Bloomsburg democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1867-1869, May 29, 1867, Image 2

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    00111ocratar Stine Coatsvpatilion.
The Demovratie State Committee, at it.. 4
meeting, On MOM i",* Id larli 'berg,
adopted the following remiltitioto
Ist. That the regniar Convention ,of rhe
forty, for nominating a candidate f"r the
Supreme Dent h, be held at Itlacti Mora, on
the Second Tuesday of June, Iscl . A it twelve
o'cloett M. : anti that said CerA oat, I. be coin
pl or um woo Hooth, of ,ielegate
21.1 1 1., hi :taint recomnoniii
61 to the Detteteraey or to
forthwith elect, in the total manner, two
tlehlottet . , of recognized int,ith et and intlit
once in the party, fhr ea c h Itepre,zeointivn
banl Senator tot their respectiVe di , triet It lei
rim)l meet in M 3,4 Viorctoitioo, n t 110 11 1.:
burg, on 3 disV to be fixed lry tho C'hairmuat
of the State Nittral Ciimmittee,
By order of the Ih.moeratie ;I . :00 ( 4 1,m
WM. A. W.11,1...0 Chairman.
Pardons Ira Cußtianshin Couni3.
The people will olc., :hut Gove'r nur
iienry has pardoned Bow r, of Cote te 'ham
Towle-hip, in thi , Connie, fi,r the 41 itti , of
refusing the vote of a man who WA 4 UrCif
ed .tt the poll: of being a du ter. Boner
was Cialvieleil at our he t ennrt, after a care
ful trial hetbre a bench of
,judg.•4, an d A lio .
whom no one will aeom.e,4 M artial.
Several eu ,, ea of this knot
been disposed of in the C , ntrt , t or the State.
and, in fact, one haft bet it tri#ll int 'obtlithil
County, and the man con% ictod„kpter a ll
lOUs, this wan Mwr, an officer of the
, dlection in Cenyughant, willfully rernAes the
vote, k tried, convicted and smitonced, and
then tiny. Ileary stops in witioina lw w tl e
Iliad the voter been a Republican d o you
suppose his vote would have been rent , ?
Noi likc y. llrui Rimer, the election offs
err been a Democrat, do you , wpt 0-1 , he
would have been pardoned? Not likely.
It seems that under Republican rule the
law is to be totally di-tepartled. Lincoln
lead the way by his , eandahm , ly tl
proclamations, it' in .ai;hsr,
and others in power ..,Is3 net aceording to
bin prceepo, remit deb ritlin ,, .l to Ballow. - -
There is no K 1114;,• to the people until the
eternal pritteiples of die•tice, 114 Viala'aet'd
nuc nt ereral of I tetn,,, , roey are ow ,
more aelobnile , ll 1:I 11'!clet: ' ra.lll
- of out' , \ ll /''''
WA' ' ,1
ei Of. 4V , ,'30 , 4111 . 0:14 1 ,
, 4111 . 3(oS (WI ljtrrrtr
"Altilr - Th - e - cmmill="-riber4 are condint its
quite bri-kly, f r v•hielt our 1 1 ;emb. in the
County h.nre osr tiwnlo , . The I WMclel:,%l
never 1vav0..4, but pur,ue. that :.t(tely,
forw.m time-honored, Dentocratie
emm , c. tr;Lit inetr. , rd.
hurt-thc•party, Denicrevm:,. „V'e r re nut
in favor ut' courting tie i to•tif gar rt't (f men
who, during the whole tine' of the rebellion,
were dti'f in the flack Itepublican
Dk-Union party, and were moving Heaven
awl earth. almost, roxi, Don t o.
eratie \Vlo y eonid not
Democrat: , into the army ft 4 t mom!). n0d...)
the prdcw ^ that they were to "fi-bt far th
anion," the- u:, he tint
ermio ik tw."l '
er•,111lik•, 111 , 111cl' tl tiny
ohlb'tt4 Lom t:overtonent, t A:
the country," built dew
and murder liontl+ 0 1:11.).., IVl , l4lArtd t^)
up awl drown , ' ft,r m , elvelA wiwt they
entitled to under it law of ib,.1.41111111;,*
in which they lived. We 11.1•1 a :atopbo
thhi illegal awl timA danotable proeeedite;
in Columbi4 Counts. The mien vtl.o imome
rated ,ipwa the people, of thi,
onoty, arc HOW WI/ ii utter contempt
all :rood citizen..
le. It i,,emituttett that the tour of
,1) , Kelley and other Ilatheal; t hoot !lt tin
S.o t t h, ft,) the Ctbm idea, they have ionised
into the mind onto- twat tte-, anf ti l l' di,-
t en t', ea; adontel anent , , the 'ohne , al
wady 6111:1'4,01 1,4
that section to ft , t , amount of filly tnrlliino
attiliars . thi • •;ea in. Do lhi.altrkin
men or the North comprolientl the hit
they arc dIXViI to make nit this ? The
temple o r th e -youth ; If left to thetioel“'-.
would soon Favorite I tro,ttel on , awl able to
bear a Aare of the lairtlen„ of .national
taxes=; and every 41 ILEA I text . , paid by the
South, relieve.; the lahotio4 men or the
North from the payment of that sum. I'e
side' s this, the present Iladieal r obey of got -
(truing the South directly ileac:Le.; the t
fawns of.; the govet 'lowa one kindred mil
jions per annum. Think Or the,tt
;tax-ridden people of the North, when poi
are obliged to pay two price.. for a pound of
sugar, a gallon or mohtat4t.t, a yard of inns
lin, calico, or cloth, a barrel of flour, acna o st
of beef, and when the tax-gatherer and in
sternal revenue. ezdketor call do .demand a
tlarge bhado of ,war thud earnings-- fin-in all
those ways, and a thou, atnd nthe t y, an t y ou
robbed to maintain and motion° the rule of
the Radical patty. Remember, also, that
the only• way to obtain, relief from these
taxe.i by the defeat of radicalbm through
the ballot:41oz,
bar A acrintla Ant occurred , at Itrownl,
vitia‘ Tennessee, on the 13th, at a li utiral
Convention, in which throe ti o, e me,, an d tw o
whites were shut mot ..wounded. Th , riot
maiinateti. in o f the n , -ye apeaher , -
deelairing that every man who had owned
t‘larea ought to have tat heart trot out.
Many of the white Itattt rematt im.,l owned
sieves, but did not lituey , beite; v e te,' i n
/a k a thr jolt/it/N*l thelbet. and tan m ore
homen disagtwement with *kit
goite 4454 -
TitAt' Stint A Ptl,r; Tarr.!--Now rsiupt
Itoraue (rocky has bailed out Jefferteu Dit
vis, the question arLes a.: 10 what to be
&toe with That &our AppleTt on upon whith
ho was to have Menu hung. Who can an•
htvcr this qtte.stion ? Probably .t r. Jobe
DV11101:rat) WM. Jacoblnborn.
The Jambiu writars ) n wu agora] deal to
;ay alsint 1 4 opporlotall.4, robots, i te„ mot
tt•rilible anal LA as though they wero mat.
ten , or the people alai owned ttaleonntry. •
Who aro ;them; : 4.44111/ but jai L
politicians, oho havo Boat •l up to tho sur
face, rriou the boiling eatilikon uncivil war,
that they arrogate so much importance to
dIVIIIHAVV:4 What have, they iliac Mr ha.
inanity r,r country, but M sow the eowis lat
tilsensc utoi deal h ?
'Co hear theta chatter about retcht, freq.-
, Am., would leave the impremiou on
lik9Se who do not know them, that they are
a wentleautly novel and wi , e set, pot up
with extreme vale by the Ahnight t ; ,as a
further 0144,50 f his inscrutable wimlont a
oat a room bctroant the chituturdee autl
The prtnt, anima n t!istioutishoble Ron
tha small one twits t FiM upon numkiteb
The great man Whit; up—the
Toth , down ! It took the wi , er men of tt
century, tried in the crucible of mar anti
privation, to rear aloft the structure of
A titerFlot liberty on this continent, whinh,
io the hand:: of nom, was pveaerved
and fully developed as tune redod
but to pm ertert wertc. Detntwrats, wr
ltead, .anti rebel^
It o t these are at t til,-114)11i4 now I 1 wiser
t mien hots cnnie to confontel the times
rd ,Votolili it temples, with it view to
I. *at III': 441hera ut ureic 113 kt:
1.111101 down, hit they have not emdructed,
and the tkitratance;, kre, that the , *
MPH wire hi their 04,V11 conceit—ate tuber:
:tide intpw.ter3 and humburs.
VI hat base filmy done to el ; : oo the
.11 . the wt r 1.1? tut ge them by ti.eir wont , .
Where is the tool nle the : . nvem:o , ed, NVlsidt
was to anptaMut the Ihmeled by the
purer Itcptiblicatt .of the la cent or 3 Echo
nc~tver;,re? Tow lowg will the pt v ple
f.llew the lend of fools, impot4:4
and trici,der , .? the read mouthed
w hit e live rel 4..4.1111.4er, , and 11) pocritc:4
the dens or,hemocrtwy, eei.ce,sit.4l a nd
forbearance obameieri4ed
11w dvvililt I; , nn of Itadicalhm reared its
head to lure : 0 111:1) 011 people 01 to blood
awl ruin. and bayonet , are fluty the argn.
melds anti fiatoroal blood, f ou lly d rawn ,
the bond of the States. this the sort of
liberty which the Ameri toteplo Iletire to
Iftve I: , their
of I 4 wwk, ivnt*:3, nt the
feet see-intt, ;ikaltorh;eil th e ercetion ri' a
monommot to the mettiory.of Foblier , of
th ! State, vho ;; 11 tiaritet! the tier of the
P o hellion. It ie to be erected at I tarrh , fou!!)!,
.turo!e moon the (10 , 1:'11
reellifily agroal upon the de..4:!t of l ip.
mem. '1.1;-, we belkte, ff ilf Le. the 14,1
monument erected by the State r
Vtiltht 1 1 ,1' PIiZPOK. (nr tostooo have
H ot ran in that Hue. There is tea memorial
in Po nit4;,lfunia erected by the iv to upon
any I,a lel :!..1 of the ityvohition.
InNitywn a.el l'ort skoes of
memorable 000moters. exit. without. any
token by thy. pApie..i . onc stns., of intere , ),
in the important events wide!) happened
there. Paoli has a small monument , , erect
ed by patriMio eititulet. nu public
ttimmtneut.... , Hol.ll.:rate Ike serrive of the
1 the inain-tay of the rainy
, hAin to. later
Penusylf moil'' -hare hi the war of
%v.... g 0 totco of the. itttt•t l or th,
sear ! , f the Pvhelhoon has a few town and
u:. .. Paita of the
it thurt has the honor of kr. in
:t !:, , !!!uno-to pc. ..jet-tat t 4 mark the toloond
.o•t. iaiportant of 1:,••
!„ but shun it tf creetal, it would
b. laohl it ,, Filion to and, rc.:l„e
haritilpitil hiNc I. r " ..:131.! mono
1v111193:' v L, Sh erd
ily,l there Le! Ira.-) cvthy on
thi.. slit- t elisovhcro!? Wt! t„~oc.•ly think
it ;veldt whilt. io Atha. • ally adjurations to
t.,.0 •r.cfoll -.1 that a
e , oana .ten.),rer )t to)....nvony t to W I 'mixt:-
1 " 7. ; "'3'” d e po i tc.i with I nrcitwity itt 11'a-it
it:tom *mare. thirty heir years 3V , 1, and
t? .at 4,63 ,).ft the gtomil, wit hunt
any hnp,a that a Artirfillt!.w ill boe erected
upon it within the pwsrot goo-ration, lye
out abst tie fttan ;all local appeals, !Ton
the othio et. AVA. most Viktor to
I igw. a.. to what w to Ire done with the Lin.
c.tlo Nionutinin fund, which) set toe , like all
other Philadelphia project: of the kind. to
he: f-crtain of being. ilurld for about a MI)
MT rtrortvili be made to sat) Ty
the coat grand-ehildren of the orktinal
oloomor.c With II siMla Of what thrir.anet.)tars
u,:tp.evoi t0,14,e,
,Itimlical Organ.
tii (31a,h,) ;lomat, .toalvr tfoi
had or Ili, MIN: 'AI
thoitelpiole..i taken a long while; atoi a vast
amount of nono•y, hare,,at l as t got dui
stolid totalt of Plutu,ylvania and the ver
dant `4l4(rs' linekeyes' of the W e ,.
ern St .rte: 0 , 61161 up to our higher
stafolatil. hco a faw tt l ieY Anti ,
11111,11 its vlitionistn we de
tetinified.that the 'nigger' (as they call.)
the eoloreil atan)Anitil4l twole their equal
or we would crush the Union. The loot of
the tilgro is (41 the maks of our arieient
vilers r tdel ifot-s.i who are n. t cur bat
mu s t 4stvl from under.' This is a sample
of New Englauel ItaglicalLpo. Sneeess is
bringiflg ftut the coherent but long-eoneealeil
pnritatt -tyratwy tl , l devilishness of the old
11solitiouht s•who are new the leaders of' the
Radical patty. Are our people prepared to
be the itoiruniwits.uttlieir own undoing.
Ile.' Jefferson Neb.; is with his family in
Canada. ;i o nic poopinare.weak and ;clm
ant enough to think 'Jumbo willneyerreet trn ,
What fool. ! The inistoke they make is that
they eanniit comprehend the sentimentior
a great and fearle,s Icahn!, ~tbey being rn
narrow in intellect, and so ignorant them
iflYe:4. They cai'iot underataint how Mr.
diavis , an h t at liberty to go to Canada, and
tlict. return bee into they, themselvf. , , feel in
their heats adt thwy would sucaik out
of the (-wintry. The coward:;! They will
find on hand whenever owit.ion re-
TUE 31101111 LE iuor.
Font, the Niaimont latatitpuogr,l
A letter just revived her: limn a promi,
nod citizen trawling iu tlw South, well
known ill polidea) circles of the Northern
States, Mobile, May 15, gives prob
ably one o f
the most correct amounts of the
late riot iu that city that has been prepared,
it is brief and comprehensive, and carries
twos its Rice the buttress of truth. The
whole story of the dot, front 144 bteeption
to the end, is told in a few weak The
writer says :
write you from this buineh or the "Lord's
ineyartr to t4ive pot the
, t)btii, froth as t o
the dot host night at the city.
‘V bile .1 mitre Kelley wasspeakinz a pi
13311 wan having it totiltal altereation witb
a drunken fellow svlii) was misbehaving, and
seized hie crowd iimititiliats
cly artotuel tvtty vseitetl, but not noisy
lent. At Otis parr killer time the horses
aft:whist to 'this 4111401M:0 of Cohteet
SitoPlortn , Ytiretall ittfantry were frighten. ,
.31, awl stitiltill tot rim through the erowfl.
ttf dues', every' person tried to get out or
oboe way ; rit‘liing furieltsly in every di
reCtlMl WAN'S; 13)33.
I 0 he a riot, tireti a
tol, wh , •reopou there was a gouenti tiritet—
,otne toward. the shaker's Klima
fr o m ihoLvat antler the noble tunl
thee away to the load, no One ;memo,
iHg too 100.10.4 Mtn. Theril etas rto porno
at rhte 'tams hurt. The lolly winindi
et! awl killssi wore imposts' to the Radicals,
exiiipt one negro, tit he was liana' et some
dist:owe from the isxne. 'fbe whole affair
writes up in si rain , to
pleipar,o3l3.4 for it. The pally nitwit)• arm
td 1444'M the ucgrtsis. There is not 3
able Man 1313. who does not greatly regret
the occurremie. .Ratty, til . titiltrs 4 WI
like licy's but thLre •yrits itra
disposition to prevent ids )Iw:tilting or breitk
tip his ottietimf by any trading n om he r e,
( was at the misiting a while, aril all there
het :menthe and i l uiet.
led';,, Beth;) 4` Ni4EY FR 411 .. 1 " th"
n 464 /10w..., and a vliatil fir -44,114 . 4:r` V 4 if
lirOWli ,font alto holes. to guard him. Ile
ee,t. t.lO WS Meal liy, militaty. awl seemed
aCrai,l to heave licre her
to lifer having 3 hes, to
carry him rrom th;ti was in no
more tiangi-r, than I waq, amt would walk
die strei s with Ina us nei,t,h 4'iretrYi Ilse
tint out need militery pri,kotion any more
d ew I 4 I C , hint 1. 0 4 C allo4l E 414041 it 4,
lan 441444*t. it i , r(ot :n4 , 1 wow mart .r like tit
41141441 14r4111.41i4414, It 0444.1141 tIII, tt= inert
?stion „N , a di. It wa+ a turtilvtiml.
whole atftir give Kelcy mom notihimy
thane all his other act- tionibme
111,1 t thte ir tisik place, • t v., o ur the
th a t }%4 , 1"0 140, IWelq.ll. (Jr the illteMlp•
titan tot ' /*ref, S 11 1 .00). and !swims? it doe:
gross bjicaiee-te Cs,' Isle pl`
It F: Lurr . :4 FRIEND, Fon Jt - NE,
The .Tartu Laniter thh , popol a r
Ant? is 1t time 1,1;-% A ( A la rmi ng .
CAL at — Mono: Tot. -ore is the solo
joot „r th., th. , ' St • 1 I'l. front. The
t',al,ut,d rteshito, t ,:• or 1.1.0-
Ilan! ag a l grit, rttl ii . in the 1::#0 t
tlio toultorott , - ,, 4 'ots are
Itando bri , li.l th. ••••, travelling awl
now italthot 4, inti'•4ll:ll , MS
tit' V;:tx. Flower IVork. &e. FL' rtrY
matter iolntioe, ".114 , v; a Woman LI:011er
‘Vay,* voutinte , wonderfully ertortaining
“That Ball" is fell r irtalt
hunew. Doogias r exvol
lota story, —No Longer Voting," awl (bore
ar e P o op s 'bolter :and Mrs.
M. le. Toker, Tie; titro.alAtl Ihr
each number by 14Ce 4 1 / 4 IValkor, is glow ,
th ttattecription 'wive,. A boaotirol
.;ter' Enaraeit ealltql "%hue of Lire's
11.t0r,," will b.. tont
,or.tha to every
single -oloe•ibt tt.t.l to every r
.lot flub. ;Gls Nook voo
htinite , the partionlars nt the ittotniuto
11:r s awl the re inee l price to dohs, will he
rent nn the receipt or twenty cent , .
'Wit-0 (with toel , ra% 3112.5tt a vcaa row
ro t tio-
with ono ongravittl; t) ,
ropy of not one or Satorhay
Evo , ting Po , t (awl o n e fAVlliNillg), .51. 41 ".
& Pettl ., ol;, ;;P.) Witting
00, t
rs A N author or the "Lilo 6r ;"
Hon. D. ', ,terantou ; Muhl:mob, au
thor of ....h....41•11 11. awl hi- Intent ;" Mad
anther 01"•Fattelittn, ti
Cricket I 'ltr , ttlogiral Jittery of
sh.k l mqtry'sBtipertilitiraltharteten.; I low
to Talk to htelic.; Plain with
;l1 original Legends A met * lva
The; 444 pi Among v'stit.itatah4., by liev. Pr.
0,-;zoo , i; 144 Ail et Home : Whom to kle,t
Our Next Pre; tleat;, Our Nl,ttional Military
Sy..tent —The Nary; Fe , say flu :Ninth
givuu j0.d..; ltrceolteziettlJoneoll ford tun ,
notiv reth4., A New Volume begin, with
the next numb e r, $3 a year ; single nulti
h, rs stt cent:. AttlEttAi, 8. lt. Well.=,
has I:wolt reettivol in our fi4r June.
"Its immente 4100141 e Sheet 1 . 0,14i0n plates
Ore without 0 parallel, - atvl it eon be truly
eall. 41 the "only teal (invent: of
There is no Matt:thine pahli,he.l in thi:
!omit ry better gotten upped from its Mead)
notch hatinoventent, n sho4l think
there were few it' any Maw:zinc.; better pa•
tenni/Ali. This Magazitto it tunlonbtetlly
very highly oppre chats} by the ..lurriean
ladies. The effortsoft he publh.her certainly
entitle him to a most Bend support. Terms,
:.$ll4ll per mouth l'uldit,llo4l by FILt K
LESLIE, ,b 37 Pearl Street, New York.
,Arthur's Magazine for June bas
been received, well laden with interesting
and instpsetize reading natter. This mag
azine is among the very, be-t published.—
Arthur •At Son have published eight little
books ; lottolsomely printed, and illustrated,
and put up in neat packets containing one
each. Prieo 311 cents a paekot. S t int hi
mail to any toltiretts.on reecipt of thQ price.
A liberal discount to sehepls, Lecturers, and
the trade, Address T. S. Arthur
tam A, $ll Chestnut Street Philadelphia.
I.,,vlL—To so, a laborer pay $l7 fur o
bond of Hour wide), thrtnerly eo,t, but t..,5;
hi children ragged or finked thr 'kraut of
eluthlog whit& 'Pi evtra St it would hay he
fore he %slot llvitin oral to, the "oubleitelo.ll
Atorrioall," Mid then to this oatne labor
tr go 10 the pulls kind vote - tbr a little
none of d, Awe
illeidloriV IWO Illand«Weilliss.
TUTUS lour,-,tiff COM A? TIM UNPIN.
'run Editor or Tire Eiomnr.n . Pititolo l
in ermiliiiimui wish urgent roiliet=ts frowo
witiirers Or owl,o 42t iod Corps, hereby
antiointeas 1400 willa<' stribitte a wootni
serloB o r nivilLiill...! 1.0 Fish limpirtnj
Whom la iwil WM fior the tim best siteel
mama': libit. 4041'0110wiuslilp, by soldiers
and tottililii-of dm I,iiii,u who lost their
Right Ann by disability or amputation in
the Into war for 11,0 11100 w.
•irliio.o will 1* ten equal paps or Piny dob
has oath, the oward vt' the Ptiaot to be
made by distinguished dimes ,r tint Arnie
and Navy, who will forukb an r.s.utogratdi
!Ater to the traogrontilti competitors,
The Premiums will boar tho tialuo of the
oilieur ineking the award, and will be !item , '
as folows :
The Oraist Premium ; 1110 Parrasut
Premium ; the Sherman Premiuto ; thu
Ilmvartl Premium; tint Almelo I+rendum;
the Jlantmek Premium i the teary Pr e .
'Mimi ; the 1,... ;an Premium.
The Mamt. , eritits will all be s-ent 10 the
4.initor or t h e. Sohlier's Priem). to h..' regis.
st" 4, numbered, owl prepartul lit, inspec
tion, and whon *.i , t. cared the smalls will
be math!.
..)tilf:erwss :
The writers tnityu turnuth n 40401 Or ark
militar,rhit , tory. from the date of their CW
liar meta, to their di : wi t :me, 'no:holing MM.
patty, regiment, rtruk, a 114 at ' battlea, date
and place where wounded, etc.
v4 , 3y.T,
nal , -*lfite4 of' the war may be added, and are
c.arite4thy desired.
Th. , paper rapt be yitle Etat ti wi.ite letter
tamed_ 1-41tt by ten inelter t o the
pap, owl Itnavitil an inch margin at the t o r,
bottom, anduhle
The she'rt i..t trot la, gummed or fmten
tal tqatittur, 1,444. erlreetly numbered at
the' top
ore nit only One suits of the paper.
Write in Muck ink. l'eneil writing will
neet aiuditol tan the eatalterne.
No one N enthled txa 00111/t i t , ' OiCe
1 1 ,1 lti. C , ,711t alto ' or who lets learned t o
write with his hit ,wad pe,r119141 tv At dub
"1* 1110.4 e only are funned who
have 4 ,s d t,, writ Mee tle their
in the verviee.
A proper =omit tint 4 malta to the
l'ael t prevent impnition ntni injnAiee.
sae 1%101 -lc" 4,.;
. 044:3 ,
lingo it is to f ii
Writers:n . o ALIN CA rTioxED
32:11!14 se 1i g 111311tiver;pt.: fn. emyespond ,
iona , tothe I li—tko . its rs ;air of ow
, , , , ,
INIS who .re to iii.yarit tio i.• it will
tLcir,pnrposte; in the anti
will tii4owes.gity 4 . nm:l.w awl flu
lay. !VI Weliftlqrripti ti.4t It 14111 e to hr
“ervif S ,, ,,,b'fr*s Friend, to retp*A
fillt/ tinfi fhilblfhlt
Wk. :Cow th , , ,, e Isho drew pri4eA ott
tho Mgt rill be tAeoto
ref,. tar 0.0 provo o t Lott ttcy acre
;041,4 to u. ; Iributo rirccituett to the
44,Inin , et slionhl be sent wrappool
arotnirl a W.Ottit n roller, Orin a ionstnlowitol or
wool es'Fil+kr 1 , , pro-Terve them in the hest
order. They he rolkol
:on fl r<rrt :zero-•v thr p•—!•.
Tau; void r• '4l
thee,l 311 !
is aoaol to Lo io
1 , -r; o it; Gaut ('or r • o;','ttl.iit. an lh , -
moiu in Ow
t cd
i un- 'filf;
:"•1.:-MR F • ,t a t;mu.
( . 011113r.
811,1ivoti , 00 Aol.frt tda f iol now ne.
/cod, No 1:2 ek:1111;
N. .V,
LJPIIIIIII A;1" the Brock
nor-o !lon I, Lewi.oown, after revolving li
tH.mal the following unique wake:
..To all whoin it may eotwerm—The
,mewed (Icahn% to obey all lawa
bhe sale of ••tt ,4114c..tts ail
head, of families who harts drunken sata,, or
Itu43o*, wives or tlanghtep=, 10 gi,•e inc
the written nutlet , required by law, forbid
dim!. sue to hahitual drtulardv
with their attacht .1, and I pledyi,
toy ritutation, and nay protalay,
that such reipteAN :hall be rigidly eq mpli o l
with. I to comply trith,Lii law.; reg
ulaiin toy I idles o 1 nriUU 4i, aild in order
re q uest the a-edstatie of aff
.thi4iths The ormiglN of temper.,
«owe ..oeietie-, who hare antwiyeal MO for
eo% me mach by withdrawing
their ratrinrege h;ecii either me or the NOti
,„ti,- 1“r,1,1•Pr0 . ,/ 7: !Iraidt.
Nirto : 4 ati Pranei ,vo 4 bawl than
van be purelm:4 , 4l for h e r e in I jbfillipii
bit in a great wheat-growing eountry
bttrrrl of Muir *n.s 11111 t ltt to 'll'4. in
the eoe e„ . ,:se it is bmtght h imiroisic
in o,c other with the frunltticvtt
npolozy for money, Lineoln rapt If
poor nun like,thb. mut of entertainment all
they have to thz iA tt> keep nn voting the
Republican party in power, Eidtt hour
law:. nor Ileonent hike, will not remedy
the evil -a ilk IA to ~le.mouratit. rule, Item
and Penweratio money.
will do the lainsiue t.
York Com atereia/ .It/rertiser,Ckpl'e, scs the
initm that "crc the present 'engress rt ab.
the evidenee- etoinoiye And halt
si.taltle —will ho furniAtol, that the last
rontrress was the woNt and the weakest
that ever lett its impress upon our country.
The clay is not distant when every proud.
tient feature and almost. ever influential en-
Aattment 01 :that, (*grow will he execrated.
Intuitively, however, it apeared the only
escape from the ruin it will have eamed, by
the` pa win, of a kilt ropt
10C1* It is stated that Senator lloolittle, of
Wisesnsin, has been commissioned by the
tiovi.rnment to p.m:base St., Thomas Island
of hmintak. Pretty soon we will have
more territory than we can govern. uy the
way, would itjtut be a good idea fur the
government to litiy(!olr? Spain,no tieubt,
would selbthat tdantl, awl, it appears, from
the way the Government is investing in ter
ritory we have the mencyAejvy, gut in ac
quiring more territory. We make Iltia as a
suggestion to Secretary Seward.
Stir W4O, papers .console thomscives
over their defeat in Kentucky by eelling it
a.lrebel ,victory.' Tbe men eleuted to Con
gress from Kentucky, with one exception,
were never in the military Eervise, nnil that
oxoeptioi i 4 Apior Adains,,whu anted in ,
hi the Federal RIMY.
~ ..., _ ~.~~ +rte.-`^".......
Kvilt 5 i a valiant mud Aithough
he boasted cr Inwing flacon regiments at
his bark mei nroles:«4 to have the whole
army or the Republic .at hi:, (lisp :4h he
d•plincil to reside ,ftglohile, hut retired
from the Lune el ;4461.1 to & government
UNl,ni I 1 , 41/ rum Itocio , .- .The grew curt
of silver and gold arbs.s not so much front
their .4.lureity in the earth, its OW 0 . 4,114
or extracting from their stony eombinations.
I►r. J. (!, Ayer, the well known ellentist of
lututachumetts, has eta this iionliatt knot.—
Alter haylna merited and meived the grat
itude or bull tnankied, la his remedies
that cure their diseese,4, he i g now winni ng
the other half, by opening for them an easy
road to the exhaustless ,treaspres of the hills.
fir e ,I le s di. N verea and published a (louden'
pmeess, whi4i renders at little cost, tip
hardest rooks and ores, friable like chalk,
so that the precious metals are loosed then
thcir confinement, and easily gathered.—
Minos too iwor to pay, wily be worked itt
profit flow, tiii,l chit yield of rich tainca in
brgely inerca.-01, while the cost of extrud
ing the metals frou .the ore, is diminish.
01. Either is a ;.7rettt achievement, to en.
rich maukiud, or cure their diseaw.s. But
we are informed our celebrated ootuttryman
adheres to the latter as ids specialty and
chi icf Ittobition--.110.0it10 &Idiom!.
r The Bureau men in the South tiro
smiling word North tv .their brother robbers,
that ''the tmlored citizens of the 801;0 will
demand the nombotiop of titeven4 for
the next. i'resbleney." These swat darkies
are perhaps aware that Thad. has dept
with it female 'pct lamb" for twepty years,
suel that if be were deetcd rzezilkltt
would not deem the bureanites upwurthy
a4sociates. They know which side of their
bread ix buttered. They don't putt
. n de
cent white man eluted hesitleo t--but one
that is its degraded es themselves.
womrn living in
this vicinity, nnw imst, fifty-four years of age
who is the mother of seventeen children.—
She is now nursing the pump's!, whiell
only row months old. 'What a lumpy hus
band she has, awl Not Itentust rejoice when
he sees a perfect tfivare. of "olive plants"
gather mum! About his table. And she,
toe, what a pleasant thought it, must bu to.
her, that she has a crowd of children to
"rise up and call her blessed."--Amtom•
.1 mcacuu,
At the re..idenix: of the bride's father, in
Centre. by Rev. J. iValler, Prof., C. W.
Walker, Jr., a )(Mille, to . 3litsz Ellie J.
Iht Tuesd ay , the2.le by the same,
Thoinivi Wright, of 31illville, to Ilarriet 11.
)Ylsite, of 'eleint.
On the sth inst., at Afton, by 11. O.
Crevelitig,Esq., Daniel Quick, to Mrs. Eliz
abeth Varnee, all of Columbia County.
On the Ifith iitztt., at Anon. bit the same,
John Fletcher, or Koompi, to 31. K. Shot
knberger, or,:%1Ion, Colu!nbin County.
At.ilso M. E. l'ar, , tatage in UntawiNan, on
thv 19th in.r , by Bev. C. Swallow,
Thomas Locator, of loativille, to Matilda
float, or Lriltit.
,111 Itolombor , I.r Ow . "
• A t ier, wifo of - Ilhata Ager, aged alrout 41
Wheat pa bu44l, $3 On
Ity4, ‘,. • - • lln
Ogrt, '' ' I Pi .
Buckwheat " :... 41
4 htts, II
.. b. " )
(lovf:rmegq " 7 ow)
Flax-veil, " • ''• ' . 250
I Iri'll npples " ' 2 50
Petatues, ‘• ;too
Ilia per barrel ' I 0; Of 1
- ' • •
illliter, • - •
lees iber 'keel,
Taltum per liottila t .. .....
Lar,l 4 4
flanis if.
Shoal:len:, "
Hay per p.m,
.ity ciN le Of milolly Wt . 1,4 of voniiiiinne eq.nna•
sail kart far. uts, trued out of the Cowl uf 11 •
I'lra• of Colimilisit ',misty. to mu directed, will
be to pnbltc rah., a t th e c l iatßis
Au.-bur=,ln Ol, pl.1'11: li.l ilte 11.111 t day of /New.
it lu ,'cluck, A. M., the follow iii= real vol Ate to
A .minus Ins of griginil Ainitle in l'onyrigtom twp.
Columbus timely. ceeteiniutt nee :orre mut.. or Noo.
bounded aql tli.• mart b' lot late in %Villeani A olum.ift.
by peblie road I. adrtug to Gerinittilown,
gml t au inn: emit and Knuth by lands of the I..nin.t
111 o Illaj 11 Coal :rod troll elllllll3lly. MI which fa eruct
rot a tNO story %tom. :1"110r will, the U:01tt0i41 , ..J.4.
th . 1A , .1. 146.'11 11i rqi.ciition and to b. 7 11.0111 in the
Nu' city ol IVillson
rertain :rant ol' I.'llBl in (.n cunt triwnoliipr
r ryl i I 1 I y i (4-16.% Mitres More 0
00 the in nth - bv 1.1t1.1. or Davit!
•r 11,111 II y Gable. en the wen by Ilnury (Sabi. , . nu
In.. oonh by Henri , Knopp will on the endi by Innila
of Alll.llll HMI Oily id Krt!10111, witereini in erected
and n log WWI, with the lippiirtenances.
tb.ireit. taken in execution anJ by sold no thu
ot Jnlly t'er ry.
A I.:40,
A rrrinin pierr of land ril.unte is no. incereek twp.
enmity, rontnining vre*
I. brlanJrd 1111 Coe sot e: by lauds 11'n(0'.
Min !lie 0 p.t by I:16110 of Ales. Cmitt , 5, on I Ile 1.11,1
by I.unb i.y jiwiTh Colcsunn. null on Ibn n. 1,1 b) 11111.1
I,l' M 1,11311 1... • on 01101.1 d efert...l a rftlitiv (IWO!.
1102 bowel OO.l a frame. .table, with 11111 atintirte•
Seined, taken In ointollinn and to I,:a told ito LIM
I.luptfly u. W. M4llllOllVf.
A L.S 0,
reitu ill lot of ground militate in the Illotooty,la of
'entralin. Colombia rottenly, contalitint two loos.,funt. trout and nue holuil;n4 lc. I dont ) .
the C ;stun tiosa st/ent. no Int. west
by - litc youth by an Alley wool on
to 'tit by lot or ft( otry jasper, 011 WlllOl a C11 . 11C 9 1 It
two dory ntatok to use, blacksmith allot.. alth 111.1
Al911 , 1I1C11.11.1:c..
b 141.11 mexeetition and to be mold as the
pitooalty ut.g c pl.vti aa.
All that r,og,;,a,n nr t0...0at0 in Uniting
rro , ek 111011,11911 1 . 9. 1, 1111th - c. ,, 01y, totljointot g tlf
Jo. oh Clovrroixton; ' ,/oiongolt 210uin:sows, otWr lands
01 }bo saol . e.ta le of 8. Coto, ilecentril, unit others.
houtolett and tit•mrwitool 411 r 91 11 91 W11, to wit: nolitontoa
at 11 double chestnut oak. tit( Wirth we curb corner
14 It truce .01 laud lativord in the flame of henry
elollli, by virtue of a wortatit dated the loth (lay or
November A'. O. 111'1. a n d twining themes by land
0( Judah Clicrroultou, poutildottenn deers, ttlin,lY
riot pen.liea too post, theittu flunk blighty I lia and
nee planer 'triune, ~at, one bondrood and evenly
lbr anti a half petebes to* ontit, thence notth lilt( en
flegroes wool. ninety akin parches to a clautanut
oak, Mown south atypty via mud a quarter tiogreee
wt.*, our hundred anitentY, flan 'ur ' d ' a hell p. n.
rhos to lb.. piano ' urbegitining , coot/owing ode boo.
died Still POVCO /kVA 11114 01:V1:111Y nigh pomlini neat
1119 , 110111ft1.
81 , 0r..4, token in execution and to be sob' a the
ororietty of titanic llortioll
lINVPED, Sheriff.
Dicemieburs, May Tit.
B. 111...STOHN ER , Proprietor.
Th fa sr t hens etanil lab ly (Wed up tUr the arriuniou
dxUnn of the traveling public genernilv, 'insulin! on
mem ,Ittrert. I few dotal. uh.' thu C4l/1 DOOM. nil
whet Is kuuwn 44 the - Itu¢hiatt property." It to
centrally lavited le 110 town, 1 1n nil plearent ptitee
for i ue. I• to .top heatig iliut out of town
where the innJetily of the beamed. M tieing doul.
Ti,„ yr i qiiietut Palo roullitatit that he to preparrel
to girt: QPIIPtitI ,allorit, I ton to his glient, atilt n uultl
aulielt • fair (tuition of tlle pulilit patronage.
Uivuut•butg. May 10,
it the runner would Imp lor good lund4 prodlir.
tkve It An would !mike lop nrctioirry land' better ;
if be woobt regain Ukase widir.b ore now obleme ;
If lie aoutd renderlu. %hole farm rupnbl• Of all on
rouglugly ••rnbtubin roltivn . .inn,-1411 of Ankh run Is
done—let biro are tir , loiq'o 8010 11144.
All oereone de•lrlogln pureluted lba ortiere con b.
it s coorovolnted by nulling on
A. J. A I.OVATA.II , I, Agent.
,Itultriburg. Columbia (..ounty.
May P. 3fti.7.
fly virtue of cr writ or A 11... ;:,onod
out of tiro Coon of Colin tttttt Keno of Act.oll4lll
county, rind to Ilintelf . ll. Ilu u n will b. Yolif by
vourine, or outcry on 24.4'IonnAlf. Jena,. I enn. el
belt o'clock In tlm 1011.110.111, tit OW in
Mu Borough or rolt.villo. 1 4 1.1iuyialll county, lb., ILI
-11/%11111 R.. 1111 .
4 1 6/1 that, the nob obit seven sixteenth part pf gold
In the deertitied pii IT of parcel of emit laud.
coosoposed of poiloini of 14113111 0/141631 stir repo.
gen:lied to the I oodentu to! of and
Itelea sal hero:eq.el whit roil tn. Omits, lying
and ling 1/ the 100 ugh ip of Boller, Hain
hart;) in Sca) bill cooly, and goodly in Ilionyngo
roam township. i;oolionoina Colony, It th» tetwk cf
ra llll '4 I e' l4 11 hi, and lonniled and oleser:bootli accenting
to a recent Writhing 41141 repoll of n huger piece Of
isoll.ll, of Loot, of whk.l. Mg/ 111 , 01110,11 In iolriossmio
.4 Peter enactor end Alien Fisher. oi the
ne . Pol Iso 'lle, in sa Schotylk ill County. side , porn) as
renlovte., to n It: Itegiliiiing at a point in the middle
of Ow •übimit of the bi2h rrdgr, twit norits or the
gig:funny Nark, Which point I. midway between the
esuder.t b.mmtnr; w 4171171 of tgifirilly surveyed 011
warrant dated Ills thiritkli 4.y of Hay. 1;91
• lo tViil lain Fdliol, and the western Wuuldnry of o
a tenet nriginitley surveyed oil it warrant dated the
tenth day forint:slaty, root !soiled toijohin Alexander,
now n df Poe errant i•state • (which point W4ll
narked by 1:01' sold Similes' mill V lOW prop Ow
ground by a pine knot slake and a toile of ' 5 10 0 , ., god
vs woes -co! 111,11 eight • hoostinit .14 Ilion. 11.1 Y•
ink (Meer notches Inwards toad pile :1 !honed by the
Noddle of lib an 0( /An 10180 by the following
rot tros and distances title ewiel • ir 11.4 marked by Om,
,•bl Sterefer and Ylsteor by culling a idaro iletwoun
two Outrhel Non Ulu whit tree, 6161161 r nth', '
11111.1: 111111.0' lay...mill eighty flee 4014044 gltd
three•optai tees of a drr,foll west. set 111 loildend and..
eighteen feet Ina poling pine toe , . 11t.selp.:4 by ILO .al • '
Sisarbor and Eisner for a cuisine, by ism, sotstos us
ill.. easterly Rol we tefly index ;In roil', slid lettlselooe
ioy tintylerto upon erterlt forivectig.,,
the tulip,, 01 10.3 . 011 neighboring littera.'
retttllii;l a a large what: oak, rtanding west
aril or lord young pine : *math tidy
111 e.• soil Illoirloor4 a u t4/110! *Tod. four hoi nano,
and mote wet t. a pine trite, warned by said Wheeler
and rasher M7lll three soothes On the eosteely and
westerly stoles. and witnessed by three notches upon
1110 H.lO 101 1 / 6 111.1110 .sae of earl; fuer shill lief
111111 tutu r A 14111 100 1.1111160 +OOlll 0140y-0111! •
men arid tWeltly two intoner , Wegl IIIIN11103•1
41111 leikly foul to it pow knot .4.41.4.n.1 re 4 1.111: of
•Inties, made by .all eileitiyina on Ili 11 line 011114
WI II I'llllllllll'on a 0.1100.1 to John threliar,_
%Inch 1 , 2,1011011 ~,,, 1•044/417 I e north 1110,1 t /Of
1117111 4111IH6i4m11g SU/10y 00 .1 0n77.11' til /01111
; o.itre last mid otollob and pile lit oboes are nt
6al ',um., sr ti„ 1011060/1 1111,11,12114 l feel sloth.
right 11101 0111. 110 q degrees west limo wlia 11111101 111
Ile: John K. - I.; oh/a11.411 *elle by the
said 1 4 113061 4110 l'lther: by . these itolthcal tro u t Ilse
odoio•fi ' , overdo Ilin /401 d 11111 11771 elett.lieg in Ilw
neighborhood 111711 0/1 111/11/11 by a 11110 1 , 616111 . 1 W Ilk
Ill.' . e el horn boundary or (ho Gllll/1/ 111111$1. 4111141611
iy surveyed 001 o IMAMS 101111111 0/ 1101114 1 1111401 Ni
61.11'11111111 VII• 1111001 4114 11 , 91 11/.0.441. tu woe
enUlli Awn 411.1 1 half degree* west. about
three 111.110;01•1 /1011 1111140 A :014 16.1 feet. he the
'gore ouoc or less , next It .11111../.4110 101710 . 711 100024
ary ot the tract mininallY surveyed un a oat'
rout ...lied to OtionOli 14141.1. 441.111 r: perwl.l 'Ill)
of January, I at 1110 of Vito 1i2ne1tr.14...1
pitty cett 0011111. /I 401 411,1 hall negro I 1 . 0.1
num the double. pine rimier of the 140 . 1•411 met ;
Gat nu: nlOlOllll4 Vilal , lll 11111 01 111, ',1•11•1" 11r1 , 141i
litnest sultry. 20i.1115,11e 4. grv,.. west 1107'k1e.40.,1
• ty lcit tome Wm: ember sit
lee &ottoman Grant wormy ; Hoene...llona northern
bonshisors ties 00 0 : earoll last 1,11/10 . 4, 1001111 trlgiiii! two
dolmen West, allOl4 Cunt 14.00:r•ul 1 13 :1, le: 1110 4WO
Mere or lorre,te phones. a tweaut ire 1117 tract 111141 11 •
'ally surveyed on II outran! issued 1,1 (V 1111001 1 . 0 11111,
11•11•”11110 6,11111 or mar. mem. - .how the 44,1
Ow ;wined:it) Ore sold W 11114.11 F4'1.4 0111110 y
. 'S Vele (11,1 One half degrhes weal.' crossing Me
711111)' 101001 Scliosylktll hint eoldolhon counties Into
sa"l I:u"°°'" ly, dined 1217.: liiinlaand one
hundred 1,114 fifty bit the setae none m leech.
II (mum by inic ulllrial plot, a caramel Oak tree, bill
now stone. , allesitor by 1124 wit ums-111611,1 00 a 1171,11.
boll-1g Dee • beteg 1113 iniullineblclu Cl/1110f et Ilse
:.fortroid 1,4171 WI/01411g glarroyad 00 a Warrant to
Hobert 1151 1 riielnor 110.1174 by Ile! sottthella baud
ary into nl hie lout nobti iiiii 31 Mel, and In 1 114: neon
inil4 4141 in in:Willy surveyed an Is Warrant tom (VII
IMO dib.b , b , b,lll,lllll eighty to to degrees and Min 11411
'snot. lour lhuupaud 11111 a handfed and elighly Rine
fret 1.. a 1 '.entanon ay betWuell earlln 11 line 01
1117 'hid 1( • 1 i 1 noi 61 104 giaggery 11, al the wo stem 111111
01 Inv JOllll 1(11 1.111001 00100); 6 . 110 1111111111 600 44.
4441:101041 uy tunnel 0111111i0/0010111. 4114 W 45 111tontett
by 1W.:•41 1 1 Oliseter an i 1 1 , 014. by wartime It peat;
ping turn teller, 141111 three looleit.:4 On ithe 414040iy.
pone, respectierly, and also by Weill:so ag two saw
by three iodates upon tirt 1001011 j t 141.1111 tel.:
,11111, loot 16061 ; feapvetlyely, it6loll 01 w OW 114401
bowl (ewton iliernor by a lin, parallel o ith its , east ,
eon line tot wool purvey oni a a - arrant t.) IVollinon
Litiot.lollllll 140011 elogroon and towline( east" norce
thousand six busidied 401 thirtyolhoor lent all 4
buil to thubegisinillS Pond on lila mtl4lu of tar.
641116111 01 Ills 111112ntores.184, C1,11t311111121 4 11 hit the
laid 401111111010111114 Or shoat Ara ha nd, "
grass. be Cite mime more tor fro,, wills the el I lter""
1 1. 411eee . !Ilea port ne the woo porn or porlinio of
11,164 Which Lticharil I'. rodeo, (Tuna.,, ('aw: , fueiso:
11101410, co:pot:Mob know aa ll,trert."
"t;011110111 of inn Olio pail, In ‘IIOI th it /000111 111•10 inn 11/
or ' it. " ul . "hli o rtenisit: and el unitliai 011011 and
releases, eaten the ei,rbtecoitli day of Jose, A.
recoormool Ili dchoiy. o till County, Heed duo.
page 31. 111 Coalinga* 4011111), 111 16:41 6 / 1 /11
rlll4l 611; 1/11111011, mortared and count:1110d all (lieu
right. title and 11114.1.1. therein nod 11410040 nod.,
John Alosloach. Jr..lisooli.oirs and assigns forever. as
In and by said recited indenting ter:relive 11101061
being had, and to a copy of a OM 111r/V.IOW meet
ed, 1110 51111.7 WIII 111•10 illy ontwki. 411.1 it It th.:
•11.1 Juhis Aurpnch..!, , wielded mut conivldhi ia
Ware i 4 Levi Mattson And Charles !labor. !lions
the W 0 44) 71" January. A.. : which said rte
gage as recorded as Schut Ikt 11 county. in Alultgugu
Cook (1 ooge :ern, one in 114(0111111 71.11117, 1u
.1110ttpign stook No, 4, page ,Idd.
' l llOl, Ills tWU codirerots upon, thief tart —one u pun
the Moulmein Vein, below Water-level, Worked ein•
tier Warm by &nail I,loil/4010; thy imp/ MIA
el which betting to (lot lersiors, an I commons '(I W o
Pinion Houses. too gisupes, two Hod 'ding trot Ynlllll .
ins engines. one ul ninety horse' and um of (toy
horse power.* 11 11 nollilrle slid Iluiststij and Poilisio•
I Machinery complete; one trouble 'esker. with
4:11111110, to1:11/11111 and Machinery complete Kash osid
'I ruck,, thilieen blocks of )puler.' len
single Houses, one large Stable. Mack. mills Shoop.
I:Repenter Shop, Oil nod l'olll4 H odes and °dice.
The other Coolhery is el the Skidmore Vein
ribose 016tICV7 end lu noir winged 11111/01 10440
by the New Vora City alumni Cual e pony Tile
improvements at (111. Cont.:ay 606.0 .1 0.10 Cod
Weaker, With Kollin.% thatt.ii; Sill .11144Isinery
POO; live blocits of Miners' lionises. Italleo lll o
Virpoiline,Nhop, BlJLkenhtk Atop, ritanlth LW 41101
rower( Houses and I.nbca.
tt,nrml and token iot.ieretotbini ma the properly uf
Julio Auepah, Jr.. lind to be mod by
3111.31.1 EL 1101 LAN.
Slier i Ins °lnce,
Pottstille. Pa., AO 3, Ha. I
U a C.ti A II L .}1 p,
Ceuuselor and Attorney at Law,
Wimitt r,mrngrrc to Ilia friortim nod the pnblic in
oener4l, Mit h.; ilart 11,1111114 i HO! Prat:trill .of I.IIW
001011. Conveyancing and a!I lo.leiness promptly
mrmotml in
twrict; in the EAchaisre [Wilding, second owy,
over Eyo k I , l.ler's PT ;More.
Momushuri. May Idea..
WILLIAM 11.11‘001110,
(sturmor of Mr. lIofforil.)
Mr Koon• bp* lately taken chance of Ibis porn lap
and ttelteetablialsad idol will be pleased t.,
+ea Ma aid relalltla live him t all Ile is a capital
landlord, astl keeps a, lint elate 110t11141.
April 10, igat
Thu ander.hine,l hiving pu rt bused and Intely re•
filtt.d this well known House, sitinitett on al
tnintediate!y nripn.ite the Court )1.0),.•,
laf•tnna pis ' , ovoids and the that lu
Moon is now in order for the accommodation and
ent..r , enothent nt ttowelers
II o ha ft Tina nn p Yna in pr.pnring the Ctehativi
for the ntrrtai met'!" null roattott of lii iraeo. Ilia
110a.e iv stoaritaht, and rojo)0 a good tolsolea% hoar
011,1111111telitt run ■t between thin !lunge
.11W the ditterent railtno 1)41.0.4. by wh)eh travelers
will ha conveyed to nod Gum the reopeettve etiati.Jus
in due time In meet the care.
11411 Al, 1,4%
F ,Himits YOI7TII.
A o /10 gilt Itirtl for s' lei from Nov!' no.
11.141iiy. Prwoo.ur. , nerm v. owl .11 thy tforta :f
youth ful iirdro.r.floo, will. for the isakr of wig/trot
hoomanilv. Ali I froo lu mll u... 1
mil ow inskoot the mliopla rftio.J.
herb W4ll iisfrovara Whaslot In will by
ill , adv.,' im r'm bklirriONOO.ollk in by addrorimlo.g
p , rorifild.oeu. J.lllle S. 000 IN 41 Cod&
York. nip 1111. 11l 11.
Th- advertiser, hat lily b.l l ll ffrantn.l In health In s
very• ono./ fon-lott
for •• real y.ora *all I •nv,rw lens attar.
1100, 4,14 11141411e/141 .110044•011'.410141111.11 , 414-1• 41111 py
111.1 he alum% o to Irk Pllow•liu Miter* tb• 11111.111. of
To IT WM Ilea', It ho will oniirl a ropy of the
pro-eripliot ii.n.l (finis of t wt.,' Ilindlrection•
lir4tO orlon nod n•init the mouse. *Mat th-y n4ll
Any EinJllll area (or 1:44040501101 —terms 6. Mown' t 01,
• °0;1p, 1 . 01,140. n 1441 all Iltroxl and I.titik A anctione
Th” t.hiy 4.44)erl of 1114 , ativ pr. 1.1 ...11111111
i• In 1.0114411 111.1 /Ifflirttl4l, until op: tril4r•
few, e, o 11,13 ho renrniyn• In b in valwillin. and h•
nvoiy onit.t..r will Sty bla rnninly, if Will
4.01114-m n01h141,411141 ;no porn a Islerniiis. Patlthli
bing W4,0414101/1 P1114.1C by r•lnrt. 01011. will
04141r4,4% 111111' Ina WiLic)m, wp.
Kinga C", New York. May 99. 184.
- _
NEW CllAlit snor.
4 1.
idura►e the peelle enentry that Aa
ha. ere we a Orel elan*
is the Ohl Arcade Koildlorr.;over
1111nelwebert. where ho Lew Jest neeie,i Irmo
delphrt, p hip lalionsisellg dr "
Peerea4N, sisa 11011
Ann I:lntien NMI WilldP(or rill:Ski. all of Which Ws or
frt• In rase polio et ma.. , nito le prlcen
rp Cane Peale«, (:).4„ro 3.!nited to er,lrr. Men all
may, kiwi of rnomniff alone'ilinowreamonnhin Intoll.
tiowt rite to s svc h0,..0/1114111111 lIIVCISIC veal lifir•
'AMC '
Illownel•urg. Soy. 7.,letir.
IV TAILVIt 21101 1 .
1m - * . • •
J. . 0 111.: It EN R
en..ised n Shop on Weer.
t. Ileoloo o heire, ufre:e: lee N 111 bpto ..1e
ill oe.ey r4%.*T 111 , 1. Wait tirif • neeloot. Ilet 11 , 1.0
out Immo weir,. freiVollot 4.1' riot le., noesi v , •1•
111g4. w irh ha wilt uwha Op In order with ouutoc,,i
HMI ttovitolcit. '
Mbomou paid to collinl toy'd
elnitil , SX • Also re/ieftl! nut , I. 1110 11000' 110...
Ittlootitor d ... 0 Opal, shoir 100 m.% An oGrk
Ict" (Siva puny [llluoguAhlirg M.ty
Scrofirla, or King's Evil ?
in a conntittitilmtd sliseitse, a corruption of the
bloat, by is ipb.ll this fluid brawn.% vitiatill,
weak. an}! poor. 'lcing in the circulation, it
}stir tlw %kilo body, add may burnt out
in cliscanc on tiny *vitt of it. No organ is fnt
from its atteeks, norlll,llsere nun which it nay
not itestroy. scrolltbnis taint is variously
caused by 14Creur4
,itischw, tow lisjiJ,
ordered or natal shy f. uti. impure air, 111th
and H4l'4' jusbitn, ,tiott:coing :diem and,
above t:11, ly tlw venereal infection. What
"cvcr twl its orifrin, it in lwreilitury in tipp
},titution, ilewentling Am parents to chattier
unto the third and fourth gencrutipup ;"
it woos to be the toil of Him who ia}s,
will visit the iniquities of the fattier* upon
their cleltlnnt."
ha effects commence by deposition from the
blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in
the 1tt0g. ,, , liver, and internal organs, i. . tcnare
•tithervlts ; in the glatnla, t . sail o
the surface, elluptions or sores. 'This foul cur
ruption. width genders in the blood, depres+c
the energie: of life, SothEit StraliVllS coustitu
times not ainly suffer rirom seroftdona cow
plaints. but they ludo fur lea" power to ,
stand the attacks of other diseases; von'c
fluently, vu-t ttttt titers perish by disurek
nut scrofulous in their nature
are still renclered fatal by this taint in th
System. Most of the coOtnp:,:rm which de
eimates the human family bus its orignistireted
in this scrofulous co n tamination ; and man
desiettetiVediseases of the. liver, kidneys, brain
and, indeed, of ail the Organs, arise Itenn
are aggravated by the same cause.
• One quartet of all our work are scrofukm
their persons are invaded by this lurking it
faction, awl their health is undermined by i
To cleanse it from the system we mot !mows;
the blood by on olterativp tuglicin . e; and it
vigorate it by 'hi:ol4 exertia
Such u,Medieme wo supply In
AYE n's
Compound Extract of Sarsaparill
the ints-t effectual remedy which the media
skill of our times can devise for this CT
where prevailing and fatal malady. It is tor
bined front the most active remettials that le _
beamdiscf,v-re.l for the expurgation V~tili ft
eauncicr from the blood, and the rescue of t
sYsiem 'from its destructive etmaequene
.Lone it should be employed for the cure
not only scrofula, Lut also those other aff
time wisiele arise from it, such as Larry
and Slits htsatsr.s, Sr. ANTHONY'S Pam
._ l lo , lli, E11•811,444:*+, PrATTL
litanettos, Dimas and Botts, TUMOaS, Ts
'and III; Ittsowo
Sti. it Isavlc Alta MEItCI.II/41
TVA) On .111PLIIF. BUM). 'lllO popular be
In impurity qf the &toad "is fotinded in t •
for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood.
particular purpose and virtue of this 8
rills is tq -purify and regenerate this vital lit
"witliOnt which sound health is invalid
cOntanunated tonstitutious.
Ayer'B Cathartic Pill
are so composed that dif.Nise within the ran
their action can. lately hithstand or evade ti
'their penetrating properties nearch, and de,
and in% igorate every portion of the human ot
iron, correcting its diseased action, and rent
its healthy %Utilities. At 4.1 consequent . . of
properties, 041 invalid who is Itow;d down
pain or physical dehilitYia astouishid to tin ,
health or emerge restored by a rensixty at ou .
simple and inviting.
Not mil. 414 Ailey cure the everyday comp
of er'ery' Isnly, but nlso many ftinuidal le
dangitions dUctutea. 'the agent below tam
ploaA to furnish gratis m American Alm
entitaining certificates of their cures and dirci
for their tom iii the tonguing complaints: Co
loss, lice' thorm,..ilentinche lit iaiityfrisa dit ai
Notaltn, hadigebt i'lllll in Ohl, .
IPtirtitn, of ilha4totrels, k'littulenry, 4,010 f
J R, Jimmlire, and tither hir . Idled ectola
arisiog from a low state of the body or obstr
of its !lutetium,
Ayer's Cherry Pecto
i„„ 1111. ILIPIII Ct'lo:
COIKVIF, ('oldn, Influenza, lion's°
("vim), 'limn li it is, Incipient Cons
that s 9114. for the retie( otNme sans
Patients in advanced stages n
d !sense.
0 nide is the Acid pf its tiserginess anti
mcretta are the eases of It+ wires, that
c‘ cry section of (smutty attottlids In perm
hay kncom, alto hove been remit ed from al
and even despekate diseases of the lungs
Inc. When once tritvl, its superiority urr
other medicine of its kind Is too apparent to
etweri alien, and where tts virtues are kno
public no lon7er hesitate shat antidote to
tor ilia 4,l*esbilig and dangerous affection
pulmonary organs that are incident to opr
While many Inferior remedies thnied ti
immunity have foiled and been dine m
has gained friends by entry trial, con4ohl
on the afflicted they eau never tereft,
duced cures too numerous and too rcin.o
be forgotten.
DR. 3. C. Al ER it
And rot .pule lb) all bressosts the Coon?
thelt.tolv,t ioJq
wytented .i.ku
dtl J. C. HUI
Itlomittbutg, Cub I . J. 141)7.