AGRICULTURAL. Brum Fos lazgs tinortwo yam Pavrt.—lt le well known that although some trees both of peach, apricot, piton, apple, &a., are well furnizhed with blossoms often fail In their impregnation, awl fall off; and when they arc impregnated and set, they fall off at the stoning. Frequently, although they survive the stoning, they be come prematurely ripe anti fall off, and very few, if any, of the fruit attain maturity, while no flavor. These failures have been proved to arise from unwholesome food, a remedy for which may be found in the follow• ing method: Having selected a tree that is in good condition, and well forath heti with blossom-buds, just as the blossoms are hegiti ning to expend, talc: a potato fink, and whh it make holes all over the aw foe Or the apace occupied by the roots. 'whit+ txtend, as far front the stem a, the brandies) a' about 19 inches apart, forcing in the fork to the ful: dcp h of the tires,and a gen• tie heave, by the pressing on the end of the handle ; then, having dissolved some nitre in water, to the proportion o f one „ owe 1,, the gallon of water, fill the holes with the solution. No manure must be given ; but if, after the stoning of the fruit the tree should appear unable to ' etiAttill its Milt of fruit the following preparation may be given, in the saute mariner as the nitre : To one gallon of water add one (we of potash, stir the mixture well, and let it stand for a week or ten days; then pour itfl . I hi. or!ut;ett from the viol, and IniN one gallon of O s liquid with four gallons of water, give it to the trees as The rely:llmm do: inly be dissolved by adding to it one quail of slack e 1 limo, and ono galled of water, to use gallon of dot, but this solution must not be given to fruit trees, as it produces the rlfeet which the nitre it+ i11t4 . 11401 ti p will, 11 ,,, ,c‘ er, prove goal inAnure for the eabbate (Tilt . Maga:inf. Onow o uuNtna w Barnes, or Westmorland, County. New York, has a novel nr thud grtiV,illit turnips kith corn, which we .lo b tt Ran; Ler to have tern tl - sriiht 1 d'orc, Il t plants his turn three fits four inches twirl, each way, which roak•.- Icor thousand to the acre, and manutre in the hill with well-rutted manure. Ile uses Omit ten loads of inanure to th and h itig up the manure in the ; t all, t,, is scattered over the load tit .r three tbn. or in other words, when a third of a load et upon the wagoi, a fisw 1A are led over it, and so on for every third of a I load. The man ire is then ettrt...l to the field and plae:d in the toot where it is to In. used, and then corn pi tut d lie by this method about t‘e,,t, bill mill haw.: its turnip plant, which gunto well b tin • corn and yields at the rate; 0: ,Aw haul; , and fifty buttholt- to the acre c.l with out any detelitnent of the corn er; The turnip plants hecome ran d/ catat the time the c o rn is lit t: an .t ~•':or that , make most of their w advabAii , g with great rapidity. IL: env.? the turnips Jo not interfere in the Brewing fon.pli the corn, if de.tin To Rut:*ll Quirts. flo ,, , not provided with a it4.t toil. may leeitis the germiaation of seed so at in the ~,orilen by covering the tel with of boards or old Phingio. S eds eovei d in this way will come up in half the time, that will to re quired it !aft open, and it will besides, give them a vigorous start. The reason is that the covering will prevent the escape ammonia from the soil antrkeep a good sut,- ply just at the surface where the seeds are deposited, and it is from the ammonia that the plants get nitrogen, their chief food.— This plan is not only useful to seed* *era/ Early, fur early vegetable*, tut ceueeially so when planting has been unavoidably delayed till late in the season. Remove the board* as soon as the plants appear. CORE FOR CITICKeN CR:U.ERA.— An old lady friend of MIN informs us that she Las tried, with good 5ue,7,e4., a mixtun of black and red pepper, in e parts, stirred in with corn meal or bran for the cure of "chicken cholera," which has burn and ib ;yet playing havoc with the poultry in sonic Duds of this and adjoining conntios. Since her experiment she has not lost a fowl by that disease. The pepper should he well mixed with the meal or bran, and made as strop; as it can be mull,— Vinciuues ,s'cu COAL TAR ON It ATS.—A com•ramJent of the American Agriculturist says that rats dislike coal tar very much, and that he is in the habit of daubing it about their boles and runs with good results. Taking the hint from the suggestion to dip rats in r•ld paint, ho proposes to dip sonic in coal tar and let them grt. Mr. Gilbert J. (seen rays: "Coal tar, mixed with sand to the consistency of thick mortal, is an l'ficetual stopper to rat helm The process is not patented, and a cure is warranted." DAYS ,Oa CUTINO FINQ CR NAHA. —Cut 'em on Monday, you eut'em for loalth ; Cut'em on Tuesday, you eut'em for wealth ; Cotten ) on Wednesday you eut'em fur uovr , ; Cut'ew on Thursday. A new pair of Aloes; Cut'em on Friday, you totem for torrow ; Cut'em on Saturday, you'll aee your true love to—morrow ; Cut'Pm on Sunday, and you'll hive the devil with ;ou all the week." ==== TwnrrY-mara: IV HEAT CROPS ERNI THE SANS 801 L.—An English country gentle• man has been experimenting for twenty emmeraive years on the same land, in wheat culture. Re has fertilised with farm-yen', and with artificial manures, and the average yield per lore in bushels has been thirty-lice for the former, and thirty-nine for the latter. For the last, three years the yield of wheat has materially declined. 111 EMU KILLING Dooe.—Aocording to the "Attics Aural Report" for this month, there ntrig4l 0470 sheep killed by dogs in 1866,,difbughout the country, estinisted at the take si 119000,040 1 This is plying pretty disr tot ths privilege of having so many worthless ears Irentl4 1111. NEW It ST - MIST, In atilvet eullAlng. Moto Stmt. WM, GILMORE, i„udirto the altisra• of blootarhuts sea eittally du haw opi tied a New “EsTA t MIM I on Ibto Ware. *berg be sprites Isle frionris end eueurnplre tro tall and partake or Ns irefre•bonatte.••• It re hie inientieu I the Wet Lit GER'NEER AND ALE, ,un•lainly un bend ; Pnrter, elersepnrille. Min Ural Wnkr. ranee I. o noenneve, Mulberry obit Lint en eyrupe, can elwnse be Ma l M Isle tteouinrint. 14 We twins lint be protteate NIX% LigaZ tot prii,4f In Rite , Pickled Oyster , c hit „, t i m i t ",„ rho), iNthetiiiid Chicken, 3nd ikvf Tongue, 414., Ike. tie &leo u I** pot 411104 of I awrs and (rovi ng 2 I obacco (Whig cnatoinPro, it CAM ifittualtbilil. JIM. 13, no, G REAT BAIWAINS AND eduction ha PriceN, The UnOrrolroPd will *Kr lu Ihr, pubits GREAT IllAttfilAlNS kit bind. r altzol avs:kLta4-1 I)Licre'lluC*. I mty twono. 01; ki.tißW RE, 11.11111W1411, Boot% and :Shoes, flats, Capv. and N.nianrto OVety *JO !4 , 1 , .510,4 Irmo tfiV tint Or hilittat}, WM be! eon Jotted CASII SYSTEM, end if ore Poo aIAf to porchooo anything in nor ti ff , tau do oo of 4 1.4) etti4ll plattlitt4.4v un Corry t 0 legate ['Tit:eV. All UO4 of ptodurr ou , l grain taken ist sof:thle. tLfe* war eprof„01) invilo ihr public to OWE US A CALL ind a rime of their pa:wove,. FIit"VIAN Cataviil4, Jrno,ry 2, tot 7. ! LUMBER ! ! r ut; „.,th.m„,„,,, 4(7i1d1:11111#: ompANy, itwl , itp thy ptdoic that nol !tab , . M.:, f PLANING MILL ita,r in nt+ , .r.i.irm wOtt un rse.y ,rt 1. 04 '4411;Pt1t ror , J are COW prop tr. t t i t• ,+ tit •tt Ippfice 4 1'4,1 Pt 414 , Otwebt rr1P.4 , 4 l•• 44«11, ti• . 41 tPti ••4 .4. • ; ..4•,14 41.., Whitt rinf' rinnii, Hoards, Flooring, Similar,. dlertird.•, ileentriel ,f .1110...„4, 1,0 °Or. • . .1 , ;V.' WO t.r 1.1 .cr! aro ro• • They we • •uii Imo•ts, area v• , • • 01,,Hprit,o ty;to wire 411 . .“{4 TYr 4l, , ` , ltty y.••••••,, rpm. M.t • ev-tv ttutlit. 41 e, • • it0:111g .3b Tr, = .• .; • '. hrr Miro (I,y nro 14 „,„„.„,, I • f ta, nC MachiurtrY. ra,•ti •ititAti tv* at ,j, kind* it noteltierriai iirleThite,4llll, Ufflti tf , 4OOllF bid terLIII. litonniMrtirtz.sqo. ip, Vt 466 siOott oca AVYI. O l- w , fo.tvi.,•tl. Ju hm f DI CT C'tl.4.rittd oh, th , rad og al GII 14 t111 ,,, 11 urnd lCi otrmrSeeriwaortho” a, 4u... I vv..luol 4,1 r.. auutral 69,ww, f awn. .„ y ,11.11tal Neap:deify, I tow.dteoPtivoi ox. ;cc) 0 ~ ,s taiir;,rtill, r e ,kcp,,,,. dud nouct4 by oelf•li!itigt.ncJ trav is• ,tr., Cr" rri in 3 Thy 44114 , 4 13 ths,. 4.14i404 , .. 04, tlt front t th..ts yuatrt sneer:a for i , r, , 411••• • OM 11P , .44, r , • , 4 ,,,,, 5vp. , d 441,‘ W44 1 4 ,, t,i 4• 44, oro toldrndl 44e.11.,11,d ^r 414,' ..441.14.44 ad Or 110 441 - oor a luddt, Id' cure At 4 - 44, • .41a. rf . 11314, ! 4.01.1'41, by nrealiw of witch st ar 'f, Ito lis , itt,t Y h d lady to., 444) care brrnacfl" ,1444,1 y. p. 4 difdy, rwtd t 4dlihily. krtnr- in the hanOo 01 tray Imo «very hotto in tho !nor. orklrr .441, 4 loath ervr. I , pr. to +lnv nth drolly punt on receipt of rid rent., or two po,r, staindr AdOrers tho publioh.rr. ell AS .t e KLINE & co, 127 flowery, Nee York, l'oit•Oce to a. 43;:6. thlr, 19, It4WS. NMV “01)1): 4 ! GOOll,-;! FOR FALL and WIATEN, IL W. BOW MAYS czmattasaLp (MAX OPEVitrolgr* lK Titc owlerrip•wd hao Jaxt received a ve-y f.i1.1. AND NTLit G(n)111. t‘tu, h ho:prapo..stoeellat vop latv rate.) He has the held ytalttles of cLOTICS, CASSIMr.stro, xceLl , 0, CALICOEIt U&LAINEA, MlaitNOU. LUCCI B Sic k.e The Grocery Departniellt is rOtc,l uith the first frerb pr,,sorios um, provisions, r urn ifs sn,Ar, s, nulls. salt, ham. hile , l3, try` t'tsistry pro Mee taken in ”Tonitios for monde, for which ohs higheet anritet wM he given. tte peal fatt to Oat him a tall and Peons meat bargeme. Oningt:t Nov. V. 1#441. 319, 112 MEDIAL PISTITUIE. ICE SPIOIAL CASES, No. 14 Lond St, New York. el'. Fait ilifortmtion, with the iiigkret.ttgt , MONWS OM to Rook on Spctiot hostas , " on O c anted ent,t, font froe, Rowe and sod fee' Wm, and yew led/ Per regret it tot, t* TAAvenixtv4 I+l4yslman.s are tee. P 0 510 ,4, without reit reflect to rtteotet elloold be ttut,b4l. Eneloge a ote,lip for p o stage; and titer! In UN. I.AitiNl :NGw, No 11 tb..IND raecv, N ESW V 1 11114.. W.v. 14, I&s6 Iy. 8. M. P. EADIN6 RAIL. HOAR SUMMER ARRANGEMENT April stir. Ihr,l GRE'.T TRIAK I.thh FRONT Till: Now; If and Nutt k West 114 Pltilsarlpisis.NsU rot tsv it Is, Talowa AsAlond, LetwvAt, A town. Eatriun, 1111411162 a, Writ. Lancaster, coa m bi 4 , sse., Yraina Wave Irarriaburg for New York, at adlpse s ; Al 3 00, r.lO and 33 An so !I. 10 end t! psi canner,- ing stab similar Train, no the Psnnaylr.una Rol road awl arming of Nets York 41 :ill() nevi Itl 10 A M and 4 40, SCO 1005 r sr. Sleeping Cur.. 41 , ,rempa• mind the 3 Ito ♦re and OWe o. T/31911 Witl4o9t 01591 M hoard Louisburg fur goading, rot., 903. hitool3i9llft., sh`434l, rir{rr (if . 404 PhiladArol4. at II It A3l 3' ! P stopping at 1.0.0A900 9n41 1 , t • • ~, the iloit if waking co , inrc• , . .‘ Columbia nary. E..r . , and Auburn, pia IL nar.reava HAMA • . Returning Len , ' •• 1 . • • k 00000 , 00 s; • . V) p War PaIMM.OIO r • • .1 A retultini fr, , • . •. • rtationo ; Port—• • , , . I 1 1 0 4 a il p od ; S! 13 /1,. , sod I • LeactirettilVilio li • p., so.ollldl and fatitgoormana Vatirond 40 ok m IlieafitMX A 0 ,3090109401100 Tram : Reading at 030 A ar rotaruint boutniers .4S 411 r Latitatbot Railroad Thine leave eli ding at ;po and d 13 tr r far , Ephiata,l,lll2„ Labrad m Labrador, Colobia. roUrdoorn Areostatodastott •Prate Lamm* Puns. town as 0 00 flitintini leaves Philaditipbia at * *1?. 5. Colsola' Rail Road ?Was Maya reading al 7 00 w, x .lllltl d 1. P. at for Rplirais. Litt.. Lanramer. Columbia, Am Os duadays : Leave Now York, at son r Pmts. di•ipila 11 011 A N ands 13 P N. the A 00 A 31, train writailog ably to Reading ; Poitavlllo 13 Ore A M, ; maws V36A M. and Beacom at 120 and IN A 4 1. tor Uarrlibura and 11 sit AM. CM New You sad 4 83 p ii. for PM mdeipliia, poi Autatloa, Mllrile. Reason School and doer tams, to end Isitni all points al reduced rater. re zu r. eaecked ths mob panda allowed each a A. tiICOLLS. Gettral Pianos for the Peopl 120 &Dome st, N. T. We evenl4 Batt the attention et the pub le an .t the trade to our tor:aunt Newer:old Ineronr. to toe trolowr bra etyleri: *Tiro: A, ?widen, Yrtnt iiirgn mond errrirre. plain rase, either riringOn Or CAI' legs, straieto bottnnt, heed wool ling on Worth ...$4 F ry by, 0, i netnva. KIM% de style A with or r: pentitra tonnidord girth. carve:l tey end lyrd„ Soo artVl.ll C. 7 octave, Front earners I.trge round porpro r r Ole not tom, reortirley ,erno ::., on *tyro moved lyre dor doss, th trey :At yeti ;to STYLI.: 11. 7 (ain't , . Ftor !ergo rOnnti matters, finished bnca. lionititlign nil tint nod I ItHib, germ:we bottom, served lyre and need, vier port earvnd trek leye rOn I o ft toner dry len are tilt doilthed in elegem roe,. wont eyed and Nil iron ohm., Frond' action, ham pedal. bevoled top. ivory airy» tool hey tronta and o treed in oven:truing bed*, le rote ell the 7 d Octet* Fianna now intinigncifirtfd They nen matte or the best torteridle and ter finish, droehtlite, nip end au reined of tone, mornot be wino:erred We thane the attention ot the prOrtte, or rlonoo: and the proiedeinn, in a critrret elm:no:oh:0 or the merits of our l'otoon Cy itynoithlt tt.e crest e‘penses atta.tdant ti *nn rosily faetories and expeorists worctooth4 in the .Ity, wnar4 tenatdt I la Carat Ova. , ria 004 at arteeN Wah' cnu,petiUnn,end hit Ito ell to rail and OXIIIIIIat I haat ttattge parchaming elsewhere, Pio ks ordftring from a tli.htdea can rely neon re. , en iht; their Ciatios promptly, and nn c 4l ) alit an lira Pty are IP) 11 the !titer* A Is C D. The (tor et} iwe tfrocrileol Jove. colody all the otooollool eltotot. to 5'%1 , 1101 . fidi+ll Of . Hero, Witleh 4 " by thltbY w000lUttl; too up to 13 and '4O patterns. 4;r,t)erAt El Vo'n wonld retgpertfl!ly catt tn. ottent fon of Omit DniAmr* And Sincitig !owl to our ,rwrn bOinnl n Vwl,o,f, All hilidy 44 Cl , ll , ell nlnoic Wen nod Anthem in.ui.s C4ll he unt3l9oll 4.,10 thu mm 4 ravunallt tPrinot ‘,,r 11r. in * , tit tlr3rnx I. oe !)1011./ prtvb LW vice and infortintwe On 0 1 PuMt. , rt we4irai tete as 1 0 tgl" C.2 1 ,41" , 1 prt.p.l Works of 19,t, ~00“ volres. in PllOl , lll trtmiirzs, sand lntsrea IS 11)flipt,P119, 1.34 , LA 1 Val( 0;1 ote,tvot, , , (la iltorll9l VMS %WI proillOtttnr , 410 .11.1.:11 , 11 ( * Winn) . , fllll4 Mu triied— airA Wade 1111 pupttl, wiener", cunteits, „ Sow ready the not' thinday Alwol BMA, ‘IIIIE (4)11,1)EN Pit4olll4l:.' fly T E. rrnsiks. Author or Fncrtql lone Stto,lay ticht.ltia,ther, worta+ tiie4 Book, Kin ik.r.k &C. %Ye t%l*.lipelid n grecimen tel y, pact paid, to :my Of VA, fly t• rh IS. The P(1111 of 'MS Cita I+Er Nit:intro: in. of ntlin i vn din¢ierupira.iap,rprrcuvrrN ri by tlla /,41 io t ryyrro.. ; 'to " :V.uq /d , f intt.eloce , l and butait i•lovie ij tr t pit tir t . fttyttr.'t• ltt she 11,11'10iti•itt . hAf•••-, ii , r3 Tables tkr. f •• , y .fte tutu ha ,, 4 Nolo, cho 4 knee 4 Iwltts: of tic)... 4111. we ‘s tll 11111 pat3 , 4 , ll:lfs ,`;re. who. Applieni POPO r , rl Territ ,, r) Wit! oltttll;t4tt* 4' N VS P•• the 1;!Ii *, 11 ' , tate*. 4:20 ilfortioo Street, N. V. L" m.o . tottioontl ihtl fit rig MO Lt . Ottlti by %%here trAatis are twit up, nstti r t'l Itt;'" 0 t • ttriorl - 1, t WWI tha I.llolltt4ti ; ; p 1 ,411. tybargps pot for op. per si,z," L'N't. AGENTS FOIL L NI FLU No, 4'20 tiowitto Akr , et, N, V Oct. 21, 04; —ty. 3, 1. ..., .. rnta vi~~ 1867. 1367 pIIILADELPHIA AND ERIE VAIL , • WAD. • • •;1,'I14:; r;;;Loot II; to 44141Py, by urea; the N.,ethern \ N extern 4",unlu•w , t rennotettnta 4, the Cm of rotte on Lake I:6*. It haw beet, le.treti an.l rw np rate) 'Punt oi Pel-40 . 111{../ TIIMIN Fri. MAOTrain I':+l+` 1,1, t,st Tllllll F. , 7 . Peey. illOolueburs. P. Leave at 'ward. co, Wol !:1.8.:1 1 tat Llto.ira )1,1 Cu.) um thrni,;o# Woi and r ‘r.,..t I ?All. 11 , 1tPleir:iti 2014 i / ;v. NEtv coNNECTIoN. 1, ,t 9 I, a : n:trve rit Erto 10 00 L. 4 44 N,• rtt p ; q•r,v, at Crie 7IS 1, " 4 ": ;`, J b 0 I N Viok 4du p m; hri.r it its tiO it LI; a is, v., Sia 1 , 14 :=1.41/;CINCI 4,a4 t Fin iarataLitiaa .91- • • :, • tay :.#lll % , t 404 f”r V:, PM 4--:n •a k: it, Kukg., . Ofil 'oft II II hi 111" ,, .1V. t., r W 1701.40, 4. n + , l( t: i 1,.1 A, I 111.1.13. Mellet9i t °WI L.., Ptti,ll, tiTLICTED W {you fiy Ow Ise jislSV{l,l,l 1 . .41X111 ynit e /IN 1 , 1 Cur d iy, g Tt, h:111 ntla.oJl , 4 111141. Wel 1,4 s,r ,„, S4'rfrknr 3a, t;' , 4 , r:.' 1 110 ^slur f:nrrey`< Itopotr PoPy. or poi of 01 , p . ppo t , ';',(ll,i ni p•OILIOI tn.f tic rritofl, t , Odcf 1. tt, to: 14,4x4 4.a urhra prviOlfiatoll ever diro II IA iii frfoos., hit lit, 4acchars, (kw :4,m CXeneillfll, filrall4l4 ;If 4001.14 V Of Lllxia , •4, to - .4 1$011104,4". ccnfitsioo. tfinahlna of ert.1(41.!...1 1.. M, echtio 44 rnm oily. Arc It will rp.p.lare tie.. ~ppeoro, (rook - 00 Irralth ty ho burr ae4truvvd it 0 Clcieo4 or OMprinithich. Vonnu men, he horobtortre , t no more by . 14tooptt. Itortorp." 414,1 IhUntinn proctorop::Ap lot rood %IttPott .b IA) C ,, T t.ltxir, it i 44 bs 44.4 4,444 k Irti-tnre licinih 400 fropoo.ros. A perpcct 4q441 41 p.tartopo.t4 in CVery toolainee Price 41, or 444.10 bottO , l to one tot• ritzt, too bottle it ;Atairtent to .11' ,. P.1 a cure to till Writ nary roses. Moto. Pr Joiavtile's MiAti Pak, P„r the pp , e.l) and p,Artannat cute nj thwannr.d.., 4:1r41. Cra.a,,l firav I ettirttir , anJ nrt ,11.1 twos ot tltegtdueyM tat,l Witdil. , r. Cote", vo , t, rise otay, are pr,t , ol , 0 it, 1.1 tri;n lstate artf that aro h rtninaa t I the Ny. tom a4ti 11.11'“( 111111seht. the otffiliatt