Bloomsburg democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1867-1869, May 15, 1867, Image 2

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    Vkioutotnag gemotrat
W.da•sday, May lb, 1167.
IL M. Mimi?tt k Ml.. n low No Pr Talk
its isly HUI ruesly• subourip
time mud Wing fw 1111114)011worstIt its., pub.
11,1104 it kleoukuburp, Colukbis county, P.
Pozuocrutle State Convention.
The Democratio State Committee, et its
meeting, on January 29th at Hurt/burg,
adopted the following resolutions :
Ist That the regular Convention of the
party, for nominating a oandidate far the
Supreme Benoh, be held at llarrielong, on
the Second Tuesday of June, 18t7, at twelve
o'elock M and that said Convention be corn.
posed of the usual number of delegate'.
2nd. In addition thereto, it is recommend•
ed to the Democracy of Pennsylvania to
forthwith elect, in the usual manner, two
delegate', of recognised position end inlln•
coos in the party, ibr met Representative
and Senator in their respective district, who
shall meet in Mass Convention, at !Torrid
barg, on & day to be fled by the Chairman
of the State Central Committee.
By order of the Democratie State Com ,
11,M. A. WALLACE, Chairman.
Ravi what :he lamented Douglas, one of
the Fromm. of American otatooman paid •
"I hold that thts Got ernment wac made on
the white basic by white nten for the
benefit of white men, and theta' pox•
terlty lbrevar, and should be adininia•
tared by white array none ollit:rn.
I do not believe that the Almighty in ode
the negro capable of self government.' '
When the Democracy, time and as, in,
made the oharge that the aim of the Re.
publican party wit. to bring about Negro
suffrage, they acre branded safttbdftetn, and
many good men in the Republican ranks
were deoeired by the deception practiced by
their leaders. That many of tho groat men
of the Republican party did not tolerate the
idea of Negro ruffrage la no doubt t n,, but
to continue in power they were willing to
throw themselves into that politi,al mal
e rum Thad:aal fanaticism which Ihis 'wept
oTer the muntry, last ins °ruin and deed ition
to its track.; the result of all this is Negro
suffrage, not only in the South and in the
District of Columbia, bat at our door. in
the State of Perin .yl rania
Pres't Lincola on Negro Toting.
We desire to esll the attention of the
Itadica!e to the following est rut fr*in u spoil
-11 r Linn exprcs.v.l in a dcbate with
Donghia, et Cleirl.nter* D, 111., Serttrater
13, 1838. M. linmin said
' WV, I r 6.. in o,e 1 o'el to. Ise, an eller
gentleman called upon me to know ifl was
really in favor of producing a perfectequal
ity, tetween the nczroes and the white peo
ple. 1 did Fey then, that I em not, nor
never have been in favor of Riskin,: votvir
norj trots of negroes, nor of qualifying thin
to hold tame, nor to ioterinarry w,th white
people; and I trill say that lb. to
ilia, there is a pkvsioul diforenee hetwecti
the black and white Teets, which I believe
will forever prohibit the two rites from ever
living on terms of social and political equal
ity. And inarmuol u they connot so lire,
while they do remain together there most be
the position of superior and inferior, and I,
as much as any otter men, am in favor of
the superior position assigned to the white
We commend the above ;o the specie: at.
tendon of the peculiar friends ef tbe 'late
lamented' who are now advocating tiegio
tritality in Pennsylvania. If Mr. Lincoln
-should utter the above sentiment iu Pcun
',lrani& today, ha would be denounced e 4
• cl-11 Copperhead by the pious eoula who
direct the movements of the nionir.l
lition tarty.
The /Fenian Victims.
The Fenian tills in ',eland are pro g row
ing With the usual results. Many poor fel
lows have boon placed in a dangerous
tion by their uticipLian in the fully ; souse
have been CelVlCte I and tenttnced to be
hanged, sw.:, oti.en mil k,,sp6rier.ce the tame
fate. Thew nufertuuate nit n ate • entirely
at the merey of the Br.oisli Government.—
They are without friends, and sympathy al
erted in their behalf by any oue would be 69
dangerous that few could have the boldness
to come forward because, if they did co,
they would thernsalves be sulljett to su p
pion, and likely to arrest. The leaders in
this movement have inanszed to k aerythetn
selves out of danger. Step:Anita w.f.:from
molestation. Nothing has teen beard of
the heroes of the Moffat mansion in this
rountry. The O'Maboneys and Killiaua
have nbeidecl. Stream; has attandonoil the
whole concern, and although Rhona still
talks about invading Canada, he keeps him.
self as safely out of danger ts be did when
0' Niel and his followers acre scot into dan
ger scrers the border.
Ilan. Joseph A. Wright.
This distinguished etatinatin died yea.
terday at Berlin, Prnaisis, near which coon
ho was Resident Minister of the Unitryi
States. Governor Wright was a native of
Pennylvania, and hie many friend. and ret
sive' is Philadelphia andStAt* will learn
with pain that he at lastealentabed to a dis
ease which Nand they horod migl t be nr
mated. At sit early period in his life he left
Pennsylvania and beetled in Indian,. Tn
1843 ho woe elocted to Congr 25F After an
exiting contest ho was chosen Gouracr of
that State 3- led at tbe
sad of
dent 1n331i0-
bonor to himmlf
wag elected Unit,
during On* wuafoo
Lincoln Appointed,
burg Exhibition
ones , . 8u
, heads of the
Maw TO was
another elosp at the poor laboring Aiwa by
the Abe!ides psrty the cnntzoled that
tited to
try to"
110 if
Nandi, are now sun.
veying the rout, and find very fli - itigitr
ground fbr the mad. It it to pournfriff tint;
South East side of the rivereonti wilt la tif
f numb. of toiled this shortest rout bemitillk
the points Emma; and when connected
with the Western router, will be the nearest
and most dircet railroad between New York
and the great West. Its coreitmetion will
also &weep the eztenpive coal &lab through
which it paves, and which were heretofore
in a ineueore shut out from market by their
distance from the great thoroughfuns of
ti ado. —.Von tour rimer ANT ff.
_ _ _
The "dark and bloody ground . ' bne just
spoken a wort of prelude to wbat wo may
expect of her nt the ensuing election. A
special election hold in that State on Thee.
day last, to fill four vacancies in the Con
gressional delegation, resulted in the over
whelming triumh of the straight Demo.
critic ticket by enornroue ruaiontiee. Know
ing that in a fair and rquare contost their
eonse wee hopeless. the radicals by sticelvd
managing induced she mongrel, A. JoaN•
sox. ount:ervative element to put a ticket
into the field, thereby hoping to draw off
sutSuieat votes from the ieuii , cracy to elect
part of theit radlealeautliiTates. Tho sequel
'how., however, that the Desnocrway of
Kentucky is not a marketable ecrinodity::
that having suffered the malignant rule of
radieriliibm fi r the rest four years, they
know its debth and brig:Jib of int.imy, and
will submit to none of it. The result is all
the more gratifying, because it proves that
principle, Loldly ascots& is invincible and
that poky is but :soother name for weak.
nese. The Lord grant ue more of this blvd.
RCM Caton, Pemocrot
Parts' C'Entsnarrn PANoneatA.--We
seldom u:c our CaIMMO for the inwpour
of - puffing ' travoling eihii:itions, as our
reatis.r4 will attest. But from o u r rertomil
knouledge tit Mr. Davis' entertainment
we hesitate nct in rerotumending it to our
People as ens-el' the very het in An..erks.—
Mr. Davie is a netting! artist, with no Arne•
ricrs, if any Naale, in this zro.ntry. kila
paintings vitre nil go:t..n up IT hirnelf,
showing all the important I.attiss lately
fought in th:s coulny, coveting ovzr ten
thousand feet ef canvas. Hia retenrk3 are
enterthini:3g end u:rh alone
are -.v.:lth ti3Otice o:aciniksion. We take
pleasure in sitijoitting a iett4r, speaking in
high terms of Mr. Davis' exhibitian, written
quite recently, by the present °evertor of
this State, Jous W. Or.itttY. Reed it:
FINN*. Extcrrtirt CRAmBER, 1
Heimhurg, Ps., April IS, Intr. j
limes H. D.vas_, Em ,
Ae fevi:!c, re.
A.'.v Doir Sir .- 4lt gives me - great
, pleasuro to secede to your request, and to
laddress rot Fe..:11 a letter A t 5 will commend
you to the kind :taxation of the presa—and
of the inablio pnenilly. I was much gratid.
ed with my visit to your exhibition, ttud am
glad to hear that yonr viintinr; have receiv
ed raeb gratifying enomnittitts from the citi
zen. of the various localities you have
visited. A Fanoratna like your owe is a
, moat important and ir.teretting addition to
1 t he likory of the country, givitig is it doei
1 to old and young an excellent idea of the
I horrors of civil war and of the gaUatitty
! diapluyed by our bravo "Boys in Blue '
1 during the rebellion. I willingly and our
-1 (Lally commend you to the attitntion.of the
ple:-: and the public.
I Bespoot fun,- rours.
I (Signed) JOHN W. tfEAftY.
IVc insert the following, in order that our
teatime may Imow more cf Mr. Davie, as
expressed through the columns of a neigh
boring paper:
Darts will exhibit his Peinwainanf t h f , G reat
lkteliion in lb." new Masonic Hall this !Fri
day) ecenine. This iv a beautiful painting
of battle scenes, &e., during the late war,
which has won Fuvik itisrked distinction hut h
in this etr....ntry and in Europe. .Pavi;
was mom; the first to enlist in his cunntry's
cause, and scrod until disabled, when he
was eoutpcded to retire front service, after
whiolt ho connuenoed the Work - of - painting
hiegreat Panorama, following wavily the
progress of the war, atillin,g.saeue after armee
of various tattles, until thy c;,rti,,l ten
thousand feet of canvass.
- -
A Reading paper relates the following
atousing.oceurrznee, connected with Puvii'
visit to that city,- under the loatuitbitkf ''Se
cret Soziefy ."
Yesterday, Mr. DaCIP, the. artist of the
many wenes and hettiled hr the late Rebel
lion, ling out his fhom.of the "Gland Ara
my of the Republic." Alt the Corns-and-
IhN isious were represented. They attracted
great attention and cutiosity not a cow. would
stop sad etau,ine the rations cokits, to as
certain, if possible, their meaning.
gromp,sratrtt7ing to nitilt them oat, iw'
Irishmen, freak, from the 14., :Cows along
end stopped opoosite 41,e lith and 12th
Come flags. "Jimmie," says, - there's
a athar on one half•inoon on 'tothor;
what's it meas.?" "per," says Jimmie
seine divil of a bactet teuicty I"
ser A destructive tire occurred at ite
toryville, on "the evening of. Saturday the
4th inet. rievcn buildings, in all, were de
stroyed The fire we untirrst mad, tiret broke
out in the Good Tenmlars' flail Over the
dwellin7 of Mr. - Weirs, which with the build
ings appurtenant, wits entirely deer:lnd.
I - Wand° Reynolds lost Rouse,"lfia4nnith
shop and ham. Mr. Warner it wagon-shop
and eontonsr. tient?. Netr,cc,nib a Cabinet
And Furniture thr)panl content& Mr. Beilri
a dwelling. Mr. Cum:: a dwelling, lAtin fte.
' Th e fi l e is said to hare been caused bi sow)
plrojems Templar there having been a
nesting at the Rail that cvcning.-7Stak
A/zit/lock Llenio:raf
rill,Thn Pentivlvarik Logigature before
their 14Jour,onent posed at mei edeolioninive
' providing f, - .4 a registry of voters, mob*
days bofore eleationT-siintler, to. the Nett
Yorlt saw, lb° elect:on board vuoetetweire
1 days before the spiel • i and !lief:OlL 9&.. t.
to 8 r. v ,cf voter',
and nn , igiatered on
that day.
the feel
el Dwell:ad ba ap .
Pm .
boars of a
tau pawed
dent Pierce.
The New Railroad.
The Nay Setwions
day, at this place, the
A. at. Hon. lllLLtast
acid Peter K, Ilarbein
Associates, cm th• Bout
Thu attendance at f !usually
large during the five days which it oontinued
in session, notwithstanding the inclemency
of the weather. There was quite a good
deal of btudoesa transacted of which the fob
lowing Ws synopsis
'The several Constables made their returns.
Daniel NeYharr, L. 8. Stineman and Jute')
E. Evans, appointed tip staves.
The Jurymen being called and sworn, Mr .
Andrew Jladisou was appointed Foremen of
the (band Jury.
Martha J. Mead vs. Mead—Divoree.
M. IV hitmoyer, appointed eonunia,iotter to
take testimony. Denoted.
Mary J. Manning vs. A. J. Manning---
J. 0. Preer.o, Ewt., appointed cotticniseiouer
to take testimony. Decreed.
Poor Overseers of Scott Town hip vs.
Charles Iklutiley. ITesertion. IV.WWit,r t,
Etmq., appointed cotantiaioner to take depo
sition without further notice. Dufentlant
charred. eott Township pay the CON'S.
Commonwealth co. Pretleriuk Bush and
wife—rurety of tho r .wc—Defendants 6,14
Leonard Adams, bail tent in four hundred
flo:lare &pp:ammo of dofentlanta at GCSt
Ne. 6011.
Henry F. Nuse vs. Borough of Bernick—
Cit•il suit—To rc.orer bonny. Jury called
and morn ; verdict for defeniaut.
Counaonwridth va. Joaeph 31. Freek—
IntHetwent Asrault and Buttery—ant a trne
bill. Willie% IL. Iteit:l4;l4l, pmecator,
pay the mato.
Commonwealth le. 11::::7 Knapp—ln•
dietaleat, Apbault and Battery--liot a true
bill-- , PAcbccutor, 3. is Stein, to pay the
J. P. Thieketiberg, to use of Mr. Cham
berlin vr. 8. A Edgar—Civil suit—Rule
'ranted to take deposition". E. U. Little,
Esq., appointed.commissioner.
Commonwealth vs. Joseph M. Fmk—
Indictments iur cutting water pipes—lentte
rule for trial—Jury called and wscrn. Mar
Bth 1947, verdict of Doty not guilty. Prose
cutors Dacia Om% President of Centralia
Water Company, and defendant each pay
half of the cost.
Commonwealth vs. Overseen of the Poor
of Centre town hip—lndictment nagle , :t of
duty, and reeding to provide one Lorayere
Krept:er With ti,e neecpraly =mop (y. t ub.
eistaace -not a true hil— to s uy
the cnsts.
CoramonwitAlt vs. Chtiotian ory.l
John neglecting and
refupieg to provide one Thomas Thomas a
pauper, 'N.II) a neessery cacaos of subpia
tepee —a true Lill.
Commonwealth va John Mu:Oman—
ludo:mem Actsnat and Battery—no: a true
bill, and Protwytttor to paz the co.
The Orand Jury, throt t; li their foreman.
on Welueslay snort/ )on, made in the fol
lowing report tvltich tra3 ao,:epted by the
Court and read ;ix the information of thole
pretest% after which the Jut) , were difeharg
Tv As &amide the Judges elf thet Caul
of Common Pleat rica" coninaWng a
t i rntrt i f Qpifirfer B.raftm of the Pelee in
aid; Me County of Cobstubla
Th.: Grand Inqlost t,f the C(nn lonewntlth
of ?winolvanie, inguirins in end r•.►r the
body of the Connty of Culonthia, resPecs•
roport :
That we hare ex&n.ined the pubic
ink sii,i enun!y. rm.!
./M. Ttatt the v , netinn
ovs.of L.:: C. urt }?
table•. 0.-
otsty's office. The tabhf+, 41:).ts, coon
tare be covered with cloth to protect the
books 4 record of tbe County.
;lii. Ting thu rvof of the jitii he repaired,
that a 1141 W stove lie placed in one of tle.i
tells ei . thej ail. and that a tow eeen he built
hi the yard n the rear of the kitchen !
dwelling house used by the Stu:riff of the I
Count v.
And cc rer , utine.nil that Ow above re
paired he done in: inediately, eiiiisider
it necessary to the pri,tettton of property of
the County, and the advantages that will !
arise lima the repairs, in our opinion, are
greater titan the exrenees that will be in- !
On examination of the Fire Proof, or ,
l'aufts in %Udell the books and records of
the County.are preserved, tve find them full
or cauly to of valuable public docements
and amuniulating nom tune to thee al the
itusinees of the County reqpirtie: They !
were huilt in the first place entirety too low; !
end ate.dmin,tuotiftly, unsuitable for the
purpose for ,witich they are used. We eon-
sidar ho preierv.itiou of the records of the
County el' the greatest importance, and
consequently urge upon the Commissioners,
the importance ?f ,providing in some way.
A good, sUli L4 , 1111a1, safe place, Ow t4e.nafe
deposito of the books awl records of the ;
Count?. The reootemendation of a fennel
Grad Jury to enlarge the (Inlet - HOl/40
meets our approbation.
We wm.iiil,94l the attention of the Soper
ris,te in gorier:ti t Or the tottot,y to the cln•
of the road., end particularly to hridg.
es. large and sinall, in their respective !
triets. •Aiittla attention justnow may ease
the publieind the townshipsgreat less.
The public rpad Iliadic? from Ponca to t
the Catawitstßridge, in •31enteur township,
hoe, in the opinion of a largo portion °flan
cam amity,. Won in lk very wen& tiondition
-for sows time ,past. • Fernier. Opted Juries
L i ve called the , attention of the evert to
the mkiect end urged its fencing. lint; nOt •
inilute been done, and the pubic are too4iiy
oloosed to imminent (hinter:in driving ibex
road. All of which we respectfully. submit. I
A. 1 4 /ADIEION, Forman. I
Nay El, IRP,
OD rodne4ay afternoon, the time
Ara t for the granting of lioen , el, ,tbo f'ol
- eonsrecoired liconao for thelcuep
ing or Ilotele and Eating Houses:
Leueook, , Tavern.
do' Tiihn F. Coelner,
do Cho. W. Manger, do
do 9. A. Jecoby, do
1). - idcr Stye.
Conyngluk _ .....
do -oa
do '1109014 ,' do
do . tin li t do
illik th9l9ro ox di)
f ts
teentrOod, ' ton ' ..e , do
do amok,., do
do fltutipbtost Pat ter, de
Haudoelt. J t . nor, ' d 9
Locust. otnet, dii
do i'l' ' - Milo, do
do Istom Inwhts„ do
do David Yaw, do
Maud «n. K. A. Smith do
do Samuel ake, do
14.in0, Satnuelietter, do
Main. Aaron I Sas, do
Montour, {len. 11. Brown, do
do itrown 41 Coleman, E. House.
do William Bader, do
Mt. Pleasant, H. W. Melia, do
°mime. Jacob Good, do
do John Snyder, d 3
do Loud Moronity. do
u - tt. Philip P. Keller, do
do Jo linSa care, do
Flo IVilliam !Watley, do
do - John Hummel, ..E. House.
Commonwealth vs. IL W. Mower and
Pame W. 'Haus-- lit:cognizance &math and
battery—defendants and Jacob <Yeager and
J. M. Fred, their 1414 held in V 200.00 fin
appsaraneo of defendant to next i•eoion.
COIIIUWIII.I/Culth t. 4. LltaiS IhMer - in , litl..
rtit ht —refit4ing to receive ttio vote I.of a quali
fied eitisim. Wordier guilty in manner aiol
form ad he stain 1; indicted. Soul:need to
pay rt, tine of fifty dollars and colts if prose.
cotton and stands omit:due] until heUtftft
is coin p'ied with.
Ciantuotlwealth m ReiAard —ln littment
FOr,VI7. Not a true bill , County pay the
Conitnanweshb vs. Overseers of the Poor
of Loeubt township—neglect of ..luty- rola*
ing to provide for one Thomas Thomas, a pqr
per, with tLe neeiwary suvans of bulAitallN.
A true. MI!. Verliet not guilty—pntsezutur
Josiah Thomas p fie cogs.
The Traverse Jurors were diszhargel ea
Court najout ad on rriany niornine.
:feu. Court will he held, conitnottring on
►he gat Monday. in September next.
DVAIII. —Thu OtizT4 of Bethlehem were
thrown into a greet excitement at nn early
how on Mondly morning by the report that
five prang I:,diee connettml with the Swa
t:l3Y had I ell) f , U,Mbeattil is their steeping
apartnwnt by the escape of g:ts from o 14-
fective Iluc :ending into their mem.
It appenrs that in the school there arc
anste half Joszn females employed as 7t7..lEt
iulte or helpers in the kitchen, whore
ing npartinetas ere in the first story of the
building The girls thus employed retired
on Sendai erelling at the usual hour, with
OM exception. This one, whez obout re
tiring, upon opening the door, foand the
ghee groaning and breathing very hard.—
Itunning up stairs, she alarin.4 the other
im.nstes of the lintple who suppoleil there
worn rothev. in the building, husked them
selves in slier rooms.
Next flaming it was 4iscoverei !hat or ti:e
fire wh" recopied
. the room two, named
ilannalt !Tank awl Saran Manhunt were
dead, .u. , 1 4 SUM zt Knoll, Maria
M. Rotimck uncoaxziow.—
. iciuni were immediately called
i,e, who, together with Mr. Wolle, the prin.
eipak.of thee school did all in their power for
tl,O corofort of the turvivorp.
K tlik.D,
The jury empatineled by the Coroner
reniered the f o llowing verdict: ''That Han
nah Hawk and Susan Manharts, engaged in
the kitchen of the Het hleln•tn Ynong Ladies
Seminary : came their Jena' by the inhala
tion of carbonic ael , l gaff. wunnuttieateti to
their sleeping room by a stove flue tlesnotti
ing from a stove in the story above, no store
or gas being used in-lhoirreont."
i)E)10( ILATIC 1411:41411 LANCAtiTER. --
The charm: cleetion,lmld in Lancaster on
Friday last resulted in a decided triumph
for . the Democratic party. The present
sound IN:am-retie Mayor,. Lyon. George
Sanderson, was re•aleeted by a majority of
five htmdred.and seventy, being a gain of
two hundred and on the vote of
lass falba the election of Governor. The
Democrata also carried seven uut of ninu
-wards into which tbe city is Alicidad, „and
secured twenty : six Councilmen from thirty,,
sit chosen. Lanca,ter is the home of Thud.
, dens Stephens, and extraordinary exertions
were made to defeat the Democratic party
in order that such an occurrence might be
chronicled Iv en i n doronnem of il k -, o rs
Radical v:Anva of that arch agitator. But
the Demo.:rats met the issue in an 'open
mariner and secured a..vietery of which they
havejust mascinrto be proud.
.The signs
.of the times point to a change in public
sentiment, and the result in Lateaster is int
:portant But only it retaining in official
position an upright, honest and incorruptible
public servant, but also r-s shoeing the,
.-State can be carried this tali if proper condi
dates aranuntinatod, and the campaign coin
ducted in a aplrited.,ntatner.
118. M ism Ann E. Dickivan wa t annenneat
to speak at Scranton on tag Friday evening.
We have not learned whether she tame "up
to thue." Won ler that ?wine of our wnolira
den't ahgage her tr, rorr.3 to this plane.
They might other front her aonse. valuable
loforpatiew au. the teverance question.
ALL 1' oikr,q(.
of -Nl:sr..,avilAt:eto., is new engaged on a
th— -h the South, telling
vete. There is
eltleet of
Aid the land
la negreaa,
it and ,ap-
shoat 02
regret deemed the ei/iP
whioh brought the tea whieth theßoateatana
threw overheard ha 1770, dif€l ilk Prollisios
the other dtty.
Wheat per bushel, $3 00
Rye, p
14 40 ~ 1
Buckwheat " $0
Oat*, it 56
Clureresed " . 700
Flaxseed, " 2 60
Dri'd apples '' ' 2 50
Potatoes, " 80
Flour per barrel, 16 00
Butter, 35
Eggs per dozen, 20
Tallow per found, 14
d 15
flaws, " 20
Shoulders, " 15
hay per ton 20 00
On Saturday, May 4th, by Prot: . B. D.
Walker at, his residence in Orangeville, Cul
umbia County. Mr. J. HEIMAN Koona
and Miss CELIA C 4 COUTRIGHT, both of
Lonnie County Po.
On the 2 , 4 ult. ; by Rev. B. P. Ring,
Rev. K McNair, of .the Atet
Baltimore Conference. and Miss R. ANNIE,
eldest daughter of Samuel Ale, laq., of
linekhorn, Columbia County.
On the 2tl inst., by the same Mr. CmsroN
Ilonnms, of Bloomsburg, and Miss ELLEN
S7AEIR, of Watrottowu, Northumberland
On the 12th inst., by the -Rey. William
J. li:yer, Mr. JOLIN A. Mum, to Mira
EVIIRA YOCUM, lath of Rottringeroek
Township, Columbia County, Pa.
In Afton, on the llth inst., by U. G.
Creveiing Egg., Mr. Wesley 11. Prim, to
Miss Sarah C. Hopper, both of 'hid eulogy.
tin the 21st ult., in Alton, Columbia
County, SAMUEL Pittoz, aged U 2 years, 8
mouths and 17 tliqs.
Lim 0,, Mt Death qt Charlie Magarpril,
Pe.liewet/ to the teretecil parehtt.
KATE C., of Orangerille.
The anode now calm, then cold and shrill,
Blow round that cuter, door,
While the rain in torrents fell,
Mid the mplimbts mournful roar
Nature's self burst forth in doleful sighs
The leafless trees did redly mom
E'en the robin s enng mournful lays
To hear the dying groan.
We enter those eiittage watli t
Where the fevered brow, tells in ac,:eute plain,
1 net the leve4 ehild, we behold
Will sootkLy the master death be slain.
!lark I he speaks, but with Altering voice,
Death has altrady seised his mortal flame;
Dry there tears, let your hearts rejoice
Far he the port of Heaven soon will gain.
Fund parents t weep not fur him
The prayers of death are now ail o'er
Angels have Mme his soul :lox earth's cold
To Canine's healthful Anrc.
You'll miss him since he's gone
Dear little Charlie, that thronged with you
the social hearth
No more ou earth you'll meet in fond eat
Nor spend on hoar in innooeut mirth:
Butxriere not, Chriat'll sustain thy loss;
Remetokr that death In him is pin,
For this' world is tut dross,
Couspared ty the rkalwa, where God in
May that Ood of infinite lut•e
Cons°lo your aching hearts,
l'rtpare you for d'art. reninis bkove
1V hero paren wand child rem mein° . r to Fut.
.t. 111: COLUMBIA 11(11ISli
B. U. h'IL:0111A l .R, Proprietor.
Tbiu It a new pm tilted up fnr ths Artolllo o
flatter* of the fravitiot petoltc gnuerellv, /wonted on
m ei n 011.11 t t ....t t I•ouar• on
*bat le knows o• to, • It.•bto•on proprit." 11 to
fristiaiiy located io si r too it. aet , st ;dr It Peel place
Nor t ar. IV to step. Iv .!rli bring In Ibat pert ortollll
*brie linettletsrily 11.13 latslatese is ts•ltlit 1..11611.
rbr prsinsetes feel", eettgitlehl thet he lo prrprired,
o tote 8 solids we& Is Ilia Immo, sad would
'pll.ll lost potion& of Mu public pinfunign•
01004DODIWO. May IS. NO.
M. it ,IJA.Vibi
eviebiated i'anormna
IIII'RSDAY and FRIDAY Cvettings, Nay 16th
•nd 34:h
The only PlllOllllll4 now before the 11,mitri
elm public!. shoaling al; the itopot taut battles
Ibught in this country for the preservation
of the Union. It is painted on ten thousand
feet of enneass, and gives good imitations of
the flash and thunder of cannot:. war of
musketry, roll of Drums, call of Bugles, &e.
- Doors opcx at 7 o'clock. l'unoraucc tuocea
at $ o'clock.
Front t..ieats.
May 15,
JOE SitIPALIN, Collector of 800 11 ty Tar,
To soolipt,Rn puplicatc, 0 1446 1:0
Cub roll'todhyA. Melliuk, 734.12
ilcceipt% 241.00
lawo on Duplicate $370.814
To amount on local subscriptions, 172.0
Receipt* for utoueys paid
Balance in Lands of Thomae,, ..... s 8.59
,Jottnos, Collector of: .Bounty Tax,
To Arnow of ,Dußlimte .. 767 . 22
Cash pi id re funds, 518 60
11. Thomas, 6.25
centuge, 14.52
Mont:lawns, 01.18
Oseli pd, exp, Attending court, 2.00 r10.5S
Detente on Duplicate e 76.67
WILLIAM Maus, Treat., Dr.
To 14 on book, 125.38
Older fioin Selina! 80ard,... 2.00
Clatdl Old Auditor' 4.50
" " Wu). Howell, ....IW.oo—sl2B. 50
Dolan* in fa , d Tref
. tt 1.12
We, the unt vett
oeptifY that we
fvresohsi icor'
- heron, May d !do?
Ile virtue at a writ of *las laeltri Facies, h o rned
mit of tie Court of Mammon fleas of dam) lisil
etionty. end In toe directed, there will be pole by
VeNClart, or Outcry Olt 11s1VilnAT, /Mill. I dal. at
tcli o'clock 111 the forenoon, it tit enarl Wlfe. 111
the BOrntlfill of Pottsville. Schuytalli county, the fut.
lowing Beal Delete to wit .
Alt that. the .ind tided green elltrenth part of and
tO the folloWlne dalcribed piece er pores' of foil
e u iliposed of pottouls of Cartahl orietoel surveys,
re'cried to la tbe Indenture of entaprowlisee and
delealase heteillahor referral tn. atnate. illag
sad beteg partly In the township of Itsloir. Otto
hotly) IN rehoylkill cattily, and pertly la esuyng•
hens luerillehip. shil.thbil Minty, itt the *tate of
and bo un ded sod described necordlng
to a tee-at Mit ..P.4 sod report of ri larger piece or
poolloll of land. of Which this diferibed if part;orade
by Peter W. rhealer nod Allen rialwr, ut the borough
Mfvtnvlil•,insoiloandylillftlnnllty. cr.') 40
follow a. to is it et a Paint la " 14 1,11,1.1111
Of the svllMllit of the filth ridge. nett winch of the
Mahoney Cor.ll, Which I.oint In midway b• tweon taw
tartan. batrodary rafts react originally' voireopol 101
Welfllol dated Ille Shutt vy of May. 17th. to•
rued to Minima Elliot. aid the %vadat" boaoosry of
a trait origtototy euss o pid as a warrant natal mar
pwW day of Janney,. 17011 ., I s is's) to Joao Alexander,
now a pert of tho tlirard Write ; bona w• •
narked by the raid 1 4 1111cler anti I. igloo upon t h e
ft ;Pea by a pine knot static and • pate of alutwa, sod
itteihned two argot chestnut wk trees. 114c1% b.tV•
to three notches toward.. eati h thence by the
WIJOIII of tits mutt or 5,111 Mtge by ilia NI voll/100
CO lf•r• 4114 1111,41118410 tufo .toe O• 114 its, 1..1 by the
1/1111,1dlialer and "'lobar by cutting a hi tie b 01954,,
two aulchee instil tile ol,ilit sad WIICS tvf mat •r
ill SO ‘ay. so.ttlt eighty hen .tun
ttshoreptaitoo of a degree wait. eaten Isuadre I 4..0
4414.... ii feet to at 04114 pot, P n -, at 0 heti ea ill • mai
PuiteUr and Fidler for a earlier. sty taros wit,is • oil
the easitorly aa4 we tatty siawMeftef,sud 1114044.0.
ay thief ladelief Up On on lib of 1114 61.1.1. f.5.p4;360-
fly, temente the mouse al seam neighborsug treat
out of which is a longs Wilde "It. flooding wail.
ward of fine point piny Mabee south silty p I de.
gr. is, Mid us. otuartectid a begras west. roar la 4.4.4,0
•11t1 1.111. ,eel C. J p.ue tree• evariva.; briald fillaefel
avid Pi her W ith 111440 0.1414 4 4 . 11 1 0. an.tellls sad
wefierly rirdse. and wrineweal by three nulcilva upem
inies4 ,l4 toWlvd• ins eatist of Lard four piNe
one too r cis rah trair; timbal +math elgrty,nie .11.•
give/ :vita tw....ty IWO WV/11W W al esean 1150 11101
and Holy last to a 1411.! WOO. 004. t. set 111 is .
.toirea. 1155.15 by SAM •1411/4Y.W11 •011 lUst lie. of We
**pant la JOVal Weber,
which •itt• st. a nort,wordly hoot the fourth Ws.t 001
her or oil firestorm.' earvey au a Wittai4l. 10 J1L4.11
K. they; (the loot old eteta Cod 1,114 ilne4 are 1111
a distance of two hundred as 1.11041/.4111 bon nod.,
r I,xl and one lvalf degrees 000111 MA laid curci,r ut
the Jodi, tt , l'y Were WttUtssevt by Its
said els aefer and El.lter, by three putt hoe fr. as Mit
Mote tOWefvl4 the •2440 hy Rh heed 0:44 11:14 1 s 111^
loisb l / 1 111004110514111 . ;) themes I.)' 0 line parallel with
tbi southern bost.f ry of Ind Mirar.l ts a:to. oriidsl
ly surveyed on worroute fated to ilobart Ndlfel
el. Wltheill rhalurais sod tie* Nat Isom, to wit:
south cighty4wo nod odd nelf whole &fait
theta lb et-ifsid sigh. ltd..4re I an I tar r Ifs..t. b, tt.J
saws latoov or 1404. 01.15111 atfites the casters. Waal
joy line a the tract arigtisaily Bata:lee ow a Wit*
taut f...ued to Pcboreh ifrani, dated the a•con.l day
ot tannery. it Ilia Ji,1,01101 of iv. 1.001f.4 avo
silly fact fiord.. Anted 'end one hal/ uerynwe oast
froiWthe double plot corner of this left arid tract :
00.0E11 01.11.1 elig.t.4o Ilia 01 Pe 14.41.1 1h0.4.1;
Mono warier. pal.b nine degree• west aro h mated
run *llly feet to the howeeld doubt phis corker of
flee trehorals 111413 survey ; ta004.4:1110,1i WC iiorllB.rro
Ituaoollly 141.0 041 d gatVOY, •101111 kigtow two
degreor weal.. about 1'UW11434154 1-'et. a.: 0:1 n a tin
Mute or km.,„s comer ut the hr set OCI:110.
ellt4a )11rd .11/ a W4414h11•114114 00 Wllll4l
dated the ladle of Mae. trtts • along Shia east
• to boundaft flats sat to, eaw
in.tta a yen said 04ir loth agree* wee.. tad
abbot) too- it.Theythitt 4:1•41...#04'.41/ t C. 40301011 0100'
said • blot:Milo Wointy. itw e. three thiaistiall owe
tiasoiroti .toi ally Ica, ire the 041114 MOP' Ye 1000. 1 / 1
a Cl4llll-f k) lug ota. 1411.101, a cliaeout oak tam but
butt fttrics. at:• kite by 0 d wit:hos-sub Missal a helot..
6.1•• it 01. Lie ivoutleWosterli Callilvf 01 the
a/Orevelio4 vo ograttity ttttt yed wa a warrant 'to
1111.Wert ilhosinlosier ; wine.: 0) till southerly bound
ray has .4 111. lest su,litt,,oco tiOCI. and vvl the .furs
sale tract ursigibelly iiiinoyse on • worm.% tog Wit
loon alwauuu, moth .14111) two degrees 444 oo• Shill
4400. toil, 141011114114 slue tl4llJf• ani eighty nine
Icel CO 4 penal Midway Intween the caelent hoe of
the raid thlitaturs tiUna curvy a el the Wtstera line
us lilt hem Alt/hooter survey; which paint Was a*
a nohow ray rowel 111u4•111111114111 sad W 44 lII' Die •
by tile sald dheelor au Pierer. by ial,arklop r y...ang
paw, sues easier 4c11:• tslover t;
tidal. sayeictivoly. 4.1,1 414.0 y 1 1 / 1 1.6444144 1114 41111.4
by torea ratans upon Ito sitio lioatilagAsaraird 111,
vintol. toot IfYO4, raapothraly. staves .4 su Wu 0 110
hood Illortol ; lietvev by a 11110 palalt-l watt thin cast
aro lose us seld aural ON a Ulfrevit tut Wilhaas
1011114.0vullt ieveu dogreaa and ..a.. as f Cwt. three
1..040404 rho ilOtletC4 tvillly•loof 11 01 and Uns•
boo 1.. Wu esse,souritg peon at Use otioals of tiro
, amount .0 the afore.aid, cootatoi..4 w tibia tie
aro. loOtlllllllli a* IMO aplallatiar of 40.150 5114 hada/COO
lute*. b.: too same ItWilln Of less, Willi tae aivivutte•
! ludevAti r lt.tit part of the while plea. or purtio.s• of
late it crelt 1.11.1411 d P. rour lib. 14111141 U l'ai In eutlllte
I In« We tuts...At:mu lowa oar, •11le reaftnoll tictreet."
p 5 ll' lot too Mot pats. to 4114 to C , root I MIV.ItUrg
a•f dart of, and of suittnel grads and
1e.1,11114., 441.0 the eightheittst day of Juts , . A. Me
letatt . coor urd alt r efory dish e...a.ity. its Dant 110 id No
S. Ilige 34 . and la Crlhlubid cailiott , 1511 1 444 140014
411 ' s 4" 4n° l3 V 4 e felateed aud 411 0111.41
siva. title esid hate ease Mania site ilier..tu 01111.
' dulls An.pacts. Jr..l.l.baris ball ambito. lant!,4.on. ae
WI 444 Dr' /OW recital inaistild.d ran 4:111‘:d
1401 1 lead. 1111,1 1 , 1 s fil api .n to. lotilltulditell
OM 1 la 045.0 Will 111,1 t., tally Prima ar. dad It 111. b 111::
•01.1 Job* iiii•vich..ll. IftasiVall aro custo.yeo t..
toutigato 10 Las' ISi 0.00 turd st - lies 1.0 illetro • hil"lt
the No .t.y ut j 0 .5.,4,,, A. It. ; whirls raw aort
rage is recorded lit b 41011111.1 suilnly so A 0111 14.11.
1.0011 t, pv4p, 4,•11. 2 3 .1 111 1 01,41{444 I.VO/lija. Its
Mortgage dealt NU. •t. pep :.Ti,
Th. tit are tti oA:idiot:hes up..n this triet - aim n e on
the Mansuedlt Vein, belle W4lllO feed. welled Ise
der Ices. by 0..40 1 14 tioaettat. Vhe tuipirueous
at which Otiose, to mi. torsoo. as 0,11,11... or 1 , 0 0
lupu 114114C11• SW" Slope!. two 11.1•1114 add edsop
' tea Lague.. 0.01, 01 niliely hOrre 4:14 ens t.f 0.-:,
hula. powvf•0 , 110 110111 m Ituiesista wed Pomp.
tug ,slouthrecrA enerpfeas ; a) ffoush, /dogma writs
0 1 .41 10 ', sniershg and M compl,ta 1511111 , 401
thirteen' blots of Abets' tilowees.. right
one tete Attlee. thocste...ith pomp,
..%•11.0.-hittir Naga, Ulf and Plitt ear II at lose tithe.):
. FN. b . /1.:1 LUl:l4lr i• dim adore l'essi
, *Ott , r•tev..l. and is lion' it eillot loader' billy
by ore Now Ysiha 0.07 tolutori - coalCoopuul 1.44,
imptui,trint nisi at this Calla y g,dl l / 1 1•g a If WSJ CO4I
15.04011. f. t.l 1:;410101, Ghters.iit an I flatten .nry CiNl
plant; 400 b.‘11.40 14 . 411441* 1/004JOY • Istettro.da,
‘lllsollter blackedrith litoblet Oil gild
rtAstver 114deur slid OSUMI.
15 Cent".
50 Cen(r.
•25 Ceuta.
114.44.1 mirla Calico bow aavostion Re 1114' Proven). of
Julio iumpuch. ,It.. aim Pi by *old hr
401, YAW- te.a.. M $ll. NW 4
A mete Lumber Yard inmabitr'
u.icfrr.igned „Auld torptetiony Whom most
J. so wsut of luuthsr first lir solariums to oktogudiu •
tuts sou kveity on liana 40n4 supply of buinliiiig
I. rid (custom Pt bt. raidOnin.lll4 , 4l
tanco north of the .Itpol, Which hs uireti for sills at
res , ouabli , nape. JACOB OCN 1 . LER
Slooomburg, Aloe SW. 1061,
All Prrinhe a.a berqbf vl2OlOllO agate/ii per
garaging a MOa given by me P. lli. Pruith for nne
band re .1 dnilara..l.4lird Deranabortl. Idea. Tnnt 11 to
In rec %able itilref , ,r, t will Col pay the
ordeal cuOillallad to do in by due that** of
Fewlervirllll,l4sy I, $ 1 40.-
628, HOOP SKIRTS. 020.
' A
"Otn xfics•N 31ANs."
r.wbraelas .11111/r. N.W Mt didambhi air,. role mod
"Inapt of Nall% and 'frail 110ap.54,411.-2.$ 1.4 41. $
33.4 31 14, 3 1113'55 4, Aid I )arde round tier) '
lanai a and .tae Wahl reaped(
F'/EST .(2 V A Ll T. ia
and ow of r.rol
Whim at
"Oar (), Itihtfr,
more 'r than
any other thalta fit, dos
skirt lu thy .%r lrrsi i. 4
IA iortry ever ilro not
%err& Natio"
bsl4 by lir .11014,01,
4 ty tbrin
Ask or
enPa l .
Sits re
1:1341121.73:11:115:12.'a 1 ,„
M tiF
I loin and Fancy Confectionery,
DEAL g lt, IN
UN MAIN itifltELl.
11111.411131ABLnG, PENIVA.
oft %NCI.3. LOWS'S, MASI'?"
PLINt.r. fit:?, 1)11Lp, A,t
prt ‘u %MLA VY .ILL KIVU*.
Al; ort;.•r, prowof)
Mating crttemi luta ewpatinereolo a rli enntinipi
r.m.ct.tl4,nary lius , l64gs at lAw SJIJ
Rand In ill Its brallcli"o.
atpeNrtrN In l'aninp. and nonnur•4 wring
aji t7Nn.IW, warsuut • 1.1.4141 ill Orp 114 toat
tbe ptlbl 6 .hMt Ivo
with ev•nribins tk,.16 , Itn.••upon tag tu.rt :ca.
rneeblr and** I•rate
1l•lrli and prow tatatilea do b« t•roUlN•d a ".1
g.od Freak Broad gads day )13 , at •belt a'4••
It mama
enntliee will be Me. iW treelike.' to large Of
ilfantiilol4 4r eau p Ardiessto. Yi
Roma tioxiqrsihtNionge Ito *hint?, will .14
to jive thugs. 800 Ihnfore purck
No , Aare. its toorcti on vtivs Conk.Amni,ry
It 3 31 ill Li 5 )3
rvlitro t h ey intzsia stire aiii4 It. cr , vu 4,tring
ilitiumoor rtiontlio to Nit wise Mirky., Coins with
;heir raw? ?.pill PeROlOO.l go mak« up
len tirer.NlN WI Ili W tygit„
Pionio.hog. Aso 3. I be.
OtYll A : 1 1; a Nile 04'110 Ur,
TIM el. Cll:Ateli
On Main Street, Bloonuabarg.
rhr ..s.p.her.. Pl..acire in if /0101iNCIPI 1.9
t(4l le , Mahal? bUrg. :114 VklaliN. tG.t L. Gas
an hands tarp• set Au. avaortilioat or
ibr 11.11C11.61ut gobtlertivi's w •sir. /1 , 1 1 4ti ; 0 ,41. 4
Ilia City wail' to Vie bon ass 4 to N ilia
us°4l rvlt.tbi • Ot.i..‘ a pia , tntt
wearies' and ag4tiitjutlgii
old LL" air 4ti:.O
be 1. not lib , ly to be iiiipnosJ tiposi by tottelrfoil
warthi , ae ni.tterist badly Sp.
Thu.* ai01:.1.4411:i We line waul,l Jo Mr-:
to sir.: Ito a call, berwe puit,Lasiud eliew!wto.
Mot/ 4
awl at Of*, to rats parirt.ikra.
All octavo. wao ,Welf• litb, at homey "elk moe.
110 aids Can ba maaws ~,,,, :taloa at hie tataa..•:.a. .417
itr A IrA, n pasileil Will be 64:..s with ebotAtill 4 4 4
drop itch.
An niacin! safeltuicat rpriet
Iwo 0... nn Wed. ,• A. WJLIVALS: -
Apia. X. Iket7. •
t:ite cmtl-Ja`lpaacs'33l3 - itiiio•li
ON ',TB It II wrillEir,
DELOW "'mixer.
11L00,18111:RG, PA.
I. P. irox. hp. hint of title eats bl ehownt wentl
rerpsrs fully ...gum hl 01d oull new condoms. 11 . 0 t
b" barn or.:sytimig ette.l up et hi. , !Inn
zt.te hint to runtish Viso' NH 1./111.4:
AND t. 3 11.0NIERW. • net &dare,
P;P' Ile haw wide a,re,.:e...v.ts far tle owls et
nr5....1. with lA :11. Enemas, wh. kusgs a (......nte:two
try distctly - p ,., t „
Where perPOLIS 4(.4 b•cad can be accoomoistel
464 tunes. '
rr IlerearWr as penione who htra bane torn:. h •
rd Wen 1.42^f neer. an .1 Porter. by the
buff. or godlier barrel. o/11 pall upou
11111,111.3E.ut his in „
hives' Block. Main Street.
who hap been uutuoribsti by the und.w dirtied to wit
Übe geom. Its wat e.osetaistly Luse • ingot, on heal,
which Will tie .041 at 44 1 .tiVeg owing miss.
Mr. P. 1149 I. coon.. ti with bie Subery bud Cva
toetiuttety . aped up W5...4 1 0r the st
It. C ,
in et: who mey faros him with the., fUtiM. Ile
.4ga prsiser.4 is eisite Csagui to /emu
11.9 fir purity*. palate Cl 'Debit gutbothigo se tine
soy wty be. Ererythiug per:multi/ to Me Una kl
boomed, Will WO v. 001.61 bad diDgent attention.
17" Ile to thealifot to nip eustouwre Pt r po*.l tn.
north and moat 910.1k614 1NA141114 40.0.10n 1i
J. f. FOX.
April 3. W'.
taiI:CC:I:AWE To 81 g VW. EYE:RI:IT.,
hart:Hely :Asti rbarp of w e well !maw , / and voi
oilitoctly N..tt4,1 eland. retereetratty tortoni. 6 , 4
old Mond,. ail well as slaw. ova tho outdo* IA
al. that his Omit.: if in eotoptot4 OW, hoe t 54 oc •
coosastolatloa of tortnierc. mod rot IA4 tet , tp i 44 r , .1
autoetat,tmont of trovollore whit tonf feel diloe , ot
to tarot hoop mon their /Aston. No pooch' ti A ,
{woo spatia to orepariut ttitc Haut Pir that 'atilt
litiatagot tuft.. Nod to4hing shell Mt witottna.
Ins port. to looltatsr t Mott E , r%onal cothnilt. The
location. as well at tha 11,01,1114. Is a root owe, In I
go amply a rang. tt to oltotell tho pubtte.
tar ltfs wilt kiwi* oe Ititalitted with
boat of fOrlOri. atilt bla lilac with 111. bee too one;
Unary/Ole, Aptlt 3, V.-4,
i racilcal Watchte .ker am! hula.
MAIN :-T 11 EF.T, (near the Court ITQue,l
)EiLOO3II.•;BURti, PA.
rot fllsni`v I'4 tun , ' a fine Nomittsnost nt Aiswilein
and Wuttney, rtoes. Jewelry. ifthrerworessJ
• Parlicil;ar eitemlon pnld to Of I , pes,lng t IMO**.
Wigietwe Awl 'Writ,: lia,asid Alas . wads w
Alt work Warrartell.
Sloomsburg. Aptll 17 0117.
J. N. OBE Et EN I) r, et,
113 p oponed e is w Toiler Phil, fie blab , '
Illsoseretiff. %Ihire hr %111 be Waled
ell who may favor hill %HI, their rigout.. Ile beta.*
elf bitten ore H lot or Ought. Cll//1 Afro, West.
311 . n. welds he min mete up In crib( wiib itifehreire
Attention pate to fishlike ant bare
eii,rioriiii.„,,lhrerialkiteir dent, hi hof
!tape;fFti ions ape's abort uetlce. All wort
limt bbsk &tell. telurausliers May S.IiK7
1114.11 ; 31S AND
rorotA In grow upon the esnmnheid f rte i n rime
three WOW.. weeks by tieing Dr. prrvivic's Ref -
tourninitr I:411114110. lb. itinfl wooderial dlorover)
I• in..dern r. ienru, actixy npon On Beard aud flair
Ir. an lonia ettrivultree uterter• it Iran tern Ilrei
by fps olotiorlrati)i Aril LobOrmi irk* the wartll , t
U'l rig INCCI.4I. ?limbos or all purchnorti call b 4
rryistaci sued If wutsr, itottorootio. , is trot lister to
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