AGRICULTURA PRUNING WHEN THAN:IPLANTING. Woo:lnsider it important to shorten back all fruit trees, shrubs and vines when trawl planting. It lessens by reducing the num• ber of buds, the demand for supply on the routs as soon as that laid up in the bud is exhausted, cud it gives inereased vitality and vigor to the remaining buds, by giving to them the supply that would have been devoted to those removed, had they been left to remain. There is, however, room for study in the practice of headingin, because of the vigor of growth and power of implo ring strong, Mar shoots being much greater in sow sorts than others. The peach, for instance, may be cut buck to within two feet of the crown, leaving not a limb or twig, and yet the tree in the ensuing fall will he found, under good cultivation, to have made four or live strong shoots, each us many feet long, and with abundant Literal 'wenches. Pursue the ,name course with the apple, and nine times out of ten the re-atit will be only a few feeble shoots of limo, sixitiche.r, with dead tree the following spring. The pear. when worked on the quince, will bear much more severe pruning back than when on the pear stock ; and further, some varieties will endure more severe pruning than others.— The grape, when cut back two or three buds, grows vi,coroody ; but if left unproned, it strugoc , ear or twu a f*, w perfect huocnes, 'Ow are some of the many variations that an m is t re. ing horticulturist will notice on short phu t. tire, and which will soon cause him to feel confidence in transplanting trees at any age, provided he be allowed to prune them hail, according to their age and habits. Ilf ell If arat, = THE SUNNY SIDE. We advise everybody to live on the sun ny side o( their houses. The room in which the tinnily spends most of its tin), should be on the side on which the sun can find its way into it. Let the parlor, if it he seldom used be on the shady side. We observe that there is toot a vintager so ignorant that she will not set her plants. if she has taste enough to grow them, in the east wind o w i n the morning, and at noon carry them to a BOW II window, and in the afternoon put them iu the west window. Bnt perhaps she i careful to keep her children in the shade, and her precious self, so far as possible, out of the rays of the sun. The plants, in obedience to natural law, are kept healthy. while the el, :reit anti mother. be;ng kept iu the shade, suffer in conwsptenee, Light is beginning to be eoto.ilot a great curative agent. The chiefaril ;In tact. in going into the country is to get into the cun thine, and to be in the pure breezes. It tTe desire merely to keep cool. we should stay= in the shady city. People talk ci "hot aol "burning pavements,' it is unoh het ter in the country. for the hreews that , play , •ksra i n ooadny uiiiy bring heated air in from out doors. but itr the city the breeze brings air in from the aide of the street, and the lower rooms of a c ity him, are much cooler in midday than theespomal houses of the country. Parents eau do nothing better for their puny, sick lop than to put them on a fano for two or three rummers, and let. the run bathe thew the lipelungday, They will, by fuel' a WI., grow rapidly, and become tough, brawny and broad. We have ,een this triad to the highest advantage in more than one instance under our advice. 1!1!II:=1 UNFERMENTED MASI ut.---Many ea t' lent farmers have an idea that manure to most efficient in rui-ing crops should be well rotted ; but this is a mistake. Manure loses a very heavy percentage of its real value by decomposition. Fresh manure, dripping with animal urine, hauled directly from the stable ou the land and plowed under, is worth nearly double that which has ilecomposed to a saponaceoui consistency. When it is con venient for farmers to haul their manure or, corn-ground frutn the stable as fad, as it wade, it saves handling it trice, and for wards the work in busy spring time. .No fears te.ed be entertained that the atmos phere will carry off the strength of the ma nure if left on the surface. The only dan ger to be apprehended by this metliod, will be in MC of the ground being frozen and covered with snow and ice when the muur is applied, oa • :opi:11.• the virtue of the plenum might wash away, i-ut on level land there no exception to this plan of operation during the entire fidl and win ter season.— Germeudown TelTropl4. I=l 3 Curb i 5 of most frequent occurrence among horses with straight hind legs. It is sprain or rupture of the fibres of a ligament situated at the posterior part of the hock joint. I have seen a thorough bred year hag, possessing the conformation above re ferred to, with large curbs on both hocks. though it is not usual to see curbs on a horse before he has been put to work. It is clos ed by the horse's weight being suddenly thrown on the hock joints, so that the lige. ment before mentioned is subjected to great tension, and consequently a rupture of mow of its fibres ensues. Curbs are of frequent ooeummee in hunters", as the natured' their work severely tests the strength of their hooks. Immediately after the appearance of a curb there is considerable heat, pain end swelling. At this stage hot foments- Dons should be frequently used, and when the heat and tenderness have disappeared, a blister should be applied, and the horse should have several week's rest Ammo Y CATERTILLA R EGOS Now.—The Maine Farmer aye that during thin month the eggs of the qople treecaterpiliar— which may be found encircling the ends of the small twigs of trees, can be much more easi ly and completely destroyed than atauy oth er time of the yenr. They eon be readily wean, and by choosing a warm tnky for the operation, with a light ladder upon which to mond the tree, and a small basket in which to put the twigs containing the nests, the work two by performed moat tatial}lltetor• 07- NEW nserrAttnArr, In Oltlve'r Punning, no slkin limos WM. GILMORE, Warta , U,. einlimns of Iflognoiburg and vklalty ittit b. hap °pilled II NOV ft INTA R in this pities, whom Its invites hi• old friends and rostitosors torah and psitske or his istieshotsots• — • it in his intention to situp the hest LAGERB AIR .A NP A LE, onnotontly nn hind A l.O, Porter, Onroannfillw Mtn tool Witter. Panty Lononindoo, knophorry nod Lem tlytnno. (101 lawny* no knn HIS BulittMuint. the rating lino lin woods I FILL Cot NiAlt not rurpne + n4 via, riodNi Ayplrrr *Lupo, or:ir,1111e• hell, hat bkl'fiell ehlekrll, e 5 4 ,111 4 ,1 Tripe and Beer Tongue, Ike., Ate. Ile Moo hha 4 4404 article el'ilars and Chewing Tobacco rot his eugionters 0i" (live h tui itloo 1 3, MO. G REAT IMJWAINS AND liedßelion In Pricer. Thr iin.lertirnr.l will nfrer to ihe public GREAT BARGAINS In dil frio,ls cif UClC6►tras•aats33l:lGll6'ocraff *wit as ' [IRV 11000 A, QV ECIVAW Anc, HARDWARE. nooNsind shoco, Slain, Caps. and Noinne in every 11,4 r ho.glio r 4 ft ,, ro the. fitit Of January, n in be run. ducted nn a gtrit liy 1 .1, 1 iSII SYSTEM' .L 1.. J 1 nPit vr.rao ~ . +in? in rureilf".• Willi lino ran do root a t+vy *wall lwrceo+.l,o nn Ciarciai Prices, All kind. of ' , mho,. mot groin taken in eschungo tr VV. r, incite publiv to ME US A CALL, 11,1 A AIM re Pr their patron, t*.*. AisYlNCrt i‘ %I AN Jaittifity 140. LU )113 E LUMBER ! ! tog IsLoom4trl`tto roMPANY, wooti teop,,ts4ily aliiollll tltn ribilt: Mitt 1110 y have til•Nr PLANING MILL NOW in (+moons wtth no t nteosive unnortsonot n 1 t Ind ArP tww pr , par.4l to st4pl,lr nil .rdero 41.1 ,, . : ma 3t thl , " lnc. 0 44 prim, 1.)( civil, I tivy 44. *ortmeat of itmther 51 , 11 , 14.<14 of ‘Vllnle Pine Plank. Honed*, Flooring, NoirEwe nentlovk Plank' err I, titrt:irr , ll. in !lilt rtri`hririirro Yr4risr• Srirrt irr'r e t.0 , 1? 4, 14u1ti , 4 or ail NlZ , rt. Their' Pinning 11511 leuitier V srd very entoveweiltly for xhopprni In ober twill,. rialto They are ti l tarelly oreoutrolot tog of rill troli, to persona afro debar. illtittrr'r of rrrrrr), Ae Itpt too ex Iffirrlt! area *lark before Wire eii.eahere. TheV are fir`t.llllllltroi trod em. ""' 8,1 5' Prep/ , Ott Io WeIIOI eirerar trio the elwAiwol *Ur' to lltrOrtr, Ihrt rrril/y rho.,. 5 " 1 0 110 p Irrhtt.” hat lisp rvnr Mil prepared to cot timber. et olotriel every we poll 1,010 h revotml. Troom a alai.* to her Orr irr cr .tr.o tort for brjorarirg, 11111 11105 money. by irvre: Th , nrhkrohanr , 4 wnubl Also mint-nth, thnt they nre puriisu'd Cu ,zo nll nhol of roo.ortoir or Ntn4 nrit-ry, anrtr 4.* Thrns!,il4 %inch isons Moo 0, it 0.1,0.0 dud all 14,11414 oI **gm:4ll4o.4i 1111411k1Mtlati, upon tk,c.onis. ble Addroldll, F. C. eir t4ney. _ Ittoon,,burg. Ft , pt. 111. 1+1;11 Ifi , otitraftirg. ra. MANHOOD JIUW Lost. llow h'cstrir d. Juot ruhliuhelf, n urw edil inn nr WEI.L'A ttin irm Nitioust ore , iittotu! ,, tripuriuntoro hour. Hem tVu , O4 uvotwuury seuuntli 1,0,0 W. mon• trnHr Meotal awl lurApurity, lutpu,luiteuto, to gart1 , 1.1.., oft. ; Alki) COO OltliptiOn, rutirlr.y, awl I'll 4 tud,rccd hY Onll oduivtica ur rkuvuti estruvu. ;:utrue Prim, is ot orottleot lopvelroote, pply 8 eptil or. Thoo r lo , tooatooof author 11 (Ono akioptcopou o,ooply c!roorly olo.ooVolloorraret., I ort a thirty ?o%roo' (~t prop t woo, twit that alas mum 011i.e1 , W01.4 of 0.11 , aim.. may he: I a , trallv eur,tl a itbma Itot loan mc. ir , t , r44l tombctm, er Iho upplicrmo,, of the 00'10.—Voin,ing MU a 11 - I.llt or ton. ill 0114 , .1104 , Old rlrrrhtui, by Me:Mg or whirli ever] otitorrr. 110 oto.tiro.r what flie amdihomiorof 100., ono cotroo bum-elf rhllpiy, pro vately mod wilt:1111y, tr 1,-„laett 1)04'4 boo oto the boolooroo pr every yo,tio pilot 00 Pry mom on the Nod. Sent, undrf n ill, .1 liii4lll vovpote.tri any ha. die«. MI letrel t of ,s% ty.u et,,t nt,111.11. Attutvso Itot 00,1141;era. I'll IR .1, C. KI,I I IC A: C 4l , lr 11 , ,,vrry, Turk. 01: DOC N. irliti• READING RAIL ROAD WINTER ARRI IGEMENTs Deeemlier ht, 186 G. tlitflAT TRUNK I.iVF FRMT run NORTUI 4,0 West f•v rttot,:elptutt. New F t•nttnvh T 3,4 4 ,10,1 A *WWI 1. to h 1114.11 kilett town. r,oston. 411144.4. i,ttit. loottliotor, l.l.lutubta, Tr I,vo for 'Vela V , a.k, zie N 3 int. w ta nod €t 33 A PI p ,sth 011,04( lae r'vttr,rytv attrnilnrt rn,t44ll4antvingai W Von ni s tnt awl 10 111 ant OW 4 'M.: , 4) nod I" 'Xi Pat. P4P+1)111:1 oar , . a Paaala , at mg ilw 31W al4 WO 9 041 P AL Timm, a Wpm, 1114W,V. • I, 4 vr t Nrri.fmr: Mr rtqldiAr. rtqt , 4l, lo Tatra. Mifwr , vlVo, Pia,» G/ IM %tioiftokV4 and Vtith01. , {01,, , ,, 34 CI 111 x M 41 , 14 4 IA amt 4 IA r M. srpp Ping .1 1,1 mm% prillripitt IVAV ,11611tItio 10 r M two..lnft Clftwelio.lo (Or Phii viefidtl,l and 4 ,, tiffitths4 mf4y, efelf.t4tlf tll 114fveti nud Atl4ll lll , vfp $ 0 114)1kilt and 04:1,44.1m0na Knil 40 - d. hove 11...,1 0. 31 3 p itmturming : Id tm" N. 44 Work 111 9 Oil A M 0. 11 and 5 ti,th4.l 114 /A: 141.1 , 0 , e1p1014 31 0 14 4111 339 m iN s y rail{ A3wvvai 11 , 0,ti:p1p1114 41 w 30 A 13-1 X matt fr , aa 11,1,14,17, wt 434 ,loppiva 01,41 .:3114.10 at 913 A 4, ti 0 4 j 1.11 tl Mt als4 II MI A IC 119.1 1 V r, m ;1%191419U al ilarriqvira via Schua k,U and .?.M1.1401Mi114 .1* 7, W A M. ttehding APerlllllol..d 4iirm Ti at b ah .14 U4OllOllll rru 1 HINAdvIp111•1 41 4 rM. Cidlflol+l4 Halttaatt Trataa taave tlea.laitt at 7 Ott A .1 15 I. m for 14.11 , rAW. i,iux , f.afica .4.4, 4 . f.illUthiu, 011 : rirw York to run P JI , Pki:a aelphta r tro A It, and 3IA t' H Hat aa A r•dll taaattat 4‘ , ‘ty b. R ‘l,llnA 1N+11.1.%111r a tat AAI ; ifat rir.urg A 33 A AI, Mid Ilfr 14 I :4) AO 7 :14 A la thurn.lirg aird III , : A AI, tur Strw York mitt 4113 3t. for Pin oulrlphin. wutdli.ut. siiiellge, PellfOn Prhorl and t T.44 •- i . 1t. , 1 uit Want,. at tr0h.4 ,4 4 !Al w, thiClage rherkud Grsour,h; tOpoolohr till.•wed retch G. A NW. 0 1.1.14 Grllers, it.,3,11n0, Pa, inn. Witt BLOOMSBURG FANCY TRIMMING AND 800 K MO E, Ortlind WOW Dahl Street. Jun ruceseed a new .tack or ZBI'NbBd, WOOLEN AND COT. TON T AENS, COMM, Id/rES, EIIOEOIDERIBA, 111.41.1 N, Elf/01MM DRESA TRIM:M*IOa. and every variety of artietee neu.iliy kept IC It FAPICIr STORE. AlO4 Fleoinnl Hooka, Hymn nooks, Bibles, Sunday dolootool Hook's. and to Wig 1.4 of 4IISCEL LANEOUS BOOKS, Anenunt and Mmortllitthitl/ Honk*, Clank Detain n mita and Mortgage's. and *genera! 4111,1 vielbseNct• ed assminieht of niptr. Luaulopes, Am Ah.,onDburit, June lA, Ison, At A. D. WCOO REMEDIAL IMSTITUIi. FOR SPECIAL CAM No. 14 bond St, New York. rull Inforruhtiiin, with the highest leatimweiwis oh" u 0404 en iipttial Moeirce in a Staid! fillett•Pf; /Wit ri Of. 07 * 111.11 re strd 10014 j'OP thtat, sod yont win sot regret /Dr.*, Itstviorttoini phypiturig art paarara, vosthout reormai au atraaltat Mhould he trustr4, Curium.* *hoop for poot4rf ; Kud dirt'. tln ifit No 14 mom pratiEr, NOW URN, 14 , .v. 14 Watt i).111 44. r. MUNCY minveT, ileaming Coometlisa. 14. HUDSON, Proprietor , Una* 14 0 AM BR OWN 4. PERRINA, Pianos for the People 420 Blooms el., N. T. Wa wittolA aalllita tottentioto et the Kook snd tits ttlidt, in our ' , kiwi New alertly Piftnos, ht the hut 041.4: WEVIA4 A, 70(1nv. , , Front tarn round rorry. II , Octultim or rOrVitd Ivg#l, otihtieht timlonic 1.401 mottl tine fin WI nib SOO 14TV Vol*, pilaw* nM otyto A with et, iii.Olitlit 11400011,g OP ;doh tar Yea loge ottstl ly lOW WrVi*C V. 7 ollort, front i, , rowto 1110114 ritimodow bottom,. 00,01*. ing • OA an ',iglu verged ly re Mid ;leek, Pr Dry eltee.l legs ASO D. 7 ortm.t, Veme Menu lituod rimier+, !Midi.' Molt, unouldoigh ou rha itHil tier4ll4li 1i.$1•1401 Cava,' lyre 11110 010 , = Past emend Jodi leg* , .*. • ' • nnuet Pi leo on, aH linishoul in of.lgoot terry. Wood risotto and hove tho Yuit iron 01111111. PllllOl Imp pedal, loovvied top, iVorrlttf,* and key (Moto mid vxentoi fit .iitaol run' Pass. nr furl) , aff thy 74- fwrda.o 1410104 now nigtitteitetti reit 'MeV fire mode 01 the hest ofaterfol% linhoto plifICY and OltreilleM ar tours, 4111111 a bn goriowoo4, WO )IWOO the noltHilloli ni tb, polof,, of dealer* and the 111404.144 'lf 4 41 tt0.41 v*411611.10041 uf Inc fluNurii, ur our P 141041 epsilmil 0,0 Wilt exprfASPo eifratlitot UPAII enootirrAciorle. and rApenotol Voirernouto in th. thy. wa nra ..filiblod to otter 11040 I'lo4oo NI 'Mee/ Whir+ dr , tv rOll.l, 1 , / call OA4 e*nomoin thew tfrArr+. tot rrh ellwWhor«. r4rwo, Orrfrring (row ei4.IIICV f4ll 10) 11)00 retell/ 01$ Itratr 1'(0000 )m(a)tt, Ati.t an f 001 . 4010 n su WV o+,ylaa Are to) df otturliy 41..rigutt.:41 by the 1,1A,r, A ROO. The toot 04 1 -0 tlevertb-ti above, *nobody oil the tteoeuttal ehetottev itt .41t. fiftr 110141 or ea.'. wino* tm, by many indtptlacturer* tan up to 15 11 1 41 1:9 MUSIC DEPAII TM ENT. CKOQGQIEL W o ohl I ,, roiolly rail the stteolton of ehnir Lett.lrts I*,ido-to br 004 1".1,11.1. 10,1100, 0 Wli , q , 011 , 01014 Chios (Pee , tuti A nthi.ui "4,0 s +Ali tit obuogi. 4j on (Ise wu t t'avuttibip 1,,r100 t ,, ng ivno , =fi foir Mt, (*wombat in Tuvirut 1%11144 ft 11+10111 iOll.l ,H,444. him ui givo lovirm to,wit, litt , trot 114 U. 111. velertio9 of 1- ' , Tv* It - rt(kis Orinetr 1111011 fii iafltiva , .rt<(l.iral r;,, , bolvoittlo, katierM tei.“ het 40 Willie( %Wei(' Alt hiehell 011 the 'lomat frrilts With liteeitli lOU Miele let ta4ctien, c0i1t4.314. . Now witaY liUtnioyltool Siuging 00uk c 1 1 11E. 6411,DE1k 111 E.' P rt NWIX, A,,thoir of earriqt huie. ; 4 11tollay Savr , l lhotwr, Uriumal die« Book, Pcitat King, eirc, A,r. We n 10,1914 I #,,cilitfrlt r , 11 y, Poe nAti, t•• any trePlill of tiv lilt rtrnls, Tim pritu i'ar+7ut.nyA rn••*tOrt . ift tll.*Vt; StOtei. c 11,10,, p4l, „ ..... „ QAVI Ny lit, IVO lA.tth siucn or-, 1 .94,w 1,,01td cot era $I:14 111.* its) tt 301, 0 0 NM/I ' s 1'nrh,,116 , 1 liNab, itt*l is 41,100,,, by all ie:wine bou., iu titt. blantila.tri II! of 1 . 1011 0 .. Urpaos. it 4131 r , rrtoultv. Ste. I.e. Et ery . - o,e woo it nano ebnuhl have tlfr of OUP P •o•b 1 4 ..11 f+Mr enrsl a I it. In. W • Styli 0%4 , 01. p.lOl , Oars 1111.1 , nr,r11 ,,, ,,e, A pplonui OM* 1 ,, ,r T,rrow, ”114 Ar , b,O.A flet elVf 41 by I:IV N M PIAtKINS, 6eberal for the I:trite4 Mate.:. 424 ttrombe Street. IV 1 Ao nt=ay in Ow colintß want 3 *VI hwttle. aa4 au Ihvin I *le tiohnel he .0. by iwiti wiwrq 11:104,4 dye male Hp, a tell orllefetl, Wit the hitter } ' } We VIM (ii Aft{ by el preen iLligrgeo poi t, Int :VII per ol,,zeoi. Ltl~ t 1 ir4V & PEIIKISS, Anwas FOlt TIM 1:N111.0 r VEDA, Net. CA) ttr.atne fittest, N, V 1007. 1867 f 1 L.% DELPHI A AND ERIE RAIL ' !MAD lbt. great line tenver.rn the Nortlto•rt nn t North optrn l . urrtJnr of roni,ylivol.a relo 141 I.nke Lit, It 1,4.0 t> tired .IILI f. op rat ,:d by toy p, 11 ,,y1 t nnin 1141),,,t0 1 . 0/111•411V, TOMO Of 1 . 40.101,41 Tramp at Pt utt Ontuttrrland. Leave Eastward. Ere. Moil '4 ruin i t 5n P E. le Train oi 15 A M Mirti 10 I 6 A M Leave Westward. Erik 41,11 Train 5 10 A 14 Fries E%vfmn trait. 6 44 I' It M,44 4 .45 P 11 PAP...NV( 14144 (WI thrnolh on the t rte ?Owl 41.1 I!‘pat.t. :num. thane 4,41 t %%ro b bo v i,,,n Vtioeit,•iptlta NEW YtEtl( (..!ONNITTION 4/avt. IN , ta %or, at!) t4tn ut. arm.. at Fat, WOO NeW Y,rtst at 5 tta p m tit, at CUPP IS p to•ave Cm. t;t 5 3tt pHi arnva at N a Calk 4 111 p to: 14-tr. a Erie al tut, n ta; drive at Natv V;at, ea. Kixt; ANT - Clrit4 ott as Ni-ht t who, FM Mr IN`f" , e!'qi 4 ' l4 l lo . o P'Y U~nMand Marlo 4 p,t,A, ru, 2 l, t A,;•nt It K . 13111 n,ui t i k t 0.1 Phttadelptit 1 Vt , Iris, Win ernwry. Agr , rt N. n iwutt (53 Carovraf A 'O, flhi,•;,, 0, VV. ti Gr.,,p ri I Hit 1 A, I l'hteo A. L. 11 LEO, Ueffirral Stipl E. 16, 6, i. 67 A 1:11,1CTEls Wison lvthn n•anf I , lt JuINVILLIV 4 Xllt ",„1”, ooly 41111 3, 4 tr 01 1 .,:: .1. Th., 4,0... hell, , )ri **As uhich loodolo , f r Nhynle.ii u 4,0kne.w.11,10 looloity and Pro.rtrottoo 101, 0 i in Huy of MA rot% , foit lie,ig Rt ,1 , 11b . .1 114(11,1,1101, 1 . 4 lift,' Vl O .l writ:W - 0100 Over .1;4 , t V ill frfonivv nil u. rVOtIM qfkketwis, tb , yrt.loll. pr,it , . rtf 0p,e1.+11 , 411 , , 0 , e151,11 , 1,11.1twa , . 111. • 10 , o 1 V , CfbirgrlP , 4l, 44' Y.4,4lrtvi rose ,• f ttY #".. it Mitt 0 0 re th.. UppUlit“ try, hpolth tho, Who ha vO il•eitrOyed It by 11.01.1 , 11 PX41,11 or Ise, 0. • Mo, lot 60, *Usti 1141 moreLy • (Oar's tow. erarttol,7ta, bta W Itti•ot t 11 0 , y 6.1 U,e Eillta onii Ise itt. +hit 4,1 rv•inior to lin,chh 4, " A nue is it tiarunrevd in every nest wive Puss $l, rktr r'str toott les 4, nut, 44 , - ;tress, lilt 4lrle ht/ttlu is slat:Livia to eirsCt a tutu to all unsrs. Ilr 1 0111%1ft...3 Pperifie ror., tr.t the ..p.e,ty tie , t rermarient sere t , l 1,71 V hr,r, F ettit I Itt” 1/0/ orriel/rMS fAt the lit.teey. and flinWet. Curet led !h frnni to. - • 11,44 Tilvr Ora prel4try4 rrnw v, evlnart..ol.l are h rarirm4 mt tiid ynlaih and 11 him. , ,,te thy rtanrer t s or No ei...hge diet is rivet tirt4l - 4 ‘41111.* tn. hot due. 1.11 , 1 r antrhh in iitiy MAIM r liiturlwa HIM hint pqr.oit.. Price $1 0.9, I.itoor tb.; b•lye o,oltootol atilt:lo4 will tot moil to away • 1.8•01, twai.t..l, MIA 1/0,4 laid, by tua“t or xpro,o. of, lore, t.t nl prase Aolor,o , It or iloo,br lit.ltt:t.C. 10111'14 tiar,, r•oo.o.ts No t:c.i btverrt.. Tto; N FA 137-1). CRISPER COMA. ‘ 4 11! oho ww. heauti Col mil Wt. " ird *th(fY and radiant hair. 14 w.f.. otnine tett.trik sot, t4d t% Loy tiaitied Ittifint ry NV:lft onol 4: At I NIP 4Ant, COMM, Fnr Curling the (lair of M 4110. 1. irtbs Wavy and Gros-y aniicirti, or 'icily, tilior.ivo Cori+. Ilv not ag this arttele Littit-tt nil Gentlemen eon theittoetve. 11 et Ito itot rot& tt to the rutty atittAr in the until that will mt rl otroteht It.tor, mid el the sane Ii ue rive it a henutitet t:ut•sru npueor. Neve. l'lte tr totter 4 . 44114 not truly curly the but invigorate, beam tree and Clilitlin4 it; 10 highly IMO dellet , ll y P.0 1 111 0, i. 11$1 , 1 is the uotet ettnipleto id the kind ever flitiqe4lt.t the A litettrnlt p Ite. The thlo;ter thtteo will he *eta t i ..ttly add tee*, Peftlo4slllll poopoiti Itr SI Addr. soul! 0-dere 1.. W. 1 . 1,A & Ct.) , Cnetutoto No. 3 West into**, rtt , Split:nor, N. Y. rich In `h?•-ty Lockawalnia & Bloomsburg Ballioad. mr Two DAILY TRAINS. -IN NI AND AFTI R JANUARYPO N 00 , W. OISE7101:11 111 5101,1 Wll.l. 11.1;N AS PiILIAJWO: LEAVE SOUTHWARD !wove Sernoton. .61 7 10 4 40 Itioa.ion. 053 000 con Ropr.t 11.00 0.17 4sl 6 Au Arr at Nottlioloorrlernd 11011 0.33 I.LAYr; NOR ril WARD. AU PM Leaq 100r1boolherlaild. 700 3 all •• Irnnvnla, 7.40 Aim • Rupert, 0. 13 PIN 63.1 Itioa4uon, 10 311 2,541 003 ni Prr mom. WOO 4 1111 10 .3 Trout. Irovinv Klngtion di 479 A: II fur Arl , llll , convert Willi Troo o. mina lit Nrw Voir% lit 3 al— Poo 0 Irmo artolo.lll at 5 ail A 111 via gut limit& ORR 1,111411 1111Mgliill'11 IJ JO p 31. Doltloow 5 h 0 P tl.. M.. 401010.41 %le ha via Nu pen roach Plillaitrlplila at 7 OUP M. 11. A. ruram. Pups. lisnottoi, Jan. 30 WWI. SAMUEL KNORR, A TTO4c • T-11.1 W, 81,1101%311HG, Pt. Ott' ore Ha non's Pow,. appall, FOCI orwe leomeburn, d. NOTICE TO CI,I.4DITORS, Allpieeene lamed thernettees indebted In the iidernaled, ere requested to wake Foment mil/tit de d. C. IMES. ala 11111111111611% TO. ea, 1011. SUFFER NO MORE!! NEW coAL putp. Tho finelor.igito4 tottpudfitlly infbretis the riti7oll* of itinninsintrit 4 . olUntblin 1nW144,004011, Ito* p mil the diVroot naltiltara or Mote t w i t Wow , rani Ow a,tuyhtnir purpHsoo, art flint, wharf, all. juan s %dial vv, Neal kOrt'a l'itttu , ; w i th a ga ,,d pair titiftwo ; whin* mt Iha Ninirrto W,;tif and Wow hikt tam, it Iwa , opt %namt, itt 4014 ver e,, 4 1 Or Motor who dsslrs It, An +Vs parrhata a large Humnoi of tool, Wu Intend to haat! it I.llll4ll.llortli.'n. ax.l melt at tha vary too 0 , 1 prn en. Pkent roll s p it cAnnunn for yOliton'lnnn Wore I.lllThrlatile aistoti Nara. J to IA 01:1,41 , to r . AillaticruS AM4O.V. unAeralrnadwiltmile, inaarhnnnn p,r pod Ore, vlino, the 1t,1i0% mg mown n rtivkm Vklu, it, II ye LON. dar.nn.t Milo 111 , 0. Mutant. Wg4., tint, kc , at the highest rtosti ptlut.o, ut 111 tar Cary I. 4 l , kri*, Mil - MMus J. W. la.:NOV.IO.MM Itinonoilourg, April NATIONAL FOUNDU ,00MS13u ,C0 %1M1111,1 %1M1111,1 CO., PA. 14 orth.rrilorr, propriuto, nP ttio 41.01V0 anmrd N% otov. withlighmeed, le ntr,* repatati to melte ardor* All kind* of Machinery, for ettilptiott, Not r.rnarn*, Ptstlionary M 11.1 . 4, THPIOIIIIVO M A1`11111; krT, ki Ile 1. ohm prepared to make St..ViltP, Sit .iZe4 10114 ottrmr, p'ow•irotto,mt4 evorythift4 'math , omie to t $3.4A eillf WOW'. 1191 I' forohliro fin 4 practical wnekmen, , Milt hl4, 9n reco veal tied larpot volUrttrte4 on Or PI v. W 41,1 0, t , rim+, • of all kind* will he Liken in titchuntiti fin 1 . 1 '4.. 4 1 1 0 4 r the lA, lid% I. If a I liiniiimitonti Railroad to , Pi:Ten 1111.1,MY 111.0m410irg,1 4, 1d. IKM • • 1) A. J. EVANS CLOTHING P MPORIUM, Acrlq irprossfr thr ,Epi calm, 'hu He. C; 0111 ING OF ALL lIESUOI'IIONS. mu V *lock i z enntlnwrrd rd Ann ri#,thing, medium al and low pro-Od«—IlllaOl.Ol to nil 14.41`. 310 MnntX. Ile 14;40+ the lutera etylfW fur the ,ensno—u tine e.oortnieni or overronis nod GtlllieMereb Shaw s, !row low to Ih.i vale 4..41 lb , ir,o,dr r l' , 1011 , 0) flile olvi ttfyll 1I idl e 1H H4 , ittion 1,1 toy 04,114r,f r iv- - 114 , 14 chtho4. rho pi 0,14 tor 01,4010 ntrtats. Anil out of to, firm 03.4 enttar , ,, an3ran Wt. , it fit in ail ta* - co and ►tvu tlittlAtltilott. Mei. a OLEN AND LINEN shin r 4, thocking , r, Ncektwc. Sim*, ttandkerr iiiuYw } %lung on ccoticmon'. Imoof c °vim, Alfa, Data, lit)11. and Shoo'. Trudits att4 Carpel haze I tvilt x.ll h t OW Intrart Mark"t ariert givo an , a tall la,fore purdta thy ANlnti;Of J. EvANta, Iva ,, atabarit, Nvv. I s' 1865. CENTRAL '4.12 - - ak e Dins Cr UOl 'rE NORF.' AND soffit nrott , ;dt betirecn Baltimore awl L'wheger iihoul Change of Cam W yettl i 7ft , , , , r Si , ovrotbet letWrrain4oolll Nave NORT4IWARD, PO l 7 1 , 1 11.31,1 Ptilliitinre 10 111 Phi4id+4 hhier >r 3U P M. Ilnrriebo ry 1,i15 v• Itiortinitnnininiiii, Amy+ 4 14, 1:41,1 on 11,m-kav, atom and HI ' 000.1, ie iivin:„! ni 7.110 A, AL iirti vine in ni n 7, in A. M. Pionni-Lord .. 1 113 A, M. Kiln:Must In.ol A. Al, Pt inn , tun th , mse,ll At Sry:te9 Maltllll ll fe f A. V. daily, (~ A rept e e s sisnak t' Pldfddelohfd .19 A. NI, tlarti..imrg M tet...1411,1 , :ft Nfff ft:W:1 4, 1141.4 A 43 P. 14. trod on !Art , ~ ,t dlrld and I :Lot unsure Rood. 1-axis fiffq' f . f 'f t tt P 11. drri 11-2 id It ff.% (001 P. M. Blrinpt,lnrp , iAS P. M. K 444: ,, 1 ,, 44 to , P 4 141, 1.44,44,44 , 44. 14 , 15 : meth Meet f /VP gin woo. ap.qt e tt 11: 3eP. M r I%et ~P ete fiet deet. la Is P. VI 4,1 u V' M. NortiMmfirr 1,14 ti Aa P dd.* etegeet fee:( est 1141 retlfdlll.: eft ' Leaf, sefflVlcio 111 tfsfetiftffil lion We,ele NA Or, Tft W i it D. LAPP CSA TR %I V. lent. n Notllicn.twe..in4 :to; P cl.l 1..."1 , : 0y. , Jr. p 4,„ 41 4 Ift A At. VW ‘l, e Iffimilt".it Ain 0., M.:lf riv,.t enn. norll :AM A. M. 11.illo.barg 4.30 A. M. Multintorn fAI A M 51A 1 A 1 ti. 11 1 , ,,tlihshb ,, rtrith1In . it'iA. tt ,tmly v 01.1 tertll'itUt pa..irligett ieai vtnr ri rat, ton at 550,a :41, .• 1.1 0 4 M t.faeqm, A tr, 1.15,51, , ,hurir ~ .0; A. V. I hill A CV 11/2, rr ftnt'l.l.l4 1.15 r. I', .A 1 It 1 1 11.orir , • t, ha h. 51. 1 5.1 B , itiliAltithertillA at 11 , •1:, a grim, tag la ilerrr.anre et gm, i la, t 40,1 triphvt 1.40 p. 111 Malt iill , ll , row , . tr - t,Ol 1:, Ithrhohrr t'wins4,,th r t of any rott , row diuiu paw. , a 1 Nett; tk wit 1%40 t`h,h. through, wih in tali tzar hroh , lu ratty t 1.P.1 n , ll tzar{ tt'+aA, Wri ti 11 ioilkr, Um , 51 freight and 1 . 40 , 111ge1f Lite t..w a- I ahs whet' runt* %. /IA rth y, 11 11, of Gehl lhorm..tatrg, Pa. Can't Alp id. rilth,,n , e, Kurt 'HA Ay bt. solip.t.mettioipv, 4:, 0 1 tVeMprit rrele,ht Agent. hutniv, N Y. necontner, lU. jpga, STOVES AND TINWARE. A. M. RUPERT, A mina tier,. to hit, oitatty friewts and (11111. 1,441V1 , 11W1 ho r,..,11‘111t, tha ilitoVe 111)01104N at lair ~it PIM*: Of titt,tll4,o Ma Mit IN bYtt C. KT, I,ll.titl:Vitii hi hi:, Ih ,n.tomptia and ~ .thnro tan be ncrunnumlitcd %on FANCY STOVES ormi;dllov. Stovorqp , ..TitVonr,,, and every LiPule 'mind 111 alI well rev wate.,l STOVK AND TINW I: I r,,MLNTIS to the titYll{. itU4 on the Mr. , ' thrm4. t 414,1' piNt; tottf , e,. awl 5 ra4, will .0 pa upon rhat kinds of repairmr dap. pr WI) oat noun I)lmt.ii tetlllo ti. ki,,14 4.0 Sara a 1,,r.a, pupply of Wilk ri4 , l+ rwf adara •aoa-, and ; ri%lWl . 'ol * .ft.a. rat•L•Palilig Frost Pro• 4,1% Ina rang. Give (ilia a call, Jolt in ttirlti.—iP. sLIPEIIIi HOLIDAY PRESENTS I Watches : Watches etches II TREY 40,0.. Imparters and IVll.lfrp , iletwrs I ti Gold and Bilrf Mar/WS tlf. a!ldiVel4ll.ollS, 31 Lit crly Street, N. Y., !ter to inrOrtel 1 , 10 ptlttlig I hfit they 'MVP curt re , raivp.l /hr word el"goi... opffeet, 014 iteCt:r4irit Wald{ PVPI intr.dint4 l, l t^t ail. fultrkel. The t. C4!lt.:?tittit tt fwal#llrof, I lira tuft.. _ww,llo.l, twee I) IM carol Redd flat o Silvpf. tungtilfiePuily engraved. flop. iy alki Knnuielp.l flouting Patelit Lye pr. eon Inn thilmte WHOP( huroughly frau Wed by the oboervolory, ond o orrootod to he the hip clot teltru Toon K....w.f. ok enoorb nu,l moot rp• noble ti ",tali, Mr", bill br (rot to any ...toffee. on receipt. of j !A. or if oft (Pr will be feta, on rogrint of ea ui part payllo4 (AL. 'l ha wrileh will he *ant 17 Expen a. at mail reek• tort& So %Mit there is tititiost, uw Minty .4 thrir elaao o ol th.• K4llOlOOOO ttn, 0 0 , I'aao t Ithre ISO in their duty, aro wsll send shothrt Orders for any kind of ileatelms prompti4 andbilk Ally Gf canam I Pro's to tn. T . tont. MIEN tr.—tie nom, Anonto to every town on' , flintily in tit • tomtit ry, nod to tliono action no ount• littoral todito•owol. will Int otn•rt•tl. l'Wl.ll 1.11 , 1 i money by Llioreo, ()Mee 0111 , 1 or boob Unifie s ) to DE TRIiY & CO., 34 Liberty Street, N. V. Oct. U. 11 1 11i1,4111. 3. A. DENTISTRY. 110 C. 11 ° I111:1RO I ECI R N . DINT7IIIT. RII 3 xPIIA Th'lJl.l.lf ',ff. ~ hi. prereee. diSIR tonal yerv.cee to the hole,. gild polio torn of 111 •IntAtorgitnol vieltoty. Ile t• prrintivil to at. , •nd to till the mom. isrtrollono in the Hoe or hiP pruromono and•e provoke iv teem ham Improved IN okelaAllo TPATH: whir re H I..tinatrlnd on rold.ttlation,•ilver and goober br • to itodtw Ii mu the militia! teeth MI mil OM , . and Illtvk Weill manufoctured sr , all op vv. Oh oeout. , e,thoreterelly and property attended to. 4t...ioeilev and Alto a few /ours above the Court II ol.e, matte aide. • 111 to.ombortt, bon it Isll3 100,000 8111Nti LES & A LARNE LOT OF PECNIFO BOARDS FOR sale Th. 1111d0rIMIVII offer. for rale upon the 1 , ,,a wan ale wale, at hot plate or hamlets, IN ENT4III. Cu11.1r , 4 , 1 ON MTV, 'h.* haletroa thou * mind ultinul•o aml I lona lot ol frorlito bosolla, at tho very bout quality, both plus and'hoothar ST ik J. J. 110 MI. 11me% Ms, O . MI GREAT IMPROVEMENT IN BEII IN': NA ell INRS. CHOW re %MIMIC Machine ! 11 Etiil l loll 4 .:!4ll . l4lronoiwnl4. N. Y., t". 10 N'u•liinernn Po, l'o«40n, l'ht. nut ``irw'i. I , % .14 Nrior rcl , . 14. Itabtl. Titll 110.1111 Ni-I rfort.trttep,l nn etrtir. , lr nnw priortott uu•r 1011 1 .111, iltOop. 40,e Hum? 111141 vrlhmlrin 11111 1 1' . 1,1'111g 1 411. 113 v rmt 1...1 1 11 et by thu iit4o4 pruNtind pert* 111111 11 1 ' 01 1 1 11111C"d 1,11 S;topi;ritg and 11 , 7•64 - lind fiipoVnert. It to* » ottv,iztot Portwn 1 , 14 k Kor t t 1 . II 114 , , par a %VC:U. ;5(1.1 to 1f tg troth .t.ieN p, ryl,r inn 1 , 14 t Lott l , s of. 1.1,1' V from itt ttlts 't I“tt, finr.t Ittuollot, to" sth t (molt, 6'oll tit, hr ih , fl to t otwit.t. Ihiviql rit Itltrr vt or GIN Wirt OW 1 , 14, pot.ible riariatbra rtttstt qt omoot ao OA+, unit is I,"mploril ,, tllo q .1 - t,1",, , te. , rg ilti lino. tt re4oHroc P TY l'Ett r r leo, pewee le dries it ilf , lo :oily OW, ieueltiett in the ittathrt A ti , l tu , lye , tet , t ore can work it etettuity. without (ttitrq. or ',way to hritlNt It. 2 4 tr. , nglIt nine wandr , rfnl Pimpliritv ofrelett.tror folttivt. ttllwevt ittiltet,xiblo to gel Old ert or.ipt rant i. 1:11Alt isiTt3At by the coittiottty to Etvo ti ro Alti.tot tutu invite ail th,.. who ItOIV flooltro in , 11 y iherowlvo. . oth 9 ogulwri C,MIII and Utotio. 010 lAlt ICA MAI , . VA , 'III NE, no boll 11- 1 /r , 011.111.110 h 1. 1010. i to • tlobto any $ n 1,1. .111., Iblollblkillw; to ttwir!! .at 1041410 ft, AgPqtts minted rot all tow , tt I too , ‘ll-tr , ot! two , . nti tott altetoly ot•tithl, , o-t At», for t;ttlttt Nottiott. Coott,tl §prt St.q.4 Aultriea, tt. 111, r:tt tiowo , ott wiit tt • rIV . 'I) I.IIIrIRE, tiR,IVING .11M " , t1 %11 , 1: Y. . . LATES'r KVIIIONS DEMAND J. W. Bradley's i elebratill raffat DUPLEX 13.1,111' 11(.7 (4)I our nix ta MU SG :L. .%1 6 ' r '4:y.4 • Tha tvotietortel rlrxibmtV and treat rorlit and to ,tity ha iv tti , ottiiiii !lit his 4 ihtl 4. ll4 , llfPd f 1 ,4 1 .1, .114 ,1 V to , Mar 14, 1'arr1 , 14!, , ,. t'iriits. 1.11 111 , 11 Pere, for 1'4+ , 110 , n:1 , 1e an =I W01f4. , p*, the pkiH can he int led iviion in non to tie, ,npy :,41 :1-1 , 1 and C00,1;4.1,4.41144' 44 ,, " . 1 1 4i nr 0 14 , ..111 10,41,104 e qn,i;ily ut rein tyn it,ntni in Any rinn2le $41.1 I.,,4}'3rat roe enjnl,,it ne pt.nrn I, 44 , ' ,4 , , inft q4lO n , •• 4 n. Spri , ll Hutt r., r cruet, thine of 'hut. 01 , , 11. anA YkAt , l4 tht y :rte t ,oto ri ot to y 333,1 bond or ter,44 it kr Vw Stogie but trotpray*'rpufl,rl. And grtr.rol 4141 w tipn th•r, 1 , 1 , 11,443 t, sitiop will have boon . 144 , 1 , 74; •1;,,0p. In rot. 11l et , 4100 .1 , 11111,0, ."..H.l tlo^l).4! , ,,ttrodo ;0,14 , 1 cm' , rf in; !olt Otr 44, . ;t 'Mt ar. , iog nut a ltar t A.e. 4 great Ctr,Nte , ki.fl.h lA. , 4.1 14 toif e , 11110,..10 Vac I Si, the 2 . . ,- 4 t).11:0 tiiiiar Cif iii t; .t 111 t (+4i0M.1,111. 11.,1 , 01 a,llgolagv. to Csiunt+:t= c= # t /0, /i riff 1 . 1351.1 t, d. szk,ttdy. , i.r+Entity. , 1 , 0111. • PLO t " . tarn 111, 4" , /,' 1' . , ri' pt01,c41,, t,t. •.IW, ei.KX t ' 143,1.• y'..t 1).4.1 .s 1 —if t;l.. 1114 IS. • ' • it t!,(”110/1 ah,rht f I •10+1 , y *-Ir , l , eth. itt,o t b, r-A $. , .t 11'11 : , tiorr4 r rt. Asia tbe a 341 .14:41103,1%11, by C“. OA 11,4 ritt..rit t Vu Y .04 0 .4 tit ismo! , • it 4.. 14 it , ',l4 N. V. ttin.' 6 It ( . 110N Ai' ti is OC Sift Sit E. TItF stn lorlov ,, of 1,-tvo t. 7 , 0t00 , i, , 0. 1 tot lito W 4 r ow...ours: tho rtilfmtlittilod ,00intry o v. • Mr,1:11111y uu Ithud Izt WS Wit ,140}1,,p), thn renter t/t Main OW too $lO.. prleue lot tof G 17, A K TEAS, COrve Sour. Synnt... r.h:tery Cigars, firse4 I'm it ttho rd', stmt,r. laird Prit,l rttrtyl awl Wow l'“stwri of ;*ll awl Iqo $1 LT.. Du , 4 , 4 h. P•r holv . i i'Ltr. Chop, 011.0Poax UV. WI", Pttt. , ty ttOt. ttosiery•. rov"lts, Wretm¢ i'mo,r, top, tlardx•are. titil , f.s. &it. rli , keeps in fdtt aprmiliting to a firma hEocevy and Vn vies y !+ tore. itv d.t , t uad not to lat tin, Ali " d ad, of 14ri,611., 11:41 1611 litGli,NT AI,IItKI.T PRI( 11, v h,a in, tvreivr.l a now rtnr,ta. the P”01/10 ore Oarnotttv to tio.l v , eon and ratters titootaelvett Ny .ton t 41.2"1,1401i to hn.oneao. ho nova not onto to to tats Ino patronage hot to iorton.oo it. lit, book thanit• tol for pa ..t loom . * and Witit many yeoro otporienele in Iho tp., aos.4, ho loofa ton Aleut he ton tondor oat jorm lion to ail who fat Of brat WWI iiWit Wit onnge. JOHN K. tHIATUN, 111. , ninemra, line 10, lAA. Plano-Forte Blauulacturere, 491) Broadway. New York. IcrEENTIoN of Iho (Millie 444 th 4 trade 10 /41'1144 14 OW NEW -1' %Lt., sEVEN 4)CrEA VEL nosiiwip PI N' FORTES, it h fir yoftme pansy of Iwo. It 4410,0140 by hey h•therto of in MIA 1440 , 41. They rollt4lll all 14 t44.1..rti 14141'.*V44414t*, En'out' growl of taoo, hnr41,0,141,1iw 4:14m, 4vl , r,if tl tly. 44,4. 411 d eat 144114mPlii thr per ”nal p„,„ ~,„; , m 4 31r. J V:44 IMO 4 tuft I kat rAperimkre ..err Only vim+ in I.wir nlunuthauue, tx fatly wy t . lamed In 1.% port,olor 77f f: • WfOk r t.,STLEX pia,m).Funrw itt(l/I.IVLU'IIIEtIMIIk.I' ARP I*l. MERIT AT TUC COGS. SPATtn AIR Whet „ were Pllblfilli'd Mkt(ltillettar , front the tMII4 Milker,* 4 moan, riff lg. Gerutoriy. t ittlndelrkik ultortior.. {11,,,i end Avw York and Moo ist Plowlitlll Institut*. hre 10111,1M0,/Ve y , ere. the 11;01.1> and $11.V4.11, MUDALII hunt truth of Whitil eau be 4,mll***Mll Wllfri`.lM74ll.. Ilv tho Irdr,tdort as of improvements we make R more eerh:el freemforte, and uy uoanu(att ring !vv.!), 1111114 .litttly Cll h ey.teto. are enabled to Mier the e raOrliatelite at a prtae which will preclude OS twmpetrUuo oar Ertreft are (remelt* to eldo cheaper tban any Bret Harm Preemlorre. TEn MS cdfal in roomer rondo. Inflteroptiro tiff`Were SOO 'feet July ii, irno —ty,-11, & P. X &W &AUER ISILOY. The mmoo,,igno4 rsnpsetlullq anirooneee that he Imo relllne.l u *Mop, ta (Matt alley. oppnoite the Continues Ilwel, where he to prerrod io euu• nuct the hothorton lt*int so In all ito branches. nowt et wwwie. niolters and 111011111410111e# Is 'mewed he Mot Ile also Mean. elothion, making nowly as good** new upon the moot to . Mows. Give huts a teml. *o'" Ham eutie v awn quality, on , d for oloaniog haw, kept was. no haat, awl for oats H. UAL' trLiiiNt Bloorasburig, April O. then.—ti. W. C. Established 1828. G. W. CARPENTER, lIENSEE V & CO. winoLESA onoilavre. ?17 M►OWWT ST. ono dour tiatow OM. PIMADILPIII/6 !MUG& MtP.PWIN PA iterriUll.M, ai,AOl 4 , KARP/limit:o, UVEII, Ard uiloP( art irle appertaining tp the ig let Mat alining, age at Is • brawl Market liettse. INlh TIN NIIM &Whig Ai summer Medicine. VZptin, XXVIELSOW &ARS %Pit UM lODIDE OF LIME, PIO ParrED 0. W1 . r.17 to, 00ATO4. JAMES NICHOLS & CO. ithatqltetun'ag Cherni44, mA %IT %, TUN! OrrilE • ELIXIR, PERU 17 A' PARK Which hail hei-6111C Sri 64*tir4loi) himWo 7D.VIC /ND &fib? 01017 try Phyokiints trod ittraltdy m tilt puns r hhc rand try, tww prrparntipn, rilin in rprannn• 1 , 0 1 , a1 , 1. of Lim. pr,, , ir, unp of I pf,,popt olt.rattrp ,Aprr 'NI hi , ntf iuh uprm Ihn PV*l ,, lO. and Into 1111111.141i0 Utui ,40 , 111 i 401FVOI it ie f. , 11t1 , 11141 fv . .OIVVIII. nt mote PtIPEIo •-a+•tt rrl Moot d. rardir ... ,, 11/10.00,0.0 0 int , ISort tiller • tqlllbi. , lllllll 4411 if I Sit 11 , 3filitli $0114111.. to initfil prrlr a ly aN tirrinvnrnbiv tCyllleillooo. firm worolly ottrof v•A WITH 1011101: OP LI I* mkt o IN if 111 1 1 ,1 Ififfa/npsprtoe ~0,,5% hat if row r 1.1.4 of itufff. fief. etoirroLier Its af rrnttet, ofF•rt« are lionflUNNlin it. Toady ro..:iitl4 11"11 WWI t@r Moog tuot 11,41 , s role. rr.5..101 ,, 0 , t 000.0 owl r101.1r,0 Improve r apiiflV 41114gtnrani 4100A1.11. F,01110.• O , a 1 , 41 Va I," of te , ,h4loroi It 1 , 4ot 0 1100 1,04 by 401 31.1 of p , (#.4al, .1 - 011 ,- 11Ve lona 01 111,. 1,111,..4... A 4 itf truhre"re* are cle.lfell. e, 11,110 tri itit• 4pih,a It 01041 ellifY. in 1 ,4 . Yale dowea Ulllll rvittl to ottlit,p4i lu the 3S . , priny (4 the Jrp,t, ixntf du i :g N% the Pre+uaulatina of foothl4 touttt4r4 in the sy,tte,9 fie , oho t 4, IPA thhe ursntitretatl try fotibitop.4,o Lax , ii o llll. 0.011(011erS, 1.10.01 or %pp., too, KOOO 1.1 the 3.,inty. 1111 eoti9h, rte , nr. very iMIIII , III. NliOlifte .1 , VlOl , /1 1 4 , *Merin in.fie rtrrt.ivr otrt 411' thyo•'A It I 1.4 A WI I 1 tow ~r• ,An preparation tat It. or mien opproriennten f 4 it at 4121 C. (,r La, rrrr 41,•er been pt te est t,r+ht•• tae reneb eJ i r • ; '• • 11. -ts ;.;..••• ;rt. ;.• •,•• ••• rro t=s r• •. • t,,el,ct tn. ht , l3+ , .• ++l,,,tl++“ V+ittKrftitir t • tio , tipt++. • • +.,.t+1 , ,, +4 ,• t, .tte t., t , . IA 64 , 6 660 6 , 6,4 61 I6Q rt 444 • • • t tit4.•••lo • f • .. 14, f & 01,1 411 ts,liirty.4.. ts, in,i, tle Odi qf Clnthing. L ' /IL Spring; and Susissner t4oodoi. o . lxv: ro p; ": f: 41 Vlt cheap and Lt.h.ll etattt I I f. tore, on J/J/N 11,1,0°31v/IHW. two doors above the :Imo Heart /bust, n t+4.o Ott taaoOla**l (torn Now and Chi l.,+frtpLla~ a ru iu , rn4 or 1/111 Nerd Boy's I lothitir., '•lf Oen ht w.:4 Y. .' , !••. ' 4 'r :111 1. 1 - ;.s 4;th)L4S, /lox, Sack, Irock, Guist and Oil C o r Cott's, 4144,1 l'orog, tot nii.ortl and rwor. If • 41 , 5 in* loheit vteaal", ,tock r„. 1 , , 4 IPII.I, Oh./1., an , l pITAin cwt., 1 . '4% 111110.11(Cri. htdik a , 11 Jrttele , E, ofi.tonie on Hin4 thrZle fin I ,+! 1. 4• ,7, 14 41,1 Vt.' . ' • 1 , 1 C... ,ab. 1, , 0r.1y. ?Ht.- h.* rinMt”.o to «.T Ikea n. nlO. tt !: • tt t a.t,t.tro ,c..# J. Ja "121o= rv.•rg ri i • , 71 J.. 1 . 1, 11. • I ,y 1 444 tt>xcrtin• t!mag, %Inutile), f. 4k.... i.e. Bil , olll. bug:, Ai 111 NEW TOBACCO STORE. IL IL t'N.7 4 REII4 ; •t. • • the • • , X:LOOAValiqt,llo t t0ir0t.4, , , to this and tttot - ", trade, 41 19lli4iNlith , h, 0r.% FINE ('VT AND MEG TOBACCOS, uwirsTic AND IMPORT:Si CIGAR nll hinds of NYinklAG TOIRICCO, And Print Woad 1- , taming ro in. tratie ' Th , oot t , [ll , tll tet+lll 4. , alPr*tti elan?* and phew• s-bm. rir IN. O l O +l tto wi li to 10 w hint tt call. is Obqt , / u 1 St. 14101: to thr drier, for rvery arch le they Or pofflr.,..l , re Of t /WWI Coulary pealtim AS,•V«itthnf 4v, leS LIZZIE FETERMAN, Wont 4 oftwomee In Um ladies nt Illonoisbore anet lb , ' Po" ), that ~/tu had pot tecotreei gr,,,. to+ , toi,tclo r tiepring and Sninnier Finch of MILLINERY GOODS, all tirit rally Prot Military r 1,1,4 iii" noir tinning tlin liniiiirouir and On arair In ti l e ~start Cuti ;inn rininitite tam (nri N 0 6,34y wholi 4 , 4 e whorß'beCirte ine Ante, Peteriond'weLt,:k tr; fromll 4 flo ti 11184/4 to ord,r, tnt the ,tiort , .l or reptor,i. St", un W. 1 ,..t ,trio 4 ,:h1 4 ,1 Of btlyile the •tore of ileto4ku6ull # Itupt , rt. eiti..llllll/11t g , May 13411.—tr. NEW' (mops! NEW (amps! ! FOR FALL and VITIATED, B. W. BOWMAN'S =MlA!murals) Off3a2DIZA4I0 0 ORANGZIFILXIM. THE u nder,lpned boo Just rreeived n very Wag , awl earelleot osawortatent of FALL, AND WINTER LCOill. 414th 4 0 $.101.44.11 to salt at very low rows lle has the beet qaattues of Currus, cnammERES, MUSI.INI. CA LICUEOI, LIELM M hatINOES, cilrelie, kc. ke. The Grocery Department it nifra withihr host qualify of (reek trocerior and provorfone, sued 4S .11g4f, molasses, flour, raft, Bob, dew burmi, wore, Country pr) Mee taken in otehoorta for irpo l ir. fur Wired the highest market pm , will do gleam 0 floret fall to give him a call and securn peat W. BOWMAN Orangeville, Noe,flit, 1866,-3m, AGENCY, Mr *Snotttl PchweppenOimer. nt Mitniu boo ,foocurod tMo Agency of eolutoino COUtitY for toe onjy NoUthern 11114.0 r, e or tbe Wer, the LOOT entitle. by Memo A. Polhill!. nt litminte. Complete to one hirer entente, ar Henri); mut wee ; thtt history or vannutehmt her too alter rulleo by mot rw the moor, and to town puttee to the Southern mom the p•ot must be tetten by come Southern nuan; who le Wilhos to devote hot tune and tuhmte In the ctotheetton of hke countrymen ; hi it a hint try or when AIM chMteoce the rrititiaal Of the inteliiyeut, a i 4 merit the ottoototo of an MM. tutry le, 1067. EMPIRE SI I VETLE SEWING ORO. W CARPIII7II4. ASA. 221ELZEISZYrJaM Aro 411pPrini to al, aglow Mr 'AMIN AND MANUFACTLIIIINtI I'UPPOnS., contain ell lb. latest Improvements • VI opooly onipeuess ; An ; sod sop) , to wo g s, Illoltrotod Vitenlnto frPr, Adam. wooled. Lib. tool diocoutpi allowed. lin tom•illio_enis Address "mein CO“ oil loresoway,llller Tork. Ilopteisbee S, 1000.—Iy.- A • & I= roMBINEU WITH WITH PrOlOXide of Iran, I= 1111212=1 ME ..‘v 1,,•%Vi1V7t, -.5 Or 00 z l e 0 tIM Huse Kill Cat s IEI.I, KAVt is00(1 NH, it I'EiPER I Vk NH, rotii DI 1.045 OF API TETE AND VII' lENEIW Y, Am. t Improve, win , ittertme . o tlrty appditt-ittro• smooth 01044 y trangorms t mirwraLla Wel" II all &mite* at Die. Lam, Liver, li! this Airtight AA a OPetitia. /IV pantos Dow t one tiaD a imperil to a paw in a barrel of twill the above di *oasts will be eraitheiated or entirely prevent preventive and owe um . ----- Frio 26 Cents per Piper, or 8 Papero fat st. PREPARED DT E 4. A. FOTTTZ 13c flub., CEMEI nnattlAtr., Dr.t MYMUNT DI M« Na. 116 Franklin St., Baltimore, NC 0-titritu acd du:cc- pen tiirough .7.o. v.* i7,44.4* 71' fv, ttAt 10. tota4 I;tert of ,f;" f: 0? r kft• too NI PO lilt. W. 11. IVIIII - 11()P far a netteber at If 1 ' , j ;:r7 n ,.... 1 7, r 4 V,, ,," « ,5 1 1 1 1 ,,11e P kt, ',: ::1711. rent hos orki• r.r k rope, afro a 114 , 1!rh, of the Arcor.i r i i i Medir inOittlth hi tV V , rk 5.01,-04 t,, 311 ;e3lvteeeeeete3 343.3 of itia otticet Nu, Ifres t Motel kSt 1, Pl,o4ufelpta '3.Ord reet4 3 llt Me tete tart 343 lived rerwrynertied; t-31"41C. /Whit Ate iho , * wind, in 01 not hrr, , l, rout, the tilt,lllhll 4 .H. brat 133.3313 th 3 io trek, hit 114 3 3kihtitiw ., 1 feuln flu rue , 3. 13.3ve Iler 35.1310 Itt a healthy and r.+ l 10V , 1'Cr1. , 1% lt Ar•••••,,, , ,g +liken** Red rAi , h•str •y , r 1.3:•0;1 , • • kki , ,r , rtutei tee, rent tlthti m ;11,1 yeetelly tholvOth , th 1 , 4 44• 04%*14, r.4n 4111 , 4 vihrhl rent,.!. 4. M. ithl ,, r , t“ 3l l Cl.4t wtht» ht t,e.t 4333 WPnbalPill Or 't• , l z r. ..rue,lnrapablit •• ; • •••• • r " 30 t•• ttt. !:,1 I" VI k *1 t • : : •-• tent • :'• .• ratfrd • ' _ •• r%ult , v. al . a' • I. • • E.l: %lir% . • , 4,4, calks, , ilk fit}. teittr . Carrd ! • N 511,1g4 I=lil ::•.. 3 f.• IMMI . ; • Arf • 4, It • - ONIN;BUS LINE. !.' • 4) )i it• I.• eV: .. "4111 •.• y" . ft ill , I• % . • 7"."31; - "I •• • r; „ ; rrlo,••••• tr'y ;••• • ••• . •! .8t or tip. Catrr‘r. rrr. I r , I• 1 ~ •find th• , •r• s.rrr4 ta it., & B,o' , lll,ol , tife if I; , * OON xi •CS Mire in gO4 rowliston, r^tutno• C j.tif# and arid 4 . 0 1:41.111.11.k. :Le * rs,San. w I , IP r , rwe, ot ,rte th-lr Itten,la ,:.pot rt, hi, MA tipitn I r.t.l ilia Cbcgue by tins •'y tiotict. at any of tlw Ile. tufo. JACOB L. GIRTON, Proprirtor Blew +burg. April 1 DitUUS,ICUS. Y At John It, Moyers nmf Etivi (^ono M Mtn att.: Math, t Strotiro. gaud **mg mast a PURE DIR 17GS, ‘te . littrpo, Palms. Otte and Vorniolgte. afm+yo as ,i.+l V. ill be fold thruper tuna et any uthur LW I; $l4O , I^ll4 QUALITY GUARANTEED. Num' i intim carefully compounded et Sloyeea Drug mote. Al ..r. 3nynes Medicitop a"111 at Moyer's Mug Stare, Wi..linrCo Tor Conlin!. l'inkr!Cn Cod Cher Winnloon! Sou Optio, so!d nt Dyer's Unig store Ittl• arcs reliable patent me.ltrines, cnli et Moyaril k4t olivr t,(rti ktnda, wholesli:. , and retail, 84 J. Wyer'a Vent: e 11104,111011,1ig. !bay tr, tete,: if. W ALL pArElit. ktritivr.kenril r , ryetteuvly ntarogni:Po to OW tu , Refly cont4mt;p hand, at big Widow. one 1 4 , , „ Kora.. Cti NV %At VE • Cloth Wiudot: FiuldeN, Carib., ?alt ar'. and ro xtutei, (or tiriare, &c., the v-ty I. prepared la do all hi parr hatizins to ordar. E. J. THORTON. Plnanirhorp, April 1 leriti.—lf M. WHITMOYER, ATTORNEY - AT - LAW, BLOOMSSURG, Offiee epposite Pont office, neer Hartman's More . Bark Pay, Bonney, Pensions and Oat. 'remind claims promptly collected. Blonmeburg Apr. 4. 'M. CHAS. O. BARKLEY, Attorney at 4ow, OLOOMOURG, COLDIBIA CO., N. V(7 ILL inset lel* in iba several eminent enhirabk ', County. All !spit anninnes intrusted to lON es IP glitlit promo 'mention. offico—on Mum ntreal, Exchange Buildings, WSW 810,.. Bliminsburc April 13, PC4 M. M. TRAUGII, ATTou ET•AT-LA W. PLO ONSP rRG, Pa. will pea eglen In the annoral Conte of Colimbo And mnjni mil counters. Ur J All Colinounno wavily attended to. , oo DR. J. R. EVANS, flysUM aid Surgeon s riAvING Inenntd protnolitnily on ?bin I" Street, BLOOMSBUPG, Pe., oneld larla the 'milk; gallargia,, that he IN pfeptared to uteri la all !Australia faithfully and punctually that may Int Intrusted in MI are, Olt to cue 011pe. Mot with a.. ar no pays strsd, 1111.1111011 WOll H mostiolne, PlfrolL I 01111,—Iy. piNgevelliiii iira, will Coe. bly reinvigorate 4o , dirern optriewl•horao., inneirthvelwli alesuire men sad lanai. U a fans pip af all dl, fur); Iftaialent Inn U liyaluill• °Yu the guilty tht totitit. It hal bum rpm by so experlatritt to vow the quilt. 47 pi Witt syll woo* twenty irty *at. sod AMR the quit Ills 10 Set to **entire% ttl4f, It sir/stk.* oppotits, Nato eir ht4o, atdli iims dim tlitivo 1111 1N33 rEZM