Bloomsburg democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1867-1869, July 10, 1867, Image 2

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    rsomollug itootrat
WM. M. JAC6IIIIIro Editor.
WedneltdaY. July 10. 1467.
P. N. Par Naomi. k 37 Park Row New York
It. duly auraoriard to eolith nod 'waive aukocrio-
Nous audadvertsing for the thowsrat Mar, pub.
Ilona it mooluabori, Columbia county, Pa,
. •
DCl3loCratic Shale Neal.*Shen.
nr Judge of the Suprrnie Court,
Who lo Hencelfird by the War I
The Republican asks the question, who
was benefited by the war? and then auswers
by saying, "not the Drmseratic Party."
For once we agree with the Neter, sawing
always dot the Democratic Party was bene
fited by having the scum and filth and nasti.
ness which accumulate around and adhere
to all human contrivances to a considerable
extent thrown off, thus leaving a compara
tively pure and w thoroughly determined
party in the field to combat the filthy sure
gatiou of isms which go. to make up the so
othed Republican Party.
But to reeur tai the question, who was
benefited by the war? The Doctor does not
answer, and we will try to indicate the class
of people who were so benefited. That
man now on Fifth Avenue, New York, will,
previous to the war, was a put-horse poll
*inn, spending his afternuous and evenings
with loafers, whose votes himself' or his
friends might soon want, while his wife and
daughters occupied a garret, in faded calico,
and in tears- this man, now owning stud om
cupyiug that Brown stone front, was made
Ma t ior Ger4ral by his "friend," and he
was benefited by the war. Then again that
merchant downtown, who had the reputa
tion of being a shrewd man, and of some
influence as a politician in.a local way, and
who received that contract for a large
amount of army clothing, and who h a s since
moved into a large store room, and inereas
ed his stock to the extent. of Fifty thousand
Dollars, lie was beuefited by the war, So
also that Assessor or Revenue tax, with
salary of five thousand dollarsa year ; that
gang or assistant assessors, that tia-midable
brigade of collectors ; in short, the locust
like host of government tin:lll4,e. created
by the war, defy are all benefited by the war.
Town and country are full (Touch instances.
Our own Hale Conility Or Columbia can for
nigh several illustrations in point.
rhsc ? certainly not the 'willow:.
and orphan , wade such by inereilt con
wription: nor the mittiberle , A unfortunates
with toutilattarbodiet, who are to be wet
with all over the land ; now of these,
.t.41013Dv alone is benefited ; awl 'r4ttotnyr,
thy ntuue is legion.
t wns a copperhead predietion that to free
the slaves was to incite to murder and every
other crime. But the prediction has not
ret been verified. Since their freedom the
blaelca have behaved themselves peacefully,
and are, lhr the most part. indmoriong eiti
zens. needing only education to make them
ten fold more valuable to the society of which
they form a part.--llFpubficqu.
Has not been verified? hook at the case
of Mrs. Long, who wai kutaily ravished
and then murdered, in her own house, last
month, in North Carolina, by three nogmes.
Look at the ease of .Visa Weston, an edu
cated and highly refined young lady of
Georgia, who was latoly &aged off her horse
while taking an evening ride, by four negro
soldiers attached to the Freedmen's Bureau,
sod kept by them two days aNd three
nights in a swamp, and subjected to such
pollution as makes the imagination revolt.
We might continue this horrid catalogue,
lout we reflect thut littla,good Cad be dime
to outietilers by giving dutails so disgusting
human naturn. When Vt. John says
that the Degrees since al eit. freedom have
behaved themselves peacefully, he either is
ignorant of the facts, or is attemptiag to
deceive his reader+.
Mott. Wm. A. WALLMIL—We cheer
fully endorse the following from the Lancas
ter lotclligeneer, in reference to the chair
man of the Democratic State Central
"The unanimous nit-election of tlon.
Wm. A. Wallace as Chairmattof the Itent•
4)emtio State Central Committee, and tht
extettsinn of his term of office to Jejtuary
4st., 2869, was a wise movement on the
fiart of the State Conwetian. We leave
been thrown into very intimate mooc"ation
with Mr. Wallace since be ties hed the
position of Chairman of the State Ci atral
Committee, and we War willing testimony
to his prudence, his polticai sagacity, his
energy, his busittess capacity, his ability
and fitness in all nopects fur a proper dis
charge of the tinti6a of a most important
positton. lie has marshaled the Demo.
zeta: hosts in such a tuatmer as mast go
tar towards g i ving us the vitttory which now
-lies within our grasp. It e.lng toiled faith-
fully without reward it was anly right that
lw should be permitted to kali the .inuting
MY It is said that through the ageoey of
tbe,"Neb Mtanitain Senator" the name of
our late lsowijed friend Bob Clark, which
for years stunk in the nostrils of the "Fish
ingcreekers," is beginning to hear among
them an oder.alnesst saintly. Indeed it is
being reported that enconinnis are being
showered down uportiare head as copiously
ns bail atones and coaia fire once were!
That is right. To forgixe ,and forget is a
Christian virtue! Reputatean.
By what authority the editor of the Re
publican would connect Mr.. Illniikalew and
Robert F. Clark politically, we de not k now.
Mr. Buckalew's political anteeokients arc
matter of history, and the po.itioe, of Mr.
Clark, although a private citizen, Li very
well known. During the war, when :rat
Brigade . of soldiers were brought upon
tile clash' of Fishing Creek, Mr. Buckalew
teilt p decided stand, so as to hinder as
mucitas possible merciless and needless op
pression. lie tisetl his best endeavors to
procure freedom of the Fishing Creek
prisonces ; and that the Doctor should at
tempt to connect him with that unfortunate
affair Rhin than as having used his good
offices for the oppressed, ja . slanderous and
Mmeofrattle Casiedidat
*As most of our people know, there will be
elected this WI a Sheriff, County Treasurer,
County Commissioner, County Auditor, and
two Jury Commissioners. This het is a
new ofitse, created by an set of' the Legits
lature or last winter, which act provides for
the manner of drawing the respective juries.
This new Angled way is as follows: the wheel
is filled by the two Jury COLUUdifildolllolll and
one at least of the Judges of the Count.
'The Jury is awn, drawn by the two Jury
Commissioners and the Sheriff. In select
ing Jury Commissioners the citizens vote
for but one--idler the fashion of selecting
Inspectors of Elections. Whether this is
an improvement on the old-fashioned, time
honored plan, remains to be seen.
Hut the special necessity for careful-action
on the part of the Democracy, in the selec
tion of a County ticket is the thing to which
we desire to call the attention of all good
men and true. Shoddy has so firmly fixed
itself in power that extraordinary exertion is
necessary to Wig the hinges of its throne•
and send it toppling to the earth. The time
has passed when it was thought that the se
lection of County ofileers could affect in any
degree those grander questions which agi
tate the whole country. We now know
that the ramificationsof power reach the
most remote districts, and disturb and influ
ence, Me adection of incumbents of the
nio.4 trifling municipal offices---as when a
ind.ble is cast upon the water, the limit to
its waves is unknown.
The war brought upon us most horrid
experiences, ellt4l AM were predicted in the
Sacred Book—the turning of the son from
the !hater, the husband from the wife. A
large number of citizens of ourown County
bad the bitter cup of merciless persecution
placed to their lips, and the unfeeling men
in power s that time, and their adherents,
roust expect no mercy from the true Pe.
itineracy so long as the ballot box is a
weapon in the' hundsmf an outraged peo;
In the selection of candidatei for the vari
or offices, them let one ordinate principle
be observed, l rt no 111011, bo , 104014 P'll4
11jilliffirlf hi thr reim,frd 41.11ree with thc
lom bi l w r at theoats who pat their foot nrom,
WO' fins outo. In the words of
WaAington, as applied by the Chairman of
the Democratic State Cont., let us have no
'untangling alliances.' There in ruificient in
herent vitality in the Democratic Party to re
g nerate the country without Isking mint
:two from I my quarter. Sooner fiulthan ac
quire victory through the hired help of spies
and mobiles, Thomfore let good men,Demo
eras of the oticeileo4 dye be 'ominated. Of
course we have the t.trengthin the County
to elect the eanoliolatev judiciously pbtecol in
1 ,,, 11 ,* :w ai, 10 , but the ole , irable moral abet—
the %ere rwhilke will be lost if' we .elect ,
11101 of the "engineering," time serving
The destiny of our country is not uncer
tai.i. The prhwiples of Truili, which are
no other than the principles of Democracy,
will prevail in due time. An inscrutable
Providence allows the wicked to now bold
the reins of power ; but let us watch and
work, In the mean rime let= us !Turn the
snake like embrace of faction, and by beep
ing ourselves to ourselves not lose the dig
nity which we have always maintained as
the grand conservators of the civilized world,
Who h President of the United
Certainly not Andrew Johnson. Because:
Ist —The July session of Congress is con
vened. not by the President, in the White
House :it Washington, but by Thaddeus
Stevens, in Pennvlvania. The Constitution
says the President "may on extraordinary
aneasiims cuivene both liouses—or one a
thou," tut as the convening in this case is
at the instance of Stevens, a good many
people, naturally enough, are concluding
thatAe mart be Prksident of the United
2d. Others think it molt be Secretary
Stanton, seeing that it is to him. and not to
Andrew Johnson. that some of the Southern
Caliphs are addressing their edict, reseripts
and communications. Thus togLiy, the
telegraph tells us, that Secretary litantoo
has refused to receive the resignation of
General Sickles. -Andrew Johnson is not
permitted to have any voice in the matter.
3rd. Possibly, however, both of these
classes of picsitis misy ha mistaken. The
Erwtsr int:lilies to the conviction that Gen.
Sheridan is President. No man who is not
piwstaulcd that he is invested with supreme
power, would have dared towrite such a hit
per to he did the other day to General Griot,
ro+4 , evlit4 the Vranilkat and the rtemidept'b
It rimy be, though, that instead of being
but ono President as prescribed by the Con
stitution, we have nowaltree or four,--the
one having the least power and the least a
spect paid to hini king the ono who occu
pies the chair in which Washington sat.
h.: Y. Ikneocretic Express.
'J'be Democracy of Montou,r. County ii H
their nominating couneticp on, Sa.tufdaY
t h e ;4:4 a . , 4 i t =de. the following norui
mations: ('uuttty Conunissioner, Alumni;
C. licssich ; District Attorney, Gnottam I).
111 71. En ; .1 ury Cotnwissioner, llaNt ta.
BILLMEYEK, and County Auditor, EidAs
W. P. Weidenhamer and Pr. F. C.
Kester were appointed Representative Con
feaes with instructions to support Titom o ts
CHALFANT for renomination.
JON. IL CA:vont:3a,, Esq., was appointed
Chairman of thu Standing Cuunty-Com
The tirai rtas fixed, for holding the•njcs
Convention ontbkfire Sondsr et Avast,
JUDOS 811.00411000. --The Ihrriaburg
correspondent of the Chirtnberiiburg Repos
itory (Radical) pays the fotowirm haaidgemo
and just compliment to the Vemoeratie can
didate for Supreme Judge :
"Of the nominee, George Sharewood,
now President Judge of the District Court
for the city and county of Philadelphia, I
can bra may, that while he in not regarded
by the profession as the equal of the present
CbiefJustiee us a jurist, yet he enjoys the
reTeet and confidence or the .
. people of
Phripielphia, regardless of po li t ies, and is
known throughout the State as a gentleman
of fine talent, spotless integrity, and
dignity (4t . character."
• -. .....
Ihnzhasn Young.tqqk only two dozen
of his wivon with him on his rent pleasure
trip south.
The evidence for the prosecution in this
ease has deed. To the minds' of unpreju
dieed, think* aka, thow in no evidence to
uontmet this TOliflif man with the killing of
Mooln. Ile mg have been, at some time,
connoted with a plot to tarry off the old
gentleman and keep him concealed until
something would "turn up," but that plan
seems to have been abandoned, after which
itdoes not appear that &write bad anything
to do with any conspiracy of any kind. , The
defence opened on Monday, and it is expect
cd that it will be shown that Sumttt was
away from Washington at the dine Lincoln
died, and had no connection with the party
who shouted so be ft to all tyrant*, on the
boards of Ford's Theatre.
Lot the people of Pennsylvania hear in
mind that the Republican State Convention
recently held in Williamsport, dodged the
question of Negro Suffrage. During the
last hour of the Convention, Mr. Newlin, a
delegate from Philadelphia, offend a reso•
lution in favor of "impartial Suffrage,'!
which resolution was referred to the appro
priate committee without debate; and is
the bosons of duet• Committee it now rests;
the convention having adjourned without a
report on the resolution being made. The
votive ►►tion was afraid to face *atomic.
/t may do for the abolitionists to cram
negro suffrage down the throats of the
people of the subjugated South, but they
arc not quite prepared to attempt the thing
with the sturdy yeomanry of Pennsylvania.
This attempt, however, may be made soon.
Let the people watch and work.
The Funeral of Dom Chas. Den.
The Funeral of the Hon. Chas. Dennison,
Member of Congress of thin district, took
place at :io'clock P. m., yesterday, at Wilkes-
Rarre. Although not present we are in
formed by several that the attendance of the
li,vstinie Fraternity and other friends of the
deceased was very large, reaching a num•
bur of thousands. The funeral services
were laid st the late residence of the de.
ecaned, and the body taken to the family
burying ground at korty Fort for interment.
The procession, composed of carriages
and persons on foot, was very large, and
was over one hour in crossing the bridge.—
Every possible demonstration was made to
manifest estequi for the deceased.
The Union Railroad Company kiadly
sent up a train of four ears, to ucemunitslate
such in this city, as desired to show their
respect for the deceased. Nearly one hun
dred members of the various :Masonic foil
ges of this city, and probably one hundred
and fifty other persons, availed themselves
of the opportunity, much larger num
ber would have attended could seat's have
been provided. The return train left
Wilkes-Barre at 6 and reached here at 7
o'elisti last evening.— Scranton 11. gister
drily Ph.
IKr P. .Lphn saes we arc "mute about
the '•Fisingereek i'{ollfelleracv." Some of
his fillowers undcreattues culled on use few
weekiago and 'pegged, for the sake o 1 their
families, not to expose them. They are now
on their good behavior.— Cotambi , in.
Have you reference to Bob Clark, or is it
the late delegate to the Philadelphia "arm
in arm" Convention who wanted acte ground
mad , . of Fishingereek '? Come, speak out.
Let US have the "history" and the 'record."
Let no IQ skinned delicacy deteryou. Who
called on you ? Who is begging? Who is
on his good behavior.—Cedunitia County.
P. John should really , be ashamed nf him•
self' for asking a neighboring cotemporary
such questions, when it relates to so serious
a matter, concerning his flan most intimate
friends and assistants, in getting up that
military raid on the Democratic people of
Fishingereek, all for a political PurPose•
Oh shame where is thy blush ?
Ifs Th^ attention of the travelers in the
Cars between Williamsport and Philadelphia
is directed to the Gard in our columns of
"Mr. Girton's l'ltaltir Line ei (Mot thitiv.4, • '
by which will be seen that hots at ail times
rtzady, on the arrival of the trains at Rupert
Station—opposite Bloomsburg,—to convey
parties to that place or any other seßion of
the country they may desire to visit. Mr.
Girton keep; most excellent borses and
veltieles,for the accommodation of tho pub
lic, and we take pleasure in saying, that ho
is every a ttcntive and accommodating gmt
denim], On arriving at iiiipert, look out for
Pieroix Omnibus Coach and Match Horses.
—Lyconsing Standard.
11g4.• The Cincinnati Enquirer keeps it be
fore the two* that 2,:00,00 Radical votes
have 216 ntembeits of Congress, while 3,500,-
000 Democratic votes have but sixty mem,
berm. Well, what of it,Y— rim es.
There is ttLis hlasut it:
1. It stops, or should stop the assertion
of ignoramuses that the people of the
country are opposed to the President's motor
ation policy. They are not, but a majority
of a million are in favor of it•
2. It shows that the pretended repre.sen
tatives or the people no longer represent
their will, but flagrantly misrepresent it.
3. It intimatos that there is something
rotten in Denmark; something ttat must
he corrected ; or else we must abandon all
claim to,lwoonsiderod &country under Demo
cratic inseit&ton •
4. It ix pretty conclusive evidence that
our government, as at present administered
—though nominally a government of the
majority—it is t big swindle, managed by
anti for the benefit of the few, at the cost of
the many.
'fir The Clinton Alumna Ganz°. tnitind
last week in an enlarged form. It is now a
thirty-two column paper pd presents a fine
typographical appearance. It is ably efted
by our young friends, the Ynreyßrothers,
and ranks second to none in the central part
of rho State. Before the advent of the
above genatureu, the Democrat wn.s .150 t
much of an honor to Istek. liaven l as it was
a small sheet and nearly filled with tnivex
tisetnents. Under the present regime the
heal interests of the town are attended to
and mongrelimm twelves proper treatment.
The above handsome notice is tateafrolu
thAblambia herald and we heartily en
dorse it.
Tun IrE Is BunAtcmo.—There is one
Republican paper, published at Newark
Uhin• The nue American, which has re.
fused to go the negro Mirage plank. It is
the first white Boralican Sheet we have
heard of Who comes ..bestt
BLOOMSBURC, Pa., July 10, 1867.
Washinween News.
It is expeeted that the President will to
morrow send to the Senate, in answer to a
resolution of that body, copies of all orders,
opinions, ke., transmitted to commanders
of military districts in the South, for their
guidance in the execution of the so-called
reconstruction act. These documents have
been called for with a view to aid the ma
jority in framing an additiimel set, which
shall overeome, to every particular, the lib
eral construetion placed UllO4l the original
and supplimental laws,by the Presidont and
Cabinet, and especially to meet the recent
incontrovertible' opinions of the Attornev-
General on the subject. There is sonic talk
among the Radical leaders, of dropping the
several amendatory bills.
The statement contained in the Washing
ton correspondence of the New York 7bi..
busty and Baltimore ,Vifit, to the effect that
the Kentucky members are sanguine of
being admitted to their seats to-morrow,
is regarded here as rather premature. It
is highly probable that several of them may
be admitted ere the lapse of many days,
but the disposition of the majority of the
House Ilgtheals is to exclude those who are
charged byafftdrtvitswith disloya,lty o ke. , • Ce. ,
pending an inventigstion as to the truth of
the allegations. It; however, the Election
Committee should report in favor of the ad
mission, it is quite likely that such report
will be adopted by a close vote. At present
the ate no Indications as to when the eoru
mittee will submit their report.
The opening argmuent of Mr. J. IL
Bradley, jr. '
yesterday, in behalf of Sur
att, took the counsel for the govermuent
very much by surprise. , They did not antic
ipate such a powerful array of evidence as
illr Bradley referred to kilns tuldress. There
is no doubt that, if allowed, the defimse will
prove more than Mr. B. intimated. But
there is great danger that, by the adverse
ruling of the Court, the prisoner will be I de
prived of a great deal of testimony necessary
tir his goundete (Wiese, as well as to the
vindication of the meigery ef his tn artierecl
mother. A large number of witnesses are
here for the accused, and it is confidently
predicted that he will establish, beyond all
question, the very important filet that on
the 14th and 15th of April, 1S 5, he was
several hundred miles distant from this
liter 11(w. CHAKI.P.p4 DertNtsior, member
of Congress from the Twelfth District of
this state, died at Wilkesharre on Thurs
day morning, at tkc ago of 59 years. llc
had been in ill health fora long time. Mr.
I)ennison was a native of the Wyoming
Valley, and wax born in January, S' 4 . In
1839 he graduated nt I)iekiuson College ;
then read law and entered on its practice.
Ile represented Lis Cengres.siunal district in
the &Wit and 39th Ccogrk.sotes. Ile was a
gentleman of' decided ability, and of con
siderable as well as political popularity.
While iu public life, he commanded the re
spect of all parties for his laborious and in
telligent services. His death loaves a va
cancy in tlieiDemoeratie delegation of Penn
sylvaniu, which it is to be hoped, will be
tilled by one of the same politics and equal
intellectual fitness. —Reading Gazette.
SM. lion. Charles Perini:ion, the deceased
democratic member of Vongress from the
12th llist., war born in Wyoming Valley in
ISUt;; graduated at Dickinson C o lle g e 1826,
adopted and practiced the studLorlaw, was
elected a Representative to the Thjrty-ninth
and Furtieth Congresses,. lie was an hon
est an.c-upright man, and largely enjoyed the
ixinfidenee of the people of his district.—
Ilis enemies were few, because Ws lab was
devoted to usefullness.—Anicrican Jd,un
THE BLACK Ci.oro.—The registration
in Norfolk, Vs., is completed, e,cd shows
that there are of negroes 2,000, and of
whites 1 j 846 voters registered. The regis
tration in Petersburg, Virginia, this far,
stands eight hundred and eighty one whites
and one thousand eight hundred and twenty
seven blacks. The following are the colored
insiorities in registration: Richmond, 113;
Chaeterfleld empty, 500; Hendee county,
leek.. The Wheat Crop. tNs year, it is
anticipated, will be the greatest crop of that
grain ever grown in the United States. A
careful analysis of information from all the
States shows that the total average in wheat
is 10 to 15 per gent. greater than last year.
In a majority of Or States the breadth of
winter wheat is gui4e as widoaasAkamil, and
that of spting wheat tuAch growler. The
reports of the qontlitiwa of ttle crap show
that it is much better than last year, and
the harvest estimated at 200,000,000
bushels. The harvest has already begun
in the North, so that ,the crop of the entire
country may now be considered free from
any ordinary danger.
I* It mow $p),000 a d'ay to regiptor
the Southern voters. In,other words it will
ooPt ftom tea to Fruity million daltare to
Radicalize the Sontheru ata t tea, and keep
Stevens, Forney & Co. in °flies.
Receipt% to the 46 1)eunocrat ,, for
the month of June MT.
I Subscriptions on the old STAR account
not included, in this list.
E. lkeler, $2 00 John C. Pray 200
Jackson lkeler, 2 00 John Billbitne, 2 00
It. Botany, 2 00 Jesse Coleman, 40 00
Andrew Hess, 200 John Bruner, 100
A. J. EcuRS, 200 J. B. Ilenry l 200
1. Sleoetnakcr, I 00 Win. 0. Quiet, 400
Samuel Rink, 1 00 W. Robert's Est. 4 50
John Jones, 2 00 Samuel Ale, l 4)0
U. R. Jackson, 200 Andrew Hess, 200
Edward I lenrie, 200 E. Berninger, 200
Corneliusllellas, 2 S. B. Johnson, 2 00
C. G. Barkley, 30 00 C. N. ;Imp, 200
T. &C. M'llenry,3 50 Robert Fruit, 2 (s)
Robert Stout, 300 Jacob Schuyler, 3 (NI
A. J. Albertson, 3 IS) C. McHenry, 2 511
Joseph Lilley, 50 M. temmon, Ino
W. J. Ikeler, 2 04) David Brown, 250
V. 11. Lkelcr, 200 P. W. Robbins, 15 00
A. Young, 3 5 4 ) John H. Heller, '2 So
Robert Fruit, 200 Wm. Gilmore, 10 60
;Samuel Snyder,l2 10 Philip Knowie, 3 1)0
W. Brumuus, 240 W. 11.liartol, 2 140
0 Stinemiller , 25 J. C.Jones,2 5o
Albert Hunter, 26SJ. C. Smith, 250
John Beagle, 2 04) David Philips, 250
' Al. Millard 3 00 Jasper Demon, 2 50
Jeremiah Hess, 290 Wm. Graham, 2 50
J• M.Maeallister,s 01) Aaron Smith, 350
Lewis Roth, 1 00 Wheeler Shultz, 5 00
N. J. Hendershot? 00 L. Shipman, 100
OM. Rom BALL lfaxmr played July 4th,
1), 1867, between Independent nine of
Bloomsburg and Gazette Club of Berwick,
Columbia County, on the ground of the
INDEPENTIENT. O. R. faAzerrn. 0. R.
Sloan, 1. F. 411 Smothers. p. 2 7
Shutt, 3. b. 3 12, Drycni.ort, Ib. 9
Mendenhall, r. 2 I Wooden. ft. S. 1 7
Burkaicw, p. 313 Jackson. 3b. 5 3
s. 311 tluhbul, r. f. 3 4
Philips, 2b. 5I I ['owlet', I. 1: 2 ti
Connor, Ib. 1I I Brobst, 2 k , 4 5
Ward, c. 11 Ilpdykc, c. F. 4 3
'import. r. t. 3 11 Smith r. 3 5
Totvhs, 24 1101 TirrAts, 24 49
iggimm. 1 :2 2 . 4 5 0 7 M
Inv.iEN-iiiit4 , c, 17 20 0 149 .
onzryre . ., 4 516 I'2 I 4 4... 4,
Left on Ilases.—Sloan t. Shutt I. Men
denhall I. Iltickulew 2. Itillineyer 2. Wiiid
I. Rupert I. Wouilcii 1. Jacksnn 2. Ilub
bel I. Smith 1.
Passed Italls.—Mendenhall 15. Smith 25.
Home Runs.—Sluan 2. Canner I.
Struck Out.—Sliutt I. Rupert I. Jackson
I. Optlyke I.
Fly Catches.—Sloan I. Bucknletv I.
Bilbneyer 1. Connor 5. Ward 3. Swaim,
2. Hubbel I. Brobst I. Opdyku I. Smith f.
Dietterich and George
A. Clark.
Wheat per bushel, $3 410
Rye, '•
Corn' i 6
Buckwheat " 80
t Mts, e. ht)
Cloverseed " 7 01)
Flaxseed, ",, 50
Pri'd apples " . .
4, ........ 00 • • 01
^ 50
Potatoes." 80
Elour per barrel, . .....
16 Oce
Butter, PP 4111)
Eggs per dozen, ............... .............. ]ti
Tallow per pound,... 14
Lard 4 1‘ ..-
Hams 4 . -... . _
Shoulders,' II
. .
hay per ton, l5 00
On the 19th ult., nt the house of ,the
bride's father, by the Rev. Thomas H. Cul
len, Mr. A mat) ALE to Miss KATE, daugh
ter of Caleb Barton, of Bloomsburg.
On the 1;4 Wt., La Beaver towinshin
by O. P. Driesbach, V., Mr. Viti.Au
AM., to 1468 PlltEllE . lTlcitAp., of Miti3lo,
Columbia County.
On the 9th tilt., by the Rev. T. M. N, for
rio, Mr. Danie./11. Wolter, to Mimi Tillie
Strioker, botkof Catawinsit, Colutubittiloun
OA the 13t2,1 .utt., in Hughesville, e 4.,
by the Rev. H. W. Buck, 3lr. Abraham
Bennett, of Orepowood, Columbia County,
to Miss Bimini Lawton, of the same place.
At tho roaidenm of Abraham Dieteriek ut
Ceatrevilli, on the 24th ult., by kawuel
Die teriek Mr. TltOM AS ß.Taowumnot
to Mina I;t..zu Tong, all of Cohnubiu
County, Pa.
On the 30th ult., h i y Rey. Willhun
Flyer, Mr. I.LeYn I'AHRINORR, to Miss
NMI:LINE GOTTSHALL, both of Caikwigsa,
On tSe fitly 1, 4 4 'by the Rew. WA. J.
Eyer,Mr. Wttlipu Bnyder, 14isa • Mimi
both Schultz, both or franklin Township,
Columbia County, Pa.
On Thursday morning, duly 4th, at the
Lutheran Parsomage, by Rev. B. ir'• Adelman.
Mishit Uralobaoh, to Mary M. C. Beta, all
of Columbia CountY.
In Greenwood, ou the lith ult., Smug
E. Monp, aged II years and 9 months.
In Greenwood township, Et.{ ~► l i rastoNe,
aged 6 months and 6 days.
HENRY CARVER, Principal.
A I).m N STR ATo RS' N OTI ( 1 E.
Letters of administratten on the estate of Gomm
Mittman, late of tteottTownothip, Cobombe Cotinty,
drummed, have been ft, mood. by the Register of
Columbia County, to Philip T. Hartman and Nilsen r d
Hartman. the former wilding in Smut and the latter
in Centre Township, said County. All percent hay •
ing Moline against the ciliate of the dernatted tve re•
quested to present them 'dilly authenticated to the
adminterretore, and those owing the estate will make
immediate payment.
Reim, July to, 1067.—bw.
for the county or rokunkift : In tke matter of the
estate artier grafted, deceased. Mot now to wit :
May 9th INC, the etturt appoint Eikek it. iketer,
Eon.. auditor, to wake dertribut ton +ld' tile fattener in
ton hands of Peter Breland and John &veil/ed. ad
eilaietrators, to and titanium the heirs and taint rep
reatlnatilreil, Sly thegourt. Preto the record.
Jeers VOLIMAS, Clef Or.
The amino, above named will snood to the duties
et' his appointment, at his Ales, in Bloesnaborg. os
oaturdny. July I'lth at 10o'eeek
E. l
IL. IKE:LER, Auditor.
Bloomsburg. /lily 10,1867 .
The undersigned will oiler his valuatta farm at
,private sale. situatreitt (heartwood Township, Cut •
mina county. three notes from Itukr• berg. litters
miles frotu NON ill., on the public road leading to
Bloom4ura, raamaang ximirtaw AVD Tild tit/
teUAKTKK ACltEdf, about one acre of Tnnb,r taut,
ru hereon are erected a TWO wrtyry ruMilli
He IiOUSE, and a rrame BANK OAK N, and
Hi necessary out builrinont.
There is a good Well of Water at the door.,
aim, a good apple orchard an the premise*. Thu
land is ia a high mate of cultivation.
Trani, will lc ivado iwtoy to Ike purebaster.
PE l'Ett Unt.t.V.
iv ly 10,1K7. tiretwond. OA. en,
N ()T I (4 J.
OFFIat or 700 troomportao larva An,
I torrivrrr, Joly I, 1,467.
We the Misers of the Bawd of Trustees. rcrttry
that the rooditiotto upon which the toot oubKettpitoo4
to the *Stock of laid Institute was made him: ben
voloplied with.
L. IL 1117 PERT. Pterittent.
Attest, P C. Pass.Setretary.
The pubecrlbern in the Pinch of the above
Innlmta vvi.l hlesve pity the Oriel tneiuunu•ut' to
Veil : One lourth I r their subieription es 1... r said
Condition, to Wat.ux rimy nut. Tteavisrevi
6. R. RUPERT, Preindont.
July 10, 1007.
ITATIO T 0 1.101l;iil. POTTI.:11,
Atka' r of Charles Stewart, tlec'd.
O'Dea Orphans' Court In and for the said enmity.
It is Ditty elle }pus contained :
The paellas' of Wesley Flemish rcopertfolly rep•
resents. that Charles Atewart, late of said county,
died about the fir,ft I.f Jobe, A. I)., left.i. or on or
before, intestate. and that aduitittetration of his
Roods, thattolo mud rrefitt. was on the 21,1 day of
/stir, A. D., lett.i, duly granted by Ow Register of
said County to Leatuel Potter, nail that the potitinit•
rt became runty in the rum of six hundred dollars
ill the admint•tration bond of the said termini rot
ter. with condition ording to law. that by virtue
of the militarily (1.1141W14 upon hint no rolmiaistra
ten soluesajd. the s r ml Lemuel Potter nos -runt d
himself of She said e , nttle, chattels nod credits
amottoting in value to the. sum 1.4 . one hundred and
forty donors and timely eight rents m by an inven
tory of the game hied In the tidier of the ea d ile4is
Lee no the .11,1 day of June A. D., OW, will appear.
Tie pethioner further represents that the mud
Lemuel Potter wastlini and Joianilloalging said
oriole and property under his charge. by neglecting
yid reformist to reader laid end lust aroounts loath
estate or property cope to his hands or anon edse.
The 'tiltrotor therefore prays 1115 Court to issue
at citation to 11., *kilt l.emuel Potter, re•tlitkili
to appear in Ole emirs on a day certain. to auswey
Shia complaint. soft rhqw copse if any ka /Ave why
he should not be ordered to give such counter secyr
meg not the Court shall Judge neceseary to Indemnity
Abe petAiiiner *gator' 100 by reason of his surety•
ship. and that the Court will mot such Natter re•
i tief as ;troy ,bur anthuriAett by law,
May tt, 111537, citation tliptted to Lesti•
tahl Pester to, on the 4rat day of nett Term, show
A: 44e why he allou!d not giy,e addiatoatil security in
he removed.
... In tastlinny .w,lpirner I barn X.Prounto
k. 8.! eel my band and rnumed Ole onl,i a t oil or
......... acid Cogrt An on 4,irti We twaniir tin tin)
of May, A. D., VAAL
Bloomsburg. in 1.40. P 6 7.
lil Slas dueller sr Ike estate or Bainv•P Anard'r. de.
ceased. And new to : the Court
appoint C. O. Brockway. goy .auditor. to make die
snberion of the Nails in Jae Monde of Um adrynne
trator. Ily the Court. Prom the Re,mnf.
Arsos COLUMN, Clerjr.
The auditor shove named will attend to the duties
of Ns appointment, at bia ogee in Hlnomobure, on
Aug lit iBh4,ist IN o'clock • na .at 'elven
time and place all persons having clainia against
maid estate nivist present giant, or bu debarred (row
chinning u .hare in the same.
C. P. BROCKWAY, Auditor.
Illoonuebtult, Jint, W. 067,
The undersigned an Ay,ldor apptoidad byy the
Orphans '1 ourt of Colombia enemy. to make .Itetri
Weal the heiur, of IJyt eforeeda or, .tie
Estate of William Edward 4 y .1 Margaret Ed wa
deceased. will attend to LLe du i tles of hie OPPWIII
spent, on Saturday thn 111th day nt Atsigu.t ArAt, at
If o'clock, a..n., at tha odic' of If K. /uison Eel..
pt. Saavxia)c , ,at which t 1 apd p6,re 4,1 pnr.nnf
luter9.ted are actitedto attend.
M. 111.AUG11, Atditor.
Jmne9ll. 1847.
TIIEII E A 1.1 N 44.1 OA/14,
stsio Hors): or /PcilAW.
llowud 4 oopeistion nen GI Y (WINK F: !I
on the crtmr: POUT It, and the ERItORS
on,ll DIstISAPEIt tetAt 40etrop the manly
powers, owl create impedlyoms to MARRIAGIC
*lte ours woos or goner font in'sealsO temps en.
volute, fro, of chew. ANttoos 11, J. PK 11.1.11%
110UU111 . 01O, Howar, ,iecialiue.b itadelpNe, Pa ,
W I t It I pit E 1) I 1.1 S.
and genii,' twat Y, rt..
It to elan a Ilurt; toted) , Inc scratches en
to unequaled rta
III'FI3F.LL'S PILE OINTMENT, cures alter all other
remedies have tailed. *I IV
THae olattaaanta ate Orioles, pare, end raltabe,
spreillae, al thousands have ana ate daily nertirmig.
Por Mild by ail Drvintats and avadlcian stealers.
Oemral Diana at PINCHOT. OWEN 4 HOUAIT,
Wkoleeale Thuselete, 21,1 ?Winn id., (near Gtcen•
I. New York.
iv lei), Ne•
ZO" taint ay miN ; Itch, 40e. S. It„lze t Pge,t
Junes ISS7 i.
ertOlDiTtlif DOWITNiN
WM ill intim n 4 to niiinnien Inn nuns or
DAVIIOof Write" Tewnnolly, far
oitUtrY 0.M1110 , 11%11, pubjent lo lAe dreloa a,
If i {he 11014.00600 1414 0 1 1 . nil vest Intl, Mr, YkAIJ r,
liven in I Wm, thiologratic Turrnobly, end I a
springs Aso OW OW Unsionratie 'lock that earn,
4epirucinlills vl6ll O lO.
• Locuot towildoip, Jane IL 111117.-0.
Causity Treasurer.
Through thrt "alienations of /my friends I have
been ',wow to offer ilignif as a tillandois for in,.
taco of Vriuoly Treasurer, edged 10 the avulsion of
tho Vuov,ition,
illOarlitT nom
mad i ron Township, Joie 13, INUt—pd.
a am° Yong, or *Min, has as therlsad u« to nu.
fir WM nor No 1141Mit for tho Oka 111 C.riety Ttireumr
o t hien to thy Qnciriun at the Missoula enmity
entiVehtiOn. Jane 10,
AXIXIEW J. A 1.10:11T1 1 04, of Orono wood Town
rho, uhrmigh the uolititutinn of hi. uoruy 141614,14
he has been et/closeout to offsr hlahaahr I. a ranaldagn
*or /HIM, rr of Columbia County. Napa to the de.
eighth of the. Iletunctitte Eututehtinst.
June 111, 1417.—pd.
WC are authorised to 4441,04AC1 the same of A, S.,
Tinf SMITH. of Madison Torvothip. ae • ettrohtlete
for the other of High Sheriff of Colontbee Crawly
subject to the der •len of the ilehmerotie Cooly Coo
vetthen to be held itt. htetototholl, nt Monday, Jel,
Mb, teo7. Juno hi,
IIAV!" fun fU COOPUilatloll With many Demo ,
rratir (hostile it* the lieettty, 1 have eiiitehiaeit
present tey haute before the Ifeinueritry of eightelbh,
County fur the often of OH FM !FF. subject to the de.
ehtion of the thithoeretie County Co:weft:Wm 414
/m . 4 f s.elieetreily ark of the altrligniiii4 V,lOllll ut
this Comely their heifer euppert
MUMMY PRfifte.
Centre Tuwoohip,
June , 19, Itia
Jogi All 11. PI :MAN. or !Moon, hat , tmthorixml u♦
to annoomo 1714 motto Ito A candidate for !Moroi
4 romoMto :minty, %object to thtt decioion of Mu
Como y :on Yr ht ion. Juno. M, 1,m1;7.
Sher tr.
PgTrot KILINFiIf KR. of Bloom, at the miiritatioo
o his many (Tomtit+ has Nowa otl to he a rand,.
owe for Phew!' of Colombia County, ono if nionolot•
rd a oil el,cted pledgee hoom-1f to perform the,4o:o*
of the office with the beet orlsht ahititieg, mot at, the
some tome work foithfully and earrteett y for the cue.
c. 0 ., of the Depmeruhc Party in the rowing ram.
pails ; rattled to the iteehmo i of the Democracy of
Cuivulhia County. June 19, let;?,—pd.
woR have burn rnthnnxed loahnnance Ookt
MILLAKD, confro towo*hip,toootkio
will tie a candidate rmr the office of etimeirr of
Cntanotan Cannily, 4ubjert to the datikatt of flw
Ibloooratie Con notion. n.o4i,lthil—pd,
ft /VUM, Kt,i, R, of Benton Township, abet alb.
a.elf for the office of slignwr of
Cidoodoo County, subject to the decision of the
Ihninowney of the County. June S, fdr4.
WILLIAM A ITUWM of Benton, has whom.
se tie to announce his 04110, yea the ewe of
dB ER Fof ht tomtits County ;he having been In•
dosed by his many !stymie who nre anxious to re•
place in sow manner the toss he sustainst while
undeounis ae incameration in Fort AWN. He I.
Nth) wst is tim it , ei «pm of the Democratic Convention,
June Ai, MT.
WE are authorized to antsitimee th e acme. of
FRANKLIN 1.. SEEM A N, of Eittawlem *roam.
slop. for the *thou or COENTY TEEAOlittea, gob•
jest to the deei*itet of the Venveutteu.
June Ai,
Wa authorized to 41.4011ften tiro name of inn NI
tilat.r.ft, of Mthim Tonithip. 40 4^
date fur the office or Mt:Nil' Tit Pm
rowing Welton, lostvet to Ma dor/woof the Deuel.
Cratic C41.114:111j04, .14114
County Treamurer.
LI AMC served the Democracy of Coltimbia COW,
n ty faithfully fora Humber .41` years its the cepa•
ity of editor and publisher of the itERWOIt
en tr bcijet ins that lorta•cohl 1 wird sr tetra is entitled
to re liebietel jell at rite hoods of the party, I have
been itillugea to elbow illy name to go b fete the
prehtle a. a cattAilato for 4. Qum 'IIII:4 4 it4CRER.
dltuold I be uonitanteti and elected I promise to per.
forst the titi,it of the other with fidelity and to the
time of my ability. J. S. SAMNA&
Blair* June dit, WI% pd.
The intetrot of IL Stabiles in the partnership busi•
fleas of St.hoer & Witimoyer in Bloomsburg having
been sold by tI, thulium to Enos Jacoby ant the idtb
day of June Min. Boise is hereby give* that this
surd partorrship burstofore existing bemoan it.
diolifisr at. Witlinoyst fu the burtnettire East., and
Gonteeiinuery in BlimmtdOng Pa, was dimantvett by
mutual miasma ml said pall day of Jllll4 Mt The
:onfits of t h w Imo drio are in the hands of Frederick
Witinorref for sottiriumit at the 01.3114 in the
lix,m.ifige Bloch, while the business will be am
mo•teo by l'redermit Wtihnoyar & Enna iac.hy.
Y. WittlitArai
gloomOotrg, line 19,1 W.
Tho !:n.l'artorrrhip heretofore raiolialf bnlwrer l
llUltill.o l l & Ash. In Ilse tanning buinninia. rn null
inarreek, Colombia County, wan 1m inirrd on Ihn
"nib /hay of 31arth IP4, by mutual conrr•nt. Thnoto
having secsant. to a,nlie can 'wedeln Meal for a4Jm•
dictation to either member of the firm.
lioningcreek, June 3, 1d47.
BOR01:011, Dr.
To principal on tap Bonds
at time Of division 4 1nA.24
Interest on Bowls to Apr.
in, 1417
By cash paid on Bonds by
David l'utt)p, 195.60
Ca: hin Tivivotrer's hands 75.00
Ain't due from 6tephen
liet•tur Boun
ty Tax
Balance due from Borough or
Township Bonds 2511.73
We, the undersigned auditors, do hereby
certify that we have carefully examined the
forttu,ing accounts and find them correct.
11'. U. SHUMAN,
.1. • Bt). CHAND, } Auditors.
Centralia, June 5,1867.-3 t .
c. W. SNYDER ,
r,Ainitting of enrcry 4Rtirle rogrd An a ftrat clam
wkir4 . pra.the fullnwing
IRON, NAILS, and trrer.L.
rAINTS, 011.5 and GLASS.
RAKES, le.,
I.I%IIIIEROCR'B POLIISII at Wholesale hart
Moorman's, June 19, inn 7.
W 11 18KEI1A Atii)
l' n verd to et OW Win tin emoothael face is (r u t
Him.n toffee weeks by umine a wa va l ine , .
tearatmar Cesillstre, the most ernadernal discovery
in modern vriencr, amine upon thn lin•rd and Halt
In an almost miraculous manner. It has Win Mind
by the piano( rarin and London with the moat kid
tiring wee/se. Nauss of ill purebiliers will H
registered. and if settle witletactiolt isnot Omit tr..
every Instance. the meaty will he cheerful) ratuptd.
ad, Poke by mail, reeled and p ostpaid, 11. Dos •
criptivetlreniain anti" ltimenbili *ailed ha w , A 4,
deem BERGER. SHUITS i CO., Chaotic.. ale,
'VS Illver Strata, Troy. N. Y., Pole swats 'foot 1114,
Unix d Mates. [fol. tl7, isbyty,
8,24 1062.48
305.76 775.74