Bloomsburg democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1867-1869, July 31, 1867, Image 4

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'Whitt one COW Did.
nranson, of Miami Co,, teN the olitor
of the itlianti (Ohio) I,Toion, of the perform
owe of a cow, as follows:
Tie purettaved her MarAt I"th trida ; Otte
was very poor, and had the 'hollow horn
having he-n wintered on damaged ntrt w.—
On the ti'ld of Al mit, 1- , shelled a calf,
and will probably hx, another about the
Inane of September next. From the time
be bought her to the present tthe has prob
ably been the best fed curt in Miami coon
Now for ono year's : From the
10th of April, iet,ti, to April 9th, she
wag milked daily at Werra , el' a'.llr .
hours ilia gave a daily arcrsaii
of milk—rather of over than from
which was made 4101 1 n,F. i/
of which were rob! f.. r $l , ! 7- itp4. acre
Used at home. DAA•Lis ti at two eat, bad
and evening, and mato was u I for col; e
twice sure, but generally tta e
and then wife used all the ear. on :! A
milk that the wishes about 1.. r
She never et aro it for the sake “for.h‘eg
butter to 41 as our obieet in keeping a row
is to have plenty of cream and butter fur
our own ate.
u11!a 1mI!IazI
M. M. of Atv.rtt..a. Wash tertaw
Michugrites us for a Om L.. a f, , ,
house, as a erman..:t instil tiler). - on the
ftusn. We saw a toold, of one r ece n tly
which seente to to n,l.loe ail the point.
desirable Jbr thrf lnl4o o of fruit
It was in the form t a )arose - -.•r rather
roofed like one -hut is • ihtc,Tal Imo:,
mews are t • + . ,,,..,1 :t1 • •', r ,
distinetne:Q t • •:..11
The neare,t. 3 . ;. .
Mucha 1 ~ 11N. t•
tuber het. 'I ~, n 1
. te tle 0,- t et' 11. e patty iiii , l*-
C 4 ttli. "It miliiatice ; al out
as large as an ordinary bureau,
eight slat-hottonA drawers— taeh 1 , 41 trg
half ba-hel of halt. A .sheet iron eyfln4t :,
about two feet in length and Ica iut lac s Yir
dianoter, is put under the house, in !,
fueth. , placed ter lwatie.t. A l . i t o i , ,
tweed with the e'.;t: ler and loti
several to.•.:1- h ,•
r a 4' i .
be 1:441.",) .. 1 41 ir, i .r4 - • •ZfasikV., •h .
1101:4; :,.• • .'.
writes: "I take the position II: it .
distemper is a di , ea-e and not lack or
shekel Sao, e inte q u , noe of which the an.
real under its influents. hoertne. , 1..:n, .1; •
',irked and death subsequently rola.
its effects unless proper remetiir. aro sk
lily remedy fur a 1011-grean i ono
teaeupfull of s o ft nm, ,
one of strong vinegar mix ,
With this I bathe the horns , r „ t ,
the roots of Ow tail,. In ‘!::: 1 e:
repeat in the cumso of Il•se er • .c„ -
I disapprove hearing the Luin ,o i,.,4 . •
"A Farm r" d: r•
in lisle. , ni its ins
that or: tl.l- • ;
on account of it, 11,1 re than t
11. to becanw t rf. tly rrtad. Tl.• , . •
i the reCoilw:-11 of 10 I.:0
tipitate, baleo ). luo -t‘ , 11 , . I .111' a
urpentine. : i ;
p f..ti ho.of
Ntle urk.n t.
To Kim Guilt ND rtrillt,«., -! I r
up twenty-five acr of :I,s . low
this spring, that 1,1.1 1 , f . ;z ••
five to nine vont , . It ,
I killed them in tme r:
Shelling smie corn 1 t IA :,ter over
Might. in ihe in the th: A it ( , :r
I.t 1
!.. 1 l or :11
pin, and I,r, • -.lmo le•art 1-I t I ~•e.
inter tisitr a 1. !pro': ;hit.. 1 d :•1
paper mei carry it v.'•ll le • :i:
I fold a hole put to Lori; nes •t;
of it, and "Mr. . I ,inirrel after to
never trouble you s min. I have tv;
plan with sue^eF.4 for a number of
FM nine die in one day this year.--- ;_~
Po6WooD nu PolsoN Sr:! ,
to some an e' Aitor.lY tirab, it
MilkY juice producing inrcttatti; e l N 3,1
cation, seine are .Y N. ,.
stile principle ittg from it pt. rt,)tc.
its vicinity 8,.• almost itifincliatoly trouble.?
.title an •i :AS affect" , ta, l~articula='4 ii i '
the Tice rc,110,.. a Ittc,ect
Larnitv, tumefaction, ve-icati-a ;:a.l
matt, dcminatnation, the flute •
lea as ti, obliterate the litatore ; 1,-
utwally 1. in •"110 in n! at a '
light cc . I .inz repit, n with .
tinne anti tic.l. , eal tof (7(11: 'trot.
NA mine portc , :h;
inSUWelthllll, to its 0r... , th az a t.n. 1 t
should be nil -Putty rhunned by the sus
ISFLrENcg off Fiturr.—
Proofs are acemnuinting as to the beneficial
influence of forest trees in the preFeervation
of the more susevtabic fruits from the rig
ors of our Northern mal os WeAern vint, rs.
We have noticed this liegnently in yi
gone by---a fact cerebrated I.; an au
in a letter of recent d do to the "irmiitine
Farmers' ," He writes from the
Southern sec thin ofilie State, and says " Here, on the ei of the timber belt,
peaches have not failed for nine years."
On the open prarius they are killed altne.4
annually—the present year proving no ex
Fine CAITLE.--Aaeourits fro 111
Aust►ia are to the effect that swarms of
poisonous them have appeared in Transylva
nia, whieh large numbers or rattle have
been killed. Farmers are compelled to
house their stook elosely, while large fires
are kept burning night and day to wain of
the unwelcome pest. The guards have
great trouble in avoiding their venom.
In Ilblve'rlldlng, en Hilo Street
itif”ten. citinons Illuomaratig awl vieibity Ord
ho Into opt oc , l ft NOW
iu thi4 pldee, whey¢ he kovdeo tits old Glenda' and
ettotomers U. edit and partuke or hi. tErreolltueolo.—
It to hio toteoOdo to keep the boot
LA( LL' I; 1331 AADAL L'.
Constantly oft ham! ; A 144. Porter. gnmpatiNt Min
oral Moor, l'aoss laihouroles, Itaislibsity and L at
eh Pyrups , ran always ha had at his itaaautent.
is the eattlig Iwo ha prompts 4
;IntUrplkißed in duo plue t viu, Pickle 4 Oyotort
clatuo. lierdtims lilh, 130rbetued Mateo, Pick lei
Tr , pf , uud e.trf ToDoue, ku., kr. He tilAg but a soot
tirticle of
Moll god Ougthig roliareo
far h#3 ovitomerA, Ow .1 lye him. Cull
Hitrintotoirg, i‘11%1113
Reduction ha rilitTN.
%4. undfrOpted c iq 6M,r IN
01 .4!.; 0P
en n
ouLLNew IkaL,
ilootg and siltoctol Hai% ) Cap*,
Our t LivittiVy, U . 1.1 bt.
CASH t:IVS1111)1,
r.7^ , ovg I, :••i:11 , 0.1
+I • t,..rir • rkt
Currtui Wlaulcsaile Pricce.
BA kiu,h-of 1.14 . 41111' And 11 Wien in ) , ,le.sege
trr Nwilq (,+
ot,! zs m.izr^ nf raittl,"
4Sttr. =et., ,
lABER ! 1,111.11E1t ! !
that fly's
no. in oper,,t.ftl with on eAl#th+ive 11,.,0rt,n,•;1
and art. now prrp , trett to tomply 11 , "Ht.' •It
0.11 , 1 , 00 0 at , ito rhi prlr= O tof rilo , 1 . 0 . 1 r
a •W0 , 1;13$1 .0t1 , 1 , !, of
IA tate ritar Pinsthe Itoarik,
Elooring, stuTtee I;eat.&,
Wing, rrank,
:• .1 , 0 , n... 1, to *1,4 porcLA...., " ~f r
1,... - , ..011!, *tEVA. • NI
I 010:11,1 tit I 1:.&ilri• 11 fil)ltt,
%.•,, ~..1,...• ids t^t
: • .•.• 1:- f
, •i, ..• ••• I .I:Ye
. ::•pm4rd YCq to reeq Ifetee, r, woo
' v""“Itt, t5,...).wv.
• . ...le: ie. tele , .eiVe , Itq
• •:'nt nlrticant, t 1 .!
c•• i••• tr-110 do:1111,1,14 .01 o+ll, 111L 1 01 .M.llllllO (Y.
11 11.1 ,NllllllllO H. Nloltl,',, 1100110,, ,41,4
,11 1,0411 140 /1111111141 11.0 , 110. 0111. 14•101
• :• :•10,
P .e,t 4 ept. 1.11-.“o.Lar.:, Pa
111 , 1 111 ilk 1100 D :
•r.. 4 ,
Da, IT 1 .1 4 I •.4 it /:• • .41 :
, 1. 3 4 y
• .
, r • . • :11,1' IT:TITO 4 rr.l: , :ti -- 1:0,
, . r., .11:04 tooth,llll. ' •r:
• ir . . r:/11,11 I•1t1
/ LI, • LIT T r• r
.r. r• r IA" {h' 4.4`c!} •
• 'T ". :•' •• • , tir.rfr I :r • T.!
i•1 , 1.1+1, 1,,01,0 t;*. 01 1110
A p35161,,t a,
Cif A.l. r 1,1,1\
I°l I , lh, 0 1 % tt•
UT, 19, NI:.
irOi: IPA LI, and. WENT.II:,
E. W.
s it A "VI
r• 0 , 1 vr , 1 n v« ri 1.. ..•
eri• : f .I'4o ,
ik 1,4 to , :nt 4410 /U.
lAfriis, i.:4l3.l!:REti,
i)11., UNE?, Vit:PINULS
I; re
tat (irc ry ri'tly;irt ra
„ v • put 1. ''I , YK , I I"ol,u,•'' .rI2M rare,!
••••• s tirtd•.:e th , a,
. . i• •r. I,trry I+i
lz,al hitil a • Ili 41 ,
:• a. .
. .
Ur ttg ,, i 11 ' • •
c CASs
No. 14 Bond St, New York.
474 ri,11:11k)ftwili• , 11,11 i tlitt rrti
fut 41 , . fr'S in a ttrOtti tvti'lluttc
cent (tett,
tr , ttr 1.4 you nor rYerrt
re 14.
nu~tar a, tt ••,: > 44 , iorr , r
tt,•tr.-+ ,1 I •• •••• :+tt 4,0 to
DU. 1.4%%111,N1:11, NO 14 ISO \ • , - , 1 NI:W
()UN. Nov. 14, M,
it1:%1)1. IL\ll, Et),ll,t ,
April . Igra.
GREAT "It", 'NE 1,1 N,: t VIM Till: Nwrit
and North Wn.t. Ibr Philudelplon.N,n , ork ,
Eolinvn l'a , attpt Aahland, Lebanon, Alien•
town, Eueton. Ephrata, Iritiz. 1.81. err cr•r, C.4 , 1110)44,
I'rain44 14444,4 Pa tri.4o4 it for Vow York, nt4 1'4 4 4144.4
At :4 on,e Pt 1111,1 I' 3.) A st 011,1 2 in aplt
4.‘ 014 041,1111 W Trak ti 111 i, l'enn,yivtutta
rnad 11 1 11111 , 1•11 , 11111 Sro , , a ,
anti 4 40, 4,0 and IDgia N. 14:elitu4 t'41.4. a •1•.in..4a.
nying the t4On t :44 awl 44 4 14 i• • . 44.4.,..04
Vudind. Pmtatelc, Timm.
and, Aah'and,lie Crum., etlimoown
am! I 'h lllo,l oliiit. at ti 10 A M o,llli 2 111 111111 4 to p
slipping at pritimoal marinas
itia 4111 p m makkd ronnri tinny tot l'hild•bdoion and
Columbia nnly. Jru Putt-.a !. ,, cdoty M II vivo
and i'“[lourn, ciu Schtsyllt4ll 01,4
IN - 041.104PP t,nrs izh,tra nl asl p
liqtmoin ; I.o.uve Nuo 111,
500 mid ta g i
Iltiltulelploo6 01 2.15 11 snit l 3
dor n,,d m
Way Paorcnacr "I tam 144,4011 Plnlutiolphi3 td */
30 A
at. retwoitte. (1601 Itaattitti at 6 311 P m mopping at ail
alidmim; Yollavith; at. and 44 P Atilt
hind 0 Oa ardlik39 a m. and I lid v. m ; 'rat114,194 at
944 A.M. add 1 (Xi W P.M,
LeavePottsv ille int 111 11111161111 via Schuylkill and
Paiiptahatmis kailruad at 7 ad* r.
Rsadinq Accommodation Train : Limitnni
at 660* M rrturninn (runt PliitidelphitTnt 2 00 r !4.
UOiniOhid Railroad Tram* Inky , Reading at 7 Od A M
IMO 0 151 , at fur Prihratn, Lit in, 12tricaaisr,Cobeinbin,
l'uttxtown Art oinaindation Train : 'waves Kitt*.
town at 6 60 A. M., retuntiog Maven Philadvirnin at
ti 20 r. M.
Columbia. Rail Moral TrIMIII4 leave Hemline at 7 00
1111,, add n tG p, M, for Eph i atn, t.ilz, Lato ante',
laaambia, Ste.
On Huntley') Leave New 'Pork at E 1 tqf PAL Phila.
delabla HIM AAL mad LS rV. the 800 A AL train
mtuaing only to Routing ; rott.villa d ott A M. ; Han
meant 9:OA AAL and thlamsig 144 41111 7 , 0 A hi,
for HorMilootrit mod II AM, for New York and 44a
P M. rin
Con.ommAlon, ge,lkarot 041mosi oad Baur•
Film *abets, Weed fr paluimat tedoted rotes.
Binge etteekild thr nisti; pmettlii allowed each
Fiomimpt. 0 A. b. 14.701440.
Mellafai ilispashilondaLt
Piau©s for the People I
420 Broome 81., N. Y.
We would e4ll the attention or the poqie and ttoi
trade to weft ologint hivrilEnte PUMP*, ie the tellpw•
ill/ et) lee
0W1,4 A, I °dove, Front large round r , rnt re,
plain cave, either octagon or carved 1144,
prilizia bottom, bout tonuirinst on onion, •
ILE It 7 ortnsV, room ar etyle A with car•
piper, WoUlthngon Muth, rat Vat) bse :)00
*IT% LI; C. 7 °dere, Front nitrite large round
Ittlpneeune ,01110111. 11
, na , •N - • otyla
6, re awl ttovh, many elf ved leg.l 4.54)
srvix D. 70, rcur lOU HA (4 lifter.,
1,1,4,14 I , tootalint.4 nn riot 11 ,1 4 (.both,
itotrrottos bottom, carved lyre and dtt,h, t ht.
gant 0111,011 it Olt • ~, ~,,, •=• •to• • • OD
Tho abov , t stylus are all tinfohed in elegant toott•
wood ClifOß and buveNn 101 l iron Wooa. Franck
anion, WllllOllO. tovt l iett lop, ivory keys and key
Roots tto , l (wowd tit overwoog 1 , 4145, nearly all the
7 Octavo hullo, now 11ta110 fittlit tOti /Art
Math! ut the best IllatPrialv and for 0 , 1 101, 411 V*
panty and tAtootq , • ,, ut tnne, eanf,,,t
We int re• 1014 Of Of , :t; r. atnf
the . 10 it ctittext 11:4 Of/ 1•4/
....11,111 t•ICp•.•11 , •••• , 1t 144 .1 ,. ."1
ft,,to 4 • 4 4• 1.}.,1: ..14 ,, t0 4 1:44. 1 r.l tlit ,
11+AI••• • •,• ;• , L 1• 11 , • • •I I VOX.
1 1,..1 ••.1, Uhl/ 1.1111 , • 411 1 . 1 4 . 411 and
elBltllll.. 1. l , for. fi„ • . .•• l',l/114.4
atdc(o l 2 1,1110 d. I • •:• r r l i".
11101 rb , (l• ,, 11•4 .4!i: 1 , 1 1.44 WI or
tly4, t• 44 01,t111 , 11 . 1, d. • 1 r ,,, , ,d•••4 It„,
1411..•1 , A t 4 I° 11.
itol . ollr : 1 41yatt the
! , 4,0• . 11{1711 in etiettiq 1,1141 pi ww, ti
art , I , S oility 111 , 0iuliws Wet . , lull tip to IS Ittia
It ot,r tkLs,
IV.' '4 ' 114 tr , iS ,411 t attg,glitgo of Choir
f,grg,ftrs and piggggiggir.Srliggggl v-hel t‘iuat 1,146
4 , r Church Wigle, cgitig
Iggtiv . lo "rgggg 'Ago , Agg be otagrgiougi wig ta• ca .12 14%' , .,•:•.:1 ,
The hulg 11 , ir RI
, 0411 ail, Chong,. fgt. , Cgagrg , ' •,• I ,*4 1.. ,, 1Y •
t!liara, rnitbirq hsl., '0 Pit, aa, • •al Alio!,
nu 4.41 ggf g. ,, 0ggg•11.4&f• I , • a. • •II
pork , •, •• ~.
• a' , ll
't .gt #O , ••• • I, • :•0 .• • I. lief. , 041
fth , Nlgg. g gr1...4 g•gg the gsogrgl with
4 1 , ..; 0 ,11 , :a+t•az) or,l'oosa 10.11 Va -
a”.l orit,ilaay4 1.. 1,14114, gggo.cog , ng, ruggrortgg.
. k t.
tiow 1 POI toiwog
r7E j(1 4:4 'U., 1,1!" ", Pt 5e Olt ISE.'
iPy T r .11,$••• ~r L Low. ...ow.:
•; 1'.4.110
ke".• t4=tl •••• •,;" poLL
A f• j•I • t •^PIII 4 . Tit•• i•tice ttt
• t •
I. t • ~,
:1914'; ,44 rot vf 4 t.
ity 41 . P•
!. • ••• • ••I I Al
w+! 1 10'2 rl , l,:tea 11)
Ir • 1.'0.41,1111M' h .
WO .1 1, 4 r•li
I . 0' .110 I . .1 1.41 k th“. Po,tna, isIF
1 , 111, . g parr ,
11 , ••• C 1 . 1 N ‘7 4 1 , , • t,ll
13, I , ,• 4 1.,• ,
r , Li• v.”
-•• d • • •`O.
/40) ICX a. PElVA7S''''''
1..11:N s.n.LNTN .11 it u, UNFIT! , $r vr
A. I I
liPti 1.14, C.ifo HR j, 1.1,1r4 gi,t.„, It
‘,O by runri ;ik /R. "0).410 aI att WWl'
1: !flog Aqti . 1/11 h br.o4 ilttn , lrvii I.OA
tut aF , t n th lw t,,A*lO - It, 1. , i Pill 0 , 31 00.
Ilrrho,t* h I
, „r the roll
A , `A 01' ki , fit trlaii ii•*! •r t* it 1/,
ni•rt 1•1111141,11 , prviTlt. , ll , ./t I v , o* 01,1 - ,%••
It 5 , 1 1 1 r+'l ,l l, l A l 11. 1 , , "d-Itkl, dt110 1 1111,1,.
1"1,.. , • , .* la ,, •****l**. , :t , 1*.0.11%
111111110( 1 ." , th ,, chi, of t 11 , 1 •*I r*l Al" , 10
trait' t I .11, :1•. r. It IA di I. Al**l** lbw A lp ,
* tit
th... 1.• 3
of niri.r II hllll th•tlr,q,.; II I , y
3r 11, 1 3 , 11 f 0,
..:e • 110 nil te by
46 0 tor • m I , •if ** 11;11 %A 1111111.
01! It 1••! I. tr. • I.* *t . .04
iti •i I• ••' • . 1 • I ' 'lf • • •* •.' ' in
A I* • 1,101 n •111'1• 1 1:1 1•• t I
I,r G' . 1
• 5,.• •I . r. t :.• • I.
, 41A0f114 11 or 1,1 , 0, ,, ,• i.O : 14 Ao
•1 : •I • 1, 1 1,. 1 , V, I. , 1 , 1• I: i •
•!I 1. •mlif an tll w1V1,1•••11•, ilit;r1 ' .:• • ••: tt lltl i,4••• • 1
I! • •• • • th.• ,••• •••• 1, ••, .t. •• . It, ••• 4• 1 ,
• !i• •••, •••• •,, •.1!• V ll .l V Orb by
tua3l 01 • 1,1 ill rut Abbr.." 1111 ur
I.I.ISGER 1 , 411•TI: 4 No
itivcr N. V.
(jliluPl R 0 0 A.
ett S 11";'.111t COON
Fur c u oi,i, th e II.•:r f pit6P•, 'LA inlr, Wavlend
1.-i aII:. 1,111• Wq tri,tl ran
~ I,4if Cie IMIY
t.,: • • 1 i • • I I 1.. , 1!! ilk Ir. WO
" • I ; I ' I r• prtli ,
, 5,4, if I 11441{1 • 1 1 ,.;1..• ‘V.
4.11 , t j, .1 4 “
I . 131.,
'• Ma; ;.;
Lack4wainla Bloonsion g Bailtond
ricv Av) Arri:n ikm;Aftv VG,
1.1 rti:N ti 1111.1, lit N A 041,414)11S:
1 11.; g t' It 1V Alt
brave Fer,ttit, *I - 0
` .".tit 4 ft
,1,11q..4 l
Art :11NOrth1) 01. rlat,l 10:,0 ;411
11 '
1.e4v4 No , thlt•.!..Pri,ml, ;.nit
".•P1 Gut
r m
1.,!4 • 1 MS in i 3
1,4 t trnf K 0 0 ,1 1 ,11 t: M ut,
t slrit'llll at e k ft "t 4 ,m
rk, tatmk,! Wm, 41140441 “t 4
A 1 1604.11004n:1.4 a iii14r4,0414 t 1 ,j 0
Itutlintrrr, 3 :41 09 M via n,„
pert rear it 1111rIkik•k plug at k 4 111 , )1,
I'ONHA, 541.4
vqvton, J3n,
FOR A:J. DlerAfT:; lsirlDritT TO liOßit:4,
reptiriol 110.11,e 01 en 4' ti 1011.
C.nop“,ind, 14 , 1 , 11,A 19 a plielical
Clien,i4l, tinily). it toil knot% lode° tit al{ firs u~rdreui
virtue,. of carli that • niein ,
of 111 , ,
evr.r yet offered It, Ole leollp• ua Un eNteried
r°tioll for rot hicti i , 1.1
eiheii ill Welk 14,0 iae
tie COO hileliee of ell tr NO o • tabu PT
I , on.. , 11 5 i r kc tc,ttt , IL nue. 0 "
ply oh 4,N0 , 11:11,te eh the 6 et teal Ur
t• io prtnwuncad L:*
LIP AL\ Ala - lizt L.. Lae 1 - 42,
and MI Inho hove tried it, to tot tbo bt't 4 a POW , " ton
CVO! lifted, Thin EtobroentlOn hold born pot up lof
aver tub!' y4dito, rod it i . + only through the oh u
rrgieeot of my Itientin nod 11hr
t 11 , 0 I n$ it forth ao Ito grand 11-nnottin
anew for tht %%Mod dl,f , Vf '1411411 Ma 11 0 111
n id m e lt nomad, the boo.. to nobt , t t.
nhtny r,llll 11111'4 balel/43:11 d Ilds tm l div
1.1111” f alddndlt Idr Sotow of thin' art fojoilo , l.,
0111.1 • 0 nt bast of little ono, nod many tt idly Ln
ittopt r to 1.1101%-I.r UPI 1 4 111 . 1ddied for K111 , 11„ 1 101 air
A pplirioilm end really ussfo cowls. otter), free
von nose ()Uptowns, has beretst-to hog bow de)
.Ited oy gentle *en whit (owe
VA let A MILE 1101180 4 0
and me to trust thent to the cern of datign.
Inn end pretended Farriers. Their wishing uro at
length fun:, petition!, by. Mr. Beale) being prevailed
upon to allow this vslnithiti iCmbroention (Which has
proved se edie,tinue to tini Winne ditotantra) to be
prepared and brought out to the public
This l'Aihroration was extensively used by the
ttotertonetti tinting the war.
idggegigitlil order to Jr/Li:0110ND 81111.A4E,
bed south Pecond et. Phitsfielptila. Pa.
March ii41,14-etinot. .
Aft inovetits thelooolvol indoblitit to tho
ottileratgneil, ate toquotttott to melte ootiOloit o 'WV t
delay J. G. tunes, MAI
bloom stmts. Feb IF, Net
1:1ir VPAR TM ENT,
ftOLL'i ,V I ,9I,INIA' Shin TS,
~,11„,.• I
I '11,:i.11 J. 13 . *
Nt. - .v 15 1.115
' :11(bLI,'"
t • v...• Ptittrll
%114 et7ny>yr 411 , 1 lit,. ink hair.
1V11••- • 1 , 11 . 01: , t
ttLI, Heavy
• 'Ala Ci 1714
TM inalerelgentl reepootrolly Informs the eft
03 itloonteltare pad Colombia canine nail th,‘ Ain p
pII the dintnnet titose • . •
!limp mit pottolitlolooto, an I r o to
joitoirl Melte' vv, Nrn At Co's rt. •
0 8 1 1 0i/4W iitoillool on the ottintrln wolf!, .• dr.d
strorlt. /Altoona/ it gorse and onteoh. t
to 000* Vtlbo doeire it, As on 1011'016.v n I , lt,
amount or toot. %,v• lowod to keep it , .1"
MA Mll 111 Ihtt vet!' 111W. , 0 priet.44, PIPP !,f1
oakinnat fur yOtitwerWro trolotn p,/ t( • I
J. W., I/ IA t,
•11re. oadaralord in alai/tap. t • .11
•n aleflnerfOli. qi,tiqf Hamad aril, -
Moat, Aye Oal l'Adatai , o, i.ird, Pam,
der, and ride 'twat, Itom,r, Cads, flay, At., at th ,,
Idalient cash hi+ Graiiyiy soro, sdi,mtitig
their tHIC yard. J. W. llENDEttaliiiT.
liladmidiats, April 25.1,h01,—.1y.
111 , 4)0:11861;110,
LUMBIA c0. ) 1 , A,
the 146 , 11 , 1 ,
”n.iVe 11 , Atti , iia/H/P2,1 j IWO'
rliared OVIAII,
All Kinds of Math:arty,
vino Kus, , ,nt„
i I.IO 4 ,II{PC. I4 IIINii M.1("1:#‘1.4, 040.. 44.1
Of*, ri7tUiftt 1,17.4.4 NIA
elitteMO p , 4'.t•frOnl , ll“l4l gts,rylpiu 041,sit:V Mu& its
firs • •I , 4it trail pr elk 41 v. !trivot
, $llll !WO 411 f,tiSlfittl I.tra+.4
M .4
. 41011(1nd* vain be
4.1,1 jj , j , i , oce,oe. neat tfte I ./11' w 3.
I.lnow. , ,Arg itat'u-d O. pot.
1:11. 111.1.1,51 t:
10 , 0t$1.11,1te I 41 1
rip r .01; ti I e ele
CLOriliNG OF ALL liLlyildprioNS.
AIY tto4 is om , P fyir nothing, wer!ino,
Ir., • ' 4 0;1
'NOV .• lA,. hil t rt # 1 ) l es
fiVv:ce3Li : 1 1“1 G:iltiflilen'S Shall' Si
• • •
Ii: •r. • ::./•••I,!A f fll t.• 3.11,1 r.
tA I ••, ••• •:-, r,r r 1-•
(•14#1hti j t'a*sitaieres, &r. l e.
nn 1 i`M - 111 tit , t titta 03.* rtm , r - 4, 1 tto trill
4.4.1* , and giv , ! ttltt-tertian, Al.tti
vtut. ty p
A. 7-' l . PUPENT.
•• -1 11
111. .r• 4114 Itf tc1 . 0 , 01 , 110,1 0.4
of atl } , lOll, i.T2tist i , cd ct,o
ASO t MIL t. , TA IlAr‘Umt:vr, B if. 11,1.
rro=i b= to,g,
tip t4tyl. kia=l:4 of teptint , ir Ir!,; , vw
pr ranplly .red n P'U h'+i nil t ,
k 41. a 4 Ii rrUpplyor Milk
or 4-0 atoll" , 1,444, it fitt,
g•lrtm , bl.o rpi,rl , P3lPitt eelf , F•qintle rf ro•
C. 0 \V 1: B.
1 .
VI -1'; I • ..• .
01;•• le il l . .•1 •O. .1 .• ••l••• • • • i 1 10,
: :• • .1 i itAr 7 r.tirlt, 1,, tile
w If k 1+,0,1.1,1,1,4a SIIV , coilA ttibber br e
b.i4A4M. wawa. l• • !II
•• , r pi 4 3, . 11J 1:1 ,, k 1 , 411 i iinttlitizoliftf,l •or
q' .1 01. 4 4,1 .11111.• i-s%
11 " • olit de.
IN A.:writ" Joie 4 i r:1
it' ' 1 e.
bon cit C•.trt+
I 0,„; a nd a rto t • Attro !,;-!4 11•Am4 010 14 , 1
A1...11,1 ;,!,!!! ••!
411. 4.01, p
snd=llznil 1 1.3 P. 4,4, v
1 4«, 1,414 t is , N 44114
.4 , '4 '
.4 , A 1.1.41 tt Vl rth= rn+bc= rlrlad,,l,TOine
t V. t. 6 1. r. x • Li
044., 11
PAINS Sor rat
11 IT4 r. , I AI, sl npp, I; A .
1. , 14 , 14 A' AI., 10.1. r •
I' d.i P x, Pr lA's+ 'I/ Ito p. Al,
lu 14 a, tf 1,11 • N., iti lo rsnad.t , pptt. 1411411
writ 144 Ut fiat 11, it,!. hi I Is P, m
f P 1,01.4114 w 4 P.
Ift NotfiliiiatlvlT 4,41 a s Ali
.1141 =III .11114 r. n.,14.1..,10
14.1 I 04 A NI , 11,4,11111405. ; INi A V.
V , 1.11.%M1. "A•athum . , , 14,1,1, 094 Al
.Hrrt Es at trLan,li or , A «f
7 4 . 4 t . 11n1 tinli (1:17 tn.t. 14,
l':•1! $l.l , A, liaili-bortr, Pa.
;., .11$ Old
A A 1 ,
A 1
I ,A• • , ! 4 V,
.. , 11 :
Are rot. roo to id! Cut
AMILY M t.\(! pt upww,g,
4' 4 411;411141 1 i UP" ' are pipecoly
; dorot.l.• ; aMt mirk,
rr •i e ,N , a ;•11.14;111.41111a , hr 4444
EM Plitt . ..4. 11, CO., 100 LLetet , Ay. New
Fo , :o.00kor A, 1.114 Co.
cr,l• , • unfkrthrete 4 l otr,r, fir 4410 op , m the
teroLo, lit his place nr
t , 1;v1.,04, ktt,i,. Mt,I,X COUNTS% oss honoiro , l
, uud n largo 1,4 or fencing hoards, of
the vary kext gnallty, both pins and Ortlo,A,
J. J. MOWN la.
•1, Nltc;, 9, at
t Aosii.titht ltleibitiit Director P. S. Amity,)
Physician and Surgron.
Er' OM, Jtork,; Haul, 10 , )" I.:Ong Pa
CON littenl... , l 6a bola Hip.' and day,
Ciooct,boq!, Nov. 91,
11 • J. N. OBE 11 EN VP E 1: ,
th , ~, :. •,; . Ntw T:,,10r 1,,,.; ~, . vot,
~ re.'t, Milano'. ..:, u hi', ti 110 ‘1 111 hi' I kit. , I 111 Si .,
aid V. illiAlay 1' 1 44" , 41i4 %oh itwit. roit• ~. G.. kiep...
.41 hi I , il o Ve II wt I . iltil tot Or I li/I hi, r 8•• , ll , ir, ~ ve.t
/141 N, l i% /111 ti he Kill outhe up to opler with twattli,m
nod tiespettelt.
Attention paid 10 euttitix ge oat owl iet, 'ti
floating, Moo cottittottowi to the Who' Poo.
iteimlrinit dune Urn Plod !more, All work
i— , 7* Give two a mil. I filontw4hore May KW'
Orangeville, Columbia Co., Pa.
Th. tiubscribcr reswifolly hisp
friends atitl fits public, lost ha hos whim the
.hove well llanwn '
cud will Mt lailltiatl to tomtit , . Um custom of 411 who
will twortitti whit a aril. 110 will hoop'
rer writ tilltrkod with the beet of !meats, met
eerie effort Will be wade tO tender e n tire eatHeere
Oritormlle Mardi SO, Ift7.
( - 4 ii 1:...., - ; fi .4 -
171 - 5,76 - 1 - Es: 1 , l\
OWN' Mhulsh Mnehine !
P A Lrm , iti HIM+, AM Proaelltv my. N. V..
%Ma %% r , htnjbtn tt vet. Ilonnn.
WI ela not itireet. Naiad. Iphia.
P %11:NTI:14 NGB. N. 1 400.
1 4 1110 1 ir riiii4trueli•ii On entirely new
VIM gpl. r f 111rdlnili+111, 11.004140•illa ninny elite
tiro( %UltIA , ll. {IIIOIA 11, , 111.11.1 11.1 , 0111 t 4”1.1111i 1111111.1
11113 WOO pral.mud eXpqrie unit pronniiiiii,,,ltn
.c.. 4714 1 .• of lid Phq1 , 41,1111.
11 La a • , ,ni2lll n erele. 1 1 1 1 r11 ,, 11•11 , 1111i 11111 1 /11,
111, t 1 1 . 11 1-11: or .'u 'T whoeh will
ts-itto r PIP 111.• r. VEI.. sort it osikoon both .4.1411 ;
;7 , G. 11+4 perfect •,s , s nor on orsqy dr .criptioss rr
11...1. flit. POMO I .•.liiter 4, Arse •L Niittrook
w Itll roll In. I.strot, Or shro.ol. fro.o Ilse reftfr...*l
1.1 Iq.. Hitt 41 I , , 1 1 11111.. f 11.11i/1.1 1 1,11 .11 0 1 * or ens:
is 11111:1.• Tool sh- 1-•.r.1 51.1j.•111:.1 151t:11 99 , it (tabs iko
111)11.411 a. Ift ••. nit 1 j I
Ea , ph , 'licatig es .‘" , ,Z41 , -,A
It rommt• rirry i - ot VENT. loaa po.arrf i. drier
II lit 01 , aul .:41., touchttit, it, id, u,s,k,‘ . A
. . ettll 014.p.h1y. gum.
.1.. .10 . 1' 1011410th
011idtxt 11111.1•• , • •
! i.C.• iNt 1.)
•lII.IIIY fib :I I , II:WIVir rt t
(nlll 111•1( h.., • 1111•1111111011 lel 0, 11141.1i1
11113, 1. ,. ...•11 141 IA ~k r•l• . ... kat.. to tiwir en! if.!
Ag.mir f...r i Ul^ Unitmll
st Ip•re iirt• o.t hi, Uldnll,4l. •/1 Alµo,
Pt.. Cuba. Al.' *I. 0, 11;.•*Ifill 1111.1 S00:1. Am 1.1
*llOll. * liberal Ey* 1..,*1 IV ill une..n.
11111911 C ShiV :NU M A.'" I Nt: N/1"1: t
3:1” Itroaitst..v.
( 1 11WVES1 LEN co
Piano-Forte Monti font urerF,
495 Brim th4ay, Any Vial;
•rite; ?in IRNTION tf its.. 1.184188. km! MO, ell
f•••• 110 Jr L :VrI.IV G.
NoiS , AVII 41 PI CO/ Fiqt . crA. iihnh f.B. Y(818888:8.
N nn rwiry a tone are 18y onF lat'BB-rto
f• 88. 81 In Mx ototer4,l. 31881 motnia :tit the 088,81. tot
iwyn•Ywu.rul x, r 1 8 ,18411 iftBOodll o l,oB
14:8881 , , 1881,88, fly 1110 111101n111,:f
I t vt,••.88.81 8,88:88 8 .4•- 8 1 .•1
J. 11, I. 1,1.3 1,1:' It. ai •-gyp. Iter
••• liwty tirAr maieul.“.l3rv, as Sally nut
:# . ll I.:40,11 1 31
nib: • (;/,'GrEAr.E.V . Pi.f.Ati•Plarn"
%% ARP Or misit AT
Whore Were e at , shiteJ int , trutto Itto (tarn AP beg
moter4 ~r I § , 114 , 011. 61 . 11111411 r. / 1111111.1 , 11118
reall 00000 ge, thew lurk “nd Abut ht the
0 .13•,11:4.1 10.440.. (...t riVtf •ilterforWe ya 11K
clots. and rirl..t Le 34.11/ %Li 011 winch tau be
*eon at ear war-• 01,0111,
loirodoet.o.l Of Loprorrinents we goalie a
„„ 40 . 1 ,, 1 6.,1 to, dud by maaolact-wiolt
largply, n nit a lib tdy syllt•ii., ofo enabled 14
Art lho r loalmasenta eta plias which will prcelu.le
all cuttipeldr.ll.
Our pfiero aro from $lOO to VA cheerer than any
first Liner riano-tiate.
Tl': N+ —Net raph In current fun iv.
J 7•• t• -ItI(.&I'.
o'l NiOCkqfC/OthijiAr.
• ; "•
81)ving and s4.4lsasztes• ifftalts.
rt 44/w 441 s• 1111. Q
Al V /010 a 4 011111
.4 Inf aN 44i.dloQui.
!limns:" attention to No stork of rheip end fambi•
a stmedo. vitibsup 111 lIIP Sioro, on
31.11 N STIII:ET.
tie, .iOVC ficive !louse,
v. la 1. - 1. - i ;•01 feroil. P.l (tool N. Vora and
Phi r i•:. ;i ..f
iirjrn 13 , 4y*s i4}lllllltg,
„• 1 11 , 11 . 31.11 , N lid band
I.o:ifi ail OW .
I I rmit4,
•iin 1134 r,
• I \:14,1
•••. . 1. f I.• :. •:,
:: • t •••• :.• ~.• cr.!. I . I
• i . • • it i
, f I • •E .., • ; •:10. li,. a , • of
.G wrhr is 'WI 1.•: it.. i •
Lt. it . ut'
I y .
AVID L 4 ;•VnNt'litt;
A sint )1 ; I! 1;: LP AS
4.* - 1 . 1)N I ' 4 l A'r THE
IVowit•r ( ql 14 , 0 LONA°
4.104. 44141A 4 421 4 ; IL A I'r.4 41;•••! 1,14 p ,
7/0 • . 1 .. L 1 • IA 13 , 1111.1
nrsla 1111111. 1 V; 11 , 110 , 1 0 , • • 1•1• 1 i.,115 1 111,
Cl , l-•• 111 111'1e. I• • t".• ,, ••'
• • • ;•:‘ I ' •r • lit- ,
'4 . ' • Vs A 1,1 V .41101:1V 1:1
" . 1..1 , 1 .:.•• . r' . s.
the s. • •1.. ssi• io.0110.11.•
s , Ili. 1,
it.iss 4.1 . 04
ll'',l liis• is! 1.1 1 . • Tor ON .1 1;1 11111“
111 1 11 /111... 1 .1. • • ! • 1/11•1• 1. ,L 11.% F3ll
),11/ I
1k.'111^" ar,t•••• ;I, •••rti••••:.
;•;•.!.0,•;. • I' l. 11 ••••., lot 3, NI I itu.
s .'ti Is i.'• • :1.
441 1, 4 4.1111 A lull i s :•n ,1•li! .101.01
•si••:•• i•:•. i••
Pelt t 11 ,t;• 1;1,i .4.
li... ‘ h, "ed., Ont. , • d 3.7 1
%% a:l3 ,1 th • to••:0,1 -at tit
Whi , tl ye , s µere 1000.11 .. 1 "• ,.1 ."1 .hnit
Add,• •n. 41t..111111 : !.11:
Feb• 00. N. V.
• .
K.EPAli,VrOit 1114171.
r... 1•• • •'.• • 11 Vt
li , s•tflirtlV , • !• :
4:441147 PCPit, (.021,t, ~ { 31:041 ,( a1t,
luiuti •
Pot reel ',flee hair span hll4 •.: ,rro,n h,iivrer
may I , ..ive ilitiot null und 1.. n t rg a pionAi of
ap,,n tbt fate, tt ha. Wu *AIM!, tt wilt fore, the
twayi W :raw upon I'm, saiontite , t incc in five
to eight 1.414 fnLio tm.,l
to Its. soia l ih,, A A • 11. prat iv
•il t .are,e fy natio ie rte it e
rn 11. • .1••••• ;5i zits 5, ••••NINI
are tat—, lliiee Wl"' • ••,'
tiutir rxp N•.. , • atAs. hat marq hill
say, how are we t.i itguish tlu, genuine from the
I'11:161. 1 )ra tiIrICIIII.I4 4 hinegenthe of
tho ilitrerent rr• t .srmonadvertirrdfor the hair and
h are N ir •Iy woritilosA. nod you may have el.
ready thrown /sway lure amount* in their wit , busy,
To Y.uch We would ray, try the Replying Cauttli , It
wilt egrt yu , l hathiag not.,* it fnity 0.115,5 u r to net
eePeNeentetioll , If Mir Oreeellne &Me Ilflt. Keep 11.
send ee one dollnr and we will forward it, holo'paii.
talethht with tv..,elpt for the %wool , , whi , “ will In ,
returned you on application, providing
faction is nut amen. Addreaa. W. t.. CLARK Sr. CO.
Chemists, No 3 West Fayette St., Syracuse, N. Y.
Feb 17 117-1 y
WIL C, Int•Stri, Oltn. W. t APilltTF
Established 1828.
?37 MAURY` sir, WIG iklpe PrIttIMILPWIA.
mrtneta, cegmfrAhg,
P AINTO.I tAt. tiLIM, V Attsisom,
And ovory other artirie epperthiein to the
otteiness, of the best quelity,sadm the
'overt iteteet itets..
Merril 713.
<.F 0 U T
gorse ad Cottle Powders.
if* - WA
(11/110 ff ItlB.
V ERS, tttCSlllt.ft
IM$ Or AM.
I:Nr.fiti Y.. 4., it
us) Star,
eltt t, •
11.. t or, •y.,t.•
441,1 4..-tel • t h
AI.. • sLtI.
're L.. I. rttt.r t•r• • Arat:,•111 inttaltvt'.'ot
the t jt ! • • 4
Al I
'M.: , I? •
I, 1.• .1
tut • IV f.r
tt, and m,':. ,
It t I
.1.1 Ittf I.rir
Ltlvt • m
I. t 1...
acct them tat,*
lo an dkleases ai
the Lima*, Liver,
io., article
te to a spneine.
By rntting tent
ent..-hellt a pnwr
se le parin ha e
Icarrel a 114 , 111 the
shwa ithsealics
sill 1.-eraillests4
and one for the Hog Cbolvrai.
l'rice 23 Coots per Paper, orb Papers for 111.
f;. A. 0107 , 13110.,
No. 118 Franklin tit., Baltimore, Id.
Ear Sul., I.y Druggbat and 'Roo:lmperil through•
e3t the VattedAttg.
:At 11t o; elore of
1:1•Biz 4. tiorEß,
~,..„,.burg Pa
Illtoom,bure. Jan f,
efrl net. j!,
I (Iv' 1 , 110.. - 1/.. of Mot • - • , • , oure. mitt itae I.IIPI r,II•
' , ratty,
tt% ti 0..41 1,1, At"! ibp,tar P+i *woo!!
pat Kest g0...11 olooa• - P•ttou
tr. Oxen ha) r clotorlool) 1.1
eerhort %%,•'t oh- t -arno; Tepihr oath a Il '
IW the;l4Al pool 11'olimm.rom no,ol 8044, gaol
I ;'0.1114 %will 11111 i eoroth ea the 141:11. do.
100. mo -otoloz
iifettti\ll.l 4 re - in t nn..l rnninin.
%ii. 11••• • /111•11,1.,4r,i, ren•onai.f , •.
Prre,nv 1.1,14 g 10 II:1 , 1 ta rrr It••ir:ia ;14
depart. tan, 6! nr,eu.n:,y:!np•d, ienonnftbl. ,
I Itnripts. 10. 'vat I , i; tliin.ty notate nt iviy tt.ii 110.
I ropriaor
thu*, • Al',ll,n,
To the. ladle • even:illy. Ibi.lnvnlonbla 11.`r011ftlry
frelp111.11 , 1• 11.1;le hold; OW; 1,,b,064.,
officio to tonot;.• benoty. r. *lolly xppii • ~01,
burg or tit, varri, hit a • tiy
11. -•.1.. if i.1••111,1 half 1 . ;;;;11
I.'" 1, • • '•• • Il"••• ! I the. 1•••dy,
I, aYlni
t . r. • •
• •• r • .• . ;
'; 111.4 1101. f .1 1 . 11
r • : Ef• ;MI i. rhn
•• •t , .; • • ; ~ it; I ;;.40;81; 1.. r i Prier 75
•• • • ..••• r ro,.t bald . I. ulic Sedri•dA,
••,, • ! '• r, r•111 , "rhl
is. :la.:, ill. 'ffiti. Y .
. • •
v. •,.
and the • '
I.: II.; ,• •; ;; .
do r 0, ,, • •,,
ks , .;;•;I . • .
••;;111.1•;• 1.1010,•,;;;I, 1 , -,; t,. a ,
r bar 1, ....nrfet.o Wu cir 3 3 ,,
c+ Print. it in sent
ri 3'i ttu b Ptah nlprn..cbalding ine
111% orb witb•
antpevtions knowledge o
OW?' prinuteg. A I Irtli or 111
I 11.V1911
ON: 610 s- •,• • I ; ;,,
hro-taa.,~ ~ .. ..
1)11• .r ; • . . •
t• • •
16'0 1. 11 !: rt••
18! SA 14.33 rit
7il nndtnignnd • •••• • ••• •
". • : •• •
i•I. itio .1 . i.• ••! t• •
•ti. • • I •: '• •
4;1 • II . . •., ...• . .i•
lite 111. $1 it .1- •I l• tolta. 1:,• . 1.1 .1
. tttlititt tirt, 1••!,11 111. • II: •I • . II •1,
Atiorne ,, al emu-,
4 OLLMB4I C 4., P.l,
4 , lrt, rx - !atril , ! Om) —l , t , r
41 , A0r
ATTI, it iii L I,l'-L %V,
:7,.:1;! 1!,.
e. ;41 C. frf rultuithla
J 1•11 d,
L $ t !'t ort! , l i:t
t,,rth th , twa Ito j, ropj, j
:ittr Ma in Oil ,• 14111111 k, 0 , 1 vim 014ify
iitlfil4,l f" 14 • ,
a• • 4 . ir , t,
EittrAtlTM t,a .40,,,;..ty am well
r• •
1 1-
‘ 1
, p 1,,,
;91 Aft
comi l'ottetl3,
N. lIUDIUN, Proprietor.
IL ro 13:• -" % la WO Pro; If'd
.T.ll scALE
Arloi , Its Li 3,“ Tu Hr. 1 lin itE4r
rt+rs Medal and htgltetta .wards in Ar ttt r•
ICA ricer Sped,
tod,hnx Mil
1,4 721 A Itoll
April Vin, 1,0; Im h l Mth 1 . 4111, I'A.
0. C. KA 11 it E
Counselor and AlWiley M Law.
Wool 4 annototro ib hip (den ht MU! the pollic in
ponerol, that he' 1:p tittlitikA the Prartjta of IAW
again. I . ' oov/wetting and all legnt Iclsiimss promptly
(writ% in thY Exchange ntliltiinit, second story,
over Byer & Moyer'. Drug di are,
Illoonoburg, May I, lett.
• (Successor of Mr.
Alt, Kann* has lately ta‘eo c4sarfe a# thin popular
and %%Oran:Witted Iman and will be pleased to
see his old Maeda give him a tali ild is a capita
landlord, and keeps a firer Maas meal ,
A oril IC lea
gicrofhla, Or King's
is n constitutional dieeitse,,a corruption of the
blood, by yawl this fluid becomes vitiated,
utak, and poor. living in the circulation, it the whole holly, and may bum out
disease on any part of it. No organ is free
from its attack 4, nor is time one which it may
not destroy. 'flie scrofulous taint is variously
(wised by mercurial disease, low living, dis
ordered or unhealthy fbod, Impttn air, filth
and filthy habits, the depressing vices, and,
above all, by the venereal .infection. What
ever be its origin, it is hereditary in the COlll
stitution, cleseendir fro% parents to childt e l
unto the third and fourth glneration ;" ind
it seems to be the rod of 11a who says. "
will visit the iniquities of the fathers upon
Thts pftparstlei,
As sad farotabls
'sown, VIII this ,
tuslay rvisavigerstio
rokes-down phd
eristrittd homy,
1 otrrosthesing
s,l cleansing ths,
tnutmk anti Saks.
It Is a taro pre.
-cativo of all illo.
JIMA Incident to
Its elfeets commence by deposition from the
blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in
the lung% liver, and internal organs, is termed
Vtherelm ; in the gland+, swellings; and on
the surface, eruptions or sores. This foul cor
ruption, which genders in the Wood, depresses
the onergits of life, ao scrofulous constitu
tions not only stiffer from scrofulous com
plaint., but day have far less power to with
stand 110 attacks of other dieervies ; come
gpicotly, vet rionben perish by disorders
which, although not scrofulous in their nature,
ere still readaett fatal by ibis taint In the
eystetn. Most of the consumption which de
e:lento the human family has it+ origin directly
in this eerofulofith contamination ; and many
destrnctive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain,
and, buleed, of all the organs, arise from or
are aggravated by the same cause.
One quarter of all our people arc scrofulous ;
their pers'ns aro invaded by this lurking in
fection, and their health is undermined by it.
To cleanse it from the system wo must rvtovato
the blood by en iterative medicine, and in
vigorate it by healthy food and exercise.
titteli a medicine e supply in
Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla,
the most effectual remedy which the medical
kill of our times can devise fur this every
where prevailing and fatal malady. It is com
tined from the most active remedials that have
been distovered for the expurgation of this foul
disorder from the Wood, and the rescue of the
system from its destructive consequences.
Hence it should be employed for the cure of
nut only scrofula. hut also those other affec
tions which arise from it, such as Enerrtva
and Suter I/masses, Sr. AN/DOW@ FIRE,
Wan, or Eavatexoss, Pigrxes, Perrrexas,
Ittortnes.ll LA INS and Don.', TCDODS. Tam
amid Kat it D ECM, SCALD MAD, itIN GROIN.
it hVgA TOM, Svrintme and lklnticcaisn Dr.
TWO on larTDE BLOOD. The popular belief
in 6. impurity of the blood" is founded in truth,
for ecrofilla is o degeneration of the blood. The
particular purpose and virtue of this Sarsapa
rilla is to purity and regenerate this vital fluid,
without which sound health is impossible in
contaminated constitutions.
Ayer's Cathartic Pills,
arc so composed that disease within the range of
their action can rarely nithatand or evade them
Their penetrating properties search, and cleanse,
and invigorate every portion of the human organ
ism. remaining its diseased action, und restoring
its healthy vitolities. As a consequence of these
properties, the invalid who is towed down with
polo or physical debility is astonished to find his
heal* or foetay restored by a remedy at once so
simple and inviting.
dot only do they cure the every-day complaints
cf et cry body, but also loony formidable and
cancerous diseases. The agent below namt4 is
pleased to furnish gratis my American Almanae,
containing cc rtificates of their cures and direction.
for their use in the (aliening complaints: ('o ire
nese, Iterwr6rsrn, Ilcadiatice /wiring fr one disordered
Nonioehi •Va mem. I ndiyeatioi , rain in and Morbid
Ole Itotwls, Vatuieney, Lou of Appo.
Joirdiee, and other kindred complaints,
ising from a low state of the body or obstruction
of its functions.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
CO,l 01S, Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness,
Croup, rtoncl.itio, Incipient Consump.
lion, nud for the relief of Consumptive
Patients in advanced stages of the
th: a hie is the field of its usefulness and Po nu
m: arc the testi of its cures, that almost
rvary when cf v, ,, toty rlar.uutit in persons pube:
1. Is 'in , n, tsl. s base been restored from alarming
trial n Fp(1100 diseases of the lungs by its
, tch4l,..its superiority over every
• c of it. kind is too apparent to escape
t.'. • ; e its virtues are known, the
.' I. • s r heihat , what antidote to employ
t •I Minor:us affections of the
• r‘, t are incident to our climate.
remedies thrust upon the
. feiied and teen discarded, this
! a • : ";. ht every trial, conferred benefits
.• : d they can never forget, and pro
,; t I.Ultle l tOUS and too remarkable to
be `.mortar.
Lowl;LL, MASS.
fly of 'drag/ens in the Country.
May I:2a
1,, 1 take rherge of thin well known and con •
11.11 d, re , TOVINIIY informs hi*
ohl Mends, km %%111 be new, aryl the public in getter.
Ikai iri too:, t in eseepiele order ter the cc , .
(0110,.1k Owl lotmlOtrl. end for the reception and
of f!evenere who why reel disposed
t. t, !:, n their cactotn. Ao expense has
t• in I , r , gamut lion Otani for the enter.
v4t,,e ~1 mot making rill-At be Wattltitt, on
IM• nor! rolOokt.'r 11. ,,, r personal comfort. The
• tcsii ot• ties bolt Aron, to s good one, end
„•• 4 to Oman , * the public.
el m 3€ I.e tarnished With the
of min hi t 4,i with the best the mar. MVMMEY.
t Aril 3, `o.7—tf.
PraclkalWalcholker and Jeweler.
MAIN STREET, (near the Court House,)
toti t iantly n.l twol 3 fitie r‘sortment of Ametirirt
1 OLII3O, 3:LOCKS. , Pewelry, I:Silverware and
Fr.,tac re 4,
hitl , ol ,, n phi to the rephirlitg of (leeks
net feet detcrirc. AlamoisMirk. made. to
Ali ',mi. ‘flatit.friii
Islooito.burg, 4 ,11 17 "7
ruler mon AGO% E ' , taw ()ram' Orrice.-
nnde»igned totting remised troth the city
u (WI and COMPiCII lioUrpt)' Or
?n OW. riTl•Watf, ffittllVlTV, Ca
dor and Willow Ware Moto. Cookroa
pry, aln” .
•Ware Ware, pronto,
Hots ittOi
t 'lOoo, Flour, Palt.Figh otot Root ; all Of
whia l prf,puve shnilli; at It owl mow 0 11 1101 : 01 '
„ r
Find err.. O. C.MAR R.
„Apra 3, 11167.
_ _
SA 51 :EL K
Nut;th? Wills Doo Mortgage. Lau.
ex, Pond..Agroanienin, &p . All otiose 04
writing btrwron potion, Fremont, aid •lIPArsilY
Niino. Nay 0, MIP.
C. C. 11 AIM'S