a F,T2, 4 4'VZ9r, viogiottn ptinecui. LOCAL DEPARTMENT. iireasemitty, August $lll O 1867, 0. W e will thank our Memo fOf ail tarot recite. `re nfeg 10 their homeetote torolitios. tf they no not desire to write n communimaton for Ike public rye. et them reed no 11 *Oa Ontentont of everything of *Me in their roopeetive commutiltion. A list of toorrinene. deaths, neektensit, acs, removal*, Wei moo changer, Mc. We will pot them in form. The %sore flirts of Iltis kind we ran get the better it will suit us MI cur renders. Wise will du it t To Atevernotrut.—r,ip.ms wishing ad Vitri semente inserted. most hand them in early on TiiellthlY WOW Inp to IMAM their Insertion foi the week. Vir The accounts of the firm of jAcnnY rlk SUUMAN 88 for US out for collection aro in the hen& of the fbilowiug persom: iflJjlitt racosli 44—J olly 11, 11E1unt ; BAmcia. Itrarrr.—ltrNa. ZiaturamAN, P. 3f. 41(nhi.— f r. J. %VT , Hyi,r,, 3i, VaPori. , eo.-4rreftLN BA 11)Y. Rbe?"7/o,e/ereek, %Idnittl;V, oad .I.shlornil— anuA 1t t tttql, In Kup."3ll4llll' Tamphip, MIL+ tbrvollretion 'arn been phmeil in the looid,, 6f . :NI 0 1 . YnY Cotta, to rrhnurrnyniont is ropwAcl lo be Imola et the en.ormit eouvenienee. iiivions k no win g theinsolves aantarr Abserirdion, rend irAT, will please tunke Thotioni, Jin4rii Iknfint.-I),‘ Nf n, 1111 %N. Or# — rimmr.. ditatillff ANI f •NiNrir. lientiork. —DA NLL N it A RT. Rolirshur ii----M•thin% M. A ppionalt, tarto,k-ont err choap gm..)114. Browcr 4tas gone to Of , City f":4'lis fall rt RM. FlOur is solliiig at Williamsport Pit 1 4 12,00 per btei'd mid at Uonvishorg fir $ll,- kV. . Sir The liaok SnrAny' Scl ccII, nI thi vam, held a l'it , Nic!in i;l'Or4 on blnwlay lasi, It vas n rrelitqllo al air. The IhntoctlAT tts n ine nom for giving to Farms awl Beal Ritate 011 , 4.1.4 fur atilt, among a Ch.; of pooplo having the theans to buy, is 14 enrtlnr• ai by any pn• tier haN'Ament..,tit See IS hat do tho people of this Gandy rare about 1?r, John'; Izio in his riper mach weak. Sh o pty nothing. We ran our apace with more important inattrr than writhe!, etlittwials to this and bigoted advocate of on rittkr treaturea. M. Wt.? ontier.rA out cor exch;irgcs that the lute rains have demo com , i(lorablo dam - tige. At certain twill's the Sio; i o-h•ro:4 nod mailer Ftroatus aro rapidh,.. ovorti:lv, lug their tanks and earryiug away A u•-es and rntatl bridger4 Some of tho ra;lrtuok blyo sufkrett, but t ravel has been but Ft& inter remit with. The trt,,il4 %Uri 4wt arrive at t his place on Saturday in ti ii Nue. , ..pure, but tunic up tit right cet DNA= Ot• Mr. r 4 Puree!, one of the tAdor ix , ns : 4 11111,11ry died et hiirs'eleneetsh S:mthiy Istght ht-t. ntlet t' , tlfiri.nt IA hi , slip:trendy ms..tei'fuest eee. in his 87th year, end lief; re.,;. 1.11 in Out thr uptru4l.4 of 49 y, has known him during 41l this ti;n;.— our v:enerable Judge Ale N. Jordan that he rived the life of a hi k ;411 anti the,/ the death of the righteous,-- f Deinuertrt. MoNEY.-- We know that money at least ever. body says tar ; fleVOtthele•s hare it, and thitrefore odium:Wl our friends indebted at this °diem that their fur ther deley to pity tip, wilt p.orionsly Mellon tts. IVe hope this tmeoi.t him w in produce the deiired offeeti ff rvory ecriber to the bruornst would pay up, nu ts one yenr in ativnnom we lioniti ho aide to virtu din bard life of it nmrspap-:- o , litor in a different light. flow titney will , —mply ? We ghat! Poo. tier Tut St t'coin Tcum of the Meow:- burg Literary Institute (in the new Imiblim) trill emPmenee nil Motphity nrst. Prot: rAuvra is completi 112;Lire arranzetnrrt , in awl about the }milling so as to be u t,k l open this Term under more threrable cir cumstances than he 41i41 the first. lie uu vlerstands his lot•inffs well, and will have things about him in the ri,ght Ile is tt capital Teaulter and the rt.;e:ents hero hate long begin to show it. "Pont fereat the harvest Ilome Cel ebration to he held it •'..11..1..r's Clove, war town on Thursday. artelnow, I to-morrow.) A large gathering awl a pleasant time is an lieipatud. )inners and Salves, will be served up en the growl by the Ladies, in :the beet of style, vilich can be had at :0 '... .li meal. The proceeds of whit+ to be d to the Illoornslimt 11..1otincd flpnyh. se the weather is not favorable on . , lti, the Celebration will take place 4 011t)%1 . 41!:,: day, l^ re=lay, e is'epehtic,ta teq•erted that th e shoulder to t1 , 1,11,1 , T with 0111111 at New Orleans, nutter t c denied it, tort c,tlle I fur thy , editor ut that journal tererol f itk:4,ismt, but 'wither lu thset my tvlwvtabler ‘A' it recorded that at•ingleangr,, lto at the battle or Nee letor talks of - iguttrattre", ps", words pat to his pea fiat. NVa leave the it non the mtbjettt of lig- ~~: IE3 L, ' , ,~ 'Curti% ithiCling been 'ending the ra.it fbw6-Monthe 4 14 Europe, ims arrived it hie home in Seliefonte. The Chester County Democracy adopted a series of replutians at. their County meeting of the trul, ohl Democratic ring. They suit us exa4ly. We shall pub- NA them in our next. Air Two of the jurors in thg, Bunntt trial were empstmeled for rixtpthrec days, and the balance firty.ttine ; during which time they were not allowed to speak to ony per-en, or read anything but the Bible. i e . Judge 3laynaFkl, now reBifling at Kaston, Pa., intends reilArning his office, as President Judge of the Northampton dis trict, and resume tlw praetieo of the law at Williamsport, L. 11. Punk, editor and proprietor of tl. ifi7t.,,i4sa died at. Milton on :qualay last, aged about 85 yetw. no deceased WIIS a worthy and rciipected citizen, and has been connected with the press tin' a number of yearn- and until revently held the office of Superintendent of State Printing.— Er e/iitaye. V. 7). P Krcus , )s ' a Xvtizt - Stit rot the month or ,Angert i 4 n delightful number, conYidvralds in tolvanty , of 011 others fir the mine renney. As a /,00l,el' Magazine we ur~nl , l recommend it being among the 1. 071 1,0.1 puhlidir,, awl certainly the Chea p. e. 4 Two Dollar Magazine. Pr' "I tear that shall l'ennq'yl vanitt 11114 trxt e!eetion. 1 10 not think we have e,trnostqe.is enough in tho State to unite and fITAW on# the Holed)Neat, strength; the 1hol , u1.1;oan pnstiou it our loAhhature ha-I,t•.n oorion , ly an=l shame. fully that a!1 the hone , t people in the :.tote ate 11,1,,:o diNga,tol." tit 7 - "Major" De!any. a 11:z:ter soldier, writes to )-.y tint his raco don't want a aim ?Adoa for it ice,- lirnidrot in I,4lisz, on the Motigr))l tieket. Dow .1.1) , 4 14.1 any know alutimr iftcy do or tart? thick Delany ht a 1...).))))) hirod by tin ennoi:t * l)))lgr).'.. to Pay w1•)1 tie dn. , . The r) al N - gr 0....) want the V ice. Dr , • : ioey, and tin; rontht to have it. Shall not !how who e%rr:. tin Statra , have' a can did a te for the :I , l•At , y ? Of course they must. E yi-At t Ceint‘h, pain in Brow:11:6s? In !nye ynn the ,ymi d tieus of tin. iwatiat,. ? If ,n, that riiiieh in the , Nhupe of AV ;,tar': Balsam of Cherry which in 'MIA re hie, had fled, inn the Vfritim f\ -ti his yawning grave. tc . 1.,,„ 'rh o friend for Septomber has I , eet! rot , ived. The Villa ot w Iswtor," ri:;:wo. t',:o title of the rtete:tri , ei tit hi:. ismoller thi, very por.u!•ir "Inen'Aioo. Jro tierce (1 , 41,100 ! o , ?rrli:t. , , tht . 1));21 , Loot.A.: one yeqr. ',vlll lie ent to any one for t•-. - atit erws. P;;;Y" it weld I' i viva fontei in :kletlay evening's that 1' 1 0,;d4 John , at :Cite! Tinktnns to 11a , Filth .l!i'itary tir u. Sheridan who ha; he- a tiro Petan on( ut or .Mh ,, nri, new 'f; •t;. I f tovaal hat kern trata,,'i”rral, to that of ttat I ar,tat•ta cf th , r. vw,:i , vrbrld, in glare of (;er. that the order to (big tiled 4‘ )e i>aaed thin WeVL Phil.i`knii.tot on , At to have heen nnitirral flow a tale' D:and etitire;y. 'rhe ,, e nun ealling theue4elvt4A "i on ervatis re." prowling about the etuttitry, will so , •n hate ta !nig the or ton in to the mitts of the oh! regular Detooeraey. The th , upwratio Poty was hound to adhere to 'lv ancient lan.linarLi. They aro satis fie•l with the oh p,,; -t i pl ;p;:— ati name. Thi,, thing of tlividing up the 014 erotic parts tint ercatinp a new oao out of it in part to sttittiie wh'ans ;,r nano or rol:tirinus is net gains to he &me.— lunce dr..mt `ffilsel - vat iros," of the Phil adelphia Com tattitut ~(111'w hint l a 4p : r r a n haPli telrerc they belong, ttnd behare them- ttoverttor tieary, upon learning of the nigger , ciet.o.y in Tennes.re, ordered a unite to be tired at the expense or the State. It hCCIOS to 11:4 that th eNit y at least, under the eirelmistanee N sit”ithl have prompted bins to buy powder with his own monvy. Their patriotism, however ; never takes money out of their pockets—it only tuts it in. tEZ" A 11 . 4 , -t , rn paper tints hits off a late and popular 1.1,11',n :—"The attention of the police rhoouhl be direded lu Pant A. Loon. Ile 4 s tipiti on die strcetq duiitntr -I'ul tight." Any natubt r tit thee, "tights' . ean be ;hr. r.trovl , 4 ,if Blooms burg, an d they are tinned out out Evan't. Etabli.hment, Main Street, where every l,ody very cheaply. : Ilcna do,o D. 111.1 4 11 t, for many years, Statoi Senator front Indiana, haw. sel prat years ago removod w K,ntneky, ha... just been Pit'ettA to tho hegitdature of that State. lie lvas expelled from the U. S. Seeate 'le 1 siC, for Iwing a Democrat, and refusing to entiorm; tiro John Brown raid. this week rills lied 31 nrn —t he mitldit. • ;;Ive FirrY liulu on—r' 'sing one NA Ml.' ill July— . our tbr this year, rain unpaid , v, Every.. We are d extend ha a 0 vet • en this • r sub. % o - Sumo or oar cot emporaries seem to think that the triumph or their eausce Ile moldd, like the fate of Jerki), upon the siuieint el' noise made--in these days of re tineite•in and hi ury, An article or real in trinsic. merit is soon appreciated ; hello , the unbounded and unperalelled success of Plan tation Niters, 'This remedy has ever and 0W11,714 been found reliable. As a gentle stimulant and twin appetizer it cannot be excelled. It is no doubt ti sovereign remedy for. Stem:wide disorders—for Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, and in stimulating , htinis thy uppettte. MAGNot44,3VAntu- deligttful tuitet article -4 o: to Cologne and at half the M im 2w. =I r1;:1!EIMI:11!ME:1 MEI MMff=3=EIBEJ 777.77-= C. Li it still dm* se ll U. „OA ison to cheap goods "this Mond next door to our office. Ho sells a good article of hoop ekirts at 15'eente. They are going off like h o t n a t e* Every Judy wants ono. He has just replenished his stout of goods generally. ive him a eat. 1111.41tRilT ItEIPORT. Wheat per bushel, *2 lgr l Itye, it I 10 Coro 1 00 Heel: tt wheat " So Ones, ti 70 Clovers eed " .. ... 7 oo Flaxseed, " . 250 Cri'd apples" 2 50 rot:doe:4, " so Floor per barrel, I t 00 Bauer 25 K att : per dozen, 20 Tallow per pound, Lard " Hams, it Slitlilltlr , r4, " Hay per ten NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. N ; ooDs NEWI; 00 PS The pulder. "Inlaid hear In mind Chat U. W. CREASY /4. Co. latve ronAtnntly an totthl TI it: x k 111; EST AN I 131 , 5 T sEuTIED STOCK OF (A)ON IN TT s r r All kind, of Wood V; MA. , 011:Als rot 4 . 341 or vain tiy proditre. 11, W. V.ItEAS`t At Co I.lot i 4 treq, J dg In, IN7 A BUSINE>S (,HAT Cho! maniac Ppure, which way With your inootle4 wool o n my way llama, Cif ; I have got folid far my of,j woman Ift Op 14; Weft Stmire, if It 01 a fair •laeatioa, what,: did pie n aid#oo aorta Cl, ,aaai It. at VaarWA Where it: thin 1 Near f attt you it pagisto get gar , ilng /loop th-r , . Vontn gitrito tOr ti rte, 1,1• r you ink, 81,4 hrillit Wittig milli. tie lt.t. r. WWI Ws ma• rbigr and gig new elude tie. I) h•eild eat it tfe weir rube tic utntie lifer.., rig he to telelieii this c..nfomt hit au ttee•iiiiiieeht• iten for tbuMr,whe lira of n aiAilite , . ifihot mate their w,.0: 81 either of the elm., autno will hr titter lea at. Atii. their Chilli for :vet ilteseiwz, tie,r .tnee Joni, 10.11, I,'*igo tig Been ideally :it the lehifileoi,, Willi one regithir!trio. X 0 eye xaa) 1,"0110 is lit. prie.ec Rich oh! Weir Oil gerV4,o attk i. y tiwir 17 tezvell le, in Mt. Plenennt Town. , t op, tidunoun Conoty. faaltiti tAlkll,,. Aupod, I I. EXlll.l.Xtdi iIE:4I.II.ItANT The P"e4 , ri , tor ba , 'l , lC r.unt.rttml And relltied Lte lu:wt. Ar RANT, it. lA,. EXCHANGE HOTEL. (*! Adj. n rnonomart• ki:e vat r,,toq , old and roctliOly 111 tte thv el:1101 , 1i 01 M-W olo•sx to Lt. t , ftvektltt:4l* tts Sit Olz)ll , AtS, cANNED ol,ilEllB i"itcial oVSTIMA, Fitt:SlT rISFI, thl , w tinw,* r 4 week, 11.151 AND noLoGNA, Geetof LIQCORS AND CIGARS t lei, c a n he ,:igt•ni ttp to C. 11,40,111,15 = vAgtlollg, STYLES, FTEVQ3). '4, fin. RAW, to rut( Ills 13.!;,s of tlio nrirurinn. I. A WHIN Vdt I.M AN. 11110,na(a.trl, re! , . 19, tArrr, 628. 1400 P SKIRTS, 628. v t i ( 4 ST) . I,KS, `'( it thv=v t.(t.tv and d.ailaldr. size. flyty and ot Plain nod Trail tlo ,11 2 33 3 3 I-1. 37 13 34. and I rants rwtout langtfi on.l /OP, 1V414t :in et'Ut ti.7pdrt, FIRST (,), CALITY, expeeuilly ei•epted to meet tile ivaltti; e , r riret ftUuwat I".l.ltionstlot • • ter thin Mahe.'Ram* shirts, stfe tw.r...lt.tir, 0,1.4 durably, and Really l'iwaper than ittly 0146' MOO! or Plth,q 41111,141. or Duo tril cg rihirt fu 'ha Athoteato Mathrt.llltey aro Warrattted in every rapp,t, :rod vv her , ver tatsl,l,:ett Rive hat. verant ettv , ::artlah. Th , y arm now being etuth.ivwy %old by Retailers, and every Lady olthald try them. Aetv far I=l and 1111! that lIJOI iSktrt is St:Hopei!. W. T. llopkin'it tihootiir hrt, Ari A ratnlogue eiv tio toy nddrv.K. A l'ni• hi m told titiiiral .tigoottit allowed to It.itti , ra hi, mail or otiirrowi. promptly ;rod tart-6101y at %Intiorrirtory and 4100, NO ►krtts Wade to ort!..i., altshed and repgirt~J~ Tetott.. Nt.t Owl! tint. Price Only Marcb vtt, wht 1101.K1:4$. ft:KW BAKETIX AND CONFEC. Ti“Ntl: LMszqa-laiii.)Uttsuazsaabauaq, ON TIMID STRUM, pm,qm , Kirr, moonsituPG, j, I. 1 , 4 x, proptietoraC ihitirPlnhltPltmmtt,wnttid ro.to.rt folly inrot to hi. old nod Iwo* Etttolto'ra, that to...%er}thilig Oiled op at Itia now Wind to on. 3100 h2lll tothorn with !MEAD. CAKES, ANT) COX! 0 1101i.C.11 I V.A. a t.retoloth, r.;,./- It t,a niacin atiattiluoorntP lot Ihn Pak Pt Wit in N th. Kra. , time, thin, to-eps tt CmitiN watt. of ft!oie dirlttly tipitmtitit TOE Ntib BUUJDISAS• " i,ste4M4 deed ring bread ran IA het:00101 , 14(01i ;et !tii 11 re ilerenher atl person., who have been rnreiliih , en. eiltb Ale, tAgr.ll steer, ant by the ei WI T , ;a qua itri hnrrftl, dill tall upon . WILLIAM kin in Fhiyea' Block, Maln Strect, ha 4 head nothorizti 1 by the 1111.141544411 44 41 In 4101 1114; 444414.4 4 . Ae It 411 elnitetantly hove n sup on band, which will he viitil at the lowest market Mfrs. Mr. F. has, in connection with Ina notinry and Can. teetionery,, Afton op 1 . 0411113 for the vole or tie* CItEA L to on tow my favor him with their militia. He Se atter prepared to make kit Cream in tnrte na*nti• tie* for 1101110 , , phhite nr *Mint hotherfehe. ee the cafe may he. lititerythitte hintatnltte In Hie hoe of hotoneee wilt rrtelve torah! and diligent attention. tP'' tle ie thankrul to hie r 1101004 . M Ow pupa fir• ears, and mutt cordially solicit* a rotittnottinni trl the fame. .1. ruX. Aptfi 3, 1867. /Tx 1,1 1,141 N Y AND FANCY STOUE. Light Mreel, Colombia Co. MAL WlMlttr; WPII Id nitnonnett I t , rite ritiZello Of Li4l4 rtreet and ~.., V (dully that *he bah opened it t o Pill inery it Fancy ISore ,b, whi,„ 010 Il4a etnettett with n hire nit IteM nttonrt meat or Millinery heti Fahey Goods, from thy eNtiterli tiller, for the Spring anti hummer trade, Itor •tack eottoiete or ALL ARTIrLKA rolled in tlrot ethos mi'lihoey storey. Iter good* eye the beet end moot Illindsouto in the market. NONN ETA mite tn (niter. ittl4 reran.* ng tinny with arnitwwii and ihnipittrio. An work i.wituteil in the bent mill ninon kitty mount, npuit tetiounahle Upton'. ritritclittne ntlettitnn in pal 4 to droop ;locking. She brie PArniliNs of every deseriptton pertaining to the trade, ott hum) nod flit We, enclitic, Giro her n evil—Otorn in Worden's Zan Julia Morn,. April tin e THE COLUMBIA HOUSE. R. R. STORMS R, Proprietor. b Thu ism neir 'IOW Oohs Itiestootthoto 41Ittleeel. di* *WV ttstir w e it . theelltiOehentitv. wooed • Mem r iThi thotet hogw .es whi IA kire*lf U the .itobthipos thtipert/P It it oteteitily.,leistee, is tie hAtes,t et ittlet t , /tehishAt plod Oh. setae to eVeliiim belt* th ih.t port et W*ll whist the hotitie or the eesiesierls Melee dote. Ti l e prop/mos tit ebolitheettipt he is orethosit five earl eettiorstites WS.W *oh 4 nirMSOiref Ilitee m soteutt Nay IS. WM z TW P. BOUNTY 1 1 1, ND. AUDITOR % RTATRMPNT, 49 MOM,Romp, ColleetvrvlßountyTax, To amount on Duplicate lly cnsl► pd. John Hill, Trotuturor $5,832 52 oxonorntionio 223 6.1 " poreontago )23 5)) $6,179 74 C. Ij, Ittrnotteit, Collretto of Bounty Tux, 1) IL To amount on Perlit 3 l o $7,437 42 $:: By cash pd. John Hill, Tivisurel s ( 414,676 42 " reduction of Poll Tar : I 'JO IR) lialanee on Duplicate NI On ilium l'reasnrer, 11 It. To ain't from First National Bank of Danville, (note in Dank) $lO,OOO 00 C it, By and stamps on first discount $l6l 117 " ain't lid 32 volunteers at $3OO each 9600 00 " expenees taking volunteers to 'Pow and their mOsimtaimu 317 no " pereentage on SIO,MI 50 00 . / pi, Ikztlawce in favor a Trea.nrer $1:28 67 To amount oil loyal Pubsyri pf t 4,116 no t! It. Icy ran't pd lM volmiteers over s:' , o') 104 per reee►pt 1181.inve due J. !MI, Trousarex 110 I►R. To ensli from ti. Neyimrfl, Corr frIS32. 11' 2 " " Ihettro4),Vol'r 4,676 12 " L. Atkotan int an his tor for ono ye.tr 4 11 0,,513 or) R. By elt.n pll , l on ante at Find, Na tional Bank a O,OIA Crib Kt . va , b paid dirrounting note at raid Bank 207 7s 11811a/we (11) , I rftwn..loo 1) It. To en , b on bowl of S. Crevcitm. (o) Nnroret 14 11 14" Vi AP41:1111/11 1:111 11 ti der / h 41 pi an t0m , 1..:1 , 4 I ,er •` " ;, E.! lor..mp. to rf,y r, (1:-.4 figq, WO: RIO Vilte Val i"tial IL4Pk VI 100 1:•li ( ' pr Cre'r pt9V•I'S ti) I I arti,leArg '27 71 eu.l pcpi L. 'rah., I,hig.L.a tttr " " (`.t;.lkrkloy.litty 21) " Suntlry pot roceipt4 perventncn 011'',;*‘11,073 nallanor. in lisvor nr TrnavPrer X 53 09 H, .v 10,14.111 bopi tfl P. Urra,y 3!,•I "t 0 I . IS". " "'N' int. ;;;.; t.O 11. C. tt " ."Sttvil t:rove'iito! 300 oo ot+ Ai AI 1• , 67, Ai o oniler• "1,1 tort'o4liip. Wonniiht 'oaory, P.t. hciel,y cortify that wo hat .• v.infuEy e;,timiooll Fy.ttgoftog th e w to is cor refit. t,t,v( .1, in Totw4ol, ) Alpi 4 4 ., oort LAPAVVITE 0. , :04t 7. l' 07. D.lttNrsTrixi NoTtuE. 1,, , ..1cfn n nn Ilin eatatn of' %; , •nigt , ” lasts ni Senn Town.litp, ro,nity, , twell grsnlu4. by rise onibty, t., 1'n;1+0 r. thutasan nio rnlinq Avffit a.,3 tn, lan,r fn l'entrt Tom, i ! 1 1 4, said V. A Pet 0.114 &hi API inNnn.i * ,, 111. , . 1110 rh. - enAeil ti re • ninnted to Sn',,,,nt th,.vt nniv nObebtjyntott ailminiOratcr., and lhoie owo,is tile I , Stal4 wilt nutkn 1/11Olk ticitc• Pit 11. t rt. tiAtitml7l. Ailiness row.Aun tt AteritAN, • Pent!, lacy in, IN THE Oitl'llANS' COURT IN AND for the enmity of rehtethie In the metier of the ttdote ofPrte, EveWl& ON:vend, And new to wit Alive nth Iwtl7, the Court appoint I , :ltpilt Athlitot, to, tonitt 15111 lOC the hahloe., in the fiends of Peter I.:veined end John flvideed, toned nettlitelrt the heir. end fete, rep reiteetatiets. By the Own. 'Noel the mote. Jt8.14 C'ne , kp*Aa,t, • lerk. tin! auditor ohovii narnail win attend to tito dots. el his appoint awns. at his office, in illontastall. 04 Saturday, July 17th at h) o'clock a. in. L. it iiiLLEit,, Auditor. Cloomeburg hily 10, Philadelphia & Erie Rail Road, SUMMEIt TIME TABLE. illßfll'4lll ANI) DlttF.l;l' piltrrn ncivi,TA 1'1111,A1110.1'111,1. 1:1$111.114:, 1111.11.1,11161'u1tT, AND 'ION GREAT OIL REGION egretsyLvANlA. ELEGANT sLcurum CARS tht toll Night Trams. Lin hii l after MONDAY. APRIL Wilt, leel. the TraiireAri the Phiideeilieln dr. Brie :Rail Read will run as tteinerd tt' EST WA RP MAIL TRAIN iei4Vl . 6 Ph*,itiMtphia. ' 0" 0) p. in N,,illonuerland d 54 U. ue " arrive at Brie: 4 tin p. exrums waved riiitadelphiK Haan; •; Marthaalbettaltd ri 44 p. tirtiVlP at Eft, 9 44 it, M. tl.iftßA MAUL Iratre4ll444lola , 00 a hi. Nortitumforlalid tri r tt. tu , arrive at I,ntk flavot 7 45 Is. la. IIt;FPALO Exp. ittai,es 10.10 p. a•thaiol4 , ll4o4 0 03 a. m " arrtvr at Lack 1111%40 11 SO a: at 11ASTWAR11. mAtt.ntioN kutuu Flrtu le es h m Nt•ithombt timid II 30 a. in h nitive ut rhllaautphot 99 a. ta 1:11114 EXPeESI 69tvou Erin IO •,!.In. ia• •' Natihomy•fland 6 tEI a. m• •• urrirt OU p. in ELMIRA M A tglives Lodi 11ay99 715 a, flu Northumburfuthl Io 19 k I* nrrivr at Philaibliphri 1. 4 1( tIAV. le:nes Lack 113ven - • .•Nintlitankerlattil sin p. m. •• •• arrive at Philadelphia 13 3u p. ui tlnU and I.:P.l , mum tannin with all trams on WARREN k FRANKLIN RAILWAY. rtl.PelletO leaving Philadelphia itt isl (JO :IL 'morn at Irkinetun at n 4t. u. t»., and 0.1 City at it Su a ra . Latina Philadelphia id 7 30 1, 51„ arriyu itt. Oil City at 4 33 p. w. All4lOlllO nn Warren & Franklin RaillsßY make claw 4`40i0 6, t11 ,1 11 , at Od City with truing rat Frank • lin and Petralennt Centre ItAtOIAOR CHECKED TiIItOVOIL A. L. TYLER, Unnurul Supt Jul? t4,osto. IN :mill 0111'11AN''S' COURT IN and for the County of Columbia : In Ihn tatter of tea petition of Julio hurter, Roar lln of 11,,, perm,' end arum of Month Etrenborh, And now to Wit May nth, leo?, fl u e Court appoint Wthloln 11. Abbot, auditor. to Fuel* forte at the next farm, Dy the Court. Vront the ReNrrl. JessekCpwe" Clerk. 'the antiitor above emoted will attend to the duties of bhp appointment, M ii. usiu of Irene 11. Montag, thtlatentoth ra flatorday, Otit third day of Anirttet, et 111Velbet sob. ' W 11,11; ABBOTT, Auditor, Omtairboof Ws? IT. IBM EXTRA WHEAT FLOUR ; AND FEED, or ALL KINDS, MR SALE CU AP DY D. W. IROBBINII. Blommisbun. July DR 0,179 74 EMI $6,44; 42 110,128 67 ,ii } $ 10,2:a ' ' fl!!'; , ) (014 C' Ii 3 47 :I,:;:;tJ o'l 411 r ri t: 1, • . - • s • • ••• • ta, Iternarssa 4, IMO. *rare, iftsfoParr • bob% Pitutuft. rd. OMITS law any daddpipthe part of a gond &leen whoa WWI, is Itut Oidll'tenellts received by tud front Ike ow ef pour altnlnseb Niters during taw eel tlire years. Illojeurninp for a mill In Os of regions, goal, I lied a severe b1110ue11010 6 . 0116 In connection trlth dyspepsia, left me Ins cot; wink enailltlon. I wee advised to try your elttera, havens procured a bottle, found that they works,* like a charm upon me, Willi pounds having been added to my weight is the Once of one neck Mad new file 111MIlked to hays best, infueed Into my aye. tem, to touch so, that I hive been Induced to awe them every summer Mote/ last time, As a Paula, 1 think they are Invaluable. `!'il i a puptunts, having had a aim tar attack. (and aa he Awe, much reduced,) although under taw treat. weal of an A No. 1 phys khan, 1 was again üblidad ~ a l ive reaffirm to the old balers, and with the I.lll,aaw u d •esult. having gained ma pound, within a 11%e ad a half dnaen bottles few few gam I etliw• may thew reinter ly an a week. mime, and pl.,"ltoro • tunic. lag you every vivre**, 101011167, Your*, gulvfally, WILLIAM August /1, 1867.-4 w 13ERUVIAN SYRUP. A Nverwmw SOLUTION OF THI PROTOX. IIlt•; or 1110 N, towhee the Blood with its LIPS ME:MUNI% !PON, giving strength, vigor and now life to the nitrite system. If the th %send* who aro suffering front nifilMiliA rhitILVIY, FtNIALIK Winissevers, &c., would but left the virtues or the Ps wow! tinier, the effect would n o t only hstonish theinselves but would please all their friends; fur inetend thel ing erne*, ••all gone" and ndsurAtto, they Veneild bu cheerful, Viguruds and active. A IlfMNut;' . ! ITEO On' _wittTßA to A FltIENb AArCr.l.oWis t 'taro. 'tried the , Pr oir t imi tlilnar, An a iha 'mot Nity buortito your preilittiort, tt WO Thuile 4 Pm ut me, inbinfkl Jut,' toy system new VerAr m a rl efterty ; t am no !ringer tiwitithios and itchilitmoll, kw Witro yuu 104 sow we, but and with Sarum' covitoty tar labor. iAeotai and iihy s i. lii, thmi n 1 auy tune tLtrin thu last the yeani." iv, omit , nd. kli , e7crm r hn then, Pf aiS remedy iron , WOO.. 41,4 /0 Onliering crrohieri/ Aea,f,ryit, f,ad rasa rind worarn rlnnut ably At •fia.te d 9 rr ire tt n trod, lite genuine boo Pireep , ' Mown in the eterw. A 31 page l'ampl , l ,, t will t>e pint J. I". Proprierne, :lo toy $% New York. :lold by 01l Proggiet4. lacC , ycirs.ciYaciTEDsilAis lA >lael4 , Oct. 13th, ICO3, .Vr, ata.,—/fy, y (Wolff ilVtql aftlicted itriev• ro.dy for AflVllf.t . weak. WWI SPVVItt fit.cyt t y ae on m!, mare, t thoq! owl. era MaY , ltYll rot Its erwitcatints 0 w o o hoy tenet, MHO I appUed !VOW Etfuy, tvhlrh utrcotn,i is it.tromo,,,t tht.ref.l , INA harpy to ciitlity soy ytaaidoury t is ite Net, huts with t. ft E. 4 . V:t. truthruhlout4 or Pat•KRORN. M. D. 11$ TII W, rOW LC & 1104100. Pr.priefrif, #4ol## Gp ### # LiYup isl x, Hi #l5 refits a ~ ~ PR. J. BRYAN, Vl9 13roa iwdy, ricw Yoo FrEvil, I', TRg4T 44::tiT to oil cawa Semitill, t!' - ' ,o ' l, Vim 1 .4 and No•t% lis,rit.es Ya woh. r(1.4. 411.1rOtrefihIlltitlh:C Krim ty e. 61 0.100041. fJan.o, 1-1 , 7,- ly, Ao; ENTS WANTED 4mple, eeot ft,?. No capital rplittA. L'ulo , rl or Crotleown , tat) earn from liAgi to 110.1,41 to -r day.— .0 t,tloto.ao.; 110. CC & Co„ Eighth St., New York. bn, 9, 1, "07.--I Y. 11')V1: AND M.VIIiIMONT ItikreaMll 0 . 1114, ON Wile rx ratty he gained Uy followiasf simple 1104,1, nad all may marry happily, if ‘ l, , Firmi, withmit rot:if - 110 VIVI or il , 3llty 5,,,j dire - ft:4 tw7 , lopo 011 , 1 stump fcr 11111ARlin, „an. 0, N. , tv VOtk. AVOID I'lll. QUACKS !f van arc a+sit4erie~ ~,,„ Vntithrtilin• and Faro FetLirM iVeaktteno, , Are. .I vt tti 10,14 • olt. 14.4-• il,f”ttwithm vdridl it rule l'hort th‘,. aid 3 nwatr:no,.. Ad4o 414 N, I-; ry ;.,1.111,,e: PEA FN ON, I.)N ES'S, Aoit t:::tntrhor-meil with the atto6,l rat term, by S. lA;;Ars, Rr . IL 11, oll,t nod Attriq i,fernierly °Mel , nqital-t , t , 'Y No. 31'1 11 , 1i1 rltit I'IIILAIrA. Tee; iteonl:lt., t:ent the total reliable botorees to the City and t`botory c3ll be oeen at libtethee. The thed• i tatolty at., tor thol pr arratotpaoy their patient ot, no twEret4 in hie prrskttne ARTIrICIAL EVES, lasorted without rAta. tharge for exalt. tool r April pco,—tv EE TO EVERY 1.; 0I) Y. A Intro. C pp•Cilrular, rirsng ttifi.rtnation or Me prontkol jolportancolO young of both oe xes. It teurbes how the homely maebeennin be ablifig. the deepteed reweta.l.o%.l the rote:it:eV 10 Oil. No yI.II lodir or gonilortioii rhoolfl fall to Koill their nthlrese, and receive • eery yert•efti.i. by re. then MI el A.llfPfe P 'rroY, N. V. Ertl In I/47-1y Y(11:Nli MEN. The •spernmc, or the part too yes,* hie demon pirated the (act that reliant , : may tic placed lathe of Ilkacy of Bell's Specific Pills, for the speedy and permanent rite of vreak. Plottostorts, Phystcat and Nervoiss dehility3aa.. potence, cr nout of power, the result of IlezdilVadsi revs, or Youthful Inderrretion,which neglected rola, I the happiness, and unfits Ihe no eerer for Ilothiree. 81/Cl.li Ouch ty or Mutiny,, arid often tornitilaten in sit untimely crave. Make no &Ist In srekidg Ike remedy. It to entirely vegetable and littrmles• nil the system, ton I.it used without .1 , tectiun or liter. 6.rrllle with business pureults.and nu change of eta I is necessary while using theist. Price, One Dollar. If you cannot pet them of your druggist, send the money In Mr. 4. Bryan, ftroadway. New York. and they will lie abut tier from nb.erration by re re. of mail. Private eirettlars to flentleinah NIA bed OfirdoPli cation. (Jan. O. ly r-4. O. & CO. TO LADIES If riot WOO rb a reliable reilietij , to refilling kroi.iiird 'move Irregularities Of Obrtturtionr. Wit? not 1114 flit be ,t t Tl.iity ken," experience 111. proreitthat Dr. Harvey's Feniale Pils, hove no equal Mr Removing Obetroctiono 41111 Irrog• No I , l3ittf (MU . a flat (11 , 1111! OKI IMO. I 1 h.t are tare uo.l sure in eVery vise. Price, Une Lunar. pci box. Dr. Harvey's Golded Plllloi le' re molly lour degree" 't temp. r Ihon the lbel*. anj Int f..r Pprciat Ewa of long 'landing, NW., rive Indian' per lita. A I.rirWs' Pi•ivato Circular, With liligrovin:u. Mkt 1' , 17 Olt apriiratlon, If you cannot not tVr Nino or your druyglai, tiend the warty 1001.3.110 - on, CIS lithadway, New York, and they Oil ha soot free front observation by return of until. I Jan. D. 0.. KNOW THY DEBtINY. mathinie C. F. Thornton. the greet Zhiliett A st rot , ' ogres. Cialevoynnt and Heyelsenwlrlean, who harr astonished the relent' M. claws of the Old %Wild, has nr,tv Invited herself at fludabn, X. V. Mad tote 'rboratun possesses such wonderful power,* of see (1111i eight, as to ennhle her to tweet knowledge of the greatest Importance to the startle or married of chile' sex. While in a state of 'Mlle.', slut deli no awl, the very features of the ;reform you are to mar. ry, and by the aid of an instrument of Intense pew. et, known astir', l'syclummtrope, punrentees to pro duce a life•ltke picture of the future husband or wife of the, epptieant, together with date of marriage, pn• 'Mon In life, leading traits of character, ke, This le' no humbug, as thousands of tenitnonialn ran me. tart. Phe will send when desired . a certified eertifi• cote, or written giierentee, that the picture le orbit It purports lobe, Ily sedating a email luck of heir, and seating place of birth, age, disposition and corn. plexioe ,and enclosing fifty centeand stamped ettvut• win addressed to imerstlf, you will receive the pie lure and drained infutmetion by return mall. All communications sacredly confidential. Address is Confidence, 114AVIAASE E. r.sitorrrnte. t. n. dot gem, linden*. N. T. IFO t? ii 64/ 1.., •_ ti Kos. -- ~ ..,,,, . i 11:11 :"444 ).t4OR 011601 t ,, , It. . ~.L . . , • .;-. . RUSSetI,I I ITCH OINTMENT , 0 11 Aluill l4ll l 4 tit. WELirTRIED ' libl DIU S. , 4 certain cure • D. : A Ld r . L i t, ,-4 =o . ...4;e:3'1041:r."11:4,611,11",tor, to il I : l l: l4 osre :tr ui l eg r e t v e r p l u a e l : li n n u /t o t ; ei gt. lin si. mrucire.r.eszolizyulmee o c co g irr atehe irs . 01 7 . yOlifillif lea. , at who ightd it,* 141011 igi Abir Jo unequaled • • • . nallielnaly, wan . sea fil Ow ample lamed) tr i ; ... L y s ipii,g Otortpuirwr, curie 'Owe oh Abu end iiihisiboili nu' 4 itEriAwlabteir post by :USD*. . ; b „. few, , i $llO the he wow eared. 7 *. „41 on addreepnig tara.:Pl" •,0 act reftiAl t :',o4 l Mt renal*. the advetellser'oesperhuh: * _ ,• . 000 .41 Qatar TtlePO Ointe::"' -... it a4 re y r eetifylon• la perfect 00110011100. JOth* *OM. 11507 • rioe