Bloomsburg democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1867-1869, April 17, 1867, Image 4

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MAIM EMIT Enox Ctrt—We suppose
that there are fully three-quarters of a mill
ion of pounds or 'Northern and Western
butter consumed in Florida every year.--
But put it at half a million pounds, or any
other quantity you please—though we be
lieve that the mordants of the' principal
cities, if questioned, would say that our
opposition of three-quarters of a million is
nearly correct. Whatever the quantity may
be, several hundred thousand dollars are re
quired to pay for •it, every dollar of which
goes out of the State, which might he kept
at home by a modicum of attention on the
part of farmers and stock raisers. The time
hi* come for our flamers to "make every
edge cut." Dairies were profitable when at
tended to years ago, but they can be made
more profitable now. We know of one
planter whose sales of milk alone have aver
aged from $175 to $2OO per month. It is
true he lived near market and could easily
send milk to town every morning but far
mers at a distance who will only learn the
secret of putting up sweet butter for mar
ket, which is nothing more than working the
milk out of it and never washing it in water
or allowing water to come in contact with it,
will never encounter difficulty in finding sale
for all the butter they make. If the sup
ply should be greater in spring and summer
than the demand, put it up tin• winter. We
have kuown house-wives in thisseetion whose
butter kept sweet for two years. If' milk is
poor from bad pasturage, work out all the
milk and use the yolk of eggs, and nobody
can tell your butter from the best Goshen,
Planters should reduce the number t f
their 'Mich cows, always provided that they
will bettpw a little attention on those they
keep for dairy purposes. A halfdozen cows
well I:.ken care of are more profitable than
three times that number neglected. An
acre or two planted in long range carrots will
pay better than anything ell for cattle.—
Carrots planted in drills, well manure(' and
thinned to stand three "four inches apart,
will produce front one thousand to fifteen
hundred bushel 3 per acre. Nu food is more
nutritious for stock. When fed to cows,
their milk is increased in quantity and Ha
Having frequently teen reports of eatraor.
didary success in raising potatoes by cover
ing them with straw, I wan in to try it
upon a miall scale.
A plat in my gitrden. about fiftyfeet square
of well manured clayey loam, was nicely
spaded up and made fine and smooth. It
was then marked out in shallow drills, two
feet and a halt' apart, and potatoes (of the
pink-eye variety) ;drifted whole, tw•o feLt
apart in di ul barely covered will oar IL
The whole patch was then covered with dry
wheat straw spread lightly and evenly with
a pitchfork, to the depth of about two feet.
Several showers occurred soon after the po•
tatoes wore planted, which yettled the straw
very ennsidaaLly and in due time the vine:,
came up thr,m s ii the :Law, and cover
ed the entire surtlice with the ebvt
Nothing more was done to the patch till
the vines were killed by trout in autumn
Not a weed appeared amorz them. At th
usual time of tlitreit ; pot k ph,: th, d ea d
'OK's were all roll removal , them
with a potato tbrk, the layer of straw, which
was pretty well rott:; 4 , and not more than
four or five inches in thickness—was earc
fully removed. To my ;treat surprise, there
hey the potatoes on the surfuce,literally coh
ering the ground, and almost Ns clean as if
they had been washed. They were picked
up and . umusurell, but the quantity I do not
remember. This much, however, I we!l
recollect, that I never raised so good a crop
by any other mode of culture. They were
of very uniform size and of good quality.
Ohio y Pur s uer.
WINE MAKlNii.—Wine making in flit!
United States is destined to an important
development. This is a , :surcii from thepro
gross already made and the proof afforded
of the admirable adoption of the climate
and soil in large sections of country. The
last United States census report embraces
much valuable information on the subject.
Some of die earliest attempts at grape cul
ture were with imported varieties, whiell
fat). Though partial successes in the
manufacture of native wines were obtained
ar long ago as the year Ism, to Nip Ides
Longworth, Esq., recently deceased, belongs
the credit of making substaotial pro rem , .
John J. Dufour, of Verily, Indiana, also,
made persevering efforts in the culture of
the vine. Vineyard culture may now be re
garded as fully established—California ta
king rho lead, though some of the hest sato
plea L come from Georgia and the Ohio
Talley. The capacity of the United States
for vine culture may be judged from the sin
gle fact that California alone has 5,09000
adapted to vineyards, aerea while the aggre
gate of European vineyards is supposed no;
to exceed 12,000,000. The estimated an
nual yield per acre in the Western States is
about equal to that of Mince, two hundred
gallons to the acre. ht the South five hun
dred are claimed, audio California eight hun
dred. The number of vines now bearing in
California is about 4i100,0;t0, the yie d
amounting to something like a gallon to each
vine, Wine growers in the United States
were never before so much encouraged as
now to persevere in their efforts.
CARE OF Cows.—lt is necessary to see
that cows are well fed and Lave a little ex
tra attention. A little corn-cob meal tends
to keep up a healthy tom) of the system.—
Even though the hay may be of a poorer
quality, they will eat it with a hltter relieb
when they are healthy thea when poor. It
is s miserable emu. that pinclpsnithe food
of domesticated animals.
iNAINDY !OR MOLtd.—Cut apples or po
tatoes in pieces about the size of pea, and
roH them in strychnine cr arceuio. Theo
make 511veral small holes where tho moles
ran, and drop one or more of the pieces in
044th hole. In a short time tha mole, will
41104.501 r.
in Blive'v lnlldtai, en Nein fusel.
Infiww• lbe deletes of Inloonsibers and •lelelty dim
Ye Yu opined n New
E TAiiitANT,
In lel. 111110/. Where he Mille, hl. old Oleelda aid
ettitovetvi W cNI 111111 partial, of ble trittri1110111111•••
it a hie Intention In oeno ii, beat
ecinennily on hand ; Al.n. Porter. Nircipartilm. Mln
UM/ Water. hiIKY berismiddmi. Mulberry mid Lem
eft taupe, rim ill WIWI be Mil at hie liretaureaL
Li the eating lino he primedie
*llll6 et la"
ant turpseeed is tine p lacee, el*, Pickled Oyster ,
Clams, Pr flittiell ri,h , tauberurid etliCkell • PitillP.
Tripe and Bear Tongue, 44..60. lie aloe btr a gout
article or
Cigars and Chewing Tobacco
for hi. eu•lnmern Give him
Illuuenobling, Juno 13,
RedIICIIOII in " ' rife.,
The uodertigned will olfmr to the poliDo
lo oil Oio,lo of
ZiPU Q QSO araaliil =CD
Duch al
CI Rl' ooOOS,
Boots and Miliays, Hata, Caps.
and Noinno in Peery enrinte.
uer nn.inees from illy brae( hammy, will Mg ow
ducted on a ptricily
end perPOIIII wl•Aln, In goirchoon anything In our
llor CALI 13,1 eo Id a v..ty .mull pertoolotto on
Curri•ni Wholemale Priem
All ktu,l, of prrkluer rind nolo loApn Ip cachange.
tcp Wr co rslirlly Invite Situ public to
and a ' , hare of their patrnatiro.
Claim toe, January 2, frai.
, nig m 4 1' into 1,0 lI6NRI NU I' 1%1 lAxY,
I ww,Ll moral - oily Inform Ho.' public ILot ihry
semen operaiinn with an extensive aesottinent et
too Lod 1.14
and V* now prepared to supply all orders at short
notice and of Ow lowest prtros (or cash, l'hair as.
atunuent W Oman , consitts
While Pine Plank, Boards,
Flooring, %turf:Nee 1140
Siding•, Hemlock Plank,
foodfid or unpinned, In atilt litiCCltiloPf • rOlifite Stuff.
/tore sod ncoldlittg of tell loner. Their % 11 11
44,1 14,10 w r rant It; Athol.. 1 tit the Uoilre•od Inuit,
very emu , . nerinly for üblopiou in Mort ley tho corp..
76ey1,11thety 11141.141Otttif iffg !OMANI of till
104411, Slid coif.. , Who fleWe litlithet of ovory no.
o,ripti..ff w :II it.l nail to '1 ttuiiie sll,•ti gator% befort
pore to.itot a .owner*. They Sr., deterfotheil sot eiti•
moony lattlenrott to suit tar cheap no the cltilepotit,
. 11 1. •111'10 ill Mill theitiftillc blot ciiperitil:y
thurt aOti. at tuts to o trutto , w brut. "Ault t 11,ti they Aiwa
otle )1111 tippi, lolly optoorral t.t rot it oh 1 1, 01 ilittiiict
ov , ty Site nod lateagth I ,, peental. Tototo wtrltiog In
.mitt Ilf rtulrurant Vt . bUlenttig, CUD Save uoutey. by
ysvinj writ a rat
Too undeireitorn would al,* nonconce that tiny
prepittetl to tiff all kind rat lepaying of Marhin , ry.
*l'.h Thtfililf 11111 Mitchltleti Mott er, Hattiparr ttat
till kitidit agricultural iruidouwata, upon miaow*.
Wu linos.
F. C. EYCK. *lvey.
Mcnivbts Knpt. 19. MGfiloompburn. Pa.
Iho Lost, Mal Rcitortd.
Ind Pub:lobed, a new edition of
Dn. cui•VVRWIA.L . I4 Celebrated he , oty on the cad.
ical care (without samlieine)orttpernial4.l 111.4. p. yirur
ions Weights..l, Involuntary Seminal LOSSP A. ( m on.
tenor ateutal tin.lPb)ccal Incepacity, tary.eduaenta
to vi +l,"*azc, etc. , atm* t' IC cUlliplll4l, Eptivio.y. at.*l
r . 1,, ',blar e d by acii.tutluts7,titett at 8-.!lttat
Price. to a tri alo cav*lone, only *1 cent's.
't ne rated outline 13 One adosiratoe cceny
clearly ocuometratc4, If OM 11 thirty year,* turre t ,
tat won t.«.114 , t the alarming rolloelgett,rA ct oclf
aleuc.e may be r aditany et,erti without the dams. •
one use of internal medicine err the application **f
the ktille— 4,f •iwititt oat a OrOft! of cur« at nue , ~ a s.
pie. certain. and *irtinal. by :11,4114 of which every
onforne, oo muter whit hi, e,miltion time way
tune him-elf cheaply. i.nvatvly, ao.I
iL I Or. fret tre iffimed be In tfir boo t ie of every
yi , ctit and cv fly 011,11 in lb.: land.
"Scot, ander a I at. in a pla,ti cocci' pe, in acv :14..
diem* pout laid, Oil fin:clot of tsx coot*, or (NU pont
Address the publish.rA.
1 . 11A9 C K1, 1 14E/k crR
1'.1; flowery. New York. Post Oak.: ta s.
Deo. 19, Isik4
Dteember Ist, 1666.
skad N. oh West for Philadelphia. New Vbrk,
~,g, rottovil le, Tatianalra A Artan•l. Lebanon. Allen.
Venn. tlnston. linktato, Lida. Lancaster, Cola inbi
k+.• arc.
Trains leave IlarriAntre for NMI' Verk. ae fn4tows:
At 3 tel, M , 0 4101 9 :Ai e 14 end 4 to and 9 One W COOrte,t
ins with ~i nitsar Triont nn the l'entr.ylvattra Karl.
rued and Arriving 111 New York at to On nal lir In ♦N
411 , 14 0,3 awl 11195 px, Nycp,ll,/ Cur• a, , ,roorpa ,
nuns the 3 Ott ♦ M and 9W r c. Trams without
• I.eave 1 - attiditira for Reading. Pettavela. Tama•
dna. aville,Wand. Pine Grove. Allentown
and Philadelphia, at d In a a and / pi an 14 In p
at lade/non and lltintifall WAY rlationa ;
the 4 in P rt W inlatrr.nia.•Gti'nla tot rsllts trh.nl4 and
•.lily. rot Pint...villa, delidyik ill II van
nut Auburn, via dchilylkdt Mt/
Po d. ten oe Hari at :1
ti•Av Vial( at 011 st 12 11 and
S inland d tal P Philadelphia AI *l3 a It and 3 341,
Way Pinweilaat ; fat* Inaltea Philadelphia at 7 30 0;
14. relit HMI 11 . 1 ,1 441 11 , 04110 d ,at3o P M Mopping Al all
At 4111111114 1 1 / 4 111.41411114 11,1. II 44 4 111, and 43 ra ; 1.11
land t, ad ant II :41/ A M. and 1 03 P. Tamaqua at
1143 A P 1 and lUM Ann 1443 r a.
Leave l i nitavaila fat itatriettara via Behay Mill and
thi , apretianua I 111104141 al 7 ial A a.
M 114.11112 Artnnoini 'Praia . Leave* (tending
at I;30 a K 1,1141.14,1 fr o m Phil oielplivi ai 430 p X.
t. übllnbi„ Hatiroitil Mina lentn) ken/Ifni at i 141 a M
WI/ ft 13 P M for Ephrata. 1.1 , a, 1ag64,31.1Ar,
In 10141V44 New York at ouo P 141, Plight
Jriphta P tit A 1 1 . awl 3 13 P tint 4 tit A 11, irain
nnly l it 40111111 ; VotIOVIIIP *llO All ; fiat
flit nll4l 11 33 A M. 411141 to 4111.1111 at 1131 and 7 44 A I `,
tot IlairtAntra and 11 41 A M, fur New Yurk and 413
p M. tot I'ln'a , n,lphia.
Con mutation, VI denim R4'411141 f i rh ( lol and [' Mr .
Ticarte, Viand ham all Onto at tedated rota.
Itathattito tattkeu through; In tumid, erh;upd P 41411
rasat,t a tr. G. Si Wi'sM.thr
General duperintrodert.
Reading, PL. Jan. I, tao.
NEV GOODS i NEW Goops! !
Full FALL and ,WINTER,
Catancaren.3) 503.25ara0.
TII C under,lgued !Me 11101 f,ce + vied a very Inren
end Parelleat norterharat AN!) WINTER
hOOlll, re hurl, propum p ver y hew Mee
Ile has Um Wei qualeleua or
DCLAI%f.ea, MEN' Num
LAI ike. Arc
I he Grocery Department
it nikii with thy Ural qnalily n 1 fiarb grricrrl** and
ururfroun*, rurli AO *near, analogous, iluur. rail. Orb,
ham, norm, Pomo. &r,
(tr Crwoiry pro luen biaowi in Parham fur anndr.
fur who'll lift 111/111.01 niarlirt prlc will be amen.
Er Don't fall tu give Mai a call and sueurg !mid
N. W. !IOW)! AN
t►rnnlerllle, Now. 2P, 111116.-3 in
ilk►. 14 kond St, New York.
Er Pull Infumnilou, rah the hiellool gestlemots
n NnOIL ou irmal Mamma In 111 uth4 •110149$
iobti t froe,
iLT• fya oitroam4 spot for diem. oat yot WM ma, repo
it tat 10 sivoNfoley eby,kiser ler legality tor
ptitorg. wudaut ttif 'woo Ito stranor phould bu
ataa*.t. Eta 1 "40 ft pt.onip fp. pDot-misi ; Pod to
OR. I.4.WRCNCS, M 14 POND mete *H AI
YORK. Nov. 14. lOW- IY.K P .
Uflo NBc PE KIN 9,
Pianos for the People I
420 Biome St., N. T.
WS ers4ll4 eel l the Mention et the u ubate an d the
!tette In ..ur tattput MOW rule 11411,,,, to tee ,
tee -I)tets
Cyr,,,: A. 70 , t eve, Pupil W m
Wee «ut(' e•rt+ *.
t i me
* eiphoe eteu e kg*
rush Imam *. bud 'no to m
ptosoth SOO
limy IA M. t oneee. 40100 a* *tyro A wart *or
poen*e mouton', got pWh. Carved lege toed tyro. MI
ertvtx 4.1.; orrava. ;q.t.; totoses toga rowed
fen venue bottom, foul. Wes riol , • nt en style
D. mend lyre and due, (eery roved . $,50
STYLE It, Irene Year terse Metal Canters,
16;4 0 .4 hue, tunodonn on not and plan.
serpentine lontioo roved lyre sad der*. ere.
yam too veil exult tee* roo
he ahoy( styles ore ell &dined in elegant rare.
Weed roses and hive the toll tree frame, rreeth
Milo,. keep pedal. beveled top. ivory ke). Nail key
(mgts elm rsm s d in . vereiruug I dee, warty ell
ttrio•a stuns sow mama:veto red her ire
mode ttl the hest tworertele a n d f , tr Mush, dert,lttlity,
pur,ty sett stt settles of Wee, conto.4 b.r vorttessed,
tVe melte the km:tot - ton ut the palate, or dealers Sad
trat pelltsestalt. to a tilt Wat tliisOWtition of the
mat's of o ttr f i tness
lty nytthlitig tto groat echences sitemileht Ulna
cnt , tly NEI mita 1110 expensrva waratman* la the
city. we are ,thaftle , l to tarty theta! Phiette et pore,*
which defy ethepetition, .tad teethe nil ht cats etei
e intone , : theta bvforo yhtt Litotes eleew het... Myth.*
ordering froth n di•tiecre cue, receterth
sh i ny Ptun , tu promptly, nth( n cotithithia ca 1.43
aa the *tyke are ad tli.tibaly dt 010tt.4 by the
lett.rg A 1).
The four shirr iloserib xbov ,,, , ribboriv all the
rfiniiv.,i doll it 01 CAW. VI Well
Ilre by ititthy VIM 141/ 10 E add EMI
Num DP norm
WP WO*lld refporirtolly tall OP 111110Itifttl of rho',
1,11,11 , f11 11//1/ Mivamq Mrirosil r.orlh•l. L./ uu• r.tdb.
I hin' Is INlii•Ht 1111 %ludo "1 Match ttnlrlr
Anthem 110444 cao 4c 0641111. A vit the mod ravwsblv
The tong nntiortOne. at 04f Mr, PICCONS it, Mlt.iel4 o
4701100 , 1t11 , 110, 1111.00. the Conran Room nut nuno.y.
ftvtiool, otintitini twit to on itaVlCt 40.1 illif‘ , llll , lth,ll
MI Ali p.ust. ut 111 , 01111 i Winton, an to the in:Wilton
of propel N o r n 01100 M41111(1011 or miasmal
nv•.loOn wool.** in Hill 1110 Or
Orttiorai jno trot to ointotinfri, Ittadcro Iverbwroati
YI uilento.
Pile , * Nrubsbe.l o t the eeeel Wrote with
protione.a and übpot. b, Coonttty ordure i+, /01114
OVl4'Cllotlll44v. ter puptl4, teetbeip, COUCtiIA,
how ready the new Sunday School Singing Linea,
g MIL GOMM.% PIM /11141;.'
Pv T Pk. 1044.41. A .otbor of Sailed Lute Pusiefily
pEnni,l Banner. *Meats' Wes Bonk. Psitim ging, am.
We aSU send a aorti,nott rol•y, post poia. to any
Andre.. on receipt or IVO - 111V Ert.ll4. This pros at
'Toe 4:01,44,,v' is as b , 11. , N
etitek aeries, In papa cover*
By tha itist
r bil. 4 nines. In board covers.
1*) the NS
Shars Corirolled IT(Ino
hat introduced, bad being adopted by All !exiling
hiboyes ;et the irtabbilb turn of harms, tirdxny,
liaal Tattle, Furaila re. dtt. Every osie wiin ill 4
a PlAlla ahallia WIWI a b , tttie of Ito.
Ibr Cirruiate all. wo tvtU %Ivo bill partorolnrn aad
t'br 'ferritory and Asroseiro
receivol by tUtitN N Jig 11.3(ii I krt. Getour.ll Aleuts
fur ibb Ilbotta *fairy, 4111 brbomb Street, N. `.
Cr' A* ut my retemum to tho commie, wont* min
ttle bottle. and as the or tit le cau s e', be tient by moil.
%bete Chiba ;am um te His, laud sue ate tl,,zet
firtirptd, (Nttio the money) we vt oil (Mom std by 44.
brill' , (chaps pa' f o r SO 111-1. duzl•u.
EN'L A0E:N11E011 TA''. U7V 'lto sr %TEO,
Nn, 42U UPAyme. Attrosti, N, Y
flei.2l, Plitt -Iy. J.
11367. 1867
11114 gnat boo travar•ra Ina Not/horn nn 4 Nntrh.
n oath mow* I*.nno) tvan. Vitt of rota
~n [ A k a ge, It 1,4$ It.noe*l null is , OW fitted by
the , 1. til,llVflifia 1:4 411 64444 I '1•11.10iny
Tow tN rainaligat 'Trains at Nuttnntobattand,
Leave Eastward.
Erl• M.. 1 Tr.fin I 1 8n r tf
E. le t..ti.rrr • (i la A M
Cwlra 11411 10 hi A M
Leave Wtatvvartl.
Crr %toil Train
I,rov ora/11 1 /air
tAtstir.l Matt
P1110.0.11g.1 . 1“.1(11 run throoth or, too 3f+,l
Tr+ll” i;Lffilt tbump, i , 411 VC:I, Fr, a
NW:l4.lOOa and Vrt”
L N,w Vork at 9 ri : /VP 111 CHO 13 On 3
I{." 41. soup w ; a rivs .tt Ctl4 , II
p at b 314 p uI ; 3VINV*. w Via%
p m; Lea. a Brie ut Itltti p hi; arrive at law
Y. , rx I 111 tt to.
:i.rcrtcr; riatti nn a2l!ve,htt
1 . .. 14101114ithan t swot , t x p.
ply xt (MM. r 31.114 r ind Murk. t 00.4111. 111
Add 11W .4 the I,o , opoura A volt •
t 1 K14g.1011,jr., 43 , 1 13111 *id torgos,
P1.'1.111.'40/I I .
Ite)rt“l,66 Erni. Win. Ittnwn, Artit L
II 111.4141 V. Grnrtat Eraight ,Vet, (OWL
IL W. till Ax Pi 40.6
A. 6 11 !XL Genistai .14,1
F+iL n. I 7
ti by the to.o t,l Olt tlta.tXiit
at , tat) mot itt n *to, ott
The mown', burg %loth ha. Minot Moo
trot l ootblr for l'hy,lrAtt Nt.rv,tut
tA uukn , a, tileu..rttt I.4htlity host Voo•tt.ttn , t L 0.4
ut titior War et , t.tgY toil , " 1- ”"Y nut' of the cott
wt qu g 0$ ,I+ (Wu, ft Mit 1% It UM
1110„11.1 1 0/11illt. pfeiffirsit t Vet 111,VoVervd.
4 1V 111 0 . 111 01 : 4, ntt ourvott. xtlt , rttutot, tlettrtotedon,
tirst , otteot IllltiVitfltl t o .:* r
litr,aaiv, n 1,04400, t tt , -t ht. of 0u1t.d...4 r Ito too.
rt•ots ito.:ttot). It %, rt t.t , re Ihr opto tote.
reftew do , health 01 . tbooe It Ito WI vu ti..,troyett it by
tittoortl due,. or t; I pra- to , rt.
own, b»nat.:lord Ito 111.4>th tly inch
itot tor." mod igooPtot prdr.toot y, hal rand woh .11 t
dela) , for the 11..Itatr. awl-1w tome I,r toreA to benlih
4949,4 beitptot...., A pertt 1141 e 49,
tArry 100141.41 re Plgo• 41..4 ('..4 bott rot. wt•
eirrpo, g. 4. iltoe PU145 . 1:111, tra a Ilittt to
tal p, dtoliti 4a.,t4
.I,,Dvti,••4 sporith; Pin =. f,r ihe opeifry
1 1'04 p 4 r1114114111 rare litthotrilled. tot Eft , hrttl
o tawny., ,V I Stricture sil r 611 ttd nowt. op
ht the)* 410 Witttill'Y I t,rr. y(1 .' 444, 4 41ni I;4Am
011 1,. by 114)'• 1%,e3 Pik . ..Mt II iron gri is iir
eit tort,. 04 use h the *)l ll . * .ii u v
lb. 055 , 111414 , 5 nr Itotittestt,tht tht. th , tah Nol .4 sit le - 11e44 , 4•01) 14 ttqc
31 . 1i116 in nay atMitt thittri-Itt wdU burr
;woo 54,MMyt , 5., Ito to 0,1 4444
111r1n10 0 .491 1141111104 will hit 'went.
111 .soy rl , B4ely 5455.1 p.m, by
totutt sir kupttret ou lettip. ttl pure NoAt i r , ot.
11 , to 1,1 tokati4l.H. 141 11. 4 . 16 &Cu.. Chrim.ts No *4
Itifor rt. Trvy. Oil, V. rub 11, 147
nh t rho war *n4 fair,
44 i,h olo.rry rye, anti hair.
41 bore rArlitir I. 4 , 1014 I,rift. eta Willlo,
Heriheetel lite rely 'IOC 1110 lot, •
1104r..1t COMA.
For CUtlinSttin !lair of eit h er Wyly, and
One y to. or tieevy
tte thi4 article Leith's and Gentlemen ran
troaotav thettieel yea a thal4,til , l bolt. it is the ooty
&Mete ta the w0rt.11,1141, 0 , 01 eu rt Armen( halt, had
at the *Wee ti „« &iv , It a hattotiflol, gtt•ae% Itypaur•
ante. 'f he Crisper Coto* ant 011!y eerie the Wit,
Gat lity literate* bettutifoa mot Eleatteee it; le highly
A llllll6.l lateul Y Perchthelf, and 1. the uwat *imply**
WM:VI 01 1104 kiil , l , /"Voq Whqed to tko 4 4 W .1 444 11 3 1 th.
The Crlejeellitetle *ll4 bo iwitt to any whims*,
01.110.1611111004pi11d I to' $1 MAO. a* t. 31 or fare to W.
& Gtl., (Annotate No. 1 IV «at raaatta tit ,
byracorn.lll. V. rata ly
Lackarauma k Bloomsburg Rolle ead.
air TWO DAILY MUM. "ra
'Il AND Arr. R JAN. 20 O
I'ARY il. 1 , A.1.
A 91 AN 1 1 11.
loss.' ecrnot..n. aid 7 111 4 41 ,
" Nlaa.tua, U. 33 NW Cot
.. Rupert V.AI 9,17
Nautili., +l3l . 0 311
A rr al Nurthumburlana 10,30 $1.13
t.EAV t. Nuirrn WARP.
A M rm
Leave Noribnalberlatid. 7.99 a 11. ,
11 , aavilla, 7.40 11111
" 114.00. tli f IN Ii 33
.. Kingman, 111341 V V 010
/*lvo el Pr{ 41114,n, 1110 4 150 111 .3
Trains 1...... , 1ntt Kingotall 411 AMI A: 11l In, Famant. n
eolilierl with Irrirlis 0. mini el New Vora at 3al
Pormeav ,, e. taking 'ErAit."9. , a At frau actaritall lit 3 4.i
A NI von 'a,. Iltunito..rlsoul,rna.l. Ilartioarit 14 JII P 31,
Ilaltimare S3O P M. IA nr1.11.11 ,, a 111 INP al vii K..-
pert yearn 131.1.10..1 pant at i OOP At
11. A, VUNLIA. Supt
Kialslon, Jan. 301967.
yronoing County, Pa.
N. HUI* )N, Proprietor.
hlnvembar 14, pidr,
Al , ANp«rnnwn k n ew / mg Iniell.t.4 Pi ,b,
sodarsoised is stooksioll to asiteilymst salons
Illassiders, Tab 11, IW.
N" coAL ymut,
The owtorallped reopectitilly Informs the Wilsons
of hgooetebont and rehteatte county, that they het p
en the airman arrone , ra at ganef mat an 1 ortnatral
lump tali ( earthing putparina. an their w h Wt, e 4.
joialoot %sriColvv, &Jo'. P 4, 44 e ; teeth n 4 4 4 4 1
;$4O „t,. p.• r f 4..11
UP 4 en., 44 1 4, 4..,t V, 1, , ,;
to A{6.4 . If 01 tints* tt. A. iht. I.s4.ltaser a With
ethM4ol of toot. we hared SO knell **aperitif *.
ind sad 'at On eery loam puree. Pthjthe end
Mahon folOarhalves Watt hatehitaingeaewhata.
J. W. tt woouvr.
TIM hnolerilhhed will (Oh, In ephhanip rar rho,
nucl 11ro.Prieo, ;ha fhlhowillh nomad nrriale• :
vvh, t „s, Oat., 1 . 01141/11111, tonfd. Pam
der, and aide what. Nutter. Chip, Ilriy. /pt., at Ike
hi~hnatni prime, mi hip tirocerp ethrP,
th. ir coal yard. .L W. IIENDEKrIII.II',
111whisphurg, April VA. MOIL —ly.
14A . T1ONAL FOUNDit...
',UNIBLA Co., it .1.
oltborritier, proprietor
I nr oho etrovo named et
nave sotohlisimpot. io noo
reputed to ntaltitill orders
VI Kinds of Machilwry;
for eon prire, Mast Poraares, rotatiaripry gu i tines,
M 11.1.... 'Mitt:OlMM It Mgt! %i , AN , .
0 , 10 111.0 pr••tnpad 10 111111,0 011 000.4 90.1
011..00, 11 . 4....111W111,11.141 etierytlllo.l4ollllllll 11111.1. 10
rilt .001 V.• tgailitida 011iptartowl w • Iltsww, IA
•nnt hp., in rec. pcions the hstss••4e•swiwarto wit tb•
••I r' trowthfr tine.
ar4oin 4%11 MOW* will & Wont is agabano fin
qy 1 . 1114 eatabliehloont is Inrit,r4 near Om Ca. Pima.
na rf Moo**lmrit tailtund pnt.
Maotuaborg, &pt. It Isd3.
Aeirly uppeade the Epi.enpol ('hutch
Y alsek Is witnessed of fine etnthins. medium
11, and tuw pneed—adapted to au conwltstos,
two s anti wants. He boo ilia latest styles fur the
P. 111.11 —a Atte stow, west of
liverenals and Gtulleinen's tbaw s,
from I , ew 40 the very best
'fp, • o,f f.l.ftiltn .hti inall
lir wi.,,t,01, to Illy .tuck or r4l ly.aaJu etutisitil. I
fi,,v,, pinrr gouda fur custom orders,
CIOS Irak. Ca‘siiiierrik, &r., &c.
And ndrhie 0110 or MP firm. rids . * cow'''. I gnoln
tee a fit in all oases awl give issAtt.fitettuo. AIO4I a
varnry of
• ' I I
I: .
stockings, Neckties, Conoco, Storks. Ilsinlkerrhiefe
—even filing ill the ersoliPlawieo line ore...thing
Moe, Sags, tomtit anti t4bute. Trunk* and Carpet
will inn at the lowest llarket pries* Please give
We a call before piiirtittl ins elsewhere'
ANaniews. EVANS,
Illownishurg, Nuv, 13, NNW
:J2 .°'~
Noitrii AND souni
n rough between Baltimore and RuchGtter
iihoul Change oil tare.
( awl Mb . , V.l . Onlber 10ttr, Mb Trains will leave
‘../ its ulluris
RUITAI.O EXPlii AA learn. l'ollimor 40 !O. riat's",
Chit:ooou ^.5.1 liarriphurg A. ,
4.(ing (.4,44 no ~.. aL North...taw fand, 3,4.4 A It "
vloo on I..trlow mom and Ilt"ollotorry ItHtl Hood.
4.lMug HI 7 A. Ai utrivingt In WI! 1.10 A. m,
lilootarhurA 4.,14 A, NI. Kt tiplutt 10,40 A. AI, maim.
tor, I I.ttl) 101,11
MA 11. It wit P4'tl:d"'" 1 5 A K. kat
thmony-j Phll,ceLhi:4 A. AI, liar, tI r 3 1,11
Y. N . drlitortuo Imekenttt•ro al Vottlotodkohto
P. M. for lion no LA, 4411141,1 44.11f1 Hew 11 , Ik1r! 4,!
Road. kA‘ r , 4t 5 t•vittli CIO
on It %t, t.h,,,,,d0d1t 0 1$ P. 11. Hine< t Ito
; v,tret+,llo,, nottli Uthi univiug In
IVil n .lll,p,l A ti
eAsr IAN!: 1t,d,4 O+W. hOlll Fun.
A 1
41 C pl
A, 1* 11 ~v "
1,1; iforrlVitig
E x t , R 4 .114mA Nmtnuntheittin4 11 11t 1
r '0,11116:4366(..Ex11,100
p.,r,,,t0m Do 440 .1 :M. Pitt.d.ot bat ' l. NI blues.
I. 00 PM. 1110.tuoutdra e P. M. min%
aa , .144 o* ZAK) A. %I Ilartieburg 11.30 A. M. liialolooll
7.00 A M
MAO!. TRAIN. leaver , Verthunth. timid 0.10 A. M.
daily Ovoid :mud:q.t) teiteivtut tmoteurrerr. fel *boot
errant.* at 551 1 A M. l'il:./1011 02 0 M kwtatnn
4, 54 A tn. 41,,,,,,,,burir e. 417 A. a. Itmtuitte 9.:.4 A it,
en, 4;61,404 in 1441,10.4 a 1.13 P. M. Ploolaole:ploin
3.50 P. M 114 1 tittiore Ii o,rl t , if.
Fast. l.inr, ,4.4it,a Northumberland at 6..15 a, m.
turning in ilarti,nurg at ItAin a t Ittla lelplobo
p tin illlllool 1411.
by WIN route fright (MO Klia ' olo, slllloolloiolit
Ut ORO, 1:001001yr and 1 . 1411311 1111g1.14 Of any flit. /M.!
gist. pntttl on Now York INOltvlll CAM be eboppeoll
t looutgo., üba a in full oar 10110. to any pouot nu lbe
I at kawatma 1114. , matiurg Rail amid, if Muni%
ineabsug tilts Nut.* Ott freight sad Paramtger 14ras
an law her 2,4,4111
J. •. littaAblt F. S, YOrNai.
Veal au n ' t. Hat ti4lAt rg, Pa, Octet Pi as. Agent,
1 4 AAC M. In'H Gl CM Mir*,
Gen') Wrbto . too Erraibl Agent, aufatu. N Y.
promoter. 111, lent,.
Atonmone , ht. ototly l'lletsitm 4,1.1 no moron. t ilt
torort. that • ,o.tsitur. ttos itt , ove• twilomoqm at I+iat
booilivs. on XIRII,I Et: P. u
litm tu#tomego mad where can be ateenieiod ited
tqi4v eytlyl' s: Tine are, and ett.ty
marl' (mind tit 111 rojtu'ittml S'l4ol,ll'
AN!) I Ali 2 4 7 hi p.b CATS )11 the t,ttlett.
and mint 14.01•01 , 01tfr o'l'lo4.
cy. b mac, wfll be put
a nu P 11.411 notice. Ala.. ab await of repairtat duos
itemaiot, and aiwo Itn..rnt Inrola
ity also keytos on baud a Iwo *apply of Milk
hot., of ditioaithe .itra and ;It ideal' a liar NV
#1.14 411 Mitt I{i halter .01 eit.ti u mi us e mit p m
401 ttg Cote. Give Imo a call.
Joh In Owl.- if.
Watches: Watches Watches
Dri TitklY
Impatiens 111141 Wilqle.ale IfniWs I n
C o ld a n d Sitter Watches of albleseriptionr,
34 Liberty Street, IV. Y.,
Peg to inform the toddle that they have toot re
reeved the tnji elegant. perrert, and acre/MO Watch
',groom:tot iu thia. market. The IXCELSIOK.
o hrautirul..atra Hilda jewelled. hear w I'. Carat
wed pini-.1 on rtllvnr. noignifireniiy ettpritvetl, fine
ly an I chilly Hoetneletl Hooting Cares. Potent Lev.
or, rotionitte tiatoevattitnet Hood.. thoroughly eau
toted by the otteervalory, and a wanted to he
are Moo Vitro! Keeper. i superb and wog o`.
•iakhe Width, lipid's or Lady** vont, *All hr snot
free to any address on trevittt or *Mot if p re f er
red. Witt he gent, C. a. de an receipt or 1113 as part
ahe 11,11441 NCI An ern* 19 P,xpra.r. or mail reek.
tend. 50 taut there la eltooet serstitittly or reaching
their ilettioattott . hot shotild the Laptev* Va. or
roet t 'Nice rail in their duty. Wv Will vend another
a melt iltitiledi‘thiAL
Urdersifor tuna land of ntelies promptly
*anti fit ithfolk
ito , fid I trail. to the Treed.
1 4 .-11, a cct Agents Je *eery town and
ettitlit) fit th • ecoutry, and to those reties as such
hhorsi iiter..metkie wilt be offered.
Plee.e 1.'114 tomboy by Ewe's. (Yost ONlcs Order
or Rauh Urottsd
34 Liberty ROM, N. Y.
Oct. 24, IPittl —Mu. J. A.
it PPP I 3 t ' YULI.Y ofr , to pildors•
1044411 WM14 0 8410 Om ia.Ctut pa 4 gentle
own tit initiolomptiiiiirmilisity•
4,1 .40 ,11/Plit.
'hp line d i As add .
w P . •ACkii.4ll , o r«.l:Tli. w hit
w U ha* 0004 no rosiliplatinil.ollver awl 'wipe, tit 0
twicw II arihu pan
WA wrist plot« and
ur .tr,44. Ho .1, t-uthamiiirii iy4 . ia prop y Wooded to.
itpArMilet. And OM. e 1 WV door* abavii the .mull
If ill ...imp aide.
ItiOldtlt, Just« 4 04.3
seie Tho smile ror relit sopolk
Irl+*l r.N•oliniolo 111 pl4cr•
vc cu pr 'II I IIVrY, 0.4,111.11101111.1
IWO and o lotto lot ol frortoe boards. o f
Um very NO quality. boil pine sod
J. J. NoiswitT.
luaus. May S. .
SE ft 14V6 1114011 INRS.
Pik 1 4:PRolloWl. 5311 araiplway. N. Y.,
tlf) n•ili111111 tt tel. newel,
911 tile nut Street.
p ITENTEIi VRP. le. imp.
-rum ena.trorto.l on entlrolp nPw
principl.p of we, Inen;pon, pop.P.Ping many Porn
nod Vltliritilla 1111131 , VOllll.lll. !nroof born I.llllllilrd
by the own profound expeal• end pronounced in
Simplicity a n d Perfection ConAinerl.
It bin si atrniglit toondie ppreno lieishir
**Apo the K tillt TAP.' ptrrcit whirl) will
'witty, RV ihot KA Y V.S. **A to* titts+st hot* - 04.* i
pet 6eool porfort trWitti of' every itegeriptiottl
.tit l.rwherfolkn Iliso.i liaos.nolt tnsil*,
wok ,01 1 0 11. 1 .4.4, nr .11k Ihriotil. fro 11 Ito cottrorot
to Hie llnr.t nt.obor. Ifni/ 14* ricitlior 0 A .1 or COO
att,l pamoiblo fractimi, it rats as
smooth n. gln...
Efaphittiesilly n Nt , igelestA iifirehino.
it rm.' trod rt ry PER riorr. 10.. pow., on drive
it them to , other tnertotte in the teafic.4 A girl
V , Firl. of RfrP ran Welrit it 004.011, wififfitd
Or injury to health
It. Ittrettrltt an I wotnterfal Pitne!ietty artonttrtir.
ton rett.lern I ettnort 04;1.04.00e to get not 0r nphr.
mot Ali AVITLIt by the company to itive
tire tteti•raf ;ion
tii*eiivitiinv invite all thew, who mnv de sire to
supply 111Srist We* V , WV vtippri I minis, in come
and vsnsiiiits this U tti It I VALI.Ktt Atillt Vat,
or 011/1 hot. 11001101000 $0 1011101 , 441 to ramble
any punts to work this 111.1011111 10 their satire eaL•
Agritto warttati tor all tow ,t I the !too t , sauna.. 00•00+01100 $Ol 01/ 0 110y 010010 0400 Also,
ror Cuba. Maxtor, Caotral mina Smith AtagritA, to
Whom a litt.trat Marotta, will giVait
Piano-Forte Manufacturer',
499 Broadway, New York.
'rim ATTeNTHIN of the piddle and the trade in
i invited 10 brif e N CW Oreil,C, abbIVE:N turrAve.
uostmo , 41 PI %NU t FUSTES. whit b for Volan.e
and verity of bone are no ri Vaned by any hitherto of
fret in Moe market. They cantata all the modern
inn. the e Me at 0. French grand action, burp peitiit,irtin.
(fame, nvet-etrimit base. etc-. tied rant too ratiteet
belted net tl e hh.h , lt the per-haul ruto igjeti of Mr,
i H. GhOVEOTIMI, who tote a btie twat expel iratee 0
ore.' thirty y. are lb their team& lactate, to rally war.
rooted in evert , hat twataf
TYE - anfrVEark.EN Ptit.Vn.FoRTE"
I It Itcattiku Tan ittotilnr nh nee or !trait at tat CeLit,
Pen lAD WoRLD•n Mute
IV. bete were exhibited tiretrotmetite treat the hest
bo.bete of . 4tileol). Phtin. GOIII.IOY. Whit:Of-hi 4.
{.01,,,,,m, 0,4 4.1 toll new VO , h . and 10,01 CA the
A 111 , 11E311 !net:trite roc five streeesotee ;•• are the
Gaon alit $11.1.4 a Muunte Irons bout of a Watt eau be
t ,ern to it , ir litire•roo,o4.
tit 1110 liftrtuloct Oh of improvemenbe we melte a
44 1 1000 e be , feet , 0te, and by hombre I flog
14elety, b rib 4 .G betty ea it .y.t , Of, 410 01:dde) to
offer the e rantraturille eta price a WO will ervellt.le
all e..apetiltoa
Vac I , siren are Root 'Me to Slit cheaper than any
Bret tda , ot entaieborw
Tn,..xid —N. 1 t art) in entreat Nude.
foe,crirlit 0 ettettlare eo 0 trues
Jo i I tech - by -It & P.
.'• co , Nock of Ciollang.
Spring and GOodS•
4 1:) . A . Vr4 0 . 1
4 1 1 ; 0„,
,Vll Cr l :4lle.ition in hi. k cheap and fa.h.
ioaattla 4..l.lttias at YYc. Stara. 014
M. I.V 87W I: 111.0e).11v111.1t0.
Iwo flours uhore the wiusirerau Itruar.
whore 6n po.t rec,•ived from New York sad
Phi In. tijohltl. r inn amwristiost or
'len semi 1111-roo t lollains.
Inclu lnl llia nFt.t I ...ltiowttli.t• *MAO* and band
11•111 M. Dc La, Gilt PUS. eoloololing of
!%ul., hack r• Gum and Oil Clot'
'8 ,sta,l Mown.
toinf.. 11. 41.0 ha. f•
*Such of r4ll 69.1 Winl.r
• • ana Orin
.4%.4k.rdtivfo. sluvaa.l.lo.
,4 1 . nll 4 . ,4 0 , 11 •i
10h...1 few Isle.
tgloa VI .Irrpe.'
4451.• /4.411..1.
$4 441 , 4 1 44 . 1111 04441 f•a^y sev•
el 11. .11e lift•rmirl44ly nn 1104.1 n larse awl will
iio4l-111110111 4'1.14114 awl V r.tostio wheal
Iv h. l ig prile• a 5.1101111k0t sop Word. r. I nto u ay kmal of
el..leiNg wirer, shirt olower au,/ In the bUtt of so .a.
1141 , f.
All Atli tlotnins is sindo to a'nte and watt of it is
of bosun loonsfattoto,
414 CC.? ara zi• lan GIP GO
A A l)
cl:7 ?...StN3F3r "U" 4
Islr**•ry Inerrrlpti...o. Fin. sfk.l l'lwap. 111.1745 , n(
i n w e ir. .0 1.54 osurpa•on , l In hi. pi•te*• e it. l awl " 1.
wails", boa eruPral a.surtuiciA. oi I I,..tiins. Wa.choo.
kill Ivy. Yc. tc._
Bloom• burl, April :V.1863.
E ,
Wrootarrod PrVl.lllllOllO Mail, by 1111, firtott Aetrolo
slot. kl w tflist It A Shot fery4l. .0
ro..t• t.ti panto, ovar borw. Mb* orttlotfro to bortpt
nro• 11111. Vl,llO f do!yfot 'vela* entoPProplota
trfls.'44 lu looy•. WS. tri.ock. 104111
11110,../ tot., 11101/111 hr. 0100 ./..ppowlenf. /11.0 hri tt s.
wryly., 'how long ylosoltoll, /tyro; Information 1,111•
eprying ad.rul fita,..• nl. kin rf.. 'rattle tons .11.
motels prop..ny. Salt. you the Itto•birma woo aM bsot
goatifbot to 'motion owl in n 1141 Too will hit w..• 1
11111111.11 111/1•141, 11011t$Plos nOll I,lla y.. 0 ttty
vary day pot sill potroy.mirs•
Ise. nod rhantylarbowy tit th • pea ot -by r ad•
your prrs 11,0111111 C 30.1 by It,
101Ner. 1111Vell 111 , 11 Irk and Ili I !op toy otYotea NI tlw
Awn, email th • .tar we oral 111 Id, fu11...11114n -
111.• 0,31$ :tor• ov, unto. or pr.- , lit stio - it • 10 WI
I•ol.flaurntl 'll fr... 11 11.110• Vt• .10.1 pottlll 111• of 1110
111411 , 1•1111111 lllu ht. 1 *La. to the hcovetst alt in
Mirth, rd. &ow,. !ha (usher tlrottyy of 111011 V4ll
410110 r 1.11.1111. t h e it leut. at Auiroloati•l on ytpth II
co.ta yon hot y Ii fl.. ..,.1 ) 154 may U. v r 00011111 , 1Ve
no favorably an 4111w1f10011.1/. 1:0110111i.111,111 fa , With
'Own,* awl 1111 411•PINd tufortypit•tit. 111. prruva
11y11121111 31110111 MS CPI% Collvoitt thy Mattatuat My mai•
with 1 quid ota(.oy ito.l mit•tatisoN lnth.ur att•bil ea f
iu pYroott A foil and yßi•ltall darn borillitil but.
with • t Itt•tottsYs rotoweerval matt lektptost uncluoulls
as. it by pool sal ups ol pri st OHMS MIllialled..•••
The viol , teal ere.x y Ntu is ist Itelotoptd 011111 ail curs
...p.,,1et.0r 1..1,1.111.11 it !le irsolod. lirturrosues of
the Itielt-oi oil •r IPootobtol thotte 11.4 1114 kbottlt:-
%Volt, la.lay din its) of th., mouth mist km
r• 41111,:ht tat ti, aorlu•inI11 low 01 tort of billf•
Atl.lryea. MAl1Aelk:11 A l'Elltilltit/4
ri.6117 'y P. O. Wows/ 114. bulf4lY..l. r.
T 'raw nwny ful•r fritsce pm, rwilthim your twig ;
lo,,,drnoi, of romfort nt! nni wolf II ;
Come aped, romp youthro, cow! May :tild
And ',Juice in yont tmn lucurianl hilt..
REPARATOst IA I' i 141.1.
r 11.1 1 1 11 t11 1 1 hair upon bald head. (from whatever
ran., it am hare 'Oleo ow.) mad korona a IMMO of
hair liana the face, it hap (11loyeal, It a ill forte the
howl to prow upon the rutaotheet face ill r Iva
to Pliill wapitis. or hair upon but I 1••• ad. ut limo two
io thre , onn•thr. A few ielioralit pra•littnaere have
010.ertrql Ihal 111. a la Nothing that will tor a oir haat
• a the growth of l b . bait or beard. Thair araattanie
are,falae, me thnurtn•••• of hying witneae,r (r,,,,
their eaperith.ce s can bele wl neal. Sol ninny will
any, how ad.* we 141 0141111111kb the aeu Nue Irma
pporlous 1 It remaaaly ie nithen•l.llo 111111 , 11 1 111/•
the diertrnt r. ..p m , for the liNir
beard ore entirely wor•hlora• and you may bate al.
••I•le thrown away large aneein•• ut their par , lin• I
T., ouch wa w• try the it. perwnr I .111 1 1. 11
111 . 111 011.110.1 natitiom ulna., filly whine. UP 1111.111
p.p....emission.. if your Witt gist • •I••,•. .01 topp U.
aead P. ii l l4lll/ 1111.1 VP. lOW 1.01/1,*(. 1 II 11.o•Ittli.1
to,rether will a r••••• ipt for the wow, wiwn will
returned 11.41 oti applic)tion. hr,)vhtflot enure am ir•
frill •n le slat pip .1 et, W t, ri AMt 1a t .U.
Cherttlith, Pin 3 W••• 1 Pawn. St., ryracuw. •. Y .
Asa, 47 1.7.-ry
Wig. a resiasts,
E,tablibhed 1628.
141( flt:t:
737 M • •v. nee doer below db. rPILADIMPIII4.
Fin , 4141, CII
rAflro ttILW. a1.A , 1 1 , V ARNlttitl.d,
Aed ovary utter Sit tell eppeteelnine In the
business, of the beet luso It?, Gad ht th
toenail Maris Lame.
Nita WAS,
Jewelry & pillrerware,
Worth over $2,000,0001 AR to be Bold tbr
ARUN° I.E & CO.,
Announce that in Enryoplptieff or the ortoolnekir
of the bullish Moket. en InIMPIIIIC quantity of
bayt born tentalrive 'to them, with itwitortione to be
ploOfX4 tot home tiatv ratio. at env partitive. A. IA
tispft font repolvail to eget theta Perordine to
their 1)011$111, pertain tit . buster,* at $t path, with.
Out report to robot.
Tho Omer tho original wheteloolo
pnroo now of the articles *fhb It they now ear
OM flillt %Win arerkpittorns front VII to so
WM Ittirt•io nod tfctotion enoho .. 6 to 11
360 u P` loorrn and Movlln &dome' 4 to 10
336 ['town M. ellffire 111101 . W11.11 10 le .1.0
....i.... 4•00.10 , 14, Two' mud Mohair 4 lo lio
VOW 140.4.4 i to HI
4.451 Nolte.' retro*, $ to 7
3isto n.,1014,r,. Mk.,.
V C. 6
500 F.,",. whittle .11iffill V to 3
• two NOP, HMI 1.1. , veil. V 10 6
40iNt No 0 fine rod". and collar, 2 to S
200 t' r« laili.' totro.til 250 to 0
304 oto« handl' r rthe.4. 1 to 3
4106 Pot loOfr.' blo.itttb . .. ti'dkorchl. 7 t II
halt, •• *'• Ono ,oubrot 1, 0 .10'40.rd* (11 9 to Id
SO 41 Pusan In li«'• Woos 9 tottketchsoft 3 to II
5-alO iwzoti ul W. I'M wirdd 6 to I'
mom pod •o r.iitttot h.tiot 6 to lb
pia* NuMeti dodo 6 to Id
Uolo It zoo Itoos ,r.a.. 14 to Pi
than Dozen turn's row co half hose 4 to 4
3400 Made Inc Ito woolen Wilt trusts 8 to 14
Um* Linen Ind e. , 1100 *him 254 to 4
flow 4to too it oloiriiiiinii VSo to S
Nom Voir. merino drawer, ".!Sit to it
pimp Vain, po It, row, ca.sinocre, doeskins 3 to I
/4 1111 soot c. Prowl r letli*,cliiipj wen.* 5 to IS
tattoo Vest patterns in *ilk vitlirci i plUsta.
lbw roo.loisres. nc. $1 Sri tn io
,Bonn *Won't titian Wait cloth* 14 to ISo
1000.1 turas brown linen ihnitask 4 to H
&coo lowan w title linen napkins 6 to it
Roomo Yards itobleachell citorlin 13 to 30
2,„, c 0, yoroo nowatidd tallyho to to So
lowa, Yards cricdt limns 73 to t Su
Soon 1 arc, 11 must to to V
3wco loolz W. ill shawls tiSo t, IS
iiiiciu tiiiiiiiri. 11 not +howls 6 tit to
Ic.lo 1.0 , c.o . hretikracct shawl* V to 7St
1.400 16.4 IMO Of clouds I So to 3
1.,....* w 0.4 li 1400,14 ISo to 3
Soo. Illaicset. 350 to 4
loco., Idoan sod cotton sheets V to 7
Poo. , taros icheattsz *,.lilt 13 to Su
:nolo 40 z .11 «II i %I vOli.ol
go."' 011,014 V irt , ortit V t , llll thread
cc o ai yottods iddek linen thriaci
scar. Gm., *hal bottom'
Soul) Imilie** silk velvet and morocco
Valois° ‘0 , 4 2 Sato S
50oci laccliace rhoppine laws 23u to lo
tood'ycirksy incitiKcci ocirictionies wills
Minors V to 4
Sow) l'iirliy morocco wallete and port.
nocichoo 2 to 4
40000 11ear.chnicin pipes 3 to 11
lOutou floe I iiiiii 4. biiiiilii pone* knives
pearl lAfttot44 6.0 ivory handle 3 to 6
Irmo Lomeli ciiiek*, Slit slot licuttEo,
tt ill, iiiiil without shades 23 to ' O O
goinii li. /1•01111.0104 in to Pso
3.04* tO 44140f0 10 to 30
4,;040 rit,oll4o Pluto* 25 to 73
Soon 16.00 arassint, hair nets & combs IS, to 75
loioto /10101) agog 401/411 , 04 to So
woo Papier Macho. Rosewood and
Walnut wig kboxito V3o to 10
Sono Tortoise shill and Wye,' card
li/.44 a/id ottuir //ot s 3 to to
50000 Albums, morocco and velvet
/mood, 1 . 401 00 to tau picture* 2So 10 I.t 4
?mo v., ronoly 101.104 7 to IS
40m, hue. foKk”t bibk; V to 5
logVe. Enveloped 3 to 7
t o oth/ It' , . ott 1040 Willer 3 to 6
jo In Iliit*. ele'rl. ttio.4oto 3 to 13644
Wo trove ule , No , ive•l 4 Spioottia Assortment of
romprwrq flows O.dd ihstitimt ry, Watches. La •
4i'o 4 wrmehe.l hentlng gess Welettes, gents'
botoline ratto Oak , / Wilriltrk.rrolet fah and Vogt ward,
r.eb, lob .104 Vo*t , itrthrn set , . oirtt,rtre &Peva
gold 01 064•11,, pouril.,olo,rtam lock •
et-. Olt 1.0411 pot 144, rro.ser , ,, Wolin tot.' rtngit,
r ttrtrw.3o roovi pwelry, ',jet and
reolo,, *133 ,frrt.eiry, taunen, Redd and nth. r
p.'ll*, holders). and
! , t0 ,, ,11.,, d ;
k "Vol Int brat...;:' • Jo; and
; ,,,141 wie, (114433 /10.1 pit, • 4, 1 0,1.,
eater 0r... alt,l 1.1
tool 4;trur ot• , tr t ^, tor4l, 0p1.;n4 e “wr i ld
.f {I fly* 1%0 l ' Ortil •4i 014 dfogt, ste t ,
11/l , tA r 1:011":"iVIr
r Pr* MO t .a ..*l4 Carn—r. tie ; ;tuerr.
I , :oh • .
r. ftra tr 3 pot-. orekto Oct err. „0„,..1r ,•,
trim. larrkvit r. tkv 3.lroltreil 031 . 3 • k
~04„,; qr. 11l I , o Woo. .11.:(33
N.4e hui.trrd, cant Ckoorr 43;
All in a a wry« teientn less
TA* •tpMM. .1111.40.1 by tt, .0.. of ruipol.. o.
eemerielefig nn •inH tech .rrtici.• 1.. lb.. . its
v.nne; llle C,rt.firatra are erclueril in envolupell.
westa iep. 41141.0 i al
*45 I:to Each; 5 for 1; 11 for $2.
WhAlevrt %MO. , bred• be uawed lu Isla Caritd,eite
esii he ulnaincil at
The article N ill bt. rho% ot to llo• troldrr or the t er.
re. e t.. 1.1.11 II NM I is 1., tor ol ,s ,m %Water hi WI;
lb* put let Mid 1144.8 lb. Stlitle or NM. In miss If .
, K te r e , • el ft 111 Of axt , lrrr aIU 1161 •.0 itolactOrr,
11,1 y cues tor to nuked Will . .he money will he rernnthol.
11:t ristkailt odour* the booller ta SUME AK
3 WM: or
Ph'lll4llll.l‘4ll V.% LIAR !
Sir PROOF. "as
lo Proof of this We will siva fur ANY CEEIII , I-
4•ATE toel:EII VE. ANU ONE UULL/1 say
of the fonor4oot *Mato:
tow !auto halm'. ewe poor e i t Ladles' llolosorol
poop. or WWII kiv.stati*. onr
? m' (15 'amigo). uue Awl
Eliittcallort. or our
Morino Disarm. Mot Picini 1.. t $ s oor Grata ,
Uf LAIN II i't.t k •••
A' ranticle thin coy ace now gentling out
a gr..% •Arauly of ilre•• /11.11 rent Patters, :telmur
tai Skirt/. float. elbow In and other 01111141 W article'.
4111. Nog, g 14 at on , did or
11 a ~,intent ode ituviility to ic 0 how thin It done.
bat 11141 It as 11.oir 10 III) I all patelloll. floe Ares
Wog RIO h 41144151.• career, 'lnd it if to NI
py n.,Heyua ~,ufaull.isa o.llb ter 1140 of sein t ubing
ennui u. with %Ilse liar a:simians* so
0 .m..11 Avowal*. W know lhr prolific:tors Well hod
e;411 p. roman) Vont h for jurt etc' lallmlil ta r•
N r „,„,,,, of all Owl? cuittrectr.—Nartraer Worketeri.
Abel ruck. 144.1.
A ictLraira to am, leemerge.— Mr. Foignee R. ear.
1.1, al it,* tiaatietnia House, caliall at tee /salmi!!
E,..1 01/u in. 'in Mein .i,.,t, yort• 1 0111y, sad alto pay
Inc hir d. cent. ru bletile fount.* bruise:lf eutiltrtl 1Y / 1
rio..J at $1.141.
It e iiiolcr•tatid that was oiT,ten SSA de the tn.
Itelltiltßlo4loll l ll 1114 dloofe 11.1 t re 14.161/ 111 161/1
111 1 1 WU *llOlllO .011 ail, u 914.1. t.,,, well inverted.
nouowt of other vriltiable ankles
ne t.. t‘c. ,c. 41, inn art 0.1,1.11 .11/I s gold *Mill
valued 141 41,5. by tine m the nitrate. of the Aiwa
timer.— I Itaindad Dors. ti ping, Lam, aaat eligible end
p 1 oltiaiii• employ op lit We 11... 11 .4t.1 Ul 111 1.4111116,
wlw 1141/..1,10...10 4111 4411 , 40.0. 14 111.. •0,10 of c u rial •
• * tor ISO ' Great Jo weary Selo" of Amon:du &
0.41 A lily UI MI(,4 11•• born 'tot, sue ,
0 4 400 in tilts way. St yin 1111111 g Ilefint , lllWire
tot in 4./100 .4 $.1401 torn 10 111.00 to Whom she
robd the cerimicister. re will hi, .10611 I'llllll iur ad Vet.
11.154ctJuwus,111.11 V.lll rl, inns cogaguil.
—.N. I'. tosadsy Awful, Ane. 14
ii • undcf•toini ii IV Wilitilicon, Of 1 hie city.
yeater , a) nr..W 10011.1 the eertinewe bt, el A t 0 , 1 4.1
& le Main street a sett doe &dans barrel
fist Mut piece. valued at 01.4 ntter. fir who h he
n .. re y ,or,it in 1.0 the sly inuutratit gain Or one
oichilf.—satanotad!, 11111.,
Inc eltirtit tea al Amanda's! W. CO..
Ile. 14,4 rtrirt,in the in emit the prima
olifelt of intrecti bet 64 lodlell atm po
llen, Li 'No" d tins ,41.6.t.11/4114,1 Oil returns) ,
Nei, %de, OS ye•der-14.11.1 witittelitiog labulllil. 'lntl
principle of charging a null,. in price Ut Wit dulltif
/or cacti otticle la nine that carom; 11411 an be pope at.
..1141/dif) Si 0. II Si contain., ea in this teeth
toot doe low je*elry and tost•
ly •ilvist .1 Ow., Nees, ego 1.1, lewd
l'1•111111 . 116.41,- Il e. Jollo u. RetilOTO. at Qat Duiela•
p d .46)0, 11p.. Mg 1.1063 olflo.l, testerdity gut one
actin d 0. "rib u. aarliticatc• rod, inn evening mew.
lotin,o tote v.ettett Inc a ',laid Callitll/• Ile It U•llill
Witte red 1116.1,1141 (Of N 11.00Nw0. , 11 YiNno, valued
Milli cuter Still b1thit..41144,4/-111CA0110 441 (Jl/liy
sower, fluv, 07, Itluti.
auliniad 11f kin please huts what proportion of
ati.titteethie )itti require lr each Useartiast. Where
ll.' lii.truclioue are givalt, We wad 0110.11111
Itolsll4l. Ury cud t wiry Itatals llepgayonl, and one.
bell Mum the Jewelry owl Oliver dare rC h.triuktut.
11'tmetk. r .11,1/cll, vi ill sane article,
by cAelthLti, C. 0. D.,
Wl' iflal tun inuuey need way be ewe
N., ru 1•1 'Ur row., re,punailrilii) ul inOtity rent
" e u . t udk. I ',der, of .4int Ursa .
E 141 t k ti R
(0 1011111111 r 1111 , 1•11 prlSOittlUll M.II I. (J'l, Width
.to ..I." •
yr.j " 11111. i10..2.11 mune and in
CICJV Otinnirl .
Rna 114 111.wdway, Now Cott.
Medi CV, Ntooliruilic ►A,
3 to 8
ONE 0 L All!
slant *
ad Cittie POI
( 8,
9 II
la p to
tad, h
the eppe UE
• iit o 0
In all dlxasti
the Lapse, Ur/
he., tide aril
sow al a 141*Cii
ny putting tic
onelialt a par
to a paper In
barrel of
ewe dive's ,
will be eradient
or entirely prea
royally' and
Fria 15 Coats or Paper, or 5 Papers for
S. A.. rouTz &
WOOLE4 I II.I MIN AND Illzman error.
No. 118 Franklin St., Baltimore, NI
For Mole by Druggists awl Storekeepers ilooolit,
out the United States,
rr rut uLle of we 'Drug (tore or
NY.tat it MOYER,
Blnarkahurg. Jan.
DR* W. 11. WIIIIM (04 1
f lAS been in succeastut practiee fora nttenbawq
I I years. with• the experience rl the dift.tent hoe.
ppital in Lama*. aleo a member of the Metrical
het WM Institute of New Yt rk. coot. thee to 'mend
to ail prote..innal mows at his (afire No. tthe 'Oben
2. Nn patent 3tefliine« are need or reeommente4;
the rims qie4 %Amoy:Wee are tht-e which will not
break calve the een.lithiedli, but rearm:we tbe *pi
ton Wom kit injtiries it ha-rimitainert from thiltafte
tteolictnew, and leave the spitfire in 4 healthy 110411
pet terity curd con litinn,
3. DMITSII that diAtreseln4 disesee ant felt
deri foyer of health and tohhiec.d. ehiler Ames the
roe omit to Lot yt.atly earretne th tevettile t i tte•
timely grave.. too mot eniphe be turret,
4, M. litheltdV. Abkrrhtwn. 111.0. tit Min*.
lion and Wee twee); of tie ih.dd which
Vona Inelle4l4,` etipvy tog :he
Mx the iluttev of 'tie.
3. IttiLt, c maition,threk.
la or m i le, ,5 , 11 , 41+1,1 1311101'.
CPI I.PIPS? or WWI 0,14,!-Nu, ill amok. It
stubborn rases of
radicatly mmnard ; !Mt UM P..
land atianninua dingo*
vain h hay , hafThnt all privfona can be
, ^ 4470d by tcy israttunia ; i dr, apy *hammed.
(y"/ I .• • 'gnaw can an ro red by wanting my Mira.
3„.„," tomb ye to C.lll /IMO
lelsira+ all ctat micf winnlint la ad chromes, bay
itaind for the tanre and charm:am o a
cid laic) in all rata of ibe
rt4i , ; 4 - all cbmnidaat
acata 3.vf or 3.'3, and netvou“ vt.ClllO.lll is a few
44 3.
taM. 11".`ocii1 the knife or
1J n 1
Tap.' %Vote,. thm drefrft to the flottoot Family f
r.P••. On ti ret,lave•l %VII I v*6. fir IN.e foots
rip eve dote* .red / envoy, wAirophtell in all too.•
i.o.ttitt.tiost to 11w IrottllA ttl.l Ifkilivtil Languor.
fire of CliAtge. Witt MAO vitas any 4110.11 C,
red. bthy be midtown by h-tttae.tefitrflts..liy
35.1 tiedleloo moat with provoq dTioctioot to ,1
pith el the eesory.
OFINC6—\o. la Filbert St. Philo.
• April 4. theft•—ly.
ry 111: under•isned would wen( ',strut's . aittosunzo
1 the eitssen• or Hinmusbuss and the pelphe g
entity. that he is rutinuar;
en toMtri Hl:tt LINN. ~*
Illroun alioplate and the dlr.
Pleat LW Hoed Impute 411 , • t
ly. (Hawses. elleeptedi
enesserl with the •- ...Ira 'trams Inin.; .4 , 1 V 't a 11 ,
On the Caievrtrea and IVll:tam•p •,t PIO WWI.
Whit those dolor Norte and sinuth un the Lat
Blemststourg knee.
Hie WON I liUri• CEI or , In good tendftine.
Sinai aid fond . .. Mob bar; • reo•unatilo•
07- wl.his( In meet er ore 11-1,
depart. can he orrummodoted. Upon s.ess ,
charges. by leaving tuud) nutien at any et t he
It Is,
elcolaviffirg. April 47. 1064
omit L\ rEammiaol Volt at MoVING •
o the ladies laity. this invaluable &pi
Menlitruelidd hid( as heilit an iillkijyt ifidierc
orate, to ((maw beauty, is randy erplleil. u
burn or Injure the skin. hilt nets oe t
It is warranted to remora superfluous hat
low fer.heado. or hunt toy pall ref the hod
pletely, totail r and toolleal!t extort:4as the
leaving the soft, entomb and uattital.
the only reel article rt , ed by 01 Preach, aid
only real etr•etual depilatory in esisleuce.
rout per puckade. seat post.paid. to any odd
receipt it an I.fdYY. by SERGI It. $llllll4
V. N. I.bruiloto, aeb liner St. Tr,
LVERY with lb.. I.•(tl'r toe
and the printing nut ,
rouipui” •i it.i••• , V
On hig own printin
MAN lick!) ai..l rhi , sply.
gk , OM pl.. in r..tietrut
a ityrar,, 01.1 e
rninnge the WV" ,
1113 PO ti. A 111.1rtirtiong
Iv iili end* net •e, an
p , hour Ingo Atvr
out n prev P•ii 0 low
OWN pruning. A i iwulu
ilik4llll dercriptin
w•tatuuntats. Sic . '
to all (kir Sp..cin
PRINTER. 1,2,11.1.8C;155itri,..
March 13. Iha;-1Y
The undersigned respectfully anemia.
hes reditteit • shop, Colin Honor litle
the ExeMonte where he le prep.
duet the harboring hti.inses to all it. bra
The art of coloring' whiskers and in.
praettetd by him meet etlhlf.ltr lie
cletbeill, wham; them lima UPllltiV sr g
upon the mom reasonable terms. Gise
17' Heir Toole terthe eery best ileum
cleaning half, kept eenst.utly on
id. C
Bloomsburg. April 181.1860.—ti.
Attorney at tat
k"V I
u l .1,
tale eball 'Pee/ ye gliPnison
(lace- On Malt( ntfcc t,
Milirr's Store.
Bloomsburg. April 13, ICU.
Aviv° It EV-A T
BL 0 r
pyiketi fir thy ....yr.,'
owl adjelltilfigaviifficA.
All tu&.ctioe. promptly
DR. J. it. IVs.
Physician aid
I i APING loured prtill
littrei. WAN/M.581:E
Ono the public rielliVlV
.u. so all business Minimal/
boy be intrusted to his cam.
roe with the 11111611.
Imo 'Wet *MAW
Iliso* 1 1P13.-11.
ratios lorelw •
prorob the wow
of tlm milk h
Anon proves by re
told oxporimetti
Mom/WI dthe
uty of Mak =Si
atm torm4 yof
mut, aied Imke the
butter fl an
ellttla, Were! them'
an apprtne WNW
thalr 'olio. and
Qualm that tattni