Bloomsburg democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1867-1869, May 15, 1867, Image 4

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liostna.—lt is too common for ittfissential
men who own public houses, mills Un1111•
factories, limeouarries, furnaoes, kc., to
have viewers of such easy virtue appointed
by tbe court that they will lay out roads
to benefit the petitioners solely at the or
penes of the taxpayers of the county. A
little dexterous manipulation and manage.
meat of the ropes is all that is required. A
sumptuous repast accompanied with exhil
arating beverages, is most potent in accom
plishing the desideratum. A Muller-fee
often pays fur argument on that cloy. Au
award in accordance with the wisher: .1' the
petitioners is generally obtained. If ret
aside by a subsequent Jury, the thivl one,
treated 18 the first. mostly 161'03
the matter. ci,
It is true the develops „ fit fit nltin
oils, &e., that are oc,curi inp • , •d'.
in years require the 4. and the ex;•cm,,.
mew roa d, fo r the-uuld ht. borne w ith
should be cher
of their e• •ne eirezietier Of older mottle.
rut ..Jan) , porta of our country roads
.. laid out with more rtgularitv. lcav
the farmers' fields in squares or *
oprama, rather than in triangles.
The disposition to drive i•truiplit at their
mark, eo characteristic of the Ali:Niel!)
people, has been the cause in %cry many in
stances of locating roadm in hilly lli4trit•!s
without due regard to their desveem °ram.
cult, thereby rendering travel Inure rrdions
for beasts of burden and more dangereu4
to those who control' them.
perfect bree.lit) , nr feetling ;minis' rhould
Imre a of umatetout.t.. •-
Perene capreAtc. It ettuuld be
fine in the 1 , ne, with dealt murex, aid a
tail iLc n rot . .. It tltoulJ I c r hurt un the
let; and not care-urcLed. It alsould hare
a mall, well•put-on head, 'with a prominent
eye ; it should have a skin not too thick t;or
coo thin, covered with fine, silky hair—to
the touch like a lady's glove ; it should to
knight backed ; well ribbed up and well
ribbed home; the hook bono4 should teat bc
too wide apart. A wide hooked animal,
especially a cow after call iug, always has a
vacancy between the hook and the tail, and
a want of the most valuable part of the
carcase. A level line should run from the
the hook to the tail. The outline ought to
be such that if a tape be stretched from the
fore shoulder to the thigh, and from the
shoulder along the back to- the extremity
the hoe should be &re, with uo eseaucie4;
stud the kw:. niwuld fall without a vuill from
the hook to the tail. From 6.1 t•houlder
I , lede to the head ehoahl k well filled up;
as we say—good in the Week vein. Scarcely
any one auitual will ' , mew all the. m:n•ks ;
indged, to look rur the half or them in a
good conmereial animal would be vain.—
The marks am set down in good order, but
just u they occurred to one who had gained
his knowledge from the study of the living
specimens e and not from books. Thick legs.
thick to ta, :ie.! deep nceks, with thick skin
and bristly hair, always point to pluegish
feeders.—!/r. McCombee beArr the Scottish
GAUDLN CORN. —lf the first crop of corn
for the table is not yet planted it sho ald be
done without a day's delay. We still adhere
to the variety we have cotutantl) planted
for twenty-five years fur the first crop, after
trying others, and we again &cowmen I it.
Adams' Extra Early is not technically a
sugar corn, and it is nut shriveled, but it I.
excellant and will be eaten gratefully as the
Brat crop, coming some ten days earlier thou
the sugar varieties, except an early sugar,
which is so small in the ear and su tour a
producer as not to make it very desirable.
11 •hen. the ground is moist as it mostly is
in April, seed corn for the garden timed
not be soaked, but planted dry, putting in
each hill ut least six grains, and rt.:timing
any surpltut of pinata that way COWL up.
The itecoill crop of corn should be Stow
ers Erergerm, and' filial patchus of it
should' be planted throughout the season at
intervals of from ten to twelve days tip to
July. This will alTord a daily to
Oetboer. Froal our exrerieuce—and we
believe we have tried all the recommended
sweet varieties, we coutinue to grow the
l_ 4 towell as the best known. It is a certain
crop sad produces largely, while its quality
is not surpassed. —GermaNtoten Teicaraph.
CROP AFTER TIMoTIIY.—A subscriber at
Egota Station, Minn., inquires oC the
Yrairie Fanner what ii the beat and anfert
crop for a field of titnoty six years old, and
broke last fall six inches deep.
This will depend to a great extent on the
market. Your land is well adapted to
spring wheat, oats, harks. flax or corn, and
the relative value and cost of these, all things
eonsidored, should deride the question. If
the roil be dry and in fine order. and barley
commands a high i rice, eompasitit.!ly; an.)
if the threshing can be dime in time, and
the distance to market is not great, that
should be considered. So ot' the crops. It
is not so much what will do the bust tut
what will pa,v the largest profit.
FESCLIL—The following singular statement
was made at a late meeting of the Anterie in
Institute Farmers' (.3ub at New York
"To prevent steers from Jumping fences,
slip off the eyelasheeof their tinder Fide with
kiair of sciesors t and the ability or diepo
ritton to jump is effectually destroyed as
Sampson's power was by the In.. of his
locks. The animal will not attetupt a fens
until the eyelash.* are grown again. Of
this we are informed by bamuel Thorne,
the great breeder of nuehess County, who
assured us that be had texted it upon a pair
t , f very breaehy oxen. As it was of great
value to biro he hopes it will be tried by
hog, cut it shout nix inches wide, and keg
enough to go round the tree; tie it in the
nnddlo with a strong twine, very tight;
then turn the upper pert done,entl te work
is dune —this to be doss Whig t iefrost
la Ildivo't nuilding, el Eel* divot.
<kiwi of illoointburg and vicinity ON
ar leo oqo cod *Now
In thi• plate, wharf he Melia* hla old irked. and
WlllllOl4 in LAII and pariah. ul his Inforidiorolla —
It la pia Intention to p.the Inuit
stakilsoly on hand, ko, I'OlW, Pirillp11(1111, 1*
oral Water, t'Ant.y I.onon*duo, IlAipborry
lllMlellor tun Ann. be pad dbU Itoot •
In Old Unless uua be prowl(' a
Ach •
d U)alat,
nal 114fpwed in this place.. Ile al.o s
(lam, hi Hine.
Tripe and llucf Toilet wing ro x i c co
&MOO ul titre bins& cell.
1. 1 , MN.
FM tor curtjuil(iA !Ns
educlioii In Price'',
11.% Lorsolvreielicit Wllt olrir tu the pub', le
(; 11 LIT lIIA ItGA I Nt.4
111 All Yiudt
2.41 cLio 11" 4110 111 ar.v.x.a I
93,h so
H AK II W A it r,
'Sooty and Shock, Halm, Ceps•
mad MOMS In every variety.
tier tmoyeea irons tire Drat of January, will be ton
ducted oil a afficl{,
and poriros wirlaug to r , llllii4j• an)thin( tu our
IN : eau W. au eta rut) , Asto.ll porc•otaps ult
Curri.Ul Wholesale Pricepi.
MI kin& plodge• and groin ukrn in rAchanit
I;J ebnli.illy In% oh , the 0461 k In
..a.l 01 WO' valreProtr..
P tin t 1 AN
J4eiti.oy B. froi7.
LUMBER ! 1,0113111 I
Tilt: 81.(10‘lattilltt I.I.III6IHRING CEMPANT.
*out.' •,.ottfuslly puLNi. thSt the."
halve tlact
nnwia ontra.l ?sib siebehr , n..!MluPfst oe
foot 1.•; ouppty All .4.1. 7k.
Owliep vi,4l nt ,!. • 1.141101111 precook fu ea4b. heir $l.
1441,72 , 111 01 I 7.tper7,447/.401 N. ••
White vine 114:n.1141s
Eloormg, *+mice• I3ostrile,
sibling', Henslock
1.00.1.. d or aulatteed, to tall purely...of, 1 . 16.1.61 Mug
dawn awl salliag of all out as hot.. Planing *llll
and rota is Mamma at the Railroad Perot.
very Collin Ovally far shipping 1.8 abet h li, ratio.
/I.i'Y pH . 0 . 1 . 0111 4/ 1 Y WalttlierlUlibr 1111.tiber or ell
Mods• rod persons who drape lua.ber of east, it,.
srtlialan da well ta es moan Wt. stork Wort
pars .s.stat ilelelidlltfe. May AM dot, twined sad rao•
rosary prepared to soil off cheap as the rttexpert.
y 4160 gb bur hp litapuldle and ,specialty
0h0... tr'so Wish ritettaas bill statrt bit they have
JIJt spesistiy prepared to rut ratrst• or aituort
evrry sip doJ Ivgsih r.quittl. TNO4c mitring to
build ur Citlitructuts f..t building, ton oli v e motley, Sy
VIVINS tin al I all
T " a-suid st,“ snot ant, that they
ere wpm..., to do blt Prod .4 • qilting 01 alarhinery.
tarts Threshous alschtnes Mauer.. 11..arers ripd
$4l htads .11 simultural tutelsa... air. upon taa,una•
bit I •t
adaters, I'. I'. CY .
lia.....sbars. P.ll. El. POE ittoosashatil PA.
D :
4 lu.r trust, /kir Pr.ctured.
Just )•übbrhad, a hew edition or
Cat•thr:.t , rt say 01 the rad.
teal cure iwitb.tat itiadleina)bfripertnatorshwth. Soul
that WOIIIIII , IOO. iiiireturithry Scowl al triiprp
toht't Mosta acrd Pity
1.. SUuri.o.••. rte. ;al.O IStn,.tiutornion. and
rat. satlimd by aelf• ur tivtunt ratniva•
Cr' !'ftCP. is a sealed Clasolood, ooty f, root.,
Thee r •tabsel44 author a 11... ooloolfOlato essay
etarly druartithlratott. troth a thirty year..' success.
pearlier.lul that tbr tildi • in the roa.marhree of ...if.
ohm.. may btrrOwlly ellfr d Moot.' the ot t•od.t•
ouy ttrc ht jotradlat bbblicina er th- of
the busit—pitintiay oat a in nit of rote at oar, eitn.
pie. .•nitaiu. and t fr•rtunl. by mean. of Which cvrr•
differ or. us molter *list Ws cdodolidia retry b., Ms)
core hititiair cheaply. privately. and radlealiT.
This I..fluter olooti'd he au the hands of every
Tooth olod Pony is.,, in the land.
&us, undir . tat. in ■ I.llllli et:velnpe, In any ad•
Atesr pusl•yuJ, uu rectipt of ut ioutd, of too putt
Masud. ,
Addreio l4a putli•berts.
111A1 1 1. J. C. KI.INE a. rut.
nnwory. Ntm Yu. k. ,
P... le. 1e4;6.
CVLlckEtaaialp Pz--4T.'3.7sizaspe
Tilt: amt.:err/tied hat OM reee'ved a very lare•,
►cdlea► bwourtelwilit of YAM. A‘D WI . 11'kg
1;001:e. %bleb h. propaite• lu fell at r vfy tow
Ilc Il.w tac Dual, 4114;114011 of
. ac.
The Grocery IPeparlnsent
rip 113e4 with the beet (Milne eit firth irtsmeri.e Mad
tl4 . idiONO. eugmr, 11144611CP.U11r. eon. GA,
ient. bLeoe, *pieta. &r.
•J" Cuua.n pr. lute 411,11 In o•t•hanite r..r good..
for whirh taahrit atork4 plc will Oven.
Ur Don't rail to ova Itim • tall and pt.Gure great
Opmitoville, Nnr
No. 14 Fond St, New York
tr Full haul motion, I% ItII the Aipsrat teatlaildhlia
aka. a flock oa 04%441 Diatcres an o :4404 140Chlial
rent (rut.,
,CY• assure imd 6,lnt Inr thf at, 0.1 Poi v'ti rN "WM
1.1 , Ile ',I; Irto; 1 holm*u* Ire iv nertlir 4m.
r•sOre, Nsthuet vsrcteittes Ho 'fringe" ebauld be
Itustrd. F.urt , ise Is *temp for 'Roadie; eeJ flied to
110 If MAO frILEE:t. blew
vunK. ;toy. 106 e.
April Bth, 1837.
CRI;.tT Tint THE, NO) IN
4114 N un i, W eil 14, Ito ,0 'ow. Nook %oil, tt
l'OtlaMlllo.'ll 4./i.roi I. 1,-.l,an ne A: p.
11.ata. Idgf. Larocad...s. , a,
.. ke.
Train. War* Ilarihrturt fur lit.q• York. or foxes%
At 011.010 and 933 all sill i 7 ki.d Getartuunirti•
ingwithslut's, Tratano 011 the ildl4
reed mei arrlalua at Nom York at BIN MN jd N Ai
*NW 4 411, 11 0 ANA 1000 PO. 141tmpLiy .11p , ,, leurtape,
at Ino dm 3OU • X bird 90ur a. Trams tt about
?Mingo.• liarrisbura for Pending , . rottri Tema.
aao. Iliarrarille, A.p and. Pith, CrU•,.• Aliontalmre
and Yhll.dabth ia. at M 10 • ■ an I Y I;i nnJ 4 1U o
Plop tag at Loibariou and principal It'ar riddles. ;
th e la motel eesnricthoir for rfirlaArlobis snit
Crilviolna only. rid Yottorilly, Schuylkill 11 troll
and Auburn, via elebuylkoll and Eaduitebanawi K4ll
*OA. lea r• tlarrithuro at 3 20 r a.
Saturnine lloave Now Yo,k at 9ou • Al, 12 M NAN
Oulad OIN • 11; ai 13 • and 3 7 1 11/
W*) Pustvilini 'I **ln Norris l'hUndtiphia at 7 30
ratwolna Nora INading alb 5$ r M mopping at ON
otatioa• ; Pottrivtila at tit 3 • and 143 r a ; Arth
Mad 6or and 11 30 a N. lad 1 o.r r. a ; Tdatiiolol at
• 03 a. n , and I liU and 0 63 r w.
Laura Tottrwilir for I,otrlaburg via th.ltaylialtlid
410•anetionria laidroad at 7 SO A ic
Acruinaalidation Trala 1..
at 1130 • a r•turitiod from Philmilelailim et 0 111/ Pah
Columbia IlallroaS Trails leave Striding at 7 Oh a
aid it 13 r a fbr rptirain. Lhts, I.anra•ii.r,ColMolloa;
raltotuwa Ambaratodallou Trani Lau. e. Tufts.
WWII IN 0 90 A. a., roturalualhavd• l'lsiladolabla at
I 30 v. •
Columbia Lill Ilned Trait* leave Reading at I al
a. r , and 0 IS v. a Al !Amts. Litis,
Tar' at I el T 111,11111.
W. Nee la A Xi Man
legal./ SOO AM. l A N H
.. 1 SO dad 7 W.,
Pianotle reoplo I
. St., N. Y.
2 . forr V
Woo of the public and th , !
We would sift teoroW thole MUG'. la the fellow.
triade to oar Or , _
. titre. front largo round term re.
11 1, 0 , t k e 1" ../I . eithey °clew)* of carved lope.
M 7 1 .,,":71 hottorts, bond wool ling on plinth._ ...4341
il , lAng, 7 ostate, POMO so olio A with ,or.
orratlnu nioulilitig UP pllth. carved Would lyre., SOU
11 sy. U. 7 sidaVtt, Irlotli corners We Mond
*et peetioe !emote. leouldlogs IMO* OO On style
11. gliOnd lyrn 5114 drill, Moil gw",s 10g..,,. 63„
all'l.E 0. ?cativo, Your largo round corner.,
fllialouri bun, moulding* on tin, cc i F i tinh,
.".tieue bottom ioliVoll lyre and Joao, do ,
pent carved troll legs roo
l'he akb , avi; el) lue are all finished Its elegant (me,
WWII C.lOOll oral hate the felt irop frame, 'Preheat
lotion. harp pedal, beveled top. ivory key. end Key
front. null oatood Itt oVerOtrUlll Moo, warty ill 00
7 f Citin•o Naomi POW 11100 oftctorPd 'I hey are
Pl4do ul the heat hotter idle OHO ror Mijith, durshillly,
purity and oweethee of tone, c a nnot be rurprietorl.
We inn Ito lb. 1111.11(14R PI the pettily, of glower. end
the proreevoii, to a ti illcal ox4:oilatti , ei of the
write of our riaii".
tl.r *tont tSpeftstm IrtfuaJaill upon
Co•tly lut lurk, awl rilorbsivo Waro , nultAA
Ctly, Vhdbled In otrnt thrO , 11 . 14 no• sit pro,'
d,ry toolontliino, nod tuvtto ell to Lull and
esamonn thew b. fnn , purohnning o!orin•Orre. Enritnn
ofilwilig from a 411,Libco cru Nl* noon feroiYht
lhrtr I . l4liud promptly, and no ennfooinn ...s• atom
at 16r Aylra ate /14 , dlotinctly urrlgnrltd by lion
lottnrt A tt U I).
Tile tour style/ doncribad atom o, otobadv dl the
enacourt nliandei 111 enttlior dultts Van., 11 inch
Ito by 1111111, 10111113111.,tinats mutt , to IS 111164 iSJ
We would eeepeettutly call the attention of Chore
Leti,tere *ad Sinelng.ttr haul feacti,.re to nitt reieb.
Whole n syl.c.c/c 4111 kind. of Cliturti tlualc, Ulro end
Anthem lueree can he obtained ern the moot favorable
Ti l e lung egporielife. oar tr, P1111(1K , 1 Ur MUrktil
emeveolinne, t:hotre, the Concert flown mut
A. WK.,. rniable• flb 0 AVIC IC. a n d Inr.t.intloll
MI /111 point. ut omialexl Intereet ae to th , • onlectc"u
of proper nitrite ul inltr lion foriouiten muit..lo
•a•, —pa usreu In 1111.110.1111111.11 , 0. id il.the of
evnersj kat, ' ea t umpoa,,fl{. Icf1111:1! nl . 4lhOnll an
enteet eittric fornsetted on the uentrl tome with
plouttatieer and el 0101.11 Country giftless on 1010.1
and 0.11,11.111.1 111.1LIO lon pupil., telehere, motet le,
tun 1,1,0 t h e now Panda). &hoot Singing Do„ k,
''llllE Ci4)l,l)E '1 I'llo ):1:416;.`
Re 1 . r. Prim !so A .sbar f 4 :ter , ci Lute ematicy
$. had Fl itsilui, thleal,: 1,31. q. Cook Psalm Kill. ilic..
a 0.. Age
W. wili**lll , l a IPeCdMIIIII coil. peel roil.
add r...*. on revapt of lomat! crab. li. .
'Tat a l'a•aciat' lc as, 1.1110ro:
it ra,,les. IN paper .. . .
lly ta . !..i.. .• .. .. .
t. NO. I ,tbitill,llll binfa rover. . ...
ay 1111 WO "
Sf"!rg Ililitailfil I'i' no Polish,
) • 00,0'10,1. add betas adopted by :ill I• With(
lu lo•n.u)actare of nom,. Uriaoa•
I:uut) one who fool
to Vial:" ati..a.a 11)aete a In tile of film 140,a
I:mut. , )ll t oWu pill give foil pal Imuture aad
ak,..ijok.. ppitent two (.11 Ttql•lot y and Aseficloi,
raceme., hp 11114.f1a N k ITAKINg. lienoi.d Atjeale
for 1:liflatl Wale.. 4411 Itrumuot Rlreni. N. V.
Ki• A . la .ny boroabo Ili roomier wont .in
tee better. owl an thy gruel. inn be /wed by wain.
11111.'10 011110 .10 , 1111:1140 it,.. Poll 11.1 W us 161tir &it%
out. r.d, t with thy lonbry) WV xetl Omani by rb
pivn.;...baorts yet 1: n.r in p..e . dczen.
Drivise Duvet, N, V
piimmairm.% AND ERIE RAIL
'I his grtat fins the Nortbnres awl North
t •lens o.lll.llirr so l'enno) 'labia h. tho 10 . 1:116
on Lake UFO!. ham boss I.siss.l and Is operalleJ by
tip I'ruasyN aim Rai Cousonny
Tune la I ii,srager Trains at `ol,•tibtistbssisail
Leave Eastward.
Era. Msit Tra in
Spa, r•
I.:solts Meal
it,. 4 1;.11 on
Crlu • la
PaPv..ll.l Cats root ilsraolli uh ium Viet. V3it snd
awe► uithout rhonpe b, tl vrayo bvt W 4,11
rbitrd , lphia ai.d Eri4P
1. are N-w Vert at 0 I'D : nerire at Erie 10 00 a
ie44VC New Vert at 5 00 pas ; waive at Elie 1 1$
vs.. heart &fa at 3 30 p IfIWO .al N. et
1 I 0 p Ds; Law a 1,4111 at 1013 a no; OffIVII al "law
tork 1 , 10 a M.
EI.Et2 ANT sLecrixa cum 011 ill Night t Rho
rew Isilwassoliem folvtctiii4 Padonsgor buoineco. alp
toy •t Coin'', aink and Matlfrt Mircrir. I'htladt•:yhts
R. D. Ki.w.lua,jr., tor . 13th and millet Inferta
J tv. Knl wads. Erie. Wets. Brawn. Agent N. R
1.. I nltnnnin.
11. 11. 1101'81ted. Onnerml treisht /vet DI/Inn
11. %V. I:WINNER. Tiek,i Pines
IL I. TVI.ED. tichttui Supl
vet). is. ma.
When by nom .seal Oa JOINVII.I4Ir4
you . all be can 4 permanently. and ot a Waling tom.
Thoootispirling ructeso alma ha. alion..od Moo
i0va14414144 saeilicitat Cu Pupae*, and Nervous
W e aithea o .4l.44 4e ral Debility nit 4 effeatatlatt I.oos
of Ibi l tal ar 14...51y, I atpathisey. nr Noy of ih.' man
WON. el ),astblel Mitts. ft ndrrs ilr,
Moot valuable pr,parAlpro tAct sfistot
it ii, volov, iii. is. naae 41e0.11011,4, deprooplon.
excitement inr44 , 444 ta. , 1,1•4 4., basin 14444,1 441
ummnsv. 1114,0111. of oeffolostroolloa.
fears of im.anity. Irc. It it r. state .pp4.411,e,
I.,iiew !bp health of th.).e a: , o tun 414stroyed 11 by
frest.liat titre,. or .Iyrit.llCt•e.
V,141,11i be haeiliaege.l 11411 mere by "Quark
butler*" a4.4ll44lol,4lllllpracts.inem bat send vir Mimi
delay far rite Matt, eel be at este fa.thee4 to !math
alai happiness. A 1.44444.40 two 1a yu..ea5.44....1 In
s o a,#o e # Iwo; $5, e r roar humeri to one ft i•
dr,ss. bl. Una battle le flatcleat la %gat a thee le
all 0rd111314 Cat/ 0 1 .
Ales, 1 0 i /011,11,111, 0 04 SOCHIC run,
4.0.1 pertiathent cafe a 1 Healordwa, (Pert. Crett,ot
iii •C11,1,1V4d. GINIV-I Director@ iteJ all ablebotal Of
and tlia3tiff• rime sfrerted W Wan
bee la dye days Taos aro prooarr4l from vosolabhs
retracts that nee b rialeas ea ties 'papro pm' norae
anapest.' the 44 , 44safti er impreanate the breath Na
thaw of Mel is le , meetaf) alale imitg I , ol'
Lut e iltele action 11l any utann..f beteffere a lib (Hifi
10.4111 yofiatits. I' #l. per box.
Lather of Ilse above notationo4 anictos.o II I lb* sent
11l ray address. 410,e1y seated, and Vest paid, by
expred• up receipt of moo Ad4reos oil or
diem to OMAR. k ebetutati. Nn Rds
R. W. EtAVbi API Sive ft. Troy. N.Y. 1 POI sa. ^ o ty.
rue Curtins IA• flair of eithor fire Mtn Wary and
Glogey Ringlet.. Of ilelOy
Pr nil nr Ilia article I.adii and Gentlemen ran
beautify thttelAVlVP* a tb lna n!I I fOld
arlicir in the world (bet will ea ri otrii.abt brir,
et Ike Nina If Ce Ore It a beautiful eineet app.,
eons. TkeCrisper 1:0111a not only carte 111 , .
Mat rerleurataa breutogir• and 'kerma It: is .g
led dulietful) perfrisallii. null tr tbe 1110111 (fl • go' ••
arlittr kl the kLld eves niered to Ow Awrrilnai. y
Ha. The eri.,wr vv.,a well be riot to hey a4J , urs
aculea • arld pn.lpm,l (et 111 birdies's& orders t.s W.
&C' 5 . Caqatista No. 3 We-,C Vat eita
c)faLiat. N. V. rob SP
Laclovrania& Btuutusburg
str TWO DAILY Tlt kiNS.
APIO APT1:11 JANUARY 110, I'4ll, NIA ,
O Ili AIMS Wll.l. RCN Ad rui.bows:
14606 Preanto &AO 7.10 1,40
" Eing.tuot 1134 010 lOU
Rapt' ri PAO P. 17
"battstrio , ., 1131 1.
An Si *NOM ri and 111.30
Aims Nnrthamberlurd.7J.r ben
Itanvtlle, 7 40
" Rupert, P. 15 • r M 6.33
10S61 0.30 004
Arrive at Pkr6cton, 1400 400 10 14
Train. leerier Klapion at 050 A: M for Prro mon
porthart with Trbla arm/ itta at Now Vora 61 3 Oa—
r impoistleg 'Praia *milt frailt liktranturat 5 01
A 51 'la 1 , 11. thlimborland,rea. k Ilarrholorra 14 P M.
Raltltstart. 3 30 V IC. Washington ill OOP 11 sus I Li
pots mach niitamaphis as 1 sir N.
U. A. 11 , 0111/A. Pup!
ileellokhe• SO 11507.
NUM 110.1 ...
11 I' NE
I ycomino 4 trlliiije,
N. MIDIIJN, Proprieties.
0 4 , MP'
music lINPARTMEN r,
Lt nye %V Gtwit,
SUFFER NO , 31011 E! !
011! At ugly b.aatiflit and km
WO. starry Cp... and pJlant hair.
Whose tettitril• toll. en,
Luc t Pio Vary heart Loa mind.
mai the tinsel,.
17, that tatty kW/
COM and soloolnd
at ;hair wharf, ad.
wore ; with a good
weigh coal,bny rod
wst. to 4alivat cowl
Fterchaww a lonia
• II .uperier
cult and
CAIIIIII4II fur .toutinafia before ptuchswine I/ Iwon Iserv.
J. %V, II EN 1i1:1011101'.
Tilt Ilgp lake, is exchanire fur ruist
and tiro.44fla•, tyr b. 114,1 4 .1101 aciwed orffel«, :
Ilyn,Cuto,thata.Putotogs, Lard. Uaw.tiftonl
/W. mul *IOU what,ltvr, Rao, INY, ,81 tNa
ligli.mcnolt prim, at Pia Urocary mijoirilog
tb•lrcnalynrd, J. W. lIENURIVIIUT.
Ilionindbu'rg, A mil kS, 1.44111,-11.
111.00N1811UltG, CO.
.•11 Min VO., I/ A.
Ile mbvr. ribt,r, proprietor
of ilto above iormerf et
411.1,0 eotatiltrihmesit,lii new
, Hpusol to reome ur4er.
All Kinds of Illachloery,
for rollcriel, lllnst Furit‘c..s, Mini;amity I:l4lnrs,
(kr I. alot, pruporthl 10 motto ituo and
, ottoto., Wont trolls, and ovLotillus usually made In
11 1.4 rluou enotrl , ./
lIIn PAlJnatvo I:161511 .o and practical wnt kturti, war.
111.11 IR for.iVin tlio Imqviot emitrarla ma
::2".431il t,rkmJa tall :oo` IakCII In orrhantr ftn
1/1 Till, olitabil.tho..•lll la 1mr..411 , ir the I.itelrftW3*
11.1 R Ulown.bmg IL4airmid Ifrpot.
Mogul sburg, goo
lt. J.
A fa • / .7 ,ppe.t,tc the hp • rcpt.. t hutch
1 V Odotk 10 COMplaftli of atm elnitoos. ma'am
.11 and law priced— u.t.irt,,l In 01 • ondosooks.
1d01... add winds. fir how rbn hotpot Pyles roe UM
fraiielit —llia* ii.euriltoPlll Or
..VtrcUnlit /fell, Ural lehitn ' S ' , haw gi
t o`;‘ , ...itaittbVi•N l 4tr., & e.
.of 0, firm I riuran
fit .1 *ll cases Avid cove fatisfrell.m. Alto a
Val% ly
c: Z
iterkiage, Neellier. 1701 Ines. Ple , k 4 • Ilee.leet.bitrp
—eeei)lhing ie the goilthitlleleo floe e.d wog
Ildlc bulls and Whom tanks an.l Carpet
I %ill Mal al the leirept Matiel rf.C.O 11 , 41.0 cove
le-fore putehia*lns eleewhere.
ANlikt:lV J. LV ANA,
Ofeemsbmg. Kat, It. mu.
-• • - • -- • - - - •-
A. M. RUP 11T,
AIinOIIIICRII In biz many bold 1.11.11ef WSJ I HI. ,
',dart.. thin bo (Ohl iOilic* Ili. Lion C 10U.1.000 111 till
aid OMNI Ur bUldilit!“ I . ltElair. OLVONS.
. .
Ilse cu.nunerc null nth* I • can be accOincuud 'tea
It nh
of all Finv..p.p..s.'fails nre,end rvely
Ann +. Inund 1.1 all w.•ll rerwale.l I 4 TI)VE
A VD Ti NA% Mil. AbLitill:alliATO lu the dile*.
awl us, Ih.Nbfi r.• Irmo.
11 1 4 1 / r.. hostess and b sac wpm he pul
ap oU 'lama split% Abu, ;IP lissul. al utpaitint Coup
Pt., .1414 und mum Isil. It Isruss
lip ales nu haled a Mc:. supply ul Milk
IL•• • .f • iar , r-rii • it , . 1.1.11 pain. ; be .pied u quo p i .
. . Fa•a••r a•.li•tb:ataa` I•iutl ha.
; . utto - tr.
ft SI P
• 4
i• $ i I q
4 +'.t II
Watches : Watches ! litt etches
I)E TAM ergo..
I mparirrs seed Wes litigate Waters I n
au/jowl inttehtS andtgliptiOrtit,
:14 .147,frty r,
Res in inform the pnGbe llnt they have foot to
(sited Ito. most etotisiot. perk.% endures:tete %Vetch
aver Dumdum, to this market. The 11.X11;11.811:111.
beautiful, tetra ruble jewellod, beneoy 1. va i lss
Mad blni..l nn Slitter. einitnillmoolly enstareol. nosi
ly owl rhhly Bonoselool lionises I rawest Lye.
be, volume Ilnuiesilionnet !insole, thootositloiy revs
toed by the obeetveloory, and flattened to be ilia
No Noe Wive Time Keert. A oupeob nod tenet re.
((able Natal, lleare et Lady's ooze. will be omit
free 1.1 any ',Wes' on teems.t of btii.ot, it prriet
refl. sill be scut, c. u. at ocogig of lib an
'(he welch oill be prof toy Ebyttoe. at mod rope•
toted. on Owl there los ninmet otettninty of teaching
their deatitiaiison ; but piloted tbo Espies* Co. et
roes Odke foil in MA: d Hy, we will scud blietliat
Ordcra for (my klul rj llittehts ',romp*
end foilitlitlk
11' I Deg.+, 'l..itus
Ant:l4 rd.--We wag., Apsista to evtry lumn stnd
.unary Mth • enisnity. and In Mille lithos as tomb
11 4, 1 indUe. tw•ut+ Ic .It Ida I.lllruf
Phil.° rend agency by lave..., (Pod Otnce oollet
Walk Rib(lila to
Ont 11. W64.-fm. J. A
C. 11 0 E R,-
Rttarix Tri7l.lV Ora N ba. proreee
r - Israel ereescee to the and voile
oleo et PI entosbuszaissl elfishly lie 111
?spored so *vend to ;sil th.s , setsson.
nt..rnl Sew filth% line Cu Isis prof s.ssoun steno
Wits Vie bsteet *moms est Pt414,1 , :/..t/Jli i.if •
wIII. in ierin.i gold.phetincrilvil anal rabbet be e
to iftl4olo.ll al the Poloist teeth
Plays lied Wet teeth manufactures) ar• all
el en tit•ryip ou tee' h,es and prover attendee so.
Ote*iitelice end ohis e a rem doors above the Court
II m.e. la WC chin.
01.0 ..sisburg. June a Mt
DI 'tour Rolm
rtrovh. leticee.o Ball:nurc and Rodeeda.
ilhOal Change of Cars.
r t Ni and after April Mb, Idbi, Trams will run
1., SO Itairil i :
NOtautt ARO.
113 a. N. leave Ilkortimenb^rlnolt. ' , topping nt prin
repo 0.14,10116. arum, at Wll4'inirputl, 14n 6...11.
Linlira It IM Main. •'lnin•higna II 13 p rt. Rnitti
irt 4 4 r. tgaiN,l 1.5 r. N. Niagara 1 . ..11.
t•• P
4 . r :vow. stappleg at 101
Vrilisiorps I. 443 r. M , Eb
1. r V'
NtiP\ :.011 111111 ft
aCI • IL, •la N•rttmia.butlaad. slopping at
Lthues .all ortana.l4. %trivia l : it 11.1.fbairg.. 3;) A. X
41 0 4 1 ./.. IQ 3, r N, Ph 1.../..lrbla ICU' P N.
NI 10 a. N Inure Northusalicrlem4 Al all
alumna. arririaa at Ilantwbari. at. 1 10 p. N , Hal
Ilmata 41 UO V. N.. Phi mm 14 1 1 1 ,418 & w r. m
IN P. N. bare Northualburlaiii. 01 , yas.le at ail
st.NIONa. sliming al Haitians?, lb r. rmiiajei.
pain I && /1. 1:4111111014 7 (at a N.
11 tin P. N. Wave Notritiamblla , ..l. at
palticipalalalloos &felt tag al II 11111blei It 4/ • N.
kialtmamro7 rb.l i (GA M.
J. N. 'MUMMY K. N. Y otrNa.
Grief luta Ilarrisharr, Pn. new! raaa. Alum,
e, and
AA C %l. flu 110R,C,
Gen' , WCSIPIII rl'i•e;hl Ageul, liutralo. hi. Y.
May. 14, 14a.
XXI AI. saran a Lib Rd
Are suprrior to ell othrr► Pie
Cceitalit ell tlir listoot improremeuts • nre epee ly
n , iisett•es , durable • end cue, to work,
illitatretnd Circulate free, Agouti" wanted. 1.1 b•
ernl itrecotiet Allotted. N o con •IN+tarenti ma de.
Address zuriais s: 11, CO, tlit, klroadway, Now
rt,ptember 3. 4 • ,
00,000 z4LIIN hS A. LARUE
•..., tf,•r• RN!, urn thit
ono.-F t. teru,. ut place “r ku.inesc to
fitAti.)B t 4 oui , VTY,o..•Pundretil thou.
41'04 ottiofi.,:• 111.1 d n luta.' lot of Path,* boards, of
taa warp Oaargaaitly, boil) plea and hemlock
J. 1. MaMMIlitY.
Mint.. May INK
e sH.f
c if. thi Id el•olliblir
.sat uf.loll.
Sf Libegt) slr..rl, N.
Empire %Mlle Inehinc
NA I.I I :NRINVW 4 . 636 firondwity. N. V., %Viiptilactor, tt ref.
HI 014.4 Ptreet. Ph II adv I phin.
twit:Nil:l) El u. 14. IP4O.
T H IN SIAMIINN Is constructed On eniltsis now
plioseleleo 0110 many pare
unit valuable Imps vensenti. has no been
by thy most praol,ll.l esparto and pr,,nou 11 la
lirfectinn COMbined.
11 h' rirnixlll hoodlo perp.n "leitlnr P. thin.
too, o. rho , I Kor 01111*Ii.le -Trrvel. whirti trill
t0.010.r RV Fur It A Yid. And is • Orono roar, ,ht o s •
p... form. PIT .1 en oh or. ry , 104 , ,11.11m$
hirtortel from 1. Alba, lo 'lto Orrorl Illahrhark
rllk tbrra4. Ihr
In rho lbw.' nomb ,,, r. Iln.ini he 11101, - •AN '1 1 ) 1 3
W l lll l O.. 'v 1 .10.1 , 40 trneorlbl , fricti.l9. or, 111114 rhe
untenit a. 11110/. 11111 d I.
emph,l, A i a "Valdes, ,t6tAine.
It rotooro% rir nr PER it RVI% twig powrr to drive
It limo Nog other notching In the marlin girl
twelro ?Porn of ago can work it rteids y. wittlout
Niglio or ihjory to !withal •
Itl OtrellYth and wevaileirral PI suptirety offlithat rue
linu r.. 0.!,... I nlstp,ot tugwurPole In get nut a paver
awl Is W.ARANTCLI. by the too:pally to giro .u•
1 ire sallolst lion
lY rrep.•rt/ally Invite ail , lira who may drake to
bppiy tlrrnt rlrr. wnu a Porto , ' r Ittliele. to vomit
Olt.' oinuoin.• Ohio 1 1: NI It IVA 1.1.E1r M:111111:.
ne 1.0. W• sh.irurtiou is puffippiit
vrroo to O ttss• istachims to their tot Ire oat*
,Souk trat•o!d fur ail low .4. 1 rtir l'olied Status.
I. 11, 16. s,Or a' 11.4 14 irelaal, .. , 44114.01144 Alpo.
fur Cuba. Mexico. t•antrai and Smith America, to
o boob • lilwrol illeeoutu wlli br riv, n.
Ail'IRE OKWIN 0 .t M 111 K MR•g fTll..
LJu uruJJwar•. N. Y.
Ito VEsTEEN & CO.,
Plano-Forte Manufacturer!,
499 Broatiii a), New York.
'roe ATTl:Viltt:ti of the pablie and the trade la
/ siir.tea 1.1 M. 'NEW IBC %Mt. tiltV IN MT/
itta 4 LAVI) ill PIANO EIWWII:I4,,
•11.1 polity or pine are utitivaileit by aoy hitherto of.
Nail at am market. They teNtakh al/ the modern
tiopreveineets, French Valid artina.horp peasitiriei•
frame, over...Wn ham etc.. +cud eacit sari nano.;
beteg inside mu:or the put-veal auperatotau of Air.
J ttiratican. %the WM a r•tperiencu o
i.vrr IIeUI years to their utaaalattarti. It folly war.
I litCll in .very pettorittar
TIM • 011011.4rfla4Y PIAAV•FORTV.
RlLsiv6u Ids mutts," •N iao or smart •" lue CtLt•
bt4iViti WIJIALIOI ram
WI re C11411.1tr4 ksolratitollia Crone Ih• h•d
makes. i.e I nuduu. rifii. 1111111410rhsa,
011,101111.00, Hu•loss end 16.!W lurk; and olio al the
Amerieest 'Whale h r livu "to t... 6,5% 6. y 6416. lb"
Got." and FM a Ileums Itutio built of "Ait tall be
semi at P4M:4 M0..111.
liv tulr"•lN.uo•t of Improvements we melte a
.rl.l were perli-cr riet.e.ture. and tof e55an4114 , 1.414
u aft 4 MO oktly ta •b ate tuallintl to
OE4 the e an•illimehte at a prig. Which will preclude
ell 4N:414..41'1'H'
OW plat. • are flout gio to VW cheaper tbas say
Of MOW'S l'inalu. lo
Tot ,ft.,—N,a 4'oo in cartent funds!.
iFtruoidire clime:ire twit ligt:
July t , & P.
tit etc Muck of Clolleing.
A . l ,343Aria,
Spring' and NMlliner Goods.
104:Vra I . l.ol: 6 lwadja.
N;%11 1 - , t i . , P .
4 1 , tg: i tu i s a i t u b t:7 , 1::.. , 1 cheap aael Ira 416-
11.1 /V A !WERT, 11Loomsliel:G,
iwo doors eittort iht .fantricust Roue. It- It Is jn.( NC. 1YP,.1 14/.1 , 1 NUM , 1 ask aid
Irtlta, N lull ao•uslase of
Neil and ally* Clot h
1em.1.0.0.N. thimble iind baud
mat... Dot red awns, cvii.i.ttos of
Box, Sack, Frock, Guru and Oil clot!
Clues. and Audi r
of all *nu and colors lie nl.ta his ',pica
ahead). 1,..5e wick of Full And W,sser
Ottani* ; hdtimi and Oats West., shirts.
emsda, aa..cks. coffin... boil diwfdilrfi. isigYki. its.
enders and fsiwy ~,t lei.- 4.
N 111.-11 n hasenninnll) on hand a Wee and well
salertml asewidiria or Vostodss. w hick
d le make no lverd.-r. loin an:- kind el
thtlattig vn r. r, ah nt uoticr sushi tat lag best of in 11.
Al , us ilolMind l• made hi %CD( and moot of Ii is
housc aminufitsitigs.
sti•QWJ4.I 'cl‘Zraw3.=?Mtz.i,a)
A N I/
!.:Cal32.`ala il
rN eliety Deer rto• mod en..op. Moms. of
!owelry it 0 4 sitryittNett its this iliac , onJ on.
main.> hit gigitila sHioniniusi Ciiitittn. Madam
Illoothibmg. April AO. lts,i3
Wonderful H eyelid/Imo Made by the Great Aet solo
slat, 111411 , W: M. A. PLl‘liltis.s. Fhe Ferrate so
Crelllllo Osofl.l veer Ignore. nne replnfer In happi
i.e. those who Outs. do!sful eras , /. ealagirophee
ePareet in lave. lose of tritatia.i. and friend.. Ines
ref nionay. An., have breonie despi,ndeilt. She brings
tedettot Mow separatosi, sites Inforinati•ns eAn.
robsent 01.1.4 or losers. restores lost of
Stolen pro:. sty. 1.11,y0u the bu.siteer you are beat
to rlisne an 4" in %hal ?nu will be mo s t our
eau•rs speedy piorriaat• and tells yOO the
envy Say you 0411 niarry4lfee yon the mos. likii•
us v s and hva,tertelice Or IMO 1 , ..r1. 0 1. v 44 :
year rest ia , niehtt. and by her •Itanet supernatural
inners unveil. taw dark mod hhibra veyerries of the
future. Flow Is.- star. we tee in the hrot.,metil
the malefic more inll OV , rtuula or predo , ll l oTh . !
roufigorat:.•ii from the a • WIC hi and amnion* of Ow
plailote earl the hied stars iu the heuVAria at the M i ld
of Utls. rho &Melee!" the halm! Apollo) , of wan. Fist
not to roneuft the rrtatert Astrukairt On earth it
sorts you but A Orig.. awl you Way u.'e.'r hymn hove
eo fuirornblit eu opportouity. Cooeultution fee with
!Wive.. and let desired inforuiali.lll. $l. Vallee
fle.llll at a iltstance eau outlook the him inute by mall
with • T om a n d •atlefaction to tileineeltia us
in person A full and capitol chest eittlien oat.
with all founts too aosierred etl.l 1ik01,106/ Wit hosed,
Cost by avail on tot lot at pti se abase ineulln:ssd. -
'I he sill. tett eerie r will be bola' end nor.
reepaudente 'stoned or dc.t.oye4. ItH'ereueer of
Me highest WOW, l'
lii err deruins l lraa.-
Write plainly the day of it... wantll and in
whkb you were has. visclueing n luta of hair
Address, 1111AllAblit II A
rebt? '47- 1 7 P. U. Walser Ell hut Ito, ir
Throw away full. Wry.* your rwitehor. your wig;
thwitgaletili* or it - MON/LOW Mg Worth fit ,
Coolie agtd. EOM* youthful. owns ugly and fair,
Aid might is your ows lorsurlast kill.
Rhf'AttATOat CA PILL!.
rut raelleiring hull upon bald heads (from whatever
outsell way hove 11111,0 nat) and forcing a growth or
hair open the fare, it her no ennel. It will fore , . the
h null to grow upon too einnothestfaec ID from live
to eight week'. or bait uproi Oita hand• lm from two
in three mouths. A few la nitwit praetltionera hove
!ironed Met there le nothing that will fun a or host•
en tin growth of the hair ur beard. Thal
are fatty, as thiusmnt■ of living witneeitee ((roar
their caperience) rail bear *Ortega 1141 raspy will
soy, how are we to dlatlngatah the pool*e from tha
•purioue t It rertalitly to dillicult. ►s aintoteut be II
the different Preparation advertised fur the Wit and
!weird err tram', worthisee, and you may have al.
read, throws away large amount■ to their e tirehase,
re such we would nay. try the Reparstor Lapilli , it
will coat pot nothing ane•e 11 ?tiny Colas. up to PH
noppi,gutatioue. it Join Or uggisto dote not keep 11.
send tie ow, dolor and kits will forward It. pue,pari.
torother with a receipt for the money, ',bleb will be
returned you ou applisalteet, providing entire ea le.
mittlun Is tint gto ot Address. W. 1.. CI.ARK A. CO.
Chemists, No 3 Wail Payette IL. Ogractiev, N.Y.
tea 87 117—ly
Wlt. C. 11111MILliY,
tablished 1828.
Jewelry Sr, follverwsi re.
Kurth ovor $2000,000! AU to in.:?.,hl fut.
AOlll4lll Mit Et/1101%8N 111.11.3 , k:Te It 1:1tS.
Auf',alley tutu lo vomuNtu.Ori 1/1 . his 0,,,,i,,ki,.
ur OM EllOllll Market, in toloomm, 4, ~,,,uty „i • I
lova Iwo canopy , ' to the is. *till Iwo rodion e io he
rieurau tin liuulo..lote l'a•h. /.1 toiv • .c/.11.,•. A ai
4 ,,,. , (h,i, turd trii/IVIN 11/ Olrvir them lICC , rII 1, , 5 1 0
their toil gooey 'velum of bust it.,e, .1 II „ 4 .1,. ~,,,,
out regard to Villils.
'rho foli 'woos It.t shows the orliotal vvholue,odu
t ow... I sum,. 0r Ulu urtiulee with h lipl uow „r ot
at ei •
1./911141k At .11111 t ilf.01111:111e7111 rtoot 3 1 " 1 0 1141
good flateue nod ti)plenu clultie " 6 le 14
WO Alttatott and Muslin dotyloos 4 1./ Jut
VVI/ 1 1Yrurtels kis Inoue. kid Twits* 111 to o 0
ADO Oestikres.litabe. dui 610084 4 la In
.0.41 1 vouee 8 to hi
ai ei1it1,1441141011 3 to 7
..Jos , m 1110.411 skirt* V 1. 11
.u. 4 EIIIM 1611tutic aisle V t.. 3
..owo silk 111111 1/11C/1 veils V to u
Ohl N.I. floe cues end colts,' S to 5
ilt4lo l'hird iludidecurilet. 43i' to ti
30.9 Nile ItatoOke rater* I to 1
Soon toos ladies , ' 11%11.4110V lealtuteltle 7 t II
" Kt , . .• d00.•t01et01.1..',11.'010.,,01,. 9 In id
dd 4, Horou intim'. lavvu hwolliev.litet• 3 to II
Sono 1..4111111.111. btoootetl S to i I
100141110 V 11 .0111111 4)045 5 to iii
otenl 1./..e.•11 1111/1•!..111104. li In 11
3110 0 L1 , VM111110 1 11. 141 . Id 10 1M
I.lMlllDoseo wen's cdtl , l9 frill h... 4 4 In it
3000 Dos.o. own • *poli% hal !Iwo 11 to is
4.0 1 ' 1.111") 504 come skirts *s', 14 a
lii 141 me• too wide rob Ills 4 51. tu 4
livioti ?air& worth. drover, :au to 0 •
11.1111•41111 , pantie. 111.411114F11.drreekint 3 to 7
p.n....0at •• brood 4.1•014.4444it00t05s 6 r u 14
loo." Veil pu tt , lt. to sal k valve laugh.
ph.. Mitt , .llllVrel• air. .430 to to
3./.1.. Wools Itslou 10t.1.14 1 01b4 7310 i 3.
lowo dooms' 4 to a
10,,,,,, Vaed• blow. ,
g.,.., illiri . “ W bill) 11110 . 1111.4.41114 11 to 14
tm 0 ,,,, v it ro, 4..bi00ch...1 oos•ls is 1.3 to ~ 0 •
it 000 ut Vuril. buss , :).' .1 mu 0110 go to 3 .
toots. Vor44 Ito.hlllllll/ 73 to I 3.,. •
.stoto t ant ft °noel ii, to it I
3,,,,,, 1,/,,g 41'..0 1 PIM% 14 ti.3o t. LI
6 to lo
ion., Squire Ward *bawls
taco. 1.4011.90 breiktitel *bawl. V to 733
moon !tibiae or clouds 1 3,. to 3
10.1.1.• Woot n howls . .
Valon Wankel,' 330 la 4
pm.,,,. Moro sod cattail rheiti V to 7
1 0 000 V..t.14.11..rtin4 4111.114 25 10 3,.
Sono 1 1 03 , 0 'owl rotten
v., ..i . 0..1..... VI. totla :pool thr , i4
2 0 ,,,,1...011.15 bleek 1111.1111111/1W
(ilrlloll bottoos
y 4 r) I. , Owe' •ilk tnlrrl 4/014 niatOtro
lonnili *hopping 1.:44
3 0 . ,To l k 4,V MOROCCO pOrialOgiele. w ith
3 0 ,, 'Eli rky uptrocco at allevito3 owl
loon. tic,r.chwoot pftwa
IOWA) Eilit 4 003 t blade porkot li!,,i ye,
1.66.61 t,,,t.,,,.., 4.,,t is try lisio•ii• is 3 t, It
loon I:truch .I.o+, al.t bobs b run ze,
o ill' nod tralioot sh,i..ld# I:1 to 6.,„
San' 5iu•,,,,11, ,, , ,, • 1.. I. 0 .5.
3..0tt kr% u.a..ta In to So
2 , sto F..olitta 1.1.,*4 It.: to 73
bows 11.nd 11t,r,. hal. op ti & tombs I:, .to 73
1000. Hulett popat CL1.14111 'J.. to 3.1
Woo ropier ;1114itIste li. , sewuo.l an./
Walnut uothhosaa 330 to 10
3ouo Tutloi4o 60 , 11 rand vitae, card
Cuts sod soul hoz 8
Soocu Alltuuto. Mort. to Will ,Plll'.l
bilalid, (NW II" 1. , LAU ptc.turca e 3,. In 113
9100 find faintly balk* 7 to 13
lopoo Foot poriot looks 11 to 4
loo.).• Lovr . fowls 3 to 7
1000011 r two 11.10 p4{lll, 3 to 0
In 0 l'utr• 3 to IA 01
Mt has 6 % W:•" I :CviVt. l a PPlandid A•sertieeut of
ensepri•trtg (leant liss:4 Ilantitut es..e Watches. 1„a •
stied' 4uro enamelled butstitse cm.. +• Ades,. galas'
Ituatiad sass ,deer Watches. guts tots sad e.'►t was. h
Kaye. tutu Had cep 'Ulnas ,:tiles, *et • e.slietsre 104,V1
11. 4 11000. ►tide. 2014 listoh.t s. scoseil. o.last.ire lock •
alt. gas push picks, erases. Wain got.l rtnl. , tali.
faints stissuuswl tied.. s ile kph d i• .14 0,19'. (jet
gala). nit :wised* itsvbelry. came". p.m' and other
etosseo). a'•id pets., Ole yr deice:kw 1101.1. Ti.), WO
pentlib. 111 , 411 pens Held gold easeneiwo holder,. soli•
so f a s t u d 1 044 brunches. shimmed tint•. Vid Peet
Inn nesk chains. jOtJ oval hand bi sestets. J.l sad
gold bieedoe ettattelsias 11141111 and guard chain.,
coral. ••pal nod eutcrst4 brow. hos, 1/111.1111 jet and h.
a s an d win d rat w• rd. enlist. opal anti easerrlJ
lad drupe. I.lllefornsa dieUSJ4I.I eat drop leer. eee
TOE sii.vzawript ocrAtirm tar CO)11 • 111.121:
Silver MON: and 1.11 •vte. taster.. see pitcher*. le
We *sen.. room.. tea goblete. Snelling cups.
sidles sirae.l. a pets. t. reale pllcbuter beget boa "IS.
heal beehute. eel.° Leakets Lord Wattle, Vail knives
malotard and salt FlitnoslP. aaptia flega, est build..
i he hulderr. card Leese.. 4.. e
All tae Mane Laet arnaleela be NOW far
The risateres aril 1,1414 54 th• td rubpon• ..r
Cerittlestea tiaa.gus cosh %Meld to the Mott , salt it*
value; the tluelue.l/ 118 eutelurs,
25 i C l e ts .
o Ea l
ch a t 5
for $1; 11 for 02.
Whairvrr article may be Ruud iu ;be Cutillicile
can 44; übtomed rl
The article u all ke .how a tu use ', e wer of the tel
Cikete. unit it n dt Lr at I.lot.rituu uttelhut Ice pay*
Ile Volta/ wail take.* Ike artli.lit of 104. la Cafe B•
tide. been Ly foal ui cleave* kiv not .rtssibeteiry,
tut, tali be It lamed maul 'Aso knish/ k ill be a efundtui
Mete Eeirldeate twullea lbe belthl 1.8 tiUJIIE A 6
P.'f ERI.I NC; V A Idtlel
Wt)ltTil 111:1:11 Nufir. Tun: A POLLAN.
ur I' it () () F. -lig
IN Proof .of Oil We Mr A 41% catrin.
t'Arsc iseueu nv ANU UIIbLAR, any
el' tint arittlea: •
ilou raw- rarest,. mut low if Lather' gonlerat
buot•...r Mtat . e. Ili Oil.l CIICY:
U. 40 (1:1 , Ade
Csoktbstall. of 1 , 401
Merin* Prao ero. Not §bitoll tal.lll OS Gant;
or Ma Last
A tandolo d t'o , of thud city nee now fowling out
tat u„wel), of nee., au( host rattpro•.
tat and 0911 toloatio Ott!. It,.
to elt)•ad tauct 11044.1 at 1.1.14 d o lois
etc coofrsa wit tuatoiity to how Om I. done,
but that it i• I. Wound dl yutr.liou. Tim/idiot
bud w loot and b.•11.1r.b1” stoat. and It la to sm
by Hu mamma coutoundod With the hoot of swindling
and koituo concerns a ith %%Itch thi• m.11 , 441°0.1 to
mush ationudd. We know Ilia proitriot.o. wall has
cuts pereotitilly vouch rue the JtArt and loithetil pi r•
&mane. ut ell their cum, acts. —.ollirtoisal 4hasS.
Abe )ark, PEI. 2. leti7.
A 44C4Rtoit %%ILL hialbrlbD.^...Mf. 'Apt r IL CrIL
kr of lb. hp,ptieelio Iluue+,l4l(l.l at the J.,e fly y
Empersum, 71 Mon .t teal, yestusdey. sad after pa,.
ing goo 113 ceuto Ca 1.10117 r 0.1114 himself Caloo,llo at
‘lll-kol Itof. ilaml aI Idle.
We oaderstaud thot he was oft,ritil $ll3O for Malin.
'Woman, boidre Wowing the Wee but referred lo part
a hit it. We should tall this a Oudot alit ouve , ted.
We Widelythtd I tHrober. , l oilier reliable primes
a sro sec. /rod. amongst which um. a gold v blob
%aimed at 873, by woo et los suet:tide of the Egntrer
°krt.—Miaowed Mies. 8- yt. 41.1/U4.
Lastovliest toe Labt , s.—Tha tweet eligible and
profitable employ ineol we hots h oirn of for Imbue
a tin have Mende and address. le tho euld of earttil
rats for the illieet Jewelry dale" of Arrandito
Ca A holy of nut sequalutence bad hero eery surd
•armful In this say, Lot al l y in filling her pan parse
bet also in &wog a veal turn In thistle ,to about ebe
entsl the entitled's'''. es 1111$ hi teen (rim, eir wives.
tieing columns. leieuthouuti area on be thus engaged.
Ir. I'. Seeds, ,AlltrreYg, Auj.
Ns writeretdild Mr.& W iltittieon. of I Distil,.
yt•st.t.euy diva from the terttarair edit et Ar awls&
& 7.- Male elicit a 1, ri 110.: doutde bullet
fouling wt.,. vetoed el nos f,i tr.uAh he
144 s req.'', d to pry the I , ly i51.1..r.a.) dim of Oita
dollar.—Asikatond WWI. dept. 11/,
Tara (4, * (11 Jon. lit el:Widow of Arrandela &Co
No. ald King etreeidu the heed. a mil the Nitta
obiett of attinctlon. The htfilsboi of Lirlivs 13110 gen.
iteuten who visited this eetebloinoteut on eatordo
i ss i, &se, we enderehind eusuellinig fabulous. rhd
principle of charging a uniform price UI one dollar
for each rebels le talc that cannot tell to be popo•mr.
especially atter the stock n0'44141.1, Is itl thee rase,
lisany ValUatold articles art' per gold Jewelry and noel.
ly +liver ware.—Cteriaster Dairy Now*, Fob la. I eliti
natio eariter.—Mr. John V. Redford, at Util
lon tleloon, Nii 311 limed Wert, Yesterday gut oars
dollar • worth 01 certificates and. 011 •lioilits Melo
(Mind ONO tolled Mr a 11old o.lupealt•
Watch sad 1111.4tior ler a Reeetwood heart. yeloso
with cover and stool. at .1101.1•—kacketead Dairy
Maker, Nov. 411, UAW.
I u seitotitg or tore please state What proportion
cifitilltatas you require from seek departmet. Where
no spout inetrueliund lOU given. ere send rise-hal
Irou. the Dry sod Furry floods Department, and one
hull (row the Jewelry and Silver Hare Departairat,
Wheuev or debited, we *lll mind artteles
Wa aeccpt tits emirs tespi.usibility or musty wilt
by k:tprese, tom Oittoo Order, or Hank Draft.
We want Apnto
go% ham ■ liberal compensation will be paid, w tilch
eon be Itiarnoit un appileathia.
rij" TO ) tar' 10 Write your name and *darts, in
• clear, distinct tumid, sad Vidreve
Pei WS 1011 litssilway. hew 1 ark.
rob. 111, 1467.
DM M. 0814111.1111.
Pe tltrt the mousy need wily be paid
Hugo and Cottle Parlors.
la all Mama
the Lusags, Llv
ac., thb arth
604 as a sprat
By pantos In
Kit • half a psi
to a paper Ir
barml of swill
above d 'auk
will ha enalleat
or entirety pre ,
proving*, and
Price 23 Ceral per Paper, or 6 Papers for $l.
IrOU'rZ 111:: 1_3110.,
No. 118 Franklin Bt., Baltimore, Xd.
Bale by Wheelie Sad etoreheeyere tit:ough
t:lt the United Stater.
rtit .aft at Ittc Wu; Flom or _
3 I) 5
V4..1.4 5
115 v la 14
EVER. 4. /1701 TR,
Llousiit,4t,ri; ra
Ilionna.butt. /an G. it-Ci —llnin.
g to I
V to 4
3 to I,
1)11. W. It Wlllll/()1 1 ,
I 1 Ai Web In ruccsalf•l practice for a omit Sr of
room t. iii, ti.. a nee or the itifrefollt he..
pilel• le garolo'. •1.0 a nw wow, the Athdy.tral
Itediret Institute of New ill, roots oleo to IttionJ
14 it;l brefreolonel Cd01:1141 his °dire No. b Vilhuit
Street, P 14140,101 t.
t Nu patqat bleeiciees Sr. 111.44 or terotomended,
the reinediee*Jaila .1 are O.K. %kick will no
break rows the ceitetituilen but recreate the err
tiro Wan all Nears a bag
medichies. rad leave the eyeball is r healthy ith,l
pertuetly cared erorditien.
J. DifdPrrial that diatrersina dl and Mt
d.otto,pr c health cud It.sppincee. ender.otoing the
too tituri ut Lel yew Iy 141 r v Int 111.114111.14 x to Wg•
Uuorltt 1.41111100 eltll.llll icelty be aired,
4. M. lanraolr. Abb , rrat.oia. 114iiikkhato mil Anna.
too and *rattlers of the hued por•
a.u.• incapable it r ljny iut the ulea.ures of per fero.•
not Ow doting of Iflo.
3 to to
D, ItIIECtIATIOI,In ftny fariu cr Non
IS 01 , brine. %vat , wif..d rurbbl •.
1,191„1,(1 , 0 1 (3,1!1‘6; 1.6.k,.,, - 16 ell thioule ut
ityl.• crst eases
111.'irf.'11; 1.110110..1 ; 4 1..1 Leant and curry itettcrtp•
twit id ulceration.: Mt. end octloklettit Q. 41116,11
bleb 114VV bodletl all previous iii.olteal skill. tato tio
drib' by my treatment ; um? I .lo say all
(yof Irtri.t . 9llPTtliti) toll tor cored by u paten to) Medi.
rated Jacket. b bids is t. prol..tti Ito to the Nag
mgoilipt all changer tit brother in all rliootir.• hay
tug tove.tisattil Mr year^ the nod r;l4r;tte,tr
trilerussrento (laver and eiloe) in all ' , arts of the
Uttitell MAIM —Will tiara per !ism 11. +al tt :I t or
*calla taut, of hiu• hrrrool ll.rn.ea la a tetir
(butrr Curd without the Imre or Dull':
Tette Waren dread In the Hymen reptile rer
y*sif c•ssi ItleMOVed aab IN• Cr IN.* of
toy ovo ly ell•etteerrel rousr44.l4ortoilled is ell Caacp.
1. 1111;0111klinn lu the gusilrh old Get weal Lioecorirro
(.e.• or cL*r;.•. Well make bell■ our 4/islooto. //
dvoiro4 )I•oy att.lreert lay triter t )
4 , 14 .11.:Iu.nd scut WIIn plop, lIIIIKAIUUS IC my
pert el th ...centre
CVEICC—ro, V 23 Ettbzet at. Pieta.
April 4: Id•:W...ty.
IIK imth.rSigllo.: W 0414 peep. evA l ity unnnunr.
I irl CIIIEOIIII in 111110111 %WS. Maa sk. pubs Et -
. that as is atm With
an UtIA IliVal LINE. b.
meth Ihia'tare and the .I,r
G:t,tut li-set Bowl Imputa des
IT. (SOH :aye eareptp.l) to
cothett. With 8614 orv , rot Troino twin: tiou,to a %%eel
OP the , Val:lowa and Willthiss.port halt howl, awl
et oh tho.. North and eioJtli uu the 1.4Z1t,
ill* 0 6144.-Fes 111/P in /001/ rot, i , n,
idioms and comfortable, and 1114F1 11, n 1.•(111111111 . .
j1:1 ". P. 1111111•114 follii•g to 11. Ye Inr I , l' t ... 11 1. , 1 1 1 1 1'
d r Plin• NA 1110 111C1 MI/ 141011 61 , 1 i • 111 , 011 IN 09.1. Mn
tbnrred b isil thurly uutme 4.1 arty , t 11.1. 1.
Plooipabunt. April ft?.
HAIR EX rut m ilt!tyt)s .. rni! itlygoviNG wr6G•
9'u the teJiei to ie. Hills% air invielhakte pllaioey
ro e•munencle *fruit I. Unktril
to female Inlinty. in rainy applied. own net
aura or o:gin the ibis. bat arts a' n ,.. t i g on t b• • ,, nt ..
It I. unrinnt...l to 161101r4 •Uperilisoris hair from
ion tbrabraa.. be (1 4 1 w bat part 14 tic L Jr. en.a
-p'..L•Iy.WHIN 404 Miirulfr extirpating the Value.
tea% Ina lbw raii• •41, ste.,..db and Lateral. This se
Me way real article toed by the Irrnich. OW is the
wily fret dater) , in eii•IONCe. Price 74
cent 1.1 , 1 package. sa..t poet paid. I. say IllilT•iro. as
feeespi 'Viler. by 11k.P.0.R. 6111117111 & CA,
E. 'O7 Iy. tle. inlets. nag tome IN. Trey. X ..Y.
4,- V •
With tn. curi•Ans PRIM
SOW 1t,.. printing material
Ibe.ranytnp HA' We t y n.ou MN
in.. own printing caner.
gni kty nod thenplp. Tl•ey
FIJI I ru simple in Vinrtrat.W. ibrit
• buT t. year. 1.1.1 you easily
waning the latieutt
/I I 3 1.0,. Jin et 'Art an? .eat
each °Mee. puahling thee
paichaear logo mei ink With
nut a pre lone knowledge al"
CWII pavane.. A *urinal iontola•
thy WI dtaerlptina. prates.
k•taidunlnls. & e , NI free
In ail. lulu !Specimen theeie
PR I I N ITEIt. el 22 1 ;i7riti . Zai. - "tj .
6 Aan
Mate& IS, kV -Iy. NOW
N - iiiiisiii - iiiiii - i.
Ihe andereigne.l respectfully ineonnee. (hat he
hes relittted a sane, in CUllfl Iluuee alley, oppamo
the Lie/mere Awe!, where be fp prey !fed to eun•
duel the 611 , 11410 U In all Its branch re.
'l'llo eft of flooring ik 01•Iters and suutainacoes is
oneticed by lbw Inns( lie also demos
lathing, ntkil.g New louk neatly as reviles new,
upon the MITIF4 reeevamble terms. Wye hynt a trial
Tunic of the vary but quality, mud tot
chilling hair. kept eonsteatly on hind, sad fae sold
el. CA:I./LUNA.
Ileamittrj. April 43. tan
Attorney of Law,
015,,,, In t4r lAkhring, Mill , llllS.ireirrort , l Hw,, OW,/
Moldier tltur , •, Smartt! Cirri irboVir U Ll
chu.{• H 44,1
blumw.bnii April IT, Idet
Mil Pr. crier: In the several I:mute a I.:tpNoble
and atpialag enmities.
MI enrlscilout prumptlyattanduJ to.
runs sISI, IlMld
Physician asil Surgeon,
, .
to Invalualin
, co the quo...ny
Wilk. 11.1..4
prurtn by
riperlnstut to
intreaan the kitivt
son and
In ruts' per
and wake do
r dim and
In flaming
Al, It Oven them
appetite, loohcbe
bide, an 4
tbton thri%
B nod.