioad each 1P414M1011/. G. A, NICULIGS. Gentiral Super naterultta. BROWN 46 mums. Pianos for the People ! 420 Broome St., N. Y. We would con the ouootfoo or tha Indnin IPA Oa mil, is our arifiCat how Scale riunes, in the }uw• log ISTYMI A, 70Cillan, riralit IWK4 r OOlO e4lrntri. ptriu VW. either Oregon or carved laic straleht bottom, bead reoeldtter an p10n1h....5430 wry ho 0. 7 octave, same as idyls A Atte set.. montifing on With, carved WO find IY re,. 3110 ts'fr 1.6 7 octave. "'rem coreirre lams rutted set perdu( bottom, thealdleas sums its on style D. carved lyre and dean, taany carved Was.— 341,1 BMA: 0, ?octavo, Pour large weed comers, Ontahed back, weelilottaa Oil rim and Ortpentina Wow. carved lyre and dealt, nie• VW carved Unit legs- curt ,„ The shovt, styles tire all 'Wished in elegant 111411• wood oases and have the Nil iron flows, French Briton, harp portal, beveled top, ivory keys and key Outdo and exceed in ovefetruns Noss, toady MI ths 7 I Ortsvo Poole* now tunnufarto red. 11111 , are 111411.10 t the Mort tuaterials , and for dninly durability, purity sod NW ,• ettins of tone, cannot be surpassed. We invite the attention ut the. pantie, of dealers sod the profession, to a critical esstothstion of the writs of our Primo.. thy avoiding ay great PA ottoddant upon sOstly InetwlPP 41111 1±%(1 , 1141f14 W 41 1 ,10040 ill the city. the ttrc enabled to otfer these l at image Moth dory ceinpetition, incite all to tall 111111 to .minion Meng t, tor. purchn,dog elsewner , , Parties ordering front a 111.1414 , 1 can rely upon receiv ing their rhinos prooll 4l ).a nd ll" , ' !' ; 0 : """' , 4" "" r 111. the styles are to. Oistitohy +44,14,04t ,, , t,lO letters A It t' • • • 'ho IOOT dopwritool abovo, Otolool V Oil OW vilsontoli rhaaLcr iu extu nor tiol4l or raw, v. Iwb lira by many ataau tact itrolt 11tH lip to i 5 an,l ;WIC 14:1",18TMENT, UROOERIE, We wout4 re.peetivil) rats tile affruttou aY chair Len.frr4 and Sinviog.S.llol4 re4ofri re t.) nAtr , 4111)- 1,4141 ,. a tvlu ft: ail hlilds a Church I , 4:4 e unfl Ant.helto "tvo}ku tau iro olthtined vu the truu , tfavtuzille knit* Th , long exporiottro Or °Or Mr, ll,,OrfiN f , iu I{ll,lval ConventOlg, Choiro, the rolooot Itomil and ready. 14,11001, root/lox loot to glt,o: arlywo find iliforocaloo On all polot./ of otolOrlot totere4.4 err to the 411141e11,111 oI proper 110 f k p 01 Waif 111-11011 101111allo114 follgittat —pf otusi , lI .tooter. aold It , 1114 Or pallfral 1111111:st to E01111,./brilf, leatier, tt.urlo,t forivirlind on the swim! Willis' with iwomisinsiosi s . .stigtry orders so AIL:Wt.{ aad srletil , Msl 1110 for pisllllo. teatstiefs: concert.,. . .Now ready the now &hoof 111 011; ()IL IDIE Ct 0111 S tty T PIPUIS44: siihssr o r osissred t.lrhe+,l eatitt-e, Ortettutt (Ike &Ss, Ate" Ate, We will sewl To ripe. unto oily, noot paid, to any ud,lrea.k. on Ist nit' 0 *Ail, Tlte WM) of 'THY Uot,osn rit+Ssliste,s , stspies, to popsf Coteest 30 BY M./ IINi t.`,11,1 Nioale onieet, to board covetto Y i the 100 ~ too ,Stole's 1 *nrirtilled rt'unt) PiNsh. fit Pt intrthfiwoi, an b •ihit vt.theh.if by Mt leading hous,, in the HlMllifartHre of 19itiu , r, Ormh,, }ht- II ird Tabte# row; if tre, Every ,too , who itit4 haw, shouht thi4 land NO \ it give 11;11 putttrulnrs mil 4,lfurtpm.„Appl“ K+r Togs )100 11)11 AAeuriel , f , reivwl hi( KW 11% N h II Ii l ta. th.hetal A gelds fur lii C uli l Sritf“ , , 410 ISiuoauStrol, Ml. Y. ot.lly pnn,at. in 11'.• rw:htry ttaht 1 *in t",h , Hutch, nn4 nx the :Miele manic iw v.-h., t, thot, ahem Chit. are t , !• op, 8-1 I‘Vith the 1,,m,P y e niti I nUnrd by rz pleis pill . ppr I 'A" a , / 7,7i7K1 AGLNTS rt.R Tit FN I 11:14 sTATiIs, No. -NU ttr.fflo , , Strut:4, N. V 0(.1.21. J.,A, 1:1 , 1,1("1'1:1)!_ SI '111:.11 ) )11 ! ! %rh a,„ ~,„ or PR lillNVl6l.ti's vt,ix yott oa o. 1,11 pant at a teirni ,, U.C.o. h I,t,hitiv 100. ,'^+ wliti har,intli. , foj in% no .114 It,* NO , )ration . ,d %to., qt.., t.',nor,! . : rooot.o,r any of iho 101 l •-• q , I , bn p ec +OllO,l +++.lp, n,.+, re 1141 , r^ , It 1.111! t‘a...4 I 4104,1 , ill •, II !I ll' 1 1 on , nd , ol , olr, dt'pr , ololl. ot . • •.; a , itt 4.04.4 l o .„. , !) . II is ,P r, ,14.,•yit... ~tip ~ ,, , , ,+.1.•, -t r++).++l It by I+y ..t.plack pt , +.+++3.! , • ••. , +o,ll.l,+++t ••• . +r PP‘tr, and to , 410040 1 , 4 lo o,t, .irtet.tio rt, A pr•rp.o,t cure I. 014rOlitt•coi in lailtln,„ to on, :1.1.. ,a 4, Ono I,,ltie ,i,;li.'11•114 10011 fit Als++ , Pr I+++++,:tii!,'s tho f , riowAY and p. m,511,0 • oto f. 4 1114'3, I , 'ilif Ihrdi treat , Plllll4l , and the iii,tn - r~ nu.l RR 144.1.. r, Cur., •it., I++ (root r,•14.i,01 , •11....... , rthl• toi to. Ito* Mil 11 hnllo,l , I 411. - I,th 1. ,•••at, xi I: , 0., nor e. , +•+++.lllcir 1,41001 in tip 101 11••: with Pr.; t • j ~ Leth,r Ilwatt+++ ,-+ thentio,re,l :+rircle - r win 1,, to Hoy u•10t.,..1, • 104,1 y phl,l, by . h . ++ • +r+., or 4,,i1 , 1*..01 oil trcrt;.t ~r, I +kr,. 1:1.1t01133, 1'.4 Il.ivet r. 1 1 , 1{ I .1.7, ) 31 .1. Vh r , lie wo.twantif,,l and %vidi ,tarry and ti“ Or. ‘llli , t; Itqvitrik ,014, ts: Lodlitmed the vary #t,,Art Melt Fof the f1“1, ti tV y aua 11,14:10, a flerivy M 10,41,, RV 111. i 112 i6i , . nnide I.lli, , an , t C,rdlenlra ran a ta,,l., a ri 1,1 t It to ihn not} woihl Otal lA4II at lb , vivo it :1 twit:01011 tr o 64 , lit , CI it.p , c itot th , batr. but tut , rht tt• •Nod th. :• •. -t• ,And 41,•:tet fur y ro.rti a„ • .:41111 .4 iill . 111 , /,1 ,/1 arlictr 01 11, hind f.Vv olirrrd to tltc .111 - it,iti 0.• rtutta wrtt to` ,*ent to, 0 - litrv..4, to t aled tuhl ih,tphttl t .91. .Vt.trs / 5 ,, 55 L. CI. Alt &CU . CucmlatT No, 3 Wl,l ri . .vetto Syracuse. N, LadiiMantia & Uiouiusburg Ruh oad. kit *MHOS cr TWO DAILY TRAINS. lag UY AND A 171,12 JANUARY NI, PZ7, PAS. $12N421412 MAINS WILL, KIN As roLLows: LEA V 12 Sotil'll W A 0 IL A M AM P NI, tarave Serroiton, 53.2 7.10 4,40 •' X rou.trith, OAS 030 mitt Mullett 9,20 0.17 Manville, 4.51 0.k7 Arr at Northowborland 10,30 9.33 LEAVE NORTH W AR D. AM PM Leave 40,4ihuniberIand, ;AM ,520 Manville, 7.10 OM It :Tett, e. 15 P M 035 {4 Klfiglann, 10 50 2.50 405 Art lye at Permian, 1200 to 121 Trtios kavinit Kingston at 0.39 A: 71 for Scranton cnnaert with Tfidll arriving at New York at 5 :NI Pap...tiger. tatting Tram Sown from Scranton at 8 . 50 A 51 via xot iloonbarland,rea. It linrrishorg 1.4 30 I' M. Bali 'awry 730 I' M.. W ashiogton 19 OUP M via Ru pert reach Philadelphia at ; our M. U. A. FONDA, Soo. Kingston, 2an, 04 0%7, BEALE'S LATE POWELL'S EMBROCATION, FUR ALL VISEAFES iNCIOKNIT TO OURRA, CATILD, •ND TUN HUMAN FLESH, requiring the use of an eiternal application. This now Compt.tind, prepared by it practical hang a full knowledge of all the iitediral irtlies of cara Marta:lent that enters Wo its coition. is a :Irritated to exceed anything of the kind ev e r yet aileted to tile tatalte AS an eXtettial appli rattan tor inn disint4e4 far which tt is retatialleglited, We ate satisfied that it Will wink its own road into the contitivote of all who use it, nod 111000 whit try it (Mee toad novvr he without it. and thereinto, we rely on experience a• the best test of its usefulness. It in pronounced by and all who hove tried it, tribe the beet application ever °ppd. 'Due Cillbtoolll.loll IMO been pot up for over eight years, rod it is only through the increasing demand and urgent request of tug Mends and the public flint i erad it forth en the grand remedial admit for the various to watch that noble and useful animal, the horse 14 subject, Many remedies have been odered to the public niftier diderent forma, some of these are injurious, others at best of little use, and many it betty im proper to answer the purposes far whickthey are recommended, A judicious and really useful tomposition, free trout threw oblettions, has heretofore Wog been de. sited by many gentlemen who have VAL VA 111141; 1110111816% and ate unwilling to trust theta to the cam of do ,tiatt. lug and pretended I , others. Their wishes are at length gratified, by Mr, neuter being prevailed upon to allow this valuable Elmbrocation (which him preyed so edit .rious to 11/0 1/0110/10 tliV04000) to be pr red and brought out to the µoldie TM* „blutbrocation was egteuvienly used by the liege/now during the war. Allo4oollll order to Mt, EDMUND Oki 114. tlttg booth Second st. Philadelphia. Pa, March dU, 'd7—don, I WILL, GO TO _ OZOWWIS TO BUT BIT 400118. . N sw coAL yAno. The anderlignedropeetrally itiOgiNgAgftieette of litoontstetre ithd (70100014 OceuhlTitnntni kef P all the dideroot. Itemisers ot Motif CUM Mn., Neleeted itimp ,e a rl for eatithing purple's, ma their wharf, ud petting Mekelee, Neto qe..*lPOrktheol With o 'wog pair Ihltroltl Ortilfti OD the wittertrto weigh co rtt,hay aaet straw. Li he ise it hum ttetwurien, to datives. treat to those who dewier It. At' we parthare a tame rooolOst of cosi, we Weed to keep a superior all and yeti at the very h r w,..t p riee e, piapre ram and smooths far youreelvva bolero llfth4lielligPloo% iI4 , HL J. W lIKNIJPASitijr. AUGUATUS AI A SON. 'DM?, H 111 4 ,1 1 , 91111101, wi22taka, in O%OIIOIIW far Cost and ativerhiii. the following named ortieliot :-- Wholtt. Nye.t7 ra. tYate, Pol,trOPN, Lan), Pam. Ail+l,l/ SOO', and aide swat, flutter, Egg, Usti, tkc,, at the highest ft him tiiiitert. toilinsing their east yard. J. W. flt:NlO3l.7.liOT, Montioibitrg, April NATIONAL FOUNDItx. 111,00mst3nto, co. MBI A CO., PA. .iih.riber, proprietor I of Om slows named rt. , nsive establishment, is now, Wpftred to receivo inJors All Kinds of Machinery, entieries, wrist Etirneees, Ptalinnary Engines, 'MP esitiso kC., Sere nivel prepared to make Atoyes, aw l t ie tarns, to'niv , irons, /did everything usually made in ifl A.C1414i , 4 ° OlllOON , tiia ext .nsier rtrilities and ninetiritt workmen, wet. .not him In r,.e. lying the largest contracts nu the re 'Amiable terms . . • Urnin 01'411 kinds will be taken in exchange fat Stag Ibis ostoblieffitteut is hirced near the linekitietti u 4 d Moosio..borg Railroad D# ISILLNYER, Inituntshitrg, Etrpt. ill. A. J. EVANS' CLOTHING EMPORIUM, Ar(rty opposite the Ppi , ,eoptt C/ u ,rrh CLOrIONG OF ALL DESCRIPIIONS. A y composed Or title el 0001;5, nteti bnn mat prir , fl -4,l,totett to all rorldltiolW ft, tit, Ile lets the latest Styles for th” ~.3000 not, assort moot of ilvtrenais and Gcntletutn's Shaw s, frost low to the VetY best Goods we idBhvoi dile and Well itide. 1..44,0 0 to Ipy ' , tot* of rut1y.414,15 clotili.rkt, have piers goods fir custom orders, Cloths, Ca%simeres, &e., &c. am; ttaviu g e rne nt in,- first eh,. etlttOrS. I suntan tee a tit in all eases and glee satietactton. Also a eartety tef WOOLEN AND LINEN Shin IS, (`.limo, , 41rtekt.t, ....ev,ql. thing In tiw 010 letao , a'r. {111” of rlotinl. Alt% flag, 11 , ,5, lluti itiPtv,i, 11,1111%7 4n4 I will artl at I he Varkut t.• n raft li.-ratv purvha lag ANIIRGIV J. L.V.Vtie, Itbaratd.arr, Nov. 15, fr'ls. 'waTUIV LS TIN NV A It E. A. Ni. RUPERT, Anon tore, to hi,: many fri , ttitA mt.! uom,rioto not. ttoto , q , u6t1}1,1”,, ,1 .141 i.tre tit 11,1“..41.-i1 MAiN Uaa 4,7.4.111 , f:4 PIA aria C4ll lro. ;ice 0. with FANCY STOVES • Fth‘t :014 ow• ar;10,1”,04 I . • • 4. I . 1121 T 1 11141, •,•; •; aft , : ort • • • :Y 01 . • • . r rt tip t 1 t 1 N ts"rt Pt :••• ". ‘ e. ,- 1.1 , ..611t1y aAi, +.• • •• Pao., of • .Olio ,, fit Itt rol-c- , 4a ,I'r% A C. ail 3nli% 1" . 1,66.- 11. DENTIisTUV c sl t,) W R, SU RO 17 ON TIVIITIeT. r r l'firl4A to 2vltt6. , In. 1:10,,I1,1.4. , „, Ito to tO, 11" •111,i tit ‘. LAn.t N. A h,o , w 11 t,,,, t ,A A 1A,1 2ONl.phturt, 4 ll, ,, trued riitsbrr bp 0 1, 0 ,5 , 6 311,,th • Ni erx d pLdr filtd irk Ivo nritinfmlnr.,l WI , . t , ,f th,rBroliqv stul tttotc•r`p.ditql,ted ite and tatio, a ir.AV 44W:4 itiAtVe the Court - .WM! Side • It! le.wal. g, F 63 NT( qiTIIKIIN I* Jr. 7 - t• i NORTH AND SOOT f 77:1roll.'11 r',e , trecn 11 , 1-'legre oldlaic%hstcr Vi'illsont Change of 41.'ne.ok. i N 100 April TrOi. , W il l 14“, 4.1 .a 4 "41.44 . 'LOON NOIIIIIItARO. N:t A. x 1,444 Ni4f.t41411 , 11111144, s4111:1;44 nt prin -110,l 111,1, nrrtva , a pt krilPhtwip.:(t, t .10 11% , ett 3 i:ll , lnl3t 3 13 0. n., tiarlf.a• I I p. huB'st , l Ul3 a. , tii4t.ra ratio 9 04 4 4.4 P. N4411t4114 M 444, ,04,01H4. at all . 4 ..t. aa a, amtla; att Wslttalaslo.t, ti 43 n. at., 1.1 nota It 05 P. It TRAINS SOUTHWARD, 0 03 A. 3.. 'alive Nonllatialaqtan,l, stopping at ikeitaApal ,441i01,14, 1411%144 at llarrt...atir;t 4 34 A. 4., g,ktlnnese 11, 30 p 110414 , 1pata 1 00 p. 10 II A, 1P1P0N144441014,44114, 0 , 1411: at all arriving at Ilatmaare. at 1 13 P. 41., 841. ti 4 440 4 nu p. at.. ratladelplit4 3 40 p. M. 5 111 P.. frave. !17401100aaar'aall. alnpaiag at all ti4l4/144, arm log at Ilarmbotra: 3 , 1 r. in., 11.04det. ow, OP A. u., MiiMllllom 7OM 3 / 4 at. 11 34 1% tit6tlationtwrhad, 1tiP14(11 4131011.4, 311ri VlOl4 at Iltrro4hirg 3 V A 3. ttalumore 04 , p4tt delpata 7 11l a U. 3, N. ItiTAVIVV, 1^..44. YOVNUL $01?"1, Ilatrerbute, Pa, t:en't Puss, Agent, Ilitllimnro, and A,A,c NI . kICI Lllst ItottN, GP4 . I %V. Attu Freight Agent, 111111 . 410, May, ri„ . . EM 1)111. F, S. I I 17171,11;ENVIN Are *eperior to MI others tl , r FAMILY AND 11 NILO )4F,St, Comm° sit the latest improsiw , ots ' are MmuliF m 400 14 . 4 ; dorable ; and posy to work. Illmorated eireoldts free, Ageots wanted. Lih oral Jtacwn tei POrWPIL Nu o , llrigmnent , iva de. Adores* EMPIRE S. NI, CU, WS Broadway, NtW September 5. IStIrL—Iy,A, & 100,000 SIIIivULES & A LARUE LOT OF FECNINO BOARDS FOR vale. Thu uudersigeed otters for pule upon the must reasonable terms, at his place of outguess, to lINNTON, itIiMUIA COUNTY, one bemired thou. at om 0 5 i 0 a1,,,, a nd a large 10f of teems boards, of the very best quality, both pine and lirthlinrit. J. J. MettENRY. Denton, May 11, 18641. DR. W. H. BRADLEY, (Imo Amsistaht Medmal thrertnr U. P. Army.) Phyoician and Nurgeon. re- (Mica at tha &aka Wief , Rhymiqburg,, Pa Calla promptly attended t 4 bulb night aml day, Illoaturburit. Nov.MIA ror restoring hill, upon bald (froth whenever floss it only have iallon out= add a er.v%th of hairlipoit the MCP, It hits no totllEtt. It will torte the beard to throw fijorli thr fit o iliest Aldo i t from Ave to aiplm O.•.•itd, or host spoil Issl.l molds in from two to threo hiunthr, A few laittirant prsetitioners hare asserted that there Is nothing that wth hire or had 4 rh tits atowth of the Wit nr IW:lnt. .111.1! u,taisti WHs are iota , . as thousands of living witnessed (I . l'olll I W I' ran Mier W t RIO Mod) , OM day. how ore we to dirituguisti the dell di He (row the .I.orrints G 14 rortatitly is tliiil , telttthi et tlsu diderent Virparialettadti,rtised for this hair nod !ward itte llth ith I you too have at. thrown unity Jaik;i4,li. , l4.lli.d ih ihttif Tosselt wa hould say, try ito . 11 , Turtior , tt will cost you notiwith unlres 04 folly counts tip 4h out repreanotaitot r. It your stroggoo d0d. , 4 not 10441 W. south ur site &Iliac art its WI 11 WWWAnt it.1" 0 1 ,44 * together tdcelpt for the money, whiell will lie tetanus! you on a ppliratem. pro% WHIN entire sal.ho faction is not plash. A4ilirros. IV. 4. eI.A ILK & CO. BLOOKSItuItO t COLIUMIIIA COUNTY, PA. I Chemists, No 3 West Payette ON,, ttyracitan, Pr, Y. into 01—by N EW TAILOR S 1101). J. N. 011ERENDER, nn„opm i e d n Now 'radar Shop im Main where Una tti be pleasett to 10f Rt all who may fever him with their coktoin. Ile keep:, on hand a wo II et heft:diet or rlnthe.ranst - Ilera. vext ingS. which he will woke up to order with tientitt,tl and doepateit. Attention pall to rutting gr itt owl cm*l boy`. clothing Alen ratting none in the ladleit" line. Repairing dune upon abort notice. All work Warranted. Cr" Give him a call. t Blamaaaarg May el. 190 EXe JIANG I'l 110 TE 14, '''' The untierelytted having pureheatal and lately re. tined this well.aaaltin newt*, pt leafed as Natal SE., tututediately etiquette the hurt Itenre, Tvsit,ttlutly 114011114 hie Meade nod the public genekoliy, that ht. Wawa ht. now la order fat the atneatutottatlea and ettlertatatheat of travelers. no has spored au pains In prepotlng the 'Whinge fht the Vidtittnititueld and Cot*lfort oftritrlwiti. Hit noose it .pilaus, end oujnyo a good beiduese 1004. tlOll tVVINIOIIIMEOI run at all time Imamate Oho Howse and the dllawnt rallrenO lierem, by which trave'oro will he conveyed to end (rem the reopeettre Stations to duo Woe to meat the care, VAIN CAtILVW, April 10, 10P. GREAT 131PROVE-SUST SRI! ING MACIIINES Empire filigisttle Machine LESPOO 11 4 , hrhadwny, hr. V., Lill li'n•lhagtort rl ent, ttortml. 1.111 alumina $l,lll. Ph it ul li'hin, PATIINTI:11 PEP. 11. I+lll. 1 1 1 114 VI /WI I 1 NP, I. ean.truch..l nn esitlyyla hew a priach.l.. 1111.117 !life and a iiidable imAp virseponis. Mir she examined by the ul,rl p•ol,uuiJ export., 0111/ la..llollllltHil to Simplicity ',Nil jer•/•eelimt n straight x.•vJI,•, prrprxaira4r 10.11nn. vo Lor or $lll 1 . 111. R 09'11131. which will n,•dh,r RIP aor It AVP.L. and Is !Vika on Owls rl,lna ; to•rinnxa porf•rl PIM in/ 011 w,•rt dorrrept of ns:4o•rinl. frogs' I. Alto's , Or 'he oor.l Nnorook foorlor. lopo.n, or Pint 'broad. from H, . rolrp..l to Uu+ nno.i ononlo.r. Oaring wither VA , " n► 0110 N it ra:s.. no.ll tho Part porriair friction. It rood as • ttttttttt a* lit no*. nod is fl A .- 01m .11T * ,11;rehino. I'II`I•Y I'IR 17 V'l•. leer power to drive it Min wit, other Nwrhrne in the mart A aid lwrlre p.arr of cm* w.,rk Klteadity. ioritoout rialto.. or loptcy In lo•nblr It. ibbrnititels nnA Irani flimpliesty nrennotroia liMI evn.tres It tilmoo lo tel okiti unA Is IMARANITED by the I unipany to r t e e en . tfteanlislin n. Wt. rnoprrifillly Its Vito nll thorn Witn gun? Or , in supply itreiH..•lYr♦ us Ills n roper' r us I irlr, to ening and Palmitin this UN HI V A 1.1.1:11 NAt NE. ow, halt none* In.llntijon is villici , llll. , enable any porton to work tins machine to 'brit riot lie sat. IaIAEIfON. Agouti. wanted for all lnwx■ i I OM Milted stet.., heir ayr new. ate not nirPally v.1:114101104 . Aloe. for MAL Mildew. Croirtil and $OOl America. to 'skim 0 liM•ra. ittsrotiot will IMPISH dIiWINU MACIIIYI mra ROVESTEEN & CO., Piano-Forto Manufacturer!, 499 Broadway, Nrw York. ; 4•I7tAPTION public mid Or trade. is Noss %Pa Se SEVGY R(w GM). ill PI .‘S li 'tly Ez.t. hit h V..hllne purityHari /0.10 u(f) un rt•ialled by spy Illlhrrte tpf sit this market. all pi l e toot iMPrOVI: music rryispli grand sett•nt, harp iti•ilail.eroit. Oahe.. iit 1.1101. VIC, Mill Pilch MVO rthllelit 61414 MA& 11111.4.1' Ihr prnnnrl sitlp.. r yp,dmi m r . J. 11. iiii.pvcervssi. Who limos ittitritcla tqfprioltire 15 ~ V 4., kitty yi•Pirs r 111Witti4CA1M, id fatly Witt. UMW!' it every ytif grllhlr T111:-(IMPEISIEKX PLeNt).Fofinc. n r ,.Ems, im A N A AID OP !Mill' •'f /'/IS CXLIC isizA - nEsi Wortui• Eao WerA ft, lrnmrurl f r om th e brit ~r ut01,,0. C , •r,,tnuY. Htt.ll n,•w fork; and al4OO Mt the Aar , ' wan tot :.1r btjeCo•swita yeae•. Site ~11 1110 Su.% t o train bolit 14 which eau be e.7.e .11 1.11, %UMW r^.rn.. 111•• loimoo.tmo of isupeovemeoto we make a 111 l “f.! ortferl ..... .1 orlo, and l.y lArat ly, tt Ills a A, ortly rn•11 .y+l,lll. Use 1.110161.31 to c at a price *Vim* will PreClUde slt nalliiWitilllll. • ,1:01. Likr nre how 810 to 11.WO clonal:et than any fif Al rtn.e Ptnn...K•rie. Tgl/ N,•I cu.,' in cot rant Ilona*. I= JO) & P. _ _ . . _ _ .• .1% (W N Uth (1l• Clothits ` 44 I It ' E\74.....1.1.1 aszr id .41 kr.;...2.. §ivring :sad Si:l:lsis/yr GO./ 4114. li ii Viezz cheap gm; no.h. 87WER'I'. 0(1.11.S1l1.7/1(1, Iwo doors abort* the .9aurirrrn noun, where 11 , . has MO ree.len.l from New York and Phi ladelphia, a 1,11 mumill meta ul lief§ anu . 4' isilhiliv“ and hood ,war, Er•S wit „r nox,;iark, Fforfr, Cium Oil (1 0 1,1 ('van's, and Paws, pr an ui41 . 14.. -. unN roie+F•i. irrt 01,41 111,4xt t.aily 11{ Wiht 'r 1 .4 1,M I,; ..lid ,', ,text-ix ox. r”11,14.4. bi{iltlkt(Clittl4, ik.Yea,ptts p,•ndrr» furf,y 111. x 1,;Xl41+1 XI carer' aril a* 'Oil Oli xxxix,xl an la of CI dilx{ .10 Vx ixto, rx X • . to xx x xxi s O Xxx orxiX`rx i"lx) 411,,l if X I , X11111; ou '.ory 11OXIX:tx alld 111 WO b•.+4 xXX.' Alt his if“!titoa is made to wear Rog to of of it is or hour, twroWiciare. tz , 11: ai rxioa Ge 3 AA 17 “tot lb« rwo, or Iry not fn 1111, , illneet. Call 111 - ewiun 141.4 graelcr.d 411bOttil101i (It (lutlliu~t, IYutcll s, Ory, bs. aix. DAVI!) Y UCft( Bhom.shurg. April 10. ietia. AsTito IA )43 y. I 1 Iv( )1; LI) As. TON (SHED AT THE woi,derpsi 31.01, by the tCreat A,t rei.l pint, MA WON'', 11. A. te r reak stt crriv oo mortal ever knew, 'the te4Ores to lianni n,,ss there tArlin cunt 411 floyi,a, to of lAIIIOIOII, 311,4 te.s or 019,1,y, $ll ll brings blob. r 'bu t te 1.41, , sop , trit , trives irtiorotait to tool• curbing obveut iiitrotsnr bowls, restores 14 , 0, n. 0 ( 0,n nrni,rly, 1,11, you Ito' 1,10 W,, y 1 144 urn boat toal t ried ro ithr t tote ;Ht in 0 'bit yea will be ut ,, ,t ote t intU , riii spi rdy Mar noc. , s and Ittrtm yin the very day }tilt Wilt lirirry. a!res nes* and tha rartoristtev of rho o , r:out. - , the r' ad your very M.3.1'11110, ail by tier a hunt vuhoritattirat ittovere ott v otl Ott Jack and hitlttrit ittyvtt•rtt, of tho rolortt. Fratu rho oar. we Ave in the britionent— no, wul E ,I.Nr *that oVereOnie the Ilifinitiltiori 311.1 no s ill..tini of the Ida twist and the rhea star* to It - wheaten., at th rittto tit built, oh* deduces the NUure destiny or man. Fall nano conmill tint greaten Antroloykt on earth. It yon not 3 trifle, and you may never nattio have xn I4Voridile 311 opportnnitY. Cunnnllfatt for twitb lik , teas and all it sired infortoutioW, SI. Parties living at a aima t ute can consult the Madame by mail with r goal safety and .atioitetton tothennielves as it in ininott. A roll anti explicit chart, written o Phut! Inquiries aumwered and I/belie/4 , elnit/Snd, wit by Until on revitit of prim above mentioned.— Tho strictest vectt.y will be otaintithied and rot rerpthblithre volumed or destroyed. IteferellneS of the highest order fnrnisltad thane 410141i1111t them.— Write plainly the day or the month and year ill which yin War© tAltlOSitlit It taint inek of unit Addresa, MADANICI 11. A. mitatotr, rob/7 p, 0, Drawer hairdo, N. Y. _ ftEPARATOIt C A PILL I. Threw tlWay !like trims your swit,heo, your wig; ihootruettve of ri.r.t.111141 arrt 11,0111):t fig. I 'moo aged, onno youthlui. rout,. 0%4 and fair, Mid filMet to your (mu tu‘urtout ttNttr. REI'AR.4TOI: CA W.% m mom% Established 1828. G. W. curENTEft, iiENszE v & CO. I.7IOLESeI DROGGISte. 717 MMUIDIT 111. UIIO JOIN bUlloW etb, tormAumriu.. DRVOS, MEDICINSI3, CAPAIWAUS, PAIINTO. 1.14, ULAndi, VAIIN/1411144• 131 , 1 8 . And am) , Whitt innAn IPPinladilibin lOM. !Innings*, nr110•11 , . net Ifirt.rnat 0 11 0 I.ornot amid nitro. - 44 J. liWdl FOUTZ'S Hugo Powders. fr k into TIT ---- nd — eri kited vuo , ro I C oiltie• no rig horse. _ ion lo Invainahlo rover the tomtit,' the milk. It leas ed proven by so. ii experbueot to ;main the quan• ty of milk and outs twenty we It and mnkr Ihn .t tt r Arm and reel In fattening ttle, it Ores them t appetite. wir hld e, nod ikes them thrive the Lung.. Live Am, tide artiel Nets u a special( By putting trw eachnlt a Inv 43 • raper In barrel of .1/111 Ow above disease• will be eradicated Or entirely pro— preventive and Price 26 Cents par Paper, orb Papers for $l. I'itZTAIAID BY S. A. FOIJICZ R lIIRO., WOOLF.I4ILE DUO AND DEMME DEPOT. No. 116 Franklin 6t., Baltimore, Md. For Salo by Itragyi.tts and S ter , ke , icra tliro4h. ant the ChityS States. S/. rat saw at the Ursa Flom lor - - =MEMO Monmahnnt, Jnn OMNIBUS LINE. THFI iinilecoogiseil would onopeertilly tttttt nee ti I the ell iseno of lifuninanUrti, rnd Zhu rublue tee evilly. that Ise jo running au tIM%I A LIN E. 4Thirk 'when thin fine. bud Medd- "' KW (fowl inint• 3y. (tiaii , eys3 0r0j.j..,1) In - • ~,,,,, , o i wish Ili.. v •rel Tnliar o••iii: is %V.-0 uu the Catuiviram Hail Ans.!. WM with Ihn.r ginno Ninth hint duntli nu t h e L.utk. & Kim!. • 111.10i1SII11I . :5 - 1:$ are jri and r..nanft•fiele t arr,l rhilf. •i I ••4...,81..1,1... it'd , raj Melly ni.bbse t.. We, t or F. o l* th - ir fri , •ll.l* dr pan, ran l• • ar. nb, 1111101, I,lrif.ll. ill leaving lititely notice at any l lie llts• lela. Bloomsburg. Api il 1911 E xcl.:L:3loH! cIIASTELLA 11 • EXTERMINAT ,, it PIM It ENIUVING SUPLIM 11 , 1.10.00$ HAW! To 11.► 10ch... ~cif:Illy. MIR Mwallacchle dpicilamfy wen...mewl+ et c..c. In 1152 251. /11111.•.1 unli?p• 04114, mrsjel4. 1,41114.1.50.: 11,1111•, 10 ea►ily 1..1111.41.141/1.4 5 ant Nom or opjunt Ih. shin. arta gri , . fly on lii root,. It lA Narmollol t•. recoov.c ►up.•tll.locso Icecf tO"ol low !NM I* o 1., of from any l.ltt ••t 0,00. l't•dy. tnlull. und t1111'1 , 311112 the Pal.••, Spays:44 the ..k ~,,, scacl Thif 1 the only f. al nrlirl-• 0.5 .1 by M., rfrcot. awl co lb.• „o v r.• Occictl ,00f f' 111 4 . 11.1ehe. 4 . Pita' r 4.111 per package. ....ISA./ may 0 , 114 1$1,111:1 It. Still - 14 Pe, 1 • 1' 1,17. I.ll*.italstOc.:N. Ltivrr St. 'croy. .61 *Pi ['VT ,` 14 of :t Cti ito . 11 • to, • A i* i 1 • ADAM:A 31313 t 3, I. Ar /IA It'at SItCI nnokr,igmed re,:pprit'n!ly atinnunreA !lira lie hat , . I'll , il, , 11.,11, , 11 ,, ',1. Ilr ix vr , p , i , -3 in ctn. I:041 the ntr+ , = , ti3J ,N its iHnn , 3 el. Tint art I , l ' 011114 - Hlg It ft/94,, ~ e ff uevn erne IV, 1* pr , ,,,tic•A by ',tut 1 , W..4 I.ltf 0.., .I,3ns nintlimg. 'linking them look 114,10 V .11{1v upol. the onrst it , a , ontable f,,31 3 trial UM, Totltt , of 01! vary beat gv , rilty, surd cleaning 1131 r, c mobntl:; on 'and, awl 6.r Nate CA. 91.1.1\ P.1,401,113t.1. April Attorney at Law, IMPOMSBURG, COLUMBIA CO., Ci}lll rlord,nb , f 1,40.:111, So, I tl rSIIII , , eruud door abet. tAn CA -014114d 11100111 April 17, 1,117. M. M. ItA UGH, vuto E T-14 iIL 0 0,1/N it ilea. rd. Will pm in the oev. rni Cwirtn pf Coluintini a11;; ,, 1411 1:i ile1;11011,1 promptly ittleo,Wil to, Duna tilt !POO. DR. J. K. EVANS, Physician and SurgeoN, a /VYING Incased potinanemly on Main • SUPYI, BLOWISBURG Pa., would in lona oe public spwrittly. tkat he is pt , prared to attend to ail tottetuem; faithrotty and panda:oly that may lw ilOrtist,l to hts Wire. On I.llltll Cotilittett.ol fate uitk the tiuo;a, C o t . Hu pays strict attention to Scisgery as well at mislirine. MEM= 1 1 11 A CY, LyEOlllllll4 County, Pa. N. HUDSON, Proprietor. m..etriber hi, teot, IA IIILI It, Counselor and Attorney of Law. BLOOMSBURG, Pa. WoHI4 tronnititr. , to hi4 tYP•114.4 MP' the public ID general, that he hue remained the Prhein e Law ronvt.yatteing and all legal b tant., prettlittlY Fa U 1.111641 to. i'VFICE, to the Meh l/ lte IhtiWing, &wood titutY, over Pyre & Moyer % Wog Store. fitototteburtt. May & STEELE ' S fiffr WI ' , NBA E, WILLIAM U. KOONS, Mr, Koons hos istelv taken shams or this rmivitist and will be pleased to NMe bte laid friends glee him a call He is 4 capita Saatliatd, awl keep. a tin,t ciao tame*. W.'. S{ , COWAN rim WELT, PIINC. The undoreigniol gives notice to the poWie /*nor. ally that he is a practical Wll,l, tituindt and I, proportot to illot wilts on shoji woke u pun the wows tßtlitOnaht" ti. 10144 Ha has had fa hio long toast olio is the buointioa rtitiattliahla *aqua* 7410a0 teishidg anything done to hti Hoe aeottli do welt to give him a trial, WILLIAM MARA Bloomsburg luau, 13, leri. AT TIIIIIR Y LT. 4. 170yER, ra JACOB L. GIRTON. Proprianr gull 11..• ; 101 4 1 Ilse laritiailag lavaletaaal f .0' h ow it.l•t•i • , 1..'111 4111 1.1.1 i.titr 1440! that I e :114, lairtt'y ma I •ll;•y , 1 r 't• Plaa. tali' I 1` •1. 1114 MAI 1,..k la y• 1t•I rasa nrvnhrt• the burst atfl•. IIh• AI tat WWI cratli eltiee, I 1e.1,f alag 1„ pl. VlllOll. -f 10 go k w11:1. 1•Ir .4 pretlolld katewla.dge if OW n j.1311111.X. A • iff.lll , 4f 4 61 1 111111 11.31 11111 d.fscript.4l.l, =Z NAV Lt tt K CHAS. G. BARKLLY, 111UNCY HOTEL, PEOPMETOIL (Sumessor of Mr. Ho&rd.) CATHARTIC PILLS OPI?RATIi by their powrrfsl innuenre on the inb'rnai viscera to purify the blond and stimu late it into healthy action. 'I her remove the obstructions of the iitomneb, bowels, firer, and other owns of the body, and, by restoring their irregular Action to health, correct, whereier they exist, such derangements as are the first emotes of disease. An extensive trial of their virtues, by Professore, Physiriana, and Patients, has shown cure,' of dan gerous diseases almost beyond belief, were they not sulistatitiated by persons of such exulted position sod charaeter se to forbid the suspicion of untruth. Their certificate* are published in toy Ameriese Almanac, which the Agents below named are pleased to fitenish free to all Annexed we give Directions for their use in the complaints which they have been found to core. Fon CONTIVENIAN.—Takes one or two Pills, or such quitutity is to gently move the bowels. CO' thew's* is frequently the aggravating cause of Ptbes, and the cure of one complaint Is the cure of both. No person can feel well while under costive habit of Moly. Hence it should be, as it can be, promptly relieved. Fos Dyer Keel s, which Is 4 enmetimee the cause of Coalmine, mid elwaye miconifortuble, take mild doses from one to four to stimulate the stontauk and liver into healthy action. They will do it, and the heartburn. bodylmtit, and son/barn of dyspepsia will rapidly disappear. When it has gone, don't forget what cured you. For a Font. ferowitett, or IMAM function of the Reierb, which produce.' general depression of the Write and had lieolth, take from four to eight Pills at first, and smaller doses ofterwerdr, until activity and strength is restored to the system. FUK NERVI/VIINVA, SICK. llKAnsene, Merolla. Pan in the Siomewk, Muck, or Side, take from lane to eight pills on going to bed. If they do not oper- ate sufficiently, take more the neat duty until they do. There eionplaintr will be swept out front the syrtein. Motet wear these and their kindred die olden because your stomach in feel. roe ficnortma, EIIirNINKLAO, and all Diemen of the Milli, Like the fie. ly mid frequently, to iteli the bowels opeii. The coalitions will getter ally 4.41 ti 1/11,till to diiiiiiiirit and dim:ewer. Many dreadful ulcers end soma hove been healed up by the punting and piirifyieg vim of these Pills, and 14.1110 dis.4 4 lll4tillit diseurer which seemed to 'intimate it ir wh o le system bore completely yielded to their lUoving the sufferer in perfect health. Patients! your duty to roeiety turbid.. that you should parade yourself around the world cote:id with pinipler, bietelier, ulcers, 'Wes, and nil or any of the Imams' di-eares of the akin, becalm* your system wants cleatioing. To Pettier me Bimini, they are the best metti• : ehie ever diseetered. limey shield I* taken freely and frequently, and the impurities which sow the se •di of incurable diseaima will be swept out of the ardent like chaif before the wind. By this property they do as di good in preventing sickness as by the remarkable cures which they are making every where. laVyat COMPLAINT, J.% tsnieß, and all Bilious Aihrt . Drier ft ammo derangement—either torpidity, congestion, or obstnictions of the Liver. Yerpidity and congestion vitiate the bile aid render it millt fur ehrestion. This is disantrous to the health, and the constitution Is frequently under mined by no other cause. ledigestion Is the eymp tom. Obstruction of the duct which empties the but into the stomach causes the bile to overflow into the blood. This produces Jaundice, with a long and dangcrinta train of cilia. Costiveness. 01 alternately costlt mesa and diarrlima, prevails. Veverialv symptoms, languor, low spirits, weariness, resit e ,,nass, and melancholy, with sometimes. in ability to sleep, and sometime.' great drowsiness; sometimes there is severe pain in the side ; the skin and the white of the eves became a greenish ellow ; the Mont:telt acid; the Laurin cure to the touch; the whole system initulilm with a tendency to fever, %Odell may tone to bilious fever, bilious colic, bilious ilioniossi:dysentery, tc. A medium dose of three or foor Mkt :I at r i:;lit, followed by two or three nti mot 1, •u • ,voiff•lll'ilitql a few days, remove , tom t!:.• t. It is wit . ke'd to sulfa 101 l CO, cure them for 25 meta. o A i i •'I, f i ma all la fin amatory It* I • tel I.v the pur:f, hog elleets cf .• ;;;.: , 1 1 0:a the td ~,:d and the stimulus which :. , !..1 A to the vital prin. iple of Life. lot theme a;i kiwi.evt coutp!sitits they Amnia b¢ liken is mita 40,0 i. to more the tonsils gently, lint freely. As a I FINN MI PILL, this is both agreeable and Pill ran he made more pleasant to take. and oee tainty none has been made more effectual to the purpeso for which a dinner pill is employed. PftEPAIII:I) NY DU. J. 4'. ATEIi it CO., Practical and Analytical Chemists LOWELL, MASS., ANit r.(11.0 Ow =I Ay I's _lvo Cure. 114, t'l4 CM" Aft t,lll AIN CUM Or ISTVIIVISIVI k~Pt4:Ftt tt, tttAtt tot t rrt it V. 'MI I. FLVY.R, }l4 rt.outimcm, tr. t t em; utt Itt , 'IL tottllt. tNI) P 1114.134 FIVIR• ; (NIHAU I tott 'ASV t,t 0.4 w. A•ts *lngots ATINti IN *ILI AO Not ~ , ,, 1 IYhT. t.Arst.L. DV THE FS f1.A4110, or .4“14141 1:114 remedy boa rarely fatted In cure the 140VOteftt t • of rover, owl it has this :rest - %it oare over other Ague s t o,lisios., Vo',llrl wit hunt it) try It, iris path I,t, It cop. taint\ 11t , wonow or I,lll'T deb o , f AM% giihttt.lll,,,, not dairy it pn„iue+ iii , lslll of hey 'epithet,. virect what. poet. , rth:.toutt i,r oiti. r$ of the Mt MY Alf the west, try it set you will \ 11401 tr. these allooLooo, Yr. , varea by na..l La St CO., Lowell, Masi., and ,"1.1 by aft ()ravioli add itesters is hiediethe !tt a t't-r”. Sbi by ail Druggests in the Count'''. Nay 22a---Jy. ._ . ORANOEVFLLE HOTEL. CoI,r3INIA Cot NTY, PENN-A. ISRAEL MUMMEY, PII ETO ist•rel:SSOß TO SAMUEL. EVEREIT,I turn lately taken charge et this well known and ens. veroentlw toratorl eland, torgettrutly informs his nit hiedits, a 4 new, and the public in genet. ihat Im bone' is in complete order fur the tic • commode tint of boirdera.aud for the reception and viiterlditiiiitoit of tot... Alters who may feel disposed to riiiiror boo ht:ti their castrate. No expense hisi horn opnred in preiu rieg this Hotel for the curer• trooment of cools, and nations shell be wanting, nu to gii.attr to their Personal comfort. The do welt PO the building, is a rood one, anal all menthe is amply arranged to please the publics rayHr= Par will always be furnished with the Mist of f igetors, sod his table with the best OW Un4r . bet affords, ISRAL4 IU AMU = c . E. S.A V A G E, Practical Watchmaker and Jeweler. MAIN STREET, (war the Court liouse,) BLOOIWBURG, PA. ly , m.tanlly on hand a lino nsourinirnt cif Antenna, and awl , taWien, Clockn, Jewelry, Silver ware and Spvelativo, Partictitor Attention paid to thr rrpairitot t Chtrits W,driir4 and drwrl ry. 1WItootott; Mork* wade t o wiry, Alio April 17 REMOVAL OF C. C. MI &RR'S XV,' STORM TO SHIVE'S BLOCK . FIRST DOOR ABOVE vemomir mum -141% natlersioed Attyia teceive4 horn the IVY a full atid compittto supply uf srlil Nu AND SUMMER DRY GOODS AND G HO CgatiEst Nosissor, Tin•ware, HiStsiurAres Osio (tar and Willow Wan., MOON Ceifittoth pry, Gluon Wart. Toblustst,...fletss mot Moro, Flour, Snit, rink ad iikokt olt of *tick prapoure sss vinf ; low tot eabh podttp, COI lOW *MN' tromolourg, Aptil 3, IMw. WESLEY Wi _ ~— . aTTOI N,Ol Y AT LAW. Ofilre in DEMOCRAT AND STEEIRODURII. In SHIVE'S BLOCK, 010.0 0, .G 7. BLOOSEBEIRE