Bloomsburg democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1867-1869, June 12, 1867, Image 2

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    flootasburg fflemorrat.
Weineedint, Jane Is, %SIM
N. l'orrevott.t. Co IT Part low Now York
p duly authorised to soi led sod tottadvo oubtotlo•
loos ind adVertliiglil for thi Dogoderod $ OW, pub ,
toad Moo Wort,. enlanOls county,
Columbia County Democratic
11074 CS 1t befell? giros Ibat sea Mingo'man ele •
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Chairman Desosratie Ikeoliej
- • --------
Probably one of the most important Con
vent ions of the Deroooraticparty ever held in
the State of l'ennsylvania was convened in
lianisburg yesterday. The Convention has
no nomination to make except that of a
candidate for Judge of the Supremo Conn
of the State. The special importance in
this nomination arises from the tendency of
the man of people during the peat few years
to drift in the course of oppression and un
oonstitutional law.. A candidate of the
highest integrity as an honest ir,an and
patriot, and of the best legal talent About
be selected. W. H. Jacoby has gone as
t•'enatcrial delegate from this Senatorial
District and Hon. Paul Leidy as Represen
tative Delegate from this Representative
District. We go to press too early to give
any account of the proceedings of the Con
vention. We will announce them nut
The Steven's Sherman MM.
In South Carolina, General Sickles has
widened the range of his duties in such a
manner as to show the full effect and mean
ing of the bill under which he holds power
and exerciser authority. In April he hunt
ed an order oreiturning all the civil laws
and processes of that State with reference
to the collection of debts. and instituted in
their place a series of orders dated from his
headquarters and sirned by himself as mili
tary commander. This was a long stride to
wards a full and entire destruction of all
civil authority in the division over which
this officer holds the sword. But it was not
enough. General Sickles is deteru.ined that
the people shall fiel the entire force of the
Stevens-Sherman bill, as its provisions are
understood by the Radicals, and hence he
interferes with matters which are properly
oovered by inunelpal antbority, and issues
orders with reference to the licensing of
inns end restaurants, and &trees regolating
the mauner of conducting the busies of
railroads, street ears,stakes, steamboats,
and other public conveyances. From all
these orders there is no appeal. They must
be obeyed. Disobedience will be followed
by a military arrest, a trial before a military
tribunal, conviction and sere punishment.
In this manner General Sickles aids the civ
il officers in carrying out the civil laws in his
The manner in which the direreot cow
menders placed over the unrepresented
States bare, interpreted the Stevens Sher
man bin, and their acts done by virtue of
authority conferred by that Radical measure,
show that the Democrats were right when
they denounced it as a deliberate and deter
mined attempt to destroy a republican form
of government in the South, and ereot in
its stead a military despotism.
Vi' General Sherman has issued a Gen
eral Order stating that the Union Pacif,s,
Railroad will be so well guarded in future
that no Indian till dare to interfere with it.
All passengers and freight must be forward
ed to the end of the track, and from there
will be gnarled by efficient escorts specially
provided by him for that vurpese.
A sufficient force of cavalry is already on
post. General Sherman i.e. sanguine that he
will clear the Platt Valley of Indians within
two weeks. A fight has occurred between
nine passengers and twenty Indians within
five miles of Moor's Fort. One passenger
was killed instantly, and General Davies'
son was mortally wounded.
Two Indians were killed and llyc severely
wounded. We of the passengers returned
to Omaba on the evening of the 9tb. Gov
ernor Steel, of Colorado, had a narrow es
cape, but subsequently reached Denver in
NI. The trial of' John Sarratt, it seems,
is to come uff at last. His counsel have
been insisting on going on with the case, for
several weeks, I. itt the "Government" was
never ready. The radical papers are doing
all they can to prejudice the minds of the
people against this young man ; and while we
cordially agree that all murder should be
punished, yet where We is at stake, com
mon decency if nothing more should stay
the tongue as well u the pen until a fair
trial be had. The Philadelphia lequirer of
Saturday last in a aonspictioue heading says
that, a conviction iv certainly in prospect.
DRIP On Thursday last a terrible boiler
exploaion 000urred at the steam Saw an&
turning mill of Gassy si Ward's, in Phila
delphia. The destination of life in propor
tion to the number of men employed was
horrible. It seems that only about thirty
persons were employed about the place, and
up to Saturday morning last seventeen dead
boJies bad been taken from the ruins, end
several men are still missing. Mr. Gassy,
cne of the:propristors, lemons the victims
No C 103411 for the explosion has yet been
covered, but the matter will be thoroughly
NV- The Br:lmin%, men in Tanneesee
dare that if they are defeated at the polle
tb W i ltnot Gw up the JAVA government.
These aye rIAI2 "law and order citizens."
A meeting was held at the house of Mr.
B. p. Lutz, in Bloomsburg, ou the evening
of Friday last, for the purpose of making
arrangements for hot Thig a gland Festival,
the proceeds to he devoted to the forward
ing of the interests of our magnificent
Literary Institute.
Miss H. Sharpless was appointed presi
dent, Mrs. S. A. Petrikin secretary, and
Miss A. D. Vebb treasurer. Committees
were appointed to eanvess Bloomsburg and
vicinity to solicit contributions; and that
the forthcoming festival should be one of
the finest ever seen in Bloomsburg was the
determination expressed by all present.
The Festival will bo held on the evenings of
the 20th and 21st of this month, at the
Institute Hall. We have good reason to be
proud of the Ittarnrrz. and every dollar
which may be added for the purpose of gen
eral embellishment, the procuring of scien
tific apparatus, maps, library, &c., also adds
to the honor of our people. Herculean
efforts bare been made, but our energies artt
by no means exhausted. Let this Festival
be one of the grandest over seen in
108.- Doctor John in his last paper says,
that one of the leaders in the "Fishing
Creek Confederacy" is writing a l awry of
the affair ; and he straightway goes to work
to call the attention of the historian to
sombrely else in order to shield himself
flous the punishment he deserves for the
business of bcunding on soldiers to oppress
and distress people who wore a thousand
times truer to the constitution and laws
than he and all who ever acted with him.
This in the old trick of the pilferer when
be cries "atop thief !" while he is carrying
off the stolen golds. But, we are glad that
there is to be a "history" in this case. Per
haps we will find out who made of them
relves spies, in the dark days of oppression,
and spied nothing but. whit was conjured up
by their own cowardly minds and diseased
imsginat'ons. We may find out who
really did 'send telegrams to Harrisburg ;'
and make suggestions to the officers in com
mand. Dr.. John intimates that Mr. Clark
did this . "When rogues fall cut honest
men get their dues." We really hope some
light may be thrown on the general subject
by this "history." The oppressed and
abused men, women, and children of Fish
ing creek most. ardently desire light,.
will be seen by the proceedings of the Coun
ty Convention, that that body etaz.da ad
journed until Saturday, Juno 2.2 d inst.
The cause of this adjournment arose from
the fact, that the Councils of the borough
had preciously passed an ordinance prohib
iting all public gatherings until further no
tice, in consequence of the prevalence of a
cootagiuus disease, which they aro fearful
may become more general by the meeting
of large bodies of persons together. The
kimeledge of the passage of thisordinance,
led many to suppose that, no Convention
would be held, consequently mutt of the
township were unrepreeented. What dele
gates were in attendance, met andorganized
at Savage's Hotel, and appointed Senatorial
and Representative conferees, to meet simi
lar conferees from the o'her Counties em
braced in the districts, and then adjourned
to meet on eaturday, June 22d, next, on
which occasion it is expected all the dele
gates will be present.—Dunviik htelligen-
Att. Pox.—There have been a few
cases of small pox in this place, and a num
ber of eases of varioloid. The first was Mr.
Poor, who, we believe, contracted the dis
ease in Scranton. He came home to his
residence in Danville, where he died. Since
his death, it has spread to some extent, but
we have heard of no other deaths. There
was quite a panic a few days ago, and in
obedience to publia PentimPnt, the Town
Council assembled And promulgated an or
dinance, which will bo found in the adver
tising columns of this paper. The excite-
ment is, however, apparently dying away.
Nearly everybody in town has been vaccin
ated, and we have no apprehension of any
great extension of the disease, nor do we
think there is the least danger to our country
friends, who visit the town. We arc aware
of many cock-and-bull stories that are in
circulation, and which may be ereflited by
some, but our readers can rely with entire
confidence on the statement we have made.
There bait t Aen only One death up to this
time, and 'v. , trave not heard of any other
oaees that are likely to prove fatal. --Mon
tour _line-kern
Sir We have received from the publish
er, Rev. S. W. Thomas, 1018 Arch street, a
little book, entitled "The Teacher, His
Class, and How to Produce Impressions up.
on the Hearts and Consciencesof the Young.
By W. S. Blacket. We commend this book
to the careful perusal of ever:. Sabbath
School teacher. It is a rode mecum for all
who occupy that responsible and truly use
ful position. The book cornea to us recom
mended by Mr. Jay Cooke, of Philadelphia.
I THE PROPER WAY.—We notice that the Agricultural Society of Union County, hare
already published their Premium List for
W 6- That is the proper ray to do it, as it
will_ thus afford Agriculturists an opportuni
ty of knowing what productions will be al
lowed a premium, and giros them a fair
chance to compete for the prizes. We trust
the Agricultural Society of this County,
will follow their example. —Berwick Gazette.
err Beast Butler recently addressed a
note to Miss Barrett, daughter of Mrs. Sur.
ratt, that was hung, asking for an interview
hi an important matter. After consulting
with her friends she returned for answer
that she would grant the interview in. the
presence of her counsel, Mr. Bradley, of
Washington. This Butler did not expeot
men, Dr. James Clark, Physician to Queen
Victoria, end Dr. Hughes Bennett, my
that oonstinaption can be cured. Dr. Wister
knew tide when he disoorered his now wido
ly known Balsam of Wild Cherry, and et
patinae lin pro Ted the eorreetnees of his
The Valois Pacific Railroad
from Omaha, Nebraska.
What has been done, and tchen it will be
No great enterprise was ever begun abuut
which so little has been said and so much
has been chme. The public have a vague
idea that a railroad is being built from some
where in the Bust to somewhere in the far
ther West than a rail-track has over before
b e en laid ; but where it beqin3, or what
route it fellows, or where it is to end, we
venture to assert, not one in a thousand can
For a dozen years we have heard that a
great Pacific Railroad was to be built, and a
dozen names and a dozen companies, and a
dozen routes—from the southern boundary
of Texas to the northern boundary of Lake
Superior—have been urged upon Congress
as the greatest and hest means for uniting
the Atlantic and Pacific shore& Bubble
after bubble was blown, and each burst in
turn when touched by the sharp point of
practical experience.
The absolute necessity for a Pacific Rail
road to retain and bind mere closely togeth
er the eastern and western extremes of the
continent in ono great United and Pacific
country, the immense cost of' government
transportation to its frontier and Rocky
Mountain posts, and the even greater costa
of Indian wars, in a region that nothing but
a railroad could civilize, and nothing but,
civilization could pacit'y.—the great impor
tance of opening a road to the rich gold and
silver:nines of the Rocky and Sierra Nevada
Mountains, so that. the way to the resump
tion of specie payntents might be tirade
shorter and easier,—all these prudential
reasons finally pressed with such weight upon
Congress, that it determined that the road
should be made. There were, indeed, ninny
others: two thousand miles of additional
territory would be opened for settlement ;
vast bodies of land now valueless could he
made productive; the tide of business and
travel that now winds a tedious and danger
ous way along the borders of two ocean!,
would be lb:vexed ten-fold ; and how would
the fathas in the East strike hands with
their sons and daughters at the Golden Glee.
if they could only beborne on the wings of
the locomotive I
The imperative need of the work was ad
mitted, but it was too vast for individual
enterprise to attempt, No combination of
private capitalists was willing to risk a hun
dred million dollars in the construction of
2,003 miles of railroad through the wilder
ness. As the undertaking was strictly na
tional, so no power less than that of the
nation was sufficient to acomplish it; and
large as the cost necessarily would be, the
expenditure would save a much greater cost
to the country.* But the Csovernment did
not eater upon any new system of
internal improvements on its own account ;
and its only alternative was to grant its aid
in the most emeriti warmer to such respon
ailde individuals of suitable character and
energy as might be willing to risk a portion
of their private weans in the construction
of the road.
This charter was granted and perfected
by various acts of Congress, and the Com
pany comprises men of the highest reputa
tion for integrity, weeth, and business ex
perience. Among the oilmen are General
John A. Dix, President, Thomas C. Durant,
Vice• President, and lion. John J. Cisco,
late Assistant Treasurer of the U. 8.,
The Capital atithorizbd by the Charter is
One Hundred Million Dollars, of which it
is estimated that nut exceeding - Twenty.
Five Millions will be required, and of which
Five Millions have already been paid iu.
....Surmr-parties were at, veto pushed
out in various directions a:lois the vend
nent to find and locate the best at-41We
line between the Missouri River and the
pacific Ocean. This was established at
Omaha. in Nebraska, on the east., and will
finally be at San Francisco, in California,
on the west—a distance of nearly 1,000
miles. The Chicago and North Western
Railroad is nap' completed from Chicago to
Omaha, a distance of -We miles; and several
other reeds are rapidly building to unite
with the Union Pacific at the sumo point;
co that its eastern connections will be nu
merous and complete.
The general line of the road from Omaha
is west up the Valley of the great Platte,
and theace.fteroas the piling a distance of
517 miles, to the Blue k Hills, or easterly
spur of the Rocky Mountains. Col. Sey
mour, the consulting Engineer. reports that,
the grade is much more favorable than was
antimpated—the maximum to the Rooky
Mountains not exceeding :•,0 feet to the
mile. and Nut that point to the summit, or
divide of the eminent, it will not exceed
e 0 feet to the mile. From the Rooky
Mountains, the best. practicable route will
be taken to Great. Salt Lake City, and thence
by the Valley of the Humboldt River to the
eastern base of the Sierra Nevada Moun
tains. The Central Pacific Railroad is now
being rapidly built cast from Sterimento
Cal., and is already completed about 100
miles, and will connect with the Union
As we remarked before, there has been
very little talk, and a great deal of work.
Almost before the public were aware, it had
been begun. On the first of January, I SO,
the Union Pacific, Railroad was Jim:Alter! for
305 miles west from Omaha, and fully
equipped with Locomotives, Rolling Stock,
Repair Shops, Depots, Stations, &e.—and
the Company have on hand, Iron, Ties, and
other materials, sufficient to fiinish the road
to the Rocky mountains, or 517 miles from
Omaha, by the first of September, 1867.
It is expected that the whole line through
to California will be completed in 1870.
The Bret 305 wiles were graded, bridged
and ironed, with a heavy T-rail. and suppli
ed with suitable Depots, Repair Shops, Sta
tions, Locomotives, Cars, and all the news
eery a . purtenanoes of a first, class road, fur
830, t t t per m 4, and it is believed that the
remaining portion will not increase the
average cost to more than $65,000 per
exclusive of equipments.
NVlieu the Government determined that
the road mutt be built, it also determined
to make the most ample provision to
render its speedy construction beyond a
Ist.—Taz GRANT Or Mozrzr.—The Gov
ernment issues to the Company its Six plot
CYST. THIRTY-YEAR lioNns at the rate of
$16,000 yer mile for the whole road, and,
in addition, for 150 wiles wrote! the Rocky
Mountains this grant is trebled, malting it
$48,000 per mile; and from the termination
of this section of the California line (alma
898 miles), the grant is deubted, making
$32,000 per mile ' —the whole amount being
$44,208,000. These bonds are issued by the
Government only on the competition of each
section of twenty trifles, and atter the COM
tnivionors appoitited by the President of
the United ,states have certified that it is
thoroughly built and supplied with all the
machinery, &a., of first class railroad.—
The interest on these bonds are paid by the
U. S. Treasury, and the Government re
tains, as a sinking fund to be applied to
repayment to principal and interest, one
half the regular charges made for transpor
tation by the Company against it. These
bonds, willoh are a second mortgage, are
not due for thirty years, and it is not im
nbribla that the value of the services to
t{ lilir wan Dtqvalli — WiTiist tie later
eat nn the arty tulliinne in bonds alreneee by the
Gkmatimanalartlllareeve4 more than mire" OVA( hi
see &immanent dliniattllon er Govertareent expratea
In be MOM, ihrougli which lb. Tort pivot.,
be rendered to the Government daring that
period will constitute a edulting fend suffi
cient for their redemption at maturity.
The Government permits the company to
issue its own Mortgage Bonds at the same
time, and on the same terms, and for the
s am e amount, and hp apecrid Act of eon.
pas , ' three bonds of the Company are made
a Final Mottroaux on the entire line 111111
property of the road, the Government bonds
Leine subordinate. The amount of there
Bonds to be issued by the Company is btus
ited to an amount equal to those issued by
the Government to aid in the construction
of the road.
311.—Tus Latin GRANT.—WhiIe this is
certainly munificent, at the same time it is
most advantageous to the Government,
for without it, all its own lands would re
main almost worthlesa. It is a donation of
every alternate section for 20 miles on each
side of the road, or 12,600 acres per mile,
and amounts to 20_,032,000 acres, assuming
the distance from Omaha to the ' California
State line to be 1,565 miles. Mitch of this
land, especially in the Valley of the Great
Platte, is a rich alluvium, and is considered
equal to any in the world fir agricultural
purpozes. Hon. F. D. Mansfield. the
learned Commissioner of Statistics for the
State of Ohio, estimates that at least 9,400,-
000 acres will be available to the Company
within a moderate length of time, and that
it is far within bounds to estituato this entire
grant at 61,50 an acre, or $30,000,000.
The Illinois Central has realized more than
four times this slue for a similar grant.
U. S. Bonds, equal to m0ney,...1144N1,000
First. Mortgage Busda, 44,209,000
Land gran t,20, u.s2, Wu acre', say.. 39,009,000
1111 . 6,418AX0
-i-egnal to a cost of nearly $7 1 3,000 per mile,
which is believed to t.e a liberal estimate.
This does not take into the account the
value of the right of way and material s the
stock subscription paid in or to be paid in
the future, or the present discount at which
the bond; are offered, as they are expected
soon to be at par.
The interest on the Bonds is more than
provided for by the net earnings of the vari
ous sections of the road, as they are comple
ted. On the 305 miles on which the care
are now running from Omai, the re
ceipts for the first two weeks in May were
$113,000; and as the road is extended to
wards the great mining centres, the busi
ness in freight and passengers constantly
increases—and as there can be no competi
tion from rival roads, the company has full
power to charge remunerative prices.* .
It needs no argument to show that the
traffic of the only railroad concreting the
Atlantic and Pacific, and passing throl“h
the great mining region, must be-immense.
Although our annual product of the
prescious metals is now officially estimated
at CUOMO per annum, a vastly greater sum
wi!l be obtained as soon as the Onion Pacif
ic Raillead opens the way to the golden
regions of the Rocky Mountains. .ow, the
difficulties and cost of coat:mune:idea are so
great, that none but the very richest veins
eau be worked ; but with diem) transporta
tion, hundreds- of thousands of hardy miners
will successfully develop other mines, that,
with lets costly working, will be oven more
profitable than the average now in operation
and the business of this constantly increasing
mining interest must pass orer this road.
The record of t.ur shipping offices rhnw
that tint less than 50,000 passengers now
annually travel by sea between the Atlantic
ports and Sall Franciseo ; and there reckon
ed et ft lPi each iebent one half ofilt runni
er price) wotiid produce a revenue of 157,-
The overland travel is even greater. In
11, sin* year, family-sem thousontt trams,
comprising a number of emigrants and trav
elers departed from two points only on the
Missouri River on their westward journey.
If the truth of this statement was not
familiar to all frontier's-men, it might well
be questioned. But, estimating the over
land through travel at the same figures as
that by steamer, and we have $15,(0)0,000
as the minimum estimate on the saute num
ber of passengers. But the faeilities for
cheap and rapid transit furnished by railroad
always rattly it:strew-es the amount of travel
with the HMO population. The difference
between the numbers who would take an
ocean steamer or a
. prairie witgpn and a
modern palace car, with its luxurious state
rooms, where the traveler oats anti sleeps
almost as comnirtably as at home. may be as
great as the difference between the numbers
who were johodover the mountains in an
old fashioned stage-coach and those in an
Express train between any two great cities.
Then is it not safe to say tnat this through
travel will be at once doubled on the com
pletion of the road in 1870, and, with the
rapid lucre= of Pacific Coast population in
the next few yearn more than quadrupled ?
Is it at all extravagant to assert that the
through postrengrr ludne.qs during the first
year utter the first train of cars runs from
Omaha in Nebraska to Sacramento, will be
worth twenty-five million dollars? When
to this we add half as much more for its
wow pasenger business, and more than as
much more dm tiboth for its freight, express
and mails. etc., are there not the best rea
sons in the world for believing that the
Union Pacific Railroad will he the most
profitable as well as one of the grandest
works of modern times.
We hare made these calculations that the
public may have stnne brief data of tests
front which to fortu their estimate of the
value of the Union Pacific Railroad Compa
ny's First Menage Bonds. Besides, men
of the greatest railroad experience in the
country have shown their confidence in the
stock by liberal subscriptions, and this
stock must be subordinate to all other claims.
But there are stronger pool's of the security
and value of the Fast Mortgage than any
we have named:
. .
1. That for the safety of the country as
well as national economy the road is indis
2. That by an investment of about fifty
millions in a ,S'eeend Mortgage on die road,
the Government practically guarantees the
principal and interest on the first Mortgage.
The Company now offer a limited amout.
of its First Mortgage Bonds, bearing six
per cent. interest, payable senikinnnually
to coin, at ninety per cent. 'nue interest,
at the current rate of premium on gold is
equal to nine per cent. per annum on the
price for which they are now offered. The
Company expects to sell hut a small amount
at this rate, when the price will be raised,
and like all similar bonds they will finally
rise to a pretnium above their par value.—
The subscribers to this loan will not only
have the advantages of very liberal interest
and very safe security, but will also have the
satisfaction of having assisted in the con,
struetion of the greatest national work of
the country.
'TN' "prin.' of frntilifirflianttl from thu Nfin.nui I
Onnr WI. Witte, twenty. dye cont. per you ad. or
or 000 per Inn.
ROMIXIIY.—SoIIy Phillipr, watchman at
the Bank, had hie domicil invaded on Mon
day night lag, and a large amount of wear
ing apparel taken. The articles ware in an
out-kitchen. The (biros made a clean
sweep, gathering up all the "duds" they
could find; hesidea helping thenteelves to
coffee and other . luinrien of that kind.h.
Deutille AtclliSeftcer.
Wheat per bushel,. . $3 00
Rye, 1 10
Corp, " 1 10
Cloverseed " 7 00
Ftaixevd, " 260
Dri'd tipples" 2 50
I'otacoi4, " *-*
Flour per barrel
Butter, s 10 00
Ego per dozen
Tallow per pound , 1
d 8
Lard "
' .t. , . 14
Hams " --**----*
filionth . 15
erz, " 20
MY +lrouldern,
ton, 20 00
In Benton Columba County, on the 29th
of May, U 467, Mr. fitment McNeal, aged
79 yenta.
At his residence in Montour Township,
on the 6th inst., JOUN DIY/MICH, Esq.,.,
aged 75 years, 1 month and 23 days.
Mr. D. came to this County when all
about the location of Bloomsburg was wood,
and has remained a citizen of the vicinity
ever since. Ile was twice married, and
leaves his second wife a widow. He was
the father of twelve children, Fix of whom
are dead and six living. One son (William)
was wounded in the Mexican war and there
died. Mr. P. was an influential citizen,
highly respected and loved by the commun
ity. He was a member of the church from
early life, and died tha death of a ehristian.
In lison Township, Colombia County,
Mrs. CiAllitrifie Denim, wife of Richard
Demon, tied 72 ycars arid 7 days,
At the msidenee of his mother, in this
plaee, on the l',th inst , 13CUAMIN OvrruNo,
aged about 20 years.
BENSIL Crrrrt.tsn was one of the most
quiet and beet helms ed boys about our town,
loved and respected by all. He MU about
completing his trade as a harness maker
with our townsman, John Pursel; and was a
very faithful and industrious young man.—
His remains were followed to their resting
place by a respectably large concourse of
people. lie was sick but a few days, from
an ailment in the throat which proved fatal.
Peace to his ashes. Copt.
For the year tne thousand eight hundred and
rizty.sesen. of Goods, Wares eferettandise, Modellers,
Mowers, within the County of Columbia returned
end clifititifteit in accordance with the several Vit of
AotiombiYi by the nehososer of totereentile tales of
SAW county, as Cot tows, to wit,
BLOOM TOW NBllll , ,
Clan. Lkento.
Elias Mendenhall, 11 $l5 00
A. Hartman, 13 10 00
A. Solleder, 14 7 00
David Stroup, 14 7 00
John K. Girton, 14 7 00
C. C. Marc. 12 12 50
S. C. Shire, 14 7 00
J. 3. Ibil,ltine & Co., 12 )2 5o
A, J. Evans, 14 7 I I
( " :1k ' t'S Vc. Snyder, 13 10 t , =.'
1131 :d LCAVeII burg, 14 7 0 ,
Mb,.:: Hamm 14 7 t. I
1, N. Mo:•er. 14 7 - )
0bi...3 , Whi..op..r,
''' ' 14 7 0,
i'41........:3.1 dui, 14 7 00
A. 3. S: WI, 12 12 5 0
J. H. Meter, 14 7 on
1 1 . A.:3. 7 ..131tv 14 7 00
13 10 00
L. T. :.,, 12 12 50
E. P. Lots, 14 7 00
A. 21. Ituriertt 14 7 00
Lizio: Barkley, 14 7 00
N. S. Williams, 14 7 00
J. K. Eger, 13 10 00
Mr... N. B. Furman, 14 7 00
A. D. Webb, 14 7 00
J. IV. Chamberlin, 14 7 ou
George W. Correll, 14 7 00
H. C. & 1. W. Hartman, 11 15 00
M'Keh-y, Neal & Co., 7 40 00
Wm, Erassums 14 7 00
S. 11. :Miller, 12 12 5o
11, C. Hower, 14 7 00
N. J. Hendershot, 14 7 00
J. K. Edgar, 14 7 00
J. 3. Brower. 13 It 3 ou
L. D. Mendenhall, 14 7 013
Lime Fsterman, 14 7 0.1
11. Kieim, 14 7 00
Joseph Hendershot, l4 7 o 0
O. A. Jacoby, 14 7 00
Lloomedung Iron Co., 7 40 00
Mrs. S. .T. "Woodward, 14 7 o.)
11. 11. Hunsberger, 14 7 00
;ien!) Metz, 14 7 00
Caleb Burton & Co., 14 7 00
Lloyd Paxton, 12 12 50
Boßovon or BUIVICK.
C. IL Campbell, 14 7 00
134:II klertrau, 14 7 00
Bowman Li: Jackson, 11 1.5 00
J. B. Dodmau, 14 7 00
I. A; H. R. Dower, 12 12 til
)tiller Li; Hughes, 14 7 00
Mrs 31. Dunbar, 14 7 00
A. Miller, 11 15 00
F. M. Scrlicrt, 14 7 00
.lar4son L c Woothu, 11 15 00
11. C. Freas, 14 7 00
.b st
George C.. Glii , ter,
It. F. Etwett,
Samuel IltNtemk,
J. J. Nl•llenry,
J. E. Edson,
R. Zimmermen, 14 7 fit)
J. Price, 14 7 00
W. Valrizeuberger, 14 7 00
haac Cryder, H 7 00
Steplieu Michael It 1 4
..un, 14 7 00
P. M. Traugh, 14 7 00
Win, Freas, 14 7 Ott
Reuben h iller, 14 7 00
B. F. Denman, 14 7 00
l'fl•Nineh & Shuman, 13 10 00
M. M. Brobst, 12 12 50
Georgo Hughes & Son, 14 7 00
J. K. Simplon es Son, 10 20 00
Creasy & John, 10 20 00
W. E. John, 14 7 00
S. It Rinaril 14 7 00
Gilbert & Kline, 10 20 00
Campbell & Harder, 14 7 00
R. Thornton, agt. 12 12 50
CaNroctw, BOROMI,
Klattlo & Gable, 12 12 50
Henry Miter, 14 7 00
A. B. Fortner, 14 7 00
Win. Torrey, 6 50 00
Kerr & Snyder i 11 15 00
Mendenhall Wallow& Co., 12 12 50
.1. & T. ° l eaner, 12 12.50
J. L i gon & 00. 14 . 7 00
ti w °
fr wo lc On, 11 ..t5 00
Vir.•Th m4lick ar, Co. 14 7 00
B. Kinpbury, 14 700
Martin Monitgban, 12 12 50
John Siglintar, 14 7 00
hu.niast 4 Millir k l, 11 14 00
Fetterman, 14 7 00
TA-1101 14 7 00
Antal Wortman, agt. 14 7 00
John Moran 14 7 00
Ww. Janes, 11 7 ut)
E. W. M. tt G. L Low, 13 10 00
SI Deteriok, 14 700
INN . H. Fresi l 14 700
Abra am Deittenck, 14 7 00
Mahlon B. Bioko, 14 7 00
Henry Lohman, 14 7 00
Jacob Sponster, 13 10 00
J. Hicks, 14 7 00
Clinton Mendenhall,
Wellington Cleaver,
D. & M. Mclienry, 14 7 00
Joeeph C. Runyan, 14 7 00
O. M. Howell, 14 7 00
J. N. Jones, 13 10 00
Polomon Bum, 14 7 00
B. Ammerman, 14 7 00
Levi Zener, 14 7 00
J. K M'Llenry, 14 7 00
Schuyler & Black, 11 1,5 00
Bogart & Kramer, 13 10 00
John Leggott, 13 10 00
Win. Kreamer, 13 10 00
C. W. Eves & Co. 13 10 00
Janice M. Rote, 14 7 00
D. ez, W. Mestere, 10 20 00
Hannah Henry, 14 7 U 0
J. k N. Harris, 14 7 00
Charles Nei hart, 14 7 00
M. G. tr. W. IL Shoemaker, 13 10 Oa
J. IL Vaatine & Co. 14 7 00
Washington Yeager, 14 7 00
heel) Yeager, 14 7 00
Long & 'Brother, IS 10 00
Charles Fetterman, 14 7 GO
P. & P. M. Yocum, 14 7 00
F. L. Slitunan,
Campbell & Co
I. K. Sehweppenheieer, 11 7 CO
Creaey cL• Brown, 13 19 O
Jacob W. Peifer, . 14 7 00
It. J. Millard, 13 19 00
John H. Metier, 13 10 OU
Mre. E. A. Hen, 14 7 01)
Brown & Coleman, 14 7 00
Paxton d Harman, 8 30 00
Wm. Butler, 14 7 no
P. R. Margerum, l4 7 00
Andrew MidiFon,
C. Kremer,
J. Cherington t
R. W. Bowman,
A. B. Stewart,
D. K. Sloan,
Michel Keller,
Alexander Bngheß,
Wesley Bowman,
E. 0. West,
Peter Ent,
11. W. Crew d Co
Wm. M. Ent.
An persons who may feel agrieve4 by the
al ollsF;litoition can have an opportunity
ko . al.) • a:: by calling upon the tind.t.rtaign
u.l a: I:. it-nc.e, in tireenwnid, town
-hip, litany r:r,euntilBAturday , ItethirtePral
i ~f .I• tighteen hundred and sixty
stson, at which time an appeal will be held
at the Court floozy in Bloomsburg,
tIEOEIIE W. urr.
June 7, 14t7T, 51orratitii
County Commissioner.
WE arc authorized to announce the name of
DAVID yeauen, Locust Township, for
SOCNTY COMMrIditIONER, subject to the decision
v ( the Demerit, ic County Crinveounn. Mr, YEAGER
tiVes in h strong Petll(tetEllie Township, an it he
spring,' front that old trainorrutic tvocit that naval
daprecierea to vnine.
Locust Township, (nne IL Istt7 p 3.
County Trenqurer.
Through the solfritetione of tey friend* t have
been induced to offer znyeeff ex a candidate far the
,eftir e .e 1 county Trearurer, subjatt to the decision of
the cent; n.tti Ott .
MaJi.nn Towns Lip, Jun. 13, PFC.—pd.
Cha undeceigned give* not tea to the public tenet.
MN: tom he ta 4 reeves! WEILL DIGGER, end le
prepa-th to itig wolf* on Omit entice elms the meet
reeseelye berme. lie bee bed in lone exneti•
ence in the huidno.ii remnrkahtu onewites Thor?
0 totting anything done in hie lino would do well to
give him 4 trial.
illoornuburg. June 12. IS?,
The fvo.rartnershin heretofore existing between
Mathison Sc Asb. In the tanning business. in Fish•
ing E rega, enterable County, was dissolved on the
97th day of March 11t67.. by mutual consent. Those
having accounts to settle can prestett them for adju•
Mosinee to either member of ON attn.
rishingcreek, June 5. I$ 7.
Froward AeenClallotl Heperts. for irOfING MR'S
no the CHIME OP POUITIME, and the ttitßoll,l
AllUdeli and IHREARES which destroy the mealy
powers, nod creels impedimeate to MAIM' AOki,
wile sure weans of toilet. Reid in sealed letter SO-
Vglolloll, /woo of charge. Arfarepa HR. J. eg
Himk; l'oN, Howard Aiddiclatiun, Philndulpht e, Pa.
June 3, 1dt17.-1.4.
14 7 00
13 10 00
13 10 00
12 12 50
14 7 00
Ito A D.
This great Iwo tiaveriee the Nnrthelo and North
we s tern counties or Pennsylventa to the CM of Elie
on Lake Erie. It bas been lettere and Ii operated tip
the Penns) ante licirond Compeer,
Tune or Puerile/ Trains it Northumberland.
Leave Eastward.
Erie Mail Train 11 00 P iI
Etta Exert:es Troia 6 3 A
Winter Mail 10 15 A N
Lock Ilavaa Aceoinchlation 0 10 P
Leave Westward.
grie,Vinal Train 0 04 A 34
Erie Exprese Trait. h 44 P xf
biome Mail 4 40 P N
Lock Ilneen Accammw GO3 A M
. . .
Pawn/tar Cell run through oh the Eris Mill end
Espreps rotor without change both whys thrtwriso
Voiltidniphin hod iris.
Leave 19. w York at 9 09am: arrive at Erie 10 00
in Leave New York at SGO pi m ; arrive nt Erie 4OP
p:n. Leave Erie at SGO p arrtve,el New York
513 p M Leine Erie et lOU am; strive at New
Yuck Iu 10
ELEGANT SLEEPING CARS on all Niels lining,
For information respertias Pentane, kllinormt, up•
ply at cornor 3mh and Mertes Streets, Plilladelphla,
And for Preisht businom of the Company', Amts.
N. S. Ktosmon.jr„ cot, 13th and Malty! Streets,
3, W. soynolde, Eno, Wru {IMAM, Agtot N. C. R.
p. H, HOLGITON. General rrmlght BOWL
H, W. °WINNER, Geotrrl Ticket AO, Phil*
A. L TYLER, General Nowt Erie.
June It 1087.
B. 0. STO NEIL , Proprietor.
Thu.lsa neer stand lately fitted up fur the sternum,
Amino of MO travallnd public seawalls, situated on
Mein etrnnt, a few dooripboes the Court llPP:nise. on
who; le known it. the "Rnbblgolk properly" It to
centrally Nested in tie town, ra ist phuteent plies
I . or kuret• to ntop 11.14 lit Quit pliti of suers
where the untjortlpief lie badness Is Mehl dune.
The proprietor IVAN netefldaila OM be #a PIIPar”
to gill: genera I astlslitihms sad would
aollett a riiir portion ef piali!tpatrotle
thunatiburi, Mir IS, 11117.
14 7 00
14 7 00
14 7 00
14 7 00
14 1., s
13 10 00
13 JO 00
14 7vo
t'S J
10 i 0
7 0(
11cO T
1 5 00
7 u
OPER ATR by their powerful toluene on the
V internal viscera to purify the blood end ilium
late it into banthy action.ThiSmove the
obstructions of the stomach, bowel", iiiM o
owns of the body, and, by roods( ropier
7 2 ,4
idiom to health, correct, wherever they' sock
derangement" as are. the fi rst cauois .
An extensive trial of that: virtues, by
Physicians, and Pedants, has shown wises of den.
gorous Mumma 'hurt beyond belief, were they not
substantiated by persons of such malted position
sad character u to forbid the suldsion of amtnith.
Their tortificatee are published Is my American
Almanac, which the Agents below named are
pleased to tarnish Bee to oil lirsuing.
Annexed we give Piratitied for their use in the
complaints which they hare been found to gore.
Pint Corn vantise. —Ulm cue or tap Pills or
each quantity as to Kently move ihitt bards. Mo.
Wenn' is frequently the ammo "saws of
Pam, and the eon of ono coot cis the cum
of both. No person can feel well *lir a
motive habit of body. Hams it d be, Oa It
an be, promptly relieved.
Pon Dilemma, which is sometimes the roue
of Mulhouse, and always unesuragemakiiitalte Lid
doses from one to Sour —to etismilatell smash
and liver into healthy actiii. They will two it, 04
the heartburn,. bodyborn, 11 d author* of Afielrgele
will rapidly dteappea. ben it ha gates, Jilin
heist what cured you. '-•
Foe a ForL thOUACII, or /forbid inortim yt
Bowels, which moaner+, general tteptillath o
spirits and had health, take from fonr to died Pins
at lint, and enrollee domes afterwards, rialtu fiefs*
and strength is restored to the system.
Pon Nenvoornisse, Mon 11110 1 .leftlo Mtulist:
Pain in the Sioninek, /lack, or Side, take Lam fur
to eight pills on going to bed. If Owe is not trE
ate anificiently, take more the nest day nue
do. The comi'lainta ..1111 be swept out from
system. Don't wear these and dark bemired lb•
orders bemuse your stomach is kml.
Form ScnoirrtA, EttillelLAlN WWI all Diereso
of the Skin, take the Pills freely sad frequently, ft
keep the bowels open. The eruptions oft] roar
ally moon begin to illniinish aid meopeer. -Many
dreadful Moen and sores have beenheeled up by
the purging and purifying effect of these Me; 'all
some diausting dames which esemed to saturate
the whole system bore completely yishiedlo Bak
induencs, leaving the oulferer la paha health.
Patient' ! your duty to society forbids that yea
should parade yourself around the weed aimed
with pimples, blotches, Morro, sores, and an a any
of the unclean diseases of the Mtn, because you
system wants cleansilag.
To Foamy rite Br.noo, they are the beet medi
tine ever discovered. They should be taken fend,
and frequently, and the impurities whale saw the
1 seeds of incurable dhoti*, will be swept out of the
mean like chaff before the wind. By thiq property
they do as c urt. d in preventing mks
NO tly
; th e remarkable winch they are making May
' where.
LIVIA COldrt OINT, 3AtIIDICI, and ail Saw'
Affirtiom mime from some derangement. . ---either
torpidity, congestion, or otetructions of , the Liter.
Torpidity and congestion vitiate the bile and resider
it unlit for digestion. 'this in disastrous to the
health, and the constitution is frequently under
seined by no other cause. Indigestion is the trap
torn. Obstruction of the duct which empties the
bile into the stomach causes the bile to widow
Into the blood. Thin produom Jeundioe k with a
long and dangerous train of evils. Coethienese„ or
alternately costiveness and diarrhea, prevails,
Feverish nymptcrue, languor, low spirits, weariness,
re.tiessuces, and melancholy, with sometimes in-
Rhin ty to nloOp, and sometimes greet drowsiness;
sometime" there ic severe pain in the side • the akin
and the white of the eves become a green ish yellow;
the etomach acid; the bowels sore to the touch;
the whole system irritable, with a tendency to fever,
which may turn to bilious Amer, bilious colic, Wiese
diarrlicre;dvsentery, &e. A medium doss of three
or four Pills taken at night, followed by two at three
in the morning, and repeated a few days will remove
the cause of all these troubles. It is visited to mile
ouch pains when you can cure them fox 26 cents.
Itusimatien, Ooot, and all hilkieseistery
ewe are rapidly cured ky the mintrlng Om* of
thee. Nile upon the blood and the stimuli which
they afford to the vital principle of Life, For those
and all kindred complaints they should be taken In
mild dueee, to move the bowels gently, but freely.
As a Omuta. Pitt, this is both agreeable aa4
useful. No Pill can be made more pleasant to teim
and certainly none him been made more effectual to
the purpose for which a dinner pill Is employed.
Praotioal and Analytical Ohartkiita
Am) Putt) PI
Ap.r's Ague Cure.
FCR Tnt "'nein AND CYRTAIN CORE Of tractor Tun?
CUM. FETES. tbas Anag. PicayuneAs, Itgaawisg 011
Itictovo tixaucne, Aso tttuntro rsvica*i
I This remedy bag rarely failed to care the severest
cam of Chills and raver, and It boa tllls peat aill,-
• ranlerle over Wier ittras medicine., *bit II ealidgies
the complaint erbium Injury to the patient. It ann.
tai no no quinine or otber de !reorient sabitente. Of
done II product quintet') or any Wallow gigot whim.
evil.. litiaklni bruiting; or tbe army tithe wain, try
1 It nod you will unirOree Wee seeert.ol l ll.
Prepernd by Da. J. C. 4 VAR 4 CO., immell. Nage .
Anil 'old by all Druillate and dialers In hiedlellare
1 tvtrywhere.
I `J
Hy virtue of sunttry write of venditionl expense
ant ievarl (atlas, IPlued out of the COUlti Of eon.
tow) Hens of Columbia county. to me (Waded, will
..:Posedbu ln public gale. at tlio COURI., HOMO. Is
oo 'nab urg rt. SATUR PA V, the 15th oiy of Joao.
istl, at lo o'clock. A. WM4 following real settee to
A certain lot of ground Films in Conynghara Ivry.
Cniumbin comity. containing one acre inure tor ream,
Wooded an the wept by lot late of William A, abided
on the north by public road leading to fieno.olollo.
and on the root and south by Nods of the Laval
Mountain Cost and Iron Company. ou whine lo tract.
ad a Iwo atory Stone bonne wit' the appurtenances.
belted, taboo in ozecotlon and to be etlid Stlhe
prof arty of William Lavin.
A certain tract of lead elluate In Linn tailluidilp
Colombia minty. euntelalng Oft) , Sle Saes shwell
ire,. boootiell on the with by land, i g °4 4/& 4 1.14
er and Unary Gable,en the went by es 4 , tile
the north by henry Knepp sod as llMNlftrik by
Abram of wed David graham, wherries fir •
a log noun and a 101 urn, with the swirled's/et.
S,ltet, taloa In esecution and to so sold uteri
property of lohn Purr/.
A mild?' D.ece of land Iltnete In riAlnitariette tine.
Columbia County, containing thirty men Mess tae
lam bounded on the south by Mode of Etalllyd
on the welt by lands of Alm Cramer. ii-lbe
by lands of Joperb Coleman. and on the limning
of mianael [Amen, ors Whin le Oriiinell I frame
ling House sad a frame stable, with she eillisibi
teemed. taken In ixecutlon'aled to br told we llsr
property J. W. Mutative.
A certain IM of ground Asada In the dif
Centralia. tlowaabla county. ethellalnflrlt
arty fret front dad min bond ri d coll
bounded on tin nut by cat waltz ~ ', W
by street, no tilt south .; go , : !
i f
nrrth by lot of Unary doom, on wb
_,..,. 4 ,.,
Iwo awry plank hovel, bracksairth soap'', , ,
niched, taken In negation and to be dot! as tW
property or atepbon Titom.. .
Ali that errata teed of laid situate Is awl
;web lamaslup. Columbia county. agiola
J viola Cherrington, Joseph Zit:memohe, o
ul the said natal. 11. Cole, divas sedi t wed ,
bounded and deeceibed as follows, to Met
at a double chestnut oast, tat north ,evisolleirer
ore trim of lend surveyed la the aefe4 of *el
ettatirci by virtue of a Wariest dated the AIM
November A. 11.. 17113, and ruonleg tholes by
of Judah Cheitrington, south fifteen dellval% 4
Mobs perebee to a Feet, thence North eththr the Sod
one quarter ilegreessost„ ono hundred sod
Ave and a belt psrebes Ina poet, :honed Wan
liefirtme west, ninety eight perches
eel, thence 500111 'limy els Intl
*rat. I.IIIP i 1111144114 and ',volt)? live
statute the place beglanies, ows4elleg
died sad seven acres and luivelly iliaffithile ant
Sathod, Natal to revelation sod to ,he sold as the
etuporth of Worse Ilattaell
Bloomahosi, Msy lit
A G0. 140 1 % 1003. 1n r kt Poitsiros. • v
DOOM. , *titii, 4 4 , Alm b
rilikt Pal ill 4 eliolik II ' ' ibe lOW WOM .
,74,01 4 k
fi t t i e k, vi lik us
iturt= .., munome mole ti• ..,
vri1i44111114,,e110,11,, 11 1400401 t, ~. It t i o 7 4,..
the seviltuarilitspitisr, eat
,140 • .
in v terret roTtfl4oOrt, On Nak lampot .t;
, tc , .!, , t tines Park. 'mq P. II