Bloomsburg democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1867-1869, June 26, 1867, Image 3

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    floomolinti Sesonat
4.414.41 t:l4Z: *". 4
IFiredneedity. juilse '269
Kr, avg wui wok our teadere rot ell total own.
termer in their immediate locolitiee. it they do not
desire to write n rorniminirattou rig the goblin eye,
it them herd no 4 brief etatenient or everything of
merlon in their reqeetive rommunitlee. A lint e
4131 minr, deaths, eeeidente, tires, rewrote, Imo.
tweet hotiger. &r. We will pot them in form. 'rho
mot , forts of this hind we cat iwt the better it will
roil tie and row Howler,* Who will do it
Aurasertstas.— Perreins wishing advertisement 01
t , Set ted, must hand them In early on Tuesilay auurn•
I ze insure their`insertion for that week.
&le Thu acceutits of the thin of JAcoeY
SITC'MAti as far n cent out for collection
stre in the hands or the following persons:
A#l Olin Tor nsia'p. (tux H. IIErLER ;
, trer.—BEN.l. 71MMEttMAN, P. M.
Othrolymr,- -STEPHEN ItAr VV.
P•"'tinf/rel'' ("tutatli , t, (tad ..elabhin
. ,
Ire Slyarloat Town4ip, bills for eollection
b'rvo been Plao(-41 lu t h e kw& MoNTt;4)m.
r:rtV C LE, to Whom paytovat is requel.te
; mode at the eanieA youvenivEce,
1:i ; 4 ,lra Town hip, all perrionA knowing
thonl-ires in anew., for subscripti.m, and
adv...ttking, to the IWIttrItAT, will plea,,.e
rndo payment to JosEml 'ALLEY.
Benton.— DANIEL ItAIerMAN.
, ivlc.-311ettAll, KELLER.
,jffit'o%f •••• NV 11.0 A M Mt*NOWIL
r fl—)1 at bias M. A m 44.411111
V;t7 •ll New Advertiz,etnents in to
flay' ; appr.
We will fm nigh any person n copy
or the Pheenolow"od Journal awl the
+`P,l*.` one year for fivir
sior D a ni e l \V, Itubbini i Imintt
ii•oage rNplinted , xith chunge of
tth:g tnttylt to lAA L-tlyrai
Couldn t onirboly ithluve a condi
c- two to run 14 ullioc iu each of the
Out arc not alrmily tern Anted
;:h , ll qllll.. lur Zee?
Fors”) --On saikath utorbi4.g 11 , t.
a knit4olllo triNVO, butt" cm ITniti t-'4rpc4.
'be; vN. , t) our office and 31 , 4rkct . 2 trect.
"t% :,ta can hare the b.ittAia by cabin at
.rto f" . The coin crop (lough vhlntei late,
i, cooling on 1,4)4, in this section. tho
counticsin tiOnfato the Own never
; - , iinttie,l a better crop ; it:, fur al , Call ttt jlttlz,;-
Rt this stage.
r john says in his p a pe r h e i s
:a I.tvor of JUSTIer. IVhat would have
to this putleinan irjustivu had
dealt out to him a few yctar.: ago.
Stolmer i$ ,k 'l3 4 f+4 , ;••
Nvetnetit, tw,Orp Pta. wat.
, )1* iris prop:lly, Oil .9:A!i Streot.
die ohl proverty
we notice that smut! o 1 our fanners
and tur,kulc it iqto
Tat deal honvy L rfiss is dorm Etta,
to rave It, it unt,t.l , o cut and lomsul,
%le bay crop is .execlient—tartly Letter.
.T.. T,, of Jernytowo, who Pent us the
I ice of poetry entitled "Ilona and I," can
,ets it in print by sending us the author's
name. We cannot pay at►y attention to
onnyinous writings though they he ever so
For cheap sager, coffee, teas, mot
Ilsxx, and in othort, everything in the gro
t ';y line, call upon our young friend C. C,
~l,t►at, nest door to our Offieo. He also
hal a fine article of shoes, for women and
Misses. Also a flue case of funny articles.
WA- Wu have been requested to call the
attention of School Pireetor4 to the filet
that the annual district reports and coif&
caws should be niade out and forwarded to
the County Superiuteadent before theeighth
day of July or the State am role iation may
be lurched. .
tn. It mecum to bo a fact uneontrovertod
that C. C. Matsu Bella cheap groceries and
dry goods, is exchange for the "re:ttly" or
country produce. 111. , 0 him a call ; You'll
always find Carr about, obliging and ma
ims to wait tti;on his u w as well AS 0111
DS. We are informed that the public
schools ha this Sfihnol District will open on
the first Monday in September next anti
continue Inca months. Ilerecurure we
hare been having hut fiat months of public.
Schools in this District ; and when all in
operatim will ten,l to keep many of the
children off Om; streets.
R I I.lto A n A CCIDENIT. -On Friday morn•
ing 1a.4 the Oil train of the Empire Line
ou the Cattawi,sa Railroad, caught fire from
thk! sparks from the Loconkotive,wheu pass.
ing through the borough, and at Beehici's
wo sls the ears had to ho detached in conse
quence. 'The b►orrcle did not cease burning
until some sixty barrels of oil were consum
ed Den ci/kly kiligedecr.
fl' Messrs. Widiuyer and Jacoby, at
stohner's old stand have one of the hand
.somest and best confectionary and fancy
stores in this or any of the adjoining towns.
They have their stock of fancy articles, toys
arranged with great tote, and are zoo
stautty receiving fresh ljdflitia7lll. In eon,
neption with their establishment they have
a vegetable stand, where every thing of the
kind, in season can be had. Also Pine Ap
ples, Bonnannio, &e. kr., Their supply of
stonfcctionery is full and complete.
nortittntE Ancutpx.---Oti Thursday of
tiweek, the wife and two elii Wren of Chant
'leer, }?q., of this &nee, were run over
the afternoon express west near the de-
OW and instantly killed. The engineer did
not even give them warning of the approach
of the train by sounding the w hi/Ala.—North
ern Itnnolvaninn.
We learn that the Fufre ren4 were in de
pendent circumstances, and obtained a live
lihood by securing the scattered grain along
the truk.—Sent we (.'uttnty .Pcmocrat,
We also learn that the poor stiffen:weber('
left, to lament their sudden and untimely
Leath, a largo number of family oonnections
d relatives throughout this and other
sir Arne 41 plOOO 0f poetry
added "ntisioge witiiinnor in our.nort.
oriir Jefferson Darla h ' ,, opted 141 1
vitatien. tu , visit the. White Sulphur riprings,
North Online, in a faarintiks.
gerPrransot far July, in been mei Ytt
k Fine number it ia, too: DettorSolopollie
ror it, all who do,ire a tinn-class Magazine. A tikitttch front Cincinnati, rectivtd
YeAortia.v, muted there were two tuurdota
and the suicides in that vicinity in rime
ger Prank Lott,lie's Magasina for June
is on haul This ie - ork improves as it gets
older. We would advise our patrons to
subscribe fur Frank loslio's Lady's Maga•
wine if they wish to receive a publication
that is always in the front ranks.
Tho 110'1 on Friday and
t'zat ;inlay evenings of het week, in Semite.
tity flail, wa • well attended, The lama
tsar present no : 4 atunlay evening awl enliv
en', the Ovr , The preeeeda are to be
applied to the benefit of the Institute. The
!adios of till, phice 'lcoove a great deal of
praiNe fiir the efi'orh: made in this direction.
The -um ronliaci we have not learned, but
we Atould judge it war not rutall.
Those helepted~to us for last y'ear's
oth ' , Option ira ropte4el t payment
oflico, or to our pulilklied Ag. , et,4,
h earlio:t mvettioter.
M. M. App'eman IloltrAotrg,
lit lately 1.e.!, ant h4rizt.t , l to eolleet noel
licit for oar 1 , 11.1 , r. Thune who are
el 141 US 2.1 i... 0,1 l orhoo I will make int.
P : il :1- h
n 11,1 : 1 ", t, ilith him t b
.; cir , voinment
; havo. - 11 "with great pa:n-,
1 - ,,•1:11 h•!..; (1, to the ram. 4,
, te the ttozme;varion to any
ra' 1 ,, imml , ,,r or
but 1e..4111 in the ruin both
Co:A) A,No : 4 1:,vt:14,•—The F uh nu n , ;0-
f.,:y4rt autelutoev , the discovery iif 4 : , i1 , 1 and
:flyer me Of Fniteitt
(.441103. l'a. The , paler ads tf,at ~T e t i met u,
have he , tt analyze , l I,y releroitie men 4 .,f
ha , ,, , been prmioaneeli
g ,,, 41. a,- not at all ~,urpri,„, , , 4 l. Fult o n
ttt tho 1 , a,4 immisomely itteroaNel
:ter itenowratio majority, awl. that o'
iW evitlepee. , . , l* "pure :Al" 'I ;.'will will be
there coznin,' &IL
Tr. rile nitntlwr of sell-provurtni
in the fluln of l-ttt rs t%titten to hi , :tsoll. in
the ht-t pli , or. is only ft\ iWt
ttrr the isi ;'k *. P
Me a o l I ` If
.1 ) 04.q , to fill a lit
tlt• .l.tilin of hi, 1=rin0i!.....1 tolitorlal
of dm "War Pootor;"
Co. s , -:11 , ;.:i:;1!‘ intuit lon
t'o' 111.111 lc•t.r.: utt , 4ylv-s. 'Well,
not the I.:•ain, to trrit~~
t."or for Lis roatl , rs, svo cannot.
+:tch ;3%t tor o o lups to limp',
11,11,4 he tll g." , ..Cung to hi••
r , ir,;l-. to ho rvo , litig a l ma 111-,
lt ns. I;tt
THE I; 44t 01) m et m New York
paper annotinns the receipt of the first con
signment of southern new wheat in that
city, and learns that `'southern millers have
been able to make such contracts ai that
they will be able to sell flour in northern
markets for thirteen dollars a liarvel.',
vices frmu Chicago state that the "ring . '
which teme.led for two years past in con
trolling Ow grain market in that city, ha 4
been brokon, and that some or those *lm
posing it have 10-t inimenie sums. There
are good tiding% fit• the people, and enable
us to km e that ere lung a MU may he able
to purchase a barrel of flour with OP Ma
me& of a week's labor.
VA. We are informed that one Light, ct
the magnificent Festival heti in the hall of
our new Institute Building last week, a Fes.
deal which redounds to the credit of our
town and vicinity, several or our colored
sisters of "African descent" wore present,
and tonk hack seats, forming a row of wall
flower•. None of the hundreds of our Re
publican friends who were present seemed
desirous of opproaehing them or ,showing
them any kindnesses ; and itheauxmaydpf our
town, or Ow ;Lepest dye, hemming utterly
disgusted with the entire want of feeling on
the pin of the Abolitionists, stepped for
ward and did all he could to snake the poor
creatures comfortable. lle purchmed for
thew such things as ho could ascertain they
wished, rimarkim; that nogroes hare souls,
apj OM to make them understand that
they should make themselves at house.
But Shoddy and Abolitionism turned up
its nose. Alas for the poor negro! The
professed kindness' of the 4.bolhionisis is
not worth a "red cent." Their souls are
smaller than a negme's soul possibly um be.
is on root to up aw id Pie Nie on the
Norm at this piece,
.to be held in some
convenient Grove, near the town. The
movement was made by some of our spore
patriotic young men, who are ever ;mindful
of the many Forwrus (.4041.04 their
forefathers since Oho dayp of t77G, and it is
meeting witk general favor by our entire
population. There are no celebrations to be
held on time day in the neighborhood, as
yet announced, and there in no good TOMCOD
why this Pic Nic should not be a gram/
affair. We have the spirit in this place to
make it all that any one might desire. The
Sabbath Schools, and ip 14et all are most
cordially invited to participate. Nothing
will be left undone, by the Iclseettilve Com.
mittee, to make the whole affair a 'wren
and an eitioymcni is all who may he present.
The Bloomsburg Brans Band is engaged ;
swings, stages, &c., will be erected on the
ground, all Ihrthc pleasure and enjoyment
of the grand. party. Eiceflent water anti
wholesome eatables will be furnished.
Speeches will be delivered and patriotic
songs sung. Order will be preserved, that
the exercises and enjoyments of the day
may pass off without nnytbisg to mar the
pleasure of the same.
The Superintendent, To 01 Soho
ars of the E. L. Sunday So ro - `' • ereby ten;
dor their grateful aultnews' .nte to the
eitisurte of Ottawisma and ty Mr their
very Ware pwromtge and pod behavior at
the Into ifeagrg• for the *At of paid
41!ta 15110 Ber,
Catewhee, Juno 24, 1,207.
The following is n cornet statement of the
receipts and expenditures for the School
year ending , the 1,4 Hominy in .June 1467.
Tax rata MHOS un the $l.OO valuation.
Amount of Dupliento 64475 55
Lunn Exonoratitml 89 99
" Col, Comittiebion 21') 27 309 26
Inn. of St,►te %Yarr►nt
Reed. for rent of School
1►0u..,e3 and other annum
$1441 00
Ex pxsurrtmxs,
P 41,1 bal. duo Treasurer as per last
Statement 861 48
Orders out4tantling at date
of la,t Statement, 45 00
" 6 Male Teachers 5 tuotali3 1 131 I'o
" 4 Female " 5 " 715 00
" 5 l months rent 1), J. Waller 12:1 75
" 1 year water rent S. Knorr 3 50
For Fuel, 142 22
" " Furniture k Aperatits 245 ss
" " lleplttr t Ventnetenees 76
Trea.urers Commission, 7S Os
Siwroutry year iIi:TVICOS
By !lal. I.z liatok orrveazufer,
To dila halanee must he added $25 03 in
the Iroeis of It. F. Ilartatao late collector,
atel am! by Carver for fuel
Aealemy la t wiotyr, hilowioil a
haianee is the han,l4 fair Imo year of
ow 61,
Ames., T. J. MORI:IS, Pre...Went.
K Elm S.=“rt
Bloomsburg, June 20, 1:•,67
4 11)1 ));'S sTATENwNToPnorN
v 1:1 N It OF (MP:I.:W(011)MT—
i Tovniiip
To ain't on Dup. E. R. Ikelor, .14'211'2,6
1). 6 23tr..! 1n
44 "
Utt, '95 4578 69
Jacob S. Erten:4, '66 4012 11:
t:xotr (m Dap. of E. R. 1ke1er....*41311 bM
P. C. Albert on, 17t1 15
Adam I'll 3311
.1. S. Evan., 238 :it
Ily ( 4 ”111. It; etAlcrtior B. 'Meter, 4'J 4tl
P. C r ., 40 7t;
" Mani itt, 5i .t l O
J. S. Evans, 5S 41
to troolirt , r rl lain I`tt, 21 57
A. P. lit,tier, 19 07
Satnnt4 Bogart, 16 76
1. Fix,...n.rmi,b,j, thii , r; in service 109
l'ky A t; , t; nvy's tilts LI F. Clark, ti 00
.. E. If. Little, 5 tt
Printing, IV, If. intoby, 3
s• zim't 14, I Povittfor waking dep. 5 00
Ilhytt, :4.3 v. 21 1I
" " A. Vonntr, N . .erctary 12 22
wen to till r huts jOSIN)
Iniereq paid on "Jowls 4;1 29
dac 1 woowitpoi 7'7 31
Alkei 1.6 n 1;
1t Adam CO 6
Due J Ki-ner on twp 10,v , ; 1 P.: IN tr!
lkd E 1 keleron 011 , 140n . 1
liainnee due township $1;07 79
The undersigned haveesatnined the above
and tit it to be correct.
.1. 11. I ELEII,
N. KINDT, Auditors
G. M4sTcgs.
dunu 29, 1567.-3 t.
1:311.0e K lIGUNTY i "N
Atanron s
lieu 25, VG
',Vt., the undersigned Auditora l . hcrity
certify that we have audited the following
aceotiut of )1(10041 tiowtoship's Fund and
find it coin:et.
A 11..1fAIIT31AN, •
31'11E1; 2(0141/S.
Win. 11. Shoemaker, Treasurer of Bounty
Fund of Hemlock Township, fur 1861 to
'l'u nines. voluntary subtgription.3 $5,002. 00
l'aiti le) men $250 each $1,01)1100
Subseriptimm refunded 255 00
Paid Jaen!) !Innis on Bounty
Fund in 1:10 550 00
Paid sundry expenses putting
Pkt Peers Ili; 00
$5,002 00 5,002 00
Jacob Hunk Treaty trer or Bounty Pond
of llonlork Townshitt, from Ist sept.lBll
To amount Inoue) , borrowed on Towo,bil,
Bowls *gm io i NI
Alatitta 641110fieilte for !Solt 5,01'2 5.1
Received trout I:Ascriptions to previous
lima It , 56
Atuotint 11uplivate, 151):"). 4,231 52,
liee'4l from County unbcated land tax tt9 63
lixotterations on du.1804 $llO 80
11 1885 181 62
'onitnimions for 1864 165 64
Printing, stamps and lin:minim
paid 73
Note to Pan. Bank paid 8,500 00
Expel: sat or N. Ileveo 49 84
Fivu per cent. allowed to;
PaYer. l L 4. 37
Luaus and interest paid
3,814 27 $13,079 93
Balance *313 32
Hemlock Township, DB.
To awl. of note to Daniel Milian 1229 13
t 4 1I ilugh 1441rido 343 70
672 NZ
Cr. by lial:ukcc in hand of Trepurer 313 32
Wino° 1259 51
Juno 6, 1867. -
METES" AIeWU Improvell
ettiiIKENT :fit' kbE
Laudon POS.) MOM 8101 hlitPeit ;111,14161111 Amu
Ira rerelvot:
Nitlu,:lous end ',road hand Planne Made'.
Mo, 71111 AACII
Apell —3ut below tlry YMCA., PA.
U , C. KA II E It,
Coansglar aid AttaraPY it Law,
Woull.lallhomoca to him Illegals and tha publie In
genrral, that hti bat manned ohs Praatica ag Lair
again. 1- .'nuttegagairg sad all legal bitaluves promptly
attended to,
nIoPIUM trt the Itarhange galidini, 'among story,
over Itypr t Moyer'. Di elver:
uoniebu rs. billy 1, igt
IPL 4 i
'Tao -
BRYAN, Conn Wag Physician,
819 Mro■dwiy, Now York,
[Reel Al. TR HATMICyr In ull emu of
Smut, V Hoary owl NaryOu* blooms la wale or fu•
mole. Advice Villa sod corroopondonco otricily can
!Jon.% non.—ly.
Snowier rent fine. No capital ufired. taidier or
Gentlemen eon earn horn •L.UU to "W par tiny.—
Enclose etrmn.ond uddress
I . ltlPli & CG., Mina New York.
Jon, O. lier7.—ly.
TMn atnndions MAW militate sea May tio soloed by
tollowina simple roles, odd MI ny ituatry kappay,
it desired, arithoM rolard to wealth, Alt Ot beauty
Oland direard envelops and *tamp JOS' mrlietriers to
Madan+ L U MA
Jan. 9, I age, y. bible 1100" New York.
116 . )
27 -)
If yoo are oulferlior from the fauna of Youthful
Memel lon and hare kurinill Weakness. limisulons,
die., I will send you, fro., of dime, Information
which if followed will emu you without the niu o
Addrtill HENRY Aging7ol,
100,4% Station 0 Now York.
411 d Catarrh, treated with the utmost swells. 1.1 S.
telt ACM, M. D.. (MOW end Aortal (formerly of Ley.
den, Dollond,) N0..1111 PINE Stitet. PIDEAD'AL—
To*timenial*, from the most reliable sources In the
City end country ran he seen at hiAniftee. The used.
ire( fornity are Invited to neentnpritoy their patients,
as he has nu secrets it, his pi settee ART( ICI AL
EV kW, inperted %IDIOM PA IN. No charge for exam.
in9tpos, (April V& NEL— y.
FREE TO EV F; n Ynopy
A large 6 pp. Circular, riving iidwrination of the
great.•si importance to ihe !outig of both sexes.
it Pn.t:ier, bow the homely may become beautiful.
the OueptHed respected. avid the focoiabcil laved.
Nopont; lady or get ilempa should fail to send
awl' , ad.:roof, and week' a copy post-paid, by M.
11111) Mali Ali tre..; priOVUr. Troy,
Feb 17 y
1.015N11 MEN.
4u 10
Th" oxN ri tlr or tho pawl ten yearn hist demon
Istral..l the fact 1.114 reliimee may bit placed its Mt: af•
fit oil of
Specific Pills,
ror the .peedy and permanent rote of senatial weak
l'hyriiert and Nerrone debility,lni •
polener., cr wear, of power. the reentt Ex.
0.141, ar Youthful indiorretion,whien neglected ruins
the and unfits the entre/et fat
$.4141 i4oelety nr Marriage. rind often terminates in
an nidsniety pato , . Make no delay in reeking the
remedy. It is entirely vegetable and harmleer , on
the eyation, can lit used without detection or inter
few ere wrsaininiine,i4 pursuits,and tin etaa a 4e of aiet
touossnry while using them. Nice, (Mu Dollar.
tC you cannot k•t thew fir 'loft dru,reio, aorta the
won.) to tit. J. Ili ill ortivay, New York.
toil they wilt die sent free frodi oirtervation by return
of mail..
1 :IV 51
Private Virml3ro to Ocntlemon *lll (fru tn: 41.(9!i
tilion. I 349, 9, 1,7.- ty r. &Can
If yon falai re a relsahle tonicity to raptors yon,sut
ratiagiVe irregular tiles or ()horrors too*, xby not UMe
the beet ? ThieV art• c4eriehce has proiod tit it
Dr. Harvey's Female Pil4,
have no equal lot Iteowving ttbstrtai;tft4 nnA Irrcg
htt ilk 4. Ito matter from What calm* they artie.
They are safe. null owe in every rum!. Prim, 0
I.t.4at tot box,
Dr. Harvey's Golden Pills,
I, a le rop4 lour &weer, stronger ti S , A 4 ; I ' 4 abfive
val lid II tied for tip.'t t" !,044 4,1
Fargo, nollar* r
A I.44tict; Pm 0.1 Irmulat , with Cov.vilips. sotil
11 , OH it NOP 41 , 111,
If you t o tiot t the Mlle of your itruggiot,
the 4WIPA yto tic .1 ttlytto. It tlttoolwtty, ti.wv VIM k,
tool they will be pViii f rro f ront ,,l,,, , iv4tioti by too, o
0 : 1r twill. I km. 9, it4l7, Iy.
t 1264
Er% Tim rEitTillcATE 01: pEI.
it T. VLAt MN.
To Its. •
Dear ter:—'l In co to if!' that I war tak, a is oth
rlyatisporis a your nip l•.i Match. and for it lo'r
eight month*, lour nun or 111. itinq a.i •f 1.01 •
er raw i es yoti t or o t , r po+l, rot being oleo: to
d r ink ar sleep, and 19 to !;.101
was urnrlr flq poi% col of my m:uuq,
awl Witt had entirety kit low• all the eltoris made for
lay roc,•vety haring pr"reol
fly the first of N .retollocr, IA 11.1 had become an
weuk stool tothle tlo::t I ron Id ntuuA ulna.',
t all appear :tom aatild so. din. At this limo
',114,11111 ((La your adretliremunt 1 iliy tt lIU
firth ore to toy your titters. A lo;t0c wa.: poi raced.
and..transr to .ay. I yowl over - m.l
liana taken flair lloll'e+,llll.l urn rojo)io:( .it Vaal
health now or raid.' be etri b,l for .n.• of 1111' 1120
(slow+ minty year) I h - ere no doubt that it Mtr your
ilijuis 'low, lath r Doe sou l'ror Ideate. that rilucted
tpio wonderful cure.
R. T. FLU:II'4.
428 00
fludoim. llama 36i, Ihr4
. .
W (MIAMI ? ! r, !..'"e TRUE
INNI/AMN NEM, xorrov. the wsold renowned
Astrologist nod B , nnnuwbuli sti t Clairvoyant, rr hilit
in I charsoyant plate delineate. the very restore. o r
the person yell are to marry, and b) tint kid of on
iiistrument of intense power, known no the royrito
-111)01,17, oroiNre a inirreq. and life.
Woe picture of the (attire husband or vitro of Ills tip.
phiCalll. With date said marriase,nreopnlion. leading
trait. nod character. Ile. Phis is nn i utpteilion, no
leidlelellials Without number (411 assert. Ily slating
place of birth, zigo, dispnsillnn, robs of eyes mid
hair, k lld ror losing fifty rents aad stamped envel.
cps aildfl rioted to your. , :lf, yint will re:teive ;.iCtiltl:
I c y rr torn of moil. together with iio , lrod
Address in co itlilonre. N1AD4,311: GIV.101::;fiE
INAIINGTON. P U. 11/1.A*07, .IVret. frog. N. V.
Yoh. V.
A YOUNG LADY' itrruumNo
To her country • home, after a sojourn of a f•w
months in the City. was hardly rec./nisei by her
Mends, In plnce 01 a course, rustic ,flthiped foxy , .
she had ■ mat rnhy complexion of Misarst marble
ensoothnesr, and Instead of twenty .three she really
appeared but eighteen. Upon inquiry as to the cause
of mu great a titenge.lllls pi ably t•dd them that she
egad the Circassian Hahn. and considered it an ia•
valuable inquisition to any lAil)"lltutlet. Hy Ito use
any I.4dy cr I,,tintleinan unit nopror limit personal
appearance no handfed told. it is ailepie 1,1 it, cum.
blontlON. as Nature leotard( is simple, yet unsupass•
ed in its pincer, In droning Impurities Cr an, also
ho aling. cleansing and brat trying the akin and conk , .
Idesion. Hy Its dirot action an the cuticle It drawl
NOW it nil ate IMpuritive, kind!) , healing the tame,
ape leaving the ■ariare its Nature intended it should
be, clear, atilt, smooth sad beautiful. Price, 111, sent
by moil or express en receipt of an order by W. 1..
CLARK & CU.. Chemists. No. 3 West Fayette it..
Ityracuae. N. Y. The only Arno icon Aleuts for do
sale of the 'pup , . t Fvb
it 4;43 25
Madam: E. P. Thornton. the great English Astra ,
°plot, Clairvoyant nod rryclonotope,o, who has
astonished the seientific classes of t,Yos Otd World,
has now located herself at iludenn, N. Y. Mad me
Thuratua pflillllB , lo6 such wonderful powers of sec
ond eight, as to s nettle her to Impart knowledge of
the preateatiropartnneo to the single or ton,/tell of
ohm,' any. lytite to elate of tress:4,4bn del,t
etes the eery features of the pereon Ton tyolomar•
9 , , Asti by the aid of act inetrststent &rep?, pply.
of tt kit! y!...4)104110.0, jILICIIIIIOIIOII toPI4.
mire a lite rite picture of the rotor. ituebapd or wife
of the upplic•itt, together with dots , of suataiaaa, pa'
eition in life, 'audios traits of character, ra c _ yr s i e
is. PO 111111141118, SS 1110 , 116111144 of teeotrionials cap all.
sort. She will nand 1401 4041 7 (.4 &A realtred curritl•
rate. or written goarantee. that the skittle ra what
It purports to be, Ily eneloalng a entail loch of hair,
and slating place of birth, age, diepositlon and auto.
roallore,and elicit:Any Any sesta and sisistpad use.
ape addressed to youseif, you will receive the glee
tura sad desired information by return Mail. All
cornmaelcattoss erwredly conedential. Addesie In
costildesei, MADAME Y. r.rnoitpiTox, P. U. nos
Via, nudges, N. Y. firebr
I 1
a k r
A Gentleman who seared for 'TUN from .11 tool
nubility. Premature DPeey. and all gab I of
youth rut luillucrettoo , will, rot tho Niko of mt toe'
Momently, autut free to ell who mind It. the 'melee
and diruetluns fur Aloillor the 4 iulPIP r""" 111 ,i by
whoth hat way corral. dearer" w Who'll to brdpi by
Mr advert lear's exporianeP.Cllll do an by nifiltrtsbibi
ill Perrot' 00004.00 e, 10104 O. Ott tilr.4. il Criblr
throat. New Vara. May 2.1. 1667.
1.4 ad4reiteed env“lope mad ti centemid 1 will mend
you Pomo valeablo Informal lon that will pI ome %"' l l.
AdArer,. MANY WHAM NM Broadway, N. Y.
M:, 111, 101ii—ly.
Tg, GLORY OF MAN IN not IMO If. A gentle
man who suffered On years from Nervous and
Gelatin Osidifty. Nightly Emissions, and dentinal
Wpahneas, the resnit of youthful indiscretion, and
ems hoar ending his days in hopeless IttlatTh will.
fur the subs of suffering Mtn. *CIA to any one it pct
en, the simple means used by him, which eifecoul a
cute in a few weeks after the Whore of numerous
medicines. Send a directed envelope and stamp and
will cost you nothing. Address,
EWA it TX EN A IN. Mk St. N. Y. City.
B AUT 1 !
Produced by the loos of Nat DV:UMW FR MR
LK UHEYEUX. One noplication warranted to curl
Ine Mott mtvaight and mtabboro hair of eiWer se*
into navy ringlets. or heavy niammive curls. Has
been need by the fashionable,. ut Puri* and London
with the martYinar remultm. teem ne injury to
the hair, Price by mail, pealed and peetpaid 1111.—
Poseriptive eireolarm mailed tree. Address IiRRORR.
& CU.. theinotm. No. :ten River St, Troy,
N. Y.. dole Avid,' for the United diatom.
reb.27, eta Iy.
1111 ! II ITCH
slieNrcn scRATs SCRATn.
Will Cure The itch lu SS Hours.
Also cuter SALT ell rt , ht, TIWERS,
IN$, *oil all EItUrrIONS Or TO V. tIKI N. "rlee
30 ma... roe solo by ell I/replete. Hy aoutlaat ba
rents W KEKS & porn:ll,B44e &goal.. litiWash
town Arcot, Boo." a till bo WRWIAftIAIt by tuattl,
row of postuae, to any part of the United stJtea.
Julio 0, ISIAL—IY.
ne advertiser. !manna bean ,entered to health in n
few weeks by a very *tangle remedy, allay having
sot red for went years path a severe long alien•
two. and thnt dread diSNIRe oimprino anxion
%wake known to his fellow.aulreters the mans of
TO all who &two it. he will memd a copy of the
prescription used (nee of rhArge), with the titre/Ilona
for prepariag and wring the same. which ithlt will
and a soak ulAtt for CoNstneetroni.AATHllMA.,
CM .0 11 11 . 1. 01 , 1 ,5, and nil throat and Lung A Wrtswis.
The curly object of the advertiser in mending the Ire
me/lotion is to hearth the nal iettl. and ,prOild difOr•
0131,011 whwtu !Pt titill9:ho , ll in ho invaluable, and he
hopes every 011111.(Ur will try his rowdy. as It will
Cost thein liothing , and may prove a bless log. l'orties the pre•crititioll, race. by return Mall, Will
p'4...we aid resv. REV. Ell IV /411.1) WILSI IN. MI. Cu., NeW York, :tiny Ul4,
TO CV HZ cosa , :mrrioN, +)eetem met btt
pupated so the lust Ira] Tu ser.outruh
Itror su4 xtutt,s , h 1113.4 e.te be 4.114*A WA
su nppo' de vrostud tcr rood ul4e..otue Ise4, which.
by the-o tuoVeft. , ,,t pr3ll tit drre t ot I' , WAY. 1 ,44
good hrt , thY Wood mu ueding rip the
ilnkAittl! 1 0% SC IS .ILIN AEI:
edition thos , ontarh All bliwsi irtut44 4smain'a
taNsno: tutd, Woud Tome to frett•
teetino. auf .41.4 :t-
I'I'LAION tit tinirr to sweetest)
at trend. otto t !r!:;a;, inni, b, uedttg ttiothteorroted'at,
itoporniat are ryp,rod trout tto trototo,
gaol, tvhotf stn LLE.I retWo, high Win roper ail
MAIM% It Vi , t14 , 4 fordirtow e , n7ntlb
ling to d;reetiond, I to v , r; tpt ,' Yn
1410.4 SW Atli& t 0 ,,, la,. to .!;,'r ;Kt ;OU. To tbe
pillt Crequently,, to e.t4 , b , D nver , lntl tmnsrh. It
dine not follow that 1,01. • OP , •!ite,".Y urn
It's the. ivo not raionx !, tor, pneenti.e.l In dim:-
httot thoy aro itor ,. Ttsy In et to kept
0.,01 an crp.;;lte t.; allow Om Pal.
mull liofo oe au r,;.to; o . s . t pr, peril
sod 444. r any wriot . ce. Plwo 01l tips; r putitel to
per moo s rrniattrot fore to, to prevent Inking
nnti xeteteo alout the room* at much at wwolblo,
tV !ha rlrheot tood—lst meat, ram, sod, to tank
earthier the apportto cram; but he particular and
cart ;we n ell. Wod w. Mo me. I yr.
4 , holt th” maul restota tot w hich nature bgaatgr
111440 is
uo tuns filVOTlte for a Clqi:1111.11%1AN 111411
the - ,,,, , ,11,11,a1 gun," of the Wthl Cherry Tree;
bat to veer V:IIIIahle it id, itn I.WEI tt 111 , 11,trr
litllsihr. 1,, rrliene and ttGitrt,, C 1111411 0 ,41 ten 6,1,1
by ati I jadrrioas rnuddantl 11 with 411P't
iIIenISIOVeS of e q ual wqrth,
eziata t..• a remarkable degree in
) 'a: B 1:t t n hey,
whose ritth! in eluting C,ua,trhe, Cada. Prooratli:
Canna, "Ing,nl4.
and hirtricat Cana nimidion IS i11t,111.1011 , 11% •
strong Testimony.
FrJ4l 11) HJA /him(
"In ihq gprisoz of 1e.7107 1 was WWI JleVtll . ly aid let•
ed with a hard. dry eaath. with 1111 1100411 across.-
raossio.ola 01 111;h1 0v111.14, pletely pro•dratos
my 11.•1 non air.l ritsoloreina oriels n delohla.
ie•l Oat.• cf loolth that, A..' trflnt toto:lcol 01.1
to tot ;00 , 11'0... I hull as ve - is up aIl hopes" of ever Iv
r.ovettog, at had also n,y ts wink At Ibia *Logo of
water- I 1A•11 , 1 ItTeVlll lo . l.l l.ln 11 rdaall It. lIIIdd"Hc4
of a tolehbor to Iry Woddea flalesoss r'sserty,
aO , l. h , isAssa to , . !oat lea. Ito 4 44 rtt oaf, AlkjoAl
aly relight otirosy !thrum, Iho slight so edta
4 ; .„. 4 , 4 4 . 4 1 1u. 4 hope ttitce 1111111 (441 1 01 My de. 1 .10.4 ',. 1
PiOlf Mot .aoss had all:sows! soy wassicol ..mat h
bad vigor. Thus has thj• Hid 4a.... as 11;4” 04.4.0
„loathed by p.oo.ll.lCollVtqcolt wolls the .11,,,ve fart.
I 1 trrally analteed sue ;Yoga hut yawesset grade. arm
ar.• al Isherly to use thsa fur toe ben - lit of the
I'mpared by scrit w. rows.t: A WA. IN Tye
mont tl., liostuu. add Om 'ale by Druggist. gu'
TIAn bent known remedy fur
in nll ita tantlifol4 int:W.lms t r kers,Ognetov.
Sypkth , 1,14 um . t l cr. , kr in lut. Annus* 1 roma
Alllll.. pare .olutinii of Wain., frithext • •Oirrli.
fliovvered niter ninny years of rrientifa research
and experimousi. Mar ermlicatiaS Ifiniplit from lite
PY•1411 el fin, un equal.
Circular. .rat free. J P. DieSNO(ta.
Sold I Ottiarl'is generally. 36 Oct drietrillldir York.
Olaf 8. le tit,
rirrsEN Fe 4 d A at)
11019TETTLAU$ 1 1 70.111.111011 PrI7P:ItS st ruir
otos i t s'n ❑olt% egiinel lbw poe,Judiees which every•
thous ht w, however excellent, is dimwit:4 Su ea•
la atnnds nt the head of 411 itiff tonic and alterative
preparation* in existence. lie celebrity has emitted
Mary imitations but im atvres. Physicians pre.
nuance 11 the only mire stimulant that pas ever been
iagralucad into the nick riximber. . lu the Hospital s
Of the Army and Navy, the otirdenno dud it the very
MA tome ow convalexAnntr, nit l tronpa 0111110 muck
AO a fetnedy l'or veer vy and nil sentliiittc anertpoix,
SINd as Ow only rpcddc 1107 acs-rxediness. Caltlortila
had Auclraltiv Inge entithotically endured It as the
Miner's Mniluelliti par excellence, mid iu tOpentali
AMerlcs 11$141 011 I be tropical chanties, it to comotiler
tad the only reliable unlit!. to In epidemic lever.
Them I. tsu 'watery ahotl lhu causes Ur Its tine
•Cees It it for only.lutauclllc and alli.rative 1n wh, It
'are combined the grand rcquNitics of a 11.11111. pure,
end unvitiat,d regctnbliu .timulant, with the shwa
Oeleciiini •btlinua. anti ocurinitic, neer
hon. and depurnitve herbs. plants, root and bark•
that have ever been itlikirtlll)C4 161 a
ft le aim peeper potato th it the OW Ile :110 egtd
Gild urvcf undcf 1111) , Clrr tslll.
',tante., by the gallon or [lie feepu.tor4 e nd
1111114*MS dre Iblthitt, and the °lily' olll'ogicir.l the
public 11411/ sco Om the Het or. they
YU) liCif UM On roved ' libel awl how 01 howl of
X , Itu.tertrr & gwrib and flit Gaverunicist
i.titotp wet Om emit of the '
Jute IA Idt7.
IS OltPliANs' Mill' IN
Pgiid for the Coonly of Vottitoble : In Iho politer of
the Prtote 1.:1,1AS 1.111r1411 1 11, Int. 01 Montour
toweilito, do rtitmt.l, A tld vor to wit .97Y
let;; the lona at4puttle C. lb Itlttekw4, Kw}, *whit*.
to tram otirirthutiun of the 14111111sta In tho hoods at
John ‘tuick, nottuinkteatoi. to and maagt l4 ,o, t h u
crudttorr. sy ti/ Court. froot the record.
Jenne CoLamax,
The mud it”r nbm7 named 1011 ottoea w the t dIItII
of hot uponintworlt. milts 1411 0
ttiVairdoy, the Wroth ~.eond day of June, 11111 at fru
li., at %hid/ time ali t Wiley all per.,oii.
hat Celt e we age met suld 0444 104.1 Vrf.ept thou,
orsbe tleharred Raell elftloons a milieu, in th. main:,
ISIOVIEWAY. Aeittitott
inns A, IPII7.
NEW 'XAILOR 8110 P..
N... Taller 'Minh rto Main
It ert, litoolashars, where he will be pleased io per
nil who rosy favor him with their custom. Ho keepo
on Mad* we II ot rectotl lot of doing, enlistment. tosb.
logo, w/alrlt bo will woke up to ardor with 00111110116
and despite!).
Attodiori paid to rotten noditolllWO Ind bill
taothlog. Alto tollioll Sons Ir the Wile ire.
lkopottlni O M
M. Spell on AWES. II work
.4w. aire him a rail. [llloomebtirs May V, /M'
Dirk PBl Et
There N hh dfiteites whish esperieere has se empty
proved tube remediable by the PERUVIAN SYRUP.
(a pottemed *Muth* of the Pow: aide of thoi), as
Slystrepoic The most inveterate forms of this (dirt•
VIM* have bon completely cored by this medicine. as
ample terniiiiony of some of oar first cilium' proves.
Dusaam, Canada got,
* * * “I ban 'an inyetvtatis ityoirittle of uotte
THAN 2S 11441110 *llOllO4O
** * were bean an attar, fully kenenied in
the thou , short wank* dtwiny w Vti Hoed the
Peruvian Syrup, that t con *carroty yvvonittle
wife( the reality, People who hate kftillNO too ore
astoothlted et t h e change. t sin widely 'mann, and
eon but reetnntutted to other* that whluit hate dune oo
weed Cot we." * * • *
AN otei CR CLHRO V MASI Wtiercq AS roixows :
41.-My Vaptfe kp raltOpa is Welly iinly postponed,
I have discovele4 •hr • . 1 „.„„„ton of Mean" tat labs
OHIO of the Men bottles Of Peruvian
t°yrup have rescued WO from the rungs of the Maul
Myspepsis.•• •
A pamphlet of 3.1 pages, containing a history of
this rentarkahle remedy, with a treatise un •• 'Ns as
a 110141.1 Ru," will be beet fore Wally address.
The gongipe has "PI.:KU VMN SYRUP" blown in
the glass.
J • P. DINSMORE, rrovii ddr,
31.1 bey Street. Now York
Sold by all liranisic
al witty it mammal. through every peat,
ahem( antlerma lawn each hairy mite ;
A n WOlll/40 It heals With eintainty and speed;
eta, Burns, from Inihimination soon are (Med;
motiona, at ita promineu ilimopear ;
IS Inns lase each main, and thin cOmples dear
alve, such as Eturo's rum one should buy,
A II to its wooderong merits testay,
L et those u Ito doubt, a *Oslo box bid try,—
V eriiy, then its if it 414 , Ntrls 1.14101111 have
E van 111160:joyt.ra would laud Grave', glen
Juno luta
it is tretnit t ny ettneetted thet "the beet ninny,*
the theetteet ;'' and that bolus the test great phloem
is taken in inttoduents to the pithlte
wino, is to pi dly Off( MOO 1 1 .0 1 4 , 411., Mid w i t hthis
3L1111111. , thu bard t% .1k wa:iting . to Mitigated tna
FRilictlil tile a Rh *marl' tan k, he Ow hi , * aft ,
!dared in hot sinta, not shut to Whitt , thus iwnters•
ea and the strain .m tinod. the Mathine ix operated
ax mi , oll 10.01i1. Thu. the VVOilt is ypPetilly, tilt/10Y
an•t . amity anne, and that UM without I ..“11I1g ant
Wntating not Unaclothes, whit h hi a plat ntlent is
VP% t sate.; tinder the old lashtotied tutththit Hausa,
' ll'n h
the whole InliOti of washistS is hit a Plaaaaat pas
loon ininipared with the finnan,' mode of [ti/NhING
AND tiMtitStl, twisting snit wringing. 'the
Son is so dissoitinl I. 1111,110 i MINN that but littlu
riontnession is 11,`Cre , 40111 1,1 expel It. No Wady in
the (Jointly einottil hit tit-wpm
and the
IJNIVKItS,II. 1.1.11111 4 WItINCIIt
pieroo of them. Nat how. row so follmo• •
re , may •144: Washor. • • • • • • • 611 Ott
11.60.1 dtxn• • • • • • • • • • $0 00
Faintly one, N 41.2 Wssosof• it :0 1
eft, No. I:. • • • • • • ..... 1. 00
r..1.l by 1/. 11. HULL *toot.
flotoiek. Pa
_ - -
111,114 5161117
111,..ut.serliory par tiara row pains. $n
ho. At.,l.k by vilob purekiboa. mad be It iodw pn•pare
Bell as low as any Dealer
olio,' of • •1111111 j.
.% •aII u poi; by nay p erson ire;to trlrirrsands
p•trt. •ter•ll/t14.11114 the youlely of lit.,
%111 mak.. MIS 'NH plum. ear tout.. no WI , 11.4 . 11
buy tit. y Are ently•ly dolostlefl. Ile vt, ,it LI•
OW 5o dee his 1111 . 111111 11ud Ib., publbc gruerdil)
111„ Ihrr Ibuy boy Of 1101
We otork consists of the be•l Varielire
OFFlin. Alf /I.ASSEIJ.
014: %11, YEA
f1d11, 1, 1 .111/0I1r.) 141.11.Ett.
[MICH IN* se;,.11:1.)
Lt 4 4 '1'..1 4 1. Mall nowt ettmA Efts,
0! PA & c/o (11.6e1 Ike.. Sic. C1.11)E*11.
( . 114. 11.1114011.41 111144.
Moo a awe ltrenmiaiof Ilry lioods and Hawn.
and a fall Variety of 'coati of Ihe above r/as4, and
of oiler Lind:. In addition to Which lit Li ;eel:ally
added In Ili* stork a dau of
itt *bleb satin!! of it nails ha has several new
article: 're * siohfri n fricenstina, estrasivelly
where knows. and which iiiii.lo.9dl4 sato iliac here
lie Abu her * Gtta supply of
French Moroccoes;
sod alko of Stomas Lialingd Ng eepoew•tets
wools ; aud a good aasorrisoeul of
tr - Cull and esainano.
JedlN It • GIRTV.
& 8. Co►aor of Main aril Ine
Bluompburg. April NIL lOW.
I J. .13140WElt, (Cur. Maim it !run its.)
er •
Ili POW SOON le the rotate hit ell ult OF
ironoi,ting in pail of • fill line of
Vino ridlblo and CAPFinwrii rpr rows.
iboolo or AI I rAIIIIIIII mid plititil;.4,
1111oltio 1011 hW 13
i M or V,llllll and pr4"..•4.
Dfrot-Iteil rod Nov. II 7011.11 , 11ur, Ladle. rmirheurot to
Goon I..'rtmrnt of Larlies and thildtru•' Ginter/
111111 11111,10.
aTJ Npp.ce r No! ampoment of
Glass and Qateassiarr.
BA -No. 1 Afar terel I R nye half and one fourth Flarreli.
Now tp the (tow to make your *fleet:ono. if I am
offering gotnla at very low neve' slut mit motto to
law gaoling to all, mid ■nt to l.a anderaold by any.
J. J. lIUUi% LH.
IllunitiatiOrg, April 111, ltlo7.
A . s,iLLtpgit's
tovroarre THE enscurnt, curecitd
On Pl i pln Street, Bloomsburg.
The othivrilprr tab , . pinnoute In nnntnincing ar
tcn p•oplit Illw,mohurg, mud vicinity, that ha has
uu band • largo eat !Int masuthinaht of
o , r Indies and goulamitun's treat, la suit all (sacker
111 City work Is of the Nat quality, Must Isola the
mailatactursta ; W Itetfl.a P , inuar
N 1 n. kutltn wed a atuulJudapi of
413 41 ,Ll'UL)ZILEL40 11
10 IN pd lokely to ba /trimmed epos try reasiving
ie./utile*/ entered badly wade up.
TbaMt dciffing 'Wail', la Itla UM world de Welt
to ataa alma a cell', estate punt/64114
ApiliL IS7,
h 4L=*oTwEM.
111: 'wheat ogoottial to hi*
o f f ts t 1 1 1111i11011$0 • SOW Fn."
IIWWII. in the "CP
Hog Ifortootts Ouiltitteg, egoolotigt got ogt co it 11144
Marked donate, OlOotttelotto, r.„
UNlVintjfibr MUM, trAlso 0014444104 **la iiarigo
stock of
I 1 3041 W n ter Clothing
sad GPlstimmrn'of rfiiniAtittg C 00.14, Ayn .
tnr wsult. 'Jun Ms cua pittim /444 Antli 44140*
MEN' 8 A NI) 1301 W' OTI ILVO,
ouch Li
14Nr .
( ~ t
ii 4 441 .
And to tot everything in the Ginthrng or remains.;
line at
Vetij Low iliac
to loldtioot to t%e above int has au elegant newt
!trent of
( * whiten , awl Vemtingx
nzP iumie to oidet , at the ennyteet entree
cat mot ,tee before eureitasing etsearttete. and
J. w. citgAlitERIAN.
'the reeprieter Ittertnit weereveted ad tatted hta
hxdfrAt tiMit in the bate,tutiat ul thd
tot wool d most toppoctrully solidit a nootionanto o
*tot o alto naga of ills old rustemornotind rardipify in
vile the ottootion of now 01/00 to bas refteabootito
as follow*:
7 C 4
sl;t e tLiii! °versus, nem Flalf.
kt f t
(ir k, 11AM AN
t can ha uurvud up to customers
molocoot mama, to
tcrincn, ell/WEIL Ftllllo, UR „RAW,
to pug ;AK' IJvte,l of the epietlrinti.
Blr.ottsApttrig, Ircb. IS, imia.
There cometh Klnd liiling4 of jay to 1114.
y.lits: and to "hi. 10 great and tK>mail
The beauty raw:b. ow WAN so prOcloos and IWO.
In tr«a for all, and all ray he (alb
111: 'THE USE 01?
White Liquid Enamel,
For Improving and hetoilting the Completion,
lite most vatuub►e end no feet etepatidon to nook!
etyma the skill a beautiful pear4like tont. that 14
o n ly Omit of inyouth , It quickly removals Yat4, Peach,
rinsfries Macho*, Moth Piddle*. Ytihmemite
Fkoptinus an 4 itn,rnrttins of the skin. kindly healing
thu Sallie leaving the skin *hitt and dent as Maine
ter. its oms cannel br iietorte4 by the closest Frew
tiny, sod nein: a vrg•tubir preparation 14 PtfliVrtlY
11:1(Itile 44. It is the end y anima of the kind tined by
Itto reintek, and is ilott,iilere.l by the Parisian as fn.
.1 1 ,,,, e63 jb1e 10 a peilort nolrt Upwatilf of :ki,iif
bottles were sold diming the past year. a Oralialleht
guarantee of its efficacy. Price only 73 tongs:*
Hunt by wad, post pant. On receipt of an order.
111 lUltl sllterfd & co.,
Felt e 7 I ow; ty SI,K, River tkTroy. Pi Y.
CO lid.
hoe new cauzlrucfin„ a Ra tliaml (TOM
towor , l4 th,: Octant hulking with
0,1 cooloothoh, au ntibtOkoN! 11110
~,topony now ,or.r it limited Amount of %hew
having thirty years• to run, and hunting altuttni in.
payable cm the fire day of Juninty and jab),
;n lRn city of New 1 wk. at the tats of
vs:l , lll . lorfillifolf`td•l front Omaha 3n5
~t Ind 1.4 of J.suuar,i. I . 11 ;. dent in folly ennip•
p... 1, 411 lf•lit/d are regular;l roxwny rarer It. The
has now Ott bidad lindletrat It Mt. iird Ste..
to linteh the remaining portion to the eeetern hoe
elf th.• Cre by litottnni'lne. 112 nuke, whirls is older
.flontroi t r•unte ..4.lsitiMlbdt Ids of tint. year. all.l
ii S• prreial Mat the entire road will be ut vitiated
order from flaunt:l to Si, wr•tetst rnnMvU.xl wit
Ills• I!elitral itir. now !wing rapidly both eastward
front SUMS en..nt,s, Cal , during 140.
r „, ; „,„,,„ the distaare to be built by the Union
to be 1,365111110 d, the etoted Sta•ea Govern •
i•devi ile $l2 per rent. Thirty•ihree non it t
la, 1:m1.111111y en Ih. road Id 1111Inlidd at the diernign
p.a. , of about $:a.::S . l per roily, ant muting tu $41.•
'Vas i'ooopany la :do. porootted to t,,s,te itd Own
net Nlortg,ie. , Hondo% to an cleat atweitit. and et the
11.104 c !in.', %Inch by special Act of Couto; **** are
1111111 e a brat ittorldado oti the entire One, the buntle of
tine United Staled to.,iod subordinate to i.em.
The G''VProlliirnt ni:.ttee a donation of 12. 4 00 acres
Of into 1.. time 111,/e. SIWOUSIIIug Ins ',.,V31 Ell, "0".
istilunted to be north 8111,tddiera, making the total
reenurres eldlittve of the capital, 811 . 4.116.0tni ; but
thin fdl in nine of the took eiinoot now be realised,
The authorized Capital Merit of the Contuse, to
mw 11111110.1 11111 1 1011 dollars, of which live molten'
have here part in, and of which it se Or
dsapplidke4l that noire Otto twenty•ft re adlhena el
wort N 1111441 reptired.
The cost of the road in ratintated by competent
about one flaiitJrud million dollars,
The reiltned conned' ion between omahi ^n.l tior
Fact le slow complete, and the earnings of tide Union
PariAc On 1110 .cctiolid alredily 1111181r.1 for the Bret
Iwo weirdo in Miry nevi SU:LOW 'Mein so:await
cdrainge is the road progresses will much morn
tlWx pay the intend on the llopipany'e bonds. and
the through tote nese over Uls Only line of railroad
between hint dawdle and rnellle mutt be ireineiree.
Theirmityaily fcipeetfmly submit, that the above
ioteuient of teats fully demmeatrates the eaciirity of
their Honda. aii.l as itilditinnel proof they *held mil
ge .t Ott Inc Ilnuile now offered ate lees then tell
molten dollars 51; utiles ul toad, on which Wide
twenty ni Maui. Millar have already been expended ;
—on MU milee.l ti9e rued the Casa ate lI.VS
od the r , eetitileff 1P; tulles are t i em: l
41 the ~;ear of tate .if itrettilum on tad ilea* berSe
pay au mutual intescat on the pre Sella COot of
NINE 1)}.11i CENT.
and it is believed that nn the menpletinit of thy
lead, me the Doverniuent bode, they will So Omen
you. The Cowpa ny ... w ed to sell but a limited
amount at the preadult low rate and Main the right
to advance Ilie price nt their
eithreriptione will be received in New York by the
Cowrinti. VAL ht . /1014U. Bass, No', 7 Nassau et,
11.41tX, 1/00041,.. Cit., Ildmiliam 51 Wall Pt.,
Junto 1. Cure h. dos B . Ne.7.l*Well
and by HANKS AND BANKERS ipirpf4lly WOW , "
Out ifs hotted Plated...l**h= map. au% de/fripliVa
pamphlets. may be oaLIIII , d. They wilt slia be tent
by wad caner the Company's Ofect, No.llo Rectal
Puree!. New York, on app Walton. • Pdbdrribers will
*elect their own Agent% in whniti !bey have emih•
doter, who Anne w ill be rcrYuesible to thew fur the
Sale et.llYery of the linnets.
,JUIJN j. CIPCO, Tramway.
Platy You.
_ June 3. 11167.
liar itrir metered 11Ho ',lyre*, Of Mr. Is. &mks, on o
nl th# Wog bledarli re 1w IN in dos IlitatO, WO or G
pruparod to forreoGro
1114 10,11140re1l COMPA .r LLIT,
,11 ,
"' r4NUFACTITGzitv.
COAL Of gg Atonic
pore 4
smi often., with
of aver) dr.c,iption. OR *bun pews.irid 147 I
Kyle dreira~l , le the oust' unieetantlo
Mena:Wee bound, end old boats robound, at Now
Yiuh pnioes.
order h left at the elllten of the paper f011t11144 11 1
thee ottunrtieoweent, Of wet ity roptees,
ft ,
tended to and fOlfOOl *thous i0 & 0 L 1/1,V ,
lctraloo, Pa.,3ais 317.-4 Ht
1111 RWIM A N
11) toy► MT 600D11.
itt IP V
1 1 I