Bloomsburg democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1867-1869, July 24, 1867, Image 4

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Now to Rent • Farm.
The correct wily to arrive at a fare puce
for both parties is the following Add the
value of the cultivated land and buildings
to the value of the stock and tools. If a
renter has no benefit of wood land, the
growth of timber, and the increasing value
of the land will be an equilalent for the in
terest on it. Now, if a renter agrees to pay
to the proprietor, annually, six, seven, eight
or more percent. on the aggregate value of
stook, implements and farm, and keep the
eon in a good state of' fertility, and make
certain improvements every year, the pro
prietor will reeelve r, better compensation
than the renter. A renter could not make
a decent profit oil many farms were he to
hire them nt six per cent., while on others
he could afford to pay tweve per cent. The
productiveness of the soil must he taken
into the account. Thee, the per tentage
must be lessened, in proportion as a renter
makes improvements that will inereate the
the value of the farm.. he rents a farm
for a term of year's, and certain improve
ments will benefit him as well as the pro
prietor, each one should share in the ex
A written contract between the parties
should require the renter to adopt a rota
tion of crops adapted to the soil ; to allow
nothing to be carried off the farm that
would make manure ; to allow no manure
to be wasted by remaining in heaps from
year to year ; to keep stock good, to keep
all tools, impliments and buildings in good
repair, making allowance for their notate)
wear, and not to damage fruit or ornamental
trees in any• way. The prices at which
everything is valued in different localities
render it quite inconsistent to do anything
further than simply make suggestions on
important points, by . which a fair contract
for both parties may be framed.
When a farm is worked on shares, the
proprietor should so frame the cantract that I
hay, straw, corn-stalks and other coarse
material shall not be carried off the soil;
and he who works it should make and apply
a given amount of manure annually. If
foreign fertelizers are applied, the proprie
tor ought to sustain a email portion of the
expense, if be receives a share of the grain.
The contract should not allow a man to plow
up the entire farm at one time, so that there
will be no grass the next season, either for
pasture or meadow.
Cost of Fencing.
We see going the rounds a statement re
specting the cost of fences in certain States
as well as in the United States, followed by
a course of reasoning as though the whole
thing was an unnecessary expenditure. and
might be saved. Sometimes the plan pur
sued in portions of France, I iolland, Prussia,
&c., is rellmed to with approval where few
or no fences are used, there being only a
line of hedge, or a ridge to denote the divis
ions of land between different proprietors,-
etc. All this is vtry well to talk about and
"show up, — but possesses little substanth4l
weight. It is true that some fencti3 upon our
farms could be well dispensed with at a con
siderable saving. We see it every day and
regret it, but each farmer being Lis own was
ter, is suppo , k - A to be the best judge of
what should be done upon his own prewiecs.
The practical man who labors with Lis own
hands, and knows what it is to earn his
money, is not iikely to squanfftx it upon
useless fences.
Why the saute argument might be used
respecting many other things, requiring
heavy expenditure, throughout the country.
We could live in half as costly bowies, keep
a horse and a vehicle less, were our clothes
longer and have only half a« many, with
other matters, which, censldered in a gener
erel acusc, would be lust as applicable a
the reasoning about fences.
In France, Holland, &c., so often quote,
the land is cut up mostly into plots of n few
acres only, and cultivated in the most thdr
ough manner. There is no need of fences,
because there is no pssseuring ; soiling or
stall-feeding being generally practiced. It
may become so here, in the vicinity of our
large cities a century hence. It is not the
growth of a year or a generation.
Ulo Cows Always do Well.
In a letter to the New York Fnrmer'a
Club, Mr. J. L. Humphrey, of New-Bed
ford, gives the following account of the
management by which his cows are exempt
from caked bag, anti other diseases which
afflict many dairies :
I never have any trouble in that direction
no matter how fat the cows may be at the
time of calving. I feed moderately on grain
—generally oats and corn mixed, with the
addition of roots during the winter—ho that
my cows, though they may milk down thin
during the first six or eight months, will
always come up again in flesh before I dry
them off. I never let them go dry less than
two months; three is better if it occurs in
summer, and I always take away the grain
as soon as ther are dry, anti sometimes
before if too much inclined to milk. Fa
two or three weeks before calving I keep
them on a spare but laxative diet—lf in
winter early cut hay or cornlodder and hay
with a few roots but no straw, After calv
ing give one pound of Epsom salts, and a
few hours after a warm bran mash—scalding
the bran with boiling water—commencing
to feed a little hay in twelve hours from
salving, and gradually increasing to full
feed after two or three days. Since I have
adopted this course I have had no trouble
with the bag but what would readily yield
to a few applications of hot water followed
by dry rubbing.
Quiet PLCKLES. -eke ahead ofosbbtge
. 011 -
aline it up or chop it, sprinkle malt through
it; let it remain all night; chop up au
onion`with the cabbage, drain it through a
culander, season it highly with pepper and
oclery seed, cover it with strong vinegar,
and it will be lit to use the third day.
WatacT Com—Take fork) , walnuts
that you out stick a pin thro , , ; wash
thou!, 4pd put them an a gallon o ' wpr
I E,
bait it 444'n tO thrall sad •1 - aft;
add a few *Wow iiet i shoos sa
ging et ; when aoki .
In /WWI Building, en klain Iltreel.
Worse the chime of llloolushop and irklalty tbet
be bee owned • New
In thlo ph where hi In fl ict hl• old Mandl Ind
elstameto •ali and partake of Ma refreshments.—
It to We Ilion to {.toy flee but
*gnaw' n't hand ; Alen. Porter. itareariarilla. Mln
;,oral W Fancy Lan.onadia. Haaybarry and Loin
On Pyra ~ can always 64 Mad at hle ileitaurant.
lit IMa eating line he present, a
not surpassed in this piles , Pleated °yaw
Clasps, amplifies. Fish, Hastened Chicken, Pic*lei
'nip* end OW Tangos., kc., ittigis ales has a poi
article of
Cigar: , and Chewing Tobacco
for tile eustamera fine ban 11 roil
Blosinsbon. June 13, Win,
Retitlelion la Pricce.
The untlerpi,tecd will nifty In Ibe public
in all Ylnde of
LAI CD 12 ° d^® CS R
9ucb Se
GROCER 1113,
Hoots and ahoy', Hata, Cape.
awl Notion, In every vnrletv,
Our Wilhite, from the OW Or linUery, Will be con•
ducted on tly
and person, ci 10114 to amebaee anything in our
1111* CIA do /oat a very omen percentage un
Current Wholesale Prices.
All kind. of produce and grain liken In escliange.
g;:r We cordi4ily invite lice public to
and a Mara of their patronage.
Odourless. January 4,1861.
erns 11400,4111tCR0 LCIAI 'SERI NO CoMPANY,
would reepeetrully Inform thn public that they
bane theft
NW in nnera.inn with an Mena'''a aosortmeat at
Lt., VD' IX... 11 13_11:11311.1
and are now prepared to supply all orders at abort
outlets and at the lowest priera for nub, Ihelr as•
sortment ut lu.ober consi•ts of
White Pine Plank, Boards,
Flooring, Hoards,
Siding, Hemlock Plank,
landed or implaned, to •uit purebavets Frame Stuff.
Joice and Smiling of alt ram Th (.1 r VI ill
and Leaden Yard i• cleated at the liallrond
very convenierdly for shipping lu cher by the cargo.
They are ennetantly nmoufacturlng lumber of all
kinds, and persons Who desire lumber of every dlr.
Serlprilm will do Well to examine then sorb before
permuted.' elsewhere. They arc determined and eta•
Woolly yr•par cd to sense cheap er the clicrpeet.
Theyenoil . to inform the public sod erpecinity
rho,,, who wp,b to p rreho•e bi 11 swttl bat they have
one Mill .periatty prepared to cut timber. of almost
every ajar and length required. Tooer wishing to
build se connectors fur building, can save money, by
living use Lill I
The underogned would also nonriente tbai thry
/He praparuJ to dont: hand artpairie or 3lnchini
such as Threchiag Nlaclones. Mov, (.. Reapers and
all kiada of agricultural implements, upon reason* ,
Address. F. C. EVER. (key.
Mloutosbuta. Sept. 110„ Hloontoburg. Pa.
flow Loat, Hoer Ratorect
• Just Published, a new edition of
Ha, CI'LVIAWELL'd Cel..breted h,,Aey on the rad•
ease ( statuut weihna• la( elnertmOnwhwit. *Pm
ins, Wealtnew., Involuntary dentinal Losses. Imp°.
Macy. Mental and i'llycetti Incapacity, Intrednnenta
to Marrinee, etc. ; also Con unlytion. hpilepay. end
Fit* 'admit by netf•lnctulgence or altaunl ex. roya
0.3" Mee, in a inward envelope, only f,•eents.
The cArtirated author 11 this , admiroble essay
dearly demonetrater, from a thirty years' .tweet'.
fai Prdrtirf' , that the alarming enneequences r•f self.
abuse may be radically cured without the danger.
flue floe of lutenist medicine er the applicution
the knife--p..ibiana out a mode of rare at esic.t
pie. Certain, out eller twit. by means of tthlch even
sufferer. n 0 manor what hi. equilottoo may be. um
cure himself cheaply. Wit atelY. mid radically.
up This, lecture ahoted be in the hands of every
7011111 ate! every men in the land .
dent. under • eat. in a plain envelope, to any ad.
dreg, post .yaid, on receipt of six cent., or two post
Addrese the publisherp,
CHAU. S. C KLINE k. cn.
flrtivrry, New Yolll,l'olll Wilco bt 1, 413b6
Dec. 19, 1:C
C 2 al t-ta rP Ce QD a 4 C/SI
THE under.tyrted htts Oat reeviv.d a very large
earl oseettera ervortmerit of FALL AND WINTER
r40.41,,t, ',ouch hv rhyasys to eel! at very traw tato'
He hoe the teat Treitual of
141 AI VEIL HeeuNoEe.
CUCCX9,,t, ,
The Grocery Department
as filled with the bast quality ot fresh groceries and
provisions, sorb es augur, molasses, fi,,ur, salt Soh,
ham, bae , n, *glees. ire,
OP" Country prn4utte masa in sultanas for goods,
for whir h the highest mailer brie- artli be given,
tap. Don't fart to stvt min a call and mime great
Orangeville, Nov.
No. 14 Bond St, New York.
Z„.7" Fall information, with the higtest tertian:ma:a
also, a Rook on Special Mamas in 4 stated *article
sent free,
a: P . Issuer dud sena fee thorn, and yea rill not regret
It, for, us adventeing phyoielaue are general y tae.
poster', withant rth rrneta to *imager should be
trusted, Soetono a stump for poet4ge: anti direct to
011, LAWRENCE. NO 14 111./Nll brat :EP, NSW
NOV., 14. 1808-Iy.s M. P.
April Bth, 186 Z,
itn 0 North West for Philadelphia, New York, Rosa.
ow, Pottsville, Tnonsgun Ashland, ',Annuli,
town, Easton, Ephrata, Ltti6 Leocastor, Colutnblas,
kr,, kr,
Trains hams Harrisburg for New Tart, as follows;
At 3 PO, a 10 and ii 35 a m sad 3 10 and I' flora connect-
Ina with similar Trains nu the Pennsylvania Rail
road and arrivivil u 1 'qv w York al 300 and 10 10 • a
and44o,SY9snd 1090eN. sheaving Ono arrow pa.,
lif ins the 3 till • a and 900 r m. Trains without
Leave liarrisburg for Reading, 1•ottlY014.. Tame.
TAM. MOIIRTATOIe, Asti'and, Pius Grove, Allentown
and Philadelphia, at 11 Hi a a And a 10 and 4 10 e
slopping at Lebanon and ;1%1110041 Way mulleins ;
th e 4 In p a wahine connections for Philadelphia and
c a bs mi n a filly. Ear Pottivilie , dlchuyi kill Ii :men
and Auburn, vie Pellitylkill and ihninuebanna Rail
rand, leave Harrli.burg at 3 90 r a.
Returnag : Leave New York at 900 12 All and
S tlO and U au r is; Philadelphia al P 13 a st and 3 30 r a
Wny paspenger rain leaves Phlladelphia at 730 A
a. retuenina (ruin itardaig aid 30 r a stopping at all
actions, Pottevlile at 843 a a, and II ra; Ash
1, 0 0 900 spa 1t 30 aM. and 103 P. ; Tamaqua 13
9 43 A. 101 d 100 and 0 33 r. a.
Leave Pottsvillel for Harriabarg via and
Susquehanna Railroad al 7 00 A a.
Rendina Acerniiniudation Train`: Leaves Reading
et 830 A li t rtturiffill rim Pirimiera at 3 OUP
Columbia Railroad Trap leave eadlng at 700 a a
and 0 13 r is for Rphreta.l.llm, i.ancealar , Cull/011e.
POSIMOWN Aromtno4stion Train : Leaves Potts ,
town at 0 Al A. a., adorning Imes paiiBBBlBl9 B at
0 30 r. a.
Columbia lgall Road Trains leave Reading at 7 00
4. a., and 0 IS r. rr. toe EOM*. LAM, Lancastre,
Ott Iktutlays : Wave Now Yeast 8 00 P NI, Phila.
dairlor Our A N, and 3 13 P N. tbr 000 A M. Iran
mirth, Ody 1a Rodin/ ; Pottowlie 8 00 AM. ; Hilt.
MOAN S A NI, and heroine at 190 and 7 1111 A 31,
LOU( Fri Lim or end 111111 A N. Nis New Yolk 11041 4
r FLIP lellitadelphlit,
OrwaimaWre, 1111448 r, SAWN Rediewl and emir.
Orr TrAl i mbiru i hitstsllo.lo44.JA *arid Mb.
WOW 81111414044 Mewed earli
100 k 00. /010014111.
UMW 1101148111144Pwl
Pianos for the People
440 Reuse SI, N. T.
We would call the 'Mellon of the public and rho
trade to our Osman, New kilt Piano., to ttro follow•
lug styles:
STYLE A, Induce, Profit large round mitt re.
p l a i n ,a.s, niiper octagon or carved legs.
etratera bottom, bead %nitrating on p1inth....5430
STYLI' B. 7 mason, mine as etylu A with her.
peering mentding on piith, craved legs and lyre.. tiOtt
wrvi.e C, 7 tictrato, Prong corners large round
eorpentlne bottom, mouldings same as no style
D. carved lyre and desk, Macy carved lege.... SW
STYLE D. 7 rattly... Pcur large round corners,
finished hack, mouldings on rim and ,limb,
111111ollillUI bottom, carved lyre and deal ale•
gent (raved Unit legs COO
The shove styles are all tintshed In elegant rose•
wood cases and bane the full iron (rams, Preoth
Million, harp pedal, bevelcd top, ivory keys aid bey
front. and erased be everstrunik ham ,Carly ell the
7 h Ciento° Pianos now mandfraturett. They are
male or the bell Mthelriuls, anti t i c drain, duraiditi y,
purity and strati Inns et tulle, cannot be erapssited.
We invite the Ittlolllloll 4f the public, of ashlars and
the profession, to a cilticel examination of the
sterile of our Pkapne
By avoiding tt.e great exposes* attendant upon
costly factories cud experaive waren:wens In the
city, we are enabled to offer these Pianos at pries.
%thief) defy competition, and melte ell to call and
examine them before purchasing elicit/hate. Parties
outruns from a distance coil rely upon recrioltio
their rank , ' prituiptiy, and no confiteluti coo Mika
he the Wien are so distinctly designated by the
letters A it t: U.
To. four sty tee described above, embody all the
aosential chances Ica extetior tioi•li of caw, which
cane by many manufacturers roll up to IS and SU
patterns. •
We would reuproCully toll the Attention of ChNT
and Singto:.SciloolAthei• to 00 t comb.
wl,er, .11 .toJ. ..r Cburcu ttotfc otid
Atilltew Iloubs con b • obtusnsd un tug hmo, revivable
The long itSperierlee of n'ir Mr, rooms in Mulder'
Coneantoos, Ctiotte. the Conceit Room and dowdy•
Seitool. ,nab lee Cilia to sire advice 101.1 Itiftirrwit sot
on all emote of musical Int Ili 10 the ul two
of proper wurks of loot, "telloll rot HAMM 14111.11111di
rt . :vole —empress In tuuswal Mother, and Rim, of
ptneral Interest to composer,. lenders
filit.ct Mueie furnished on -the uanal terms with
proinpinees ItaJ dispatch, Country order, nm trwol
stleiMons made tor pupil,. leiehera,
to , Re.. arc.
Now ready the new Sunday School Singing Book.
44111,1)E .Ii iritonmE. ,
Se T E. Peeve*. Anther of sacred Lute. Sunday
School Danner, Ortentol Glee gook, Psalm Kind, kc.,
ke., he.
We will lend ■ specimen cfmy. goat paid. to any
address. on 'ocelot of !weals , emits. Tele price of
'Tug UOLI4P le as follows:
dingle copies, in paper rovers SO
erl4l h e .. . l 4 4l ies. in board . e ‘ overs $133
By the WO 30.00
Stairs UnriraNtl Fi%rno Polish,
Just Introduced, and being adopted by all leaden/
honors in the manufarturc of honors. Orions. Dol.
lard Tables. Purnliure. kr.. kc. l srrynre WOO has
a Piano should have a bottle of this Paden. !tend
for (Imitate, (MA We will glen full particulars and
direciinno. Applies' lona 1.4 Territory and Allende,
received by k PERKINS. lieneral Agent*
for the tinned !Rates. 4JO Mumma Pireet. N V
QT Ae aL,ey pereene in the vinntry webta sin
Ild bottle. end ne tlt artiple cAntl..t he sent by maw,
where Clubs are nude isp. and one oi Mole
ordered, (wills the oloney , we will IA vierJ by el
peso Icbarree pull or v. per der,i,
No, VP Browne Street. N. Y
0n.% S. A.
When by the nee of 1 ) 11 JOINVILLE'S ELIXIR
you can be cured permanently, and at a Welling cost .
Tile ant.mialting sierras which has atteueed true
Invaluable medicine for and laerVOUll
W1 . 41(1.411 , , Omtural ',radio). and Prostrattott Lois
of Maatular enemy Itopmettry. or any of the eon
as ntlenteS of ) Out blot 111 u. non, ri niters it the
Ino.l Winnable IMMO/Minh eVer al.. nvemf
It sau remove all itm mom niteetlene, depresrion.
elm dement. isc4pacity to study or buiunest. 10.0 it
memory, eonfoeion, ammints of self,li.xtrocto on,
!vans of Insanity. ace. It sill restore the appetite
renew the health of those Who niVe deStfOyen It by
Gemmel rice.. or cvii I.llaCtiCel.
young men, be humbueved no more by "Quack
Doctors" and lenoratit practioners. but send wltllnat
delay for the E4sir, and he at once rewired to bealt&
and happiness. A perpect cure is annranteed iif
every Instance. Price $l, or four bottles to one ed.
crevv, - 113. 'One turtle II Min/Mehl to raid a cure In
all ordinary cases. .
Alsn, Ur Juinsolle'S Specitit Pills, fer the apre.ty
and permanent cure of poclthe 61. GI kit. 1• ...
thentoriva. Gravel Stricture and ail affections o• '
the Kidney* cud Ma P, ( * .vs t trg5,14.44 in from
our to five dirt. Thee are !inqired fryin vegetable t are 4 rodeos. II t h e i) Me& and INVW,
Nouseate the stomach er impregnate the breath No
change 01 diet is necessary while using them. not
dtma their action in any mann.•t Interfere V 6 stls
new. pursuit*. Price 01. per bus.
Lather of tile above mentioned articles will be scut
to buy address. t lovely sealed. and pnot.paid, by
mail ur eihrers on receipt of price. Addirega all or•
data In lICKGER. IJT S. Co., Chentlete, No. 9413
Meer et.. Troy. N.Y. f IND V. 17-Iy.
Ph she war Ipiatitiftil mid fair,
ith starry +ler. And radiant hiOr.
Whose curling itedti:e sari. tete , mit
EachaWO the eery heart and mod.
For Curling the flair of either des into Wet y and
Gioavy hinalete or Heavy
Aleteive Corte.
Lty UPi a this article Ladie s and Ciehtletree can
beautify thetn,lvon n tioniennd Pilo it is the only
attic le le theAetldthetttilicurl 1110 t, Find
fft the P,itfle ti,.* 71e, it r htyuldji, eppetti
xr,e. The PO. hot otOy curia the 4 , 1:1.
hot i ns Ic - ratne. bonutifr r end CICLIMP ,is highly
sad do.bitful e,tr m
ed, 'he itioct complete
ankle orethe kind firer otered to the American peb
he. The Ci hper Come will be sent to any addrei.s.
sealed poidpald fall. Address nil Orders to iv,
1., CL A P K & Ca, Chimists. Ito. 3 'West Payette At.,
Syracuse. el, Y. Feb 7 11—ty
Laciawauus & Bloomsburg Bulb *Rd. ,
Leave Scranton, 554 7.10 4.40
- K.ne3ton. 8.:1 8120 Om
Supra o.tit ri,i7
• Danville, 0 St b So
Arr at Nerthumborland 1010 545
A5l PM
Leave Northumberland, 7.00 5 tal
. ban voie, 7 , 40 600
• Riinert. 8.15 P M ti 35
ri Kingston. 10.50 2.50 905
Arrive et Scranton, 1200 4.00 10 IS
'rains leaving Kingston at 5. 30 A: M for aeration
port with Train arriving at Nctaiiis at 3.20
sseagera taking Train South from Scranton at s.ak
A 71 via An. thuiriberlandarai b Harrisburg 14 30 P IL
Minnow? 3 :10 P M.. St airloogoin 10 00 P M via RlP
pert teach lqiiladelphin at i OOP M.
11. A. PONDA, Supt.
B E ALE'S - ...
Kingston. 7an. 30 IBC
requiring the gee of an external application.
This new Componit.l,prepared b)it prettiest
Chemist. being *full knowledge of all the medical
virtues of each ingredient that enters Ito its compel.
onion, is werranted to exceed anything of the kin/
ever yet offered to the public its an Martial appti
cation for the diseases for whirl's it is fecomniended.
We ale Fattened that it will work its own reed Into
the etordilence of all who use It, and those who try
it once will never be walkout it, and therefore we
rely on experience RA the best test of its usefulness.
It is pronounced by
UP ALI 1.13 tti LAI 1.1.1
and all whit have tried it, to be the best application
ever used. Title Embrocation bee been put up for
over eight years, rod it lonely through the Im . vnaiiii
demand slid opera !vowel of my mends and the
outdo: that I send it forth as the 'rend remedial
agent fur the warm+ to winch tbst noble
and useful animal, the home Is Inttlect.
Massy remedies have been veered 10 the public
under different forme. mune of Omen are lujurinue.
others at beet of little usa, and many Wholly Im
proper to anewer the purpose. fer which they are
A judicious and really useful composition, fug
Irma Ouse objections, has heretofore long been de.
sited by many gentlemen VIM bees
end era unwilling to trust them to the cars of Mulish.
nig andpretended Yllirlerll. TOO' IRO et
length fully planned. by (Op. Neale) being prevailed
upon to snow this valuable Embrocation (which bee
proved so Oen ,cious to the various diatoms) to be
prepared end brought out to the public
this Embrocation Was teteuelrely used by the
Government during the Mar.
Adams all order to DIL EDMOND IleitislL
thfil South eimond et. IMilladelptilm Pe.
Mute EN 'WI —Om
An porous Many thsiusalvs iodebod to the
underslipsd, ire rNw.s. N makillaypipm withuut
410153 J. O. SWIVEL NM,
Illeimaburi, fob 13, 11N17.
Te undbrellned reopeetfutty Inform" the eltlaene
of hicnovisburg mad Columbia 'grimy, that they hosts
all the different numbers of duel in j
Implant for strolthing purposes. on their wharf. ad.
joining Nickels", Neal Skew" Vonore I with a OW
pair Bullets oaks the wbartto weigh reedier sod
Wats Likewlart• horse and wagon. to deliver coal
to thou who dmilra It. Ai we porehaee a large
amount of goal, we Intend to keep a imparter
and sell at the very lowest prices. Please call and
mining feryOureeless before purchasing elsewhere
'ring nndarsigned 'WIWI'''. in exchange for coal
and Oroceelea , the following named artistes
Nitwit. ityi,Corn,Oet,.. rotates', Lard, Ham. Shonl•
dots, end aids (11011, Nutter, ter, Hoy. ke., at the
highenteash prices, at his thaws Store, edjoining
their coal yard. J. W. 111.141'1EltetH(Y1'.
filontneburg, April 23,, —ly.
81,o0AIS1301iG, CO
t NE enhertiber, proprietor
or the above named es.
!Mime establiehment, is new
reparad to remise orders
All Kinds of Machinery,
for Calletles, Most roamer% Platinum, Enginee,
/41114,0, Tag eitlifsla MAt INKC AC., *C.
tie is ohm pramted to make , 010,1.04 all 04114.8 and
whims, tome,rooo, and tverYthing morally made in
His ON, 41)0111 , 0100tie , tvid vroeft , a 1 W V kiln Wni •
'II at in the hi g rwitructn "”
m Jr.. sortable VlllOl
Tr tin in of alt klat , lll nett hr Ittitot to oi4 Had
top Tots oo toolloopooni to 1 0 , 11. M r 11 •, I , ' .1A •
i , a Rimonsborn iteilrood
glemosburg, lops. IS. 1113.
tletely opposite the Episcopal ehurf It.
•Inik tr composed rd ettill clothing, raediotn
;11 and low priced—adapted to all eottoittoqe,
tortes and want,. He ha• the latest Myles for the
41.11e0f) --41 alle 111101 tor
overcoats and Gnatlemen's Ellaws,
from low to the very
Ilia (Jaw's are Fa.011 , ./i ot ,7 / 1
in addition to my *rock ,ra v-,11.1e eluding.
nave wee silhwis for cwt. In i.r 6 ma.
Clo CaNsimcres, Re.. &c.
And not ;RI ono of the !Let clefs cotters, l poor oi
we aAt to all and give ontiefactiun. Alto •
variety of
Stnekinan, WOW , . holler.. Ot.eck•. Hamilton Petra
—rverytteina in the etentlemtn'n line or corning
Aim, Hats, bolls and Mugs, Tenpin and Carpet
will sell at the latirs.t Mnt plow r,"
um a 0111 before 'net ha•lag 01.• p t.
ANnamv I. EVEVI.
Blood4burg. Noe. 13. 1865.
Anemone," to lois 11141 IV ft tondo' and noionesons ens.
tomer% that he continues the above business el his
old polacd of bu•tosess on MAIM lab DL.OOllli.
Isis ciletoMee• and when. can be accommodated
of all kinds. Vaseporon.'fin V ere. end every -'"
article Pound in all well regutnted wrnvc
AND TIN IN All f. I rfAItI.IOI!MLNTS In the slues.
and on the moat reasonable terms.
3.7" PIrtiUTIND. for house% and hlrne. will Impel
up on short indite. Also. att kinds of inpai r io( door
promptly and upon liberal tame.
Ile and keens on hand a lime supply a kt ilk
Pan., or 010'44444 sizes and prices ; besides a One as
aniline's' or Platters Patens belleivellng t fuel Pro
serving Cana. Clue Mtn a tall.
Jody let Ihnit—lf.
11 . C. HOWE R,
MkßepecTruLLy offers Os. prefer,
m ous writes to site tam e• are ti , tte
woo of Nl.soluetserrsnd vicinity. Ile so
preparb4l.o al.end to all the vution•
epoasinne in the line of ld • nrofeeeinn ends prowl, d the Meal improved let.h.CEL.ll.e, rEEric whirl
w It I,:iss +filed no fold.plutina.eilver and rubber be e
icilorAw. II me the natepal teeth
VI .01.11 &gate and bid .:a teeth manufnetured ar • all
al rr, tif 11, on refs illy and prop- rly attended in.
ste.risenct and elite a few deer, above the Court
II as,e. obit,* gibe.
Iblenoshers, June 6 16119
332A1...2130 'OPCI9'OIZ.W.
Through tettecen BOtintore end Rochester
Without Change of Cars.
April tiSth, IK7. Trains will sun
qv; A , AL lea v e t9o49,lmbettand, stopping et firin•
stat.on,,, airtime at Nilnuravvort. t 4 1 1 4. M.,
E.:".114. 32 PO n o on, eavandaizon 3 15 v. m., hoe Mm.
ter 445 t. Iluffnlo 9 15 P. 21., N.sgara Palle
9 0) 1, tt.
4 45 P. St b - lIPP Northumberland, stopping at alt
Itatmis. pp; at Wilttumepn,t, 6 45 v. N.,
min, It 4.35
603 A. n.. kart. Northitotbettrati. plopping at
prjo,lpal itatiffit , k, mitt , lag at tlntitsbitrgi, AO A, it
italtintore 12 30 r ..fhilagetphia 103 P. M.
la Id A, M. leave Wttiumberlaud. stopping at all
' , tattoos. arriving at Harrisburg. at I IS r. a., Hal.
titnnrs 0 01 1 P. At.. Philadelphia S 40 P. n.
5 10 ft u. 1.550 NortattinbetWlS, stopping at $ll
stations. arriving at 111A1 , 14,,inr d 30 $.1t5„p514,01.1.
ph,s I IA) A. 4., li , ,s;tititorA 7 00 A AL
it 50 P. kare atthuniberivad, alcppiug at
pplarlitat stations. arriving at iisrinOrirr 9 40 A At
„C4lnn7etei , riot Jelphia 7 10 4. M.
J. e, lleitAltßi, t. :l. YdUli3,
tasn'i 0./pn, HAttimi , ute, Pa. 1;00 ot, s. Apent,
itnitit l) to 1
1S; AA C %l. PCIt 'tl Lit HORN,
deti'l Western Etelght rigout, Uultitto. N. Y.
May, 9, WO.
Are savories to all others for
I , 11X AND MAN U 1 ACTC R 3161 NAP Ono,
Contain all the latest improvements • are speedy
noiseless ; durable , sad eery to ware.
Illustrate.? Ciroddre free, Admits wanted.
era) discouht al loWelt. No eonentnntent, wade.
Address Minn: N. M, CO„ did Otoictway, New
tteptember S. IKti & en,
sale. The underpinned offers for smile npoo the
mast rp9rit'ntihl. tt rnl3. at 1114 plaed of Omduese. ltt
BENTON, COM' WI A tIOCNTV, one hundred then.
sand ehinglee and a mile lot of fencing boards, of
the very bent.tuallty, both pine and hemlock.
J. J. lhetalllftY.
Bantam, May 9, lead,
(Late Assistant Mcdiehl Director U. S. Army,)
Phydcian and Surgeon.
(1.7' nt the Cork. (kid. hioniiieloirg. re
Odle promptly uttemleil io bul night and MO'.
Illoompburg. Nov. Mod.
• Has opened a New Tailor Shop on Main
Street, Illnornehurs, where he e ill he plensed to lee
all who may favor hint with Iheir custom. He keeps
on hand 4 we II et lected lot or clothe, ColernerO, vest ,
NO, which It. will make up to order with Ileatore
and despatch.
Attention paid to cutting gentlemen and bore
elething. Also minim/ eone in the ladies' Hite.
Repairing done open short notice. All work
ID" Give him a all. rilloonseburg finny 9,lM'
(TOE UPPER 1101.11EJ
Orangeville, Columbia Co., Pa.
The ilabecriber respectfully thaws, his
(feud, cud M. public. teat he has Whoa the I
above well Mown
,and will be pleased to toccivo the custom of all who
will favor him with a call. He will koopi
411. GIOOD
a EeM,. I oloekeritille the best of Liquors, and
tole Sew will be liodo to tootlesentire fanlike
tl6ll. JOHN atITHIlli.
Oroolisellle Nerd .0, IW.
SE ti lik'G' MACHINES.
Empire nhuttle Machine !
piN,Eitanom 330 n rand way. N.
PAD W name, r 1 rut. Pottnn.
NI I. he. ma Ptrxin. P6llndrinbla.
P 4 11*PiiiTEI) Pen. 11, 1041).
0191 a"1111;F: le cnnntrucimi nn @portly IpVle
pr. nAto.-• of, p inn many rare
into!. hav tow twolt HI wined
Ay ilr hotot ovor...end p 1.410,5111111110
~ n il fir(ectiew Coml iaed.
It n 11^Igitr. flown/461411DV 11<1100.
mak r• t o. or r 111 T I'LE el (ITCH. which Mal
r RIO hot !SAVE,. sod to afike on both rl l n•
p.trwrar petted .rewtmt on every dr irrtyttou of
resvrrlsl. from leather to •he finest Naosook
we,h eollnn. hrn, or silk thread. from tho to t
In 03,t noothrt. Having neither CAN or pod
Wrielit.. and tholeast possible friction. It runs as
smooth as glass, and Id
f ,Vamcicis .11itchinc.
It ergoitits PPR notr. Pars power to delve
It 'two any uthor mrel,tne in the market. A girl
motor, years of oar ran work it steadily wnaout
Colltuo or IA min hearth
ll+Wrong. owl won , b•rfotrilloohdority orCort+trier
lion rendrr. 41.11.. t ionposoitplet In gaol mii of order
and I. Cll'AßANTEtilt by the coutlialty to ewe eh
tire onliefh.llo9.
W. Invert all ihnho Who may derive to
'giro', with 3 'mina t impor t to moo
enn ./31.0 , 1C Mall CltlttVAl. t:U jo Arm lc.
Ina Olaf boors ispirtottoo en to „ow e
any In work Out 'imbibe to their enure AM:
Arida vranu d for all lawn* io the. Visited Plates.
wiser, •titentleo ate 11.4 altemly eatabisatnnl Alan.
for Cuba. Neale* Central awl POlith Amebas. 110
*tom a liberal eliaeramt will bo Nivea.
Ldlrlfte dillflfso ra co
83b art...away. V.
Phino-Forto Blanufacturori,
499 Broadway, New York.
, rtit: ATTCNTION of the puhllr and the trade Is
111)0111 liW ~EVEN oeTAVIL
It OS Mt> II 11 A Nt) frolltEd. übuli r.,„.„ 1 „„„
anJ purlly of tone are untivalien by any hitherto of
foe., to tine market. They contain all illy modern
impror e et e. Prenth grand action, harp peital.tron•
frame, over•Mrung bass. ele . and oath leetrintient
liethir made boiler the perennial anprrelru.o of ?1 r.
H. Commingle who ' hose yrs. - Mel eIip•fIVIIC43 , 0
over thirty year, in their taimufacture, in fully war.
1111411eti in every !eminent
THE -OROPEaTCAN riAstnroarir
RCCIIIrCV TO( NteNaaT •wale or MN aT TNt ttrir
nltATllo Wolltp's
Where were erbibited inetruinente from the heat
niaaere eaden. Piris. Germany. l'hilethlyha,
hatrlmare. Dn•bm and pew Vora ; and elan at the
American In,iitain for live succearive reeve. the
Gm.ri and day,* hlarmas from bulb or which CIO be
seen nt not ware-t.Ollllll.
Fir tit. lye,o r t. 0.1 impraveinente we melte
'top more perfeel Piano-forte. and by tbanurm3..rsbir
vbitb n blitelly ca•b by-tem. are enabled to
otter the e .ohlreuient. et &pike Which will preclude
Our prit. - s arc frourllllo to 8.100 cheaper alimony
drat forte.
t•aah in eurrent funds.
Inou rt pity, circulars 'en, free:
July 11, /roin—ly.-11. sr. 1'•
N'tockqf Clothing.
Ln2saalll 6.::1111.1710.1 eZr
Spring and Summer Goods.
I N lL l TlV l ce=i t i l l o i n it o w h o le s s io to,r,k
n o n ( cheap and glib
3/4/N .S TREET, ii/.of/ESBURG,
two elaves abort , the 3ourkust Ilovse,
where he ha. Just r.ceived from New York and
Phi ladelphia, a lull wieortioent of
Men and Boy's Clothing,
Includiog thd nio.t 041.1onsbk. duraWe end hnnd
wolint. [MIMS 470)0Dif. covsul in of
Oar, Sack, back, Gum am! Oil Clue.
etmta, and Pontß,
(01(44 11 , T. 10,0 has vo,n.
optoll tits If•rge stock of Cali n 9.1
eilatt e , ttq+,(l figur e d VestS.
Etix , M , , • ..A1
rrid•r., anA hi,oy
it hand a larva and trail
selertta and ite,Atina r d, I , olllth
lir HI pi • VI re I. tpata, op to OSA', ~ i n to any kind cf
el•lii/•••4••••: •:}.l rtuuticrandin th, tot At pt
ttt 1.10. made to and Most of t tr
of Lank rtmou,"acture.
CK every Merrittlion, Irmo aid Cheap. Ilia Ow of
Jewelry la not Implies-1J to this piece t oil Hutt .3
online hie rcueral 1(1 , 0011111CW of clothing. WALeIIO,
eta elf, . de , tec.
Dlonnubutg. April a :so.
Wonderful Revelations Made byy the Great Aetroto
gist, NI elDiMe7, 11. 1. PEKRIGO. Abe reveals se ,
ermine 'portal ever knew. +the restores to bar*
n ees boat woo om itioefol events. retain rophee.
crosses to love. Was of relation, and friends, lose
have t,ereine tlespetitient, She bruins
tnCo her vhcsc 100.:110(1:1rePd, Vv• tayormatjain veto
ectain a t chased friettias or fr tete, restores Inst tr.
',Wen ;Innerly. lett* you the I,o4iness you are beet
qualified to pursue and in watt you will be most suet
resew a causes speedy marrows and tells you the
very day you will marry. pis so you the name, like
ness and characteristics of the person. r 4 he trade
your very thrlaytta, and by her almost d opsreaturrat
powers tined, the dark and hidden tuyeteriee of the
future. From the tiara we see it) the brotiment—
the malefic titers that overcome or predominate to the
contireratton -from the aspects and noontime of the
planets and the fixed stain in the heuvent at till Itate
of birth, she deduces the future destiny of man, Fail
not to eoumitt the neatest Astrologist on earth, It
costs yen but a trine, and you may nevi./ again have
fut.-rattle an opportunity. Consultation fee with
lik°nests and ell desired information, st. Parties
it% to; at ,a dichince can ennentt the Madame by mail
with t/oal safely and , atisraetton tothemsolves as if
A fell and viplarit chart. written Out,
with utt treoiries answered dll4 likeness enclosed,
sett hy mull on feet apt of prise above mentioned.—
The stifrt,St Prete y will be maintained and ail ear.
reaponiienee returned or deetroyed. Referenced of
the hippest must furnished those dearrierg them:-
Write plainly the day of the month and year in
which you were bore, earful& s a small lock of hair
Address, NIAIMML 11. A. PEK/Altaty,
PO '0 'ul -+y P, 0. Drawer 20. Buff tio. N. V.
Throw away %We frizz , . your wirehair, your wig;
Dvstilictive of ratur"rt and not worth a fig ;
Come egad. come youthroi, come ualy and fair,
Arid rejoice ID your (min luxuriant hair.
Pot restoring hair upon bald heeds (from whatever
canoe it may Nice Wien out) end forcing It growth of
noir upon the face, it bee no equal. It will force the
bowl to crow upun the eniontheet face in from AV*
to eight weeks, or hair upon bald Wade is from two
to three month*. A few ignorant practitioners have
asserted that there is nothing that will force nr hart.
VII the growth of the hair or beard. Their assertions
are Mee, as thousands of living witnesses (from
their experience) can bear sit ores. But many will
ray, how are we to distiuguilit the genuine from the
epurious I It certainly la nineitentha of
the different Preparation advertised for the hair and
cure ere entirely worthless. and you may have al..
ready *brawn away large 111111111t11 in their purchase,
To suck wi would say, try the Reparstor , pull, it
will cost you nolbtog milers a fully coinsitlep to our
representation , . If your Oruggistr does Mat keep it.
send us one dollarelad we will forward it, pulped.
toother with a receipt for the money, whir* will be
~turned you on application, pnrvidlag CAWS es3s•
Action is not weir. Address. IN. G. CLANK & CU.
Chemists, No . Were Fayette St., etymons'. N. Y.
Feb ill 'i7-1y
WIC C. 11111/11111% NU M. ceseuren,
Eetiblished 1828.
737 116111111 IT. 01111 doer below Ith, Prmaorteste.
'Ammon.' otn.atse, vAsivieffice, Dist
orsty othor article sppletilnino to tie
letooloteee, of the beet qualify, 004 et the
lowest Merkel
MHO IC 1110, •
o p T Z'S
Horse ad Eli Pocleri.
ERS, Itit)111.
VIEW) Y, Ito
woe iniprnino
wind, Went
the appetite —0
I i‘wooth
woman, rtni t I
wisenbk sludd
In all Maim
the Lung., 14,
be., this sal
acts nn a sped
By pal dog fr
one halt a psi
to a paper It
barrel of *wilt
above it is•is
will lue eraheas
or entirely pr
preventive an,.
kilos 26 Cents rv , raper, or II Papery for ti,
No. 116 Franklin St., Baltimore, Md.
For Sale by Druggists and Storkk,Ppera tkrougb•
out the Vatted Nunes.
cr• For Nit as llie• Imp }t wo , ~r
1: I . BR, 0 1'
Monaishure. 14n 6. II+6; -
'rnc andotalgnod wonla renire.(4lly an main_ to
I the citizens of Itionnoelona. and the Vubpepo.
orally that he ix twirling
an thitkittlUtt 1.1 NV,. be
tweet thi•l I,re Red tbn , hr.
*rent Rail fined Depots dal•
ty. Sunday. rSCeptrtt In
COMIC! el with th, e. .v.. 1,1 Train* erin.t %t est
on Use Catnolnne end Walliiim•pott Itail Bout. 411,1
with the,. going Minted ai:J 4uutli oil the Lack. &
810nuotbure Road
no O MNIIsI d• 11 4 ore in good condition, rnmm•r.
dbass and euinfortable. rbe►,en rca•ooablr.
relf4o/1 oriplupg In meet Of pee tb-ir itipods
deport. ran rpt accommunota, upon .ravonrMe
charge, by leaving timely notice at any of silo Hu•
rg °vivito
Meantime. Anvil M. 064.
HAM itITERMINIA7 . :om Pull HcsiovlNG BIJPGR•
To the tartlet tally. thin Invuhmate dr pilaf nry
recommends itself a tieing an in moat Indiepentsible
Mottle to tertiary beauty Is eenoy applied. noer nut
burn or injure Yoe skin. but WA d'rr thy nn th , ►
It is warrantee, to remove ruoarnUllOO hair from
low art brads. or Irmo ant' pArt er ihn ec , w.
pletetl•. totally and radical 'y extirpating the yaw,
leaving the akin sh. risionth and natural. Iha if
the only real Iflarifi toed ay tbit IPronrh. and la the
Only real rffiocton I del:nowt, in etiatence. Pr. ee
cant per package. sent pod paid. to any addre■r, on
receipt rif an nide I, by u&iguLit. &
Ireb.ll7. '67-1y tlialuaitr.v.ra Rivet tit.' ray. N.V.
EVERYWith th• COTTAGE imam
and the priming material as
tampion ing itarry ry nun ram
do tug own priottnir nanny.
MAl#l quaky sea r limy ale
lOsimplo tenelein, Inn tail
• bee II 'rata Oil can vainly
manage Inc iaigral 64 ,
1115 prim, d inetrecnona arr ten*
Willi each (afire. enabling the
innthare.r axwork :tu .
nut a pr.% knOnit der o
OWil printing. A amnia( Contain
inn kill desetieltoo. Price*.
teldvrounoslo. Atc , sent 11,:e.
pr I NIT P of Type,C2o4.6tc., ton et rat.
C0., M 26 Ann Street,
Barth 0, 1,-;r,7,- OHM
The 4444304/M4i , rooportfully rishruncss that be
has Ur, 4 1 t,l a whop. t,t Court Hoare Sigel, opl ,01,te
the f:11 11 11“1: 1 .1 111 1. , bo
Clget , ht harbe , 44l4:l: , 4 1114,11 Ir. bran<
Tt,i•ct and hishessses is
prartU4d hy bias dt , u cleans
444,444/1, 414 •.. 1..44k 1 ,, :04`t 11 4 1 ?.. 1.1 00144 new .
•. 41, -•- opt 1 1.0 0 I'loo tl.llla I ~,1 1
T 4.1•4 va•l tit `I,V . . 111443 0 4
elcsaing twit, ke“ sotistsusty un hand. and for Sag o
April 25. I reol•
Attorney at Law,
0111. e ,n the Exchange Building, Jerrold entry. over
e tu t. t fi. cw.. Store, Second door above the t;s•
change Hotel,
Inoonnceurg. April V. F 67.
BL 0 OJISB 17 0, I-17
titaetice, in the several omits o f cowriot.
end I,lloinitil comm.y.
Er All Cnileriotid prorblit;y4rt,gdett to.
June 110, le.tiu.
Dit• J. R. AN s,
Physician and Surgeon,
AVINti 10,11 , 04 ;...rmAlienity Main
Slroot, PLOOMSBIIRG. Pa., ourirtiri in
tom the putdie gerrantliy that r.pranrar.e.i to
attend to an husrueen carthfully and punctually that
may he intrusted to hts cate, on tem* commoner*
rate who the trines.
r.r?'Hr Nly4 Mid attention to aorgery es well
e► meth/inn,
Nov.tta, 1 083.-Is.
mut c]*,
11.yronsism County, Pa.
N. HUDSON, Proprietor.
Isavetuset 14, Mo.
VI ETERS' Newly Improved
AriegowLEDGEn To 112 THE uher
London Pete Medal mud bialte4 re weirdo in Aron r
lea received,
Ilelodioun and second bond Manny. Miele,
April PO, 19137-3 m. below ath PA.
0. G. K A. II L E lt,
Counselor and Attorney at Law,
Would snowed tops Mende and the public In
general, that MMe reenated the Practice of Law
Cooveraneing and all legal business promptly
attended to.
(Irvin In the Exchange Budding, second story ,
over Myer k Moyers Drug More
Dloouleburp, May I, InC7.
(Successor of Mr. &ford.)
Mr. Koons hoe lately tonal charge of this rtru ler
and it olloatabliehte hots, and will be pleesee to
Rae his WA frlonds giv• tilts a call lie is a ropita
landlord, and keep, a liret claim lava...
April 10,
lit preparation,
g sod favorably
gr *III time•
Illy reinvigorate
cen , dowti sod
spirited horses,
rivainvit.g the
inch and !Tact•
Is I tors pre.
live of all dio
ipeldept to
(PIRATE by their powerful Influence on . the
internal Over* to purify the blood and Ramie
late it into liraithy actfuu. They remove the
obstructions of the stomach, bowels, liver, and other
organs of the body, and, by restoring their irregular
'lien to health, correct, wherever they exist, such
deraugcnionta as um comets of disease.
An tantalite trial of their virtues, by Professore,
Phyeleians, and Patient', has shown cures of den
g.rous diet cent almost beyond belief, were they not
subamitiated by persons of such exalted position
and character u to forbid the suspicion of untruth.
Their certificates are published in toy American
Almanac, which the Atoms below named are
pleased to furnish free to all inquiring.
Antlered we give birretions for their use in the
complaints which they have been found to cure.
Fit CO6TIVCrir...7e. Take one or two Pins. Pc
qaantity as to gently loose the bowels. Cos
tiveness is frequently the aggravating cities of
Pti vu. and the cure of one complaint is the cure
of Loth. No perhon can feel well while under a
costive habit of body. Hence it should be, ee it
IMO be, promptly relieved.
Pon )versee , s, which is sotto times the canoe
Of Costireners, and always uncomfortable, take mild
duce from one to four to annulate the stomach
and liver into healthy action. bey will do it, and
the nearibton. berfysurn, and rordburn of dy•pepsei
will rapidly disappear. When it ha. gone, don't
forget what cured you.
For itttot atm, or 31,u Sid letartiOo of M.
lintrrhi, which producesienerai depression of the
spirits and bad health. take fr, in four to Plea Pilj•
at first, and smaller duos afterwards, mail activity
and strength is restored to the system.
ram in he Stow, 4, nark, or :ride, take from four
to eight rills no going to bed. If they du nut oper
ate audielentiv, take more the nest day until they
do. These complaints will be swept nut from the
system. Don't wear these and their kindred the
orders Localise your stunisch is foul.
Is Invaluable
'ea the quality
I: milk It how
proven by aa•
enperinatit In
the quail
of milk and
m twenty per
and make the
.e r firm 2 , 14
t. In fattening
le. It glee* them
ippetite. louerns
r hide. and
rs them thrive
PON .1(1101 , 1MA. EHYRIPISTAS, and all Dineassa
al' the reein, take the firs freely and fis,,nently, to
keep the bowels open. Tie eruptions will gener
ally *non begin to dimitiieh and disappear. Dian
dreadful nlcers and sores have hems healed up be
the purg ing and purifying effect of these Pill a in ana
tome d isgusting floe:men which seemed to *nests)
the ivhole sy.t. pi have complete!v yielded to their
influence. having the hotreier iu perfect health.
Patients! your doty to society forbids that you
should . parade yourself aroma the world emoted
with purples, blotches, ulcers, sorra, and all or any
of the unclean di: e. wca of the 'skin, boeawm your
system wawa cleansing.
To THR LiLoOD. they ate the beat finds
eine ever discovered. They abonid he talon freely
and frequently, and the impurities which sow the
seeds of incurable dimeases will be swept out of the
system like chair hefere the wind. lly this pr o p er t e
they do as it trod in presenting sivkauas as be
the refumkable cures which they are malting every
!Jetts Court sin r, JACnnica, Ina 41111 Bilienta
Afiglions arise from some derangement — either
torpidity. congestion, or obstructions of the Lem
Turpidity and congestion vitiate the bile and remise
it unlit for digestion. 1 hie is disaetrous to the
health, and the constitution is frequently under-
mined by no other cause. Indigestion is the 'lrmo.-
torn. Obstruction of the duct which empties the
bile into the stomach canoes the bile to overflow
Irtu the blood. 1 his produces Jaundice, with •
loop and dangerous train of evils. Costiveness, oe
alternately eostitenore and disnhcca, prevails.
Feverish symptoms, langudlf, low spints. weariness.
rectlesencos, and niebuicholy, with sometimes in
ability to sleep, and sometimes great drowsiness;
sonietinici there is severe pain in the side; the skin
end the white of the eyes become • greenish yellow ;
the stomach acid; the bowel* sure to the touch.
the whole system irritable, with a tendency to fever,
which may turn to bilious fever, bilious colic, bilious
dian hors. dysentery, &e. A medium dose of three
or four Pills Liken at night, followed by two or three
in the morning, and repeated a kw days, will remor a
the reuse of all these troubles. It is wicked to buffer
such pains when you can CIITe them for 26 cents.
Rimy tenor, GorY, and all fortfornmofory Fr
ter; ere rapidly cured by the purifying effects of
these ritls upon the teloud avel the stimulus which
they afford to the Ilia! ;-rineipit of Life. For thole
aryl all kindred complaints they 'should he 'olio is
mild doses, to move the bowels gently, but freely.
As a Diertet.• Pitt.. this is both agreeable and
useful. No rill an Le medc mote plemant to take.
and certainly none lite been undo more effectual to
the purpose for which a dinner pill to employed.
DR. 3. C. AVER & CO..
Practical and Analytical Chemist*
Ay , t's Ague Cure.
F^ Vie ertnnv ANn ftirrAN rear ov hrtsawrititt
h 45 ASO !WV". RtMlTTrur rive
1h Aare. na
PiLwv, fitrAPAtur, ANn MUM. Flenß4l nopllt D,pop.
PER.O6.ltMlet , I, BY TRe )11141116 Or MiSAIITIO
Thin Tooled) , ;Inn rarely tome the eremite
cog r o; ob•Iloond Fryer , and it Mir the peat
ad -
%moult otr, Ante that it 'Odow
c.‘ n,irent injury 11 the patient. ft too •
fat es no quanta: or other tk irter eub►tanae,not
do,a, or any inform+ effiict whet.
n3,0,4np of she army at the went, try
It awl , arreritinie.
Prepared by !IR• C. AVER &CO. Lowell. M*ea
and avid by all tirnaglint and dealers to rwdielaa
eat rya nem
tlol.l by au Druggette in the Country
May 224-Iy. 40
has tatcly taken rheree of this well known and con
ventewly 1000.1.41 viand. respectfully Informs hie
old tri antic se well as new. and the public in naffs. ,
a l, t hat k ra how la in coinplete order fur lb* se
vlntinto , l lion of hoarder*, sled for the reception and
entertainment of travellers who may reel disposed
to war boo wing their custom. No expense bee
L.Ol ountvd in preparing tine HOW for the enter*
tainnv , nt of lust*. and nothing shalt be wonting, en
Ins pail. to itliniatvr to toot' personal comfort. The
ivcstout, as well so the building, lea good one, and
all toroth. r is empty arranged to pleats the public.
tj flit Ulu will Owe), be funnelled With the
beat of liquors. and his tette with the best the met
act affords. billtAtt, MUMMY
Orstigsville, April 3, 17—tt. •
Practical Watchmaker and Jeweler.
STREET,7uear the Colin House,)
constantly on hen 4 a One osoortment of Aineeteon
And swine Witches, Clotho, Jewelry, ilibrirwmos and
Pialactilar attention paid to the Clara,
0101 r, aryl Jewelry, hllllntlle Nuke mods to
order. Ail wtolt Warranted.
Bloomsburg, April 17 £167
amyl Blois
MOT DOUR ADUVII . . nsesotatsr Or rtcE,'•
TNIc aederelgned 11411'111 raeitlas4 from the ter
a full and aomplets supply of
Nations. Tli•vraro. llorawaro. Co
der and Wllloor Ware Drags. Comber:ie.
ory. Mass .Waro, War,
Rata sad
Shaer, Pour, maU. /oh sad Kw I all it
which I propooo tolling at ,star? low ligairellor
rash or armless.
W Call and no. C. C.NAIIL,
Bloomsburg, April 3. tan.
Wilt otteo4 to writ in, Wino DIM& Monellto. Lotti.
tt, 4 Bonds. Notes, legroomooto. Mt All loutior of
wllt lug between pewits, promptly mid outwit?
Benton Mai 1,1167,
C. C. Al &RR'S