Bloomsburg democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1867-1869, May 29, 1867, Image 1

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    VOL. XXXI.
11.:ideut Jutlgr- -Hun. Willi:tut Elwell.
o i s m ) j u d, t
•t P• DKerr,
11 I
- • ww.
• •:
Pro y olden of'f'ourts—Jesse Coleman
noltkterand Iletvrtler—John 11. Freeze.
f Alien Munn,
Commiyiioners John P. Fowler,
3linagoniery Cole.
kileriff--Soutool Snyder.
Trul.wrer --John J. Stiles.
Daniel Snyder,
Auditors— , h 33 Rupert,
John P. Hannon.
Corunds , :lour`r's Clork—Wm. Krickbanin.
Co th wissioner's Attorney—P.. 11. Little.
Mercantile Appraiser- C o pt, tk o , AV. Utt.
County Survvyor—lmsio A. Duwitt,
Attroney—Milton 31. Traugh.
t'oroncr—Williani J. Rigor.
tlounty Suprintenibint—Clisq. G. Bartley,
1;E se: Internal Revenue—li. F. Clark.
1 John Thomas,
11. Viewer,
17. A i-emor • J. Il. iwer. •
J. S. Wood-.
Collector---Benjarnin P. Hartman.
tmlw A: A' ter#ll,V7. Ut ,0PP4,474111
3111.1.1;K t; 1a.t.M.4;41114* ;, l'A.
undersigued hag j te4 414.1.31 up. MO opmi,
STOVE AN T 1 ,A *llol',
in thie p 1.., photo be k prrrpnrnd to mako op now
'SIC W %RC of kotile its took low, and yin VPUir•
with neatiatio , and .11,y arb, upon Situ movl ten.
violable toms. Heals. keep.: on limo t3TuVt 4 ot
urutue pottorue tool ttyloo, o bleb he trio wilt Upon
Sono* to eon,
Hive .11. He is A W , (14 InOthank, and 110
kffrvitig of .14
Diono#lllo, bkpt. 0,1.460.—1 y,
uailacsigua4 is ahant attain up a
at the PENN rrittiACE MIM b, and tttti utl. , r t , l
tltrs 11:1:1 Ii ONE IJUNOUI4O TUNS DES I.
iliosia Scotia White ria%ter
rnlYi'l Yeti 1,114 y fur thie in 11'4 14441 1/101111,141
4/1,, .44 isriy Bout 111/ullll4l 144 of 3Wgrh ip.xl
et,tawiset, Jaw. $9. I 4,7
iii) 4 .fr AND ?MOE:411OP
ththrma tho wthrth that ha is how!pre
t , ,owtitatettirc uti
t r Sib, at the LO ;
,tiottru aikti ft 1.4 u• very best Itittl Ittlt-st style
Vi•O•iiiiii9l.l.l in tumnu.bnrlt, :y
tooro.r.rol oxnrsOnrr r••,1
xatnunn OK good seurk. outtlrikly and kronor 0. 1 4, droi
"tog no:rorp,onool,
iLAV r!oro Im , rithoot on dont!, I:rAt V.rnor Pr
!Won .trol Iron nron.t., ovor J. K. Gulm , 's
o! ,, oto*bunt• ht-le
t 10. W. MACGER, Proprietor.
Tire fint. , tell N 111,1 n 111,10 hag rc c/441 . V Wide,
^.',11 - 111 ellaingro 111 11, , Internal t1ft111111141,4 , 4,1 , ..
v.011(11.1,4 iiIIIII , 11111,`" to kJ* turisicr custom
nnil the nistilv. that kir 11C/41141111 ,, 114111111*
1,, 111 , . CL onklurt or his Vicars lac serund to him" in
the country. ilia table will always br Pettul nut
piled, not eel, wish substantial loud, hut WOOlll
- at•tic it ica of the sca•ini. Its. 111 .01 thitsart
(..teept a n d popular {a....rase known us ...We Henry.%
V:1,11:1041 direct (row tin, Iluunrliva houses. are
Ureic ',or and free bt Oh oil 4 .hothohoga ht, oz.. lie
re 11181,kftil for a lateral patt.maae iu Uw )1•1•1,111id
l' , lll continue to Jeetorya Ja the
Jana 13. lAA.-4.
0n,1 , rti:n. , ..1 would wool rr.opr.rtfolly nm
r.nai,c. : to Ike pubis,: grisetahy. that Ite,i4 prepored
4.1 eteciiht all Ansd. of INCH V. at .14,10EPU
141 ft. 11.118. 0 FOUNDK fa Illyonsloura. when) he
Cnn lON a) (maid reatly to do all Am& or rnour-
Inc lorluding Tar”ohlai )1a hones. 0,11.1 Is, -butt. all
!owl) of Foram's A LAO, I'eDNIN4 AND
firma Cr or cAsrtsio AND MAIII.INEUY.
.on“, uu .hort nut ire, in a haul wt.rhaaaokika boot
1.1. of Diu reA•uliutiht
Ili) leo* experience in the bosoms*. as foreman lo
shay tog i.ewt. 11. Mali+ tor 111.14 fur over
:llle ,%ntrant. Run ill alums that he CMS tine
wistiru u4lo4l,Bchuil Iu %II Wiltl Inn) 1101YOf lOW with
Ilya) work.
Clunditsburg, Noy. 1N66,
TIM subscriber having purchase(' the orallob
llouse." la
propsrty 44 E. W. Hicouy. Esq.. wnut.t .ey to the
trifoutual thu House, his acquishotunent, tud the pub•
ilc gruurruity. thud Lu 11•14.1td, In .• 10 , p u
ith the ucronmehlut.ou• and comfort,/ of a ii*JdN.
41111 Isuurbly sultrito tiwir pieJunagr.
!Ate of th. ME h qui 11,m5,.:, l'h ilattelehist.
I.oek Havers, We, I,e'sh
ononollto to lbe t 0.1 1 ,4 Of RIOGa and
l its publir gesterully, Shut else Irt• Just itect , tvod Stow
the enetern /Ott./
ik o rp iuo fluid stineaser
Storl of
eomeeettni , of sti artlet+r iiroally found in Arei One.
Millinery Nor , .. Iler gOO4O, or.• or tie be.' .loalAY
nod melts the 'mod handsome and rloioupe••1 to the
iin, rket. tall nod esemine Nolo for yourselves,
Nobody should porchil,m Jler wis ,re before esoluin•
log Al log ret..riumu'a ut gum!, 111111 e; is IMMO
to order, tor Ihu shortn4 truij.„,:, or f. 114,11.
Ntorr on ohm jd 4 , or belOW MAN of
11 e udehlial I 4. Pawl.
.94001gitburs. slay S.
Main .Start, *doe the "Aneri•ior a lbase,"
Witoollllll/11110, *Aft
Whore he harps okhrtrid. sod fort Iri,• r v, thr home
end tourit-y trade, rcruilatftaphis th.ti , rst) pricer,
Pom cern c AND INfroftTED (I'f:4%R all ktudi of
Sll4/K I T4)1; 4CCO,
nulTs.Meorsrlinoto and Drier Wood ripe*, soden
,tell** !venetian' to Ns twin.
EICT Thom swan noteil lirdlero elgers nod chew.
tobeecoti, Would de rich to vie him o rwll, fa
teal' rd sandingtothe clllc. frr every orth In they
-,ardor pumba sin/ of these country pedlars.
sioveinner 1/1,1N611.--9to,
urn SYrdiritlea, at Jo*, Ir. Moyer', IDrna Atn
'orn , r rn Main and gatitrt Street*. A gto.d
dui of
adielnen. Pniuta. nilr and Vat,llahos, atwaye oe
,i, Dna will be rind thcapnr than at any whet
sri g More In inn R.
?relic rlptioes carefully compounded at Moyne,
as Btera,
Ayer, and Jayne, Jdedlt.9tnna mold at AfOref . / DM(
Waohart`r Tit Cordial. ItakAT'a Cud I.lret Ott,
*w o es foothill! Syrup, mold at flyer's Drug
hi any inliablit patent nrdicinia, call at Moyeee
WOW et all kinds, 'rani...irate and retail, at J. IN
' Mu, Itionnitbure.
sy WO.- It.
. . .
..T.f . .
•. .. , _ . ,
. .. .
•_A . 11... .
M 0 C}R
.4, ,•.,..$
_...44 •.,.4,1„;,.... ~....., ~11„
4.,......„:„...„....i,-.....:.... i...,1
Vlooittollurg . p.rttlotrat.
l'Elt 1118. —34 33 is 4.14.811e11, If not 11314 within
tilX Mt )34111:4. 53 rent. WilditiOttill 3311 he rharttil.
O :r* No paper ilitrontinued until all atmtralma
are paid except at the up' ion of the editor
11411 LINKS 00/1111311JTE A 3ele/11414
033 equare , 413 or three iittertirete
EVerY SIIIISewnt. 111331033 1334 than 13.
SPAM Ix. Ilm. alt. 611, It
otat 31331 . 3. 1.131 1330 1 440 14001 WOO
Two wieeree, 3.11 e Sett 4,0() hot 14 to
4'hr,3 " 5,001 I 3.33 3,50 1*.33 i 13,03
Pour equareo. 0.4 0 t ,, .00 10, 0 0 11011 111104
1181( col emit, 1 1114111 I 1:4011 114 00 ilB 001 VOW
rifle column, 1I) etl Ir. Ur/ Ihl,oo WWI 30,11t1
Cv,eutor'o aft4l Aditlita4rutoell Notice...
Amittoe. Notire .2,50
Ottwr advcrtismvoto inmate,' according in apecidl
goal ra 1.
tintkep, w.thrtut utivtrtinwirtit, twenty.
Mi. to per line.
traw , ietst ittivertivemeata payatala in adtaata all
()therm flue utlrr t6r lire, too.
r7e . rracr; s 4,414,vu . ..4 Work, CocoC M4O On
41,1dms, fit`, N. .1.41'08V.
liatrwin44Fr.C4ll:nahi3 Cn ty, PR
rqr the Denwrut.
Lyrics of the husbuchansaa \Q. 9.
With portentioni dark e, war-eiond
had rung.
A iv i fill e d (j e whole valley with gloom.
The red skins, the death-cry of venguanee
had sung,
And danced out the pioneer's doom.
The hatchet that long had been buried
wa4 now dug from the ground,
The war-knife. wa, ha lily snatched from its
Awl ycllls made the forest , re , mund.
Alt painted and plumed, the chief, took the
Each chief with his bloobseekitm bawl.
And steak hly on, in their tni vion teeme d,
With hatchet and rifle in hand.
Eildl a:l7 brought the tiding• of inurderouQ
J ACott dIEW.
p'o t WV, the pen trip. in vain,
The ,Nlottn: r, cur life and her litee
A, th e tomahawk Ai, in her brain,
The IlnAmel and father with courage and
Awned ,
ili- wile and I,i. eloldrAn iend,
The torrit•le , trte..ele is over at loneih,
And he 1..• t- with a ,inqtiral end
ie torvit t!..2 nivaizt , e:',Ati 14.
To wake the de.-truetnt emnpletv,
And as t.t ~. red games t.,-wrord lie:trot ariac,
vengeance to
The ranie new r'pretnli and the settlers
the fiwt t,r the homes of their friends,
Though sad the mo%ing, and grieved i s
t le-nt,
For here, now, their eherdlied. hope end. 4.
And thus of theirlauds ;vivre
Wig ! , duty forbade theta to
The one , : wore in its solitude left,
they ea3le.3 it the "Ilig utea -way."
Nit! Water, May 1867.
au PPLE r
To on dot for the Regulation end Continuants of
a el strln of Eilneasion by illll/1112.1111 ttehoolle ap•
plowed the ninth day et April, one thousand eight
hundred sad six y-ss eon, tiigether w Ith Comments
'lend Ly the :Lx: etkpertnattident of
Common Scheid..
SrcCoo 1. lie it fowled by the SClleite
wad Moms of
.I:wrestler:lives of the Com
oeouretilth of i'enitsyli tiodet iii Miteral A s .
;warily met met it is /triThy norgted by the
outhority q t . eh, mute. That whenever the
board of directors or controllers of any
tebool district in this Coumomwealth shell
be nimble to procure such eligible sites for
the erection of school houses therein, as
they may deem expedieut by agreement
with the owner or owners of the land, it
shall and may be lawful fer dm board of
directors ni behalf of ties distriet, to ceta
upon and occupy suf fi cient ground fur the
purpose, which they shall designate mid
mark Of, net exeeedieg in any else one
acre, and to use and occupy the same for the
purpose of erecting thereon a school-house,
with its neersuiry or convenient appurte
uances ; and ell damage done nod me
tered, or which shall accrue to the owner or
owners of such land by reason cif the taking
of the :arse for the purposes aforesaid,- the
funds of the district which my be raised hy
taxation, shall he pledged and deemed et
seeurity ; and it shall and may be lawful for
the Court of Common fleas of the proper
tmunty, m uipplioditm thereto by petition,
either by the said school distriot, &rough
the president and secretary of the board of
directors, or by the owner or owners of said
laud, Air soy of thetu in behalf of all, to sp.
ppint a jury of viewers, consisting of three
discreet mid disinterested citizens of said
comity, .she shall not be the owner ; of prop
ertT or residents us the wheel district in
which sestets 1114t1 is taken us aforesaid, and
appelet a time net less than 4111 Witty nor
more thou ,thirty days thereafter fiir said
vie weis to meet upon said laud, of which
time and place ten days notice shall be given
by petitioners to the ,:aid viewers end the
other party ; and the said viewers or any of
them, having been first duly sworn or affirm
ed II:4101111n justly, and impartially to de
cide, and a true report to wake, concerning
all matters and things to be submitted to
them, and having viewed the premises, they
shall establish and determine the quantity
and value of said land so taken, to be used
for the urpose aforesaid, and after having
made u fair and just computation of the ad
vantages with disadvantages, they shall esti
mate and determine whetter bey, and if
any, what mount. of damages has been or
may be sustained, mid to whom payable,
amid make report thereof to said court, and
if damages be awarded and the report be
coutirined by the said court, Judgment shall
be entered thereon: and tf the amount
thereof be wit paid within thirty days after
the entry of said judgment, execution to en-
force the etAkietion thereof' may be issued us
in other eases of judgment against school
districts; end each viewer shall be entitled
to one dolls/ end fifty cents per day for
every day neeessarq employed in the per
forwanee of the duties herein prescribed, to
be paid by such district. Provided, That
either party shall have the right to have
reviewers appointed by said court,
Tbis Act substantially was tint rafted as
•••.•*` 10011•14~
a spacial law for the eountiesof Chester and
Delaware in ISM. In subiequent years it
was extended to the counties at Allegheny,
Mercer, Catubria, Indiana, Jefferson, Pike,
1 Vestmoreland, Crawford, iVayne, Erie,
Fayette, Warren, Potter, and tiostpteltanunt.
At the session of the Legislature jiktdosol,
the law was asked for hg some ten or twelve
additional counties, and it was thought the
time had come to titako it general,
It will he noticed that such land as is
taken in the manner prescribed, Call only he
used fbr the purpose of erecting thereon a
schoollemse, No ownership to the land is
acquired, and when no longer used for the
purpme named, it reverts to the original
. 4.. $ 1
A board of school airector4 is so emisti
tuted that there is lithe probability that
private rights will suffer any great detri
ment from their action, and the amount of
damages which may he asse4sed upon the
tiistriet will,always prove a great elle.l upon
isVOGro , ,, 444.14 bad* littk ,:xeopm for t,cl,vet
ing, livrealtvr, improvc, or invonvenient
)413;i Upon t:rixt :4,119o!-IrAL.4v.
Potits,pg , ,t,ilq Seirned joltrWil,
ftadleal Einimsartev,
Whether that is their real purpose or not,
the elleet of the teaching of the catiewe
Itadical :ehool of poutiow, ;;;Ito are jug
cuts ChTtitOWCrilitt the negroes at the South
will be to arr:r, the two races t„gainst each
other politically and The blacks
are warped by these men not to trust the
whites in anythiug. They are reminded
that the white.. arc their old enemies--that
if they could have had their way they mould
still be holding them in sleet ry, mid that
what they are ,trivia;; alter now is to de
prive them of all the benefit- of their tree.
thou. A 31,t,aditt•ettA try named
LlYWalli has been ailvishi,4 the negroes of
njvholotl tO take Vo" , , 1031 of the coca
011 ,1 of whatever else they wi h. In NIT
trivan.4., under the smite kitel teaching,
they have driven the whites ont otthe stteet
ear‘. 'the fait engaged in this int . :Anions
attempt to stir up a war of races at the
south, a r e not likely to be intact:, 1 i
.my rear ew t resi, ht. of t ‘.lll' SO it
probably ,(14fati! U401C., to Want tii.'lll that
they are brinzintz sure tlestructi n upon the
class whom th-y be aid. A war of
LILTS eon only end in disaster to the weaker;
and tLe blacks are not half as ionerons,A,
the whiter in the Bouts.— l=ess
CS— There is a married couple living in
this eulogy %time matrimonial Isiamy is
rather ume-ual, thu woman having been
married Nor tinws, mid yet is living with
her first husband. After sharing the couch
of her first "worrier-bar u fow years, the
wit got a divorce from husband No. I, nini
Was inanied to husband No. 2. In a littlo
while she applied for and obtained a divorce
ftorn husband No. 2, and was married to
husband No. 3.. In the course of time she
became weary nf her bonds and Was &Ne
ed !him \o. 3. Then her first lover resum
ed its sway in her INait, and to make
amends f-r her seeming waywarane,s, 141 e
smight out and again met huslmnd No. I,
V hen they were the keeMill time iletuS•
soh** bound up in the tender cords of wed.
lick, and are now living happily and imam
-1114 together with the company of two
.children by obeir first Stwriage. Ito was
not blessed with any offspring by either ler
second or third husband, so after years of
separation from her first object of happiness,
naught now yemains to remind her of the
past esimogemetst, save die memory of
hushamls .tics, 2 and 3. It Deuto•
not exactly see who is to run the radical ma
chine, in the contest in this State, at the
approaching fall election, as the principal
eiders have left the State. Curtin and
"Dead Duck" Verney have gone to Europe,
to speed a portion of their share a the war
plunder, Kelly has gone South to Wax the
. niggers to vote the Radical disunion ticket ;
McClure4noi gime on an excursion to
the Rocky Mountains, to look after the In
dian vote, we presoute, and 0111 Thad is too
fotble to assist much in turning the crank.
It l‘uks us if the whole thing had been sur
rendered to old "wig-wag" Catnereu and his
satellites. Are these fellows afraid of com
ing events ?---Itittscille Mondani.
late number of the Now York nattily
"Men who hold that none tut Whites
should Nate rosy be well enough in their
place ; but there hi kvi room for them in the
fiepublitan sparty. Every one iptays iu
keeps at least ten voters out of it."
There awe sumo Republican in this County
who have always said they could not stand
negro equality, political orsocial. Are they
ready to be read out of tho party for lint
maiming mac.? Don't all answer at once.
VW' A young ledy residing in the vicinity
or Brooklyn complains that sins beeanio so
interested in a young WAR who visited her
that wink, in his society she lost her diamond
ring and hound a brass one un her finger in.
stead, anti adds "that if the ring is returned
she will ask no questions."
Oar A lIAy of six summers surprised his
mother with the remark, 'I have three
fathers l"Who are they ?' was the mater
nal inquiry. 'My father who buys my clothes
is one, George Washington the father of
our country is another, and our Father who
art in Heaven is another.
llonni t{l►d of Stair,
"A WOngtie h glory is in her hair," has
often been quoted, if it be, sloe is deter
wined to dim it in thew days or ;,itifieial.
ity and fashionable fully. Now she twists
not only 'ter own hair, but as inneh as she
van pureleoe, into the lowt, u;►s'ewiy and
grotesque shapes, marring, as it with pre
meititated bad taste, every Brat oful corve
awl every line of Leanly. A fashionable
woman's head at preiamt is a wonder of un
sightliness, One would iNt think so many
or the sex mould, without positive genius f u r
the hhleonsness, so deform for rnsel,es, as
they oh), iu asingle sitting. They rise in (lie
morning, go from the bath e.nuely awl
charniing as natm•o created them. They
appear two hour, later, freshl from the hands
or [netr ma i ds, or their own manipulations,
elaborately wrought out of all symmetry
, awl attraetivene4s,esps=eially in regard to the
Ingenuity appears to bare been exham
t t years, to make woman's hair look
like anything else ; to give her head a size
and form and proportion little less than re.
crimt.s, 1.:411'IS, waterfalls,
and vae kt,avi tra what, vie with each other
in destroying the fair semblance of the hm
man heal Tim more homely a ra,hilia,
1 1 th e up s e it is t 4 he titvorite ; the
more unbecoming, the more apt it is to en
; dare. t )no cannot go into company that
prdtetoh, to k without having his
eyes pained by the noconthficss of the hair
dressit:Y . , anti tlistortion all that gt.od
taste would surgest. Ile is 'pinhole-I of
stag ‘ goblins, or or is childish 'rations of
too in....e-tcrs of th Arabian tales, t,), for
• a brave, sensible woman, who would dare t o
he natural, dare to defy the rush
; ion, when fashion arrays against t.llll
- and grave. Those few could
regoon dui. I%IIM. and insanities of dress.
What others did, tley wo u ld he brAl, to art,
and beauty begin e. i min.
The pre. ,, style of wearing the waterfall
on the top of the head- it wts cumuli
behind it—is simply a delbrinity. It de
stroys the proportion Or the bead, awl an
exeresence that no one can refrain from Iht
siring to see removed, even by violence. A
I woman miyht 4sli have a hump on her
back, or walk on stilts ; as it is said she died
if, the early day. , of Venice, or cover one of
her soft cheeks with a black plaster, or wear
dugs in her nose. itut sihe .ill not Ike ieve
it ; ho' no W 1 ,111311 would vonschmsly mar her
1 beauty, or diminish the grace she hall in
! herited. ' , Who fl.A , ,s,t,aft lorg tar the simple
torra.getnent of the hair, as we see it in
Gre-ian statues, plainly put hack from the
far' Elliiittg tr. er the ear and chrek, with
a neat mil k. 1,11,1, or a braid,if v2ri , .ty be
uccoeu 'r
No woman has a right to spoil her ap
pea rane e tor fashion's sake. She owes more
beauty and to nature, then to the mantunia.
; ker or to capritte; awl we nur.t believe the
time will eunto when the really line woun'l
will consider carefully the ext e nt an d sacred
nest et' her 4..1,:t and diecharge it oust:leo
tionsl;,. aml
He'taloa§ lustraction at
A recent writer offt rs the following sugges
tion to parents .
"We must not forget the iimortance of
striving to cultivate a frank caullence and
sympathy in the relations of home. It
has seemed to me, in many eases to which
I have given notes study, that the great
privileges and opportunities which parents
enjoy, me often destroyed by their allowing
greatAalls of spiritual distance and aliena
tion m er'se between theiwe:ves and their
children,. It is sad to see the children of a
family growing up into manhood and wo
manhood, and we ono) see them, 1130)?: as
little acknowledged commuttion.or religious
life with their parents as if' they were a par
eel of bears' cubs ; never hearing from fath
er or 'nigher a simple, earnest avowal of re
ligious faith, much less the simplest words
of worship, trained by their parent:aroma)
to keep to their owe bosoms whatever relig
ious emotion the Spirit of God may have
quickened there; and finding the first sym
pathy and mutual confession which will fan
the faint sparks of worship usd consecration
on their hearts' sitars into u blazing flame
—finding this for the first Lima' after they
have gone front their cVddhoods home.—
While I appreciate the power of a religious
atmosithere,and of religious observances in
Christian nurture, it set ms to me that this
habitual religious txoftidence is the most effi
cient awl judispensible. (fain the perfeet
trust and affection of your child, in the early
years when it looks to you with such relig
ious awe as you look to God, and when the
quiet 110m0 is its only temple, opens the
heart to yours in the deepest religious con
fession, and keeps it open through the chang
ing years, and you can aeeotapksh every
thing with that chileifor nurture and bless
ing. No Alladdin's wonderful lamp, no
magician's potent wand could be more sov
erign in controlling the' spirits tif the vast
deep, and in working miracles of beauty and
majesty, &eau can Abe child's love and confi•
deuce become in controlling its most turbu
lent passions and building up in its soul the
loveliness and grawleur of Christly charac
. .
air A Itoraton paper f.rlys the barlaw is
that city are disc:lra-Mg the toleration whether
it will be lawful to finish shaving a ruratomer
after midnight on Saturday night. The
half-shaved individual would await the de
cision with interest.
gar A country editor. who, with a eingle
boy, deem all the work of hie oak*, e tt p, lie
dues not know how he enn ehorten his ei
oeneee, unlete he cute off the buie lege.
A Ship of Deana Floabi Into a
Pori of *lw Shetland Islands.
Silice Om when the Ancient Mariner
told the terrible tale or the crnisedaden ship.
with her ervw 14114.5t1y corpses, no more
thrilling story or the sea has lins.:4 relatod
than that or the whale ship Diana, that re
cently 4 1011.4 into QUO 9r the Shetland
4 year ago she tort the Shetlands on a
whaling voyage to the Artie regions, having
on board fifty men. Front that time nothing
more was hcar4 of her. 'Re frioßis of those
on board became alarmed. Money was
raised and premiums offered to the first ves
sel that would bring tidings of the missing
ship, but all to to avail. Hope was almost
On the :11of April the pimple near llona's
Voc, in ono of the Shetland Isles, were
startled at seeing a ghastly wreck of a ship
sailing into the harbor, Battered and ice
crushed, sails and cordage cut away, boats
and spars cut up lbr fuel in the terrible Artie
wintex, her decks covered 'with dead and dy
ing, the long lost Diana sailed in like a ship
frthn teadmatt*s Land, Fifty men sailed
ont of Lerwick in her on a bright May no n
tug la :tr. All of the fifty came bark on
her on die of April, this year ; the NUM',
lent , how nt.
Ten men, of whom the captain was one,
lay stiffened eorpses on the ; thirty tike
lay lielplesdy sick, and some dying, two re
tailed sutheient sbreterilt to erect) aloft, and
the other three crawled feebly about t he deck
The ship was Istirded by the islandere, and,
as they climbed, over the bulwarks, the mu 4,.
at the wheel !hinting from exeitement, one of
the sick died us he lay, his death being an
nounced by the fellow occupant of his berth
feebly moaning, 'Take away this dead man...
On the bridge of the vessel lay the body of
the captain. as it had laud for titer tomith , ,
with nine of his *had shipmates by his side,
all deeogtly laid out by those wh,,) WWI ex
paled to share their Cite,
The survi VON (Milt! not hear to sink the
bodies id' their comrades into the sea, but
kept ?Item so that when the last luau died the
fitted ship that had been their comittell !none
should l , their eommon tomb. The surgeon
of the ship worked faithfully to the last, but
cold, hunger, :curvy and dysentery were too
much for him. The brave old Captain was
the first victim, aed died blessing his wen.
Then the others NI, one by one, until the
ship was tettaMed only by the dead and dy
in:. One night more at sea 'noel,' have
left the Diana a floating coffin. Not one of
the fifty would Letic liyed to tell the ghastly
FrsEts. —A 15'
ern editor shows how the thing 1.4 being
done in the following eneourt:ging style. 11i ,
says.: "Several year. , ap... a couple of per-
suns had a fight. t taw s name was Roderick.
Phu, and the others deviates Fits James',
They f o u g ht o n the of it vret k. 51 r.
Ithu weighed :about two hundred and Mrty,
while his antagonist was a small sized man,
but a gritty eus , 4„ Mr. ishrt had whipped
everything in the neighborhood. and J. F.
J. tried to compromise the trouble with him.
Rut it Was uu Use. nothing would do but a
elttt:Ploti, and at it they went. They row( ht
three wands, in each of which the big fel
tuts ta.n. , off considerably second is It
was against the rules to "clinch," but the
hig fellow. knowing his,sigantie herettle3n
size would give him "iTte adt antago in a
tough-and tumble, I nte l not nut knnwifig
what else to he tuNithot mob,' hats and
ern.4bed 'Mr. dames to the earth. 11e ladl
on his back. The said Phu dem procv•ie.l
to put his knee on the breast of the game
Hole ;cud to t,,,ke him by the throat
with his left hand, while with his right he
first-class bowie knife. The bystand
ers al thought the jig was up with Mr.
jtuncs, but it wasn't, On the contrary,
just as the big pt rsy chap was about to
strike the finishing blow, he found that he
had overdone himself, anti suspended specie
pqmtatt —Nitta up the ghost Mr.
Jatues then get up, brushed oft his clothes,
picked up his hat, am; turning on his heels,
was soon out of sight."
The Nevada Teunseript telly the ti.)l.
lowing story of a fellow up in that region :
"A boarder who had run behind in payment
of his bill, king out of money and nearly
out of credit, determined to "play" the
landlord. Ile had a good wardrobe, which
it would be difficult to remove in the ordi
nary way without arousing the suspicions of
the landlord, so he decided upon the strate
gic plan as follnws : Ills room was in. the
second story of the hotel, Ile secured the
services of a friend, who promised to go on
the outsidu and emelt the clothing as it was
thrown out, and the delingnent hash-eater
expeeted to get away with his wardrobe.
At the appointed hour he wont to his room,
and seeing, as he supposed, Ms Mend below
ready to receive his property with open
arms, he threw out his tine coat, 'mitts and
other artieles.vf dress, not one of which was
suffered to reach the ground. lie then
went down, and was surprised when he Ills•
covered that ho had been throwing all his
worldly gotrds into he arms of the landlord."
for A Wisconsin. paper, the Bamboo
Obserrer, has observed a bearded woman,
whose nau►e is Holmes, %those bead is as
bald as it billiard ball, awl wboze chin is
fringed with a beard three inches long.
:tor A carpenter working on the ,top of a
house, happened to fall dawn through the
rafters. "Oh I" sap a atander-by, "I like
t.uah a fellow mightily; for he is a mats that
goes through with his work."
Mary, an orphan, was hired by a lady to
hale do housework. "1 pity you" said a
girl whom she inet, coming from the dour,
as she was going to her new place. "Why ?"
asked Mare- - She's just, the most portiem
lar hotly yun eyer saw. She turned me away
only because I spilled a little oil ; but
wouldn't stay if I could." Just then the
door opened, and the ghls*parated, one to
look lig a new situation, the other with
many fore liodings to commence service. -
The parlor dour was partly open Mi Mary
entered the hall, and she overheard thcludy
of the house exclaim "If it wasn't for !un
clad girls. I might have s4iie comfort, I do
believe they arc all alike The poor gill's
heart sank tyif fiat her, but ..he Mon .4liatelY
resolve' that eln; by try and prate that
one at least could be fait hind Daring the
mornitiy she u 3, hVilt up stall-. 1,4 s\..coP a
wont. In moving the furniture she overset
a small bottle which 11141 been arele—ly left
wear the edge of a table, it fell to the floor
broke, and spilled some ink on the carpet.
Sh e : m o d a g h as t. What could she do?
She hastily gathered up the picoes, threw
them out of the window, whiped up the ink,
and then stopped to think. “She won't set'
it very soon, and when she does she may
think it was the other girl," was the lir-t
thought, —llut you did it, and you ou:ht
to tell her of it," whispered conscience.
I'm sure she'll turn me away what ',hall I
do ?" •.tio awl tell her, you can't help the
stain on the cart , t, but. y o u can kucp the
stain of ahe limn your soul," said eon
science.. — Ves, alai 1 said Mary
aloud, and without stopping to think fur
ther, she went t o s o l i th e lady whom she
met coiningup Auirs and to whom she Cal ,
tv•l the :14 tielit, 14,01h.Ve 1 can trust
you Marc.'' was the reply so LitallY male ,
that the girl could not keep had, lier tears.
Vou are the first girl 1 have had," Emilio..
lied the holy who would eteifi•st a f a ult, awl
I have deceit. Try and be careful, but
above all, be truthful" Mary did not for
get the lesson, she kept her place until her
marriage severtel years afterward. and Mittel
that thou:h her employer was strict, yet she
had no better friend. When tempted to
untruthful's. ss to hide at fault, let our
re a ders remember the `'.stain on the soul."
and dread that more than any bodily pun
ishment ttartal.
Glor Victory int 1114
The ihpjka maj,wity in Pottsville usually
is between fear and five hundred. Last
week an elcation was held for borough
ceru. were almost inglori o usly detiat,ted.—
Iltelieal candidate ror Chief Burge, , ,
John C. 11 spur, w„tsbeat ~; votes, by M.
B. Bell • mot tl Radical . candidate for High
Comtable. John Milky, Iva, beat by 11.
Barr. rim; votes livery elcotion that is held
in the last few moths goes against the rad
i, als. liven their strolmheld, Itre eapt
rimy have been weighed in time balance and
lineal wanting, and soon the very name and
remembrance of that, party will be as a,14 A , lcert r.
riz-- 'rho mora leo': are 4 loniolay in ftvor
of free speech, when Om thtlieals are on
dm stump, but the same linv des not tit
nhon a South..ll pperhe-or m tempt.
to expre4- hi: • atile.lo.. Th.,
ty an mem that a North , rn man, or any
other man freedom in the
Smolt," mo' he heard, - ran note, a 1...4at
e:.e h,'w in soya it..* But the
Mg must bo for freedottf." which moue ,
the HadieP4 doctrine —rho 'ongressinnal
n4urpithnt -the plat I'm m of f
S t unner, Hinter. and Kelly ! if any
man, bone\ er. opt .le tIHJMt " J „l o rlon,,"
:4nm:intent atztl ielvo Ate, tire' principles of
*n1,449( . 101141 coverntnent, the l'hari , ees
itutoodiately set up a tot ible howl, and - fay
speech" is at once trample 4 in the dust.
How long n ill the natimi be deceived by the
shallow sophistry of these mi. , erable char
latan.; ? • 1-onry
itY" The eight hoot. law is wo.king dist,
trouily in I In ellieago home of the
men in+ist on a day's Kill pay fur eight hour's
work, whilst others are willing to einvent, to
a re luelon of pay. told others still adhere
to the old hours and obl pay. Some em •
ploye,..s refuse to reduce the hour ; others
are willing to reduce oho hours but want al
so to reduce the pay. Largl as4ernblages of
workmen have ken held, awl tu t yhhish de.
monstrations have been ',nuke upon estab
lishments that have uot reduted Ore Wows
of labor and upon workmen who continue
(0 work ita such establislumuts. Serious
trouble may rosult before this revolution in
laboring interests becomes ttecomrlishyd.
Pauiel IVebstti was right when he
remarked of the pres;i; "Small is tyre sum
required to patronize' a newsprAper ' • amply
rewarded its patrorr,•l eure not hoW bumble
and unpretending the Gazette ho takes. It
is nest to impossible Co' fill a priuted ekes
without putting into it something that is
worth the subseriptioeprive.
ter A Radical candidate in Georgia
promises forty acres of land to every negro
who "bull vote for hint. The devil once
made equally brilliant promisee, but, as in
the, the "old boy" didn't own
a foot of land in the universe.
tar A celebrated French preacher, in a
sermon upon Abe duty of wires, said :
see in this congregation a woman who ha
been guilty of the *Iwo( disobedience to bar
husband, and in Aar to point her out I
"Win fling my breviary at her head," Mt
lifted kin book, and' emery flange Mid ilto
:stolid, ducks (I.'
The Laud Man In Me Jssber
We have WWI many illustratiops of lIAn.
cry, ninny that move the hardest heart to
pity ; but nothing can ho more touching to
an observer, nothing better defines misery,
trout a wan in a barber shop, with a dozen
or su a lwa,l or him, waiting iv be shaved,
It is inipiosiliki for any one who uevtl has
experienced it to know how cautl Hem is
required to puss elm:mildly through this Ur
lIMUNS, of course, exper
kiwi ) different degrees of misery ad they
wait. "The poor but virtuoso yourg man,
struggling with a mou.toelm" (the fading
hoe of which has brought him again to the
tashosial artist.), having en engagement. with
s-'s man ho has told him, 'anything but b.
fuller us isn't on time"—can probably he
put down as the subject of most übjeq
wretehesiness and despair, as bo colas and
looks around upon " nsiscrubles" who
are -ahead" of him, the hest of whom
mingles with Isis misery a griut nth:Diction
that some one comes after
The young matt would rather "dye" at
onee than be suldeeted to the suspense he
utust endure. Talk of ambition; of time,
as tshu hecons hum afar to the mid:tight
purer over %ideates tilled with learning and
wisdetu, or to the warrior us he cuts his way
with his sword and wades through seas of
blood to her shining goal! The winder's
ambition Coles to insignificance, and the
:oldicr's dream of glory vanishes before the
mighty yearnings of the lust man iz tfte
limber shop, waiting for his turn. No goal
but the cushioned chair does he see, "so
near, and yet so far. , '
There is itru.ic to hint in the bath's
- next: . as it, lessons the distance between
him ;;tai his ambitious goal ; and when it
finally appeals to him, ho experiences as joy
that the houicd words of tiatttry fad to bring
to him whu has Item! faint. Entret, the
Maim. law prohibiting tiltitiz Welts, make
good street moulage, and ac will sub
mit, but deliver us, good Loot, from Leivg
the let 111311 in the L ar i a , C , ~,u,,„
trize During the war the Richmond pa
per , were run of the arosse , l ahuse of Att'a•
ham Litteohi, - the Yankees," ands Fad!.
\I hen we zot. a I.:IleIt of thew we always
pithlhlnal the most violent or their artielca,
and had a good laugh at them for the next
twodat . We netcr got angry. We took
their attack, in the of hautur.—X
no mkt
;.:ingular we 4cia preeinoli tho sane
thitn4. Wheny%ur the ;aid the to hand
with at ticks abusive of Abraham Lincoln
we copied than and never thought of get
ting angry. Thu //erobt's famous "atona l ,
joker" article hat an tutnituudented run in
the :makra ptes=, umi they all took it "in
thehe:4 kV:N. ? l'j.
SANK ENTP.AlSlititt.. -A t wheat
p;-per that " and'r t he a.trb of exlessive,
loyalty. the Tteamtry of New York has
lwen plundered and the State disgraced."
This i: , title of every Northern State, and of
every town and city where loyal radicalism
ha,: held sway. One half of the ,do and
taxers under which the States, towns and
people or the North arc now weighed down,
art' the result of this swindling "under the
garb of t•xce!,:.lve loyalty." And this phut
is ; AM going on. How unfelt longer
is it to be tolcractl?
‘'riva Ole T \ rxx-o, of long
a lawyer tricot of oars had occasion
to arbitrate a cause, on the East Fork of
thc :innetnattenioit, in Potter cenntY. The
tovl i swearing of the 'witnesses, on the
other side prevailed against bite, and he
4 Est Iris suit. Ile was condoled by a native,
who stall to Um "Wh 'n h—H ditin't you
let ate_ know yon was contin . 7 Knox,"
(t;:e other lawyer) -he vonic on here a week
ago, and had his pick (f ititature'
LeiiT Ills 1101154.,-The 11416Wittg Waits°
is ; at I to have Lcen written by a gentleman'
from Germany :
"VOll night do otirr Jay, voir I was been
awake in my ski), I hears sonenthing rat I
finks vas not just right ion barn; and I wit
out Skimps to bed, and runs mit de barn,
out, and von I vex dare corm .1 aera fiat my
big gray ikyr to he was been tied lust and
rus wit dr stable or, and every who vin
him blthk brirg, I te.4 so' tutteh pay him ita
vet bin
Lt'ern.—.l Dutchman being a.ked bow
fu• it was to the nut town, said
'`You yto,t, go up dal little hivel, den you
ce the stotle."
M. A thirkey was seat to jail for marry
ing tifo' n'ives,.exensea himself by Paying
cabin ba , l one she fought him, but when
he had two' they fought each other'.'
14. The fellowiug its an epitaph on Mt
John Chihk, former president of the Phila
delphia Ty o;trnphieal Society :—
..1110 Ingt form ip locked op in eternity's clans.
Ilia enuipo•llifm's rorreeP 11111 , V11;
lit/ proof woo. OW fool, nor opporfOnt his eleeo
Nay din angel.. of ouinirriont Lunn."
lirk- A 11 ester!' man, speaking of the
Pacific Railroads says it is one of the "fint
niest coincidences in the world, that almost
every alternate Feetion of
. Isati, on either
side or the road, belongs to *Me menthe('
or Cotigress."
WS. railroad notuhlater *Di
a 630,000 Wren
fbw dap ez bat, that were 04 1 1 Milli
SL Louis, 00* were about to be niiiittod o :
and given seintrate lodgings in the emeietes
air New York, it is said, dosoars 112,
,6000)00 worth of eggillear.
O. 14.