Bloomsburg democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1867-1869, June 26, 1867, Image 2

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'WM U. Jr ♦t'ot3Y. Editor.
7Y4,11111411*. June 26, 1M67.
Pk M, listruroukk Ca. 37 Park Row New York
duly d porbarid ni pOpolitit And receive Pubotrift.
Hone end advertiplop for th” Ihmerat Prat., pub.
litibrul at Birroianairt Columbia county, a.
tiothnibtaltlounty Ochlocratic
Nance 1* hernby givon that the Democratic eke
10111 in and for On oevorttlborottoho and election din.
Onto of Colombia thnoity, te ill nowt 4f their n 41141
taws of holding the gOfirqfil 01(000 111 on aATU It
M 7, 'mimeo% the bourn or 3 and 7 &Omit iu the
Ittnhoon Or odd day, for the pontoon of thonsinl
nY HALLoT two ilelegotno from midi Filention Dui
Itilet„ foment in Como) , Convention, at the colinT
trOITSE, in fannunanirg, nn MONILW 'lllJ tlEtl
lIA Y OF JULY, leal7. Pt I o'clock, P. M . for the
PorroPo of corking the 11#1141 annual nominutition of
tho Demorrotic party or Colombia emote.
G. tt
Chairman Diononnatin Strioding Com.
Democratic Plate ItOllinalloll.
For Judge (t/' the s';upretur Currrd,
atAtits Cr :M. SHAW:VW 0 Spin
oy paiLA ELPII
JOU N srllll NTT.
The trial of this young wan is still pro
greasing at Washington, and may last a lonc
time. The evidence as produced at, tin
trial is of the mwt, diversified olviraoter,
beginning long berm: the death of Lincoln
awl streatching out as to inehelo the
movements of a great many other pertote ,
besides Futratt. It would he, impossible
for us to give our readers even an intelli
gent synopsis of the evidence, much les:,
the evidence in full. But we can say this;
that a bad odor bang,: alma this ti
odor of the murder of .tirratt. The
other day it WaS attempted 09 the part of
the "Government" to bring in Baker's book
as evidence, but Jude isber promptly
declared that Baker's book was no part of
the law of the land, and it. was very &Wit
ful whether it contained • the fa a ct= in tlic
case. It will be rememl ere,4l ulna: it ►rar
under Baker, as a governiw.nt 1, :t , e ,•,', ‘
that the pretended Moab was
done. Baker is a man witlemt eh:wacky,
yet it was on the evidence tir our
tommii, Was hung on tweet . }-four hear•
The July number of the Ow t;rAnn is
now ready. Mr. simm's story has now
reached the seventeenth chapter, and the
plot begins to be developed. Mr. Cooke;tr
sketch this month is on the battle of "Fred
riekshurg." The editor lets an article on
"Suffrage and the Condition of the Smith."
Dr. Van Evriotlisixarraes no "Sixty Ye3l . '
of Democracy." "Who and Melt are lb
Negroes," "Cateclibm of' the Constitutioo
of the Cubed States," and various other m
titles. make up a readable numixr. TI;
OLD LARD ...;dr by all mwsirite tt i
at 25 cents 'per copy, Mail üb.
per year Thu publishers liberally offer
all who suK oribe fir I ti 67, and take thy
back numbers front Jatotate, a larre stee l
plate to Atrait of ,Jackson or Lf o, th e prk
of each of which is v l 25. Now i. , the fiat ,
to subscribe. Address Van Et tic, florton
b. Co., No. Street, New lolk.
Ilereafct•all subscuibers to the Di:mot:RAT
who do not pay flr the riper before the elise
of each and every year will he charged IVA
Our rule is $2.00 in advance, which we
would prei . er our patrons to live up to.—
Our paper maker demands cash of it 4 and
everything else we use must be paid for
when purchased. Thu reader will.therelOre,
see the entire justness of this new regulation
which we are bound to mitionce.
aces to Ow DEnoctuer under the present
publisher nearly all expire Feb. 22J. This
is a fair and timely warning and all who
desire to avoid the extra charge will heed
te" The Rgait lietta of this itluee ta►ys:
It wont be lott3 heforethe I)en►ocrney will
wear that the African is aromatic ant
''sweet, scented," awl that he is nut :43 "all
Arcot black" niter all
We suppose tho Poetorhsiva from ex•
porienee. For our part, we are not prepar
ed to swear yet. The Doctor's afoocia !ion.
with the African are sueb, according to hi;
own account, that he con give a decide.
opinion. Our neighbor of the Mr . ,/
can indulge his mealier tastes, while we
claim the same privilege for ottrsives, No
much nigger for us.
Jt:t.v SEsston.-It, is evident that a
Summer se:l,;(iii Of Congress has become
necessary, to save the Radical party from
disruption and death. It has been found
that the stock of agitation prepared last
winter is t.shattsted, and that the people
have so subsided AND their sober sewn , '
thought and the ways of pc am, conciliation
and reooll, as to Lava 'U*4ll'oll3' no her
for the success of Iltoli.nlism except in a re
newal of strife and ill will. For this pur
pose the RumP Congress is to awsmthle.
Porwrryt,.—The New York ll'ored o'
yesterday, said : "There wan a repert in town
ye4erday, based upon private with: vs, that
Secretary Stanton hart restined his position
as Seetatary of War, lwengie i. 1 4.1 deulr
ion of the Cabinct touching tho ‘ restotatio:
of the displapc,l southern officials." We
do not suppose them is any truth in the
statement. "Few die, and none resign,"
and` Mr. Stanton its especially vac of that
sort. . .
* Judge Sherewood's nomination for
the Supreme Bench lots elicited the warm
est commendstionv froiu all partite, is Penn
sylvania. The Harrisburg Convention did
a good vitty's work on the 11th inst., and.
the people will twice' s° 4ts action by 1111
overwhelming majority on the second Tues.
day of next October.—Ronditw Gnatie.
SM. Gold began to riawl mon ex the
annouturement 'ram made that there would
be a seasion of eon g rems in July.. Thr pen
pie have learned, to their. coat, that that
body or fanatie3 Mnuftltiki'tedthle" vithout
injury to the ht4.,ititt.:a prowedll of the Ittec
try when the reVetWlTll 4 llhrrthAt their
aatin Am afe daya at a time
. .
Tifitures num
The July number of this magesitte opens
with a Steel Plate of unusual interest and
beauty---a lovely Cinderella, Hitting sail and.
neglected by the kitehan fire, her haughty
sinters diauppearing through the doorway.
The Colored Fashitm Plate, as usual, is an
elegant and tuithful transcript of the pre
vailing modes ; and the wood cuts, illus
trating articles of' dress, and teaching fancy
work, must be of great value to the ladies.
The Music, "Kiss the Little Ones for Me,"
looks the kind of song to bo popular. The
literary entertainment is furnished by Eliza
beth Prescott, Miss A. L. Massey, Auber
Forestier,Frauk Lee Benedict, it. S. Corey,
Mrs. Henry Wood, &e. The instructions for
making Phantom Bouquets and Wax
Flowers, and for Feather-work are worth,
Mies tell us, many times over the cost of'
the number. A beautiful Steel Engraving
will be sent gratis to every tingle ($2.50)
subscriber, and to every person sending a
club. Specimen numbers of' the magazine
will be sent for twenty cent , .
Price (with engraving) 1+2,50 a year;
Four copies (with one engravin g ) teoo.
One copy or Lady's Friend uex one of
Saturday Evening Post (and one engraving),
1.00. adeh es Deacon Sr: Pt ttl',33, >i'3
Walnut Street, Philadelphia.
MAN, mi,,Kvy,. AND thtitiLLAs,.....ilon.
( * Wm', Edward Carswell, Madame Le
Vert, Mts 11. Ti. Stowe.llec. Mr, Spurgcom
llev. Du!. Aralim IVillittm., Westeott,
is ten, Sear., Follor, Itowlitur, Smith.
Turnbull, and Her. Sidney A. Coley, It. 7ki.
Gallaher, and IY. ii lit•ndleton; blloqueuee
Divereity : The Woman of tho North
awl the Woman of the South ; Pomestie
A rithrue tie, or striking an Average, by 31 sr.
; (limbed Flowers; A Little Prince
of Wales, with likeness; Quaker Courtship;
Phrenological Theory of Man's Organiza
tion ;Studies in Physiognomy; The Spirit
of the Age; American Oratory; Monsieur
'rouse!), beautifully illustrated with thirteen
igional designs ; Origin of Vegitable Life ;
. !may ; Temperament anti Marriage;
Perim:llion of Character; Extinction of
Faculties; Fa:siltation and Psychology in
11111111iOr Plrcnologieftl .1,10.10; 80
v. , 105, or Li a par. New vol. 5. R.
- 46 Brodway. N. Y,
sA rA , z , vutim vNOF,R.,• Tl. g ooti time
0.411'111„f, anti the speeuhltor4 in brYtyistafftt,
h o h ave P , , r) long a periml e aceeetleti in
itait:tthr the in.-tiacti of the bloodhound,
t ry yomitat to grief'.
in Chirwv). corn, that 4 , 014 rer 81 In per
ie , ht I the third week `in May, fell t tio
rents per bi , hol on the sth of Jone—a
ereneo of twenly cent in 11 Few (Lys.
..1,1 , 1 for t,t9 etatt.i on May 28
lull off :ixty taatts nu Jinn , s—a differ
taw.: thirty cent iin a I'vw days.
nye, rhich :Ail+l fur fill :)7in :Ifay, want
+l rumba, in Juno at, 1 02-.4111y fire
ecnt;, , ditiLreirce.
NU- Prik.! wis tontol at
I , ol' i , ttAtel it] May, ;',00.1 as low as
, m, * in Juii& 4 iktline of iiinely-five
((11 4.
t thy p'ople brat t: twae theely. SVith
; ;;. , ,,,1 crop aryl .1 ste.t.ty contraetiew or
etwreney the ;*ht to ks ntn:t go ttmler, and
when they diall be to weep, the
laugh at their torment.
AretnEXT 0,/ Tits CarAwISSA 1. At [MAD
AT DAsvii.r.L—The Danville Anzeriemn, of
Thursday lamt, rays:—"An accident occur
red on the Catawissa flail road, in this place,
on Friday last. A freight train was on the
main track between the depot and Blown
btrect. '1 he conductor, it crews, intended
to semi out a signal to warn the itessenger
train, due at 11 o'clock - , but fell asleep in
the caboose. The passenger train came
down round the curve at a pretty rapid rate,
end waked up the conductor of the freight
(rain by demolishing the caboose. The
alecpin..T conductor waa seriously injured,
and was carried away wore dead than alive.
The passenger locomotive reared up en the
next cars, and there remained a perfitet
wreck. . number of the eara were more or
less broken, but none of them were thrown
from the trnek, nor were any of the passen
gers hurt, with Ow e cOrntiflnofa 1 . 4:W slight
bruises. The centlnetnr of the freight train
is severely censured.''
Vot.t.Atts riot littmoN:;—ligsxtrai FUR
Cm:NT.- -"I have seen a woman professing
to love Christ. Imo than the world, clad in
a ikons *.75, making up and trim
ming of sonic *11); bonnet (or apology for
one), si;',.",; velvet mantle, VW; di a mond
ring, sbO watch, chain, pin and other
trappings, tarn total sl.Vs)—all hung upon
frail, dying woman. I have ::eett her, at a
meeting in behalf of Itontele watitkrera in
Now York, wipe heroyus upon an expen
sive-einbroidered Itandkepiiiict At the story
a their stilTerings, tend whets the enntribu came round fake from a well-filled
purse of costly worktnnti , hip, twenty-five
cents to aid iholinciety Ihrtnell to promote
their welfare._ Alt, thought, I dollars for
ribbutis . lind pqnnics fgt. Christ."
trrl. tVeY I i 3 .4.!AI£.PBEIJ. reigned his
position as lAtinister or tha Mates
to licsico, and wants to come home. As
no succesior has yot been appointed, here
a chance A,r an enterprising young, man,
who wishes to spend 4 few weeks in that
neah.hy country and variegated goimrnment,
Applications to he addressed to the Iton.
Win lit &mini, WattlainPluti.
There is tr valiant young mania this place
who ought to apply.
Nititt MAN'S lettimiro.- 7 Ttoctotti
bills are too tog fiir a poor man's pocket
but mord . thew way be avoided by keep
ing Qatico'leclebtited Salvo in the cup
board. It is the `'Prix•lottli ixtt of ointment,"
coring burns, cuts, sclkfr, bruises, hpraitta,'
wounds, chilblains, chapped hands, Ste.
Mothem, dv ntlt, uey a etto — save your
bard •eurned itioney,but purchase
a box of, dila salve, only irate.
'fir It will be *eon in this week's paper
that several additional nathes have been ad
ded to the list as applieants for the office of
Sheriff. This thing may seem all right , ,tcr
s:une, but to us it dots not. Ws %V Intl'
a word on the sobjeet in eter went • •
A ** p . al and Progressive
Down in Pitihlnieridan's &minim's--
fli t
Whore the OW *rip and tool of Rump
bigotry and tu rules with a forty
harm tyrant, t?
.. ' in the beautiful Cres
cent City, the . vial metrepolis of the
south, Now Or is printeot a pumper
nrgnn for the nigliiits and low-down whites
dwelling within that city, and of course call
ed the Republican. At the head of its mi
nium smart; this motto:—
"Let our lowa and our institutions speak
not of white men, not of red men, not of
blaek mow, not of wen of any tatutPlexioll ;
but like Ihe laws"lir Gisi--thil Ten Com
mandments and the Lord's Prayer—let them
speak of the people."
IVe tie not know but that it is tt healthy
symptom to rue the corrupt and tunoincipal
ed men of the Party in power seeking pre
cedents for their future ennelmunts and laws
in the Ten Comurandments and the Lord's
Prayer—laws speaking of the people. But
testing the "loyal" party of the country
laws, what a lamentable tirilare it ha,:
We read in the Holy Book that "God
spoke these words, and Paid ---I am the
Lord thy God ; Thou shalt have Mille 0111-
er finds but me." Itepuldicanism has en
throned the nigger as its Uod above all
go ds, an d i n bli n d adoration how down in
The Eternal tied has deelaited that 10.4
i;illowor.t shall not worship the likencs of
anything in heaven above, or the cat tit
beneath, yet runny of His ministers have
defiled His altars and pronounced I ruin
them a new religion and :L new lima Per the
worship of the loyal millions.
The peo p le are commanded not to lake
the name or the Lord their tied in vain
His name has been blasphemed and His
holy attributes profaned by loyal infi d els
and nitelli.-ts of the 31:anktoltusotAn Khoo!,
Clod has warned the people of earth—
"ltemendsw that thou keep holy the Sab
bath-day !" Tens of thousands of Iris min
isters have for years converted the temples
of the Living i3od into Jaditiettl bustior:,
nullified the sacredness of the sabbath day,
and I.undreds or thouban Is of loyal wor
as have aided and abetted theta in their
violation of cod's co amma%
We are warned to honor our hither- -
Puritankan mocks and delki:es the counsels
and witdom of the mall, the tried and the
true, and despoils oc•rsrtbrows the great
and glorious works wrought by patriot fa
thers in untold suffering and tribulation,
and privations innumerable.
"Thou shalt tie no murder!"
Republicanism has sent to gory graves
hair a million free burn A merioans., slain
canselessly, needlessly, for the gratification
of a heldhegown and fiendish policy of
aggression and wrong. A once happy and
Pro:Toon:I teptildic has been transformed
by Radical diabolism into a Golgotha or
place of Auld- and bones, the last sad rem
mints of the murdered victims of Aboltion
ambition and cruelty!
"Thou shalt not commit adultery !"
NVit nowler Thad. Stevuwt the great
leader and dcwr I IP! itorttltlicau I . :,r ty, or
Kal'int 11 it* Chhplain, or the Ma4..saeintA.ti,
Howe an! I )own and tit .Vrrinunt
and the Freedmen'; Bureau agent: , , awl
Vankett—niew , r seltool---marnt mattered
through the F.tuth, are brig!t and shining
exam ph., of v h• dienee to this Divine injtine
"Then blink not steal 1"
Did any one ever hear of Spoons flutter
or Neal Dow, or of all the big anti little Fed
eral thieves, who, during tile course of a
four years' war, plundered the South of
everything front bales of cotton to children's
underclothing, from silver plate to obi iron,
front pianos to waslitulai—or of the cou
tractors andoiffiee-holders who plundered and
robbed the Government by wholesale.—
Bleliling!—llis,impossible for a man to be
a flrstoilass "loyalist" without being a thigf
of whom Fagin could learn the rudiments
of rascality.
wiihou shalt not bear Ihise wittie.. , s against,
thy neighbor!"
Fur thirty years Abolitionism 41s,,beyed
this command and slandered, unaligned, and
lied about the tiouthern people. To
day its devotees arc keeping up the vile
work of fainhood and wrong, perverting
each act and word in order that strife may
be perpetuated and hatred intensified.
"Thou shalt not covet !"
Covetousness is and has been the beset
ting sin or the Republican party of the
North—a desire for the power, the goods,
the property enjoyed by and belonging to
the Southern people—a rapacious greed
which by aid of the stnmg hand of might
and lundessness has beggard and imporcr
iated an uneffenaing people!.
Turning to that wmoderous prayer of our
toed and Saviour, what loyalists of the
modern school could repeat its satisfying
and blessed words without having them
rise in accusation against hint before the
throne of (led? We therein pray fur fur
giVenesS, 11 wool unknown in the lexicon of
Republicanism —with them there is no for
giveness, no mercy ! Its armed ittstrmuctits
haved(!Sollitell a I n stils and happy country
with the sword and the torch—they but
carried sorrow and woo to every hearthstone
—where once wore happiness and plenty are
lion ibUtiti the gaunt specters of misery anti
starvation --laws haVelatteg oyerthrown and
freemen plum) under the tnititary Vassalage
of ruffians of the Sheridan, Sickles and
l'ope pattern—wrong, itkiertice, despotism,
prevail in the great Southern -empire, and
still no Words of pity or forgiveness arise
from :cadent or organs of the party of moral
The ten Commandments and the ,Lord's
Prayer! littphlietisista derives its inspira
tion, rather, fri.ot finite's Own Bo o k"
or Jim Lives of Notorious Highwaymen."
Adopting the principles of tree religion
embodied in the Ten Commandsuonts and
the Lord's Prayer the Radical party could
not live a mouth. They are antagonistic to
crime, and crime is the - very .corner4ittmerof
Itepablieeniun (so called.) The devil has
no kin for a prayer boa, neither I _4l Otv
Republican party: arty part in cone of
morality and religion I Hell is the-iiiipgat.
p , tiate mephitic liar bittli the digit and le
_loyal" party of tbs ! ,-.(initag4
Bowe Priatocrueas r*.
.7, .K.-, ice
RosaPe, de.
rr, the Court
to make dte
nAe In trn,.., the othohom
By 11115 Cloud. From the Record.
hone Vtommmt, Clerk.
.„*1 ho smelter Altera named will ottontt to the duties
Of hie ntleniatioutit.itt. lila algae l eleelllamre. no
Mhoodby, July late ISA% at IMerl a. to., tit wawa
lima nod platelet! pruning !max citifies agotoot
NM mango•anisoi reorht them, or be debar/oil 00111
elalittioa a Wino* In the *moo,
I!. It !MOCK WA Y. Auditor,
tll ~,,, 'wn't, Juno 211, foil,
-, • -
Al . 1) HORS N().I.I.CI'L
mt,tes.,,Ntia.t tut Auditor appr•iotcd by L.
Orptiv...l null of make dtatri
ot. amnia Lho ticks. of the th eette,te of the . WO OM ei1W.11,41 I 11114 Maraarrt Ctlwertil
tivccalo.l, wllkhumid to the datiet nr his appoint
moot. on Saturday tho loth day or Auirco.t neat, of
10 o'clock, a. n., at the *Miner( M E. Mahood, Eau..
at hErwich, Pa. ,at which tone Hod place all per,inta
ortetested arc nl hard to Othils.l.
M. M. TRAM, Auditor.
juort% 1187.
FItl; IT, N ;TS, ,Rc
WIDMVER & JAkronir,
MM I / 4 UPAL VIA 1;,,,
Whirlyude 4.1 netail denier t 4 in
rottEiGN rams AND NUTS.
rtelianp. 111 , wk, Itl.onißtmrg.
cmtoN, Flas, 1001.14 &t .
H 1 oe tit burg, Juni. Yj,
IN All) ))I.' THE
The object n( those drotesets is to (abet routs to
bnitlt a ttlaslllfitttiail in (111 eft V Or 111,141 Vdrk, Cala.
Wetllollllfr witft 4h4tvanta of the fraternity, and to
evert an Ary}'lom ror decayed Vllsour ant the indi•
gent and infirm widows of Masons and their orphans.
A Inge WOO hats b=• •.t rtilleet,3l for this purpose. bet
lame in nenette , t. in believed Witt be getser•
owsly and prooty via by the cnantaino punik, a tt,l
iannedidtety interested in the welfare the
iiiittrici•ment taker great pie:tsar.. in wino .nr.
inn film that Ilif-tr Ststh and 1a.4 Gland Muskat En
tettainntent sere tabu 1 I d es at done,. wo o d ,
romowtsciaz at I n'obt.A, it t 4., and
wit ho Immediately followed by OW
tin tutu of t'n'senrs.
Urrir.KorIRKGRAOO MaxrlB or 3140001 g. )
or 100 ST“Tr. Or NIKW rUUK
Arm York, January 10. Ho.
1100. G. W. 1101,a00,
Itty Dear Sir,
" Yourn of tho
rUt in.Ahnt line been received. to real,' I coo only
vtute that ony eh ierprie t whieh iwty 6e h Amoral,' y
andcoo.,cientionAdy conducted. In 1: id of the Alaseo
lc Hall and A4yitim eitiol of the li'toto. of Now y of k,
wilt receive not only lay ittignialiged approbation,
but toy 4,l toil* coperation. That your later, rive
Will h.. conducted with fidelity to your prom:son I
live doubt, jmluiog (mot whic h
you have given. While I s y thin. I deeird 'till to
dealt e you that any cif irt, no to At ler how .nan d
lo n br tern eml sought to be atilieVNl. that lends to
any violation of the laws of the state, should nut
he remitted Let those laws he held in :one. re•
vett, ee hiei•deq will surety follow, and you will re
ceive thitilk4 of thontainds. Thanking yuu for
your kind rionenitiraltre Of the widoWe and orphans
A our emit, t out
'frilly and fratarnalty von ra,
W.DICALT U lit4LHES, Grand Maarar,
hart, t h e IKigfluFt I,t al atattority for
Oat no taW Sfatoot Mery kert a vt , ,hord
teim 11,,t1 ,d of fiihtnftutauta.
I PI,: 1:11t, 12x0141 Ne
v 14.—:•:••nee imlaed in
t 11.14« of Wfoodbfl,44., N. .1
otou bmsr 'a fl.ll , Dp ff3itroa.l
hum N. Y.. and Ilifue r:I mien'
t‘ nik fr o m Ilalln,ad dept 1.
'l'b. • Mai con,inta rlf two huge
etifie . Nufn. Cap
nage 11.. the and of fa ,r ff a build.
; 1.111 1 0 Of Wild 4.1 0 001
/NW of cuthvutien, 00 I nod
gsfolefi; I Meteoll.ftw.osilllfifit•
!Orli ICY With iii , Illy of II lows
fruit. berldo• stmt.:at,: rguit. 1i4.003
.. Neoidelic• at iltuokl) H. N. Y • 12.040
1..4. do du du 4.UUR
Ili .10 do do de 3,1100
•• do deb do 410 %LOW
"PAO° in Uuid. { , tiro
•• :two .6 u.i•kid
pre , nta,iirmd Piano.. t. 1. 5 ,01) ea rh, 3.UOd
"UwUla rilW Onhi
lo•vg.r Width.% V.lO da ti.dsU
" L•.ara• flew 110161
Leer Waorlieo. I7IGI do 5.0011
110 " Moiritloco. 1.1 go :4.4tA0
MOO **kis for utt. of
In‘.thsess. fr , kol tlla
11 .11 it.low it c. 144.
71 do :17,100
ILp. d Tr* firtip. 7.i du :I 730
VVI tmler. Cow Ailk liar *ld do 5.00 d
1100 . 1 I,sihrgin ph
of IVdighingtota •e •
111 lO 41n 111.014
Pao bfilmisic Csol,leme, 5 40 4. 1 4't
..W Quid, raw.. *Moly.
siker. didiiinv. 3 do I.'loo
.'. o o " Wlvri Plated Fruit
Knives es. Coil 11. ils. tl .du lA*
tIUU" INa►lnde(harte. from
original de,spl by
Rob..4coy. :I do 1.090
Mkromie Monitors I:4 Jo 1..740
'1 . 1t , : antattett to COMIOIai of lIIU
l'ltt.tograph Alhathig. Open Witt.t h
Cleditsd. k id Moves. Mostar logs, Lades'
Work Ibne.., 1% filial Caped, 1111101Cfli
meal,., 14'114 the, and rawer Rios., se.,
.wound;,; to
31.1kipy in the Acc regale 9116.6011 rregat.
41.1. d 620,u0u
TICBETw r - $ l.OO Each.
Parties from a iliUtloca mending moony for besot.
W.CUId either hsvu their lattiaa mist nod for semi a
post *Mem °Nur. ,
L Wore Ilia distrilintion takes plaro. n cmn•
uri4outwill bu appointed to rixelvo tirkr•U (ruts
parties liVtuir at it tiidower I,oat 1 , 14!W VOA, who
noleet the 50 Allml.mvelonus containing the orders
for thu Presents for Wow, and butUnll lba .now by
Agents soil others holditor tie Pieta fnr Pale. are
earnestly requested to motto their returns promptly,
and without delay. at the time no wed above. fur t he
last ea Lei toitionent. iti order that t here may he no du•
lay in the thstribtillon.
CEOs 11101.311114 & CO.,
31Arimitrio IffitErVMS,
PrioriPa! Oeke, Ld ll:midway, New York.
M 4 It li ET REPORT.
Wheat per lovhel, $3 50
Rye, i, 1 1U
Curs,l 00
Buckwheat l " • MO
(hits, . 4, 60
Cioverfieed " ' 7 00
Plaxseell, " . 2 50
I) I'd apples" • ~ - .Io: 2 (0
l'otatusm, 4; . .•••••.••• SU
Flour per tarrel,' ' 7 . ' 16 00
Rutter, 1 20
Filo per dozen, 15
Tallow per round 14
Lard 13
Hams . '
" 2;0
, g .•, -
tilmar i zerB, 15
Huy put ton,' 'llt# ''' - ' ' 20 00
Como .:51ommIssioner.
ore L
4 0":, 4 4" - r o ,
‘OOIIIIT lttll 10IONBR, 'object to auld W
o the etooituttlic uouotyltouvoutlon. •Mr. y ag
Iwo* tit it4Prowit thqoocrutie Townobit6 lot
uprl frolttelitt old Democratic muck t Yet
tlepteleeleeis velum,
Lereett Mit —pa,
County Treasurer.
Through the itollitithtinttpt or my Mends I hitye
been twittee‘t to tttrer tnyeeti or ft c4lll4ititat, Pr the
mike or (amity Tromurer, FUNtlit 10 tho dothiion ur
tku Couveotiott.
n °PERT num
Madison Township, June 13, It'n7.—pd,.
OH ,of Mifflin. lons authotizod us to no ,
moues his mote fur !ft, oho. of Votool'etoosurer.
WNWtil h 4 datiolun of iloo nettfoooftio Comity
I "ouveOlion. him tt,
ii1 1 41)1111W 1, AL111311"SO4. of ftreettwood Town.
' . llitt, through the .oltritut ion of hie wally (flood.
he he, been induced to 00 . .7 taito.elf tt. 4 eatoli
tor SIIIOtIVP of Columbia nounly. sohjert to the do.
Eitdon of the ituntoututin Couventrott.
June 10,
Ware nuthorlacit tnllol - 101111CV the name or A. K.
11111 i. of Then WM 'raw 114, p a. a candidate
nit the 4411111 , Of MO Sliernr of o,oll ll olo t r iff i li ty
ton ne. t to the iteci, ion y
veatioa 1.4 Ite held at, at Ati , udny, July
pn.7, Juno
LIM/1W; bad Cu ll ronnithation with ninny Orme
7.3,,ati, friend,. in OM ceitety, t thwe C u hoed tit
nnent my nano , before the Deutorr.o.y nt Ciilllll bib ty the ett SHERIFF, *object to the .1.•.
or the Deoto. tali.; County Convention. nod
meet re..pectr.itly IA of the li-ittaetaW v,kteu of
thin County Owls' hourly support'
Centre Tow nen p.
how 19,
inSt All 11. PITMAN. of Ilhun. has Hutti9rixed us
to n111{4,11141 Hl , ' name, as a cofolidala P.r Imwritr
relcoddaHMS', Subjert to tt s decision of the
County Conveolinit. Jntw 19,
lain ntiLNIFIVER, tit Wrong, ni, Ihe Nolle:lrition
of 1.1. touoy , 141, , 04.111,1e0110en ta, be ft eatli•
date for Sio mil' of Celli tottot 4:nuntY, and if moot arb
rd ft tot etrrird o trercs hintrOf to perform fife ,thljes,
of the Ohre whit the first of f l fr abll t t o , o , no d ru th o
ssaunr thne work thithit/01) find rarnerti y fur the pip ,
res. of the !Wolof:1111W Party in the reining raw
paiKn ; Nlith 1.4,
jOrf th e 01114.10/1 of , Ilw ireltiocritty of
t;ulwnbhieotaty, June 19,
flap: 'mite h•=rtn AU11101 . 17"I lonottoontos that M. W.
1111,1.Aittl, or Ciotti.« township, Colombitt ,
111 to' a catpli.tate for Po! otlit=n I,l' :111;1( VP of
l' , lntobja tot, 01 v. to Itta dceit.i , ,a of the
p 01. g auc 1:t avoit.o . .0
AMU. 1".14 KLINE: of Houton Totenettln, Otrere
r.olf as a ..401i1.111t0 for the OHIO! or of
colmbla rowdy, ,op e t to the &Alston of the
Democracy of the Canary. June tti,
1 1, i LLIAM ArPLEMAN, (4 Benton, has nulhoris•
wl MS SO 401161111(.0 name for the rdit,ft ,;(
BHIEtiI rur rfflutnbil County ; ho !win!: 1) , ;n In•
iltir;ql by Itio ninny foonis wdo are unlions ro r ,
pL•irn in ~nit m~nmu the lose 1)y sUAilitOf whoic ,
undectoinq 811 iinenre , ration In Fort Main. Ile 111
subject ro 1114 1 fled OHM netke iknoleratte Cue vu nllntl.
JI/111 IN, 104.
C are authorized to aonoottee the name of
Afi FRANKLIN L.ADtiNA .of Calawkri
Milt., for tit, (Afire or COUNTY TR GASU ItEtt, rub.
Jert it; the Jecielon of the Convention
Isom :4j, vq,7
F. ate folthffitxed to attoouove the name of JOHN
It. If cyLtot of Mifflin Towo,ffilp,
date tor Ow office or CU t , NT V Ira Itit $llll tit!, at the
edidiadt eIN iod, totbject to the dectiffin or the
craw CoovrAttioo, jdoe ltdi7,
Con y Treasurer.
ilAvixt; *wryer' the Detnoerary ort:ohoultin Creta
n y faithfully for a number of year. , in the eapa.
iity of editor and publisher of the itERWICA, Gazelle,
that Wog I . ololiMuil Srftike to entitled to eonalifera.
timg at lift hands . the patty, I have been Atir , d
Wallow niy mime to go bi fore the people As A atioll•
date for 1.01; STY TREASURES. Should Ibe num.
routed and eli , elett I prroutaii to perform the dutiot
of the office with Ohlelity and to the best of ow alit
Berwick. June
The interest of n.Siohnerin the frdrtnutuhip bits:
netot Vtoloior do Viidin,yrr jrt 11lootoolotri; :raving
!wen 4,3,1 Ly IL rnolnior Juony on Silo Nth
Guy •:•;% Notice is heron, gieeit ttost the
<anl v.rtnor,lino ;ierotor,re rrirtio4 n
Stolitior do iamoyor in lii 10010,11$ u^ iakiott rnod
ri4l l, •Cti()llory io t 3 kont: ',lf P W:11$ .14,4011 . 4.10
Ikl , {ll4lo , ot4t•tit on :nil lan day of Juno 134 - 77. Th.!
of OW Lit, fient rro in Oir horola of F e r ,ll ; rfr
Wi.inioyor for toltlonorit at lii 4rd *Cilia in lira
51,roliAnao Itinek, trloan Litt Int,inor,u ttlil Mn ro o.
kiniathi by Fredertrn Woloioyrr 3c r.:1 , 1 1•4. r •by.
titootorinirtr, limn 13,1440,
ty sun'.
the !:iv Prot stroniti p heortnibto extnting
lulehison no. Anis. In Ike tanning bonino•ol. in now
onioreek„ roomy. on it..•
• ,tll day of Olnreio Isl 7. by mutual rdmomt.
taring nren Inc tort the can prommt them fur ndiu•
lientiON to ioniser Inunibni of th« firm.
turrciziaom Jr. *5ll,
Plairogrret: k. June 3, ISO.
AND tott•=4: ov MLitt I*.
iteleard 4a:of/alien pepnate. Car YOUlefi
eaolie CRINK tie^ nu 11141 E. end th, it.tittOßS
ARTSI' pal lilel.AaLtt which de-trev the slimly
powers. an.l eremite inspetitiaeato to 31.11tRI•1(31.:.
wale pure means of Irtliftr. ti1:111 in ii•ol.411 letter ea
cf..' nr ,Merle. Ailiftem fR. J. 141(11.13N
11001:11 l Is v. !toward Aseeciutiaa. Philadelphia. Pa.
.1 1 .1;7 -1.1.
The uneer n ,, 1 oIse•. novice• In the public Hence•
ally ihnt lin in n prertical left :It Int, and is
teethed 164 on Ann hotter totem the moot
ihresethible irnu•. Ile hu, bwd If) ill/ 1(111X etppcti•
Peal In the !mettle , . rettle flillb TO PUN e•.■ 71.010
*visiting anything tiodu in his lino wool,' .14 well to
give hint n trial,
1110..msburg. Jane 12,
The itniletetoreet having no trharre , 4 and lately ye.
tilted this teell.ltriown Hauge, eirolterl on MAIN tIT,,
aow:dtan ay oPposito Ihe tioupe, req, c tg u ily
hrottita bra (wad. nod the piMie generally, Ina! him
now in order fur the accommodation iusii
entertainment of Irarelega
Ile has *pared no pains in preparing the Exchange
or thy notarial ntnent and [MO 1 rt of hi. moots lUs
Lease it fpucious, and enjoy; a good Waimea's leap
riot rt,.l times between this Ilnuan
awl the ililrerciit Nitro travu'o4
will bu conveyed I n I from the respective Slittiorm
iu due time to meet the vars.
April VD, 1807.
ELI,-Titll to REMI DIES,
ItritBELLSI In OIIONENT, intniNlinto
and ctruon tura i3 lt•.
It 1• nlst, R SUM remedy for ',craw l " on
i. anc•tuded •1 eta
R1'8141:1.1.'9 1'11.1: OINTMENT, curet. afier all fiber
frairdles hgvel Inited, SI I S
There °Sinaloae are pertain. vote, and rel abe.
." c ia c ., a e th , m.atidi hava ma are dolly rorlicybely.
11 , ,,r rale by all Drum/fiats and maakia..l.alora.
u.rral laitput at Ptvciiu . r. 11111.11:11 /lc 110113111 IT.
Wbnlerele Druaglett, 211 Yulton at., (goat Grail.
weal). New York.
ri" Suet by mail; Itch, 40e.: 8. R. 630.; rile
Juno 3 1E37-4 us.
Fnrred in cvner span the desnotimit Ace in front
three to dye weeks hy tieing Ur. earvigne'a Reg
tauretenr Carrittnire. the most wonderful distarery
le modern erienee, meting npon rho Beard and Hair
IR en &boort urtrarfileus manner. It has been used
by the elite of Paris eadl.endoh with the molt flat
tering ' , Recess. Newel of all purchasers will he
registered. and if Praire eartlifnation Is not given In
every instance. tint rgatipy wi4l be chaerktiff rofedeb
ed, Pr.ire se wait. rented and paranoid, I. D ow '
eriptive tifeleitifil and teletimentele wilted tree. Ad.
dreg. lit Reign. 'num' a Cu.. etnauleteh NO.
itrti Raver littera. Trey. N. Y., Sole agent. r o r. lbe
I'ilitee 0411t011. 47, 11167-17.
TirE eQLuMill.4, no' u,sE..
B.R.fruplinjelit i Proprietor.
This lea sew Mind lately ear ri tip Mr the am/now
dation of the traveling PeLdig isPillnite , situated on
Mein Wrest, a few dogrel above the Onset Ileisee, an
abet ta ItaSewn as tiro .Rotttrison properly ,
: It Is
centrally lecetort c town, ain 4st pleitient place
foe excite to *top , to:sides being In that port of tow'
when the prejorily of Ote beelines Is ho,lna dose,
'The premium Reiff caulttltrat that ha is prepared
Willa' 'anent satisfaction to hie unite, turd watsl4
s Kit 44 Nit pernion yf thr public panellise.
ternisious, May Le /Ai.
~ •
lIPOr Sho O H coo - aft 1 10•10_ 1d1,4 Alltildro 4 Mud
PIMPOVOiIe .0;0044 wireslifithogior. f 0
11"011ro, *WWI tho 4 ;004017' Of 041111141 folotOod
I*4 efoooltloot In ocitolloodi With Uof viiiontl sate of
. 4 %**elublY , il thof olloutlon . of lOonootito taw of
laid collulY•110 figkiwo. to Wlt:
Close, license.
Elias Mendenhall, II *l5 00
A liartniall, 13 10 00
A Solleder, II 7 01)
David Stroup, 14 7 00
John K. airtatt, 14 7 00
C C 31arr, 12 12 50
P. 0 Shire, 14 7 00
J .1 Bobbins & Co., 19 12 50
1 J Kvami, 14 7 00
Charles W Sttyder, 14 10 U 0
I latitl Lowenltto7, 11 7 00
lis , .os Barnum 11 7 00
I. N Moyer. 11 7 00 ,
Stelmer t Wilmycr, 14 7 00
!Menton John, II 7 00
A J Sloan, 12 12 50
J it Moyer, 14 7 00
I) A Beckley., 14 7 00
,1 S Shannon, 11 10 00
T, T Sltarpless, 12 12 50
1: 1' Litz, I 1 7 00
A M Baia:it, 11 7 00
I,izzle 1tark1 ,, ,.,
, 14 7 00
M S Williams, 11 7 (.0
J K Eyer, 13 10 00
Mrs M II human, 11 7 00
A I) Web!, II 7 00
.1 W Clotodaalin. I I 7 00
c r,
r t., 0. ,
W Corre I I , 1 1 7 nu
II C & I W (Littman, 11 15 00
NPKelvey, Neal kc ( ',
I , 7 40 fro
\Viu .14:ra.;atrt, 14 7 o , t
S 11 Milli r. Pi 12 Su
11 C Dow r, 14 7 00
N .1 11,111141 Ic,t, 14 7 Ott
.1 K. Klaar, I=l 7 00
.1 .1 iltouer, 13 10 044
I. 1) Mendeolelll, 11 7 00
liirme Petermatt, 14 7 011
II Kleim, 11 7 00
.Joseidt Ilentler,bot, 14 7 no
1) A .1,41,1 y, 14 7 On
Bkoni-I,n,x lion Co., 7 41110
31r- : 4 .1 Iti'oo.lwar4, II 7 0.)
11 If Boudielger, 11 7 it t
Jacob Metz, 11 7 tilt
I ',del) Barton & Co., 11 7 Ito
Lloyd Paxton, 12 12 50
Ihntoont or' 11KnuarK
C It 00E0411, 14 7 00
floll Bertram 14 7 Ito
Bow,m.n & Ja-;tai n t, 11 15 00
.1 13 Itoth, tu, 14 7 0u
1 & II 11 Bower, 12 12 50
31iller & Ilualler4, 14 7 0,,
Mr 4 31 Dunbar, 14 7 rut
A :Millor. I 1 I 5 00
F' '4oeitert
M ~... , 11 7 tH
.1 3 ,;,,m & Woodin, I 1 1.; 01
II C Frear, 11 7 00
$ ' $
iL-torgeG Gaitier,
11 Ever-tt,
Satnitel lleaeock,
.1 .1 )I . llftry,
I V% I
IL Zimmerman,
W ZUnzeubPrger,
Bitun ennEK
1-n:te eryilor,
Stephen .4 iehnel Sz Sun,
I'. 1. Trau , h,
Fron , ,
B. 1:. ()unman, 14 7 +to
1l inch & Shuman, 13 1not)
N. N. Brub,t, 1'.2 12 .*•tt
( i,,w, 4 ,.,• & Snn, II 7 oo
.1. K. Shalt, Tot • & 31).1, 10 2,1 + “
Cro:l , y ,vc. JoLn, PI :291.1
NV, 1:. John. l4 7 of)
S. ij. Rinartl II 7 t
I tilbott Kiilio, 10 4 $
I %oil!) , , t4l & 11:1, 1, 11 7 I )
Jam. 31:•Ninolt, 11 7 `.l
IL 'llloruton, agt. 12 12 .;t.)
C►:NTQ.\LI.t. Ilosor(rt
Knit tie St Gable, 1.1 12 5."3
Ilcitry FiAnn', 14 7 O
A. B. Fortnor, 11 7 OD
\\' w. Torre.r. 6 50 OU
Kerr az Snyder. 11 15 no
3leo,:eithall, WaN.sor& Co., 12 12 59
1. kT. O'Connor, 12 12 50
J. Leon ,t Co. 14 1 00
J. W. Ilowell & CO. 9 25 (10
W. D. 31elliek & Co. 11 7 00
11. Kingmhury, 14 7 00
Martin Monaghan, 12 12 50
John Signaler, 11 7 tut
Shuman & lillartl, 11 15 Ou
L. Fetterman, 14 7 Otl
B. Leehel, 14 7 00
Daniel Wettman, agt 14 7 00
John Moran, 11 7 00
Sirs Wlll alaniefi, 14 7 o,t
E IV 11 & li L Low, 13 10 00
8. S. Fowler .% Bro. 13 10 00
F. Frey 14 7 00
Satanel Doto t iek, 14 7 00
George 11 Preto,7 00
Abraham Deitteriek, 14
14 7 00
11aIllon B alas, 14 7 00
henry Lehman, 14 7 00
Jacob 81xmsler, 13 10 00
d Hicks, 14 7 00
Clinton Menklealiall, 14 i (H)
Wellington Cleaver, 14 7 no
D & AI .Iclleary, 14 700
Joseph C Runyan, 14 7 00
11 M 'lowan, 14 7 00
J N Jones, 13 10 - 00
Solomon limiss, 14 7 00
II Annuermatt, 14 7 00
Levi Zinser, 14 . ~7 00
J E M'llenry, 14 7. 00
Schuyler & Blnck, 11 IA 00
Bo gut & Kramer, 13 it) 00
John Leggott, 13 /0 00
Wm Kresmer, 13. 10 00
0 W Eves ,Cc )3 -/0 00
James M Rote, 14 7 00
D & I%'3lasters, JO 20 OQ
fluunah Henry, 14 • 700
J & W Harris,
14 , 1.00
Charles Neihart, on
AI Ci &1Y 11 Shoemaker ' , . 13 • 10 oo
Locum , .
J tI Vastine & Co 14 700
Washington Yeager, 14 00
Jacob Yeager, )4 , 7 00
Ung & Brother, 13 10 00
Chailos Fetterman, • 7 00
P& P Yocum *4 7 1:3)
Pl, Shuman, 14 ' 700
Campbell 44 Co Ai - ~ too
. mirrus .
I K Sohwepponheiser, 14 '°' lr bo
Crow & Ilrown, It I I Apr Jacob W Poifor,
It J Millanl,l3 'lOOll,
John II Ilvtler, 1A „JO, OO 00
Mrs E A Iloss, 14 - 7
Brown & Coleman, 14 7 00
Paxton & Ilanuan, 8 00
Wm Butler,l4 7 7
1 1 it Margorum,
Jirtdrent V.
10 00
C Kreuter, 13 10 00
Cherington &Son, 1$
it W
A B Stevut,
I) K Moan, J.
Michael Keller,
Alexander !legion,
Wesley Ilowican,
E West,
Peter Ent,
Samuel A Woman,
C 8 Fowler
C S Yowler
B F nand 4 Hro.
.1 4'V Crevelitig
C v (;reveling Sr.,
UW Crew 11` Cu
Win Xt
All petßms who may feel nriii,vetl by ilte
elasAieation van have an of po.tuniT
of IT t ailing apt the bi.derrion.
ol at his ri•Advary : in thetmwood,
at any Claw until Saturday tie Alirieetithr
ilay or July, eighteen hundr,4 and rim
ta!ven. nt whiell lime an appeal will le heiJ
at the Omit flame 1.11.-otteb. , l.
(11.:011tIE W. I TT,
June 7. Ise,7,
N FIV K ['HY N1 1
1, • •
lON kit Y
* 4..sUztiallb!.lllZZloaximarma
DEM.Mrtiv MARK Fri%
pox. Plow letftr of thi4rotabliyhawnt.wooht
reopert folly iol'ot to hie hilt and now, that
it. Itns t taitythithir dittot lip nt hie now slam' to on.
mae hi o to fort Ooh thrift with BREAD, vAties,
AND r:triViltl'it IN KU Kt 0. hotototion.
tr," Nt has made attatogottitottla for the gala of
tsr+•nd, with Vt to. liraeunto, who keeps • Confection.
orY Storo directly opposite
%%Iv pvtonni tiv,llll4.!brcn f inn In? urcOntiOntlnte4
ni nit u1t...,
' nit P`ron3 4 Win hive hoen flurniA •
r 4 sS oh Al , Lag, r neer, and Eurhor. by tho whoio.
0 , , 1041. r hum", will min upon WILLI Alt
4;1 L tl4 K. at Ilk Smuun in
t hives' Block, Main Street,
be#llll ,, tb , /riz,, 14y thi•
Ow *amp,. Ne W ran Manny hays 4 enmity on ham!.
which q II he 40.1 :4 the biivoot markil ramie.
Mr. M. hal in connection with hie Bakery and Can.
kri 041. y , fttt. d up uwins for the .411., nt
11 E CREe%I ,
to all who way favor hint with Ikeir ctoitnen Nn
ol.oi prepari^,l t.r make ice erPallt in Noe gamin.
ho partiva. ontoio or ototira Waite fr Mg/. as Hl*
ty be. Evioythitte portoining to tik hoe rt
fry. Ile r 4 ' , NI and itaigoot attontion.
Ile thottlitat to his chetonfria,tK pitSt
von and 11014 i VAnibill guileits it continuance of the
&WWI. J. jr'. FOX,
Anril 3, tea.
"`: )0D • 110 W LusT,
now nEsTonco.
6 0,
i i t nrr v t w.
otti,hea, i n a led erivi,
fivi. Price ti tent*. A ittittrr 01) tho
;intim.. ireiiiment WA riiiiiiirli cure a
erm , :d IYenkneil.4 or Slictitlinorlineit,
i„,1"," by A u WAtioiie ; Ili viiiiitilary Kiiii,iiicitliri NV
I,,,i i .ii,y iiiiiiv •ii , itiqiiiiiy gill. Imp •iiiiiielit4 In
4.1,,,,,i, g , c,,,. ally ;,toiiiiif,a, I pitt , p,y, amt
hi. ; vio.tiii ;wit Piiiv,oiciti tittlipacity. kr. Ry
J. I:tikeMell, Al. D.. analog , of eat 'Wiwi)
ii.i.iii 4„,.
7 00
7 ,tt
7 0
Th, or i i i renown red (Imhof., in this sils.ririiiAi• LPG
Irmo expri-piorti, that
the 40 , Pit o.3tmitt ,, i,e4 ni t3rll Mtn ac may b.
idly t..titett•ett vt tood M oil it - )o. 41101 wit h•ott fht:.
ytnool, rorvt p.o or* , rat oot,t, bOngb m lost tonient.,
range, pr coslii,4ls. 1". 4 0 11 1.% OW a Ilithle of cite at
Mw , 4 , 11301 tool otforio,tl, by Willett vvory solforot.
no ninth./ *WA t 45 coottititto loss its, limy corn
Liniseit elomply, priratoty itott f 4.44411 y, This hst
iiiri• will prove s Loon to i hos suoils soil thous mil«,
t otlitOr arty tiarPOtt 10 n plain siivi-lopti,
on ?Prof it of .it e.•nU of two 11004 gs tutu.*,
I .04 (tr, vont ttirtt me (bode, Imre 1.5 cent.,
117 Itow I New t bra 45:4 , 4 ,
Fob r. ty
7 (10
7 i
028, HOOP SKIRT& 628.
N E w ~ s I.RING t... , Tyiar,s,
1. " ()eft OWN MAKE "
EllthrStrirtg eVett• Nen , mai destrible /tire. oasis. W 34
2•ltilw ,* Plain and Trail Ilia.p iskirts.--1.11-4 .7 i,1
3 ;I• I, 3 :41 4.:1 I°. 3 3 4. (MI 4 yutits round iv‘ ty
kwi* 1134 mse Waist : in e.,.t I inspect
F 1? 81' QUALITY,
and tt,tat4o.l to nwel the wants of Pint
4144,4 Had Most ftit,l4o44ble
-lint own Alb la 'loop skirt,. are lights%
mar , r ho., m oo datable. laud Really flower thaa
. 4 ay 111.1 Pf 111114 ! Pr PliilPr Nettle Or Davide Spring
eke ! ? fu the Ansot..aus .11arket.lIkty era Warraare4
la ' , very rerwd. and *her. ear Introduced ore amt.
V ,afi.r.t.:tlaa. They are now muse earen•jaely
sold by Neu derv, bad every Lady etsuala sr) Meer,
Ask for
end roe thalassic clicks k Ithouped • %V. T. liseldn't
Sloosrastarer. sob Arch Stmt. Illoborbdiss." No
at 'ars are o.•nocias. A Cotalosoe costs lei si St vis.
Vise and Nose, Prier'. MO to soy a•ldrn.a. A Oaf.
aadirbetel 41eratiet altatee4 to Lt,a l Ir •
A. re by wail or otherwise. promptly 404 C1 , 14011'
Whobaale acid Basil. at llasuinscory and
Kee rower. No Glo •beet. Viiikdolptik.
Simla wade to ordt►. pitrypdaml tomato&
TeAsem. Net Cash limo Fria* Osly
Mardi 20. '0
Light Street, Columbia Co.
MSC Linn I►Lni
wo ol ,' gonoollo. 10 the eitinee• or Light SireLt and
vicinity that eh , : bits opened a
- Millinery & Fancy Store,*
%%bias she has pocked pith a large and new a.rnrt•
wont of Milberg) a n ti Friary Um.,la, (row Or euatiou
ritlee, for the Swims and duniiner trade.
!ter stork sonmixts nr ALL ARTICLES fogad RI
11,1. stags vireo. Iles goods We the brig
and most Itmuliume lu the market.
RUN N c•l's inn de tontder. an.tnt n: tlonn
11 , •ainess MI work erwinnil in the
Girt and mom t.t.ny manner, upon rnia+iinnntn ICralb
1111.11 tit 13 i. lOW TO ilfl.oo 111111 k inf. rha
Fcir 1 . ,% r ov, , tv twitat.anti bt
oh hmit and for %tic ttiww.
rave lieu ei oil—leiore in Wnrdever room,
Iyluly ocrupial by NW Jolt* 64131 fer.
Ayrjl bo. P07:—.14a.
Orangeville, Columbia Co., Pc
Tim slubocriber respectfully itir.flllll
Meads and the public, wet he has triton (Ito
Move ktww.i
1141U61.: 01 , ENTERTAINMENT.
164 Will be pleased to receive the custom of ell who
Willi tarot blot with a WI. Me will Iceell
A G 411) T A LE,
e lbw well Henke., x ith the beat of I.lqueee. end
every effort will bu made to render entire Pall •lec
titan. JOON 1011( UNlt.
Oreagraille March 110,
achaocarally Informs the public gametal'y that ►!
ku owned a first clams
hr lb. Old Arcade BO rover MlWeil Moro.]
11111pouisburit. Where he bite hist rtoolved from Phr
dadplisa. a !ergo etiortmeril of
Dureau•, Stands,
Nll 8811 mune, CAMS IMAM) MIAMI,
Arm Chafe ad WAAlio•faillint. $N If with* Ito tif•
Ws to the ratio at reseovoth he pines.
Q 7" c iiiii se s ta Chown 'Mined 11l order, eieei ill
other in co( regetirlitg Aare opiin moonset* Wool.
Don't Alt to give hint a salt and *mire gm' top
litctiessoketvgi Nov. TAMS.
Mil attend to writinet %Ville Dude, liinrtgage. 141111).
U. MOOS. Ku.“, 411 Alf manner ni
Writing between pulled, prolottly god fanged',
1•11%011. Mq LIM.
On v.
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