It WS VIII thank our (11,1*MRT'1011 lucid ocrut• gams in Unit' immediehrirtfie. they no nut nt to write a comniti lion for the public eye, AAA*" rand ua a brief itatentent of everything of ikkitiker in their respective communities. A het e marldarie, deaths, occident*. Arm removole. hut 16114frbinger. Ito, We will put them in far,n, The montikate of this kind we can get the better it trill skit us end our rendero. Wim will do it t TO wildiing ad cart Moment indrored, meet Mind 044 early cm Tuesday ow.n• i ug tra their ineertion for that week. amounts of the firm of 3M (la nit far as sent Oa tor reli ee tion are ands of tiio follo—ine per .on. ..„Totevaidp.--JOHN H. .11 tzt : k Citv.Asy. geatter.--Bm. ZMININB3I.Iti, P. M. Nam—lL 3. CANWIted.I., P. M. ,(,atateitett.---STEHir 13,1 L0Y. Rnaringereek, utot Ashland. - WIN HAILNEIt. ht ' Sk litadlaf Toosnehip, Lilts for colleoti, Maya been plated in the !masa !11,1NTI;( 11- aitir COLE, to whom payment is reqm ,ted to be mule at the earliest eonvenienee. In 84.'04 TuP1. 1 10) Cp. all persons knowing themselves in ormara tr,r atibseript kw, and advertising, to ttat PEnneaa - r e will jAease make payment to Joan% ',mix'''. Benton. -1).% NIEL I !Ain Or auto. —M ulf MadiamWl,l ,-11 Am Rentbai*— DANIEL NV:VH.IIM r newt new ailVOrtimnthint 4 in to day's paper. They Ore hitereAting to :tit. or lion. ('Marl:::; Deloli;on, )1. !'ion totzentie Distriet, is lying ilangerowly ill at , his home in Willie:•lporio. *V' Wheat has fallen a few eonnin market. The iirotni%ing earning erop had the tendency to frighten the hely:, grrain speculators to a blight redaction in the prii Wheat was bringing in certain market. ...- JO. At present it can be bought fa•, la than. $4,'.00. El2=l , CA? DirmiTEA.—From I , rommt r«tp orta it i not likely that we will have any to complain of a lack of candidates frow w harm to select nominees ihr the vernal.; , this fall. The probabilities seem to be that the race for political honors will exceed at* previous year. ForNti. —The body of Willie 'rill r , ieho was drowned in the river at this the evening of the 9th tilt., was i; and Li the river near Marietta, Lanea4ter •uniy. His remaina were brought home day, and interred in the cemetery at this y et trif Woub 1 dire et the attenti of I+lerebants and Dealer:. in BOA: , t 1 1 .. a lot t that they eau narchs,; 13a: I tif i A. Itecklo,y. at tot; •, dents of Sunday Seho o: 0 .1 ;t ir advantage to call upon Lila Itt; , ;tr, ing elsewhere. sititlital at ,city prises. and save the f r o4 ; t l t clvap,e. ,Olve him a a.til ForND DEA!. 4.61,,,Ly kQdy of a man yagfccnd dead o: , tier ri.• road opposite did; place. Whi head was reclining on his exii. his boots standing near him. r 1 , n , :11 b et tic, marked strychnine, rani,' in hi pocket. lie had been at ktel, at ,the ferry, the day Igifttn: !,,o, I it, a gold watch. which was Wh. :1 the body was found.— Sante , rq means. Tin WEATiti.n.—French scientific men ~ , ,rediet that the summer or Irt=7 win Fold aml AA like that of h t Th. y base the prediction upon ill. tart tint im ;nense masses of ice bate i , ro„, 11 .1. about to break away fcem the North, producing coil and vapor. . Ilse weather thus tar would teem to inclicato .verification cf 4:is singular prciliction. 1 CONFEREE Marrmo.—Tlie Sena twist and Representative Conferees of this .County will Aituilar Conferees of this 43enatorial awl Representative,triet, on attirday the tlrlr inst., at Savage's llutd Danville; for the purpose of eltoetieg ,one Senatorial and one Bepresertative 'relegate to the State et;Rveption whigh will .ntect, "larrisburg on tke lAtit inst. BlomnstAvg is not alone in the march of improvement. The town of Cata witn is net in the rear ranks by any means There have been erected, in Catawissa of late, several fine new storcu, which ar raly an ornament to the place:, and at praat, building and repairing is hying done at no plow pace. This town is, Iron, appearance and what we k,uow of its inhabitants, a healthy, pleitsaut• and desirable place to live. =ZI Mk. Saw Yong .ttroftn.--At e,tab. listunent you can buy inuslitis anti enlivotsi, and, in abort, everything in ,the dr;.-gotids line, cheaper than at any otherptoic We do net. desire any person ,to ,entertain ,doubta upon this sulyect ; and in order that doubte, it' any, may be removed, we would ' , pigged to those persons in the leusi sus. Onions of this beirg the fitet, that they place &dew green.baeks in their peekets anti give 'l4lr. J. J. Robbins' Now York Store acall. •I` 'OLAROZNENT. — We are pleased to notice AA Col. Levi L Tate, has alreatlyealargo paper, the byconteng Sidndantl. to ! 4 t column sheet. It is now among . largest weeklies palished in the S /afoot thews are very few that equal it . The whole get pp of the payer i+ tlly gratiged, awl in the editorial and d tleparttnents of the paper, it dis p re than the usual amount of ability and rgy that is seep in 1 . 690. Aoutary new ra. Suenuaw to the Colonel. Y Boom), —On kat Monday mom. le Charles Lewis, miffing un Welsh this borough, was attempting to fill 1, with oil front a can, a few drops es from the retool and fell on the ,stow, li,itely igniting the contents of the rid 00111 the boy was enveloped in from the effect of the explosion ; d it not beepfgr the thoughtful tooth. inuothered the blaze with a blanket, rig mail. no doubt, would have been to (I.:atli. Non ( 010 . I‘f !, Ii be te- usid is quoted at $1.371 in N. York city. In tlskOarket thus is very little to quote! • tutotrat TMLNT.. tql.. Capt. Cider. W. Utt will publish the list of Dealers in this County in the not niotukl4ll'. Our paper was put to press a little LuO early for the list this week. 0 0 ► 1%67. BEAI IN 81'1,1,14'0,—J, Babcock shot a hear near Chestnut eend, in Bethel, Wednesday. lid Was out k the 14 , 00(i$ eii destroying to find bruin, whoso presence in the vicinity he was well aware of. (lotting a shot at him he tired, but the bear made at Mr. ll's riffle contained two balls, one of which he found in a tree in range of the boar. fiOn Friday he found the bears, short di tattet. flow where ho had shot. Oil Thanelay anothm bear was caught in a trap near the steam mill west or Bethel, by Sam rzi , r,toe. This bear was larger titan the eth After I:l4ing clitiatelleil, the critter H.!' weighed and Panel to pull dun ttlinut pords —Son an lie publicua, Aar 4j Eortfic dui 'lave, haft found the whereabuots of the two horses und , horny tlat sttiltai ftaaii him some two months ago. They were takeo it, Montieeßo. Sullivan County, New York; there dispeauai by the thief to one 319 j. 11:NSIY 1t,1% 11.I.MER, a liveryman at. that pia.,'; who, a short time after, sold the 1 :iy to lye. I,rtrtcr, of Middletown, County. New York, some twenty od , l mile , front Montieello ; and sol 1 the gray to l l stay S residing, in the Pattie tm, n with Mr. Tutv,lLl.lttEn. The buggy wa4 found at a shop tat lergoing re pair 4. M•. wie: has taken legal steps toward, the recovery= of 16.4 property or the value of the 4 P. umrit.—ln the June tmti.l •, o:'111 . • at , !ieultural mouth do,,,t re alved. a 1110 , 4 intereating and .:tzmir, I: • on Cooking Pool fur Htthl. 1t..111 r%.! Iby ormy tiirw cr in ti, ' !.1,0 other valuable matter , uit,ble to the setl , oll. 11'e notice that tlptiotr= are received f o r rix month s at the remarkably low .7, , Ceuta for single, :ulwctiption-, flow tho:e who want to give Tut; rAvorrn a trial, and all names received this mouth, got the June number extra.— .eription price for the year only X5l OCI, at 111.10110,4 An. ti, V. A tAt.ftlt Lonisv,ite Jourind, in a late opto:.,r, ber t'll,P following te;•ti tv too advantages a adseAki.t.;:- - ‘Ve have b e . et'awing co .I.lle Louisville /,,apl tv . .tett thirty :ix anti thirty ~even E"? !'_;:,..- t 4,11 Oki.; tittle we have knowa 114 1111111 trf 1 iness is. the city to fail who .01 ith .Itl we hart known kis PIZ( 0 0 ' 0! i u any et VII 4dorable, it' :.. a r (rah.. de,L ,, who tildn't ad lil I:, n tt , Pr3WI.V. to the net o• the lavt houre to.:. n I.lf vc:ty rt his will , or children, r 1 ,dll rwtt bc arre..ted or imprimined until I.,ipport, - WA exce , ding one hundred d o ll ars per month. i t trcirranteed by .cenrity. = S ri{} } !ire ecro,wt-ct :.W.41 P-".".1.7' illnek Itepublitasn eotemperary says: "Ile editor of THE 01.11 01 Aftto atil openly boar•ta of his dixfoyeity." Thank (ittl, we do. thvirge Wa.shington made the manes "rebel . ' and "disloyalty" as hon orable as Ileneiliet Arnold did that of ioya/IY tllow , . pr, ekely the :tone thing in prineil , le that it was in 1777. •WP anti prondly desOto in till Ittaturie time, it a:IS litiVCr y. t 1.131)11iy.A usettot in the nrvice of ties -1,0 :z stal crime. —Old Guard. Ile City Coin` ofj,!iohnotkl,:tave invited President Johnson to • 6it their LEM NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. s rEMENTIW 430('N - • 1' IFi I f 11: OA )()1 TWI ) . 1 Dicraois Township Dr. .To ~f'l'ax on Pup. H1'41,-412479.38 • • ' • " of 0f0i5,36 • • • " of '66 ) . ... 390.1,t':$ ity vxmiontiun on ist, I)up.. $705,!%1 •6 • 24 209,69 • " " C1,11 1 01•1111P el 'tn. I I sup. 219,:w• 6 6 ni 6 6 hi:P69l 44 6. 46 ;1 0 1 4 4 72,k0 C u n t . of .1. 41. Moyer Ire:purer-- 65,11 t • K Mendettbell " N i si Asnt, paid 56 uict to till nu0ta,.....16t4t won " " -16 veteran voluntetos.....l.Boo,oQ Kspettv , of J. .1. .I.4awor and M. Wltitutoyer to Nuellvil:e :69,36 Dii.ectot, Esrlitygt., atempa.attol •"*. .telegraplttng 4.12,25 1111.9....5t on lion& , 1036,74 Attorneys Fees, - 40,00 .1..1. Brower fur making Dup.. ..... .. 5,50 .1. K. Klnr as Sc:ey. ttc., 2,1,30 T. .1. Monet for mail% Dup 5,60 Hat. in hanile urfreasurer, ' 168,47 $25949,42 The underApetltare emoting:4 the above ittroutit owl Owl it to be correct. M ILLS CH EM KERLIN I Auditors. JOAN K. UItOTZ, Bluoutoburg, Jim 3; 11337.-3 t. BOR01;61I CENTRAT,TA BOUNTY FUNI) oicurroits KrATEIONT. 110ROUG11, Dr. To principal on twp Boutin' :Winne et divizion $1054.2.1 Interest ,on Howls to Apr. 15, ,181.17 5,21,1062.48 BY rub paid on Bowls by baviti Carnp,lrreas. .... 3n04 Cush isETtinwurcen - bnolds 75.00 Anit duo. Irroto SCsothan Tbotonp, Collector Boon tY 30..). 76 .475. . Bulanee4lue from Borough or Tosynship Bonds 286.72 We, the undersigned auditors, do hereby certify that,we hate enrefully exantifed dad foregoing accounts and find them correct.,,. W.lll. SHUMAN. J. .1. HOAGLAND. ilmittore. 'l'. MURPHY, Ccutraha, June 5, 1867. a == C 4 '25910.•1'2 11EMWOK.$01.1VIT FUND. AUDIVOSTAMMT• /1611/oek, 18117, We, the undercigned Auditors, hereby pettily - that we Iwo audited the thllowing extunt or Hemlock Touship's Fund and k corm& WM. H. SHORMAKEIt, A. B. 'LAWMAN, JNO. M'ILEYNOLDS. Auditor. Witt. 11. Shoemaker, Treasurer of Bounty Pond of Hemlock Township, for BM! to September. DR. voluntary subvriptioni ss,o:r.t stil!.. 16 men $250 each $4,000 00 Subscriptions rattmleit 2.4.4 440 PaitUacob Harris on Bounty Mull in 13(5 550 CM Paid sundry expeme:t liuttim; in voluntem 1 rl7 , $5,1J02 00 7002 01 Jacob Ilarrif Trcuorer or Bounty Flow of lleallock townAtp, from Ist Sept.lmit. 1)11 To stmout,t, money borrowod on TOWII "hit $l,O l O 0( 1101lt ior I$ 4. 5,012 711 Roveived from mAktripticnA to previons fund 49 5r Ammutl, Pap 4,231 5' 4 from ('aunt} uu ,Ited 1:11 , 1 tax Exotwmtiv..,,; tou IL I 5.C.4 i9;:4, I'l 6'2 Conintissiouff f;n. 41',,1 11;4; f:1 Printing. ,i,%.llAlps ahri PreinittiPS S& Note to Dan, Hank paid f4,5tr.? Expetriesi of N. itcf•fl; .19 live per cent. allowed tax payers is:: 37 Loans and ilitervA - - 3,N14 27 $13.479 9:: .talailec;•:•:'',l3 I Lthiliwkp, OIL To ain't. or Holy tt ihmiel Noibart *1229 1:1 Iluith D. Mcßride ;II.; 70 572 8:1 Cr, by balano in baud of Trefourer 313 32 I it!re J tail :,h7, 11 4 1 11.1 K TWI) WWNTY FUND ••• Art)lll)H'S STATEMENT. No,teele.o ,, r ttd TbJula4 Collectors of the Bounty Tax of Franklin TArubjcift.(Altmlf,ia eutoty To amount Duplie3te Collect:A by Jacob Kt:stet:levier P 2610,72 To amt. Duplicate Collectett by Thonets !lower ::17.74 Ity lut. paid II V , +lunwors, ...... • Fe r+ Laid It, F. Clark rob) "114 , ours and Ircasurers' I I 1,1.7) N:4l li(Unty 114 , wt y. 15i.76 'ruin StlpHil iravetors pd. 9,0 i) • Exoneratinm , 3.10,77 Alumna paid An(liton4 3,444 a • Cash in hand, Tour- , Gf Frank lin in+Wti hilt Cititiffilri3 Cut do bet - o , LS eettiry that wt' 11:tVt' hx , foro;i9ing ukivoulds and found them tO OtorEetl. ,I A )1 DA N I EL 'AAIIIL, ..t.tb"bas, I. kOi.ZIENIIAI/I.ll{, Frahkiin, ?lay 22, 1.67. . _ '11%! UNION PACIFIC RA I I.IIOA D l'A At or. w renAni, t rig a It oad tram OM Afl A 1 NFMRASKA. td toward. , the raoifie w 4 t; tog tacit ttS' OVlSlvelitotl,l ;01 tillilflokoti ttn AC HOSTHE CO N 'PI NE NT T9rto , apa":: fr'w nf:era 1 . .a44. 4 fri thy,r FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS - having thiNy yearn in rim an,l Aftimal in .fm,way 01,1 Jly, 1 ;‘, (~.) .14 s,sv'ti tin; vo x of SIX .PElt CENT. IN GOLD fIT NINETY MI TS on TRE: DOLLAR. Note Fowl woo completed from Own hi 303 Miles wept on the lot of 1.111111 , 1 Ti. lent and to foaly equip p. .n. not trajllp are, regularly conning "e'er K. Thu l'otelmtlY hee now on bond ritfitrient iron. tiro inc., to tlniph the tv•IIINIVOIle the emoting' Cue of the (corky Slonotain*, tit mitre. which in wider ermine. to he gene hloptotnber let of thin your, nail it to etpecte4 that the entire road wtll ho in rtnai VIC Mall from 01110110 to ite wc‘terti connection with the Centrel Pncitie, iu., loin! ropielly hunt rumor(' front thicioutento„ Col , du r ing 1;,:u. BANS OF THE (I)3IPANY. calintatin the dt.tah.. to be Walt I. tha Vaion Pacific talc 1,30.5 wiles. the Incited ?these Cover n• mem issues to elia pee rem. Thiely•ihroe Bon Is the own/Daily as the raita is illatahatt it the averagn rale of ;timid $30.011 per sesta, ainlating to *II: Vai taw •I'itr•l•,.elpeliy In Ore permitted to Woo ifs on•n First mnr.g. o e th,thh. mI xu resee aulnuel, aloe at the eater little, Which ht• vocier Act Of are ar.l reorleule elt Utn iM Ire line • ttso bond.' of Ih,• t nrt , •d ttln;u, •elxir.hnelr to Ihrin. The 00V0100.001 soaked a thumb ~,, of 11 of 6 dc,o4 1 , .11.0 0010, .1010411 1 102 18 1 , ..131143i sired. •rtititated to be %%wilt €110,0141 non, making Cie total leaoutter•achl•i:eof itie twital, 8114.116A* ; but tbo full value 'of lite lands cannot now be realized, Aloe authorized Capital stock 'tit the 4.:utupaity Is ono hundred ms Lida dollara, of wh tat Eve toil lurks btu., been 100.110. and of which it id suppthied that mon. than Irventy•nve atilt:o4la hi 10141 o'l.l be I Tao Emilio( the rnrd is estimated by competent 0118itliterli 10 1113:.tifrd ntilhNju donay. et I.l)icve equipment. PIUiSPECTS FOR BUSINESS The rsittoad eooneetion between Onribe and the Ew't se now c0111: 40, •. Ned the' eliiiinks th.: Union PYrllic oil the yeisionsa almost!• foNle , ll for the lir : two weeks in May Were $113.V110 'Noose sectional ontoliesos N. the pre[ sosocs will 10101 morn thou pay the haoreal on tbi: Company's bonds. and the throve. bus 51 , A1 tn . er shn only lino of railroad blotto the Atlantis nod Paittle meet be immense. VALUE AN n SEC It IT ()V THE Theironor.nny fCaperifaily ruhoolt, that We above btatemenl n 1 lani• (ally dolitnilO'ro!l, the rocnrity . of Melt liOncig, an 1 an adohttonftlproul they arnul.l suf. gnat that to.. hoods nrw oilemi of 'te•n Than Inn ailllloll .1441410 .547 Milo, at Fold. On Which °vat WC lily million dollar* base already been es pe toted ; 3411 Mil , . Of this Mad the eaen are now 1.1001.11, nod theminaiosog Iri Mlles life naafi) , C.Wipltila I At the ' , tenet "'torn . Premiton on i1t.1.1 thr.n bonds pop no aallue I linen:lt ott the Protent l'of NINE !Tit CENT. amid d h hel.nvrel that on the 001111,4t0n of the tom.l,lolie tho blovimunont Pones. illeYw ill IV above bur. "Ilw C ,, tupriloy loteittl to sell but I but bid unituita et the peewit low Into mind retain the radii. to ade loner tl.e prim lot their ordierg, lintoPeLiptiona will be reef WIN in New York by the iforAnciiAL. N. 41 1011.0.14 , 1n. No. 7 Nieman di. "MR. bonito ik 51 Will K. J U R , . J. 4'o "ae doe, NoICI Well St. soil by 11.1Nliel AND lIANKKIt porrally throu g h net the Called Nude*, of whom mope awl eeitertio ve pea yhtet■ may be obtained 'they will Ilan be out iq Wail (rum the Voinioiny a (Malec No. IN Newish tit met. New nett. On llPPlteaton. lbw. Will eche 111..11 0111 Ageillit iti whom its y have eunfi • deuce, who alone tw ill be reepurnalble tu them foe the sate thOttnry mil the bends. JOHN J. CISCO . Treaenrer, 14PW Yogis. N EW TAILOR 1.41101 e. Jour 5, IBOS. J. lli. OBEIIENDER 3 Ilse 'paned n New Tailor Rhop on !Ilion Hired, Ithmlikohlirg, %hero ha %ill be pleased to se, all who way favor him with their comma. lin keens on hand a Wr II n If•etrti lot or rlulho, cas.i.siore, ve r i. limo. able, he will Mho up to order with ;wattles,. and despatch. Attention paid to cutting gentlemen and boy's clothing. A 11.41 rutting dons in the 'oldie."' line. Remitting done iiputi *holt notice. All work War 0.11104. pJ b I, him a all. I BluutuAnts r.,10; SPECIAL NOTICES. DB. S. DRY AN 00totping Phymiciati, 1101111roa4way. New York. SPECIAL. TREAT9.OIIIII,I9. aft cafes of $OllOlll4l. Stmual, tJ d airy 999 19499911‘19199i5ms la suds as re. I,sttls. ice ?rad sad citlositioitdencs strictly con deot 116 I. Jou .9, 18411.-17. AUENTS W 71.3) Sump! re sent flee. hn coital relired. Ladies or Crillironen Can corn 11111 t 4.04 tu 410.Ue per day. Erielose stomp.root erldrems 4o tT., gighth beta York. Jan, U, y 467.— ly. LON - I?, AND MAUI:4I)N Y. The 40 . N:flung efthe a:To:lite sex may be seined by following simple tablet, and all may ina try happily, if desired, withoot regard to wantih, ap a ar ima t; ,fy Mend directed envelope and *tamp for particulars to ' Modatu LThIIL,LN DEM ARM Jen, 0, 10136,ty. Bible 1100se, titw Yotk, AVOID THE QUACKS. tf you are suffering from the effects of Youthful In• disereiloh itthf have Seminal Weuknoss, Emissions, Ike.. I will rw.toi you, free of charge, information which if followed will eute you without the sin o uw4,cioes. Addreks HENRY A WIDEN, Jon. 9. K7.-ly, kiiritniso H. New York. DEAFNESS, 11141 N DNESS, And Catarrh, treated with the utmost susses, by lAA ACti, M. IL Oculist and Anrim (formerly aflityr dee, tienand,) Nu, art FINN Buret. FR I LAMA.— Tidirinials, From the MOO reliable sources in the City end Country can he seen at his race, The med. ice! faintly are invited to accompany their patients, as he has no secrets in his practice ARTIFICIAL EV Ltd, inserted ta ;them ram No rhsrp, ler eitiel. isetlos. 11366.—iy. It E () It 01) I'. $13,593 25 /g +g" t PIL (* irrithir, giving 4. f , q , lootwo of tho gte3test importance to the young of hoth 'exec It tk - q*EllOll iIOW the lonocly thrty:heepool heuetaut , the deePhwd resttneted• lied the for.akeu 101. A. No petits lady or gentleman uhould Nit to send Their addrese, lied receive e ropy pnetpuht, by rc. turn wait Ad hr.,' 0. Drawer, 2i, Troy, N. V. Nob 1e:67 ly The experience of the pant ten years hail denten strattel tits tact that reliance may be placed at the of time), of Dell's Specific Pills, thf, opoody and permanent tore of Seminal weak. oe„,o, Emormos, Mirolent and Nervous pomace. Cr Willa of power. the !moat of Serval Bx• riot ar Voiphful litecichou.nhich Jsegiorted onto toe happinosa, and unnto the attrforer , for t 3• ial ktecioty or Marriage, and orlon terminates in an untimely grave. Mane no (May in *Peking the wordy% it to entirely vreinloo and harmless on the $)1442111, C4O ho flood detection or liner. poronitmanol no chmge of diet is accessary wink: tint ing *Min. Pore, one Donor, 5'J 51, If you rwm,,t, Itut them Of your &twist, memd the money to Ur. J. ery4n, r:l9 Broadway. New Volk, and they wit lataetti free frier Clisuy entice by return ~1* mail. Private Glrettlant to Gentlentett ocnlt Iwo on nitti Millen. (Jan.% Iy & _ . TO LIM ES. 158• I If you te , luire a rnlnittlo remedy to restore. yotottpt remove trregulni ;lino or Mott unt iono, why not no, the best t 'flinty yen expel tonne boo proved t h at Dr. Hars.ey'ts Female Pilr,, have no elan' for netnaving Oiaorneti 0114 and Ii ra a • owe. No maflcr front v. but can , o they artba. Thy am al re and no in 071`. rta, , ,, Ono put boa . Dr. Harvey's Void= rills, Ia a le toady four degree. stronger than the above bud !ateol*al for .1 , 11.14/ tatto* of brag I ,fa;alle 7 , tire. v . v., Dollars per Box. 11 •t t', A (',;vela Cw•ild". ;vial i;;:•, ; „,on tte on application, )on tammt ktt ‘l'm rtlln of your drnP . ttiit , .1' h$ Ibe H ippvy t o 14,3. Urylo, rl,l4omlway, New York, and they will be vent (roe from observation by mom , of omit. i;l4. - . READ .1.14 H T. V, WC! Fit f t er It EV. . Etat' To Du. iliorrixtrit: Aar toectriry that I was taken with the dyspepAa a year ago last Mori h, and ror a rriod cr tight mouths, was one or the nio,A utii rabic rroanues you ever howirl. not Icing ab!ei to eat drink or steep, and was 14 , 1Apetirsi t. 4 walk the door was voneiV deprived of to reason, and lojia 11.14 entirely Veit am, ;4.: *41(44 roe my recovery' !riving proved truitleii,=. Hy the firm or N•werido'r , #441, I had became so weak and Weide that I could searrety stand mons, and, to all appearnmx, Word( soon die. At this time ` . inyvinp, VIZ!: advertisement 1 my Wife prevailed upon 104 to try your flint ra. A WM4 wan Norufgd, 444, Arantra to 'say i s ;41 c4d1114.4) 444 04,404ef f I have taker. }Cur uoti.: 0 , , ;Ma ;V. Cliwytfij, as gaud health now as reold he ex poctod rot sne or icy ago ,41o111: t4Nty pa 10). I hive no doubt that it was your hijterstriolle, 911400 I)iVifl4 rtavt,ten.x, Out this nunderini care. B. T. FLAVLIM llu4+nr. Auipist 30. 1e66. W)NDERFUL BUT TRUI MADAME REMINGTON. the world renowned Asir..lnput and doinitatnbulistit Clairvoyant, while in a clairvoyant stale delineates the %cry rooma ur the person you are In marry, cost by the aid of an Instrument of ttitecue power. known as the Psyrlln melrei:e. ku•tranteea SO produce a perfect and life• like Wine of the More husband or wife of she np• with data and marriage, occupation, leading traits and character. etc. nos ie nn imposition, an teettnionialu without number can assert. by riming plate of birth, age. disquisition, color of eta and hair, a ail essc locitscatty ev ..t a a.ul slam ised envel op add/nailed to yonrsielf, you will reel is picture by return of mad• together with devoted information Rib Addinst* 11 til ifltence, MADAM': rj . nu oe, stEm r. o. 11.. ha:. ;Pouy. M., y. EON 27. Icl7-11,,, A y0uNi.;,1,.11..))! TO p o e.tmory ;none. after e rtijeurit of a fen menthe in the City. was hardly rereguistot by her friends. In platet, of a emirs,. Witty Ilu,hrd hire. nile had a sntY inby venni& mon or almost marble smoothness, mill instead of twenty •theree she really appeared hot eighteen. I'pon inquiry as to the canes of so great a chaos, site plainly Uild them that the Used the elltAl4lllll 1101104 and cheek lernd it an In• rralnable urintisil I all lo any toilvt Hy its urn any 1.414 y or Gentleman can internee their personal appearance an hundred feta. it Is simple fn lir sown Merest. a. Nutore aarselt yet onnopars• ed itt Its calm, to iirusceug Impurnic, rrain,also keeling, t. leanelog and brat if) ley the 'kilt rind OW I pleston. ry its Streit action no the cuticle ir. draws frost It sli its rre2crifier, kindly hesl,ng the same. 1 and leaving the outface tia Pature intended it ' , WHIM be, tient, soft, sintsith and beautiful. Price SI. Nit by mallet express en rereipt of an order by W. CeARK di CO., Chemists, No. 3 Wert Fayette IN.. Syracuse. N. V. Thus only Alucrican Agents for the bele of tbe woe. !Fab st 7 11167—1 y KNOW TR 1 I ESTIN Y. Ma,lonto V. Thoruln n. the great Enetlrh Astro]. ualet, Clairvoyant and Paychoinetrirde, oho Ilia astonished the 'Minutia classes, of the Old Wood, has now leented . :oereelf et Hudson, N. V. madvme, Thornton poascsess enua, toads 'NI powers of "ec• nod sight; as to snub!, her to Impart krloneloden +f the politest importance to pc /oriels matzted of eithei res. ir Atltio ht a Otlkie of twice, 'lin deline ates the very features of Ihn ',moo ;:no are to Miit• ry, and by the aid of no instrument of 'suttee ic,w• er, liftmen se the resilini.etrope, soiusviardoi to pro. duec. a hfc•like pirtura nl the ftfore 11:1v.rind or wile or the vplirent, together with date of ', sn ow, Pe. .altlon in Ilfo, lending trditaof ohedail , r. d~a. This iv no hsrehne, sistbousaods of teet.otoninls can aa• sert. Phe wit; send *hes desired • certified cent& alto. or written guareatee, thnt. the picture Is whet I t pprp,, i iii to itti, Ily cliedoring a mull look rf Ntr, and fatting place of uge, dimpOoltiiiii and own• ylexien, end enclosing fafir cent" and el/roped ont 01. eye addressed to yourself, you will fecci%e the plc- Itire and dealrnd Information by return mall. All communications 'notedly remade:Mal. Millman In rondlicOCoi MADAM!: E. r..ritolarroN. r. Boa 11d1, Iludiorn , IC Y. I rob 117 .67-1 y GO TO BROWER'S TO BUY YOUR 44 , 444L1LAA3,a YOUNG MEN SPECIAL NOTICEL f DVOLY fORIA AND PIDITIVN NOM will An 14 ad4wwww4 onvolope awl% ne.wito,wid I will *mid yon 0011101 vnlnshh inforittlittiM that wilt ohms fou. Addis*** MARV MOW,p 1 11 roadway, M. Y. May O. -iy. eirlolllo MAY ON MAN ffr SANUTII. A gentle men tvl,o euffered for years from Nervous Ind fienitid NehilitY, Nightly Eintessons, and dentinal Weakness, the rem* of youthful iudiserotion, mot clime near ending his dive in hopeless misery, for the sake of sufferiegAtan, fend to any one afflict• 111, the simple Incline OW by him, which effected a cure in n few weeks Our the Whim of numerous nindicines. Send a directed envelope and stamp and will cost you nothing, Andrus, EDGAR Titsm A IN. limb St. N, Y. City, BEAUTY! AUBURN. OQI.PNN, FLA x Fa; pc 11. in( Mint; Prortocnd by the use of Prof, DHORNIFX• FNMA I,6t7IIEVEU,it, ono noptiration verrantedtonari the 110,4'0,404n sad itttibborti hair or other arx into *Any ringlets.or heavy teaseive curls. Use been used by the Ihrbrottabier at ratio awl London with the loon arekifyin4 . terulte, Wee no injury to the bair, Nine by wail, nanind and poripail $l.- 0,4. Ito ve cirt olars Waited tree. Artihnon Hiattitta. SIWTTS 4t CU.. thrunrut, Via, 41.3 Woes' St, TiflY , N. Y..rtalo 4gtotts Lope Unkind tickles. PM H ! ITCH ITCH! ! sunATH scirtru WHEATON'S OINTMENT Will Cure The Itch itt 114 Hours. Attu rates SALT HA 1W M. 4l,Cirlitt.l, 'ILA INS, and all ERUPTION'S UV Tilt, &WV, "tier tra repta. For rata by all poggista, fly seethe' Ca re nts Vt . & POWER ,gtolo Ageing, 17010644 r moon street, floaton, It writ ha forwarded by wad free of portage, to any part of the United States. June 11, MAL-Iy, PA. foCILSNOKI3 'MANDRAKE PILLS. A Substitute for Calomel. Thew Palo ere componl of venom mote. twine On , rotas tho ettrodlotut of the hoer as rvmsolY end off.ctually ea blue 01 or morturr, and without proiloniug euy of Moto diminucighie or &swerve tattle winch Men tellOW the use of the lotto. in all bilious dleordore theme Pills outy ise toed with cotithimew, so they promote the diorite/se of vitiatmt Mtn, mot remove those obotractlooo from the liver mud Unary dude, wit:eh ore the totem of bilious offrdllone iu geoend. POIIENCIVii MANDRAKE: PILLS cure Birk irimdtew. arid all disorders of the Liver, indicated hr tallow fkla, coaled tongue, coativenors, dronninoila and a general Paling of trudinUellll and huorlinde, showing that thl liver la in a torpid or otanructed condition. In hart, Moon Pills may tin mood with &Coon. tie In an shooso whoa a puraatioo or alterative anottlelue in otiqulrodo ream ask tor "Pr. Schenck's Mandrake end ateervo that the two lahenesses of the node, era on the ttovernnand stamp--one when in the hed owe of Coetuatiatoa, and the other In Ids presook alth. bald hy nll 1)r tio , rts and c 4 k & peoo 45 mnla tox, Prl3,epal North oth 84004 iktplf General Who!male Avn'n famnan Darner. . C 4, .11 Ilan Kew. ?tow York; N. H. llama, 1O Ulna* lianinnne, Md. : Park, N. J. nor. of Forma and Walnut. st., C:todanati, Olds; .Walks: ft Taylor, Ind mai IN watsd k Avenge, Ch!nam, CoWn4 Brothnte, oontliwoot, cornet at &Loud an.l.l;nso NO.. tlt. linuio. :4th k&th w, es. too. 1 y? mmgc that many reAtarativc v,litch nature lino Stir. plied to relieve the affliction, of humanity there in no in .ry favorite for a certain clams of %thiourea than the onied;. nal goon" of the Wild Cherry Tree: Let toneevei :4111:Joie it 34, ito power to heal, to soothe.. to relf , •%e and to rare., is enhanced wit Ma by se ie raid , idtr, cotalliattoll with other ingredieitt., in thenno lVel9 of equal north. Thie happy olitortina exuds to a ret.:arkoLle degioc ist I). V7,4ara` Et ill on of 11 . 97114 W 1.10. 4 ,1 value in curing ClowriVr, firomMitix, P 4: ritnn 414(ica, tnst inCTOnt COns aMpti,f, to intstiniaide. Strong Testimony. 11; Wqrkilit, EN., Duo; ,17 strr as &We 1610,104...U4,..., ' . in fta t. Was most sr,:rwsly atitirt rd with a hard, thy Cough, with its usual :wow paniownts of nit sweats. tmamtetely t'ostrattog my nervOtta syston, and prodatally aural a tidtittllt ted ste,O , of health that, aft - r tows ! to no puryOut, I had given up all hope a' of ever ro t "vet itly. as hat! Oro ttiv fronds At this stage at . manors 1 was nrh,mtlsd upon it emigh the nolo:lira at a noittlthor to trY ,star's fla , saut of %Vint Cherry, and, before using tu. , . holt! s, the (Ansi was alumni vontticol. My rough entirely leis inn, the night somas de.etted me. hope one leer., elated to stir 11, and room I had area toed toy wonted strength nail twat'. Thus has this t44l , am, as Inn, oltto too,* re m• , seat tey peptotta c , t4Vt , rtia al With the ;itiovo, facts Warmly soisteeml me from ho yrta ;dot grata. Von tiro et lOntt,y to use HMI tof the ttorotAtt or the Prvirr.,ll,y SIP.TII W. SOV. Tr.. ~,,,, it tit,, 1:o.don, god furs oil by Mug:o4l4 gi:tie• The h¢,.t known remedy Ca SCRO,FULA, in all go manifold f0r.... til , ll.lm; Clare, I. 87..tittS .`Cit in UR. APIPIRM . 10t. ; I% Alva, a lam ,olu,lon ai %Wino estkoot R Aineavered after nsatir year* of scinniiiie 'monarch and experiment. eradicallag busuorn (mu the syntam ii ban no claw: Circular. cent free. J. P. lit r!SMORC. oh! by Oruxitlatsionerally. 36 Day tittolOkov Vail; MO 41,1 W. 4'' cm ,,a' A Cough, A Cotd, or '' fiRGNGtOk A SOL'b Throat, HC • C., 41114131(411 1)114.1 DI A , k Al T 1 011$ , N. ~p 4)00C mom" to VIIIn kr , . I. ALI .7% , k 0 . To C! . ../i!11 , -"I. • - fOR It) tattoo of the Loma. A forma. COUG H S skint Throat . Diewast, Mr goa• lumption Pd D 0 A C 2. 19 nrrat Ille IRDAN.T. 1 °LO sllolWillitil It INOMIIIII &L T KOCHI ES tuvirt a aired iattoeuee; to the parte. give lamina t rte tetist. Fur Bronchitis. Asthina, Catarrh, Coasulap tire anfl Tim 'IEO Ake rgoill US SO ALWATis 01100 ATcria. " Ek 4 AND 'COLIC SIKAKKRS will fled Taocitre useful in clearing the mote when taken before triii2in: nr Speaking. end relieving the throat after an unusual exertion cat the vocal organs. Tim Troches are recommended and prescrit44 by l'ty.iniaue. mid hive had testimonial* from eminent meta torunghout the country. tiring au article of trde merit. una haeloy proven their efficacy My • test of many years. each year.iiisile their in new localities in various Yana of Cie world, lai the Proctiou mu 'unilersallY pronounced batter than other articles Obtain nut) —Now iii Ilsoarbial Troy hes." and do ,Sl4t take curs of the Worthless Imitations that may Olt agreed. hold everyieftvie Noe. 28. 1089.-1110„ 1867. 1.867. pull.Ampa4 AND 'ME Rill, Ito. 11). !Ibt• Irmo hue %revenue the Northam end Null% -eastern con Imre or reeneylvania to,tna ((Erin an Lake I:tto been Wood sad to operated by the Pen net I% anis %Wined ColopliNy. Tuno of ra , •env.r Tflllllll et Northumberland. Leave Eastward. en.: Mall Truth 1 t •• so r h. le Expreof Tcain ti :t A IV mire Mel at 111 A M Vock (live% Aec0tn0.14....1 5 I team Westward. ie Mail Train 3 31 A M Erin I.ourers Vain U 11 P Malian Moil '4l 13 p 'Lock Marro Areaammoalai,op 803 A M raorroger Can Thin thririvikh dry Ilin . Erna Mall sod Elrroo l'roinia without, ahaprza built Whys betwutits rti 'Wolohan land Ertel ' NEW ()UK CON MiCTION. 14eeve Now York at 00 gm: ityrirt. at ktlo .10 00 111 . I,atavo *v. Yorkitt 5 flap tal ittoktit Ede 113 ,p eatita al 63 p irtivd Neitt York ,a,411i1 ; 1.C11%.0 Et),o 1,1, 1 0.1,3 Ir :Ile Ve Vatic 10 10 • ma ' IMAM ANT ILLBEN'aIa CABS en all Night titillne, roopartitit ratiortatarbaritneri. rip• ply of vitro/ 310 and Matltet etregto. And for Freight banana:ls or tho Company'. Agnate. PA. Kilipattanor.. cur.. 13th and Mullet Streets, ebtladraphin, J. W. R 6 .' 1110 14. nrie, IVm. Itrown, Agrol N. U. B. 11. N. 10,1;6'10N. General .liarighl Ithlll6 11, %V. 11W INNER, rionearrl 'racket Ay I, Phil*, A. L. TYLER, Grorrnl Supt May 21. WV. LIJ B Elt I Lt.! BEII ! :1 Hit" Lumforr Yard in. iiitn.mtsbnvi Tir. iimipritortn , ol would ;asp, tinily Inform Ono* In went of lumtn r that he rnnUanee to tor* and krone on hand e 'nod trioriply of buillialt Awl foncini rhil, at hi" rarylenc“, a "hart ilia tans" north of the Arline. which he offer" for sate al rce nnabla rate. J AcOi KRUYIAIL. filoonibburg, Jun, 'X, thee. WASHING MACHINE It hrly poi ceded that "the bed Jr riways the ch • ' Ord that bitlup the cave gtoct plompute is liken di hdroduclup tothe public Dol l r IHER _wittlft ulPittlY beer king popular, and with OW machine the hard work of wasititrip is Mitigated 101 contfortable and phloem I. l p. planed io hot suds. and shut in. While thire,aapers. ed rod the demo confined, the Machine Is operated se seen above. Thus the work iv; :Apvtility. clearly and easily done, and that too ultimo, tearing and shill hot the clethes,.ichich to is great catnnt is the tairnie under the old taehicaert 1140111 g peones. With a lINIVER*3I`. El WIRES WRING ER tits whole labor "ravishing is but a pleasstit pas time Compared with the former hinds of ItIIBI2ING ANA at►AKINU, and twisting and wringing. The gut is so dissolveit by thn HOC MIMI that but little ergaiireteiinn is necessary to expel tr. No foooky in the County shonlit to withinn Doll:'8 C1.41111E:4 WASIIER !MEM rnice The prima of throw a011...145h0s ta.ige PA Yu wily aiau fmr, . • . . { lino 1101e1 SOX. • • • •• • - • • • Pr 110 F IIO6I Y .ite, NO.I Wringer. 0 :01 1:11:,11 Na. IY, • . • • I#o 11,414 t l y E. Agent. Mar , ll Pfrwrrk, Pa N EW,' COoDS WISI1171{.(; The stiL •cithvi hu r wk. a sttOot !tato, to repitot his stock by ttittll rUlTllltittSt dittl l tti nuw Itfeltared Sall as tow as Any Maier I thi, witcUon country. A fitliupoa by any %vim viand. the trio o ,:• t 1;,! , 111;40 y of lli. katl. , `, 1111410! th. Ira* elate. of riotrae no ow' need hay unless they are rotrrely atittotted. lle will be glad to eve his laitinita anti the public gorse/ally whether thoy how ar not. amok tonal:its or tiro beat varietiey of iF ka Alol,Arial3, 1".!,41I tine yliality VIII to their !Wit r IittATON. ANlll)Tltrill.l.lkAt:lo , 3l34, ;MAP &I'A‘Dtiltri. Ace— eta., CHEEWE. cOAL, & IrINSCED OILS. also a WI:. nyzawtartilt of Dry Goads 44,1 Hosiery. and a NH variety of goods , of the above claret, and of other kinds. in ailiiitton to 11101 lie 11E3 tt'l3;fitty added to :AO 140 , k a One 4.• , :irtioeht of CEDAR\\*Litt: AN I) • " WILLOW WARE; in kit variety of viola lie hart ' , ye ral new .trli4 Ir. of tond,ro lovvritino, eXten,ivclly wed where hilowit, teal whit IWI CA,II 11110 114t1 here Ile ale,' has a rifle of French "nrsoccoes; and atnn nr Moforcl higingo, Cur gshnetottket',4 wurk , and n oed ntoortment of 41/ 1161 Et; • er:7 * CAU and JOUN K til fir9V. a sruer and lion *«s `:reetd HlneltOs.curg. Aps II IQ. lon. J. BROW ER, ( Cor. Hain & Iron de.) Li it." Oikiln; to t itt! row. 41;igrook SPIUNCAI GOODS ron,,lating to part of a foll Imo of INGRAIN, WOOD A: RAG CARPETS. Vino cloths and eaninwro for Ladies' coats. Hand•oute Dreier U1N..1 of all trUerna and pralltior. I)..lisior and Prints or %Arlon, .platitiro and prieu. itiv.elseil nod IkoWo Mupiittr. room It turatts thl BALIV,ORAL SKIRTS, .... d a,torainclit Ladics ace! Gmkesa nud 11;....t s. rio.h Csove.wat in 4 tipircs. Now astayttueut or jilass awl 40tenswar.e. Es No I Miarlief.i 10 nOll half And ow. ("tut 's vi is the time Iu malt.' your ~,, 3. I 3, ~t l , iii 'Nada al vary low parr■ nod oor motto to I.ltr :is ill, and n.l to Intl mil , lollsol , l by aov. J. J 1.4.1 AV ER . I.lmm,,tirg, Apia 34 147. . _ U VECTIO NER Y STOli E - ANC - Tff.3 .9Q.= :MI-12'Zr. STOHNER & ,WIDNIEYER, M gitil 11.4 in and Fancy Confectionery, II I: AIL Cltd IN Fqll,ELli FRUIT AN D N.GTS, EXCHII MAIN *TIMAN.GE BLOCK, 0M pLOOII N131:41,4 RRAIII.IOI. LEMONS, RAVIEVe. ITUNE:e4, .er.gme & cAND3 OV ALL hINOtt. Itii" AU nrdrre promptly allen3cd ro. entered flito en.r.irtticrohip %%zll coati/ma 'flaking mud INiutcctimory liumtwoi at ht•all Ito braachca. ji it paprf,ance to Baking. and manufacturing al , alibi. of t.' andte•,'wattaptu tbeapjn paying Oct Inc public titian im ' C C M M I) ATE I) with everything in their line, upon the most lea. minable and accepteble terms lintels and pti% u families ran be turn ishel "'Pit pond rresh Bread each day by culling at their .stab. liehment. Condiem be mito and Perninhod lit Wet or rwdl fnantitto*, to soli p otthasosrq. at IV I I ( /LES XL, I!>;. Retail Det hat thronahoet the cooper y wNI dowel, to_gsvo them a call before porch.tong eleowhore. They have, in tonntettou waistless. Conf.:M.lmm Mort,att Mt 1 B aIA a v where they intead to *stet oat Ate ellelllll daring Ph. Sommer month* to all who may favor thaw with their commit. They will ho prepared to *make tip Ire Cream for partite. IntAIINSR it WIRSSYCL, Bioentennta, Ap,il J, INS. A. soLLEDER.B goof` AND fiIDOE BTO SE, (QI4'OOIITE TIIC CCISCOVAL CIiCKCII.I On Map *Knot, Illoornaburg. Thn AllhArrlher tars pleaAore In nimpunclnit to Uo . 1 kill( vicinity. that he Iwo MI hind a lupe And !Inc nsPortinent of lIOOTS AND SiIOES, for lidipe And iontletnen'pliPar, to Ault ill Node.. Ills City work IA of On Pert quality, and 11..iu iba moat Wien% inanufatioters ; be being a peacikel workman and p snot! judito 'of tale traL)O9LXS. he is not Ilke;ly to be Imported * akin by ractltrlng worthless tuateslal badly nude up. Those ddeirleg anything in his line would do wall to glee bins a earl, before purchasing elsewhere. Ile .ellea GOOD ARTICLE, lid at prices to lot 41 purchasera. All parsons tvlio desire light or hoary work made to otter can be acetimmoitatud at his rtatabllshment. ajp Also, repairing will be done with neatncaa and des pitch. Au cicoant orlioent ri Laths,. Orilla and nutn• in., 'Ohm, nu hand. A UOLLEDER. Arid i. I:17 NEW tLOTJUN AND GEN TLE DIENIIOIOOBIIIIIO STOBIg. . /413 14tv 4- moimowit asnottatee to sofa hto ,Re naeirpersat * Amt.:Sethi,/ Gent athisse upotshiftialmit+ hi m iniver room the harttnati lififigovollnhioitet or oar of Main a hfarhet Milo i, DlsitsilltS b. thing jolt rotund . Yrt‘h 4 14 10 sock of Wall and Winter- Clothing and tinntlennta'a Furninhina Goodoi.‘cr , Ile Olt tots tinubillf lus suu plaage au ' Uls mock cow prima. .11ES' AY -1" BOYS' CLOTHINW, ouch 44 DRESS CUTS, bAtii COATtli ovsacons, I .it V 83116. e NAGILin IRV I,ll.lllrEftv, ' CVLURS. COLI-1114, HOSIEItY 11.40XERClii rr,l U.V1M1C14444 414. and in fast every . thing in the Cruthiri; or En cntakiag Into at Very Low Ago*. in addition to the above he ar an ewiaat iteeant melt t or (lathes, CaVnners, and Vothigo, clighing made et "M to fireitosf pot.te Cali and sae before purchaatacejseWhoire.und tELUUE WWII! 1111110AINS, J. W. cutmaraux. (moto r to. INA. N 40010 S AT BM NEW STORE. TH E NEW STORE CREASY JOON, LAS !! , itV Monk: eilen•cirril ma? ak. iIEAn-QI:34RTESI Ti UM. uuOu lait;4al}32 TWA' ritad. 3IANT":, 64,01).i rn SELL GuDIE.! CUL Tiny I.erp o.oryilong you may want. and Ite% them and you will Infinite to buy. 711F:111 STOCK COMPRISES rrinlY. Gingani«, • ' 1 ', S' i4O EMI La: a 74•54- iitzpq raj, BIM Pan cl& I rzsr . 1 /c2 dlt ( C 0 S € Oiotharc., ) 1 P i , accre Shun s Effig meat. O; CGiul Cr f2ti2 1 i Stock 5 ALSO, Honig static Balmoral Phut,. tYln , lln ilhaitec QtMetnemeitie, Giamvsnee, LskAin' Flames. Voles' ince. deed , i, kr. Id eloirt we keep evarythinz Onr cli.imentra mind hut auk. add ) , it 'hell he liven them. %Ve datattaiste lint to he ,undefenl4. All WHIN isf produra taken M the t.igllesit Market pr! , . r - 7" Al.:en. ;pm -a cedilect,d with the Amu a TA4l.oltibrt; "TART :WENT, wheill 'minting buying elnihr of in elaewhere can have theist inane up well' flimsies.% and t!ospittrib cheap kw ce , d. The beet Woralaell are Coneltaitykaianyed. March r. —31610. t:llEhd? ar. JOAN. • - . EXCIIAN GE RESTAUttaig. The proprietor havens 'enflamed and refilled hia RESTAURANT, in tar brzetunut, the EXCHANGE licerEL, shrshl tropecquity rgkit h rohtshilhilte "I the :scsondhe hsh old fllosterherh, and eqrsitally to • S,tc tlm ftttetelon of now mica to boa turivekincuta. Shill, OVSnRS, CANN El) OYBTEUS stioso ovirreas. ratan rim. "I". times PIN yam*, 111 All AND TKIPB, HOIAMIA, basis( • LIQUORS AND CIGARS QT Oy.tere can be refired op to tattooing at a • loonlest* notice, lit . VARIOUS STIVLES, STEWED. cuArED. ramp, OK RAW. to loot* , the tastes of the epleorsen,_ LAWSON CA LMAN. Bloomsburg, Feb. . _ There enemata glad tidied, of Joy to "11. To young and to old. to peat and to The beauty which ones was et:precious and rare. le tree ear fp, and titoloy B Tim USE CFI4I2TELLAK# :White Liquid Enamel, For Improving and Beaching the Completion. 1 he most valeahle endgenfeerpreparnion in nee fnr twee thi• ekin n beautiful peuri•libm tint. that le oily fuen•l In youth. It rMiotly removes Tan. ?reek - leo, l'un:tice Blotches. Moth retches. Fallawnetle impurities of the skin, ki hilly hauling Chu same leaving the akin et hkte and elver au elaties. tor. Its Lute rant:tabs detected by jibe elosert eo n . tiny. and bring a vegetable preparation Is percent? :4/4/111i0611. It in the only article of the kind used by the French, and is considercil by the Parisian as in • disi.enelble to a pwritel toilet Cpwaggin of 3U,U00 bittiles were 'told Loring thepkiit year. a sublelent guarantee of I efficacy. Xslee nutty lb cants.-- Sect _pnsalaid. On receipt of an order, by InFIREIEN, 21130111 e & CO . Chtniett. Febl.7 Ififl—ty 1316 liver litt.Trny. N Y. REMOVAL OF C. C. Itialta'S KIM swan". TO SHWE'S BLOCK. flan. DOUR ASQVS "DEMOCRAT 01 , 10,4% . * • undersigned having received from the rity a full and Compictii suppiy of SI'RINII AND SUMMEIt PUY GOODS AND GROCXRIEN, Notions. Tinware, Ilardware, Cri der and Willow Ware, Drag.. Cnnheun• pry. fflass•Ware, TOMI6CO Hata aad Shoes, Float, Nalt, ri.b and Meat ; all of which f propose ro.lllisa at a vary loW laureritar saga or pro4loce. u Call and see. C. o.ltAtit. " I "alsburt. Aptil 3, 11Pr7. METEIth , Newly Improved CRESCENT SCALE OVERSTRUNG PIANOS, ACKNOWLEDGED TO OF. THE OW I.ondl-n Prize pedal ■nd highest rewards let Aunt Ira r ,, civeJ 111riodious and accnni hand rlande Moir. No. 7%1 A114:11 onto , t Armin. !Obi' —Jai. below tlh r HILA . cocci F.',7 B , :hythrs, lot, a , Bas ate, I!*ashes BoKc .~teac , i . I . Citit~~'i3 I, tr .