AORICTLTURAL. Opbatons or trammor. I ant nearly My years 01, was "WO a farmer, as were try amnion Rs fax back alt ) can trace them. My opiniotss are formed on experience, and experiments satisfy me, whether they do to others or tot. OPINION I. Ilay should be cut when in full bloom, as all plants contain most sac oharino ►matter then, and consequently aro more nutriehau if used for food. If hay is left later, the sugar turns to woody fibre. Wood and sugar chendeally the same. 11. All heavy And clayey soils should he plowed in autumn, so that the fresh o f wi n . ter may pulverize them and kill the pert►i of insects deposited in tho sod tbr the next season. 111. The WI way to rodeo eal , :es is to take them from the cow as coon as dropped ; if possible, never int the In tea, as they learn to eat or drink sooner, and there it uo sore teats from biting, and the ta of wean. lug the cow is soon over. I put them in a place where they are sheltered from sun anti rain, give a good bed of straw, and Med three or four tpi-tris of crew o•Ott pi e .1 iy until three weeks old. thee feel' tint milk warmed. Let them have acct :: to ictv ere grass. By this method I hare ra....01 eiders every year since I can remember, anti ucv er lost one in my Jiro. Nine , tentto of our farmer , 110 119 t sow enough hay semi to the acre, I It tie kept on inereasing th amount and have not found a stopping phi The more -AA the more and better the hay ir (no t , v clover, up to a Ina let hci per acre. It' the surface of the groom! is completely revered the hay will be tine, and no weeds ctru vow. I have choked out thistles with t o thy and clover , it a thick as on a dog, se at , to firm a gavot fir e r . the firs firm stimmo, ear!} an epteat; or else in February. V. Oats Should t.O su ttr toty +Cly tt early as possible. I .441.1 a good tai that was KAN +I iu t"ubruurs, •4 not harrowed hut ,ttui rained ia. VI. C(40111; fowl hOgN ii ht tter tit doubling the ,Atne atiptunt. tw. it' you wi tt t , ) l'or lightly. VII. Potatoes ace wittlt po It. 1; r all kinds of stork than nto4 lit itie,'4 Ll' 01“7, are. If you trin and Ou it cooked befer 11;:it3', i (Liu ged to sugar, ttu I I know of no that will fatten fit .t; ; ,;; a 1, VA ut milk, VIII. In rofr,,i,r , L, r, tubeo,l, I meal, wit-;;r ;;u. hivh tit it run t tut st or smell the etri,tr all th • va , ^l ~ntt alas. or if ya4u da yeos t atty ho tame \WI are 10.-ite) your fool, it, the eltito 1(11 1,1 ,, t as tattEat.. , lt the 'tali the ,e i • in 'rain. TX. ,• e •••••. • '0 , 14 , 1 1 ith the eon!, Ur. :It! ' :ltd CtinsOvr emn,h ti i,ny for rrelLait - eooke•i or • .1•;• O , wy make a *Mr t'ol #.1,10 frefil C;l3lCiti3'. 110 w TO IIitIVE , T 1 4 on %. t the ~ 4 :11 multin on the stalk until it i liy awl tit foe the crib. Enter the f.. 1.1 w l .ll }tor ri awl w t-traddle every fifth row, with ;t luau It aide awl a boy in thn war. Well: tiff the ears ai rapidly as throw i th , t.. into the wagon; s Ave.; in • handling over, not part . .. :Oat a' ..ut taking of all the hu-k ; re, me coin in any convenient pht= a until wit.t, r a of rail; will answer. Tho loll: , that re main will keep the 1., m the crib. 1111 , 11 yiui wi h t t ,v , stu corn, put it on a thr with h..r e 4. the Int. , ,ks will we I ; t 3.% t run through a will ant .0. will I bright and pleat) ; and in , 1.0” Two men 310 3 1 •.3 4', 11;4 ~ r i4 4 , N bandrol ' • ,arin a tl My opillizAi fr, if flirmcti will a n them strictly to there rules, thiry may raw half their labor, and lave better crops. 'rhis is quite eu item. Try it.— .ikhiyibt Ks I MO'. GRAtso Foon 1:4):e Fiveg.- -Few per sons seem to be aware of iho importanen or grinding every variety of min befeve feeding it, to nniuml..; it is Mt ;multi:mt. • There is 11 0 nnimers ,•tomarit that can gest any vari. ty of grub with a cortical cov ering. An m41'1111:1 that swam a single kernel with4l' cmhing, v--4(1 it who!. ; ural what is singular, niter paN4tig the ordeal of the Writ., the heat and digeative organs of the stomach and the whole iwotinal canal, the seed will still gerntioate and grow. In feeding horses and cattle, for simply carrying them through the winter, if what grain thoy are entitled to W.l ground, and the hay or btraw cot, mixed and properly moistened, the set ing would amount to quite All item—every Melt or hay or straw will he eaten, and nothing lost. Two-thirds the quantity now fed in racks for homes to pull under their.feet, and that fed to cattle on the ground, and trodden down and spoiled, would suffice to carry stook through the win ter. But habit is everything.—Exciangc. BENEirniri olt •-• People hear much about the - renewal system" in grape-grow ing, and from the high-flown tone in which prcfc-sional writers speak could never un dernand what it means. It is simply grow ing fruit every two or three years or less from now rims, sprouting out low from the parent vine, and removing the latter. Un doubtedly larger and bettor grapes can te obtained by this system than &mit the old motheil of dedending on the old vine. SLUM or WILD PLANTA. —ThorP who wish to introduce the early flowering wild plants into their grounds, should look out for seeds as moon as they ripen, and if it is desirable to remove the roots, put a, mark of some kind near the plant, so that it will be seen when the foliage is dead, *sir E. NV. 3tewert, writes to the Ameri can Farmer that after an experienos of more than ton yews, he finds two bushels of steam hay is worth three bushels of onstotanot and that one guait of coraclesl steamed with a bushel of straw is equal to a bushel of hay, NEW ALESTOPIert elsive'r Building, ms Main /Meet. WM: GILMORE, Worms lAN cttiasuu• of Blooms Ours . u 1 rl U.ity MN hue opued A NW RI*A 'ELWIN T 1 * in this plats, NlUlijj ail ilititss his Old ftlegds * l st vostomors to,sals partolo or his ro(reshissuits.— It is his tuteiltioil to 4,4140 NW LAGER AWN ANI) ALE, conninntly on hand ; Alra, ikoviOi, %tenon, inn. Min viol Moor, rangy 1 4foomids#014*.WrY and Lout Vyrulio, con lawa. Mad it hie itoristuratit. In the initial lino ba proolnlt Slab OE NUM not ontoodwod in IMO Oat.. , viz, Pickled Motor' Owns. nottlinon, IN* Ourtmow ,l ebickuat ek"t" Tripe nod Ovid Tongue, gee„ gat. No 440 It to a goo( attl‘to ut Dkaro and ehetriv 7: hoer() Whin eunitmetn. , * nive n Mounisburi. Juno ll ' s, WO. G BEAT BARGAINS MO Reduction in Prices, The underrightil will offer to ilto GREAT MUMMA% fo nit or CZ , ErCe4llA4jlo.s6tlo:is ritirti It* DRY GOODLY ttutte.NAvv,Ane PI %HMV 14 BOOIN rind Z01,0('‘) ilia 041 (:111/10, and N olv,rt, rrivt y. jalthLaf>.«yti bra cntt r"", CASH SI STEM. 30.1 3,3 30V 3. 3111' 11 WO Ow* vnlt dO $0 at a v 1) r,,.4, ~p; Current Who Prices. All 611144 er Node,•' 3tel fithie tal ets m e xrthoge e rord 1.6 II s tnt tte the put,loe GIVE 'US A CALL 444 4 share of Omar pairfin4gt. dk. -ma, .I.IV y 1,11113E11, ! 1.4111131+.'b, ! ! r, SKI Vie 11,411: th t 16,, I 4'o PLANINO MILL %1111411 Xtet. ' : 1 1' t-) ;obi ploy „b 0101 ;1010 1 410 .11 11t< , in, I a 11, 4, 1,11 111:1,11 0 11 1 , 11. 1411 0 11, Viani. Mara., 1114roviwr,S4urfave fiSoards, Nidimr, ;34 feih o4 1* Piviot:;, I, I. •i,t • • ! r J, , tea ~ mitt S Lr n,t,cr .• • WO .1. el. I, • y tiro t • t;o•ftt, ty,tioclot 1, I' ( .1111 'I , . I , ' !, •t . : • .'•.x ,- 1 Jo 14.„ ol • r, 1,••1....• Yh n 1.. tut,tiv , t. • r, • t. 1114.1111 • :,45. ••• ..1 0 ” , A so;. I, ,1,1"11,1 • 1..01 If , t .11 V ' , ft - V.1 , 4f fn r” , • of ,two,. Sr!, Cr, t< . lslllartlitlatilubsrs nt %>,,, ,Vii fiii I ;;;,1; ;tee !Wee WWI ittlth•ww., na th.ii *lva!, Joining AlsKalsy, Neal itt. go's Ora ars ; with hi jowl pair thhintliiilthieliblt whoettlf .-10...,„ ;11;;;; straw. /Alumna> a 1111111A1 iitta cool to three WitO 00001 it. Ax We pliffiii; el n large amount or tool, wo I atetoll to kneel> 4 it>> '- cad 0011 at trio ttsWfrit 14141, hod rail ;0.4 e minima fut yOUt SOP. berateU , i ~, i , , J tV, Itt1,4111:1,:in Aiitit;SrLiti Ai A et...N. uotteraigkird rah.., is e tchanea tar 45.a1 I And Oror t erw o , f4414411i1l 0:41,14 , 11 tirk. 4.- Whom. yo ,r oyo , 0444 petalth , d, Lnrd. Ha al, der, mid aide ur,rat, 011114%,,A404 5.e. , rite higheet essh price... at 111,4 irtOel'ir 8100 their earti yard. J. W. ill tiill ; pxilt+`l', filiwirbibirril. April 15. Isll,—Jy. NATIONAL FOUNDRY. I.OOMSIBUIM, M J A CO,, PA. If p Athicribor, pv61,60144 the above no mod P%. !naive estobliolinielit.ik now ropt‘fod Ir MI Kinds of Mach!Herb for I'ollerot4,la,lt rtlftlat'Pt, Statintl4ll , COO (11 . , , . All lAA, 'NIP M M111'41'44, lle alit rr,totrett to tottito .41 , 0 , 04, tilt 4t1.0, .10 .ittotto 4, it'oot.irorta, and ottottoog woottly 104,!, ritM , elloot etttottits. llirr nltt Ivo and prataitat wog kofro, wnr. :ant trt❑t In r ,, rAt, 03 the etetth.tcti uu tht, ff . 10 ,,, 11:dif , tr(l4ii. of At Vetti Is 141144 , 4 fot T'vi ,t , Olll ! !• it HUAI th•! I .1? :0%1. oa S Vel . , •! , I•••.g 040 , 0 Ito Vitt. 131,10i1 el ,•. A. J. Fa VA NS' CLOTHING E tlqoosile r p i•eop,i/ (10,0,/4 ct or ALL A 'V ,tur4 cli , thifiv., 11 I Find 10w a6kiefr , l t 401 1 ,14 turd 11',11114. firs ha 3 thd tate,l st) f+Jr 1114 , , Ptiomt, Isu ~f overcoats and Centlemen'a Shaw s, 11 , 019 R Of ~ty brit 111. N ;. 7/4;e. Ire nrtdriinn hmy r t v.•it 11..1 ,tht Irivr! 4 , 0+14 It I' C10t11,4, Ca,sitere«, c.. tke. And Imving WU' of thy= rif'd r'l , 4 •,tttf , r.k, httt a tit hi an 00000 and lira ”ati ,faction. Moo 4 saiory of WOOLC% AND I,INEN "4.t0rkintr0,14,1040 , . 0413 r.. ! . , ot, Ilantikprrhivi's -...pvery Milli; tat th , e:tW,1111 TI Hall 1'4(1.1 1 NV 111 Eta it at the littt t•ftt Thitt.t , t grime, ri f , ,,e ; ti t , me p rat% brtor, pnirvlci-tH2 ANit4tlV; J. 'iv 1V, 4 , Nov. 15 . IMS• su..) VE6 AND TIN '.Am: A. M. RUPERT, rann ,,, Ml , t" hi. 1,15,04 rued 41fil4iqf 01,4 4114 2 , !ft , t nett{4 . l , 'tro llt Uil iltl xs uu MAIN rai.F; r, lira • tWa , f 411'1 ' 4 l , ra can tau at. owl, 1 ~..d ti it FANCY STOVE 3 "full kind, 4.Ti" ar•• a. , 1 , vorY Ca4vl4 V. , 4 i r r 4 4.4 ""N ANI) timcrrus iu Anti 1;11 11i0.4 1 , 1." 9, ht , frrt,p, • +CI;I.'' 70;„ t.,r il.nise, rand Inca,wit, V'' one nt, 1,404 or few,iriar doffit vfmnyt;y mot , Ition 101 , 1 . 41 k“enm on a I,tr:c supply of Bilk rall4. thirt,P,l 4a.! ; ..;fr a otot „ o i o ,„ofitr , If t l tnif 1 , 1 oft wertilig CHM IWO July 1., OWL— tr. DENTISTRY% T e. uo w n, EONovi,, mtyrrry, tor, pr,tro...,s. . dF'. PIO lb , ' . 01, 41 - 0 i e••11/1e • 100,1 01 'et:t:'oetpttil fluty, lie is pr , rrs at 4914 t , ' various .41. ratiry ;v.= • ,•• ~ 4 41••• cn h • r 0 - .1:S 1.•• • +OOll 4 1110. 113004 i t.. ,h 171 e: a= Neli O.' • q,..1er111 •• ..1111 0 41 • 41 ,,, 1 • • ah , v. ff Ift it: )0 14' , 4 C,NTR ‘L g.‘ r . err 3 7\ DI ft ill' KCOUTL% NORTH ANI) SOUTH Titrough 6rtfcren. Bohintore n»d Mk-lower Claossge of Coral. Crawl a firs. April 9 - th. 194. Traipa will tun 1011.1%• : TitAINA NORTIIIVtILD. I; 0:1 A. N. ICA c Northumberland. 'topping at piths. ripat marina*, *trivial at NlPiaro.p 01, 1 go Eloslri 1. 09 WPM, 11.0111$1111111/11.1111 3 13 P. M.. 1t0C11. , 0 ter 4 49 P. A, 9 IS P. 11., Nl4glllo r.lll* U(MIP.A. 4 43 p. X. Ipavr Karl , rt. , ppitat at till r.tat Imo% argil+ ittg at ti i.i P. . hurt 1 t trs P. A. TR&INS sountwano. (E.l A. N., 1.011/11 NnflllllllllB , l l Bll,l, 811)11p11M NI print %rat stiol4ll6. *riving at Maraishaps 211 A. N., ilaltialote i@ 3iP r. N. Philadrirbla I N r. to 1.; A. 11 1181V8 :11011118108811111,1, atapping, at el Btallof.4. arrival?, At Iltirrhan fit I IS r. N., 1181. 111 sssss r. N.. Phi 1a4 , . 1 1.111a S 18 r. N. A la r. N . 1....aa Itio.llaumb.Wattal. *topping at all Animas. uniting al 1111111481/4 3 / 1 rhilirlet. plata I 10 A. N., 141111110,8 ; Oa A N. 11 MI r. N. leave 1 11..r.1)...,.t.rr1ni..1, I,!oppin4 nt. „Immo 4111.1r1f1 4.1 A N. 11.111080rr 7I)I • . . 1481 .1e1p1,61 ; Iq , 4. %. Cyst I 04:1:1.114:11,1.81g, eq. I. 11.111111100. and 1 4 .1 V" M. Fri11...1%1:411141V 4 :. Wr , tetts Ageat, 43 Y. EM VIRE St.:ll'.lNi; da.C.1211.74,1L1AZJ1:V:13i2 Are popeelor to all ethers (et 1.1 MIN A Vll 311.1: 4 1 1 '1rAf)111:111Mi ii.ttVoQr.•:. uni•leie ell lee teteet Improvements • arcq.cutly • ail.l elloy I.Wgrite Illnftrnl..lf'arctilli fr.•e. Agent/ Willie.i. bib gral •'t•• • II let .Otirtgumrnh ali EiMMMIiMiMI eltlAciolwr 3. & 100,001) Sli INU .ES 64 41 LARGE LOT OF FECNING BOARDS OR male. The morlurrisuod airs for iollo owns Ibu sssss r.lomEthlo lona/. At bin 1141.1 Of In ussTtol, coLiimutA COUNT V.Alle Mildred Itoa• Rawl Atingle/ awl 111 hallo lot bow ds• or We vary burl quality, built yitou m e n !ieplall! 9. !KAI. DR. W. H. BRADLEY, (I,lalt. A ikki rua M d.crl Dituctor U. B. Army.) Plipation and Surgeon. ttll,-.• of the Forhi Hotel. Oltomtstrord. Pa Calks promptly offended to Polk matt aud day, elnonsalturg, Nue. di, (hid. N EW TAIMYR SHOP. J. N. OBEREN DER, . Moo opened • New Tailor Shop on Main Frttet t. 1,t4.1011,11.1,1, 101 , le Inv will tor p1e•,0, , ,111, ~,,, 411 %, im ma) 13t, ~ r blurs 511111 tia•tr r.i.t.rn. It,, hero. On, WIWI 11 Mn II to 1 , 1 , 11410 OI 111.111-.. 1 . .1,11 I - o , rib, V , l•t• Wt. , W bit II he %%hi inalu ap to order with nvatnues and de•pettra. Attralloa pail to caltht vatiriana and boy'. elatlilag. Al.o roltiva 4 0 11 4 in the ladtva' 11 , 112. Itellis,filig Jolla 1115011 1111011 huta.v. All work warrina.d. k Le Matt bias. toll. intoontehurg May el, IVA" EXCHANGE HOTEL, - IILOOMMIWILU, CULUNBIA COUNTY, PA GREAT I M I'ioVENENT LN SElf JNO MACHINA:S. Empire Shuttle Madaine ! SAI.M.IIIIM/11 1 . 1' ~,a dv..tir. N. Y.. SIM tVNs b Islfol, et 1&1 nom Mel .400.4. r.VII/111113/ rcut. It. 1+460. I , f(fti MACIIINK r• rnwriruat.l 1.• , • 111,11.111, ril! , t 4 4 , 1 g ❑ • n.•v ,,r.. !tad • :04.1044 6npr. r.tssottic hyr In, hv 1/14.1%01.1./ ‘0•414. rand lif.thu.lllCOA in bu A - awl:ll7g awl I 1 rfiwiirsit ihnottnised. 11 11.• M etin.ll4l needle. prrp•ro4irm!nr nr Item. umlos I. 11. Stir Tyra": whirl' will &sr It A V nod is WM.. u i p e tit irs iys me every Ort , rlyllen rf Imlerial. front I.ratlser wnh ronou. h n .•n. m rilk thread. ernmi to the Ilnn.t numb: r. neither CA AN 001. i Wirt:Hi. an•l the pormilk, llictiuu. It ruua us and to Yafetige ji,whi It rielothee tIPTY rElt, CEnIT. lens pontos , to arlro It Shots 'my other ountsion in the ntn,hrt. A girl twelve ' , corn of men elle work It moodily. WlleuUt htteelte or Injury nr health 110 NI re nni Wonel•Trtil limptierty nfranAt vac tlnti t• ‘,1111 , •*1 lusposvibln In pet nui of p r ,!.., end Ul IA It ASi T gELI hy din company to siva en tore ontitlart Wii reopPcicolly to vita nil throw MI" may Ac-Ire to •.spplytirehttelvtoi with n rupori, r an to coma and fist* 1711111 V Al.i.1:11 Cite hall Woo'. isiotroritoo I. enahln any pro , ott to Out t thin inachint to Choir entire rot• ‘l.;•Ald tt for all Intvo4 ry an• leot already ~. 441, ! 11.1...1 (pr tuba. IN•ntral and Soon* Aineiltat. to %limo a Itlo.ral tiv sivrn. L alcum 1.1 Mil ',it; li3 I X M (-41 G HO V EnEEN & CO., Plano-Porto Manufacturers, 199 Broadway, New York. K Arm.; 1'11I& or Au publir and Os. (rusk je I setiltut Ist suss. NIM d1:1, i 3 reAV l't n his is rut lnlu or awl 1 , ,1s; • ‘• of Mau art: I:uric - At. 4 Ly uss: lials.:sin Sists.4 1 i 11 , se snaring. l'iss.y cuissasn nil Ilse usrulutsi isnirruvetbrin.e., jfAi.l4l action. :1:1/{1 fume, as Pf•nifilllg IMPS. ;suet curio fuel tsauss!ut bilur Isussiu 111Wer Iltr prr.ount rupurvi.,i,us or Sir. J. 11. %Shit 11.1,11 pop 'siert 11,1tly su I is,•st usatsisiactutc. le Crliy , fallit 41 its r vr•V • Ittles/ CS:lttll.o 11a. Ili.•10.• r An APIIP .P . XEilir At I lit (13. e. I,V hi. egt. ttCte PI :4 ik.:l4 . at.nnmvn.w ff.aitt rh•' howl rftrio. I hilniklpfilu. It"-r••n and 114 . W 't 'k ; wed le :{) tan rnrr•.•,.,iV.- thu find So., .-tt p . L$ Irma uuns 4,f liv the uttra.larllo. of ittaprov”nt , t•O make %WI pre•lt and by 11111illanii ,, ring lnr;.•ly. Nish a,o,sirtly to "ft, the r 111%lelliNetaq at gt ps led wlilrh Will (Mellish! Nil Our prio.• arn nowt SIOU to 11.N10 cheaper slum any ltri ea's , fort”. T1:111,104.--Nvt c”.ti il, 01, /0,7 E)=:=Ml JO, 11,146.- iy.-•Il .rnew ock of Clotlti,n,,a. Avi - > jr, , ,7\7* on ea* Lying all4l r , ic•yrr ....• w l 4 l kial V 4440 ' 174 V rrv.s I. hi, 0,,,h of p and owthie •• 31.11 X A I'll /7;1: 7', 1; /.1/11,1/s Bt.' G, Ivo .1 fib )..r the riran !form', yis‘t fro:, New Y..rk an.' Phi lad.:lpbsu. a lull WIMMI Held of Men nose,loy's Clotilhag, • T i sing 4,1 /IN e,;lnn) and Oil Clot% lir • run! or 'ill —a , • . •,!i-; n•• tr,•l • ir : ••• • r ,411 'l/ : ••2• , ' , •10•1 er,Val •a•l3, :•• a. 1 •a ••• , I: I,la,rajiia !.., NUE , 4'tt • • , V.- 11,1,14. •,•• / ! Aro - V• ¶44 Mt krt.! 114 •,I . , Isv !:! •,.• . • ft.l 111. , (1 bin is ttl:4o •a; ,:;,1 I 4 11. of Lotus: run , (jib „ 4.) : 141 A . - J?Sic` Ji•mt Ire t • ttnt •ttittvt•r•t.ti uI this otro,. ettli unrl es 11'• 1!..1 I.loltruig, It•l‘ttlrf t ,•• . ' 1.. )t,; ; '!'ti \VO1:1,0 A 'IIL • '; !;*„;:, tV. atlf %Lt.!. by Ow Givat : Pi i:r. 1 .;0, t !•v. r ••••." .• ,• ,‘ to '• •h, • 1,14 • • I•,‘ r at ••t , •“1. r , r' yo'tt : • .•:! , 1•.. ! 'yy I. •r suiy!rtvolral vow , : tt, •1 I. • • 1 . '!••t itiv..!..ne4 th.! foterr. .1 t:. • -' • r • •• 1•I the h 1.4 Pt - the, ro the! 01 , 11:01116 a pv."...!...t,:00tt 40 triK. agpecte .rite pwi1t.111”...1; tit pluuete and the !hot ntar ,, ite:,v, , t, at or birth, sit ,, . dent Hot to cott,til thy Ittc..lo!tt A414.141et on e.trtli. It vot.te yon hot it It itio. pea inaY lii to h 44 rit IV "pwatuttay. CM1.41111;d1,111 fee rr yih (044,1 10 . 0r111.11 ~41• listing lit 0 111P44111. 4 . .111 eauath arr. Mii..t:ol , by whit with ,•lit,st 111,44 I h.t.t "stlv-V4vtiottt trtt,tv,ll,l,li {, 4S rt ix pet,ha. A tilt had , rthiteit titbit. written IN MI alki ~11Z