AGRICULTURAL. IMEM Tus MANI7R2 or CITIMIL.-.41111 CV of Borden:ix is in a difficulty about its While. Coutractors ec.nplain of the trouble they t:nd in cettinc rid of retry .14),(04) tons a year. The authorities, after having rceeived tom-WT.(6le rinse of mols ). tor the manure of the town. are at present obliged to pay abot.t twenty dollars a get rid of th e were refuse and sweepings of the streets, not including road-sweepings and sewerage. It seems scarcely credible, but it is positive ly tisscried, that the refits* of Bordeaux, is used by the cultivators of Isle and Dordogne, at It distance of filly or sixty milts from Bordeaux, while in the neighborhood of the last named place not, a ton is employed.— The last marmot thinking that the pro prietors of the land would be glad to take advantage of the facilities offered by the Bayonne Railway and the rival roads for procuring manure, hired the ground belong ing to the station of the Southern Railway, and there collected a mountain of refuse.— Nobody would have it, and it is gradually rotting away where is stands. It would natuarly be supposed that the Immure was not worth having, but the contrary is vrove.l by long experience.. The ' , cry same relive is advantageously used in the neighboiliood of Perigord, although the purchasers have to pay the expense of river conveyance, shied) oeuviea fifteen days, and some other expenses. Scientific and practical men are now making mat elfin to to awaken the agri culturalists of tire neighborhood of Bordeaux to the fact that they arc allowing this Foamc of prosperity to lie unheeded at their doors. —Jour. Soc. Ads. Attxcrurs.—We hear so much against the Mut/thins that we are quit, disposed to lake its part. It will grow every whore, is a rapid grower, and is ver:.v eeldan► troubled by bile" We know that it snakes good fuel, and • we connot see why its timber should not be useful for a grtut many purposes. We have had a eonple blocia upon oa►r desk for sometime, the one varnished and the ether plain, and of the the great many who have exatiiiiie,l them. not one has guessed the kind of wood. Its disagreable quality is an unpleasant ~.I.a• when in flower, and its great nakedness in winter renders it less suitable as a windbreak than many others. I►espite all the a!n►.se is hav bad, were we upon a treeless prairie, should plant the Ailatithos, notwitlisstateling it has been condemned by several pomologi cal societies. It is the tree that converts the brick and brownstone streets of New York into beautiful avenues of tropical foliage; it grows among the pavements as if it rather enjoyed a hard life, and it is especially adapted to rocky and sterile soil. AN INVALUABLE IlmtPr. —"A reeeipe worth one thousand dollars. - $o say the fAio Cultivator: Take one pound of sal soda and a half pound of uneltwked lime, put them in a gallon of water and boil twen tt• minutes; let it stand till cool, then draw off and put in a stone jug or jar ; soak your clothes over night, Of until they are wet through, then wring them out, and rub on plenty of soap. and to oae boiler of clothet, well covered over with water, add one tea epoottful of the fluid; boil half an hour briskly, then wash well through one suds and rinse through water, and your clothes will look better than the old way of wash ing twice before boiling. This is an inval uable receipt, and we want every poor tired woman to try it. We think with patent wash-tub to do the little rubbing. the washerwoman might take the old Bible and compose herself on the lounge, and let the washing do itself. REctirt von MAKING Mall. Take one quart of water, to which add two table. moons of tuolieses, trid stir well. non pot in one tablespoon of California "Beer'Seed," and let stand for twenty four hours. Then prow off and sweeten to taste with good white sugar or molasses, nod bottle it, or put it iu a jug or demijohn, adding a tea spoon of good ginger, and well-corking the same. In twenty four hours more it will he ready for use. Renew the water on the seed every twenty-four hours, doutUdy ilte r i ,, w aitg eve r y urek, as the soul Never let the same liquid remain on the seed longer than twenty-four hours. This beer ig vet , ' line, GI/ Prontso.—Stir Graham flow gradually into boiling water with a little salt, and wake about as thick as ha.ty pud ding, or inunh, and free from lumps. Lat with tolerably /ich milk and Fuger, and with the addition of canned perodles or other prenerved fruit. Ir there be any of the pudding left over it may be cut in slices and fried in lard or dripping, and in very good. We have been having the above pudding for breakfast daily for year , , and our "boys" are not willing to do withoe, it. It is good fur the teeth. STRAWBER2Y JELLY. --Express the jui.g . from the fruit through a cloth, strain it clear, weigh and stir to it an equal proper. Lion of the sm: et sugar (Lied and red t,.:ed to powder ; when this is d4.solveri, place the preserving -pan over a let) clear are, and stir the jelly often until it boils, clear it carefully from scum, and boil it quickly from fifteen to twenty-five minutes. This receipt is for a moderate quantity of the preserve ; a very small portion will require much less time. STRAWARRIEC—PIant, if net aheaLly done, even if it be late. Keep the beds clean. If they are mulched. pull up the weeds that force their way through. Put VA A mulch before the fruit ripens, if notal - done. Should there be a dry time, water, if predicable. Those who have fa cilities for irrigation should provide fur thin. TWIN IN linntr.—The Min Arnie, recommends boiling eight or ton pounds of leaf tobacco or stem, for each 50 sheep to be treated fbr ticks. Lambs may be dipal all over it t one e, keeping the eyes and nose out. Heavy sheep can be put in ri tub and the liquid poured over along the back and rubbed in the wool, Shiver nallding, of Mal* Etrect. WM, GILMORE, ',Arms the eltlaans or Bloomsburg and vicinity' te M ban wand a New ItESTAIRANT, 141 1111• 11111441. 11.• enyll..• his 411/1 6144/ 1 4 ml lf,“lt I art .1' or his 1141440111ic5114 , IL 14 111.11 , 141411/H to ..rep Ili* boot LAGER CEEB A NI) ..1 1,.. conatauUy on bond ;ni roger, Pefillpit ills. 11101 0r 4 ,. 1 t: . ftiet. Pon, lieonadea, Raspberry one Lam en rYl'il.ti Mtn always be Ned ei his Restaurant. lu the eating lime he preemie ; rot Cl rAnz ant eurpee•ed iu this place , vla, mated riy.irrr Chins*, Merit n'. Floh, nartn•nied Chicken, l'ice le. Tripe and neer Tousue. am, Am lie 'leo h w a f ru,, article of Cifinrs and Chewing 'Aimee° fer hie cuptotevre UT litve him* c.. 11. tril....m.hurg. June 13. woo. GREAT BAJWAINS AND C(111C1 ion In Prices. The unOetrigned will offer lo the public 41 It EA 'l' lIA ItGA INS u. 1,11 • 'Rd. or cortcbccollamulactaastice l Such ao II HI ()c)i)g. Qtri:E%tlW Alt L. 11 AR OW ,111 F.. Buois and Shoes, Hal", Cops, and Noon,' in every Vnrierr. thlit Lnnnea trotil qtv Met Of hostility, will be coil. naCltd On Pe CriCily CASH SYSTEM and perstne Wishing to purchase anything in our hn.can do toil a very 'moll percentage on Current Wholcbale Prices. All kinds of produce and grata taken In ea, nange lrf" VlCe rottlitlly 'attic Oa pulotte to GIVE US A CALL Sad lOUIfe Of their palming*. MeNINCII to SHUMAN l'ntiwbo, Jinusry E. INti7. LUMBER ! LUMBER ! ! r u....ouswrim M 1 Vtl PAN V, I. would teopectrully Worm the public that they have Mc, PLANING MILL pow in operpotro 'WI) a n nonoriillollt 01 Leol:17 - ..ti,XILAUt-1 2 31. 1 -1 and aro prraill , "d 10 supply all a/Merlon , vhort ramie.. and al Hot lnw.•at prim• far rash. Tat* tu• an; ;.11C141 ut lumber conalsl • of While rim Plank. Boordo. Flooring, suellice hoard', Aiding . , Hemlock Plank, lauded or unpinned. to unit purdta•ees envoi, Stoll. Juice and Etootlit.i of al! rises. The, t Momg and bomber Yard it situated al (b. Itudread Drool. very coin chirpily for phipp fag tuobber kythe cargo. They are rotetatitly turoutattut log lumber of all 1110,1*. perroar who deem lumber of reery 40. Wiplit•si alit do wen In clAutillitt theli stOtit before put t ...arms elsewhere. 'MI arc &ler:Wood and run meetly I.l.ltit 04 to *Mar t•erp as the cheapest. 'Do 460)4 , m? in o•to,m the public owl who o lint to rirehaor loil•stott lidt they have ..p rcia ny peeps rod In cot Wolter , of .14.1..1 .A.l) pile and &ninth required. TllO4. w oohing. to ansid a c.itilVICAOl , ll tat blittalllg, can site matey, by Living, u•N all. The uoderridoed would Oro snot OW , t h at May arr. prepapot to 40 all lood of repairing or Machinery. push BM Threrbtod Waterier. Nome! to, Reopen and all kind. ol :Apiculture, ttopleustote, upon rearms• ale terms. Addrooe. F.C. Ry CR. See,.,o, pt. Va. aft;11111.\ 11100 D : How /034 d, /fine Reiftored. Just Published, a new edition of cr i.v w Celebrated ltssay on the rad • IVA titre Wildicine;ufSugrioatoribtmc teat, 18111 %Vtikne4, 10,011/1111111 dentin al I ,oo ana. Imps* Wiley. ?denial tool Physical Incapacity, luipedinienis to Marriaaii, etc ; aleo Consumption, Epilepsy. end Fits induced by gollAndulgeiica or denial extrava gance. (CT Price. in a sealed envelope. only it rents, The c ilebraied author in ibis admirable essay clearly ocnieneireteli. from a thirty yenta' ancraaa• MI reciter. t the Oar/Melt conmequeureg of self. abuse pony be radically i lied without the daogei• ous use of Internal medicine or the application of the kaik tag all a mode or Core tat 1111 Ct Out. pin. certain, and r Gaunt, by means of which evert sufferer, no author what his condition may to., um) auc hinisolf clonally. privately. end raillrstly. Ty This berture eitoutil be in the halide of every youth unit et .43, Wall in the land. Pena 4adrr . cal. W a 11101,1 onyeOnpe, to any all. drew poglield, on receipt of six Cants, or tau post Add fele I ho poli s hers. I'll AR J.?. K Cr), Dowery. Noe VOl k. root Wilco th a. 4586. Dee. 19. 044. • ____._______ EW GOODS ! NEW GOODS ! ! FOR FALL, and;WIATIER, AT 11. NV ROW M %N' Z i a/. MO.Ce7*4l°W. IN ORANGIIVIZZLE. Tllenaderrigned has pot rocelved w very largo and excellent assortment of PAM, AND WINTER Dooled, which h^ propocs to sell at very low totem Ile hos the best (Wailful of CLOTHS, CASSIMERIIS, MI PLINS, CA L,K;01:e1, UCLA! I'M, MIMINOEI4 CFi ECKS, ie. &c The Grocery Department 14 filled with the boa imiloy of 01.0) proerri , e and PrOvieinne. reel, no ringer, moistest*, flour. snit, fish. ham, bne , ,n, &e. eninit pr." Woe taken in psl , litinge for omit. fur which Ow higneet market wilt 10. yr 11.1(01 to give !aim cell end Invite great l.laani;rnNov. V. IA( 6.-301,. REMEDIAL INSTITUTE. rot SPEOIAL VASES. No. 14 Bond St, New York. kr Puff information. with the hi:4W ustimaninir aton. a Bonk ou d'perial thelases In a sealed earetepe se..t free, te*trreend ernd for tdera, cud yeti sill net regret tt : for no advertieieg phyptetanit are gehercty fm pwohrit, without tritrirret no stranger phould lie trusted. Corlohe a BC/111) for poßtcte; find direct to Wt. IdttiagAtilr,, NO 14 BONO STIOXT, N. 14, 180-Iy.ti. M. P. ItEADItitI RAIL lt0AI) BUMMER ARRANGEMENT 1: 1?57. fa,tIAT 'CR rnon THE. NORTH is - ,F, r tthlitie!phta Mew Pork, Read. brig, Put ,av Ir. aio..3ra Ashland, Lebanon, Allen. Canton, Ertl al4l, I lit. Lancaster, Columbia, Tr. if' *VA Rs r,i.rard for Ilea' 'Pork, as (allows: A l 3 1 0 1 . Fits and p3O A *l . A lta and 0 norm 0000011. Ing with similar 'Praia. orl the Pennsylvania Rail road and alliVin CO os- York at no and 10 to A:4 and 4 40.3 - X and P u. Sleeping Cars it-eautpa , wring the 300 A fl 4.14 tr 00 r rt. Trains %%about #1151411. Lear* Ilarrkhorg for reading. fottrville. Tams. qua, Dittwrsvilts, Asti and, nos Liters, Allentown and Enand , lphis. at a ill a R 1104 0 la and 4 13 r $l, *moping at Lebanon and principal Way stations ; the 4in r 'tubing connection* for Philadelphia and idatubta buly. Eon Pottavil,s, erbuylkill Riven and Annum via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Rail road, leapt` it erriAtt rg at 3 20 r a. R*turningt Leave hew York at 000 A X. 12 M and 3 Wand 1i ro r Phstrorirbri a 1115 kl 4 and 330 r at Way pa s saavr 1 rain leaves Philadelphia at 730 A Mt feta-Moo hunt R-10111114 at 030 t i nv oug at a ll *Wrong ; Pintaviito at n 45, AX. and 0 433 r*; Ash bind OWI and 11 3n AX. and 10,3 r. TAIXUXU4 at 943 A.O, and 100 and b a. st. Leave Pottsville for liartiabirrs via althoylkin and Bv.aidlauttaitlolololllo 00 A at, Iti tiding Acemonintiattott Train Leaves Reading a t gild A Is revaralnit from Philadelphia at 3 Vas lc Columbia hailread patha laava Heading at 700 and 0 13 r 11 for Ephrata. Me l imitimmer, Columbia. Pottstown Areummodation Truitt : Leaves ?Low town at 660 A. X.. fAXXXX#I leaver Pbnadelpbta at 030 v. Poltioithili Hail Road Trains letwa Reading a t 703 A. N,, and 0 13 v. la rot Embus*, I.itia, Imanameg. Columbia, Ire, Uri Sundays s Leave New Vote ate 00 P kt_Phila• dclphia 000 AN, and 313 P the thi A M. MIN running only to Reading ; Pothering 800 AM. ribbon 0 38 A M. and Hama* at I de and 7 110 A It, foe HlMM*Mmit rod 11 46 A IC Mr New York and 443 for PIO hidelphic Connuatadion, thr e , Orenott "(Mad and Mem , awn Tivnista, Wand OM 14 p 010.1111140111414 &gar . clerked tht wee Naiads allowed each Poi rA. hICOWAR General euptitttlibiskitt BROWN & PERKINS. Pianos for the People I would cell Olin mientiott of the potnir and the trade to our elegant hew Scale Pianos. in the felluw• nig styles • IiTYI.I4 A, 7ileterti, Front large round metre. pima case, either oitagua or carved lege. sirs ight bottom. bead suuul.llng on ptsnth....lllso neTY LE B. ?octave. same as etyle A with seri peanut; moulding on plith.earveil lege and lyre.. SOY YLE C, 7 unties, Front earlier, large round eeipentine bottom, mooldinge gaoler ea on style U. carved lyre and desk, Piney carved legs ... 350 STYLE 0, 7 octrivo, Fein law round corners, finished hack, mouldings on flux sod serpentine bottom. carved lyre cud 'less, cle• 'ant carved troll 1.14 140 The above styles ore all finished In eiegnnt rune• wood rages and have the lull iron frame, French action, harp pedal. beveled top, ivory keys sort key fronts and exceed In overstrung hiss, minty alt the 7 Octavo Planua now manufactured. They are wade of the hest materiale.and for finish, dOIII I .I I IIY, purity and *weenies of tom., cannot be rori , aned. We Invite thin attention at the public, or dealers and the profession, In a etitical examination of the merits of our Piano*. by avoiding (Lc ;real etponoes olleadnnt upon coolly t.cturt'l sod eSprtitiyil warerollino In Urr oily, we lire eitea.d rr Mr.( the on Plana ol priced wbkb defy C. , lllprlllloll, and 111%14! Ull to roll soil easitainn thew before parboiling elsewhere. Parties ordering Irons a di• lance ern rely upon rer , iviog their riesitoa promptly, and no coltra.lon can Brio° or tbo styles are mu di.tluc.tly designated by the latorg A BC U. The Nor *titer deorrin^d above, embody all the amaential •hung., Ili i tt. tier tho.b or rase, utak ■re by many wanulacturera iwl up to i. arid UU patterns. GROCCRIRS We would triipectfully call the attention or ('hoir,iero and rio K to g .i.dtool T o other. to our .-otob homy o il oda of t'hurrti *tusk. tio.o and Anthem 'coolie can he obtained vii the allot favorable term' long ,11perimice of air Mr. rE/ 1 / 1 1110 111 MlllllOl l Convention+. l'hoire, the Komi. and Mundy. zii.finol, enable. him to give molt ice and 111( 1 /111111IIMI on all iimot. at Mupipal IMPTI I II MI to the 'election of propel work. of intlr 'onion. Pollution of 101.1•ICA1 •. Wilco' in 1111.161 , 41 .IM/I , P. and lIP 1111 of tow rat ititi teat to 11:11.1111/.11P11 I PI MIMI!, Sheer Mutely furnished on the nounl terms with promptness and dlanntea, Country order 1.0 Kited nod selections made for Molt , tooCtl",, concerts. ace. ace.. /sc. fiuw ready tlic new Sunday &bun' s , ilaing Book, 1 1 . 111 r; 4) I; l' It ()111% E.' T E. ['Kamm,. Author of Sacred Lute, :hominy :'chord gantlet. of tental Glen Book, Psalm King, &c.. ace., are. We will send a specimen rni,y, pO.l ra id, to an, Otitif•43 on ree , lo of tweets setts. The petals of 'Tut (70t.1501 l'a.ngaa• to so tollott • Ste.tir ceele o . In paper cover,' [lv Ow 100 t ILittgle resales,. Hs hoard coyote. 14 the itst "sirs rtiarttne./ noun naiia./., Jnrl suiro.Pice.f. mutt adopted to,' all letteltne , In liar immolatinge or l'aunoo. Onto,. Wl'. ' Haul Told, P Fier n ill, ra, At, &C. Every our ono line Piano 000,1 Ippe a bottle of lltot flood for Ilreutal S. and we um rI%I, porlsrultos and ; dl, dome. Applicoloon. tor *l'ot Mot) and Aseortes ret•eived by IIRuK N & PEN INN. General Agent. 6 0 1 1 110! roiled e11.A1ee..11111,1 Ilmotone Street, N. V. tr 7 AP twiny pereued ass tha motility noel a mitt ale bottle. owl no lkomiliele inooto imp?, *lotto 1.10 b• all 1111•414 . asp. 1,11,1 Is 0101P1C11, (with the mewl u r it Al and . pies, p bailee pall) thr pro' 1167. 0 " 0 0. BR() WA' ft , PE/ili/A . S. 01. h 'L. AtiENTS FQII TOR L'Nt'llif stArge, No. 410llrut.rur tllttpl. N. V, i J. A. A FFI ' MTEDI SUFFIII No :tit:HIE!! When by the use of MI ..1 1 )11VVII.I.Elf ELIXIR ynu tan be cured permaisently, and at a trieldee cost. The rietonirhinit success which ties attended Dim Inemtldblit medicine for Pbystu • sl and AIefVOUS Weaknr I.e. Genets , Debility and Prostration. Lose of tillusrulor Energy Impotency. or any of the rout eceeeiKue of y 'dutiful eudimictiou. Finder. it the most valuable 111 , p4f114011 ever disuovered It *di ',more all 111.16 . 0/.0 nitt.tuens. depression. esrilettemt. uerapacily to stuck or htierimie. loan ..f 111..1150f V. k otll , lFmn, limitable of salf.dextruaton, fears ..f Witold), Sir. It will cc !quire the appetite. musette the health of thmue who have destroyed It by sensual eXCefll or I.vll pr3tilleg. Young men. be humbugged no more by ”Quack Doctors - and Ignorant pract loners. but send %elution t delay for the Elixir. and he at mice re.tortd to health end happiness. A perpsct cora Is guaranteed to every instance. Price 11. or Misr bonier to one eq. rtes. 113. Ow. /With) is 66 1 / 1 4:1Citt W44..4 ar.ute tit. all ordinary at. , s. Also, Dr Juirlrillee fleecier: Pill.. Pa . the *reedy and perulannot cure tut Uouorrhen, Glee,. Drelhial Dirubuiees, Gravel altricture stud ail ntfcchens or the Kidney. , and ~ladder. Cure, affected in from one to nod days. Thee are prepared Item vegetable 'sir:toothed tire h•rmtnss on the 'veleta. add never Milla•VOIO th.•+'rnnrh Of 1:41111P20111t. the breath. No change of diet is uecesealy while u, , iug them, net dun...their Wiwi in any mariner interkirt with hest. nee. purports. Price $l. pet Dux. Luther of the above mentioned articles will be sent to soy address, (lovely scaled, sad post-paid, by mail or natures tun rueript of price. Address all or. tiers to BLIWIEC, rtitlrrs a: t.u.. Cheiuirtm No ea,y Mt. r et.. Tioy. N. V. ; Feb V 7, VT— ly. CIIIS I' E R (' () MA . For Curling the flair of clam Rea Into Wavy and 610.. y Ritocietb nr ite.vy Maasiva Idy uel ng 'hie article Ladies and ttenttemen ran beautiry thouisoltee a tholeend told, it hi tee only article in the world that min eart straight hair, and at the mum time giro it a beautiful plasm appear. aura. The Crisper not curly the hair, but invigorates. IWTltltrfro and Cif 1111$V11 it; it hiallY mud deliathilly perfume!, and is the meet complete article of the Mud etc.r uttered to the Americo! Poll. lie n The crisper Comm Will be seat to any address, bred fro4paid firel. Address all mimeo to W. L. CLARK& CU., Chemists, No. 3 Woe Payette ttyracuse. N, V. Feb 27 117—ly LACkalrallllil& Bloomsburg Railroad. A imitiNNEMINEINE stir 'MO DAILY TRAINS. vs ON AND A vrrß JANUARY 011, 1 , 011, PA A. SLING HR TRAINS 13 ILI, RI, N All rou.ows• LEAvt: BOUTHWARD. A3l AM I' 11, Leave Seranton, 550 7.10 4.40 Kingston. 053 000 0.00 ' , supra ONO 11.17 'Neville. 054 10 )0 Arr al No:tribal:At:omnd 10.70 0,33 LEAVE NORTHWARD. AM PM Leave N rut build*, lam ii, 7.00 5.21 Danville, 7:40 000 Rupert. n 13 0 M 0.33 Kingston, 1050 4:50 9 05 Arrive at Scranton, 1300 4.110 10 IS Trams leaving Kinoon at 530 A: M kir Scranton connect with Train arriving al NewYnrlk al SAO l'arlenger• taking Train South from Scranton at 3 30 A N via ii r iAthuieborland,rvath Harrisboorg iti au 0 pc Puitimere S ao 0 11., Wisehluptfon IC UOl N 116 Ru pert roach Philadelphia at 7 tit/ P M. 11. A. FONDA, Pupa. w. BOWMAN Kingston, Jan. 301907. ,t rowEws EMBROCATION, FOR ALL DINEAVIA INCIDENT TO BOR*VA. HUMAN FLESH, tifitkuiting the use of an external upplieation. This new Compound, prepered by a practical Chemist, hall** ri run knowledge of alt the tfitiliCK4 Vittiltif of each ingredient Mal entered° its tempo. anion, to warranted to weed anything or the kind ever yet offered to the public as au external appli cation for the dleesses for whieh it is reconiuterided, We ate gatiatied that it will work ltsown road into the confldence of ell who use it, and those who try it once will never he without it, and therefore we rely on experience e► the liest test of its usefulness. it is pronounced by UP4I3IIIMLIMMIX3.9II:3 and ell wise have tried it, to be the best application ever used. This embrocation has been pm up for (MU eisht veers, rod it Wanly 'lmmo the romaaina Amend and urgent request or my Mende end the public that I rend it forth as the 11/110d remedial agent for the various diseases to %%WM that noble end useful animal, the horse is enhiert. Many remedies hive been offered to the public ender different forme. some of thews are luJitrions, others at best of little use. and many wholly Im• proper to answer the purposes for witiels.they aro recommended. A Judicious and really morel cempo 'Mon. free objections, those nections. hum hm cnfore lona been de. sired by runny gentlemen echo Wee V A LUA ISLE 11110111404, and are unwilling to treat Omuta the can of design ing end pretended Yerriers. Their iilsbne ere -al hounth fully retitled. by (Or. Unie) bring prevailed epee to allow thls vslunido Eielarocatinn (which hen pinned 60 nee , tinla to the various diseases) to be prepared end 401101 nut to the public Tide Kuibroeation was eateneively used by the Government during the wint- Address all order to UR, nDMONO REA 11.11. UU numb Second itt, rhiladelphia, Va. March*, `67—limo. N OTICE TO CREDITORS. MI rlcrrana iinwrop thamonlven Indobtad to lir 41 , 4144 natl. aro reriarearal rn malts payaseni allui arlaa J. C, 111.117E1t th,ll aloyasolaili rd. D. Nig 420 BI 00Mt SI , N, T. PICSIC DEPARTMENT, Oh • el.n naslwautihil and r Wtth btar,y rye., nuw raoiant hmr. Whore coding rnA, ent wiled Eurtritied the very hers 404 katud• CRISPED. COMA. CATTLII, AND in. N'W COAL vitt). The umtereignod rnewittfully inform, the Oilmen,. of tiloontahurn Nil Cutuothle county, that they keep all the diffiirent newborn of many', n i mi lump root for *nothing purpor, Wolf trawl, Joining Mc IVY, blest On'e Num*. ; with a gouj pair linftnio *cider' on the whartto weigh toel,hay and strew Like wite a here* and *aeon, to dei I ver coal to tinge ohe desire It. As we porehcie a Wage motion of eclat, we In to keep a imperior et I Rod sell Ni the very low eel prkee. rim and e.113111i nr fur yourselves before purrhrong oti.ewhoro. J. W, AVOtIATUM kIAION. f r ifE unocro,ned will lake, In partiange far Coal and Orn.erira, the (allotting named •rticle• : Wheat, itye,Cnrn, Oat.. Potiitnea, Lard, Vain, Shoal der, arid aide meat, thitter, Ear., (lay. kr., at the 100watt:tab price., at hi• erucrry titore, adjoining their coal bard. J. W . 111:Nlik;IISHOT ittvoluslautg, April 2.11.1tha1,-11, NATIONAL IPOUNDIt Y. 81,0011813U110, CO ',UMBIA Co., PA. IIC subscriber, proprictot I of tho above mini.d et• midge eitahlkhonigst.ll now +eprrcd to rewire orders All Kinds of Machinery, for roll , •rlea, Mast Furnamo, atiiianary Zttgines. hi TIIP6tiIIINU M ACIIIIV CS, Ike.. data. H.' t. prvpare,l to wake Moves, all glum and patt,rus, plon•trons, utd eaaryilling usually made In niet•elass Voundrles. Ills ezionsive radhliee arid practical workmen, war taut 111.11 iu recriving the impel euntrarte •n 3 the mlst re.sHninthle terms. U Urain Mall kinds will be taken in esebanse (or csgtinit.• UP Fbia e.tallti.hut•nt is 10ea.ed near the Larkan'a• na 4 BIOUID/Illllg Rstlimsd Repot. 1311.1.31YE1R. Ifleornaburg,: 4 1t483. A. J. EVAN S' CLOTHING EMPORIUM, A w l s/ opposite the EpiAeopal chuldt CLOTHING OF ALL DESCitiPrIONS. lIIV stork is compact! of line clothing. tutPflom and low pi Rua —ndaotcd to all cnothiinnr. taster and Wants, He has the latest styles for Ow (mason —8 Abu asllollslll . lo of overcoats and Gel/HMCO'S bhaw.s, from low to the Tory best Ills Goods we tuativo•Air end well 311.1 r. to ad.littont torn sinct of tea ty•madetimos. I baton pivot. goody ha column orders. $0 20 Vtomi SJ :LS ..141.0u Cloths, C:toisisnerem, &r., & c. Apelltatifig on. of the flut rh,,, I' ,1111./ I. I ',vim 1 . 1. a fig In r /Aiwa slid gis, a vagawly 11 . 00 LEN AND LINEN Shift rs, .torkstirs, Weldor*. Collar*. 1410elis. 114ndkerchief. ~....we e ) o omog 1 11 Its.. ogroolloliten'r 1111 a or dothisig. Also. llose. 11.,a* out ObUI.O. Tstosik• antrearrel bus. I wttl .11 At thr lower** llleielorl parrs rills** ewe 000 r a rall 6rf ar souerloaellig el oorwloreor. Astfrar.w J. EliANti. lllo , roooome, S r *. 1:i. 11413, STI F o S AN I / 'l' 1NW.11(1.',. A. M. RUP RT, Aonotoncoo tolo onooy Include Slid n. 1.1 10,0 114 nil• totocto that tie routiottoo Itln at.ovt, 'owner. , nil his old 'dace ul oo MAIN rail EC . BLOUMS -111:Itti. 111 cu , tom e r . mi d e.licre can be acemamod ated 0 . WI FANCY STOVES of all kilye, epipts.Tine. art. and Lt. r!. article found in art 001 regfetnird srovk A NIP TINWAIII: I:PTAMISIiM6gIiTS in the citica. and gm Om loon lei•011nble lei ins. r;rocriNi:, for hnowa and h.rna, will he put on mr eloirt untice. /M.o. Ali kind' of repairing done promptly and upon likens' ternia. Ile sive. 044 on band a larze vnpoly of M ilk Pan q. or dilfer-nt • and pricey ; n n , as• puitineni of fishery Patent Self•flonling Fruit Pit.• ePrviiie Cans Give him a WI. Jul, In, 1066.—tf. sUPERB HOLIDAY PRESENTs ! Watches 1 . Watches U etches DE TREY &CO.. I.nrilera and %Thalami, Dealer& 1 n Gold and Slicer Watches of albleacriptions, :4 Liberty Strut. Y, Sot to inform the public that they have loot re totem, the moot elegant. perfect. and accurate Watch eve, introditeed to tMe markrt. The CXCEIstIOR. a heautrtul, owe rims Jeweler& heavily iri Carat Onlll Plated on sthef, umhlntflrrntly engraved, bur— ly and trebly Enameled Hunting CO.P.. Irev• et, genuine linottealtennet Stands. thoroughly rids Need by the onsorvatory, and lb arrantod to be the ffie Plus Ultra Time Keeper. A superb nod most re• Ruble Wattb, t'ent's or Lady's star. will be sent fine le any 1114d111elt on fre.ipt of VS ti p o 4 r red, will be oval. o. dr. on receipt of IP as 1 art papaw:it, The watch will hr sent fry Romeo. or 'Mal. so shot there is almotrt a certainty of warning their tleittorrotott but should the Express Cu. or Pun rttfire in their salty, we will send nttothet watch t monodist el V Orders far (my kind Of irtlehil promptly and fit a• Liberal Terms ti; the Thar. ACEN t*S.— We want Alms in every town purl county to country, and to those acting ad Curb Ilboral induitelnents n ill be effercd. nand tummy uy Espr,as, (Fast Other Order nr thafte,) I)} Tit CY k CO_. 34 Liberty Ottani. N. Y. Oct el, V7t46.—tint. J. A. DENTISTR Y. IL C. II 0 W II E, SURGEON DENTIST. Iq osr , r• lois prePse , 4 , ' : ' Zonal 110001011 to the Irdies and gentle • 44 4 . 6 a prepared to mend to all the v iltiMllo filmsetter*, in the line of his prorevinon endie provided with the Wed improved PORCEL.II.I4 %'J AlTlt:whit* wdi ho inserted ea gold.plattnacitiver and rubber br 4 10 10114,W1'11 as the natio& teeth Miler', plate aud bloth tool' manufactured or , all 01Prvtions en wrth.rareloily and property intruded to. Re*ldenee and *Me a few doors above the Court 111 wit, NllOlO tide. 111,o,lighur1, June 4.11 1 63 ORTIIELN :NTIL 01111ECT ROUTE NORTH AND SOUTH 17 ,,, 0 „„ h lietwccrt Botainore and Radiate ? , Without Change of Cam, ON sari after April MO, Trains will run as; TRAINS NORTHWARD. 603 A. N. leave Northairiberlantl. stepping st prin. viral etatinnt, setavinp at teitisturruit, I 40 s. tel„ ElllllOl 12 on noon, Canandaigua 3 13 r. tt., Raflti• ter 4 40 r. *, UulTirla 9 13 r. r 4„ Niagara Falls 900 r. 4 13 r. rs leave Narthilolliarland, starring at an *tartans. arriving at Willianispoit, 0 43 r. .n, uairallo3r at TRAINS SOETTIWARD, it 03 a. N., leave Norilltinibrrlaildl. Magri at principal stations , arriving at Herrlsburgn ' a, I, 01/11.111.10fe 12 :12 P X Philsdelphis 1 00 P. N. 10 16 a. N. leave hinriliumturrlend. *tipping at all stariona, arriving at Harrisburg. at t IS P. rr., Gni. Hamra It 01.1 r. M., Chtindsiphia 3 40 P. N. 10 P. rt, Issue Nor ilinuitier"and. stopping nt ail Mations, arriving at Harrisburg It 30 P. N., PhUadel• phis 1 00 a. N.. U 11111171.401 7 CO a. M. 11 30 P. N. leave Northumberland, *lopping at painripul Madan', arriving at Harrisburg 4 40 a H. 0114. N., delpbie 7 00a. N. J. N. POMMY, G, It, YOUNG, Gen'l Sup% Harrisburg, Pa. len'l Pace, Agent, Galtimore, and IPAAC 31.1111241EUMGR1101114, Gen'l Western Praighl Agoat, Hunalo, N. Y Nay. 11. 100. EMPIRE SIWTI'LE SEWING IQUA3COML/2107Ual Are superior to all others for FAMILY AND MANUFACTURING PURPOIRSI. Centsln all the latest Improvements 7 are speedy noiseless ; durable ; and wisp to work. Illustrated (Amulets free. Agents seamed. Llh• area dissoubl allowed. No consignments made. Address RIIIPIRG 8. 11, CO,, WV Broadway, New Yuck. FWlnember 3, Co. 100,000 SHINGLES & A LARGE LOT OF ' , ECM; BOARDS FOR WC The mederrileed Oen. for vela %Pe* She moo reelonehle term,. NI Ms place of beelorem In DENTON, CuLuaspm COUNTY, one hundred thou. g iind "mace. pew lt lime lot of abodes boards, of the very beet mainly, both paue and hemlock. J. J. idelinNll Y. Benton, Noy 9, lies. DR. W. H. BRADLEY, (14to Assinantledical Dlreetor Arnsy,) rhyuklaso and Murgeou. Cr Mk* at Um Rods Ham. Illaesabui. y . bile prompny *tondo, Iv twill night and day. SloanNburd, Nei 41, Stahl, GREAT IMPROVEMENT IN 5E,11111 7 0 MAUI INES. Etta!tire. Shuttle Machine N A LESROOMA. 536 1400614,, !SO %Va.hington et c•-t. tio%ton. Che.nat threet. Philadelphia. PATCNTED VEIL 14, HOG. TIIIS MACIIINK I. cnnetructed on new principle% or inechaniain, ring inahy rare and valUAle ei•inotite. ha% inir been etarnined by the itioht prufuwrd !Will, and pronounced to ba Simpricity add Perfection Combined. It one a Inn l lo , needle. perpendicular wino, liplike@ the LQUIC or NIIITTLIS oTITeII. si Writ will neither RIP aor RAVEL, and is ■like on both sides ; performs perfect seising on every description of materisd. from Leather to .he finest Nansook muslin, with (mural, linen, or silk thread, from the coarsest to the flocs( 'mother. Having neither CAM or 00(1 WORM., and the least possible friction, It rune as smooth us slats. and is Emplattiattly a Noise/ea Machine. It requires PIPTY 'PER er.NT. lees power to drive it than any other machine in the market. A girl twelve yenta of sae ran work it etcadjly • without fatigue or injury to health. Its Atrength and wonderful Riinplicity ofConatrue. thin renders it almost impossible to get out of order, and MUIIARAATiiI li by the company to give en• tire eatisfac VPlkpriellrlaly Irlvila 611111n6, a•hn 111,y d„jr, to rupply lineddiriaao nil'. .rtbf ir, to crane and 4qamine M r, • Pile halt hour's humructino t 0 sollfirgent to pn,b4. soy pergola to work Uwe machine to their entire 001. Armin wanted for eI towns in the Ilnitort States. wh••ronefirn•sarr nnl already 0/1/41/ Ai/a, foe ruins. 31..500. Ventral bird Mouth Americo. to show a Itb^tat discount will be 'soya. EMPIRE oIIOVINO MACIII(Ng MINI CO., G ROI' ESTEEN & CO. Piano-Porte Pdanufacturent 499 Broadway, New York. llt E ATTENTION of the public sad the Iced. is I••vited term IV L;ttl sun ithVEN OCTAVE. RostAro,,ti PIANO roures. twhirb for voluil.p slid verity of tone are unrivalled by any Willem , of• fared in !hi* searbet. They ?obtain all Ns modern dalprove meats. rreach grand action. harp toed al. r o frame, over•lMUlld bays. etc and filth itieirument twin; Made iin.ler the per•enal supervision of Mr. 11. H. Gaon:prime. who bass pearl nal esperience over thirty years Its their makultseture, is fully war. ranted in every pa . let. Vili.: • asorE:erEnv PI.I.4IITORTE" IliretlVlLY TSUI IIIiUMRST LW /AD D► MERIT AT THE CE W.R.D'IF►IR Where were exhibited suatrusamula from the hem makers or I /Holm Paris. Germany. Philadelphia. Ashmore. Heaton sod Mew York aid also at the Amr•rirda luotititi.rot hv o NUCTIIIBIVe years, lba elt to Ntro•ta (rum bulb of which eau be seen at our wurc•ruuuu. By the introduction of improvements we ntakr a still more perfect Pia un.forte, an.l by InunufArtotio: tersely. w ith a stiictly ca•h system, are enabled to utter the-a iustrumeuts at a price which will preclude all competition. On lintel , are from $lOO to 112‘10 cheaper than any first cla•e piano f o rte, 11:11$18.—Net Cash m curmnt frauds. torn/naive circulars sent fret: July 11, 1#03.-Iy.-11. .4. P. 'Nieto Stock of Clothing.§l3l ELIIII7LIII Spring and Summer Goods. Mk= 36 ( 11WW3311:10. i N ic V .b l i Targ o t l iate s a ii t t o h li o ie s e i t o oc r.. k n o: cheap and revh• svarr, BLoomsnuvo. two doors above the anstrirass /hasp, where he has jaw received Crow New Yea mood Philadelphia a Nil aveortineet of Mk t% send Clothing, includi, 4 In.. mom 1.• mint; a hie. eutrable and band %owe. DH VHS 600116. rousiviing or flux, Suck, Frock, Gum and Oil Clod. Coats, and Pants, of all and colors. Ile also lase role*. bird his already large stock of Fall and Wielder pp a wie; chi plain Vesta, shirts, crat etc otockii. coliors. handkerchiefs, gloves. sus -11/.IIIIC/11 141114 fancy laud..., N. IL-Ale 1141% etill.t.lllll% nn hand a large and well evieeted annuruurat of v esting ., which hr IP p; ;mated to wake sip In nrd , •r. into any Iliad of clothing on very abort notice and in the beet of ■er. All Is wade to wear and roost of it is of bOSIIC 11111311reau re. c.Zkcr.>ll(Ll e'3KlP'enacwllaciofic A N I) V' %3F - Z'' r 3.0 1111 r • Of every Deerription. Fine and Cheep. Disease of Jewslrs le lint vnrsaysed in this place. sad cs• mum his seueral ei•snrtment of Clothing. Watches. JCWCif 7. &c. kc. DAVID LOWENSURG. Bloomsburg. April 20,11341. A STROLOGY. TUE WORLD AS TONISHED AT THE Wonderful Revelations Made by the Great Astrolo• eat. MADAME 11. A. PERRI4u. She reveals se elms no to octal ever knew. sine re/terra to happi• nes. those who from (10:cful events. catastrophes. crow, in love. 1,411 Of relation, and friends, !IMO of motley. Le., have become despondent. She brings together those long separated, gives Information con. terming absent frictiol• or i0V( . 111, restores lost 0 , stolen property. tells you the business you are best qualified to pursue and in what you will be most sue• cessfir, causes speedy marriages and 1(.114 sou the vet y day you will marry. alirur you the nano., like• news and characteristic(' of tho person. She reads your very thoughts. and by her almost sap.rnstural posters unveil:. tile dark and hid.ten mysteries of the foture. From the stars we see in the firer:intent— the malefic 'lets that overcome or predominate in Gm configuration—from the turrets and positions of the planets and the fired stars in ttie heavens at !helium of birth, she deduces the future destiny of man. Pail not to commit the great' et /teleologist on earth. It coals you but a trifle. and you may never again have en favorable an opportunity. Consultation fee with lik and all desired Information. $l. ratites living al a distance eau consult 'he Madame by mail with equal safety end satisfaction to themselves as if Is person. A full and explicit chart. Written out, With all topiaries' answered and likeness enclosed, sent by moil on rec. rot of pri.w above mentioned.— The strictest PVC irq • 111 be maintained and tor. respondence returned or destroyed. References of the highest order furnished those desiring Orem.— Write plainly the day of the month and year la wpm, you were burn, enriorin, a small of hair Addrege. M.IIIAMI. 11. A. PERRIGIi, Feb 27 '67-17 0. Drawer ft 93, Bunt°, IC Y. REPARATOR Throw away Noe blues roue sivltehes, your wig; Deet►ucuce of comfort, and not North ■ dg , Come qed, cone youthful, come ugly and fair. Aid rejoice in your own iu 2 uriant hd►. REPAIR ATOIC CAPILLI. For restating bah upon bold heads (from whatever rause it may have fallen out) sod forting a growth of hair upon the face, it hate no equal. It will force the beard to grow upon the •111 ~,,, timid face In from eve to eight weeks, or hilt upon bald heads In from two to three mottle. A few ignorant practitioner/1 hay. asserted that there le nothing that will force or hest en the growth of (he hair or heard. 'their assertion* are false, is ihoomenas of living witnemma (from their experience) can boar es litres. But many rill say, how are we to distinguish the genuine limn the spurious 1 It certainly a difficult. as hi ne.tentha tf the different Preparottion advertised for the hair end Beare are entirely worthless, and you may have al. ready thrown away large amounts to than purchase. Yogurt' we would say. try the Reporstor Capilli it will cosi you nothing anlen il fully roma up to on, representations. I( your Druggists dune not keep it. send us one dollar and we will forward it, postpad. together with a receipt tor the moue), which wilt be returned you on eppllcatlon, provldieg entire esti*. fattier' is not stmt. Address, W. L. CLARK & CO. Chemists. No :1 West Fayette mu,, Syracuse, N. Y. Feb 97 '67—ly Wis. c. Nirsour. Established 1828. G. W. CARPENTER, HENSZE 1 & CO, WHOLESALE PRINGIS7'F. 737 M T 87. ono door below fhb, PriIAINIIMILIAI eliFltiflCA LP. rAlprns, on,. °ldiom, V ARPIIIPHLS, oval. And aver, ' , tiler an fir appertaining to the bustrisio. of the host boaliiy, tba invirst MaiYrl tales. Mar, Jana, FOUTZ'S 11011 and Cattle Powders. =1 In all dleeues of the Lunge, Liver, that article acts u a opecide By putting Iron: onr.half u parr , to a paper In a barrel of twill the above dl will be emileated or entirely prevented. • preventive and cure for the Price 25 Cents por Paper, orb Papers for $l. PRZ?AIW HY • S. A., FOUTZ JAL URO., waoitima DECK AND MEDICINE DEPOT. No. 118 Franklin Bt., Baltimore, Md. For File by Prugglitz and %Wet:keeper' tluvugh• out the ['Lilted etatel. QT rot Ilia at the Ilius Pio!, of EYBR 11101'ER, Bloointbuts Bloomnburg. Jaw 6.180.-14 mo. 336 Broadway. N. Y. DR. W. H. WHI'I'MOR, rI AS been In anccessful practice for a numbllrMi ii years , with the experience of the itiffereut hats ppitel.ln Lump... also a member of the Anal,.leml Medical Institute of New Yt rk, moll tam, to 40444 to all professional casts at his office Nu. hid rinsed Nireet, rhiladelphiN. 5, No patent Medicines are used or ref/milometer!. the remedies/ admiaislered are UM* , whi4 h nth oaf break rows the co:semolina. bat removed, the .yo etein from all injuries it ha+ enflamed from mineral medirtnes. and leave the system in a bez o illiy mud perfectly cured condition. 3. DVSPEPdth. that dtst.eestur dwelt* and fell destroyer of health mnd 111phi:fess. audermioing the ran mutt in Led e4trVIOW thousands to un- Wiwi? graves. con moot onip/icic.o:y he cured, 4. Melancholy. Aldierratmn. that *tote of lion and weakness of the mind which renders per. incapable of enjoy itt !AA feeaUtre or perform, iug the duties or life, li711:i;14.111.0?,/e say form er canditiots,rhron is or genie. warranted et ratio. UP11.61.8V, nr failing rickners. all chronic or stublpini tarns of t adt t atte removed itn't Rte nrn and every deserts. lion of ulcerations riles nod atn.luluas d iste ," which have battled all previtmo niedleal 'kill. can be time d by my fII.IIIIIIOIII ; and I do say all disc:mei.. {cat CoNtrurno. , rim be cured by wearing my Medi. 'rated Jaeket, which rs n protection to the lungs ngallist all changes of weather in all tUmat.•at hay log tneciitiented for yenr• the cause and character 0 .interasilleets (fever and 1141.10) in all p,,rts nt the ustt s g Awes—will cure pennant 'illy all chronic or acute cares of ague and nervous pieeatts la a kw day.. Clam Cured Without the knire or Drawing Tape lVorin, that dread to the Homan Family fc,r yprirs. run t,r yo.MOVeti Voilh Ns• Or tirri.e dor, sof my newly Metes pied remedy, +monied in all rappp, ronsaltation In :h• kngliah asid to Language. free or chew. Will inner viola may datum.% ~ y h ., n dd r ,.." by letter( coottitentratir.) and tledielne •ent %flit proper il l: c l ime In ooy part of the tonal re 01.' VICE —Yu, See 1%16e/ISt Phila. April I. !MI .-Iy. OMNIBUS LINE. 'rile udderbigned would respectfully 4,innlnre i o th. , ritucnr of 0104)ilsobilrg, YD.! the PUblir OAP entity. thm I.• to running en Irtt‘1111:0 LIXIL lw ,' , l Ole Nee nod the di ..'""T . Ne. :474W three! Rail H0:11/ 01.11.bir tiel• J , , ly. (Oundays e5t...0:411 to ottoman with th. , orveral TraLu tp,ine Pout al% ant on the Calnwtoest and tVilltaniewnt hull Road, and rind (hove eine Nuilli and South on the Lath. k Illutonaburn Road. 0M5111176.-E8 enr in coed enndition, eouttuo dirtho and cornrorlohl4 , and chow', renAnoaldo. L'7 rertion• 1., meet or met. their rfl , •11118 depart, eau he ACColligiloitafed. upon clmp* by keying tlu, ly oqttee at soy of the Ho. tads. Iliviinrbarp, April 07. 1864 EXCELSIOR 1 EXCELSIOR 1 C II A 8 T 1.1 LLA lIAIR EXTRRIIINATuiPop asmovixo st; r EILAKIUd HAIR ti To the lathes espeCially. Ibis Invaluable &primary fetOMlnenoill Iladf MI being an almost indlspensible article In female beauty. is sanity applied. doem not burn or injure the skin, but act• d'ret tly on the roots Il In warranted to remove superfluone heir from tow fur& hest's, or from any put of the body, com pletely. totally and radical lf estfrpsties th e m im e , the skin sort. smooth and natural. This Is the truly real aftlrle by the French, sad II the only 1.4.1 effectual th•palatery is esieteure. Price 76 east per package sent pnot•peid, to any address, on receipt or as order, by WAGER. 111111111 k CO., Feb. in, Clfrnarsla, Yea Meer NS Troy, N. V. EVERY With the (I:mum nos and the printing materiel se. complain( it.every mantas do hie own printing early. Chtiaria cboapty. They Me rntimpleinetiistruteloii that a Lay It y. are OW can easily manage the turret site. NI in., rti.1,043 are sent with meth office,. uallirig the putt hoer top' atwork with• our e proirtotia knowledge of OWN v,,s,su g . A 'Ruler contain• one full description, prices. ae r Witt frt. all. Our Specimen Shecia PRINTER. 02,'ImiluPilt - .17, ten"' 26 Ann Street, WWI a. fy. NON gOlik. NVW NARJ/ZR SNOP. the undersigned rerper,fully announces that he has refinted a shop, in Conti House alley, apposite the IWO. where Its is prepired to con. deer the berberier In all Its branch es, The si t of coloring whiskers and moustaches It practiced by him 'noel 01111411 y. He oleo ovine clothing, making them look ttearlv as inedas new, the most reasonable terms. Hive Nun a trial Cl' Heir Tonle untie very best quality, used fur cleaning hair, kept constantly on bead, and for pop 6.llatiLLlNt4. Bloomsburg, April 13,18d111.-11% BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA CO., LA. Mire In the Eltheingr Building. rrrond .tOrY , e , 41011110 f t Co's. Ultlte Seeollti door atllAtl the I:z• change !kid. Bloom Awn, Aprll 17. 1807. M. MATRAUGH ) %TTOR NET-AT-LA W, BLOOMSBUI?G, 117. %VIII mortice In the several Coutta of Columbia end adjoinlne cannily*. All Collections promptlyettended to. June 90,1866. 11110. W. CAILTSICTiII. DR. J. R. EVANS, Physician and Surgeon, HAVING located permanently on Main Street, BLOOMSBURG, Pa., would in loan the rattle generally, that h. to preptart4l 11 attend to all hiatus, faithfully and runctuaity that inay he Intrusted to his care, an terms annuity nil, ran With the DT pay. strict attention to 'thcety at well ne, 1'i0r.23, I ih3. - CIA SSSSSSS AT THEIR FEMALE DISEASES Blood. JACOB L. (ARTON, CHAS. G. BARKLEY, Attorney at Law, Scroibla, or King's 1- n constitutional disoase, a o•rrriiption blood, by which this fluid becomes +I. weak, end Tsoor. Bell in the pervudis the whole body, and ;any bum in disviise on any part td it. No organ from its attacks, nor is there one which it not destroy. The scrofulous talut is r caused by mercurial disease, low lisini, ordered or unhealthy food, impure air, and filthy habits, the deproeing vtcu above all, by the venereal infection. \ ever be its origin, it is hereditary in the • etitution, deseending front patents to cid). unto the third and fourth generation:" its. it seems to be the rod of Him who says, will visit the iniquities of the babess up their children." Its effects commence by deposition from t• blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, i the lungs, liver, and internal organs, is term tubercles; in the glands, swellings; and 0 the surface, eruptions or sores. This foul or ruption, which genders in the blood, • • • the energies of life, so that buotuluus emistitu tions not only suffer front scrofulous com• plaints, but they bare far less power to with. stand the attacks of other diseases; contr• quently, vast numbers perish by disorder.; which, although not scrofulous in their natura, are still rendered fatal by this taint in tiro system. Most of the consumption which dc.- eimates the human family has its origin directly in this terollilous contamination ; and many destructive diseases of the liver, kiduoys, brain, und, indeed, of ell the organs, arise from cr are aggravated by the same cause. One quarter of all our people are scrofulous; their persons aro invaded by this lurking in fection, and their health is undermined by it. To cleanse it from the system we must renovate the blood by an alterative medicine, and in vigorate it by healthy food and exercise. Such a medi cine we supply in Is Inv*llimM• , ee the tmellty II milk. It Ewa µporta by ao. experiment to note the (lumin a milk Slid t twenty per mid make the sr 111111 and In fattening ,it gives them tpetite loosens hid., end them thrive AYER'S Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, the most effectual remedy which the medical skill of our times can devise for this every where prevailing and fatal malady. It is coca. blood from the most active remedial' that have been discovered for the expurgation of this foul disorder from the blood, and the rescue of the mtern from its destructive consequences. fience it should be employed for the cure of not only scrofula, but also those other affec. tions wcii , .ll arise from it, such as Etter:ma and SUN Disassr.s, Sr. ANTIONY'II Puts, Roes, or ESTRIPELAN, PIMPLES. PCSTCLII. DLOTCHEII, BLAINE and BOW, TUMORS, Terra I and SALT RHEUM, Sesta If Rtriewoaw. IikEtIIATISH, SYPHILITIC and MEICCIUAL DM. EASES, DROPAY, DYSPEPSIA, DEBILITY, tad. Indeed, An COMPLAINT% ATI TPINO no lims. TED on Unite lkoon. The popular belief in i mpurity of the blood" is founded in truth, for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. The particular purpose and virtue of this Sarsapa rilla is to purify and regenerate this vital fluid, without which sound health is impossible in contaminated constitutions. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIC, art so °crammed that disease within the range of their action can rarely withstand or evade them Their penetrating properties search, and cleanse, and invigorate esery portion of the human organ ism, correcting its 'diseased action, and restoring its healthy ritalities. Asa consequence of these properties, the invalid who is bowed down with pain or physical debility is astonished to find his health or energy restored by a remedy at once so simple and Not only do they cure the every-day complaints of every body, but also many formidable and dangerous diseases. The agent below named is pleased to furnish gratis my American Almanac, containing certificates of their cures and directions for their use in the following complaints : Castle? wen, &weave*, Ileadeteht owiliM9frem ii4orderoi tomach, Nausea, Indiritiori, Pain in and ifralsid Inaction of tha Bowels, Flatulency, Lou of Amt. lite, Jaundice, and other kindred complaints, arising from a low state of the body or (obstruction of its functions. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, IFOR VIZ RAPID CUBZ or Coughs, Colds, Influenza. Hoarseness, ' Croup, fironchiti., indolent Conwmp• tion, and for the relief of Consumptive Patient , . in adruuccd stages of the diocese. So Hide fa the field of its usefulness and an no. merous are the cues of its cures, that almost every , section of country abounds in persons pub hely known, who have been restored from alarming and even desperate diseases of the lunge by till use. When once tried, its superiority mu every other medicine of its kind it too apparent to 'nape observation, and where institute. are known, the public no longer hesitate *hat antidote to employ for the distressing and dangerous affections of the pulmonary organs that aroincident to our climate. While many inferior remedies thrust upon the community have failed and been discarded, this hasgained friends by every trial, conferred benedts on the afflicted they can never forget, and pro duced cures too numerous and too remarkable to be forgotten. MUM= BY DR. J. C. Ali ER & CO. I . lopfiutor. LOWELL, NASB. Sold by all Druggeqa in the Countr. May 22d-17. ORANGEVILLE HOTEL, COLUMBIA COrNTY, FENS'.I. ISRAEL MUMMEY, PROPRIETOR. frit:cc:l4Boß To EVERETT..! Ith ,l3 t•AT taken theage Al thin well known end con• veniently thrilled mond, resperthilly informs Me old friends. no well as new, and the public in gener• ah that his hewn I. in .courideie order rot the re • rommodattun of h.:putter:J.4,W fur the reception a n d entertainment of travellers who m. 1.1•1 disposed to favor him with thitir custom. No capes*. has been spared in preparing this 11.4.1 the the enter• ielnment ..( rusts, slid nothing shall be wentlog, ca his part, to minister to their Ifeellhellit comfort. The location, as well as the building, is • good on., and all tOgethi.f I. amply arranged in pleats the pubfir. trj Ilia filar will &wave be tarnished with the but of liquor., and his table with the best the mar t atibrdir. 1811,1 EL Id VAINLY. I.nrargeralle, April 3, `ll7—lf. • G o SAV E, ?radical Watchmaker and Jeweler. )IAIN STREET, ',near the Court House,) 131,00ISBURG, PA. Cnnetantly on hand a One assortioent of Amerirow and littler Walel'm Clock's, Je sv ut ry ret ware and Optetack*. Particular IllteMiallt pole to the teyorring of r9qr kr Watches and Jewelry. allossolo Nuke wade to order. AU week Wormier& tilooresbor& Apol I 7 111112. REMOVAL Or ILIW SWORE TO SHIVERS BLOCK. MST DOOR ABOVR "DCIIIOCRAI eruct 11Ir unoreioned having recei gel from (hr toy • fall rod r•inplett torply nr SPRING AND SUMINIER DR I GOODS AND Notions. Too WM, Ilarilwaro, Co da, and Wlllnw Wan, Drugs, rortrocon• ory, tilaos•Vt'aro. Tobacro Hato sal 'mom non, salt. Pith soll Moat I all of *hick I pow* 041114 it a very low Ortutify cub or prodorr.. t r rail onA see. C. C.MARK Aprot a, urn. ATTORNEY AT LAW. 0011 cf to DEMOCRAT AND STA* Build*. t SHIVE'6 BLOCK, 8L7;. , ,1fie4R0 lA, C. C. 1114.11 W IVESLEY WIItT,