Bloomsburg democrat. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1867-1869, March 27, 1867, Image 4
AGRICULTURAL, BARLEY ,t,to Rye FOR HORSES. —My first experience in feeding barley to horses was in California, where there was no other grain raised for feed at that time. All our horses were fed on it for two years without any change, and never got tired of it, always thriving and looking remarkably well fin' the amount of labor they performed. This in• duced me to raise it to feed after my return from that country, and I have learned to es teem it higher than any other grain (when ground) for horses. It is too hard to feed in the grain. It is less liable to founder than corn, wheat, or rye, yet contains but very little less nutriment than either of those grains. I have raised a great many volts, and have inn& breeding trotting horses a study. and in all my experience I have found nothing equal to barley meal to make a mare give milk. I have found it no disadvantage to a mare's getting foal, and not any while she was so. Oats are a better food for colts from weaning time until they g0. , 11, work. Rye is a dangerous grain to feed alone, it is more liable to riini,,bl , than any other grain, hut, to mix %Celt short , , or to grind with oats, and I. , ed without hay or straw, it makes exeelleut, feed. Instead of being a preventive to preenaney in mares, it is an advantage. 1 own and keep for ser cc of the fittest and most promising stallions in the State, and it' any one has a mare they wish to put at a eel rain time, I always recommend keding the mare with bailed rye, bleed warm, to get her in season, and it never fails to .1,, it- work in from three to five da y s, and I never knew it mare to re flue the heff-e abet -nel. treatment. Three quarts, three tin e s a day, is good feeding. This discovery may are et' great value to breeders, and save an enormous amount of tro üble, &eh , th,ye, SgrAAIEA AND riilV 4 . —At the meeting of the State _agricultural Society, Judge ()s -hame was called upon to make some re marks upon the effect 'of Roston squashes on the milk of cow. and said in reply. that he had been trying the experiment whether the farmer could not use the squashes he was in the fella of taking to market. For this purpose he had find the best kinds of garden produce to his cattle, liasling them with cabbage until January, and then with squashes. !lad planted corn few apart, and every fourth hill was plant, ‘I with squash's alone. in order that the squashes 'night have .Alll benefit of the There is as DMA in a gnash of the size or a man"s hat, as in a pumpkin five times as large. Sit" he had the Marrow qterde es to his eau's. he had an i.•• I the excellence of the milk, and that nit le en nn: 61 taste. This squash matures in.laanaary. when the, strong squashy taste disappears. They should be kept out just ;Lima , ' of the frost, and by care will last till March. There toe spats upon them, hut not enough to cause serious injury. Ills 01,,leet was to kuoav whether a farther tirh3alhada wileh cow could get a good return in butter hor his farm la bor. Thought that se cii 40.irts of milk would make a pound of Lotter. If be can produce in winter time a _oral article of but ter, free front the ortal bitter taste, keep the cow in good health, :111.1 gm a proper re turn for his labor, this is what the farmer needs. It gives fifty pounds a day to the cow, and this is liberal fe .1. Probably the squashes could be raised as well separately as with the corn. HOW TO EXHAUST A VA 101.—Scll hay, and by so doing less stock can can be kept : consequently a smaller amount of immure will be made. Plant and manure the same land year after year. except the land in question, and for all other land this involves the same principle as selling hay. I have kn o wn at least ono firm exhausted in fertility by this method. Etunge in the cultivation or fruit, tobacco or hops an an extensive wale: manure highly, this will have the same effect as selling hay in dimin ishing the prodnetive cap:teity of the faint. Mike no effort to make Illitourv, still plant and sow beyond the ability to manure.— Practice universal fall plowing, that the liner and richer portions of the soil may be blown or washed away, leaving only the coarse or poorer soil remaining. For the sake of em ployment, whether profitable or not, keep an undue proportion of working oxen and horses, devote almost entire winter to team ing, this will leave a large proportion of the manure on the road. lost to AI agricultural purposes. Pay good attention to7ardening. Keep the !':111110 bind fur a garden year after year. Praetiee hell:criminate ditching, even on the meadows and runs not infested with flags, that the wash and sediment, instead of remaining on a large portion of the land, may be carried off in a gutter and lost t o a ll intents and purposes. Allow the wash of the side hills and the droopings of eaves to run through barnyards mil wash off more Or less num tiro. 6REASIN(I llimTS AND IIBUTIS.—Two things we have learned by long Knob's. and personal experience. One is that snow water will I.oak through best boot leather when no other, water will. The other item is that pure mats-foot oil, two or three times applied, and well warmed in, will more effectually thrice out water, make dry feet, soften and preserve leather better than any otliwr application we have over tried. The narun material is equally ellieiont and as valuable for greasing the hoofs and boot legs of hories (lain; the slumpy, slushy weather of our winter thaws; applied with a sponge, and well tubbed in, to the legs of a horse, say twice a week, protects him from severe ills and inconvenienees, mak ing his feet and logs quite no comfortable as we find our own within a dry, well oiled boot. Please experiment and believe. =I HALTER-N.1,1.M; MoRSEN.--Thl! Yer. MOO 144llne' recommends fur the cure of halter•pulling in horses, having a heacl.hal• ter padded in which are concealed seine bream arranged that a sudden pull will prink the animal smartly. A very fc►w trl• aLwlll ouro the moot otutioato NEW MTAURANT, In nullol, nu M.ln Street. WM, GILMORE. NAOMI the ettlteau troluumuhurg uitd vicinity stint he has opt Mid u New RESTA VII ANT. in thin plane, where he Invites hie oid Mends and enatomare loran and .partake of Ina rettertnn h enta.— Itis his internee to heap (ho hart LAGER BEER AND ALE, conainnily on bond • Alen, Porter, Sproppnolin. Mn ores Mom Fancy Lenionnileo, itaspberrY and Lent en Pyrups , eon tawny* be had at hip Rephturant„. In the eating line ha presents a MUM Or rAltv tint ourpniiiird In this place. , viz, Pickled Oymorf elms, Pardinaa non, Ilioneruoil Chicken. einalei Tripe ac i d Over Toppi«, Am, inc. Ile ninon la a soot article or eigurs and rftre/ring riereeo forbioru.WMPro r . 601/N IMO 41, C4ll. lihnnoNhoirc Juno t 3, G REAT ISAR6AINS Eli/ [reduction in Prices. Tho unilvaigned ill otro , to do. public GREAT HAIMMINS ill nil hods or I.Y.2(vlrcesa'aentivoUtisionsof . Ut 1 ax IMV GOON, QUEENSW ARV, HARDWARE, 1300104 and shOrt4 9 MIN Caps, Mid Not inn , / in every wirisiv, ttnr iiiistitiiss win* the first ut January, will an can dutiful no a strictly C SYSTEM, nag paranaa wishing to pm-chafe anything in otta tine eau In po, at small riertainatin an Corryni Wholeiale Pricer►. An kind* or produce:lnd groin uskoo in rle hone fa" We cordially invtu, the loathe to GIVE DS A CALL and A olioro or their lttreehttee. k, $llO MAY etaitv,ieoa, January S, P. 07. LUMBER ! LUMBER ! ! mthivisitrita LU 31 r: tit I I M COMPANY, ta,,,11,11,-I,,,tfutly Wham M. Witgie that they have th,.f PLANING MILL now in oPoradon tctUt oft extoo,ive oosof foiont of lind aro 1w par,l In Ptipply oyder4 qt Ph.rt nntire and at th, Inauat prirvo Or rash, Their mo , hortment u 1 Itooher a While Pine Plonk, Boorik, Flooring, sorillire aiding, Hemlock Plan lan& It or toloht ot. to *On riirOt.el rm... stair Jo.o toot or Their Pliocmsf 11 I 1 and 1 I.aJl/1 1,*;0,1 i. eituatad at tap tt turned Damn, 'pen, rim** nioaly for Allippiaa la ober by 1 bey at.. f 1 • 11 ' 1 141 Y 111.041 latlatiag lumber 01 all kind*. 410 plrl4sllo who ft ire lamact of every rte. or, 11•11 , *0 af, veil I. et .1,1100 then .4 , 41, before lore ,fleour a t 41 , 1% bore. 'lll , a tlre delermmed nO,l efie litenify prepnrle 10 teat „a Ifl f•;Of 31,. Ito th , ' l ' it , 0 ,0 0 , -11 , In ihtiahl 'be teddie vtod ell,l* 11y 12-- , 10 , / , i»h ta parrh,*. 1,14 ~tort t 44 Ilwy have all- 11 1 1 *ll.r oaftt prvratt.,l W lllat , Ifsll , l4t !-•1201 W 1 , 1 ,1”: to Italia or if , htlaf 04s htfllchh. eat* o,lle t00:01, by 4:i41,;: 114 a • all The illt , ierslipied Wmild 111,0 nem ,mre th a t they are pfavarall Ia 3.01 kiwi at repairing of Mhehillery, 11. h htb Three!,my larliines :1140n err , Keeper, and all kruds Ililidepleote, 01.00 reaemtv. ble 1.1 111*. cu. swy, • Mourn: 41,11 g, St flt, 1 444 iit4.41,1“1114 P 4 311 .Iti II Oft D : llofr 1 , 04, How I:w.dtw,(l. .1 , 10 l ', 1 1 111.11”. 1 ,n r•ew Pdition of t'l IX tlt re1 , 140,111.0 ,, a1 , on Ihn (1141 , Via rttl , l , Allll , hit dirM4' (.1 ,1 10 , (4WOerr$11 ,, ••11. Clean lital . 14 f`;ll4Lis , r,Y , 1 , 4% . ,'“,111,1(y ,'lltit.l4l 0” , •4, Irintio• teary N, 44141 :In.l rii,V,V;ll tnrnpne ny, lowettimeolw ft. ‘l4(flifirv, ate . ; 711-0 r0(1,1101,114.11, OM) Fay mduc, , tl by or 044,11.1 i 5 ,, x thiva. gamet Peke, in n yoylod onvolnne, only ti rent. heat , .1 anther tins aanarable essay tram a chitty fat Wall fr.'. that I,IW atlfig eqa. ,4 1 , 1 ,, at #,{ se It. aha...o way be radically 1711111 Witiltlal the daub *II • oti.ll. 01 internal atearciae et the appltrattaa ut the kot , ie—p,,thtiar f+llt a $11 , ./. , at tatu at ttar, enn f rtia, and a tyrrtttaf, by un , una of tcbteh even, way cure hial.elf cheaply. gm valely. Hurl radteaily. The, frelow ,jorro , d he al the hander of every yneitt and every titbit 111 OW itinkr «vat, in n 1.1 n,” in any , ad. poil.yhid. no recnipt of 1.4 X tents, or tan poi 11411i11:65 the publi*lterx. AS J. I'. KLINE /4. lin flowery, New York, l'ustthficr. tr. x, isrli Dee. 19, 1194. ItEADING RAIL BOAR WINTER IR R INGEMENT. De evmher 14. cur.vr 'MUNK LIVE Elton THE NORTH and North Wo,t for ;oph,, v ork, mg. rottov le.Tamnprt A•titand, to'llanitik, Anew. town,, 13phewtd, /dist. lonfrtl9o.f, roltthibM, kr.. der.. *EV4III4 lenvp rri.harl for X.•w Vora. as follow,: AI 3 011, PIO awl fl 35 n Al and 1 to am! D 00 p 4 4444111144(.4 414: tvltl, plantar Tram. an the l'eno.ylvonla - Mail and arriving nt New Vara at 5110 and Iu la A and 4 40.4 «Ya 14140 pat, raPpaing Vi 1144 ivromp ay ma the 300 a x and 1) W p x. *rtilltla wititoat (low, Leave learrixhurl for tlea+lilft. P ,, ttAvelll. Tama , mat, 311n•revil le. Aeb'nnd. Grapp, #111..01004 44441 14014111441i1404 at 8 10 ♦ x awl 1 Ia and 4 In ► 144 041414414111„1 111 toluttlott nft.l rim-4611 Way *1:01011,1 the I mal lag tlr Pliil4.frlplii4 and Coiltil,lsta .10). Fur i'ottnvdk•. Setilylk fl ovoi and Aattara. in 0011011/ill and s4.lllPhignia Knii Po' 0.1 , 4 v, 11;011. 1 )0g at 3 11 P Leavr New York at !I 00 A M. I At and 5101,0,4 r to,' p 1 1 11114, , plphiv aI s I S t st and 330 r M Way Pao...tiger 1 ram len tO4 Plitlaarlphla at 7 30 A M. rein •Nuts from ttraNtlig tit ft 311 p M clopping nt att platiotio; potbovillp at It 45 A M. and 1 05 P M ; AOll and 1130 A M. nod I 03 p. M ; Tamaqua at ti 43 A.Ol , Anil 1 pg and p 1.0015.1 1 441.00 Ma for ilarrsharg via Srhoylkill and ; 00 A N. Arc,,,H.N4,111.N. Tram I,rarrr Healing at 630 A M n 0010,11441 100.111 Plot oirtphiv at 4 30 r M. 0 , 1 , 114110 RaOrool rraitla leave, Heading at ; 00 0 M up,l 0 15 p 4 for ephiata. i.itiz, Lancact , r, tolatunia. 2 4 0totay Leave New York at r tni r pp l l o Iphmt $ tat A tt, and 1 IA the rt Icl A Al, WWI pilimimt only 1, It. a. 11141 P he, A AI ; iblr rip mil 0 33 A M. and Ili 140,01 al IN at.. ; 10 A M, far Ilarrirliors nod 114.4 A 31, lon 1.10 York and 4113 Al. Go I'lll , olfrlphilt.. 1111Pagp, lleataan Mr6ool 1111.1 Gtrur• TlOlOO. to and Ginn Ali pninto at Ilmhippl rt. 4 p Baggage sacked thiaugli; rh poolots nfloweil earls G. A. Itrtii,Ls General 1.11/10IfifilelidttM10 !Wading, Pa., Jim, I, lOC 81.00MSBCI41; FANCY ntwasu AND SOOli SURE, Rewind dens below listitnan's DOI Stmt.. Just itemised n new stuck or zgro t RS. WOOLEN AND CCM TON YARNS, CORSETS, LACES, EM BROI DER I ES. MUSLIN, EDGINGS, riltEsa MAMMA, arid every variety et t rticlew 11 , ..i..11). kept HI FitACV STORE. A luu Prtontd liouk a. Hymn Iluuka. ilibles. Sunday !know . and u largn 11.. t of MISCELL.,INKOI"S BOOKS, Stemma and Memorandum /Woks, !Rank Deeds. WWI. and Mortgages, and a primal well•eataM ud assurt meat ur Niter, Ltuestuutr, Ste. A. D. MUHL Bloomsburg, June* 111gL •t( REMEDIAL IRSTITUIL FCH ISPEOIAL VASES. No. 14 Bond St, New York. to- Poil tni'ortnaion. with the hietest itvtttavaraly aloilt a Hook on Special Meow* to a *rata tontiortfl vent free. it). I* owe 40d seri far theta, and Nog tott rat regret ; trr no ogrenl.llll phywiriftits eherttly tog. peitOrm, 14(4.1rtrietV I'm *tomer should ht. itustrd. Enclogr n *wog for rhg.tge; and ;sued pt OR 1,4,w kg,gicl4, .!%4) 14 DUNI, I%IXF. NEW YORK. Nor. 14. IMifi IY.$ M. I', MUNCY 1101 i L muricv, Lyeorming Comity, Pa. N. 11U7DEION, Proprietor. BROWN PERIM'S. Pianos for the People 1 420 Broome SI., N. T. We *mild rah the attention or the piddle and the trade to nor elegant hew 04110 Pianut, in the follow. ine *tyle*: A, 7 octavo, rront Imp mond enrol re. plain cra4o, onhor Ocilloo Of mired otro low bottom, boon noon Inti oa nifoth 14T LK V O. i liti4Vo. WOO a* mee A with lOU emitter itiouleileltOr With. tarred lees Hee lyre., /WV S Yta;4.7 ertere, Front "whet* large mold ore leonine hettem, itlettleleer IMMO No en style U. tetrad tyre eud deoh, Pthry CUVOId logios SOO 0r7"y414 ft, '7 otter.., titer Imo round cereete, hnrk. inotildifigO on rim 4114 i 1.11110, oeypeettry bosom carted lyre nod dents, gent tarred trek lege COO . ..... ... . Ihe abort rlylea nn , nil liniahed in ' , tenant Moo, *owl clues and have the Nil nun frown, rreneh action. harp OPIIOI, iff!VOiolf kW. ivory keys mei key non** and eVeeti in .iVerelettek enee, nrnrty nit the } (OW 0 EllllllO now 111101tINIffred bey am nindo nt the hoot materials and int finish, wily owl OWOVIIINO Of leer, rieteet be not weeted. (Vs ,nvot,,ll, auetttnnn un the pel,ife, or 114%000 and Qwa w0h.,..n01t h, n unreel examination of the nirriirt of nor Nato. ity nonnling .1.0 swot eXtteettee attest eet 1th441 en.tly lIIt tette. 444 eettethilVe W410111041e in the qtly, we ere elethhet elihr these Ihtletet ni prtoes winch 4thy rettleftetitteD, and mine 011 In Loll a n d eXattliee the/4 before pnrrboeiup olootolouro. Pnrttno ordonnif (reed o Ith44titte eon rely Mete reeettlipg Moir !'ionise promptly, and an onnbooton non ;Won no Um Oly lee ore oft diotinctly donognaind by the lethis A U C The lour .y Loa deoeolie.ilobove. embody all the ooseritoti obomoio in exterior lw,' of ow, w hteh are by many manufacture/. ruu up to 13 and int oottittuo. e VSIC DEPART)! ENT. • We would feagerirolly rail the attention of Chair 1.e4.1e14 anti tahiging,Sentati 'Vettelnos to Mit eatith lialtine a where aO t.tinia of Church %lusin ( l,eu 01,d Anthem Voialis 444 I/444441 4 Pd On the moat litvienble terms The long Plpri , nte of air Mr, NitOlego in Mtlilf44 l Coloormooo, ilOgro, flirt ro9f t 4ft noon* 444 t. 444 y. tl,iva t , Pomilleo him 10 ItIVO 444114 find 1111 .4 1111 Moll Mt Mt loom+ or otnaleal inter, - at no to tio ai.inettiot or prover oiok. of *9 9tr , rl 10 ritt tit.ttlitit of t50 , 01 , ' , 0 ac In 141.04 tit 414.11 , 9, 444 it 40* 14 it.,4 to 444.4 , 44 t4l, leacklet teallintO au f 41404411. Viten' Sims, lump lied on the 4914 '0 , 1414 14 ith V010144e9t , aad 41 , q41 1, 14 0.4414 y -- and 0 , 14141 , 414 41,1,19 ins 1111141 ,, , loactio(,, Cob,. ago . , Aso. Now lead) , the now r.lfroilay Schooi SlaggingE ki 11. DEA 1 1 8 0 fly C Ciogiis, A 1.10(4 . of Fttafttl Idlte. ihtinlity iitrhont thno,r, orteniat tile , . Book, raaint King, &a., 4,e, W,, will 011114 0/.044.4 901,4, (044. 1,414. I. any ad 0111 4 ,14 14i VP. 1 0 of I Went V 90114, Tip; prom of tiOLOVV $111914' roof,. to paper ,04414 $Ol4 14 144 ton •• 1.4,911 Opl9o. In board COVVrOI 9 1 I.m 1441 30,40 rilei.ffinggi clioccrt i ice, Jt+t iotootor,d, a nti 1,64: 0.4010e1i by an ',frding Itorsoiro it, tilt. *moo row of l'ionoir. Orson... Bit• hard TabiPt P , ttusruto, dcc, o,c. Everyone WHO iurx 0 Nano Otaubt Dave a bottle of ilafx pmirir. Soffit for rio Margi t 011 , 1 we steelllll hill Prlrtfriavo and Irorriorro, Apphoot loos for To rritor) MI Aril:leo floceiVed 10: HHIH4N k VVOKINS, General Ageuts for the Conte* States, Val “ie,mor. Street, N V. I.; 1' As rushy fet' r,Oni in Ow ro qurry wont o sin it., Immo, and as the ;lately uattot.t be sent by wail, Where Clubs we tad le et, and sure or g,,ore 01.0 es the mom, t we w 111 (wit ara by ex. pre,s , ,Ciliagrli pill I,i 114 It per 4,44,11, Pilo WX 17.71K1X,5, GEN't, AULATS FOR I:NITED STATES, nroome Sheet, N. V (41,21, 1 - titt.—ty, J, A, 18t 7. 1p1111,.11)E1,1111A .IND ERIE 11.111,- iris tirrat liar it:m.l...r , the Northara start North. r r acme , 14 h.111141V111113 of fate r,a hake firm II ho tarra irti.P.l and 14rpr steel by tar I^,ator)ll. aura Hail, arta i'oraparry 'Elate al Pararogar Traitor at itiortharniallautt Leave Eastward. Er'. Atutl Ttmot 11 AO 1" F;.ln FA vre, '1 ruin ti • A %I L.:IH frit Mail 161 11.1 A M Leave Wvetward. rtfr '4llO Tarn A M rApratit 1 rair it tt P M Elmira 11.4,1 4 45 P 17 Pao,. nvf Marx ritu throft?lt on Ma t rte Mott and I'r.•lo+ .%11.11, , Ut ChiMgt! wy be4W4,10 ladelphtzt and hp , SPAV 'YORK. IVONNECTI()N. Er atv a N,a w Ear& at rat ato Nrr 17) Of) It Neu , loth at Lao p iii ; :civil. at Erie 7 15 p lonv, Rne 111 5111) p w ; atm , N ii Yutk 4 Wpp ; hew ri Brio at 11191 a ut; nrriv at New Vita 1 1 10 a tn. St.grrivri r %WA att nil Vinttt t aino, F"nt ioltrawtom t4,11,41taZ -s. , g , t 10t0n ,, 11 ap *firm . , 3fnh a n d %I r 1,0 t rat t ia And for f'rr.ugUt ttw rattaparay'la At!, M. tt 1:011 ttad Matt, t Eq:et..t* Phil:001)nm. „1 Efio. WM. brawn, Agent N, yj, P ultunore. 11. II II01:1 4 1 /AL th nprnl rmaitt 11. W. GWIVNIAt kot A: I. l'lttra A. L Ty UAL General Sup't L'rte. Feb. (1. VIP AFFLICTEI I ! srrrEn NO :11011E!! Mon by the up? of Ile Jill NV is 1:1,lCIR you-of he Enroll per inn firmly end 31n Miffing tiff. inegtortre for e lb; N. r Vlr rub rand l'rrof rot too 1,0.4 rf Wittrlltitr EPOrLtr firo”4- or); or any of ruff I.* gee c ,, r4 of )orabb,l tpr et, t tan. rr 11,1Prs It t h e at,0310 , p+,oll Il.a, t v , ,t[tx.onCp^d- It I*lll rt.ll,llt, 146 t VOtOt Otto 00., deprtorrtolt, rtirft . litOttt t! ekn•llt to t..101r4 Or h o Mo tt , It t A t t 111 , 11101 V, roitrnomil, II IIInII rrf fr nr. In ult... it r Nr. It OW ft ttot. frooo the Wolff If or then' , nee bats ....torryt,l 11 by f0 , ,,411 , 11E114 e.r Or . pro V root' men, he leterboccerl Ott MO , . by - Quack 11/101"ft,"1111.4 /411101111111 , ,M11mwro, 4nl 0 0 114 1% - uneer delay for the Elmo. IMO tr. Al +MVO orr••Vorel. to ho.l'h nun hnpphrrss. A t Iplni r.tre to goof Oftleed ill Orr r . tt , Ilotaucu, Fr ico Ili, or four bottle. ur Otte mt. drroo, e 3, tine bottle Ir. rUfllf,frol, (0 effort II cafe In all ordinary Calico. Also, in .1010%1110s ttpecifir Cdlx, fr.t the 'needy otoi porifillOcon rate to Gonorrhea, fllf , t, Creehrat Grniel elotrAnte mold oil Oa c1101„4 of the lininey. and Ili obler Curet eiferteri to from ttd, to TOrli 400 Pr... Snot Crew vt - geialrle elttgot.(hw are h rthirrti wt thin .yelour and ti. ver eirrureonto the +doormen Or impregnate lIIs hi rata No changer , ' rilr't tr Ileteg.nry VIIIIM 1.0 , 111 thew, oot does then , ' riginnt in any Mann:l interlnre atilt kinl Pesr (110011101. Prom el MI 1111%. Latter of the nbove neentnererl nificleo wilt he 41111. In Pity 1144110. r. Lforely soldfol, fool part polo!, by Mail or vArre, 01111 , r0 . 1M of price AMIV•.. MI or. Jere U, MAMA. &Cr., rherni.t. No +.ns hiver Troy. N. V. IF, 617, li7-Iy. Cll I S Elt C0)1 A WAS lt , Afltalli 4111 rain, r) , ., o.4ll,W:taut It. Hr. hoitr , ant Vi tied Enrtnoned Ilse v,ty hod wimi, u 4:46mA. For Curling 110 , Ilnir of ,utiwr li"x into Wavy and Gioluv Rin g lets or lip a yy Ni.s,iVit Curl, fly nal lig this artirle Ladies and ilentleinen ran beautify tinaltoeiv... a iliolcia , l tot.. I is ills only article in th i winid that will en rl straight Wiir, and at the rattle Woe give it a heatitiinl, gloss% apneas. Race. The Crisper Coma not earls the hair. but Invigorates twain if , * and cleanses ;is highly and thanalaby is the mast camplete mid,' "II t h e mad ever ntrered to the Anterhaiii pdh. lie. Th.. to any address. se.iled had nustpaill tit ¢I Addr. On all °Mere ti W . L. CLAIM & 4U., Ftieutists N 0.3 We'd. Favrito , Syracuse. 8. V. Feb I; Iy Lackawauua & Bloomsburg Balls mid. la *nig lIIIINSIM sor TWO DAILY TRAINS. -sou ON AND Arr R waritav 101. f req, l'A IC deNMER MAMA WILL 111. N Ati FtiLLOM'S: LEAVE BOUTMWARD AMAM PM. Leave Scranton, A Ad 7 10 4,4 u " Kiol/.1110. 11.53 0 13) 10,00 11 Ilsip.qt 11,511 0,17 Mailvillo, 1131 l 30 Arr at Northumberland 10.90 0.23 I.I;AV E. WAIT II WARD. A M . PM Leave 11:0rIlminkr1003, 7.110 320 1/411v1110, 7.410 AM az:pert. - r. 13 P N WWI It KillitOtOn, 111 30 LA 00.) Arrive at Permitnn. MO 4 11 10 13 Trains Irevino Klplnn nt 1.. 20 A: M in Prrmi... ri ennnert with l'fl.lo nirivilin ot New Vitt* ni 5111— P.4. 4 e 0 1 0 4.. Inn ing 'Erwin t4.1.1.1i Irnin rim iamb at 3 ...1 A 1.1 vin no.. thumin.ritmlornmit thirrinlnirit 11 30 P M. Ihiliimnre 300 P M., A /1411 1 101. 11 11 1 0 001 M via Ru pert math l'hilativlphin all tPUP M. U. A. FONDA, Fuld. Kinston. Jan. 90111)7. SAMUEL KNORR, A TTO4t N E %T-1. A IV ) 111A0M4111 1 116, PA. Ofire OW Hen appluitt Ng Veit Itionkobtirg, Arm 41. pos.—tt, NOTICE TO CREDITORS. All PPtiono knowlnl thomoolvno lottubtool to Ito modorminod, Sty toquostod to maks moons without We?. J. C. AUTTIR. NJ' 0100181 , 104,Yolt; W. N" c oAL yARD. The undersigned reopertfully femme ihn eitigene of hhoonshurg end Orthintnia county, that they keep nU the different noutitere of eleve coal so *steeled lump mull Ow whittling woman, on their wharf, ad , joining nieltelve, Nod mei got oars ; with a ra m pair Bulrulil snips Off the wharf*, weigh soal.hay gad straw Likewleen horn* WWI wagon. to Mllieur caai to those who aesite It. As we purchase a large ammo' of coal, we Intend to keep is ollperior pmrla. and anti at the eery lowest ernes. Plows. all and eermura fur yourselves before poschasloaelsowhose. J. W. itvin 1404 , tt A JIG VIM" $ MAsION, Tut *lll tnkr, in etrlinture rnr and Wove ipx, Inn rullowins unurnil artirinu Itvr,Curti.Out.. Curt, Paw num!i tirr, and ulna went, flutter, linut lint , . Ur_, at tun Manna rnsit rites, ut His liarnrrty ewe, mitntninp Mgr coal yard. J. W. II E TlOEftelitYr. Ilinnturburg, April 2A, —lp, NATIONAL FOUNDRA. 111 p 0 N9l3LJltt3, CO `,UMBTA CO., PA. RGr *ithorrilier, proprietor of the *hove unwed ei, , 1110 VP estnitlishinent.i do*. mpared to mei% e order* All Kinds or Machinery, ro r Cutleries, Mat rumness, Ftstionsry Engines. :1411.1.5. TUN tla4ll INU 41 Alllll litS. Ace . &C. Ile is sire prepared to make rtiovve, nil vizeo Miff otterms, tanw.lcons, and everything inionllt: ulnae in Orst-vissi. eofinficles His vs, a f alse facilities and practical workmen., war. .sof, him in ree4leiee the largest contracts on the .vt re tootionfe terms. r)..irain stall kinds will tor taken in elteheeke rot rn•ttede. 1 13 Thio eattibti ,, breent la Inmed near the Larknwa• nn A Ihninnahura hutlma , l 101 , 01. wrftft 011,1.111 - 131, thontnAbotrg, Sept. It 1863. A. J. 14,%':1 NS CLOTHING EMPORIUM, I rer y eve pox. t r Ilir I. cove I 1 'hu ch CI 01111 SO OF ALL pEscuwrioNs Y ,t,wk i t rom; ncrd of fins rtntivtil. stedimq sind lOW prici. , l -milatt , ml to nU 5555455 nee. 141 , 00 and WAWA. H 14110 tot laterq styles Or the season --a Ilse assort mem "I' Overcoats and 6entiemen's Shaw s, 110111 NOV 1 ifIA 4 very best II A, G , ES oWIN ale ,p+vviion , bic in de. I o nAdotlon to my at wk of t IY-lotole have irfrle quad /Or Co.llollllordeffit Cloth*, Csooviimerepi, &e. / &c. Aii,ll , a‘irta am , a Ow Aria 1 . 1304, I allarati t+a a tit on all elMett and giv,r sati , factio a, Alma a V4ll.•ty WOOLEN AND LINEN tildßll, Sorkings, I;n!hrs.Stocks.llandknrehiefsorrhinrs —eVeOllllllU in Ow gentlenwo's Ow of c:othing. Al.O, Has, Hots and Skin% Trunks and Varpvt will eclt at the loweot Marko! prieva Please give me a call !wrote AN DR CAW J. EV AN,A, illoolto:tie.g. Nov. 15, 11 5 63 . 011TI1ERN (...'ENTRAL 4.1 1.11,4W2F2a II{RICT ROUTE NOJU'd AND SOUTH 1867 ntrnigh n o i , find Theinxbi hail Change of Ca 144. ON and tawr Nr,v ,- .mber Ihth, I 4 OliNtrains will leave lidlowtt NORTHWARD, BUFFALO t:X PRI SS travns rallintorp la to i.„ - .11 P At, mar,lomr o , 1..11.5 A, ,q , driiv (t 4 at Nortlsombv, land :for. A M. t,,r train on I,at Liwaatta and libnnawtwrl Hall Ita,ol, trneiuy 0 1 to A, M :frrivinr, 111 1 , 30 V W.' 10 A. Art, A. M, IZnt 'out, 1 p.m A. m,r,ran, jolt Lao ar.,11 M if. HalliMOT , ' !JAI A. I+, Sum:tip , Phi14.1411,10n 75 , 1 A. I : it,...pngv , r. t9t N,114111911114119,04 4 IS P. M. int train MI Litelift%alttut rind I I.n. iionirg Ronil.l ,, nvl M V M.o sa.og He ttdnt LO, Itlwmt.bont t. 15 r, I' M. r414 , i .311.15 . pon ninth unit limy Inc in at 13 P. P. M 4,151' Ni; lintionni,, daily fefte Vt s nit , {l.l 11 P. l ' haltiit /I anon. liorsiOinrii 9. In P. M. SimIIMMI.M:4OI.I le 43 I' molt 0 1 , 1 ruts , 00=3 lhl4o til.* ttt P3M4I/11g at 54/0, 0i 1 4"1 1 1. It. b 4 4 ,1314011 Id ildlloMl, souTuwA u D. PHERA le nt NM/414111111,101M I C. 11. (, a,rpi B,iffituy,,ftc,,ovomt pa*. 4 , 44:4 , 4* r•rirtitio , ) tit 41u A. M. Pituaoti a :9 A, M. hinu,- 1,,t, t6Ol/ P M. lllll , ,wohtlegr *l4 P. M. UM VOW ht i'6il. a 0 , 10 in 7,00 A. M. iturrp4otril J. 311 A. M. Ilalumore ;,al, A M )1111, TRAIN. Ivave. N0r1t0tti114 , 11444441 lO,In A .M (*,s, 4144 5 4, 444 , 1ny5s WEVIV)Ita pans, OV'ti, 14,1$ 1111 r 4 er,44,14441 of 5. 11 A M. 141,«44414 4, 4,; 4 4 4 4i 655 A M. 1,4414 , 044 , 1444,V. A.U.0 , 1 , 1111" II 51A. li. ' arrivitig in ilarrlo ,, ql 1.13 I'. M. Plithiclelphih 530 I'. M. 11,4 1 11444 4, 14 , 4140 I'. 44, rttol :144,4,11,,,,41:44.0,,a41 at (4.1. i a. In. are t in liar-trona; at tun. a. in. t lista n. haitiniftf I. I On, lly this route fright front nairilo, SII a ftiioll 0111:111:i i WWI , O* /IRV WI. floe dicta point on ;ig..w Cur* I' • 311 1,1, I,•ta 11 , pvii plug),,tli whin in foil 1.4 f iffilll4 14, any rant on lls. La, halt alma an.l 8..44. hie-ikilqt ladka 411 fr , igut and r iteovri. , 4r fare n , ( o w as Is .1 ft. , other rtatta J. N. tit tiAl.ny. r, N, Vi Nitl. (Iv SO pl. 01411*f boil, Pa. Ga ra yl Agt ft , 11 now e. ISAAC pt. tali Et iM Itt We. 1 ,1.1 Fri girt Agent. Dudain, S V. Derenin,r, la, jMirtj. • lOU VES A N t RUPERT, A ntiOiltte.S to MO many nwrnno tae , t "own. that tw colottnoro ut bie .4,1 plate of !moil - moo on MA IN tiTH lila. MAMMA. Ills ettotoineri and others enn be necommod ited tth FANCY STOVES 111411 ktuov, ftrovepipecTinvvare. and every ntitrie 0.104 ill fill welt regulated STOVeI. AND Ti at WANK s termilmqf MI NTS in tle 411,1 oil the retwoil.iiilit term.. Ti $l4 WTI VII. 1%.r honed surd b fat, pot up on stool tiotre. ItM.. ttb k mad or rf - imiriur flow pnnuprty and rotwn fitnr,rai t,m4 110 N I keeps rm tuned n inf !Ii supply of 41 ilk 1 . 404 trf fira -, r , la tizrs and pnce,r ; sof Weill ui rjAglee.l . 4.l., 0012•47..tijni.". et, , VO , gCana. Gov.. bim July to Iwitl .ii. HOLIDAY PRESENTS! Watches Watches 'cc atches on 'racy ,kci).. Importer, And 4Yh0t,:441e flouters I elulti usri Stirer Watch's f t ,e tksert' i laults 34 Libcrig Stroli. Keg to inform the toilette that they have i4f.01 re rowed the fin,pt elegant, perfect, and tiFf.“1.41.1 *V 11111 ever itotod erl In this market. The yx ckA44l ,, R. P.1.1.11t rnl,IU j 0441011, twav,t, 1,1 v en d G e hl potted on t sli r. oututotio , HOY PlOgrilVf.ll. OH, ly awl ro'hiy thinmeled 111011111 g Unna, Patera. er, gemitne Illutomikennet Hood*. thoroughly regu tale.' by 11)1 olotorro tory, tool narruittog 10 he the Ya Pli, Ultra Tune Keeper, A nutuarh and 111114 t te• , mile I%ntrb, Cieur a or Lady's slheh Will he neat free to any rehire** on rrolpt of $l3. or_jf prefer rod, *lll hi) soot, receipt of 55 In part payment. 'rho watch will he root by Exprot.a, or mail resit, feted, so ttiitthere is almost n. minty of rem:Whit their detdionsion ; lmt should the KYlwees Cu, or Po Miles Mil in their duly, WS will semi another rt ;deb immediately, Ord 4 rt 4 fin'. - kind qf fiches p ro mptly anti fedli/ltd. Rl' 'rectum In the 1,14, AMA' I A wWt. want Avows In every town nod county in the country, and to those acting go such tourrat totin,4llllllll6l, Wfil Iu t•trered. sieuee weed money by y;),yrevie, (Part Office Order fly Dunk Orate s ) to OE TREY Ikea, 34 Liberty Street, N. Y. Oct. 44, A. DENTisTny. lIC. HOWE R. • SUMMON D1314118T. owgßrim( 'EMMA' offers Itte profess ional servers tit the ladle,. and emote men of 111 mmehowtel eteiteny. Ile it. moored .1) wend to Rii the varlets, ovoid wily 111 the line of nix preferment ettd,o pronka4 w to Coo Wield tiopreven $ 4 /trtel tottrit re4:ll/i wiser W it I. Sta +mind on onlll.olittinn,iitttrt and melte, Iw e to root.w. It 44 the lenient teeth WI IMO plate and bit di teeth mitnefuttored or. ell m er Wm. on terthvrefelly nod properly attended to, It... Wrote end (Mtn n few doors above the Court li 41..1. meow eine, til or.onburn, June 4 Intgl . 1 00,000 SIIINOLSS & A LARGE LOT OF FECNIF6 BOARDS FOR snip. The untie thinned threes Mr *nth noon the new reneennhip toms, Rd his plgro nr huontrom, in MINTON, thntififill MU VT Y ihin WO reel Ilion. *and *hinnies sad • Wen lot 01 twine boards, or the Nerr bind quality, both pine end hemloth J. NaltitiNlit. WOOL Met t GREAT f • 'tOVEMENT IN va MACH INES, • Empire ?OHMIC Machine ! PA I,Er 4 . :06 fltnndtynv. N. Y. Wn.ittneimo WI Cho. mit Street. MOW , itlttia, ITENTED 14. TIIIP MACHIN.; bx eon.trurtad nn entirely nt tr 4 1 °.'"i'l' '4 Millitell.”111. pnaxgµOng filitity rnry and ‘ri:itAble impr. vettotnio hilyrnv bran it el milled by the mot protluml expert* told ptimuottepd o be So . /Up/icily/in/I rriy . tetimo ernit6iti,dr, Ims a straight needle, twrln'adfratar 3, t i"". mattes the I,,VK or Mill Tr1,1 , 11 , 1111'11 which% ill behlter bur ft AVIA,. and is ;utile-no both sides ; performs, herrer t ti , 4% 11.0 oil revert Mot , flra (tom atfl.^r for he 11 is I:6 1011,111.1911.11, Of silk thrmot. from Ito .. 1 / 1 ...5t al the the-t windier. Ilavttor 111111wr rAM or iill. 1411,1 thei,:o4 11,10.114.1 troll In. It fittlA as smooth as gh,,, wo to Empiiidicitilil Mtch/de, It tcoirec K'l`v CENT, It , . pnwur 1u drive it Opp hrly "Uwe tiszorbitte in the tor,,k,t. A tirl Rt. , lt, yi.2110, of 3141. Emit work it shadily. wltnitut r. 0.2 . , or 11.1orit to beAllit SIMOVII and4oloieri , ll Simplicity of FlllllO4l iilllol.-#loe mo Vi 011( Of . 4114rr, ti l'Alt by OP compiicyat givis co , Nrr .4,0,0,0,J1 IVo. ros{o, Iloliv ;di 'ho , r . Who tont' ihowe to otivp[3, 11.1 , 1,4 I% truth a Ur," r ArliPlP, to Lome (11141 ,%1111;111. , NH I SI Atli! vn, I inrtturiir a le,..uttict,l to trtto• nny to wink flue Kim tune to %twit oatttu .0 i.lact ton. Av , tio. wanted ror nil Inw". i Proito,l l.taseq, wh. ft' 01,,i1r0,31 . 0 net uirewly e%tabliolp.,l Also. for Mexico re oft rtil and :tomb rira.. to Whom tit rat olvoc/vint wolf 11 , EIV.'II. kairiKE.A6CWM AlAriliNg urn co . 4:14i iiroadway. V. Y. LATEST s I lONS I )I'MA ND J. W. Bradley's Celebrated Pateut DUPLEX V, IL LIP 110 *)R tux srutNG, r .# 1 , 4 • trocolecfnl !Irv' coinfirci and ptra+urr to any Ludy vi Kiting the Eltiplcg skirl trill he eggiificiireil SIWICULIFI4 it, $lll Cr.tWsl,ll Altrotrit4s+.x. l'%ftaig s. 124111 ,, ,+1 Cut, trot Ett 311141 Unnae :4 tit lie stir to og. rnpq g Wave SOK 41( k 11114141; 14 4 4 4, 4.111 1101 . 11144 . 1411, 41 1 1'1114Y in any st,n is S e riSl: Shirt. A !Jot- haVlSZeulifive.dttlr plrurnrr. comforl. and emit ierii vet ere of itcartiii , the st et ! spring blocs for it sigglo flay, will tier Pr Stir( wtllinyty de.penae Writ* tlicit Era Irbil.. ,tress. Misoi Out Voting Laiiicei 1611 arc ruperiurto h. 'y 0111 not hemd or break like the Se It Spring, but odi preoet ye 41404 11 , 44.,4 rind . .11,11 , 6{1 4i,ope e nen Insee bare , aoi l as 1140 , 44. Th.. hi„o v . annals, 0,1 is -ill dtn,6le sill t Wl 4 !ed till Um bkltlikm rlad>r nrt+ iii only Ibntbitt sprint., but Iwiee het ”veriel I,.re venting tlieni from 01.auug out 0 hen 414401,4, 44114 4 . tee, 'nl4. 11,1pIrt Eiliptit 14 a great favorite with all la diea It unit. er441111 . 44'1 , 11114146d, .4 the iis¢aznte.~ nn the Sl' ViDAttli SKIRT LW tilt; FAA., N• itt.o ,V ltKllt * fo vasay Ihet , tiowtoa in , ,gt!umble rotwoor ago% to rtilthima atop - rtor pathal tart. ab , tha ttx rbtlirr, (bit ttil , ttV, Waal 41 stud ta.atthisiy. viol 11 , a j. itiot Sag eltiti.:4ail br .att, pwio grt the it lialfia CAU• go , od allith*t I tththtthltth; tovtit ofor to N‘trlcl.tic,t / 64 , 0" Oa r7d n , k otamp 44. U"PI. IP: 11 4" ikv 05 Mitt' t0,,m1--aaaa 00 , 1« ara ttaaataa, I,titta that ot,ry litatp utll ,o;, , 00t tr pia 11 , 1.07 , 1 tar , allth tha hIrP, Jo" tnr dottbhq slrrturj biro Agri toi4, T ur who It tht*,. clot, 01 tiptr ll"%thially hot oil ogito, osold out to be botibi in toy oil 1.1; tit 41i1 -trrrtt Ulltitt glAss Akitta ata tilt ithailltholit the t. !that) Mat , . out ItittVt4llo . oV, Mittthlueltliatd by the !tole fthaavo of the Poroot, WESTS, IIt.IIIIJA & CAILV, !V; n 1,111411,1. di 7:r 4. ,!-111,:,,,k N. °cwt., !11l 10i - „ _„. bi t E.Vl' Al-FRACTION AT *UNA 1 - 15 a .2, It E I' SllOll E. frit t un.lerntgowl h, v .: 'ant, to 0000 no.-• to the flitzons of ttanna.r.urt and 'ha ..ittrottlt 1111# country that he i,rtitt. 1 tly un littfid at tut , "lit .13041,1 M month total corner of Yiniiiiind Iron Os.. ptlme tot of GREEN A\* 171, ArE TEALS, untrre ettgAtr, neve. Drina ritia. Coat Int, ;to 4 ayrrt Ltivf It t u I I Parlor ono ilaro Loa pa, or w l Mk, awl plot 1.,, lip. Stott', Dry unanta,elifilo4 for WPM'. Stoflitt., rtottr, Chop, titt. et , ott are. rot , ty ROL Firh, Meat. Caliche*, 1191.1tetitt thonor4. Hosiery. Donna Writoor roper. Ink, hardware, rt+eltal I.;tiitrett. Ste. &tt. Are. He keeps in fact everyttong appertaining to a Drat flap* Grocery and Variety Store. tle is dilPrinined not lo he undersold. All kinds of produce t:tittli at the G 1.; riT MARKET PIUIF.S. th v l,p,t p t .t rtreivta it now ,tot.k. the (Wopiff. areti earesiiiy minted 10 rill! stet 1111•104 , 11.,I. Ity >dill I &M.A . itlft to ft& he ttnt, snut (Itif y to ru tillli nix hair , iiiiiee hat to i ierra*e it. 11 , rovls 111:11,k• fui rut 1.04 t&VOr, n iNt Inner yPAirp tot pot pea., IN IN.' bil.i&V*4. he fr•Pbt rotifiletti he Coo r,tilief cat W 41711041 to oil oho rotor hint with Mo. pot PAIN i; attimslotrtr. June Vtlll, 11,0% ESTEEN Cu,, Piano-Forte Manufacturer!, 499 Broadua), Ncw lurk. ATTEN; rtox of thxr publir and lb* trade iw 11IVIN , 1 1 ,, NEW , rt` SIWGN I NV I.:, WOO:WWII) PI %NO rotrrrs, whit fir% 06114.0 ,thti pato) trf lona are aartvalien by oar hothafta .1 ("not In this *natio t 'rho!: (Ail lie modern ti, ry greed wet, Plop pedal mot frame, etc.. !the rash 111.1runteht being made Hero r the pro•onail ratio fa lawn or Mr. J. li, (lanvrz sore. Wild ha* it prat tool expartatota twat' thirty Pooe In their inatiutatture, Is fall) n rented to every petit, eh,' titiorEsrEEN piAjw.rofirr. Uri tor Ira TIME r AWARD OD MERIT at ink tEll. 804 4 411411 WORLIevt PAIR Where %ere othltrltt 111)0111111Plit4 from the hest maker* t CierllllMY. I bit id, 10,14, Wilt Mtge, Ilt.t a end hew iron, ittht hish lit tho Ahh All ill MINI* , Alf bra 4404;4 4441 s 44 )4 er- 11, 111141 Stt tlt Mt It MS hum butte Ot Dlll‘ll tan be scan to oar were•atlattot. ale th=e IDIIntIUDID,D atiwprarententn we wet, a atilt note^ Dotlvel 11 . 14110414 WW, and by DthDyfio t- ring noh a ' , tinily h art.•ln. MD enahledto tiller the a matruutenta atit price Wbiab 001 prig lode alt empei II Our pater* are from Still to lIINO chaape r than any first ntaonntarta. ' Chit MS --Ni •t Corti In currant funds. Peer; pity e rirrulura sell tyre: Jul ) 11, frt,ti —ly. & P. Naw IMAM Snare The undersigned respectflilly announce* that he has fellitted n shop, t COW t 1101110 alley, optuatte the Elf town Hetet, where he la rewind lo OM. duet tho ha/haring hit•int aa in all its Want:has. The art of coloring whiskers and Intilliritit IWO is unwired by lout most skillfully, lie also sienna 10 , 10111 e, 1101kIng them look Heart. as tend 114 new. upon tits MUM rtiariinablii term. Mee boo a trod. , c 7- Halt Tunic of the very beat gamily, nerd for cleaning hair, kept constantly on hand, awl for sitfe s. VA; ULtAINS. eloolorhorg, April 13, Wm. c, U 1040103., s3tabliBhed 1828. G. W. CiIIPENTER, RENsZET 8, CO, wHoLEN.4 nl7 G 731 MARINI" ST, Oily door Wow tlh, PPILAIINt M 1"1113M ICA VS, PAW 111 01.414, VARNISH! 14, OYER, eTery other 04 is 4 11111w1111111111. 1110 14 Vir l4l . Of tthioe cud • 4 • towt Moritwatee. at the Minh 111. TUX NSW Npring & 'Summer Medicine. Mete Exi*ACIF IbARNAPAIIILLA lODIDE OF LIME, pnremeEpo,,, 0. W. P0111:14, 110:4TuN, nl JAMES R. NICHOLS & CO. Jlonnfiteharlny Chem," MAMIPAI Tunuts or Ttie, ELIXIR 11:3?1,* 174 X BABA - w Protoilde of irons Which has beconw ru ruvortibly ktiown HN 711. 0 04' A XI! SWAT, ,M 1 1P Hy (Volcano* mud loyallar in rill parts of Ih• roun If). The new prepartitin, 4 .s3ronporilln in rombion- Win x.jth Innioe or Limn," prt,lll,, "neer the mort prompt nherrruvrs ti otn,in n Orr ropnbln for nxert , Inn roll hello', upon the ny,rnin. and this in ositinin and p6ehohtt4 tlows It in etmeedthl tent the niter& Sive rrnnlVrnr, nr tome ntrnch or toctiote are t heti rd !nog ihchh4itly ti,Pll attomilted N ttlt 4VOO. In chtehlhati , ret : nod the Plorehhitihor seem. it+f pOll4 rt IN nil llontovnronle nloinninno. Thn N.uhtly oboelVecl when .4 4 waif Kann IV is takon. fw on Mormon,. of appetite obit, in it IMO it bas tonic loetorlies of a marked Obariiefor, Ito ott ^ tura' ettecto are maaileot io Ito ready combina. tool With lb. bloml tur4lto , len Pate, I erott,ltottt ,1,1 1 011 Ito 011,tre II 1111proVe rapidly 1.111411 tr Its Otte, and Iho vital Nit, 400ttitte n tt. airily con It lo 4tholratoly m'atilml to a barite MI eater #.llWrlt• IC or Arnie air rtious u , roiiirr 14,11011 It to ottit• elf to Mein both by the telloltieeo and elheoeocy of medicinal or,rt nor the litettottot, 4tirttettore Perm of the remedy. tt may be give, rot , 1t toot; pertod olt -re inibiencol are th,ired, awl no 11111Jj• mince, or iti.inclinat to , to i'tke Une .yrap. I. red. in Wiiiiel 4 wedinl.. Dioeititt. • Irotortltetat or the otttiote. 4,14 111 • itivoo p , tar,t• in moderate thl,P# imitl Li the .I'J)rititi'ff the Y4r. awl do, Liu the 11`mut twr,llo4l}llo - 41 1110011 , 1 ntatt , rw 111 th N Ay4t , . in 01' 0 100 1.1110 0001 0 11111011014 /104 V. 1411 h o, Ap r , We. PAM. i 0 tifr , JAnto, Itoteigeslitrn. *le , trl vett , contioon. /1114402 rent 4!. 11.11 wfa,rt , ,l to 1404.104 off V 114,1 4,, Itt 4+4 .tm ,, 11 r}3 emir.t I OF 1,11".. ate , enyarattoo tat it, or vkirh approtim,itts to it to., au Alt,rotA - e. or blood Pa, RR rrer loyort brtn prat td trPorr A toleed. II ,St UU efiluely NM eel .4. lE.*" ol embalm,. 11.1., In reel -net fr,S , lll4olllg au)tlu ug elUe%to cut. ylayt;d T „,. „f" mrdienl MPH rtHlC”rill Ort tpli , fll I 11 , 1011 31 1 irlf -4 , 14 r I r kwrlttir Vat. 11, 1114110er of iltP I'l%r• Is I ci,al tt bit fa too by Itld at the :tare or 81,3 , and 01 Dre?st.l.e. eoto $l, Ili""in.burr. ti It# lecoo ;the rrtuit, by Cy. 4 & Its ugal.ti June It, foi,t._ w Stork qf Cluthing. "An 1N" 414 7 " " -, "ctk . ' ,• f ors SPring and summer Contim. 2).4 1 1.V . CloW" to hip o , nk rinakp and Ink', I Nt 11:o r 1 itt. :14,r , . rat I N 8 Tle 1.; GT, 11 1.00318 111'1:G, hear/cons .Init rirala 11 , • 114. pio front New YOtit Iflegs iusd noy's t'lothing, most 6 , 1101“:04... 11 , 1r3Ilie lud hand ,0111... 1:25i4 GOODS, t 011‘41,1,jag of Suck, Proch, tutu and Oil Chat Cwt.'s, and l'enlq, of nil +Orra,f and vnit.r.. lin 0.0 !la+ replee f.te,t hienli dd) .tre of and r :h,,%%, figured awl 141,1141 01111 , , r,at k, hkotlk,ft turfs, glude.4, tedider.i ulei V Airtif ti II hn,.ron>trtpi y 011 bn large aad IA 01 od forted aawrrtaerat ~r ,100 • MIA V , 111110 hort he te prel , 4 make up f,, " 0 1 r ser e toe, Multi ol eJ=dothz eu very uh. , rt 1141110 ;to,l t i too boA of Alt to.: rl”ihint is 1044 e to wear and CA4 trf it of Iwo., osontila, too.. v"eni,lz)Lia , 9, rat , A , ty hrsrriptom,.l44 Vh-fip. 111,i CaN,,ir jr t fry 14 WI( 4111141. 011,, COI :111r11, 41,..ornijetit u I.l , 4liing. - lett e ft AVID LO ntoom,hurg, April INEIrrOBACCO STORE. Alin Steed, tfhoe the '•...lhteekun ittOOSISWIIRO t PA" Wh , q +lra kcnpw no hand, and cirhioh-o to th, hnnre and Emintoy tiraite, at I'llo4dt:44lw OorAvVij FINE I'UTAD PLUG TOMOS, DOMESTIO AND AIVoRTED CD; AR klnfl. or Sill 4/ Ili ING 1 . 4) II (71'0, $111111 . 4, Wrier/130W Witt Briar toad 11fIlett , pt , itititthe try itt• iradn r,t ,, , ht rignre un+l cha ry. lnu,,,t %%mint do will to yttc twit tt t=l ttettithmt to tha 4 sl,t , ', (nr ev , ry,rush they tlt'tttltlt Vtilth.ottlint ht+•en country pedliirS. Nos,nther ISS LIZZiE PETERMA.N, aunr, ,, n,, , In the la.hea ttlmtnithurg and th pabloe genet/Illy, that .he hua jut.t It.C.:llJed Itoin the taoterti her liopting and summer Frock at MILLINERY GOODS, eonitialtott of all article a travail) , found in lirst class Aftltinary rtor , a„ ilex g0,,,1a are of the be.t. qualuy nnaamang the 'WWI hnndar , me aad cbeapvyt Ili the no.rart Oi I and examine them tor pir,elvea Nobody .110041. m 101110 jou u tgood., Buo nt made Ili Order , ntt tba ~ , h,,rte-t notice. or rertioird. stun un Alan port t, 1d d. at bethw the *tort: of fthitoOeirg, . . 1.;11' (..; OOPS N 00 I ”.4 FOR FALL and WI 71 T Eat, R. W. 1101V.MAN'S Clanicto aalp z;1:24 up* THE utoferrlgned Irei Dod we've , ' n VOI idtt"" end excellent t ,,, ortinent or FALL AND WINTER 1, 4 °9 1 '5 , n hien nts , netwn st very low rates , tse the kid .11401$)ey c Lori is, c AirslMlAt MUPLINS, cALICOIII4, VULAISIES, MERINOCi4, CHECKS, 'lke Grocery Department Ite,l quality of grocmima and proviMun., .urh na *agar, mulaspea, hour, salt, 1 . 101. hum, huom, t•ittgeM, fkr, fry. Dim tura tatirm in vviinititn for linqdr. for 'Mint thr timilwat inurkM orir, , will toe mem rr Don't fall to give turn 4 cavil and bemire great hargaina. R. W. COWMAN Orangeville, Nog, AtiENCY. Nit'&thle' Flrbwriorienhlerr, or IMMO' Townslily, haw irrocured the Agency or Colombia County lur the only 011ie hl . outhern Ili tort' of the war, the I,oler CAUSE. by Mtwara A, Pollorti, tf Wirstimc effilipfrfft to one forge volume. ollteselY tit!O patter the blowy of vinposlool pus 100 eaten fellett by pen of the victor. and to moire Justice to the Southern ViUMN, iho pi it ,ottet he tokett by some Sootheett woo; who is willing to devote to, time had taloote to the 'et milt atom 01 his coonlttlivio in it ti hist Ify Of wilds Phan VhdiiCilite the ertlevient DI the tutellipeot, and unlit the attention of all hew , hilnilrY ilk Ida Mtn. W. CARPRI!Tira EmPutE Sff I - rri.V SEM Nu Zt Cn 17. T ja Aro itipnrior 411 sillier' for FAMILY ASH) M ITREO3IO Contain ell the Mom improvements are speedy tiuieetemi ; durable ; uu4 ”iley to work. libletrututi (Stealer* tree, *smite wanted. Lib• dietbutii elluvreil. Nn enuoioneneute taadw Addrets =Pilo s. IL co. tIU litoidivai. New Volk. thoptember d. 11111410.-11.-A, is Cs. _ I=2l VOM DI NED 11111 IL lIUNSIIKIIGEIL * ORANOZVILZIAZo FOUTZ'S 1 0 lima Cattle Politer I, * Mt, FA V t Cot} 11:1, ur TK%IPEift, V hltd, MUNDY' Tddid APPI TIM: A NO VITA . ESKItd Y, ko. Ti ininrnvin st wind, manna, tha *lL:loath in slow!, oiltiw-dd t h tnimirabin Ilkukt how, Ta I ‘ ,eee;er re of Con's 0111 , 4 TM"*MUM la inT14131041/ inipmeee the quality j,lf the milk. It btu beam Ilrov,;:i by se• Iva etnerimibt In inane.; the mian , illy f 4 milk kn 4 meant linerity per tent and make lite butttr In raiMfdlll,', cattle, ii gh MOM I en Opps.tite,loWril their It i 4, tnakm thew thriv♦ L. all diseroes at the !mos. Liver, te., Oil+ artists aets a. a TeeMe, palling front one halt a 1.1. r 4r tt pu,rwr in barrel of swill the 114 ,, ve. dlPo44ee irtli ba Orsidicao3.l ar entirely prer,ll pro'entive and eel Price 23 Coats per Paper, Or 5 Papers for $l. PDEPAILL'D DY .4. A. POUTZ rL 13U0., AT TIMIR WOOLEStIP. Milli AND AIEDICINE DEPOT. No. 116 Franklin St., Baltimore, XL Far .`3le by Drogobdi and 41ton:1u:opal's Waugh. out the Coked Stales. Eur r uut the tirol >"tare of 4. morel?, th,.„pb„,. #, J an —lll-110. lilt. W. li. 11 1 1111AiiR, tt rutib,en in ra,ceraill 4 1,41.;,,yy Ve,i nn. 1,4 311 CIO" bor.. rird 4.5 x or 40,4 lip, Aiy, V 1,011.0. ni ;'54: pi".3l NO, 5 , 43 ElOval o , rt, 1.111.01r1al is r , orthr Nl , Wlrtar , are sin t.r0mm4441; • , 1.04t.i4.4 rt 0 , ,,• it hid' 55 if' OA, c.o,y 5, tin , . cfnnl3lllllllnli, 1.555 rel4l , v:tha mo t :,i iS Min+33311 , 3i from ...era; the ray.teto to a bralthy acrd 0 Y * - .r ., ! 3 I • tint 3 dtrirrv.ifi di , 4041,0 and r,tl rlrrEtr•r.r r.l 12 ,, afth 49.krmjnolg 14* , ins 'V" its 1 y r40 . .“4 05,1.440. Iss I in 111111.1 rinpha P'31 1 ,1" he ruer;d. 4, al , lurly, alao rratt,,to. ltrnt .40. , 01 Allan. !,, , a ills 8010 x nicii riqw, j0t,p,0.1,1 n fsinyrnrl tiro I/11,3 , 11 , A ur p4l#ot• my tit. 4140.. 4 liin 5 It II f:l7 ,its any 1'44 ee caw! ition Won , is or 5% ablo, if, litillitfilS` qt talltui; sufluf - es, ttll riirqh.: 01 116tUbh1 FEMALE DISE L tSES rv ii rn itv rehihri ; F:ft gi. , 1111 0 , 4 i'vi•ty iteoertr, heti tiktqlllllll , } l I'lll4 and .0 f 11,14 tr,VO b/011,1 31 , rl , 11 ,, ,V. 000, 1,111 he ehreit by hi, it .tiseqA , ay,t I 4;, 4;1 .1,1 , * I'4 NllleVrig • eal , he tlt , ' :IV' tatvil inetVt, 5 , 4,11 prat I. the eti hilairii4 hit 4W.,.. vs eat - ,r 444 t. 111 V ill% ch IfityttOW#.o. 4 1,11,444 r MO n 1,141 4 11, 111 4'll 1,4 at 1, 14 141 1 .1 2`1 4 44 , / '4 , 141(1,1 , 4 4, 14,+ tiy 411 144 1 441,14' or :tome case-s dhd 0 4).. taucer fared without the knife or Dl5 lug ' ou4l. Tap' Worm. Cot r , r c4ll 11'0 10 5.. r 011. iwss iy , ~, • r Itt ri , ,1011 irce nt („11,,: 0 at•y h It, .•.•4. 1 .. 141i411 , ;,04 pr, , per dt, canna a, any part of thc - count ry. -0, 'A April 4. 14 , d0.—iy, OMNIBUS LINE. utler,.iene4 wotld rv.pPrtkly ennneni , to the I hio , 'u Pad the 4pPlp. reit. erilly. thus hn is rtiquipe itms,, tirs I,2s„r, I, • Merll ihie I hit , n 1.4 Co. dir• Rat 11044 lippot.. do. tp JR.* (tun '44VA CV - Viit4/4) to Treitte ptoj &nth %1 en the C4toret..ol 444 WlP.faft,p , ot Neil 111,4.1 4E4 t:ith th0,.0 going Ninth and rla.nL PP Cie Lif..k. It 'ln .Pure 11044, ft to ti WIN tnl EP; 4 st. rrtn4fli,ft, rrmium• ff Ott no t , rcrsors WI,IIiYSI to Ote-t or 11 . "11' ft p , n4s 4, rt, up,-4 trams,:pr,lo di:trio* by leaving timely Porict 01 illty of the flu tvic JACOB L. GIRTON, Propriator inenla.bort. Aptill:7. DRUUS, DIR is. Pare M , 'tii~ixrr, at intin R. VOyeef 'DMZ I Miler 01 514111.3titi 114,100 rAntet.. Ai good u,96 unlit of PEKE DUE 01,;i tole and Virrloh ,,, , alwirp hat •:, dit ttlli.t pro g Pbt,uc to 19%0, _ _ QUALITY GUARANTELD. Prnscrtptintio carefully tampon:l:3,A za Moyer's Vt..l el , and Jaynea Medicinc.r e h int M o yer, n r , : g Wi-ihire. Tar Cor fitcr Mt, Wils..tow*,. Sooting elfilv, at o Dida Store • rt,r nuy reliable valuta ro,lsa int 4, vall at 31,:yer's Drag F 4,4,, of all Luigl., and repot, at J. R Moy,r's Prits: Illoout-butg, Pa. Atay t, WALL 1) L U. Ttiß quart , lVl o 4l roopertfolly n0n0 , ity....0 in Wthile lb.' , he I:eppg. eountnittlg on old stand, one dtwOr hnluw Lutes Wog More. WALL PAP,EIt, Oil Cloth. tool roper Wittitote dittoles, rota. lotto nod Emote, for Po late,l 11 . 111 of do oil Rg . hourtiog to order. E. J. Ttionp. v p'7 v-, v PloollOburg. April M. ATTORNEY • AT • LAW', BLOOMMIURG, PA. O ice oppo , ile Fort lice, flier antown's Rime hock toy, howdy, Pensions onri Irl , Mint claims panoply eolkard. Itlne 4, 'do. CHAS. G. BARKLEY, Attorney Ist Low, BLOOMSBURG, COMMA CO, PA, tli7ILl , prfictire. in Ow ...vow ("moron( 0)4104 tits Comity, Alt Segni bossiness intrusted to his eats shall rec.-ivy pt ono ati o w son , (Mkt,- 4ht Main Merest, Bitahringa Buildings, terse Miller** Slnte. Itioninsburs, April 13, 11,64 . . M. M. TRAUGIi, TTOIR NET-AT-1a w, L 0 ( VS PIRG. fit. Will prn tilre in the oorrtal Comte of t'Aisialito Ind adjoining coilitilen. OirAll lIiiIIOCUOIIII prploptly atton4,4l Julie an, Wait _ J. It. laANs, Physiclanomd Surgeon, R AVING lovaiod prirmantmly on Main Sirrot, BLI H J% V Po., lorm the public gonersily. thou AP fp preptorrd Is attend 10 all Alpines, 410111.117 and punctilio!, Om MAY M iniruispd Is hie esinow WM. COVICUONIIII• Ws with thr titnep, . r He psis Orict suenuis la Mum, as utsdleins. Piss.% A Ilet Tk4 rvpann • Wig nod Prof's. known will otsighlievinv broken•durit by etrenit4* - nnd easinoblif stomach, Rad Itt Slues, IS Is a sat* ventivu of alt dl earns Inchlsat 1111 M the ! ,