Bloomsburg democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1867-1869, August 14, 1867, Image 1

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    i at a a
:lbi4.. hxxi.
'O ants ow ebswiiluifi
1111144 *-44:11e — nun. William Elwell.
A ssim i, l Iran Derr,
1 Peter K, Marl e ln„
Fraley anil en of Courts—dews Coleman
-John CI, Froeze.
( Allen Mann,
ithibithilidowara - John Fowler,
1 Nlmitglimety Pole.
littAaribuel Sopler.
reasurer—Joliu J. Stiles.
- Daniel Siiyiltir,
Auditors -- i,t,,. 13 11tti.ert.
John P. ktrinun.
Onnal ~, ' I, O Wri
ttfirT.s. KO, I, lot ly fl I,
COM 7il',, , • AtteMitty -I. IL bittl,l.,
pollrosutikAppratirter—.olpf. e; 0. I iff. UV ,
107 SUrIVOt—• has VA4 A. 11 , -;•itt.
u*uAtirooeY—Mil" M. Tillugh.
.__Uroner---11111inm J. lkckr.
17 0untx Supedigulpletst—Cha ~ G. Ealkley,
9KKOrti internal Sevol.o—lt. F. Cliirk.
'• I Jtilm Th010a., , ,
,„ ,
Aissisl6lllAmellor 1 i'. 111 (litee,
i J. il. 14114 r,
1.1. .';, Nl, 0 , 41%
Colfeetor --13 , 11jautin P. tiurtlnNll.
ommAtrlernixT, ow in ?A` td'ens'lTC
Mit.l.Ere E., s 81,
TUC ilitdurtigneld Iraq j Tot Wind
his Cut
STOV E ;) ft( i l l
- 9
in this owe, wh, rot,. iti , 04411 trftke Ito fO.O
rytty;jivotur, of 'ill hittde in !d* tiny, :ma inontr, ,
litfeWith ttontileen Mot woof th e 'loot rr
knrp, 00 11411 1 11 TOVU: 4 of
varion* pattPrno nod in,' IA /Itch t will
Urtstor to roil ourchno,^rs.
Give It. Ile mcch-wie, ;:n.l
oerving or itt patrunl.p..
J 217 w.
9. 1.66.- Ir.
pLAKrE i t A I,E.
The anderoigaol it Al4lll, MORI up a
auhuPENP AIN MII.I hI I v,ill pfkr 1,1
pul6lk wsr.
Novia Scotia While ria%ter,
Preen red ready ror oto , f , Olt 01-woreor , oroo4 to ettit totoo , lona
trot, Ht Utly thou! rotoon thoo forst of Atotroo (t.
J. :11,N0011.
fratitWuml, Tt. V.
BOOT *AM) ' : ,HOl' iUiP
0, ( "0.111 P. (;11,'1,;. , ,',
ne•paeltsity illowtto tit, i atdi•• VI t 1.•
Pared to ittallutacture ail Ltud, sit
at ea. LOWEST .
At PhOt itntlre And Ili Aft vers. tort :411.1 rots at
Mr. Girton. (no to 'woll-I,nonn iu Ott.oonoLntg,,, lta
tad many yewe or oiree.edit! experi, Hee wltil
vookan far rood work, mtegrity and ternorsAir
4111 ,, 111T.14t1Yd
pu., l't+No.r
nun and Unto et;t,ts, ..rt , se,
Hitstingtott , o. Ittwl
1 1 11 F ,7;: )1 . 1.„
• '1
GEO. li. M Pr::;.r!' !or.
r40f , 1f. , t
t vitt et t ::•:• —tet
rtt<i itti ert , ett.tet tett•'•l4,,''' b, ' •!.."••
hod the tt evet tine ;opt:tr. tt •tt ott :t • •••
fur tit. eyetyt of his ger tr , t toe .o•rott•I to
the rmiM,y, Ili< klhle
piled, WA 001) 'WWI ,11./,'100111.1 io.rd, 401 Wll.l
the 41 1 4k0C1”4 14 the 111 , Wiqo ;,,41
(etrept. that wytdor (otli , ktans !I 00
purtll4.4l direct rpiA, ett, litive,fl/ot4 i 1,11,, fi. 01 ,
iirely wettrue I. m ritleg, 11e
tharklet fry 4 i hutat po(fi,l.lge and
toil cnniiiiiu ts, jOlor,
itlll.l t 3, kbra
THETiiisll..! WOO' in!
poihtle gortertall, ;beg 4.* or ,
to etecole I , in , !r, Mitt MN CRY, nt
tillAgpLE.44 &In .irt li!..o:a.t.strg, twit kit
tnn foltol to do it Ltuda of r. enl , -
I,n• ;d!
101144 of rarwor , t'tenfi! , . so;
C 1 Ltr t'ASTIVo - 4Nt.l MAUI?! NI4tIV,
done on ;non I,iitice, to a nod
nor, noon the volst rote malts torins.
His long experience in the bn,iiiern, on twonvoi hr
the shop et Lowie 11. of this id4ro, ter over
note mini, insists saying that lie run glut
tedire siditlactjen to sill wilco 'toy favor ntut W ItS
ton( Wing.
Bloontrd,org, N0v.21.
outi.ctiloa having potrataied tLe
I waft., ," fa
Prouty of E. W. piwy. ~tv to the
giantto of thos floon*, Mir tutqualtitaare , tat• ttt•
IM Vatrally, that he tett lids to 'l+ rt ,
with the accotatoottatistas anti vt , torrotta tt n thw , . , ,
msta I , utobly puttPattge ,
3. OreI:VP:MK.
Lute or io r!,
Yontli Ilnt en. OCC, 131,6,
anlionrwe on 00 mak. of
the pow Ott shu tans plot IIWI • 1714 trelet
the rantern her
spring and Sumner
111114'1g of Mt articl+'r orontiy 14#und in first clans
- • Urnery ttore , t. Her gtottht are or tae bet •ot,tlity
sinomptba SO° 4 t ti , H160111 , 1 anti'rtes pr.( HI the
sir .ali 4,ltt ettlint,nst tt•tt, for yr , er.vit eR.
obruitz h"tthi porcine 1/sl , `Wltord her , ire f!xitrttiP
MIR VV. (MHOS stack at ivo.tte tt"enris otttelt?
der, no the ,thorte4 nOttee, nr rent rnd.
Nittin street. :Pt t.t. ar btiow On store of
01111 & &upon.
itburK, May n,
/I. 11. 11UNSLIEIME1t,
' tct r 6,40/1 the —Ainericag US< "
el* mind, and ibrniahes to th e heme
k; at Philadelphia
INN IMPORTED CIGAR all kind's of
!Malcolm nod Briar Wuod riper, and all
Ming to lila took.
ywntl rdnii denial' in cigar* and chew•
,Nrount do well to gate hiaia crall,in
'to Ott cities for every article they
of these country pcdtarn.
toGs, nnuos.
"' at Mtn R. Moyer's Drug Start
ilorket Streets. A psod aitte
and Varnish" alwaye on
Aoki diatuper than at any oilier
17 eauspounde4 at Moyer**
Oda roll at bloyar's Drug
). akar'. Vol Liver oft,
SOP, sold at bloyer's Drug
vr... • • • -
•••.. . .
. • '"
• • •
• ~,00msBERG
TERMS;-10 On in 11111Virtial. If not pOl4 wnhin
rtiX MONTIIS. A 9 Wail addition/1i Win no etinrgpii.
ri - Na patent itiotalitinuP4l oath all liffeAfAVA
are ;aid rAtepl et tho option of the editor,
11,.111:3 AIAVERTisiMi.
Usev cow:Tin r A PhllANit.
One mane one or three ign.erf /MIS, Irt
EVCry than II 40
IL M. tb, IY.
otta oporta,tto 3En I 4.0 Coo f inmo
Two F*Mares, I 1,00 I I , co 0,9 d :inn
;,,00^. 7 . 4 t i 4 ,t111 ;14,4)
rOi .q41:11MO, I, Cl/ I WO ! N) I - .!: 1
oli,c, , ft t 10.00 P!mo 14.00 I$ Col !AO
lcup rrauunv, lA,cO I: . Vi) V 0,43) 30$.x) 4u.00
r,xl etrwr's At4ttolvOt4tot'S
t+ther cdvettim3u,nUinterted according to speklal
Palqifiet , olllotiSoß, WIOVItIi advertisement, tweuly.
L 1,4 90r Bilk.
reoM4eot 4i3V!rth091992$ 9 , ipthie iu nth once ail
Mbar. 41#4 fin , * I tO, firoi Mirettoi,o,
41"Flefr—La Stlivo'n ta4ot, Corm', *tin dxka
lion titrePte.
fIIONII6OIII, COlUtlibil County, Pa
.`olro. taught. t clove; from oitibillootr gye t ir,
Amp, big mind;
leve rur h /11. ill %I!.
't ' 14170 uts 11V:::ht , r myself
1 , 4 (1;t: . I my SHY
lni if 1 luvo ttty tm:glibur's wife,
How cal, I hi• 1 p ro y ?
:00est 1 :e; I tr:to
Alit! OM to I ;lit I:
That they -11,0. 1 . do to tna
tt) ta c t= i!.y Ide 't.V4.IV FvcH
.Inl flied ttith tholiCtit I tAuk
i.r.t 411! tl,!- t
tla•. , .
.1 Ito:t 1••• :• • ••••• I
• ••:.!, !! • • :•1,1 I.
\\*••*er tat+ •1••• f.• •••• • 1•:,1 I: • Irtg
v..• 1. - 11.•,•;.•
n •r. n•.! R. I , 1 I
; ..r y
I ;I,•r troudilinc
i a•vl,y• :
vory to
! ';', Ftc•ira
1 . 1:1 • I (.;iit •...: tit..• ;t
rut t , ; loy.t ICAt NH my lit ,vt,
I , laato. I ii,•• I di) it ;
tSil~l';'• I- in, ••i
I 1 ! '..,r, anti
I to ; );“
A MA 7,r,r,
•, is•ifwy:3ll , e itl
r c,cit eit-ru#
;mil:l:dr. filtr.ti 110:-
11+ !It • 111 p•i'.
i.r irot;ti a 1.1 01
jfPn' li :11 into the
:•:". L:r.a!,-. 111 , , , v,. t s thtm
au I roiri , •,sl;:, they er, t -, , awl
; ",: h 'Vit
11." • Lir the lie n
:10 I 0111-: ,74r.
Nsithlwv of his 10,1,1. c
Tie Went. :stilt::::tidy along (hr
several taiautta , , when it 4,,ca4 olnqnvol that
OWe o 1 the lion., a vicious looking fE=ilutr,
se oo ‘.l loth, hi part, and White vont
lava IA un:Aling him with his whip.
T! i • -nr1;.4. - ...a the hea..t that itprang
\\Thito, him to the floor of
th • into his body,
11 :.;TA 1. • • 1.. -: • the 11.i10,,-; up.
v i part
: a.f:.
!:a ":1:- . if:• was filled to it ,
. : ing, prit...ent•
.Il,.utnt ;LI a ...,.;,e Which I,ifth
he of the lions, and
sere:ailing wow!' was mere than the
taut .st he La. (-mid start who brav
e 1 the daugar of the battlefield and t-aw
Mmth In its every form turned pale and
tiemble I In a feu scoomis it was not i ced
O. Y, noble lion. rushed Forward t o
tb • ~" lis e. and in the mean-
M. • zs, Noyes with a few of
their att. rushtd to the cage armed
with bars ut' iron. axes aml that
WaS eotoorkl.ny near and commenced beat
log the I rute trout elf his keeper. in 061 ,
they teen :ureetnkl. aml Mr. White was
taken bleeding from the lion's dr l. awl eat
riel to the National notch whet., h o now
lies in a very critical situation. 1 h.. W
hock was called in to dress Mr. 'Whites
wounds. His right shoulder is wet horribly
mangled by the sharp teeth pouderows
jaws of the excited and furious beast.—
Roe/osier ridoa, hat nit.
AN lloNEsr ANs wxu.—lieventiy a cler
gyman was, preaching in liellitst when a
young man in the congregation, getting
weitry or the sermon, luoted. at his watch.
Just as he was in the.aet of exatitioing lti
pitted r. 0.• the Coutaur filth thue, the
pastor with ea teed, w.Ol ur e ting
the truth upon the coaßkllCYs of his hear
ers. "Young man," said he, "how is it
with you ?" Whereupon the young man
with the gold repeater bawled out, in hear
ing of nearly all the cougregation, "A quar
ter past eight.", A.s may be supposed, the
gravity of the assembly was much disturbed
for a time.
Se" Au eccentric wan in Bath, Me., was
asked to aid a foreign alio:ion. lie gave a
(muter of a dollar, but stopped the agent
as he was departing, and said—"here's a
dollar to pay the expense of getting the
quarter to the heathen."
T k,
I$ 1111101120 VW IN DNI,sIIAI IN
/11,0050311t110, Hy
A 1 F":'• •
lib g ROM OF 'Kilt SCAFFOLD.
lunging of Ilairtiot, the mur.
threr, at Tazewell Court
We make the following extract from the
correspondence of a Itiehmona, Va., paper,
dated from Tazewell Court How, Va., 28
Benjamin F. Harden who murdered
Ilierno, of Kentucky, at this place, on the
16th of last April, suffered the extreme
I penalty of the law this day at 2 o'clock, P.
It., in the pre-teneo or the largest crowd
1 . ever assttulle within the limits of Tazewell
county. The excitement throughout aloud)
western Virginia, since the day of the mut ,
Ider, has been unparalleled by any other
crime bcretelere perpetrated in this county.
hundreds of ranters of the many murders,
thefts, robberics and other crimes, have
en a‘cd from wanly toto county, andfrom
one section to another, but all fell short of
written confession, well as his dying
declarations made to the concourse this day,
I from the scaffold.
Bey. Hazard Williams read a hymn.—
: Before kneeling he repeatedly asked Hard
en to kneel, which ,he as often relived to do.
Mr. William s then offered a most fervent
in hi , lrvlsaif in which he showed
how d eply ho awtid :ituation
lor tho p er"„ninal. li,nden then are
a.. , ! 1.. w. :.! i astir • :
ha, bad
• :701 1 .;'!'1 , 1... 'fh l,e r re
-i•••1 all who felt any sympathy, in a
rat poitd. or ‘lew, to hold imp their ktls.
U. g 1 far as 0 , 11 1,i he ....en by the writer,
immt•tli raised their hands. When, to
g t•eti. teem of the its-middy. he t !lard
• n 1 that **he did not I , :dieee then'
llar=!:ti spoke for cents twenty or
; thirty -. in v.hieh, he contradicted
to well :14 other vor
1411totem' ot, made ad,o, accusing two
hi. I , ts of giN e%*-
tl d. .art wee not
I t.Y.e. ami, Om ^ iante time, e lm
, varieation mu.! m
Ntateemd.p t , tnain etoirol:,*%vit ltine....f
tly:a. ices rcreily in his wl,oht ramd:ilm
and ammommeti herrangne, was iris salsice
obi and ti t.ung, to avail bad
• patty. sporting, awl ardent spirits the let
to at;i ho olurtal nitoot mot datdeallY.
: !it hint to his ignominious
ulst• :Mei ....I the young 11(004: to obey
I their Tees:ids, and they weal] ever lie en tlt••
• 11. it. ileyie i.recce,l,l t o
pinleo h . • art:a... 'and leas, the rope
around his neck. and then drew over his
11: , • Whit" rap. All now lef t
: Harden stood. as 11 ,, had
t1.10.e . 11 •,lto tabu, cool and
at. 1. -aye a for tar at the coun
fv , if Ito
It.i , i nit hotn;, ,1 years toll% e. Major Boyle
with one stroke of the axe. cast the rope
that held the trap. Ills body descended rap
idly and Ilarder. lay upon tie , ojr ap •
parently dead. completely atoned, anti
to death ; the rope breaking
when it, passed through the tilt f. A aeream
aaccoded from a lit all'r n aala°a
tonic distance en the hill. Th.‘ lona cry of
ordor, stand back. &0., of' the mount
ed and telex guard around the gallows,
the rush of the crowd outside the en
closure. crested a scene never to be for•
gotten by the thousands of spe,•tatt,rs that
witnessed the raid water and other roatora
ayes hung a iminisiered by Drs. liiPsr
ve, Ward mil others. in attendance. In
than thirty minutes !Laden. with slieht
a: o. a! orce 11101.. fit a:-0t11.3 th e
i i • ih;:a t ay'--i <r t k
to di
111:: I !. '.1 1 .:10.1 1,1;1
t , :r n his l•cheir by dechtrin.r
:hat to , h .I' , 1 . 1 I I+',o4s
f•)t . forgir,o. `trnrid th'eapr.l
1. ,!"tta t loon. Lt," .Vairt he w: i
the fatal knot adjusted. the white
eat:, so ominiotts of a spiPCtlY Ittilthit to
'that bourne front whence no traveler ro
ot drawn over his fitee. Once more
Ma'ior Boyle severed the rope sustaining
the seafibld, the trap falls. and the body of
Benjamin F. Harden was dangling between
'leaven end earth.
1k did not struggle much, and after re
maining the usual time suspended, he was
taken down anti bitriod some hundred yards
ti l tnve the gollows. where now rests all that
,s mortal of ono whose greatest 'with , sewn
(' to be W die 'game atal, let the world
cavil and wrangle aa they may—ail must
admit that he carrit dout his petty principle
with a stoical indifference to death, and all
beyond that dread event, Let us draw a
veil over all further history and specula
tions of the poor criminal. The outraged
law is satisfied, and to his God, before whom
he now stands, and to Him alone he is ac
1 , =X".1 South Danvers schoolboy has
written the following composition ern his
native jowl!.
"South i►tttver:s is in the roiled States.
It is bound, tl by Salem and readies to
Middletown. Its ”rincipal river is ioldth
wait's brook, which empties into Balem
harbor. its principal lake is the mill pond,
which is dry hi swnwer. Its principal pro
ductions are leather, onions, the South
Church and George Peabody. South
Danvers his many religious soots, among
which are the Orthodox, who worship
~. "~Yititrtirae rat Lune P" impired
a eeboold inspector. "In the night mid
he, "how do ycni make that out?" "Why, ,
sir, you know Rome wium't built in a day.
Ilew Old Mika Won the Cheese!.
Some years since I was employed as a
warehouse clerk in a large shipping house
in New Orleans, and, while in that capaci
ty, the following funny scone occurred :
One day a vessel came in, consigned to
the house, having on hoard a large lot of
cheese trout New York. During, the voy
age some of them had become damaged
by bilge water (the ship had become leaky);
consequently the owners refused to receive
thstm. They were, therclitre, sent to the
collsigner 4 rtr the ship, to be stowed until
the ease could be teljustett I discovered, a
for days arterwarrs, that as to perfume
th , y were decidedly too flagrant to remain
in the warehouse in the middle or dune, and
reported the saute to my employers, farm
whom I received orders to have them
si, and send all that were passable to
('card and Calhoun's auction mad (then in
this. old Camp Street Theatre), to be dispos
ed of liar the benefit of the underwriters,
and the rest to the swamp. I got a gang of
thick boys to work on them, and when they
stirred 'cm up, be the bones of ;doll Kel
ley.% quart pot! but the smell was litigant
hair, Iy. 1 kept a rrwetabl tliAaneo, bo-
Hero me, for strong niggers and 1-tre , oltee-o
on a bet day in Jowl, just bangs all oiniben
es. •nee. ineloilite• a certain "variejbt"
'." fitly tie torte.,l 40n, ,•,•
~111 r. , et • ' l O
'II t.ha 1 i •
Elie is dh r a :Tat , al , l^' IN: • ;
fiery att , i t
about the cere-I , ,teney i,f too
tint-sa s sed by Ow b i lge w ; •!. r , 'Ch tiiy~
bad just set it np ou it a eihre on a i~sila lit
gunny-hags, when I notie...l.ner the e..y a
darkey (then en tall.) float ntall.::1-ti
ItotorkiS fur big hutting
pmpeo, , bies, having given incst of th,
rs in that vicinity a taste of his quality in
that line. 1 I n ch him and tv;,,(11 , r 1;1
1110 It:, ; y
tee ' l :-..ted ide or a 1,y , 1b,,.1
e eh .t. .tt cab
w•: t leir L:-1,,,1 .1, a:el Cello, ;a::
their le the hydrant they would
butt like veteran rams. A thought struck
tie that I nil alt cure him of his bragging
and daub., and at the sank: time
wens fan, s o I ("la dip bays to 1. •
called old Jake over.
They tell me run ar, a f.11,w 6,r
17' 11.2'1 ' l;7'4ly t.i Oh 771 ; .4ii . lt
• • N. '• '• • :o
• . 1 t :..
••\VA, .1„, got a little job in that
line ',lg. N.M. 1% hilt you hav oi 't atiything
. 11.1 , t.t
.. ~. I ~.
NV, 11 y thra hag, haeL
duzi dat 1 dn. my , 211 . ."
Wpm Lut a dent !I it yo
have it"
f+101:q .
ger '
"No, 1:1:1 Joi,o--n..t .
— lVot you Lull orb dat I:
I butt a dint in 'tun *:"
" I
"De, 1. , c..? but 'cut wile op, a, 1
will, Itty: r, t,tan haek clan, pa oil
Orleans niFweis, nand dear le track 11,r Olt:
Sold' Carolina, 'case l',e loyself I
Attd 0 1 1331:e started hai4i some fifty feet,
aud went it at a good, quick' run, and th ,
t4-!.‘ , .taut I heard a 'hill, • ivy 1,
kind hl 1 t 1: .1,1 1 0:,t . , 4 11 1 1 .1.1:!,
twarc I r, 'its 6: • t, 1.• 1. le
1111 di , 1 1 ' 111 t Wit It his tleW
• : the rotten ciacatsc
o , :un • , all awned hint as it scttied
there •fi that just his (yes were visible.-
thl centre of it voice was
•ely au , liLle and half t4nothered i as he
vainly tried to remove the imntetve eheese.
as)! el dc Ler )lass—dook 'esti
o,•!:(7,i-o ! late de Lor !—LIT *um up
t`lor artighty
Meanwhile, X was nearly dead, myself',
basing laid back on a cotton halo holding
myself torcthor to keep from, homing while
then boys stood round old Jake !paying him
"Dc low! how de wi,s7er%t ',ref swot!
Yon than your !"
La, y o u dm . t make. Lora dart
Cum.= dm Ilan', did y.m, °LI 1r0,z;,.."
"Well, you is a nasty nigger, dat a :"
"Woll, you is de tig:c: kihe ob We; .11
Ilat , bit —you is !"
"Wbar you got your bar-greaso
And thus the boys run old Jake—now
half smothered—when I took coati azsiou
on him, and told them to take it off. Jake
didn't stay to claim his prize, but put out
-Gor-amiglay ' done got sole dat true.
I've a ease ob yellow fever I is Myself!
Oki Juke was never known to d o an y
mere butting in that vicinity after that.
111kir Old Dr. A—. was a quack, and a
very ignorant one. On One occasion he was
called by mistake, to attend a council el
physicians in a critical ease. After consider.
able discussion, the opinion wee elm . lllo
by one that the patient was convalesostalia
When it came to Dr, turn tweak-s"
"Comm/meat !" said he; "Why thit's
nothing serious; I have cured Convent.
cence iu Amy-four hours I"
Siir What is the difference between a
tunnel and a speaking trumpet? One b
hollowed out and tho other is hol!owed in.
Tbs. Kind Ilearted Tanner.
The following incident is se beautiful and
touching that it should bo read - in every
house hold in the country. It dovelopes
the true, active principle of kindness. Bow
many an erring mortal, making his first
step in crime, might be redeemed by the
exercise of this sublime trait in the charac
ter of the kind-hearted Quaker.
William Savory, an eminent minister
among the Quakers, was a tanner by trade.
Ono night a quantity of hides were stolen
from his Tannery, and he had rea , en to he
iinve that the thins' wai a quarrelswine,
drunken mdl.4lther, called John Smith. Next
week the following adverti , mneut appeared
in the newspaper.
- Whoovvr stole a quantity of hidason the
fifth of this month, is hereby informed that
the owner baste sincere wish to be his friend.
If poverty tempted him to this false stop,
the owner will keep thcs whet tramaetien
secret, and will gladly put hint in the way of
obtainitu; money by means more likely to
king him more peace of wind."
Thhl singularadvertisoment attmetel eon
sith rable attention, hut the culprit alone
k n ew who made the kink offer. When he
re a d it Id; heart meltv.l within him, and he
wawa tide 1 with 4-now for what he had alone.
A w rt•...d. , , as the T an , l e r 'e
to t , .. t . . they 11-ar,! ar
v , -1 %':w, the doer was tti , ett,
-t.a. load 01
!•• - 1 "• 1 al. Witle•et lo i3kir,
op. 1.. • I te:•••• t• , ht those hack,
;• .t • hore •1 put them
"1\'...; a.. 1 i inte,ll, ;11,4 I 101
to the i• n with thee. he then f,i
hays Cmnt wilt come oi toe how this
11e trill ace what can be done
for tie
H 4 tfiey wort! out, hi , wiev
prertr , l plm:t Lot t.,.1r,••• plqov 1 •
aill mv-tt +O.l Coo> I.!•••:11
from 1 tril ell•• ")•tr. it-..;11. 1
C.... • . • ; •.•
• hi.. (.17 : I. i
et, r
ti :t rew .:..; , 1
c. if..
stole; airst!.% 1 I, %.11" Lti
altolli it. Cans rare 1 .1i4D . 1
that I ,hottl4l tome to wt. it lito 1
took to drittkio?, th , t,,
: 4 in- , 1 bo L I , I t f'.. 1 7. •
ply , a k * ; Von aro the tint 1" 111 th;,!it .-
;•• • han•l. i
•;;:- . ly ffiy ) , .,:o•
• 0: :. 1 , .. 1
y. • I 1,1 !II.: Poo ; ; CI,-
h v I -3;, It wa • the t til, I va.
c‘, r r."
1. - n C'
"Tho -twret Li • 1.
ou: .•-. hott art still youtut. lit
in thy power to make up tor ly-t
tae ti:at thol tr,!t. ; 11 .
tQl.ient:., liquor thr an. Itt tn
pl en • 1.0-11101ToW on 00.1
' • up me. 4. But eat a
hot. eorr :1 i t •
0 :1 . :611Y I:.1': .
I • :11. it '
Is • : 4 1.1...
I.thy :
:t, v.. 11 it ~o.m r 1 .co t , w
tho • 1 try
and she will L ire it to
Th e 1 . 0 “ y fl ow oaa ;1101 but
the fowl -t-emr,l viola: Altor rain
ly trying to Ct.111p ,,,- e ;M.' N.
on the table an.l pt a child.
11,111 draak, and the
h., naatrt with hitaa for the At with the
fly wortl4.
,rid a friend in .**
el. Lt. e. ir , el ire vet, tho
'mil Fonainel 'oh hint la . A
: , :4bur 1 , most. n I+l stt utan. Tios
ot'thn'.lt.ltwas L. IA Lei .5...1 them
a'ter death William Slvery
times told tint story to I not , that evil nri ht
orereome with goal.
4 Drvadlull Negri► Outrage.
We have the parti. aura of !in outrage,
which of late luta been somewhat provaleut,
the cavi a hing of a white woman by a emou.
The crime was committed about twelve
miles np the Big Sandy river, and the vic
tim is a Mrs. Riley, a respectable married
woman. The brute watched the hit hind
leave lams, and she had no prot....tion. She,
Icor, %or rcr<isted to the mu to , t, and was,
tint;ly ktesdu,i down when he
cemm.tted the diabolic.;: t. The Ur,g,..t
so cmeAlhm klanson, fi fu hive
rluut W, !Inn Vhit.inia, where it, is aller..l
he eommitted a similar crime about five
week., .I_o.
A mall answering to the description of the
ravisher has been arrsted by Deputy Sher
in G. W. Castle, at Louisa, Kentucky.
twelve miles from the scene of the outing,.
Mrs. Riley has been sent for to iudentify
and if he proves to be the villain, the excite
ment is so intense that he will have but a
short stair. —Cincinnati Enquirer.
Dar Mrs. Partington cannot understand
either Mr. Gladstone or Mr. Pimlly, that
they should be so anxious to pass a bill in
Parliament to give the people universal suf
fering. For her part she thinks there is
suffering enough among the poor people
without making it universal. Reform, in
deed! they should reform themselves first,
without thinking to reform the people.
stir Once at a coronation scene, a person
who was impressed with the majesty of
hummeerrerrignty, mid to a gentleman be
side him "Our emperor is very great."
The gentleman replied, "But God is great
er." "Yea," said the srophsat, "but the
emperor is young yet. ".
Who taught tlio bird to build h e r not
Or wool, awl luiy, and mom?
Who taught her how to num.() it but,
And lay the twigs avrwr.f?
Who taught the. Llvy bee to fly,
Among Ow swkletet nowt rl ;
Anti lay her store or honey by,
To wit in winter hours ?
Who taught the little ant the ray
The narrow 11010 tAt ;
And, through the pleasaut stuntuer'a day.
To gather up her store ?
'Twas t ;el who taught them all the way,
And gave their little
And twLdwt children, if they prtty,
To do 11L4 holy will.
A Mexican Wedding.
Ina letter recently received by a gentle
man from a friend in Mexico, 011%3111"4 the
following (b.wripti,m or t marria3e in that
cfmntry :
mtvit try and give you an idea of a
Mexican wedding., Itt the first place when
the man wishes "to pop the question" it
must be dune in writing, and sent, not to
the girl, but to the parents. if the man
happens to pike the "Ittithe..'s'ee," as lto r r,
nays this letter is shown to the girl. who
c iti,y 4 the question. : 4 :1,,u1d her alt , IA er be
in the atii,roative, the suitor it'eciye,, pen
tle hint that a "lfuly . .AKardrolte k want.
4 + I the Pewter I,t' looks otter one
the Metter for lit must , . or other farl oat. the i,.0 of the lady's
f+'4, a;,l her:err of Ay , : he must
ref her It 113:, 1. , •i1, gown, 11J , , 1 11 VA:, an =l
1 don't know what. Wlr n lie aPO ar , with
this pile of metekmdis: he tevei N th..
," from tit
wontan'h c.v.!, lip, Then the V.0./1,1. , rrr
;!layer of de• two 11.1, bi• ror, al call
o:y !!,
ro thi • the ...Lin i n n nr.
Ir. r,. t.omaa at. 11, i.o to to
• I.i • .t,,i
!.;• •• ;.,:, .
. 1,•
;I,•• . p' it tho o! tuft
1..,: 1!.1 • 1 1.1 .I i,
as 0) !
: ha• P tik thf•
• :•:IP !•• : I I .4 1 :
• •: :1.4 U .. a rt.c,
*.• •1 • . 1 .1. 4 • lib.:
. . 3) of
." Thoe
t • 11.1. whi7.liy, wine,
t'. • . nl•-; ortoe to ti
i • t „At tht
Co. :tt. hmi t•tit.
11. :Ivt , hint nn.l lii. wife to
Ili. , Ana t0i,;.1;
yontL !towiilan ct,a..t.11•,-t he. t.'411 , to
r , ?
Tho JCINCy roes •"Uockcd to
I • • S ti AA... IP • • • ••• '• %A l
11. b..
•'• • ;; '1 :1.....
:I..... • • .t: • : • it
hint elf adtait, iu x 11"
to Th.-. Sarah 114 n
than. that in he appropriated thrtt
o St'll Pay in Antunat,"
rittett;,t l .ly.
"L %moment on the above letter is unneces
sary. The inevitable verdict will be-- be who
eteuls one woman's verrses will steal plinth
cr's. Anil more than this, he is by his rep
resentations or misrepresentations alone re.
sponsible for tho smug and injustice heaped
upon the head of a gifted and innocent
woman by the press of the country. This
wrung will of course be tighted as far as
possible by those searnais instrumental in
inflicting it, but such an atonement will
hardly revay her for the keen mortificution
she must have guttered in thus being para
ded before the public as a plagiarist and
liar. By his own confession, Mr. Ball has
shown himself to be a literary offender of
no common sort, and we wash our hands of
him and his 'claims' henceforth."
It is somewhat amusing that Belles claim
was persistently urged by the literary critics
of such journals as the Romin
Table, Tribune and nines of New York,
who ofeourse must now be quite abashed at
the ridiculous game of "base Ball" they
have been playing. It will be refteshing to
see with what justice they can make amends
to the lady whom they so grossly wronged.
At all events the New Jersey poet is effect
ually "Rocked t2Sleep" in this instanc, and
by a littls furtlfr Pelf inveatitigation that
individual may possibly convince himself
that he is no poet et all, but only a dreamy
plagiarist of poetic effusions of others.—
Boston Minserigi.
wretched sinner; and I leave to the world
a worthless reputation, a wicked example,
and a memory only fit to perish.
I leave to my parents sorrow and bitter
ness of soul all the days of their Bros.
I leave to any brothers and sisters shame
Ind grief, and reproach of their acquaint
I leave to my wife a widowed and broken
heart, and a life of lonely struggling and
I leave to my children a tainted name, a
ruined position ; a pitiful ignorance, and
the moaning macillection of c
i ty ther
and sho
by his life disgraoed hum, at
his premature death joined the great com
pany of those who are , now to sae the
kingdom of God.
Thy Prodigals, of Cowers.
The Rochester Union, referring to Bing
ham's charge that Schenck was drunk,
"Ahenck is a' fair specimen of the Major
ity of our 'rulers' in Congress. A more
profligate and demoralised Bet of men than
the senators awl representaves h the pm•
ent Congress navel-assembled at the nation
al Capitol, We have the evidence of Col.
Platt, rine of the leaders of the Republican
party in Ohio, that a committee of the
Howe at the last nyt t .ion sHertsin t d
that a high oflieer of the government had
robbed the publie treasury of a million dol•
lass, but : , mothered the matter for the time
being lest it "ANA, the next elections." In
the New York Herald's recently published
account of a long interview with Thad Ste
vens at Lancaster, the latter, in explaining
why ha was induced to accept the
Sharman reconstruction Bill, is quoted as
'Some nienleul their wives at Washing
ton and Olen- wemeu at home, and others
their women at Wa.hington and their wive s
at home, and it semi itnpmaiblatokeepthem
together. The bill was not all we wanted,
I.nt it wig; tl►e be , t. we could get, and ao we
'3la 3 4," the 1%011 kw,two correapondent
rotutnetvial, boldly wakes
the 11!!!,tvinA ellArger, villa he stands ready
-40,1.3w:taw :
t esaa be hewn that members of Con
grey 4 :'A 'to,:k in the street railroads of
Wa , l:ingt•nt for which they never paid a
rent, or rendered any other return than their
rotes for the acts of incorporation, and their
soharques , arts to authorize the increase of
tare from the to seven cants.
It ran be shown that the two houseshave
been, time and a.„.J111, influenced by the pal
try free passes in their votes
upon tarsattcrs str.v t tug the greatest railroad
.ut the *way.
"ft • 1-' proven that members of OM.
gro • !: in their seats as the
at( Clr railroad corporations.
1 ,- lavyen that the members of
11 1. 1.1.. s were Oirertly bribed for
the whiskey tar two years
It rn 1 M prirten that senatoripcoitively
a Ter to :infirm Mr (.'wan as Minister to
sAu'tl„l 11;1"1 . , he IWalci help Mr.
T : z, at ! Ant tb..r :r 'retires to office.
tt MI of the - and a hundred more
1 r l rove n to the ..austitetion, if the op-
Irritrout3 but pre-r.ntcl."
The man who mac these charges is 14
Republican, and the paper which prints
them is Republican. The men charged
with corruption are the immaculate patriots
who sacrifice themselves upon the alter of
their country by consenting to serve in Con
gr e/a that the government raw be kept out
of the Ind/ of "copperheads," and who
rupa,e, to turn the Pre/Mont out of office
for nrisl?havirr
MErnob. —A lady was complimenting a
clergyman on the fact that she could always
recollect and recite more of the matter of
his Ft:miens than of any other minister she
was in the habit of hearing. She could
not account for this, but she thought the
f:►ct worthy of observation. The reverend
fiend:Juan remarked that be could explain
the cause• "I happened," he said, "to
make a particular point of classifying my
,topics—it is a hobby of mine to do so ; and
therefore I never compose a sermon without
first settling the relationship and order of
my arguments and illustrations. Suppose,
madam. that your servant was starting for
town, and you were obliged hastily to in
struct her about a few domestic purchases,
not having time to write down the items
and suppose you said' "Be sure to bring
some tea, and also some soap, and coffee too,
by the by ; and some powder-blue; and
don t forget a few light cakes, and a little
starch, and some sugar ; and, I think of it,
soda"—you would not he surprised if her
memory failed with regard to one or two
articles. But If your commission ran thus.
"Now, Mary, tomorrow we are going to
hare some friends to tea, therefore bring a
‘noply of tea and coffee, and sugar and light
cakes, and then the next day, you know, is
washing day, so that we shall want soap and
starch. and soda and powder•blue ; Itis most
likely she would retain your order as easily
as you retain my sermons."
tar Davitl B. Porter, ex-Governor of
the State of Pennsylvania, died at his rcsi
dean in Harrisburg yesterday afternoon.—
The deceased was a man of uncommon so
tivity of mind, and had been identified with
public affairs in the Commonwealth for the
major part of a long and eventful life. He
was elected and re-elected to both houses of
the State Legislature, where he served on
the most important committees, was associ
ated with the leading men of the State in
amending the Conmitution ; was the first
Governor chosen under the amended instru
ment, and held the office two terms. In
business affairs Mr. Porter wasdistinguiahed
for breadth and soundness of judgment,
and did much to develop and place upon
sound footing the iron interests of the State.
By the death of ea-Governor Porter the
Commonwealth loses a devoted citizen, and
his friends and family a companion and pro
teeter, who was endeared to them by mini
estimable and winning traits of charseter.—
MS. "I never knew but one woman."
said Sir Robert Vlspole, "wbom I could not
brit* with money. It was lad; S---., and
at took diamonds."
NO 9d