Bloomsburg democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1867-1869, April 10, 1867, Image 5

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GIUNDINO Toots.—More than half ve all
the wear and tear, breakage, and bother of
dull tool', comes time a lack of proper knowl
edge and practice in grinding. All steel,
however, highly rained is et inposed of in.
dividual Ghra.p :ald lengthwise in the bar.
held firmly together by cohegien, and in al.
most all farm implements of the cutting
kind, the Fteel portion which linens the edge,
is from a sec Lion of a bar, laid in awl welded
to the iron longitudinally ; so that it is the
Fide of the kindle el' fihrfle, hammered anti
pound down, that forms the edge. lien&
by holding on the grind stone all edge tools
as azee, drawing-kuives, knives of reapers,
ecythes, knives of straw-cutters, &e., in such
manner that the action et the stone is at
right angles with the paine of the edge—or
in plainer words, by holding the edge (.1' the
tool square across the stone, the direr-tion of
the fibres will be gradually changed se as t o
present the ends invead of side as a rilring
edge. By grinding in this manner, a frier.
smoother edge islet, the tool is grou n d
time, holds an edge a great deal longer, and
is fur less liable 10 "mirk out" and break.
Farmers will do well to Lear these hints in
mind, and act geeerlingly always in grind
leg scythes, eutlety, and knives of reapers
and fodder cutter.
A NLW WAY Tn KElTLtis.—The week
before going to sea, on a four ninth's voy
age, I gathered in sixty dozen egg,s for cabin
sea-stores, taking t.tvecial, it,tioi to prove
every eggof the lot a. good one; be-Lles
got them train my farmer friends, and ktiL'w
they were all frerl. kid. Tie n I tiled them
for keeping, -‘ or -La , lazta at a
time in al:islet, and dipping them about
fhe seconds in the cook's boil
ing eater, Ater scalding ed tin ei.zt
threogh a hash ma le by d:s-, king :about :is,
ptands of the titeape-t. brown in aira'•
lot of water, and laid theta out on the al
ley floor to dry. Thet e 1 had my sixty doz
en eggs silrar coated,
I packed them in elim:eoal flint it,s'ot, , 3 of
salt-1 tried salt tan years, and I don't be
lieve it preserves eggs a nn: e.
The ateward hadotriet orders to Laing ail,
and report every bail egg he should
During the voyage he brought three not ab
solutely spoiled, but a little old like. Al!
the others or what was left of them, were to ,
fresh when we came in, a- they were li,,
I packed them w
SMALL Evo N, y o A
farmer make- the P...Q 4 a
gard to 5m.).11 F. , tvs •
farm 4 ;Ire I. •I: • , eharl
„Vot the et,t,t, 11) W
1 I t! fi" , !%.* Out
of the d tt frdit.
phut , both rr , .‘vn on „ i n ; -
fr(o3l a tern 1 . ,
I+riatre.lly elOnlUOu f+. , l ,', • '; •
reh.r twill fruit's It ow y
the rows t.
The Et c,',,-,14'
ter 1 y rig i"
till t 110.111.24. ; 1 . . , •
;t : . ' • •
bt bott-r : I I ;.: I.
EARLY PE %S. - 1•1 :1 •
sufficiently I'M t f ' t ' ; • ;
be dug I, :
for sooting peas. is n , ,t thtt
the soil should l e r . n :
*WI Of tondet ate h 5.... \, • h e
sinitutint, amid 10n, ,, ,i1; 1,11, i.
scils and ,11.,,11etr 1,1% IN" • r..
WM; car, ',II (local t
short pod 9, and kit oy,. or two
Of Vaned , s that four: 1 r:o.dv:
''Cat :vv . :. Es t t ,"
madur. eat j 4 "Jtjl4*'' 0, "2 , e ,
P!u Uitra, • ' ' art
'Trine , . t." :, • I ••.• :.•: • •• •" '!
pion of Ell,erao.i - •.: - •..• • • -.H . :.••
aro satiAtied. a,..1 .;
a suceemnon of ! '.,.. •i. • . •
due tirde.
To . .%1.% • :• • . -- A t
every family in the e vv.! ry thu net,
terial for mannfiettni,,,z (.; . . ir
if they \tilten. l
y use tii, •ii. C•
apple:: is ail you need to !mike the best
vinegar. Soak your apple., a few hours--
washing end wa:sl , ing them neea:ionat:y ;
then take theta oat or tLe water, and
oughty strain the iatte7 thionch a light
woven cloth put it in a or , l a half VAL
of molasses to a gallon liquor, 1 a
piece of common brown paper, and Sea it in
the sun or by the Ii t, acd Ht CI „ r
vinegar will be fa for Ira t— ,
and use cut of one whll3 thee v ork
iog. its need 0•• lute of geed
vinegar -who will follow ,il*2 al ore
Oz APPLE OnCITAnDIL —A writer in the
New England F.rt. r gives 11 ,, ing
acocant of his oxperienn in renovating 01.
orchards: "I hve had two furins*wi,ll old
orchards where the urea were on the del line.
Otte of them I plJwed and trimmed oil the
old and decayed branches, and lett the ...oung
sprouts to grow,,and in the course of r:x
years I had some quite thrifty trees. On
the last farm I have adopted another course
—that is, I have put io hogs throuh the
spring, sununer an] tidi, and I fni , l u N:rlae
in expense in keeping, awl the utivautage to
lily trees far ;greater than anything I could
do with the plow. They not only dig round
the roots of the trees, but cat the apples that
drop, and deetrcy W0112t.5."
Dr. Sylveister staid at a late meeting of the
American Institete Fanners' Club that he
had tried the experiment of making butter
by burying the cream in the ground. Hu
put the cream in a linnen bag, awl that in
another bag to keep it dean, which he bur
ied about eighteen inches they, and meter
tiliutpfunr bnurm took it up um:
nem an thoroughly inverted itlto butter
aitis by churning. Jt was just in the con.
Ado') that bailor is in when it has "conic"
Nithout being gathered by the dasher. It
was worked in the usual way, and made u
paed.buwr as ever was churned.
inrurnto tha eftitonit r , Pfsfoai ht rg and rtainfty that
ha ha* ap• Had a Naar
tZ IE TA 1 1
1 1 1 this piker, wlwto hs sil , l b 4 OM f,iandk and
t , ,e.411 aAu partolos bit refterhuteuto
1$ Hi /01ibleiitn•IIM .eeto the. 1),',1
et.„,,,„,,y nn (owl ; Potty', Ati***porolls. Min
oral IO O EY 4+•menode+. 2**l4ol** avtlIAM
ao eyrop+, can kIWIIVA,Or itrul at his ibliiltfilttild.
la tkt eliti+ll/ lint ISt pro0:01**
not ottrirmowd it; Oro Wore Pickfrd ()r0t414
tlatot, plin.ta PIO), Mobecued Chirkert.PicKlo4
Tr Ova Tongue, Ate, dm He *too ha a low
uttele of
Cigars and Chewing Mum
for hi* etatat3tterm. (live him ft call,
illuoutotturg. June t 3, mu,
Reduction in Prices!.
The underolcord %ill O'er to the ribite
kli ritids cf
1 4 1,41' Ci": L'OC .l .7s.a,atZtaltlCEn MO
Such as
Boob and shoes, Halo, Cnpg
ami Noio t te ire "very ividoW,
ton. Tpt .twP3 Snap (Wit Of hintnty. vvili Ls con
duett otikt. ortoty
peroors wiPialtwe to turch ,,4 o fillthing in °Ur
liuti cmi do vont n v , r7 pot,ll p,,rcent4ge ni
%ate Prices.
k it 40 of ppulnee nod 'thin taken in viebang.,
li:e" I%t vort:i.dly invite the public try
arid 3 *tore nP their paunn+,:o.
!kir NtNett do ttIUM
January t 837.
it F; ni,taatSlxtid ' ltc3 homevaixo frollvAxv,
wnufs re.plecrtsii) Motto the pathe rhea the}
hiON /13 CriCt7774 1,7 1 7 . 7 7'{7t, rztevniynnnnortine tn. Of
r,- • 4 , 4
• .•
,re twit. pt. 1. to f4it otn t t
3,laut- prwwi for ratio, rock at.
;,% ff.:wit.; of
Vs hate l'ihe
Sterfare ifinated*,
stiirr:g, biehtiorli
„,vor. :a q 4 , 0 r
r of eN 0 1..* 1 I 01 , Mint!
811:1 ' I. , i• I .0 •I it tilt' II I , eo.
). the
4,1, blae .11 Ili lk 1/,' 111, I' 7, iUu.Lwr ttalit
^ No 4 r uv
111 I/ =4, khi tore
, 'U. ; 0 Th , re .
1,4•01.4 mt It ,4 11, tit
, 11 . 1 Itt tau, ibex pnntta 4 , 11.14 ,Ity
00.10 a, p 61.1 .tttlf
`P' llll O " .4 r
41. 4 1. .474 4 4 1t1 I•tngII, t 4 11 1rn
1•41 t.l I. t tOI 4 t b vtldiotk, rat.) ea‘, ,by
.111'11.(4i; fled V4 . 111112t 10,0 3.0( that thi
; 1 0• ,, t,l do 4i ko, , f 'Martmwry.
I, 1, 11,1 '04410109 ‘lr.ver °bikers Nod
aFt 4.4$ • 1144,40.114,r4l iu.idetn.. lit., 40)11
Ht. isl 4.
000 D :
I . • I, ,•
11. I ! • • !. !.!•.• r • !
1; tir w
IF • i rxtt" ;11,_! .4 ill,
*,* !".$, her.•. , 1,11 , • •
• • • • i•o• 111 , ,Itoo „•
•••• , •1 • , • • •IT • 44 rt, •••
t• 00 IV 1 I , 11 fit' II Sr. a
„ I .1 , 1.. • r . , t a + 0 • I ' , I, 'I..
•• •! 44 ••,' 1 L . 1., I.3it 0 Titer);
*t'' • 11, t ,
I e 4 !•I ttv , !fTe• to apy 04.
t , , • I i f itt fi' h
A 4,lte, • ftt , ' /I,lw
i: t.z
,T,r.b.i."lCk OP,
, 1,41 si,.*it CI, t. ilftr;
Gr,v-vr nI•Ng rc•o.l NO4ITI
!• • P' %•Tk.
tyra, • ..••, e,{
rw, • 1•1 0.0.
F .t. .
1!..! 0 ./ P V 6,4.1,41
- 14 ' w
1':, , ! r• rrt !! r, I ; p
i.t t , i • r.• . rP, ,
,1114 r r
! %• . .1 NO C .. .• Irrit I
I, • . . s, i •i•
$• - • V. • •! •; 1.4 :4
if s?: 2 a '
,t 1,01••11.1' , 11 :• . : • . 1 • .
1,1,1 • $Ol . A ! , 1 peel I 4 ;J ; 0 ,1 a'
, I (.77 A p m.
1,0 4 . (1' tt ,, ,sh , al4:
t ,V
4 1 it:it Pt 3;t I f,tt . tt ~I .;la r
“v 1.:,ti;;" at ; if. 4
44 P 4 1,. , 14i1, •
4/A ;3,), ‘‘ t 7 Mt NI,
1.1 t. W , A 6 .1 ;3 I. NI 11,4, sOa A
1 , :"...0y ,00y t ,t• ; • ~11, 4 till A.l liar
3.• t, NI, , 1 4 ot I sa 400 7 dd A
• It A NI, 1,4 .N.,vv 4rit told
I. r e:
il,ll 411,1 1 +`ot ,
It .
th/0141); t{. 11,01'1T alt 13111 Lath
Lvndi , JAIL 3,
E W U 00.06 ! 4P.NV 6 , 0 t ! !
, ualp
Tun uodorkir,rll bas jut r..cOvNI n votv Intro
outst rxretlent 0r. , 444.1wat .4 P It. AND WINTER.
(CO.I 6. 4.. It 1 4 '1 , 14i 44 Vt ry sow NU..
tie 11.4 the boa qualitwa t 4
C II MO, .k.c. Ace.
The Grocery Report meat
filir4 wail, the brat =ilt3;ill, al fry tror,die. mu.{
f1.'1 , 11 , 1W D., 'lOl 111,Ut. NM. 61,11.
3111, dumb, wee.. &r.
CaPatrY 11 0 1 , Ot lohro t frb4nke ("root)+,
for ek orr o tlt touliest atsolo4
to give two a call and secure WV
N. W 00W31 AN
Orthr,ovillr, Nav,lo, if`4ll.-141
RENZI)/ AL riaTi E.
TOR atZaTALesstS.
No. 14 bond at, New York.
ruilialormition, with Ow 44`40M :55 , 4404 ,
atomit aaai, al* 4'faaaat Duct, u rs retr4 fartl, re
seas live,
47. • urE ord maid ,ter then and mot: ,e4l e a rtsrst
, ,
,p ba• 1,at,a14,90u ,pl,i,jam or•mia ty
v•i , 4 , aa 4S se Ito otrtine , r
144:14 , 4 visffito ittf 44,44411: nOd 0 i5..,1 is
Mit 41 , VbENUC, SO 14 HONI) STaCCF, NEW
V WM. Nos. 14, WO— 1).14 M. e,
TU ifitOWtat'S 11.) !Mit
Ls Wrier Nodding, no MOO Stmt.
Dtty GOOD:,
r. c. rs=rn
. • .
, •. • • r• ••• pl
I'. ! !'
Pianos for tho Pcoplo !
420 Broome tic, N. T.
We annbl frill the *Mention or an'
tißd, to not pirettiti New reale Ptaare. in tot . ' I
tl ry i.e. A. 7 arvivo ti trr.4l
pfaiil 40 , rvioot 04 ti4lol kg,,
Ittt i2lot bottom. 10 , t , 1 tarot tin tOn worth lit:al
orir ix. ; WO otyk A with sot,
t.lot ono woo tor gig ton plot h. fv , nl logo moo lyt..„ sou
wrY I,n V, 7 onoono, ''trout e ,3 #otstd Into , rnolot
1410111, 4146.0.1 Pk. 00111” 444 no onylo
entve , l tyre and Onoot, Poon'y t — tttit , i 6110 4411
WEY n, 7 actnv.•. Voir largo t••uad Ertl tior4,
thtl4lol hack, onootolong,o ou Mkt Otittlt
4,1-oeutter p,opoto corvuot lyre and dooto,
PHI torvool emit lege . ~. ... (00
he *boys styles ore filtisliod in el; , imin roost.
Wood eases and boss the hilt ltnli trains, rtrrerh
onion, nary pedal. Ooveted too. ivory keys nod key
fronts and eiweed in oser.troog Oast. to oily all too
7 I , .14 , 0 Piano* now mailiadetorod ors
/Moto of Os nest inateriols and Or Moon, dorstiiiitY.
P,toll7ld of WOO, 'CAIIIII4 1111/OllAmeil.
lAr , e 41toothot ut Ito/ pollllC.l4llo3ltqc and
fns titIIICAI/1011. too Cl/J*4AI CY4II/Ilttlitoll of tls
In. rOs of our riotio.
tty nrorttug *Le great et prageg atteaillat to .n
eotOly tOrietito , Witt 1.111,011.1YR1 W+111.1.0t114 111 the
rite. we are ehohleA to otr , r Iheeo tti.uoe al soiree
%Oriels tit ty eloopotheot, and Invite nil to •ha WO
eXitHI I 00 I hem ttetete pII re osOog etsett• het e. I'n rites
tholetio it from It ill' I I liek , 4%111 re , V upon
*het( rbOVM 1.01111 , i4V. W, 114 4:41 NIP.)
ue ttet *IV Lot /AM WI 41-Itot tiy JreiHuttoJ ty tiot
tettl* :‘ It ;
114.1" or embody ell tio
, 0111t.1i411 Hnter+ 111 rsL rinr fiot of CIMP, ' 1.11011
by cU li.MMUlltettiluto lan Up to IS 204 20
I 2ttv to It.
ttie 04 , 04 reopeeirelfy Cif: thr nlfeighot of !tint
Ll`r4lat4 4 , 14 11.4.:1 1, e.tf1e1ea4 I . .,tetiate 1.4 Oat estate.
llreata a m.144a 114 e. wee ,o r d
ht 01441114 . 0 ati the a”, 4 tal , eulae
e tokk rtlrrioriow,r a( Wit Mr, Vokkiki itt Mori,rkt
001111011t11.4.1 ,1 / 1 0, nOl
$$ 1.0 1. +11:011 , r, 111111 to * 44V /0,.
01 Oil 1 ,, i; t 4 nt mnMl,;*lour , it • (11 I lit! pe If Cliil3l
t.l proiror work,. of loOlr trl OM bar r,rl WO ..1.0.1+1 , 41
v,V, s—pr“ereoo In tittlooMit 0 1 440.. WO 14 , ..ut
gyite,ol u,u jet to ki.1411111
Mu.. 1.4 1'41'p:641,14 on the tn4ro• ulth
prontione.4 4.1 4 y 44( it , r4 4144 14 ft:
ul,4t , Ivy IvaclttrP,
A v ow cite orw 1 , 49. , 0ny teh.wi 5.111404 tr..k,
6 i 6i G i.litEA IP 11% E.'
T 04 A .t.wq ofl ,- Artid 1.0 . ! ,4 4:1 ty
Nvigivt, tiiitg.Otc
Kr.... t::.nr4 ft fnnerft^ttr3.y. Putt
r. , 41 . 10 he yrtu.
• rim Got, g, Viz Visa. '
p,O •r .....
Gv tit., • ......
th)4lil r,:vrre. ....... ...•
Ile "
?•Lri.L.,- 7 t 11t7447t,
I d 4,1 ••••
I j n ttl
' 11 , 11. , 1,1 tlitjl,l•l,l 4 of . I
ft4C , I TWA , . tyPtso wo.. 1,34
1 • 111tio *ll.OO t It" , 'MIA
t t If+ roV. teal totttoiollo . 4 41, 1
01rcrIpm, vp!i. r• 1.001 410 Ag,w
r,c..ssr+i i;WI N x VERKINS thqwral Agehtio
for tt.. I 'q, t ^..t4 . 11 - ",141 - ! tqr,tt.
A* Pi VPt , Poi••• Ott U. P ,, P , 1 4 (V I,lYq
!Mt' le, 31:41 Pi litl• qpt to - le riiltiwt Ild 6Yit 11Y IPIIII
iV hit lilt. h elf t«,,e+ .•r•
kt 1 ,tti act b)ai
ptc 1,+'0114104 I,
Pleeilr.V a i ERKLVS,
6EB'l. <l, , :t:N ion rNirt Sr \i
t.zte,ct, N,
7 7777 -- 7Y.
100. 1667
110. .11V.r.rf. the Northern tint Nor' h...
r,1“1, f 4620 -, 0 2 re , e{2l , lt#l.i t.. fa
~1114,k4; VII, 2111 , 00 b..ot wit.ed zmd ra orrate,, ear f
of Upf 42. Notitolmtwodn,l,
Leave Eastward,
En , Malt Truri
W 414.1 Sibli
Lrave Wetwar().
Fria '0;0 fe•iin
1,.1” raw
t •
it, iefar,ll r t g
il, • • t s;;:I+ 111 C1,111',, , , b-;11 at all.l, tll.ll
i ; r;~t (O NEi °T'(4,',
.~t Y+f \.7 ,t. * .e itl
1 ,, . • , %41 , ,V
-I,ro;PlNttl. rttrtni rot , 01 t .41,4
o" 1 , 4 4 t t,„. ,
, )t* t
vi Wu). Itrown, A g " o t
a I klite
n nenetal Fr,ght Cl'. 3
4,10. i %NIA: Cf.t. .1, Ae t,
A L T . 4 lAA:, Gs,“ .41 zty
I' 8. ~.. ;~~'
t ~i~"t'7,i f "t"iih ?
1V h , A rf Psl • Yt,lY lli
3i: I 1 4 01 4 '4 1 i.4St, 1 ,11 1'..4 , 1 :it 4 If 13”411i.
4. iilttl4l.
, ~ 1 0 “1,1 , 1
P• 1, 41,1 n I i'rll4l,ltom
„, fl:‘ 1111 if(
• wet ,- I. tot f o o frr,, It fa:
Itl••• f1t,,,,11.• ft • V. r oft,
~. • ail a;
,XF dem - . • • it lee
141 , `IftAio , tit Sri 1..; sIIXI lIDIY,
1, p,fe r 4,•....1) , C,
.. •• 11,., lidl ti • VIIO it Fry
t .• • • 4 er -4
.I.• a ii•J*l 6 :10 . 4 1.1.• • 0,
Ott , I, A' . at, iI-• -•
4 4 ,4 • 1...111 414441 4 4 MI, , 4 /44 4r 4 4, 4 44, he e' 4,
141144 • 114 . 4 ,4 1. 1" ,, , 4 104 4 4
44 4 4: 4, I' 4l 4 4 44 4 4 NW : 44 4 t 44 441144
y.i. butte 1. , • Ott .I , ltt r tt it t.I:IV
I,,tv r tha k pt e ip
114,1 ++; cot,. t t +t+•+l++l , l++++, tt++ , +l• kilt+ fit++,
:0; E um.
,t )11 Wi t + +it+++4 + I in do•
1 , 10 , 43), , 11 I,Wc es.
t , It s+,l 11 11,2 PtOol a 1 , V
, 1 I I,,pti 1.14 0
„ 1. 1w.... I/ 1 , 4 Ili , .1 0,
it 'it !SIM .11 .44 1444, 4
.0, 4,'r
tither It* 4.•1-14,+ t. It!
,St &
itIV. - 1 rt.. 41 , y. N. V. ",j:,
C Rl&PEit :.`1
x% h ultir+tt rut I ftir.
%VIA' ry! unit.
t. 1010. wine I,
11 , irki4 , 11011t1 , Vt. r:
it Ile t 4 %1S ,
ror 11:11- en.•' ti, %V; ( vy bad
4,, ;1 6, 4"q Um,
* tttlft !Atli 4, Ott cl . "ltertftrit crp*
••:' =tax t I 1 , . ,11 . It 0r.4
irrtn titt itt 1,4 tt ,'t.
lit lilt 4 , 1t,'" t 1 t , :IV''' . II , o it 0. 0
Ci 141 , t Ctou t itte.4 1 , 164 It, It Of
4,0 1114,444 et. ttr tt/t4 w haunt,t:t*4 , l
ot t h e 111.4 Piet Cal 4411 t.t n r 1, 44 p 03 ,
le. Vil4l o.l* 1 4 4 14.114 *lit ltt• halt I t lily
144 111 e,, Suul p0..11141 1 1 i It St Ito 411 to W.
%LP. At. I'o NO. 3 it, Fut ,
6rActitic. 411, V. rib ly
l.ackawauua & titoomshur; Rath oad.
a lit 4t5 a it WPM .16Mii
621- Two DAILY TRA 'Ns. rift
(14 AIN D Arr , R S ANO An y no 1.0, pAA.
1.../ 81:Ntir.14. TRAINS WILL to :: Jot roLIMAYS .
LhA V E Su4: 1 o wA s o
A '4l AM p tt
14444 Sunni, s, 5.11 7 la 4.4 n
~ • Ilithip.ion, G Si b gt) 4,t0
11“14.+1. itAl ?LI?
0 Ilmtviltr, 9 SI ' e RI
Art ut ll;ortllawherlnnet Iwo :05
A M I' M
tains Nnolentnhertand. 7,G9 4 t p,
01111v111e, 7 . 49 Goo
toport, k..t3 r M 6 71
. Kitipten, 1050 1/50 tt OS
Arrive at SE( tiaon. 1.11.10 4 ott )015
TrAillsl , llcifle Kinptnn 4t n MI A: M 4414 Swint. n
eftllfiret With Mall 111 nvill4 St % , WVork hi 5 Al—.
I.4l ""Hger . tilk ins Trnih nnn.h from Sent Wu at 5.n1
A 51 with %., tiontoiwritlittrrobli 11 , Arrhowe 41 1,1 Ail 1' 0,
littliwort A 30 1' M.. I.ta 4 , 140 . . ti to kw p N ~4 ft„.
hert hatOt Inotudelphia at I OOP M.
11. A. PODIA. *NA.
Ktnirtmt, Jam 30 '
AT TO 44 E %T. fa W s
01,0101*8111 G. P.
OPer r < f rlf l llPM% , SgnA. vp4l•lte Poet ogiee
liwtoloburs, Avli Ow —Ur.
All p.tmws limn%lig itratiOvrit in.lobt,4 to the
rrdemined, ors rOpeestsd tagli.• plyvoinot welohtt
dt.lov J. 0, liArnit, 111,0
Okwestrori, rob 11, 1140
trinifor4:l l / 4 1/14peiltuOy tho. rittranß
of ttii entillty, . they kne p
.11 pp. dify..irpr ethee ru - 11 $lll t Oriotterl
luo t ir ," }v.,. ~1101,mt lottvogg, 011 th-lt Hit 41 , ,
tieN , ..{ Neel it 01 , '.11 Fitt w t . ; with it good
Real' , r , wyv,k mo,kay and
, I t , t 41.(01., atal wusr , ue, to/ Coal
Itlr ,, *e whn depire it. A. 111
3ttompol veto:010 kvut. lotilik Ho, at' it' 6,
nevi id the yy ry loNact Pr (re,. eilfl and
1.0 s-ttr,
Ittlenroltlnott wilt tato, In exclinflen for Cool
$ root i/rovriort. Ilir, Ittlton tog footled 4irtirl,..•
Whota, 04. 141Anttl
der, moot afdn lii..ift, nowt, Itit. llnt. Ae y ni rhw
Ittttlirtordoto pricer, stl nor 1 1roft•IN
rh, $l , Vial yliriL 1. W , It kAtilthlir 1111 T,
April 17
ft(K)%ism! .0, co.
Lti%litt.% co,
t+R ootp.rrlhet, prnpri(gor
ne 111 , . 4br.Ve flillfilt.ll
tNl^jl,o 0 .43H1011411.11t.i. nnw
pretcafed rioeVi%l.2 (Mir P.
Est KWIli of Matltioerf,
for CO3 , rH , „ Praut Furtudeug, trtionsry Etiefnev,
Alttlit 07t-t!.
flu ratrrat to tratt“. wt a, nil s7aer du d
, tatuttot tetra trod*, rind dyrr}tradd rapidity rarai d in
tit.ratodrat eramolttrat
111. r'xt rnaivr t tellstiet and prvtital kmon, NAlt•
0.1111111, hr rf , r•rviitg toe iarpot contracts on tio
/itain oral/ it I fit/ !I Win be talon )n vanbanao fat
1.„,. n , 441 , the te , kftwa
na A Isi,,,,lstAtto Ituilrowl Urlmt .
1.1.5tV Ltt
dts.amiburg, Ll. , pt W. 043
. .
or lit n; Itt , te the /'pi toped f/rum.
C: OF Af.1.1 , },:;t ft,orioNs.
A I 0000 - o , k 000 onmooo-001frd 04 f100:0 flntlvnt, tanrtinm
1,,w f Ir. 14 WI , 4 t.#
11A , a lott aaniA. 6,tykto 144, Ow
c. ,44 , 444 =u 5 , .1. GfWOl>niCar of
cu.:1101s a Li; 4,‘ nitkpan's Aaw s,
„ ~v try titC vr, v
It , . 14444444 4 4 = t P 444 41=441 =! 1 1 1 4 1 to f 71, 1 41
14 44 PO 44 1, V 4=l $ l , r Iv. tt :
ft,ia.t pt o Ipr rc, 91) ,Pr10!.9
fra.p.islserep., Acc., e.
(1,4 rki*oi I go , rol
it , t , 1 tit to till trittititt atN gitVit bttitt tat tOtitt Mt. 44
kart, t I
. 6.
9 , •
tt tialA ;I ND LINEN sill It
ektt ,, , I od ".1 ban
limit! ifl th,
A 1..., it iitp. O , VA, 4:0 'lNolgoi and Carpet
^tf Hawk 1 ptir -.I PI, :14e give
We a ruts par‘ h4.lait 1.0% rwr,
ANlikti.:ls' .1. Er ANS.
Nov. iv, INi.l
Al N(in.tTii ERN C.INTI:AI,
(... 3
DI It t..41' noun:
NO"Tii AND 591411
i tu.r Ihtit;,l,ofe a 1.1 /wee
Change at Car,.
O N and 7." r N:ivet,ts, r Nth. lACA,Triairt.4 feav4
p 4 -4, t.of , * iit ').W
^ta A, )1. hioi,it.,) If...WA. )1,
I.+,s. WO? iwite 9.4!'. 11, .•cerri
3tno:1).) 1'110.0.,t vg
1•••• 14'1, 4,11 1 • E
P. ,t Irifi ”ti, 41. 11. .0;1, it,4l,
4 44 1' `.l
, io . •
.~ ~. ~:.~
F r~
•• ..••• t 11 • . ti
t I,:i :
1,, r.1.r.0.U ., 11 11451
Pt: Tit
ir t 701 i%V.O ivatn , 4
f.' o! 5 t e r A, 8I
vo m rerriv,v. rtr
r 1..", UO A. M. llarivor itlt, A. M. Baltimore
o A M
It. lit Al , : toovi, rplrol , ”1 16
A PV - 4 , 1.4%.;
NI. t 1 XraoKh,H
rtomai.loou ari A. B. it. • , tla 0.5.4 A
a:, t o,,tr rtr /14f Bailailel,Mia
:•.•t; r, IS t•Ilii•I GI , V, NI,
In.. ••• fa/3 I at
• kr ;slog Ir, Wit • : , F•ts!..ll. J,i.b u m„I 40410014 L
••• I. • 111•••••••. 14,1. •
, 1;,1•• ~,••••• •••;,•:.; r • • • ,,„0
err , sh*-It.t 1 , 4 , 1 u ••••), nrb let ,
, • " • ••t, oft ati
• iilll.llol, %%h. Li 1. ;rot
I t ttr Lto, gent :,,.r„ ti.ttt it w .141
bte.w...f.:o.* t4.r ~0 fart.
J. • 14.7 A I, NG,
tk.1114,,,Vt, rn, 1.%
!,, •••'••. 31,1
(-'AA. M.: , ~ .p..., 1 11.1,1a1uv.
(j,n`iln • 7 , , V.
n• - • H. /4' .94
uzios *o, : ‘, ;
A. M. R P
,i 1111n , r.111
‘l,,t, • , ! ur , htp.,• , ... at HS
1 4' , ni. N, I:. fii UUT, 81.Ut7tii4.
i Eye cite , t.taPrP NIA bth r•n ba 4.teormbod 414.4
”f r, ht , ". sl , v , plo-41.1" , y. 30", Ortei ovcryfi • .1,,,
; Jo ; w,,1 STO ;11
==,=== . l= 11`.11'.11.U. ;••*t.i %L..= 1,1
f' 0," . f wtl; br put
.t Al..a pir til :4 of
btl) air i,lot till 01 , 11%
1..4 b t v t i'k
of . t
• 4 ; rt. .
r.of of • • ; s flnt ht•
•:. i; • %,` hint a VIII
Watches Watches :
N. .
:101 .rt. , 0,11,f 1 i ii
anal Si ry• 11% tf!fdibaicetjitiong,
Itry In Oantni the pOnln tot Wir y havt. a 4.4 TV
th, en,“ , att , +:,e4t:toll.
441:41 44df•44:411. 444 itt the. 141-4•'.-t-IR
4 14,14040 at r:4 1'441410 341 , 41, 1144:11 1 , 1 'a rat
Gohl *-! :"OV , r• 14 4 14 414 tio 141414 44111:1441Vell. 0414444
1-$ll t rt. Oly Colmi t eletl lloottou v•
t!' ntllnn Urotonatwuwa I h0. , n,„ r, , e14
4 Y t C.l is her , tat't is bw Mr.
Nip v.,. t l ll(ll . rtnin. Koopor, A tipo,o otwt if uti 444•.
00100 Watch. , loM's or LodY * o XIII 14a twl !
fr., to otty naolool on fee, Ipt of $.14. or. if hr , for
rod, wilt he rent, c, o. rocoil r o, of parr
'the Ntritelt will he sent i..y Exprn.o, .1. Insil regio,
',tr.', so thud there is .11111.451. minty of tr,.notinit
th,." hot shouts Ifle Elprtooi 01"
elnn l'ltkit tn., 511 tittle duty, ANit will Yunsi itholhog
Oakes fir arty ldpd of Treeheg prompily
rerun firrtllliilt,~/ ic-, / fill(d.
ZIP. Liberal '$ u* tto. Trotite,
AftEN t AVefttli In grail town and
c om i ty in the country, and to Ilwsa acting as rich
littoral illeor. , nwni. wdl br,ttbtred,
xe , 1,1 111,they Dy LAvre,o, yert Office Order
or dime Othitno
TIMY 44.
31 LOANIy Soett, N,
154.4.—iiin..1. A.
4 .4
C. 11 ‘ l, 14,
ITI I I.I. V nIC taxi„ rarest. ,
M'CVlrrs to the" hthl u min
01..1 a Ia , timthtlthith viontly. Ite to
r 411. id,pan , d,o atk cad 01 .ad tie') varlets.
ral ,
*our ph tto tiny nC ;Its ptoPootinfl and.. provided
l'm imfdd hoprer.'d P'4 fiCrdelLN %shit'
w # . 1'0 , 1141 erthEithainn.sither and rubber hr e
tw.w , II at the inthithi teeth
Mi tarn Wide bud bit teach manorartared art nii
41 or, fir e and prop Orly 00 4 411+1 0 d to.
4u Four.. and IOW Jour. above the Cour;
dlo.r, 0:1101 bid
or r. 1811
100,000 SHINU LES 6: A LARUE
ett. The titutorrillnod oth , r4 (or *rife tonne the
lit no , puce of oorquef in
Ar.Vl 4 4 C4)MI A rt 111 ATV, Wino rwi Ohm.
staid olliNtiot hod ti Wye tOt of &wait beards. of
the very beet quail, both pine and bentlork.
J. Y. itertidNitT.
annum Alai S. MO
1 ; q”r41111 , (1111`t to be uadtriold. Ait k.a4a
pr tik.qt
lIIUttI. II hCT Pit 111,'S.
Ii t, utt; tnaf 1t'1 ... 14 , 1 1 a
19 ...1 1 t
4 , • i• 1.
;J JI iNr; NACU 'NE S.
Empirelthie !
p A 1 rsteloll 4 ,l4lll ftteetie4w44,
IMO 41 444thetitnee e t rye. llootttee.
0111431.. tent St-yet, 11.4144, pbine
PATile r 411% 14, IRA,
T*lllC 4 a 4 1 111'44: 1 4 4rterie•4 yet enelr44, now
ti•ot^o4l.lill loony , 444
4 , 4 1.01 I t intr. eviveni b n,, etincYeli
by tie- my,' 0,4 - -441 yx,e e rts acid prommeteed 1454
'Si m , ! i 'dt g , In d ft,..6. , :,n Cundocno.l,
T! hha n 11.rt ,0 9 , t , et+ot 40trItv.
fttlri.;t4o ft" , K or Slit 1' 11.1: h
ft., ItAinA,.!thol to 11 Ili. oil tO , lO .1'1101;
r 11.01 0 ,1 o. pil`roct a«a WO , no PV•O' 40.+01(qt0i1 f
~, I tcr 10 thy 500.1 Vllooollit 1010
‘1.1;11 tottoli, 10001, 1111' 81111 14,0 , 00 rro
to th, 6110+t 1100,00 r, Navin, • ',l•.ri,:tQ
%V 4 IFY.L.
tottitat , ,3, it rood to
11100oth 3.10 , ' , ..104 it/
El/1 ''''t"av fI Nt , ;' , lrAg
It re toex hewer to drive
it trey ether h.,ehten, to the esorket A old
Ise tt Ore (4 xsr C. 1 ,1 wrvrit It (44'30F $. WI u. w t
fottpe- or tejery to hrnrt ft
Stritkilt 30 wott , lt Sittrottetty ai rotiotrur
ti , ll iP$ n„,,
. 114 1.• W . AKANTI3,I) by 1114 comit4ity to gt wet an
It , • etltt , l4, tout
tr‘ , r , °•p „ cif3ll ityttie W) venv tlk , tire trt
}.}{ll.l) 11114 fo .ul,rri t 41}}}}4}, dic^ite
411 1 1 J. 1.11 1, thin r i V N , 'II I VC..
n, 11411 1,,, , t'• tj t is g .t, t ,
any yel,,in in work thin niactithe in their entire
tvnrlrri for MI twx i iHo I • nitrd !.15111.041,
1,111 ,OiroqtriW nnlaNti>:'n^l .V4O,
Nbrxi, o. 1,1 nr,•! s4. , tift A , o,rict. to
A r -e
StA% ti.14`;11 , • 1: ‘lrol 17r,
310. Y.
lftEA 'l' ATTE i (1.7 i
111. a •
to ()V ;{ s t) At E.
T H t 0 ,94 irof tot to tott,toott, t. fbe
..r ttN. NNtrmodiog
ef•utitry that h« lrrlw ..11110.111r II) (111 baud at bIY Nltl
NtaN,l,Nn tirt« cart cutiirt of Maul .141,1 Ito. sta..
GREEN "1 X/} 1: hill' K TEA S,
oqr ezwzar, 1 4 :row. ' l %oleirce Civitro. Itried Fr
4.00 ;#l4' $Ol4 - ‘ , 4, 11 , 111i.r. Erg ,
Ltt , ese. One4i I cor4v(S. I' l l. Na. Part.,
Ltoc ph. .1 , -1 - .01 Alt,ja,
a,:nt q , ,t n,f,two, 1-Iye etw7t. firy
4 Nib", I r terry's
W rjr. r`10.4
Goi tat'. Ctaea. Pot.
f). eot. Finn Brat.
Viattar, Ilitr
fit rn~rr K r
1100 Pry. Rank,, r. ink, Ifirlsrne!
t KOIV rq. r'tentts, &C. Ac , . kt
tle tircps to Cid evt,Tylbong 4 4 101.0Aur-,: rr' a fist
Grocery and Vatiety Store.
1. t
10.0 11 , 010:111 \t'l f.. 1" ‘,144 44 , 414 t
.I:tr‘L: ro
Piano-Vorte. Anufacturers:,
199 !;ron4i , ly Yotti.
firtt V! R yrc vfirth rf th , pod,- uo=i th tr,h, i„
t.• r
%.N. , i •• ',4 f , ,„
t 4,,
f ,, -f '.l Iti Ili, iryer!,t, ; y i#llPdt rt,
r„”ro ..
• “.
..."( 1 , 1" t , l
N. V 11,4- , i 1 , “
0,, V. 453 ,11 11.te1.1 ,, ., m,ar.
tutitea ,kvlt ,4,r
TU 1,. I' 1,1 P'4l
tclov tu 1111 d ' , 11f0.1
ta I t 411 l
4) ft.,. or , N ,, t
I, ill," $ 1/11,tt
Wit1tt,f4.,11 ,, ,t •01 4,10k,w, the
:Wel • et, thy
Co, ,p eel $l, VP )4 tikt, tvglt r>fda of e.ii7lltt.att LF
itv th , tutrtv'ott impreeetneel. we feAte
,w,te ve , fee , r1,,,,,,t,ret- Ales by log
it th at, oovkl t4l
01411 'OW pyrel4.h,
Oql .are (Pnill'i+J to $: , O cheaper Itia, •An)
t 'a, a in tc , retd ft),{,
JO) 11 lc - Lb
cw Nitickqf Cluthisig.
"ow • . •
Sttving Coot:to,
Vio!!!01 r .“.4
w:0f.71.. V 6.6. ad V . 04.,...4a4ke t te 1 s
vITFs Httpm,ol .0 I k of I tittql furl,
ientable 4f, litiog dt 1114
A / !te e S UliG.
two doors above the .4 tdt riean !louse,
a bore h« tv.4 pt.t frma New Velk COI
iatieiphia t a lull .7...6,0,av0. ur
Nes* awl 4 tonging.
mo,l Barak t! and hand
".01.1..5$ cut qys, ctow,•tittg uP
/fox, .le.ick, and Oil ekt/
roft's. ttlul
n( r !I .nrtig *ize, 711111 eni. , r4. 11, aixn h - . 1.1
11,11,1 hiq 1111,oly till .tack :en,l Whter
frou.ort and phin Vega., *hilt.,
et tr. 11%, 1 , 0•11 , Collor/1. glovto, 8111 ,
vueorii and (Riley ururir <,
1 , 1, , bn,i,,,n-toralt) 11.11 , 1 Panzeand watt
3 0,,,a w nt „r 0411, 101 V " 1 1111.14. wllll l ll
111 1 te, t.toolllll 1. Oink(. Op 10 WO. r. tut. any loud r , l
mart itatlCO a 3,1 to tho ttest to
All rlnthing in mode to we and ttwrt of it is
of home notoolatturo.
- ‘1.):14.1 "C - v. tm, - ..z0 I:su av
\ )
nvnry Onneriptinn. Finn and etwxy. CUM A(
4 . ‘4 4. 1tV IP not Plirpll6o47ll in 111 ts plu" t ati and
Hanna hto liemPral altsortufru. of Cl,titing, Watches,
Jewelry, am ace. .
Moom.burg, Aptll M18(4.
_ .
'the andetfignod rospettrally annawnrea that he
boa rontited n .nor, Ut COilit opluoite
the rx Humps Hoot, *how no prow:ad to 4,0 n•
duct the harboring ha.ints. to all its hranthVa,
Phnart or no luring whi.kors and ntalnoldttlell is
pimminnol hY him ont akiliftaip. Ile ako ;loan.
unatonst. Making Ilona look twarlo a. tonflao now
atom the moat tononnablo terms. ttiOe h.nt * 16.1.
irp Otto Putwe of the rot) , bast 944014+, d for
Cleaning halt, kept Conot.ntly on hand, and Cr sale
Illitomphurc April 25, 18(16.—if.
Wm. c. mummer, one. W. 0411,11Urrilt.
ablished 182 U.
G. W. CARPENTER, 111:104E T & CO,
111101.E54 Lk UGGIS
737 mAlthrr ST. one deer below ad. PPILAIMPIBIy
rtnuatt wrote' NES, CHF:MICA LA.
PAINT:* Isll.h. 0 1./ler, V MIN Inn I et, IWEP,
And ev”ry otteP( art inns Optic ;Mini itg en the
titpott.,s, of tho neat quality, wi t i at the
wert llarttnt
ILFrosaing Camay, Pa.
N. HUDSON, Proprietor,
Nov.labor 14. LW
Jewelry A Miverware.
Worth over Vonlo,o0,1! All to be ;kohl fir
Animiae &
162 73/?O.xIUiY.I Y NEW YORK.
Aril T:1 f uU CIAMWM4Y M ‘urv:Tußgni,
AlOi•oO**/... !tali i 0 voloolll.lloo or the tote/4 0 00g
th- h+ll Mork , t, 111011014 , 1 q oontity of
him. twit,tgtittil t.t thorn. with itFortetiOna in tm
sr 11111i0.1gite l'aith. tit mit v tmertficto, A. A,
co.. r torts r*.ocolit.M tOT.r titoto acrorrionit to
tit,* o tr,ltwooto **bottom tor Whittles. at St eitt:ll, with.
toot fo•lflif v it to
"Phu lutl , Wii 16.4 •hnw+, the orilww4l whqleowilf)
pro, . tt mom,. or the a4licle* wht b May hot ott,lf
at $1
tvnn plat k .mlO dr..* tl itforn4 front $l4 to $1
vi.oo tter , e“ nod I:4l}tott.o cool t ftof to IS
"1. , 1 , 1 31porra and tfu*ito octooto. 4 to W
:i., ,,, rfri.rh %it I MCI,* oti,i 1 , 001.1 to to vit
tow' ,' fl likbti.', 1 hibet antt atolutt 4 to If)
;WO I po , t i to 111
4." Ptinit. , lrilirnell 3 to 7
!woo ••.,Ifootn , ot.fto 2 t. ft
40 0 t',, li , lipti. .ktrfq 2 to 3
i•ono ;..,tit nn , i..t.0 ~,, , is 2 IA n
40 SO, 6/04 oaf. sOfti roil tro 9 id 3
20{11, Volt, c Vii/ 4r c.
311 , 13 I,f{Thikoreqt,4. i to 3
'041 11 1,02 11'111011CW lertlittrehl. 7 t PS
i6tkf tiny viiflortwfr'd h' iitetChl . l 3 th
Aij it 004,0 irr t i wg 3 to
re on n flt. h.+ ...“0.1 3 14 1
Ifhunl Pot, CI CAltill 11“0 , 3 3 to itl
,(4111)417,11 02,41 - 1 hnot 6 to 13
:,00 ..t,n t id
WOO 110711 .3 4 c+akru hot( ho 4 t 6
Ntr..” Viitr nnt tYrr vt. tat it t• 4-I't 11./dtt h trl 14
rot ttttt of7ltt6 2:1'1 t l 11
10' lAt 1. , ' ;4 1 .0 , tah1 , t1 too 3
Ittw fi Pott+• or tv , ' , St) 6, , o .olootte,el.o•ol,ltis 3 to 7
1.4 tf. r. , At 10,40 tint1it,.04,,,,.0. , rf.d 5 to 13
lottoo t•,4 puttrrir+l , ll , 4lM v 0 ,1.11.0404.
grat tn 1 0
50110 Ml' Wiwi 1..010 t c
IrlHls 75 tot SSo
10400 sro lt. Itova .1.4 0 0 4 to t 1
t.t4loslo.te wl4lO 04111t4i 4 to 14
t!,0,0 01,4iti& IS to
111,41,' 14,14110 ta
1,„, 00 y o t,fit 111.0 01,011 to 1 St
ISattt, S i,rd 5 ,,
1.,•2 14.11,041 600 t , 13
4,,,, 0 t...0tte t. i,ol .t 1 4% i,l 5 t„10
1.0. 1,.' fr.' t0.05,P. , t %%bawl* 2 t 954
1.. ‘ ti . ,,tontt ot /Jo.•
il I 5. to j
i„ ',it ii;,,iii ol%to 0* lAn Li 3
'Pin*. linini , ii 33n in 8
in j t,+'l4ll 0 1 , itt$
,r wt,tg at I , illl
it.,z•ty oalt
4 .0 I , , ~.. 4 “,r! tolt ,, ,ii
Z, ,to. I, ,1,/ , ' .i"2 vowel WA ItOtneSo
('v;“ . +,,'- 4 2So to 5
,alt', 1,.,11...i •iv rpl , ll h , 19 2 :i0 t, io
Soo T'irWirmw.n., v,i onte* tvtol
swy, or,,,hi 11,n4:4.444 walitt , 4493 p. 44
,toakot 1 to ;
1,-,0 , ". 4,v00,.... twol 3 to st
V 5 ) ,,,, 1 t if: , A lOW , lt! . .111, 00.4,1 1 t .,7,0 $
1 ,, , ,„ 1 I f t „.., ,d op.ty bart4l , % 3 to 1 3
2,,,,„ t.,,,,, I, c;..s ko. Ott iAII.I irroz , Z4, ..
N glt .thd wetito4t 4114.1.11 4,:i to 10,,
tzooo It 0,:.-11 it.. 4
~ i i: ; )
t, l , (1 ~.
, t , ., h , V' ,t.ts
. 4 2.”)+P 10 73
11 , 14 lots 3c comb* 14 73
Ito Pot itot,<l C oll 4to t...0t to So
too . v o w., .0, wit , ItttoowooS and
14o1ot 2So to 10
30.0 It .0I 01 1 10, Carl
o;13 s 3 to 10
:otoo A lbom , toot kec , MWt V , !1 1 0 -. t
r 0,,, Zoo pt41.40:i 254 to 11
Nwo F(le rf Of Htnba 7 to Is
i 1..0. , t Volt:* i tO 5
3 to 7
iounu Itx• owls two panel $ to I;
l'atltA. go. N. ttti..,o'S 3 to 05 JO
tVe Oat e 'WA A arlk"teitt ~f
ecOrtrie:vi ,: , g C Off 4V.0,11,, , ,,
4 • 114 , 1. ,1 11 , 1 t• • • ,A
ff Oil C . A. tfiV•f• •!tt A •.:••;., f bl +U4I, ,
if'll.l. l kft. r 4,•••• p. v 1 If"I• •
;• 1,1 10.111 • l•••A• P.
f f t , foy 4 1411101,4 ••I •• ...I •••• ,jet
; 0 1,• SIII, 1,1 agi .* j• :1,1 I . V. ~ , 1 , 11 ., ”i 1•1 • , 11• • 1 •
•f • %I•4•Al'fli holder*.. i!
• • , ff• ;41. 1. •••••• ••••••• • NI. *lll4
f : 141. •• ••.
i/lortl r . • • • i ;
" te.
L §; c , :jlipinfy
Sr, v,sr tr.:t erix. cA“”r*,. dwr., t
r.',1111 1r1t11 , 7 , 54, V
p a.t .•
p„,i7 ppoo flog, .rgg ftV3 , 3,,
' 14, -
4tt ..r I.t.t rh , :+l fit
I , lt , Aft; $.4;;1 Ly I.C;a.
VC! , •i.t) :VW!. 3.4
; C..C111,4C .3 410 11.4,4 !It
Cts leach; 5 for $1 ; 11 for $2.
V 4144114. 11 4,144 I" 44410 be W 141 1 ,4 1" (4, , ," 1:4411;!..:41.:
, At, 4,441.4.1.41
0 N Y; DOl, L All !
7t eartoCiC it 0/ to , }l".. h 1,, the i7 , + ,, ,t et the eel
t ,tp tt. 1 , 111 ,. tt AO' 11" - Va
tie Hot tIl 41101 141,4 ON 1•1114 - 1, tar Its ratiti ass .
te, bent 4,t oil A,r .Yt t 444 ati 4.4 •4115/14111.14y.
it,, t 1 1 , 11 111.112ra 41.51 511, tv10.6. ,
rtitAcitio Lugar to tlOtiit Att
asal IN V t iLt
i=h - Til Nt.4.l+ 31ko1 R THAN A POLLA
P R 0 0 F. - tat
In Proof tole W oil est, for AV V t'tSRTIFi
t'A-t'K 1: 4= 1,1,1 , et t es, AN it uNi: LGLLAit, any
pt ihe PIN , trlrik 4
( 1 .0 Pall , 1`44,511 pass post w f lAdies • Ratteptet
{Soot^. or litu'S r.r.,:ort out ex,,,ileid
01 , 1
_viii 41., or V.aor
Metl4l6 efe, Oro . otru 1.4 h.'s or 4:rOi`
V: 101 l 6.0 , 11 rutr4 , ^l ilathjherchlyirc
witrr TII LS:7I Yri or t;
flOcCite 0,1 . 0 ni 1114 Wit," 11,1.4 411 t
n avltat V.lllO V Of Ittet“ iota l'Att* rati , tatt.
txl Said*, tW k atvl vti,s4ttla tautly*,
an /Sty tow tartt. goonho :••
Vie coot. wit t r swit Stow tilt,. ft. data.,
b-v tit it it t* at,tt, Wol 1100;:tio Fir 11
0. , LW/ u 11,14 .1")=1 '1,4.4.0 , car eer. 30 itl.l I. br
by tso 1tt , 0113 C. 4.1.114 4.4 0,1 C) It r , 01 14V,ItiLsor
. 4Oct i,a+4lAo 111114 il l- 1 , , , F•
tll , l 4,411! jw rop , to , r 4 14 01 3,1
ran per:Jalaliy v,,ot ti Ore uttt jw,t 1 1 1 d r.
el WI 'licit rotttrit.3*,--Xcatottut
Airs= for 4;.
A taut. 1,1. t, vr. gr. Cortt” a Par.
al lit , Uttr titiolio It at— t;tllt,.l at tut, „le:Wry
portutoi. itl :tiodtt yt,rittoo ria.l . l pay.
Ai,: lon Vtilli,i.lll.l” , t , V 1011.14 1114111 , 11 et, itie4 to , 1
11.11 V oria^tl at
e .111.1 it'dt he was MT:rod 63_41 64 the In•
t on , sot h. tole IreVllle the *Lott bet re: eeole to 1;411
le lib It , $Ve tad 04 4 n /10 liter well tole
%%u oridetstned a number of other 441.1a51e
terra 14. t.; %boo was a µull e at,
UP!r.t uc t l 4 of the epir4e
4c4.4. , 44 "Amts. 6 1 , 1 *
1 , 11. t...10/10 lull riiuitl and
ptotitable ellyit.)no - ut we h *Su ii , 414 of Or 14,11eN,
wire Lave trite.), and /14,110.. i. to the It tie of cettid•
r4l s tut Ito: • t.tvet Jea, , lty hole" of Arm:l44lo Se
Co A tally IfBt bee,. very sue. 111 tuts wey, , frt.. yln altwit he, 0,,v0 pure
t also Ia 110111* s *1.10.1 runt to 1.1110 , 1 3.0 *Op. 4h4
sold the remittals*, us with he 4e4i. flea. rut
%Wog C.dflulna. ti , :ons , oeit al n,t t%tn ad thou
—l 4 . Y. aesday .tkr4ur,, A... 1 14 itt.4,
%NC W ci I his My,
mat , ?oay Stott , Iwo We tlerttlir.t , s b,s at Ar en fat.
sr C...'s. 7e Math shout a very auat,o.
rewillia WV. Veleta at nett tfeiler. t 4 watch he
was woofed to put the I.lo' hiu4l,Vattl coat ui lime Witte% rcpt. Pt*.
'Eta. 4.lf**l Jcu • !ly Ltupotluoi ut
Ni. 154 hieg street, tit the Oahu, to 41.11 the whoa
ohjett ur atttartt 'it. Th., bomber 0 1 144115 Maul &tn.
atel , 0 VIII° V it , d tills 4,o.4lttientoeht tin rittUr..ty
last. was, we utuler4t,tua sotoetatog Who...a, The
prteripte of clutratog a uotho at piled 01 01155 aalter
fl , t ellen llttlele to ous tlutt tallout tell to be pupa at.
1:1.1mi-tell) %Deft Ultl Otto a rattans, tie Ili tale travel,
wowy e4tuatutt efttlt.tell lit nee ware yowetty and eost•
ly ether N are.-o,artostos 004 Altos. Cue 1.•. liaai
etAtrol'usAp.... tot. John at Lhoto•
tun as olio. Ao ,314 41444 street, vestries) Out 1451.1
*UMW* a ~r Ol lit Ceittlieetee qt , hiout
014 calved 1111 . a tat/1* o.l**o • 11* 4111111./110
Watch and anothar for {tessera./ Preee. valttea
WWI cuter and stool. at Daly 441.
warner, Nov, 17, lamb.
11. bonuses lit lets please Mete Whet ptepartion of
Cal tikette iuu feliel re trout e 4,11 eapartutet. Where
110 sperral metro...twos are peel', we Wed orte.hat
hula the 1/10 , 1slid I eery throes lispArtusettl, and one.
irataastrat the Pastry elle lllletlf lAtpartuteut.
Wheats. r fittitutl, tt %ill .aria artulea
ifY .bXettazt4 C. O. D.,
lIIS flay Itefiut,S) Uo plod
t% (.1 nu, pi Ow ,noic Wow* mid
by Mipirna, Yu4 ulth:q tir.742i, Of ' , Wit ihttrt
IA RI WU In tiont
re whom a tolooria eumer.tivatiote Wan be Hal Whitt
vets be lettrittot 4.14 81.011010.11.
WY' fake care to kt (tin )011r nettle and ttdeirear in
It toter,. astute,. 11401441 W nJlifil,/
AttuANUALE 8 Ca.,
19 , ,adwloy, haw Vise".
Fen. *4I%T.
Ease and Cattle Ituderit
trilaeratiol alitsletoti
In all Ciente* of
the Ltnns, Liver,
&c., this artiele
acts as
P. speeitin
Hy potting (roes 4
orta•Nair a papar
to a piper in •
panel of swill the
"hove diseases'
wl/1 evadiestait
at entirely prevent
preventive and out
Prioe 24 Ceuta per Paper, orb Papers far $l.
S lu 7
RS to So
AT mut
W1101,1341:6 DUO AND )111)1 0 7NE DEPOT.
No. 110 Franklin St., Baltimore, Md.
For Halo I,y Druirdoto *ad titorei , optroi Oatotiktr•
out the VtAfted Stub.
Cr' for rote es the Dog !`tors of
3 ,
rtanri.Aurg. R. 10(7 —Rm.+
D •
R W H. WIDT I 1 1 - 4,
tinS bean in SU , CR,rildri practice fora flambee °,
I yearc u , th the paper. nun of the iltletent
Mint tow.. Wore 8 81.141h8f of the Analytical
'nee fret 104 mote of New V. 44, coeti wee fa anent
to 4tl pr., ...onionii 0.1. es at tie naive 'u. 44/ Filbert
e , c-r r i':nr”rertirr
.`..tent AN.. _0 hoe are nroil 9r roonmaronriert;
the ann.iiiietered are ihn.e nhiTh writ nut
laVait rnwa tat cl.C. , :cullim but renovate the iiye.
1 ,, Tenni tt hag tr , lll MoilOta:
Pyet r e,:t in a healthy and
per; 1 v T•,.1-•.1 Tradition,
3. that niqt-T*lna dirOitint and Ott
drgir f orhrntth and happinm. the
e, 1,1,0, . 0 art) ,•t .Ir-.t tile;tusnd*to fiat
000 tittit,t evttoti4 trAktr tee t`ucad.
144,v, Anti , Tiatvei. tilt rAfir‘..
11 , 0 "..I , t WeA,,t , 64 tri Coe , 1011” 1,1 , 101 roltdCr- ,
trig lice piaueurra or plait**
4, limo; ATiat VIM tiny rniri or cnir.iii,on.litivri
in ei e 4,44.. t rubto.
V;1.:.:'4 , • a rai:tag. oir 41/ oh ,, rit Olt
rOira"v homorP4 0 .11 y sl , Brrir ,
time 00 . 81CP rt , ; , t1 , 4 r:"^1 , 1 111,1 8.7.101, 1 41. ii 181.80 6 ,8
h:Ile .) I , r. ' +•4 Call be
'1( . 841 4,y 1,, . 81
JIWT , IC-!. • 14.1 , 4,411 111 11840.
t .• •• 11.•li lu the lung*
vii 5\, -. 1 . 1,, BSI 41
v • -••• awl .It,tt;ite't•te
tut+ , ottttl nom, ct ail rut.. ttl ' tuts
tit rt%ttt ptttletitlit ally ttrttrit .
trrt,,, , , 43,:,^ hru
tjUiter I. e; iitt6ll.
tte • man name , Mr
Veit, r. en+s 0.0411r...3 1 :111 to aOr thlottl unnao
y !• • •:r ',I-0,111. 10 :10,1`1:11.44,,
1 */i ,411,1 • •::44/1• 1 lenr,pt , lllo
tr. tt at ,114 . t, 3 ,, a .
..• ‘I t
a ...I tat, Icirte ttt i t tt nit p. tt r ,ott. • totata tr, hgV
part of tar caqa!
n. t r;”,-ftZt.
April 4. }Writ.— ly,
C t+o mitt,,! te.peclfolly tnnovinot, to
to:t the r.bittl eta
Itt44. 111 1 . 401'1.1
nlt I , ll , tiLt A 1,1%K.
111,1,11 thiMll4C.,O4 nte
kf , tll itAti Uwisd H , pt , aw ,i4l ,
, y. ;SQ , I
cow , o w°s[s .r , ,! Tr Amlb a Nast
Gir WY V.`lnlyunp , rt V••,I t; DA,I
%%l ay 19.+1 , 0 P,l .re North
Ili +.O4OMM i:+o44
Its 0 0 ::11: ern In peed lllfl an. nnoisaa,
Giuo+aad teh,hrythle,
t;j** Pet,olo ho, , or ~ r il, ft d.
ch, h 11{ , "11 110 ,, 1.P014i
rnmgra titao-.11 bathe ht any uf tip
Strom ..tore A I? ??,
)I;t:Ciz.., I.qtUti:‘, I.4“:GS,
ho t!t torn, thorr*,
rifth..f 1,1 'fn.t •••.:11a, A
iuttit ui
Pir ?.osl:l7Gft,
sow, omis. nts
4 an,t .01 b , Ett aey uttb , t
tit g St.?", IA 01,0,
I'r«r,r,pt+on• ruefully r uw r ut Moyer**
1... u, store,
A) et a oral .hynt.iri Medici he.; a, , 11 at M0y.3.,,
LFs.hwrt'eTsr COHN. tb.!.. —** 'O4 Ltr , t 00,
Wlti.itotv's South 1 . 4 tiytBp, 11,41,1 at J o)er',,
to - ty rtiiab3t pme‘.a suplActs:es. to Morse*
nog Stirro,
uf 101 no , l ittati, 1,4 ?.
Moyt I,l,{Vit PO , 1 .4 . ithe , r(4 , llllrg
NV ALL p.% LiL,
miderolgoe4 roavetrully Almounr.,o to fht
pehlie not tv , kt.epa Ecr,mitntly en band, of Alt
Oidtatled, otla do-ur Itn'A et.trJ.
flit emih. and h• r . r 014., Too
ruU rixtlre- (r er the very ,
iato..lo-t)Ito and i rt VIM Ufa 411 hr Warn
ti.n;itr{i to ora t r,
. •
nlomn.lifirt, April 4 1i416.-4(
i.OO M 501740, P ►,
Ojiiee maosior Polo (Pe, rarer Boorpun' a s t ar t
lturk.ltty, bolority, Penaioax and Gct
~rnnrnt claims promptly collected,
omusbu re. R. r 4, 'IA
Attorney at Low,
WI" roof tio!ft in olds sooverno Convoloinf Colentbil
o'noontv Ali 11181 broom' , HI Intrusted iv Om
nate 1111411 roTioi we p,nmirt nutrition.
(Ate— ton Wain ntlert, Exobiology Dendinvi o nioNP
MitOren Ettore.
hloniustourg. April 13, 11414
Wiil prn etiee in tin ward Courts of Columns*
40; , .ining cnuuties.
ro. Ail wiectiGas promptly Itetnl44lo.
1111 a tit
. .
D J 1.31 A
Phjs[elan aid Surgeon,
ri /011%; 1,-ww,l pornimtetoly tre jll ti
strret, RLOOMSBIIPM. , w 0100
Win the public elhentilr twit to IR pervaro
snotrid la 0111,0.1 w tiNt paarlustlT ost
timy Ii intruovti In his elite, on WV, r 'Oll/011,11'
,%I IIIAr 111 , 0011,
104 oh* eitomni tit *mot? seqrs“
es =Mina. 4
111•10.111, set-
todlon to LOVA/USN&
lanymves the quality
of the milk. it but
been proven by no.
Mal expvritoent to
Menem the mow
lily of tank and
arum twenty per
tent, and mane the
butter Hem end
sweet. In Naming
An toppetite.looo.lo
their bide, itEd
tunnel these thrive
Bluor~~tpurg Yu