r„ - . • m I Wllll. no JACOBY, Editor. Wednesday, April 17, Iso7. M. M. Parrirsieit...ll Co.. 37 Park Row New York stodgily aulborired tosolkit uul roroivi isobaric. tinni and rot the Criteria # elan, pub. at fllonmrburs, Columbia comity, Pi. Democratie Mote Convention. Tin' Democratic State Cominittae , at its meeting, on January *nth, at Harrisburg, :Adopted the Ibllowing resolutions: Ist. That the regular Convention of the party, for nominating n candidate for the Supreme Rem+, be held at I larrishing, on the Second Tuesday of June, 180,at twelve o'clock M. and that said Convention be emu posol of the usual number of delegates. 2il. In addition thereto, it is recommend ed to the Democracy of Pennsylvania to forthwith elect, in the usual manner, Iwo delegi . ues, of recognized position and influ ence in the party, fbr each Representative and Senator in their respective district, who shall meet in Mass Convention, at Harris burg, on a day to be fixed by the Chairman of the State Central Committee. By order of the Detuueraie State Com., NM. A. WA IXACF., Bloomsburg* Literurr (to this fifteenth clay or Aiwa, A. P., 1867, is opened theTh.oomsitunt LITEItAItY NSTITUT). This is an epoch in the history of Colnm his County, and of lifoomsburg in particu lar, which will not soon paw out of our recol lection of local events; for the Institute building itself will be a standing monument of the enterprise of our citizen!, and of the energy and business capacity of the pro. jector, Professor lIENItr CARVER. The Institute building occupies a site at the east end of the town, on a commanding bluff, not extremely elevated, but so high as to be entirely free from any malaria which might by any possibility he generated in our extraordinarily pure ututusphere. Without vanity we way say that the location isas fine a one as Nature has furnished to any people, at any place. With a building unsurpassed in construction in central Pennsylvania; a town in which vice and immorality arc as severely curbed us in any town of the State ; with facilities fur boarding at, reasonable rates in quiet and welicondueted n k milieg with an atmosphere as pure as the God uf nature gives to any people, it can safely be predicted that the ikoomsnunii Ll rEnattv INWITIIITE must become one of the most successful establishments of the kind in rennqlranin. As to the instructors who will do th►e work of Welting "the young idea how to shoot," little bowl be said. Their reputation is the property of the community. They are well known. Eulogy, on our part, would be superfluous. One thing we must not fail to. mention. The hall iu the second story of the institute building, will hold. when well tilled, nearly four thousand people—the finest hall, by nll odds, within the region of country in which it is located. The %alley of the North Branch ; throuAt the energy of the men who have taken hold of improvements such as we have hastily described. will, in time, assume the position intended for it by nature. We end by again predicting that the BLOOMSBURG LITERARY INSTITUTE will be one of the mostsueeessful educational enter prises in the state. Desirarlive Fire at rsbur re. On Tuesday morning of last week a vcry destructive tire broke out in the town of Wilkesbarre which consumed nearly ull the buildings on Market Street from the Court House to the bridge. About t wenty build ings were destroyed, among which number was th e R eran , of th e Thu's office. The Wyoming Bank was enveloped iu the flames but being fire-proof stands erect' and alone on the corner of Franklin and Market. The loss is put down at WO,OOO, with au in surance of about one third the umoun'. The Western Union Telegraph Company's office, together with sonic very fine store buildings were burned. The 'editor of the Tim. s it is stated has sustained a loss of about $7,0/0.00. The paper will soon re• appear. A Map at the Irish. The Selinsgrove Central Courier of the 14th instant says: "The Fenians continue to make demon -I,trations all over Ireland but with no show of success. We always opposed the plan, for the Irish, 89 n people, are the most in tolerant and bigoted nationality.gn. tlod's earth. Themin no more govern tlfernselves than a pared of children can." This Courier is a radical organ. It ap proves all the acts of the Rump Congress, advocate this destruction of the Federal Union and the formation of a consolidated despotism upon its ruins, and hopesamd prays that "Confress".may force negro suf. Frage upon all the States. Such arc the principles of the organ which utters the above fidsehoud about the Irish people. Vir THE Tribune and the Press aeknowl• edge that the Radicals are in a h minority among the white voters of the country, and that nothing but the votes of the Mick* eau save their party. This is an admission they would not have made sis months agn. It shows that among the in telligent portion of the people the Radical party is rapidly losing strength. The sin. c0 . ..4 of the party 'in itS efforts 14 negro suffrage may be judged by the efforts of the same party to disfranchise white men a lbw years ago. If they JO not now need the negro vote, not one in ten 'of the party would advocate colored suffrage.. By doing to they only the wore effectually publish to the world their abandonment of all princi ple. • •Irelf. A. ( irLitxrtr.r, 11 Plllllllllt fklllllo - has hewn confirmed by the Senate to t'ollector ter the j.yeawitig District. Thia it a good appuiuttneut awl irvil **erred, be el one dial can't help but .ults% the jia , licaL iu that Piatriet. mot strawsmissimmiliiiise vactiniet. At the city election at Trenton, N. 3., on the Atli, Hoed, the Domouratio candidate fur Mayor, awl the VlOl4l Democratic tiekst were sleeted. Thu Democrats have at ma jority of seven in the Council. To v. Demoern ts carried the Hart ford (Conn- ) city election by oto trukfority, on Monday, a a gain of 130 since 31ouday week. Tut Democratic. Conservative party of Hagerstown, Std., on the stn, covered thetnaelves with glory. At the muncipal election, for the first time Mimi the incorpor etiou of the town they elected their entire ticket, for Town Council, by an average ma jority of forty-seven, over the Loyal Leag uers and Radical Disunionists. Tot: charter election of Rochester New .Jersey, was held on Tuesday. Miles Ross, the Democratic candidate fur Mayor, was elected by about If,o majority. Thu Demo crats also elected four Aldermen out of six, which makes a Democratic majority in the City Council. THE munciput election at Beverly N. .1., took place on Monday, and resulted in the cotnplete triumph of the Democratic ticket. Mr. George Metionigal, lute Hospital Stew ard or the Tenth New Jersey. Regiment, was the Detnoeratio end successfu l ca n didate for Mayor. Tin: charter election of Albany, N. Y., on Tuesday, resulted in tho election et the Democratic city ticket by 1,600 to 1,700 ma jority. TuF. charter cleetion of' Lockport. N. Y., on Tuesday went Dentmsatic by 270 major ity. lion the first Cowin mere than sixty years, the 41 Federal town Ilosenwtn, in New Hampshire, amt a maturity for the Demo cratic candidate for Governorat the recent election in that State. ` 4 T. 'limit-14ga. eleeted the Demo cratic ticket on the 2nd by t,OOO majority. Daytott, Ohio, the Democrat,: gained two'conneiluten over the Rads on the Mmotsox, Willi:on/4n, elected the Demo cratie ticket by 250 majority. A pin. 3111.r.•Anctr, Wiwonsin, gave the Pone. ants 1,500 majority, on the 2nd, a gain or 400. • THE. Democracy gain ono councilman in Cincinnati. ST. Josmfs, Missouri, has elected a Democratic mayor. These are some of the mem', ?Mum of a week or two sites, in our paper, which Radicalism has lately experienced ; but the Repnblican papers are loath to acknowledge them: elections us Jelbuis to their party. The thing is palpably plain that Republican ism is fast being buried in the nuns created by that party. Their leaders halo became despondent, and the naves confused and scattered ; looking about to join bands with an kune.st sot of people, who will use their WA efforts to bring about that peace no happimexo that once blessed the country. r4f. rive thousand men are out of work at l'ittsburg.—E.r. And we Jiavo no doubt that thoPe very five damson(' men voted for Old Abe and Andy Curtin and John W. Geary, and all the other radical scoundrels who did their best to bring about this state of things.— Scareity of money is the legitimate effect of the principles they voted for, and if they are out at the elbows and out at the pockets it is their own fault. Nevertheless we pity them. and have to say to them that. theycan remedy this matter, if they will. We need not tell them how. Their good sense still teach them that, if they have any; if, how ever, their eyes are not yet opened, they de serve to 'suffer. It' they are willing to kiss the band that smites them. let theta do it. The way of escape is open to them ; if they will not walk in it, their ruin be upon their own heads.---Cliedo,i Democrat. A TAXATION DOIRIE.-A year ago the Legislature took the State tax off real estate. The Radicals made something of a blow about it, and it was heralded abroad as evi dence that they were relieving the people of taxation. An net has just passed the Legislature repealing the State tax on cer tain personal property, which brought ;MO,- WO into the treasury. This has a show of decreasing our taxes, but it is a mere pre tence. The same bill provides that this $300,000 shainic apportioned among the respective counties of' the State, payable by the respective county treasurers into the State treasury on the first day of every An gust, interest chargeable on arrears. The effect of the bill is to relieve a particular class of people, who paid tax on certain de scription of personal property, and impose the tax on others. If there is any necessity fur thus shifting the burden of taxation we have not been able to see it. This kind of legislation will not satisfy the people that their taxes have been lightened. G ov. (3 EARY APPEARS TO RE AN EXPEN- Lrxray.—A short time since we no ticed that the Legislature appropriated OW for the improvement of the Gevemer's mansion, and on Monday last E 20,000 were appropriated to commence an extension to it. It is understood that persons have been boring for this ever sin l „Geary act foot in it. The family hasn't had room to turn .around in; the Governor had no place to study in ;. he was constantly interrupted and annoyed by the entrance of servants; and really the State could afford to build him a house commensurate with his distinguished services—more especially u he might cause the State to loose much more than the cost in case he was interrupted or annoyed when deliberating on subjects of great public mo• meut, &e. Just so. But we cannot see how a man Without brains can easily be an noyed. A Governor who signs a law awl then calls on the Legislature to repeal it, be cause he did not know what he signed until somebody told him, as in tbo case of the Allegheny Valley Railroad bill,•cannot be troubled much with brains.—Easton ad. , a CONSFATICUT.—There is a report, stip the New Haven Register, that on a recount of rotes in the Sixteenth Sena torial nibtrict, licth S. Logan, of WWI - was found to have a majority, and is therefore deem; givi the Dowxrats a coos brit). of one in the Senate. The Denteetittle PartY awd the Future. There is a st song effort being made at the Nowa time to induce the iwople to look npop the Donta.latiu party us defunct, a thing of the pant, as having fulfilled its mis • Ilion, and no lotager necessary as a means of restoring peace and good government in the country. &Won are earnestly engaged in thistuovement. All their papers from the Tribune, to the smallest sheet in the remote West, talk in the same strain upon this subject. In the South etemeially this view is being urged with great zeal and ear nestness by the ruissionariesof the dominant organization of the nation. They declare that if an early settlement of our national difficulties and troubles is desirable, if the Southern States crave rehabilitation and. representation, the path towards those ends lies through an exceptnnce of the theories of of the Radieal faction, and an abandonment of the principles of the Democratic party, and the organization founded upon those princi ples. The whole theory of those who father this Kamm lhr uprooting the democratic party is that "the Democracy are so odious, fur past offences, that the country will never submit to their restoration to power. The country. here, signifies that portion of the Radicals who think with the Democrats on the issue now against the land. It is assum ed that there are enough of them, by voting with the latter, to exile the former from power and place." But the leaders of the dominant or anti-republican party declare that it would be far better to let the Radical titetion lead them further on along the path which leads inevitably to ruin, than win a tri umph under the democratic game. The New Orleans Picayune, after noticing fully the above grounds assumed by the Radicals, (=dimes: 11 the Democratic organizations were dig solved and the name abandoned and a new party orrnizeil, it is plain that by whatever designation it might be known, it must, ht order to seamed, obtain the votes of those who ate Democrats. There were nearly two milli o ns of them in the last presidential elec tion ; and the difference between the two parties was about ten per cent. of thq whole vote. A change of little Inure than tire per cent. would have given the party calling it self Democrats a majority of the popular vote then east. Besides that, the whole vote of the South was excluded, and on the issue of the day that would be almost unanimously Democratic; that is to say, for the principles and objects for which the Democrats enter the political fi pht. . These two millions of voters in the North are the substance out of which only a successful party eoulil be raised and esinsolidated so as to overcome the Had fgads at the polls. It is a common saying, that the odium marked on that party, tier its course, or fir rather the course which its adversaries succeeded its persuading the public that it had taken during the war, at. !aches itself to its organization, so that loyal Republicans should never consent to be iden tified with it. It is another way of saying that the Nomadic party must confess it stitt. fa have been disloyal, and declare itself :IS incapable of actiic*: nailed the charge. securesi It to be promised that, if t will do so, a portion of those who make the accusa tion ail' take all the grounds the Demoegut ie party sustain, and lead them to success. nett is temper and prejudieiti in this. if molting worse. It is extremely unreasona ble to re quire such sacrifice as a propitiation to men, to persuade them to do their Juty; and it is extremely irrational to expect that when a party gives up its leaders and is disbandoned, it can rally at once with the seine Three and effect as before.— trganization is to a party what discipline is to an army. It would be just as sensible to look kir community of purpose and action en the tield time the use of militia, as for successfid political action to be fwd against a party so thoroughly drilled its the Rep*. can party is, by a putty disbanded, under a new name. The utility of the Democratic orcanizal ion is. therefore, one of the chief elements of success in the canvass which is opening now, to does only with the next Presidential elec tion. It was tried in the Connecticut eke don, and the success of the party, by the aid of a considerable number of Republicans, who dine to the substance of things, with a patriotic disregard for napes, is an encour aging sign that the counsels of such papers as the New York Pam; will not impede the union in action of all those who desire the same tiolitical reforms. • •It is very evident that Radical rule can only be broken by a union of all the friends of republicanism upon a common ground and for a common purpose. That purpose must be to reinstate the Constitution as the su premo law of the land, to restore the States to their old places in the Union, to repeal the obnoxious military reconstruction bill, and to allow the people of' all portions of' the Union representation in the councils of the nation. This is a platform out Which all true friends of the Republic can certainly unite,. As to Miner details, there may and will be differences of opinion. Local causes may induce the people of the East and West to desire that the tariff and revenue laws should be presented in certain aspects, but on the great fundamental question of reconstruction, they need not be separated, if they will take counsel of' their patriotic impulses, and not lend themselves to the arts of a demagogue, or the uncertain guides of passion and prej udice. How can such a union of patriotic men, for such a high and holy purpose, be effected, but npon the platform and through the agency of the Democratic party? What other organization can they trust? What other party can present such a record of de votion to the great fundamental principles upon which the hopes of the Republic rest? The Radical organization has thrown over board the Constitution,and is drifting upon the tide of popular passion. They can prom ise nothing fur the future but disemll. con tention, and anarchy. 'rho Conservative masses. have no efficient organization by means of which to discipline the anti-Radi cal forces of the nation, and make them effective at the polls. The regular army which is to confront the party in power, and contend for the union of the States, the per petuation of civil government and the li fc of the Republic, is the Democratic party, and that fact is more and more indisputable and apparent as the (lay of battle approaches. The elections in all parts of the Uuion tes tify to the life and vitality of the Democrat ic party, and also prove that the masses are looking to that organization as the only hope for the ?ntnre. There are no signs of decay in the bid constitutional party of the country. Its principles are those which, if carried into pritttlee , will reunite the .Rtates and male the s Unit front Maine to Texas, and tho utility of its organization "ono of the chief elements of success in the canvass which is now opening, to close only with tho next Presidential election." The future of thu nation is indissolubly wedded with that of the Dinocmtie party, and if we are true to principles, the people will not suffer them to be divorced.—Age. MITRDZII IN LEMON (.POINTY. --On Sall• day evening hist a most brutal murder was Co►utuitted at Laury'S Station, in Lehigh county, on the line of The Lahigh Valley Railroad. The victim was an Irishman named Michael O'Day, and the parties charged with the horrible crime are John Derry, Thus. O'Hare andjohn Clark. The scene of the murder is a small boarding shanty, near the station, into which the ac cused parties forced their way, and finding O'Day, with whom it appears they had had a difficulty the previous day, stubbed and beat him so shockingly that he died in about half en hour after. flurry was arrested next morning, by Gen. David Laury, just as he was in the act of getting on the pas senger train, at Catusaqua Station. Clark and O'Hare are still at large. Whisky seems to have been the muse of the crime. —Ewton Sentinel. MARKET REPORT. Wheat per Litehel Rye, ' • Corn, Buckwheat Oats, 66 Cloverseed " Flaxseed, " apples '° Potatoes, • Flour per barrel,.. Butter, Eggs per dozed,. Tallow per pound,. bard clams. Shoulders. " Hay per ton, fin Tuesday. the oth of April, 1567, by Mootcomery Cole. J. P., Mr. Ctuttsrmtt L. MoottE, of Sugarlontiowusbip, to Mrs. El.tznom Vont:A, of Jackson Township, Colombia County. DI ED. In Centre Township, Co!mai% Count•, nn Sattmlny morning, April R, NC, MERCY 0311FOrt OrJohn Hill, Esq., aged about M yrara. Mrs. Hill was a kind hearted Christian woman—beloved and esteemed by a large circle of friends and acquaintances, and was the mother of quite an extensive and inter esting family. "Peace to her ashes." In Light Street, Colnnthin County. en tho 6th inst., Mr& Sarah White, aged about, 8t) •earn. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 'wow von -COSTS!s— Th. aetniinte fir the into relamSia Doens,t. and Oilier erid.•n. V 4 Or ind.'bled ne►a to ON Iwrr been in the iinntliiol *bonfire etirintiPtliti, or ~,,, for lasediete calettioa. and Pinter.. I. herd.) R I{l.ll in, pll Intete►led. Ihel a co., will enure on all unsettled net oun ts during the Map Cond. LEVI L. TAIT!. Willi.itioncirt. April 17.1 , 67.—Tt. NifricE IN DIVORCE. & Martha J. Mena by her ) In the Court of Coin• neat friend .10bn hlelick mon helm of l'olonni , id ye. Lather County. No. 50 of Fcbru• Ord Terni. W.:. Aline Elotiporinn in Divorce. The defendant In the nho%e lade id rn , inirnd lo appear oil Muneey. the Sine day of in aryl All3l, rendsng term of l'outt in void county. I. 111 % cr In the complaint of the plaintif in the raid ono DAM I: El. ON V LIER. tlbarill. April 9. M 47. G . E. SAVAGE,. Practical Walehonker and Jeweler. MAIN STREET, (near the Court House,) • BLOOMSBUga, PA. Gnostically nn WO a line adrartment of American and Sarum Walchea.Clocka, Jewelry, VIIVOIMITO and Pre.mc.a. I'ollloll3f attenti••a paid in th. rope I,ingilf elm It Walther stud Jewntry. Ala.ohic Marks ums k , order. Alt %v../ k Warr:wird. Nwamolintg. Apra l; Im7. - . . . (11 The etoek bolder. of the tiluentiliarg Literary Willful', are notified that an .I.•etien ‘4lll te• ham in On 1,1. boo Ileum t.f the In•titutr Itmhhee.nn the NA datuiday .4 May neat. bt IVVinni the hours r I and 4 r r , bring th•• Ith prox,mo, to elect mot Diteours to chemise the ;straits of tba exsTrfurr., t h r ,,,, 1. ' five tine year, three In reeve inn yews. and three hi serve three years. refooll. 1k h. , have siitoorribed, and van have paid up their irodattuento to full. eau call on the Preitident. L. B. Aupert, end receive their gertilitatel of stock. Kr order of the Board. V. C. Eflll. brerttary. lidoniouhisrp, April 17, 16n7. A s S It; NEE ' NOTICE. Tie first and final oceolint of ließion, in P.- i'liolnee, Assignee of Clinton and James Ittoritt, of Conyngliam Township, C o ha n . Connty, Nottec i. hereby Five/ that flatgataln P. FOrteltr Assignee°, Clinton rut buses Dewitt, at Cawing• hens l'uvreeltitt Cal. 17 n.. hove exhibited and bled In tile Court of Contemn Plena of said County, hie ac.- %gotta 111* Aepiatt ,, e as aforesaid. and tint caul a, count will he allowed it the seed Court at the Febritary T. !HI Preof. 1 , •67, I.lileos ratite be then bhoWn why account rltauld not be allowed. Jk7ek4K rrothunutary. Clnitinslitarg, April 17, iro. _ _ SIIERIFF'S SALE By Viotte of a writ of A!. 17•ndipev rtyoncr. in. ►lied out of the Court uf Cum..... pleas of Colton Lin County and to li n e directed. will lin exposed to puldie eala at the Court Mope. lit Ulikolso.latirli nn Monday the Sixth duo of May. 1007. ■t tow ii.eloca In I l awn...lL the follutt ing rai ebtate to wit ; A rerla rn lot or lot li.ta of grtrinil, ettuata in GrunaoloWit. In 0,11)1411nm l'nwitahip, Columbia County, coutouing fifty feet (milt and two hundred foot deep. boll Mkt, 011 the util; by the turnpike. on Ilia went and youth by land of the I.ocnyt Mountain Cool and Iron Company, anti on the nail by land,. of 14In react) Luso , , V. hereon In Litt:tad I log house with thr uppititenitneux. Poised,takonloexeeuticn and to bc sold al the property of Julia Carey, bAMUCL SNII/14,ellurig. Illooptoburig. April 17, Itkiy, CHAS. G. BARKLEY, Attorney at Law, BLOOMSBCRG, COLOMBIA CO., PA. (Mire in the Exchnny !Wilding. Fecund story. over eliglher & cuss $&OI, kictund duos above the Es• change 1in!,.1 Hinuinoburg. April 17, 1e.67. . _ L u IiER ! LUMBER! .4 nrw bunter 1m.,1 Ithomrdntrg, pun underelenud would rraperlftWly Inform Ihn4. w%ut of lumber LEW He 1311411101(.• bit.Mt keep, Y hand e annul r.nruty of building and l e arina in,terhl, at him trviacar. a short die thicAtaarthof the depot, Whieh lie nit.ri for eels at rec.uWable video. J etAIU V LEA . W.Pouoburg, June M. 18116. RANGEVILI E N 01131411, E3IIN `' ARV. The next Term nr this lust Itutiori will mown , . on Ittooday. April 13th Tuition per Tem or Cloven writhe, from N to «130. Burttiluti w good tantgli• • per week, $lOO. U. D. WALKER. April 10. 1P67-3i.Crinripai • 0 NEW ADVERTISEMENT& A 'I'LICANTS roe HOTEL, RESTAU RANT AND LIQUOR STORE LI UENS.M. Node° is hereby giveithat the following Enunrta hart - made appjbathin to the Pro turi of Coiumbilm county for Tavern,. t and Litittor rtfleenses to be grant rat thn coining y Vertu : Bloom. John Letnork, Tavern. do John F. Caslow, do do Geo. W. Manger, do do Bernard Stohner, do do O. A. Jacob* do do L. I). MentathalhLiti ; Store. do Wu'. IL Gihnore,E. louse. do John F. Callow, do do B. Stohner, do Beaver. John 8, Mann . , Tavern, do C. Shuman is, 80n, do Benton. John J. Stiles. do Biolviek. M. H. Gilchrist. du Brierereek. liideon G. Holder, do Catawisaa. llonry J. Clark, do do J. B. Kistler, du do Philip tiotsehall; do ' do J. P. Runyan, E. Home. do Levi Keller, do Centre. John Grover, Tavern. du IL H. Lohman, E. House. Centralia. A. W. Creamer, Liq. Store. do Thos. O'Connor, do do John Cannon, Tavern. do Henry A. Weidenosul, do do Stephen Horan, E. House. do Michael 0' Haire, do do Thos. Geraty, do do Sitnowil itiehard, do do Patrick Killeen, do do Hub' t Farrell, do do Mary Cliaptran, do Conynghatm P. T. 31' Kiernan, Tavern. du 'rhomas Monroe, do du Samuel Leihy, do Fisbingereek E. 1 1. na ngst, do Greenwood. Cornelius M 'Cam, do do Milton E. Cox, do do Joseph F. Long, do do 11 ii iii ',limy Parker, do 1 lendoek. )oho I I artm an, do Loca,t. Ludwig, Thiele, do do Jonitua Womer, do do John Kline, do do It•aao Rhodes, do Madim.m. K. A. Smith, do Maine". Samuel Vet tor, do d o Samuel Itimby. do Mifflin. Aaron Hems, do Montour. Ilea. 11. Brown, do d., Brown & Coleman, E. Howe. Mt. Plea , atit, 11, W. Melia, do )range. Jacob (load, do do John Snyder. do do Israel 31unimey, do Scott, Philip D. Keller, ~ do di, John Savage, do do William Bendel., do d o dohn Hummel,. E. House. do J. D. Hier. do JESS E COL E3I AN, Froth 'y. Prothonotary's ("dice, Illoondbure. April 10, lsC.7. i R 1 M 0 V A I, 0 F $2 80 110 •' 911 811 55 7 00 2 !0 2 50 $0 16 (K) :15 20 20 15 20 01.1 C. C. MARIUS STOILZ TO SHIVE'S BLOCK, rut s T DOOR A n i,vn AwmocßAT (wrier: Tim undersigned laving received tow the city a full and complete supply of SPR AND SUMMER 1)R V GOODS AND Tin wore, ❑nrdware, Ce dar and Willow Ware, Own, Confection erv, tilocoNVore. TntMO. nab , mod Folec, Floor, Solt. Fiat no 'Mod :all of wMcAt l I,Topon , 11045r0t, at a very low figure for cu4ll or tovolurv. kcr rail and i.e. C. c. amity.. filoonwlorwr. April 3. 1567, 011 A N EV ILLP 110 T 1 t COLUMBLt COUNTY, PENN' A ISRAEL MUMMEY, PROPRIETOR, (aIIICCEOROR l'O SAMUEL EVERRIT.I has lately taken charge of this well known and con. venleutly liwated stand. respectfully informs his old friando, no wall as new, and the pliblte in ' N o. / . al, OM his bou se so in complete order for the at' consmoilaston of tot•gritorn,Jn,l for the reception no ,1 oitertatuntent of travellers who may feel thopoond to favor lisiti ws:11 their custom. No expense has Men spared in preparing thus Hotel for the enter. toinment or Ru•ta, ono nolhoott sto it he wrilimi;. on his part. to intnioler to their personal comfort. The fuertion. as well as Ilse buntiont. Is a good ono, and all loirther so amply nttangon to plaase the public. ICI Ilia Uar will lawny, be Inruished with the hest of upsets, and his table with the twat the near• ken a thirds. ISRAEL 1111.1.11111 A April 3, NT EU' BAKERY AND CONFix vTi o N Y I.236oadatbadastlarmailboutt ON MIRE) STREET, BELOW MARKET, BLOOMSBURG. P.l. 3. F. FOX Propt Dior of Ono otuldinhawnt.wmfld reePorifollY whom hto old and lIOVI ruotoonoro. that ll ^ ua. ..V..r)tion4 fitted up at hie new stand to rn• 0111, him io ',union rh , an w rib tinr:.th, AND Ct tNi 11/11ERIEr. a, htronfor.:. hut wo.le err•tngtmeut for the *ale of Breed, with t% in. Eraomui, witu hoops a Contectuon• try thou• dlrvelly apposite THE "EXCHANGE BUILDINGS," %%heropcnnn■4/014 riot broad can be accommodated at all timed. Le. ell persona. who have been furni..ll ed with Ale. 1.1111../ Beer. and Porter, by ine whole, half, or NM call upon WILLIAM (11LVIottE. at 1.15 Aaloon in hives' Block, Main Street, ho I i Levii nothotize I by the undervigned to sell the lame. fly wel coo etnett) have a supply on hand. w•bialt o 11l he wit at the Ih we it mat bet rme, 1,. F. nee. In connection with hie Bakery and Cuu• iectlouttay., aticil up ((RIMY for the of ICE CREAM, to all who may favor him with their tuatont lie alao prepared to WSW., ICO Cr«ani in large ryonoti ties roi nubile or ...alai gatheiiiiga. as the ram in ty Iw. Everything p«rtauung to lila loopikaa oils rPreirt.wireful and diligent Ili twit tun . 71.• i 4• IP thankful tu hht rontuniera (.•1 pad la. tor,, and moat cordially nolo:1w a CUlfillttlaiire 0( th J. k•. lox. April I. 0 , 67. I yEIV 11 It I' 4 ; STOP' E! 'R I'', Pelt:Vitt to tilt many patent postman' Spoiling the cminiry. CAMPUJG ICE WI 111 13LYCESINS. 'delightful computind fee Whitening, Beautifying, ttertenlos the Salo, will reams. Tan, Freckles. and Blotches flow tho akin. is a certain retnedyler chap p e d and gaooru Lips and hand., and as an application to entail...es erupilon• it has no equal. C? trice, 36 coats per llos at HENDERSHOTT'S. "TONIC BITTERS," cont.ining mi whi,,k,,y or miter Intoxicating in• gradients. § pleasaut and effectual remedy for Dyr pel.siti, Lois of Appetite. Drhihty,Deraogementsof toe Liver, tat., etc, 91tY LT. 07' Pint Bottles .10 confirm:it at HVIDERBIIOTrii. "Balsam of Horehound," A safe. epeeily. and (engin rare for Congas. Colds Ifnaraenera, rte., etc.. atfurdnie turinediale relief in ell affceliona of the Tlaroat Image. It bus no equal. p , r Price 40 rent, at lIENULIIdIIOTTII. "Shampoo Liquid," Fox Cleemni the Mad. and removing Om: Dad• ruff, pi mit Ing Lose of Hair and 0111'14417 (lithe 11,6111, by removing the tetlee. u.j Puna. Eastiorri la CaIRO *1 HEN u. trp T' Forme,. ■ad lllinemen- `.epruin snd Sweeney Llnimeni"--Tire mast eirlearous applies. l You in use for Ppreins. tlw.dltnF, /truisms Spevln, Kins-None, tlpnnj.Halt. Foundered F. tialls, Mange, ete„ etc, Vries. SO cants per Settle at II DEISSI1071"13. All tits above preptirationa prepared pals. sad /or oats, by 11BNIMUSHOTT. April 3. %Liu Oreot, Olootubburg. GROCERIES, "OUR OWN" N CWI•U) Y g RISOMMONT O.ONI O ECTIONERY STORE A D 1r Al= USILfaiTZ. STOHNER & WIDMEYER, MAN UFACTURRIId UP I lain'and Fancy Confectionery, DEALIIIIII IN FOREDIN FRUIT AND NUTS, EXCHANGE BLOCK, UN MAIN MOM BILOOMMURG, PENVA. °SASSES, LESIONS, SAPINII, PRUNES, BRBAD CAKE'S Or ALL KINDS fry- All Ort/Pfil promptly ottoodull to, .41 Iloilo, mitered Wu camartnaralilp will stmt./nue the linking and Conictilonery business at the Uhl Stead. In all its brnucbco, 'their esperiunce in Uniting, and manufacturing all Minds of Candle*, warrants them In shying tbst tbe public absll ACCONMODATEI) with everyohloar in thole ilde, upon the molt ma. lineable and acceptnble tennis Finials and private hardline can be furnished wail nquil Vivid Weed each day by WWI at Digit' ss!ab• lirtuttent. Condleo will bo mado end furnished in large or malt quanitteo, to bus perollisiero, at WHOLESALE RATES. Retail Sealers throughout the country will do well to give them ace!! before purcha.ing elooorbere, They bore, in connection with their Confectionery Store, en a Ts 31 (f 1 where they intend to nerve oat lee errant during 00*u:other utonehe to all who may favor thorn with their tandoat. Thy will tar prepared to mike nti lee Cream forpartiee. *TOWNER k WIDVEYSfi. Illoontahtint, April 3, MP= A 80 L E R'S t • BOOT AND SUDS STOKE, [orPosITE Eriticuent. talUitCad On Main Street, Bloomsburg. 'rho orbotsibor taken pluton in announcing to t, pOITie vt hlnont.tng. and vicinity, that be hat on hand a him: and Ant nonntunent of BOOTS AND SHOES, for !whet' Rad gentlemen's wear, to alai all !Nucleic Me city work to 44( tttn beet vadat', sad troat the tuna reliable asaauractureta ; he being a practical workman and a 4100410dg.. of he is not litely to he opponent upon by receiving wxrrUiKxx materiel badly made up. Thow desiring anything in lax line would do well to give him a call, before purchasing elnewhere. Ite wile GOOD ARTICLE, and at yrteeit to suit pum.haaeta. All yollong who dame light 4.1 t ilenVy work made to 0 14h4 4,410 he OCColl4ololiktOli at hill 4,444k110iii11 , it. at Alto, mum - u 4 win be due with oeutue.d and &sport*. Au elegant aloortuunt a Ladle* 81,04 and Auto. mer oimee on band, A. dt.iLLEDIA. Apt ti 3, 1?!.,67. G MOUNT° TELEG RA I'IL A FAVILY AND AN Agricultural Journal, lhaeaut at Chum. Lite rater., ,ineidtrr Pootry, Novelettes, Tides, nod Moral end Notertastig Road* ant, gociocally. la the Literary Permanent We shall plooont the eholeciat saratios %man the reach of our extended moans 'Cho Novelettes, Tea., Poetry, etc supplied flout tit , belt and highest tour. ces und be equal to anything to be 1010 W in soy journal or mecteeme. Agricultural and 'furtiveDural. eintitarina Cann-. int% Gardening, Fruit raising. etc. Our Woos in tiny ditpartmeht fur ever thirty years, have met the cordial approbation fit that public. Our purpose ban bete to lutni.h useful end reliable information open these very important branches ei indent', and ii protect them so far an within our power apaioet the Wee dor woes and tarnish purpoote of the many cispiiirs and nensation adventurers by whirl' the former to incessantly assailed. This portion of the Cog IMO./ 0t414 Tel Tei.ceanru is alone worth the price id stittioniptien, IS LW et litP A RTMENT, , the nurse Industry, elf* 1111 d liserirrunation 01 {fathering and preparing the starlit, events itt the day, expre.nly tor this taper, winch ' hitherto brie burn one of no marked reniercs end guru U7l/1e1 , 41/ soonstarti,m, will be cow tooted with red until efforts to meet the increasing demands el the public. TEltlittl.—Tom Miura amd flay tents put annum. No olifern received without the cash, and nit sun. scoptlints stepped at the end ~t• the time paid for d peciiiitins numbers tent, Address Nil LIP It. PREAS. Editor and Proprietor, April 3, ilerniantewn, COUUT PROCIAmmoN. WIIEREAIf. the Hoe. tYpt.tgair Creolden udge ofthe Court of Oyer and Termitic'. mod lieu oral tail Delivery. Cmsrt of Quarter Sessions of the Peace and Coact of l'onninon Pleas and Orplittn'srotirt in the lNh Judicial District. compared et ronaties MColumbio.Siollivan and Wyoming nod the lion. train Derr and Peter K. Ilerbein. Asen'atelaages of Coition. hie Co glare issued their prerept.bearing date the :bib day of Dec. to hie year of our Lind tole 111i041050141 eight hundred and Mir end In ine directed for holding a l'ourt of lye! alaTeriosioser mid Dencral Jail delir••ry, General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Comoaun Pleas and Orphan's Court. in Bloomsburg. in the comity of Columbia. on *hellion Monday. ,heing the Gib day) of lbw sell. le emollient. one we:L. — llintoce is hereby giv•yro. to the. Coroner, the Justices of the Peace and Constables of the said county of col. mobil. that they he then and there in honor proper per. aou at 19 o'clock in the forenoon of,,ajd day with th eir fet.Ortte, iuyuisillwl. and ulber reniellibrilllCO to do those 'biog. with to their to be done. And those that Rio Imuildhy ierieziegan c e, tll prosecute against the prisoners that are or ma Le in the Jail of old enmity of ounds.' to be 1114111.1111 tbore to proml• 41114 term as shall bejort. 311f1re are requested Wha punctual lu then cittritilniier.ogrernhly to their notice., WWII at ttloouuborg, Ma VIII day of Mareli• L. S. on they ear ni out o n e thousand cigUt hundred and Inti 7. and in the ninetieth year of the independence of the rioted Slater of Aerie*. ( GuD NAV& Tilt ) SAMUEL SNVDE.II., Sheriff. Illooniel girt. April 7. .447. G l{ AND JURORS FOR MAY TERM, 1807. Bloom—gndfew 1 1 11‘4140n Hi )41TrecK —l•Tiall Iklwer. Hero, Ile r , vi. k —John Me loaei. Benton—l. K. liriCKhClllll. l'ei.tre-B,initel 11. ("mw. Comynghani—Duniel T. M.:Korean Fislionscreek—Darld Savage, George M. llov.cll. Jackson Ale. Greenw,bid—llioruphrey Parker. Hemlock —Peter Brugler Jackson—Robert Eiger. MI. Yleassot—Hatti4l Vati44r4lire, Elias flowell, altSon—Aartni Mooeller. John 0. Angle, Main--Aaron Thlter . Purse. Conns—Shodrick Eves. Roaringcrenn—Abrehant Nearer. Siogorloaf—Whesler Moab*, Richard Kilo. fiIItAVERSE JURORS FOR MAY TERM, 1,7. Bloom-4008h 11. Furman, 14111111 W. Hartman, 'Phones J. Wenner 11 roarcreck--Enos L. Adams. John rester, jr. Hearer--Chas. P. Mann. Nathan thedhender, Na than Beedhender, sr. I atsiviiPty—Johil Mani, Maul Pederolf. fronkton—George hart noon. Piphinurreek--YPin. Ash. Philip Appleortrn. Grectinllllll--litrliell Mrtllolnt. 3.11111 Mute!. hemlock—Hugh W.l4elleynelds. Andrew J. 11;nn melt, teams Pureel. Wm, 11. Shoemaker, WW. Win terodesto. Jowl Itela 1, v4A 1.1.-- peter Moller. Jacob heroin. Mifflin -John C richer. Montour—lsaac Mowery. Harlulll Samuel Riniby.ir, Mi. Pleasant—Peter Ilitoperoited. Oransu -Jesse Hrunlitetler. Yin, Ira Yawl. koarinscreet--1.149101 Rorie. Scott v iolin Sim non. A 0 Thornton. Sump a rms. Hoarye IST OF CAUSES FOR TRIAL AT MAY TERM, 1867. I IV) halo L Lance. ye Alfred Onion.% et. SI. lieolamin Zan and wife vs. William Skim's.* 3 Edward Refiner T. Thu Locust Mountain Coal& Iran Company. 4 X. Chamberlin use vs elolak D Edger. Jacob Reniley is cetowissii Rail hoed Company. of Dewy P. Ness vs Horner h of licrerick. 7 Eli Jone• e. Mile' C Abbott 8 Wright Ilughe• vs Peter Miller 9 Jonathan Entitle vs Wright Hughes. HI Mary I. Green re Robert of Howell. et sl. 11 John Laverne, vs. Varney McHreerty. 11 havid Yeager. vs Clinton Dewitt. et al. 13 John W. lawher v. Peter S. hi.hel, 11 %Cooley & Pune vs John W,Lescher 15 Elm holm Hoe s ■ Sainuel Rooms, idol 1. le Phoebe M,y, vs satiny , ' Kruine, adon'r. 17 William A Mao v* James. Dyke. 18 Sy! whird C. Green'. AdonCe. Jacob ro, Ensue vs Milliard C. Green's Adorn'', • sa 1. P. Pinseher, vs laser Vatter 91 Jacob A. *wisher, vs Abel Thoerms. 0,1 Jacob A. Swisher, vi K ,chard Lyon., 10 Douse ilrown. as Leonard ilonainan. 31 Wni Hoagland, vs H•rncy Menu:arty. 33 /MO* Steekhouni. vs Thou. elackhouse Eats, tM Joseph Loney. vs Peter Maine'. 117 inroad k Drown vs A. Cravenly. Deborah Dean, Ve Owen 1.. Dean. I IV Edward McCall, at al vs John Bwrenry . 30 Clark Steward k wife vs Ir. C. Cleaver. ' 31 Yraaklfa Yocum, ve Wa.T. Ilidman. MI Win. reason. et al Ys Simon C. Shiva_ 33 Jeha P. Otrohnoyer. vs Sam Neybort 1 33i James Gramm ell MiCbClll Psalm, Tt al NEW SPRING STYLES, "Om OWN M Endiroring from Now rind ii.iirobla lOW al 4111rpre 0f.14,41163. ad Trail and p 4 V I 334. 33 4.1133 34, and 4 yard. round WO and ono, Wolof. : in aver tospott FIRST QUALITY, find earimielly adapted to meet the want* 0 Clasp see moat fashionable Trade. otter own Make." or Noon dkirts, ore li store otiose, wore durable. and Really Cheops 'ry other maltd of either vino, ur huto4.l Akin in the American Merket.llhoy tile Warr In every tweet, and wherever intrndeasd giv venal satildialion. They ern now being amen sold by 'Whalers, and every Lady should try • Ask Mr "HOPKLN'S OWN MAKE," and see th4t soh Shirt is Stamped W. T. liop Mernifeetnter. MO An* Street. Philadelphia.' other* are Oentilio At:analogue einiteining NMI and Retail Priers, seat to soy stillmmo. A ORM and tainfril diAtuttin 11110 Wed 1,0 Me_Mets dere by Or otherwise. promptry 4a. care hoed. Wholesale and Retail, at Manufactory tale rooms, No MS Arch *Met, Phifedelphia. Muria made to order, altered and repaired. Terul, Net Shish Oise Price 0 March MI. 117—likno, Wit T. ifOrKiN. MANHOOD: HOWLOST, Now RE S TOR EO. aapJ INT putiliehed, in a sealed e lope. Price ii tante. A lecture on odium treatment and radical ear , fintinual Weakest,* or lipermatoth indu ce d by gulf-Abuse ; Involuntary EinidOlione. rdetyry. Nertfoll4 liability nod. luirdinseats littlyinge Wet idlY I o)hotittipt ion, It . poopoy, Fits ; Mental and Physical incapacity. Sze. notion J. Culverwell. M. Do MUM), of tits 'tit 011.011,' Ata, The world renowned author. la this admirable I tore, clearly proves from his own experience, 1 the awful cintscluences of Helf.Abufte may be et ually removed without Medicine. end without mune magical operstione, bouyiee, tularemia rings, or cordials. pointing out a mode of rot OUCV o , lltiall nod effectual, by which every mac no matter what hie condition may be, miry c himself cheaply, privately sod radically. This I tare will prove c boon to thatiaande and Cowie tient under mt: to any address, in a plain coven on receipt of six cants, or two pomp, ..too Also 14. CLIIV.:IWVII'10 1411111M46 0U141440611.1115 co Addrees, Clint*. J. C. KLINE it CO IV Bowery. New Volk, P. O. box Cis' Feb. 13, led7.—ly Pearl& Co. LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST. NEW (MAAR PURIM H• BATES Itesperthilly oforms the pub*, generatly that has opened tt tirst-Oess CHAIR ESTABLISHMENT in Illoomottord, nn Maio Street, (opposite Say& 11,1 where he has jast received Sus Philattopl, lutgn +Hint/Meta nt Bumus, Stands, ROCKING CHAIRS, NURSE DUAIDS, CANE SEATED OHM Arm Chbint and Woodsor Chairs, all or which he Pete to the public fit o.4.unab le utietC Cane treated Chews platted to order, also otb,r hmrl aP tepntring done upon rinumnable ten lion`t toil to give him a cull and secure peat b galng. Illeninsburg, Noe. 7.1864. T 1.1 A' A ' rfoTEL, ;THE UPPER 11011M1 Orangeville, Columbia Co., p The rtubscriber respectfully ihfurbut hie frienths end the public, taut he has takeu the abate w,4l known !NH JSE or ENTFAT.IINJIRNT. and will he pien,rd to rerely. the iitistinti of atl w will flour him ir oh a ra:l. He will keep A 6000 'TABLE, ar.ar writ ith the beet of Liquors, a churl Will Da made to reader entire setter, JOHN SNYDER Orangeville, Match 20, IN7. W 11i f' AND PMINE Fortlnt to grow upon the smoothest rate in frr three to five weeks by wool Ur, eftrvi gne , o Lwow/ ennillaire. the most wonderful discove in modem ortroo*, acting upon the Beard and tit in en sinter wanner. It has been Oil by the elite or Parts and London with the most d' teeing success. Stows of all purchasers will registered. and if entire satlefuction to not tiros money will be cheerfully rerun ed, Pin , : by mail, muted and postpaid, $l. Ut criptirre circulars and trrtitnaniahr matted free. A dress HI $ll errs At, Chemists, itivot Street. Tray, N. Y, Pole agent* for t . United rttates. {Fel. C, NEW HAI It DI:ESSE% SALOON A N.V. , Hair Cuiting, Shaving. sad Dying Salon des beew uprise,' Ili Lae Frame Building, Bloomebur nn Court ll.oten /Mee. 'into, nll kinds of pork the b,,,%,!ring tints *III be nestle and promptly tend. 41 to. flair work minufortored to order. 1.44106 wushl their 11Alf 411,11 Nd in Wistertal'. or otherwise. 141 or willosit emelt. will lie atteudod to by a lady. separate aparto•oohe. Mardi Va. kka. vritusTEE ACCOUNT OF THE E ?1,. of Franklin Crereling, a boat; All Persona indebted wttl take notice that itarou Crevrling. Committee of Fraokiln Creirelint, a I now, her filed hie first !Won nt of the Ru m.g, e of the anode of the maid lunatic wall the 1%1111011 tavy of the Ca ott of Common firun of the County Coluothia. and OM maid account will be presented the Jo,lees of the Court of Common Naar of an Goonty. Inc the lieurinkontl confirmation on Tueed the 7th day m hl..y new Jl3etB6 COLENI ANT. March 27. MO %v. Prot EXECUTRIX'S N (yr cE. .1« , 11(tir n j .loh It ehelrntao, fleeeattert eraL.A testionentary on the roost • of John Cha man, late of Centralia Iloroulgi, CnhtNJla Count have tweis ranted by the Register of said Count to Mnry l'hopoinn and Maria Ann Hagerty, both Ceutrdia llornelth. and County aforesaid. All p sous has mg elating again*t the estate of the d dent or; re.ineoled In pr./pent Mem for gettleiner and those indebted to the estate will wake mule to the undersigned without delay. AtAltY CHAPMAN. MAMA A. HAUERTY (7i:0111111a. lreh.o..lll , —Gw Ritualists ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE In.ttetn of adminletratlno on the •state of Jose Mewl. Isle of Om.loaf .n• n•hip. Colombia eou 17. deceased. hat* boos granfrd to It. M. Edward Lame County. All persons having claim• again the estate ate replevied to Nun,l th. ni in duly thesticeted. and those kousiln g thrum.' ti;fl indebt to the ee•ale will wake pipit nit In tin. nifini /I uo int 'tithe:it agog. R, R. (AIWA Blitt. March 17, 117—tlar FOIL SALE, TUE tpat..rtiber witt sell a first tate Two-tioßsE CARRIAGE, Dearly new, in Food cmittkm. upon 1 " 11 " 1/: porponable turn's. It I. mu: o • Dunlap's ata e l'hlkitlelphia. There in TII EE SEAT 54 • in ,ha good top, utTd to *.•ll Onintird. f be .ern at the etohlu. of the undertogned, on Ir strert, iwiow Third. Iltoom.burg. G. rcu trcn s iTcb : 83RATCH Mann ! OCZA Tc WHEATON'S OINTMEN Will tare The ltdi-WAS Rours. A l.o coreil T ime ras PLAINS, mlll4ll ERUPTIONS Or TIIR SKIN. "ri SU Yor Flak by l Druggidic By oreniling cense [ft %i 6 61Int P 0111146 Ade Agent,. 170 W initon street, Norton. II will bo torwhr.led by Ina Mite of pomade. io any peel of Use United States. June 6, lecti —ly. _ DR. W. H. BRADLEY, (Late Asniniant Modltnl Di sector U. S. Army.) rhydcian and surgeon. tr - ()trio , st nloomilmrx Pa. Call. promptly atlt•mtvd to befit MVO end dot). Illmtmoblirg, Nov DRUGS, DRUGS, DRUGS. Purr dirinri., at John R, Mn% era PHI; Pin r of Main and Marlin Idirceia. A good went of PURE DRIIICOI, bledlonro. Paint.. Oils and Varnl.hoa, alt4t , be , d. end well be sold cheaper than at any oto Dri Store In term QUALITY GUARANTEP.P. l'rrerriptione eanohtily compounded at bin! , Drug Stnre. Ayer. end Jaynes Medreinee mold at \]o) pt rtor,, wiaaaft.e Tar Vordlel. !label's Cad Livor Warrekna's *nothing bytup, mold at coyer',. Store. Far any reliable patent medacinao, call at M' Drug ntnte. Leather nt all kindit, wbofroale aad retail, at J Mayer. tintstltnre, lillanobiluse, F. may 1 . woo. —tt. 12M192 /Aeon L. GIRTOsi