Bloomsburg democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1867-1869, April 17, 1867, Image 1

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    VOL. XXX].
President Judge --lion. IViDiem Elwell.
Ameilta Jud g es— I b r oTer De lf r . 'llerbein.
Proth' y and Crk of Courts—Jesse Coleman.
Register and Recorder—John G. Freese.
Allen Mann
Comudsmionere— John P. Pow' ler,
Montgomery Cole.
Treasurer—John J. Stiles
Daniel Snyder,
Auditors— L. B Rupert,
John P. llannon. '
Commissioner's Clerk—Wm. Krickbsum.
Commissioner's Attorney—l:, IL Little.
Nercantile Appraiser—Capt. Geo. W. Utt.
County Surveyor—lssao A. Dewitt.
District Attorney—Milton M. Traugh.
Coroner--William J. Ikeler.
Comity Superintendent—Chas. G. Barkley,
Assessor Internal Revenue— IL P. Clark.
John 'lleums,
13• B
Assistant Assessor— J . fil tu,
J. S. Woods,
Collector --Benjamin '. Hartman.
osi m PTIMWT. 4Vt Lir OrroPITS
iiTua C.) 111.0oMAUU Rl, PA.
TIIC undersigned by list Sired up. end opened.
►le Dos
In OH place. where he Is proposed to make up new
Tit W lOW of II kinds in 01e line, en 4 do reltslf•
with itenineiw and dilp i tch, upon the Mill mi.
imitable. Irma, !kitten keeps no hand HTIW
minus patterns and style*, which his will sell upon
tome I.lll,llollrtlioW/F.
Mire He Is* gaol inechenle. and de•
serving of .be utaric patronage.
ilrineasbnii, Sept 9, 11114.-17.
TM usdersignod le 'bon Stung op a
at she PENS ruRAFAcK mll,l end wly ear s ., to
(tie public COE lILINDIJED 7 Wig LlEalt
Novia Scotia While Plaster
prepared ready far Gee in sysanlliie , to pad paralyse
ere, at ally time tram the tires of .W4rch neve
J. A1c71114111.
Eutaw less,
J. V, 1867.
at .p.afilly inform the pnblic thee be Is novr . pra-
Mord to manufacture an kinds of
at the LOWEST Possible Prim ;
Menet make end in the very heel end imvat Motet
Gitton, (110 ie in ninntuaburv.) ha
had mane peo' or auccesafni esp. rlr are vrnh
Marten far r laterrity 40.1 h anm am, xl
i 43 tl ,aarmoted.
E? rive * f bu.ittots nn Paint, Emit Carnet Of
Sam and Iron etrveta, over J. K.Utcones eiturv.
Blammaburg. Or. hi.
GEO. W. iIIArGER, Proprietor.
The above well-known hotel lino recently vow.r
feat retircit ehangee in it* intermit orrnomtuwoto,
and ire Pronrietnr atwouocz pin Incur ir tmotoo.
stet the trowelling public that ht. cent nitteniationo
for the comfort of hie sweats ire eernnd 10 IW , ill
th. Coodry. 14141 table will alway* be (oue,l cup
ant null with subetantiel food, but with ol
the delimiting of the eea•on. witie cud lileeri
iexeept that pointlar beverage known e• •Afr&eery .'
pureheited threat from the 'reporting hotteeo. ere ell
tiroiy pUte, and free frr molt boteimetie drug*. we
to thankful for a liberal patrehajte In the pie, cod
writ guntillue tq titisertre it in the Attune.
tet:Olettei W. MAULER.
.llunc 13.18643.—a
TIM undersigned wani4 nowt reaparthilly an.
Winos* to the politic generally. that he is prepared
to exertit.. *ll liithlo or aleit'lllNEKY. at Jilet:PH
141.1mteLes ,. rikusuitY.lo ttloewtsharx. 'whom h.
en* *basso be twilit rawly an .10 aII kiwi* of Pli4it
thrhohnla Threlihing Mu holey, mot in .hort, all
'DO. Of Foram)* rt. nstla. ALAI I, YUAN! Ani t)
111,0111 an short nutter- in it howl WOrkU.llolike wau
nor. upon the moat reasiiiiithi, Ii•r$11411.
Hir itht; ettleflt.PCie to the bowinota ea foremen In
the shop of heWis H. Maas uf this playa, Inc over
noon year*, warrants tofu in stylopthot ho cant NO*
entire sstottactota to all who MAO iiiV4lf Iwo with
Own work.
Blononburi, N0y.411. letiG.
Civil Engineers and !strut &Akan's,
No, 433 W A 1.% T 1,111 ,
DATenrresaliciteit—Cansultatinns on finaineerins
firanotting and liketchesortrilele and Illnaiiseir
sfl kinds Issas and skil'utly attended It riperi , d
Ittention given tn . Reit-Cad, 1114Wel 1144
Pi:4lO4OA Anthentic envies dr ail Documents
from Patent *lake procured,
N.8.--davit yours. Ives sseirl4a tenable and tray.
mina nailarivoa as titers is no acinat iti.ed tar pers o n.
'I 'memo w with tic All bueinusa with there
rcs can se transacted in writins. Fitt farther turns
station ntrect ae atddra, vita 'damp enclosed fur tar.
Satyr with interstices.
April id,
IIM, subscriber having purchased Uri .riallaa
!ladle." la
LOCK 111 WEN, Pa.,
'warm, of L W. Blear Ern., woul4 Pay to AP
Menden( Me Ilthlaa, hie eeptaintaneee. end the het
He overarm Hy, that he intrude In 'keep a Hotol,
with the acrannlnodallOng and teleran, of a HealOC
any Ellinallly @Omits their patronage.
Totten' . the ?Aileen Hoaw, rb Haeriptsla.
Lori Haven. Her, ittwietitt.
Weill 4 ennatnre to the leetett nl Illeemeberg end
the Plaine Iltenerittly, hint she bask's; received from
Use eastern moles bee
0 10 tipting awl Summer
Tina for
eneeimi•g of an article a morally found In first elev.
11411f1Otry Marv*. ii, monde are of the WWI •o.Hty
and SUMO" the moat handsome owl Cheapen in the
enarert. Coll end eletrallle them for youreeltee
Nobody ebould porehose before . 2411 1 1, 1
ing Mien reterwau`e et. 411 el ennui" Boorifort chide
ordai, rin the ohorte4 Oat IC& or repaired.
*ton on Nato woo. 3d tier below the store of
lilendebball # lapert.
aleeetatiorit, May —if.
Main Suva, beloto the "American House,"
11111001111111110, PAII”
Veers he liecpc en band, end fornlahrs In lie beam
sad soseloy trade, at Melatlesphis (swig) prises,
maim IMO 1111 1 0141%ii MAR all Knots of
Ob, eflereelada , sad trio r Wuod rim end all
erl" nathge:3 In
reale e 4 la alters sad chyle.
wield de Welt er isle 1114 , a cali le
is mites le eis cities tar mu steels they
meet Miss seelenr WIN*
/ . 111111-3 a
iis , l, , 4 4 ' ' 4 T• 5, ' '%!,
, •
~ _ • .y,
I .111.
I 1
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11 1 1 4 I
R G * I'.'l
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floomoburg Paton4t.
U 1.003151113110, PA., BY
Trokis,-t!! 00 in ailsrayess. If did paid artihin
dl X atiolliTlll l l, ba f•nl•additional will he 0har44.1.
U. 7" No pap., illaroallodad distil 411 liffellfirell
WO paid cacao as this op lon of the editor.
11111 CONSTITirrit 4 011114111.
fine 411110 all . 4 0. PI Ow In•orilion•
keery alinitaidant disertion lama time la.
VAC& IM. 214 3M. Mr.
One square, 0.0 300 I 4.00 I 0.00 I 10 10
'Two entieree, 3.0 0 5.0 I 0,00 I 0,0 0 I 14.00
Thy Ht. •• 5,00 7.00 0,50 I I '.t4 I tomb
rmir retort*. 0.10 0,4 100 , 0 I # 4,00 I 90 Oa
Bair etliiittitt.l WOO 4 Isoo 14,001 lIX Ott I : , 0 00
one eulnonn, 145 00 Ito 00 ibt 00 130,001 30m0
Ezeenfore I , llo# Administrator l e Notice . 3,01
Anditoe. hotter— .•. ...... ,the
4 41 hp, sit werti.ealeisit insetted iceording to optctul
istioiliou 'tinker, without adveni‘ement, twenty.
Col or per lone.
n.lyerslarment. pnynhlo In 101111110. eA
other. dtpe “11. r I br flrrl limper, 1011.
(17" IP 'ICE -In dliivei Work. Cor.of Main daft
lion Illrertr.
Along A road two Irish lads
One FUlllikier'h day were walking,
And all the whi:e, with laugh and shout,
In lively tdia'n were talking.
About the fair, about the girls,
Awl who were bust at dancing;
While at each pretty face they met,
Their eyes were brightly glancing.
And as they strode for many a mile,
They grew in time quite frisky,
And now and then, from lip to lip,
They passed the darling whiskey.
At lenith, before them in the hedge,
The rondAde view commanding,
They pIINV, it's white sides lettered o'er,
A wile stone lonely standi ng.
They tend nut] quickly doffed their hats,
With rorrow in tl'e;r Nees;
Then turning with reverential awe,
They stepped back several Nees,
"Speak low, we're neartbeilead,"saidone
"ilia grave we'll not be troublin ;
An old man sure 1 100, and
Ilia name is Miles from Dublin!"
Yankee skill is perpetually at work de
vising and perfecting ingenious mufti; ilneCo.
both useful and orns” , o-f-f
voc:d and stands aghast with ad
miring awe; and when it is supposed they
have reached the acme of their sublime in
venting power, the entire universe is again
startled with the announcement that the in
dumitable Yankee has discovered something
a thousand-fold morn wonderful, than was
ever hi tore dreamt of in inan's philosophy.
The latest invention of this kind that is our
province to chronicle is of the nature of a
piece of marine machinery, but which will
obviate the necessity of steam, and will at
the same time do away with the masts, thus
discarding the sail. proper, and yet receiving
the wed% e power from four fans or tails of
canvas ; in short, the invention is nothing
more nor less than a windmill shipOthe
machinery of which is very simple and
easily kept in repair.
An upright tower, seven feet in height
from the disic, composed of wood, and hol
low in the middle after lb fa-hion of a pump,
contains an iron rod, which is attached to a
revolving heal un the top of the tower, and
running through this pump or tower to a
erosw bar resting across the keelson, where,
by the means of two mitre wheels working
at direct angels, a direct acting shaft is made
to turn an ordinary shaft is made to tarn an
°Miner: propelling wheel. The rod is con
fined to its proper place in the centre of the
tower by means of journals. Capping the
tower are two mitre wheels working on the
revolving head, and through this head plow s
the counter shaft to which the wind-mill is
attached. These fans furniii the motive
Nevi., and are composed of four oak frame ,
in the form of a common window frame, the
space in the centre being occupied with
canvas;, working an iron rod, which by means.
of halyards leading to the decks can be reef
ed at will. A reversing motion is obtained
from a double wheel on the propelling shaft.
and working I y a clutch leading aft to the
e';-pit. An iron rod leading from the
revolving head to the deck, and held there
by a set screw, and working on a segment of
a circle on the deck, enables the navigator
to lay her as close to the wind as any ordi
nary tailing vessel.
The credit of this invention belongs to
Captain John Powell, a native of Brooklyn,
who is now engaged in building a small ves
sel, about the size of the famous Rod White
and Blue, to be worked on this novel prin
ciple, in which he proposes taint passage
for Europe about the middle of June next.
The diniinsions of his vessel will be as Ibl.
lows: Length, twenty-six. feet; breadth o:
beam, revers feet ; and depth of hold three
feet. In the ease of storms be can easil,
reef or take in his sails, and heave his yes.
eel to, with a drag. Captain Powell tech
confident that he can make between six and
seven knots per hour in an ordinary breeze.
—New York Herald.
air It is an old eying, that charity be
gins at home ; but,this is no reason it should
not go ebroad, a man should live with the
world as a skim et' the world, be may have
plortatuion for the particular quarter of
square, or ever alley in which be lives, but
but be should have a generous feeling for
the whole.
OW Some men often pat me in mind of
half-bred horses, which often grow worm in
proportion is yen hod end sure les them for
w. n . pirolllr.
Rinotirburg. Callunioll Ownly. Pa
Adana a
[For the Dement.]
It seems to be a characteristic of man
to regard the past. as being more pleasant
than the present, and particularly so ht re
gad to the seasons; although there may be
some exceptions, and we thank heaven that
we happen to be an exception. Wo have
lately attended the obsequies of the last of
the four children, that belonged to old father
time ; and we are glad that they are dead
and buried ; not, but wo have had our cn•
joymenta ; not but wow they have brought
as enjoyments, and made us happier than
we have ever been before. But we believe,
that the sorrows of any round of seasons,
that has over been, will quite blame the
enjoyments ; therefore in the coming seasons
we hope that the enjoyments will over•hal
ance the sorrows, and ►n*ku us happier than
we have ever been before.
.. 8 4
. .. 30
However let us consider the put for a
moment, review the 801130135, and note sonic
of the traits in each.
Spring was born a cross squalling litle
brat, knocking off our hat, and catching one
in the hair with one Itmnl, and hutting
snow, hail, or rain in our face with the other.
But as she grows older she becomes by
degrees as gentle as a lamb, but we fear she
will always be changeable in her temper ;
because some days she cheers us with her
smiles, and makes us think that we are en
joying as much happiness, as Adam awl
Eve did, while they retained their state of
purity. But man is doomed to disappoint
ment;. because the Sun may have set
beautiful, and the sky may be clear, and
every prospect for a pleasant day on the
morrow,—but what? something through
the course of the night seems to have
ruffled the temper of Spring. And the
first salutation in the morning is our hat
off, over the fence into a ten-acre field, and
we after it; but, it is no use, the wind carries
it five times as fast as we can run, and lodges
it in the north-west corner of the field ;
but on we go as fast as we eon run with our
hands on our head to keep the remaining
hair that has not been lhrmsi from our
cranium, and blown away with the hail and
snow, that were vowing in torrents from
the sky to the earth. Our hat secured we
return to the house. determined not to Ven
ture 7,y inwe oot,i we can ne m oue del
we will not loose our hat, say nothing about
our head.
And is it au wmaler, that we view 81101
liners with mingled dread and awe ; when
the god of day veils his face, that he may
not behold the obstre7,erousness of this
young hopeful wpring. But we said a short
time nee that spring's temper was change
able, and so it is, for by the next morning
or two, the sun will with-draw his veil and
put on a cheerful smile; while spring is
wrapt in tears, 1 suppose fur her bad con
duct, and as we are always willing to for
give a true penitent, we will suppose spring
is sincere, and forgive her, and view the
brighter side of her temper. Two, three, or
four, such times and her temper becomes mild
and gentle, and instead of being clothed
with sheets of ice and snow, and emitting
ruin, hail and ,-new front the clouds ; we see
her decked with every dye and tint of which
the various flowers are copiposed, and' send
ing us the warm tool gentle showers, that
gladden and cheer the heart of the farmer,
and forces a smile on the most erabid old
man to think of the beautiful harvest these
gentle showers and lovely days will bring
hint who is a stranger to a smile at most
other times. But who ran he'p smiling, or
even enjoying an old farliioned laugh
think that the squalling little brat with
which we had to deal a short time ago has
become a lovely girl ; possessing, all the
beauties and virtues that a fallen angel can, with a wreath of flowers in one
hand and boqinet in the other, to welcome
her successor not seemingly aware that she
must pass away and be no more just beibre
he is formed.
Spring we think is formed in poverty,
with a very bad temper, dies in still greater
poverty, having an even temper, and is
berried in beauty.
Summer is burned a sorrowful child and
often weeps and tometimes tellowi like a
real booby. We can give no good reason fur
his doing to, except that although he is
lammed in beauty, and gets all the flowers
that his sister prepares for him, and even
more ; still he is bornel in poverty not
having the substance that his *ire yielded,
his predecessors having consumed all, and
yielded nothing but flowers and fair promises
in return ; and we supposehe makes this ads'
about his poverty. But he does not sit •
down to weep, hut goes to work striving to
replace the bounties that his predecessors
have consumed, and provide for his sweet
surs as assiduously as if he expected to sur
vive to help enjoy them ; but h 3 seems no ,
Fully to understand that be cannot until
he is taken like a man in the pr Mme of lilt•
and hurried into an untimely grave. But
what he was unable to do on account of hi•
untimely d oath, Autumn steps mit the arena
with a ?tram txmai it tion ; and an arm new
for the work, and sets himself at gather•
ing and storing away the riches that Semmc,
labored hard to make. Although Summer
was taken away in the midst of life, and hir.
de stlt .sworssi r.trhsr tmtirrsl7, rtill wc don't
know but we were somewhat Imo in saying
that he died before his work was done ; be•
cause we believe he bad finished Fail work,
and all that was his place or duty to do—he
had stored sway the richest of hiit
which rightly belongs to him, leaving nut mho
to mature said puller the remainder. But
let us take one more look at Bummer ; after
eue et' there beautiful July showers; when
the am veiled his from and Summer had
sv LO
one of his whimpering spells, after which
the run with-draws hie veil, and looks cheer
fully upon Summer's tears, or in plain words
the sun smileswhileSummer weeps. After
which we see the golden harvest waving to
and fro, as if it was beckoning the reeper to
make haste, and gather it while in bloom :
We also see the green Indian corn tower
ing high above the walls or fences which
protect it from the intrusion of those which
would gladly invade the rights of their
master by sealing the walls; and nipping
the young suckers end even the shoot that
is destined to be the ear if protected from
the old brindle cow, the little red bull, and
a halt dozen tninhieveua coke ; all of
which are anxiously awaiting an opportunity
to harp romp through the corn, oats and
But we hope Autumn will pardon ne for
distui-sing him with such a short notice ; we
love Autatun dearly but we love Summer
better. But on the whole we don't know
which is the beet; because Sutnmer weeps,
laughs and grows sedate, alternately a+ may
best suit his peculiar disposition. While
Autumn is always sedate excepts few weeks
aftet he first steps on the arena, when he
sometimes cheers us with a smile, and per-
Imps he may give us a tear or two, just to
show us the relation be bears to his prede
cessor; after which be becomes sedate and
meditative., always reminding us of the
mortality of all created things, as he yields
one treasure after another to the icy arms
of death ; But, high-ho ! cries the farm
er's boy, what a fine crop of potatoes and
pumpkins we have I won't we have a de
licious feast on the Irishman's dish, and the
Yankee. , pie?
But when the farmer examines the crop
he shrikes his heal and says sure yield. But
he gathers what there is thanking Heaven
for it; but after the gathering is completed,
and the crop measured he finds that Provi
deuce has been better to him than he had
ntiei pa tot', which cause. him to sleep better
than he had done a few nights previous.
But now Autumn's work is done, and the
last 'oaf on the Old Elm Tree has reluctant
ly let go its hold, bad all nature *CMS wrapt
in a garment of mourning ; when finally the
winding sheet is put around him and he is
laid in the grave.
Autumn has passed away ! awl Oil
Winter is here yes he is here with a foot of
snow. And in evening,—we Ivar what ?
ting-ting•ting-tingle-tinghilingle; and who—
whoa; and all is quiet t),r a moment ; when
h t-ha-ha-rings the lal4h ; and a)
hasten to the door, where NV kl fin I a sieigh-
Mg party, cult:l:tine of uleiat a halt' dozer'
lively girls, and as tunny jolly boy, 4 : Thus
g )es the Winter, frolic and fun ! , r the young
;Wks ; while our old gray headed parents
draw near the old fashioned) fire-piece, and
give a spring ands shiver, with an Odearme!
our young folks will surely freeze,—it is so
piercing cold. Really I cannot understand
what makes them venture out such bitter
cold nights; I do not see what pleasure
there can be in these sleighing portirs, when
it is so cold, says our Dreher. An )1 from
father and a bitch toward the fire, thereby
giving a double assent to all that has been
said ; forgetting that they were ever young,
and that they at one time enjoyed a sleigh
ing-patty as well RN the gayest.
So it goes, Ohl Winter is busily engaged
at his work of consumption until finally
when another Spring has owe lie has nearry
consumed all that the previous Summer has
yielded. A few cold rains, and a thaw or
two, and perhaps a sleety storm, after which
IVinter passes away, and the year is gone,
leaving the arena for another round' of
seasons in their turn.
Many analogies between human life and
the Seasons, being natural, have been
themes epon which poets in all countries
have largely dwelt. Had it plea-ed Heaven
to breath into us poetical genius, we would
pour forth strains, illustrative of this enla
ogy that night be both affecting and impres
sive. We sometimes feel that many of
those written by wbry-faced sentameutaliata
are not only fantastic hut false, and du equal ,
violence, both to the seasons and life. We
think that life is more like the whole round
of Seasons, than any particular one. We
do not think Winter is emblematical of old
age. In the very dead of Winter nature is
not in a state of decay, but then is as much
vitality in nature, as when it is clothed in
its mantle of green. True the sap of trees
is frozen down from their boles and branches
into their toes or roots. But it is there
ready to reamend in duo time. Not so with
the old, the vital part has not sunk down in
to their toes, but much of it has gone clear
out of their rysteni • therefore the analogy
between old age and Winter is nut naturally
Pnibleniatimil. What characteristic in an
old person is like rain, sleet, hail l frost, ice s
winde, blasts, stortus hurricanes and
o c casional thunder end lightening ? True
we will not criminate any one for liking
the earth idler R fall of snow to the sprink
ling of g ay hair on our sires ancient temples,
and we do not suppose that his blood is a
hot as when he VMS spriucall. But it blow
opinion as well as some of our bast writer;
and di,tinguioted essayb-ta, that in reality
he analogy does ant exist at all, and only
buss place in the imagination. Hauiphery
seems to understand this full, well, and in
his observations otirtimo likens life to the
igures on the dial-plate of 4' time pion;
hence instead of four lemons he make,
twelve Magee allowing a man to live eighty
!bur yystra. Shakspeare knew this as well
and elves seven stage:, with which Christi)
pher North argues, We m i g h t , mu l t i p l y
neihority that wield sul mandate our easel.
foul ; but we think it unneemeary sulfice it
'o say that no person will' live beyond his
time; and it matters not to UR how &mastic
tientamentnlists, celebrated esvayi , ts, or die
tingoi.hed writers, diiide time, the resseet
is all we oto boast of,end tiniest' we net upoe
the principles that the present in the only
thee q whidh we can set ;we 140 never
bosoulgliob any good or gob Wog La
New Re welt:lions.
The Memphis (Tenn. Avalanche has
a lengthy article in which it argues the prob
ability of J. Wilkes Booth being still in the
land of the living. The ingenuity of the
epistle renders it worthy a perusal. The
Avalanche correspondent says:
"The statement which appears in your
paper of Sunday last, in regard to the point
as to whether J. Wilkes Booth Mill lives,
calls to mind other publications that have
heretofore appeared in print on the same
subject. Allow me to call your attention to
these, and also to some oireumstanoes that
would tend to support the idea of Booth's
death being a fraud perpetrated on the pub
lie. Early in the spring of IMe a letter was
received from one of the West Igdia Island►,
by a correspondent of a New York paper,
stating that J. Wilkes Booth had been seen
on the Island of Cuba, a abort time previous
to the writing of the letter. This letter was
noticed by some, if not all the Memphis pa
pers. Not long after this publication a
statement appeared in some of the papereof
this country, to the effect that Booth had
been seen in Europe, in one of the Italian
Some time last summer a man was arrest
ed in Kentucky on a charge of horse-steal
ing, and lodged in jail. If my memory series
me right, he gave his name as King. lie
wrote to Jefferson C. Davis of the U. S.
army, stating that he desired to make a con
fession to him of importPnee to the country.
Gen. Davie, accompanied by another officer
of the army (a general) we:it to the prison,
and the newpspers stated at the time that
they occupied nearly an entire day, taking'
down in writing the confession of the man.
The newspapers also stated that the sub
stance of the confession was that Booth was
not the assassin of Lincoln, but that the man
King committed the crime ; that after shoot
ing Lineolu he leaped upon the stage of the
theatre and passed out at the back door
where Booth was tvith the horses.
The two rode rapidly to the residence of
Mr. Seward. King dismounted and went
in, and attempted to kill Seward. He Aen
returned to Booth and the two madetheir es
cape through Maryland on horseback, and ,
thence to Canada, and soon after they went
to Cuba, where he separated from Booth in
the spring of !SCA) and came to Kentucky.
Ile called the attention of the two generals
to the fact that, no proof had ever been I
made identifying Booth with the killing,
except the testimony of Laura Keen, an ac
tress, :rho, he stated was a personal evilly
of Booth. She stated she reecqmized Booth
as the man who jure red upon the stage with
the dawn dagger. King stated it was not
Booth, but him. He also said that Mrs.
Surratt knew nothing of the conspiracy, and
re gave information to the said official
where certain papers could be found that
would throw light upon the sulject. All
this has appeared in the newspapers hereto
fore, anti may he taken for what it is worth.
Now, as one who is -nmerhat in the habit
of looking closely lett) au , l the circum
stances surrounding cotio d lietiterl cases, 1
proptest to call your atti nth* to certain
facts that baresan important bearing upon
the whole question as to the probability of
Booth not having been the man who wets
shot in the,barti whee Harrold lITN arrested:
The history of the matter, as given to the
public at the time, that Ilirrold was arrest
ed 4111 Boston Corbett had shot Booth,
they put the dead body in a wagon, and pro
ceeded with it to Washington city. the news
of their success having reached Washington
before thew: Biker, the
. Chief Detective
of the Secretary of War, Mr. Stanton, wont
to meet the party who had killed Booth and
captured llarrold. Upon meeting them,
Baker and Cotbett took possessiod of the
reputed dead body of Booth, and as they say
buried it in some secret place, that is known
to no person living except Baker and Corbett
and they both took a solemn oath over the
grave they would never reveal the burial
place. A large reward had bem offered by
tha government for the apprehension of
Booth, and this being the Cade, doca it not
seem most natural that if the titan who was
killed in the barn was Booth, that Bake:
and Corbett would have carried the body to
Washington city, where the body, if that of
Booth could have been ideutlEed by thous
ands who knew him, and thus shown them
selves entitled to receive the reward?
Where is the testimony showing any proof
of the statement of Baker awl Corbett that
the body buried was that ofßooth ? It was
not even assorted that Harrold confessed
that it was Booth. Ife stated that he Ras
with Booth at the back door of the theatre,
but does not say that it was Booth who was
killed in the barn.
The paper stated that after t;en. J. C.
Davis received the confosNion of the mnn
King, he forwarded it to the Secretary of
War. Since that time the public has learn
ed nothing of the waiter, and the Question
is, what has become of King, end if the pa.
perm which he referred Gee. Davis to have
been found, what light do they throw on the
subjoin ? That matter is now supposed to be
in the hands and under the control of Mt.
Stanton. Now who amid be beneelted by
the death of Lincoln? Certainly not the
Confedcrstee for Cie war in over.
The miblio wait told• by the lair-mere
of the time, and particularly those of the
Radical party, that en the day of the night
of the aapaapinatinn, Mr. Lintoin had dtlled
and held a Cabinet merging, and at Paid
meeting Mr. Lincoln had inforaped the Cab
into that he intended to int* a pierelensetiosi
deolarins the rebellion as bd, Owing
Ow Snob era Braise in amin* Madman
IL 17, 186 i,
occupied by than towards the United States
before the war and also granting general am
nesty and pardon. It wan also laid that
Secretary Seward indorsed the position of
Mr. Lincoln, although not able to be at the
Cabinet, meeting. Suppose such a procla
mation had been made by Lincoln, would it
not have been a death blow to the Radical
party? They would have been deprived at
oue blow of the power of reconstructing the
South, or of intermeddling in the internal
affairs of the States. That party would
have dropped dead, and the Union would
have been put upon its former basis, except
as t..) the existence of African slavery in the
Southern State,.
The Radius& would have been prevented
from overriding the Constitution, awl, in
feet, that party would have been poworle.s,
inasmuch as slavery had been abolished, and
there would have been nothing to feed their
dupes upon. But Lincoln was killed the
night after he had expressed himself in re
gard to the proclamation. It is probable
the people of the United States would like to
know why the Secretary of War and a Rad
ical Congress permitted or directed Baker to
receive the greater portion of the reward of
fered for the apprehension of Booth upon
such slim testimony, when Mr. Stanton bad
it in his power to force Baker to produce
the dead body, he being the superior offieer
and master, so to speak of the creature Ba
ker? Why was Baker brevetted Brigadier
General by Mr, Stanton, soon after Booth
was aid, to have been killed?
Although the Kentucky niao tells General
Davis that ho murdered Lincoln, and this
fact was made known to Stanton, we 'came
noiae about it. Congress has not appointed
a cou►mittee to investigate the affair. 'fhe
question pre=cuts itself, what has Wean of
the man who confessed to having killed Lin
coln and tried to murder Seward? The
whole matter seems to have been bushed up
in some way. It might be of some interest
to the public to know what has become of
King? Is he still in Kentucky, in prison
waiting his trial as a thief? or has the War ;
Department taken charge of him? When
the diar.atih• from General Davis, in regard
to King's ectifession, reached Stanton, what
order was given in' regard to him, and why
has he not been tried before a Military Com
missien. or a Court for the murder?
They hung a woman, who said on the
gallows he was innocent; why don't Stan
ton have this man hung who says, "I mur
dered Abraham Lincoln?" While all the
Radical papers and stamp apeakervind Con
, eressinen WV charging that Jeff, Div:- was
implicated in the plot, why don't they say
I s luileVeg about the way Stanto►► allowsad
this wan Bake: to put away the dead body?
Or cry aloud or groan heavy becattse Stanton
don't hang King? Why is it that no at
te►npt was shade upon the life of any one
hut Lincoln and Seward, who, it is stated,
agreed to the proclamation granting amnes
ty to all? You will obserVe I accuse no one,
but there is such a fog floating around the
I whole matter, that I, for one, would like to
be able to see more clearly through it.
Daring Outrage in N. Carolina.
Not long since a gen.; of negroes went to
the house of Samuel nit, Jones County,
and robbed it of almost its entire contents
ander the fololwing circumstances Mr. Ellit
and his family were at supper in an apart
ment of an out-building used as a kitchen.
The negroes crept up upon them, and the
fir..t intimation the family had of their prep
cum was cn beleg ordered to surrender and
seeing two guns pointed at them through
the half closed door. The door was then
fastened epees the family . and a guard hav
ing been posted, the ruffians proceeded to
the 'louse and robbed it of everything of
value. The !dlr . /der was cooly staelted in
the yaiti for transportation, a guard was put
upon it, and then an order was issued to the
pent up inmates of the kitchen to cook ra
tions for the robbers. This they had to do;
and when cooked it was passed out to them
through an opening in the wall, and when
devoured the negroes quietly departed with
the plunder, leaving Mr. Ellit again desti
tute, for this is the second outrage perpe
trated upon him.
OvEs-Wouxe.DlVomEre.—An over-work
ed woman is always a sad sight—sadder, a
great deal, than ate• over-worked man, be
cause she is much more fertile in capacities
of suffering than a man. She has so many
varieties of headache—sometimes as if Jael
were driving the nail that killed Sisers into
her temples—somettmes tietesing around
the browet'as if her cap-band were Luke's
iron crown—and then her neuralgias, and
her back-aches, and her fits of depression,
in which she tbiaks she is nothing, and
these perosysms which men speak lightly of
as hysterical—convulsions, that is all, only
not commonly fatal ones—so many trials
which belong to her fine and mobile struc
ture, that she is always entitled to pity,when
she is placed in conditions which develop
her nervous tendencies.
itgi- When you, see a man on a owner on
a moonlight niglit, trying to eonviwee his
shadow that it is improper to follow a gen
tlemen, you my let him down as a sip for
a whiskey goo.
Mrs. Partitigton wants to know why
the captain of a ces4 , ol can't keep a memo
rend= of the weight of tits ureter instead
of weighing it every thus they so out of
IN. A &rank= fellow reeovering hem a
ditsiriens Mimi, irks wired whether he had
boa eta* at sorting lie God. "Nat)"
ahll be, "twelikr Aordetrotitor ehaA
-- -
Child Marne*. In lindllannt
At Warsaw, Indiana, aboUteix weekaago,
one Lawrenee Hart took from the poor house
a boy four years old, naked Winfield Pines.
Three weeks afterwards the child was mim
ing. Its mother mind© inquiry, as to what
had become of it, and was told that it had
been given away to a man hero" ii. Ohio.
Not satisfied with this, she succeeded in in
toresting seine protuinent citizens In the
matter, who began to mate an iniestigatioa,
whereupon, Hart having fled, after a long
search, the mangled body of the child was ,
found in an old well. At the Coroner's in
quest, Hart's wife and others testified that,
from the very first, Hart's treatment of the
child was brutal and cruel in the extreme;
that he whipped and best it without mercy
almost if not quite every day, and that on
one occasion he spent nearly a whole day In
torturing it in every way the most hellish
wantonness could suggest, first whipping it
with a leather strap, then with a strip of
board, until it was not able to walk, and
then put in down hi the cellar where it laid
down in the damp and chilly air and went
to sleep, Then be removed it from the cel
lar, took it out doors and plunged its head in
cold water, and compelled it to remain out
of doors until its feet were froren. He thew
took it into the !louse, hung it up by means
of a strap passed around its body, and held
email; of fire on a shovel under Iliefeet. Af
ter torturing it in this manner for a while,
he took it down and made it walk the floor
backward and forward, eeca,ionally striking
it with a plaited leather horse-whip, until it
fell at last exhausted and senseless on the
It further appeared that timday the child
died Hart whipped it first outer doors, with
a stick of some kind, until it was so exhaus
ted that it fell asleep at the table whilethey
were eating breaking. Upon this Hart flew
in a rage and said, "D
--m you, I will see
if I can't keep yen awake," and thereupon/
seized a horsewhip and whipped the child
for some time, and finally struck it a severe
blow mi the temple, either with his fist or
the butt of the whip. and knocked its head
against a stairway. causing two more 80,6111
bruises on the back part of its head.
He then allowed his wife to put dub ohildr
to bed, and she states that shc ied taa restore
it, but it died that night, when Hart took
the body away.
The murderer flea, but was captured at
Incict :d 11C11
A Rceitra*itable Marriage.
A imi ng opuple at Sharpsburg, Ky., ar•
;;veil at that time ot' Ufa when they think
tsizteen and twenty fur each are meant,"
had appointed a recent. Thursday evening
for the celebration of their nuptials, but
unfortunately the yonng gentleman who pro
cured the failed to wake his appear
ance with that important' keunient, and af
ter waiting a long time, ti Minister's pa
deuce wore out and he depute'''. Another
clergyman was sent for, but el jog to the
lateness of Hie hour md the inclemency of
the weather, he refused to comply, and the
ceremony had to be postponed turn' next
day. In the meantime the person liming
the license aPpeared,• and in due time on
the morrow the minister was en-routo for the
residence of the bride ; but on arro,ing on
the banks of the chisai4 Binkstoa CNA,
the Rood had placed an impassible tither
in his way. Not to be thwarted this time,
however, one of the bridal attendants swans.
the stream with the license, tha bride and
groom mounted on horsebackr drew near
thewAter's edge. The minister innate& e
stump, and front the opposite side of the
stream, proceeded to solemnize the marriage
rites aettordhig to the statutes of Konen*.
Thus, says the While Mercury, Wiese
Jewell and Hannah Shrout, both of Bour
bon County, made one flesh and bade go on
their way rejoicing.
PLIANT. —The Radical party, with Jefferson
Davis on their hands, are like the than who
won the Elephant at a raffia—eiceedingly
anxious to get rid of Lim. The last attempt
wag made in this so-called United States
Senate, on the 22d ult., by Wilson, of Mu
sac`tu e t , whointral uced concurrent reso- -
lution, which was ordered 6 be printed,
reciting that, whereas, Jefferson Davis was
captured by a United Stntes military force
on May 11, 18e5, and has since been held
Al confinement as a prisoner of State in
Fortress Monroe • whereas, he stands charg
ed with certain crimes whereof he has per
sistently declared his innocence, and has by
all means known to the law sought and de
mended a speedy and public trial by due
process of law, before a civil tribunal of
competent jurisdicton ; therrelbre, resolved,
by the Senate, etc., that the longer confine
ment of the said Jefferson Davis without a
trial, is not in accordance with the demands
of Justioa, the spirit of the law, and the
requirements of the Constiratioa, and that
common justice, sound public policy, and.
the national honor unite in recommending
that the mid Afferson Davits be brought te`
a speedy and public trial, or that he be re •
leased flromconfinernent on bail• o: on hie
own recogriliance.
ad- "Larry," said a coquettishly 'Tong
lady td her cousin, prematorely bald, "wby
is poor head like heaven? "Don't know
I'm sure," repliesi the swell, "unleae it has
4 sbiriln carorri." ''Csood, butoet correct.
&cam there is ao moo ding or partiag
there. "
imr A man Ate neddoolY Iwo% plot
in Cincinnati AlfwioMr, sa7B ht Its aw
ed loos Ilea mid feet than 6n the cold
NO6 8,