Bloomsburg democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1867-1869, June 05, 1867, Image 4

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Ilford Crops and Labor.
Hoed crops are the most costly in labor
of any which the farmer grows, Therefore
they should be the most profitable. The
greatest difficulty which the fanner in this
country has to contend with, in order to
to make his business profitable, is the price
of labor. Andes he is ohlired to bestow a
great deal of this upon his hoed crops, ho
should take care, by judicious management
and me of the products, to make this out
lay of capital remunerative. how to do
this should be a subject or much thought.
Corn andpotatoea are the two most large
ly grown and important of this doss or pro
ducts. One rule which will apply to both
which the wise farmer will tut upon. Is t.
obtain as large a yield as possible hula molt
acre planted. Thi•twill ditniuddi the amount
of labor in proportion t o t i oc p o wt oet o h•
tamed. I.:vcry bushel will therefoe co,t
less than when the jieldis stash. `fbe
next important point is to el t the beat rettu n
.C.r the crop. As corn is the great relimeee
orate stock feeder in this country, and ;e
manure from stock is essential to grow eon
tinned large erops, it is obvious that al. info:
tbeding to stock is the most retool it:: tides
disposal that can he made of the curet fop.
Ilene° good breeds, ample shelter
propper care are indespceihle adjuncts. to
short, if labor has ro t you too much re. -1 e
to plant less ground, but raise mere per n 0.%
This can easily be done if you will only set
about it. Next, determine that your corn
shall produce snore pounds of mutt per
bushel th a n heretofore. you 1...11 41;•
complish by a timely and iodicir,a •. • ti It
of improved breeds of :stock, and more kill
employed in handling them. No er
should be satisfied if he cahoot ;Tom 0., t, ev
ery year an his past methods. Thon-ht,
and energy applied to your 1.. wiL do
The potato crap k old for id. b.
and this produmem no unottife for thc
For theta reason it is a very !::lattu.tity• crop,
and no I,artner e•in persi.t l•qag in growing
to largely without impuverit bin!! hi.
On aeeouut of their 'lull,. h; t 4:4 , 1r , t
be growls prwatolly a tt !I: ; !tt
market, On the ort lan•l. a.:•1
near market, they usually ; 1 a
deal of wont!y per aere, and p ;1 „. ;
cos .440u1d devote kart at' : : • t'
the crop toward. tl pur •o.
to renovate the land. l" •:•• i . ;ad,
more, anal y r : p r ..!-
it. Petal.° „cow! r• „. ,Piof
• "1 , ;,
bleed Cheaply.- -.l' t/ _V • ;
.rhinfilittf I
It may be ei• - ,,'l ;;I:lt 4:.`
make stniee , tieii • ;
fling out fruit, but it eau ::••‘ r .1 4
to give go o d advice, attrl v • ,;.
pear and raell tt• - ' -•
their prulect, the LI • .• !..
I.e begun at ahu • .: :tr. ;
It is tine the ie erati , : • ; • ,:•;-•
irniveniently only u ; .• in t. •
not over 'airgo. I' • ; • i
attenil:il to in ; I• .1
, ‘•
over-bear, to the Ir. • ..1 II • 1,. ;Hi
of the trees, as well a • the
fruit. To oi.tniu • o;
pears, they r hould net be .el y •I t
clusters or in ou.Nici .• r. ;
all that exhibit e.lon
be re.e.,:ved- What is let i :••r:.l r r T it
iae doubly' niale up
rhould be retnetelinied. I : .
p•ard the thinning out of I.;
apples as so much Ions; ~! t!,-; but
judge:, of fruit, and hare
its proper culture. y w....t
crop as 2i...5i11°, l• rike
of itself, no !natter 11“7 h tho treei.
damaged and what trf it lull- the
following year's crop.
On 901llf , of our nun rear trees lint y
we removed three-fourths oi crop
and afterwards found the true t oun:•tin
more than would be adiir,ldo,
It goes hard with some people to tiitdio
ibh the quantity of fruit upon their trt.!s..-
Sometimes they plead tract of tiro ; Lut this
id not admissible, for if they hare not time
to attend to the proper cultivation of
fruit they should abandon it altegether.
The real cause is flair greediness. You
cant make thew . believe that they' are the
gainers by dostmyiug a portion (if the crop,
saying that nature is the lxist jaiie as to
the quantity of fruit. Such persona have
no practical knowleilge of fruit- raising, and
they sooner they give it. up the better it. will
be tbr them, their pocket, and repattathrt.—
Govantoica Telegraph.
Tan Barkior Potatoes.
The Fubject is brougt before the ferment
of England, by a conannuication in Ow
Mark Lane Express. M. IL D. Bamford
claims thirty-five ,curs practice and CXIIII
WIC4I in this matter; and has issued a pam
phlet giving his method of using it, which
is in brief the follatuivg: does not cut
lila potatoes for setting. hut sets thcm whole,
and the largest he taut la lett. 9he rows
are thirty inches atm, and the potatoes ate
put nine intiftts from each other in the row.
The land is plowed only tight inches' dcep,
treads.tho maniac thinly in the furrow. I nts
in the tabers : and covers-thew in with ten
refuse, nine Inches deep, instead of earth
ing up. In this way he reports that in 1857
be raised 675 bAsitels of potatoes—not a
rotten one among them—to the acre, with
nothing' but waste tan as a covering. This
is of great importance, the , an refuse being
of little or no value, and if it.can Le put to
so important and advantageous a use as in
this case, should be widely known and
Puertas.—The Now Jersey Journal
says, we are glad to hear that there is a
prospect of a fair crop of good poaches for
the ensuing MUM'. Last summer and fall,
peaches were scam,. poor and deur. The
reason of 1565 'armlied a large crop, as
good in piality l as plentiful in quantity. If
the popular opinion that good fruit crops
re obtained every other year is right, this
is to be a plentiful year. The peach grow.
era of Delaware and Maryland, as well as
Now Jersey, anticipate full crops, and we
Ilarn that the shippors of peaches W the
New York market have made arrangements
with the railroad tannpanies to send boventy
five cars of peaches daily during the sealon.
This is good - news for all who are fend of
good peachea—and who is not ?
In Skive'v Itunding, an Main tllraat
lorototor tho r 'Woos' of iilotousbors awl vow ity nott
toe 1144 No not! it New
itt thin POW. store he inning hi. oid frietido and
Cll4llittera 14)1101 and , pnitikk* of His tortoolitutotto.—
Hi WO lotootwo ,00p thy boot
ilfr:Eß ND .1 h
0,1,,1,H0v on hand ; Al4n, 1itir44p4,1114 Min
ut4l tvaisr, rlll4l 1.44411114a0111. U441,40rty antl 10;111
eu ey t two , Etat 4144 , 4y4 tra Mad 1,0,1114 Roatanilint.
lit tht , eating Linn he prellaiatii a
£ZLL OW rang
not Nllrpaofol iu this Ono*. viz, YitithA vqviery
•19 too, 14111'4114CM 841110,1 W/ Clilio , 4l, Mod,.
Tripe goij nOef kw, &5, Of 1100 II to a guot
article of
'iffics and eltenaint ra0..0)
Ps( his ciptioiovts , Cilv, 111111 r,d l.
JIM la,
. . . .
I_l ity.vr ILARIAAINs
r ethiciims iii Prifeti•
be II it word will offer to tht. itobth!
1u ftl&gait. or
1224:: ‘4O <W".. 31111 42,;,13,.-10 4
Y taWbs,
t.tait:Eit I
!I %ow; siikv,
1;oot and !kihues, link, Calm
if 11••' iil 'Wry
(1041 i the tir.4 oriotmaty. v. 01
datttd eu 37 ,iricity
01, nna X 1 LAIN: 10 NAIChno4 jia)thiaZ to ota
li.a.raa SO at a Vary peromtito yar
Currynt Wholegale Prices.
All kiwis vf produrottivi grain taken in exeb , 4ni:t!
Cr ri.rottAlly invite 4ie pubitc
n.tfl a fillare of their patronana.
Cala, i , sx, January 'J.1,467.
1,1 . 111.3E1t ! I,DII3EIt ! !
;•• 0.4 the iffibhe tw“ V y
Lave r
uocrjt% 0 7 , 1atl'q . V+ Oh extt,o± , tve A ~Y 1 ,+‘
- -4sArx-4 , 1 , 4
Witt 41, tittx Itettp trvet pert,l , l nt ttitott
nolo tt in.l ttl th- vno-, I , h 4'4 h
itorituttitt tti t 4
'4" 3 4 bar , Pine 119:130z, ftwaribib,
rtoorintr, Sing: tee aparLlN,
titt,o . o‘ , 4, to coat to,rr.
I • •.'il of 11 1 1,4 , 4, The,r flooot 11111
1.•ol1tt- , # ttrrl t tt- :O tl•v 4:0 0 4 , !WWI,
,• rt f.• • • ,••' I I'..f 510,1 , 1111 ht id , • - t It% t:10 eltrg . .up
P•.• 1• 1 .• , 4111/ tuxnnuhel urif , lt lUffih, r or .11
1 1. I • ..Ii: Who Imo., 101 ovary
••: ,••• tO S , ••••15 g • ..o.• f,••,, •
• 6 ~r to 11 , %, ot 1,01.n1.11,.1 •
;,,,. , •,• I. 0 .1 , , 1,1,11 .1 1., L'i• •
: •ri , •"•• : '.•
,•• .
F. 1:. , •• .t• • 7.
' I ~•i.• t. a If of
T•r V! i; • 1. •
•• • • • .‘ •
. .1 ;.•1 I : 141.1, ..17`.1;
•,• tit !).,
,•, •• 1.1• •
1,, .•11
' •
.dl pl ".••1 ,
0 , 1%
•,,• •
•, int • Ira
.I'lll • er 61'
affil ry o.i..ti .0 ut. ,
41., ~41. lit 11 141011
t 4 Pt , of
41: VI,
it ‘4 4
117 Ilow,y v, egic , trs %, 3 i fi
Et!' GO I 4,0;4 I :NEW CI 10;
•„tl. - ?,ami‘llNtrg:t:,
it.V. 1;(4v -m
Z 4 :la 411 , :p Mo a V.) 7.1 4 WI, 3
TU s.,dersirseJ has lost r essived • vory largo
owl •coth•st assort awn( of MALI. AND W "%rut
cont.s. % Isiah hw pripp.s... In •.;II 41 I cry lon' raw,.
IW Lag the heal , iissilitiss *of
Axons, !vim nes.
m sLi NT, CA LI CON:S.
UEL.ll\r“ 4 , MEC I NOES
4.11t:t &
The Grocery Deparfnient
j a bite,' %MI the bed quiLty of fr... 11 II 00 . 1'44 .11.1
p;o 11•411111.1. 1/11r11 a. *near. inerlmwes, flour. aall, tioh.
j - COlll.ll'y pro firs LAWN rh.O I IIP fur COrIAP•
6), nill , ll Ho" Inght hi mute* pm , • nil nr r1V4.11.
wr Don't Imo to Aft 1/1111 1 (1411 Ptcurn ;Rag
It. W. 1101V.13/1011
Orangeville., Knv. SA, 1040.-3.0,
No. 'l4 Bond St, New York.
rp v o n info r mal Inn. wish the highest fuel^ axiafs
*ho. a !Int* on Wait Uiscorca hu a mold interlope
a.•nt free.
rorr.ca4l root for thew. end you tall not rec Fri
It; lot. us ado attain' ' , lwamoto ire 'nuttily in.
porters, 'Minot o'er route* no stranger should be
nand. ltatt•rst a stamp fur ',midge; Null direct No
1111. I.AWEENIAL NU 14 CONN trracsi.. NEW
YORK. Nov. iticu—iy. N. r.
Apiil Bth, 1867.
CREAT TIW3:1( LINN fllO3l TOR .t irril
and Nurt It Wort r ,, r Volk, Arad.
mgt. I'o'lBollo, Tamaqua Aahlaml. I.ooman's. Allon.
town. Eartoth Ephrata. Idtts. Laacast‘r, Culasittma,
Trains leave Iliorrlphurg far NOW York, 00 rOlll/Wlll
At 31111 WW and m Al set 11114 >t 10 and Ilotl r /1 ranoect.
ina w Oil 0111111110 Val On 011 the rrosisylt ania
road and strrivnix In Vow York at 300 awl 111 10 A M
411411 90, 3to and 1023 rn. tiltnpin't Car. ar roman.
*vino thn 3IN a X sad I/ 00 r M. Trains w ithuut
I..avc lastriabant Qq flna.lidir. ratter:lto, Tama.
qua. 31111.141151/0. Ardl'am.l, Pine firnvr, Allnntawn
and Philadelphia. at 0 14 • at and t 10 and 4 10 r m.
slopping at Lashanon and principal Way olalltats ;
Om 4 r lasi log coon,. &m 04,t0
oo tor r;1 vi i i
colonials I.oly. Vim Pon,vitio. tkhoylk ill If-ikon
sod vio Mehaylksil am( maromelsanna Rail
wpm, have Ilarrl.bur at 3 20 r
R•torning : Leave 'err Yolk at 0 oOA y, id M and
Ott and 00 r Plalsoltlptim At rla sad 3aup at
Way Y'llolPaaar rain Waves I . llll , idelyhtii at 730 A
M. red 'nuts from Itemliby at ti 30 r a rivping at all
atattona: Pcttevitle aidto • rt, and tl 49 ►a ; Aah
land OWt sad 11 30 A N. and I 1.13 r. ■ , Tatoettda at
949 A. N Will a sa Y. M.
Leave rot Ilaralabarg via lkhuplAtll And
1111.1110141144 itntlrudd at 7 Do A N.
RrxdMtp Ateti Milton Trait' : loaves Reeling
at 030 A 4 retorolnit froth Philmtolphio In S t►i v M.
COIUNIMA Railroad rrasne leave Illeaddm all du a a t
and ti b ► at for Ephrata, Lila, 1.110(4146r, Columbia.
irottrtown AccoMmodation : hravra Pmts.
town at 8 90 a. N.. fehilltilig IriVe. 11111044 pm at
fl 30 r. a.
. .
Culumina Ball Rand Trams leave Rod 7 00
A. N and n 13 P. X for Erairats, Lars, Lauciatre.
!alumnus. kr.
. .
OH iiittodevs Lore New York at 800 P
datable oun A M. and 8 13 P 11, the P 00 A 111, 01110
13111 hint only ou Itembog ,Pn ille 809 A M Nar
rreoung 9 98 A M. *134 kekk.:.o ell L.A3 and TIN ' A N.
for Iturrielaieg and 11 kJ A M, tor k w York rl.d 44J
P M. for Phi fedtfiict.
cm. 4.•asnn Pehool am( I'ncor.
triad Trolito. Wind ItTou atl p•tute at reduced rate.
Itapage ciattatnt las luea ; H 3 pound. allowcd cacti
Gqiitral Baikciotandsiikg
Pianos for the People I
120 Uuwmts St., N. Y.'
We would moll Oro Waldron or u potato and the
trade to our elegant New et:ltio to too totww.
Hof 1.1y144.4
will, El A, 7ortsee, Front large round ester lA.
plain rase. either octagon or curved legs,
st nimbi bottom, head inuolding oa pQnth,. . .ol
kl'l'Y td B. 7 relate, SWIM us style A with ger.
penile. moulding MI Moth, raved togs sod SOD
d•t'Yl.h t, 7 octave, Front renters large round
serpentine bottom, areoldings Paulo as lot Avid
D. carved lyre and desk, Piney ctrveil ti3o
13YY1,1t It, 7 otramr, ecur large round comets,•
finished hack. mouldings to riot and Mime.
serpentine bottom, moved lyre and desk, tde•
gent muted unit legs,.
14 111 , 0v1; 41) too btu u 001410 a i 4 .4Ju4it tom.
WOO 4 ta,014 411 li4yl. the 11111 Iron Immo. Prt•tirh
action, hart, by, ivory loy. 444 4,1
Ewa. 4114 exevol in .Art:1141404 6440. 11rtilly ants
7 .1 OctAvo Pitowl now 10444fart40.,1, tir e
10444 011114 14 , #t matttristo, tout for hotgh, Alonthlisty.
pottity nod ttwevittos Of tom., cannot tot to4rika.4o+l.
Wo tot tte tho sittvutiott of the pol4lfl, of 111'111cro steel
the Pr 4 l . 44Pitm, to 4 It MEM ot4loikattott of the
owrtts of our 134404,
liy tivoclide ell.-pfigey frAikvit up tat
rt.! ly tut*, and tlytt , H,lvlt wor , i,,oni4 1,1 Ow
Clly, we; ttc” o,l,lfitc,l to tot; , , r prilerfli
gtrtril 44 , ty rinv,fittOli, and inttte xil to t.iMI and
rtaminn theft* to lure lotatcolott tAcw,Attert., I , ,trtieti
ord , roct; ('rota a ,il.l.llhro r3tl trAy atom twc , tAllig
ttp ,, t I'aalco4 prottptly, 1 , 4 , 1 co tOf can arire
1,1 itru Lol thotlioctly dr oigiint.l by tlic
orAt,t,r. A it I." I).
TN. Nor th4 , ettlf , ll EthlIVP, elia,ll6/ uil the
4,4oolttnit e 11114 1 0 ., tit 49(1,1 ;or 6.941 41(cunt, wborit
aro by 'natty tiliktitaillAttrent tau U to t 5 Okla 90
Ilium DEPART:nit:NT,
We wolll , l re.pertrully cull Ow out:MU - on or =ll - 4
LeAJers until Hi~ttsing,Hrh~~ni Arliets
,01 t,11.4 Chi Arch "rittOe.
A Ht hf .a 4 ; (4,! tho nook: r:“
he low. ,on. 't Pen ulvn in tAtr}rai
rrnif and Nustdy.
It, 4. bon tO id'Yl• a.:% fro no.I Ste (urettettt„fe
Ott ail tonolm of 1101.tirld i 11 1 ,1 0 ,0 40 to Ow ~01.N.we,7
e=t proper Wolk."( iiiNtr forttiall.lll.+C
„cryr:e~tat--pro;?man in 1.,11..p•A btuJon+, nod I. eet
r•nnrr»i lot. ro o t to 4.t..iip”ort.i, taaidurntot, tot W.
t (nrui,o on tr on !lir. tt. , WIl tun n 0
irrnm, lucaa < uot dpitrAteji, Vo.Hot ry ordvtn 40 frit”.l -
=11 , 4 rt ! , (11,11 for 311t;te,
. Ake.. etc,
lastly the new Sunday
B r GDI o lfl 1 * 1:()1i15.V.0. 9
T Aw.h‘w . 4 PRvreil Lute. Sum tly
Uni.ther, t tra.•ntal r0wk.1' , 40144.114t,
• • ..d r.
t.Ve v. 10,,11 I,A psi I, (../ cny
to'c , ll , l p., ,, sty rent,. oice ut
• 11,. Gi/1./.2 v Va1••0.,.14 ttn 1011 , 4,, , :
e' , ll4e ropit,, Its p.ip ,, r (OVCrlf
ICS, fit 1.1. , nt.:4 rlivcr,
111 OW 1411
# 4 " ,' lair,ti ;W; -, 1 . 7 - 1 P•l;,b,
Jnvt 0 , , • .0,11, :14 :111
1,4 rn in , li3Witlfortilf , , ul 1%.:4•..,
WWI ke, &C. rv,,y oh •
hinto • '1”,11,1 ti e a t,tit.! ul tta,
, •.r• con tso:i I . •'W , 1
' , O• ,Ar.11, , ,:t1:••:1 , 4 (A'r l ' Ortd,'
{NS -1,
the I`htt/h1 µrains. 4111 br,“,utt.
ift A y per••••••• • I :!14 1V.1. , t
t! tAI 1 444 Op 4-14. • • .41414442 - •441 10 - 4.44 4f.
war 4•• 1•—•- 411,1 i•
it, r, 1, r with thy* .!I t• ,
v.• tt t , it f !•
et.l , 11 , 1, 1 ',111.1/ .• r i t
1,441.--,y. J, ri
tvt :it
N 4)
tViv a 1 1 Joi No. 11.1.4.:4
•• •! :1011,11'i
I r I • r 1.14
• 1 • •• • • r. • It
r.., ;.!.• —1• • 11.
•• •••• I:.s. II .• , 11i 1.11 Z •'•
• . ...1,1 ,„ !.
11:1;•; I . • .:
Vr :•:;••• I'
to , p••,••• •".,1 :••• • 1 1.• , •:•;11. ••• •
••• ••• I Ile :oil
•••1 l;V• - • , • .1 ., •••••• .•.!..• ...I ,
1•!rafa••• • • • 11:1' 4tt• h 1,1 • - •••• IS, •a:l,r
:•• ••r tho it 11.11111 N,
ch-o•L•••• 011 • -••••I• 11 111,.' 0, 4 6 4 th' n o r
d••••••4.14,1r ncri r n in an, tiothr..•l • iLterr4ll With bilgt•
nrma Pll 11 1 1•(0, (1150.
41 4. 1 e 4 Uttt 4hort . 411 , 11!114441 If,
" `,••••••'-} g Resrh awi
,• •ii 44 4 1'4 . 44 utl r 01 . A.:
,orw ;r1.111 . 1141.51il •at •
1171.'1 IC,. Ti N.
ifj; I ,'•`• l' C 0
" was hrntutiro ass fa:r,
re , ' •
~t :1444 kn , lritif MI% lilo , l,
tt, Vt;ry 11.:m v d aw,=l.•
41. stihirvEz ciLYl.l‘..
W Y'lo
Pv . nni )•: /170,1 V 1,111“ a awl G,01 , ,,, , n
(4,1 d. i 4 the ooty
c, „ ,tra, , ght itnir, att.'
at 13,a f,ollo Ptye it a tol.atirfit ,
aara. The Cit„,,,,r oumt not otey curt Om 1 171 , r.
1.0 irvi:..r4le, 11,91114, , :Ind Ottanxletl.ll:
“nd th , tpatitstir pl , f111111,! , 1, 11114 10 thi) 1311,rt Colllll4lf,
tt Id, of tta, hind uttered to the A uieril:49l p4b.
it,. To. , i'm,....r1..0nt4 Waft h.' atty tittelta,s,
.aod pa,tvnto t Op 1.1.!. 10 W.
1,. I A.AVK Co , CH,11 , 10,4 No, 3V. e-t tee A.,
liyftli.nnO. N. V.
Lachmvanua & Muomiburg HMI CAC
r o AND AMU JANUARY elk 147. PA •
MM AM .r3l.
I.l•ave e , rantml. VA 01 4.40
•• hub-tom. 153 A tAI AMU
It up.. rt ONO $.l:
011111 , MO. o'lt rap
A i cid :Vim thuultHfrlaft4 10.30 :4.13
I.I:AVE N V It'lr 11 PP A RD.
In•ave Mart li tthiNtriArd, 7 .00 5 111
.. limn-ON, 7.10 oil('
•' P. 13 P M N:¢l
•• Kill/440A. In SA too !, AA
Arrive Ai ;OA i A nton . taint .1 tai 10 i 3
'Train• 1 ,, 1iin2 Kingston nt iilit A: M for Styr: noon
simian n ith Triaa arriving at New York at 3 l n
INiinevngess ink ing Train Smith from Scranton i i i 33. i
A M via niniliuniiiorland,roaili Ilarrioliorg IS :111 I' M.
Paltiniore.3 30 1' M.. Washington 10 IMP M via iiil.
pert reach rhiladolphia at 2 ntip 31.
11. A. roxiia, Supt.
Kingston. Jan. 301807.
cott .%M. DIFEAS/".8 INVIDENT 1101u.L14
og, the u.e of an .Bernal np Wield ton
This nevi• preyale.l by it ' , tactical
Chemist, baton a Cull k !water* of all the medical
virtues of emu' mar...divot tluit enters Ito its eoidepo.
Iv warranted to maned anything or the kin,'
ever yet ,Bared to the politic as an taieissal atrial
ca 11.., for OW' discuses fora bleb it is recommended.
Wo me sattelleil that It will work its own •roaa into
the eiailblet.eo of all who it. , it. and Mos , ' who try
It once Will never lie without it. and therel , • .. vie
rely on experience fib the beat WO of il• uaufulisves.
)t Is moauume.ll,y
1.2 -3 .A.1131M13131113:15r3
and n:1 vette hnve tried it, to he the beet nretacetiost
c%er need. 'I hi• has two p•.t ap for
over e4ht pears, red it 111 nnly the larvaatair
a.. mond and urgent reined of Inv end the
penile that 1 peed it truth as the triad remedial
aunt fur the varione dieewea to Which that stahltr
ao,l nacho .meal, Ow WI 00 In 331111.4%
VIM) remit-then have been r'a'yed to the public
under didcrent forme. soma Of ihiCht: ore tulanreolic
others al heat or 11111 d One, and many I+ bolry Ire•
prop. r to /men et the purpoaca for v, hicli.tha y are
A .0.1 1 11 0,11 A and really gigolo, romp.).itioe, (re,.
Wow tho.o übjectioes, hoo htttioloie {wog I,t; dc•
erred by mull gentlemen who have
'WA I. U A ISLIP; 110 !ISt:PS,
and Me In tru..t them to thn care of da.,igti•
1141141 J pretended rarfiefe. Tapir a fatted are at
Innyth fully gratified, by (De. finale) being prevailed
arm In allow this valuable Panbrorituni hid' hay
pruned an 'MC UtliAll to this "ammo dimialies) to be
propited rod biodglit. out 10 itin public
/148411 %AOealeueneiy 16111.11 thi
GOVelllllllblit dilistis the war.
AdtaewallnnJci In Olt EDMUND KALE,
11J Smith aocutitl ot. relisdophis. Pa.
Match —lbnao.
All rwroonil knowtnc theaselvJa in.inhted to 1140
uti.h riugatd. Ira r. lestCd to tuakc Dli)111.111 t
&slay J. L. AU rr1.11..4.4)
1140einsburg, I%b 13, 14u7.
Thtoodoridioad reepeettelly hitOrme tho titizetro
of Wouottioot. ostilAtiajrsollis eueetyalutt they kar p
nil 113 M
tome teell Orfila*.ol.l(pagets,,Ol Wii4# Ma'
jute n* m i l t o v y. ttot k 00. 6 pernere i wile it g. 1 4 ,1
VIM Walt*/ IMOCISMII the IN iterf,tt , wtitth F 040,1111 and
home rind wOOOO, to deliver Cunt
to thoao wito dntiro it, As we toorchnio A low
tooooot ar ttal, iAt• Intend to Iteup t t t otpori t o oracle.
l ow tali at ilia vary lowaat onetot. to,;i ;Wit
XAMIna far YOtiffelvaii before puitchustil elt,oVi f' C.
J. W. II Iltiut iT.
AUiitld'TVs 11A 4ON.
rir FIR under:4lg fled win tuko, in excininne hit r o w
ft im inn following named article*
wh"o, gvo,c or a, Oat*. Potatoes, land. Ilani,t4hool
dnr.aad ~igto ;twat, floater. Eggs, Hay, (ca,, nt the
b,4ll,ac,sh itnecti, at hia Grocery emu., adjoining
th. or coal yard. J. W. Ia:NM:OW PE.
Illoonistourg, April
UMBIA t u,, PA.
1111 tontp.coilier, pr,vri , tor
or Ow ittwve u.nurd t'
Tvlttett vci tvg Iff fa.
Ali Kinds of Machinery,
for entlvrteq, Mast tftationary EnguiPK,
M ildot, 'l* up E 4411 IMS Jl CHI
Itv iM 31.0 propnoti lo mtn.e SI ,, VCO, aU 4i,tps ith d
Wow.irons,tthd every ttung .1411aily made in
Uia ~ vt ktngn, war.
..od 2;111 1111 the
fr , ft , 4.
' Of scot be talwn to oxeltanto. for
I,lflbllol.loso 1,4 to 'it'll near the It (41:17.,t
nA A hioum.+4l , o. Railt , nl4l
r GTE S.
Itt.awburg, pt. 1!. Mill
P l ' 7 N rl / 4 : " 1
A. J. 41.
Awl!' opposite Ihr Epi.eopal Chin 11l
M'' Aot k ie tomooped of Ono el/MORI, torolioto
mul low prevgl ~a +141.1,,1 14 all
14 , 4 o% 48,1 He t.l}'l , ti („rl4O
overcoats and Gentlemen's Shaw s,
Cr«m I v r„,ii• vcrY beat
//as uwas o re iqrsiatriwrbte and writ •'7l.rtir.
In ri.l4ttiott to Inv ,took 0f r iv•vitiv cl.ttettr,r,
lures prery g0v41,4 tor costvm or,;vir.
Oohs, cgodutteres, *tr., tit r.
And ha% int; one of tbc first catior4. t amino
too 4 fit 3n ntt oa, a n t give two. AL-. a
V.tro ty
IVOULI:N AND LIVEN 411!111`~,; , ( 4,
it, 0, , ll,'
OK, r. 1,1
tole tittr lardoy
ANilltEW J. LVAN:4,
11!. v.!, Nu v. 'sr,
- •
A.i,3. i U r-ZT,
• • : sunny I. firi ti0.0,v. - 01.4 !IR ,
111. . f00mp ,4 4 at 1114
11, • >4 0.1 ,1,N17, , 1 0,003 /% 4, .
at ttti,.
. 4u, 1 • 1{1 , 1'. /Old Oti r ill ill,
of All Inelv, eripi 41r0, rlll,l ”Very
ail m , -11 r••gitlato t 1101 k:
A \ .11:E I ;.TAffi.r , f:Mi.N;',...; iu i!„ ,
and t•!, the 10,4 V •11,10,1h3,
•1 • 111 1;4 itutlo•.: :1,1 to •litioo, It•di boo put
u. o nu #1 or, 1.0.t00 r.t• -11, all i°l:l4. uC roloatiltig d , ao,
li•• .•• '•••• ,' to a tit .11!1;.1 . : of CA
co:l.••upt .41. • and a
• is! I.lo.t's 1'1 , 63 t‘t1;'::• .doug Ftua Vot.:
i•—• tove lain a call.
1. • til:3 itoL l s PAY PIZ
Watch 1 'Watches : V atchc
hoonett ry 3t,.1 1t
(I,•lr l ,i•t i .'•:;;;•,,• MOO', • ••1 . • /,
11 s''.. t.. 3..
i“ .0;,1 tho pubh, : ••
v, • Th. I
eNtr,, t,, , •is µu I . ,it d
GO SIR Inagulrt,
, 3 ,•• :33:41, i. .3• 31 1.3,3 3312 f . 13•3 . . qt. 1,,V.
••••'l. i% O • Pi 1.31 f 3,..
t • .1, .3 Va. no. 0.0 ont -
•• • •
I. r . 1 1„. ti,re 14:1415M10; 10 , 1LI,ty .
f'n it •11(.3tIoll ; b,ft V 8,0,1 the LAtrfl Asi Co,
th,ir wilt belid
1 . 0 - ,ltehi iieWO 4 1 1/
n .' •
r r. l l :1.0 hs 111
A ..- t f .•wan t Agt.lo.t nt t'Very toWti
, k 1 • 0 • •I ;0 7 4 tO U1.,7 7 1. 7 i;itc: LL Old,
07,70 Cr. 11'4.
1: TOO. (Wit:o Order
rtr titialk 01410 , 0 tO
3. A
C. 11 WI it,
I I r . sonaroN ntarrtsT.
• otrsret hi. ftrof,,o•
10111r:11141titriallit:II `cot
prepared to attend to all Ike vbrion.
so. of the 11110 0111111 prld.olloll /Mb' , ;troy 144
INA!, itoprovP.l 1.:014(12.11.1r whlrt
w II I•qf owl/P..1/ot golt1.11:11lasio.ollter anti rolibei bp 4.
In inn4w. JP it! tho
MI IrVII plot. sad bl.•rk Irrlir monefortore4 nr• all
no I tli.rl re Ili Ily proi• r rty atioaded to.
tte:i•r«ace ilisuiss above this Cowl
II 1140. ramie Aldo.
e'.o,l).ont. Joist: 6 1i163
imer imorry
inottfuh toittern titAo.,ne leiteh.,tier
Cliftnge at Cars.
UV airy April edt h. IPFT.Traiiis will tins
as lolinwa :
fi 0:1 N. y leave Northumborland. ' , topping at prin.
arrl%l•F 40 Willionsapon. I 40 a. NC.
LIMIT.I CI bong., C;iiituvlatqua 3 I. P. NI.. Itatbas.
tur 4 pj I% N , Boni° 9 /3 P. S.. AlagaiY ralle
00 P. K.
4 41 F. ra leavt, NiorlilUMW:6llllld. Illappitt
41141.114. a,% mg at Wllliumepost, 6 G e. it, El
mira II US P. :4
603 I. n.. Ikato Northaintwrland, l otilityjnit at
pi AllatiONS, arriving at giglrfli.l.l.4 'III A. .
1 . 2 39 r. N. I'llila.loloo4 I lig r. N.
In 16 a. a. Ivave Nurthuinherland. eiviiin s ; at 311
alialoncarriviag at Ilarriihura. al 1 13 r. 31.,
Mawr it 00 r. N., 1001.4,1.41.10 a 5 10 r. N,
3 IU v. a, fr4ve Muni bor!and. at..pping at all
vtations. arming al 11.0rf-luirf +1 30 v. ti..thiludel•
plea 1 510 a. N., galimars 7 00 a. r.
II al) r. a.. kora Nurilluatbailand. eapping at
papicivalsialiontl. arriving at Ilarrimbatg 3 dU • n.
HxlulWlrai 111 t. 4, nelphia A.
3, a. Daltiltlit E. S i ViUliktl i
dap% jlaurawrg r r 4. Gem'. Fame. Agent,
!Initiatory. awl
PA AC AI. r.tosi L:1111011
Weptern Freight Alma, Uaralo, N. Y.
May. a, 1437.
E MI'llt1;1-..:If urn, E sElv I NO
e t,,)12 I:Lteit3
Are .itilli•nof 1.1 WI marts fur
It AAIUN ANL) M.V 4 iilrA4 - riti i•vßrosE c t
:raisin all the latesHiapreeentente • are sqleerly
naisfriess ; daraalr :lei ONO, to WOO,
llist"'rave ewillars tree. Agents waisted. 1.0•
erisl disvotiat 011'111rd. No constiliuwnt. Wade.
Address FAIN lee O. XL bOr. niusilwat. New
14.1,0•mber 41:0.
I.OT 01? 1.14511210 H UIi
aaln• Tho andereillund Otero for solo Vim the
most regeonable lc rnm, at his place of With. fu
ColllMlti.% COUNTY, Ong headreill thou•
.and &innate. and a law tot of freeing beard!. of
the very beat quality. both mon and hemlock.
.1. J. atallghlllY.
Delllue. May (1, 1e41,..").
( Late Aaalbtost 311 , . OICAI 0. f ectql I', S. A .)
"%placing" and Surgeon.
Ire Office at the Rorke Hetet. Ithow:bout NI
prump'l•r 'a both usght and day.
Blcoinebovc. No% I. Obi.
GI;f:AT ldll fl&)Vi 3INNT
Tina I on4verte.l on entirely new
printiples of est•closin:pm, p peer;ing wisely rare
Ind valuable imp,. velment... baying/ been elm in!twil
by Ibe snagt pawned encnil4. aced priannsuerd
It lino a otrniglit pp•'rprn•tir,lnr notion.
make* the. I...''K ~r T trirrin whirl. will
neither Ull' oor HA% 1:1•,11111.111 o'ike on both oideo ,•
purfonna perfeet erwinU 011 PrrrY 'dPreriltflors
mitten 41. rt.itn Leather to . lIP Itne.t Nititoonk ',motto.
with f"ttnit. I.n.•n, or Pilk thread. from the co:freest
to tlii. Iln. mt,nn'her. Ilntins toroth., I:Abt Or CI)11
W111:1: 1.. and the loo.t posoilitu frit:this., it tuna as
smooth no 111:111SP. and is
Einrhai lef I? .VelbldeSA Jradalle.
It reptirp. rlrry PER 011:N1'. tem. poser to drive,
U thannuy ether tuochlue in the auethet. A eirl
A , .tre pens of nen elan *nth It steadey. wfinoot
fetkue or injury to houlth.
Its insplllll 011.1 VW 01111.111111 sllllplll`..ty gs(1 . 0113 1 1/111!
tine 11 . 11.11`11. it ul,u• , nt nupoo•rlble to IVA 1.111 uf brdcf
rind l• 1;1; .Ift A NTl:ftli by tue coutpaity to give eit
tiro .istisfarlann.
We rrAperlfillty invite nil ihoto• who ion, ott..Ore to
kopply couro t tole. 111 (Mile
MA ea:111411V Wit inVii I v Ligli saAriti NFL
be himeot ili•lturlion in .W 16 1 ,10 to t . linhto
y prttovil to Wolk Giis ib.l,ll.ue to O+ n . eol int (ate
Agrots wortig..l for was iii' 1'0.11.41 rtatc a,
fin! 11.4 airmitiv 0.1.11,11.1...1
ror Cuba. 31. %iv... I!o..lrid and wriut. lu
whom J. 116^ral .1..... , ittl will nil , . 11.
it'i 4)
TArt 'rt , rif the public unit the Ind. , he
I p•% Iteil t0...r V, tit simi.c. 101 :CAv6.
Itt It . IEWIP•1 1 PI 01Ni FORTES. Will, Ii t'••r votime
and p.i.sty or lune are annvalled by uny littlierto
pirml in ill.. market. 'They ee•anin 111 the osth•rii
improveme lite.. "'much /riled Relloil,ll/ifli pefila.)tall•
er•oorting MIS& etc and trick itittrument
lweil made under 11:.• Ilaf.lllllll illilerßlMMl or Al r.
J. It. GRoVVE•Ti tit. Wild hue n pl a. I cat PipolliPllf el el
over thirty pima Ili their imilittlacture, Is t illy Nan
tainted in evert part... Oar.
IWE • e7ftt1rk.547.3 , 7.4" PLIAMPORTR"
SRAtirl. WoRI.D . A Va
Wipre were exkihito,l thstreesent4 from the heel
milkers of louden. Purls. Gone:atty. th i lad..trhia.
heitioore. II•soon and thew Vwk; and aim at the
,:m..ri.•aa UT.: (Or 11110 Slit tellOIV )Para. Ike
Ita iLUAL/ from both of which can lot
aces of U.Sf Wafe•pliolliii.
Itv th.• int , ..1U.1.0.1 or improvement, we mike it
Dill more petted r 4140441142. 411.1 by toontifoct..ring
iarg. ty. 4114 4 tit telly en•li pyrd..l4i. ar.. eliibb,l to
001 r the e id , drutu,uts at pt icc wallets will preclude
all c.o.p..lition.
Uor efirt.* are bolo SIN to ChM cheapt•r Moil Oily
OMt cla no•fiate.
sued IS wanner Cit:Catt•
and 1401
rvn4lde 41,•thing at Ina ciurd. aq
AMIN STREET, 111.00.11S1WRG,
Iwo doors above the dam riratt Must,
whrre hn ha Just rpreiv.l from New York add
wou, all afiliuttaacat of
31rea mut 80y'94
1.4 , 11 M. /..oR EtiS GOODS. consi.ttoig of
!lux, Nark, Frork : Gras awl Oil
('nuts, rtttil Penfe,
or all .orta. 013.1., and reitof, t.. f•
lalig.l lila allg!Asty ldrp• .tuck "( FAH :.n.l %Viol% g
Wid ; Sipes'. eplf.,l ar.l philn V.-.l*.
coa%abo. 14 0, ..•.11;i1N. 11 , ini.1“.(lhal ,
perLh . :•4 11:.41 Mist It,.
F. 8.--gif!lltl•ruit.tiskily on nand a large yoto.l well
fo•lutleol otsv. , rloilent of Ch.thow nn -I V.,iolopo.
lie ho repairn to mako up In order. 'iota molly lojoiol or
d oo tning so n v e ry snort ootsce and 111 lila Oohs of soan•
All 111. 11.1:11ini8 niftilit 41 w.:ar 411,1 Mnet i
of lioluc ohotsulloturo.
E T I; V & CC).,
33 I.:lwe} ti.tcrt, N.
CO. cr..)11.1.1 13X3r31.1:to'Zc1Lv=
f 4 el)* P..P.ript3oll. flows p. II s.
Jewolpe i. tiot thi tt plate. fall au.t
Baton lii. gru.n.l ti. burtutrut of Wutchus
VTI:101.,( )(1 V. '1'111: III)111,D AS •
'ft /N11• 4 1/1 , 3) .•17' T 111;
wona, g ro het elusions Mack, by the Great Astrolo
gist. MAD t)th 11. A. rLitetco, She reveals ae•
ereta no mortal ever knew. alto redeye, I'. happi•
nese throe avtio from doleful OVOIAO. 1101.4,1t0ph..0.
01'00000 in love. I. , au or P 44111011. and Mewls, boa
of mosey. dert., have beetune deep filet. She blies*
kleilwr thus. bosg. sordtrektd , 00000 edit.
'ine biotin Meth,. er totem 1110101T0 1001 Or
utoten property. tette you the beetroots yeti ore beat
qualified 10ino/100 and In whet you Nth be mod sue •
. rause:. speedy
~inktriaties and tells yen the
very day you ulll intory.gised your Oho name. like"
neat. awl rhareacristire of the iterates. retok
your v.-a thoughts. aril by her Cwt.' oto.-ruet t oot
wooer* unveil , . the d.ti a and hidden inyaterwe ut
future. Prom rho Aar+ we tee, to the brettiverent -
She puddle trors Shot ov , :renrire .4* Pr...1 11 111 1 63in 111 the
rotiOetit.tibin - front the seat:eta and puOiloria of the
atelier* arid the Plied stare in the heavens at Ms tame
of Willi, ,he deducea the future deatitty of non. Earl
nut to euroutt the 'testiest Astroloptat on earth. 11
r 940 you 1.1.1 a trine, awl yen may never strain love
Oct frivOtablO eh opportunity. Voiraultat fee u ith
'throve. and nit ,h,ered hifortat.tli 0000 . tyl . Parties
11Villtt al 11111010114[41 can ritorolt Ile atto,ou.. ly Omit
With 1 u p set maul,' and n.utodeetrota bribe/toot,.
in permits. A full awl exploit chart. written out.
with ail anawnred and likeneae encloted,
molt by mail use rev ipt of prim above niesitioned.—
Tao ' ,w r iest ~.rerro.y n ill by 11111/11121111,11 and 11 . 1
respondence returned or deetroyed. Itefereurea of
the highest order furnished there desiring them.- -
Write plainly the day of the' month and yen( so
which ynu liege born. enclosingolll3ll lock of hair.
Addreee. 111/111Akle II A. Pflltklttti,
Yoh :27 Ni7-ly P. it. Drawer M. huff do. N. Y.
—--••- - • -
111.El'AltATOlt CAPILLI. •
Throw **ay 1"..10e , friz:ss your riiir wig
t.v.• 01 n•ndort. end Out worth I, fig ;
C r(lltt youthf al. a , foq uft4 stud fair.
And ...pave. Its your oast lUluriunr hair.
Poe ireotofialph.tif siptietialtl t i.ln (trout Whiitcrer
Canoe it may have talky out) tool furring a growth of
hair upon the face, it her 11. ) e•Inal. II tt torte the
heard to grow upon the sonoollo,i rime an trout eve
to eight weeks. or half 141011 bAlit in It nun two
to our, nouilis. A tew ognortuit pfll , lllloll, s I.llVe
asserted that I hero In nothing that o ill t.'r c or hant•
en 11l growth ofUlw hair or beard. Their 411,0111011 P
art Woe. SIM Illoyoandy or Grins witnowies (To
Moir eitiol;,nri?) rill bear neell. nut many till
say. b ow aro we to 41641140,h thu got utile (van the
Opistintia ! It cartaiuly is dillicuh. en
tot ilifihreot l'ieporutioitailvettlerd for the hair and
beard are eutirely wuriblers, and you may have et.
randy (broom' away largo Intoning in their pUrebintr,
To curb WA, would nay, try the Reporvior eaPilli • it
will coat yoo niothing sole,* it fully conies tip to nit
represaatallone. If your °rut:glair doe' nal Aerp it
onti.l its tine dollar and we will forward it•ln..llad•
toretlwr with II receipt for Ow money, wiiii•U wi l l lie
rt . lUritetl y Int Ul4 application. providing entiro
faction is not pron. Address. W. L. CLAIiK &
I.:herniate, No 3 Went Piot tie et., liyrocuAc, h. I'.
Feb II 117—ly
WAI. I, Ut:14 , 7.1[Y, (1111/. W. CAI:W:I4 ILL
Establiahed 1828.
737 MA SINT tar. one floor helovi eat, Prmanetente.
nlttlitf mvnivimes. CHI:MICA LA,
rA MTS. GLASS. VArtNlOlll , O, Dyrp,
Au 4 ow. ry oilier art hale appertettung to the
hoeinesa. of the heft yttahoy, and at the
lovveet Market Retire.
Maids V. InfA,
Empire Shuttle Machine !
A 1.11:14C00110. SBn !howl y. N. Y. •
U'u•hiugion it
fMI pig Crect.
r rint. It INQ.
Kali,&kg rind i'lle(11011 einh;Ord.
)31; itri.64.!way. N. V.
Piano -Fort9 BTanufacturert,
41;9 Broadway, New York.
TEMA'S.- Cry/111 jlt current fund:
Jt.4 11 1 Irl/6.-li.-11.A
cm 'slack4c/whin".
1.;!-•;:.a`laal ‘;;;:k
211.finte burg. A rtd t 0,150.5.
elry Vsiiverwarr.
Worth over s2,uoy4ko ! All tole Sold fur
16.2 /tROA //WA r,
A' I':1 UL M. 1:t:ROri•: M %t!PAI:TUftEItiI,
Annousico Iloyt in runteltielore of Urn oVoqPinekilif
of She Esigtiols Mar Mil, tits illivlioiscs q mistily of
have b 1 cn coorigise4 to Omni, with liirtferihnie t o be
cleared for isotoodloio otos. so nor sarriAm. A.
to offer Mom according to
their millibar, ryru• o t of oneloors at .31 04e11. with
mat myna to value
'rho following b•t rloorr tint original a holorralo
prices f *wile or the whioi they now ,A:„,
Id 01 •
IN" JIM' IS 041111•Ireser rooms from VS to to
g m h, r.acnu , t Kgrptiliti caohe •• U In It
AM Allmon and Malibu detainee 4 to lo
:4.t41 rft!hrig Merino . •o nll4'l'64ll* 10 to ail
Chu:bite, rtihtt Athi Memos . 4 to to
vottl !loot.* i to 10
4009 Printed calico , to 3 to 7
hiNtit Miasmal .lotto t 3 la 6
MOO rose Kliiptie oklll4 2 1,1 3
1"41110 0110 :old Litre trill 0 to 0
41100 1401111010 1:110 . . and ratan. V to 3
Wm l'utto 0111fier' rot +wit 930 to U
WV Pile bandit'. tchit•f• I to 9
V 0 99 itottlittliett * If twittcleti It'dl.ttliefA 7 t 1.4
199 0 . . dm. t•sultroottedletittett hie 9 01 IA
An 1, tha,o to.tpetk lowa Itotitllterelatort a in It
MOO loom% vitt. beamed .. $ to { I
WWII Ltotwo volon loon 5 to to
MOO Doz. n oon!en hose li to is
Ann , . It Zen balsnor..l4 IQ hi 14
mot ii,, t osi 110.11 . g C4/11011 limit hose 4 hi ri
tioil thiteli wiles woolro hal lat..° it to ti
1000 1.11o•it and r,ittnn shirts Chi /.1 1/
10)0)1 Vivito. underellifti 9.311 to .3
itotOO rotto merino drawers :50 to ti
ttOtt9 root • tot tt. tool totiolotert.. tlttithstiott 3 to 7
moo root broil ettotto.r:ofitittito , * 3 to is
totem Vrsi pattsrii• to iiiiit.yeiviii,pissir.
• •.
Inarot•rititiorre. kr.' V.O to to
50,1 0 MOM A Mien ruble clOllll :5 Li 1.10
10000 Yards brown 1i4 , 11 demotic 1 to A
1..00 , 6 1111 , 1/ while linen kept I'l a 6 10 ht
tonne Va 141 Unbleached iwtolile 13 to 30
gonna Y3/1.110 blenched 11101114 1:411 VI AM
IMMO Vault triAt linen 75 10 I Su
&OW % nr.l lipsimel :el to 11
3, ; n:, 1.000 V ,, ul rhaWle li 50 t•p 15
tppoo iNtiere Wept illawli . 10 10
1nn.... 1.301.. rs loreulift4 shawls: to to 7 :/ 1 1
Inn Notting. in clotills I An 10 3
10000 W 0.4.11 howls I :... le 3
. .
'Joon Itinnket, :130 In $
;in,,,,, I.Own told tottolt rh..b It to 7
onno lii4.ll.n . ti ng Inn Ain to So
•tourl cottoo
.„,,o0 Spool Ihrrad
1400 rounds 1,1a,k Own thrviol
44.0. p lift.oll bit bntlrr i 3 t , )
3. 4 5 t I,o,lieie silk lclvot Atoll Motorce
roolusohier .2:osto 3
3.10 , ) I.ftitive olwritiott hart tt:iv to lo
&Apo Turkey morocco port,ouiticY With
!Amor* 2 to 1
goort 'rooky morocco wit and poi:.
1:t.:0 NJ e to a
1., toorrxhattin Op..
3 to i
l'..ido rini 4 dotd It bindo p,l4!rt k wv,..,
IN:ori.tortoiso toilk ory Oa 441.'8 2 to 2
Juno trench clocks. glit send bronto.
with unit waltuut Abates ti to 100
gooo IimMAI tuned to to I%ia
lam kovolircre lo to SO
tNow rowtltis plecto ZS to 7.1
5.00 tleO.l drespow. WO? nett Si. tombs 1.;010 i 5
10000 Dozes pates coitats 8.110 .50
•,:,,,.. Napier Matititr. it..euVruml nlid
V,p111.11 workboxes 220 to to
;two Tottoko shell bind riivaq ritra
Cn•rs and *null'.oi• s 3 to lo
SO O OO A 'WWI*. 1130tUrro and vo;toro.t
Mound. Itmos tale.: 4OCturce V. 5.) In i.
nonn Pine llototily Nodes t 13
:moo room pootk.4 4ioha tl to
'woo Cotroolotoes a to
IfiClunko:tine IWO! pnprs 3 t.t
In yr rail% I.IPA 1./101 , 041 1 In
w e aut. pmeived a fptendid A,sorturnt
JEW E 1.1; V!
c mplithi,ng Gent', (1,4.1 Hauling c;
then I:it'd ',initial:nil 'miaow ca'a , tcat, loin. g:•nt•'
bunting Cagle Aitifrr gold ltd. nu .1 ' , At
nave. lob nail Coal Wilton to t.lea. nOta.r.• o.cey;
button.. aluila. gild Ili itba a. limo - 11i
r•ta. loan Licks, iloaaca. h':.r. • t:.ti•
funun dla ttttt nil 'lad , . 040 14hej . and
golui. rots !whoa' (eksisen. and ollitr
Anion. I. gold pa•it., r.ilverralrn.ion lintdctop, sand
geld peep aimi geld s Intl•
'aim and gottl brunclitt 0. 'Hainaut! 1 . .1gr. 5..!.1 %Fret
j.,111 ..11 brolid Lrurpf..l,w jog and
!wk.-pleal. ~!•:11:.:Initee chains! no.l gn4rll ILI4III+,
t , :urridtl an 1
v wt•l ft -r• pAr pp , . .1 .1 •,10.01
,t 1:
a.)4 Iva s , •l*. raoints. ire porn , r+. to
LI" 1.tr10.. pa' ,,,,, acihlgle•
I. I' 0-3 rroqteo 1tit , 11 , •1 4 . finf
-k.•;*. r4ltv 1111,1o:to rani 4tukela, (rot kusr,
~..rnoop. napkin magi, .11 &Id.'
o. rune-. La.
'Pt or urti
!) , 11.1AR
I'lln rspeits• • ~ .t hy' 111
I,;.listlral4*lcs , 0 • Arti
r.auc; (111, Vl.ltty.ll 1.1 kik% .:1
H ost' up. and trulJ tit
25 Cts Each; 5 for $1; 11 for $2
lialev..r in b.. 1 naut,i lu t::a CerMay4
0 11 11 I, T. A. It !
'l•bv :uli••le %ill be !I. it tst..thr 1t..1.,k1a or tide rm.
, ; 0 , ~,, d tc be I-L...1•i0•., Vit. 4i. rb • pay
by 11,111 14 .I,:f
t liolO•11;t1•41 litotte3 b.. r«(.1,11.••1
Ervn I:,•rioAcatc tbutlet Uw bobb.: to St!1:1; is it
it I.llli (4 'V I.l' E
mccit morn 'NIA,:
r,7- P 11 0 0 P. •
In C roat w.• Ul.l Civr Or ANi 1 :13:11111-
C.Vni 1: 1 41.1:11 ItY t'cl. ANU “fly
0 the (01. , A1i.01, 11111.1.1.
line rialto Putiou. oue rot t ( loader.' 141 ~,,
Deo.. or Mrte's 'Slogans, 0110
skirl vel priilme., one 11110
Mr/inn V 1141.441111. Of 1.3 , f
Afriow 144 were, (ow rasa 1.i1.14 or a1 , f34 . U. , :'.
or sia Lon in rorket ilouthcriaiirt3.
%%VAT TIIK raesem SAYS Ur VS
A' ranaaid &Ca Hiss cII %dr. Ito* vending not
a mat ...ara•iy o f lifoAi I'atttn.+. lt:.{uw•
rid *Wi l k Pools. igloaaqaand otlt.•r volooble artn•lcs.
1111 dry awl limey road. at cam daltar envie.
Wit totte.ttny la tem how 11/19 1% done.
boa Ibal nls done). NI owl all wieplion, no., firm
has bail a lone and It inoroble career, and it is 141 11.•
by 110 memo's etadrottatted Ottli the host or suimiliag
;i dol laigns aiW o Inds this onetroptitie 00
nitt:ll abounds. We know the propriet.iro wsll a nd
can Illerooll/111Y Vlaltll for tae N.( had p. r•
lawnoinee of all their stiatraele.—Xuteael if or kvaa.
'ire York, Ihib. 1. 1,14.
(lc Ammo W llnpeo It. Car.
I , r, 01 the .11Jealirthe 'louse, called at Ina Jewelry
Knipuriunt, id Main strut. ye.terday. and ifiri tat)•
in lilt 13 cents sti.blealy round Matadi' tistitkti to a
3,14,. seal 11. m. vainest at 4:100. ' '
alidefelatia that lie was allured tral for the in•
1•Ir ttttt ens before leavitte the store but rt.filatl to pail
ita it. Wa shuutd call Ibis a loaner well sure. test.
1,t:0 nnttp% txv4 unuitOter hr WIWI V aluaulo ertteleu
w ", l r tcr ive,l, ~,,, yO4 Which WOO r 0014 I. IWO
ailed ut l b . meat two ut . the Eyersrer
ibint.e.—Aa*Nwid Tierce, S. pl. whit
hnoi.o.t.maar 1,,a Lasu....—Tue 0 .04 pijohl,
WO I . IIIOIIIY a:MI.10).00111 we 11.0%0 heard of for 14d1..0.
Who havefrirk.lsandaddresa.latilt sate of court
rats for the ' olromt Lea elry Male" of Arrandale
Co A lady el out 101Uitiollasice haw Well %ery 00C.
r......(101 10 t h is way, Liu 00.7 tm fluting her owl. poirev
hat 410110 doll,; tillll to 'Mow
. to hOlll sbn
sold lbe reffilieulvr. Wi/l aerie from our adver•
th.loll columns, I.l.l.ll.ollsenlllsu can he thus engaged.
1. Soodas .Ilerrors, Aug. Li. kali. •
orideh.tatool Mr. 41. 11, Wilkinson. of this city,
yesti.rday print front the certificate box at Alhamials
& Co.'s, :e Munk ,treed a tell One double barrel
fiutiing piece, valued at one Millar. far which he
was twinned to pay 11w voly moderate auto of 0111:
0011.1.r.—kidp:00.171144. SOI.I„V,V, 101,11. • •
Tlllll Weal Jewelry Eolnnrillin Of ArreiMaie A. Co .
N 0.1.54 NM; street, on the iron, Is Mill the prime
"eject Of attraction. 'floe 10.... her or ladles and gen•
Ilenord shovelled dna tatablishmeet on t l atiorday
was, we ttegrt,,osuu poooleoloas laholous. The
principle of charging a moolhron prom oil one dollar
(111 .1101111110:10 10 11110 that cannot (el to btu impo'dr.
1,7000117 when 1110 stock nutitainc us in this rase,
Valuable atlitlrs of 11110 fold JOO city mud c0,,1•
ly oilier ware. --Clarlrgien Holy Xeres, Fob 10, 11.00
11.%110 1211r.a,P.-31r, Julio P. Redford, at Uhl Doman•
ion itlatowis. No :11,1 Wong street. yesterday got taw
dollars worth on certificates and, on npviwoog theist.
Mond one called for a Vold Coulle”lie 11 1 1 11 11 0 S
Welch and another for a Itoweu mot Nano. valued
with cuter fto.l stool. at OW— Retts.oxii (Mils
*wort., :Nov, 1, trio.
111 o.4idslis Ur b: re rfrara ptala what riarornua of
COI llfira:Pl4 )uu repine frolll oadt 4111 0 41{0r%,
110 apteial iii,trunsutio are prim, are ireful 01‘0 - 11111
40111 Ma Pry nod Faun? Deraiiinaiii, and wit,
half limo iho Jewaley and eilver ts ate Perim luau I.
WM:airier deeu&d we will avail ankles
11Y E .XPNES, C. Q. D.,
Ow that the wine,* avail toil) lie paid
arc. pi Om entire umlq s' ol
by Ewes,, roo omme °Hari Or Vault Doti .
Iv.. wrist Attvutio
to whom a liberal ciwipensitUon Will tar paid, silica
can helmeted on application. "
C Take care to wine your nauw and onlartnne in
& cleat, distinct hdall, and address
flex WS sri Broadway, New York.
Yea. 10.1Sti7,
Off1(1111 lIIMOCRATP STAR Boldinq. In
Math it. 'tr:
Horse aliq Cattle Potion,
tElt II EA
C 1 )61118,
1,084 OF Al
use Improves
wind, Incr
Ib apiortf it
a antooth
'lvory Ala
In keeper' of Cows this preparation a Ineslust.:
-- me and Unproven the qua:. t
of the milk, it i
been proven by no-
Wel experiment to
Increase the (van.
lily of milk and
crows Went, p , •;
ant. end make 46.1
butter firm and
exert. fn fativainq
an appetite, loor•t.s
their h 1 de, rind
Matti them thrive
hi all illwww
llio Lwow, Ms
ix., Wl+ aim
cute RA a rproli
Hypolling fn
ono lialf a pap
In a toper ar
barrel of swill
above Qlaaa,
will be cradles
or entirely pre
proyentive and
Price 25 Conte per sa l w, or sPapon tor SL
S. 13110.,
No. 116 Franklin Bt., Baltimore, lid.
for Sale hr Elntgglids and tdurckeoptni througt..
out the VDMed States.
3.7 rot cale at the Ding Fiore nr
Binomfilnirg. 34n 11.
DR. W. 11. W1111)101; 9
lIAB been in aticcesshil praellee for a nttintaroj
yeses. N Itb tlie experience of the ollderent hos
pilot. in Europe. aleo *member of itie Anslyileal
al Ineienite of New Yr rk. emit bare rani:NW
t* all proreestiontst cask* 61 jilt odes No. re,lti
Sites., ' Nina aelphia.
t. Pltl patent Medstiner Pro tined or re:o;:finersstre4;
the rem :ding adsointelorn.l are OLoec illicit will' son
break ruin the constitutions, bin restorate Ibn ,y
tens re till ininffra it 1111/1 011/4111110d (tele Mineral
aiedirtier, and tepee the 1161011 111 a beallby and
enred condition.
:1. 1/I".. I I'EPS/ • that distressing disease and Alt
.lestr.l.'r of health and hnitione.o. stsittersniustig
roil mint in 1.111 yearly carrying thorn's's& Is
111111.11 graves. eon 10014 Noising lenity be eared,
I, M. toorholY. AbLetystleost, that state of Altn4.
110.1 and weakness of the mind whirls ren4f'r , per•
son% incuptshin of enjoying the !Avian; ev um perlottit
log the ~hies of
.. ATIa N , ln any Ono or coliJillon,rhtou
s;I , f 6 , ltr. ',rapt, .1
1., Eri . or (Ming rakimis. all shrogic cr
v.Lb. to .0. of
rmral'ly removed Pal rnJ ey d.aerip.
linn of aiamalimia : Pah, and krarnlona
%%kid, lanvabrillrol All pled irmd ide.ll,ll skill, ran Ln
rimy., by my Ifrprnrnnt ; rod 1 do ray all
Ord 11; , 00,11 , 11:.%) rnil W.lllllll/ my
voted Jaclit:. wldt:i la ft anifrel anal to tna Ina./
CI dump*. of wealbrr is all dilliodtddil b. v
Ina v*.allyntml ror year- lb , cam.. and ebatAct../ I.
AUL4 11(10 60 all of 0,0
I ~1.0 . 4 l:tted•-111 , 11i1 . 11/.1 prru.oas. idly all 'mom( at
Nana and net Vona elddlliddi. In a it
. 1 .1! d.
tiara lured without the knife or D'awing
Tat. , Worm. than drew} 10 the Gilman Coney for
) • .0%. OM l e moms., n:1:1 t u.. or slugs tows .1
floprocet..d a Wolf In all mart.
I . .,11.0t.tiod Iu lIIP k:sqlsiah uml Gorman Vrignages
chatv. Will intake visits any dikkimigte. is
M. la^ mi.liesse by letter (courldentintlVl
ma 4 Ins sent will; proper ittrectiktos to my
part ot thu 'minim.
01' 1 We — re. tail /Oberlin. Phila.
In 6, et. 1,1 (.1
April I. Itri
rnd 1 1V 1 . • , ",";:r.71`."."• 11 . -, ., - fi rth.ltzt:c r . ,:i;
tim is rustming
Rip Li1INI1:1:1 4 1.1111:.
!pct. and tor lit
fl•rilik . R4lll Road liftm,
iy, ;aye rSrepbal} to
r"ill..?r, t%itit 111 n er.votai Tralos going South R W.r•
on the l'aLlWlnit Rad Wtllidtio.poet ked goad. RIM
/111 von; Noilb and South on the 1.4111. it
111 ~ wo.hutg Moot.
Ili tti1N111114 , 1:5 are in gond ennili:lon, tounco•
diem. 1:1.1 autiliattlet:C, Mai/ n14'144:1. tile.nnahle. •
Porsone vt.411,1 to meet Of sae th.or flow."
depart. cot I. •neenninandm,A, upon ...a...0:1de
hy leaving totatety notoce ot any ed . the
lc la,
111.0torburg. Apill:!7.
II 4 CIIA 8 T L %.R 'c;
.11.1.4WS lIAIR : I '
the tadie, oit es this int alnable 4 , pjlalm;
f....0111.11t MI/ ilPe!lf I. hero; 411 illlllo6i 111.1114.. HO W.
1111 l to (maw beauty. is easily applied. litWe 11,4
barn of thjare the shit,. but arts d'rerily on thermic
It is 0111 e: hied to /chows stiperthinas hair train
low fort heads. nr (row hilf of the body. slow
pletely. totally end radical:a ethri'allell the ealUe.
Icac inn the skin !On. 011110`111 and natural. Thi n
the only real article 11.1 , 1 by Itio French, said is the
only real effectital tiepin...rt . In etodetwe. Pries 75
two. per package. ac,-I 110.11,41 , 1, in any address. Ott
receipt of an order. ha DI:Fill:R. son trrs a Ci)
'67-Iy. ILIVef St. T r oy, N. Y.
EVEFIV 11T1 i t i it i e l' pr 4 i . : lll:l T gll ll 4 l :l ; 4^ Ti t :Ft ! !
,0t,,,,„„,..,„ ll"Pif Men Can
do I+l'. owu Iqlllllolt
telt it I!' 104 riwupiy.Th.y. Pt%
...%IMItIP Inn 11/3:
ylurs Old 1914 easily
itionalm the luraopt
nl3 iit. ractructunno sent
• WWI ..a. Ii i•fru...rwilUsug
' wig; nM I / 1 4 In ifn 10010 k or•
0,11 a prOVIonS kuuwi. age 0 1
OWN minima. A I ..r cuaguits
but IA; drircriptum. prlcou,
leutumuatalu. acr h"
In all.' Our Stircinum
PRINTER a Tlrpr.Cuta,
• liD. l / 4 8 PitEar4
March 13, 26 Ann Intertr.
The umieraianed reaper:rally annoyances that iv:
has rcrliiiMti a 111111, ill Court 'Her:ilia alley, opposite
Om Lichens,. , here , !WI, prep i red f
dact the I,a• Int vie 1:1 411 , 1ts' bane& ci.
The art or role, u,yl whl.Yrrs *ad
practiced by him moat Ile ilea cleans
!clothing. making Ihcm look avail v ar /10011411 view,
spiv the must renominate terms. Vivo him a ir..t
Ibilerlllll , l , i . the very bast quality, void g
clvatiiiag hair, Levi tea/tinily pa hand, and AN imis
tt. C OWN&
liluaiitaburc April 13, INd.. It.
4tianfpy,,at Law,
aLoomsavit., ce4OllllllA coe, PAe
nem in inn CxchAfir nuilditig. Pocon4 ototy, or.
storms& lk Vlore, *eV , " d oa a above the 1./
clump hotel.
Cluont4urs. April 17, 1.K7.
ATtO BY -4117-16 VV,
p r o,tice in ON sivrenkl Copts el Golioabts
mid adjmnlng timantiel.
li' MI (:"Ilectimis prooptly attendol te.
Physician and Surgeon,
f AV' NI; Invaleit permanently on Main
Street. BLOOMSBURG. Pa., aronlif in
term the publie qenrthily, that he In prepritr. , d
et testa in all fhlthnint had punctual(' thy'
0,4} he ;niturtrd to Ilia este. nil term' cimumlliti
tats fib the times,
11:1" He pups ettut attsittian to ',hurry at r• I
at 1111P4ir111•••
Ida prevail - atom,
di and 11111Yur,'
AtIOWIII, will it
ougbl esinsiguritt I
` , .oken dos a 1.101
.splrl bed
cleansing ti
dna& and
Jl If 11111 pr , •
fratlro of all d,,.
mum Asir / Pi
Ii nod.
JACOB 14. MON, •