Bloomsburg democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1867-1869, July 10, 1867, Image 3

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iftosoburg c fcsocrat
- - - - -
Wedneadely, July . 10,11407.
Er Vl's will Minh our resale/At ail local occur.
Ilan II their humiliate lodalities. If they no not
AWN Oa wilily a commonleation for tire public aye,
OWN Mid Its a Wet 'Moment of everything of
latarast in their respective commitehla a. A lint
1114101tiehitths, sacidenie, area. removals. hnrl
nNrr Ike. We will put thon In form. The
teen feate of Ibis bind we can get the better It will
relit us and our readers. Who will do It
lo Armentieres.—re/roils wirliirg edvcrtlremenl *
biome& meet band thulu in early on Tuesday morii•
/imp to IneliWilielr Inversion fur that writ,
10 1 11" The amounts of the firm of ditront
& ButmAN as far an sent out for wlleetion
are in the hands of the following. persons :
*Olin Township.—;lollN 11. 1 MIER ;
.Beaver.—Banc. 7I MMEBMAN, P. M.
Main.—U. J. CAMPBELL, P. M.
eaknasre.—STEPH EN BALDY,
Roarinurreek, Centralia, and „Ashland,
Joni !WINER.
In Sugarloaf Township., for collection
Iwo been placed in the hands of MosTto ptt-
SU COLE, to whom plytnent is requested
so be made at the earliest convenience,
In Stott Township, all permms knowing
themselves in smears Ihr subscription, and
advertising, to the DENIOeIIAT, will ',kw
make payment to lionym
Benton.-1)A NIEL II A 11TMA N.
Orange. ..3111'11,111, KELLER.
Madison.—W)l3lAM M eNe
Ifrodoek.— DA N [EL N LA" II A HT.
MIL We will Iluoimh any person a copy
of the Pheenolvieril Avroal awl the DEM
OCRAT one year for fimr dollars.
118. H. W. Creamy & ndverti , •P
MC if Groceries in to-oby's paper. ]toad
Sir For ohoop groceries and other arti
cles usually found in full stores, call upon
t`'. C. MAIM, next door to our otiiec.*
11031- Daniel \V. Robbism boo on band a
large lot offlour and jiAd firnale cheap for
each. See advertismoot.
War Mr. B. Stohner titfit.,7, up the
Robison property, which he recently bought,
in splendid etykt, The basommit ho int e nd.
to make the finest saloon in town. Sueee•ss
ttv tatorprize.
SW JOHN ti• tiutroN ht i,A moult. a glen
did dried bed and sugar cured bane:, at his
4%roceln 4[l•SeAlt h East corner of iro n an d
Main Street.% Alicar for cash. Give him a
•enll. • .1(
ItiAn. We annona,te no man's name fin
dfice unless he gives us. positive orders to
do so and pays tbr the same. This we wisii
4istituttly understood, awl it will he a tom
' plett answer to thwe who t , •/,:t 4 , -,
share not puhtidiCti ti itir
lite . The next Term of the 'Wm mlurg
Literary Institute will emu inence on McialaY,
August 26th ; under the charge of Prof
JIENRY CARVER, who ha, so far given
general satisfaction; and we hope hi, ht hors
gill receive that reward they so ,i ly merit.
)Ira. B. B. Preas, or East Bloom ,
burg, will please %ocelot our thanks for that
basket of strawberries sent us at our office,
Thee . were a little the largest, finest, and
moat palatable that we have received this
reason. We appreciate such latesent
SOY - The youth f,IIN of thi place f njoy•
ed themselves on the evening of the 4th,
(after the rain which drove them out of the
grove), in Snyder's 114 with a dance until
the 'wee' hours* came on. They had a nice,
pleasant and well behaved party. Pi ofe,so..
&PERT and Master \Vita, were the mu
sicians; and they are not excelled in execu
ting fashionable inuele.
*r We have taken scene pains to ga ti Kr
a few statistics in relation to the ii.);ir u vc ,
wogs heing,nnule Kern. tnirn this :imm.;
and we find that there are in eourse eree
,t ion Tx° Ituadad &lid :44;d
Many of these are of a fir:4 ele , s character:
mthers are dwellinv,to , he used by the labor
inguan ; am) 1. ; to In: h, pea that by
. „
another season the rents, hero , tonee sone-
AV, exorbitant. will be rethteed.
Seir Albert F. Yost has withlraw:.
the Rytzblimn of this plaee It, etse et' its
Editors and Proprietors, an has porehasei
the 115ionting 1eti0 , 6140,1 4 . ; `'t abIL 11 al eta at
Tunkbannock, where he will :ttot commence
the publication of his paper. The office
Stns been closed r ZOrt time. Ile is a
plever fellow; has suffirient energy and alai*
ity to make the Rtietb/ictot Arai, elßiss pa
per. Suceess to him
VII - 1)1.. John calls President JonNsos
a Tennessee traitor. 1,, his paper .; few
weeks ago he was ill (11l or ;X dysTicE In
the years of the rebellion he would have
had every person hung, linclied or mobbed
who dared to call "the late lamented" 7,ts
svm.4 a traitor, and declared it an act of
aimple JUSTICC. That was the kind of
drwvtin: he advocated during the war. if
are in favor of jusTiv): and always were.
80111 C ono of the Government officers re
abouts should look idler the Doctor.
~re quite 4.miliar with the printed endorse
ment on the envelopes of business letters,
agates* the postmaster, it the letter is
not called for in ten days, to return it. A
snerehant got up an improvement on this,
which runs as follows: If Mr. don't
40 the bill in this dunning letter within
days, the postmaster may open this and
, us ta money himself."
Ve are about to get up a lot of these en-
The pieee "pnblisheti by request"
lust, entitled "old Alm (oaths Block
ii," had the effect to drive a coup
liscribera from our list—men not
with common sense. They Is
'abolition-Insunion Party, and
> got the wool off their eyes, to
xo Bee that, their ship is"rspidly
Nom pohneally honest arc !env
. arty . and joining the only
• .hTe Willing to establish
equitable toms.
roe And tried Dow.
Dor Mr. .J. N. Oberender is turning off
1•91110 splendid suits of clothing.
Eel- A. Solimier is walking up.aatt wiNing
a great wally shoes awl beets. His mak
work is seliausl with the iireetotoi sere.
STOP 811AKINO.Ahib Reudershott's Fe
ver and, Ague Cum. It always gives satis
faction. Sold at the New Drug Store. *
kir Judging from the throng that daily
crowd ase grocery hum of C. C. 111 Ann be
is seitng *a large lot of goods. There is
nothing in his line that cannot be had at his
store, and at a very low figure.
efer We have not heard of any wheat
having been cut on the 4th, but on the Gth
we saw quite a large amount cut. The crop
i good—over an average yield. Flour will
sego come within the range of a poor man's
pocket book.
tgAs Our receipt lift Air Julio is quite en
cotiragin!!, considering that this is the *Jul.
lest N4lllsoll of the year. It requires consid
erable cash to rune "prirt, hhop" and our
patrous will furnish it. They will please
sceept our prohniad thanks for their libertd
OW' The Devil, two mean tiie 110) con
nected with our office,) would, keep holiday
lust week on account or the annual visit of
Mr. Fourth of July, and or course we could
no paper. We loipe t.) he pardoucd
;,or I , :itroiel when we promise that tho
repose tbuil afforded all hands shall add
vigor and vim to our future imues.
IRON IN THE I.:l,ooD.—AVheli the blood
is well ...applied with its iron element, we
fuel %;gomus and full of animation. it is
an insufficiency of this vital element that
makes us feel weak and low spirited ; all
hy4akine the Peruvian Syrup, (a pro- ,
toxide or supply this delieieney,
• , „
and will be wowlorfully invigorated.
W.Vs - rEn.—:Many of oat thrillers are now
in want of laboring liturh= to assist them in
taking ON the crops. This seems to be the
411.4 e in many loc cities this year. There are
loiters in this place whose usalYness could
be dispensed wilt flo :several weeks—and in
fhot for an indefinite period—who we hope
will avail th ,, inselrmt of this opportunity.
Air We have often heard people recoup
itiend this and that kind of a patent cherry
picker, but until quite lately have we heard
much said respoling a cherry pitting ma
chine, fbr sale by our young friend Charles
N. Snyder. This machine takes the stone
from the cherry in good style and with much
rapidity. Almost fast, as a corn sheller
will take corn off the cob.
The President has pardoned the
Confederate General Longstreet, and thus
rc. , tored 'hint to full citizenship. The loyal.
is haw lately fallen %ely mu c h in l o re
with this — r4,11.43:1.•1 rebel and traitor, lit
only the galtotr:!, Ps tho'ehly express
f'd it, beettuse he abuses the "copperheads."
There is no genuine traitor in this country
liven Wendell Phillips down, but Joys this
rune thintr, —.North and •!.otith.
li w t„ r had only foie letters ad
dre—ed d week. Tim first, and
the only one to which he devotes mach at
tenth n, is very alm-ire. New, our theory.
Ls be, n, that the 'Meter wrote these letters
biuNt 11. But we will have to abandon
that theory. For why? Because we can
not betic;ve that he has suddenly crown
sufficiently honc , t to make so candid a eon.
Icssion. Ile is too old a trmegresPor, and
too big a —to own up after this fash
ion. No, this letter musthave been writttm
by a eomaientions correspondent. Give
to him again, Mr. Esther Furnace.
C, r- The Co„aulTc,toplars arc reported
be unit onumerous in this State, orders hay
Mg been established iu evoy County of the
State save little Forest. notice in some
of the Counties it is beim; turned into a po
litical machido. In snyllo r r mitvy it, is par
ti t ularly so, and th. ratie paper there
is calling them to 4.1 account the pursuing
that worse Bist„,ry t cache , us that, w i en
te.tipera..e ore:nth:lmms arc used fur politi
cal pato - es, they must go Ilse rotd of many
lob, :1 , -• , iutiffits, never to be heard or only
as orpanizatiot s having brought abut tle:r
own down-fall.
lair The Pie-Nie and Cotillion Piety at
llentlershott's Grove on :It evening of
Monday last, Wll 4 petlettily the finest thing,
of the kind ever Kern in Bloomsburg or
vicinity. :severalhundreds of young
ply (wine a /rife olil,)`usembled antler the
otopy of tim stately trees at an early hour,
the only question was, when to go home.
A platform several thousanl isjeare feet had
been erected, and to music whtelr the birds
or the grove no doubt envied, trio fira hisses
and noble lads "tripped it on the light
thmastic toe" until a proper hour when
without a mingle thing io mar the pleasures
or the occasion all retiree to !beir,limpcs—
bettor in heart, feeling, and sentiment, we
have no d0;,14, than - before enjoying this
recreation, cynics and bigots may talk.
but rational amusement will always hold its
place in the world;
TIIE FoURTII —The ui rray<iirst
versary of Amenesmlndependence was
duly observed in this town all business was
suspc;:ded, And pme if d ur4r rsigpefl,
during the day. There was little or 90
rowdyism on our streets or at' ebr
houses of entertainment, a thing that is un
usual on such occasions Fi most towns of any
eousiderable size. The younger folks of the
bplace spent the arter-part Op day iu th e
eautiful Ohre east of ifloemsburg. At
twr near ~one o'clock Vrot: Tiigo.
Pates:, according to arrangements, walked
his wire, besides performing numerous dap-'
ing and difficult feats upon it, at the Polito:
11011 r. after whieh a procession was formed
headed by HOWER. d BRAM BAND, and
unveiled to the grove where swings, stages,
and booths had been previously erected for
the pleasure and entertainment of. the party .
A very large number of people had gather
ed in the gyve, and all passed off pleasantly
until about six o'elock, when the whole af
fair was suddenly and Ilsnexetedly inter
rupted by a heavy . shdlster o f rain. Thus
ended the Pie Stu and pleasures of the
I)ltAp.- lion. Isaac Newton, Commission
er ofAarioulture,tikd at Washington on the
18th Tiro Pxesident had removed him
three 'times yuring the past year, the de
mand being nearly universal, hut the Rump
always rejoeted tiro appointees. We pre.
sumo they will now condemn Provident% fpr
interfering with their programme,
Air 011alettlet we witnessed the
trial of plebs tietween two. asp"
the i gnOu STK JVD BA Rt 1,041110 firm
Frees, in ariarereelt Township.
There were no Judges appointed to decide
which was the bells Reaper, but a large num
ber of turners had come together to WitAINS
the wink &the two ldscinnps and each to
be hie of as to thef t merle, The
Zu w :out 1 v tio l ite, " au lu d u a c to legreen ed and
Ito cut well, but just the kind to test the
Wits of a Resper. During the efternwpn
a slight rain came up, which made the cut
ting, liking off, and working of the Ma
charel generally much more difficult. The
Reaper* were in the bends of practical men.
The BUCKEYE was represented by our
friend; Mr. gloom% Sif RIO Elk of the firm
of Alifsr, Waite ff Matta, Mannfato entre
of the Buokeye Mowers and Reapers, drain
Drills,. Clover Hullers, and other farming
utensls, at Lewisburg; while the If tainAnn
was introduced and worked by. the author
ised Agent or the Builders. Their Ma
chines are built in York State and are little
known (muted in this section. Both Ma
el,ines make up, and turn MT their idicaves,
but work upon-different plans. The lima-
Y. 11.: plan is a simple revolving platform pro
vided on is,th sides with rsltc•teetis, and so
arranged that by making one-half of a revo
lution it rakes the cot grain from the finger
bar, and deposits it in a perfect gavel in the
rear, and by means of a spring, is stopped
in the right position to repeat the operation.
To form a clear and perfect idea how well it
works it must be seen.
The 11,,unuiow Las foto revolving rakes
and at each revolution turns off a itheal; but
it would seem to us that the BUC J ctxi Plea
is the best. In the heavy grain, and
where it was somewhat tangled, the Mtn.
mtno broke two of its rakes close up to the
arm pits. In the same kind of gram this
milldam] did not happen with the lit et: Err..
It is leas liable, in this particular, to get out
of order ,• and upon the whole, the eonstruc
lion of the BUCKEYE is so simplified that
any thriller can make all reasonable repairs
that this Machine may, after constant and
king use, need. The sheaves made by this
Reaper are not so loose and elongated as
tin-e made I y the other. We bound up a
few, as we had not forgotten how its done.
We toe': under with the thumb when we
bind wheat, but when we bind a politician,
generally u:c the whole hand. Hurrah. fie
the BrCKEYE seemed to go the romels,while
the 111 numtn received little or no praise.
4NliFEbb, 0
Fog siaxx 44:KAr
8190014tit4j. July 19. InG
cbe pubv. M. uW War in mind that
11. 311'. CIIICA811( &
have constantly an hand
LI STP - 1 1 1'1 1 .
All k It de or good li(101b. Cif EAt' for task or room.
try produce.
Light siriet, J dy 10, Itvz
LOOM sulloot e DISTRICT.
following i" a orreet,tatement of tlw
rceoipts awl expen,lituws 14 the School
Vicar clolitn; Ow Ist )lon,joy i n June I , 017,
Tax rate a wiles on the I,no valuation.
Amount of Puplirak 1.'1175 5.71
nat,tivratit,o., ,tll ti 9
CunitilisAon 21'.# 27 310 2e.
4I 29
Amt. of State Wstrraot. 1;1) 51
Eco'ci for ivot Siltool
lit.lasepi awl otiter egirePs
Pali bal. tine Treasurer as per lust
ti.atemeet I: , 11;
- Orders outstanding at uate
of List Statemont, Is on
" 6 Male Teachers 5 .1. mnotlm 113,1 co
" I Female " 6 1 " ' 1111,1
`• :) 4 mtvllls rent II J. Waller P.::: 71
" I year water rent I. 4 . 4 Kimrr 3 :et
" For Fwd. I Itt tr 2
Furniture & Arerattm 241 4 . •4
" " I;epairs N. I 'oin lug owes .1,,' , 0 76
Trelsari r:. 04111116;mm 7s ils
Stcrotary I year Sem lees, 40 NI
By Kti. ;), hauls of Trukt,mi r, f6I 63
'Co this balance must tao aeided fixr, 0:1 in
the hands of B. F. Ilartman late collector,
an d 08 due by Professor Carver for fuel
used in .Academy last winter, showing a
balance iy tte hands for next year of
$.510 tl4.
Attest T. J. MORRIS, :'re dent
K. EN; tit, Secretary'.
Ith.son , littor, Junc 2tl , 1t417.
SAKI Pirectors t4i Bloom Township
Pr., cm - app. E Ikeler,'o4 60
" C—Abertfam, 01 2392 110
" Adam l'tt, '65 Mg 69
" Jaeob Esans.'e4 41342 12
By ewe on Don. of }. It. Ikcier, SIIM, 58
" P. C. Albertson, 175 15
.4 " Adam Cu, 335 68
.. ' J. S. Evans, 238 51.
14,y coun• to collector KR. Ikeltv, 19 so
" !‘ P. C. Alberts 4* 40 75
„ Cu, ,
,4 " Aam u .81 80
“ '• J. S. Evans, 58 44
4, to treasurer Adam L i tt, 21 87
tt !‘ A. P. 11,1110., 19 07
`' " Samuel Bogart, 111 76
By taxes refunded soldiers in service 100 54
By Allorney'S does R. F. Clark, 5 00
E. IL Little, 5 00
Printing, W. IL Jutsaby, 4 60
" unt't pd. I Umlaut. making dull.. In)
" " S. Ilogart,blank books & ecru. 24 45
" " A. P. Young, Seferetal7 12 22
" " 38 men to till quoin .10800 00
" Interest paid on bomb 471 29
Hal due twp on dup J 8 Evans 787 31
" Allwrtmou 178 82
Aduw lrtt 69 66
---- 1035 79
Due J Ki uer on twp bond $348 00
M i l due. t; Ike:Won twptund 80 00
Below due township 107 79
The nidbrisigned haveexymined the above
and 110 ii to be phut,
N. KU M Asditori.
June 26, :867.-3t, t'
DR. J. BRYAN, Cow*Was Itbek*k,
ISPRCIAL TREATM RN* la oilman of doming!,
Manual, Urinary and Homey. Rlienann In mole or In.
11111011. Alblen Free mad corronyondeues rarkily rrrn
Odin sial, 14so. Unit
Sample. mini from No capital reined. Latliro or
Gorottooseu $n urn tram •3.W to 411141 par they.—
?polo" otommood oddrroo
T4lpy 4 VQ., pyhtbet.. NOW York.
The atree Ilene oftke oppoeits ens may be 'Mara by
following simple rules, end all may ina rry happily,
it desired, without fOlittti to wealth, eye or beau ty
Rend directed envelope arid *Mum for parr feeler, to
Madam Lt 111114,8
i r io ftilittl,
Jan. 9, teen.- Mire Hine s York,
If you 11111 o , l44f:ring from Moaned.' of Youthful In•
dieuretiuts and have Sonoinul Weskomic Emiekimm ,
60., I will 'loud you, free or clgrie, iliformutiou
MINI if Irullowed will yr* you witkort the Diu 0
cur divi ors. Addrok. lIKVRY AtlinKNl,
Jon. n, WWI P, New York.
And Catarrh, treated with the utmost nieces*, by J.
Id A ACI4, M. O. Oreliss laid Antler, (formerly of hey.
den, linllnnd,) No. 510 PINT; Ittii et. nt ILAD'A.—
Testimonisle. from the most riniside houreen in the
City Riot Coaatii , can no aeon at hill *dire. 'rho med.
teal faculty ate invited to nerionnany t heir
as he has no secrets in Iris pint:tine ARTIFICIAL
tyre, inserted without ram. No charge inr Mgt.
I 0 , 401.11. t Aerit I y
. .
pR t 1.!: TO EVERY 13 (....) 1 . ) 17
A large it pp. flirt:olm, giving information of inn
greatevt importance to the )(mom of both sexes.
It to:pellets how the homely may,herome he nutiful,
the despised respeeted.and Om forsaken loved.
do young body or gentleman should fail to send
their address, and rorolve a copy pnwrod. LY' rot*
turn Midi, Address PO. Drawn, Troy, N. Y.
Feb ht
The experience of the past ten years Lao demon
mated the fact that rehnoce may be placed in the et.
heavy of
Bell's Specific Pills,
On Or speedy and perm:mow tare of Seminal week.
oesy, Eat.Jx!one. Nervous tivintity,ln,.
potence. er want of power. t h e result of *lntel M.
eves, or yeethfaj tolacretion,whieti neglected ruins
the huppineea, and unfits the enfferer for
s o ci a l society or Marriage, and often term:Hatt:a in
an Untitiltuf grave. Make no delay A. Perking the
remedy. It to entirely vegeta:an and hertUlCht , rnt
the system, can he need wig:old de:eta:on or inter.
fete re wOlmer:nes. pursuit:4,4nd no Ch4U4e of Min
is neresoary whsle too na them. Price, one mw,
If yan chwnpt *'t ttpqn or your drn,rgipd., *end the
iirbey in Dr. J. Mayan, 019 Broadway, New Yortt
and they kir!' Levant free Prow iiloservvion by rttliru.
'Private f.'" , •:tlar.,= linntlonen Gee of. appli
cntirn. 9, tsB7.—is.—J,(?.
P. VV. it.Oßllat4
tr you troth re ti re; ruble ITltleA} 01 remove you,orl
toriorer tritt(aoittepire or Obstruction.. zvhy out nee
the beet t Thirty )care experience hoe proved thr
Dr. Harvey's Female PHs,
have no aqua far Removing Obarnetions and 111 , 1
'ninritiea. Ho matter from Want rittlie they anon.
They ate into and xure ift every rase. Mee, On
Uoifar, per twx.
Dr. narvey's Golden Pills,
lea fumed) , four degrreu ?trotter than tint above
and intruded for eluvial cases of long *landing,
rocs, Five Donate per flat.
A Ladies' Private Orcalar, with Engravings, vent
e mt application,
If you cannot get the rills of your druggist, sand
the pinery to Br. J. Bryan, tlh Broadway, New York,
and they will be rent tree from obiervatjarb by letnro
of mail, I Jam 9, lett7.-Iy,
To Pi. nowrvrttn
Misr :—Thts ie In entity that I wag taken with
ttortlyepepoia a year thto hog Match, and 6 4 a Period
of Ciatit months, W 414 one of the toos4 tol,wrubf,
CVOttlfeti you erer 1 , 310 , 1+1, not twillt,t Mote in eat
drink or *Welt. and was roairllrd to walk no: Corr
inceoesiolly. I was hearty deptived of toy fOtt.roil,
Plot Itept, had entirety luf me, all the efrorta toa,fr fo r
my re"VerY haeing pruned (raffles.,
Hy the And or boveinher, IfHS, I itwt tweattm
weak and feeble that I could scarcely shoot Mow,
nod, to allpppearanee, %timid 00611 die, At this tim. ,
(Mixing man you+ advErtisearank) wy %tire prevailed
open tut_to try ytoir (h tau. A Witte. wes A .43 "Cd.
and, strange to .fty, I soon Einuateneed reeOverint
five tal!en lour tonOes, and am tmloyittg as good
loialth now as could be everted for one of toy nee
(about sixty years‘. I have no doubt that it was your
ibitera Mune, tooter Div" CreetiJaime, that Effected
tilts wonderfulcure.
Iluthom. Amph t . 121.0.
t%lAll't",ll RRMINGTON, the w 9,14
and SoinlialithilllNti eluirvoymit, white
in a clairvoyant state deliaealON ti., vet) tensor,. or
! the V ,, f54 , 11 pin are to marry, and by *WI hid of an
instrument of intense power, kitownleis the Po
notteope, gwirantites it) prmliten a mitt tje!
hike picture of the Wore husband of roam or the
pliratit. With Itiarri.late,wEnpation.
units and dime ter, etc. Ebel it no i
trstimooiats WWitiut mtmhrr can assort, fly gtnitl
place of birth, age, topoiiitiatl, color of eyes and
burr, and ititr losing fifty emote nail etittupett covet•
ope addressed t ;: yourself, you alit rileniV.! piotura
by return of MD, together With dii.orett inlorieut ton
Ailitrolll co I,l,:enge. (PAUL illtfitri4:
I.lll,MiNGTottl. P. O. flu! 1817, %Vett froy,,N.
;414 4 Ou
Feb. IC.
To her country home, after a scions of a few
months in the City, war hardly reregtil4ed by her
friends. In place of a course, rustic aislied face,
she had a suit ruby complexion of almost marble
smoothness. and instead of twenty dhree she really
appeared hut eighteen. Upon inquiry as to the cause
of on great a change, she plainly t.ild them that she
used the Circassian Helm, nod considered it au in.
.salnable acquisition So any Lady'. toilet. By its are
any Lady m blentlere t ait can improve their penmanl
appearance an hundred fold. It is simple in its cow.
bimitioa. as INuture herself is simple, yet ansupetts.
NI in its efficacy in drawing impurities fem, also
healing, cleansing and heat Hying the skin and co m.
Merlon. fly Redirect aqinti ma the e”.tiOe it (Wive
troth it all its traiuritieri, heeling the tante,
stvi leaving iheaurfaceakNoture intended it should
be, clear, ioft, srebelli and bitiutiful. Price $l, sent
tij* tanj ar 4Wlrd.a an receipt of au order by W. L.
CLARK & Chemists, No, 3 West Fayette st.,
gyramise, N. V. The only American Agents for the
sale of the same. tr, b bia7—fy
K N tri y
$; 3639 ')1
Madame E. F. Thornton, the greet Epatiolt Astrid.
wet, theii%oyout and Prychinuetrimin, olio hos
astonished the scientific claws u( the Old World,
hie now •hunted herself ul.llu,lson, N. V. Maa tom
Thornton p,...reeeee ouch wonderful potion' of atm
mt 4 , 418, as t.l cnoble her to Impart knowledge of
the grottiest unporioncit to thespale ur mowed of
sex. Milk In e state of trance, ale.diiitlu
etes thWi try natures of the oersim you ore to mar
ry, nod by too
,sid of en, instrument of pow•
el, known Oa the Psytinontrops, ausrantees to pro•
duce 0111,41ke pictured the fame husband or wile
of the applicanCingether with date of merrier, pe.
'Rion In life, leading traits of character, dm This
le no thousnada. of testimonials can as.
pert, the will send When desired It certified frith•
cute, or written guarantee, thut the pitiful I. whet
It purports lobe, by enclosing a email luel of hair,
and slating place of birth, age, illepthriiitiet and coin.
phillon,anil enclosing fifty cams and stamped envel
ope addressed to yourself, yen will receive the pic
ture and desired information by 'own mail. All
gioninualehllone escredly confidential. Address in
contWence, NIADAINI Y, F.VIONNVON.I O . 0. Molt
21, Nudges, N. Y. (rah V? `lO--ly
$121103 72
28 K
GO TO pßowtars TO BUY YOUR
H. T. F .s;
A Clontlemeo who oidAtkild Pr POI from Non nlii
WWII', MINIM,* Decoy, and all the Abets of
youthful ludlocretion, will, for the sake of oufrorlng
humanity, pond (nor to all who notte it, the receipt
r i
and dlrocil. • n. for oinking the 4 imple rewind o 7
',hick ho woo carrot. Maurer' w Islam! to t by
ttio advrrilocr's troperieheo, cos do on by edit Ring
In perfect confidence, ilUffill CI, OGDEN. 0 Coder
- New York. my 9a Dan.
L./ athlrosoon envelops and 45reolo,iiiiil I will mead
you .uolo volooklo Ibiorupoo la Rom will please you.
Adilrots NARY 10.1Ulte, ill Broadway, N. Y.
Nay Pl. NI.II-Iy.
'pH Ha MAY OP NMI IS erfligNOTlL A gentle
1 man who suffered for years (tom Net roots and
and seminal
Weakness, We result of Youthful 114411#Cretinu, and
same new eaditte his der* in hot:0101N misery, will,
for the sake ',reoffering matt. send to any one abet.
ad, the simple weans used by him, which effected
tore in
it few works after the failure of numerous
medicines. Send a directed envelope and Mime riod
will go,l yokl oothing. Address,
rant Ait Til Wit AIN, weib St. N, Y. City.
Wail RN, GOLDEN, ri.A NEN &Slums CURES.
Produced byp the use of Prat EIEIIitCLIX'RISER
t3ls l'.l*X. mu: application warranted to cart
the most straight nod stubborn hats of either set
into warty *Mutate. or honey massive mats. His
been used by the thidowitibles ot rants and London
with the most gratifying results. Pees no injury to
the hair, Price by mail, settled nod hostpeol 1111—
Ilesertptive eircuteee mined hem Address BEWAIL
8110111 & Chemists, Na. LKiver St., Troy,
N. Y.,Snle Agents fur the United Stater.
rcu ! ITCH : ITCH:
Will Cure The Itch in 4$ our.
50 r ow 0, ro t , *ate by *ll Urag.lisf .0. By 1000111.1 g GO
tent,to WEEKS &POTTEN,SoIo Agent.. lifl Wash
inglon Woo , . Po'dfoL n wdf 1.0 forwolll4ol'by
600 of 100 , 10YP. I.lloy part of Use Ilfatte.lagalro.
JuLto 46 IY. *
The aelvertieer, inietne Nett feetoird 5 0 mth in
few weeke by a v*o , %IWO' . f" , "lf. 41 " " v ""g
1.01 . .1114 for eeVPlat PlalS w,th a vov:Prft $l4 niter.
14,m, sad two drawl comooof —l4 klUi4)11o,
to make known to his fellow -stare tete the manna of
f Ore_
To all who dom ,,, it. hi. will +.enil a copy
prowript I. in it fine of' chug. , , wit lt the ilirtml ion 4
for prepairinu and nom( the .tube. whirls they will
Cod a 4;111,111U lOt 4:o4f4l , Ptcrrins, A a t tl FM 4, UR1144:011•10,
1 11, 01:?, milt ail throat and I Unit All' , Liwina.
The ohty ohect of the adee rt,,,r in !Wilding the PO.
ortiptiMi I. to hettput the aatirtint, itt).l spread ihror
matimi which ho rOOVNIVes to in jOY:11 1 / 4 4101. unit
4e ,O 1?
hopes on , rltrl'Or will try his folOody, *4 it .
fOr4 ttrrtrn 11011101 C 11114 may proven hh.4.111g.
Wirhnig Ibe pre.eript +KS*, try rio or ti mill, wilt
pleamt midrnir. It g 0111 V ARO W I.$OlV.
liausothurg. Kings Co., Nett . May it 9,1.117.
Thin mot medicine rum! Dr, J. fd, &rnrva,c, tho
Proprietor. ot Poiniourry litiwomoilor, %Oleo it hnd
fo.or I•xi, itoil4looi :wooly
drab. i j .+irrd tk he Warne) it. Itls osie;ans pro.
Immo I a too incurahie when ht= pronnt.rod
tho a* of this aimpio bit 11 , u-trial ritnedii, Ills
ti# dith riiiiforo in a rery short thee, eta Ino
ro,orn •••• hoe tee app", Oeu4r.l. :or oil
the rep tom lo •O(iy I.;fir.' o. pi
. tttser limn tiro tuudntd ;mend..
ii~oce his ri o I , rio
eXtqUA'Vi ly .1) tLa , itoti of CnriiiiiiViun and 11.11
ftio OW. h pro tiitadi cantt fosied with ft, toll
the cures attaited,bY his fnedititoi Lare bon "cry
nun - worm and truly nondtrati. Dr. s.3lKifelt
maktortwootonst yam to-or ern! of Ihs buyer rated
'weekly, where he In Ina tame oanoonou of ' , Woof;
gild if + , llinif, or cutaluintitivet
that to to lifted out of thv.r toirriftfoe, and in
tow noo,lit oitithy, rohnit porous. Dn.
# t , and SlANtiliAtiin PI lAA aro martially
al. ivinirod In curing CoriwitLfeinti. Full dlratt.
Dons OotietfirSill" Wit, so that any one ran litho thorn
without rming Dr. B , itoNoin, but when It Is eon.
"ardent It Ia lint torOlhita. Ito afros *Moo the,
but tor a thoroulb rxouinatitn tritb his rovlrotnetet
bh3ftt? OM , t 401.11 r..
I' vlnt. ulr:erte, piroballksg, that the t
ISMe RAC:. 0: when in the last Ml')
eI C.d.itntnptlon, and the other ZS he tow 10, tq
ber:o.d brattb Are en the ettwirp.
Sold by ail Crouches and Dealer,. peke 411.1t1
Par Mille t or ~!7,bn too lead Letter. Inr
lOvict olteutd tdueled to ter. moutl.'i
rrlncirst °Piet, ii North , Ittf ra.
General Who:o.Ate Aae net Dente , Unmet At Co,
N. V.. S. ti. Ilenen, It tlitnort, Md. ; John
P rk, Chittinentl, Ohio; Wolk, r c Taylor, Chntalo.
11'. ; Co' i . 114 LEet,t, 1te.1.3e w. O. le4h, h yr.
A owing the piny rettntittep whit!: iirhire has cup
hilt ti to relieve the &Hinton! of humility there in
nn more favorite fee a curt:tin dent of Mortises than
the ••I..ciiie.wal Sum" of the Wild Cherry tree
but hi t , aver Talusble It it. it.. I..wet heal. In
soothe. to relieve and to cure. is eiehaneed ten fold
by sett:ohne and judicious etwohisiallon with other
iogreitierit , . hi Ily.niee I Will of e , ooah worth. This
happy wing t :ii‘e•irts io a reinarßiible ilegrue in
D. Wlstirt . Balsas* of pWi tl hey.
lrhrM Inn in farina Coligitt, Cehhi. Rre.chis ,
II A:taping do h, erne'''. Asthma. rlONluMary4fanY4.
e. 4 inciett Ma intrion is lanai osnahip.
strong Testimony
Pro 8 BENJAMIN WIIKSOAR. Ile pot Nage , at
kvixis P'eati4il. Nan,
Au the priog of 148 I was most severely afflict.
rd w ith n hrtid.'dry cough. with its 'veil Heroin.
paninootts nr night sweats, completely prosneting
me nervitis system. end producing such a &Wile.
god 11111 e of hi stilt thin. after try nig medical aid
10 no WI 11011 P. I Nil! IV on up all hope. of ovnr re.
coverniy, N. lied also my friends As this stage of
.suers I 111.11 A 1,14.1.411‘..1 11;11111 11 rough iii influence
Li weelehbor to try Wistar's Ralston nr Wild Cherry.
and, before dente tn'o hotilee. the effect 1/1111111111111111
onairo. My mash entirely len ins. the nieht•weals
&twittedpie, herr once more elated toy rlepreesed
su it its. a nd .onus I had attained ley wonted strength
laid 1/120f. Thou has this Niit oau.. as her otieu heeli
remarked hypocrites equee , eeul 'sin I t he facts
illprN lay imatceed Ni., (rime It ?awning Cr,... You
are at liberty to use this fur the Learnt of the
Yretwartl by rowt,E e: PON. 18 Tee
:long add Pon/ ear by Dnintit. Prue
" •
The beet Imo% ft tesueliy 149 ,
ig 411 hio milliiikplel forme iocluding Meer', Co ow., .
SirkliriS.on Min?. fre.. at IN 11a. ANOSOte I °wpm
%1 a, a pout ,MOtlon Or lodine erithoor a Selrellf.
prof after mail yrar. or brientslic rrorearell
nod , xio , rimeist. tor d!raillicagag humors (MO We
•,•,teto it has 1 1, 1 muul.
VlreOlAft root WOO. J. P. ill NOMORP.
MOM by l)ralcialN genorallY. BdDey kill col, New York.
May 4.
tiosTr.TrEins STOMACH 11,17t7R8 waN dreg
piing into imticitniminst the itstijudetwe wilielt ever) ,
thine new, howc.or tattllttm. de..llll'd to co
• .7Q - DAY
it eland; at the head of all the Untie kind altercive
prepnralimCs in exlsten , m. lie celebrityh4a „0 , Red
many imitotionn but no !OVALS. Physietaus pro.
nouisrelt the only oaf.• min/ 4111 W that hob ever berm
Introduced into the nick chnintier . In the Thiamin' I
rrl the Army awl NavV, I t, .' rurgaone end rt the %try
bent tumult for roe vet, sail trOstpe on the sherd'
all a renr,dy fur neurry and all ncoibiitic sireerionn,
rind op the oil: , specific lot men-.ickneen. California
end Auntrafin hare emphatically endorsed it an ibis
Miner.. Medicine lint seal in Spatiodi
A werica rind nil the tropical climates, it is consider
ed the *lily reliable an I id-te to epidemic fever.
There I. no white ry oboist the canoes of it,
cells II is stilluarlllo and altmiltiVir Ili wbn.h
are combined the grand ',priories or a cold , pure,
and our Mated vegetable. ititnulant, with the nee. I
neiertion 01 tonic, inti.kilioun, atilt ncorhotie,aper
and . deporittiSe herbs, plants , roots. rind barks
that have t.ver beets intern:oml in a niedienial prepa•
It is al.o proper to sante licit Ale 1114 ern are cold
exclurive)y ni plane. aim never. node, Miy rlrc inn.
Italics v. by Ilia Its lion or the buirel. Illlptisl”ss 10,1
imitnturn are abt.m,l, and the only mategoord the
public line Italian.% them is to nee that the hit era try
buy Year 11111 SHIVA Vivi 11.110 Mill note 01 head of
Ittintetter dt durW and the Government
gawp over the cork of the InAtle,
Joao hJ, kW.
and for t h e County of Columbia .In the fustier of
the estate of EU AEI late of Montou r
township, de coaxed. And now to wit: May ninth,
l 007; the Court appoint C. F. (hock way, Erg ,
to nutty distribution of sue balance in thu linode of
John 0. Quick, adiolOtstretor, to end einunFlit the
eridaurs. lty the Coots. ltroin the record.
Jars Coutmati, Clerk.
The andllar above named will attend to the (Olio.,
of hie appointee/AO. at kid Wine la etoeinsebeig, on
daturdey, the twohth sieved day albino, 147,a( ten
o'clock, 4, lA., at which list* and oleo* all persons
heeling claims against veld 44010 RNA ttenent them,
or be debarred tram elatialdmit *lre In the same,
nMIW AY, Awl/pc
Juno 3, 1407,
Than to no d Woos mblalt esporionfe nisi* amply
proud to l , ot romadiabla by the PERUVIAN SYRUP.
(a pratoalail solution or Um Prowltdo of Irm), Cu
Dropepola., Tao moat Invotarats Menlo of tbio :di. ,
sass bars boon aomplatoly oust: by 1114 mailloinn, as
ample tootlitiony of sumo ursor Orst allispas prose..
' ltoonatt, Canada Boot.
* • • "I Mm 'an invoternia Dkoneptie of nook
11145 *3 VO*Ra . wroonion."
• * • "t have beaft ott wonder rally benefited to
i ii
the thin • a rt works drain, *Melt I have used the
Perovtarfi tore.' ow I can miterly persuade nip
Wl' or UN itiwY . • - hdpie who bay* khown tae aro
itetontohed at t h e Change. jam wide, known. tio4
cm brit recommend to robot* that eetkich boa dune so
much fire me." 4 * . •
, .
A NtiAtt Kit CLEM Y WAN WRITES AS ror.i.nwti :
," MY vOY.4e to roropo is ioticiinliely popipoord,
t NM 4111, vritd ,be . Toootaiii of iliosiiii" on this
side 41 Om Atlantic!. Mee batting of Peruvian
nv roo i11t1... ITPCtietk Me trout tho rungs of tho Wool
Ilyriverigh ,"
A romililei of 31 page., emithinirl n hiAtnry or
thix remtitioihle remedy. with a treatise! 411 "404 4*
it medicine," will be rent !Rh lousy aildreihi.
The genuine Ilia "PERU V lAN SYRUP" blown In
th glue.
P. Dixemottp, Poprtntor,
gJ Dey dirtrin. New York.
!Said by MI druggists.
ti antsy it penetrates ttamuth ivory
U olito 00g iivilerong OM* PlOl ahigry sate ;
A p wounds 0 10006 with enotainty tOl.l epned ;
mo. Purim, rruw infitslllol4thill scarp art tread
rUP1.1 , 110,, at it6prese;o4l itiouppotr;
km& hog each stain. and the COMpir.l,loll'S deaf
We, onoh ar Ornee's %on ono I , hould
A II in et.l wnwiernui mema teµtify,
et howls. nkjho doubt. a xiunlt toot but try.—
V ertly. then Ito tr in doonno 'Mould hiv' ,
Ven WOW litUd Cilie4ed Salle
AU IPITOR . 4 tscrATEM Cat
Hutidoil, Mo. 2.7,, 1 h;7.
We, the undersigned Auditont, herehy
certify that we have audited the following
account of Hemlock Ttn.lis!in's Fund and
find it correct,
J.NO: 31 lt EY NOLIK
AVni. 13 :Aturinaker, Treasurer of Bounty
Fund of Hemlock Township, for t
To antes. 'voluntary suleeription. tXt
Paid 16 teen s2:'o ouch $l,OllllOl
Subscriptions refunded :2.1.1 t ,,
Paid 'taunt) Is :irris en Bounty
Fund in 1;6.) th - ot t.
Paid sundry expcnw• s putting
in volunteers
J., 1,
~1) ;Tarry, re:ismer 4.1 r Fi f ivi
i)t Toww.hit) fe. , N I 4 S..pclS6 I.
To amount .icortiy burrowed on Township
Bonds Lois) uo
Amount duplicate i,or '..- rd. 5,012 54
Received front subm!ription, to previous
fund 49 :in
Amount t/upiteatc, 1 , 65 4,2:11 52
Rec'd Cuctuto ktitti tax 99 63
$13,593 :15
Exonerntions nit du. I so 4 $llO Al
1.41 re 2
Commissions for 1,:e.1 1e..5
Printiog f stamps and premiums
pair 7:: 39
Note to Dan. Bank paid 8,500 ill./
EXlwwes or N. Reeve 49 h 4
rive per cent. allowed tax
payer 183 37
Loans and interest paid ---- -- - ---
3,114 27 $13.979 93
Balance :1 1 313 32
llenikk Township, PH.
To am't. of note to Daniel Neiluirt /:4'2 . 29 13
" Hugh D. MeHri(4: 343 70
572 s:;
*24., by bahwiee in lqui i.l* Ireasaer 313 82
June 5, I e. 1.07
IN"w " 9 '"131 gmmsßußGt
TAR snbrer ibrr his la vs sonic pain • to ', i Oen h
Ids stock by ensti pel(ebW4. airl lee le lieW PirrP4re't
Sell as low as say Dealer
in him orction if c:natitrY•
A rail twin hint, lry any prTOll.ll 1040 undirrolatiola
trio prime or good., nld Ilin niialssy rr lbe WHIM.
oat make this ISIS Odin. Of rooms no one nerd
tiny 11141 es, 01.1 are clilltvly assiatiod. 11.1 will lon
glad to Roe his (*fenny and Mit public generally
v.b...tlyr %Ill.), bay m.t not
Ilrl oinelt ~.I.stgal tot the best varieties of
Cr 4- YEE; 1110 I. And IRS,
Eldll lOf lino vim sy,) SPICE ,
DRAW WHOM. (in their swoons.)
llthaTilN. AAA 111'9k:ft COM:Kt:ad.
dUAP & &a.. VIIIT.t3C,
COAL & I.lNdl. Kl/ OILS.
also a ISI S -a p.soflllllllt al Dry flood. and lloosory.
and a fall variety of goods id the above class. and
of other Mods. in addition to Whitt he has :calsollY
added to ktaittralt a alas aeoetrtioitct of
• • "WIT,LoW WARE;
In which var!e;y of goods Me IMO fevered new
arlielea of n.P.1011 Inteatina, salru.ltelly maid
o horn known, and whit 1111,1 cu.lt7 1110 511115 Ling
Ile also has a doe , supply of
French Moroccoes;
and also of Morocco Linings for isbeeroaker's
Work ; and a good asaotient •• ; •
gneellt ware.
rr and sthaniine.
H. H. Corner o.)' Plain and Iten . lllinei
Rigout I.t•utig. Npril II :UST. .
IJ. BROIVI4I, (Cor. Maim *H IN4 ids.)
J •
now oiNting to the Public. hi. Pint% Cr
comic irg iu part of a f}:1111:•+: ct
. 11 . 1 Ittu tAIIPETS.
Finn rl.dh• and ra.nninern rot Litdirp' tingle.
G im uje til. al l'Atlntito •nd qualif ie..
o..fama and Nino nt voirlOw. and puree,
llNnar hnd and Brown Mualino. Ladin. Fn•urh
G o od a..orinient of Lade and tholdrens' GJi:CII
nod Hoots,
Fro.h Wet:tries and eporee. New nomorimert of
Glass and Querasware.
Es-Nn. 1 Illaraerel inane hair and onn rnnnbnarrrls.
Pion, is go limn to mbar your iu as 1 an)
nrering inod• al very low privet ant our mono Is
lair dealing ty all. In hu Ii Hay.
J. I. Cit.
April 30. 11+0.
r. •
[orrosrvc Tirk Er liere,‘ EfIURCII.I
On Ma)n Street, Bloopubp,rg.
The ontiarribnr taken plea.nre in winnowng/ le
Ire people of litmdn.burg, nud Iciu tiy, Ott Mt hie.
nn hand N larp. and tint. amoortninhl
for Indeed and potlemen's weir, to pipit all wefts.
Hi. City work nt lAe bPot oinality, and Ir.•m the
moat rollattle mansfictursra ;be being a practical
%%1)11'1_111w and a good fudge of
bll5 K14J1X2:91.= o s
ho is not likely to Le inipo.isd upon by recylvlig
worthies' meteriegbadly mute up.
These desiring anysinal in lire line would do well
In give pun a WI. Wore pv014411;4 elsewlista. lie
veils •
and at prier., to mutt porckaesre.
All worsens 'NI desire' ligkit og berry work made
to order els be FIT, eriabliehmeryi.
IT Ale°, repairing will be dope With neatness and
An elegant asmortcrient of Padies @print and Su dri•
mot Wm" en hand. 'A. INOLULDZII.
A mll3. 1167.
NEW 91Aapi (A 120) DOME
.v. IP es t ed id lttott ispoolgoo to his
a MO Opthices *Rd
Militragobit. Mow du ' its tie lower NOM Or
sm. toirnia MINI. toelltoutit Wittve of Milo sad'
Plitriet. Otortio, itiotniotwq, Pc
u r rou l t ! voNd nvio voi n
!`nil, And %VimOr clothing
and annkiotnen's Porn!obit% OW*, ke , 46 fiv,
kiiir hipaelf litai ht: run pltistki all. `fila *wit two , .
such to
NU !Writ,
S n Clll4ll IR TA
niormattuurr. vi •
I'3IBRELI.4B, 4.0 '
and in rot evorythin.l in trio Vlnthing or rtiftrinhin4r,
1 . 017/ JAW Pe;eftl,
to addition to the ahove ho has an elegant assort
Clothes. C:Fa Iners. anti estifiry,
1. :7" Monona made to 0ti144 at not shortrot Pot+oe
Val!,ao.l 0W.2 yqo,ll purthdoiog alanahote. and
Or oner if, Pot
Tho rr ,, Pri o " , t having{ renovated ,u rwsttvd
corAtli AVl,in Um itfvfoavot of OW' ' •
h.. rime 4 iitligt ex}licit a row in
iiiittotim, biro did ruxvium.rit, tordiiitlf
vitr /10 plvollt,:t 01 !KW 4tht to llll
lie follow
Afhl I
Sh ELL 01 S LIS t 4,
I .I H rt 3) orsTuz , , rrj:sit }pot,
ton.. week, - HAM :OW
EGUS, TEJ,SH, 1301,0 U NA, 'tot*
urfrro can 90 A. 01.31 nla to Cilitomet
fiwiPento notke t in
to suit the tastes of the
Oloottohtint, Vvb. Mr.
Thsw E.ltitth g 14,1 C.1,2.40„1.4 py aq,
Tn polite Anil to Or: thlreitt and to *molt ;
Tho only wtortr nice wax on PrtIVIVIPI awl tare
Is IrdO. and Nil may be to:
BY fort
t'SY 01?
Wiiitc Liquid Enamel,
ror Iniprovina and nsatiti int the Completion.
11,e most Omit' , end pe r ctprepsintoo ti re.. -
giving the shin n beautiful pead.rike titti, that th
only fr..;11.1 in you,b. It yi irk ty mo a t, T a n p raa a.
tea, Minoles Marche., 'loth' rinthes. Panawitesa
Muyinni., and iirtoutle... , at the akin. kindly hestM4
the imam I, , avii4 the flew as Matta..
ter. :rs usorilonfflt k'd , rretleil the chines.' .trh.
tiny. and tie.:4 a vegetable preparation Is perfer,lY
harmless. It is the mil" nrifile of thirkind uirtfiby
tas rreneb, and is ronstillsabi by the Partaxm &a n.
ta a pltfurt this t ri.wards' sr3o,torm
hnittet 1Arre...0141 tillt , lte mite past year. a auttietei,t .
Romanice of is ettieney. Mire only 75 41.01114,- ,
:Sent by tn,tepest pant. On receipt of an order. by
It1;41:Elt; 6111 - 17r1 & in, Clwinishl,
Z 7 vac:- ty 11,-;$ Itivvr St.Tyly. N Y.
THE 1"..N10N 1). 4 (111c RAILII0M)
Ale new ton.ltucti or a katlrowl frol,
Weftwarri Inwards the Panifie {Jana, making n qh
its COnneCtiffild as untrok.ut fitw
I'ho company now o(Nr a limited dlTlnuilt of their
thi r y yew* to MI, and banring ansmak an
tE redt, payioble as the tirr Any nr January and July.
lu tits City of New lark, at 0/6 MC Of
rtrid w 4. rniPplete.l Prot r.i Melia MIS lolled
Dei toe Int of Jilioniry. KW. and is hilly rpm..
ped. tr;:iud arc tncilarly innninr OVer it. 'l'Ae
Orimpiny bfo how CM lona sittlicsioit iron, 11 , .
to portiop,•tnlAa Marrn hAVI
or the tiorlq , whirli is utiiht
conirnet to be. gone ttilitionber hi of iiil. year, an
11,1 ,hat 11.4 *lair: Fowl will Me in room
"rder Own to •la i.:alc•n COlllterll.lll WWI
rt•sio int Pa Mit. tio*lotiAt tepidly bola atillwmid
trolls S4o2rdiiirolo. Cr.l , .11 , risig
retionftliu the thatnnee to he Wilt by dm Uttinte
reeretle bI te. I.: 4S taller. the. United Ste. Gov/ret•
meet ' , epee* it• en per rent. Tliarty-threr Itnit la t et
the Company ea tIM road IN fintetted nt the everepe
rate at about p....ta0 per mile. Nut 'analog tu $14.-
;AA tall'
rani any is alms porn/Mod In 10.1ap Its own
First Mortoce lintlda t., an ."I.ial amount. 49.1 at Mt
war time. Which by "'penal Art of enocr.,.. .tri •
.nade a tirq mortilafte on the entire hoe. the bonds of
the broil Ptltott.ii !sett' In them .
The Co - ...rumen* maker a donation of 1..d10 scree
of lend to the nub% •neolt.lift4 to VAL, (flip acre*.
p.) be worth pall.tionditht, mak lug the total
remourcea etchisive Me emote!, ; bat
the hill value of the lands enittitt now he reellsen,
The aisti;nri r eil tialelt of the r.rotinany si
1 11 , 14tirdht Inv PioWithilara. of which mil Ilona
have idrio t ily been ;mot in; and of wl.ich ij in eat
roppoeed that More Item termitylite millions at
moat will be remitted. •
The t. oat ..1 use rand is be competent
twelteefi jo W. Minot osti !Mutated million dullard.
xeli t 'olvo '' •
Th.. Hiln 1d alelinl betwont (Imam an.ll
I• nrov ;note. and the e.on 01 . 110:11:11151111
1 1 0 ordiooll aleendy neo.h.4 for the tit•t
I.llwl.l'Sl/la May wet, $11.5.0410. l'beec nectlinhai
r 4,111115151115 1 .11115 1011.1 prnare...• ujll sandi mull
than PaY 434 ' 1111. 1, 5 t on t 1.5 C011554501V . 51 b 0 0 1 19..i111 4 11
lb* thrinnth bne•neld over the oolY lino of taitroiol
to•lineeitlhi3lnk red Erode moot be inmensfe.
TI eyoutpany reayertfusly pubtult, that the above
ataleoseot of feels fully &utmost rate, the ... c um, of
their Bootle. sod es p 'oaf they would vurt
iro twit It 1s flow nitlea ore than test
imp Mow illtllore 317 hake of row!. fill wbee over
twenty to glom dolinr• have ettoaaat been ripened
of the. rood thu e•:1 6 nro how'ruen
awl the twiluith hog le7 utiles ere orartYlrolittiolltd.
Al the prenent 41C of prem.out ots gold Wiese midi
pay gig un owl', it lot the•prelesteot oY '
..4 it I. believed that on the rollittletiow or the
toed.l4,tie Onveriinient Eh /I ii gi they AV ill go above
Par. The Company intend to sell but a limited
monaural the prbvent low tote 104 r.itill the right
to advance the price Ott their opttn , l.
SUbecriptione will be received in New Votk by ihr.
covitivetAt hannnnt. Baia, No. 7 Nitiome dt ,
CLARK, Itbms & Cn., tieetteee. 31 Well W ,
Joe, J. Coke It goo BAIIIKSILL No 33 Well Bt..
and by DANKO] AND UAINNI:118 generally ihrough•
Out We United Stales, iirwhooi nw, ens descriptor" ,
pamphlet, may he obtained. '111(1 . will sho be gent
by mail from this Componv . . Office, No. `.lO Naive,*
!nivel Y orb. on application. giuhvcribero will
select their o%n Agent , ' in' whom they hive rentl•
dance, who Wowe w ill I.t tueponsiph tu thole fuinlio
sale deliVtry di the h o lds.
• ..101)1 J, Cltit:(l, 'Ereecnrer.
Aim Voce.
Julie 3. OWL •
Ihr arr., ur Mr. 11. 'Loehr, one
of Ole beA binder« io be fbt.n.r in the &Oa, we 'ere
prepared to Irtirio..h. to
sad mbar*. 1.
or every &scrip;ion, on bliort nolo,. boon I to an v
etylv dreired. in the nt ,, tt euh,tenttet rit.itint.r, at
reasonanto priff•a.
Wit. Ines bound, and old beaks rebound, at Now
Ynrit prices.
Orders left at the odic' of the paper nunliettlng
this advertisuseint, or tent by tapiess, writ be at.
tended to add ' , storied wttdont lienfteelazy defer.
• • Aso". HIL.
Scranton, Pa., Jena If, 1087.—tr.
I Mph GO T 4
Ple gi gna l ig
/ I
XECN 7/E.?