Bloomsburg democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1867-1869, August 21, 1867, Image 2

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11111. 41. JACOBIK SOU •
k 112 m • S. 'i
0111. ?ottoman& k to. . :7 Fork Row Wok York
••nu duly uutkorisilul mollett tud MAYA onborriP•
iaoe Mittpdvergilpg for the PsMtetral 4 6tar. pub.
060 it WooIiMMOIN Oplutubia county, Pa.
State, Dillteki County Ticket.
lebr iregifrofthe ffigirensiCourt,
zoltririo. essmirereospo
of Montour County.
:MORDECAI ti 141.4111 ), Co itru Twit
JACOB PAM of Militia Twp.
COrNTY romm
'DAVID YEA° HR. or Loma, Twp.
Jilve room' n
TUOS. J. WE IL! of3it, Pleasant
Atan - roo,
JACOB BARRIS, or itothloa wp
-nil HA ItSWOOD “OPIN1011."
The Repub limn 6)1,0441y etills upon the
Peumeratie papers to print the opinion of
Judge Sharsutod on tl : legal tender ours.
don. Why, in the name of common sense,
.dou't the wan,puhlish it himself, instead of
giving his readers garbled extracts rum the
document—especially if it is of such a
terribly dislicgo/ character as to completely
annihilate Judge Sharswood s rapotation 3$
a patriot' Come, Doctor, it is ppm' flan' ler
make her rata, ; We (° you to print the
opinion iu full, so that your readers may
have n proper understanding vethe case.
Why call upon at to furnish the (supposetip
Proofs of the unworthyte ss of our email
date when you, as you allege, have them
at hand? The opinion will be found !pub
•lished rerietti'm in the Plidulelphin ily; of
. the 14th iust., a paper which penetrates
every nook and corner of l'enu•ylvania
where PClllOviat is to be found. Why
, does the MIA/Now keep it buck ?
It is our cpiniou that the flp i pt Moan
will sot weep.; our challenge, tool pubiish
the opinion iu full. That journal is afraid
of the light. But we shall see whether it
will longer insult the t ommon sense of its
readers by withholplin from them what it
elaitus to be ample proof of the unfitness of
Judge Sharswood to sit tot the Supreme
Lynch. Let the "opinion" appear
.11 the
columns of the lecimblicon, otherwise let
that journal "dry up" on the subject.
Stanton kicked Out.
Lan Deo! Johnson has done one good
thing. He has kicked Stanton out ef the
Cabinet. Ile would not go out until he was
kicked out. In this respect we fear he rep
resents the Mongrel party. it is doubtful
whether they will give up power until com
pelled to. Mr. Johnson asked Mr. Stanton
to resign, when he sent n most insulting let
ter, telling hint that he would net, Where
upon Mr. Johnson suspended him, and
made General Grant acting Secretary of
War. We would fondly hope that the
linuh pia beieg knocked out. the whole
wagon will full to pieces. There has been
a mysterious influence surrounding Mr.
Johnson, which no theory has been able to
unravel. Why he should retain Stanton,
who has opposed him at every step, and why
Seward should be the defender and support
er of Stanton, though pretending to differ
from him, and support the President, all
these are curious facts, and din rult to be
understood by ontsiders.
Would that Andrew Johnson would rise
like a giant refreshed., and hurl the enemies
of our country to perdition. All he bast,
do is, simply to °toy hair oath of • ofices. Ile
is Commander in Chief of the army. Lot
him wtihdraw it at once from the southern
States and send it to Gen. Sherman to pro
tect our western settlers; Let him admin
ister the government on the Constitution
pare and simple, and pay no attention what
•evor to the so-called laws of Congress, that
presume to wipe out States. is he to turn
traitor &owe has 7 That is the
(motion fur him to ask himself, and answer
if ho can. With one grand elThrt now he
could right the ship of State. Let hint put
Seward in the same boat with his friend
Blanton, and got rid at once and forever of
the whole gang of plotters, conspirators and
architects of ruin, who have dragged our
.country into its present abyss of woe.
In our next we intend publishing the
able speech of Hon. Benjamin H. Hill, of
Georgia. It was delivered ou the I Gth of
July last at Atlanta, before a large assem
blage. The Bellfonte Watchman says: "It
is the ablest thing we hare Pm from the
South on the situation, and exactly embodies
our ideas in regard to what. ought to he
the policy of the South. We have been
utterly astonished that any man of &erney
or intelligence in the South would willingly
accept the shameful and despotic govern
ment which Congress would force upon
them. We wonder that more feeling is not
expressed on the subject for we did not be
lieve the Southern people to be of those
who "lick the hand that smites them," and
we are glad to see this iudicatiou of their
waking up."
etir Frank Leslie's Magazine is on hand
for September, looking as tempting as a
large fine luscious peach. Its fashion plates
cannot he surpassed. if wo men) a lady
(and wo often wished wo were—fur awhile
anyhow,) wo certainly should not do with
out this Magazine. We can't tem how any
one eau. There is au immense amount of
labor and money expuudetl on this publica
tion for which the proprietor is entitled to a
libunl support,
ARTMTED.-J. 11. limdlvy, Esq., the
senior counsel for the defence in the Surmtt
trial, was arrested ou l'hunslay morning
upou the affidavit of Major Richards, Su•
porintendeut of the Washington Police, for
handing a letter supposed to k a challenge
to Judge Fisher. lie was titleu before a
magistrate, waived an examination, and
gave bonds in fifteen hunched dollar, for his
appearance when required.
fhpulation Convention.
+wen the how of one-o r od two 9'oloti
on Monday
- ',GA
. the ReSblitin
Blockhead nve ''. of , , ty
held ht. the ourt;'g' oT
::' : ' ibu .:.
privii deal
,ly t);ka afimo
idled a Cowitentiort; over her , . th Corm.
ty ; and if we may take this Convention a*
a fair indication of the dwindling away of
the Blockhead Party lit Columbia County,
there will be but few of the party loft alter
the Bth day of ()debar next,
On motion of Col. Knorr, a Delegate from
Bloom, the Convention woe to order by the
calling of Benjamin P. Fortner, of Catawi*
Pa, to the Chair ; •and on motion, Capt.
.Ittektion, of Berwick, and M. W. Monroe,
of Montour, were Amen Seerctarice.
`The wheels of the Convention now being
elightly in motion, Col. Iciforr offere'd a res•
elution nirpointitig John ilurtnnin, of the
"Buukhern' •in diendeck, and some "other
nion," es Representative l'unferec.., which
was accepted e 'them u dimuting yoke.
A motion WIIB then made to the effect that
the Convention proceed to the nomination
of a NU County Ticket, which wars agreed
For the Mime or Sheriff the Convention
nimiinated Silas Connor, of Orange, with.
out opposition. There being no time taken
up by applause, the Convention immediate
'TY Promoted to nominate a candidate for
~ County Treamrer, 'l'hnt lucky individual
was our towtvonan, 1. W. Hartman, who,
welmve no doubt, would make e creditable
officer if he had an oppf.rtunity of Fen,
but while the Penuatratie party eitao.4' to
natnace the timmoial affairs of the Comity.
Mr, 11. will be obliged to occupy an unin
terested Neat. The tvetuoeracy prep:A , to
handsomely elect Mr. Jacob lobe, of
the av !it 1111111 Ha tip teas Snag John ,
of Lorict. far County
of roars l'ett,,,T, the Donner:dui
windins. Hill ilk:ince Mr. Johnson.
john. tin Thipiddivans ulna tire ititercoe , l in
running a falser, swear that th,iy will not
support this num ; o what 8611 he done ?
Wo min tee nothing left for the t ominee
in that event but to ii.ufriir detlint.
For Auditor, a very important office hut
little sought after, rspoo indy in the Ee
-1 ellivnt: ranks, the 'Contr.:nit hin nominated
---- V e tte r , of :tl it ioo. Ile most likely
hill be elected to stey in Maine, and
attend to his present vocation.
The last and only nomination, that might
eotoidered almost a "sure pop" for an
office. was that of EliTha Hayman, of
i'lleilwood. This nomination was made to
the great disappointment of quite a moo
her or the more ardent womkcrs of the
Hoot:howl party. This nomination was for
the dive of Jury t'otinnissioner.
An entire ticket having been uninitiated,
Vol. Knorr rose to 'his feet and stated to the
Convention that Pr. John was present, and
that he (John) had a lot of resolutions in
pocket, drawn up t y the express pur
pose (by the request of several delegates)
of having them read at the Convention, and
therethre, he (Knorr) would move that Dr.
John be requested to read them. The Con
vention took favitrat,le action on Ott' matter.
The great AM" of the Rfputdiron arose.
drew forth from his pocket a roll of paper,
and read therefrom a string of resolutions
as lung as the moral law, complimenting
and endorsing the Abolition Congress for
their (dis)uniortism, Gov. Geary fur his
(disdionesty, and Judge Williams for his
net disapproving of their ruinous and high
handed measures.
It is not necessary for us to say that these
resolutions macro adopted, when there was
nobody in the Convention who dared op_
prase them, after the great ldier•irritcr had
finished reading, putting in them all the
vim, force, emphasis and physic he could
produce. The President, Andrew Johnson,
who John once boasted of having voted
for in the Baltimore Convention, was given
the eomplete go-bye. A ..lohnvon may eon
sider liltniell'honored by their ,ilenee ; while,
on the other hand, Senator Cameron was
Bedaubed all over with their saliva, not at
all complimentary to astate.anatt ~rnelowwlw
l4,-.11 ability and true worth, but the old
Winnebago may take it all right.
Some one made a motion to adjourn, and
/lur-jein•iu put the motion to the Conven
tion an I adjourned her ili.'•
liccovutat).—Sinee our last issue, the
most important of the papers stolen from
the safe in the Ake of B. B. Buyer, Eso.,
in this place, have been recovered. Those
papers, the reader will remember, related to
the trial of Falmestock vs. Boyer. They
were received by .1. B. Packer, Esq., from
Williamsport, by mail. The sender does
not go into any explanation nor does he say
why he did not send all the papers. He
said if 11r. Buyer was successful in the suit
he would claim the reward, but doe& not
give his name or address. It is evident that
the thief or thieves upon opening the safe,
and cowing first upon the tin boa containing
the papers, made olf with it under the im
pression that it contained the ohieet of their
search, viz. greenbacks—North'd County
Kr President Johnson has "suspended,"
in other words kicked rho notorious Stanton
out of his Cabinet, and Gen. Grant bastion
appointed Secretary of War ad interim. It
would have been a blessing to the country it'
the President would have done so two years
and a halfago. Much of the bad feeling
which now exists, and the deplorable con
dition of the country resulting therefrom,
would have been thereby avoided. But,
better late than never. Every radical cur
in the land is yelping at the heels of the
President, but be pursues the "even tenor
of his way," and minds them not.—Read
ing atuctie.
Alas and alma I We thought a part
of our minion in this world had been ae
complidied. Under the moat humane im
puleoa we took Doctor John in band to re
move 'letters on the brain', written by
himself to hinglf. But the patient hex
relapsed. The disease will probably he
more untnanagige than over, and wo turn
only tender hi readers our profound cetr.
dolenoes. This is a,lbrrowfttl
NA 1011 Of 41111110
WILLIANSPOSM Psi;' Upßi 13.—The
H. Jsmes'A ;.. his °yolks',
aged 75 yow l ON li , 401 . lie mu
ono of An mod ' troMitors of
the bar to , this pettier Psikeitsitia, and
has not missed *Court in Lyecomilg County
far the put forty years, except during the
time he was on the bench of the Supremo
Court. He was employed in all important
muses in our courts, and aided in the eon
'Action of every criminal who was over exe
cuted in this county. no was highly esteem
ed for his mond worth end was to
many commencing business life. Ho was
a full member of time Presbyterian Church,
and gave liberally to its support.
noon ENAIIPLE.—An exalt:nip thus
rewords the good 'example of a prominent
Detunerat in the proper dissemination of
Democratic principles: "One of our sub
scribers mine our ligiee one thy lAA week
and renewed his subset iption liar another
year. lie then ordered a copy of the paper
to he sptit to his two brothers and his work
man, antl then paid for them a year in ad,
vatwe, rematling that "these were time.=
101, i men ought to read the troth." We
record this example or a bumble but earnest
I)emeerat with pleasure. It is worthy to be
641 0 % 0 1 by other 4. Let the people read
sound papers aid understand folly th e a i m
roil datieet of the Jacobin healers. and there
will be a change in the pullie opinion. tlld
men elimild encourage the young men to
take and teal Thanocrutie papers. Let
them grow up with porreet pribeiples. We
emilmetld the above to the consideration of
our friends in the (aunty.
A ( NT APP.% 114.--1 hi Sunday night
one ofear merchants was aroused from his
, Innibers by hearing some one on the kitch
en roof 01 his house, Takher his revolver
he went to the place and di4coverml a young
man eth.ily mum pting to get in a window.—
.1, his actions wore hardly those of a burglar
'the merchant ~poke to him before shooting,
and the young man like rrockett's coon,
was eery glad to "come down." In reply
to hi' meutions, the young man stated that
to pay a friendly visit to the
..,rvant girl, and utterly disclaimed all bur
: lariow= intentions. Tlis captor, however,
march:. him to jail, and yesterday he was
taken a Justice of the Peace. The
irl wa- sr nt for and. much as she regretted
the to ec—ity. she admitted the "soft im
peatinnent" that he was viiitiog her with
her eminent. The young gent was Hued:lip
and ro-t r e., under the city ordinance, and
warred to be more circumspect in his mid
night rambles.—Lycorahto G,t.ftte,
VW' To repel the invasion on our liber
ties, which the enemies of our country who
are now in power, are making demands that
our voice should lie heard through the
BALD IT-BOX, and that their despotic
nets should there lc rebuked. Every Item
()erotic vote is needed to help to redeem our
magnificent old State from the hands of the
doeuiler and plunderer—from the men who
would place you on an equality with the
negro and make the Afriran your ruler and
law maker. Every consideration of duty,
honor, interest, awl' love of liberty, should
now induce every one, who considers him
self a member of the great Ikonoeratie par
ty, and belonging to the white race, to be
up and actively engaged in this contest and
by his vote show his respect lin- his race, the
laws of the land, and the liberties of the
) Forney who is writing letters to the
Press from Europe, gives ample and detail
ed Recounts of all the hotels lie has visited
in that part of the World. His descriptive
powers in that line can't be disputed, con
sidering the opportunity he has had in this
country to test the quality of the different
drinking homes. Ills List letter in the Kris
describes Baden !laden. n celebrated water
log place on the continent, noted fear its nr
istoeratie gambling saloons. Forney writes
ns familiarly of "carte," `Tiro," "roulette,"
and "yards," as any professinnnl could,
proving his familiarity with the games.—
But at the end we can fancy him rolling up
the whites of his eyes as ho writes the Ibl
lowing sentence, "Ileaven save my country
from ever consenting to such a system or
becoming familliar to such sights." This
is rich, coming from Forney, and richer
still to come from a Benison of Washington
city. —l9anrilic trllitp piece.
ter in the recent race for 82.500, at the
Riverside Track, Boston, against Brown
George and running mate, mile heats, hest
three in live in harness, won the race in
three straight heats, making the mile in
2.19, beating the fastest tine on record, a►nl
his own Kalamazoo time (2.101), on a track
forty:feet Over half mile,exact n►easurement.
Brown George and mate trotted ndn►irably,
making faster time than ever before, fre
quently lapping Dexter. The MCC was wit
netavi by about ten thousand persons, who
were drawn together nut of curiosity to wit
ness this extraordinary perliwmanee of the
"King of the Turf:" Of course there was
no betting, except on time, and this was
fixed at 2.22, although many marked him
as high as 2.25. The Yankees, of course
were Wily astounded, and now the fame of
Dexter remands throughout all New En
gland. We take great pleasure in recording
the successive triumphs of our little Orange
County horse, far the reason that we are
full believer in the maxim that "blood will
tell."—Goshen. kpublienn.
Sir The 'Alienator (Pa.,) InteNgenner
says that the Radical party in that county
divided up between the Stevens, Cameron
and Thug factions, have split asunder, and
are likely to have two tickets in the field
at the fall election, 'Old Thad.' addressed
a letter to the County Committee, intima
ting what course to pursue, opposition to
ehiuh ho should regard as 'Rebellion;' but
notwithstanding his lash the Committee by
a vote of 33 to 18 refused to be governed by
his counsels. According to Mr. Stevens
they are all Rebels, and we shall expect to
see war made upon them at once.
ssr of the Mongrel editors are
willing to displace tho drunken Sheridan for
the Stealing Butler. Tlit: editors who want
to make this oiling°, wo presume, are them
solve*, more sdietod to theft than drunken
ness. They would therefore, ircfer to servo
u nder Butler than under Sheridan:
[For the SkKagan Denxersti
Tho following resolutions *a dopted at
regular mooting of Jackso n' Lodge No. 72
I. O. of G. T. of renuaylvania, August
17th, INV.
Whams lt has
. I)leatted Almighty God
to name env tuddgnly &Qin our midst,
our Moved Brother, 6tomirtt 'to Werner ,
Resolred. That in the thieth of our
Brother we•have sustained u irreparable
loss and most painful bereavement, the au
guish of which.tbne alone eatinssungt
Resolred. That we bow in -subitussive
resignation to the tlark and mysterious visi
tation which has taken from our midst a
dutiful membei end it kind Brother, fueling
that what is our 10m5.6 his gain.
Resotref/. That we tender our deep sym
pathy to the family of our lamented Brother
praying that Ile that doetb all things
may rtv , tain them iu their bereavement.
Asoicrd. That a copy of these resolutions
be transmitted to the tinnily of our deceased
Brother and that they'he published in each
el the County papers, t milldam' Banner,
and the munt.b.y Circular.
I. N. 1101)1'
L. 31.11tT3IA'N.
(,lattist tite'
TROVIII,I4 IN rut Vn:Erma". Lua,—
A armed soldier who brought a car
load of vegetables to this place the latter
part of last week, got into a snarl with
some of our grocery men for not having a
license. Ile hail to close ti p but on M on .
(lay was open again and disposed of his ear
go. We are not thoroughly conversant with
the difficulty. which was much talked about
at the time. It is said the soldier was !rll-.
ing for other parties. law was passed
last winter giving ilkahled soldier., the priv
ilege of peddling, provided they make affi:
davit that they are the tole owners of the
property they wish to di• po.e of.--Doncilts
FIRE !—.l. new barn on property 1 , 01 ,, ng
ing to Mr. James Hall, at the Muncy Palms
and occupied by Goo. IV. Donald, was de
stroYrd by tire on Sunday night between 8
and 9 o'clock, together with the Voleter&.
Mr. Dowald lost all his crop of wheat, hay
and oats, also, harness, wagon, route sheep
and a calf. The light from the burning
building was distinctly seen by our citizens,
and the lire appeared to be much nearer
town than it was. Mr. hall Inel an insur
ance of ilt;on on the building, in the Ly
coming Mutu a l, and it.:;oo on his interest in
the crops. qtr. Dewald had no insurance.
lie is an in htstrious, hard working man
aml the loss particularly hard on him.
We learn there is no doubt that the lire was
the work of nm incendiary.—Mosey
Weir Tv.,) weeks ;,7 0 ) la.,t Saturday eve
ning, *c lost our Portumnia, with all its
contents. at Bloomsburg. as per notice in
the la ,t Shoo/iv-ft, Last Friday e tvening's
mail brought us an envelope, post-marked
Bloomsburg, enclosing and returning to us
the Notes, Ileeeipts, and Railroad Passes,
minus the paper money an gold coin, with
out a word of explanation. Not satisfied
with the reward of $lO oft, we offered the
finder of the book for its return, with the
contents, he has very very modestly appro
priated all the money and the wallet to his
own use and Wlof.— tom/Hint, Sionclord.
IIAILIMADIN47.—The strong ritalry ex
isting among the different railway emnpan
ics to direct travel to their respective mails
has been the means of seeming ninny im
provements conducive i to the safety and
comfort of passengers. And now experi
ments are being made with coal oil as a flall
for generating steam, which, if found prac
tical, will abolish another disagreeable an
noyance in the shape of cinders from the
engine, which not only begin' and foul our
clothes and persons, but frequently cause
serious injury by burning.
DKArk—Mr. Robert Winter, an old and
esteemed citizen, was found drowned in a
rain barrel, on Friday morning last. It is
supposed ho Lad had nn epileptic fit, to
which he was subject, and had gone there
for the purpose of bathing his head, when
hemming overbalanced, fell in. lie was
very highly respected, and his death has
cast a g;.)..0n upon the community. His
remains were taken to their final resting
plum, on Sunday afternoon, followed by a
large concourse of friends. Peace to his
remains.—Montoor A 'Harkin,.
UOIVE KILLED.—On Saturday evening
la.t, as a valuable horse belonging to Mr.
James Sponenberg, of Man:reek, was
passing through this borough, it stum
bled and MI, breaking the bone of the left
titre leg, near the elbow joint. The animal
lived until Monday n►orning, when it was
killed, to put it out of misery. An exam
ination was had which established the above
f ac t. Mr. Sponenberg has been quite un
fortunate of late.— Berwick Gazelle.
3ltot have nn tivorago of thirty
pounds of' blood in their frames, and two
hundred and forty-eight. hones. Women
bavo the Rune number, not including whale
Ser7 - The Luzern° 1 ',uwr, say;4t it is obis
to state upon authority that Bon. Geo. W.
Woodworti declines to ho a candidate for
Congress in the Luzern.) District.
On the 18th inst., by the Rev. William
Ryer, Mr. Jamb Fetterman, to Miss
Mary Ann Elizabeth Keller, both of Locust,
Township, Colutubia County, Pa.
In Oran e, on the 10th inst., Mrs. Su
sanna O. nail, agod 77 years 11 months and
11 days.
On Saturday, the 10th inst., near Alex
andria, Virginia, Steward Sterner, formerly
of this place, aged about 22 years.
In FiAllingereek, nn the let inat., Jacob
Karns, aged! (Is years.
In Wedgetown, on the sth inst., Nary,
wife of Charles Sago, aged 53 years.
On the morning of the I t►th inst., R autos
VANnalterAcr., relict of Joseph Vander
slice, aged 85 years and 3 days.
The deceased, with her husband, were
among the earlier settlers of Columbia
County, and have raised a numerous and
respectable progeny. She did her duty on
earth, and her reward is sure.
re villas of eeindry Write df Vreifitieel repartee
Intl AI, rootditl•4l ripeass, to nut of the Cann of
Common Mega of &doable ennicitY, dud directed to
me. will be eanosed ha piddle sale at the Coen
Howie, In Sloan's,burg, so Mande?, Ike Ortond dry
of Iteotenther, IMO, at ono acitack In the afternoon,
the following roil vitamin wit:
A rertein tract of land elloate riabingemek
Columbia leanly. rontaining one linodred arrow
mere or him botin.led nit the !tenth to, IA nil. of
Jacob Limbach, nu the welt by land, of John thigh'
on the north be Innil• of J. Karns, end on the reel
by lends of Julio Peeler. on wh trim IP wasted a (rime
dwelling limier nnil a barn with the npourterinneria.
Stilted, liken in execution and lobe sold as the prop•
crty of ltylvirater realer.
At the lame time end place, e rennin Int or piece
of gram!. wheat., in the town of Illowooliorg. Col
°Hilda County, tieing two hundred feet deep end forty
feet In width, bounded no the writ by iron Street.
on the north by lot of B. 11, Little, on the reel by an
alley, nod nn the wrath by Int of Mrs. Ilarrla, where.
te erected n two story frown dit WWI , liner, with
lae apptiaeuitneor.
Two lots the OUP being My feel In width and
four hundred fret deep. the other fifty feet r ide mud
seventy flee Pr. dePll. Adjoining. bounded no the
north nnil riot by land. of Jocoir ever, on the wont
by holden( Michael Crary and an alloy, and oi, limn
void, by 'third letreet, whereon to melted two frame
holiera, with the erowirtenances. Settled,
taken ill Wl , l'olo l l flll.l to IPI .old RP 111,. properly of
John Howell, Wto, F Jones, John William. and
Mary Wllll4llld,
At ltio 'now time and plare, n rortiln lot or plorn
or gromini, ritunlc In OM InWil of 111,olurburg. C.
timid . ; minty, being inn hundred frt deep and forty
wian. Lnun l d on for went by Iron et reel, on
lb.. moll; by lot of V. 11. Liter, nil the 1,41 by nn
and on the wools by u lot of Mrs IlArric
" Ire rr. n i... 0. 1 .1 1 .4 II inn 400' 4.1.110 dwelling iltition
(41111111 nppurtenuttecr.
Two itin.r 'ohs. itin nor being tiny fret in
A wl r o ily Windt...ll feet drtgt. Ihr ntln.r Arty fret Milo
08,1 ...amity five (rot deep, adjoining; bon mind on
the north rod earl by lonik or Juni, Kier, ~u the
tt . P.i by bind. of Mieli•iciCtld.Y and all alley. all , l
„ i o n . I,y rtrot 141,Pet. whert.nn are eructed two
‘ll%l'llilig 'MUM,. :ippitrton.suwto.
AI 'Dime time and pl.lre. Is Int or around rttiinto
to lo• Itormich of Cnniraltn.l . ol.lo.thea
P. I (rout n vsl one hundred and folly fee I llrl 1,
io..n, Iwo b oaooc h bay. on lien omit' by Let
of ---- Ft.'s Kteriinclo r. on thr by
It o'•nob by lot al Witham Yd.ittler. awl mist tin end
tn"Ert nln enn Stroet whereon to erected a two y
*ante .11. on nip linio.n with appartosintwas. &MA,
inkrn uI ~x..cittion and loan sold ay the proper Iy Of
C. I. Uet tel
Al.BO :
All that certain two *tory Frame Howie, trwannayn
and fritatimitt. nil nate in Centro) io Iloiongit nl the
(10 oty of Crtlnittlosa, hounded aerd of Slot d mit:moons
uo l'a.tactva n rritana. Itnatea twenty fiat front and
thirty two fret doll., being Iwo oilmen hold,. and
lona PO a regain tat hounded onetherlt try ha of Jahn
%,•Klee ; imaterly by twenty fret wide ,f.M• ; aautb
eAy by lot Of Michael Monahan. and wr ato11! by
1.04 not Avollon ; caulalnlna Meng-live fa•aa ni front.
natal I'lleaWasoll of that %lath, to depth, con hundred
and Carty fort.
1 4 1.1zral. and taken in mreentien and to be fah] ng
the pr•rperty of Margaret Ilrahaoy,
NA ittlEL 9htti2
iitonniabarg. August I I, Iff , ;7.
('runetn the im.minot 1 1 f the nth
lgirl4l*, Irlo l l.llllll.llll.sek 1 . ..V114110, 1 1 01.
umlotn Conuny.,,n or :Omit th.• Inds of
i rea. 0.0. 11 brindle co W. with *bite
malt ie. Asrelh , sd heeiJess 110111 e WlllOl
marks ot,eor her boAy. nin.l at 1 nine yew, and
Rol gsviw: much nulk nt The owner or
01coere ere f•• orated 10 5 0 11: 5 • won nrd awl Orotop
property. pny 1,134.4, nod take ;Iwo, ,whlrwi•o
she wi4l be di.ynKnJ of 411111113 W .11O•rl s.
Er! A!'
Hemlock, Augslot 14. PC —3w.
nirtTlelf; fa hereby given that SIR application nee
'brut, m. I' to nip I ' ourt or Coto hlOll I ' lrue of Toning
414 rrollty II pram 11 charier of iffrorporation In
•The ..... p swig Mno na I Playing ' , nod Aging fation,"
Js foiffrooti of of writing Mervin •prri(ving Mot itb
:orfa. ortirica. r istions and name, rtylo or title Of
.0111 Norwell Aforocial mg. hating been hied its 0404
Court at May Term Pifi7.
Auguat 11. 0417.
As ass lineament.
To rapid prriiress of the rein Pacific
%Woad, now building west TrMil ()mobil.
Nebraska, and forming, with its western
connections, an unbroken line aeros the .
continent, attracts attention to the value of
the First Mortgage fiends which the Oro
pony now offer to the public. The hrst
question asked by prudent investors is,
"Are these bonds secure ?" Next, "are
they a profitable investment ?" To reply in
Ist. The early completion of the. whole
'mat line to the Paeihe is as certain as any
future business event can be. The llovern
went grant of over twenty million acres of
land and fifty million dollars in its awn
bonds practically guarantees it. One fourth
of the werk is already dune, and the track
continues to be laid at the rate of two miles
a dy,
241. The mien Pacific %Woad bonds are
isFued upon what promisee to be one of the
most profitable lines of railroad in the coun
try. For many years it must be the only
line connecting the Atlantic and Pacific; and
being a itl!out competition, it can maintain
remunerative rates.
3d. 925 miles of this rend are finished,
and fully equipped with depots, locomotives,
curs, &c., and two trains are daily running
each way. The materials for the rimming
93 miles to the eastern base of the Rocky
Mountains are on hand, and it is under con
tract to be done in September.
9th. The net earnings of the sections al
ready finished are several times greater than
the gold interest upon the It'rst Mortgage
Bonds upon such sections, and if' not anoth
er mile of the road were bulk the part al
mady completed would not only pay inter
est and expenses, but be profitable to the
sth. • The Union Pacific Railroad bonds
can be issued only as the m . lO progresses,
and therefore can never be m the market
unl ess they repritsent II &ma Ade property.
Mi. 'Their amount is strictly limited by
law to a sum equal to what is granted by the
U. S. Government, and for which it takes a
second lien as its security. This amount
upon the first 517 miles west from Omaha
is only $16,000 per mile.
7th. The fact that the U. S. Govern
ment considers a second lien upon the road
a good investment, and that some of the
shrewdest railroad builders of the country
have already paid in five million dollars
upon the stock (which is to thus a third
lien), may well inspire confidence in a first
sth. Although it is not claimed that
there can be any better securities than Gov
ernments, there arc parties who consider a
first mortgage upon such a property as this
the very best security in the world, and who
soil their Governments to re-invest in these
bonds— thus securing a greater interest.
9th. As the Union Pacific Railroad bonds
are offered for the present at 90 cents on
tin dollar and accrued interest, they are the
cheapest security in the market. being more
than 15 per cent. less than U. S. Stocks.
loth. At the carrent rate of premium
on gold, they ray
The daily intleteriptions aro already largo
and they will continue to ho received in New
York by the
Continental National Bank, No. 7 Nunn
Clark, Dodge (t, Co., Banker', No. 61
Wall Street..
John J. Cisco & Son, Bankers, No. 83
Wall Street.
And by Banks and Bankers generally
throughout the United Stater, of whom
maps and doseiptive pamphlets may be ob
tained. They will also be sent by mail frotu
the Company's Office, No, ...10NassauStree,
New York, on application. Subscribers
will select their own Agenta in whom they
have confidence, who alone will he responsi
ble to them lbr the safe delivery of the
Jowl% J. CISCO ' Treasurer,
New York.
Super Phosphate of Mime,
MA .VITA (177 e ER,s^ riel(Rs,
Rupert, Auf uo 7, te+67.-2M.
p oor Ermol, and Pit or Seven thleTeathers hie
wanted for Um f ail net, Wievr Terms of Ihe Scheele
in Bloom I'oloothia county.
All eithilenete sr*. r..1e”.kt...,1 I so,t.t the lleelll
Ritperintoul.ei in the opirr pow, or 11,,, istnom
Ill'ltti on IIIt)NDA V the Itch of August
at 9 o'elock A. M.. r., rxnmmntlnn ke.
wit' open un itin firol 31.rday in ?Er
TEVIIIEIt 'wit and oiatinat s-vaa month/.
.1. K. ISMAIL Sue)..
Incrouthorg. J.ll y at.
A romphir 11rxMrp of thr .Toro Nictes and
ntritorityroni the Orryte River
to G
1.44 rta4 Airrprwrer es Prattler. ,AArtintries afrd FA,
Aojtie 0,40. Wok or., 200 /Arteriolar/ est Moro
irrpAir VIIWO of the hereety. Cuter. Land. Aare,
reap,' sod Cortraitirs of tAr Arm &AN'S aid Derriterto.
To proepei live emigrant, and *Marrs in the ..Par
Weer." this II i.b.ry ur glint wee( and feral., region
R - ill prove all iliviiigenle aerirtenee. impplying 44 It
doer a weal long Pit or n Nil. 31/111fralse
able go i3e to Omani', soil, produrte. wean* or Wesel,
tr.e.. hr..
A1201'114 WANTED.—fiend fur Viten Nee and owe
our 1.311.11, and full de.refiption of th,• wort.
Audit N ‘TI ON .1 I. PI: IS I.lsll I 110
Ma Minor Mt Philadelphia, Pa;
Augu.l, 7. Paul—if
- _
U till. a; VE R lET T
I'IPo rv.
NO. (21 W 1.5,1" T SiUEET,
ANC/ Nit. 19 unwire STR(IT.
640. A. GUION.
Auzr-1 7. 1.i7.
t~~U '1'i:.1 ('IIL• I . IC.l\TER,..____
One Mato a, ono *.mole Teacher for tho liolon4h
Critivelia.ealonstna runnty. 1.. r * term of tri:ht
lonalh~, or Innatr. r•ononwsitionp nu the II lot Mon.t.y
In Nept.tnn..r. Examen:Own of applicame twgi b..
Yell in in. trrhe.)l.nolieu or the above, on
/14.741U1PT volts $9 welork. A. 34. Ile ntrt,r
Aging 7. !flit
1 WILL. treat All *mei,. of .1i •Parc• that hnrw
Reck i 4 helm tu. RIO Oltxre ;h•re Ix r" cute, uu c harp. SO 4d hour. or no 11.4 y.
Ampule 7, WC.
Le OD iXt
A, fhb rearm' la id band. we art to the firnirre
nwr Mup• 'Whirl'. BO I. Prlllil.of rof
%heat • Corn. Potatnol. kr., cannot he excel•
led, bad warrant it as I art tunnrnt Improver of all
limit.. of toll.! notex Milting Any) It din's not act CI
ctimolatit. far non crop only. but in luting
$l5 It. Piro Cl., whirl ran hr proyr,l by On farmer.
~r chewr rmtuti..... or tai. !lime aloe
of the adjacent townie, of Delaware ae•l Maryland.
1411.. have a.ed ..eir manufacture for the laid II y1:4111.
Yoe Wbrat, list lb. per °rim ciril:ed Sr nitwit
For Corn, ISO to INIO lbe. per acre, dropped
nt time of p lent soir:
Yur flair, Poi. per atm /own brrindrnot,
For retainer, 400 lbs. y. r acre, *colleted In the
FOr GrarP, WA the pt-r m-re, n. tt top ttre•••l'.
T 1,,, .intittly on tirn•pl (And,. e 11l produce an In
expose on nt.% crop of I to II ‘,IIR per at. re.
Give II n trial! ITe know that the tenni t Will be
Ill t net- , 1 y.
rsold In Asia of V* pounds eseh at p 57 per thcei
wind pounds at Our hr w Manulsclory, r.n.t told
alurk.•t St root ; also promptly shipped to all points
on I'. & & It., N. C. and 8 V. N. 1101. d.
J. K. Evrtt. Ageht tilotioseburg. RELO k Co.
Ascot, Dativo
3. E. TOR RI Nn TON,
ED. HUME! ht:.
Oluoinsbutf. July 31. 1e 1 37...3 3 ..
It IP getwitelly ennreded that heet la elweee
the throws! ;" and that Wins it , reef great ptenettra
is taken fa totroilorins to the public
which i■ rapidly !terming popular and with 'hes
1111011 ton the hard work o r henohihig is mile cab•d in h
ronsfortablst send pleasant teak. '1 he clothes are
plared in hot 411410, and shut en. %%lisle thus ssonser•
Pd and lhs steam ronnued, the !Within), Is operated
as were shove. Thh.. t he work is speedile• Hear!
and sonny done, and that toss without tenri ne nn
wenrinrsout 11)1 , fuels to n are•at extent
the ranee under the old fashioned rubbing prunes s)
W silt a
the whole Islicir of washlna Is but a pleasant pap.
lime compered with the former mode of RIIBIIIND
AND bOA KIND, and twisting end eyrie/int Thn
dirt Is so dicrolved by the HUT PllllB that but little
compression to nrcersery In expel It. No larully In
the County should he without.
;Ind the ,
Thn prices nr theme bliebluem rang, •• follows:
Family rite Washer. • • • • • • • $l4 00
llotel Site, • • • - ..... • • In IQ
Family site, Ni.t 9 Wringer, 830
619 41 No. 14, • • • • • • .....10 00
1301•1 hy E. 11. HULL. Arent.
Mire t 11,1807-Iy. Berwick. Ps
01 ivory descrir • "tli for sale, s 1 11111 office.
roamia.aa or ovary attlala rueful is a Mat CVO
tiara war.. Ittora, among which are Ms follow/4:
11101 4 1, HAII.P. end wr met .
IA and WAIN.
ORAIN mad GRAM, Bill(13,
KARR* Re.,*?,.
L 1 N nertc t OIL POLIIBII ot Wholesale Sea
111 WP: lIIM A tAtidii
n;ootiniorberyr, /Oho Ift.ithil.
ur tit:REAR. the nee. in' it Irollfittn, flemin di
wit J.,igr or the Court of (lye, and Teruiihrsrlend fleet
ere J. 611 1/01(yrry, court or Quartet ricasiona of the
Peace and Court . Of roniumn Plea. and ttrphon'o ('onA
in the gthh Jodi...toil (Sierra'-. erintortrad of the ronatiel
of I ooloillotoictlialtseir n and Wynnottog hell she 41. a. hi m
Ilerr nod l'eter K. Herbein. Aatoisto4h.ll. , cif Volnut•
ma I'll aurae f tooted Iltefrltreeent.locotrille date the Sigh
day o.r Ile,. Oli the yonte or our fluid nhe thifteurd right
hundred hoot leb7• Knot In one erteeted ro t botrtio tr .
(0,, , ,, oftly, r attor terminer lid tieneral Jail delivery,
Utonerul C 1..., rter Seitirrotto °error Pence, I'ionnnon Ple.4
whir ( irphaor• Onset. in Ilhnnitettura, 14 1 1 ,0 , 0n11 , 7 ut
I.'ioill/41.14. ro, the brat Monitory. ,tiosoop 'Me dot day )of
iterslCilotter oncl, to continue one Week.
14 0, 10 0 1 a hereby giVert, to las l'Oleoft , ir, the irdticoa
of the Pence and I:onataboe• of the raid county of Col.
ambit's/sal they be then and there /// thee, proper per
son at 10 o'clock in the forenoen of arid day with thi•if
returtlo. inittiottiont and other remenottraure to de
those thing. with to their other. 41.1/0(1,14 to be dom..
And than/ that are halal by 10l'Orli iA.III. 5., to prosciutto
again. , the prisoner. hunt boo or mat be iu the Jail IT
said county of Vidistobito to he tben and three to yro.•
out. the., as altali be frill. Tutor% are reitneito:d to Ito
petition, its their atieroolttorte.t.:r7;Ahl h. gr , :tl i t b u.r:n a rne .
11,. M. }to ihi t i Ze l y ,t eo l i i i i. r. " (7, '‘ ii i ; " l.. l 4,l one l ' bult:llltd AA t
moons.) hondreol not.l Inti 7. Ind fa Ilse toinittatit
year or the In+ pendenee or the United *hates cot
Aeries. ( Gus, raveling Com lotitstalsTe. )
14A1111'llil. PXYDI3, Illierif.
Illoomohni d , Anglin Sr. Mu,.
tII'F.ITI()N TO LlP.mtYv.t, i'vrri , :ll,
`—' Aaltit'r of Charles stevratt, litte'di
1"01.1!31111A enVirrir. eh:
In the Cirrthati.' retort in and fur thin wild enlist,,
it is i 14 talc runtpinoul ,
'Elio pr lotion of Wesley Vleentwg ningeothAtYtWlY•
'effete. that t:hatle. ittinlert,li. of said toni.ty,
moil .hoot th e iirlet of /tine, A. tn
ft.. Inlid or no tit
beroco, jtoteldnle. and that adminoetratinto of bee
gondol. thotrolo Mid reedit , * tva• on the thl day of
J. .I”. A. ll_ lAtt. dotty ',awed by the Realater of
•.11.1 Comity to I.eiiind Metter. kill that the smiting.,
toe berates anent, in Ina onto or ill hundred gullet,
11l the 10110/1111•Iralt0e bond of 111, Paid Imumel Ilia
Ili'. 11c:•11 coalition strOfiling in Iwo. th,l by t iris.
of Ole attlior,ty attire/red moon hint 111 41101.1/10Tr11.
(.1' liriefeoll4. the VAlli 10'1111111 Putty, potasc.aea
h mice( or the .44,1 geode. chattels and credits
44,0401111 e is 011110 11 0 e elfin of one hundred and
fotly Bolero Ills, moody fight mate at by 40 .area
fury 11l 1110 161140 hied ih the °Rite 01 the ii p Regis.
Ice nn the . .."1,1,1ny of June A. It.. tp.4.5, tow aopoor.
Tor petitotort further or tordetito that the sold
1.1-1111101 l'ott. f t• sating and 000nlimi o i mi oai d
eit“te mot 1 , 11 . 4.0T1 V 1111.101 his ch•iye, toy neglorillig
and refuotio.a to render fall end in./ Orr , Unto ',Ntch
«Ante or pillar/fly CIIMP 11l lis• hand, 0/ knowledge,
'rho refit onu•r Mettler. prnys not Vourt to 1.../t
NI r itido.ti in the 'Ali I ,marl retie', requiring bill
in appear ,illll l l Court on I day criiiiis, to onseree
this plaint. a n d dhav rano.. of Roy h, hh, r oh,
he •hueht toot Le 0/..10/0.1 In etre ouch martyr orgy,.
Nils ll+ the C.mrt shod' intiCe nesessety to Indemnify
the pet Atone,. ogoonet 101.• by rritoonn of hi. pyrrty.
5hi1,..111111111 the Court atilt ?flint such ?Silber to.
Ifrit no way los antltooreseot by Isis,
Whereupon %lay li. tlaf, citatio' n directed In Ip so .
nil ('ogler ho, on the firing day ..r ~,,, . 1 ...,„, sea.
reuse why he shou'd nut give aolditoo,nal serail, Of
be realm , d.
I i ...... r ill leesionsiso , colistenf t tiro itYrOltriiol
, . le. ' set ray hand 4.11 J f 4.111•41 lb. t•1T.,,,1 ..ei . r
r - .. t.,,,,t Conti (a na iodized lau tn o sitoin dig
M• Nay. A. 'kilt/1,7i
Jilgen (.13LEMAx. Ci h.
tlinem•barig.idly le. tdb7.
f~~iaa.v aai~o~B , .__- _-- .
Itinnni -Wm.?loffrr. J. J. flonfrier. Win. AFRO4O.
ur .il Adam Isintindell.
Nor. Ilerwiek—J. N. Dodson.
(, r,—Mua. Nltnlrne.
Floating I:r...M—llenry
rfanklin —I/411C lirlielP,•ll..l
Grethwttod—ltr,oluri. reel.
Maine—Frane.s [toning, John V. Ithuiww.
Moiliewm-4114f1e• Ty renton.
Mltnin-11.11ri 1101.1. 1.!, li. Woo.
Uniato amrl A:henhach.
11: , ktring Cterk Yrnnhlin r ocdo,
Nall—ll W. Crovellne, With Ornver, Jetta No flout,
niagattonf- , Beni. Calf Mafia Hers.
Tii % Klt , J UItORS,
rnu strrumnen TERM Iso7.
Bloom—MtWel %%'after 11411 , 11rutan
IleNV..r—Wm. Michael, /HMI I.olll , nborg.r. tr. JAI
1%,j4f crruk —J. C 1 1 .alth
11‘..ninb—John J. 11 Wary
Itor•-Joaeph M. Creek
foal .141111.11-.4114 , 11 , Ull , llsol
rra.101n...1: 1 14[ Pay,r. /nal %lir,
It Ileasnet.
David Helium
Locust—Jona.. Fetterman, egarira Billig, Joan gay-
Mldlu.-Jon . r tnirrstern, Phinrar Smith. runnel
N.tar. Philip Cranny. I.Veltyy
Jolla it vnlin
Mi. Pleasant—Jahn Wanich 11041rroy NNkk
Mottloon—Pplor %Voir, Jaroh N Girton
Montour—Jarlito.n 1.4.1h7
Maine -W Lona..rdwrarr
i'ln.—ltit hard W Lyons
Itoaring Creek—Daniel nitric Dania! Gaarhari,
Alain Craig.
. Tit
I ri, mon., v•. mile. r. Abbnit, et al.
2 Wriehl Neches vs. Peter miller.
3 Jitnelhun Knit its vs. Wright linrhee.
4 Mnry (Oven vs. Rotten 8. Howell et al,
3 Herta Fry v.. David Aliiintin.
II W intim A. Illnrr vs. James Dyke.
7 "lemons J. Vnntlersliee vi. Am. iltesbet.
$ 8y lirrvlvr J. rnes vs. William C. iiirertir sdeirlit
9 .fittub 8. Evans vs. William C..erteni semis.
I inset+ Lilley vs. Peter Nsiiiek
II Jacob A. eta titter vs. Etehaid W. I.yotit.
12 /saps Garman vs. Michnel Crean.. et al.
1:1 Georan II 'n vs. Leonard eitineinitn.
14 charley W. Campbell et al . vs. Hugh W. Meßsy•
sold* et ut.
13 Sylve..tet J. rant vs. John Rolibinsnit.,
11, Tillman Faun vs. Sylvester J. Yams.
II /Om Tremhty et al. vs. Mary R Green. el al.
Siewurt, et nl. vs Elijah C. Cleaver.
Wlinrali Items vs Owen 1.
Franklin Voetim vs. William 'P. Shogun.
VI Edward NlrCall et al. et John Sweeney.
Wet 4. Brunet; lost:ranee en vs. alines C !hive.
2.1 John Keiveiler vs Jot mums K Hess balm's.
24 Milton Traimli use. vs. Philip S. arnysr. et 11.
V.l i.e.r hubbies sod wile vu. William Erns& Wife.
VII Robert J. Lyon• nature. vs. Wetiev Lona.
111 Jews 11•Vitter as. N. L. Camel...lL
ON Chitties M. Millar vs. the Township or Blom.
'M Elms Krume's uq vs. Darla Krunt's A.t.m
341 George Willa VV. WINO Yews?.
31 Davie Yealar , v.. climes Dimwit, et. al.
Eloomsbuira July 31, 18e7.
_ _ .
N EW 61 . 0.1tE AND NJW GooDs.
Ime ellltens e r 111 ,, moishars and trielalty are la•
inrwed that U. ti Munger ham just opaitafl a lest.
to the .01,1 Robb's.'" stand," lately parr.hassol aro
lilted op by Iwo. If ynu desire to softballs
torrme, TF:A.
sI:GAK, 111101.AR,1111
liflc as.,
I'I.A IN and fancy enArs,
T( 11l ACUt$,
of carry dascrlptlan , sad a 'Pest variety of so w
articles. Notions, &a., rhaavr than at lily other ea.
tall establishment in this section, call area
Bloomsburg. Magma 7. 1!497.
Newly Improved
1411d0/1 PHU Vedal u4labind mamas in AIM 0 ,
Ica received.
Idoluduase and mead Mud Plana.
darii MO, 1811-315. below 10 Pill fAi