omointvg iintorrai. lt{ulaMcili}. May 11.10117. Wit alit iihnaltaur 7 , •filierY f. r fill local occur. "lb thilr Ilumrdintr Inc rltUra. If they ito not tO *Mu 4 rotiltolltwolion for the riblie eye. it,loleir statement of evil of mupuilltro roininuilitier. A llot o :woo, deuthr, MTN, imprimis, btou thither, n..e. WI hill pill them hi f r om. 'rho farts ol thin kind we ran tel the hotter it will on 0114 MI, rrittieril. V. tin a 1114 it Arvrnt'teete.—Putumr wt.6lnq ll.trrrtiwetnullt* lei,. mutt bend then, in early Toetoloy 1111141 , their itinerant' for dint %POI. The accounts of tho thin of ,r.Aco , y 'HUNAN an for am sent out t‘or collc,tion in the hoods of the following por..ons i(yi;4 &rash ip.----Jous 11. I mut CocAmy. ZimNIEHMAN, P. brabt.--r. J. CA m inist.t.. P. M. atateima !IR/Pi/1 (70. k Cratrttliq. .I,nl 4,11,hr N lIARNER. Sugarloaf Township, hills for collect h boon thmeca in the hands of :llt ATI ,IIAI CI fLE. to %Pingo pny moo i 4 plink 5;,,,i made at the earliest convenienee. SAM TowtAbip, nII pemms litelve4 iii arrenrs for snitt4cripiinit nit 1 ItiAtAri, o the 14,mornAT, wilt pkaptt ' 0 payment . omt„P JO, %lAN. rt M With EL Kr, infixon.—Wthttma McNIN4 Var a good, and them) tativio of Nit tt C. C. maws 111,1 d:,.!....14wcry '. IV. , luivejtrf print+ I a list or Ju * fl.! Cowtal,l(l-; v,l,ich tan ad hear,. sr ; : h.'l'l4 SV3' , I4C ' t• 1)1:11' , :tAT 3 1 tut' o t , ;1; ftt !and Role -f* ti',l! it pot tf , -:114 to pan !, 1- • ..' l l •rG. t., fir • • Ni '?••• An •ol -:•t. i 0:4 , .0< 4 , .1.0t0k, vitelt Vov '‘‘ 'tore , )1` (*. C. M rr. )1•':. ••••1 • iisicg in tLii no.; 11. ' , ;g. 'Fho • ~. ,•,. 0 • ! , oxup The Ea.', • • sits Rehutile 1 .• • • . LI tuel, at . . • - v,slisvz, Lit,i ! 1 • , Vag every t .101111 II - :.• tV,m dt• t .;t: in tit. d „! t". •: t•• It• •.; Atititt.l4, 1,tt;•,•:•.,.”.. I •••1-;.-..•1•, • •••••, , d ;„•••. dt••:itt ;.. • v•;-1,1.1. ..Hi. uVr.Nite.4l , .1 I . i-• • N ptir , of UM It; %It I • ‘1•• %C.!: it 11. , ;.:t1 . to • 71,11r.•1 %' a.l H.. 1 • • averio. . !no: 1: r .:71; 7 , : 71 , 1n; to 'nor lotinhg 1. ,, cool; • tir he only respi.. WI& %%Iv, 4; 1.1 virg him th f ---nil hc , . , reiyhtwr. arre-t, d and iinprixnkol n ..!/o.n! VII n. 1 .0 • an ),•ty ! ,, t• a I ~ z .! • alai it I. t I,ttt (—lit • . koint. 1,1;4 f 110 of irif:thl to :t Ai (ft it /0./ , - -,/ u r / v Bill coll. , .T 1, • ; I uli • .% • e • .! ass hi. I.oz' h 1.4t4 • ..• . 1 " hi day's W 3 .0.C.4. lir C. C Ma*r ewer.-- ; I , .bandiYe• an] • 4ingly ivtv -•••• lip •;‘; : Nittrr Co- - nt..l )(At° be ittptur-oLI • CIMEI3 1)r. John eir!:, il7 I,: ~, • rnrn trAtt hi. 1 , 11, , .r t , ) ••• ti.":- fr I h•• cs Dr. Kivim I ..;i: more adverti, , or rlso -f 'Tap ia,p, - ,rutnen vi,ody che. khelders of the Ikottbutro Ila tt: (1. ;pot t;ti..s. the follimiwr •-•• el, :ed. S. a, 1'10,.."tt • 1ti0.0 , t0” , , Wo) NVtn. lianctit4, ot on , trio6. S. P. U. 014)4 Itntl 4;e6. 1111. • here 'have befit serer,: t.,1 t 1 law during the p3 , t so , :i.nt t h.. Ire which we will There are more than we ea.l One publielti•.n. .Y.•% k v . t the first part r..tlati.,e, to 1.i.••••• vivo, 41te. These ~.k.. : tin . k! , % t to the new board 4 afJ./t; v now about to be organised. PO.'P.- 'lave been 1 the krrontia:inti ni t .. he non, Trout Isnl;2'os in this sQ,qi , ,a twee min) are not taanaLors, that Amu - , Eih-t, of pOrpdolcjio tlsc orizt4 Agunt ;for 44 4:kouto, to rd reee4v9 ***kw* for the e tiellitli" the onliitifiriell i.heti in Ihe Stmtee,_ by J. Dm.. in New York rily. Term, er y moollev or the Or , lor hr tiel copy. It of 04 , 605t1y piked : and well worth 40 •ills= Kury nopbew7x Et.-44140, fittoeahtip Visloral gut Gaunt -Agent ) wits st itoifittroughlt6 Siato s' h C 11 oar idenersl,,ao n t arn AC. and (len. Griffin,' in regint, are appointlifir mop among thirret n nifiners. t , ar Moon Mom wqricift* of a "pret ty naitor girl" tntloott itinfif• tOuis, hen 'been lenteno4.4 to be Inapibtotitaili months awl (qty a fine of $lOO, ter employing girls *niters (oarm). to le*. pi r Taking Medicine! to cut, diaoLocoe etalouwl by a tiotioioney or knn Ere Ihr iihrtd without restoring it to that syLtein, is like trying to repair a huilding when the foment , . Lion is gone, The Peruvian Syrup 4a pro.. toxidl.! of iron) supplies this deficiency ate] Wink up an Iron constitution. WA- The rends in nintorrt every direction tire ftaid to be in bad condition. 1%, allow the n t ,, for any con,iderable length of time f tie. woe-t. sort Ur economy in t ax . and to 3 I , tratiger, not-A give an unrr far.leatd. , of ill , thrift me.l enter. pli:4l of the ( ~, dmonity where they exist. ‘NvILLt hi tho polonlation Of 1):01N iPt• 1%.1i ; in 1 8 55, it W:l^{ ; ), it wo.; turd n" it I 4 not jeSS thail 100 Thoro are • , 767 nercf4 wiziiin the lito;ts or the Borough. It is now tiivid into fair wards. with dsn„t votowl rot r , sootiPU each ward, .I,,oirooL •.t y elt , plvvra %th. ' L. C 114 111, 1 q t -ti t +I twirl : ll,lli% . I?. I. Ij/ rri , l3Y. aW,ly Fr! ljt lxj.. t. • 1, alt,l nut ittt•.; i; ; ,, tvw. Ife ma& a raid wont into a t••alwm attd •!1-; ttpwt t'tt; Nmatt - tt autl wt. toa;;; . st.t• 1 . ,1.0.;.•wtiag to •,;•,••.•,..- •. !,•• ,‘• .;;,.• .1•:; « -it \t,;:lt 11,0 Int,l .11 :1 I.• ; : • 1- n.:l /.' • ).i. ;hi, it. t'3l inrit,a!~. nw, :~r~~! :~ ~, 11:0 hir ry , p4art , .r ‘va;Fitw r th 1 4,••,.„t :.• t• t ,••.:, ;,•: •I'i • .. 1 1. - ;1..' • 1.; • ;.'. . . • 1 I t• r• •••. n• • . 0;:y ••• • 0.• ' Ir m ,, pt . :Pt a, t ;• ..2 , 1- rr , VA! , h 4%.. h OW -. -.1, Thmtt, l:i •r. •;. • It .14.0n0f VSII,I ( 11 , 1;y. 141.- 1 ;odi \V. rou 1!,,,t0h rf t... '1 ti. • „'• I, a; N!t i r, 1) , 41,10..r, , ti • 0ht. , t 0 ,1 to ( Latr4o crery ilnw don , ovx dnivn town no:01 1 - •,•:., ; b.• fivtlzu- Lim ti 0:0 .11 1 . ;;;;;;!•• ' II s i.• '1;1:: a • : tli • . • I ss .1 . s. :••••-•,is,a, .• • • 1 11.. 1•. , 1. tri• • v.. • tt. tip. 1 ,:•;1111.1•Iry, • !- . •,, • ;•• 'll !!: • in p •t. ttr , 11:1! 1 .• Iv k % . 4 CI; ; H . .••• • o 1 , •:• P " • ill tlt • Lto It; 11.11 tt •.. :11.• r 1.. VP • .;i :n..,1 • 1 . 1.1!••••‘• •.• 1%.11 . i••• ;,1' •-t • • ••••• ~• ' 1,11:•;tfroi••:, ! ::,I:1• , I,r IA ta, .•.; • th . .• th , - ; • 1.- 1 :•. ' . ..••• I. Cit r . t!ilt t!, :•;.; .-;••• .r !I' • , •1(1 , 1 ; er/I'. ; 1 , ,.t 1.:•• • Ilt1{1'! :cu. I. I. •: P." • ;.•% 'IV in I;11' 1,. 1 ;I ••••• and 1. : i; 'dill . : I 11 ..; • t • „},t,„ of hi' that • •1%."1 %thy h.. OA'? I u"li certain r 2ents who are 0 -At:is:h ; V•r the " - V s t.,ry k••••:•.• The Itori , ,r w „, ' Ivy . in th. may to" ''pitehiltr in." When the ne in , : Lei s Q w, ltl 1 1 PHn.4'lVaglit he 1. r .. " 1 :. - 111' to iEb rrislinr;, a rcs IWO 113:." 141 ,9 ., agu,tf. lie thintenpilicsi at home. and "pittlted hit the tomortoshis, who were off ht the' -inn:. li4lltin A thr the Constitution and the rhitko, as they supposed ; but they h shine found was It grinvons mistpito; as ,I ke war, Idtcr all, tutntal out to be no ALlolition war. ide has since been 'pitching in" . geerally—on paper; butstbr a "coretipett k or any body else, to expect the Motor to "pitch into" an able bodied agent el' that fOtttit's Vistury the War, wo,itht propoternos. If he had the abithf would invite hint to "pitch itite thn Skeet' sentairted itt tl*t book, but' alas fur ;Alin Yoder, he toner argue..l Ter Mrarts nt~ Comtrwi4titifti net , son h as goer) a pet ca ngrio, or rather a bird, lita stated perturbation, plucking at hitm twit* continually, his feathers standing all wrong, In vain is l'ood changed, and in vein is a suneer Outgun water kept in hi.: caw'. Theilino.: of his wretelasioc4 , i„ t found mit. If the 1 , 7.1101' or It pet difiklllo". %rill take (loan then.ip. and ttp to tb.: t• it' h«a litti3l v: 11.1. 10.1 iu . noosing morn nor lest. than goiLe, roasites infesting the bird, and v hieh %%MCI' no hoods. By procuring a emolle and holding it tinder every particle on the top or the etre till airchance of any thing being left, alive is gone, the remedy is emit:dote. The pet will soon be brightened up after his "house-warming." Tim (4t,0 tiuAnn von ,117NL.— The , Ohl elaar.l cor .Tnne iS now really. It opera, with )Ir. I:ihator.. NOW story, rl4- 10NVe 1 I,:v Jolm Ea,ten C=r4 3 der ril)taon of Om tattlo rrf Slurp,lmr2 or Antietam. -- Col. Jas., W. Wall furni...he... very tine tlesetiption of "Hampton Court. - Tim oditrir iii;11,1111•414 on "Al9imnon S \Vriting on Lili,.rty." 4 , 1m.1 the..e art. 4 nninb , r of interemin• lit , rary arthl togetlro: with a pieve of pint.;, I.y h o d, 11. lo'. All ‘vlr) ile , ire to uo The ty. a to mnt I=v t 11 , ' Algernon thntn with rt. , : pro:..oot (me. Ic,: all intam.. it) tht, tarnlp.r )1 , 1 t I• hy 4 pt!' ur . 1 • : .!`+(r4 W' Tho ('rs• i,lootha ro Foitto .1 I; HANCliol'f, of Nowto 1 ,, 1::r, • ,, y E f, xtr3 Ir,ll:try anti Miti . ;•for stp,i, at •oph A. 11 1..1 r , • - • • -ay , ti. lf : fro, ail gr , honor 10 tho Nv, , Ivivo in, nay over tany of Johr, • o; v,11,...1 the Pr o , • 11,vot t. r tsitla :At ft on bwlr..l wel,t ovt.r tho ti.durbeiow tiFi plaeo, ttnd VoIr• I:1 • , lirowilvsl:unol :mother jilimr,l I.; ; , •lich th:,t .1 ;•,. . •.;11 • • 1. , :••„1 1., , •; • , =I 3 . .. .. i 1 111 , • - • o; rpm' tim., to :In 'lmre iwillia ti t iii 1 the 1,6.1 I;t , A mt. , ; l'..q.- of . ;; nt wr,-; 1;0'1 to• Itrliin. htt-sits, on the 1:111, in heats. ti tho int nitTy of ;; , rollot• ‘l:tti.ter Pknitootentittry to that4l:ol., I'- 4;. • ti;•• ts,Li. l . , 4 St 60 , 4 tor ro.. :ot C 1.11 1 ,4 4 4' "J'1r.,14 , ”11 this 1:.-nthtittan •••• 1 *II m 411.-1 .tot; iett. , ..11 in our 11 , 1 I . ; N NTY fcit DITIO,{":; SI I`ll.lll-::'1`, 1; •o•. : 1 • tiv• ; !'• whip, t. 1.7 •• i• T,t ." • , f. 1,0.. •‘. I !hi • E% • ...... 1 10 . `11.. flw -1 ra„ n ‘vf• (smts.”- •• t foito•1 tits .t A MA'S )) N(EL v . \ 11.\. K0 4 .(1 , I.N1).%1 0 ):E !- 7. 1 - Er% /UT t , lctt : ! (!'' I .9l:V!ttl 4* ,IN ; • (;;;;! ,•• ••• ttn.4 \Mf flf Oaplivatp rf . :•17 '• I.IS. a5..2. . '4l toy:m.l4 0,%T I . ( DIL To S Noe . .12 1.5 "chm.. et , ; . :11 " 7.I'KELV V. 1100 la' NI. V. B. KLINE, Mr. imG7. - Y". l v".fit ' , 34 ‘ " 016 . 41 t 01 ' VII Vie . 4l2 • c4N4I-it 1•'• • • 4 ~ ~ . ~ 1 .: . ~ p.. MUT LA. . . . Patent 111..(11 i•J —... 1 r yon wont lho hest Punt III! Looms Itorti• ero, can I 'll voo.y.‘. 4 1 . ) P. II Wit):l.slloTrS —lf you went l'effunt.ty, ratify And Toilet muf fle., go to REIVIIIO9IIO i-rn. if you want pure Wince Pull I iiitythr madi• titilti parpoßest go to RENO emparrs. ~..„ .1 it you want Out finest Eulogel Oriti'VW 44 4 VI to lIENBERIIIOeIIOII4 firlorn4ol4, April Q 4, Mat' ~.; ,' - •: r ..• it . 1,; 1 , 1.!• • .•:111 , 1 that a g•.* , •lt . 1 : ;.•• ;•,;t:t • • •• :;•.; t C. 1' ' Among thet many redorativeg which miture , 'do piled to tottote 410. adlielione nt hinannllllslo l l4 1 , 4 no moo favorno 14 II CorLIIII 1134.1 4111•ridlId map tls -ftso,lloelai pun" of tte, IVIII 4:1,,,try Tree; 1 ,, f4 r 4040 Itt i t t, ic. pow, r to 11 ,AI, to is '11+ , 14 41 , 1 V) ritr f• of, c:,•'rnl,l en' 4.101 e e,, , oht:oot:rl ~Ith other o,t , t.y the „so' two of witutt WOW', l'lttg I-, uttue tang , 111•110 tee It romorktoblo Jon, 444 in 1"4, Whitmire Valium of Wlt4 Cherry. ..h" ,, •'.4•4 in raring ta,riths, Vothi.l. Brant/Wis. • ;•,ag t WoKh. 14.06 r. .d.thm. Pohnioni fry .111tIon, 'I • .1 ," d ent Porrrr»irtto-Air iliellllolllllls7. Wong Testimony Evaqt Itxt , JA:ux Ww4:Lha.,. Loot ..114,ter aR 44 , 10 , 4 104ahlot, "In 1h".P ,111 2 of It 4-4 I wan At+tat *Avorely Afflict• rd with a hard. dry reaxli. xSth ite 4001.11 ACCOIn• 4 0101 aweata, rtbapletety iheatrattad tnv aeryhoy ryarem, 004 plOanellig such a 11i.1M1 led oho. of Width that, aftr try Pie ti 0 .4 1 ,01 Atd (a no petrpone, 1 had divan op all tinpna o. stet JO. at.o tar trftbin Ac Shia 413g4! of Ahtti ,, t4 t waa preaatied aeon ti cmlith tit. Mit tend ,. of a Iwitrhhat to try 111.1dar's !Saloum nt Wihi Cherry, istore wailer th , , battle*, the riPet has Ahnntl masle,ll, , a 17,1,11 (....titOy Mit faA, Om high; gwe:tio doatrt+++t gut, hare Iltr, Worn 4-lat,d nw dolttP*oo4l .pirif 4, wad .mm I 'WO/ 111 4, ith.d. my w.m141 .„‘tt t. ht* thi.. 04" ml. tt.* lass rant twt:A r. , 11.Afk..; by 1,,,./ere4 eaaverahat with ihr 3mtt ,t taro ~lta'roliy .Ahtct.# . 4 ion front ho "yvning grata. Yon arq at lawny to Its.! (hi* for tae homht of Ow " 1 4 Krti W. rowid: & sov, is Tv , 1114111} St.,. 1)0,tm,, nod lure tuts by Littsygot4 gun, Tb,t 8 :ROFULA, in 0 1 1 il4 1 , 1,16 , 11 Ott 11111 , 111.11 rrerr ,fASI/14,1,1 * I•41INk. 1,1 A lilt. fif 1 , 1 1 / 1 11 .1, '. , :reett V , 11i4 t7l Nul.'4 l ll , tole4rgqi ' 1 , 10 UV' ••• 4./711 it 4' I. • 3 P 1. 1 NllMnit 41, It; • :'l•;•l3.Ndw Yrnd. T!! E 41F It If.‘," 1(. •1. i L.V. LIN `l% , Peg , --'I loc. lo cnu il h , pAja a 3; ,, ,,r ar.14:4, lot / for per wd .•r w 49 oat; of 1110,1 vrAto 11 , 11. 111 4 e ty + ,4 7st a+. I 1v 34 .1 to tt.t'li I via. th'P' C nn.i tlrp ly° 141 to q, tt±l n , ! , ' fcvr hi% v . I I I li that i'l• idnstr .1 . 1 1 SIP ilth •. 0.4 t.. .i:3o: “P" , ' t. " .. • I 4. ... • ~,i !•/ Iqi 1.•••;.... ,-‘ll 1.1..1 I -,,•• 7! . /• •! :1 4 . .1. 01, e • Ili lIMOI =I .. ,~ i~ _!. .. ~ rt:i;.,±~a' afa fir, ~ , i.ia~ , ar I t 4 P,'`-#-U 4:100.01 pvr atap ;,.., , ~• & CO., Eighth w York tri, 9. I- - r 1.()11.! :.IA*1111.s11)N1 Thp t 011+ of itw may b' try t t 'Ol' , O‘l , l4 .1(14 nli utay 4413 try bappr., vt g tr 4 t 4, .."4, I. ty diTy.A. 4 0,0 for irnrr it I t lt 4 to totAl 1121', r• 111'4, , tt,w, tig EIMEIZEM \\ ,1:1; If o^r fire :3`r.rinv 5' ,,, :t!if4 I la 4110 0 r01 , 1 int 4 1. 1 is It! e of ehlrf,, t , t t H loiotn, t% 0:i y•tn !I , oott to • ot4 at itt too I ';:ddl 'i'lVdd dk td - Vd. -+y` dd.lld'it Id, R• `w Vitt I)!:,‘FNEO: 4 . ••: 1,” t'..tart tt . "i't•ititt 41V r!,'," ‘Nrif an ; , t rot. 't r SJ.T., •••• rtvatK.An4 I tA't , i ttett you tttt't , 111(111111 ' •"' uv H A:kr rlotic. Y. .# .~`~ , ~, li ii!,llkNliosoF, Eziv: I= riot nEsToit tri# • . . - 444:0 g ri t '," e J . l:!l' , nii4 l li . olinii, in 3 re3e, ,l e . e„, , ir .-:• l^pTM. I tze , ~ ti - 1 A... A ii, inin tor.. i , .0401,, ellen. icoal 1.114 raelit al e e.. - ea de.o.hui IVvi.4llvos or PIIII ,1 11:1 1 4I.0 . 10 , 1111 by ek's if — A" ,o ' ; 1 01 . 0 000tOrY Clui , 0000. Int o pee1e , ,,,,y.. Nerttii, iie iiii i ti. 1011. 144, e4liio.o. I , *7311434e gt tifelalli e rI,I 'I`I . ne EteIIqIIIY , on . ' r,,, : NI, ed3l ono i'llyse,cll ler ,11, , , Iy. din. rev kleoe ;I J. etilVt iltti '.l, :' , I, IL C.1 , 10r Ca . Oil q 41 .0 0 'tsr`. ~2~i nw,tv , :. in vbi..ttaltsetraltha I.,°r , a:1 ,trip front nip awn Lit OW oe "Avll-Atoiso un,v. Modivote. nnti 1.v411.1111 pot,t,"Vor , th , do, N.14'111,1,0 emir log ~ tl rt ;*1•,:lo ..r t tut' :41. ow,: :inot y t v.l at, i,y •1 ttn thaw. ,• al, ,l tar, v ••• 11 ”I 10.1“ 6.. n , . v v+lr4 v”.• r,v .t• •.11:1; Lon • aa,,,!• :.• " t , .ll•••t,titta'f. :1”.1 a • t :dr. • •t :.1.11•1 I .1 t • . 1r mit, I 11, box -1) !a`s, I , I it r, )1" ' t AL ut C. C. 11 II B DR. TO SHIVE'S BLOCK, i3OOR A CoV r, • tantnet: 1r orrin 'NI: motet ~I;., , riv+l =main ree.olve,l hem :ha roy (Iflt atl tomplvit titipplY ot • S I' it i N I; , ANP :i t: ,M ME R. DRY (401)S INR ' - - ••••4•• Tia•v•gto, ttartiway• dU ma, •: 4V,1t0, Dry; s, 4.:efirmor•,• ;. ry • IA aro, TatAro, 11 , 1. 10,1 Shoe.. Ftoh att,t sot oti wh , olt 3 0, 1 •,.0••1 sotto.; at a vary !,•,‘ rhw 04,1,,cr ttr ,, lnco• 0.• at• 1 , 01 •,. 111 , 101m-I,ttult, Apr 14e7 1-'4`:()N l 11#. (C ultcrttqf t. cw rtv , , , t 4.4 11 ;*,‘ VC1401) L ; 1•11 .• !':, •! 1 , 1 at Mint 101114110 ph I 10 • !8, ! ritiPt Cu•m•Sv Z:111..5'40Ft L 1514,111T19. of Ludlow „gad childrerive (Lvter nnd IS ni === kit Qatensware. C.IFtiO. 1 Magenta) fa bag bail' and oneOrtriger Illarsl* New to matte your releetione. as 1 ail offering good. at very low ',Went. anti oat Warta I fair nerititnyto alliaalf not in he tirtnernold by any. J. J. isSUW t lip ma eat e oriatin, lent 11ANKS 1 BLANKS! 1 ever •Njo° NI for bale, .; 01;• oftiom. t i tyttet t tt.;.41 te. itli :,.•• MEE lEEE •• tit 11 1 I: IL , : it;e. ,t •611 ^ 111 'I, • ' t.rt. 1 I , t • t.•••••‘ • •• •t ••• 1!:r ter) , • ~ . •,, • •• •.• , 1 ••1 tltt ~.; ! ..r .1, • ••1 .• . •• • ! • . • • 1•11`i 't t INIM 111111MMII G.ll e C ,!: RIS S, c. .31 .• • • • . 11=11 t_l,ln. ~~~ _ 1 ~~~. ~,~ r~,~ nibs Mown's' Commit lithaluseo Med' Ilitioadog Crresc” Phulases “Nisht illsoltaissu teirtur.*l rhatlONSi " Night ninuraiolg erresic*, PlintanN oeffigtat 113110.1Wfts: C 13.0111.0 A toot reqtOtte, &Woe, lAO Ih. thA Mott tot from the rate awl 6 , uigtf , 4i, *boa item teh:eh H lakes IN woo, Altionfnutiml nuly by VILIMON & NON, Now Vol*. lommto or cotuvreorErrs ASK FOR PP kt.ONN-TANI: NO Minn TO LA I)1 Es. it" yea ?plats a reliable retetuly to reptant yau,atftt raattivi wytilat kw* or OWN( lion., VH44'4110 tha heats Tim ty yrnta ezlfarleueatrna ptuyed tirit Dr. Harvey's Female Pile, have u 8 owat Car tirtuuv tog rlhotturtiour. owl Ivry; uluriitaw. ,Na mart rl4llll what enure they :mow iwy are .1w p.) uurto cu." rfir3., One 01,1141 r, Dr. liorny's Golden Pills, tae to 'Hedy tout degree» et totter than the above, and itattetled for eveetet C 0104.41 or long 00130.144, Price, FM! iodt, r e p p, ft,q, A I, Omit* EriVIM! (*meter, watt Ettgrerothge, vet tt nit appla atm% p4ll yeti ra Ohm grt tbn Pine et your drnygirt, *tali rho iimpe.y to N. J. tttyen, Jls ItfundwJy, New Volt, 4.4,1 they wUi to rent tett (Iwo ()hoer% Ott:Miry noun , of nut! likke, 9, PO'--ly. 1 OUNG 31 EN. . tr 1134 do non the fu , rt-:11414. may k %-ed el" Dell's Specillo Pills, (I opredy and pprorinost core or:4. niianl weak 1',q , in.31 and XerVnwl dOnlity,tl, prt r Nit7i elf iff/}l ,, r, „f r t, .nr Vno , hrat twit.crrti 4t...% 1, n illeet‘ flittiA h :1T:W . .2., and anf . t4tlrrt toltri-, 'Or lbont , n, tr, r iA .••i or M utiag", Hod of ...•11 ter ininatonl in au 111'10 , f •• AI in! n.,11 ,, 1“) in V.CLiog try r eff v....:vlabte and .1141 . 1111 r, On ltri . n !" oth,ut 171•tltcti+nl or inlay. roi.nitq,nud o,,itch nt4,n4 Trig Ili , In. I'mq, Ono lloitat. I • ~, „ n ;n,.•; iron , r t 1., / 1:r •I, 011 ':(f(”} ht , tl, ft, ,, 4 . 0 , 1 y If rt I•• • ; “t 1,1;• p•ttt i . C•O .•• 1 I`. •-• • ir .7 II;BY MI MEE ~,... ~ ~ . lo th . 'r Ti, It b;.?i n,. .. p 11•13 •• •• .••• • • i• : I rOl• ItO per • • . • • • ..• • P. I • •• •• Witus , I 1 pr, I - 11A E I i• •nt siup.., , •iar~~, a 1. ..•••.kh %* 1111. , 31 P• 4 t e 411114110,1. Hy etoiente 1.1.... o 1.::•!, 41 , 1,00111411, t41.1f u( eye; nr! I GI); CIA P:44llltA IL:3I"Ci Oin• ad I in )Inflonlf, )"I aiti 1 1 1 ' k III II ` , 110“1 1 . togottiot itti dv•ired 13 , tn to ifidence. MAIM MK UeRTCUIPL RP. , W1%9T4 W. P 0. Out tilt yrit Troy. It Y. rop. t. 13,, A YoUNG LADY RETURNING To Ito, country boor. taper a Po!MDR o r rr , v to nolo , in the hardly rt rogniaed by net In. rJa. In pdarr of 3 entir.e. rotate nisib..4 late. the 114 , 1 a Cali Taby ftl'apb•ilaa of attooM marb , o tott:oohno:66. and 10mit.64 of twruly lhrrc the'rt no/ nispotrill hat ;Ishtettii. I - you inquiry nat. ceam• oi PC great n Mango. OM p 1 alai,' toibl Illein dal she Noted the Vircateian palsy mid condole...6r; it an In. onto/lido aryiirition to arty L 4 0 .1 wart Ity rte Yee coy Lady or ()optimums eon iniphLve their potential naltnoraiito au hoe ti.J r : ,•!. It .0 14811111 , 0 Coin Pcfaulf to ample, yot aa•Upasp• rd in tie ofilcsicy in drowse' lanplirilier re an. also healing. claaueitir mill boat trying thenklit MIMI COM. Ply its dirntt oction on the Catld• It Oratt (rows ill 11. imp's, Alec WIWI 11.01:1 lbs taiwt. nod ' , living the oUrr.irlt ohosild ao, clone. P. it. and tionatifot. Prito It. aril by iunil Or rapitra6 on reotipt of an radar by W. at Cheintote. N 0.3 Weft rayotrop.. dyraotote. N. Y. The only American Allem. for the gale n( the .tinie. (Tt:b VZ KS 0 iv I' II Y •513,1.2., r.. r. Morino rt. the VC", linstirh Aotroi. roht, I o). 'lt .tad ro@humentrun, who lao* ar , trtudial :40 'minim' , claw* of the Old t~ortd, 1146 oat Ihentoti.Lernelf at lisidooth N. Y. Mel taw Thorp:on p ar .corset ruck nondotfri porter! of we. mot 'Wit, act./ (nal.te poet to import km:nil:do of tan crietoot impartance ~.0 0 0 or m A rriort at alba sox. While in a Mato of trance, rho deit ne aten the r (matured of the p.)t 4mi you Ay, to m ar . ry. mud Oy oho hid of an meat:mat of ittiettoo pew• or, kiloton no the Poychoo.ottopr, gi,o;antr.eo to pro. &en a pictora of the future hutbathl Of wire of the oppimeal. Mirth., with ditto ti.arriage. p... fill.-h in trad:lty !tales of character. lac_ This :o no humans, on thousand* of tretimoninie Olt ari sen Pim will ' mad ome, &triad . 0 ratified :atilt. tate r Or ta.fthen ouatuntoe, that the pirtnr . r. is wtat FUFIIOIIIII . I.IIO. tnell'illj 0144 . 01 . 11/rk id half.. and orating place of air' h. age, dimmetiton and toot. Pleziondlltd cnclo•lng any gent. owl omit:not envoi • npo addresorid to yogroall. you Will receive the pie- I ire and &aired infametfon by lanai mall. Ail car inadientlars ea:redly contiaentiol. Adder.* to roottiavoco. 11l Alt C F. TIIORITfIat, j.. I tg I . (1,0..0, Y (Pub di II.LINEit AND FANCY STORE. 1, 40 31 Strerl, Cotiitnbhi Cu. 443aa1l SWIM. 1,1 • :• •r. eitleono sr I.lolt Ftreet and tc,t ids Ma °Monett ts t • • - tat ._;., 4t„ ) Vau 4 ') SIO C, she has shale:} With a 'neer and new assert ment of Atopecv and Fano' Cianne.l tom the I:return Calta, Alt the Spriss and tithatart trade, Her .j'. coned's. of AM. ARTICLI:S fnion4 in :Ira( dare msfbisery 11.1 goods ore 11110.binit. ittka'rnmstliandinens., to o.t mai kid. 130NNEIVI wade loonier. and nepairina done with noaktess bud &panted', Ail w., oleeeied in to., heirand moot tatty mitipar. I.on rliallollll6le romeotor oittotion le Paid In died* maniai. Shit ha. l'AllTtitiel or every droctlythill rettal.lilig to the trade, co hood and for elle tbiliP. Give her a tall—Mom in Warden's tam* laloly as upleii Iw Mit• Julia Nharat A priiia GO TO BROWgit'S TO BUY YOUR WAsitTNIV tstActritslo4 lil .opc,o 4 , 4_m.0 $s la . OM 4 hemlt I* opirot o, il ottg 'Assn* , pest pleasure is loins In istiodwsiss 10 i lisbits DOTY'S, CLAITHICS VIAIIHER , bich to lofty thee, nuns peolent, ;Ad with MO !Opaline the bird work of wiwttlott to initititteol too woottohla and photon* look 'lire 414thgrill Pre placed in brut solo, toot Wait in. White thuoinortoro• tot mot the *Worn croaked, Hot SihriMln Oporated SO oven ploy.. 'rhos tho work to ototottly. rtrorly tool Wordy I.r, and that Poo ottlowit te:trino 0t . ,1 it4t Ent lbw clothes, with* to o ortott rotteta to toe tootle ureter the old 10/Wooed giolofts %tlth 'UNIVERSAL et 0111 E: WRINGER lie , +a kale 14.1''Or Of *eating lat but a pleasant Imp ~..aapa oaf la 01$ the formae imala at" RI!Ra SNG AN!, at tialoillaail /Owing, Ti. dtti 1.41 ,, a.pa1,a0 Mir erns that twl.e rwre4eAry ta,4 , tpri it. No family la an Liaal,lv ha wittioni L>tarS ('leOl ' i fl OVA :,'"Hilt t . % !VERSA'. 11.1g11114 4 W111N110:11 1,1001. ni 1111111 1 Mae 1410, o,llow, 101. ,1 tp•tior, • - • • I 4 4PI t•i • - • • .41 ao•IIV rll , , • Wilttger, • • . • 11 54 It, • • • • • • 141101 iiV r• Uri 1.. !Wel • I v. Br rN#4Pa LAU:, 4 POWELLT EMBROCATION, I\l INTA ru H00t:44 Mil `.• .• 'l' 44 tt,41•41 401 0 :f 4t.104, 110 r 44 , 4 4i 44. r t . .144r.• 1 to a mattl,lo 4, , t1.4 a toll 14 110 \144111.... 411 th.! 171014 11:41 • 14 4'4 h it,rr , t4+.lti th rt *fiats au it.* caitipft. -o,4A.llratttq , l to arr,•,,l nyt .:ng tn.! 10;0 , 00114 - ' 44 ~Attruat appG tot th.! for wl,,un to t«°ocrnrmrznded. V.'•• iltro it wit! w.rx ite mt.n 4+ 1 4,1 14114 tio uan r, wfid toy 0 Or, e =nd 4:444(4 vx4+4 , 440 , e ad 1110 Ite , t i 0 0 ita alvtills.:»0„. It 1,, 1,...40:,11.• INCIEM !.1N ••• ..„, 1 t.v, ft. the. hpvt‘tuttott • t Luattoratteat hu.:1 , ,,1t pot up tar • rc, .1,10 yvdt., rad it throd,th 1.41, ifi, ro t ,,, rq z . ,tat Niid tifOritt te1•41,1 14 Jay I; tet,ds and ttt;r pebiiu that I tend ft fort% as t h e trend rtdtted,,,d tor .lot f,= , u, dl r.,* US to W2urh taut auble :I ttorf , ti Motitkji, Utr hares I. 1. ;V* V.*tt; Itavl betli ito• poblic tit 310. r oft , Of iite ~:+l, r 4 at beat of little ii fnatl - ty %twit) , trn , 14 ' i" 01, tot Witirit.ti,y are - 4110../00,1 A re-Oly roa:parstirw, twr4I,A , FIS Pant Lt t "I" RC+ tiw ^rtsr 11140 'V A 1.1.3 A 1111. E HORSES, nod Ine tom:fling,. r!4O. 4 4 tem 4 , 4 4lr tfr 3I 41 . 14 f'.7:r.or, '4 hot w 1.6,4 nrn at iello Ynity 0.31f1011. tiVal"; prcrajled 1.011441,1' Eittltfo , ,,ll,fl - k,Al,icto Int% vr.ved nt. ofir rruun to the Vti.lo9o 111#FOO . O . t. to let and hr right mit to t ptthl.w. `Ott* toCZil)oo Hon a}tauaiveiyaged thu Corptronylit ,tunny rtte nor. 'tterlelFS a!• 4, 04. — 4 O m. V.l+4dellf6l4, PA. 4 11..” It; . 4 )i),•14.11r.7:41 no•r ~ ,l iretioili• to roptenisk 1.4, `I k ,• I. rv! and be Iv Pftplllos6l Eeli as low as auy Dtiler in this .ccu•w cauhi , 7. A call upon ny any prior alio under...ands the price of p l od...and the asfolily of 117 'Awe. affil MOW 11.1. feel riot... 411 eosins.. no 0.0 ussest heft' unless they are entirely •abshed. 11e will ►n glad to see hiss liociole snit Iliss public asiserally another shay hay or lint Ills nsock roosists of the best varieties of es vim. n.Asisco. OM: %It. lEA • HMI :of dins monis sy.) Priers, IM MO D i.l'd. sin their *coon' Ntherti,sl. Agin rioicu cm Ack LizA, it OA I' h I A %II I.ES. Am. he.. I;tlAt, el 1.1V1•kIu 01 I.lh. oleo a OHO affOttalffil of hey floods and sold a full sanely of ....... of the above class. and of 01Of r bini., In odditi .... to islimn 6c h,s res.entl:. lidded lobos Stork a One assortment tit CI;DARIVA-ItE AND WILLOW WARE; to u bleb enclose of a• , 0.1s lie bus sweat* new .if fp le, of mod•ro H1%40411010, estenslvelly Used whore known, and winch , asi•t ohne into owl *see He al.:. hen ti sa;sßly of French hloroccoes; nod also of Morsesess Linings ' (CI esiiiienialteea wotlt'; nod it cowl assottamot 01 41 vireos r.vta rc . • V W " Ca.! 11Of AMIN IC • MIMI . o•nr.,,•r. f Main 46.1 Itou pinow*burf i l. A pla PI!;STINV EVElts* N'enly ImPeesed CIO :SCENT (!.11,E, OVIIIISTRUNG PIANOS, • All: at 1W r„tl De TIL; Ulla:. • rflie and 1;10K , ', awois la Anon stik„revi 'Oat uri nnd rand riagni 4in m ARM' Wrßeer.. A7Til lth Nat—din j below Ath pll .P 11 gAMITI KLINE, win *Men., to Writiri• Welip perk. :11artirage. 10 its. ep. Ifisafiv Not , p, ,fise..euserte, kr! mannol of Welting llrtwamon parlirs. •proinpoy aril tartfiglly Henson. May F. seat AUTY A UttUltill. ROI. FN.!Crt: le RI LKI"t: CURIO by the 14,0 of rlit*Sit LE d'l t r.vitux. life 101 l Warrovntril In Cori 111 , m. 0.( eiroight mot ptithhorn Omit of eliis..r .or ult . ' Wulff' tUtelW., or ItOory ihnotove royl*. tios teen hi,,d , he the ni.b.nonble3 el Peres an , l Londen With Itto mo..t groofy ono rtuslio. Woo oil injury' to t InOr. PoOlo I.y mitt, ...Med Clot 10 6 0 4 1 1 . 1 1 8 1 .— Ite•triptito ritc•lnr. dENGER, dfivrrs é o:tir mot.. Nn. thelltirttr $l.. Trot. I. . 14 n l e A4bMt. IrOf the United aniline. rrb.V7, Idu7-1/. t i 'l T 0 •E FR. Y ILO.D Y A ta r o tY pp. Cirrcler, vying :n tortootleo of to! dreattot 111;p0tlaital to the yoang of bath Ooze,. It 'cacaos Amy thu homoly ay:her otos beautiful, the doarsrod roweled. mad its rurealter. loved. Nu young lady or gentleman should fall In sand Obeli tubtroaa, and receive a copy poat•paot, by ta. tarn mall Addrsaa I t 7. Drawor,ll. Troy, !V. Y. reb 1147 ly TIIt ICLoNtlf OF MAN IN IergRNOTII. A 'cootie nun who eager.* for 'Pats nnm blervinit end Genital Debility, Nightly Knilesiene, end enneisial tee reeelt•et vnuthrel indintiniinn, and ea Mt Iltif Padilla Me gays lie heyeleee notory, fnr t he make of m wreg . : l4 tan, rend to !Inv Mir ed. thn simple means moot br blow, WOO) e&etild ere In ieguw *liege law 4141, teed!, inn p • lend a c inch:Are •nil 'tamp lad will coot .loßt boatel. ' to, woditl6ll4lllo4 114. N.Y. City, NOTIOIVIO CREDITORS. All pooototo ikoOtottof ih‘tritelv , l tnlutted t 9 tho ttaderolllll4, it reguefattJ to mato payment without orloy J. RIPITIM, 14.0 Alocielrart Fa 13, 111,. MEE HUMAN FLESH, I.IIILNSED COVE:MUM )LEN %.F STORE. Tuitions rtritllectfully lIMMIIMeIa to Mil AOl Mital. ,bilwarnaii a new Cloth'', sod 4,loll="tiratiCaZ "Market ottesta, :Noinose, o Haylogjam, raturad traatiVadelphis WO a INV mit at Fall rind Whiter Clotslug and Ilenttesnee's rural/Ong donna hoe; tis SM. ttarn ptmaelP ttwat he can please . ills ninth eo* , moo, NEAP S , IXDBOYS' CLOT/111M MEI DRESS COATtli SOK COATS, OEI COATI, PASIS, VS*Ta, - 811►RTC DPAIMRS. COLL IP I, wocitricr, 110$!F: Y P X. 117/ E HANDsvicumar, VisimuJs. tend to tin nverything in Hi* Mutsins or Fr rmisbiog iin sit Vcry I..nua Pri . eat !in addition to the Above be has se elegem tteetot mem oC ' /I • CW6O4 vagteners, nud testiugP. 111•00 to ntdur at thy Atm toot Potato Gail nod ace Wore porch.tootir Aerator& and 1.1 GHAT 11VMM% J. W. VIIEVIBEILIAIC totor (I), 140 NEW GOODS Ai MEI NEW S 1 \0 1.41 nu: NEw sToRH of CREAff & JOHN, H. NOW III:COMB ( E ki) QUARTERS' t7ooDS , THEY 013.11, MANY 660101. : THE% SELL uuoDs crizAr They ►eels ovN , yrihinst yott may alot, 4atl an , l see thellt ant you will be awe to boy, THEIR STUCK COMPRISES ~ Girgams, S't i a, S°r'i( J':: h. Lc. ,It , s , I /10 , IBM r'e Ch 7'u' .1 ' .t l' )1 r .ile? ZiUa heraa Cdnths Sari lt'S ii'U r USii ;3 ( 1 t'd M HSI 7 4 , 1 th 1.. 1 ftl 141 ' Stedi 61 ALSO, llT'p non', Rohnetel rents. Wlatto nada kit tirearrw• , r ftlia , tawate. Loultin.i.eleeeea. t:dot. r . ',Leif•, tr.r t_•l ramt tee krep sverything. chie „,,,tore,, e need tut use; and tt Mall be given tletrimiiie pot 10 be enderettld. All kinds of trodden token at the lushest market price• L 7 ALP°. Thrre re connected with the store a TAILORING nrrmcnievr whet , : customers buying I kith* of um or eletierhrre Can barn then mad, p ver..h and despatch cheap for culls. The Wer%tirell cid cretteleptlyeeinioredi b, taZ4ll,ll' & Joup. ENcIIANOE RESTAURANT The I' , o k .rwtur having rattoom”4 vind sqfitted RE...TM:RANT. tit tuu b•uctuaat ut Ili* EXCHANGE HOTEL, he ww:l,l eiost tevectfolly Itolithomell of the vocronstro b*. old i tu.toinere, altJ v.rdially in vile abs all•atiou or se* once to ds n•l'reslimenty. 1111 w e : Shill, OYSTERS , h CANNED OYSTERS • MgtIFILBD ovsnite, FL half 1 - 1811. Aileen timers per ,ereet, II k.M lIOLOUNA. LIQUORS ANI. I CIGARS,. QT tip can be eerrttl up to customers at womeots P./114V/, 111 VMS 10 ES Wirt LES, srfAVLD. CH .1 VI: PRIM). og AO. to twit the la%teli Of the e;tieurolli. J.AWISON. 4:11LIIAN 111.13assburi. !3. IP6?. ern tomettt glad tlJtat• of joy to on. I'e lie and to old t , great aim) tor mitidt '1 he beauty which otios INCA to otectotto and rate. irto lat. *lid all may as fait. BY TIM USE OF CHASTELLARA White Liquid Enupiel, For Impr“i in, .e.t heetlit ine therningletialt. lb, mom valuable end pe• Pet prep:lnstant Is nee Orr e t, t oc t he shin a beautiful pearlli4ll Oat. that Is oni) noted in youth. It quietly r. novels Tan. nett • Ica. 'lonics 11101ehrr. Moth retches. kellenritree '4, 4 ,60 1 4 ant fnt , nentee. 0( the thin. kindiy healing tu n h hying the thin V. hitt; and Omit an elithaa. ler . tin time cannot he deteettl by the •Insert ecru troy. end being a vegetehlevyrparotturi lc 'mewl!, I. is the only arth it of the kind wed by lb. french. an! is roneol. red or the Par Inn as is • th.e. wide tel a **.:16,,t tnetet Thowafde of 300 hu111 , %; were void the pant year, a r 05 1 6 1,61 gliersinteli of Its rI cvcy Pure only 75 note.— blteit by woo . prat paid. Oil reeelpi of an order. by ObAl3k3t. 6111;178 k Oil, Chemist'. Ircb e 7 1867 ly 265 giver daftly. N Y• RUGS, DRUGS, DRUGS. 'lure 511edzepel, st inhn o L , Mee drop Ptuy (linter ht Math AndAs'itt itet• . A wirli MOM of • IFFRE MeOlcinte. ratara. 011 nil Vail 1101000• "pip,tit aad will 111. word Oral*, teen 0 01 Dreg pore 10t ,0 1 .... -) • (111414tYlItIA RAtITEF4Ii. Plaseripllghts carefo:ly d at loyet.'s Drug Stare.: Ayvvi and J i ging i alag A lciaes sold at Moyte's Drug MAW', Tat 911/111PII. bbd Liver Olt, IVina"w•, flonthing syrup. told at Mayor' Dreg Store. tvr any reliable patent modicums, call &tido:1111'o Drug Nora. LraUtaf of all kind,, vtOtoteaala and ntlll, at J. I. Ninfrr's Drug [Bore, Bloolnaburg, Pa. ITII WH I will pts Als• cone mto el SU watt. feet ttitt, to Wat ingten totrellt, /0 , 4 ef poet' Low ' W'lD Unhlt/ lOW S'ebyt4e., Sho eI , R(' .6 li it'll , OM FEE It rpe ibto/1/8 B w EMI . i • , Jlata C , ' 2 AVolinni