Bloomsburg democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1867-1869, April 17, 1867, Image 3

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. •
. ,
our, faildnif Air nil 1(00 urritr. ,
i/Oled/411' If thry uu nut
.414406* lit'utrite n ralliataaaaatlon fur the public eye,
hit tlttltit reid up a kW! Mel meet of ~ y a:Olina of
14 fa kat in their re.ps44l:ve eouuunniUr., A iirt of
ructritties, deaths, Decriittito, fires, rein4vais. burl_
eirleltheerp, kr, Wi Will psi Olin in 6.r0, Thar
Mere (Seta of taia hind t#e run act the 'toter it trill
trek eta und eur rautltru, Vt'bo will the ft
TaAtratrtrrite.—Pete,.nrarttrhinuathet . l resets
inserted, mu .' Wind the?ei,in, nrty rn Toeaday mut,'
el be IMAM th, ir that it , 0r...
tor nocounts oc this ih,o of JACot
& Us lilt n« rent out for e. 01 1 ,; rpm
are In the had& of the followip,..4is r,=ons
Mt' Olin rot r ash 44. J ouN IT. iII:TUT
Batt:cr. — BENJ.
Atainv;//e.-1". J. i'ANtrill3.l,, VOr.
ter. .
eatateissa -4 4 1131 EN BALI tr.
Roaringerepk, OnintThr, and !1.
Jowl ilmtNEn.
In BtmarloafTetvwsh:p, hill s for et
h a ve b e en plated in the hands, of NuN . .l4; , -
EBY Cotta, to whom payment is Mit:.
to be made at the earliest can vettion-e.
In &Nat Township, all persons knowite ,
themselves in arrears for sn'osetii,t;em an
advertising, to the Potts.m.vr, 1%
mike payment to josumt LILL: Y.
All mistakes that anus/ hare happened, it'
any, in making' ttp the te.entim-. cm and
will l moonily eon\ ete,l upon 11,2: 01.1 r
attention to the matter,
It is desired that all wile aro
Ikenwr & snl,-.!ir' al•
`vertisiini, will etidt.LA or
an early date.
The aecouids Ihr tho other T 0 w i ..!C ii ....1.•
all made up, and will I ! , v i i t o ut f o r
meat in the conise of a few
SW' Rend the new wirvrti.-emwta,
clay',4 paper.
Jam" Good rrilay. comermi the Imb. :mil
Easter Sunday mt. .1“ , 214 or ,k!_ril, until
which time Lent
0ff4"....5. Ulm 'Ficus
thanks fur a knuni espy n the Auditor
(lencrats Deport n rtalitrttls. for I,t;tt.
SirS" ; We are that z-tv,;s- 1:e, to
the depth of m= fug and a half in ti
,yet. This makes a ilitforenlY
of about a muonth.
vi"l- An
which exhibits an infinite var;et:r of bet ail..
eater atnl t , •litittetrittal lbettot,
&V' A nwst de,tructive 1k omirml in
Btortuswwn t Centre County,. on ! 4 iiii , by
night 4 .14... ) NVbivb bid ileint; half of that
vifinge in
The I,re•ent of' innr de.l.-. • ;•rf
among the yowl. el:— = t; ••r.
hppearanee. 1t Ise, the rca=ul , -, • f
<Lcitru tap, mil pr.— k l alte . Litathrt -
from wearing kng
Sat' The Cat l',.;nirott , l ,Dt ,
has iteetteth. tossoust of the grit
due the preferred rhat,:liqh:cr., thr , . awl a
half per cent., payable on the : - .th it•taat
STAM? ON - Pr , 1110. - ••‘ wy
liable to a stamp duty of live cent: , t'or
$lOO or fractional part thereof I
contains any spceial iy!reonicnt. such
waiving the stay of execution, ricbt to in
quisition, appeal, or exoni:tion, it is liabh=
to an additional duty of Om
containing a coi6sAon of judgment are
to an additional duty of fivk
la" THE t,r.
of at week, true to it in tinets., has itt
lulge in a fling at the forei ne r i.. who
t the late Connecticut election. Dr. John
s willing that "our colored brethren - Attalla
ote, but a devnt white ratan who ahatell4l ,
Is tyrannical prince in ntropt%
ur wide land Mot borne, noo be pt lack
Inn the ballot box.
Stir An abolition editor in
Ve have no fear or the South now.
'0 racer there are fast lieromint ,
algamated as well :e4 physically."'
We do not doubt but the f:.l!.t ttilsr, pit
the above, will regret to the day of
th that his mother wasn't chat,tsi by
.er nulls—eaught, flu ittoilt# to haiv, it'
hasn't ; the uotlassts eottipi , xiott lip
1 admires.
WE are making arrangentent,4try
of our paptsr on ala prcss, Our
on is too //w r it eti by b an .t,
soon have „one of i„, l ,„„ r od
~.resses in our establinhnteitt. -homy belt
ttr inches in breadth and senne forty
n length ; at taehed tlistennt nleb:neiy
enty-four bor-le rower : which is n o w
fly used in the untuuketuring est:tie
ent of F•ithou shive.
- The Second No. of the ',vont/fig
Gazetk has roulied our szwetuni, Ii
only printed, daily sheet, of t-,1 tidy
stuns, and it , edited with ecaetiderahle
And its ritmithattiesl trsecul
by fee f tiny in the State, It
publiActi, anti ~yrncd by Ilosten &
raw, $7.00 per ounmn. Some: to
he lion, Benjamin I', Butler had
city the other day to frank a den
this Mike, entitled debate in the
f Itepre ntative hatweeen Butler
tehusette, and Bingham of Ohio,
illion appropriation bill for the relief
, uth. in these remarks the spoon
Ow worst or it,
. Charles E. S', whole
, ;; experienced arch maker and
I)anville, ints opened a fine es-
Biooineburg. This young
Nisi to have grotto Hp to the
JlllOlllO the work of repairing
band and is prepared to show
' did issortmeat of fancy
hr the young man the
ilioiiiiitavortimouelits lit
weil'm paper. They will be roie pet
f)rld find third tinges.
ral"• Of the twenty nine tlaalliad young
lathes who laiuted last year, ugly eivettteett
fell on the floor.
Siii" Mr, S. 3, BROWNY, at the enrnor
Mnin and TrOn Stroetn, finds thnt his husi
miss is inereasit) to mull an extent that he
will hue to 141 to stock of gooas. In
the mean time, belior ho goes to the city,
he will sell his present fine stock at most
rt ll...unable rates for east' or country produce,
S.tytt" Vot`it Durrett's .1141,14.4,----Wlom
Wd:tar's Balsam of Wild Cherry will
cure eotmlls. colds, Weeding at the MK...sand
Ernst the Ibll timtroyer, Consumption, it
! , .s.K More than most physicians can do. The
iee 441' a 'dude bottle, costing ono dollar.
will 40.i) , 1'y the ineredulous that they need
14)4,h no further the required aid.
n's.. THE final wl,f ,, ,untnettt of tho Logi*
rotor.. ha , oveasionetl intem.e joy )fl the
pool 1... It iN k ronertll3 by ohm or
all pall', t , , hove loon the worst that ever
a.....embh lin tin, or any other State. The
toot thin it .11 , 1 wait,/ (11 , ! ,, a Two
day 14-t. But it haq on mourners '.
. The (IN Itittitt4, 11111 eti . :ke'ltin
tin q .0„
question at ,aoarlit. A jua;ee
al' the ha: heel) arro , ted for violatithr
this law, in order iie a negro to hippo]
irlAt'ai otrnJinghim tti
The jit-tive ple:o1 that he made the the or
d,r heeaa,e the ti 41'0 reiitte ,, tej to he whip
!) -I iu h-el itapri,oned. Whether
:' : ,J II he ',mi . :Alec! for doing
th , t, • it.-kiA ttr.
....onator \Vihnn has been "down
made a # pcoelt, awl return,
r..) AVq Ilingtun tickled with -. l ie
Avt., awd.l.ed, scalped. or harmed, but
try Awd •t , iv,`' nutivith.oandiac biw re
! awl a 1 , w4 tat nCtnellwrn a..n
sary Hi ; own ('C
perienc. , rel to„liisowrncalutnniesandproves
Da. ,J,;.0.N illy al.ont two tltirJa of
t. eolutan of hia pritwipal editorial pare,
hug week. with notiet's complitm at.try,
att-ire. land otherwbe, of biat , ilf
mug think he i;.; a great man with hi- mad
tr.. The quantity of ;thaw i mtho
tho as out 4 or ry. If a Leta: Q. of
•', I • ,•*.u,•i. it v., •.11 L.
li,,t I tt , won , a to: tat
Irmo.-t man. L h tit l; .11
14.4.1 t.t.tert tn
entg t' a" I.
fierrot Suit t Ile well known
4)116 ,ulat, has what a I. t tor to 'Win.
I. antic.)). a;lrounting the aeration (113er
tiw,on Ihsic, anti hol.lintr the North re you
sible with t or.; It ft kt the eni or..litivry.
thei Ihr: of r, Ile a Ls ht',
f I imp; ' , nit' I,', -tntatirc
of the . .".•:.?tith. should • with
ru: , .1..• ,;.
fli • ):.;.;,•Ir Canter
!„ t
No I tt..C. k (if ; , jl .l
-•, L: •tvJ :Witte tlu. depot.
111:1 farm v 1 „1 h.
tho r • l‘Vi . a or H o ar tlast I :•lt.
it- ...m-trit ,, tirin at an early day
%cry 'rho vit:itu , or 1, , m
_ y thly bye the id ,, a , ure of
th.t Iron Union county
I . 1
11 •'. oNloilv on flu: .kt
. 11 , .joitt!. l . 11-4 nt-lit-t-t to
, aii tr, t, i 1 - 1 , • tool
th; t; r 'lllq.
1 0111
V" II . " Ito Lito 11.. 10
.7,11) r 1..
1 %turfy FA , 4111; tN,-Th, t
~t yle or female wearime and 7,.•t adol.towl
I,- order of the Q u een of ra4ion. that of
the :•,liort double skirt trdel dr They
are ileenleilie r•re;i:•,•• airl not , t ory
verdimt tiwy not ream.... tviede
attenrnot of the nimrer t. , . or,
id ;lie moil and filth •t. n< . 1 . , she
trailing ~ k irt:;,. The d“ohlta skirt. tlrt -saw
give a eoluetti: h. "ki.• , ti-i . ..,0•d;.:•:•:'
!hit. one. who have
rainer nta le
tio (FA • th,t•
1.- .k the iini,rovouwnt in the dill
burg, that or Me. !I ou tit., south
we: f.,TltOr of Mallet StillOrC. is d,erving
than a pas—:r. ti , diee. Mr. 'Reek
ley, in a spirit .r vilac o riee, d • of
eonontrt , urtth• filled his ro q u e .l
w i t h 1,0, fog , an of !Alf,* and
lentletnent,h.‘ ns awl . te: , w e h ave ever
seen in itloottiletr;e7 NVe stepped into Id,
,tore the tither day, and while be was tAea
t..,:d with his ru,tenter. , we took occasion to
watch t he character of his stock, and the run
prices;of hifi and we will way. that the peo
pi e of town arad country have now a :hoc
tore in ttleent.hurtr where they cannot hail
to he But lr. tteekley is an ac
mint/iodating gentleman, and will be glad to
show his goods whether they buy or not. *
EV:— The improvements which have been
effected in the town or Bloomsburg, during
the last year or two through the agency of'
Nev. P. J. Waller ; Are deserving or a ll
pr;►ise. lie has taken commendable pains
to see that the shaos of our people is Mt
proved. A community is being added to
our town ; ton the southern bonler,) which
from what WO know 010'74 is t'f the proper
kind.. It is said that the mg" who plants
a tree, confers a mthlie benefit. Mr. Waller
has done n►ore ; he has opened up a home
to the poor man ; a diSiTIiNTSIC,I act, as the
hind is the property of another,
brk" Congress, having adjourned upon the
this "hop, step and jump" principle, be c o mes
an intermittent body, and, like the fever,
returns at stated periods, if the patient is,
seriously diseased.• But the result in Con
neeticut may have a sufficiently healthy and
cooling effect to prevent the return of the
intermittent during the "heated period."—
Montrose Demerol,"
' n entrant+ aro roOttiiiit
in Ititibe. A *Aden yptlitticked latelYind
a maga 'driver stud two paatmagem were
ed. The Indians continuo hostile un tho
Tem border.
Tar S ran% —Tim pres
ent State Senate is composed of twen
ty•ene Republicans and twelve Petuovrats,
giving the ROpublieons a majority of nine.
With the taste of the prevut sesp4oe, elev
en Senators 141 retire by expiration ot their
terms, tts follows
a 0,. M. Donovan, P. 11. ;Jobe Wa',ls. D.
5. HMO del', It. t;I. Lou'. 11411. IL
6. Oliver P. jetties, 1). 21. Kirk I Ininw, IL
r. t*eo. 13, Soltall, D. 2f. P.. 1. Di tr i laln It.
8. J. DePtty Park B. 29. M. B. Lowry, It.
9. Win. Ilatobt!), D.
toir Dr. John, in his last week's papor,
wrote what we suppose he intended lhr
Hue "pnfr' fir 110, M, Fleck, who preach
ed in the tetth-ran Chorelt at this ilne&,
last Sunday, The Doctor ocettpies a very
daiirah:v po,ition in the Christian cents
Inanity to pa— jatigineot upon a preacher
of the lie is the Wall of Whom
"pick" from his native Ureenwood once
fl onvo *tn.?, Is no 0.11,
I'itthot to tn.', any
A v , try pretty story
Etl an editor to toll I
`flint unpultrititetl poem gave the truth :
and the hector bad better confine hint; elf
to ycrrbx and radicalism.
NUIVSPAPER Puters.—We publi-lt below,
1 for the inspection of thwe who may be
curious in such matters, a list of our POllll
- weekly exehatmes, with the prier
per auatnnt, ita advaime, for each. Copies o'
these papers may be seen at ow :
Intelligeneor, t". 42.00 . .11nevlean,
do. i:=2.00; Telegraph, . Ile
02.00: Po e'
Titue,, ilkesharre,
42.:0; ()goalie, Pi tsom, ,
Scranton, ; Advance, Carl,
$2; r/t) ; Reporter Towanth, 2.11 a Rottoth
j4.3ll, Athos. ; t iaktite. Troy, Cc'..4Pt;
Latte.tAt , r, a; do. I wmirer,
; do. /let algette, Maud!
t buck, ii , •2..n0; Free Pri•--, Laporte,s2,o , l:
Agitator Werthboro, $.2.0; do. Herald of
tho Union, ; Rtltubilet,n, York.
True Democrat, York, t;l2 no; tiazette,
Williamsport, ; Dionne,lmrg Demo.
t.rat. 4 , 2.09; Star, ;ettysitor..4. lt , Ti
ter. Allentown, ; {'hem
; Tolomph, t i'..rustottovtn.
S3.GO Standard, Williamsp.,ll,
ehronit le. t
Brest Bond, ;.02.0o; ihlnuerat,
Ptppui,li,,, do.
l;: tnthlieau Tratlibminotk, *2,00 ;
•• / Y Prmei rrt the it 1.4.4 , 1:4 r i p:* u
' Wt (/c d '; Vat f+ , /.l liratti
~S7IP/MM :
- Lty her down co rest,
I'lte • the t kindly on her br , st.t :
.` 4 1.v0 t is tho sunnher bet the
While the ;rani soul is re , tiatr with GA,
'llollt'S :
Petit:entlly Ivey, pe.:e.
ul eery till that atoruitiz.Poal'ertt:l.Y4'
'else to her low. and
the nil,' wood y ea r foloei shed
r • holy, the heantirni dead.
Ohi tly sleep beloved ono.,
lip=•, fr , ,nt thy toil--thy lahor is dotw ,
ft k tih th , trvwiip front the tqu•ning
the , feont dust to glory
INES AV F. L. 11:ILEft,
Alttit. id tin afoot,
.irt 1 the other -bore
e,,i will li,d at I-ort
v.:;- her lot.
For WCary year
But 1•..1:,4;ar1y
fl'o !la; it in Gal', r•ar.
t!!'n, 1 010,2...110 wv,. , 1, werla
For ne,04,00n- itt tite. SkittS,
Tit G<,« hely tionn.
Jt-tr, Lid.: it ri-e.
The fear el' thwh was gono
For .le,oe, wa RrGm :
#eGpt Rdwklnwr
tihe w i g «leyke mart. -
: .ter
ke I them for a !field.
Again At , pnk. "L“ni help,"
Ana ...weedy fell :elve),
w 4!..e heie 011 i: It
Ana um:qv WV rya
Pall 101141 P4ll,tv :MI think
Not lomle by Inman hnnil,
But Ly the vuuce 4 Uud,
Think of the migh:y eitaogo,
The new, immortal nalks,
The tilem.tot fief& of heaven
And with the
Catawitita. Match tmti t , L• 67,
When newt - son apprehends an etiaek front en oat
side Whitt dues it tot It PIAKKO ruKs a er
OKFRUKK. The human syroon, of this 1111101 of the
year, is itelearitered by morbid tette , nee., 'Ch,
Clement air it toll of two. Every chemp, or we,-,,0,„
er lays the feeble open to their attacks. %Vital is to
lie done in order to toION these anoeest, hat ever or•
flee, foes ? Itreastrinatt rite VITAKKIES, Ito you ask
how ? The answer is renple—the mean. within the
reach of all. ReitWorer the vied omens nod the
traits Pyootti with tiosl rillat'a HI Tuts.
Tone put alma/eh, P , KIIIhie the rao. tie, 'OOBO the
sh~g~irlt liter, cheer the *pint., eatteh and Parity
Ho vital entreat, with nOSTIITTEIt'S
I' hays the way to teIKENIIIIIKN TPIK nstOao cs, Slid
render the tepital Of benne impregnable. If you
wish to escape bilious heaftaebe, intermittent fever,
iitdigeetion, sod nervous vilitittions—to ropy in all
is pletefieire, the Merlins , of iea sound mud in
smolt to, Ay." non this inemiquitaM., preventative,
It preserver health in the healthy, and renews it in
the weak and ailing. [April 17, leil7,
. _ . . . .
Al ADA VI?, r! °TON, the Wold re i . .. - wned
A eirolegist and isti 7, Clairvoyant, while
in a clairvoyant state thfiilittitlt4 the very features or
the person yin) are to marry, ltth by the bid of en
instrument of intense )tower, known ea the PsYrile
motrope, ituirentees to produce a perfect and
like picture of the future husband or wire or the up.
Orem, with date and marriage, occupation, lending
Wails end CIMACW6 etc. This is no i mpositimi, as
testimonials Without number can notion. fly Muting
prate of birth, ale, disposition, color of eyes and
hair, C ud ear liming fifty gent* and stamped envoi-
Ope addtotoed to yourself, you will regeive Pi t " I "
by return of mail, innether with desired information
Atlfllibrojb wifidokett. MAlitbits CIERTIWIM
114011501 1 014, 0044 1107, Wektatby.l4. Y.
!'*ton, leet*-4
the whole history of medical dlicovelles en
humor two performed so rushy of such remarkable
wee of the outettrotta aneetioes of the THIO4I.
iiMIS lOW Omer, as this lerig-tried and Joey cele•
brated Itsbarm, tic getteruily acknowledged Is the
Jeweler excellsit ce or this remedy that but few of
the many who have tested ISIS virtues by experience
fail to aeon it at hand as MI speedy and certain cure
for sudden attacks of Ortd—fully believing ,that its
remedial powers are emnprelootal to PM•
brace evett , form of disallow, front the slightest cold
tattle omit dsngcrous symptom of pulmonary cam
Unsolicited Testimony.
Fra , 4 REV. rO4INEIN LOODELL. roofer at the Con
CAAr , A. Bridgeport. Coo tfrrlitAt
• 1 c00t34,01, it rr duty witieb I owe to eurrimil
boo t lioity bete tviittionity th. irillat;ol of Dic
Wo.TAtes 11‘1,o or hr t%itn CUEBay. I have used tt
--When I bityti 3,1,1 (31 , 1,11 , 31 tlrr any remedy! for
l'angna, Cofd,,, o r rbire Thrtrut,—rer today years. and
never In a Ottiltb , tliCtaaea 1144 It fattod to relieve
and 1,11, nave frojnently tteuu very n , 11',1,. Ott
Yintuttlity. and Naito,' 6•rAVat 1 too thd delivery el two
ovriumom oil the fnllawtug flay whit 103 1111,41111,1113.1
1311 fly .1133131 1130 of 111,1 my 'Wm, ott.***
630 1 tovartot3y hewn rentnythl. and t hove precetted
tv ilbolit 341401 y.
I vein eod it to my breilben in the fled
to public r ,t,oketo. gon 04 3 rends. reore dy for
the brim (Wei tumults , to d inch %elate ecullitty tipaned e
pwparvd by W. FOWfill 6r. NON, 11l Tre
%um and for *ale by Iheggiste gem!.
V or MI the t'teteun forms of Direirte Originating io
Otero 1111100thir ran wool the pstrifyttly rirmla ur
loom, 0 hen umottiMeted to a port Matt.
Dr. IL Anders' lodine Water
iv 4 pure volution"( iodine divvolvett in velar.
without 4 aoivtlit, anti is !It" beat rearm!) , fir ttcror
dlV.iews elm( diveovurod. Circular.,
J. P. DIN , MottE
suld by Druggiavo go,erally. ;Ai clay Str,et„ New
Yolk. AplA 17,
A Gough, A Cold, or
A Sara Throat,
tiRONCH I k t
Ilitek\C M - 1 , 411.0 !W. tit 0. lY ALI O , lt Kir
t rowt,
CouGVi, S
Irritation of Mr Lungs, A Perma
nent Tl.reet Disease, as Con
suumt on
lc 014'11 tt. T ()Col Es
n dimt for the lws, dive tunn,ll
For Breuvhitis. A.t hum, Catarrh, ConsYu
TROcItEt4 ARP No , wilt! ALty 474 140,111
sip iontA mit) 14,13L14.: SPE,Alilit24l
st iit MO 'row min 0%010 bi i.loarintt the rota wbeti
sittiling nr itiniiiitttoz, nittl rithetribv the
ibioat after nit untlittsal exertion or the yaem "retina.
The YrtAtea are iii , l mid proscribed by
l'itytticinoti, and bare liziA toittltinoninin tritto eminent
twin Ibraattaeut the e.matry. Win." no ;multi of
teas merit. soil having proved their t Plenty by a teat
of many vedro. earn year awls abaft in Hew ineidities
Siin iiil , llS 10114 or thi! Werlti, and the Troches me
primmitit eit treater Ihtta other articles
iitrini❑ otdy •.tltatt tee CI Ohl 111 . 41 Tt,ettfot." arid do
t Ittkt. any of the Wulthtemt 'm041.1411:4 that noty
Ere tht'orett, etold etrrtytVhr w.
titsv4- T v E TINY,
flmo P. F. rtigh.rb A ^froi
ogifii, elate voyntit tool Pt.yotionoftrirtfa, a ifo har
a.,t(intAod in, foot 01 @e 4.;:ter. , . of tiro Old World,
iota stow 11WW , 11 bet.ell 41 111111.4101, N. V. :it ad tar;
Thornton p.0.10 , 0W , 4 0101 WritrO , riot pntir, tiro of
oed Ai!.:ht. us to t - t knowledge of
oho tinateot import:mi..: to tlio ifinitio or martiod . of
either Sex. FCtUte in a state of trance, fite! till
041 S tltt Vf`tV ltti f fot of N 04.11 ten are to nolr•
ry, and fy rife aid of as intfranti ot of interim; pow •
or, known hookol gintranto., to pro
dote it life ;Le' pizrtsrt f the. lutes hi it,,lnd or mite
iippiackiut,i“pqii-t with Wito of toarri Iv% po
~ i tion in I do. teudirt, tents of cO3roctor=dcc. ' nom
li 3, e
wtii mead When door.' a ref •
COO, of Wrltton that Ihn pitafr~ I; *loo
it potion;to irr, isy Ity , trel rt eitutit 11, it of twit,
and - . enrol •
m..! ,niikeo.eft to yoorwli, }no If tit reeeivo Nos
Vile ao (feinted information by return mail. AN
coonouni , olon.ii %arr.; iti confide htlat A 4 4drews in
t of , if fir`i , re. MADAM& ti. F. TIIOUN TON, P.
'243, fitt4lom, N. V. !Vet, .27
1()r..NI: LADY 111:11"I:Nrct;
Ia 11 , :f foontry home. after a oftjont rf n f..ty
otoolot to Cie roy, wits baldly 1, 1 1 , 011 - 11 . .1 ily 11 1 't
151 1,111111 . /r 3 1 11 111 .. e Of a C . 311( 1 . 11 . 4111 1:11.111,I face,
3.0 a ,oft rutty camplotton of almoto marbly
ofoototroo.. ;tort torto:o4 of twooty rthr ,, tite foloty
oyoonred hot tot:Moon, ' pon t:opotty a, to tho
of groat a Otang-,ttlt- 1.1 stain 1,44 ll,rta /Ira oho
moat the Citcaf.tion 1:14t.o. and "..04, , red It an in.
ruba , lb lolub=ittati to any Latf) '0 holvt By its ot-o
Undy 11111437 e 5 5 10( 131513141
14 . 11.1.3,1'411cr 1111 11.1 11. 1 1 -, d 1.41. It 1111CMII.
0 , 110104,11$ 'ti 0.11/e 1111rmrif it . 1 1111111• yet 1. 1 1 1 : 1 1p.11.1,.•
,ft in 11_4 eP,irory to f . ....nw,11;,1 104.11 f iti,ts atom ,
4nl !P . :O .1% ng Id okto toot c o t!•
p1..‘1311, fly 144. dtr. mt Aril3ll au th , aatt , ar it drays
loon :1 nil ito twoutettt, koofy 1t00.:44 tbo cans,
101 , 1 b .me.M tho ,toffart.n , ‘,llll , 114,3 :• d 15 Plioll l .l
be, ft...a, y.. 311, wtooal 31,1 J-1:41.11'41. 1`11.. , t... 1.11
by mallor bwbit•Os on tofoil, of an 1154,4 tmv W
CLARK & CO., t of .t,t, Ito, :t West
5 , ) . /.1 ,1 1/.. , ., N. V. 'I tolty (13 tho
0414.. 1. the sante. t Fvb ty
sir; moadway, Now York,
At. 'run vrti ENT in of Sontt+W
Somti. lit hairy any N.33.nn. In male r,r fo
A,ll. afid COrmeiViath-fiye, btriclky can
C4l'lllol. ;Jan. o, ly.
54111114,0 ovnt frt." No ctipi+at!red, Ladle. nr
4 :41.11,-,0,4 eal. oath I row VAN to VOA!
per day.—
[.nt!oh , t4(tiltit , nd 4•hir.
e. IJLL Eighth :R., Muir Vrorit.
1,11,9, incl.-13
tiff lion, orlifr om I, Ile he% tatty trrt gainrd by
iolletvoett pimple rules!, tieft ell ratty our try telppily,
tr %Alio tt regard to we.,11 . 4, eor bum' ty
8,1141 4trecterl vov,lop , and I,,tittlillars to
• Modulo Lt*Cll4.l.: DINAHRE,
J4ll. i y, labk , tloupol, tivty Truk,
If yttd talc sittietiths from ItidrlL'etA of Yddthful Irt•
CAperrt ton 1104 buy** tAedite4l Wedk newt, Lot isAstom , ,
Ike.. th rend ydd, tree tyf eti,%rtrd, ittromation
whirl) if h.didr.d wIII riito yed watonot the mil of
wet:elves. Add rodt 111 It' DEN.
t , tatiom D. 1'4,1k
g,• I: TO EVE it Y ()
large N Oh. 'looter. {too: information or to o
greuteet tothortanee to the young of both etettox.
It trochee how the homely otaylmilhot b ottfol,
the liespioed rtitpirctod• sod the forsaken
No youhg holy or gentleman ehooltt 12tt semi
theft address, and receive a copy poet paid, by ft,
tarn mail. Address P. U. Drawer, 91, Troy, 'N. V.
Pell 27 blh7-1
And retard - I, 'rented with the mined ~ticeette, by
le A ACS, N. Ft.. Oculist and Atirist rfOrf{lt r;y of Ley
dvn, 11,tiln040 No. bln PINK stwet. Nina\ ......
Testimettiate, from the uturt reanide sources so the
City and Country Catt be Frail at tlta ohiu'. The rued•
kat fncony to invitod to net otheltil their Reti e ete.
as ho hats no leetriiii in hi* pluctice ARTIFICIAL
EYW, inuerte4 Without relit. No tillorlto : : for NNW'
itiattuft. !April la. ietio.—iy,
24 # 644, "m0rfl enrOoPe and VA renta.ana I won send
you soma valuable Ili for tout WO that Witt p1i,441.0y0u,
Marva» MARY MODUE, lituadway. Pi. Y.
Mal Aft,
rim lin WAY or MAN IS OTKENIn N. A smirk
1 man whn Notvred tor year* from Norm:am aa4
fioMMI Nobility, Nightly trommlaar, Muyallaminio
wo l kaose, fh« revolt of yoUthful iadlKte ina, end
corm moor oolong OM day* in hopoNms tummy, will,
for Ina We of amforins moo. *end to inY
Eldivdwpir UW46* Ufled by bias, wbibt *Amon a
cure 4n a few week* alter the faits of nuaromma
mothrinna, beld * directall savolopeaN4 sunup Mad
rarAyou outionni. Addieso.
SWAN TROM/4114, MO El, N.Y.taly.
rholorro ultligki Mamalsm trival.”
Pitalwo 40 1 , 1101 111oising Cereu•."
PimWEN "Night Illeouslni Ceirenr.”
Outlast/a Vllight Uleenalna Coeur.”
!bulgier ~ N ight Nllooming Verees.”
A mast sagoimite, delicate, and Fragrant Terfame,
distided from the rare and beautiful slower trout
which it takoni its mate.
Manufactured fatly by
fP you rryli rn o reliable remedy to mature yuu.and
/140Ve Itr'4l4 at Mot or Motructiono, why not toe
the beta t 'nutty yea re e *perk ore but proved !hot
Dr. Harvey's Female Pils,
Gave au equal for Removing Ohatroeti ere and Irreg.
elaritte.. tin matter from what rotate they ante. i
They ore safe and ewe in every ease. hue, (me
Dollar. per Gov,
Dr. Harvey's Golden Pills,
lea remedy four ilegraus Amager than the abovv,
eud ihtrin J t for preiat owed t,f 1004 htlitjjki i i,
Priam rive Dollars per Roc
A Lii4ll4'.' PriViatt CarUhlt. with Eagrat'invi, sew
ras ea appliidttion,
If you cannot get the Pins of your druggist, lonia
the IhePeY to Pr. J. Bryan, elk Broadway, New York,
and !Ley w I n be 'Wilt free flow observation by Wont
or how. iJan. 9,
The experience or the past too year.) has demon
ideated the fact that Monica tarty be placed in the of
homy of
. Dellis Specific Pills,
for the 43,4 , 4 end permanent rata of Semiatil Stif'4o:4
Peak. nohow's', Physical and Nervnua debility,li,
potence, 4 r Unfit of mower, the result of de4111411
res.. or Vtaitliful InilivereteithnhiCil rums
the impair:vs, and omits the *utterer for llueinire,
sooal Society or Marriage, and often tistietarit,,,, in
an untimely grave, Make tra dciay in seeking the
reinely. It to entirely vl•gelahln and itaflllfrgo on
thn Sybt4,l44, C 4411 bu eient without detection or 41440 r.
lerciire wttG busLrass prtrsnita,and 114) 041444 or diet
is /4 4 4“ 4 .4444, while miring therm Wire, One Deinar.
If you c 4 !mg got them of your Jruptht, atin.l the
money to Dr. J. Bryan, eta Broadway, Net. Verb,
and they will he cent free from ob..ervation by return•
of mail,
Private Citfutars to Cvollenteu x,nt free Ott oppl i
eatioo. (Jar, kt, Ac
Dn. £CUEN ova ML:T►ZOIND9.
TO [,T]; /„O ON, sta •,:"Wra rum b.
r"1-ved th Ihrth To acomptiolk
tho fiver !Lai .40)ILIV h r!osmied anti
ani , N - 30 e! for or. 4 ••• u14i,41.,
rok;I:•••.1•,• Rfii 1 11 ~, , periy, anti
jo•ol I.'t•• .1 rTM., %;,. • I•,thathy tap tho
ethrtithth•o, M SW? 1.10.; PILLS
C. ••• : or 111,1,11,
V. • .03 . 4 11.1
gYtt7'l' n mtir'endo
r• o• a‘ ft, , Siei Ic • I'l4 • ?I'
ittantritoot oro 0N...a 1t...
good, uttotrocute No:? 1: 'hitt trout
dtatigto. It T,l•lerit-, PO , • • w..• t.tetitehoolovord.
log to tLretattoo to:otte,,pArta vort• 11'0,0,441i in
fta lAit Moe, i:,,*ott, matt: to th r n4ttoo. Take the
pair a,.ta.taattr, t+) rhotn.c "JO 444 404{,y,,1c..
t,oft} 411,4! Clrc, Iftl‘c , 'CS are not cob
two tho,' gro not root rot (to* gotto,tfutot in ttorr
lo.Attol, are 141,4 , 01111 if. C C'l4ll.:SCh w 4.1 to k. pt
lorttlto, and in. uppott.e er...tetl to Sarni ttio Pat ,
trori:e tsyYut, to eat eat t h e I , tittiCA,Orl orkatifl VrOpeCili
pof any irritot.un. Tltcattiltbat rottlirri to
I'ID.CTUI R ;omen:lent rum to, to :ttoroot taking
att. &x mite at.out the r.onve at 6 woo?. w pmailsto,
,at :4 3 6.t00t tw.r•:.-:at hlt g,“l, to tart,
ootthitig 01, opitotite Gases: but My particular and
tutoo , egto welt. (21.0 w.oa. too. f vr.
9a n4ssm toi4 to Ih , I`ll:dtc 100 "4(10+ r(
Spring Go(ftis
,r 1 pact of n 1144 01
i Ingrain. Wood & Rag Carpeti;
Flue chttbe 11114 Caaalta , l'a fixa Laajaa' coat a.
Itraay Goa. n, Alt affi•rut, atol qualit"
4114 Prints ut varautia
put to, and fqfrem,
10.neltol and Brown Ladles Frtuch Cornet 3
Balmoral Skirts.
40,ortincht of Livanco and childrem , ' Unitern
ert,ll Graccrivi itn,l cioirt:a New assortmout of
Glass and (isreitWare.
„.?fin, 1 :/111 ,1 11 1 14 1 1 w non huff lilt(' Mlt . fourth Ituro ,, *.
Now io tho time 1., nuke your bet, tom, AA 1 u
ta l 4llla duodv ut 41 1 tV 11144 . pores-wort our 1111 , 110
141 r dot tug to uit, and 00t to be uuderbobi by any.
J. J. I.lto
moom:hurg, :t o o 11.
A I: T
a. I
Aunt , rtv, GotaiEN, t L xus & SILKEN: (1111.
PooPtcett I.y ti o' of Pref. 101111:UX'
Lk, 41; IntV X tine aptiiication wrirrauted in e.trl
tY r .-. to- I ytt:tigiq mot Ytilhitoirn lottr m ,
into v••A'Y I: 11 0 ,1, • or tt,oivy utannYva mein. Nee
(welt 'I 4 rive I Itimihje. nl r 4,6„ end Leed on
‘‘ith the rooY taw! , int! reelihe. Peen nn it , inry to
tho' ham tirti Y, ~,• and wwtynt:l SI
11e.rttpliV , eirWl.l.ll* ittaikd .11filreoy ir41;10:1.11,
Sitt1"11• 1 l'lwkltht.. N. •,;„,...1 River
N. V ..sok Ag•lits (Yr thy. I.2vit , tl $.111e4.
l't tY.
[)Ri ".~'f: sALF;
A Valuable farm,
i'Uis undertaitro.d will "Mg bin valndido f I ttn, nl
oale, tat woo in Maffirna 'row,: tan p.
Isla rottnly., about ow+ and a hall folks ram of . I, q ,
4pvtoven, nn Ow wildic mud 1.4a.1id4 to tilswut►6etg
•- -,. • '..- -- I
forty acres of y.hicli are dented WO, the balaticu
whereon arc ereet+l , l 4
numE BARN,
and tho nProN ,ir7 e;tt•bothfole,. 7 bore to goodttoll
of wayt at the door; elm A rd
...... oe tne whose', The terms 0111 be fowls
cosy to the porchoser.
A 122 , 11 NE W ELIJV E R ,
Madkon, Inn, 30, 1 SOI. •
roq(ste of •itr.efiittlrr fitetased,
Letters of Admitnttlation on the rotate of Alex. ,
der Yfiftfo. iota 1 , 1 Viphinur tot , * iotkfahtp, Columbia
County, doc'd, have been graoto,l by the
tmt,i rounty, to E. P. Bout for, Ytho resittea In Pinhiuk•
crook tarp„ Najd enmity. Mt porton* haulm; ItAithil
upon thooatato of the , lotodout 40e Irtitlf OWO to make
them littowu to tko m10 , 1;11 , 41'00, Mut thote know
ink thomatlt 'lntel:led to notko pavote t forth wit h
L. P. ItLftt OEN ,
rt It !7,1&7, Ad.) , r.
. .
E M Pitt E "I" fLEF. I not
31X4 413 Cni LAX 1,2 LIU fes
Are llltpitriPf to ail torwrs for
emition sIP tim loom improvement% ere speedy
weenies* o durente • and Ntoy Pootrerk,
Itlustott.,*l eitcnints Ono. Aron% wanted. Litt
evil dreamt., *Dewed. No conolgomoolo merle.
Address EMPIRE'. S. M, CM, htJ OrtAdwilF. New
tWplnntlnw & lOtit 4Cu.
PRIBiCi4D and Surgeon,
!LAVING Inectied permanently on Maio
fttAtINISIIIING. Po., consist
tom the public keetnelly,nm 10 it prPorarod to
attend to all banned. tunefully***puectuany tem
moy m
laestel to his mini ott tinele: cameleer*
tile with the timoo,
s e ItrZ t payo tout attention to jatitir to %et!
• o
W -`• Vila MACHINE
It io goncrolly conceded that "Ms boot is allow
;" mod bbal brio, tbe wow groat pleasure
is tonsil In introducing to the public
which 14 rapidly becoming popular. and with this
Machine the hard work of waehing is mitigated toot
comfortable and nlcaleint teak. She clothes art
placed ie hot reds, and phut in. White then immerai
ed and the t 411,4111 confined, the Machine in operated
sit omen otiose. Thus the work ia. speedily, clearly
and easily doer, and that tnii without tearing and
westing out the clothes, winch to a great extent IN
li1PI!!111114 under the old Inabloned rubbing prat:ens,
With a
ti,o %hate tutor of waattiola to but a plesoaht pat.
tithe compare., watt the thrater mode of DOWD NI .,
AND ,OAKtNti. and Oa tottou, and wtituttatt. Ito,
dot is to thavolved tkv the DO4 811113 that but IttDo
c01141(00.40ti to lOTAO.Otry to iql , nl It. NJ *airily in
tti Comfy aloud.' bu without
Dar v. 8 CIA 11 ES Nt ABl tElt
I'lho prim/ of thee' Marhint a tone its follow , /
rainilY OM: Wuolwr, • • • • • . • 0 , 1 oe
!Niel Size • • - • • • • le tw
Ne. Wringer. • . • • •
Size N'n. ij, • . • • • • • • • in hO
tiotd he L. It. HUM,. Aellt.
March 17 POW-Iy.
- ,
4,000 Rew and tiorowHivid TEAM IIMtNUS
1ti,1414 Om)los and rod:al,
i.Ono Sas,344te, ail style,i-23 to i 4
MIO Poly' lt, , rge. Government Wlttevrtm.
‘2,4).041%%"40,M Corers, all idseri, new and worn.
Itlon!teis. and Rarer Covers.
A6ll, a large stock of Reins. head Lines, Whips,
Moray and Anihatiiiice Parties.. Portable ror t les.
Chains. Sologletreos, Lend Itar. ate.
%Violet Team Hattie Oc,-101 1 0 W1)111-9 1 ! 01k tan n
Leat/of and , n*lefee.ible, Cit.:lewd and dot-
Into per horse Or mute, Nuhtderet ktidir, 1.4 , 11,1 do
4 dollars, w,,von hridie•., I dollar, Cnilars I to rl
Exit a Hair lined Artillery Case du, t A and 3
Doubt , ' 73 to totl 4S. twarl Line., t ithhot.
to per dozen, worker.' New trad
dh , o with nriMe. a 4 41 . , ; ozd
nH tew. IS dni n., hith ili1;11.!. 11 dtlii. . value eeddlec
for how., t olok.
Wo4slll N , { eys, made to fit nnv Wagon, hymn. y
3 to !I ,Data , tro pri tor rotton inkt, 41 to '1 ito , ,t,
1. ~h “ Dock, 9to dots.
1,44,0 Naapitat Vents, otty and a* /rad R.* Herr,
dtteit-14 root ji) to Pi
trttrer4` A. Pont. from 5 401 d
14,014 M 11445, from lib t , „ Om*, tor quality, 611.441rr
9 4Ms. ;V* Mrs. 141 , 101..* bud, 11 dolo r per dva, ; Vott
194 1 11v, 1 59. $ fo) and bolt.
&MALL 014141.M4 44, - NT 41Y PRECS, C. 0 D.
Ir lurill V rout Wit,. Phitade I Oita, 1'
Noo, 5 Park Elate, New York,
No., 403, 9th eireet. Waslittogtou, R. 1)
flat p 1 eent apple.w:eA.
31.1 di 27, le4r tow
BEALE' :' , 7, LATE
Scipio t Mil the use 01 ittl hitettial istipith4ttoo,
This hew ColopootitT yrepars4l by a pfartiral
t'hoh4,4, Whit atoll hnnWleiitte 01 hit the toodival
yttlyoot of stirb iiiitrio - lieht that elder* ttil its rowq m .
is Oaa, anoto,, to e 1(1..14 anything of ofe kited
oirsreit to the polllw. as MI oXteribill 01 , 1 , 11
flitioh for the tli.ett,es for whichrtiu irschoininthibiT
tVii ot o eModitri that tt 4411 work its Own cold Imo
the Cohthlehee of oil who 0041 0.14414110,m wh o try
It *thee 4111 never be without It, tool th.repo.g w4l
rt. ly oil capenWhre no OM boat trot of Ito UntitlileroO
11 1n prolichltiVe.l by
and all tube have t fled 0, to to Ito bP"t HPritr , trinn
Vlrcr . 1 1 / I xl POUIMXIIIOII 1144 been , put up for
.100 }tete, rud tt is molt' ihrteugh the tune eeu,g
and tirgeM unt , Mends Mitt like
polrl it 'Mkt I rend It Wirth US the grand rtiolleMM
mlrefil (et Itle venous ateca.ta to ninth that nut,lt:
and the horse'* Cloct,
A.I.IfIF rntnetlier havg tie N 4 ikattreti 10 ItIN 11 , 11110 ,
wok r tlithfrtqlt forum. *.lute oC theme Me 11011(10m,
abets hi, tit ,t or little use. and loony %11.ilty Imt
Or ,, itkr 10 011 ,0 A 4 furs put Imo, for is hich.ttle) are
A botteimbi wad :rtatly rompooition, free
logs. tb,.ie arpiestr.nx, Woo tiorciaort: bobg bean du.
shad by 'bully a t ,ebiktubti teen 114441
and aro umellbuy to trust tt.eto In the can of deogn
at,J prctcaard rurrEeru. 7heti W WWI, ittr, at
14 netts fully gratilbul. by (pr. Wale; being pretaiko
o you to allow thin valuable r mbreiratiou (which bee
proved to elk clung to the enttotte dfacuagel to be
prepared bud brought nut to the public
1141,. I.mb tocuttno was .I(telso44l,Y tated by the
.1011,1* thu war.
ordet to I.lll'Epleillen HEALS.
lit.oo-14 st, Phthidtiphido
Warait •zo,
BI OOM:4111'11411
They Labreriher has *Mlle pruner repleu,,b
hfa st ,, ch, by 4.45 h purchlser, 4110 he is hvw pteratroi
Sell as low as any Dealer
in this section of country .
A veil open lava by ary ne reon n to tindoridein.
the awl , of good:, end the tilliitity Of the moilte.
will make the tot 000. owe, no one good
hey unienn they aft. entirety oat tied. Ito wilt be
glad to see hie 'tirade and the public generally
whether they buy or not
Ilta.lprtrau7ietant the btat Vatalleti Of
VIM(of tine valley:l 0pi(1.14,
DRIED Mekri 4 i in their 40 , 44 , 111:,
ID 'ell ANC) o CUM it MM.
t+uApFt4 AN1.1141.4 . CIMESC.
4 OAL S. 1,1%8E01 MtA4
4 144 4 Mtn iesortount of Dry Goods 444 Dowry.
and a fell %fillet) of good. of the above rine*, end
Or other Irlotle. In oltittion to which he has rtriently
gelded to his stork it tine issiortotetir of
in Whkh variety of good* he bas several otow
articles or moileta lovsatoo, extensiveily used
where knows, and which taw coma lido use hers
Us also has a floe sandy or
French Moroccoes;
end 0100 of Morocco Unmet fat titiftemaket's
work . and a guo.l itasatuuent of
17. CiU and tIGIUMC
S. R. flamer ni Mu* and trap Stmt.
Blimmoorg, April lu, 107
WILLIAM 13.4i001tit4 1
(SucePosor of Mr. Hofforti.)
KOOllll hag lalei g Wien charge of this pato tar
Ind wxllertahllehea Woure, and will he planned to
mg Ohl Mends give him a ran Na la a gavial
hindlocd, and keeps I alb' Oafs hones. •
April 10,,1irit •
alslol/21 4 2
M.` FOuttii • • ItORE.
Tlilturidokoione4 roOY/OhlIV armouacco to hid
many Prhsaile that he hao ovilad b new Cintlif mg and
(lent lemon', Cnrnh.hiw<atotur a the Omer room of
the Ilars man Ouilding, seuthinst cal oar of Main sad
Marko Ptraoto, Nluwasburi, Pa.
Having Net retured from Philadelphia with a largo
stack 0(
Fall and Whaler Clothing
*ad Gaatiumon 'a Fur aelohina atmit Via.. age. Ita fiat.
tma hlwaulf that ku aka pluasu in, HIS 0* cow ,
ME.\ S AND B rs. ctOr
such an
PA V7'B,
SO Intl,
i ii. B' ER
lIVS ..(11(
U.llB kMIAS. 4 4.•
at'd in Colt verything lit the VtOttittli of rtiffitattio;
hoe at
rrry 1401.0 l'fH*
to a d dition to Ow atone. ho !lAA An elegant seemt
went nt
(Indies, Cwsiniers, and Vestingm.
a. - r Clothing nindn to older at tn. shortest notool
CLII and twforo pun:W.llns %Nowhere. and
octobet In. lane.
1:W CS 00 D !LT
iriiit N . F;y7 sTorai Or
11.14 NOW BECOMe
EV. Sa•c7733s:36:iCri
THEY agt.l. t;u01.) GOOlni
finer ~eut. GOODO CHEAP I
They keep everythotp, you way want. CaII and see
%bens and you oiti be sore to boy•
«„. , ,
• ' I
l' .h
1 1 .
illotuA sr s,
Lipa ca 4
Reath, Teeth's
If i,a,
( ,/ )
/ 4t`, rp
Os! cloth
Siockia,3: v
Hoop *hide lialtnerid Witl4 ,, W 511 , 44*,
61 , 14eiture, Looelogi/Nomo, coin,
104.,eocite, short we keep et erything. tier
co‘tontere need hot ken, 41114 It Aholl he Wen
them, We determine het to he 110,10140 W. Alt
kiedu or ecoduce token id the highest market ptiet,
ALna, There is connected with the store
Tit UM MO tit:PART tt ENT, in
e contuer
home clothe or us or Hlllo.*rtole can have them
wade op with neetnewt 71sidale*Inttch cheep tut
Tim heel. workmen etc tols,tantly empouyea.
:41700 6, '1,7-3tilo. ettlf.ASY & JOHN.
'Y:• i;oops
FOR 667
had again replenothud.hs stotk (rein New r Irk awl
ou uar,t a !.a , ",Gattla get vt rrua. ola
it :in. d :Ld 1;1)10
If you wait: a spltndtd 84101010, go to
tt rm rant a nice LI: Lam go to
tr thildrel' a Ditas GneJa, go to
I( you want to buy
Oonal and elv:E:or Gofn.k.,
of soy 0e ptiru, gn to
Vlngtoisharg. lin. 16, 1567
Thy Pro{ ricooli having retiOvtilett xnd tolltiod itit
KEISTAURAN r, in the lotgentont or the
he „Hidti n il y tAiliytt n mit.twwiWi4tte et
the pa...wove or hie old ninflitiOrt, and cheill4itry in
'Nita'. the *I telktit.44 of new Olitstt tO pia tefteldialettith
NM ovens& rrtgati nen,
owe time. per week, DAM AND
tuip- Oyyters can Du served utt to Sustbtrisri at a
mordent* notice. to.,
to eau the mites of the opieurien.
Rienmebutg, Feb. IR, Mr,
Thus gotnotts glad tiding, of Joy to all.
To young sod to oil, to omit nod to small
Ito Ninny Mods onto wee an pregnout and rote,
to lies fur MI. and all may bt ioir,
White Liquid Enamel s
For Imptil aratii‘ing flu; Ccophiman.
1 p it 4044 wend po , Pa preprint** in two rev
$4014..0! ea Ilk Vutiful reall•liklii Wit it
only fOlOll In eatit 1 nitekly traionot .rtook•
lot, Ploopleo lotollos it With fallen.. IS/nein
triliniont angt tiopyrit et of tho Olt. kindly Att.
the nen* *maim * in inbiltilid coo at • .
tar. Itli mos 0111144,11.41014bykillkOp,Otinkt met.
on/. 'bikini at voOtablio'lloyl4lllloo lb JlMbrtlY
bbninboint. nil St nil, WPM it thialliWiliio b}
ititt Fronk, and la i pl i tlytll 17th/1 i l lat*ll .
dttpentiblb 1* 1 Milt PWIM s•
bath. l i wi004.1004 J 4 llll IS* put vow* * ma t
famantto of MOW. Thai ly IS to
mot by ma31.3 , 00l VII., . et 1p order, by
ararcEll., It 411,
, I , comieci.
PO tr: 1110-1* " - " t 1401. N iete.
"cr lit:S.
Shove I ,
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