Bloomsburg democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1867-1869, July 17, 1867, Image 2

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Welintedity, July 11, 1667.
cM. heur5..13.1.t.& Co r ruk 116. New V**
ar • duly authorised to email cud melee
rime and aistrilrina for Our Dowers. Seer, Pvi•
Conrad at Illuourobsre. ColiiiblleoB.ll* n.
Denaecralle Mar NOllllllollolm.
Ibr Judge of the Slovene Court,
11011. 010 SELVAINCIOSts
The Democracy of the count* wore never
more en the alert than they are now , and
the feeling among them in of that wholesome
character which presages ultimate euceese.
The day of spasmodic effort h.ra passed,
and there in a growing disposition to march
on under the old banner, turning neither to
the right hand or the left, until victory is
accomplished. This is the spirit which
must actuate the party in order that its
mission shall be accomplished ; and in our
judgment thin spirit is spreading so rapidly
that not much more time will ellipse
before we shall have restored to us the reign
of Jeffensonian and Jacksonian principles.
The public mind moves slowly. except in
times of extraordinary excitement , but this
vtry elownese wide to its suroec,:s, eo to
creak, on the principle that"the eober, sea-,
cod thought' . of the people is always right.
Therefore let not the true friends of Freedom
disj.4lr, or halt on the way, caging about
for a staff here or a prop there; but keeping
the eye on the casket which contains the
jewel of Liberty, albeit it may seem distant
and dim, press eteadily forward, and c ur
enocets is as certain as the ultimate triumph
of all truth
And to accomplish thts desirable result
the sooner, let us treat the Democratic Party,
ar a party, fairly , that is, let her have a
chance to show her inherent punry, at all
tett:its, by keeping her clear of the feet:soon
cf the day. Thus she will manifest her
real strength, and that very manifestation
will have the effect of bringing to her ranks
the proper minded men of the country,
thereby leaving the various factions and
isms 4" devour each other, as they invari
ably do when not encouraged by the adsption
of a false and time serving policy. Let the
Dernrcratic Party be a party to itself.
Why Congress Meets•
The real rearon for the azetubling of
Congress in extra ser2ion le to rote away
more money to carry on the campaign among
the nerves in the South. It es only alum
Sickles bar written to Washington, stating
'that he could not get along in the Carolinas
without more money than was approfriatcd
for the whole South, that it became certain
that a ma)ority of the Radicals would be
present in July. The core money is ex
pended the greater the chances for their
friends t: enrich themsel:cs by stealing. In
the meantitne the masses of the North arf
taxed until they are little better than ayes.
but what do those who &sedate to be their
=ester:care for that? The negroes must
all be trotted to the poll.; with Radical rickets
to their paws. no matter how many ualione
it may coat.
ler The Secretary of State, Wm. Sew
ard, has seen proper to wri.e a 11n2, letter
on the SANTA ANNA questior history of the
country so far as our connection wlth Mexico
u concerned. Seward's letter is very non.
ommittai, as te usually the cue with the
state papers of that wiley politician ; but
the purport of it is,'that he has been inform•
ed that Santa Anna left New York in the
Virginia, a Baited States cease!, for Vera
Crux , v a pasaenger that. after arriving
there he was forced to go aboard of another
I: S. vessel, the Leccony.the commander of
which, in the word of Seward, "roughly
laid his land on the .earn of Senor Santa
Anna ," and that he was finally surrendered
to the Mexicans, in whose hands he now is,
if alive. His fate is uncertain The quest.
me is a disagreeable one so far as the '•gov•
ernment" is concerned, in fact rather' die.
graceful , for that this old and decrepid man
should be surrendered into the hands of his
implacable enemies, for no reason, from the
deck of it U. S. venal. ie unaccountable
Bat the "Government" seems prepared to
do any thing,
OIL The Democracy of this County Till
bold their Delegate Elections on Saturday
the 27th inst. It is important that the beat
men of' the Party be selected to hold the
Convention, then we need not 'have any
fears as to the formation of a good tient.
The Democratic Party are disposed to ad
here to old principles and measuree in spits
cf the efforts made by certain policy men in
cur party to lead them off from the old land
marks The attempt to unite the Demo
cratic Party with a set of time-Bening men,
ealling themselves Conservatives, in or pre
vious to our last campaign, most rig
tally failed not only in Pennsylvania but in
every other State were a like effort was
made. The Democratic Party are not so
cheaply sold out , they are not, willing to
give up their name, as certain men in this
State would have them do, say nothing
about abandoning their principles. When
ever that is done they will drift about as
have the old Whig Party, being everything
in turn an'S nothing much at last. The old
Democracy still lives and victory inbound to
again perch upon her banners, if they will
but keep their *ranks clean, and not allow
disaffected and corrupt peisona to hold poll
ticn in their ranks. •
SEASONABLE SUOtiVirloNB.—The follow
ing hints are seasonable, and may be true
they are at least worth trying —Oil of
pennyroyal will keep murquitoes out of a
room, if scattered about in even quantities.
Roaches are exterminated by scattering a
handful! of fresh cucumber parings about
-the holm. No fly will light on the window
which has been washed with water in:which
a little garlic b&s been boded
principles is blunted by an unrerepillous
rpirt (of partizanship,are pointing exultingly
to poliusal niovemeets in the South as evi
denote of what they call the "pie/gross of
Republicanism." The term "republican
ism" used in this oonneetion may be appro
priate if regarded as referring to the objects
and designs of the law defying party which
verified the prediction of' Jevreagort by
, stealing the name of Republican with which
to get into power; but if regarded in its
original and legitimate meaning, it is wholly
and absurdly inapplicable. It is absurd to
call that "republicanism" which seeks its
ends by means known only to despotism,
which substitutes the bayonet for the civil
Ism; wide'', in a word, establishes and sus
tains by the sword a partizan tyranny whose
only object is its own perpetuation. In that
part of the country where this boasted "pro
gees of Republicaniem" is going on, five
military officials exert:joie a power equal to
that of the Autocrat of all the Russia+, and
the champions of' this spurious "republican
ism" are now legislating to place that power
beyond dispute. Their partizans, who have
gone there in quest of place and power, are
going through the forme of holding conven
tions preliminary to the mock elections to
follow. It would be placing a monstrous
estimate upon popular credulity ki suppose
that this mere pretence of guiu r through
the forma of popular nominations and elm:
tions can deceive anybody. These radical
conventions in the South represent the sew
tivaenta of few others than those who corn.
pose them. The are comprised of Bureau
agents and other political parisites who are
feeding upon the taxpayers of the country,
and who form a sort of mutual society for
notninming and eketing thermic:lees to offtie.
They have things very much their own way,
anything hie effective opposition being
overawed by the bayonet They are allowed
to write and speak their sentiments freely,
but this privilege is for them alone. They
have the power through the hoards of
Regictretion to make and unmake vortex at
pica ore, and they can thus decide elections
in advance. Their conventions are nothing
but deluti:e snows 'I he election in France
by which Lusts Narorroe was "ehonen"
Emperor was not a greater mockery than
the prospective "elections' . in the Southern
States will be. And it is this miserable
burlesque of republican government that is
pointed to by radical journals as the "pro
grams of republicanism. As we have aleoady
said, if by thct phrase they mean the
trines and purports of the so called Repub•
hem patty, the phrase is an appropriate
one, for since the party which adopted that
name came into power, it has become the
synonym of intolerance and tyranny. The
record or the falsely styled Republican party
is a record of bigotry and corruption. It
had scarcely secured power before it set
vole the forms of law and the guarantees
of the come ituticn, and muzzled newspapers
and imprieosed citizens for the expression '
of their opinion. Having used its power
for thopi unlawful mane, it ricks to pro
long it by means equally unlawful. Taking
the term "republicanism" in its party appli.
cation, its progress is fitly illustrated by the
infamous and disgraceful despotism that
c ame, Re a withering blight, ten States
of the Cision But the apir:t cf tole Be.
pubtisantem—that Repoblicaniem which an
treated the patriot: of 'B7, and whose cor
nerstone is the civil law with the military
power subordinate—revoiii from a "pro
gress.' evidenced by a system of nubridlcd
power and political corruption from which
the tyrants of the Old World might have
learned a lesson in their efforts to destroy
the liberties of their subjects.
tfir The men who were instrumental• in
the murior of Mrs. Surratt are beginning
to be frightened at their own work, and in
the trial of her 3011 John a little more show
of fairness than at her trial is used. It is
time that the villainous opprerson and red
banded mut derera of our people should be
gin to understand that crime shall not go
nnwhipped of Justice. Neither ourselves,
or our cons. or cur sow' sons will forget the
high-handed outrages penetrated on our
families and friends under the rule of Abo•
litionism. John Surrates trial is still in
progress, and to an unbiased mind there is
nothing in the evidence to send him to the
gallows for the murder of Old Abe. In our
nett issue we hope to be able to inform our
reader', of the result
Dom' A man Gan't be a Democrat and en
dorse slob men an Raymond, Seward and
Stanton Raymond is the man who wrote
and debreqd the address at the Philadel
phia Angus/ Convention, and afterwards
went home and wrote and published for the
Disunion Party and at Washington city got
down on his knees and begged of his Abo
lition brothers •for mere, that they
should forgive him if he . had done wrong,
for he seas as Rood an Abolitionist as he
ever wa•. &mud is of "little bell" notor
iety, and Stantonscaa the cause of those An
dersonville murders, for which that poor.
man, Wirz, was so unjustly executed.
I• We are pleased to notice that the
Express comes out with a powerful article to
the effect, that no man can be 4 Democrat
and go :for negmsuffrage. Good! That
hits the nail on the head. This squinting
towards negro equality, by certain Demo
°ratio sheets, must be put down at once and
forever. This bobl and.manly article puts
the Messrs. Brooks on the popular and win
ning platform of the White "lan'e Party,
and Hon. James Brooks is just the man to
run as the White Man's candidate for next
Governor of New York. Clear the track.
—Day Bonk.
FOUND Orr TO LAM- We understand
that one of the Associate Judges of Union
county, swarm that had be known the mon
grel party was so haft' up, that it was com
pelled to choose for a ca,ididate for the Sti
preme bench,♦ man who had never got high
er than associate Judge, that he would have
made a desperate effort for the position
himself. What a pity it is he hadn't found
out this fact sooner. Union county instead
of Allegheny, might have bad the candi
date. —Drmocron: Watchman
tide upon the above subject, which does
not give so hopeless a view of our situation
u many people insist upon taking. Throw
ing am the 480 southern States, which it is
not probable will be allowed to participate
in the elootion, the number of electond votes
will be 247. These the Democrat thinks,
from present indications, will be as follows :
Democrat. Republican.
New Hampshire 5 Maine 7
Connecticut 5 Vermont 5
New York 33 Massachusetts 12
New Jersey 7 Rhode Island 4
Pennsylvania 26 Ohio 21
Maryland 7 Illinois 16
Delaware 11 Michigan 8
Kentucky 10 Wieoonau 8
Tennessee 10 lowa 8
Indiana 13 Minnesota 4
Nebraeks 3 Hams 3
Nevada 3 Doubtful .
Oregon 3 I% est Virginia 5
California 5 Missouri 11
If the ten excluded Suttee are permitted
to participate in the election, the Democrat
thinks that "it is altogether probable that.
their 70 electoral votes will be cut solid for
the Democratic nominee, although it is pos
sible through the interference of the military
that the negro.' may carry South Carolina
audLoniniana." In that event, the Southern
vote would stand Democratic, 67 ; Re
publican, 13 , and the electoral vote would
be divided as follows
For the Democratic eanclidate 192
For the Repnblican candidate 115
Democratic majority El
Nzawors IN Nonni CAROLINA.—A fiend
ish outrage and murder was perpetrated in
Janes County North Carolina a few days
since by three negroes The negroes went to
the house of Mr. Reeves Po ~ c ue and mating
an attack upon the family raptured them and
shut them up in an outhouse on the perm
area They then robbed the house of all
its contents and out becoming satisfied set
upon the family and committed the most
cruel murders recorded. The first %Arline
were Mr. Poseur and his wife who were to
ken out and murdered before the eyes of
their children They then bel.te,l a dauch
ter of Mr Fo.,rue and her child an infant
about fie' months old and eller sontelong
the Add from her mine nud killing it, non,
dared the mother. A %mower daughter of
the family caught up a child and ittartra to
run away front ti mite, why,' she was to
ed npon by the MINToChtn, stud het self and
chill both wounded .
She continued on her way, however with
out being further n:oleated, and suceeetkil
is reaching a neighbor's house some two
miles and a half distant from the scene of
the murder. Upon examination the child
was found to be dead. Sheriff Craven of
Newberg, North Carolina, has left then.
with a pone of men, and a meeting of the
citiiens of that city was called on the .tame
day to concert measures to aid in the arrest
of the murderers of the Ftseue
THE RrevraicAN.-3.1r. Albert F. Yost,
lately connected with the Republican of
Bloomsburg, advertises in our paper, of to
day, thathe willrevive the Republican newt ,
paper of this County, about the Ist of
August next Like all his predecessors, he
prominea the friends a high toned organ - -
This was the key -note in Tiffacy'e time.
pitches an octave higher by Emory ; then
came Billy Burgess a half note higher ; then
Ira Avery fairly squealed out with dignity
and loftiness of tone , then came Bill; again
who, to close the strain, struck in, the last
time, ten or fifteen octaves lower than at
first ; and finally the coucern died out with a
low, moaning wail— its long only half sung.
Every one of these black birds struck such
a lolly key-net •, that nothing short of a
sheriff's execution could make them pay
their debts or bring their music down to
the comprehension of our common back
wood's pecplc. Mr. Yost is spoken of by
those who are acquainted with him, as a
practical, common sense printer, and gen
tleman, and may not, like his distinguished
predeceseors, strike such an ear-piercing
key -note, and such a tragic attitude in ma
king his dehut.—North Branch Democrat
railroad time ever recorded hereabout we
Stink was made between this place and
INding early on Monday morning a week.
A gontrnment detective reached Reading,
and cksiOd to go on to New York in all haste.
The regular train had left, and there were
but 40 minutes !eft to reach here in time to
take the New York Jrain. So he hired a
locomotive to bring biN here, the engineer
giving Mtn full assurati,•e of making the
trip in time, and sure enutiel. the distance
36 miles, was accomplished in : 4 5 minutes,
much to the satisfaction of the official. He
wa4 so well pleased, that he rewarde3 the
engineer and fireman each 810, besides rkv
ing $75 for the use of the locomotive.
Allentown Democrat.
FRANCIS MEAGHER ie reported to have
been drCwned by falling fram the steamer
Thompson,on the Ist instant, while en route
to discharge his duties as Governor of Mon
tana territory. He was certainly engsg«l
in preparing for the Indian war. General
Meager was born in Waterford, Ireland, in
August, 1823 ; received a full education and
was admitted to the bar; joined the Young
Ireland movement, and was sentenced to
death by the ruling party of England ; was
eummuted to penal servitude; escaped and
reached New York, and after. some legal
service was found in the ranks at Bull Run
and other Vitginia battles.
lir The execution of Maximilion, by the
Mexican Mongrels, is fully confirmed. The
death of this unfortunate young man. shot
in cold blood, lie& at the door of the United
States. Had it not• been for the petting
which these brutal greasers and half-breeds
have reoeived from that Supreme old /Oa,
Seward, no such a disgrace to civilisation
would have occurred. Our attention to
them has, as in the case of inferior races,
only puffed them up with a fine idea of their
own important*, sad they thought .they
wog do "a big thing" to show how great
and mighty they were. As it is, they have
only shown their Wml brutality and ea--
age, y —Pay Book.
Ye, 1 10
Coro 1 00
Buckwheat " 80
Oat., 60
Clovereeed " 700
Flaxseed, " 250
Dri'd apples " 2 60
Pot. toes, " 80
Flour per barrel, 16 00
Butter, • 20
Eggs per dozen, 15
Tallow per toned, 14
Lard 15
Haw, " 20
Shoulders, " 15
Hay per ton, . 15 00
l- - --S----.--.....-..
IN AA Die D .
AtQranget:ille, ou the 11th inst.,le the
Rev, Nathaniel Spear, Mr, JaWell'lleller,
and Mies Cathanno Hart, both of Groan.
wood Township, Columbia County, Pa.
On the 14th Wet, by the Rev. Willies,
J. Ryer, Mr, J. N. Shugart! to Miss tielva
Shuman, both of estswists Township,
Columbia County Pa.
In East Bloomsburg, on Thursday last,
Mrs. Blooms Long, aged 37 years 5 months
and . 11 days.
It I. lienefel'a ronceiteil that "the Net is always
the cheapest and that being the met great pleasure
IS With in Introdurini to the public
whillo Is tepidly hr t. nom/ ioupolor and tooth lA.•
Mo Ake lb,. Wild Mot! if *imbibe to tolltrolOot loos
t.nnw.uAl• and pintos°. tool. i toe tlolhr•
itl•set.l U. hot roils, •n.) "Nei In WllllO Ihu.lmmrr•
rd and lb. roo,ftorol. lho Mathloe npvtilltd
a• Thou. Ilto Muth e• slotodtly. elonoty
•ul rool , y ot. , it. sod that /Mt itiolonott tenrong and
• ...In/ mil lb.* • 1.11I•C Mhlth In • moot osteut is
1100 .n•+ unit. Isishlont•ol pr... Id.
101 •
tAIIVIEII%/11, Cu 01111K8
lA/ It I MI It
the whale tator of werbene to bet • pletleort Pau.
time eenetterett tetth the former tootle of ttIYBOINGI
AVD tOAICIVOCI. aid terietin and withetne. The
diet Ito to theroyed y the 110 1 81:DO that but little
etteopteetton tt Inetiallty 10 expel N. ND Won, is
the Cuuuty should ye witlwont
and the
t:Ntl/CSIPAL cumin; WRINGti.
The r•itte of these Illaebooes tale as tonewt.
F2nAly Ns. Vrashtt. • • • • • • ell 0.
Hotel Om • • - • IS $
' ann oy me. !Co.! wropr.
Nile Nn. IL . . . . . •
ruld be
March 17 11161-17.
' Mtn': of Charles Stewart, dee'd.
In Ihn.Orrhnne' Court in and for the said e. cent,
it 'I, WO. dim thus contained •
The petition .4 Wesley Fleming et itherifolly rep•
temente. that Mertes Stewart, late of maid county.
died about the hrst of lane. A 1,.,. DIM o► 00 o►
before. intertatr. ■nd that administration of his
goods. chattel• and credits was on the Wel day of
Jane, A. n., ims, duly peanud by the Reveler of
raid County to 14mnd Potter. and that the petition.
er became •airily in the earn of me hued end dolls?,
to the admint•trouon bond 01 the raid Lemuel Pot
ter, milli condition according to law. that by virtue
of the author ty conferred upon him as sdtataulte•
tor aforesaid. the mod I.erunel Potter poivreeed
:vm.elf of the raid diode. 'battens acid cretti.s
mounting is valor to the oust of one hundred and
forty duller* and ninety night teals at by an sown•
tory co it's snipe Old in the Mlle* .t the Os
ter on the Wel day of June A. It. will appear.
Toe petitioner farther reprerefria that the raid
I•emusl Potter is wowing and mistoutmeien edd
estate and property under his charge. by orelertieg
and rrfotmg to render full and tom (oceans. of pintb
iodate or property come to his hands cr tnowled;•e.
The primmest the:critic pram , its Cony' to 1..0T
a 61.4.011 to the tall I emu.) Potter, requiring him
to appear to this Conrt on a der minam. to an•wer
this complaint. and *bow tassel! any be bare why
heehould not he ordered to give such counter actor
Wes as the Court *hall Judge necessary to Indemnify
the petitioner against Puma by reason of his surety•
thin. and Ind the Collet wilt grtmt such foit►er te.
lief as cony be set/tor:zed by law
Whereupon .Iny O. 1061. Motion directed to lam ,
lint I . OllYr to. on the first (fay of nest Tt•rm, chow
:mune why he altiord not give additiosal security or
be removed.
) In tettlmonv whereof I have hereunto
I. P. vet ley nand end enneed the °Metal seal or
(-.--'said I' nun to be affixed ibis twentieth day
of May. A. D.. IhC.7.
Bleometturg.July In. PO
if a Mt./ published, In a sealed cave.
gllope. Price 6 cent". A lecture on the
nature treatment and radical cure of
lieMloll,l %Yeaknead or Spermatorhota.
Induced by lyelf-Abuse ; Involuntary Emissions. la
pmeney, Nervous Debility and. Imp..diments to
Marriage lenntaill ; .Coneuniptioa, Ppliens,. and
Mental and Physical Incapacity. ac. Hy
!tOheri J. Culverwell, M. D.. author of the 'green
pn9k,' die,
Tb, , world renowned author, fa this admirable Lee.
t ot e, c'early proven front his own experience, mat
the awful consequences of dell•Abose may be Pir , tl•
ca tt y rearm ed %ninon( bled/mac and without Mirk
,"rose. 'w ool. operation,, boogies. inetromentr,
ring., or o r irdiOle. pointing out a main of cure at
once certain and I 'Urinal, by which aver, ',offerer.
r ivataly and radically. This Let.
no matter eiLmi hi:. condition nay be. may cure
t h u im re it w l i r i c l h p 'e ro a v ß e lY a boon to thourands and thousands.
gent under seat to any addr.Arns , in a plai v
n enelope,
on receipt of at; vista, or two postage 'imps,
Alan Dr. CuiverwelPs Marine 06'Ide. price 26 tents.
Addre oi, 1...11Ad. J. C. NLINE
igy Howary, New York, P. 9, box 44...6.
.r.b. 13. 1147,—iy Peas la Co.
Orncr or Tars lhomersrao La
latertst , Tr, July I. irwt.
We. tho Officers of the Posy, of Trusters, certify
that the conditions upon which the last subscriptions
to the Btneh of said &mogulc wee made have bleu
compiled with.
T.. R. RUITRT. President.
Attest, P C Eves. ale, roars
The euhertlhcre to the Stock of the above named
Inetitiste wi.l plonk pay the first inetaliment: to
wit : One loirth if their pitherription ma pet raid
condition, to Wit.t.ien Snerve. Treseerct.
L. B. RUrkßr. ►'rrndpt.
July 110.1 W.
B. H. S'FOUNEIR , Proprietor.
Thia las two riatt4 lotoly Otted op tbeeememeto
(tattoo of the traveling petite genteelly. situated on
Mein puree!. •few doors above the Cott MOSSr no
what It known as the -litobblenn property." It ie
centrally located In ti a town, am wt plearent plane
fora orate to atop bootees being in that part of town
what. Os mainsilir of the believe. Is being Cone.
The proprietor Nolo ronetirmi that he le prepared
te he senate I salts }lon to his 'molt, and ►Gold
tolidt a flit portion of thit ruttlie patron go
PlormOutg. May 11, 4607.
• • • • • »9,
& B. NULL Age*.
Pannek. Ps
Wit arn tuthoW to v. *mei nape et
vw hem JIM Oa Of •I for
0f . .1 pd sown* unitlnr/iond Mt, y n
Un In • loot Olson mtntnlA on
Mkt. ItOPOo 4t Ibtodo 011 1 011 1 41 040 Or
dot Td* u hoo It, tent- pl.
' 4 Treasurer.
Tfigyorylo A* 00 40000 of my friend.
WO loMoyso to 000t1M0001' Oa a misdadato pot
moo otTomiumr, sodded so *, doors of
Townehip, Juno 13, 11107,—pil T 11TOV T.
aACOII YOUR, of 111111610, her outhunted or In MP
hawser hir eager for the Wheal Melt Trompeter
ruhteet to the Orris Ivo el Um no to
Convention. 111, WWhT.en
ANDREW I. At WHITSON, of °oatmeal T.'s.
altla. 'Nage Oa eeltaialqe of dos moony Meals
Re hie been Isar to ore, MINH° I/V reedit ago
10, SIIERIFIF of olouteet Comet?. moblect th the iv'
clelou of the Deointaille L'oetveattoe.
Joao 10, lam,—rd.
WE ore author's/0 to swum the name of A.
tltlll'll, of oladloott Towegblp, as a condlifotil
fur the otßee of Illoto Shoal of Culotobto Coubty
!object to the doci.lon of the heinoerotk Corot), VOW
1/04001 , 1 to be bold f•t illoourtborg, ob Monday, Jul/
V9lb, 1967, Joao IV, 1947.
AVI No hod full enneultetion with many Den e
rg Milk friends In the County, I here CUOrluded ut
prevent nams hefore the Drmocrary of ColuceLin
COunty fur the once of lin mum 'object to the O.
cielun of the Democratic County Controollno, end
moot respeetfully ask of the DththeraDe a"WI of
this County their hearty support'
Donn Township.
he 19, 1867
10916 H 11.FURBIAN, of Bloom, bad •athorl■ed ra
to announce Ins nlilUo u a candidate for Barr,
of Columbia County, autiect to the daelalon of t/
Coomy Coartatlon, Joao 19, 1867.
ipatMß MUMMY MR. of Bloom, at the tolicitotir*
of his many friends hes consented to tat rano*.
e (Of Mil tar of Coitimbia County and if nomiuri
ed end elected piedhes bimsolf to perform the doh s
of ibe once with the beet of his stillitwo, sud at as
same time Work faithfully and Parallattl y for the run
miss of the Democratic Patty in the toning tam.
pfti.ri PUbjert la the Perlman of the Democracy of
CornMbis C:ounty. Jana 19, lehl.—pd.
sillr ati FF.
mo m t rAve been amhoriten toannonrinc Diet tsl W.
Att LI, Aft 0, of Coots° township. Colauktria Co,
lea I bra candidate for the ate of Nuottre at
Calau , to r.t/olv, subject to the decision of Ips
Dim 4:.700,r0bta,0. lit. 1801—pd.
DIRE a Er.
°AMUR!. IC UN ft, of Renton Towoodip. tarots him.
sloop as a ttlidighlta fat tits Deka of DUCK try of
consult** County, walled to the dorislon of ,ha
Demorsty of the County. June thl,
WiI.4IAM APPLIIIIIMI, nr Donlon, bow withanx
od nr to ammeter* hie non* ha the tithe* ar
oft I VII id' Co lootibili county ;be bowleg been lo=
doted by btu tautly liietido who ore ontiotto to toi
In it OMO unmoor the Woo he ouotoino.i while
0064 11 10 nd on ittrart.otAtion to Pat Wain Hs 10
auWeel WM, decision or the tioniottallo Vourootiea,
lane Ilk Ilia
Wit aro authorised to aonottoort the nowt of
TV FRANKLIN L. 8110E4 N, of estoottrea Torre. ,
atop th• onitn of (WJSTY TKE:te,tiatt, sob.
too to the deriston of the Commotion
Juno toit,
wee ate authorized to se mime the name or JOHN
If II ETIAtt, of Milani Toniamile, WI a mot.
dam Pif the Mtn of cagINTV Tit ti,inigt ER, et the
comma Cittiffid OlittjeCt to the decision of the Define.
exotic Coureetion i June itti, teaT,
County Treasurer.
kVYffifi 'steed the Mummery ofColurnitis Gone
ty faithfully for • number .4 year'. in the cops
nary of editor and publisher of the Biltwiat Gairrit,
and b.iirefog that lorth.cootintserf service is entitled
in ceitatherstion et the hands of the petty, I heel.
been %educed to allow my name to o before the
people au a midate for COUNTY TREASURER.
Nhould I be nominated sni elected I promise to per
the dolls* of the office with pdatity end to the
best of my ability. J. 9. 15.1NDZie.
Nerwico, June 9C. Inv, pi.
The interest of ft.ittnlyst in the partnerebip beet
nese cif >Htnhner k Widnioyst in Bloomsburg having
been rind by B. :Rohner to Nana deroby on the nth
day of Joie len, Notice to hereby wren test the
40 penitently heretofore existing betevien ft
Plohner d,. Vt admoyer in the hosiers* f Balmy end
Confectionery in Ifioonishitrig P*, watt dissolved by
mutual coeirent on said 'kik day of June INV. The
hooka of the let. Arm are in the heeds of Frederick
Fel:lawyer for lieutenant. at for o.d eland in the
Etrbebee Work, where the Leonetti , 10111 be aria
dueled by Frederica Widraoyer & &MO Jacoby.
Illonreehorg, June 19,1867.
The l'o-Partoerehip heretofore filleting between
Ilatchesoo k At,l. lo the tannic( beteariese, in fern
'Vermeil, Valuable County, woe dissolved on the
MTh day of Mitch W 7. by menus' enneent. Thole
haviod accounts to o title we print theme for adsu•
devotion to either ineinbee of the dm.
Eishisirrrek. Jane 3, 1867.
(enlisting or every article Mead fa a Or at eland
Hardware More, among whirl are the following:
!A ES,
A tAto,
Give my A CALL.
Bloomsburg, loos ID, tee,
Veered to grow open the manotbellt flee In from
thres.tonve weeks by urine Dr. Derylgoe's Rem.
teursteur Ciplllaire, the most wonderful discovery
In modern erlence,setteg nynn the Board and ffalr
In en slalom nuraenloue manner. It has been need
by the elite of rerls and London with the mood.f
lexing sumer. Names of , sit pnrchsoors will be
registered. sad If entire ealleMetion is not Oren la
every Instance. the money will be cheerfully refund.
ed. Pries by mail, reeled and postpaid, Pew
erlplite mrcalars and testlmenlsli mailed free. Ad•
droll al•L'aim. slums & co., Chemists. No.
RN River Mutt, Troy. N. Y.. Pole anent' for the
United Mmes, Veit. RI. 11167-17.
It: the metier of the relate of theme, Robert, de.
roeeed. And new to wit: M. fell WV, the cowl
eprotnt C. B. Ornalwni , grq ,avAitor. to mike AU•
triburind of the footle in t le, hinds of the admlnb•
tretor. 'Pi the Conrt. Prom the Record.
iris/ Cameo. Clerk.
The audltnr shitt•P named well attend In the duties
of hip appointment,/it hill nellee In Slnromehnre. nn
Th. miler Atilt lit IM?, nt 10 n'elnelt 4 In, at witch
tornp and place all perrons baring elalme ammo
maid artate most prerPnt them. Or be debarred from
claiming a share In the IMMO;
n. B. NIVICEWAY. Auditor.
Blnnmaburg. June SI% lON.
The tondertlanad an kolllol appointed by the
Orphans '1 nor' of Colombia C neat,. to mite 4401-
bull , tn. mond the Wire, of tha proceeds of the
Eatato of WO Hain Edward i and Margatet lidetatde
dortaxed, wltanttard,to the Mattis of bla inipeont
meal, on latorday the lath day of Atodest nttt, ,c 1
10 O'clock, a,m,. at the nate* of M E. Jaelmon.
at Beterlek, re„ at which Ism and plata all parsons
Intarainted ate tlhad to 'Mond.
Jungle, 16M,
Car at Exhibition into *World 1
With a Modal and Com ete
grA*6 The
lei 1 1 ' 4 W C Titlß
And co,lobrdation of Shit landing Want embracedin
o X :Et 0 'ET Mit IEI ES 0 .
Pr....tow mem Rare and Iltiskun Animate, intereoda.
pipia itnd Iloptiles end 4 more Varied end Jeoinel POW
tarnance than An any e.merrn In America. A
mainr portion of the
Ilertr 141.14 jut 110104/Wl. Among the hettures
"X•XICa Xa X JP la *r e "
An Vnyeeined Calf. Foot A 'neon Elephant *vet eq.
Yeavert end elaelleit Min Only IS
sawithi obi. Stand» 211 Inch,* high, and **lglu
;OP pounds, and the antwhaf u t pettonajait
Trained Munster,
" ME X" ME X AT ,
A Colonial Astatie,
Haut Pe) , euell la trerel on Pmt, Will riot be *bairn la
• the ►'stria, but will Lit performed le the kiln. st soak
Tim 17,ring Animal r ongatr , r. will at PIRA shibition,
am , r rant LlONS,flUtai% LEON
ANI/ AND PA and darn • Thrilling
retformaner s ith flap. f , eon* and Sairlint
Ma Erna Entplay of WS LD A N I MALS .11,4 lb.
Wail he raven art eor.itplettora.with the
The Dens wiileonthin n Mn ;nal fteeht Zebra; a
Towering ()attach, tibiae Plumed, Seven Feet
Three African Lion (Six Menthe old;
Kittens, driest and prettiest rpeeinlann In any
Menagerie; Sacred Cow end Calf; Long Lip
ped indoostan Bears only Animal. of the kind
known to exist; The Erebus or 3 et Meek Lion;
a Dominique Alpacca; the "Ship of the Dee
ert"—rt Dromedary of sahrtra ; Black. African
and Asiatic Lions and Lionesses; I3eng;tl Ti.
gers; Sauey.). and South American Leopards;
Meek', Orderly and eirinsmori Bests; Striped
and Spotted hyenas; Elk ; Fallow and Spotted
Deers; Cashmere °oats ; Wolves; Panthers;
poxes;Coons; mons ; Consent's ; Bea
rers ; Moose; Ctrit est.; Prsitle Dogs,
weak it FULL AVIARY OFl3lKDG,andnllthe
known variety of Apes, Baboons and Monkeys,
whom arr. SIX rAIt LA rwr-i, more then hero ern
bean entered in ono EQUESTRIAN MOW.
Mille Carlotta Wh 'they,
La Petite Louhle,
M'l le Marguretta Le Moyne,
Mille Elvin',
Miss J en nette May land_,
and Mom. Clemene jabs ler.
Two Cllrcsazi alcomerztin
Pete Conklin dC Cbax. Morgan.
John Conklin,.
The Athlete and Cannon Usti Slanipulafth
J. Hernandez,
Ram Reel Rider.
Geo Deriona, Omar Dolisle, Laißowe, Rarer.
ter, O. Hunter, H. Hanlon, Pierre, Jean, Roch.
ford, Dunbar, Moos. Y. Trine. W. I((chards**
Mostar Uharies and Mr. H. Whither,
And oaten. famishing all ttot le lewrel. AntoAnd BM
managed in the Kqueslainn Act.
Will be toads upon the Entree Into Town every
D. 1r 8T °X' II DT CP CP XV.
Consisting of •
Drama by Sixteen Arabian Horses. contnining lIRITNEWB PHILADELPHIA COR
AO SUPERB DENS, elegantly painted and orniziest•A
111/"Theo ./ 11 004m . oY 311 et 21 .411
An Immense Monk of
Trained' Blooded Circus Horses,
And • LONG LINE OF WAGONS, CARS, Stm.. the whole (orating I PUBLIC P 4
BADE worth a day'sjuurney to wattles&
All the Menageries'and Circuses under e Tent for One Single Price
Of Admis on sion.
Two Performances, Afternoon & Evening, at 2 & 71.2 o'clock
Doors open one hour previous.
Seats for an who come. Plenty of Room
ADMISSION, ) • 60 corn
CHILDREN, under 10 years, - 26 CENTS
At DANVILLE, Tuesday July 2411,‘
BLOOMSBURG, Wednesday July 24th„
SLABTOWN, Thursday July 25th,,
ASHLAND, Friday July 26th,
One day only, afternoon and evening at
each place.