Bloomsburg democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1867-1869, May 22, 1867, Image 2

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    Voivagbistv ittmoust
*XL U. JACOBI'. Editor.
VI ednordu, , *VI, 1461.
S. M. PutmanLt. k Co.. 37 Park Now ?law York
Ira duty authorised tosuutrit *lid receive euhaertp•
Ilona and attiertleing far the Persotrat tow', pub.
iirhed at Eiloaeiaburir. Columbia county, Pa.
Democratic State Convention.
The Democratic State Committee, at its
meeting, on January t:tttl, at limiiAntrg.
ntionted the followtng teMutiowi
Ist. That the reviler r %volition of the
!arty, for nominating a candidate tbr the
;•npretne Bench, ho held. at Ilarriaborg, on
the Si cond Tumidity of June, P.t.7, at t clef ,
o'clock M., and that said Cinjl Olt kw be co i n .
I Mita of the mom) number of delegates.
'Jed. In addition thereo, it is recoil' mend•
id to the Democracy of l'enoolvania to
tbrthwith elect, in the usual manner, two
deleßtea, or recognized p04ri, , 0 and join
trice m the party, For each He presentative
and &lender to their reepeetive district. wh o
rind! meet in Maim Convention, at Harris.
borg, on a day to be fixed by the Chairman
of the State Celina) Committee.
Hy order of the Denwratic Fmk. Com.,
WM. A. W A MACE, ChM mien.
awn.. DAVIS.
Two years ago, upon the lith lay of
April, PO, Abraham Lincoln met with an
untimely death, at the hands of an ttesw.sin.
On the following day, Andrew &aortal was
sworn as President of the United ,7 4 .tates.
and direetly upon his inauguration, large
amounts of money were offered tiA" the
arrest of JeiFEtts N ItAxts, upon the
ground, as then sit td, of complicity in this
horrid murd er, IF LITER' N s teas
arre-ted ; —in the Ineautiato the rewards
offered have been distributed to the hovel al
pen.on,4 participating in the arrest, and
Pat is remained in prison, under the charge
of assassinating the President of the United
states, Committees were appointed by
Congress to investigate the assassination
affair and endeavor—as they did—to find
some—no matter how incoa. , ..idt,rahle -cti
dettee against 14%1,4 to an a,st k:.). Al
Palls, during all this time, two long
years, Wad confined in prison without a f•iitek
legal effort being made to con% ict hint of
any crime either as an assassin or a tettiter.
Two whole years he was made to tat:Kr fa
supposed tart3l4X the LOV,
ray suppo.o,/ recm,a, o Imm is
guilty of any wrong act in the eye of th,
law until he has been by competent mid, t i re
before a duly constituted and authatiz,
Court convicted, and so declared by the
court upon the solemn o a ths of tw,
citizens of the land. Hems! di. S
DAVIS was wade to suffer impri?enment for
no offence, barely upon the Hetichat is de
clared in the proclamation of ANl.lttli
dottNaox in which he Mftr, .1 tbgmcat
money rewards for DA\ ts's
Finally upon the thirteenth ,hay ' MTV
467, this pzisoner releasul upon
security in este konterr4 401.w0 , 0',/oit'aeh fte
ltis appearance in t'Uni t at t-oelt linty n 4 the
roust direct. Under the laws of the land
every person is entitled to an early and
peedy trial according to law when ..mithicfl
uron suspicion of an offence.
lion. Horace Greeey has incurred the
wrath of many of the Republican party by
waking himself prominent in urging the
trial or release of Avis. Ile hits brought
down the wrath of nearly every republican
sheet published in the conrtry upon him
self. Wo feel with roftr.nce to his conduct
that he—Greeley—has done no more then
was his, duty. The laws were being most
shamefully outraged, in the person of Hails.
Grce!...y had, through his prominence. as a
jonriilist, nidsd in inoniding the public
opinion against Davis, and he for that reason
should ho willing and ready to urge that
justice may be done under the law even to
dcrenagon DANIA. The Governnemt had
fur two years, after the rebellion bad been
abandoned, contitied him, who though dur
ing the contest of war was aft open enemy.
yet wilco the war was ended became merely
an individual citizen, and should not be
tortured to death without a trial. ant con
viction of crime. We say. therefore, that
the hoed of the Republican press, against
the Government and elevially against
Greeley, is as foolish as it is vlnditevo.
rcvley only did that which, at , it.eitizen, he,
should feel obligated to do. ,Tho, govern-'
went Only aid that which it Aimed have
done at the time Halls was attested—ad•
mit him to trial or Moos:him. Upon the
other hand the Government, in - the person
of the executive officers are, and should be
held, guilty of an offence against the personal
liberty of her citizens never to be forgotteb:
The improper punishment in such manner of
any one citizen of aGovertunent is a violation
of the privileges to which all aro edified'
and all should fuel an equal ititorett.
The cireumAtincos attending the release
of Dxrts arc enough to wake any citizen
who truly lows the froodeni guaranteed to
the Constitution and law, sincerely mourn.
Few are willing to maintain that injustice
eas btniu.duila 41_ . A Ina* iu:divittutti,
hutuan, vindiatise ,alit,grossly iu violation
of her; injustice copstuittod iµ the wimp 01
patriotism—much aluisod hy the
exeetttive officers of the 09v9vpipont which
is announced to the world as the "tome of
the oppressed,'"etheland of the free."'
;sashes into be found in the punishment; 9f
offences befbro convictions, then Windt
called the "bogie of the oppressed." If
free lotu consists
.in the unauthorised and
unlawful restriction of the tiglitiirPersonal
liberty then is this the laud of the froo."
Rut if the laws of the lapd,areto be viola
ted by irresPoustihia.eXentitive Avers limier
pkas of nccomity, or of suspicion, 14i has'
been the case during the past six years,
then had we better not at least be honest
and say to the world, that this is the /tome
apprussiors and the land of ,avast.
tar 'Flu. grow
Tldt!►z swore 1111601000104
The friends of temperance in Columbia
County have of late been waking commend
able efforts to ebeek the or' ariaing from
the allure of intoxieming di . The citi
zens law-aged in 'this la a enterprise
h a y. : pursued a very m • yours..., and
the desire on their part see d unip• oat a
a prove eAcck should be given totll6.Ansi
of the privileg , ..2 oltiob the law eonfers upon
parties who are allowed, %tailor the law, to
sell spiritous and malt liquors. At our last
Court reitoalst cameo wire presented Against
the !keeping of ectittin Waives, h u t,. th e y
were not pt e sed with that spirit of truvlige!.
ty which has often char:Q . t.:sized such move
ments. The design of tfio remongratits evi
dently was, to show to the cannumnity that
the very proper and well considered cuard- ,
which have been thrown around the f•iile of
they d im i orous beverages, shall tot 10 1 ro.
ken dim n. The reetrictioas of ti. • law, tg.
they new exist, are the result cf t
time of many wi-e minds, a- "..• • -; er
ieneo pt . waby sI a " ' ' '
VitiZ" l : be ,
his duty in th is I
oondounity sk.t;ala r,;opt y:;ra
that the low of the 'ond. must he oh ;.
O ur L an d, God 0.
disregardance of the law for the p irt
Po y Irtc oc rig
We are :Furry to hear that in this Conley
there are Some policy Penworats who think
we arc too outspoken AS if IA man could
held and tire tot) rapidly when the enemy
were surroundiny him, heart on plunder and
If we area fast. POMO a this policy (las. ,
arc .low swatch roc it. Our Democracy is
Hot of the FuL 4 tbled order. We flit not be
hove in this sch.ct cuitiott, downy-pillow,
milk and-aati r ILp lu era, , y that is always
apolvgh;; star astaiL4 and ateataitrg
Lotwcon the I , ttlleti of the braes kad the
‘Ve thtt t like thettiu,ohlior. , echo ride to
battle in athhttlanoeA or iivere , l corrin.o:
otitit ;sing tho brace men Ilho are nt thr
front, fighting bawl to haul against odds.—
Nor tike tc. revoive ortler,t from vow:vary
t#o, wen who are intrend i , I ho l 'pt
etliehtl to.ttronat t: e r t,e;iotct
Jtel Democracy
at ail. Tic! lean who whiaiarr:: is Weser
h ear d in the roar gx 1 a l';171C1PIC
is oed, it is irottit L. ttlin tiler, ail it can
to FOE
wreatled with the angel till he w o n the bles.
vine', while thotie who adopted policy, and
waited, never have been heard rrotn,dore.
p„r w y p,ltiocrat , are go d iu their jhee.
Ctorarli t , t tlae rear'. I you are afraid to
tlght in the front, go to the rear anti !deep
till the battle be ended, but don't forget to
1,0 crn but,,,cure lair.— 1,, rev noll
roe,. ate fel tl4is !
U le, t
i ,rw.p, of Defoovr%ts tiltudticti I,iti
,ol,ll.vil —wt with thw
1):1;tis , rotiiing of
h ti!ilt tt&ur
p:,fi.,o- ~f They Irtay..
their unettlio. : hot 1!“11 0 KW their f
'fender phttitA , he eartful “r them
h4lll.vcra tic torit.3.
We plemied ehrouiclo the Nets that
the Pentocracy of the vity of Wiilia tusp, - •rt
hare been triumphant in their municipal
election held on Wednesday of 14- , t week.
They electe I Dr. W. F. Tew their can
didate for Mayor and nearly their whole
tieket, by seventy-eight nia,!orit: !
This is set dawn asagaio of t hunired
and Simla over the vote of la-t,
when the present Radical ineumbout, Mayo ) .
Wmal, was elected. The Radical vote was
cast for J. D. W11.1./C.E, a man 61 WO
standing and character in the
. Republican
synagogue. Thls is a docidod encouragnteut.
Last fall Gov. Geary carried that city by a
m a j o rity of wish() •PeV4P over the
and bravo boy time "Old Berks.' . II rverrtt
ei.vmEtt Hurrah for the Demorracy.
Williamsport. •
The Itomoststey e t, „. 1 ,
the;r ticket -by a ba04.•,.n0- r•I
Mayor over • 1
slxly*ctTht 6 a lark,, ,
gain er-e: la .; •:• • The 1. 1 3.
'tr.-racy cf th:: •:., ••!' '.
good cause to NjOiels, Uri p. , repte
throughout the country, et hen they behold
that large and.corrupt mass of Republican
ism growing beautifully less. Licht is:
breaking in. the people can begin tee e•ce
their way clear, and the country is being
wrenched trona out the bawls ,of p
. lunders,
knaves and neetrilerers, ulna have.
near about sopped all the life Wuod fVom r
the nation. Buckles on your urusor, hide--
pendent white freentem.and prepare for a
general onslaught on Radicalism in Abe
owning full campaign. •Conuevtieut and
.Kentucky have neidy led the way, and :why
net manfully follow is their ex,souple.! it
can and trill be done.
- t
Tilt: Itt n tr.% t. State Convention of
Alarylana in its proceedings portrays a vary
beautiful picture of the fruits and plelistires
of Eadiealisin. There were two hunched
and fifty delegates in attendance, of which
number one hundred trete Degrees. There
were, i!Peccbca made to the Convention by
two white men and by about bix or eight
_.,early one half of
,tho delegates
were colored, and nine tenths of.tbe pro
Areflings were intensely black.
Amokg ether &aerations it Was ReSo i ref
trY the Itlpublicans of 31aryland assewishat
in convention. That we mi•eifirni.ow der
mend heretofore nuide,for the.reeoguitieulAr
law over cll the country, of the onetir4equill-,
ity nj all 4 1inerienn 444,:cas is all ,skit
potitirasi,r4diia, t4ithout reipst.d,Co
A metier! .to appoint five odditioratil
members 'from Baltimore city, and one from
esoh county, upon the State 'Central Com
mittee, was adopted by the. Convention
lad upon, the suggestion of negro the
Pros'uluut appointed all Mack 'non. Won
der it Ns i asylvani4 Badiwls wilduot do the
the saino,3.
regiotto 41
At en election hell by dm AA:414401
Sooiety of Columbia County, in the Court
110030. on Saturday laht, the 101Iuwing per-,
sons. were vivant to serve am ollitterA of the
liutiety for the ensuing ypar :
n t 010:Pii I'. Cmct 0 It, of Centre.
17ee PerAientr—ciplob Barton, of Bloom ;
William IL Shottioaker, of ilentloek ;
Jaws Mabters, of Pine; Matthias Hurt man,
of Ca taw laa.
RE. entire Comm/We—Cob iliram It.
Kline, or Orange , Peter killmoyer, of
Bloom ; Sylveotor Pure4l, of Ilendook.
Ncutters—Loomod U. littprrt, of Bloom.
Tremor, 3lotolvolodl, of Moon..
A. Sloati, W. H. awl tcr
NITI`C )111171,7111t:1 0, 111!Ult t r'•
;IF 1.1 W l llOll , . I •,•, • 1.. '
111, , . 4, ..*ety r 0 1 • .1 11,1
~..; I. t •1.. ,
' • P •-, •
•. , • ,•
1 . . • • t • ...ti •
• Soeicty to be
„ 'without aoy
:0, niv.l over a thuwaliti dullarit in otsli
on bawl.
'i'l►►s Wood Top Railroad.
The controllers of this road have, within
the rot six months, improved it very much.
All the obi trestle have been superseded by
new and apletuliol material., while many oth
er improvements have h v on made, Tice
Broad Top Road is one of the surest in the
State. It has a less nonther avoident4
recorded than any other line of the same
longth reported, while the rare and atten
tion of its officers to the comfort 4 of the
traveling public speak in the most favorahle
terms. We do not think that any one
hesitate to pront o n' tn
t! , • ; „f !„
e , 0.• •
: .
:• .•;1!.11 •\ lh • :II • •.•
th” •,f. • : :t •
though it ha • i ! N
S'hc ti.tts,4 tilc ropi
ibi s road p..4;-feetly Fitfti awl in a vviy g
t)elt.cate frAvytte.9.
Our Tlenorn'alie hrienhs thron4hent tie.
e...nrity via Twat in nriricl ti,t this De!orate
elceCar: s:i '':ru cvrurtVtrilllha 11.1-1 on Sat
erday, do , fhat l'it;:•• i:ext, in aeeonlatteo
with the h.lets lug reN,lut::al 1 , 411301 11,‘; the
list coinny eanvetnieu
/:,vot-e , /—Th4;t leaa•afi..r the annual
ilenewririr 0 01iVC110.01
shall be la hi urr the fir , t 7.4 outlay of June in
oaeli year. and that the fhe INdm
,eas,„ ronventiane diall ha held on
the aturilug preceding the t;-4 Monflay
in 3turaa brtwce the av,nit, of :2 o't and
I', M.
* , t,oing
stet ork 2.ltAt.tin Ott
tht• tittot't 1• 4 1:1y, P. Ito ilttfrt : awl qts .
!wen i , rii •1 cut atA
:dm., I , l:Ug thotittitt hoatclwni tlte
t viLnt wt ttnt it;e ism hint ;'
••• if , ruvitivc,
waling ol , lt; c!,* .ttt tilts WWI. I ,itr
liio,tinas'.l' 1110 V, •I cti, i=wearitni, that
tV. , tll tdit
t. ;Lt.' 10,t , !, , ,T,S the party wert,i
I tUtt.
A (40, r: Tr..trhAp, I ig tAttt ) l
t ; t. 41 last I . Vf 11;4' INtliVe , l au t mom
or (1,,,,41 . , 11 , 1 1- 1r „.
“t' I hi- tavtniu.4-4 .I(itatwe
LfOr• :•• :••• nt. to w:t:o .-r cc:l2..
,y 0,01.1
NA 01Misr tits ;UV hurt 4 o:try , Al! can't
rut lin from mentioning, a fa, t. whkh
pectile (..f Erie ire mare ra;:...".:ra thzn
the pcopie genera*, alt 6.1;0:
e d n il m . o . :bp ~ ...e,tintry!, y I
! !
hi. 14. r. Theo it pail
In "that vow it duci4 not.
That all.
ian," in a Mobile paper, who has been in
Boston, thus hits of the prohibitory law.:
"Boston seems to be growing WOM every day
in intolerance. They won't allow a circus
to have a 'horizontal bar,' or a band of
`ttLublers.' Truce ittediutua' arc forbid
den to . pritetiee belause they call in the aid
of spirits.. Opticians Are watched, because
it is said people get there glasses there. The
London Punch and Spirit are for
bidden to be sold by the periodical dealers.
Apothecaries areTorbidder: to .11 lititAr4CO.
- Peopre '- an not allowed to e 4,- sour apples,
and are liable to be a.
high spirit-. t!blitiren - ••,
might NI tiwnt pain,
suspicion of 1,64;
'rectifying' mini-Lketi. race 1.4.;
take 'ruin omoletiaii,Piine sauce, o!YthAr
bills of fare. > All bookstorc:i histor
ies containing an atm:unit of the "Battle ol
Brandywine' aro closed at nn b. Pca , l Ho.
plc cannot be buried on a bier. Vessc.l, , arc
not allowed'to come into the harbor, beettme
they hare to pass a bar in doing so ; mni
sea captains are not allowed to take 'any
port hi kotorni'—if they do, they must trll
where theygot it: . Entcrprizing men dare
notahow any public, spirit; .and even the .
pour trasherwattian can may dry two sheets
at a time, and any one Is he °Arrest who
9 1 .134.
hay `thrze sheets in the stet' "
(lut.o IN )111171:1N COUNT4.--It armoire
that mune iron ore taken front the mines of
J. W. Iloody, ahem four miles from Nouns
Union, along the Juniata river, contained a
eon iderablo antouot of gold and also some
silvet. 'flu: i re era:4 avowed, ottil it is mill
conisined twelvedoliara and eighty mints in
golf and eighty cents of silver to the tee.--
:7;,411F7.77"7" .
lefferstm Davis has been released train
oonfinement at Fortress Monroe, and is now
at liberty. Ile was brought Wine the U.
S. Chola Court at Mehmend by (tonere!
Holston, the Military Commandant of the
Port, in obedience to the writ of /taboos
voters allowed by Judge Underwood, end
the forms of an arrest on the indictment for
treason which weit4trosented aguioNt him u
year ago, were Vete tbrototh with. The
District, Attorney and his amociate counsel
on behalf of the tiovermoent, having an
nolllaWil that they were not ready to pro.
ce‘ti to trial, Mr, Davis wee ilircharged rrom
I,„te. 1,1A. A 1 the ;notion of Charles
) toe , ~‘," 11:4 etem,, 1, on
1,1 ir, th • .ott ef ofto, for hi, .11
!ay of Nostn.
n, , xt 'covuee
yid . ' ' v VOtk.;
. .‘ , •i•!; , !
A it. r• of
, ! oti. ,
„, .1 on '".l. and i • n o w in
Volk, c , ulair ‘,,ty tv ykit hie children
in o,ottnit.
The Itadicalo are howling liken pack of
hungry wolVe•I uhrr4o prey ba4 suddenly
est:tilted them, over Davi-'• relearn. But
this fury has a very uncertain and incoherent
sounds in view of the embarrass;" fit
(t' them, that they can vent it, only upon
some of their own loader ». For once, at
least, they eammt trump up the shadow of
an ex•ve for denouncing Pre4lent John
...on as the came of their disromfiture, The
Marne, if blame thera be , nut he charged
upon Chief' .lustier Chase, Under
wood, lloraeo Greeley. will other itadioals,
who e!..-mc , ,et , :d this ! , Tan ;e• ine r; , l of a
p.'sener Alb tt / • •0.., •
..'l4:u.'it. ! it
v. , 1.•. I i Et...At...i1l to 1,,
. I. • • tt , ilitt
. • ' : • :team t
• • • t.. tt .tuutpttatti.ti t t
• ' • ! din
n: titil !he
• ;•••• ::;."•1 • ;:•,ik tt l 7 , lik e
.1;, , t1y re
tin! niat..r,
th•it wont!
I -rni•t• the Ivor: I ; :1,1.1 s verdict
nyt wan, v...•natii and rho. dins ,•tiy
tOik IV . tr; in the
rtln.llioa -ALIA v.• a phy , ioal
A re w ar j ofrervii and
ppi , l ra•r nt: JOS. Davis. It: was
iteini , int at th.:l. ti mm, or being all aevesNOry
tit OW•itlati.oll , 4 Pre:4 , lom Lineito.--.
!Int sire it wis aseertaini , •l that the only
cviikno• that iinplii•at• - •d him in that crime,
was a 1•..•,l a I , rizoner
111••.4 nn t.•:mi.• 1••:. ritOVe re 11.'
1 , -I in !I I •••. it wits not nutii
nne t for
%%•:- 2. !oat ; and ht°s
wilt Ia
• I, this a
or ~:"..., • hd
the tk,l;l
•,,,/,•• to?.' ;•• tri, 13>y am init..irtho jury?:
L. , :t ts.l ra , l , sworn
expeana,i, 431* C.,:a•titutiun. answer
Davis ',taints n: I for Irma •na. a crime
. • •;•,a; I- ?•.!o, hrl!.• t*.•: tl!:h still
big ••,.'•bt to f t
• ;:".
—Do '4 LI.
doubt Who!! ••• I•••• ••••': ; ! • l•O
trial, at. •-• I t••II:o • •=vl.
have to% : ' !• •; Ei • r:• • :31 • I •4!)
mail . • the
EINE IS 4 tit4'.4,l.
!. nr:ctl rush to
i new evan,;elisut of. the party.—
.Yye, and maw more are al.
ready ,there, aml a week, a seditious
agitator will be di l tributirl in every distal
where the, military arc employed to overawe
the people, or to organize meetings of ne
gives. These champions constitute a now
order of knighthood, not like the
awl ehevallent f old who piled up awl down
the world fur gallant adventure, but one
that mocks to minister to the base passions
of the ignorant.
:.: t .
No aatiger besets these berce4 anch ax
those that were encountered by ancient
knights errant ; they nutreh to thcsouthetn
Quids after the war ha. en led ; not, a man
of them was vv..; . , :Loy emelt
the 11:, , t 1 .- '"• s.:Fdy.make their
ham !it) A• Umica ! 11. lite blia, ( o w of Eudeiltl
evtg, in Olinger of
4-, 01 whoeyer &Weld at
., dcw_niti...e.l at in etieety to the
. •
and an itaappeasabla rebel, or
t •,diol c: I,y a tilt; .of Etitleral gems d'
(trines. No matter tow Taunting and ar
rogant the speecli i how seditious the op
ium), or how unma nly' the ittsuitto a fallen
?oomil,Y, these itinerant demagogues are safe.
sla rang on w gpllant enterprimo against
society and order hi the South, they took
Clare to'gartty military law every man who
might rcrtAunto to Oppose them. so they can •
r a m and bablila to She negro in
both ears, out the capers of the knightly
Falaatf—no danger*
o, opposition threatens
them, thr they/hare made opposit inn dumb
by Fag law. . it that oho-of these delirious
ranters has to fear is that some other cham
pion, following• ut his stake, may surpasi him
in tireggadocia or rage, or may cast him in
the,slgle by brighter protnises to hi, 110 P rn
auditors. This, then, is thereat millenium
of Iladioulisni—political de mowitnitioos,.and
dehate3. opponents —presetting .iii
areby and sedititiniolhe ignormit,Sukrountl
-od by bayauctl hired ky tittektejoibljo to en
illsge the .people Lit riford firrestte;
*Li t ioveroqr C`kits !mar, Colorado , "bi4 Ad olopt the °See of t'ttlleetor
of Internet Rovemie in the Fnurt • dist**
' be
}' s ~,. ~ ~
~• t
Stmitmmt CAsit.--An old wid
ow lady named Leah Price was found dead,
in a sitting posture, in the spring on the
remittal where be NOW, near Potions,
this county, on Monday morning last, with
only the lower part of her body ureter water.
The facts the owe, as related to ur, are
very singular. She was the widow of Wil
son Price, of Shamokin township, to whom
she had no children, but she hail two step
sons, children of said Wilson Price. At his
death. Mr. Prim willed his two &nue to
the two sous excepting of course, the Awful
interest of the widow. Me win also died
afterwards, and Jacob Kline bought and
moved on the Ihrm of the dece:veil POO.—
Tho farm of the surviving sun, Peter Price,
adjoins the property of Kline. It appears
that Kline and Price jointly provided for
the wants of the aged widow and she occu
pied morn!! in the !tense of Kline. Early en
Monday morning Mrs. Kline went to the
spring awl found the old lady as above
elated. The water was not over eighteen
inches in debth. She was tigtly wedged in,
with her back to the stepping moue and her
feet propped against the oppmiete wall,—
Iler body was still warm but life wait ex
tinct. When taken out she was full of water
the upper part of her body completely wet,
but how she could have drowned and then
got into the position in which she was found,
is still involved in Watery. An inquou
held upon the body and the tindidg was
that she canine to her death by drowsing.—
Whether the matter will end here we know
not, but the teas should be fully envcstiga
ted, if possible, until there is no more doubt
as to the manner of her d geath, whether
accidental et.. otherwise.—Sunbery Pena
unttruilly fine number, even fir this pop
ular and elegant magazine. Tt has a beau
tiful steel engraving, "The Wild Flowers in
the Wood ;" a splendid mammoth colored
fashion plate, with fire figures; a mitred
pattern flo a tobacco pouch ; and abt.ut fire
'v.:od engravings of dresses, bonnets, collars
and coifs, children's fashions, baby's *hoe,
patterns in enihroidely, smoking cap. &c.,
&e. The literary c ntents maintain the
high character of "I'munttott." That
powerful story, 'The Long Journey," is
finished. 3lrs. Ann S. Stephens' foltina
tins nnve!ctL Married by Mistak e , ' is
continued. A capital article on r •Tho Laws
of Croquet." is alone worth the price of the
number. This is a good tune to tutlyseril.e,
fir a t;ew Winne begins with July, though
hack numbyrs from January may also he
had, if suberibers wish to onnuenee with
the fir t of the year. •
"Petersoa'a" la the e!eapest of all the
monthlies. To single s ulueribers it i s but
$2.002 year. Fur $3.00 five copies arc sent
with en extra copy to the per.en getting up
the club. Athlres. C. J. Peterson, 3tlf , Chest
in illottnishurg, on Thursday the 9th
Mr. Ueorge Krasner, after n Aloft %hien'',
aged ahuse 35 years. He leave: , a wife and
several little children to :swum his death.
10 Bloomsburg, on the Bib hint., Mrs
Cart Aisle. wife of' Eli Kitchen, of =sum,
tion, in the 31st year of her age.
Wheat per barbel,.
Mawboat "
()atm, i•
Cloversrod "
PINN-ved, "
Dri'd apples "
Figur per barrel..
EZ.lgi per c1uz , 31...
Tallow per pawl
I I :kW 4. *4
la~uld re, "
Iry irJr ton.
!h• ff powity ven.ii:lotd ,e 4 paa
rind tevari heine, renal ...rt 01 Ili, engirt of erne
it..t3 Nang VI G•%b1IUllln county, In MR dirPeted. MOH
• to notole at 111,! In
.f...shol.tift.,. fn. tIATI;IIIIM V. fit” 15Thdnvof June.
7•dlon ens rod voutte tp
A c , 111 ton 1.4 of irourni sittiste in trenvnOem twp.
roltesobin eontatnitte one sow,* more or tree.
hounded on the went by lot late of Witham Atehnoin,
on the north by pliant ron4 to:Wm: to tieransktown,
end sal oho root and oonitt by Into le of tbn I.oolsl
Miasididis Cle.ll and tree i7ontpany, wt white to erect
ed a two dory Itone hour, with the appurtonabere.
Seined, n to execution cud to be add sr UM
poi oily of haven.
A certain treat ofland militate in Locust townships
cogimos county. coalman's n"" Warli a
loss. bounded my thejl stlthe loads of hay niArvish.
sr and Henry gelds. on the owl by lively Gabes. on
this norih by ilensy Knitip and nu the ram by Wide
of Absent and David lisvishes, whoseon is erected
s log house and a lag barn. with the .oppettensness.
Seised:Vilma to vsecultop and to be pelt* as tito
,popagy of Jahn Peng.
A rrttaln piece onbitil Mosta in rieldnitypeic Iwp.
e.lumlti4 rthittly, ettltlattithe iWrty acre, tante of
WS*. bounded ios the smith hr lambi of Dablol roves.
on the acct by Insole of Ales. Crater, on the north
by lowly or .1....erh roleitivn. a n d on Ills anal by Innd
Of Moirlionl which to ert . tteil n halm, ttWet.
liss bosom mot.] (rave flatlet With the littirtlittt•
M.,e.•d.lawn in a3t•enU.rn and In b., mold a. M.
pro.p.qty U. W. Maateiler.
A,errtain let aground simple in the Desna,ll 01
1"0,,Iro 1N10 , 0 1 .1a e.m.l y. cmilaltisseg two 111.
kV rest (runt and nue Lmtdce i and reilyleut
bounded ith the 4 „,it by cat,n‘ircietr , oit. nn 1.04 West
by *Mei. UN A. month by an Ailey and nit the
ns rth by tutu( fiery Jasper. nil which sr erected
Iwo wary plank b. use. blacksmith Chop. with the
tleitc I. telrn its et...101a:1 and to be sold 411110
property ul Stephen Tleanae.
All that rrtt4lll trod of land eltuato in Roaring
rr. eh tun b.lop rulumbil adjottoott lands of
Jo. on I hrrritoglen, /wept' 'haututatotata, oilier lands
vl ~id ttrutla of 8, Lone, awl othera.
bounarA and doseriberl an follows. to Wit:
at a double rbealnut iarth Wagers) etiribrr •
,tart of land survtitt4 in the name; of henry
?ballot by virtue of a warretot dated thy Mt, ploy of
Novi c0, , ,r A fl Mt and running tie: ten 14 land
of Judah Chertibittoa. soat:t Meets Oft aro, Wooly
kith. pervltra tun punt, Ihnoice north viably 111.11 aqd
Itoti Olitarlet Aoerenerod, one nondrv.l and provenly
111Ve and a ball pt I.ltea ton loot. thnocu audit linter*
tittorttro 11 eat, Dimly ritiht patrhas to a,chr*lttat
MA. Owlet , oath med., MI slid a quarter 'ingress
*eat. oar hundred and P . v..aty tine and a half or r. ,
eke. tipltut placid hoginnossa. etuttatuing Otte haute
sited 'tad wivut arras and at runty eight poreliou stoat
641410. Sakyll xerution toil to bo sold of Om
!,Opel' urgtotge Hartsell
SOITDSR, Shoplff.
- 11bb V T I. Mai '4*. • '
B.A. :vl'ol/11111M , Proprietor.
Vila sm Deo stand lately Iltiod up for thentuntsuno
iintipn of the trivehne euttito on
Moon eillee4o,o Itew doors above the t:n3lot mood. on
1nb41,10 knonn NI the ' Itobbleou propcity,” ft f.
'concrittlif,tonotot to 11. lONIC pm tot Hesston ;Aare
lb, $ oeete Ito bop. to:rides beme to Witt put of OloWn
wiere IWO mat 601,.• 0 , lb* finiinnos to bollix 4nnt.
I. eohidees tee{ me te prepared
eetjee genera eettsfeetion to hie flueets, end would
• I t "jut °Won of the • eblit, Ittlemen.
$3 .00
.... 1 10
7 00
2 al
2 50
In ON►
Ir the rormer would 1,...1) hie fond lanai pro hie
liee ; 41 ho would make hla ordrot rY hind& ballet 4
it would rettoln throw which are now 'Wens ;
if be %%01114 fender lilt Wh , litl farm copahl• nr an an.
nmong ly proht4hit• n( •hill can WI
us.. Boling's Pure Bone Thor.
All ;terror.. deptrina to puti.liaa• the artiuli can be
accommodated by tallanu on
A J. At.ltreTitOsl. Along.
ftuhreburg, Columbia County.
blay P,
. •
Hy virtue of n writ of Alive terari Ao N eo
Dot or the Court of Common Piro' of tiihitylkill
county. 111141 to me direeted, there will be sold br
pu 41 Ir. VlJlVillft, of outcry on SktoansV. RPM, I PO. at
ten o'clock in the forenoon, at the Court Hogue, In
the Uormich of Pottsville. Schuylkill county, the ful•
lowing Reel kirtele to wit .
Alt that, the undivided seven sixteenth pert of and
in the following described piece to parcel Intelsat hod,
composed of portions of !CRAM erilltnill flttreelei
Wetted to in lbe Indenter, 04 COMprillale4l.l and
ttelenasse hereinafter referred In, oitten(e. tying
and being partly in the township of Met i er.(late
harry) in nehuyikili comity, gild partly in Conroe.
ham township, Vidniubere County. In tllll *tap Of
l'enn•ylvanis, nod Moulded nod described 'among
in a recent taunting and ( rpm: or a linger piece or
portion ni loud, of which tills &scribed es part(ineda
by Peter W. ehmeler and Allenthriller, et tbe borough
of Nitre II le. in maid dedittylkill ' minty. stem yore) as
lodes, tow it It•ainoio4 at a pep it .11 tll • middle
of the amount of the high ridge. ' m i tt north of the
Mahunity Creek, onset) point is midway between the
eastern boundary of a erect originally ourvesed on a
warrant dated Me thirtieth il iy of May. 179:1. fe•
sued to Witham Elliot, and the wetter') boll glory of
a hart origtnally surveyed un a warrant dated the
tenth day ofJenttry, 17:14. heeded di /oleos A leitandt r,
now a port of the thrterd create ; I which point wig
Harked by the snot Wheeler and Eicher upon the
so had by a pine Knot slake and a pile of stones, and
witilea - ed upon eight 1 lin.tuut oak trees, tusk hav•
lug three hint ilea said pile;) homes , by the
beitildlgeof the ea mot of odd ridge by the futisswinJ
mu ir...4 and ili4laliCr a Olio saws arm; imerheil by the
said 0110efor and firlarr by cutting a hi uzu between
two marble upon hie eight terra AAA blaze for loth , r
liars,: (1851 1. to say. toroth eighty Avis degrees zi lid
thrcriapiatetera of a teepee Weal. or% em I,iludec I awl
o ightero feet to a ylitilid pia* bee. milked by th • gm
dliarCur slid Escloa for A otiner, sty th ree ...Itches 011
the easterly aped we•terty soles ;hi rent sited wit nestei,
by three loathes upon "'senor Mee gide', respect's..
et), imearits the same L 1 etVesi eleilithalleittg tree..
en , uf *leech es a large WNW mu, i•taisiliog west_
ward or acid )Using Nag 1 aware south silty ale de.
s ,, a Slid on. leaflet Of a c cam omit. four hoisdeml
end nine loot I. a tome tree. marmot by soil Shusfer
sod pole( with three 'towhee un the riletrely rind
Westerly rides, and witnessed by three uotehee upon
Invade lumpiest too ssine of earn four pine trees
owl two reek ink wets: thence south &pity - dim sit ,
gm:saint tw.iity two athletes wart serve besotted
and sixty f,:et to a pier knot Flake. is nin a bile ..r
eleillea, mate by sabe vurveyors tat that line of thill
wee ernitiost sue vey. on a warrant to John Weiler,
Which eatehos noritiwartilly Irmo the north west toe
tire of ner tutterleteng survey on a warrant lo John
Kelley : htlie lest •abl Make and pale el stones are rill
a distaste. , of two hundred lieut oighty-rat feet on, tii,
eight and one half &peed weal from said corner rd
the John Kelly eatery mill wen; % 'tarsiers! by 1180
acid filloe6lll and rp.h• . r. by three markers from the
vie* lowarda the 541.50 by mil titres bials , ll4l: to the
nergbionbl lbefrof:j Shope- by a due parallel with
wrath b.endkry
the of Out Gerard tract+. ocisteat
i t
li surveye on warrants issued Cu Molten illellzhessa
er, William 51,1111i1i1l and Moo thicshain, to wit 1
south eighty Iwo and one half degrees wssr. about
three thousand milli head rcii Mod 114 , 4 (eel. b e ttia
Amu more or lees. unlit it strike. the wasters owed
ory thus Of the triter oftglordtlir etteyeyed oil a imr•
nut issued to Deborah tyrant, dated the Permit, day
of January. I%IJ. at the .tritinse of live birnilfett and
silly frit t 1.0 0 .11. 10 . 1:411/ Milt idle Mau treys,. rim;
Irma the anted« woe turner Or the lest •md frail :
111.111il slims the eastern title ul the said tieborA
Grant 011,00 y north nine degrees neat Ave hominid
and sixty feet melee nonemail double piste castles of
the Uetiorale Giant .111 Vl4 : tneoce slims the nOrth , e•
boundary 11114 o r wont last toirvey. eolith eighty two
degrees west. about lour handfed Mel. he Igo use
Able '.r lea*, . N. a Moiler of Ilse part Origin*
ally herveyed on a warrant toned to Willohn Elliot,
tinted tee motet of It.ty. li'.4t ; thence ohm; the east•
10,11 11 0 410104 111104 1 110 1 1 mid William thfiiit survey
11410 (11 rir Wen and 0111'1101f drif . fo ' ini wee. cr i oisiitg the
county lineut ;Ming tell all,. Columbia counties Wt.
sad C oi o ntble comely, ' shoot hired thodeded roe
hoodirsit PIM flay bet, ad the same more cr Prac to
a cot tier ispftli.l46.3/111.141. a Chetah:4 oak tree. belt
hue .tense. athlete* by eel Wltisysg ditri ks 011 a ises.iles
burro" tree; being the belithWeiltarll curlier eel the
atureekid tract thigiuesly surveyed ou A a arralit to
Stoked littlanetiner ; t t.-ace by the toutbialy bound
cry line iit the last Istentsillied Ira. I, and of (ter eras
etildttact prime:illy allraryrd un a warrant ton Wit
ham whattuom north eighty toe degree ' , iii I iilic WI,
fart. four 1110.104 , 5 d bliss. hilallerd RUA ' eicluy eons
Ic e s .to 5 10.. 8 .1 MO% ay between W. ciliates ii Isms of
Its. sued William I:lliiiit survey • id the *sateen hits
of the John Aleasinder mosey; winch point me. as
ccr lemon soy oClll•ll444Ailitleallactil. sad wee itteste. •
by hie 1114 ill Sildlder 11111.1 Platter. by norittny a young
poise aura . 1 10 1 4 with three notehost un Otto es.,or.y
10id..4. and alio hy widest...llog thi #Auil,
by tlifea n 010021111.1411 tll.l rids' looking trout., the
sem.• toot trees, rerpmeively. ittasole ig en toc iteigh•
hoed thereof : (hence by a hula parson . ' %With. enet•
cm hoc ill sod auryey ou • Warenitl to Wille ont
Litii . t.situdie seem Jegreed and one had cast. three
111011011 1 14 515 hundred unit thlillY - leinr Wet and 01111-
"" 1., " Wh "4 11. " 1 "It p 1 un the middle of toe
summit of the ridge aforosasil.ertestaintug *nada the
.1111 0 001111011,0 1110 111111.111) of about hid Isoudlred
al it a. be NU .1/11/1.: more or 1.,.. with the eppierte•
OW.. ea , b..sog oust of Ilia 0111011 piece or portions of
halo *lnch &Winne P. Foulke. 1% (Moue Parker Foulke
and 1i.., coronation Morons:us - Thu ?melon Metres "
perm:, ill 111, 01.4 I/001. us and to a certain Indenture
"t deed 01 ' Pr • And 5.1 11111111111 grease and
moose,. dated thus milattrentle day 0 1 JUISr, A. 1 0 .. Irtilfurdillril:ll.4 kill coil illy sil 1.)..ed hook No
re. Pup. di. stud in I.:mumble co ttttt 1 , o f n o " ttook U,
1. 41- uh; Srenteis. isliewout and coo armed al) Mils
regal. tilic and lets.eats therein :old l o er e le wit !.
John AMpeeii.Jr..lll•llollill gild atillgtia I.4.!Vae. as
lee and by 'ma 1...E.11.:.1 1.140111.1f0 1. r:1,1111.0 theirela
being had, mid to a copy or a ph ill tiii reutieuanoeS
en, the same Will 11101. Wily app. ill. dud silirsh the
" hi J " 1 " . An, per h, 11 • Ileitittal and coite yed 1.,
mortgage 1 11 UV I Maltreat Imo Chalk. hither. stool
11w 41111 day of homer), A- U. (Pill : which sold ft
gage is fo et,' 0..:41 lii tkalu):11114 Coilltly. is mortgage
book (4, me Au. and In 4 olututim county. tet
Mortgage ttook Pap. 4, page 37th.
111 , 111 are two l ' oillievries upon thio Inlet one elms
the faisminolls Yoga. below Waler-level.worked un•
der I ' o,o by &lull at trunoutre. the improve's. :Uhl
of Waren 1.014/fla to the le-stire, tali coolness of li we
elope Moues% two Mopes. two Wessling mid Pump.
lug Litsiiies. one it moiety hor.e mud one of lift'
horse power-nub Maier, and Mooting end ?utop
ias Jar newsy cue.plute ; slit 11AUSilii Iteeraer. Wills
ititgentsi treaties 0.141 Mieolistiery coittpl - te .. Railroad
'(tusks, thirteen blink. of Jansere . 11110 mite, eight
single limmee. onh largo P l iable. Macke meth eh."'
toil 1.1310V1 $llllll, till and l'imJr, 11040.4 dad While.
The Leiter Center) e• 1/pOll Ule dee& ..... 0 VO . lll
above osonevitivel. 14514 ill now worked nutter lease
by else aro Vote thy Mehra! %feat Company Tu.
lleproveiileista lit 11114 C.4111; , ,Y , c 0,141•1 .1 oda 0041
0,041,...t, A ail bagiatt, tieattog and llooltinery c bit
pieta; live blocs. ot Metiers' liousee, itaterooda.
I. uptown alteuit. Illesekimith Salty, tilaolo, Vii aged
got der 11i115...5 Will thin°.
lidint , l owl tattoo into ea.:cotton It 4 the property of
John .114.1,40. Jr.. cud to be tool by
AIIt;IIAEL. iIuKAN. Sheritr.
Sherill's odic.,
horvaitu. .y t. IN: 1
t i V3ll/I±it 1 LllMllbat
•1 nem 41,/mher rovi in Munitithurg,
sand. rogitdd would freportfilitY lulbrat thode
id *gut 01 lUt..hoet that ur oodtatioeo le minify,
two and kmpo 14,1 #140.11. 1 , 104 11.111114 r.f building
add (mein; in . tort it. itt him froldeliku. Awl di..
tdher north of the depot, t% hi rii 11. for .ale al
ray fitlillold mos. J ACOO PCIIU V LEK .
illoOlo.hdrd, Jun.• 20, 18645.
MI peraona are hereby cautioned against par
!tavola a none amen by an to F. 11. SinllM for one
btintlre”l 'hit. Nat bay
in reettvriljaltni Meteor. I %111 bet pay thb salon
üblaea cvuip,tllail to du a.) by Jun courage ric kw,
Enwlerevllle.lllpy I, Vea....11.
*B. HOOP SK IRT , . 628.
"Orn OW"( MAKE."
" 11 1 114 1 1 W3Yetv 1 11 10 , and dnelnible Ape end
Shale o 1 rieln and Trail Hoop lieicke.-1. Y 1.181.
31.4.13 IA 3143 3X. aid 1 porde timed every'
length and else liirgiot,;. Hs evertfeepeet
and toportalty ittlooted to tarot WI wait. e( Fi f a
Masi an moot rsiMinotddeVrado:
••Our.gwit Make;" of rtoop oro lishter,
more OlOOltr. durublr , lIIIY Cheaper thin
aoy Woo loojte ti!" either Wahl or thrtil. String
data fn the Aptorwatt Market.riney are %Warr wood
IS seety.VO*o4l4 rod wherooor lorrottorett giro not.
rerrhkiOl i t t dOloAr They amunw bean allestrively
hy fire, and teary Lady obootd . try them,
A oh lip •
yyd gee that eag r iikirt na
Staoo4.•.W. T. Hark Nu
nahrturer. Arch Ettipe I, Innladel ph '
other. Ilf.gelichnt. A cainhgeo dUdiididdtd Piro.
Moo not) !broil Prier., sow to I,ny addro.o, di Lot.,
forums asd Utmost disconaat allowed to 10.4atote Or.
der. h) watt ar ottihroarm. ptourogy gad caroling/
C4l.d. Windmill/a and Petal!, at anblacrory and
dill" roars., No Ink larohiltreat, Pbtladadonsa.
grunt. made to radar, .hied riot rcitakrod.
TOrms, Net Cute Vas !Me Casty.
.. AND -
te 4A. pp OE
I lain and Fancy Confectionery,
1111.00:11N1111'11W, PEN%'A.
octwilto, I.CMONS, kArIINA.
I , lll'NtP, roal, DATE.", 4e
H im A n a (;Arks o ALL K I,OM,
6 :7" All wort, prulow i w to ided 41
ink en•partn•r.l,ll. wall taglinue
Ow Woking rind Voitiettlottnry businee. et 1111 OIJ
Wand. in nil It,
MMltlf eilliefirinit in lhklnV, awl iiriamAitillifier
sh kind. or Candle., war 1 , 4'4 thiqu iq till rig mag
the public .hull Iw
wish everything In their Her, hypo the most ree.
voiieble and acc.piable t.rnaa
ihstalla 111111 private ramilimi ran tr riirniehrd
goad Farah Ilruad ea, h day by coon, ut their astia ,
I'ALdP'• will b, oindo and f./nl•Awl in Jeri* or
AMMO .1144111i,irm, 10 4.11{ p tarry. ht
Rethil 11enNto llimilehuht the country will du
to tilt , * thvni coil ~dote pUrchlt•liig •kowhore.
They hive' , jh celpiecttun with lh a Cuulocituner
Store. hn
t I'4 31 34J, 31 !i fll4
artier. thay viand to a.rv. mkt Ice Cream during:
the 0111111001 jau p tho 1., ell who oi iv favor t tio wllla
cuatamo. ?ivy yin Prera,rfd In mak,. my
Iry Cream foiparties. 141%)11!i ER it 1411)410'84
Itinnotsibfitg, Apt II 3, it 467.
rt soLLEvEit,s
1109 , 1' AND SODOE 14TORIP•
On Main Street, Bloomsburg.
.1.1„.• „O w n., drlloo plodrunt in IllanWi tieing ki
ttr pet.p)a 1.1 and llnst 110
on hand a law and dnr ofirottnient of
) T 2 ANI 8111)}:e,
r I 11114 entloci.nn's wear. in omit all snacks.
Illy " orb £ 0 Ur iho IWO. 14.11,5 y.
fidlobir onanula hr bring • priulkal
•of k iti.n and 3 ::104.11,...r0 4.1
olZ3 4 1.P.S.);.13111:1•
lip fat not lAnly In AP impoppd vino' by rectivlng
orrl•IPon inalerlal badly glade
Moen desiring an)elstrid in hi. Me irws!,l do wet)
In Own him • call beforti puichaoing lie
twills a
and al vire. In
All pprpon• ahu duairr lien ur I,.'nvy work male
to Oi.irr coil Iw acedtaiiiddit..d at lila P.. 61,01110 lownt.
irk Altp, rep/akin!' will b., dime with brumes, and
hap itch.
An elegant sa, , nrtuwat of Ladivo spring and ilisin•
wet Abort. nn hanJ. A. 110LLEDIEK.
A pill 3. letl.
iv 'HONE:IIy
LIB CI a '3W/I)ll46:tab Macio C 4112
011 'Cfllltll STREET,
ur.i.ow 1114qtar.
J. J'. Proprietor n( tlupeelabliehment. woHIJ
r . h.. nij sold new cuePunete. that
M. hap «e..rythene difril up at ht. PICM /lOW to ira•
ahio biur to Owns with NkCAD. CAKES,
irrlo hat made nttewpownst for the eale
nit ed. wpill k% In. J.:shame. who keep, a Conlectiun•
Cr? awn! .tirecor ePP)dito
TliF “EXCIIANt/E 131. 7 11,1,11 NOS,"
where peragea deg) Nay bread can n. accotunialat•J
at Nil retimi.
re. ll.reater rat Ferran*. who f•i/n1 41 •
NI wirh Atr, 1•41.1 &Wt. and r.) the
hill', or quarter barrel, *III 1411 upon
at tail tinlnnti In
hives' Block, Main Street,
ato bee been authorise t by the on.h . ttiale.l to *en
the /MIL He ramielantl) has , a slimily an baud,
taVelt will be /Mid Al the I.ivieri market rale*.
Mr. f. hos in connection With hi* bakery and Coo.
teeltuttety , Rued op roma fur the al., of
in all aim war favor him with their rustbin HO
is also prepared to nod. Ica errata in Was quidati•
Iles It.r parties. public. or social osthe imam as tits
came Air be. riirly r thin: o••ilaitking to his lima a
latrittlese ro'eeire rat , ral ififigelit ailsotion.
vs' Ho is liosaktol to hie costoniers for pail fik.
Vora. and Nast eurdis Hy solicit* a (Ira 11111311C11 of the
name. J. Y. rox
April PO.
. ,
Imolai/4y liken charge 01 this well known and eno
reniently siteated Mani, ree1...1.110h inforio•
obi risen,lie. ae well 24 Pew, and the pot,lic in 9,1..4.
ati 0 1 . 1 hoi.hnitint,l• in ronia:oie yrder (or tho •e •
etnistnOCl Unit of blllfllßre. Reid (or the coed p;ton soil
enictlantoical trace/leer who am feel a 1,p.00m41
In t,s 1 huu with thyar ru al nu. 110 espense has
brru .pared in preparing this Hotel (o the enter
tainment or pieta. noel nothine tholi he wattling, mt
his part. to MllliPtOf 10 their personal comfort. The
location, an well as thu building. is a good one. and
MI Nei h. r i. amply nirstaited to please the public.
N ")' n... 16, k00t0.3 be lutinshei with the
hoot tall luontra. and big table 14 jib ton ben th •
klt allbrde. tell,‘ .141M1ILY
Oraugeville. April 1, V7 —tr.
C . 1.1 84VAGE,
rraelical Width!.licer aed Jeweler.
U .%1N •z•ritEET, (tear the Court Ilutme,)
BlAlomstwitu, PA.
emastavoly hint a fine osootiment of Aincoron
and owl,. Witutogo, Glooks, Jeweity. ValforWlTO
fpritcolre pgiii Ao,the making of Clerk*,
Wn:eltos en 4 JonVelty. klaionse Marko sited* go
watt. All Woill ' 04.
InaOlusbilft• #O l 87 I"7*
Iln. opened R New 'name flm!, oil Main
Street. idoom,thorit, wifere Ito ti 11l by Nestled In see
all 'Who may NVLII hllll watt then I oto,m). 11. krept
on WWII We II .1 1 . 1.11111, 4 . 1.4, Hem yyrn.
INNII. whielt he 10111 [mike Up to order Witt ocatne.fa
and denontli.
Aierntion till I to cutting g , ..dkiton and boy's
ellarlhitil. Als o rt•ifitur oe'n.: il. the ladle.' 1140.
Roptiirini Soon Upon Moil notice. /111 work
LT Wye him t till. Irtlontgaborg May 9, tog.
ML it ,l 1 1 A V 'fly, ,4 !
Fort Pil to grow upon the oloootbeot Wu in free'
Ihrpe to five week,. by umir; Pr. lik•rt lent'. nee
tliirateltr r.infilaire, the mu.t wanderthi dimenerr%
in modern Frienee, acting neon the Irani nud Itnir
i n on 01 sssss ot liiireculetilm winner. It hum keen limo"
by the elilv of Yorir aYld Loniloo With the Ino.t nat
tering: ..arcs,. Name, tr
. 411 pnrehmeere %%01 be
remimtere.l and if entire .661.fertinti tm rot elves, +4l
'bury to.tnorr.tho mein! 71,111 be cheep:boy. rufmnd•
L iqfee 0 . .111311. 11 , 41 , d and portpoi.d. $l. Uom•
criprive eireetare gad 11141.14.14414 iticied free. 414-
aresk n I,llllnit. co., tlioniimte, No.
ergl River titreet, Troy. N. V.. role gqeau for the
Unitrd prate., Lrob. V. ISO —ly.
1 1 11. e . eIyA.N HOTEL,
Orpngeville, Columbia Co., Pa.
is,thrius ht.
vt. :46
44.0v p n tvine, ills jos bas istini 011111 .
vid Teti! to 1.1...0.0d to to:vivo lbo NI plain pi' 411 wila
,Wilysvor lum with ■call,' Na . sOll ksss
A 1000/9 'I4IILE,
a cv %soli ttockr.l o t►e ►ut of 1.1.t00r0. mid
r.vor) ethrei trill ►n made to Node, eotlon ii
two. )WIN 11XYllita.
Orooroville, 3110011 N tsp.
lIU. K L E
Comas.lor aid Attorney at Law,
.111 0 00MMITRG, Pa.
V:pulds„unetctum tithes Wends and the smells in
ectuent, That he h resented Ile POlttlicti L.( 1,4*
effete. Courec audit" Uhl all 1114 toothy.' promptly
"Iten.lod tn.
LIVICX q OA. Ilickange autldl.t , grtnlll,lo , •,