r ' ' 4, C al XXX 1 , N or COLL:211014 CO. Piesidatut J uage—lioui William 'Elwell. :- I .l e I re) Derr, Aaveiae t . ey"— i Peter ii. Ilerbein. hale)! and (ll'k of Courts—Jew it! t!oleman. Register and Reeorde , r—J oho O. Freel,e. ( Allen Mann, CounnisAnnerw— , John 1?. Fuwlor, I )kout.gomery CI. Eiheriff—Santuel Snyder. Treasurer- -Jobe J. Stiles. . Daniel Snyder, When-- L. Holten, Jab P. Hannon. Commissioner's'elerk—Win. Kriekl.amm, Commissioner's Attorney—E. H. Little. Mercantile Appral,,,er—Chm. (leo, W. Utt, County Surveyor—l.:me A. Dewitt. Viatriet Attioney—Milton M. Trough. Cortmer—William .1. I lv!hir: County Superintendent—Chas. U. Barkley, Ammo internal Revenue—R. M. Clark. ( John Thomas, Assistant Assessor— B ' "en "' J. H. Kehl., t J. S. W o .,:k Collector—Benjamin E. Hartman. N EW STOVE AND TIN SHOP. ON MAIN STRUF:T. iItLY OPPOAITr: AIILLERIS STOKE., til,°o2lllllllilA7., PA. TUE undetsfsned haw jut tined up, sad °pew: 4 bis uew STOVE AND TIN sllol', to this place, where he is ',tweed le make op new 1 , 1: , WARP: or all Mods to bia Due, and do repair. Ho with neatoese sod dispiteh, upon the mold ma amiable terms, Heel*. keeps 'JO hand STOVE:4 of sariettaltitterna and Otyleo, which he will sell upau Isms tonal ourchasers. Mite thou *All. He to a goo,' mechanic, and de sewing at Iltt teibite Niroliage. .•• lAt:00 Bloombnrig, SW. 9, ienc—ty. LASTER FOlt SALE. The iifidersigiiiiii is about g Ppm at be PENN runNAct, 31 1 u s. and will oir-f t 9 tun yu,f } a Q 1 } fUvlliir `: U 10:48 ILEttk NOVI* Scotia White Plahter, prepared ready for 1100 in gilanittie. rnit purdia4 tic nt any woo from W. nrat of Marell iwxt, J. S. Mr.S.INCII. ClilaWk“. 1"67. BOUT AND Silo]: 8110 P , : . OSCAR P GliaoA-, Re9ocifollitinthrtot Ib* NlNia thttt he is now'pre ward to Athalmture ith k•otlo et' BOOTS AND SHOES, I at the LOWWXT risst" , ? , td Awe antler awl ,T$ the v, , t We Hi Ur. GrrMtt, Ohi had in yehcit 1.1 soEG , 4alti rxp.vbart r. ~ • p sdatlltil for scrodwoit,ti• . jag nn,arpaostMi. i l k Nov* ct sub -I' or Nam and knis rtre ,4 lo. r ' Bitv:woburs. tit •. 1 , 1.t1 - . GEO. W. HUGER. Prerriet fiburri Witili.lallutatt I, lel hag vaTattt uu:frt • p , .1111 IllitiliNlthatlef to to 1.1 tm•r I iitpildit fur al die Ipi•••.! . , . abt. putt Ittrp, - ; Ji (Sala :.n v::; be I ...; .! • v not litith $ll6-1.111:141 W. * h the deltcartektr Ova 11113,m, Hi texcept that popular beet knoll n ha . ..13(it,ara.', put , hatted derma tram ta.;.arl our, r.• Welt , pure, anti free. fr , to all tsutt•ouott , 4 or;tgs. Mat thankful rup pOrmiGIGI• lathe t , ayl , uud Nof Culitiattet ti Ardetv, 61010.. = Juno 13. .180,—Lf. StAciflP: .% \ . I) oliop THK ttlikieteiPed troul4 moot texpei t tan y n • ronrocu ‘,l the win tic poet:o:k. IPA hr it prei,nrr i to elugula All kiwi* or tl t NEN V, no tIUA4PLCS FOIJNOtt .I.i t%tr,,.,t,igtrg, by can 417/44,01004: ready 14 do alt !And,. pwir tee. 0... ~ 11. 70(rtehtirtr hoe. awl on .41,1 n ot lointli of rigitlins Ut t ifsfif. o , A1.:40, "re tN I N.; A Nt) CASTING' Vitt At:111N Lit , oone on lawn„ . .„„,.11110 1 11110. in goad uorkuhoulohu wan nut. upon the MlNlNlNatlinunubly term*. lioo leg elpOrl@llM in file buoin,su, na for,in in in the oho gi of Lewin It. Mum; rt 01'14 glom, f oo oCCC 0110, yea's, watrunlo hits in t , tyt , tg tall. hi Om ;Ivo enure si t tlyt i ct,on to ail who li/VOr n 111) With their work. Olanusaburg. Nov. SI. 1044. IiMEI=I substaihet having parchatad the ..ration T. Route," in LOCK !RAVEN, Pa., property at' E. W. Bogany. Wrtthirapto the riendsof 11111.1101110 e, hl.lftEtpll/111:1 111, ., aa , i the pie/ IR! IterWilily. that he /I le Ithm &et) , WWI the accommodation* and v‘mr4is 6111 and humbly guilt it. their patronage. t PNRII:K, Late of the Maili.nn Pit tiadel Oita. = VM EE S LIZZIE PTRMAN, *um /immune' , in the le,hee el filettelebeee and the pubiir geiwrilly, thin ehe hag jest :volved Item the eltitt4lll aims hva 016 Wring and Sunamer Stock at MILLINERY 000DS, COlllllllOOl4l of An gentle Of usually found in first etnioo Milliottry blares. Ilex goods one of the hest quality antiontotot the most Window, and Cheapest to the mtrtket Volt and examine then* for Nnhody 010104 putchnso dtkowhore botoro exam i n ing Miart petprsoftwi t stock of goods Rotolo s uo h , tO nod*/ oklhe shortest Watt*. Ot "quit "4. Mow on Mum strerfl. :141 itmfr below the store of blendebbsll & Bloomsburg. Mu NEW TOBACCO STORE. If. 11. IfUNSBEIVIEIt, .4Vttin Street, below the "Ameeicoo 9111001161121Ua11t PAry Where he kelps ha, laud. One tctriiiolcol td the home and mut.) , trade, et l'hihidelphia Nit eg, FIN ITT AND PUG TOBACCOS, DOMEPTIC AND IMPORTED CIGAR till kinds 01 81110 K !NG- TOILI VITO, Pilaffs, Meerschaum and Briar Woad r q .,, ood all *Wiles pertainifla to his tools. ErThost mall retail dealer,* in cigars and rhew• ill tObAettAlt, would do well to ign N 111111 a ran, iii mood ot sandlot; to the shies ter t•very nr U they adetior Mucha stns of Melia country pedlars. November ili,intiti,^4ll). I ? RUGS, DRUGS, DRUGS. e e1 m004,,,,,, e t seen tt, Meyer'. Urea Stet corner of Matt and Meritet stmts. A void aOB4- went of PIKE DRUGS, Modistem Paints, Ws and Varnithor, always no bard,tad will litt *old cheaper Unto at say other Vag Stant to tows. QUALITY op A RANTEhD. p„,,,t,iin.,, tarrfent compounded et Moyer* Duni Store. Ayere and Japer Medicines gold at Moyet's Dreg Store, Wteltatt's Tar Conlielt Raker** end Liver on, Sittosiewli Soatitime Syrup, turd at dleyere Wag s wat t r p ot iftv retie patent Inedtdtti at call at ,Moyer a Unto otant. ." . Wither at 01 inada. wholesale had &slot J.ll. A type* Drag Mom file•tre.hurg, Pa easy g, 11416.—af, ~.. • 3c(3:.41• .'3 , t . . ••••• ii f t 'f. .?- •• 11 . 0 . . 71g. , :t.::: :31,..i . . - i' 0. • ',.'; 4. ::•.. 1 . . . .. 0 - . . . • , .3 7 -3 ...3-..... , 0 .3 .• • .„,ti: to ~.. ._, „,. -...3 - !. 1.0 , 11 , ' m • - ,1 . et. 1,•" . ....4i . ... . i:.... , - - . ; t' 4. i • A . ril," .' •.CO I 'I" -all -AA • . .1,4 - Yon ~.t-t tcr.r.. :a4r.11 *col' A pf ',.,.;,- ' . - ..., •• • 1 nOm Air 413-•er • . 4 .. , ~. , ••••3 ~,•3••••••3 ..,.. • BLObiSBURG, COLVVIBIA. CO., PA., W Vioniottag ptmotrat. IS PPIILISIIED EVERY WEDNESDAY IN BIAKIMSBEINI, PA., By WILLIAIMPION U. JACOBY. I'utmo,—sl, 00 in itilvimeo. It no pow wlibin SIN A'PINTOS, sti will be cliiirupd. Cr' No wiper farearagom are paid tai,pt at On ()plod' nr the editor, . . nee workee its or throe 111e0.11100.4.•••• 4.. ors 41 AO Every eubeeprelit itkurtioo iellll With 1 . 1 . iiS IS'Ali. is. ell. 3m. Gm. Ir. . , .. .. . . , One fot oro, I ;;,1,0 fI3OO I 4 00 t" , 00 I 1000 Two 0000400, 3,00 I 5,00 0,001 PM 14,00 Threw " 5.00 1"00 0,50 I 1",40 I 1 , ,00 it , ,, u r ' pin re., voi, t )..0 Jo t oo, 14,0nt no to) flair CO,lllllO. I ISMS 11.00 i4UO 1 1 . . , oo 1 ',400 Oneroiwun, 110 ~0 1 ,.00 11400 t 30.00 t 50t4t rxreoloe. anti A 0 o.oostratoe4 NOilter • ..... ..1.011 = h , r ad vents , merits Inserted according la special contra himiteo* entices, withnnt advancement, twenty. tate per rfat4=4 , llt rigvertht.ment4 papal. In atit mien :di others doe toner th. fret meattnn. (1.7 - OFf ICE —la alive'n tHock, COL of Main dan Iron Fiteri e. Address, vv. N. jACCHIV Otnoull.barg, Columbia County, eit AN G N m i, tLO I DS. W e th oug ht th e clouds in Ileum so fair Were 'isles with cities filled With spires and turrets gletenhetf tit , tre ; Just like the ea.-th 4 in the air, We °ilea These islands in the realms of spot, Sailed On through seas or blue, Atel there I could distinetly 'rho angel fuer, (;ll one I knew. She Pit Ural thr , H,e, Anti w9ro c , “wo of light. Yrwe iow:i shlrs she sva l at noon, A hew.phly halo 'Sound her AtJile t er rolae WW e r e white. Sho Wa: a phu ant b, vault; , hal lvsm given, to that htk,rui sph-re 1! tirtt eloull no w.ar, irer n a tive heaven. , her at the , leit ehihi, hot NV•iteh Tine- Pre, Until it , ;: entip t-p ri fl d, 41. r ilotn the dead 1011, /4 IL NV lan sunlit vinuflA nre notteatg 1. often 1,,,v; to hear. Th, (,;," :`'rote sky, 'NV hoi• • mirits ••,,,) sphere. .110 v. ; 1 1 .1 , ! Itr11•lslt,111 #f, thi. 114 .1 4. , r 1 - (17:it c!. 1) , 11 ill 1 , 1-: , . • • r.-,t::11+411 1,,•:1••• • • ••••!,,,I . lti . : . • • • • . 1.•••;. ..,e: IA; lat. a ; .1 i '111'10'.; as I,! ' 11. , :1' :ttiy. I inteedi itely turnim; back r, It• the e:r •un.s , a-e , t , / to for Nvho ea he W.l • t taveiing TI e t•, F.:Cur:4li n.O .erect a !Imo! et of e . n,li• :eat went to the plae. m woir .le., 0,1,011 WP. all,l 1'4.1: in a. Li, n. ito.ing to dn. the t trey - (110 1;.•,•t. 01 tits , r.;l I 7!! , a.nll . drawing him forth. sue t—, d, , 1 in earrj int; him to town Bat! , c a Lim often sit e d, and says he is evi!...utly a man, and at the time of his eapture apparently about twenty-tour year (~r age. The captured creature at first nily the attempt to pest eioll..irop; upon him, Lett after a while ceased to tear the .nt. 110 is now kept by a nti !can i n t h e I of Thal.j.‘ Vamp,re, some eight lentd, 1 miles st Calcutta. NV lien first taken be -s (:catkin" to cat anything hot raw moat, a I heVer bean able to speak or make any npprrodmation to a knowledge of the alpha] 0 . It ' any one looks earnestly or sharply at him. be expresses his annoy ance by a half-tittre,.,l grunt, immediately turning away and. settling, upon his haunch es in a comer of the room. or li.• down. ile eats his food off the ground, and al though evidently human being, is in habits a wolf, with the instimts of that beast. This is certainly an anomalous fact in natural history, although it is said that four vas , s are known to have ocenrre I in India, presenting the sante general facts. littsa t't INDIAN MUTH Speaking of the filth coming war on tl:e plains, the Reese River Jleceille says: The great leader of the Indians is Bed (lend, car .Nlahpilitan, who is reprcsent cd as. one of the Ithic-t Indian warriors of the time. Ho is about thirty-five years of ag... tall, handsome, athletic, and perlbct in b . • horsemanship as in his a l Ile has coalman lc 1 in 4 4. v 41.11 battles pre viovs to the massacre of Colonel Fettermetf:t noble command and has th y I bee n whipped. Ile was at Laramie last spriott. to the treaty making, enjoying the farce an I treating it as such without disguise, yet ac cepting the presents ofiered, but left with the declaration that his country should never be occupied by the whites, nor gar r%Nned by them, nor should their roads cross it, Then 1. ,. was at the head of but 4 , 10 warriors of the Ogaltdirli Sioux, but his marshaling 8000 at Fort Philip Kearney shows the influence he has over others, and his determination to make hie threat good. lle is an active, energetie and able warrior, and he NNW conquers Red Cloud will do mote than he who conquered Tecumseh, or diaak Hawk, or Qsceola. GEORGE ►►ABSRRT Mir On Thad. Steven , goe:i for giving ha merges to the Negroes. beeitim they, MI *grecs, conquired their masters. This is the way the services of white soldiers are va►lueai by the Radical., T RATES ADVERTNINfI. lE.* Li M* MINSTIIIni A Obti Atlg t t- Wolf. TUE MAILTLIg OF BEAUTY. "I pity Aergaret, she is so plain." "Oertuinly, she is vary plain ; but, then, she is so good!: "Goodness Is very well in its way; but a handsome face and a fine person will do more for a girl than goodness," was the re ply. "In a worldly point of view, you mean?" Tho first speaker did not answer this re mark. It suggested thoughts not wholly in agree ment with the sentiments just uttered. The subject of conversation was the plunge tof three sisters. She was called homely by almost every one ; yet it is but fair to any that she was too often seen as a foil to her handsome sisters, whose bright eyes, regular features, rich complexion, and free, graceful carriage, had won for them the appellation of "the two beauties." Parents are not always' wise and just.— The fret of being a father or a mother does not, as a matter of course, Eft a person above his ot' her nattwal weakness and de fects of character, or change materially the old e.ditnate of men and things. The mother of these girls was very fir from be ing a wise woman, and quite as far frinn be ing just towards her youngest child. The beauty of the two elder sisters she sought to increase by all the available arts of dress, while he vary plainest and coarseness of at tire which she deemed good enough fur Margaret, made the latter seem lemdier than she really was. Margaret, vet being an ornamental appendage of the household, was 1111010 hole her sisters sires.- rd*and ,aw con.pany, she was at work, and I often at work for them. 1 4 1 e: felt the unjust ; di.eritnination, and often cried overit, when notate rtw her but neither rchelhttl war eranrlaite 1. "1 pity her, she is so plain." This was ofttoi !aid by tlio.e who saw Margaret in contrast with her sisters. Rut it almost httl , l" 'O , l , that tin , — who had any tine kno‘-` withr .rd hercharacter, t. ( would It!. WIT— 'Tr . ,. :41" goo I. dt 1 egnty in goody -% That was her coutpetmtion. If the outer garment was plain, the ;toter furor and tritesuhstatate of her he'll , .• ) wetly and :wee he -1 vend what tl••• 1 1 it pot, on in it, nowt vied perfection. .A :,d otopen , ati , ql went fart in r Still. Th. • •.l is in a Cr to iIViT" , a fk.o, (d . in la% to w•. 1 1.1 tin• int+) 3}t intwgs of { r i, her td‘tet.., liar , while she wa. 1.614, in nil!. 1 ..th willing and !Li! . xto•:• rel:.tiop. no • vater how tl ober; •L'ir pride , and ; lute, The time came, tis year,=. nrograsal, when it w:, no hingcr rasa, ` . .1 lay her, shy i , 3- plain." Nut that any saw Hi of beauty in her rave, but it yra , nai longer pereeivd as htunclt, She did not appear In company fie,unly a her gay and brilliant ~ kter:, who away had around them a cir cle or admit-erg, but when she appeared, , h , x did not •it lene, a time, nor eq often rOnt the jt , et of depreeiatin sun. Pomona who had kept aloft from her be gan to feel an attraction that drew thent iti th her side, end many wondered how it was that they had beon so slow in di-not:orbit! how groat;;; A to was in some things, super ior to ht'r more showy sis-tcv. There was a si he... , of tranquility about Margaret, w felt lty every o ne wh o ain.tet, it , d, 1 It t e ctic of her man ner did not break up hat to right, SNithlietth4 and f' , :rdings she responded with a tercel of expre,,sion that v , Pei nothing of in-iwerity. In ettlivert , ation, where the stt4 . et was agreeable. thought would light up her countenance, and play over it in manifold changes. It was singularly mobile to the Wind — answering to emotion, never eoncetding. Time came when the two elder sisters round themselves often less attractive in company than the homely Margaret. Young men whose favor they desired to win, were not tinfteyteotly indifferent to all their arts and blandishments, and yet, stranger still, a, it appeared to them, so interested in Margaret, as to Le eat taunt of attention to ward her. it is not always that truth comes to ears most eotaterned in hearing it. Friends and neighbors we ned talk about our personal tleibts, peculiarities, and hindering faiths% though we see them not, and go on 'blindly indulging them to our lrss, and injury. Mar garet's two elder sisters still thought them ,elees beautiful, wiuniie, graeeful beyond all comparison with their Cinderelia, as once they bad been vain and heartless enough to call her. They did not recog nize the fairy work that, with slower than old fairy touches, yet with more enduring magic, was transforming her daily. But there were eyes that could see while theirs were blind, and it happened that, through the sense of hearing, they gained a knowl edgrof what their sight had flailed to give. The e', , b , st —her nanto was rordelia 0-Award the fallowing oonversation. It was between two young men with whom she had been lorM acquainted. '•1 used to think her bettutiful," said oi u of them. "Cordell°, ?" Fuld the other. - Yes," wiw the reply. "Se dill I," eontitined theother. "Three or four years ago, when she rid her sister first came out, with the girlish blown upon them. I thought thew two of the leyeliot emattres I had over seen; ..but somehow, they have been fading ever since," "There's nothing in them," said the first speaker. 'Not much,' was the reply. "They dress elegantly, and have a world of sprightly go, sip and small talk ; but as to culture of the heart or intellect, I have failed to direover the signs. 1 was quite smitten with Curdulia at Jim—vete:4ly i n love with her bright eyes and fair faee— hut I got over it long 311',". very well in these love matters ; but a sensible man is apt to look a little way beneath the surface, to see what kind of a fooodai beauty is resting upon. tlirls of this clues are well enough to dam•: and flirt with; but for the graver purl, matrimony none but knaves or fool. event them." "There are plenty of knaves awl Picas about," said the friend. "Oh ye 4." riad the other, " as W:t nu the wretched marriages that are constantly ta king place. There's a fellow dancing attendances on Cordelia now, who is just weak ene0, , ,11 to marry her at a showswife. Ile thinks her 41104111 y 1. (o: Course, if the event roues ,41 . , thy ,e will bo :amber n6440)14. ( 4 011 pk a44. , 1 to the 1i t. Both will find thetutadv‘s pointed:' "By the way," maid the other speaker. breaking in upon hi. friend's "what do you think of the plainer tdit. , 3' 9" ar,,, , aret ? 1 "I've ceased to call her plain," hct ; t ; "You would hardly call her heate:fd." "1 don't lstetw," lie I-aid. "1 have seen her wh•.ll call her hehntlf u l wot ,' ; d I o no I error of lamortv. The gut is, :$l3: ":•T=wt has puzeed toe at, tinto4. I grant pet th.tt her features are not cut after a ela model, nor is their what we sometintc it - it, her face. She hasn't the floe eomplexion or the large liquid eyes of n.„ I older sister, and yet her countenance is t o we far tnore attractive—it is PO full of aunti 1 and feeling. You forget as you talk with her, the material lines alter ftee, of thou._ lit I that transfigures it. Do you want a It`chtr style than thl4 ?" r, 'M.. • N• 1:: bum. 'y. Ti : . that) when 1 ahnit4 vomilere4l a! her ',rd.:L. taifi his cotal.:wik,n, rettim'., my t e-•; , , , r•-•••:•••ti ttfw, but wore n I yr 11 1 to hu•As her. Tl, her •!•:.n, • tlio.••.!..!1 tPri:4l. ;I. as, i lovc 1:11-;•,•• • • the order 1 :0‘, I ;!u'iltil long wont in pridc." • :may 3 them awl it' thoy do a Lig up. ;),1 111. ; If t \WY.' Chth ,,, iin! a V` ir terQ. I -lioultin't th n n,.:raeat." — Vol would take Margaret," said Lis M. 40, `•17e , ," was, the reply. "Not regarding mere beauty as anything when put, in rommst withexeclienctiof char at:ter ?" added the first speaker. "I am a lover of 'beauty," was the reply. Whenever the beautiful is presented. I tied myself' a constrtnr,l worshipper. At first I saw beauty only in form and color : and was inconstant danger of accepting gilt anti bloom forenduring substanec. Twice I have been on the of a marriage proposal, favittatt .1 by mere external chartne. 1 shudtirr, sone times., when I think of what I escaped in both instan-et.. "The beauty lay or. the surface. -- Gradually my niinti • te- uc instill,- tell. 1 was able to >e l• tween real beauty and it 1:11- ,hkot t. So, I am still a worshipper ~ f beauty ; but I recogrdie its higher ty i "Then, in taking t, you would still have regard to beauty "Yee," he eentinn..,i, beauty which fatiesitot, and has power to mo u lt! evetta plain face into a likenose of itself." Cornelia beard no wort). Thetigh con cealed from view, Ehe recognized the speak era' voices. Hopes were dashed to hearth which had been fluidly cherished. She perf , etly un derstood some things which had oesqsionally puzzled her. She knew not which it was that certain young men of high, exc e llenc=e, who p° eagerly ...ought her fit‘or for a time, gradually withdrew themsolve4, and became attentive to 10,4( :lie had considered less attraetive irle. There was a ls , atity of which had not devalued, a beauty scarcely recognized at first, but growin , .! more and noire apparent, and putting forth allure ments beside which all that she could offer As but as the pliter of tinsel, "Your sister is I(ml:hut well to•niglit." Conklin started from her painful reverie at the voice of a matronly friend. "Margaret, you mean?" was her subdu ed reply. But for the conversation jug heard, site would not have thought of this sister. "Yes, how much she has improved! 1. hear it remarked on all sides. Yen must take care or she will bear off the palm," The elder sister turned her rave away ro that its expression might not he seen. "She is so good, so true, su full of that spontaneous grace that cotnesfrom order and symmetry within. She must have a beau tiful uthal.'' A year later, and martraret iram the bride of a wan who had ono stood bewildered and liireinat . cd in tl,ctilase of Cordelia's --of one wrio had haat her, as many had bald, "What a pity she is so plain !" And he wr• a lover of bPauty in all its forty. I Di 4..4 DAY, JULYI7 9 1867 The Maine Law. The people of Maine have been tryin g the virtues said Mho in a strict enforcement of this well known statute. The constribei lary having concluded their locitimatelaborl, have recently been employed as billows, if we may believe the Standard, published at Augusta. it says : We give the following as the result of week's labor A cow arrested for having "two horns." A entered individual, lately deecased, tined for being "on his bier." A pair of boots seized for being "tight." A tittle litig's kite rentented to have its tl cut off Ihr having been on "high time A clothing dealer "hauled up" for ad vertising 'limit Bar gains." A confectioner tried eur selling "grin-ger snap.." A horse ran away and smashed a wagon. The horse was promptly unlisted, but it being proved the "enueth" contained noth ing intoxicating he way acquitted. Several "rooktaits" found in the hencoop of a prnninou citircn, wore confiscated. The sttceets the police in this seizure caused much "etowin , ." and it oil! doubt thew on onto iiirrea -41 activity. Au I t ti m t mew 11' 1 1,er:rio t , wan inched up rur in , ttiltal a "punch" iu the head. A worthy shoctnal et% FelZ o, l on 1-111,icinn of being a "cobbler, - but proving th rc was tio'"Aen y" connected with hitn, 'via* teictet ed. condition this Anal he his "hut" o titc t •o, fle way intbritted thidlikity future derchctiou ttn.t?rl involve ,r his "awl." The excitement "waxed ' iatense. Complaint that a Land of }Av.!' Wits fOllll4 .* COIIt,A ., at Idauns." =MI NA,,,Nny tcN PEN‘i..ll.v.,Ni.t.—ib,r,p , t, in the Statt.m.t of ( h o it, W. , :rand Ppun , :.l% Lula, 1:w 1564, -oi-titry• h Aifil•my Of titt' erLietley .tol rigor of tho .11.ttit Order, at, cannot but be igtatit,,yity.:, u) all its tottolltorit. The ic es tipt, i of Ita*,,tl wore 71. anti from bc iutt4 011 rt, ortLit:; tho total of the itn,:tt maids t tht. hrf~tat t„ $4:l, jou -It!. tifittol ',trig.. charity fond annottits :.... - i0.. ,, •••••4 .7,1, have liven rt i‘ et! thrtrioz the: t ant tot ci„i•tn, h• , l. than td are in Unit. ; loo'•• "1142. c Hitt , •to - , :t•et a :-;tt., .or bla •4' .11.'1 IA ioh•t:;/ I.t Li. tht) Cotl.it It h. 1 ,- .lhort, •r ; fn. fro°, to t4Lc tlu'y , The growt.ii al t • oder:at:l ,toll Co,. • ;.•!1.1,ty I ~• thy; ; 1, 1 1 I". 1, . 1.1 • ..2 I;l.t:ri I, h'', r •/* " 0.. • • . • • •. T • ! .1 r • :1 1.11,y.:4 I, ; a i of ~~.~ , ~w;,il.a ti, charity - fun.'- wPre 7.1. In I tL,.rc watt Itg incinher, of the I;vatt4 Lotiv debt of only '1,0;,,0, a nd Lbarity fund: Ltnuunting to $::3,1;•0, Oar ing the Masonic year of l •;:•.1 twenty n 4 A, 101dge warrants were i”tted. and nine new lodge variant wore Ifi.Sued, and nineteen new Sisuracit PoLturm nun Ciniti t;tutai. , --We le wit front lo tait~~hti I+J that the Rev. V. 11. tiecen ventiy urrequil tnr poi• ruing his wife in Vet i• tow in jail in I The e/iiol...;is the fitihoiing sk tch of the follow'w operations t ter t %tin wall swotime het winter. eallitel Unfelt' a toinoter and a tni , en 14t1.: :!,A• rant' foxits. and tondo him-.elf retnall;alde ter lud-woutio. , l l otriotisau, During the itpiieg campaign he took the p o u t :.. a t temp for the denounced coy per. heads in the most ultra style, and exalted P. T. Barnum to the "seventh heavon. it tabort. he set himself up as a sort ofchap. lain to the — late political showman. After election his fond hopes blasted, he set up a nall store in West Cornwall. His wife, who was feeble in health. died May 7, Ms conduct of late hating excited suspicion, th e body was disinterred by the authorities and the stomach sent to le . w deuce for ank -*e.• Greco in the no.antime had dis. appenA .1, duel the nomination of the stomach having strengthened the suspic ions against him. Deputy Sheriff l'houney Baldwin wa4 sent after him into New York State, with a requisition from Govern o r English. We unkr.3tood that Green bad on his person, when arro.ted, a letter or recommendation from P. T. Barnum. lit says ho i now married to a woman living in rtioa.—A; ke#l4cr. A —FtEact;'llonst.-- The Danvill Times stab—t th a t D r . Lee, of Halifax, Va., h a s a her,. which exhibits the greatest and utast astonishing aversion to Use colors. This horse served in the army, and seems to have acquired his distaste for this oiler while in the military service, as he showed no such dispotition ulterior to the war. Ile will not allow any one' to approach him in a blue et)at, or jacket—gets fractious and wants to tt ar it off On one oceasion, while crossing a ferry, a negro with a blue jacket on, happened to get mar him, and he jump ed at him with tiger-like ferocity, and seizing the garment in his teeth, tore it clean off. it is to lat.: , remarkable, that he is as gentle as a Minh it' you approach him in grey or any other color than blue. A horse with such nuharttiouiting principles and unreemotrtteted preelivities, is a dielloyal horse, and deserves to he disfranohitod but don't coathseate the brute's oats—Rfeh, meld (VI.) Examiner. rum OLD MA%'s DREAM. Oh, fir ime hour of youthful joy ! (iriee letek my twentieth apring! I'd rather lauh a hriaht-haired boy Thum reign a gruy-haired king, Ulf Kith the wrinkled spoils of ago ; Away with Warning's crown; Tear out ewi ylom.written pup, And dash its trophies ti awn. On moment, let, my lifo•blood stream nom boyhood's rount of !lawn! giv'e me one giddy, reeling dream or life, all love and Ihme ! My Wetting angel heard the prayer, Awl calmly smilitnz !%aid, If blmt tmrh thy gilvered ha:r, Inv hasty wish had sped. °But is there nothing in my track To hill the fondly .tity, While the swift $en.1011 , 4 hurry lawk. To find She wislied tor day Y" Ah. tritest WWI of ITOTIOIO k ! Without thee what were life '' One bliss I eannot leave behind . take—nly preeinuA wife ! The angel took a oapphire ken, And wrote in rainbow 410% "The man would be a boy agam, And be a husband, too ! "14 there another yet amid Beftr+ thta eitattge a 'Team ? ittlittitiber all tiwir pift4 haves ith VA). "Why, yes I would orp. Evor more, .My roml pati , rnal joy— I von! I not brar to IcBy.. them all. take 11!;,= girls and boys. The milinr angel dropped his pen -Why, titi4 will never do ; The man w , Jahl be a Lev again, he aEn ;r, tiQ! Aryl su I htturie lattihter woke "I he ltuu-vhohl with its vrute my ki,.•vain IA heti utortlittA !woks!. To please the gray-hairol ASTOUNDING DEVELOPMENTS! LoztlPlundering at liarrlhbarg ,slrtna , er t_••• Mrs•trEat.twtt•t— -' Tory ('s; KALltiti I:0 1)04 %ND - 1111t,Ell W.VION 1.49:51.6 , t•L' ry 11l 1..0vt at Ei to op. rionot too, 11:0.1,.i5t.t no. .1 oo• ;J.—Q . ll;m a Kula , ,inat here thi , moron; by the unexpected a ; •est of it alather of gees and after sub , krdsuatta attaches of the various state l)epart:stentq. It va n es that for some tittle past, several heads of depart ment-% iitcholing the State Librarian, had mied a number ... or valuable boot; and other tit.eam.atts belonging to the , State. The attention of the Chief of P. :t•at was to the matter. an I having rea u to ~ a man I .laves Rapp, doing . -in. South street, Mr. Campbell, lite Chi,•f I'ohcce. procured a search v•arr••:•1 awl ‘isittsl llapp's premises this pOrninty he fennel a nonther of the , missing :6 stoned away. tpi, became terrilk a Irnital and inwliert-,ei acme seve!! or eight tn• ugart. and other empleyces at the Capitol I:eliding who were at once ar tested. The Storekeeper was held in on, thousand dollars bail, to answer at court. Two of the messengers were held in •r:i„,!ltt hutalrt I dollars bail; the balatt , a• will have a la: .n tu,trnittg. Titre. , wagon 1.. 1 1- of v.. poi . v... 1.• I fought foeta tort pih cl up in the Mayor's .itammt the ctrure , l property arc rvo :A-0 e.• : •1-.of then Atttont• • I.leneral' • re, •at 11 , 1 or+, of over taadv.- huwirt a pa-v. from all the- , R ••rt , the. cloth binding had been t“rn OW hooks sold u wa-te Paper. There was• al -o two hundred e.pies .r thee I"nitt..l Stat, Statutes at Large, piss...! at the last •••• •1 at of Congress. in ' el o o.l in packtnyt. addro,sed to the Gov ernor. These were ~!hl for waste paper, unopened. Large quantities of recent mum , , Puts of the rowistatire format, together with the index, were also captured together with several United States tuaiii Sags, be• longing to the Post 0111 , e, which had been sent up to the Capitol for domunents and stamped COVOnpes furnished the heads of Department, It is supposed that this I species of imposition upon the State has been carried on for several years, and it has only now been discovered by reason of the boldness of the recent operations. LAT ER. • Ilanutsm tut, June f Po lice Campbell has just returned from Carlisle, and reports that he found at a paper mill, near that place, nearly a ton of the Looks an d documents stolen from the Capitol, in I eluding about eight hundred and fifty volumes of •• •ithotant General's last re port. A number of C. S. Mail bags were Irecovered. Four of the parties arrested I upon the charge of stealing the property, I have been bound over to appear at August Isession& limit excitement and indignation • exist b*e in regard, to the matter. IZEZ=:iliEl gar Oeergo t'runel, Train drives a nail of truth in the following brief biographical sketch of his own life: "When I started out in lite, travel was my idols the 'world doubted. Then I tried knowledge ; I got nu praiee. Then bookai they ridiculed. Then languages : they togered, Then pa. trietiton they cheered first, then knocked the down in Boeton, ebot me "Sit Dayton, ha,voneted titia.,tltluvenp.art, arre4ed me in t 4 t. Untie, an 4 ivied to n--..intite me in Alton. Bat in spite of till . I have kept iti t v Independence and, itelit idualitv. ask. en Ws world what it Walitxd 4111 now (looting my time to that, SIM plyout of contempt for the opinion of wen. lie more softening of the bram, but hirdellins of the heart," I . Unhappy Fate of Inaxlinjulan. The execution of hiaximilhou by the au therities of Mexico after the request of our government for clemency, and the interces• ion in his bohalrof several of the govern• ments of Europe, will surprise the whole civilized world. But for the refusal of our government to countenance his usurpation his throne would this day have been firmly established in that country. The liberals owed their vitality and strength to the mor• al influence of the United States, ever ex erted in their behalf, and their refusal to accord the small boon of mercy toward a mere instrument, used by France and Ms trig, who* , free pardon would but have made hint a monument of the high civilise lion and humanity which do not punish fur revenge, shows not only ingratitudge, but that liberal, just prineiplos do not predom inate in in their counsels. This murder of %rah., must fill the min of sorrow to overflowing, now forced t o the lips of the imperial House of Aus , ria. Carlotta, the wife of enii vietem, hope. lwsly insane from the dangers she savraur rounding her unhappy husband ;—a daugh ter of the house, a litir young woman of taotty, aol.identally burnt to death a few and now a brother of the Bro wer legrbariously shot in violation of the to.us of a ettotilatiou and surrounder. A nen.r afflieted flintily can seam be found on earth. The Emperor HOW nan truly realize that "uneasy re.t.: the head that wears the croup." No solliget of Ida can be more miserable, in all his pnlinhm4 dominions. The Negroes South. The fisting entertained by the negroes to aids the whites at the South is values tinnabli, ono of affection, and were they nit malted to jealousy and hostility by the Iluni eat! s Liiarwcsids, Ilrownlows and other and itinerant *note's, the two re. es would live amicably enough. A 143 nehlowg paper it sates that a gentleman on hi way to visit the grave of a younger broths', w=ho died in the 'onfederate service, just as be reached the gattt of the cemetery three fig.mer aarvantsof die family approach ing the grate with floaters and avernagma in their:Keeping Pitt of their view he watched them until they re oohed the grav e , when on , of them climbed over the iron railing, ton k 314 evergreens front his ewe:mimes and laid them tenderly on the grave of his former young vnter. Scenes like not uncommon in the South, but under the influence of insidious agitation and ha rangue, they are likely to give way to such riots as have endangered the lives of citizens in Ilichnunal.—llosfon Post. r • An obi !handl farmer had a hand tae datijitcr, natnedjilinnic,.who recently j•mictl the methodist church. against which the old farmer was somewhat prejudiced..— The young minister under whose instrunen tarty Misa 4‘; omits was converted, visiting her frequently, excited his suspicon that all was test 6 , 110. Neconlingly, be visited the Aural) one Sunday niAt, and -vattal biro anohse rre d, among the congregation. Soon alter taking his seat the minister, who wag preaching from Daniel, sth chapter 25tit verso, revalued in fond voice the words o f hi s (oat, I'Metie mew, teted apharsits,'' mien which the old farmer sprung to his feet, seiz.al the affrighted girl by the arm, and hurrie I her out of the meeting house. fl a yi ng reached the church yard, he gave rent to his feeling= in the words ; "I knows dear va • sometings wrong, and now I isliwares to 'em." Why, rather what do you mean," replied the bewildered and innocent girl. I#idn't shouted the old man, striking his togetlwr. Abl stamping his foot, `"didn't I hear dc parson call otat to you, "Natalc deide 4i, pars-on," - 13mErt LITE MIN NEVER. C. K. 11ughec , of the Mitchell House, a few weeks since received his commis:4lnd as Brig teller Uenennl, to which pOSitiOn he was pro moted at the close of the war for meritori ous conduct. Cul. Hughes was a brace sol dier, and his deportment engaged the re spect of both officers and men when in the service:. and all who know him will he pleas ed to learn that this mark or distinction had 180011 bestowed upon 111111. --Lmente EMII=I wirThe mad, or Maine have renominated Mambo &tin fur Governor. The convention passed very resolutions, demanding negro snffroge iu every State of the Union through action regardless of tilt: will of the people, and endorsing all the revolutionary, tyrannical and hurthensome legislation of the late and present Rump Cowes.. An Irishman carrying a heavy bun dle upon l►is shoulders, was riding t on the front phial-in of a Ilosten horn ear , an d SCA.73 asked why he did not set his load down upon the platform /Is ;,►bets," was his reply, "the horses Intro enough to do to drag mei VII earl the bundle." lir A young lady being engaged to he married, and gettiag aide of the bargain, applied to a friend to help her untie the knot Wore it W 33 WO law. 'Oh, certain ly," he replied, "it's very easy to untie it when it'a only a baata," IMIP A tow of irikk worthilve donor, worked leto horeeshm, is worth *lO 60 lb:At int 6 ttaidiet it it worth ttwerosd o tato peohnift bloat*, it in worth SksBs. made into Islhowt opriogs of watetww, tie wart); $21,91vt, NO. 20.