Bloomsburg democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1867-1869, May 01, 1867, Image 3

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ay. May 1, Mil.
nk our render, (hr all lora, error.
rrwdlpre lucilltien. If they nn not
e4nnutunitntion ror the public eye',
p held rtatoruout or overythina of
'empathy' nouturonitiee. A Ilet or
ereldonte, aroe, rentairolo. burl
we will put thew in rem. The
• kind we roil pot the baiter it will
raider& Who will do it
Pcrouno wighing ad vortieninoute
and them in porgy on TIMMINS , IUI4II ,
litHrtion for that week.
mount' of the firm of J., , wocv
fur us Mnt 01It fin' CONVetinn
ids of the followhig perAons:
Nish —JOWSIL tin ;
A*l - •
J. l'Amtuuto.i.. P. M.
• .• and .181414c0d.
oaf Township, bills fir colleet ion
bleed Intim blinds of 3114 tsTi
to whom payment. is triiiteotsl
nt the curlicq coo venienee.
Towliship, nil persons ktiou' , lg
in arrears for subscription, nod
, to the DEmocitxr, will please
intuit to Jos tout 1.113.1%) •
ti May Tenn of Court nil! corn
thisidtut on Monday next.
to peach crop i 4 hald to be mjnred
ore freezing awing the winter.
or reoeipta fir April will appear in
t issue. Not ready in time this
le Odd Fellows held a celebration
;ovine, on Saturday last. There
to be a good turn-out
There is nothing better to revive
and make them productive than
ed ashes, put in a circular tronili
the roots.
ee new advertisements in to .lay's
The large circulation of the tu:to
this and :Opining enmities, re,d,,t
if the best ad verthin ! ! n w di tit y. 4 i n
eri..r of the Khoo.
O. ('. tlahter, Esq., 10 ,
anti restuutai the praetiN , ai•
a gentleman of plowing white's and
ilities. See card in another vdutan
The Danville haviligvartr canto
MCM 14« t week in :4 new
ved in ripiwitrince, The
among the hest. of our .1 a tit' Cti
siAmzs.—tr you want to rai e good
tot* do not place this plantA ton closely
titer. There is no vt/tetable that le
more air than the tomato.
If you want oot bont(4 or (.11(reg— n
that will :-twel wear and tear. and at
same time de c Tod tit, go to Ilvddry'S
strcet, Ile can you. t•
tk from experience.
«huts Ssown has lately taken tl,O
van Itotcl," in Orangeville, and is
that House a very pleasant and onm.
Ate home for the traveler. Ili, I (mew
vell fitted up, and his,for, of a lt!ifNt ex
tent character. Stteeeas to the new Pro-
1186 We notiettin our exehangesfhiat, th
irin on Monday of last week. was ;teem.
ded by hail in several platys. In certain
*tales in this County there was quite a
lune frill of hail, hut no ihititage ica
MP so far as we have learned. rave the
tiling of a few panes of window glass.
1181. it must be understood that alt btu&
ss notiees appettritui in the local depart
tent (f our paper Vritr ie ~ h arged at le ,
te t!t) ets. per line ler a slot, •
'hose terms must be adi
rise. We make this Ate ~
here may Ito no mifoolor,t,,
.1 awl ow advarLiiers.
11 1 5., The late rains have undo the ground
too wet for farming purpose.. The o:its iB
not all put out yet in this County. Some (1'
our homers are anviouslt• waiting for the
proud to become in a fit condition to
prepare it for corn planting. Those having
nn+ plowing to do will be belated should
the weather co:nitric so unfavorable for any
length of time.
1./Ammo ;tut s OIL, Pcousli PASTE
MAC 4 41 Snyilor's Itartiware Store,
in Shive'd Meek, by the &v on; gross, or
barrel, This is to be the bed artiele
)n the market,
The proprietor of this store intersis to
make his stock as eumplets as the wants of
the COlninunity may demand, and his adver
tisetsvnts from time to time show that
he is constantly replenishing.
IinRRIRLE MYSTERY r—tic remake; of
etild, supposed to he not above a‘month
old, were disenvered on the farm of Mr.
Milens, in a mildwap, a few *sago. This
is in Scott Township, in this County. They
were first discovered by a ;tun of Mr. Sylves-
ter J. Fox and a hired hand. The remains
were in such a state of deetty that it was im
possible to tell at the time whether the in
foot had Ven male or female. Ats inquest
was li v id by Hiram G. Creveling, Esq.
when it was discovered to be a indk., and it is
hoped that the inhuman party may be brougl it
to justice.
Whether the child was alive or dead at
the time it was placed there, cannot now
probably be eaeertaiued• Some inhuman
mother, to conceal her shame, may have
submitted her child to this unnatural burial;
or, which we trust may not turn out to be the
tee, she may have placed it there alive, to
linger out its little life amid the horrors of
estiosure ass( starvation. The child seems
t,{ ere been well clothed; nevertheless It
va epau.'
eed where it was lbund under (nhtt-
Adinatinets, It is time that the • '
,Tjae of child-inurckr should be ch o ol t ea,
~, nd we hope thi,t affair will he thoroughly
INS. The State Central Committee have
&Adel to hold the poxt Republican Stuta
Convention at the city of WlRimmed on
the 36th of June.
Mfg A n►arriell woman in Roche ter caw
n young man, a oondttotor of a mtroot
env, beeuume ho throw kip► nt her with him
knoll, ho whilo she wus in the
fivefold start' of ha huusp.
Stir The portraits tof Thom; IL lacy-
Incur awl bane Tonne) , hove been returned
to their homer ',loco in the Senate Own
ler nt FJnrtforil, Caw,e, the recent election
iu Conneetiout.
Ittok, The traveling correspondents of
Northern Radical newspapers., have quit
Illanufiwtilring 'outrages on Freedmen,"
and Ifirnol their attention to the manufac
ture of Radio' speeches, supposed to have
been delivery , ' by negroes at southern meet
Or (hi Wedriosday a►orning of 1314 week
we were surprked with a snow korm that
would have done errant to the clerk of the
weather in January or February. Our gar
den, in which early vegetables were growing
rapidly miller the influence of the previous
mill weather. was entirely draped it
►uantic of snow, which continued falliter
three or four lomr.-1.
11000 t ! .'ons.—As the warm wenzii:- •
apiolgielp.4.. many tel the tieces.ity
a little good liquor or wine in the Imam ,
for, inedieinal purposes. TO all Snell, we
recommend our friend Daniel W. Bobbins,
on Main street, 0! - Ipo,lte our office, who can
supply you with a pure article, in large or
small quantities and at reducAl ram—
" Dan." is a good fellow, and those who
patronize him once, are sure to repeat their
Jon Put NTI t tor facilities for execut.
in? overy ty of job printing are st perior.
t;i‘.. ii a call and test it. As to low prima,
no otrico can "tuulcr-ell - IN. Call and test
fled too, We van execute cards in beanti
fal with the nicest artistic
Gui h, purrattane , ... hills, posters, single.
double or Cripple sheets legal blanks, sompa,
in fart every variety of printing required by
the merchant- at el citizens of this County.
exvent d wiih wattle— and dispatch.
gt-irPttcw. HENRY CARvEtt eroomenet
his Spriog Tom of School in the new
Inootusborff Liternry InAitute" Lnildintt
wok very favortble atkipiee,. We meter
statel that them 10101 openoi up with nearly
iv., howlr. 1 ~ 1e1;,1s. .Aith prosp of.the
wouberl,-,0,1; Liertae,ing• hetbre the do , e
(-,t' tit 11. T , rob the
the the people are rapidly
iutr it s , be Soere, ,, , to the worthy and
~ ,ieetot of thil Institute, l'itoy.
11bYttY r.tu‘
r,krt \l'e understand, there i 4 quite an ex
eitement prevAling in our turient and here
toforo imu.nally quiet village of Catawksa
over the totet.tiou." It would r cut
that some of the and pooplo of that town
to 4: it into th , irin-ob , to ttn , -noltttto.o , i,t,t
the 111 , c+f OPI pgrtio , t to lona
-IiROO lif;1101 , 14 r=Prl ,. (•tion Witt. Ili+
ik 1 ,04i c la u ftr the etit(l taillmont of
traveler nut of tll4 tin; excitement, we
are infbrun tl. 1114' grown, but to 1,1 1 4 rxtent
ere lisle not Ivarned.
Het ‘ta(7. sty,--The radical
tweaking. np berets the e. , •kial intlnon, • nPa
ettwervatire gpritur. ,4111,h eehl al
L ea ..
r th,. nliey !het:l4lml ottrt; , .• 1- -.1%;t1
way to the liberal rand charitable.
pon.wrnev. Front Ft. Pauli )linnemaft
Hot!, .1t Volk ; St. Lola. anti St. Jo.
ust i Cleat, land, OM.). 11.111i.nn.
tn. Pen'. vr I 'ity.
PIA ev.•rywlture that. the eloctinn-
I*o 1..11 on the th , t d' April, thtl real
npe..,ing of wring -time. Wt. hoar th e mo ..t,
glorb.ils There rietoriet no hat the
harl;tat..-r or grvater on, , * in the Patent.
The number r>f perrois l‘ho will re
t.not -ono , smiler the icycom , this
1,,d1 1, , set% much than it was
'a • ; y.. 11% A perti,m the decreaie will ro.
rnit from the fixing of tl amount exempt
el at sl,ou 1n,,t,•,,d 0fz...47,1 al, but there a re
le toy IN ho'havc paid taxes on handsome in
comes in former yearn. who have no income
to Rpm t fur .151 , 6., As a general thing, elm
reported incomes will be less than heretofore,
but there Will L a few exceptions to this
&Qv A majority of our patrons have not
paid their subscriptions to th e 14,moer„AT
AND STAR for lost year. To all such we
would a ire , I , i;‘l hotico that it is desired
that their suhssaiptions be immediately set
tied. We have made up bilk for collection
against every delitaptent subscriber, and will
have them in the hands of some competent
person ; iu every Township in the County, in
a short time. To certain points in the
Comity they have already toe.' sent. INezt
w ee k being Court at this plave, it will Miura
an excellent opportunity tier all who have
not settlul to eall and do so, or sued the
amount The by some one of their..neighbors
who amy be cowing to town. Everything
employed in worrying on our business is cash.
Our esrmes being over fifty dollars per
week, is it nay wonder that an VeVaallThal
dun should slip into our paper?
'llBlll.l T would advise
all youitl; people to wink., in emir lith, the
habit of vormet speaking awl writing, and
to abandon as early as possible any use or
slang phrases. The longer you live the
snort: difficult thb language will be; and if
the golden age of youth, the proper season
for sequisition of language, be passed in its
abuse, the unfortunate victim if neglected,
is very properly doomed to talk slang for
Money is not necessary to procure th's
education. Every man has it within his
power. lie has merely to twe the lalguage
which he reads, instead of the slang which
he bears, to form his taste from the best of
speakers and poets in the country; to treas.
are up choice phrases in his memory n and
lituato himself to their use, avoid* in
e time that pedantic precision and bom
it which shows the weakness ofliain am
bition miller than the poliah of a'n.cau,,,fri
%, Ore t an aou umn n •
crowded out et&tihtimAver opt& 'Our
mil/whore es this time
and we wili fee that the onne thing dims not
span mew •
11011Dtiting the 'lesion Just ended the
Penslvenia Losisbaure -passed sixteen
hundred and fifty-two bills and sixteen joint
resolutions, of which twelve hundred and
eighty-eight have thus fir been signed by
the Governor.
ar The Nistionfif Pefiutfler, published
by S. 73. Sz. A. Ileiffenstein, at Norristown,
has been eonsiderably enlarged and improv
ed in its typography. It is the largest paper
in Montgomery County, thoroughly Demo
eratie, and well sustained. Siteeess to it.
WA. Four clergymen hare I•cen
for libel at the present term of the I[unter
►lon Court, New Jersey, Polities is said to
1 w a t tl►u bottom of the affair.
D-r* The entire Democratic ticket was
elected at Watervloit, New York, by :Am
majority—a gain of 603 since last fall when
Fenton, Rad., had 103 majority.
no" , Th f , 1..14 .41.11r00r of ttp Shenandoah
O 4;11111(i nitan, at
if .10iinson bad the
fe!.• It !re .• V.teti l iel treteh the itpoart
for ;818y. 1.,4 , !, op tiro flrst-elas4 reputation
or Chrtik.4.l. Poownt. as a caterer to tho
th,bi on t,ml tit, ror y w:tti t m of t h„ i tt ai k .„
31a.qtziie for habit's the - Lady's National
ba4 nn supetior. .1.41.1 rt C.. 1.,
Prie.! 52.00 a yvar.
MT. ME 4S 4 , 4 T 1110{"NT`t JET ND.
AlmTons' sTATEm ENT.
SWIM. 'ollextur of BoLuity Thx,
To amount on 11nplicate, $14411 2I
Casll eoll'tvd by A. Mellick, 734.1'2
iteecipt , .. . . ...... 24 I
Excmeration4,.... ... . . 100,211 1 r;5.:;3
1111;moe (tn `," I;.s.S
TitomAq. D.
To sunoont on 10031 obseriptioni, rth, 0
Receipts for moneys paid 16:1.41
lialnner in lltolo= of Thonov... ...... 8.5
11 . 31, JonNsoN,iloctor of Bounty Tax,
To amount. of Duplicate
ea `1 1 :tltl On 131Mth: 626. lin
.. - 11. Thwtiai. 6.25
Poreelltitfe 14.52
I.l%. , sneralimv4 . 61.1 S
( 1 ;1,11 pi. V.Np, at tvu;liitg court, 2,1 H —P,71.1),:..5
13alanet. on Dapheak
Wt :A9 Trea,... Dr
To trA. an book
t )rtivr from Seboo! Board—. 2.00
ea.!) pita AuditoN 4,50
" Im. Howell 120.00—512.6.4rr
Ildr.nce in furor of Treasurer 1.12
We. the tneb.r , ittnell Andiknv, cto InTelty
Quttii.k that We have earrtithy exitutined the
f :el:malts and fiwl than to he eor
r.ct. 3. It. VANI►EN:I:I,IOE,
t; K E.l M
)lay 1. P.1;7. -::t
J . J. BP( AV ( ',14% Aria d* Iran .4bc )
I# nowt offtoing to the Public hia trrocic or
onnaiiiirnit in plot of a tun him aP
F.: chi h 4 for 1.116.6'
Of Al; ratt , qmt
follow. awl Priato of and
vttrbot and Litott, o Moat t 0.,, 1.40 F licit Curvet*
Bond assortment Of Lndina and childratta' Caisers
ant! Rants,
rreata, and Opit.ea. New assortment of
Glass and Queensware.
Ma , dira $n ono half aid ono foorta
\ tot is tho moo to motto your ,tott.ation., as t am
oNritta $!.. , 41,4 pt 1 , •17,' InW prleon and nor ninth . ,
tdir asallogto • at,(l4 In Ls trod , rtold by nny,
Will - NEIL,
iloomsburtt, April
Pit, J. 131tYAN c , •:. •c. i';
Sexual, I'
tigl• it
e 14.34 r'wort, Ladies or
Co'ritlvoo-tr rpm R{V4 1,410 t sit).+2o per gay.—
Enclose stamp.un4 Red',
3111.1' & Cu., Eighth 01.. Nov 'fork.
Jan, CI, !Mi.-Iy.
1A vl'. AND .NIATItt)loNy
The a&etions of the eapauite sr i may be gained by
following simple rules, and nit may me r'y
if tleorml.. without 111431.0 trt wealth, tut e nr Lean ly
SesePOireriell envelope mod elamp for pertiratarantc
Madam I.l'Cil 1.11 DIN Altlt C.
Jan. n, NOM; llomee. New York,
you are solVmitta from the t limta of Yoothrnt In*
thaeret ion and bnro Seminal Weokoese,
ike., I will rend
,one, free or charge, information
width if followed will rote you without the Hid a
Medici n«p. Addemto HENRY AWDEN,
Jan. 9, 114:7, Station D, New York.,
A large 0 pp. Circular, giving information of tee
greatest finputhunee to the tinting of both sexes.
It teaches bow the homely may'become beautiful,
the despised respected • Mid the foreseen loved.
No young holy or puncture should foil to send
their address, and receive a copy postpaid. by re.
turn emit Addres,P 0. Drawer, 21. Troy, N. V.
Feb itio7-11
"VIC I.OltY 01 , bilAls IA if fItENG7II, A senile
can who marered for years from Nervous and
Genital trebitity, Nightly Emissions, and denims'
Weakness, the result of rout bykii tudiecretiem end
tunic near ending his days in hopeless misery, will,
for the sake atoll - ming man, MOOS to soy one amid,•
td, tht otivltt 10150$ used by him. *bias effected
cure in u Cue hacks ohm • the White of b othor f o an
to pd le i ne ,, semi a directed envelope and *map and
it wilt mod you nothing. Address,
kartiAlt TN OM AI N. lltltb $l. N, V. City,
And Catarrh. Welded with the utmost success, by 3.
1W A M. D., Oculist and A u rid (formerly of Ley
dge, aolitord.; No. SW PINK Iltir et.
Tertimoniats, from the most reliable sources is the
City and Connery min be eeen it his tante. The med•
teal faculty are insipid to iweitnipasy their
as he haw no secrets in his primate MI PIMA b
£YES. thaerted Walton rnH, Ni; charge for exam.
r A prii gg,
I DIMLY GIRO AND ieNnIV.B I')V1, and an
A 41014400 envelope sad YS einicabd I will %Chi
cu NI/11114 valrublre t 1161111114100 IMOwill ill*/Ifte toll.
Minim MARY Winn, N• V •
M. Pi, If CO -li.
Ile llettlee*lgood le ilelV lir' . •
it., —
mon • .0001, w••••• . =Ho i wt
abolit 13 rots, tio ii moll . . tie* vein. On
who eon sows 'roll re****o llll 4lo4ll/1 1 1. 1 1 01 I*** flip *
you or moro, given Pa wllilelle*Sth s to P 1141 6:
of solos to orliool,m re* NUCII Of yoor as
ran brat to. opened.
Apply xi tlto Itortmom Itortonnott,
Oloomobort, A p•il .:11, Imo .
METERS• improved
A rit NOW CI) Pir or, Tif
London Prinn Medal and hishoot rewards in Amer
ins Ntti
Meloiloone and offemid howl MOM*. Maxis.
Nn, lit ARCH STMT,
April W. Mil-4m ) taloa tqh PHILA., PA.
EXCHAN(;}; 1101104
The undersigned having pereheeed and lately re.
Oiled ibis nenLnni aMnnse, situated en MAIN ST..
opposite tee Court How, reopeettnity
idioms hie friends and the ',ebbe tgentssiliy, tent his
)inns*: ie new ill nyder tor the accommodation 41/d
cotertainitddit ot 1/11VPiers.
fie Imp logrod an pain* m preparing 0110
an the itutertsinutent and comfort at ha, Vat•*t* His
lirotpte oparitali. lOW ropy* a solid bumat
OM 51f OUSSEN run nt nine* between tin. Howie
and inn different railriod Dim**. by Wadi line , ern
will be ruin eyed lq rum trout the reel'Olve tknil th^i
in due time in inept the turn
Aptil 2d, 164)2
la ILIA NErtY AND rt Nc y STORE,
Light Street, Colombia Co.
Woo lit announes to (tie eitistma of Light Street end
416.. rtmuity thot Ate has opened 4
e r Millinery it Fancy State,
whid,.h. hoe Marked with N lame Rad few afraid
went of Millinery and rtiOryaoods, from thy, *4omq
titled, (44 the Slum end SUflitiler trade.
Her .lock contkists of ALL ARTICLES found In
1'4.4 e toilisitts starve. ne t soudi a re the b es t
and magi is tithoone Its the witika
Nikrt'S made to order, acid repairing done with
lie:linen* and deepatelf All work eiieenrrd in the
1, 0 ,4 and two( NAV miltiller, 111.1411 relisertithie Winn.
paid to dreas makine. Pie
line I' AT 11,11 Vt 4 of every deveription pertaining t o
the trade, titi hand and for oak Own,.
Give ther n call-010ra in Wortleu`shuiLliag, twoas
LW) acattai" , ' by MIN! Julia
—lf ymt want your in 41111110 i ntrArzlOY P vv r ,
front pow Chemical* tool sel ,, clf4l Drugi at 8V
prima, #o 10 11E1VDFMNIIOTT24
—lf pm wain Points, (MA, iffitllisttcP. Color?
&C, ttly N$iEOM, . ito $0 lIENIDEAtt norrd,
-II 1044 Wit3ll W4t1i.31 , W Gin., cot, to any gize
3p) 39 111 NDEadIIUT
--If you ' , Ant Dye Mug., on 4 Dye 'Wen,
If pm want /inn of OA popular Patent Mod!
einvs. pa 111.:XIIM4101"11.4.
scant ih, heat Co4t Oil Lainp non
er. , . and Chtuto.p, git ItrADVAISUOTN,
If yon want l'crfuntery, Panel' and Toitft Uri
Cl , ^a, go to ntoocksourus.
tk, ;
--- If poi %%ant wire Welts and Lcifion. for Wed/
011131 porpogexi go 0, lIENOCASIIf Er%
.1 •
:sun wont the, finest Ciellftllr in the World
go to tiENDERSIIM"Eri.
tilenmsbunt,Aprilll, te67.
In the %%bola history of madirat a Wei Irtoroted .n ninny or
for , . of tha uuu,croua ate.tiouli of the TilitoAT
LeNoe t'lm.T. a. !hie tooptr,d and joatly yob!.
Waled Har.ll4. tfn gtheraily acknowledged is the
soperior ONl`Piielltr of thir rcnirdy tlt.ti Lott ti!tv of
th many Who ham testva its v tattoo by exptliont,
fail to kart) it at hwnt na a ty.l.ty and ctrhiho cur
for .utleat attack. of (Old--folly to , tieV tog that 0,4
remedial powers are foll,pritelo,a V 0 Ctllo4olllo CtW
hooey ivory 14111 of dmpuise. clout the aiighteat coil
to the moat itatirrouti aymphno of pulmonary
Unsolicited Testimony.
F. 0,. Set. rft..scls Loam retafor nl the 9a utly
grez,l tend Ca it rth, lirtdvpurt, (!n-ue rr.eited
,o t ootdor it o duty Muth I we to , rottrotrig
bourattity to boll' t , ..oiiltolly to OW V tllllll 14 Ott
Wort AO .1 tsar art of iCtt.s t'OYt6Y. 1 havu wool t 1
Oltt.l 1 h t , haul ot o ollo o ll for toy vototty f or
I'ol.llllw, COlO. or St 1 10. ThrOot.— tor molly to..t 4, ow;
11101 in a toottle o 1134 It fatted t„ rot
104 tor , to 1 hut tio.otoot Vy to oo o•rt yto 41 , ou
entqva,y, and I.h.keil for AMA 10 tll l l dOivory or two
,: o n too o o t too folowtog day with oad natortvilign
hot by a Illorat tow of Um iialoato toy itoorsooto,d
tuto titoviably boot mooted. mot 1 hrvo drenched
without ditioolty.
io my brolircn in Ili. nont4rly, and
pitd ,pralo 191401.11% . use 11 rot %mu r. , ,ip.tly for
tho loon cidat trultio. ru %bolt vit are p.~caliary ex
paKnd "
j'1,,,,,40”1 I.v Sr. Ili W. rotvi.n *4.‘ toN. If 4 Trrs•
Evont fit.. 6.61. u, an.; for shl, by Vrug.gislA gene
For all the rtotoint farms or Direare origowritig Iri
dare ran ein„,t tee Itt9 of
1 0 ,1ipts Sett nonnniAtered
Dr. H. Anders' Todme W.. -
n pare ar+bnian of lotootilov -
N.'1 , 11 ,, 1 4 :i:!1 , 11 , , and f , •
ai,l 39 , 2 N i'Vor ..10,1,1", ' I . •
J. P. laV
Pala by 11rtv4r,,E , 4, gerwrally. .. 4 .; bey Fin t.
Y.rk April 17, PO.
,o l vt , A Cough, A Cold, or
BRONGHIk A Sore Throat,
ItTiTtF3Oll .or the Lungs, A Penna.
wind Throat Disease, or Ono.
COUO S som
I,l4Miti l 4 direct influence in the parts, givcUmedi
ate Itiitt.
For Bronehiti:4 Asthma, 'karat, Consump
tive and Throat Diseases,
am a .414 10 WO AN` , titMp (^E,A.
p , INGC.RB ANI) urnoi: err:Aims
a ill tied Tgovues clearing tilt %Met} When
Inken tallow Stinting or epeuelug and re teivieg the
Ininitt atter an tinormal eaertinn of the VAINIf
The Tructive are tNetllll-owntied nod Prescribed
Phyeividue, and haVe hud t,9440.0nia1n tom eminent
men throughout the rouetry. Nina an article or
true merit. an=t having lima , . 'heir , ttieaey by v lest
01' 11IftliV caell year tin than i n
in vnru ue t=nr t .0. lb« Trot It are
mite , t , ~ r rit4 , l6l+ ,
4 Pl. 0 . .0" and tla
0. I 1,1.1 al , V Ir t OW IN 141111 VON halt»ttotte OW iiniy
00 111 red, tilted everywhere
Nue. le. 11104.-010.
aledume F. Thornton. the greet English Astro'.
ogist, Clairvoyant and l'eyrhometrienn, AN ' hu has
indoni , shed the mean Ile rhinos of the old World,
has now located herself at !Mem', lf. 4. aladime
Thornton poSOIPSV/ nuah WniktiellUt powers' or exc
eed sight, ns liar to Impart knowledge of
the greatest importnnee to the minthr or Married of
auher set. While In a ewe of insure, atta radiom
eter the very features of the pursing you R ea t o mu•
ry, and by the old of en instrument of townie par.
er, known us the l'sychmeotrope, guarantees to pro•
duce a Ilfe•Ilke pictorial the futurirheikand or wife
of the napkin., together with date of naternilfe, Po
'Rion In W 0,11060101 traita of character, This
la nu lrumkttil. ae thounands of leatfinanialle can es•'
self. Oho will semi when desired le milted ctttM•
cafe, or wrltion guarantee, that Who picture is whit
It poppets tabs, ky enclosing a *Mall leek er MM,
sad swing place of birth, ass. dispositkin mot mem
enclooftig fifty emits aIHI stamplid enrol'•
ups addresied to yourself, yea will melte the pla
ints end desired Inl4lllllloolll by Mari moll. MI
communleations !mired ly *made nthiP. Addreee In
roelldrime, MADAMS E. E. mum N Vat
N, If, tprh '67-Iy,
rholee's MO. Illosimasi Crwer.”
Pimkohl "MIAMI 11111•ews1og
!WOW, "Mold Nl»wlip Ceram',
Pk',lestho Allighl Mlodnesing verroulor
!MRlonia t Xlibt IRleousleg tleretra.”
A mod eitquielte, ih4ieutp, awl reeereet
silettied from the We old beautiful Itewtr fruh4
whlel U tattoo IN emu%
Iltuwirovtarod otgly
Os MON, Now York.
Jr you folui r a yolothio moody to rOXiOft you,ftiol
roomy., Well tat ObtotrOdllolllo. why het ttotO
the he'd 'nutty you yo uxperiourt boo ps of o 4 014
Dr. Harvey's Female Pits,
hoe nn o l vvi for Romoving Mortrurtionikand irreg.
ulorittrs. No osatio frouetAbst mato they AMU. I
They are IWO 0 , 13 Pure Or every Mgt rfjge,
NUM. par
Dr. Harvey's Golden Pills,
ten tem3dy four derces etroegur then the Owe.
and into itilod for 3ptchil CHIVY long •14041141,
Prire, Five hollare per hex.
A OM.' POVollo Virceier, with lingretinge, sent
r,+-1 en epettireitqe,
if r 414 esteeet the Patio of your &unlit, mood
ttlo money to Dr. J. Wynn. ttte HrostlwaY. New letak
nod ttn y wt 41 be *eta free rrotu observation by return
of Mall Jan. P,
The at personae nt the pant tort your hag denten
stratett th 4, CAO that reliance may be piaretl intim et
limy of
Bell's Specific Pills,
for the speedy end permanent tore ofriuroiflai weak.
Emissions, Phyeteal and Nervous debility,ln.•
potence, tr want of power, the result of Bestial Es.
1. ,, 44, or Y443.1161i intherretenbwhich nealeetedvions
the happiness, and unfitsthe sufferer for Business,
Medal sol.i ty or Marriarzc, end often terminate.; in
ell ti 1 , / uety green. Make no &NY In seeking the
r,0, ,, !E. It to entiridy vegetable and iititrnirAV oo
cy,iro. eon be used without detection or inter.
fefehte with nosiness pursoite,find no chimps of dint
once —ay white using them. hire, true Dollar,
it you rAlttolt yet them of your druggist, woad the
money to lie, J. Bryan, elm Broadway. Pew York,
and they will be sent free from observation by retire•
of mall
Privoto Cirottat4 to Goutittotto 'rot frost on am)!
cation. !Pin. y —J. C. at. Co.
A Sokotitole tor Calomel.
Then: NW are rampant, of venoma rode, having
!h. , edat r to rolut the secretions of the liver se
Iffoedefi , and elfertnatly as blue pill or taeretern
and it ithout predueltit: any of theta &wettable or
0 4 {131,1Thit , G. 13. n afth Wien fellow the use of tho
to att Where. dievmr , tie et ruto tufty lot need with
font; donee, es tLe%, lelenet., the diecharge at vittetfel
htln and rrineve thaws oh.trttrtione Own the liver
1.1 blli&ry duet., whith are the cameo of billow
aiteett.ol, in ,:eneral.
reel ENVIC6 MA:tilt/Pt fa: PILLS eta* Fink
n'eadathe, and all •Prlrdrrl at tite r , tinlivaad by
ration 418, roato4 tongue, vnativennra, drorituf.4%
find ft ffolifolo 1 , 1 , 304 Of in , ttrine.s and lasaitattp,
rhtrnito that th! liter is is • torpid or otattrurad
fn ober., Ike', r:u Tony t* teged with *trio ,
U In gin en t 4 0 pnryntt:e or onetotite
owdleitto it rote* ,
net ter P , ^beneY.: Mandrake PUIaP
and °tweet: that to o likorti.WO of 00 Doctor
hit en the tieveratur r ut safttp—otto when in the Ws
Wow , of eau tt:ltittiots. sod the other to Me prooeot
SOl3 Srall Profeeo and Seeks , . Pere 23 emits
24:4 1; North r4li &rein,
tirw tr,• • . A wt., 7 tAta''' C'eq
21 Park itow env ;S. S. hams., itp; pawl.
wort , St. 'let, ot—, 21.1. ; Josh
cor, l'ourih and Wfthito tit„ Cincinnati, Ohio;
WIMr? and 1:41 Wahrioh Aystrue,,
Chiroce, 11'4; 4 - ‘114.14 Brother, toorthna.4 rnmst
C. &mond and Vise SI. 11,1110,
Lith 4:51% in, 4m, mn,
BF: X r T 1.7
crot,rrN. xrr! stixr.; mit I.
P" Site ugh a Prof. MIME , tx- Fotistrt
LF;QN N. ttaeaptommi,A, wArthroctt to otti
th. who ttutrottht nud *without hair of nit twr aflz
into Wan Y lin 411.1 n Vy tilllnn4VP VOHS. 1444
boo," Hoot by lb, rinb 4000 lib , Of P.M , . anti London
vtoh th. tnnWt rrtlifyilv boon no :worst to
tilt , hair, Prfro t, tooledand pa»tpatd II
inn r mmt. Addr, BF:Hung,
rt!lt'vre, & *AL i Inrtrri Lib S.r. t t.h - S River st., Troy,
N. V. 14‘tio. Agontg ho tiot Unitad State*.
Pt -4,t`41
aprtntinfld.. no tittsek (thin aft nil!
silo etienly. What does it dot It statisnitip.. l / 4 4 Tit r
`t uEwrEntas, The human system, at this period re the
FINIk in bnlntintinf3+4 by morbid indumneer . rho in•
clime ia MI in (1.1: L.ory t Mow. of st eatlo
I et lays the frrtit,le uhen it, their iittaths. What IS to
he damn in other to 61Wn. then.; n3161 , .n, tint star ar.
Ore, foes f Stritvorifin't Tine toiritiEfin. Do you risk
fl o w 3 'rho wot is siiiiplr—the Means WOO tte
i yowl) of 'tie the Vital organs and the
:%•teur teak 11081 EIVIdt'S BATESS.
Ammo h. regulate the hen eig, taupe the
:±-ttolt Byer, ellenr the spirits, enrich and purify
enrient. with HOSTETTER'S BITTERS.
That'i the way tel Platailatilth Tar, nktvrtg, and
lender the capital of health impregnable. if you
u tan to t oolipe bilious head.sohe, intermittent I*, ver,
.tion as nr t vaus t 0141100.k-4 , F vi,Ml iu Un
is pi, unlade, the thissiag naiad mind in a
wivad Way, - ore this in±±.omparahle preventative.
It pr• F...rues health in the healthy, and renews it in
. the %teak and adieu. e j prill7, 1m67.
W()Nl)liliFI'L BUT T i ll I:
mAnAmg itraNwrov, the t o rrid
Asirologiet and Soinnamatilisiii Clairvoyant, A%
in a Omit u}doi. state deistic/Bea the very finittirmi of
life por t ion yon 4t, to berry, nii.l by the aid of e n
instrument of 'Mimic , power, known us !pl. , Psycho.
gllllBlltoo4 to produce a perfect and life
like pirtuic of the future husband or wife of the ap.
plicant, frith dote and marrisgc, occupation, loading
traits and charmter. etc. ie no impooition, or
testinionialo ithoat mother can a w aen, By orating
place of With, Are, di a position, color cleA and
heir, ft lid oIIC 10.111 g !my vents rind stamped ell*TI•
ape m 1,1 0 ,6404 is poirsoli you will tteritif picture
by re burn of Milli. ItigPlhoij aNh dt , 40 , 1 information
li A4l , lMiti in co Mclntire, MADAME GI RTltt.'o6
JINNI NOTON. P 0. Utz 2J7, Wee boy. N. Y.
Peb, v. leo— ly
To tier eountil home, after a sojourn of a few
1110001h0 to the City, wan Wittily recogn i sed by her
friends. In place of a course. rustic Pushed fare,
tilts had a soft ruby complexion of almost marble
smoothness. sad instead of twenty .three she really
appeared hut MO rum. Upon inquiry sem the cause
or cogreetachit ahli lainlYt.dd rhea'that she
axed the Circus - HAW. nod considered it an in.
valuable toquiaillott to any Lady's toilet By its use
any Lady or Oentleinatt Nth impress. Oak personal
appearance an hundred fold. It is sisitgge In its coin.
Menthol, as Nature bersalf is mingle, yet unittmass.
ed li, its theory hi thawing impurittet fiat}, also
healing, cleansing and beat eying the di* and tont.
pleitiom by its direct gratin on life Calide it thaws
kma it all its impurities, bindly healing the tame,
and leasing the serrate as Nature intended it should
be, clear, %eft, month and beautiful. Pries $l, sent
by moil or express on receipt' of an order by W. 1..
CLARK k CO., Chemists."lll. 3 West Fayette Pt..
Pyralbture, N. Y. The only Antcricon Agents for the
Said of tbh tams. [Patt legit—ty
(Leta Assiatiaut M dttal Di for U. & Amt.)
Physician and bargee*.
trr 00100 at tbe Earls Hout,
el aloWit Iliasalutt
tialta protio . Nov ttp at ,
t 2endl od to hfon utght 1440.
Is 1$ lotoor•111 am? csl4s4. plot 0 11$1 MK 01 afinail
osepes , that Imes the estersiniet pleasure
Is Isl 4. lotrothitlig to the public
whichl4 rapidly bedreatitilubmand with thin
Machine the herd - work of wing in mitigated ton
comfortable and tilinsent task. the clothe* are
pieced in hot ends, and shut in. While thus linmprio.
1 1 1 i 4114 thu steam contlecd. the 'decline is "permed
is se en sho". Thus the work is *tenthly. clearly
and cattily done, and that too Witholst tearing and
ncetinu rut the clothes, which to 4 Vent 4441414 la
111 e cease undo( the old fishitimad rubbing process,
With 4
(fl CL C 7 OE
tho whole hitor i 4 woollies is but u 1011/4111 111,4
Wine eutototnot with the former mod , * of IDIOM NU
AND e. OAKINt; , anti Meting and wrinene. The
4hrt ie Mu dli*Oit ,, i hY MO nor SUDO that but linte
ooptes4l,,ti ie oeceewary t eipel it. No family in
leo (;nutty ehoetel 1w without
Will IN,
'no p,kts of these 61aLbiono rangy as foilowe
Enmity yiao Woahor. • • • • • • $l4 00
lintel Om. • • - - • 16 (61
ramify we, So. I tartupt.
bbao No. 14. • • • • • 10 00
Mold by E. 11. NULL, 441 6114 .
Mart.h 17 11 3 67-oly. Berwick. Fa
( Rif M *' 82,C0
s,tnnt New nod Fovnitt.hnnd TCt%M IiARNL:BI4
10.noti Bridles and Ottlon.
Lear ttaddlos, all rtylro—ti to P 00.
300 Four 111. , 44e fitivvrriment Wagons.
VAN) Walton Covert, all size*, new and worn.
4,n00 Illankets.and Horse Cuvera,
Also, a Wan Wank or 14eIns. Lead Lines, Whirls.
porgy and Mohotante Hbrnees. porlabto t 0 4,e,
Own., dikingi.lttev, Lead Oar. etc.
Train Haror...A, iit tie worn—nil OA rano ,
ed Le.ttler ;old .rt; ,:aloo, .reaood and Oiled 3 dti.
tare prr :now to mok, intiodtat brill,, !owl do
4 dolt:at, Waroa Pohl“, 1 dollar. Collar.. I to 2
d,ds. Latta Hair tired A Hiltery Cot. d0,.4 t and 2
1/00le keine. 175t0 ea SS. Lead Line., i douse,
11altor.. 6ln 17. dote, per dozen. ntiectr..* N w se.d.
ic Ir la., with plate.; On Itridte, 11 doh; rend
qs err. dal., with hr idle, 14 duls. s& el
P 4 MI.. 6 dole.
1,T , .,400 covers, made to 11l any Wagon.—heavy
town, 3to 5 dose aupeetner ention Duck, 4 to t 5 i~ls
T; or , Dula, a to It dole.
Tenn Iluetotal Tents. Lew and as Food as new, 12
ne. &wk.- H fret aquas-3U watt noir ,
0211eme A. Tent, 7 WA stare, Irara S i P 4.10.
Itglkftl Hose. from duck. I,t quality, 4 bushels
9 dolt. ; WS. Itt hriA ; 3 bus. II dohs, per 1141, ; 1,1111
quality. 7 59. s 30 nor
SMALL (41)(344 :?1. 'l' UV EX VitEss, P.
r; 3e 3n9 North rrontrtt., Plrobvitipbt3.
Nu. 3 INrk Mare, NCtlf
No. 453, Wit Street. Washirtgrerr. V.
Ntre•lirt sent en fi pplion i f
Match I.u.Z—tiw
peon ALL rttn.! , ,st , IN( mr,:r To UO!
reiw.ringo. a 0... of no , ntvrnil nortientle+,
11 , 0 beer Untoyooo , l, reonred by a vraetKat
elwattt , t, Nang a fall k +t , 'Ul.:+blt! of all the medical
virlaea o f ea , that otters Ito WAN ,
alto,h, is wartMte,l to ester 4 anything of the kind
ecru yet uttered to the wilily' o+ tin ezter , ial uplift
ration tot Ib , l for rybirh is is reconsinendeti.
We we satisfied that it ,Is rviirk ite own ro o d two
the rob tigtobre of nil %tin 040 It, and thole who try
It anon %%tit never be *Aunt it. and therefore on
rely On sisiotri , tteis as the best test of lilt usefalacoa.
It it peoboomed by
and all tt Ito hire it, to he the
ever osed. Title Ennitnentlini hat* been rot up for
°Dry through the thereNsotrr
Oellift0:1 and hreent irriviiiit of iu triottdit and ti,
linatit %tint it with da the wine ri
agent tar 11111 toorottle Oteter-ee to Which that motile
and ttreoll holithO, the those r 6 tthteet,
r , orediee 6.441 beet) ttirett , tl to the .
tones. tome ot there Nrei
at itct utttie 11.. e, dud iroany wri hotly 1111
proper to diem et .he J.lOOlOlO tolt whickihey Hie
A :ndte.on. and reale unoCul rtiripo fitiplt,
from MIA., ohle , tkook, qaw iternatfcta iong been de
Ated by minty folitlctitril ratio 114%e
V A IL IV A 1116 E R
and rte untvOling to ttuet thou to the tore of 'loop ,
toe nud preteibkil ritir;ers. Igor %late** are at
length fully grill Ig.A. Ay (fir. Wale) being nratiaili . 4
Etobtooetion /which b.f.,
proeroti eo Vift .11011 to 1111, I lUtOI a tty.eusec, to he
opotott end trattght OW 40 alit public
TIIIA CM!) nod by the
Gov r',10,0 , 4111
A,kjeWs 411 Itit I:DMOND 141: Lit
r,U , t ',Seto =d Ph1141111?!”,i, Pn
March C. a, ,
The silloscribPt has taken smile pmtio, rFptii
bis stuck by rata purr - Woos, nail bR ir. 9ow prepat,,t
Eell as low as any Dealer
to thug tert 1,3 n of rolint
A Nth upon him, by any hereon who undeNassihr
the pricer of the health/ of the same,
will make ibis fort ohm. Ur counts no one toted
buy unless they Are entirely eatiohNl lie will be
pied In ern bin (Needs and the public geuerelty
Imhof they buy or not
Me crock Notelets of the beet rurieties of
iteVgli, Itir,t,ABBES,
t't'' tit, TEA
One quality.)
NOM) MM'ls, tot their sea , orbl
itot4Tohl, AND (what otAcKiattl,
ot)Ah k ate,. he., (MEESE.
oleo a sire weettnirat of Dry Goads end Itheierr.
nod a tell variety of route of the storm chum, end
of other kinds. In addition to which he has teeettly
added to his stork aline assertantot of
in voich -, , n,ierir of goods he has several new
:wide. of modern !nroniirin, erensivelly used
where known, sod which inset cows horn
tie Wee has 4 Ave sootily of
French Moroccoel;
and Om of Wooten Linings (or 0110660 r r'e
work • and a good annortainwt of
lit nee n *ware
Q .- Nil and evasion.
JOIN K. ciaTpi
s. U. Cornet el Main 004 Iran Streets
Bloom Aburg. Ap r il 10, 1c167,
iSucoosw of Mr. liorrord.)
kr. Koons hoe latete token chortle of this keine
sad viell established now, and wilt' be pleased to
ow his a ndeti* sive Cass ll bo t h
to a metal
landlord. keeps a dmMinor.
April IC lent
I WILL GU 1 1 0
TO El XV tOOOtti
THlllitmihroistied rOsoostfollt altneonees to hie
leeel releidePoll Woe *mid aMW Vlnthlog auk
MfoloMier 'WM' $Ol mom in the lower room 1.1
' tialiteao lolleioir, eoutheo et Cot tor of•Mato ou4
tket Ottvoto, elooetelleiro, ro.
ll•vitliljust roturud (ruin l phiat drtlr alms
Fall tlmid 'nt h Clothing
owl rurni*hitig A.r. Oh* , its h,.
tote hioi*elf foist ho can Ovate pill. Hi* laOrk emr•
NES' 8 IturB (7,077174VU,
. I
. w
ti 4 is ttet tee, yti,ingiu ihe Chnhing or rntniathnt
line at
rg j a r„ I'ritw.
In nthinion 0, the shoto he has au dugout assort
merit of a
t - fieeouturs, noel Vesting .
tliottgoe mode to order at this shnrinai 'Hoax
call and sue lawn purchasing autewhers. rug
Oco.ber 10, Nao,
• II
N F srro 1 1 4
111 F, k; STORE OF
it A 4 SOW LIP '4)
tsra t3stsas 3l
THU Pt4l, tiotm orjoun.
Tort . .It.u.t.. atvivi Gtruus•
livA t L Gontti
They 'o4.tivp orerythlng ync ;Illy want. ( amd t.. 4
thuut And you wilt be ewe to buy.
.. go
L(fZL"!f~ y
• iluLt , ,xs,
.e 1 hpa
eto.h l'evillf
.41et i 1 )
7 li
1 '
0 f.
G. ~ .
Q1,1,1111,M. it f, LA4,11114.04,0., Cubjf
Hip * #O,l, ote lu .11 , • rt tea ken ev,”yonlqz. tint
Cn fttollt , fl4 to,pd .1141: t 6 pt Y9'4
limit. lAN' tictio Pan • I/CI. to 6: 1 ntalideqbo l ll ,
kiwi% of te ,- dose t: - thee the I , tet , untektt. prtes.
~I,r` Ain,q '!'her e• ..C4111C.J,1 frith the *tore
T111.00.1NC.. I.II;TAK .%leN V, A, net em,tenter4
btipeir elAthe A;' As op 4,10.,,v5,...r, can I),* Chant
111414.1 np with Pr 111.111, ., and th.,patth cheap tut
The hem s , Of $06 , 41 L.% :.!,,Utter p u p, 4.
Mat em uttimev /idle.
Exor knit. ,EsrAt 111. NT
Ihe r"q and flt!nit hir
Etr.V.: KA I. to ttpe bas.3l.lci4t ut tin:
to maid must re+perthdry toilf ü rMiIIII4IAU , r:f
PailObag , •1 , 4 , 0#
tot tetWr a A
I 1 4
1 . 14:Ct/ tIYnEI4 4 , EIM , II rtol7.
t 1( $. Thltß. 6iIIXThYA, 4 , 4O7 rek. RAM .% tat
Q1"A) 11 k 1) A' et A
ny.tro, ran -6 eoiTcd op to nFtontS:e at
rtinniont, onto, In
I' '4 I 0 us sTius,
t 11.WEIL ERILP, Or. iaAty
to tuft ttir taitcu of tho
A'a kJ: 4 i CAL MAN
(boot. w2ll, Eel'. 13, 1.67
lhere rut±tcth glad Ifl I 1 to 14 . joy to au,
youra awl to old , t- ercat ono to small ;
tit. i'lf.:o7;)' hith oer>s waByopiTTWltto 014 tar,
to ift , o 11, Ott. affil all may to.
BY THE Ft:it': OF
White Liquid Enamel,
Vnr 1111111441111:1 and lies:Oiny thy e nt ypteltyy,
be mastutnable cite pn rtTfpll4/41111t01111# 4411
O v u l e the akin @ letautilet peati•like tow. that 14
04 11, found 111 yontli It Yesykly Tyytnyey Tay. ewe,.
Mlytyhys, Myth rat cht.s, aanowne.a
Eruptions Held im,mritlys of the stun, nea h ts
hit same lettrine,the akin %bite and otter as Washes ,
frt. [tut use ratinot ba detected by the closet.* sem.
tiny, and 11410 g ft segYtably reparative is petrortly
harmless. It is thy nul y etu d e o f the m ud used by
Inn French, and In eonsitietyo by the Ytwctaita as in
dtsvensible tet perfect WOO Upwards calff.oo3
bottles were sold daring the past year, n aottielent
Koaranteo, of its efficacy. ?rice nutty 73 cynic
Pent by Mail, prtet.pahl. Ott tareyipt or tin order, by
MERGER. SKYTTS k ettettests,
Feb Ifffft—ty Skft Nicer dt.Troy. NY.
Pil ..
• re WOO knew, At Jolla if, Melee* Pruf, fetelAi
turner 01 Alain tuff atialoi Street*. A good avow 1
:neat at
pritE DB ITGS,
aft•dittner, Paint*. 0110'an,/ Varniaboo, always nq
hard, and alit hp Reid diatom than at any tabu,
Om* Aare In t.twa:
Prescriptions carefully courpounded at Moped
Drug Store,
Ayers,attd .14tta*Mtlklaer *old at ltioyer'a Thug
%Pothart's Tit Cordial. Baker's earl blear oa t
Winslow's tloothiug Syrup, sold at *layer's Moir
rat any reliable patent medicines, call at Moyer's
Drag 00114
Leather of all kinds, wholesale and retail, at .1, P.
Muyer'• Oral *too, Illuonotsura, Pa.
May t,
SUM% st,sovrou! SCRATCW
Will fare The lick In 44 Reim
11/4 dreg. Fcripale 67_411 Ihruggiad, By undi ng eo
omits to Wiskill 1193TTIOUlkolit Armor, 1 711Vhott ,
ibion ouims, Ilkistan, Be tor , vaidvd by Mil;
OW. ItnOtar, PI VII ;wit et Ib Vnited #lst,
:Adiythrs t
II t
Ba s it
4 . .1
I 7 3
r t "
4 1 . ''