Bloomsburg democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1867-1869, August 14, 1867, Image 3
V#iott#ll.ltil . J 'tlittictltt: LOCAL DEPARTMENT. Wedneoldsty, Aliguoit 11. INGT. scp tyro tow Munk nur ron4nre for tin Inrnl Wu?* Itnook their ii it foralltiee. if they On n o t enklyn ti write n towoominni too for the public, eye, nittient 1,1 1 141 tin ■ taint molentent of everything of Menet in their reyeetive rotoniniiitiec A lon of leettniltlikee 4 deaths, occident!, Arno, rernunnii., bn.s., We o itt put them in form. The own fitto Gf hilt toiN we rem drt the better it will - kith um and our tojiatirn. Whn will do It ? To itenvirt tootle,— W•ternoi tolvertiertnertn Ikkkertorl, must hand thorn in early on l'unenny morn. low to Mow thrir ineertion for that week. , lifir The fleqouniff or the firm of JAI 8111:31Alt SS far as pent oat for rollootion *are in die tan& of the rott aim!: porfffm , : in Tow n $l4 ip. - 4 441: 4 4 11. 11}1 . 1.V.11; 134, a CREASY. fitratArA*4JfiN.l. Vicaltramxr. P. M. —V. 1. 1,',“w0m.f., P. M. (Infanta •:,:a-,-iloarivreek, (AN e'd 1, 1. ~14,114. , f at 7,. 4( MN iiAlitiEtt. In Sugarloaf Town-bin. 14114 for eollovtlon have been pitteell intim hawk or 1 owl ;00-IMY 1MY CALK, to whom roymmit, to be nooje at the eartioq emivetiimmo. In Seott Towni , liip,ail p ig ... 4ms k nnw i t ," . - flintnnolven in arr,,nr* for nnhewription, nn , l • . 05yortising, to tlio In:Atiwn.vr, will 1 , 1, ig.. payment to JOA I T i 1 LI I , LEy. often, --DA NI EL II A try NiA x. ," Orairge,.--.,M I 411 A Et, K ki.t. rIL Mmibuin. -- W I LIE A M )1 t ' N 1 ..% rIL 1/, , mlwk.—.P.vstrr, NErtfurr. it'ohoborti- -)lnthias .1. A plieninn. To tlorrexi)oitliPat.4. READER of elotre.—We ear l redy a your question. by saying that. 09 fain ten - ties alleged that they , hartkal /wl' 14 the purpo,e crY break;tiv flown I , r, of the Republiertn, owl lutvint , d ia that they somewhat shifted , I;h:rand dirrc tell their onprodtion nn tho ttr ., f 9 n do , leading and olihmt organ of the I) ,el.9ey in the County. AneuAT. n• 4 a I`, • publican in ;hi% 4'•••111'y. ;,;t , ,• tt 6,1. It • bwiiness Men or this twl,. ‘, 1 1) t • DENtocRAT. pattonip.4,oir 1 .„ We copy too thrny rwlti , .l” , itom coionotw of the Ate. ',t/s/. , • e 1,. York .041frBnnk, 41,4Prienn 1, CerNe Ventortat, t pauert of e :• - publivatt ht tnt,, , 0-r 1 , • . then Avg , . e3n es:pot. it, ~ pnliDy . 111* Ifgmnrn vr. • IVe dnn't with , r , them lifter the:. Irtv. !. rtarrol 11 4 n 'IIIY 1 0 01 policy: If - 1) , n0r.9% y VIO fj, Itjhz . p it 14 worth tigjoine min in 1 ,Innv4, we 1m N r Ivery rrinpirn t4pfigkin , . ..';nnintry, advert paper. Sutmr Phoepluttn of I,i u J. K. Eyer is actinrr al Agent for the partie4 in thin en'tn`y. wri t e Alvithriv of . hoit wuck hare us beqvii that Ow , fqi , , rilt tletterablaricron (Mean.% t' is not a particle of trinh the :• ; and Ire challet , v t t p ,;;t: SiISS COlfflor. or • „ date for I" 4 llcriii, fr" h jtoiffit,livao 'cm iot , Mr. Vontor. is ol.r !'.,r a Th, Adth,, f.: the Detnoerlitio State C,• ; . ! will uppoor riper. 1::- if' , Weil eakniatl'4l P!rw,liv; tliie Col: .1 and Aratve the pluggl , h whvreNer they milt ift` M.lVi!limn r Ortnv-allo. making gno+l No. 1. Brio.k Ott tko infitrans ns that ho willhavo a kiln I.amt.{l and ready for Ow ,111.1“.« ;,) the prirvi, ~r row days. to Lint in 1114 now 1. 11 4- nem. am- Pr. John or the /,!, ra Its talked so mirth tit=nut his e•,s an , l other peep!, linving none, that ho '4;11 ho,:i make bimq , lrilleve that he Ilas a for. It tnny he ,4,me tiny , hefore he ennvinee., readers on that nn'lt. mss'.. rf,r .onie drr • rn. vnfl cheap, (lin tt tho New VIA k sfnro. 1 . , q • a Funaner shawl in theiwiglit ft-Li 'l , , 4“ I) In nt the New Yorl, Sttiro. For cheap calietw4. nraglin , 4. nn +;r}• cl.Ol, generally go to 11,511,izi & Co.'s New York Store m.Tbe Pen.orr , “ came last week enlarged, anti greatly improved in its typographical appearance. The Dow). cmt is the best, neatest, end blest ever published in Carlon Cfentty, The Democracy of that county have a liz << r,rgne. and one that is justly cntithni to a Marty support at their ittels. IVe would azain eat! to to o t:on to Henry Zuppingor' , Lo b. a reliable gentlimato, -and on lodots, , Jewelry &e., ono of the moq Nvlrk men that can be found eithr r in City or rn” 14..4 1„,:koion or sp,ol,wkn, and the secret how to ,aet a rnitablo as=tir, • will be found with him. . Paxton Harmon advertise in tn dny's 1111tncna.'r n froth lot (,f `gut er- Phonthate of Lime, for Fale. It is just the muff to put on the l'.lllctv-groutal ttt insure tt full crop if the t oar ant is anything able. They can be corfttlttql. tat retzactl price and quantity, by calling their it!aett of buaineits, or addre , t thrum, at Ent ort, Pa. 1==1•111 ter. Cot. TATT: ling not yet t; ;en d hi pocket book, dieh was lost or stolen ton the evening of the 'Detente Eleetion at this place. l Pr. :John eautioved the people some years ago to loek'up their pocket books before attending thicDemoeratie Con vention ; but in this ewe the,, thief took time by the fore-lock and did his pilfering of wallets at the gathering prior to the hold leg oft Convention. Now, Moor, if you really took the Colonel's wallet, as tte Las just started in an expensive business, yen should Itnnu return it. Colonel, you know, tallimt: weed you of stealing 14 2 , , tat few years ago, and the pnb -4 Do gligr n ed to this day of your re thew Why don't you do it? wirho ovostoi or 441 - tell Us 090) he3SIU) d>jits Ittrist NO a Ails tinn pimento, We do not iloubt it— fir oo.odo IL —6Juni/du (,inapt/ itirptdo tAlfin, Oat Bth. 1=111!1:1 s'et'a l' Mr. t %tries Wen ver, Clerk or the Commissioners 0r this County, was attacked on Wednesday night last with a severe at tank or palsy, II is whole night side is completely partlyzed. Ile was taken to 14$ daughter's tesidence, Mrs, IVright, where he now lies in a 'Thiel,' state. --Ntirtit'd 11.01,0 bernoriat. ENl,Atti;cm—The North Brunel: Peton. eamo to oar A:km.4nm 130, wdet: enlarged to It f•von vflitoon paper, and with a deluge or t isle to that of Irrimigy Pr i norrot,whioh ice think a doelill4 improvement on the (MI mono. It is tt itinvisonie paper, well edited, and in alp , vomparem filvoraLly with any or our eougtry exvhatmes. Sueeeas to the /)r eiiirrt rt. sar B riwe j o hogo o , thim town, toot with an accident, in Robbins to ey:x log 311114, a few day.; two, by witirh her Nance very near haviler all the fingers rawea oft' ono of his 1r01d.4. 'lwo or three or thein are cot in a : , hoeliitor manner, butwith rut treatment an=l extrotrainary care they can Le all ;:tV, , ,L Melt working About Mvant Phinitor awl Saw Milli cannot be too eare• rul lo avoiding noeblento. =I it.. 7.1,11„, or rolloobia Comity will otePt at thi4 plaoe ou tltu I th inkt, to po tliroovli the Efrot othhitig nominations, to abuse kl;won, told applaud old Po ow , I roWtI -1 +Vt, Vei y other proluitleot 1.1“ ,, 15ha;1 dig l'Idooi:4 in the coootry, AN sPo ulcv p ar t play Cho k per, law. \VI,. th T (hey la be cont. , lit to no rap}' •I. rt. or tint. ('%!tit )1 1:1 (*imp )Ivorrg for or the FAN:,,•rwal A1 , 04 , '• ei:!Gqi IV " ! ll . ' Ij7 o ol t I,lnl or Mr, (*,-;! :n reiltre'rown , hip, !.., .:111.111, ‘0. , 0 ”L... A won c“11 'lt.;4 1 1 , irt;!•:.• f rt 11 if th.' Rt7rmnrl , N. , o for I.)v .1" I pr....wit:B :v • ro iis*; A IA 4. I:. r.` PO' Alt.ts til-tatWo iwymo f't ,. 'ht 1-•is<tFfitia: Well: , t't , tlll 171w.ill't,itt atti t t:ttrot tttl COO t t ot t Wt;tit otittlt it 'it 1, , 1t IS lirtft , 11: 1 1 , TItt'y tholt tat f tr , ty atiti itf th flit!:4‘t , tl a*:,l my fift'dif , rie flttgrt 4 affti I , tr4 th , 4t.' , 1 , , , ‘ r± to. WO ifaVp if al !ro", a'ffttit a yt'ar anti 1,;:f r • , 1,. (,1* this town, I , ot, , 'nor y 1;•, rivti Intipi het ‘‘. ,,,, 11 tl:4 , l't ' ,14 * tip,o ttf it' , 41'4.8171 :IN . 1;:tf 11.4"» Whitt , It 'WV.. 111 11117 , l 1. ,• ;,:r1 ' • •.• 1 on , ' , A"- hi= other 701,1:1Q,1 ntni mangled. a %. r4O , I , v , ffir kty, • 1 ; 01 1 r • • 6100, .• IMM r dt.t-t• trtt•t!, t , 114,f- , titer Daniol A. it , , , 1,1 , % un tits' ernanT At . . art t zit rk,;t "I' , •l'. il4 , prol+11,!:: th ,, 13174 , 4 A, , nl: nni t i trhr al 14 , nn 1 y sn prncti. al innit, anti Aro Nt,l he *0- warantlntr 111 the 1.:14 , 1' r, l all th 4 vntletten. Lim a tali. • 4 Sttcrfily 1:1.-t r•! 11ir,l of rail, vi t . A:t;nty ; lilt, in lb:. town, errrt. , htl ,t Htiticierti f;01 to lac trri ;•:?•-•• b r ri r , rtin tiown in t .rrnt• , . 11.1. th' :-.trrroo , awl riv r..' • ! • .:':t 73: ri • 1 .•• • : 0 :01 , 1, At WV' • .•n tr. tit- rem& or the rt..n. In Kin viii( ct!!!. in 1 1 -•• • 1:1,•rti;••• , . it' t*l••rt•-• arc 1 P•ti,v,—;l )0 NVetlnt , stlay la•tt a little son ttf apoil 'O,OlO fi‘e ye IN. vtat-t. tirowneti in the canal at this itheat, rag plittstql in the latter part of the day, awl after a boat and tiiiii.ront itearlit hislattly txtts footnl at a point along the canal where the scollor l+ncs arc in the lrahit 61 jutois tog off it sr:it-n-1 , 0:ml into the water. It is sopposoll tho went there gut into wai nut. ve..hiot renbored by the lottoest matt in ay.:oil:owe with IN ICA we have above ‘'. fra- p3.3,,u ! tAw a,. mler it .i , lll.ri , oi• pl. LI *-r a r<ss tlir.owip , m. tlit. To.rr't 0„‘ , if all -lay law.. r t4' , II!+:11/ Ittiti atta,l:lmmt-: s-t Vice htm d dAl!ar,' firbiturr, tbta ppva.:o,l “ttl'ii family, and , m , ll iter prat erty as is ty law wirmpt in tPe differentcan be bold by 1.4'4- I=l re - 4-1 ;r0 eltarm:t fur I Ito I):::trer whieh ie not t wtmderett at when we take in'., the novouat 1.1,0 n t of bodily sWiti.:),:t that ibis distrea , itq th Oatly • . The Peruvian Syrup (a prot.,:.Y.. of I r,m) ortltimutrupl, who w•ro • :11:;,tim, f. 0 - T.: GoNtutn , r Andrew G. Curtin, of i'enosyhailia, 1184 arrived in Paris from haol,fint.-on the-.1183n, Ile is in elzeollent read will leave for Anttrioa on theist of Angu t. 71T 111:3 or Whiting, quartermaster iu eintrye of tio , wok icports that up to this time 71000 hoilios Live been reburied in the olnuterivs (oobrneeil within the opera tion of tho Aovy of the Cuintxrland. W. liepublican rapers insist that Judge Sharswoud ticoLle4l that thu Ant of Congress making greenbacks illegal tender, was unmstitutiocal. Our readersknow pret ty well the-pupil& upon which the decision wellhead lastOpose he had so decided, what oritt, WWI in and who k n rung ? Sir Ilwrase *odor roebtlY made woch at Rochnitis t yhen ho was interrupt. godly inquiries And Jeff. MA& He i n . itona his interregnum that he was well, and much morn ola genthnnett than they were: DI ED. At his residentse in this place on Friday last, after protracted Hines., tlYltrti FRY, aged 47 years, I month and 20 days. The Ike was every 110140 of the word, A MAN ! tincl died a rhrfatiau ; leav ittg (mite it logo flunity, and many relatives and friends, to monrn his less, This co o t . Munity will miss him ; the Church and the Funday Sebool will miss him. Ile watt one of ter first Sabbath Sehool %umbers. I li remains were followed to the old Lutheran burial ground by a large contour:, of item de. ago, viona. M tltt IK Vl' REPORT. Wheat per hu ,, lfel, $.2 25 life', 1 10 4 oo f 'urn, 4 1 Ituelovhent, " sO 70 ('II,I ere.l4 " . 7 00 Fla .i...4.4'41,, " "50 Dri'll upl4e,4" ~ 51) 1'ot:110, " 100 Flour per barrel 1.1 11 1 1 Notter 25 p„,,,,,, 1 . 1 . dozen, 20 'Callow per pound 11 ,‘ I hop , . ~ .., . ~ Shoulder, " 15 I kr per tan 14 00 - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A 111'SINE;. , S CIL'T. Platte . , 1+ %it h way with yr , If ht,1111 . 4 or o r)1 111) . tr , /141111,), 14'11 1 4 I hav,± rat rtoll, o itty totil wootkillt try sl+i3G 45',11.14,01iri., if it to a fair qiivotioa, wh, atfi ytpt le Wit 1 , 4 toty IA 11111 fell pile, to rig rarrYte tlfatre ,arg, tar et et.. per Wiwi. is, 1;1 , r, l ljtt 11•10 rna et:irucand 4.4 ,iow rirrfx OH. %YOH., r,w tt 11.1 lAA i, Inv riar,,. for aa ti,a fat no a aiatalta, if tlt, Imr‘e 11", ‘4,,,0i nt rottog• of t ho jit for, of 0f.4111,0f ,ttii” r4t. , i.. 11 to. ilelt it-414 lot WI , ilea lone 1+43, %%va Imo la ra Pl , ,i 11 at tire hatlqem,, wnh otto (4, iGI4 a.,,1 dnaoa 111 stir prt fa . lach olot 11100 f all im T , ,wn 1,1“.15,51 rt,ltty, A. I, 1 4 ‘,X(11 A:0 ,E m.... ; .TAritANT ILA linvinl and roilfrd lar C> b niNrunl UPI EXCHANGE 1.1 0 TEL, lan lot I,{ tur F O, veopyrifittly totirit a 4 , ltrol,fteci rr ,4 )1116 rad r 14411“1“,,, t. , I41 , 01) : tit 10 4 Utv 4114 oho, of INIw obt, to Li. riju,4 : 41:1,14 :141011 , :li 4 : SLIELL OYSTERS, CANNED OYSTERS silel4) itysTnns, 11:11S9 )111Agrt4 itrt,e owe.* per %vett, Ui ti AND rittvg, ..c 1.1421'01i5 , N CI t; A its. ;• • ity.t,r4 raft Ira eerirß rrNiqoutert VI. ; Us' ST V LES, .s , TiltV ND, ell *WEI). R tV, ail « - yft the Slo,l epor *aft. b WS( Oil CA I ~11.1 IV,,totrt., ueljr, HOOP SKIRTS. 62C. —ot tt f)syN • , v,ry Mt rb ars,abt oae, olt} to mtA 4; 3 , »¢d4 Totif 11 ,•hirt*, •.! 1•11,,.1 3 I4, :i :: 4, 341 , i 4 ey,ty I,ll,:iti 111,1 rolo 114 w : in r%,,ry I.' 1 If s r A L I I,llr vi ,, t the wants oc I'3, :il4 ,iO4t tnelannaeble Trade. .0141 1114'11 Mltkf . ." nC rit t ott ektrte, nee lighter, ht , %l , 114-11 e. mare elor,,litt , 4,14 rt , atl) rfiettierr i 1.44 44, ~t her 4,:1k» or either elogie or liogibje spritm , :•kirt 11ih1 tile , frAn :01400 ' 1 4714 , ) ti ~ rtv 11114 wio.r. N4.l' nu ~,,i l l4 lo4giro 10. t , Tiwy ore HOW WIN( eth.4l.itte4 44.140rt - 4.. toot r ety 1.41.1) ritovii4 ill , them. OIVN .k E. " had too Tai II Shirt' T. rztonohoil T, floThin*4 Arrh Swot. ThrToOlobto. - No nt Oro lll rdalnifiV Roll. r:,,•• allot fir tail Ptleo., 4,0,10 ~, .iT4r.otto to.oh,T m• ..!rrr Irq 'hoof or 1411.1 . 1,1. P, 140111141 ant 111414411 Y 1 , ,h . d. ',al.. ;1.1 IN NUL sR %;:ttott”rtory hod to et: , Arch .1 4 1roO, Thitha. thtiht. hoot, T. 14',7, and rop4tr-4. Toms. Ni 1'3.11 On , Prwr Only WM TITa. lONS, 1:1V t;( )01N! (“)(11)S 1.10 puh Ic *llOOl.l hear in wind tlnit H. W. CHU %SIT Ss Co. Lao. (~, i et.mtly an !toil T111:1,.11;4',E;-1"ANDBEsTsELEcri:D rrocK or GODS IN 1 n 1 ( 1 li r 1 1 4-4 1 1 1 ; F ) 1 41 11 1 1. A se All kinds of goad Gt.otts. CtiliAr for fM.II or CoOn • try prothwo. W. CREASY & Co Vig! , tStvot, 1 by 10, IrE7 Ev, .3A 'MIRY AND CoNFEC iII )N I' "4 -$ a4, 1 ,b 1 1 ,1 64.5 oik %ma OA Till It LONTRE ET, I,l:Luw MARKET, mAtot s KG. Tt)X Pr,,P,i.-Or nr iiii.iridn!Ainitniiint, wntriel t , nniwiffiliv 1 1.1, 4 tia and nrw rnnunarrc , that head nil tit hi. nnw intimi to cn Mon huu 10 I'nti ai OPiii 'with fillll.lll, rAKES, AND Eft n brretMore, ."- lio ha,. runic nrrnnWnnreolr Ynr I ho rata or who COUfretltni• pry 2 4 t10r, 1411}0:1114 nu: -EXCHAN4; Biii,ima;s," dsedrfti bread can be accommodated Mita tiltvatt, rr all Vernon., who have hem, Eirnbrh • 4 , 1 nil') Ale, [Agri' beer, and Eorler, by 1100 whole, hoc, or 9 1 lotter barrel, will call upon WILMA M cloli ill E. at WA Shives' Block, Main Street, who hnv 1,..11 mith.,l%, by 110 undorttiottutli to own the xrouw . Ile t% r.,llsiunny have a foggily on /mod Willril pity be 40111 at thr loWe*t tuarlott Mr, l', llaM, to out lit.e , inn with his liotltoory And Coto ferituttety., fitted up rOOllO , rot the polo or ICE CREAM, wo Cot tufty favor hint with their enetnin tte is alio* prepared t,t Make, ICH Cream in lore.. gnnnti• tip s tar nueriee, poiOir or social paths ri nys, re the Calf , may bo, everything iftsgUlining tr, his o no o r hnsineet nilt receive enteritt and ihtigent attention, VI" flu is thankful to hie Vatter% far pit.* fa. itko A t cmtut.liy altheM.ll a tOallailaliCO of tall uumt;. J. V . Fox, April 3, l4ft7. A NEW rEurvui: FOR TIM II 1310 k MURIEL Vainloishe "Nisles 111 looming flerevis.o Phulon% "Nligid Mlemisig Coverghto rhalseihs "Nlphs Illsonstri Cere.a." lealoa's "Night !Simonelli* Verraa.9 s'IVINIss Sinewlug Ceresa.“ A StotA sittiststte, ilefterti, Mod Present Perfume, illstUtetrfrum the me Nod bowsirui now from wt litat It tikes its Moak Norahioturra <447,14t rigait* as ilitinf; Misir rink. BzWARIA OP . VOMZERMITA. mui. ton ruAu4m , IO.I"AIX lIKV* CENTIIS TIVP4OI4OI PUNA AIONTOWS Ire AT Mtn SAMTIit;NITUARD I Ogiedin otßountyTar, To amount on Duplicate $0,179 74 C R. By cash pd. John Hill, Treasurer SIAM 2 i " pxonerations 22:1 63 " poreentaim 123 69 $6,179 74 C.C.II.Di crrmucit, Collector of Bounty Tax, nmount un 1/unßeate C It. IP I *Pt By Push IA John HO, I rolvoirer,4l4,6 th 42 i s retluotion a Poll Tot 1,965 00 D Datanee on up. t :Le 74tH tau JOHN l iirJ. Treasurer D To ain't front First National Bank of 0.4 a, iu Bunk} $lO,OOO 00 CJ It. By discount and stamps on first 114eottnt $l,ll Gi ain't pd 82 volunteers at C 309 emit 9000 00 " oxnenees taking , volunteers to Troy and their sulisiatance 317 00 " percentage on SIu,UOU (0 00 11, 1 1:inep in Civor nfTrc mer $124 07 To amount oti !oval $ 5t C IL By UM . ",1.: vointilverelorer $3OO as 4.375 00 11313ttee titp? .T. I In , . Tirca-qtrer e• 219 tfo , li from S. NvyhArti, C0rr%:,,552 4,1V76 4 'okomo itd, oa hi., tux fur one yeur 4 1 I J. V:1 , 11 14111 011 IVO.: at rr t 6rnal Na orDamillo y 00 1:y 4-;011 pajit 41 . 1 , 41011:41.:7 !Pito! at 1.:11d 6311 k , !Lince P I!. 27 ~,, 4 , 4,4 1)1 a, 4, ::•rt " 1. 4 A1 flo cGioila .Vic 1;;,• on 1,1 •• • ;.I.v.tro•%k To.y t. teo ,•”tilit 011 i: , ; , 0•;!.i. tuAt• HI :11. 1;,1111. “ 4•3•41 taid r ing . ex . ptq1,4%.4 111 if Arri imv,ll raH L. 0 4 ntiv.f Igt " r.,• 4 ;2:1 of) :41111,,,"y ivr pc" rov:ptm " vreentnae Ktuao.— in ravor or Treanwer ::"te rEvlncr„%‘s,o,p, it It. 1 , .: 131..“ ovw [l4 . 5:.; , ) ub NV, Il a y, - ,f i L tlv h " int. ::.“; rat IC C. 8111,41 " 00 : 4 31/11 CrCVCring " ;II We 111- Aediter, of Centre tomtAir, "eluetkit County, I'a. htaeLy rtatify that we I)8'' Parertilly examioe4 the fun zoing areounts,,totollind them to be cur met. LFA-1 A. ItrTriwox. ) A u di on .„ rA riiE CEEASY. Ally:HA 7, 1? , 67. 10IIN IZATI )1t) . NOTI(i Lriters of adtoinktrotii on the '*late of ften,go Holtman. Soto of 1...tem% Towitehip. county, by the fix4140,-.4 of 0d.0,0n r. Maroon Anti Miwn rt 11^etleton. the former re.tiont in &troll Aroi the totter in ntrolown.hip. gold county. All nowt,. Inv. tog chrion+ ermine* relate of tlii &mooted ivot re• one.tol to pr....W . two', Only notitoionirtood to tho ltnno.trotot., qnd lb too owing the ilanto wilt make 011 , ,0141A1 1,3) Pllll.ll' T. trAtrrmAn ' Attineo ROW 'HARTMAN, ' Peon, lo', In, 1017. Car. N THE MINI ANS' COURT IN ANI> f" the c flen ty of rotootilio : in tho floater of flirt whip , of I'rtrt Evo o .looniwill. And now 1a wsi May 9111 1 , 44'. the roklrt appoint Elijah It, !Wet, 1; 8 , 1 1,, mow .h.t , emt ton of Ow imloorq iu the need."( r. , frr Eveland and lobo Evelatot. nd nn nlpirah,rd, to ;1,0 aoootto,t tlt. , ti era and Leg.' tcp r. 818 ,, v , 5. By 0, ogilt, rrifill if, 4 0 (.."I.l'N is CPO. ibis aildWyr Mot , . nam , rl wit! all, m 1 '0 th, dt111 , 14 of lilt. upt,ol,,t ow•ro, at hi* J. 1 4. ; rah At In tirliwit 3. m. K. Ikli,LEtt, Auditor. 141onmPtoirtz. July 10, 1417 - - Philadelphia & grit haft Road, sU3I.3IEU TIME TABLE. liOl l Ml AND r HOUTE immgeN 11111,49E1,1941A, 111514.' KG, Wi1.14 A MdrUirr• AR7, THE aimmimi= ELEGAN'r tiLIAMJING CARS nn Wort ollPt MONno.V. APRIL 9.90. Lly7, Trooo , Wu Ito l'hilodolnliOt & Moil Wool will rim no 0,11.0v0 : NI TRAIN leav,g l'hilatioiphig. 7Oq p, rifohlitutlerlgoti 4: 54 N. 111 nerive aI Croi 4IS p. 1:1111: CNl`Rt.i.:s leaves l'loirodmphin 12 00 mum„ " Northumberland 0 dip, w. Prriva at t4ri.a t 43 n, in, I:I,WIRA ;11A11, lomm's Philadelphia /4 00 a tn. " Nbrthouthiland 4 p. arrive et mo; Ileum 7 4.; p. BurrAl,o rap, leaver 11,00.00 re 10 30 p. " Nur Ihottubr - rland 93 a. W. 1.0 r% linen 11 59 a: in, EASTWARD, NAM TRAIN leaves Eria 15 ''s a ru. Arrive id (U 4,101,414 lin n, ui ERIE EXPelIe6 lenve# Erie ft. Nnoituntoo.ortand 6 03 n. iA •• nrrive nt PhiLo , lnlll4 MAMA MAIL leave* 1..4 finvna arrive at Pintaaelpart 3 V p. lIA Y. ACC, lelwes Lad. tiaveo I A p 0144 1 05 ; 03nd 5 i 0 p. arrive at Plilloelphia 14 4u c o , hi Mail and ENprf•NR tahnert %% Mt all tf.iitoi, 00 WAItiMN 6z Eftvoct.lN RAILWAY = , PostAlgara Tearing Philadelphia nt 13 110 M. Alt IVO IA I rvinomo at II 46 it, tr., IWO (hi City at 4 1 410 4 hi imit atm Philadelphia at ? 314 P, M., arrive at Oil illy at 4 'J3 p.m. Otllll,l nn WiorPn ft Franklin Rifiway math rinnn ennooolost. at Oil city welt irontm E.r Prank . Nn and Pornieton Cent ft: nAGGAO V, ',IMMO THROUGH. A. TV LER, Geittotti Sup't Erin. JUlf stn, is 67. . IN ,THE ORPHANS COURT, IN and for the County of rolotolon : to the nutter of the ye:Mimi of John }tomer. uemoilott of the person and etltillt , of tqtroll otowth A nd *ow to *it Mn, 41h, ISO 7, rho Court appoint. tViiioteo H. Abbot, *odder. to rottort farts ot tlio noxt tottat, 111 Court. Front the Record. Jr.apt I 'otzsAm. The 'twitter &owe mimed tnu attend to the 'vitiates of hie arteetutteeht, et Ike *thee or Irmo 8. Monroe, in Vatarktata , eltataay. the third day of A. 111410014 at la wataal4 W. 11. AOUOTT, Cement's/04 Jet, 17.1r107. EXTRA 'WHEAT FLOUR, AND FEED, OF ALL KINDS, FOR SALE CHEAP BY Illoomobuti , July 10, 1567. $7,437 42 $6,641 42 6 , 10,128 1;7 DU $10.:,13 tr, OE Jcr la:L uhudi «1:'.. , ~t itn OE $l.:L;`, 4 119 M‘v 01' VIANriVI.VANIA On all Ntjht rrnno w KsTw A n = I Vu p. I r 15 it fin, r=2ll=Min 0. W. 11011elhe. SOCIAL NO MIS. BRYAN, Consulting Physichos 11110114. SigAtilitet II 40 siwito or aimilsol, 040110. V Hoary astil ',arroyo Alaiiiis Hs mato or re. mon. Ailvioa rum end gotratlnn4ll o o o 00411 / c an thirn risk ran, 100.— ly. AOENTS WANTID. Memolos pent rm. No eopital mitred, Lodioo Of Gemlemon too ono loom IRO 10 91 11 . 011 per "Y"" liorluon obroop.onil odomro TRIPP k Tyhth Ni„ New York. Jnn,O, 10117.—1 y. LOVE AND MATRIMONY. Thnsiroconno uftha oppoOttn AAA may tra gained by followiris simple robes, and all rosy marry if desired. withodi 'glint to wealth, age Or Watt ty Atom thou:Out ettyntuy* And amp tar narttattars to Modern DLIMARRiI, /50.% noose. NOW York. AVOID TILE QUACKS. If ynti ore Pull . ..ring from Ow uffocts of Youthful In• 1110i. , lion nn.l have Soul I Weakneou, Rmloulotto, Am., I will von t! you, free of chimus, Ilifunnution wfilrit followed will rota you without the nla o Addrego lIRVIIY A *MIN, Nation D,N.w York. I )1.; EN ESS. It LI N DNESS, And Catarrh, [rented with the orrsiont sucrose, by J. lAA ACS, M. It, Mullet end Aortae (formerly of toy. don, tionand.) Nn. &In MN Stunt, rti ILA D'A.— Teethwinialti, from the mo reliable WHIM/ in the City end country man be seen et Manlike. The med. reel faculty ate ttiVitod to neeninpomy their pthonfe, se he has no accrete in his practice ARTIrtmAl. EVI:S, Inserted without rats. No charge for Innen. April 1000.—ty Et It Eli TO EVEItYIIoDI. A lingo tS pp. rireolnr, Firing information of the grentew importance in the yowl,/ of both 'whey, tt frucheo how tho homely maylorenme beautiful, Ilui th'illit. ,4 l respected. nrol the rorooken toyed, No young Indy or gentlemen 'booth rail to nand Owls . 84111(”114011 , 1 receive a Carly port-grid, by re. turn mail. ,‘,11( , 43 I' tl. I ) (4Wer, I. Tray, N. Y. Feb 17 imq—ly YOUNG MEN. Tho , tperionto or Ile putt tuft yo!ail hae 110111011 of ruled the theca that reliance niny be plated in the of ticury of Beira Specific Pith!, 11-04 and p^rmuntott rote nrti,m4l4l weak. Emonnlons. Pnrgir.l and Kr•rvoti4 pert, - tire, Of want tit pnwrt, 1110 te , nrit or Kerne En. or Youthral Indoorr.iinn.whirh ntliPrtr , d mien hanintwnfr. and notitethn sulrerer roe easiorne, s•.,i Marring.:, and Idloll 1.111111111.4 in 1.11 aiiinvly pave. Mtiko nn drkty In stliking true , rnn,tv. It , n verti.obl,t and harmleoo on II 0) 011,0, C3n hunt tie4.ct iOl4 or inCCr (we 110 h bn,i04,4, qmmatnal po ChVIAT or rant • 111e1.*41ty wiiiln nowg th-to mire. 011•2 It )t,, I :titlllo 111, , ,a or yosir 4iritig 1 tn Itr, d. II y tn, i<iit Vroa,lwav, Vr,w York, and liter %tilt nt ter nirrnntrAmeination by ntnrn• or .. , I •I l'oreOctc Sn (3 , ll" , tAtt-n ~c cc9E. (lox mi ccpplc (Ai trOV . !Jou, 9. 1,0 , 7., ty f% , . . .1 1 ) LADIES. ,r yott fPpli n rol table rooms,! to re.l yng.ntid ' , HUAI' 1(1 , 40111001 41( , ltti,tl 4 , 'ft by not 11., 1 . 115,1 y yen,* oxr , f intlen 1134 motto. tit t Dr. Harvey's Female Is, bravo no equal for Removing rtl.Mroctionv and Wog it to VOWS. No !roller from Mita rattStl Uu,v mono, They ire o3re nod our., in every caw.. hire, One Donut, per bon, . 46 Dr. Harvey's Golden Pills, I. V' weds foot dogrtet strouttet than mu n4144%44, Ettt4l tat 4144h,41 for site,rat ettoo of Noe *l4ln4ling, hitt% rive iktliat4l prr bo x . A Ladies' p r i v ate ritrular, With twnt t ©n sipplitw ion. If :anent et.t the Ping of t.nnt , ',end the looney to pr, J. Itryan,l.l" Proadway. Ntw York, and they Wttl be »Net 1r.., from oli..Nat ion by return ..r ono!. J4+l. 9. Wy,7.— Iv REM) TtiE iEtt FICATE O 1 It E% It. T. FLAULIN. TO DP., Mitsui I : Pra• crtrify that 1 wail tahrm with Ma dyspepsia a yeeur ago Wit March, and fora ri or fi g ht 110111f110, W 0 ,41 011 e of filo mist mimrabht urns you aver habebl, nit big able to rat drink or sleep, and Wlas compelled to walk the door incr.'s:tatty. I wne heady deprived iif toy moon, auri hype had entirely kit me, all the etforta made for my recovery having proved '.artless. liy the tire' of I hail became an vvi ak and fertile that I 'mild scarcely ninth alum., Ull4, mall appear two, would soon eta. hithiatime Outing roan your advertisement.) my wife prevailed upon toe to try VOW 'littera. A bottle wan Nitrated, and. otralnp in •iity, I anti r+tram...:,o I 1111,,V,ri,14 have taken Prir ill am ensos ti: as vital health now as email ha eXprtted for nun of toy ale (about misty years). I have no doitht that it was your [trjtrrenlome, under Ititiut: Providence, that atfurted this woniltrfol earn. Hu, Ausnst3o, trAi4. WONDIMFUI. BUT I'lOlE. MADAME RIP.MINftTOItI, the with' renowned A eltologist and Iloitinanstiteliells Clairvoyant. while in a clairvoyant slate delineates the very features or the person you are to marry, and by the aid of en Instrument of Odense power, known as the Pageboy. ggarniotera to produce a perfect and life. like pliture of the future husband or wife of the ap. pit.' ow, a ith Jute and marriage, otrupaliun, leading trails and rhaacter. rte. nos Is nn i otgogliton, nn tentitomththl w 'Shoot number ran assert. fly elating pia. of lath• ate, color of eyes and heir, and fu . fifty rents nod .tamped envy'. lope to yourm,tf.yon will tereiV. vict•lre by tektite of mail, together with gleatre4 informal imt cr A thlr' RIP in to indom , . m n n nmt NGTI )11, P 0. Ret 297, Wert Troy. N. Y. leti7 —ly A IuUNG LAI)I RETURNING To liar cniintrf fltittlin, after n , r`inUrn at n few month. in the City. was hardly 7,1,1;11111A by her ftlenile, In Once ain cower, ninth , nufrhed face. Phr hail in poll ruby cniutile . sinn of nlinn.t nimble einnottincpe. and instead or twenty •three slur really nppeared bet eighteen. Upon ingitiry lit In the ranee or • n B rent a i Abe pt nIIII told Ghent /1131 oho used the Clrtivoiimi nalni, nod constituted it an en. vulnabpe aciinieition to any Lady's 1011.1. It, tin u.. tiny Laity iir ticiillrimin can improve their vermin.' appieit.inee nn losndrcil lola. It is blotrie iu it• CAM. Alo4'loll. as Ninon. littpelt is simple, yet utiptipaes. ed in its sliest.) In dress int/ itoporitins rr.mi, also liciiling.cleansing and beatifying the skin nod cool. plesten. Ity ire dire, 1511.00 on entitle it draw. from it nil rim /1111 , 11f1III'S, mum', 1111,1 lerviog the *orfaro as Natoli, intended it Omni.' Au r float, poll, einooth and liewitiful. Poke $l. Pent by mitar exyre,“, nn reeeivt of on order by W. 1.. CLARK dr. N.). 3 Welt ro3ette Pt., pyrartime.N. Y. The "lily American Agents for the late of tlso same. _Feb''Ma—ly K 0 w THY DESTINY. Madame E. F. Thornton, the great EngliA Astro,. NW, viiyant and l'sychometrieue, who hag ; 1 ,101114ml the *Menton.. CLAWS of thu Old World, line now hooted beret It el Hudson, N. Y. Alailmo Thornton poetesses such wonderful powers of pee. find right. as to menhir her to import knowledge of the grealeet importance to the single or married of eithei sex. While in a elate of trance, she deline ates the very features of the person you are to nutr• ty, and hy the aid of all inetroment of interim,' pow• or, known at the Psychomotrope, gnitrontees to pre. duce a life like picture at the future Anthemd or wile of the epphrant.togetheriVitll date Pf ta.arriege, po• tinder in life, leading traits of ehorncter, &e, This no hamMig, nethourtnela of teatimemisla eon es, siert• NMe will vend when dealteit a reriltled rer a n. sate. 01 written guarantee, that the picture is what it porpmis tube. Hy enclosing n small Inc( of hate, and stating place of birth, VP., disposition and corn. pielion,ond enclosing flfty rents and stamped envel ope miltlrt.sed to yourself, you will receive the pic ture and desired information hy return mil. AU communicatitma escrediy caaftdential. Address in ronfideere, MADAME. k, F.IIIOIINTON. P. U. thi, Iludsun, N. Y. Web Cl v7—iy GO TO, BROWKR'S TO BUY YOUR iiw~Yiriir~ R. T. FLAULIN EMM'IM3I . Wit"7oll. OP YOUTH • A fteettletois who eotreps 61 your hop "tery nee Debility. Premolars Drasty, eati *II dm *Pate of "twig Att lodleerattoo, ref the lobo or POl4OOll butoornity, mood hate told) trltO it, Om rootty4 nod dlroatlolte far tooktsi lb. iambi* stoked by he woo cured. ,1111fferono *Wool to pro t by the odes', otpertopet t call do so by *determine in perfect coolll000r• ,RmN O. MOEN 42 Codas Ottoot. Now York. May 05.1067, f OVOGYOIIII4I AND YYSTIVX 20V2, prod an L 4 aderolowe oovelopo and 1612001s,and send yoo lOinft V4lllllOlO 11140.111110101.1. t Wiii please YOU. Allillf4lo,MAßY Mooll2,23loroodway, N. Y. Ittoty 160NII—/y, TING WRY OF MAN 16 lITRUNCITII. A gentle MIN who sititrered for year, hem NWVMS and Genital Debility, Mildly Emirmuna, mid illeuilnai Weekneer, the result yenthful Indiscretion. and came near ending Me days in hareem' NOWT, will, for She Nuke of anifering man, send tawny one sillies. ed, the simple means ueed by Him, wbieli varied a mire in a few weeks after the failure ar numerous medicines. Send st directed envelope and stamp mud will vim you nothing, Manioc EDOAN TR IiMAIN, Itigis et. N, Y. City. BEAUTY) GOLDEN, FLAXEN' kIIII.IOEN CURER Produced by the woo at Prof. DEARkILIX.• FNMA IX ell EV Et; X. tow applicntion warranted to owl the mob( attataht and stubborn hair of either slot into wevy rinaleta. or heavy attiveive cools. Ilan been voted by the fashionables nl rlifit , and London With the nowt arnillyint rorutttd, Nee no injury to the hair. Pricy by mail. 'waled and pinoputd sl. Itect otoive cireWarn mailed We. Athirr.% at t t», No. 4a5 , River $l., Trey, N. Y., Sole Agents fur the Vetted Metes. Feb.Th Mt —ly. GRACE'S CELEBRATED SALVE. rtem Mr. E. 'Necker, Depot miter ■t eallibuty, Mere. "i have been troubled far years with a had IMMO, outwardly, and imitielonas inwardly,— Purina the past summer it nianifsated itgeff mine than tound outwardly. and t oiled your Salve. All riyrrt nl it have aiuee di tappeittoil, without of Hie Inwardly, indicaling, I think, the eradicating nil. tare et the Salve " sl , rrit W. rt/WLP. &.; PON', fin4toa ryopylotara. EOM ay all Dragskty, at VS cia, a boa. Haut by Mail guy 35 ale. T Ell ! ITCH ITCH: s ATrif ! ScRATIT ! SCR ATIt WHEATON'S OINTMENT Inn tore The Itch to 4$ Hours. Alen rtirmo tt, 1 11:1' KIS CCM, Ut.rgltrt, OM, awl att EfitirrltAtt urn/Emmy, o rt ,.. :01 ~etitA. Por P11,4' by 14/1 D 0410.44. Hy sending cmtty to WIMKtt & trrEtt 34.4 Agent*. 179 Wmtla Mom, t , lttott, Itot , t to, tt wrtt bo Ito wardmi by Mail, ft . YO of il,ll‘3rP,u, art y VOA Of tht Uuitad titto,re„ ,lout, To coNsII:‘IPTIVE I'br minertiner, 'myth: born rentorra to health In n row own. ny h v.ty 011100 vinedy, itrb,r haying ,ofterod for ,ov. tot root* voth m pivo t , long otroc. into &end diA,•llso 411001.14 to make known to Wm feoow toffxrcre the inootto of To all who tteai•c it. h. copy of Pio p Mott 11 .11 ttatrJ (free of chdrgn y, with the tijrPrtiliil4 Gtr :.01.11119ff auJ Ute ~ .11 3. With dory Wit! hod .1 ri ,, nt, MIL forC4,,,,wwwil,m lot moo a. Ittoetvort t "coo, t 'ottet. toot a ll tt4o4t tot.% I.otto A treettooo t The way ottiert of the sttlyertt.ter to setettog the Pre• aefipti..a brook t he atilirtcd. and opreott ihftt• omit to who It ho elttle.Phroo h, to ototLibt,, gtrJ pa tept., runty tot tYpty wilt try Ilk yottletty, a; it will r tat th,l% a n d ohty tttocr a W:qsing. pm.cliptten, rave, by retorh mod, wm soe,ttet tottltettr. t (oWAtli WI V' tionotttottl, Nttot o Co., Nett , VOlk, Zl.4y >3l, ON YOU It. 047 A It I) nen iogt t h e imitations and rountorrefts or if tlorril T I:1i 'l.+ Cif pl'lTot.,withwhichttoe rrii,Al whit risk „ o utvtao, by Nowt* upon ttl” AU* and sneering me now midonvorins to nowt the mettet4 of thin ' , minify. WWI to *holm potwor • umiorts ore tiny XIV illtuptill it ly COM• I him! by tho prop, Wort. who prpeold Itionsands of dollars (mount ty in traniut; them out and hringlop h .to to Joidiru• Within a Awn litto i),imiclinn. 11;IVP been obtained in the Cowls of the United tour. tlptlll4 II Wit:lller of individual. and ditto*, MO goitre are ItOW in prosro.s Sentopt ~evotot lo hor 4 nit of whom , names will br riven to alto public!, OtH of tt, a tmr , rt vigilance nod 111.114 ity of their ‘451,0.tiv0 apoits, und,rittattoil aro of r oorie tor. ahlo to protmr the ppantie t agitinat piroleal of a standard National Tonic., torerywhera to r. toot. and no roodily a o .v ,, rtt , tlqt into cash as l'int,d Staloff Kornis or Trri.trY Noros. ney, theta lore,as a Menton* of Preratolont , M 1 ,13 att. olio to the fart That a finely immersed 1.0=4 Wpreoe tlitittt tleittio and Om Dragon. and 11 Imanlifot proprir. toy tannin, 'marmot the anntlat enaoote , nent, of the thep*remold eprar on ovary of Ins, romp, urrT ERA. Tho art irtor Is fortis t atlt twit Itatol by a mint:dart! mde of hand. nl l It' Ptr'Alntir el! of "11.4• toter ty. I , 'lt 01(1,11 Is n elitto on c,tmft. Vilt , trite littl LIN at, said is hoUtes runty, and haver in Mak, itosTimnitc k 1 M tTA . Itinnmaburr, itily ith 1 , 47, IRON IN THE BLOOD. The nercaroty of n due proportion of iron in ill* bland i* tr,ll known to all medical men when It renacs ft9iffeed front tiny ma t te %loiterer, the whole 04.0.10 sutlers, the wedUeed mitt beim; Ora Mtnekeid and n foiling of languor, !lassitude and "al{ coneness" pervades the system. The remedy is simply to sup ply time blood with the necessary quantity of iron Tors eau ho done by tieing the rcar VI CV SVIVEIP. A ProtecOff µoltiliott of 00 prottlSltitt of iron, which is en pt 0141 1 ,11 that it neolot ihtto. at once with the fitreingth, vigor and new life to the whole i,y,O,int. Totake medicine to ewe itigeeses nera,isn.t 107 n 41.2fielenry or IRON 111 1 1 11-1 1111.9011. withotst re. V~rin~ hi slit+ yeth•ni. is Min loin to i e pati 1 1 , 4 1 Whig xkru thu tinmdellon is gene. An diV in.. 4 AA ve horn u *lel Ile IT.IttlY lAN ittifltt , P for .911111 litnrt port: it live* iu um view. bilnyani ~r .pinto, etapticlty or h u ter 1c,." I'n mphlnls rontnininy rf•ftifieetto• of oorop, find ~ , ollititetillittitins (onto nounr thn moat einifirtil pnyincian.s, and niergynwi a nd others, well be brut 6,'. Smarty inhirros. The Fr nuuw has.•Panvictvi PYRIT" hinvon in llte J. Propr,..tnr, No. 18 tit.. Yew York. Sold by 411 IhtigriAs. • . . _ DH. SCHENCK'S PULMONIC SYRUP. Thi. mitt modlottr squad Pr. J. 11. &mimeo, the Proprtotor, of rhillnonitry Cnnlnikuptlan, when It had assutnod Its moat tormldalio saret, and when strodli drailt appoarcA to ho Inerltah a. Ms pht . stolans pro. nonared his men In:orshlo when ho rlotmenred the us. et simp'e hut powerful trtordy. lilt hisalth no* nista:et In a ?err short that., and no rsit.rtt of the diorart has been approhnodnd, for all tho at ti.wont• uterklr dlow.ppmrot, and lila trowel Orthht t• mere than two hundsrA pounds. &Imo tilt rrowtri, Zia has .1(4.01..4 his attention oretts:rely to the runt of Constunotlon and that &wawa 'shish nee usually retrpissPed with 11, and the rum. egreird hr his mollelnot bent boon *err aun.eroue and truly wendorthl, hr. flottaNett Makes peu:e.oional v rd. to orreral of the levant Mild, woehlr. whets, Ito liss a Ir..^so mirourso of pallets* and d ha truly aatontstills to 'en poor ransnmriires the, hare to ha titled out of theft caveat ca, amd In a hr mouths hostils.% rstowt persons. Diu Bettrstr.lo l 1 . 14.•410,111t1 flYttl•P, 131.AWEVI) 11l Ir. end MAN E 1'11.1.6 are seneroUr ah •••,ti'mt In rutin: Unottimpttoo. Full dirty steno wrontpanr rhsh, so that on r one ran take thorn witlurni wedts hr. a••nyeril, NW When It I. nun* veule.ti It ti Ira et to see him. lie glems itATlet nun, hut or a theron4hesantinstlon wlth his 11 , ortrome1ar his thros detlars. P tn.e olpo-re, tehom porrho,fne. that IM IWO Ilkomown ihn Dolter--orm when In tile laartari of etoucriptivn, aid lint odor as hi now to, porkot headl , —aro en the Government wane,. Gold by all Drnealots and polder.. Prhw atAIMI par bottle. or 57.00 tnn half do...en. heithrta advice aboold alnekre be directed to Dr. fteltockelea Principal North oth a., ehimetot, a.uond IYtnleaJo Asocial Donato Barna' a Ca.. N. Y.. G. S. Dance, Ilalthnoro, Nd. i Jahn D. Para. cintoupati, owe; Wailor • Taylor. Cbkase s 111.1 Collins St. Mal; lid. (i.l w. M. swe. I rub 31ILLINERY AND FANCY STORK Light Street, Columbia Co. MIS. IniMIE *LZNZ would fonNine(' to the chime of Light Siren end ... steuilty that she has opened • ikt Millinery & Fancy Mercer; ••hirh site hoe Plucked with a large rod new meet of MillllierY and Fiery Goode, from the easter* titles, fur the Spring and Hammer trade. Her elsek ((moist, of ALL AIITICLER found In Met eines millinery stores. Her goods are the best and meet handpenie In the market. HoNNr,ra made to order, end repairing done with neatneu and despatch. All work exteuted in the Met rnd man tam, amorist. upon reasonable term►. Neatenlay attention le paid to area, making. Phi hie PATTERNS of every deecgaption priyiliolnintr to IN bids, ou bawl and for Gala chimp. niva bey II C.lll-11tere In Wntlion's bulldißctOoTO lately airt , tpte ft by Mill. Jolla YA►r . 110, lIPTACIAL NMUES. / 1 / o li t t ES. ao Min 01,11Tifiart, otimeadisto 1115 etr, It olio a ern rimed? tot lerifGMlh rll bOroeil. JIUMMI;11 SALT 01,111011111 T. • eli 11111:11414M11 OINTININST , cuito ill tm WNW reineillis love 1.11011.51 ao Tintoe otatterante ore certain. ref. II velmhe. au ilmtom end see doily torilryinfl. rot 'Os hy all I:kw/elite solullato. ori. Gomm, bop* a$ PINGIIOT. BRUEN ik HOBART. Wholooslo thelniea, 1114 Volum at.. (sear Utter whir haw Melt. Kfiegly ; Itch, 40a.; O. R. . ; Pile $ one 3 im-3 m. THE HEALING POOL, *Nu nom 0)' MEUCT. Howard Atheociation Ileporte. for YOUNft MRM on the I:mmitt or 1101,17m1K, and the 1:11110114 itlll l / 4 101 and HISIKANEn which d,+op the wanly power'', and create Impediments to /InARRIAOII, with pure mine of relief, IlWnt in eeated letter en retopoe, free of thaw. 11, 1 dreas 1111..1. 111111.11 N 1101/011TON, Howard A datedallon, P/Illndelabln, rat June 3, 1867—.1.4. NEW GOODS IN BLOOMSBURG! Tim •nbee►lber has turn some piano Mn rsplsslib his stock, by cash psrchssus, nod be I. p►rporeA Sell as low as any Dealer in this 'welkin of country. A tell mom him, by allyvermin who underalende the prier, of mois, and the quality or the MUM will make this fact plain. Of mime nn too need boy link., they ere entirely mallened. He win he Ried to toe hie facade and the public generally whether they airy or out. Hoe Mock epeeists of the best Varieties of Ct ItE, 1401.11118H0, SOO TV:A Eldit of fine eaamiy,) layicEN, DRIED M ciao, their venom ' ) DOSTOV, AND eItAORERP. ' SOAP et t'AN DLEtt CIIKESE. COAL k I.lAbilbai 011.01, atom n wee nreortmint, of Dry flood. and !foolery. and a fell %witty of amnia of the above elarr, Ind of ether kinehh Ire erhlitien In which he hat recently added to his murk a fine amortment of CEDAR, WARE AND WILLOW WARE ; In ' , which variety of geode he het FP.Teral new iirtiviee of modern invention, emenelvelly used where known, Ind which omit coma Wu nee here Ile Moo hie it fine supply of French hioroccoes; and slow of Moroeco Lining* rot Ithoesuakees work ; and a pool atorortment of Queens Ware. trr Call an 4 exasnina JOlll4 K • OIRTIV4. 11. R. cornor or 'Arlo ■nd Iron atrantli Moons, burg. April 10, BROW ERR, (Cor, d• Iron sic) IN • I. nuw ONO, to the Public Jul STOCK Or SPRING GOODS consisting in past of a NI line of INGRAIN, WOOL 8/ RAG CARPETS. Pine cloths and entaimean Per !Adis * . a amai fin rf.oine Dread Goods of hi i Pattern, nod 4naineap, inrintna and Prima of 'swot* quadstsen and piens, Olearand and proven MUOiIIS, Ladino Farads Cm Nadi and BALMORAL SKIRTS. flood sionriment of Ladles and children' Gallons and now!. r m .!, uroreriee and Spicer. New nieottment of Class and Quensware. Ex-No. I tor N' PIP lin oar Noy and ono rotiyib na r rsjo. NOMI it the (Idle to woke your retortion& as tam tvireting flood* at very low prier), miff our moon to fair dealing to ati, and not to be underrotfl by any. J. J. BROWER. stoninabors, April 3%180. coNFECTIONERY, FRI IT, NUTS, (k., &,(7 WIDMTER & JACOBI, mmturAcruncas Whotegalo an fletall Deniers In PLAIN AND FANCY CONFECTIONERY, ANT? TIALIIis Iv rem: um runTs AND NUTS. Exchange Mork, Bloomsburg. Pa. Oft.ANGEA, LEMONS, RAISINS. PRIMO. ROCK CANDY, ELIEDLKOP RAMPS. LANIIIII P.AI9IIIIA. CURRANT•. crraox, FIGS. DOUAI, LC., DREAD AND CAKES, OF ALT RISPB. MVO JACORT. PIED WIDMYER Illonmeburg, June 24, Mt LOOK TO TOUR INTEREST NEW CIIIAIIi seor. H. BATES Rreesrtfully inform the public senersl'y thst h• hee opened a flrst•class CHAIR EgTABLISIIIIENT the (ltd Mltters Store.) Vlnoweburg. e. here lie Ito, .111,a received front delphra, a large aaaurrn i est of Bureau's, Minds, F4ItROCK ING CHAIRS, NII TISE MAMA, CANE SEATED an AIAR, Arm Chairs and Windsor Chairs, all of which ha uf. rers to the onblic at reasonable prices. 11.7' Cane *Mated Chairs plaited to order. alto all other kind of repairing done upon reasonable terms. Mll. fall to give hint a call and secure wit bar • ening. Illoomburg, Noe. 7.1666. IN THE ORPHANS' COI:la IN ud for the County nfMillion • In the metier „r the estate of ELIAS MTV:KICK. Mtn of Motitniir towilehip. de reamed. And now to wit : May ninth. teti;; the Court appoint C. R. Ilroekway. EII , I endltor, to mike 01104141mm' of tho bnl atter in the head' of John fl. Qitielt.nittoinintrntor. to and 'monist the Ity the Ouurt. From the record. Jenne l'et.llll.lA, net*. The auditor above nnme.l will attend to the &Mei of hte nriminlnient. at his *Alex In Illoomplieri• on etutiitdiiy, the month yeeond dry °Hone, Pei), at ten Welnelt • e• m.. at whirls time and place all persona havitill rlrimp RIO lost nut reline must proems them. Of he debarred from t Wining a share In the Mini , . C. B. tlitin:KWAV, Auditor . June 3, 1867. PRIVATE SALJ OF VALUABLE PAM. Th. tindeftlifid Will MNr his ealnahle farm at privet« , Ante. situate In tireonwood Tow uship, Cut • urobla comity. three mitre from Rohr•hurg, three mina from Millvllle. on the public flillii il'l{ollll to IttoomAurn, containing uttiturriNN ANO Timus QUARTER AUREA. aGout one acre of Tointe-r land, Inwhereon ate erected a TWO Frary FRAME! l e l ii n - p ott , 'l , , o lt u o t d bi t i t ii t d ' i r n a i n e w BANK UA R NI, and Til",, tau hood Well of Water a' the door. also a good apple orchard on the premises. The land is in a high state of cultivation. Terms will be made elm, to the plirehaxer• PETER IllUblAtt. . . .. tirveowood, Col. Co. .. - A SOLLEDER'B Jr ly 10,18e7 BOOT AND SHOE STORE, (OrI'USITE: THR uI'ISCOCAI, CHURCH.] On Main Street, Bloomsburg. The seborlber .tnk.p pleasure in announcing to the people el 011rnsburl. and vicinity, that 4a hes on band a lire set lint a eeertment of BOOTS AND 8110FS, far Indira and gentlemcn'e weer, in suit all (aeries. itis City wnrk is of 0,1 twat quality, bad Wu. Ilan moat roliht , i^ Imit%larretturerr ; he being h partite% wor kman and k food Judo of ha Is lint likely t 0 he imposed upoa by radoislog watibluer material badly mode no. Those duirla iiiiiilllllll ill his lin* ongtril 40 wall to Oyu him a coil, trafiirs parclassing itso4olbsesa. lIIs sells a hnsaf work mad% u Pia estabiteinaat. dont "MA Asalllaus ala 4 leo Poring and Ohm A, 1101.1.tD111.,