Bloomsburg democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1867-1869, May 01, 1867, Image 4

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The seleetion of seed corn is one of the
west important things which a farmer does
at this season. Coarse cobs accompany late
maturity, as a rule ; fine cobs, well tipped
out, Wimp , perfect maturity, adaptation to
the season and ;roil, and a fixedness of char
aeter which it isimportant to maintain. The
cawing of corn takes place to a great extent
after husking, and the prosenee of a great.
soft, 1 1 3.*s cob in each ear gives a tendency
to mould which should be seduously =M
ed. The old experiment of fitting a paper
cone to an car of corn, then withdrawing
the ear, shelling it and returning the kernels
to the cone is interesting and instructive.--
If the kernels will all go into the cone, the
cob is too large, and we should say the corn
unfit for seed. The cone should be made of
brown paper, dampened, bound tightly
around the ear, coming no higher than the
kernels, but covering all, theendstire !rimed
off, and it is allowed to dry before the ear is
dr a wn out. One may easily judge by the
eye which ears have the smallest cobs, those
which are best tipped out, which h a ve , th e
kernel, in the closest rows, and all the r ,
running unbroken from end to cwt. nese
ears will not be Ibutal among the biggest
round, nor among the longest, usually, but
among those of mediate sir , . A friend
used to say, as he shrove 1 , 4 his least corn.
"every eer as regular and Mttlul as a white
oak pin. - And so they wcrc. as nearly a
corn ears could be. firm, close, bard and
The (;ormantown say , Tbv
unit ure of this fruit, tmmotudk i, we think.
by any other grown, we an. glad to sea is
becoming more general. Almost every per ,
son having a garden of any size is beginning
to try his hand at it, aml it Pau be dol. wish
as munch success as raising a crop of corn.—
The groeml should have a warm exposure
and be friable—day mould not heitm adapt.
ed—the hills should be dug fint six inches
and tilled with weldrAnted manure and rich
or six set's should be pm at eyol
distanee, about an halt hi depth, and the
should be 0 . 111 with the other
The hills should be alantt six felt apart each
way, and the plants, when they have pan—
ed all danger, should be thinned out to
al out three in a hill. The Led must Le
kept clear of all w,aal, and grass, nil when
the vines comm.:two running they sleuth"'
not be disturbed, (.1' the root"..ts volute..zed
with the muds, and by which it large!y
supplied with nottri , liment. s will be broken.
The glimnd, as the vine,. be g io
should br v on e AA ‘ e r with an iron rake. es
pecially:l'ler aht my -bwer. to loosen it
anti give these rt-otlet.4 a eltatat. vi take hold.
They should be plant" d at the ti tun 4 cormo
Thx i- uo r, v.hy I it'• rtrater
,ll4,lll+l lOC 11:11,v a patch fit catiraiup , - ror
I . 4lnikt pled •grHunti 49 by 1,14
11.'114 he ' , Hough tier a tuode;•atc-,i401
LOU, IVATba AND Fttst . .. -S. W. Stew.
Newcastle Co., Delaware, had his ht.ll
'et an 6E4.! 1111.6112 a heavy thunder storm.
Ile wishes to knou if the cooflagrati, was
probith'y tine to the lipinn'te . nr to
that was stored there. A 4 the I,arn had
two pond lightning rods, awl as the lime
w a s placed dose to than :i.ll of the barn
inhere tie rain (Toed 1 , , lho:: 1 1 thrum d i tl w
craek we cone that the limo. or rather
the water, was in this ern-e the i n ecielhry. -
Ile thinks. that it' it was duo to the pre ~, n , .,
of the lime, the feet should be published f
time benefit of others. We supposed it was
generally known that lime, i n e ., ro bi n i nt ,
with water, or in ' ` Makin.,." as it is termed.
evolved suflicient heat to t=ot fire to wood
and other combustible. Only a few weeks
ago, 'teeter Grant, at lons Hata had an
experience of this kind. The I tubtrm made
an unusual rise and overflowed hi dock, on
which was a shed having a C o ti .j,k ra l,b,
(inanity of lime stored in it, awl a .-mflagra
tion was the re:ult. it is not an unusual
occurrenee that ves , els having- lime as part
of their cargo, are lost by the, 11,w small a
quantity of lime will generate heat , nilleiett
to fet lire to wood, wo cat. ' , -;
but a few ounces u I , r ho,-e“ h
and a pound will cook a I ver , tetth. it ;-
better to lose the value of a f‘w. bushels ef
limy than to run any risks in -to; in it.
A rorresporlitt lit or the wit.% r AN
SfAR I,lmvit
fir tho truth of the Finur,ititt
I planted motions, cucumbers, and a few
pumpkins MI a hillside facing the north.—
The ground was in a tolerably eon,' condi
tion. As soon as the young plants had I, e
etrated to the height of say two inches above
the surface, I applied a solution of: 4 4't
Petre. It must not be made very strong,
and must be applied with great eare, that is.
NO that none of the solution will touch the
leaf or stalk at the time. A good w a y
to have a large spoon, or small ladle, as the
solution, if allowed to touch the tender
plant suddenly will injure or kill it. Two
large tablespoonful, applied three times, at
intervals of two or three days is enough. 1
raised such a crop as was really astonishing.
I am not now filming, but I shall never for
got that crop.
Mil' Voting trees, like other young pima.
require care, and no one need sow the seed
with the expectation that they will take care
of themselves. Weeding, cultivation, and
thinning must be duly attended to, and if
the little trees are •likely to suffer run►
drouth, they should be covered with a good
mulch of saw-dust, If they are left in the
seed-bed over the first winter, thew will
need to be covered with leaves.—Amcricum
Sr The Ince where the young chiekein
retire to outto have a dry floor anal ho
kept Perupu ly clean, and as the floor is
the coldest part of a room, their roosting
box ought not to ho more than twelve inches
high, and to 1 e slanting, which will keep
In Shire', Outline , ON Maio Stoves.
tioaea, aflitutoseburg sae viviaity thtu
he boa opined a New
in this 0., where ho invites his old Ole o& and
cfmlimlrril to colt 411,1 oartakt , of his refroehments. --
it is his 11111 , 1111 , 91 to the best
.10 B EI?ANI) .1 L
cmowinoly nn ton 4 t Alce. Parlor, Sarcomata. The
Will Water. Pettey idoonodee, Kit berry sad Id to
• on Syrups, ran 1411011111 be had at hie lit.chotrunt.
In the outdo lie* he promentra
Stasi or. IASI!
not lint awed this pleat , Pickled Oysters
chums, hordittoe Etch, kimbocued Chicken, P 104104
Tripe and Keel' Tongue, Stc., Va. He also hto a goo(
article of
7//rt Ps until Chewing Abaco)
Mr bin cumomora • p Oleo hint ft call.
Illoontburg, June 13, Mkt.
G REAT nmuistNs
RClinCiioll In Prices.
und, , ,,ion.„, otter to ttio putriYc
in all kind* of
MUM. 72 4 C0a2kalliadlaSZCNO4
Such as
Dlty (OOth,
Sil: iI:V MV 11t LI
1100/01 and "iolbov, Hats, Callo,
awl %Mona in oven' vorkiv.
Oar nisuinesit from th iirtt at January, will be con
dueled on o *Wetly
and persons rori.hi,m , •• • i 3
hue can do ou at ry
Clorreni t% 7 oleu.s is rrireti.
All lambs of proOltro rt.! taken in *Luna oiy.
t!...t" We torrtisily invite the nubile to
and n share of their patronage.
IlrNt'NrH& Slityti AN
ratae.i , tea, January 1. Ino7.
IiUMBL!k. ! LUMBER ! !
tailettv that they
have thett
Hatt in apura,Gm with an titPlltiVe assortment of
Lt a 17;41 Ll 3 tT W,
and aro now pr•prire,l to sttpply nH orders short
taottre hod nr tho lowest prices for cash, Their a: ,
~, r tment of I.l'tlitvr
While Pine Plank, Hoards,
Flooring, Snreice awards,
Siding,lensloek Plank,
Uuuled or unpinned, to SIIII 111/relvowtv Frame stow
Jet, 11/14 OrtflailIO: Or ail olAss, Thor planing 1 /1
owl I.etolter Yard tw eitonted at the Railttettl Itebot.
very conveniently for shipping to otter by Ow cortto.
'Hwy ore robt.tatilly lIISIOIrIOOI/0111 lumber wt . till
kite', find person,. wOO lumber of eltily
,et rieteot WIII,fo well to exmoine their .torit before
ei,elvhere. They are determined eto•
mew), preparedto $Olll4 IMunp as the rfit.apet.t.
Thr y“ffod. ,ire to 1104/1111 the piddle IMO llSpet lolly
tbo4 e wto. 1.11 to tmbaw. WI stuff t bot they bon,
one etally prepared to cut timber- of almost
ev.ry stie wet length required. TIMM, Wlshltt,t to
btlllli Or CO4llll/Ctori (or huiidwq, coo oast money, by
ttiv t!it! 11,4 3 I WI
The Milk,' +Wed ienulA 11,4" Ur111(11111, that they
are provar,H ,tonll t:1 , 14 41 , 1 , :tf 4 NilleilitiPry,
M arlyiurt v+.
all ;units A agricultural impleumids, twou
We term..
Ad,LN,A, P. G. E V ER,
R« pt. 14, Ista slapapatta. pa
thief hattliehedt a omw cdotbm of
crisrinvi:l.l:s cel«bra.l I ay tot the rid
feat t•ura OVlth"tn MediVint ,
fait W,aktwas, inyttlontitly s,untild
1 , 11,
nut NIL, .1 ritcapnrity, Jntpedrranutvs
ht %Mt Mtge, ate. ; MVO I'tilt. , llllllMMl, V,[1111.11:r. nu t
Induced by sot t tido :44. , .en ur Kt•tutl , NtrAvtt•
. ..nvi./0p... only
front it thirty yrat,' oicc”,s•
int praCtlCo. that tSte
01611.4 , 1113 V IW radlr.Blly curhi w allow tin;
nub OA , nC ,Ht, 'fro of
lb. , !Mg, pohtillif out n mod , ' of Mr , 01++.
+ &quid, by titvaii4 ~f la
iiiatt,tr what hi., ion ittly ,
euraa hflu , Flf c 6 aply. tint:3'oy, Bud ra+ll,4li).
ivt the, ift the, Bands or , v,ry
rolth ilit! 11101.
Hunt. t , exi, in 21 pi an c ra O pe, t any no.
dtcaw poxi-}afd, nn ruccipt cetst, or two
I y. orlt, to,
E kl)1Ni; BAIL
(ALIT Tll - SK Lism ellom 1111 Nofllll
and N,,011 WeA for PhiladolOwt. York,
Pttlisvul ltr. •t'arnuynet hatmii. A 111 t•
JOWa, I:UOrt , nt rpitrata, ColLinthi.t,
'Trains leave Ilarrir.burg for New York, as follows:
At 3 00, nod 933 x PM) 110 an,l 900 p .
igg , with Aftio,l4 Trait.* alt the on:41voola Itswl
r O3 O and York lit .",119 and 111 111 a M
yu . 141.win4 I .!or*areompa.
ni i n n tlo: 300 A n out At. Ti:tion vrAbout
1.e3r0 I . 4lrrkkurq 'or [!culling, rott 41,11 Tama -
9WI, Nisto.rsvllle. A .leatol, Ailott"wii
alit A of and 11 10 and f IU y
*topping at Lebanon nut principal Way ntitiaus ,
Ili , 110vxtnrlMOkarounertiunsfor l'llllwtophitt alit
Golv. For Polt , ville. Sclolytkol ,von
and Auburn, it:, 1.4+001011 and 84, to ^1,1,101 Itnit
tic 0,11 ne 11.mi..1 , urg 01 3 '2O Pm.
it,t9rowe Ixave N' Y , or nt 0 1111 0M.13 M and
"Lo ' " ll* At and 3 '34 4
sN,sy. rain AM% u. 11 ,4 nt . 4
trll4 arathiqr ntlo .01 4141 1 , 1 11 9 1 Id 101
.4101414144 Ilk at t r p a ; 4.1 g
141146 and 11111.1 A . l 91 ,. 4 I 1.4 •: 1 ;.444(
9 14 r, NI 44111111 M nod S p M.
Laays l'at,,alls for Itar...La , 4 1. I;(111 aati
sa , apu , h..atta ItAroae , at 7 la,
At I;3D. u rAdAri.m2l 1.- 411
old CI I.lp t . I'.: i
tht :~U4~Lt),
(1 , 1014 r 61 .1
running olity , F. F. ;
A Al, and It, who.. . A
for H1M...1.1114 n 1.11112 M, for Ross ror4 and 4
I, M. tor
Comilttn4lion, Mihmigy, g 031 14 ,11 School and ixcur•
eion TirkVfn, to and from :111 ratan.
Ituaguri , ettucl,e,l through; to p00n44 4 FFach
rasteiLer. II A Vu.)1,1.4
J; n.
Nr'w ("""'' NEV' 64")1)8'
a:lA*64o.lp Risaz)L - t- ata
THE untlerpipoll bee just r , 'Eulted a very urea
and excellent neenrtment of PAM., AND WINTER
GOODS, whkhpropomeog to own eery ritteS
Ile has qualit ies of
CLOTHS, I:ABSi:times,
C it r.,1 !KA, rte. &e.
The Grocery Department
is Oiled with the hest quality of (midi groecries nod
arovioion*, MICA so Nagar, molames, dour, salt, fish,
loon. bacon, Idea*. &c.
r 7 Omar), protium taken in exchange for good*.
for which the Mew** market price will he given.
lac that fail to give him a tall and secure great
Orangeville, Illov.41,1„
No. 14 Bond Bt, New York..
Imo" Full information, wtth the OfAra frathoreihris
also. a Hook on Ottiat Met aiss in a srairol witidope
.ent icron,
Le' an owe mut read for Wm, and yaw 'MI leat ?dein
for, as advertiaton phypirians are genrni:ly too
',odors, without wforritres no stranger should be
treated. Enelosse stamp for postage; nod direct to
YORK. Nov. 14. O. M. P.
kXs.(2l?Z;# l l,raAila
Piantit for the People 1
420 Broome St., N. T.
%v., would oth the attention of *let publir and the
trailer to our ablaut New et 4/10 thitiOot. in the follow. •
ins stylos;
trirlit A, irs lam., Front large toned vent rs.
plain ease, caller octagon or carved lugs,
strutsitt honour, bead itiond ling on plinth, ~..yap
STYLI.; 11, I octave, thil , s as style A with nor.
pentane nrouldilic no With. carved legs and lyreo 400
tfrYtsli e, i octave, Font Embers large round
not pehtthe bottom, Inthlitting.o Chile lit Ott style
fr, revved lyre and desk. fancy carved lege... •
WI V' Lei D. 7 octave. rear large round corners,
finished hack, mouldings on riot and plinth.
serpentine bottom. carved lyre and desk, Ole'
cant curved trait legs eirm
The ahoy t. styles are all finished in elegant rose.
wood eases and have the full Iron frame. r thoeh
action, harp pedal. bowled loth, ivory he),,, and key
fronts and exceed in orierstrung bass, or arty ail the
7 g Octave Pianos now manufactured. 'They are
made of the bent materials and for finish, durability,
purity and sweetnes of tone, cannot he surpassed.
Wo invite the tittelithin Ot the piddle, of dealers and
the profession, to a CS itriCdt ts.atithitttiott of the
merits of our Pianos.l
ty avoiding ti.e area( evpensms atteminnt upou
co s tly Whole.. end e.lownstve warmootna in tho
city. wenn, enabled to oller these Plasm., at pr , ea
%Web day competition, and Invite all to veil and
exitintee them before purellitAW: elatn hem
ith•thrie.s tern rely epee 14.0144114
their Pianos promptly, and ao efethelitel Ceti ~rise
no the my leo nre on distinctly designated by the
Thereof styles deveribeil above, embody all the
essential changes its exterior tioXib of wow, wittrb
art+ by may manufacturers ma up to 15 a n d ‘,..0
G 1100ERI
wnorld reoperlitilly roll the noel
Lea era and tliuein4.Mrhrrai '0. , 0 p0. t , t o one
Irsoute n 1(1010 lilt kind. td
Anthem "CooOa colt bo ohtainud on Ulu moat 14(0 . 0,,1r
The long exporionro of onr Mr, Primp , : in 3tu=icat
Comentinne, Choirs, Me Concert Room end
Nrllool, enables tam to aloe iidvin 111111 infomillion
on nil Omni , : of mosirar gmereet no 10 the etr o o
of proper work' , of in ii r action formation 01 time of
oo.t. —orogrere. 11101,14",1 404 0 , 110
11110041 , '%ll 00 1 1 111 commiee re, leader', 1 , 0004.00 I
sheet Moric forniehed on the umal torque with
promptotrn and h, Immo y order...o tetted
And t.ioctions made for impale, machete. 47011( Vlio.
. kc., arm
Now reedy the new Seedily &heel
'TIIE Cl4/11,1111110i 1144011115 E
fly 1' E. geo.e. Author of Snerini Lute. Sunday
Ilona Danner, Oriental titre Beek, realm King, tee.,
4C^ will „,n,r copy, 1.3.0 paid, to any
addre 4 e. to rerrupl or twenty cent.. Th., prim 6 f
'Tar , :01.0 , 1 04
S111:1, copies, in paper EilYdrii
fly itt.i too ti 4,1111
stogie rodiee, in board cover+ $3 35
By the 100 10.00
Strtird Pirrdrr I t rrlialt
Jog , introduced, and tieing adopted by all leading
(vows to the notnurocturn of Plaine:, Organs, Bd.
tiara Thlderi. Forttito re, Ever) out. Won Into
a Plano bolt 'MVO II bottle or 01,4 tt,od
for rireenard, alto We %till give Pull parttenlar.4 and
ttireetions. A ppllcut woe for Tt tritory and Argr
reeeived by RaitWN AL PERKINS General Agent*
rot etre United Otatr , , 4do Itrof,m” Streit, N
onus lidrditiiu in lb, e..oititv Weed :!
ae hotite, n 4 t ti it
Ordvred, In flte u+.++,l , Ive st,
1, , ,r 0 1 . 4 s;
G DN., AG Evr.s FOt \ , S , ~
N ,, . 41u lirosus; ritreut, N 1
tlet.M %,
'fhb , crew line tritver.r e the Northern 00 Notth
v. sie rr a rortylt. , OP. tin.ylvai4 to the City .4 grt.
ern I raw. It ~p,rattm try
the renn.yl, ania lialireuui cntnnato
T t a t e or Easeerigpr Trani. , at tioribunthertrtnii.
Erpt 'mein I I
tr. le Gtnrera. Trate: C ;!.$ A ,tr
Wtl ite NS A '4l
Leave Westward.
Eric hail Tr . Alt
ErieEN tit3in Trait' 1i 14 I' 3t
1-:!tailr4 Miit 4 4.5 r 31
1'40.m1:4 , 41'mA ran thronall on I.l* , Frie iull u3.t
la...lls** v.oltioat thaalle Grab Ways b+ twain
Ptil!adfll44l4 and 4,:ri.*
Vi rk .4 0 on.) in • :init . «. iv Ern , In to) n
Now l'iteit at :i fnY 1, in • ait i• at Erie
1,"n" U..." N. Iv Votk
1411 In at to t):1 a 411: urrl 'VC at. Now
1ort; 1 f't
t t Am t :AN cans nn all mro t tot,.
Car Wrap - mat tan re.tvaltaz rt,, , nger ba,ta,.s,
a'±, at ./C tt-r 30 , 11 and Thal t tai !p!c3
And F - ..141t1 tita t A , ;,1“
It. , 13th and Market Stry,t.
rhilact, Iptit
3 Erie, Wm. Wow'', lat at N. C. ft
11. 11. IOW:410N.
H. W. GWINNEIt, “f”,. 10 it. 4
A. 4. 'I f.1,11,q.41 Stip't 1,4 e.
t'rt IS, I t 37
Wbett by the ii ii PR rINVILI.rri 1:1AX IR
you uto tar corer! s,o/OlOttlefltly Milt :it 3 1101fIttelo•tt,
The 10 1 1011ithIrti er • Who'll h 3, uttetoool Oats
Inv If o4bler ooh. too for Phy , irti I 1 tot NVt'Vollii
tfirukr„ f;rnetr.l Proorutroo.
of M rut Gliefitt% tia11• 0 1• or hay or the rum
11 1 1 , 11ifla 1301,1 i OW- it the
01 00 1 pr•TN';;Il.“
ii 1,4 1 1 j lqfpr,qPiOri•
iiiii:oB(llV io Etll.lV or li,o,01,••: , , tog* ,r
uartnui v, i•0010A3011, S 3011330: Of i• •um -1100,
hoolual“ Arr. It will r, -top• lb,
r, UP W the tlt10,0! pit it by
bcusll4l rlo oti tII t o t pr
V 0 0 02 ot.r ia , tau humboeßal 110 110.3 . 0 liy '0,1110,k
3:0113100.0111 , tar Win 1.. b•it w nibm
far I:trtir,lll.: ,at to. he alth
ms a A v r i loo r •m o 303 , 0100401 1/1
vet)• rorilaw,. Prim 1, or four tootthor to our Oil
tow honk! I. P Wail+ lit ti , o Wee( 3 tlire ill
(di iIIIII , C , rY cits erf .
t•titerikPlll fi.r the
at , ,/ rralaw-ht tire +4 Gifitorrh,t. rrethitti
t Stritinte runt ail atii . vtion.t tit
the ht.wys and Illit,tdcr. titres etr , , ted is rent,
11)1 4:o*. Th- are itr , e4l,-4 rrow regrtaht+t
extracts that oiro h oh the .yortent, rtn<t it, Vet'
tauscutethnetilllllol tiopretitiitte the hretith
changeOf mot 1. neeoasary Will 0 11011 t thee,, nor
does their action in tiny marmot itawt• r,. with low.t
row, Privy *1 per IMX
CO her 4 the 4144 mentimieit nrti Ie a iii he - et
to stt.ii.• , !„ 4,1 • • •
wait ur cliireat. en receipt fir price. Ati•li , -•
delete I46:ltGtit SUI TPct&Co., Chen•l N ,,
River r•t., Troy, I'4. V. iy,
C 'SPE 11 , MA .
ostwaaliftl ,m , l raw
MarrytiCith eye amtjudl34ll hair,
11fo.0 tentlril+ sm, vlowtnel,
Luchuitied the t ry heart and
For ttiriina the Hair rvf eithor Sox Into 4‘'ory 31t$1
By uai lig this article Ladies and Gentlemen can
henutify thellettdve* it 0104.410 fold, it it the only
tittirte in the world that wilt cu rl etrntghr lor * a n d
at the etuu liwe give it it hentitifel,ttlettsl itplottar•
aim , . 'rite Crisper Cana net rusts the heir.
but int ilerattet. beam *c anti cleannes it; is 6iyhty
NMI 40101411 y p. 44 1 ,1111.41. and it the mest rengltttc
mild,. 14 l b s kind ever ettered to the A Melo,. tti that ,
lie. The Cricter Ceuta will be sent to city oddness.
seated 'Una peolititid tlr 41. Address nit orders to W.
I. CLARK & Clr.. Chemists, Nu. 3 West Fat ette St
Ey/at:dile. N, V. Feb tri 117
lackawanua & Bloomsburg Railroad.
'LI SENDER TRAINS Wll.l. RIM AS Pol.i.owo'
alr'l7 cloUl ti W ARO
A H 0
Leave rt,o oct , o, B 3,1 7 I‘ , 4
• K 100. 1 ,04 053 @ tlo
Itiortllc, 03t 0 at,
A r r at Northumberland 10.30 013
Leave Northantherland,&lo 411, a tla
Oanvtlle, 0 Eno
Roped, IS OAS
K lagoon, 1030 £t,so 003
Arrive at Scranton, Pt 00 4.00 10 13
Trains leaving Stnarton at 9.30 At M for PrTfintne
connect with grai n arriving at Now Vora at 3340
Paaarnger, , takirto Traht *oath vrato *cm 4400 at 310
A 31 eta Norilonnherland,reath tiarrivinirt in 30 P
italtimore 3 all P M., Waelonaton 10 OOP Al via itu..
pert 40140 Philadelphia at 7 tll P M.
11. A. FONDA. AWL,
Kinitston, Jan. 30 MO.
I.wromitig Comity, Pa.
N. HUDtiON, Proprietor.
November 11. 18110.
NOTICE TO cminrrotm
MI peptone bontiihtn thentileiVet indebted to the
pinniwitint to innke l' Merit
J. C. It ER. 1.4
01;: 0 6100 1 111. Etb 11. ICC.%
Leave Eastward.
:•TiTElt SO MORE!!
Glossy Ringlets or Heavy
;Resolve tlnfie,
.torEwloAL. yAnD.
V9is 4 sthalkirtool '61,00604 Informs Inforx do etimmo
or laionranla 004 Colombia comity, that they keep
nil the iliitaroot nombora tM alnitif coal nfikt
thVa. cool Thr toniMinx porponom on thole wharf, mi.
Jonas, nicKolvr, Next Xt Pilth4WO With It stood
pair &Maio !omicron tlio wherCht weigh eimi,bay and
aura* kikewiim a hope) nod wagon. to doliVer teal
v, theca who deem lt. A, WO poreltimo 4 larks
Stantthi or root, we taaand to keep a .ttherlor urflrid,
4Pd twit at t h e very loweet orlon.. Pleii.e ran nod
,xaanu, fur your«eitv4 haute porehaelart elsewhere,
.1. W. DRliirilirf,
At:GE:sive MAIM,
uttilersigneil will ham, hit:settlings for v os t
40 4 firosiirist4, following Damsel a rtiriss
W b o o Las, I Mos 0, Lord. Pain, Pima l
dsr, and side meat, nutter. Lggtt, flay. asc., at the
Weiss* sash prises, at his Cricery Stars, adjoining
th , or stud yitt J, W. 11CNDKRSHOT.
hloosi,ho t April 'IA 11.4 IY
11 E onlwr, taint, propHoor
4 the, tdinve lefeeed
itql.hthent,i4 goo,
rrpared in reaexn orOrr
All Kinds of Machinery,
for Coll, , rirr, It rurnaces, stationary Enginoo.
Ile is tibia prepared to make stoves, all niZPII and
i tinttern•, p'nw•ironr, and everything usually made in
fligoinine Monad rie..
His eV MoivP fnc3iitins goal Praetkill at , tt kitten. wilt ,
tt. .ra.„t rotortteto nnOtt
t tSOr t ,r•+
twat 1111. Lliek (Mit
Or pot.
PETER ntwatyzu.
sqn. I L 1063.
/vete& oppoite the Epietval Chute
A T y , f twk is entni)(l4ed of fine Montt mt. tardiest
ill sod iIM , Prised—adapted to nli conditions,
tastes and wants. Ile hoe the latest styles fur the
season—a nos assortment of
Overcoats and Gentlemen's Shawl,
Prnm lOW to the tv h.•et
Ift+ 4;ve IvAhronahle ant well tthde,
to nd~ittifm hi wit vt i k or r chairing. I
ha% , vothf fur cutout "rdelrd.
ti3lothol, Civisimerem, &c., &c.
And hnetnit one of 0,144 Ott.,ltt,rti, I "tintrin
4.4* n fit in all eases ran
and give satisuni. ' Ain, a
variety of
stm,k4. ILtnotherthith
—1 . 1,1101 in the gentlethrtre, e:othi,te.
Alo, Bien* anti enriwt
I Britt ;.• II at Ow loir , t*t Vlarkyt prie.S th.e
tilt hg•pap posel , a-tent so tern,
Ds tot. I CT ROUTE
Tlurltryh iotttreta awl Rochestrt
' , without ebsinge of Cars.
V t
NR,..1 17 - , ; ,:; ,:!ovPtithcr I Ail, !ow"
RI'PPALO CX Pang.kuv , Palttolore In 10,60 v,
rittholelpltta t o P. M. Ilnrrthhurg 3,10 A. M neltv
~ 4 1111,4 1,1144 , 841 1 ` 1 . 4 8tNti111a1104" , ,h44,41, 5,14,4 A, hL for
4aukatrunnn ini , l P.M/OM ltn3t Road,
r • uviog nt 7.tat A, Al. airot tug to Dant ;,In A.M.
Inaaao.harg A, M. titugoot 111.10 A. :11, ecrin ,
tau 1.,:,na roam.
M %I I. s linltintore A. M. .:110e..evrern
s u nans 1111.4,1,1p1iza M, tlnrn..harg
F. m, u .lo,ertay. R.thaengers at Notthouttn4l,,n4 1 15
P. I. jar train an Lac4n,vanntt anti Pinot...tu* tints
h0,i.:1; there at. 1..211 V. M. utrivtng 441 pnnviile
p, 11 r4ot , ,u , tmrar 45 r. W. liinv,a , tatt 0 (P 1 M.
10,13 ; p o ,, ...ling north and arriving in
Wtlttanopart at 11 ta P. u.
r LINE. Iva t 11aitimara,.1a1W1,,xto , pt s u n.
day.' 1:11 P. M. Plahatelphta 12 ta.on, 'hu t ...bu r r.
lo r. M, Notthutnlnuland 0 14 P. M 140111 over
ni2ht, a... 1 lento follow elormail at. (.on:urri :f
4 A $,441110. 1 . 1,1 4:14 , Act,r44,
sorrn WA RD.
ixl'Rt:ds TR.% IV, fro v # ,A NmtlinothOlmtil
, 1 ,1 Sunday».rrcixiviny pagettlitgllt.
r.mtwo lt A IP A M. hltultl , l 5'49 A. M. hitta.....
1.4 PAL ithtt• , tte oi P. :M. unit ttp , if Plitt.
tt .4,.1,4 1,, 1,09 A. M. 11:trtititurett.ttd A. :41. Odin.. at
7.1 tt A Al
31A tia TR A N.lonnta nand 10 111 A.M.
Silriti,l 4 • !MI: lii tea eitr uae tA, teneing
rramon at .350 A. 31. IlroAtin n•4O 4 31 gammon
6,1; A. M. innataMina 'AI; A.M. Imamil • 9.31 A.M.
aim aniving to 11ntri,Mert , 1,13 P. 31.1Mtlan. , 11 , 1tia
3.50 I', M. 1t:0,11,1 , 4e an" It. M.
ra, L ou ', teacett NOrthilflll,PriltiO at 0;/5 a, in,
ii rivnnt in Itarnobarg at 9 091 a. ut.l'lnla letalnn 1,31
it. tit liiitttnnraloll.
Hy Ws rant. , fright (torn entLtlit, Summonian
Ht• 34. itotancttur anti Cartztatlat2 , l3 of any literate
Sian , pmtxt 441 Arty Vatic iNnittal can be *Wm.,'
whon tn fall car 'tnk in any pint mi tau
Lae'. iWatitil and Itl.l , tataturg Knit Wail, withal
Ittcchttert Wilts nat.:, or fr,l , thi an.) I'4*u:utter fare
Fad 1..0, 41, Ili WI" iit) I route
firltllls". P. is, YOt'SG.
GeWitialt"t, llarrtsltur&t,ri. c;.•,, h.,. A g ,,,t,
ihitilito,v old
t' 'I Frught A. , at. 11433.11. N
4;04'1 . orris
9'tl t )I*l ‘V 1.1
Aunmtnn• to hie tunny I'l tvlld a n d M1111.'1 , 114 ruo•
nutty I* 1 foo i••• OrOlOtOr. lit" OboVe ku«tur•s
Id phrt of • hi MAIN STII
01.wnwrg awl othero can be accoomindit,A
°rail kind, Stovepipi 4,Tio‘t arkl, and cry
HI! 01 ..u.i , 1411 , i STOVN
, IA
Alt r, $ " NTS Ott: rit;;fr,
- I
rtl3, atilt 1w put
na kw:4 or rep:rural: dune
, CO VI - 11110•
N. tk+o a,eps an baud a larle aapply of Milk
aa r :r-at -azea and prim+, ; be.itlea a doe are
.ori meat at ri-mer'a Paten, relf•Peating Print Pre
rano. thee afar a call.
Jail in . loam—a
Watches Watches:Watches
mpnrtern and %%lin llnnlor4 I n
Cold ma Se*free il'atches if" all description",
34, Lihertg Ntred, N.
Ib. fn ier,,rto the public that they have Mgt 14!
reteed the toast pirrrect, and arcerate Watch
,„„,,Inste,i,, , ed market, Th,
, b f ,„„1,1,1, extra rehis ieweiltd, heavily lx Carat
11.1,1 Plair . ol tot SIIV4 r, magnificently eogratred, fine
ly and richly Enameled Minting Cases. Potent la , v•
er, trennitte 11,1itiesitentiet Hands, thoroughly resit
hied by 00 1111,4erV atOrY, 41141 warranttnl to he the
No Plus Ultra Time Keeper, A superb and most re.
liable 111titeh, Gent's or Lady's rose, will he twat
free In any address on receipt of fori, or, if prefer
will be sent, e. 0. do on receipt of $5 as part
The watch will be soil If Express, or mail rests.
tared, so that there Is ultutoottr a certainty of reaching
their destination ; hot should the Espresx CO, or
Poet (lake fail is their duty. we will send another
watch infinediatele
Urf"fur " 0 2/ int/4t J friotm promptly
mol Ad/slit/1y piffled.
a 1 ih.rel reline to the Vitae,
‘r; v • , tt a wxtit ‘genttl in every town and
,t, tit th tv-untrY• 00 it , those acting as such
itreitwolr will be e &red.
I it.oney by Exprete, (IVA °Mee Oraer
, th ..stto,) to
Ott. ‘44, 106t1.—Com. J A
lllPPreit TITIAN Werebia taupe..
tonal *Preterit to the ladies end gentle
It a ; men of hi ionisburaned vity. He iv
"" prepared to attend 14) MI the verifier
nparet hemin the line of lite preferoini midis provided
wit tithe West improved f01kt.141..414 TEATIA whirl
wit tie Pointed on vold.pletina,elivor and rubber be e
to toidowell sit the notelet teeth
Mineral plate end block teeth inenufertured lir. ell
ortitiono on teethdltrefelly end properly atietided to.
Rerhtence end sake a few doors above the Court
It wee. NM, 811141. 44)
theehnoburg, Mien Hide
100,000 LES & A LARUE
mom. Tn.. 1111111.1r011111•11 ORM (or salt upon the
moot ransonable 01111110, At blip place or Nominees, In
I 1 int)I,UNVIA MINT Y. non bemired rhea.
eand elthigle• and a Inirie 1 .4 (Pr frooloi boarolo, of
tivi*nrY heet pAelity. both pine and be mbe:lt.
Mor !),
Empire Nhuti le Machine !
PA1.111491 MA. Spi Broadway. Pl. Y.,
Wa•hington Ft eet, Pardon.
9111 Che not Simi. Philadelphia,
P.VI FATED Frit. le. Ike.
pino MACHINE /• enn•truet,.4 on entirely new
prinriplea of owebani•ie, poo.miaing many rare
and valuable Maar. Yemeni' bating been examined
by the most profound expert, mid i i rmim i n c ..d
i;;knn In exchniwto for
Simplicity ftml PcrPetims roubinell.
it lola a otrahtht nootito perpr.nolrular artlon,
Ombra the or Slit TeLE rltrreil. which ail!
Iteitto.r RIP aor R A VF.L. and la ' , Aeon both aides ;
perform+ aorforl rrh Hog on ovory 400rrtiption of
nintrrtni. from 1. , ethos !nine litio.l tontNlin.
a 41 14 4.441 U 111 4 1.44 " 44 4 Hr 01114 thread. Cr,,.,, tho conroopt
In the tine*, nototo.r. Minion neither 0 ,14 or Col:
WIIRIII.. and Ilia lanai r,ktton. it rho. ea
smooth astilaia,and is
Emphatically it Nate1,.. 1 ,4 At ie hi nt ,
II require.' FIFTY PER CRAT. lose mot cr 10 lithe
It 'bon any falter machine in tho market. A girl
waive years of sko eon work it oteodsly. Wilamat
Wimp. or Injury to health
Ito Atreolltt rind Wonderful Simplicity ofennotrise.
line renders it Rimer. linpocelble 50 irei mit .f"riler.
1011111 i! GUARANTEE,/ by the company to divc
Ste calMfm lion.
Wo rormerthilly invite ell thoso who may desire to
*apply ihroureiven 1.1111 ti nupori article. to come
and onnminn Ibis UNIIIV
Ono half brutes instruction is sittbcp.ut to onahlo
any person to work Ow machine to their entire eats
Agento wanted lac all taw.. i tho tJuit, d Stair*.
torbecesseiseietere not alrendy eptahtto:t.,l
for Cuba. Mexico. retsina' and South Am.:ilex. to
*bias a Illwral diaeonrU will be oven.
.1:16 Hr(qi,l,% .\.
THY. ATTENTION of lb. public and lbw irsi.dw i s
iliv ties ionise ew lie A Lir,. aIiVEN
ROSEWO. .1) PIANO FORTEA. Obit h 'for whine
and pointy of too. are unrivalled by any 1nt1...rt., of
01.1.1 of in Ibu niarkei. Tan contain all Ibe tttttttttttt
iniprove wrote. French *rand at bon. limp a..anl.irnn.
frame, nrr•r•.trung boa.. etc.. and Path hitt 111111194
b e i n g m o d e an Jet the per MIMI rnparvlalnn for Mr.
J. 11. riancrertan. who hap ti pro• t ial esperienten
infer tlli•ty y.•ara on Work wonuhoclYM . ir fully war.
ranted in every particulnr.
Where were c%bibried inetrehiente freln the beet
wain.ra ef I widen. Paris. Grremay. Philadelphia,
haltieinre. anti New year ; and & l an a; the
ausefieen In}Wilk" for lwe sweCOSIWYe your. She
Unto :‘,..1 &rye' SIi.PWS Weisi both of which cam he
Meets al war W. 111,100111
Dv the itttenduct or imprOvemPbts We make a
'till mop ;tetrad Nan...6.M.. and by Mamaat:lariat'
11,111 h a •tttctly ca•h .rooas. air .4110411 to
foirel 1110 UistAtusaaniv at a proof whicii 0 ill pr.. elude
011 competition.
Our Pri , "m finin COO 10 fin ebenpe than any
Atrt Oa.* etatowilato.
Taal 1114.—N,1 1'3.11 in cur welt fund+.
lhrrC.tiptivr circulars reut gm:
July 11 , 1 , 1)6 —ly.-11. if. I'.
.1% ew Mock of Clothing.
- - -
Spring and Summer Goods.
517:11WITAMEgiai;' 1241.
lo v o ims , ,t t ..,: i t n ir l t i 11,
him 41:; k
e. : n r chomp and ash
two doors 'dome Me .Imt riraollouse,
tvhoro hn ha, po , t frrnt New York arid
Nat i.u.olphoa. a tall a..ortiooat of
iacladtha 111 mov , t Iciatonaal.. durable aud baud
sour, DH VSS (O. l OU$. twiri.ting of
Box, Suck, Frock, Gum and Oil Clot!.
Coats, and
.r all radii. Pre•. 1411111 It *inn bon replan.
iihrd his slr.•ady 00( it Of Fall and tVi••tet
tlhawl+; 41111 fell .111.1 plain Vaasa. AMC
era% hin, gawk.. callarn. hnnd kvi • las. atom". ans•
peadura anti fancy driscion,
N. 11.—lie litinrcitwahily ha hand is hag. and well
selected annottment of Chitiin and Voglintfil. which
hr in prrpoied Iu 11111140 up to order. Into any kind of
el o lhind uu vnr chart to tof nun.
All Isla clothior is toads to WOOf and plot* of it is
of hook nionufactor...
•.2.t< N.ll4Pal 1
Of ev.•ryy Ihn.ttiption, Pin. , and ('ir•au. Chsn a(
Johhirt, r• hot loirporihol in this pear ea•
amine his vegetal aisorimui 01 1:1 , 41110i. Watches.
Wendel/fill Revolution* Alndeby the areal Antroto•
NW. MAD%%III 11. A. PRRRIGtv. Bhe reveal* en
o I ever know. she restorer to huppi•
o Ito from events. catastrophe*.
emu*. lon.. lose Of ft tattoo. and Monde. lon.
or . dennondent. She Win*
r wn.e booe topillfilff.d. lives Information cow
abrient Irlotois or lover*. ',moven loot (11 ,
dnlro property. tells ion the bayonet. you are beet
qualified tomato! find in whet you will be moot eite•
, ration, olireoly inntringos and tell/ you the
very Jay you Will marry. 'steer yids rho rvise.
lit A.. and niaraclorisor• of the per.... she resole
Yoh , riot' nod by her ilitiort ylii , ratit , llol
iowere tot.. il• the dark :sod Iliddria no Ati , riori of the
(More. front the wire ‘ee rim In th , fir..talent
the malefic overcome or In Me
rriiiicorntion Irmo the v:prrto and po•Ilion. of 0 0
hoed [tare Its Ili- hem , eon at th • time
of birth. ilia ileMiceg the future .leet tot of man. 1911
tint to rolloulf the greatest Aetrolosiet on earth. It
em.b. you but a trifle, awl you may tweet Rosin have
so favorable an opporlitoity. Coneultation rex w ith
likennie nod nil dented inforlintlion. $l. Parties
IL ing nt a lIIPI9IIfe Call r.iiittilt the Madiintr by mull
with email safety and -elieliction to t heiload vO. It• If
lwrioin. A Nil and eNylteit chart
withwrinrn out.
all Imptirtea anrwered 004 likoirev enelorerl.
nu t, by mail on Ire. Ipt . I pis' , nip.% ini iit
rim i•lree trot iterle•y will be tualoteined and a`l run
ri . rpolideoce returned Or fortii , y of
the birthed order Plrlinhad 'hope dorirliii thorn.--
W rite plainly Ole day of the month and noir in
%%hot yr.' were burn. Unidoting n em.ll Ion( of hair.
Aiblremt, MADAME II A l'Ellnitto.
Feb T.' 4.7. , y r, It. Drover 203, Nutt 110, N. Y.
kit.vrott CAPILIA.
Throw away fulor irliZ.S your rwitrhaa, your at::
Iriodroctivr of comfort. and 1101 irnrlh 3 AS ,
Come acrd, collie your h rm. and fair.
And reJuler in your own luxuriant hair.
0. 01 reetoriny hair upon bald heads trrom whatever
canoe it may nave Wien wit I and totting tI growth of
hair upon the face, it lime co equal. It will force the
beard In :row upon t h e rev: in from Ave
to eight weeks. or hair upon bail hewl. in from two
to Mt'. wombs. A few iennrnni Prertilnill lne
aeserted that Uwe ia nolhln4 ituit will for e or ti a ..t
rn tha NOM Ili 14 Mit hair or heard Their n•sert bona
ore (Ilse, lie thaOsimehr of IMO.' Wit hog,o,
their experience) urn hear ter i hers. Ilut wane will
say, how life We genuine from the
apuriano 1 II certainly b didirult. an nitio.teuthr er
OW different Preparation advertised for the hair and
board are entirely worthies.. and you may hare al.
Send! thrown away large 11111 0 tifitil In their purchase.
To such we would soy, try the Reparator Cepilil
will coat pin nothing ante.. it fully COMOYI up to oar
tenree , warrens. It your Ofitritlitt ollo .' • nnt kelp n.
.and ua our dollar and we will forward it, posttutit.
!Nether V. Ith a receipt tor OW money, which will be
r..tortitl poll nu application. providing COW , as tre
notion is not given. Addreae. W. L. CI.ARK k CU.
Chemist., No 3 Wed' Fayette dl., tlyracuse, N. Y.
Feht7 117—ly
pF TREY & Co..
31 Liberty Oltreet. N. Y
Eatablished 1828.
737 hi 4R11,1 Jr. One door below Pli), Pril..4l7lUralio
PA INTO, 0111, MAAS, VARNI8111:8, DVlent.
And OVrIY other art fete appertaining to the
bovines', of the heel quality, end at the
Invert titrlkes late*.
Mitch Itfo,
Piano-Porte Manufacturer',
199 Broadway, hew York.
k.:141117/4M , CI?
Men 111311 Ito 's Clothiesit.
Bloomsburg, April 20. 'elm. .
Jewelry ilg Piliverwnre.,
Worth over V 2,000,000! All to ho Sob) to
ltl2 ititoAl) IVA Y NEW YORK
AGENTA FOR cuttopt: V.l At'r
Annonnee flint In ennuennenre of the nveronekit.N
or the eh Merkel, nit Immense Innottity of
have been consiviinit to them, with inolmietions to tt..
Mimetic rot imineMale l'a•h, nt ant' 'menthe. A. &
Co., them fore. re•olved to ntfor them nceorilinv to
their O,IIIIIIM 'Mem of businee• sit VI each, wills
out waned to villas.
'rite following litt .bows the original ii linlerpoln
t0i,.,•• ki 401ily of Ille article. it lo' h they now cm,
at 11.
Mal 81Ik It •at in ilre)10 pattern* from 114 to 841
1011111,a , •2..:111 , 1 Ilgypitio 001110 - 0 to 14
300 alporra mid Sliamliii di/lamer 4 to lo
%3'm I. rimeli 11111110'4 11,1 r 141114 II to .20
.. 00 r) i'ondirlz, Thine' and M011:11r 4 IO 10
`:114.0 1.v00.e. S to 10
111110 Printed calico.* 3 to 7
3000 o.ti sssss cal *awe 2 t' li
SOW l'ino Elliptic .111rts 2 to 5
I'ooo Plllt and later veil* 2 to It
4od met'a Mist cult/and ruling 2 to 3
210 1 Pates Oldie: corset* tr33l to u
3000 Nile handkarrhOri 3 to 3
gOINI Dolt ladies' Icooliteledli'dkerchl. 7 t 1,1
1000 o o fine eniroole'd leo kerc`Pfa 9 to 1,1
i w o D o w, in.ltli't Inn il Mvidkerchlulk 4 In Ii
3' Oil !Marti a) nt» Ilrimittld 3 10 II
WWI 11011441 COllOll Mole 3 to lit
Nll/1111Inten ‘1'00,,,1 liodo II 10 li
5101 Doge!. 113111101,4 N it to 18
Ettno 1 ,,,,,, ~,0. . 0,010.1 hall !ID. , 4 to el
303111 Warn Inett'a woolen hall horn 0 hi 1,1
2000 Linen and motion Olin* St 30 to it
101 4 10 Merino undetillotto 113 n to 3
10000 Pair* merino dratver• 3010 1 n
0040 Pant• pattern+ I n.spinere. &leaking 3 to 7
norm root '. liro/11101111i,,rm0n00,,,, 3 to 13
boon Veal pattern A in *ilk velvni.plinth.
noe rati•imeres. gm 250 to 10
Sono Ornwn linen tattle clothe 73 In .4.3,,
to., Voids brown wont tlamark 4 to el
4 0 , n , loom» white linen napkin* 6 to II
% o no Vu rd. unbleached mullion 13 to an
Norio Yord• ble01r0 , •11i1 , 111110 20 to 30
loon , " Visr. l * trl.ll linen 73 to I 3o
Sooolat. l 24,010 So 111 la
30n0 ',long W, , e0l *hang, 1130 to 13
40ou Pounce Wont *bawl* 3 to to
10000 1./.lles' lireiikfit.t stletolo 2 10 73 0
lotion Notnam or clouds I 3.) In 3
1 1 .0 Wool , oltoffito 1.70 I. 3
tp.on Blanket* 330 to ri
Imam Linen ,U 4 cotton Owns. 4 in 7 '
gonno ford. etter tine iiin•lin 113 to 3u
:Moo Demos *total cotton
2,0110 D.4..,111 If Itlntia spool thread
lotto Pionolt him k linen thread
.poro f roan *hut bottom, 3 I- a
5. 4 0L0d0... ook velvet and morocco
Porlmonies V3oln 3
3 ( . 4 ',wilt,' ollotopt:411:111 250 to to
Soon Turkey morocco portopinii , with
Mirror* it to 4
Soon 'Porky morocco wallet...Anil pint.
monies 2 to I
lotion Meerechniim PIVII
3 to fi
NOW) 111104 and Ii blade pocket km v.!,
rend. inflOilll and 11001111411.114.. 3 to Ii
boo Winch clock*. tilt and I.l'OlllV,
with owl without 9110000 23 to Inn
Wm Elltical bolo, In to Ai..
3.410 Itevoltnill It, In So
low rowltisit poet"• to I.)
3ouo Iliad 4r•a■ea. hair nets L vi
bind. Wizen pares calla r. 2.) It. 5.,
paper Alectite goiewood aad
Wslwo is -,ktotic.. 5e to 1.,
anon Titritike ■bcll and silver curd
1:114c■ 3 to lu
snoto, Altriew, Mororca 111,4
bound. (vet, 2.. 1., 200 picture■ 250t0 13
3000 Vibe ritually bildc• 7 to la
Sono pin■ pnek•l bible 4 in
lowa. Reiont um.• paper a io 0
io ro Gomm. 3 10 IS on
m,• 4 , hay. moo received a Pplandid I .ortiwsit
WEI. 11 !
comprising Dent'. 0014 Doming Case WM Ace, I,a •
dlrti Gold snansellool filOnlain*. genie
Mooting ca., solver ir.torties. gold (oh and Vvol watch
aeks. fob and vela ribbon 'lisle.. swim Ankara sizecris
Notions. al this. kohl tin Him*, f
ego. gold tooth pick., cram., phial ord.! nog•. •VI •
r ot o t p diamond ring., min ladles• j.•Helry. and
set. (adore' Jewelry. (cameo, pearl and miser
mona.), gold pen., (silver raienoion bolder.). and
g"I.1 sir los and gold .•si.n.i••n hohlarts. all
mire and gold brooches, doismosol g•ld rest
nod neck chains. gold oral loand bracelet.., j•• 1
gold bracelets. chattelaina cloning lind B o ard chain., I
corr.', opal mid emerald browbea t mama itt ant
VA mid &willow , oar coral, opal and emendd
rat drops,. calatursuidlammod ear drop., Ice. • i.e.
Solver Dining and ina nal, tin ttnr.. pstrbora. ta.
hie .moon., (Mks, inn ammo, g °mac drinking cop.,
colic,. urn.. t. . pot•, cream pitchers, *Ana, hoWnill•
(null Imakrto, rake lia.kM a caul ba.licos, fruit kan cc
mustard and van annone, napkin ring., egg Meld..
how. ma. card c:l•• • ke
MI lov shove List of ' Avila be Vold for
The r %proses Am pad by the *ale of reopens or
Cortsacatee flawing esch article 1:1 silo stank, sod it,
Naive the Certificates ;MI eilelesed lit cot eletets.
anted lip, and sold at
25 Cts Each; 5 for $1 ; 11 for $2.
lever amid.: may be named an the Cerlidenle
eau be Obtained at
UN 1) 01, T, It !
The brinks will be Alma to the holder of the eye
:Hate. mud it x :II I* at 1141,141 , a tt lIcIhOL li.• paya
iht dollar and taken the attic* or not. In tar* or.
titles wilt 40411 or *ion.* ate hot .. .I,,N c tory,
they tan I* rammed and the money will be rePin.le.a.
Every Cc/titivate wank* the loader to nittilt; AR
Tle LC of
Oar I ) 1? 0 0 F. 'Tat
In rynnt of this we will rive for ANY
of the fotiewint arthiest
One NM., Pitt.orn. one poor rfhese llolotorol
110 , 111 • Of Merest Provst', Igor es, own'
VA spring.). OW, AM,
Alecto's) l'ostrr.torl.sor ptur
Merino nfalrerl.. (Mir WWI or ant.' INV.
Or oil Lawn l'ocLvt Ilamiketchint,
Arrantlale &Cu . of this city are now sending not
a great variety of and Pant Future o. Ilul 1110•
cal Shirts, glOnto. Shaw Is aud other valuable min:let
in dry blot Many ttttt :s at One dully, twit.
We conies , • nor inability to see how this so done,
but that it Is done hi bey tool all 101.11111. Tins Orm
bee hall xi lona and hintoublu ru rear. and it i n t o n o
by I , n means ronionntlnd with the host of CO m ating
and bogus concern• wad 0111, h thm inettupultn so
wuah ab.nonda. We Amite Ibe propro this 0111 a nd
can personalty coach for 11111 Just and taithltil I.
Airman ,. • of all their contracts.—Mithood
„New, Yrf. it. feta.
A Itessi tea Weld Envoi , P. Car.
at rim Widgeon° Nuuno, called at the Jewelry
Emporium, 76 Main •trvet, y &mind after pay•
tog his Ir.icento found hlmselrentatied lU a
Mll.icsi llos, valued at $3lll.
We Understand that he Was otlir.d 11/7.10 for the ill•
rtronient before leaving the ,tore but refuted to part
01111 It. I'Ve should call Ibis u quarter well inve,ded.
We undesstaed a nJutber of other valuable articles
Ono. received. Moues:sr waa a gold watch
ruined at try, by 11110 of the attaches Of the Aliens
o lljec, --Rh awed Treie , , Sept. et.
Estl•istystaliT FUR Lanus.--The moat eligible and
prOlitable employawnt we have heard of fur ladies,
who have frieadeanJ athirst.... in the sale of rerun •
talus for the “Oreat Jewelry sale'' or Arrandalu //r.
Cu A laity of our asynetniance has noun eery our.
renifitl In this way, 1,111 only In filling her „ten purse
. 1 , in 11 „, 110 . $0 „,1 ta r n to mi.., .10 whom elm
sold the certificates , an will be seen from nit miter.
hsiug eoltionlii. Gentlemen allu cab ho thus engaged,
—.N. Y. astadc Nerrerp, Aug. 11. 11164.
undurimittil Mir. U. W Wilktornt. of 'Meetly.
p•al..l.ldy draw from the cettificate tios at Ar. middle
& Cos s. iB Main sheet a very bee double barrel
fowling piece. canted at ono dollar. for which he
was fonlirred to pay the tt ly moderate sum rf one
Anliar.—Nirketead strpt,lll, leen.
Tint &I re at Jest shy Euiperitint of A nOllllOlO &
No. ds4 Itios the Dona. is still the prime
object of allgreetion. The Humber Of ladies Owl Ilse.
11et10.15 Wlortielled on mitiarilay
last, one, we Understand sunietlitttll tabu lour. The
principldor chortling It untruth! price ul 11111 dollar
for rash article is 0110 ill 11 I ran IPA hill to be popioat,
espeadlly when tile stork t,ntuino, us in till. case,
many valuable articles of film sold Jewelry nod cost•
ly silver ware.—COlelesino Deily ..NI/eo. Feb 1 ,, a41
how Comte.— r. John U. Redford, at Uhl Doinin.
tun Slalom., Nu 312 Woad street, reeter , lay get 0111 .
dollar's worth of certifirates and, on "{wiling them.
mond one sailed hie a sold Hunt, HS
Wilich and anuthur fun a RO5O aloud Piano, valued
with cover and stool. et SPX —fikersoid tidily Es.
*miner, Ikuv. 27, 16dti.
IU seeding or let* please Mite what proportion of
)on reptile firOin each departmet. Where
1110 wrial ilmiturtione ate given. We lend ono•hal
from the Dry and hooey Goals Depattinellt, ond one.
half from tint Jeweire 011bei Ware Mpg
Wiienevc r Moored. WI ertireenil Writhe
Hy iglEility..3l3. C. 0. D.,
.1,, that the 111111101 need only be pain
neeepi the entire reopiiiiibility of money lent
by Post Mk.' Urdvr l nr Mena .
We want Attentt
to whom a liberal compancation will he pull. n hick
can be learned on nsirliention
ry- 'rake rare to write 'nut name mill oilitress in
it clear, thotiiict hand. and nildres4
no ..1&+.1 31i Iltoadway. New Yolk.
Po.. SM. 1'407.
nmee h NRSICICRAT AND NTAR figOthng i n
!lAi , h 0 %, •( , 7 I.
Hone ad Cattl
COtJOHN, Dll3.
KNERGY, ke, Its
axe Improves the
wind, Increases
the appetite —OIIIY
tl I. an 0t h and
irloo+y skin—and
transforms tII 0
miserable skeleton Into a fine.
To keepers of Cow' thi. rmyrtrat
In all abeam of Swine, such as Wig
the Lungs. Liver,
, tld. article
acts as a specific.
Ily putting from
one-half a {Ming
to a paper In a
barrel of swill tt, ;
above disensrs 4
will be eradicated
or entirely prevented. If even In
prev.ntire and cure for t h e Hon Chole
Pries 25 Cents per Paper, or 3Pa
S. A. FOU'r7. AID 13
No. 118 Franklin St., Baltimi
For Sate by Druggists and Storekeepers
out the Crafted States.
ref Mat) at the Drug Fiore of
YER, 4 . MO Y
Bloomsburg. inn. I% ISM —l2lllO
AS been in successful practice for a
) ,. .110. 1% ith the erheriehre 01 the mire Lu rope. Moo a nienitwr of the
%.•dlrnl Institute of New VA. mitt tiles
to ail profs•sionai ruses Or ht. No. 9 *
Street, Philn.lelphin.
No pntenl,4li.liclnes are used or teen.
the reineitisNaliininistere.l are those which
break cow•n the conoituticin, but n..Novnte
tem from nil injuries it has siistaine.l from
m.•du WO, nod leave the system In a hen
perli•rtiy cured condition,
3. liVelPEPrilAt. that distressing disease
destroyer of health and happinc.o. Nfld.:run
ron• mini in ;Ail yearly carrying Ihnlionnil
tinsel)* grove. , . tau most tontine; tinily he flirt
•1. Metenchulr. Ahherratinn. thnt state 0
twin and weakness of the mind Whitch rend
00.1. Itsraprible.if enjoying the ittleavilreot or i
WS the duties of
5. It 11F.t'NAT(dN,in nny r , rlll f r condition
fat Of /grille. worranitql runhl
EPILEPSY. of Caning .acknefic all di
*NW to ra•Ps Of
Mak:MY n'llllo,P.t.go . l Rheum And • very .1
tom nlo•vratninq ntol orrnfulouoi di
ti barb hat, badb•of all yreyinn. medical skill
cure l by my Irentmetit ; and I do ray all di
eye. ran be rnred by wearing rov
rated ini.ant. Whs. h it n profreinn hr UV
anal ant pll Illanae. of t%onihor 11l all eloooto.
ins liovemigatod for pi,— Iha Can... and Char.,.
Inti.tooter.nliso (leirnt and nyne) In nil part.
Irnstnd tionley—lnill cure pennant only all dlr.
ar•sto carer ur alkin 41,1,1 .1011 , 01111 pl.enal'a
Canter Cured without the knife or DM
Tine Wolin. that dread to the !lumen Fain ll
year.. ems be ro 1111 l vele wnit t..a or itu.e do
al , neatly dlaanvereet re eneely. o;ertneeted in all e
Coupon:neon 11l toe ,:esaleolt ,111.1 Gc.umn Lang
free of chariot. Well mite emu. any e:41160
elnaored. X*, ho ael,trospe by letter (eoob.ionte
and naidletne sent wilts prow., oarectaiiihi to
port m the country.
tarirlCE rtibi•rt t. rba
April 1. 15116.--ly.
Tili:und r.ogned wwild minolinr•
the cllljeffs of 111notl$ 4burg. 1111k1 1.1.11/11C I
(gall . that he i. 0111111111 r
. . .
%green thin lore !hit dst
I•rrttt Road II« (1.. t • dm•
enllnteei won the arv , rnt Trains Koine :Louth a 1%
On the and Wintampon Rau Road, a
0,,1ny %nub and duyth on the Lad.
lItFOfINIRI'N-cdnrt in iiimod condition, coo
Clow. nod rollilOrtah It, and r hot( reaconabl,
!.: 7 " Persona wiehilig to meet or nee lt•-•ir filen
depart, can acrommod;o , d , upon .capone
b .rgds. by leaving (flatly lit any of the
Ilfrnm :btu rc . April 47, 1041
C II .1 S T E 1.1. A R *.
th.llllllP I «steel:illy. tlris invalstable depilatot
recommends ilarll no being an almost intlispeusitili
article totem', beauty, is easily .applied. does no
biro or Injure the skin, but arts Wu, tiy on the routs.
It as warranted t.i remota sisperflumis hair from
tow for. heads, or from any part of the body, mu
radlee V extirpating the same,
avnert the skin o.n, smeeth and natural. This is
the nasty real *ord.y u.eJ by the French, anti is the
only PPM ethmtual iteptiat.ry ill ezt.tenee. erica
cow perpaekaae, seat po.t.paid, to any address, on
receipt at an older. by lit:Kt - MR. Stlttlrid Sr. CO.,
Clequirle, V.S Weer Ft. Troy, N.Y.
and the 'mining material ae•
compan)ing tt,evet y man can
own printing neatly,
gild{ iy 311,1 r heapty. They are
tmeittiple in conatruttion that
1,,,v It plot' 1,11 ran easily
manage Ili.• larceat /SW.
Wl3Pnmul g /Ist Flll.llll/11 , ate sent
with each 0nt 0 , , . NW./ RI the
potential to at aiwork with.
oat n previnue knowledge of
OWti printing, A circulate contain•
tog 101 l titorription. pew%
t...tamontata. ate , tent tees
to aU. oar lip. cimen Sheets
PRINTER. `ll; l l°,:ti'42L . ,`,i3." 4 " .
26 Ann Street,
March 13, IF67—iy
Ihe lindf reigned re•pertfolly announces that he
has rentited n ehop, It Vnirrt Holm alley, opposite
the Eschew Hotel. where ht is prepared to can
duct the barbering hoein.,a. In all its branches.
The are of rearing 'whiskers and monentetes Is
practiced by him most rkillAdly. He also dashs
clothing. oinking them look nearly as goodie new.
upon the aunt reasonable tents. Give hum a teal.
Tonic nettle very best quality, used fog
chinning hair, kept constantly OD hay ( and rot ..144
Bloom othurg, April 23,18116.—1 L
Attorney at Law,
Ottlre in till Erthenor Meildinr.oleennol story, n ,. '
tionnoler & re's. *tore, denoted door above the Er•
romp. llootool.
hltoononboorg, April I. 15137.
‘viii practice in the several Cathie of Colalaly
end adjoining entintioa.
Lr All Coll..clione promptly attended le.
June eti, Iron.
One J. R. EVA NS•
Physician and Surgeon,
LAVING located permanently on Main
Street, BLOOMSBURG, Pa., %smelt] in
.tm the public generally, twit he 1e preptated to
toed to AHIIOIIIIBII faithfully and punctually tbat
may or intrusted to his earls, on terms roinineneu•
laic with the tinws.
r.) . - He payr rtirt atttotton to ri.t r ituy. a. sell
••• medic ,
6r%.::), I Ef,i,
61.1:01;ri 11.%111!I