A GRIGTIMA L. WHAT Is PROORESETWE AGRICULTURE ? The New York Observer answers this ques tion in a few words, but very comprehensive ly, as follows : " Under its influence spring up tasty and convenient dwellings, adorned with shrubs and flowers, and beautiful within with the smiles of happy wives, tidy children in the lap of thoughtful age—broad hearts and seta, u well as words of welcome. Progress• ive agriculture builds balms and puts gutters on them, builds stables for cattle and raises roots to feed them. It grafts wild apple trees by the meadow with pippins or green ing., it sets out now orchards and takes care of old ones. It drains low lands, cuts down bushes, buys a ~,tower, houses tools and wag ons, keeps good fences and practices soiling. It makes hens lay, chickens live, and pre vents swine from rooting up meadows.— Progressive agriculture keeps on band plen ty of dry fuel and brings in the oven wood for the women. It plows deeply, sows plen tifully, harrows evenly, and prays for the blessings of Heaven. I=CIC:1::M=I ME GA RD EN 'S PRI VII. EG EN. —The question was once asked by a very beauti ful woman, "Why is the gardener the most extraordinary man in the world? The reply was as follows: "Because no man has more business on earth, and he always ehoones good grounds for what he does. Ile corn. wands• his thyme ; and be fingers penny royal. lie raises his celery every year, and it is a bad year indeed that does not bring him a plum, He meets with more boughs than a minister of state, ale makes more beds than the king of Fraftee, and has more genuine rosesandliliesthanare to he found at a country wake. He makes raking his !nisi , nese more than his diversion, but it is an ad vantago to his health and fortune, which few ethers find ; his wife, moreover has *tough of heartsease, and never wishes for weeds. Disorders fatal to others never hurt him ; he walks and hustles au* thrives most in consumption. He can boast of mole bleed ing hearts than you can, and has more tau sele than the Duke of Wellington. But his greatest pride, and greatest envy of his com b, that be can have yew when he pleases." A Novxt. WAY 'co RI.iuVINATL GRASS LAND.—I shall take an old piece of herd grass that at the present time yields less than half a ton per acre, and at the end of five years, without breaking up or fresh seeding, I will raise a crop of two tons per acre.— Then I will go to work to bring it back to its Eden state, though not quite ; but so it will pay for mowing. This is done by per mitting tbe lp erop to stand until the seed just vegetates before cutting ; as by mowing the crop. as many do, when but half ripe, the roots bleed to death. This is why the sec ond crop starts so slowly. is this not a fact, farmers? If not, let me know, for I mu one of those who seek for more light in the noble science of agriculture. I would recommend top-dressing as one grand aid in the plan of restoration. The scrapings of the yard— that as a general thing are full of sorrel and prairie grass seeds, hence unless plowed in, make one extra hoeing necessary—can be spread as top-dressing, with good results 4-- J. L. Hersey. Cows.—Cows in milk require an abund ance of water. As it is desirable that they should drink but sparingly at a time iu cold weather, they should be watered often.— Three times day, morning, noon and night —is not too often. Never water immedia e ly before milking, as it will sensibly dimin ish the milk. In severely cold weather, it will pay well to take the cold chill from the water. A kettlefull of boiling water will warm drink for eight cowl, end increase their milk, at least four quarts. Remember, reg ularity is as important here as in Peding. CORN Cons AS FOOD son though the cobs of well ripened corn contain too much callous or woody insoluble matter. to be nutritious, even when ground—yet there is this season, thousands of bushels of cobs from soft, unripe corn, that bovines will eat even in preference to good hay.— Let those who doubt it try the experiment. These cobs are not only soft and easily mas ticated, but they contain much of the nutri ment which should have gone to perfect and ripen the soft corn. THE PROFIT IN EARLY PLANTINO.:—How many farmers lose the best part of the season in the spring, waiting fur the surface soil to dry? Our seasons are so short and capri cious, that unless we lengthen them out by early planting on drained soil, a maximam crop of corn, no matter how well nianured, can hardly be had one season out of three.— The last was one of the worst corn seasons that we hare had in many years, only about half a crop of sound corn was gathered in Western New York. Yet, all well tended garden corn ripened, and the Ohio dent was nearly a maximum crop on well•drained, early planted fields. To PROTECT SHEEP FROM Doos. —lf sheep are kept in the same lot with cows or fat cattle, no dog will disturb them. As soon as the dogs approach the sheep, they run to the cattle who drive off the dogs. A far mer for thirty years, in Shelby county, by adopting this plan, never lost a sheep by dogs, although in the same night the same dogs killed sheep in ,the farms north and south of him.,—Rura/ Gentlemen. 11=1 ADVANTAGE OF SUELTERINO SUEEP.— From the experimentsof an English farmer, it has been demonstrated that sheltered sheep eat one-third less of linseed cake, and two pounds of turnips less per day. And yet, not sithstanding this, the increase of those housed, as compared with those that are not, R 4515 fourteen to nine. An equal, if not greater advantage, is derived by shel tering cattle. NT HAN TOR Cows In Strzaum --Cows sometimes get a surfeit of grass, especially in wet, warm weather, when the the grass is succulent sod rich. This feed distend the bowels uncomfortably. An armful of dry hey once a day will serve to absorb some of this moisture, and benefit the cow in several respects, NISIItARTAURIONT, In Ohlvo', flulldini, an 111olalannt. WM. GILMORE, Inforitio the cltisena i tUtuuweborg lad vicinity WA Ins Mai opined a New RESTAURANT s 9 hi tale place, wham he Invitee hie old frlnatto and ausinaters torah and partake of ble 10011011111111111111: It to ale Intentlun In aegis the bast LAGAR BEER AND ALL constantly net bend ; i.e.A Porter. alaranpirollft, Hun oval ruthcr Leanonnthrs. Rospbarry and Loma en dumps , can always be had at hop Restaurant. In the eating line he presume • 11111411 Oar 1.111113 ant our awed Ws place , v i i, naiad °More Claws. Slardlnna rush. Parberund Chit ken, Menial 'Plot. and Reef Tungus, Re., etc. Ile el Pe WS a i" 4 of Gi'fprrs and Oaring Tobacco fur his cuatontera. Of Wye hlw a call. bloomanura. hint 13, leuu. GREAT BARGAINS AND Reduction in Prices, I Ito underoigned will afar to the public GREAT BARGAINS la nil kinds of liteXt OP zzaootlltsuiadaatzew l Such no DRY (WOW, GUOCEZIEI, UUKENMWARE, JJAIIOWAIIg. Boots and Shorsi, Oats, Caps, and Notions in every variety. Ottr hnotheoit front the glret of hanary, will be con• ducted on a strictly CASH SYSTE M , sad prone wishing In purchase snythink in our lino c4a do so of a vary moll percentage 01l Currynt liVisolesale Prices. All kind, of produce end groin taken in excbausc t a, C.:/" . Nc corotany molt*? the int to GIVE US A C L I and a share or their patronage. airailNell & PIM AN. Caton-Joon, January :2,140, LUMBER ! LUMBER , r ne KOOMAICURO I.OMdERING COMPANY, 1 wood renpurifOly iiulVtin use public that they hart th:.r PLANING MILL ilow to ape/data) with an extiltrive aasuritatut of Lt. - 1 w Lai tia, sod are now prrit.Art.d to supply Mt ardent at short notice a nd At 1110 lowest primt for rub, Their us. ‘ortosent at lit.litoer conio,t,i or While Pine Plank, Boards, Flooring, Surface floards, Siding, Hemlock Plonk, landed Of unplaned, to suit parehri.eis Fronts Sluff, hors and rlainstiont nt all arterr Their Plaine h r Mill and Lumber Yard in altonted at the ttailrlvati teethe', Very Well t tnieletly for ahippina hiliber by the cargo. 'ey are ct•hvtatitly wapitilollmq lumber at a ll and persona who desire lumber ~r every ocription will do well to examine their stork belie' pure easing ellieWhere. They are del , Mihail and cut iuentty 01 to twilled cheap as the die,' peat, Tin , } satire to inform lin:patella and especially thou. o n wish to porch:pot hilt.si ltl bat they have. swaltilly prepared to cat !lathers of aloe Ist 'eery ales and length required. Twine Wishner, to build in chietracters b,r budding, can save Massey, by golitl, 114 a eiatt ThP Inlikr1411:1141 would at,ot nom pare 11,1 they its t e rsiher e,i to do all %Mei nt repauieeg 01 Machioery. auth an'lltreahlott Mnellinea Mowers. Reapers and all kind* it agricultural luipierinctita, Uroll Itilooll4. .de tering,. Mat. F. C. EVER. Firey. Ilkon”borce, Blooill.butg Pa 10MANUOOD: H.tv Lost, How Roorsd. last PUbllohCii, ft lINIM edition of CI'LVIAWLI.L'S Celebrated Leny on the rail. mil vote l,rovstinst acdteive 7o( ;;pertnnturi 1).2U, loan IVeahii s. lovolons ary 2 4 4.1141 n at Lt , 041 , 14. lawn. twin,. Yeltittai trod l'hys:eal Incapacity. wnia to Ailtrrla IP, ; at,u C l lll.Umpt ion , Epilepsy, and l'ilv nolutok by beltimlulgence ur daaual extra , . fiance • Pri , e, In a vented envelope, only fi eenta, The e debt ated aatlior to this adioirtede vsaay clearly ileinuindrateit, iron' a tinily yeas` anciteod.. till ;dart me, that the aia ming roneeipiences of iielf • abbey way be radically cared without the louses. on. Use ot internal toedielne Cr the application of Ina knife—pointing oat a mode of cute at too, ow. certain. and t YterWai, by Means or wtodt every ,utterer, no twitter what his anndbunn mxy n ,1113) Cute hinieelf cheaply. privately. and radically. Th,, koinu shined be in the hands of every yoNtl. and every man in Übe NMI, Soot, untie: owsii, u piato envelope, to any att. then' punt 'Pad. on amnia of ris coots, or too pant ;donut. (Wares* the publio , lwr , ,,, Att J. (' ro, 1•27 Itow , rr, New York, Post whet 10,1, 4516. th.t. 19, READINU HAIL ROAD WINTER ARRANGEMENT. Dvember Ist, 1566. GREAT MINK 13NElit31 THE NORTH and North West tor Philadelphia. New Ynrk. Redd , mr. Pottsvii le. Tamaatia Astound. Lebatiou, town. Easton. Ephrata, Litia. Lancaster, Eolumbia, din. kc. Trains leave Harrisburg for New York. as follows; At 3 tat, *lO and 933 a M 5012 10 and 9 Our m Conned, with ciwitar Trains on the Penusylvania road and arriving at New York at 300 and In to A a nod 4 40,3 and 11l 25 ra. Sleeping Ears accompu• acing the 3 I,IU A and 900 r x. Trams without change. Lea•d Ilarrisharg for reading, POMIVIIIe. T4llOl. Qua, StinrravillC, Ash'and, Pinn Grove, Allentown and Philadelphia, at 0 10 a 11 and 2 10 and 4 10 r 140/1101111 at lAbitlii/11 and principal Way stations the 4 lu p a 111.11.1114 C01111.:C11011d fur Philadelphia and Columbia only. Par Pottsville, Schuylkill It 1,1011 and Auburn, via Schuylkill anal Susquehanna Rail roe 4. lease Ifliffislollit :it :110 PM. 11.:1111111:1: Leave New York at 9 00 A M. 11 M add 3901015 ty On P ; Philadelphia at kl 5 a a and 335 p at Way Passenger *1 rain leaves Philadelphia at 7 30 a M. (OA long from Reading at 0 r x #101,014 111, all stations: Pottsville at 445 aM. and 145 r ; Ash land U no and it 30 a .11, and I US P. >t ; T 11141 0 ,04111 045 M and I tin and 53 P. M. Leaps Pottsville for Harrisburg via Schuylkill and Stwptehanna Railroad at 7 00 A a. Reading Accommodation Train : Leaves Reading at 030 a !I returning from at ,4 30 vas. Columbia Railroad Trains leave Reading 01 7 00 a M and 0 15 r a for Ephrata. Lilts, Laucastar, Colutolda. On Sundays : heave New York. at e 90 P 51, 1110:1' delphia tl 00 A 31, and 3 15 P 41. Hiatt On A al, Irani miming only to Reading ; Pottsville 8 00 AM. ; riscurg 9 34 A Id, and Urao.int at 190 and 7 Ili A ft,. for Harrisburg and II A 51, fur New York and 425 P M. fur Philadelphia. COMMIMIIIIIuII, Mttende.llo , llll , lo 9111001 anal Emir. *ion Ticket*• tumid from all points at reduced taloa. haggage roveked through; tit pounds allowed each Pansen4st. U. A. 1N.11.,0141.8 GH001:11 Superintendent. Reading, Pa...lan. 1, ISII7. BLOOMSBURU FANCY TIUMMING AND COOK SURE, Second door below Hartman's Main Street. Just ruccivcd a uew stock of ZEPHYRS, WOOLEN AND COT. TON YARNS, CORSETS, LACES, EVIU1).01 DE a I Ed, MUSLIN, EDGINGS, DRESS TRI NIMINUR. and every variety of articles usually kept In a FANCY STORE. AN . &li n.' .finrihs, Hymn Hooke, Bibles, Sunday. School Hooke. and a large hit of MISCELLANEOUS BO Acrount and Memorandum Hooka, Blank Deed*, Bona, and Mortgaged, aoil•gitnertil and well•scloct• od assortment of raper, Envelopes, ace. A. D. WEBB. Sloomiburg, June 20. 1866, REMEDIAL INSTITUTE. FOR VEINAL CASES. No. 14 Bond Bt, New York. cr. - e. run information, with the MOM testleiontell sleek a Hook on 4 . .elat biomes la a seated eneetensel rent (rue, 117' Se erre end mg for them, and ter rill net regret : Inr. as adeatlioina ahyeleiaite are genertly tei• erstrre, without TVOlrealCol no inflow should be ii.h.d. Etirlase a meow Air postage; and dtt met to lilt IeAVVItENCE, ho 14 111/6111 TREST, KEW VUM Noe. 14, 11160— WE. 11, P. MUN CY HOTEL, Al 'ACV, Lycoraing County, Pa. N. HUDSON, Proprietor. Nona* 114 IMOWN & 191511116. Pianos for the People I 420 Deem V. We would call the attention rrf the puldio and the trade to our clew t New Scale Plautra, iu the NNW• loon styles: IA: A, 7 Wave, ?MI huge round town re. plain c 0.., oher octagon of rinsed lets, stratabt bottom. heed unsul,thig on photh 0r1i.% 0. 1 octave, wee as style A with eon. ricottas moulding on plith, carved Its and lyre.. dihr wry Go V. 7 ortave, Front corners large rotted se, woman bottom, wattling,' paw ns on style 11, carved lyre and desk, leery tweed !figs.,. WU It, 7 ortay.., Four large mud router*, Anished bark, moultiougo ou fitit 011141 Fltuth, sarpoottea bottom carved lyre sad desk, ale. soot carved troll lege coo The Orono styles ore all Ardohell In elegant row,. wood ease* and hove the full 1,011 frame, french action, harp pastel. berried top, ivory key, and key (runts and tarred to OltetotlV*4 4111*. sourly alt the fi t °rho* lianas how 111411104C111 MI '!'hey Ore mode al the brill, inateriale sod or dttioh, durability, Purity and *sections "( tulle, motet be oarnateesil. We invite the attention ul the Witte, or dealer', and the profession, to a rotted! esauduatiou of the merit o or our Pewee. ar treat expenses attsixdant upon easily Jmmie. awl expensive warernents in the city, we ars sledded to offer these Pianos at Wm* which dety cionipetition , end invite all to tall and elitilfitle thew before pit remote, elsei here. ratites ordering from a distan c e can rely upon receiving thew Vmone promptly. and na merfolion cnn arse. HO the elylee are en distinctly dealgunted by the lettere A U C Tile four 4111.4 derieribed above. embody 011 the erieutral Monique in exterior tini.h of aura, wirru are by malty manufacturer* run up to Id 4114 UU patients. 31 VSI C DEPARTMENT, We would reepeethilly cull the attention of Chair Leader* and tlioging.Sch4oll Taaetion to our 0010- hollow ti where ail hinds ur Church Hunk Glee and Atliketl) "Souks can be obtained on the moot favorable terms The loos experience of OW Mt, MRIOIOI,III 31/10kal 4,3041^4, t h e Commit R414/114 and r:uady IN'll Ol l enab lee him to give wive! , and in111(11140011 an all points of musical interest as to the ex:Welton or proper works of in ear action formation of wawal one ions —proves* ire tounirue 0141 , 11;!0. and i 0 11/0 of metal hit, real to compuseree, Imotern teathera ant 14,14.641 m pheet Murk furnished no the 1/$lll4 terms with proutptneer end dirnatelLlNtuetry weenie. kited end refer:timid wade lur puptir, teachers. concerts. AkeArc, Ate. Piow ready the .tew Sunday wito.4 binging tiouk, 'IIIE GOLDEN 14{01110.110.' py T F. Pritatue. Author of Peered Lute. Pontloy Oehool Danner, Oriental tile.; peek, hmlui dr. Ate., &r. We will eerie n onerimen ropy, port pet& In any entire",, on rpprom of twenty tent*. The price of 'Toe Cornett Panics& in no fellows. Stogie Outer, In paper covers $0.3 0 ily the lUD a n t Fiume topic*, in baud coven $ 5.35 fly the lOU aU.Ou shdrs Grittilled Piuno "Wish, /net introduced, and being adopted by MI leading tmor* in the manufacture ur Pinamo. Otlststc hard Tables Funsilure. Ate. att. Everyone wen hag a Nana ',tmid have a tnAtte ar thin Paay,b, dead for Cirentaia, and We nen give lull particulars and Applicnt tune for Territory 111111 Agencieti reeeived by itEIoWN ft PERKINS, General Agent* Mr the Untied State*. Kronen, street, N, V. tCt' As ni.toy prrseas in 11,4.4 . .. entry want a sin gift hOWN, MO 410 the ettiele carkoht ba dilit by now, where Oohs are On, Lied nee Ot 11,0 re .14Izeg (warred. (with the theiel we will Nissand by es press (charges pail; let rr dears. BROWN & PERKINS, GEN% AGENTO FOR Tilt UNITED STATES, No, thl IifOOH n 34tretit, N. Y (hi, Q 4, ty, J. A, 1867. • 1867 11,11ILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAIL ROAR '1 ht. Oval tine travon , ee th. Northern and N nr o, *Corn, r• mitten tit h 11119,1Valttit to Iti. VW' 4t tarty ha 01 tlir l euWa d wl,l In op rated by the P.-nw vlt Itdthinnt r o i o p n ny. 'flute ut rd,nenger Trate* ut NorthuthhertamL Leave Eastward. ttiv. Moil Tram II !,0 P M E, ie Espreoa Train 11 15 A M E:udra Mail !U IO A M Leave Wcatward. Erie Moil Train 310 A M Lrio EA itroiti 'I ruin 644 P Et Elmira 4 45 1' 4 Payseitel ears run throtilik nn (hp Nisji sio E spiletot Tfkilts v:ifilotit slangs both ways buttssen Phstatistrtna lOW Fair. NEW Yi iI(K CONNECTION. Li.ave Ni,pelort, at J on m: arrive ar Nrie 10 00 q 1,,v , Now V.', 449 p m ; arrive at Erie 7 15 p 41. Leave Erie at p w ; arrive w York 440 p I•ea.e ie at 11.123 a in; arrive at Now eixid,,orr I.Lecetva c ARA on all Might I nine For otiorio,,ti.ni re,,neeting Fa.erii,ter Onsilwas, ply 01 cori'r It and Market Stroqs, Philadelphia, And tot Froglit Inione , ,,, of the COO, pany'o Agent., S. 0. Kinggun,jr., or, 13th and Mkt strevts, 1 W. Reynolds, Erie, Win. firoWn. Agent N. C. R. g.. Faltiatore, 'U 4 1 Goriend Freight OWL H. W, tiIVINNEIt General Ticket Ag't, rnol'a, A. 1., TV LED, General bupl Lite. Feb. R. Pe. A FFLICTED ! SI ITER NOMORE ! ! IX Ilea by the tilie or OH Jul !.4 V I 4.1.41 . 14 CIA MK you . an be r omit ileriota ;lad at a trittisag co, I. seeressThe itsbnuabwt; Hbich has atigth'lbi tiva invaluable 111 , qi011 , fir 014 NPfle-11114 rut tfrhitoy and ProAtranoti Leer of Mll,Ettlilt ElWray Impotency. Or arty of Czo curt• *, 'on tows of )outhtui ntircrfiton., rt totters it the most vdtuable prewar:Moo ever dialnvered. it will tVilvtiVM all mu (Volt. Attt-01011., dC it l nun. it/Moldy or busahoss, lons of tliClitlaV, confusion, thoughts of sdrol f ,stru,tion, louts of iusonity. kc. it Hill mature the appetite. renew 011111111111 of those who 113V1.1 4 , otroyed it by a 401541411 CXCOtOr iVlt pro , twos. Voting men, be humborigml no more by iigogek Portia," and ignorant practiane:ii, but Pend w Wool t delay for the Elixir, and be at once restore t to health and linpninees. A terpect roote is gnu roomed to every 110111111te, Prite SI, or four Ott le* to one ad , $3, Oise 'Wale 10 gutherent to effect a guru in id! ordinary crows. %I*'.ltt Joinvitttos Specific Pitts, f..r the speedy and permanent cure Li Goeurrilea, Good, iltiehrat Iti.etirees, 1,44%11 Stricture and ail atte.ctssios of the Kideeya and Ottldtter. Cures effected in tiono one to five days. TneP ate prepared from toTetante eatractntlint ure h•rintess on the system and never inntoode the stotintra or impregnate the booth No change of diet IS lIOUSSSiIfy while using them, nor doca their anon in any manner interfere with busi• netts pursuits. Price SI. pet hoc Either of the above mentioned articles will he cent to tamp address, closely sealed, and po‘t.poi,f, moil or eapreop on weird or prier , Address all Of. dare to WAWA. SHIPP vs &C.., Chemists, No. tte3 lii ver tt. Troy. N.Y. Peb 7, 'O7-17, _ lt,ISI'Ell. COMA. Oh S she wasbeantiful and Niro tt'hh starry eye , , and radiant heir, Whose owing tendrils sot, entwined. Enchained the very heart and wind. C 'WIPER 13031 A. For Curling the flair or tither Sex into Watty RIO Glossy F legleis or Heavy Mhtoive Corp. By 11 , 11 as this article Ladies and Gentlemen ran hanutity themselves a 51 0 14444 told. It is the only article in the world that will coil straight hair, and at the souse hose five it us tottutifid.githisl appear. 41100 The Crisper COMA ait on!, earls the heir, but invigorates. Umlautes and cleanses it; is highly and delistruliy perfumed, and is the most complete article of the kind ever offered to the American pub. lir. The Ctiwr Coma will be sent to any odd/PSC sealed had postpaid f,t Si. A(144,1,110 orders to W. L. CLARK & VU., Uhriiiists N 0.3 West Fayette St , Syracuse. N, Y. rtb R 7 117—ty Lackawanna & Bloomsburg Rail' oad. a IN Iffi te 1111 WAIN NMI see TWO DAILY TRAINS. - tett fIN AND AFTER JANUAIIV 88, l°o7, PAN. kl RENDER TRAINS Wll6l. RI. N AS FOLLOWS: • LEAVE SOUTHWARD. A 31 AM P M. Lem Pertint.n, 330 710 4.40 Klnaoton, 633 N2O 0.101 Rupert DA 8,17 Donville., US( 850 Arr at Northumberland 10,30 0.3 S LEAVE NORTH WARD. AM PM (Ai aVe Nattlianiatlllllls, 7.00 • 3 2.. Donville, 7.10 non Riii,Prt, Vi 15 P M I, 3.1 Kin,taton, 11l So 3.30 It 05 Arrive at Scr , i.t.m. 12 00 4 INI 10 13 Train,. frovont Kin gatlla lit ii 30.1: M for Prroot , n connect waAli 'l'rain o , rovtito at %on , Vora it .S .10 P4ll4vnavrii Ink {lip Train Soma) 11.1111 eh:Fithian at 5 :, i ) A N Via ‘i. IhUilitairliiiiiljuili II Ilairrialitirg II 311 I' M. liallimore S3O P M.. V. arhlogrmt 10 00 P N via Ru pert reach Philadelphia at 1 00 P M. U. A. FONDA, Pup. Kingston, Jan. 301867. SAMUEL KNORR, ATTANINEV-AT-LAW, BLOOMSBURG, PA. Ofe• over Mu/maw, shire, appobik Pea Offial loonsithurg, Arrll 4. MCI .- tr. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. All pore afig knowing thooloolvos indebted to the oodoroloood, Ito toquostod to askspayout %t {Way. J. C. &MSC Wai IlimA33 ll /11, rob. 13, WO, NSW COAt TN hirderalfmq tf 4 P•o4Okitif i rilkilht eltliono of tilsemsbura and roluothti r alt . ;lllll.lirty loop 011 the Maltreat ounthero or otorot sued m a = t 101,111tted lamp coal hor odothlnapurpooes. oil their Illetlarr. ad IlauKeier, Neal as 00'. /14/11100 ; wlllI A 11.10.1 pair Wale, stoles on the whorr.to metals emol,huy and altos , Llketelor a horse mod melon, gammen, 000 to nom* who &olm It. As we pittohamt a loran ininunl of tool, a inlund to hoopsoparlor airlock/. and sell ut the Tory lowurt privue. Plea.. sot An d osalmoo fur piano:loco bcforu porchaslogotoowhero, J, W. 111A1•61110110 T. itUtilVotTUe MASON. THE nnierelignad will takn, in exchnnyn for' and inn fnllnwiny mould orlipinil yn ,Cnrn, POW Ow 0, lop fd, 't am , l ewd Apr, and Minn wog, Dulipr, Epp.. Hay, he., nt lira hiniwri guru prier's, IA him 1/ruenry ntnre, thrirnunlynril, J. W. hl NUBYdNuT , ilionan.lnirs, April WI, lenni,—iy, NATIONAL FOUNDitx. 131,00m813U KG, (JO ',UMBIA CO., PA. 1 , HE ettbetritter, proprietor I of the 'Pave named rit• .neive establishment, ie ea* reputed tu 'mite orders All Kinds of Machinery, for Vollotion, Mast Furnaces, Stationary Engines, MILLS, TOP MUM; NI ACIII NIRO. kr.C.. Ate. Ile in NINP prepared In make Storm all rises snil oaten,. plow•lrone, an 4 everything usually nadsin flt mdmor Volindries Ilia enonniye ramlitien and practical workmen. war• taut him in removing Ili kelvin cuntracto on tar ut o.t re reonahle serum. ttraila of all kind' well be taken is ezeliano for C1P41{0.0).. ii Thew ealubliolemene In emceed near the Lackarta. na 4 Oluelenebarg 4ellruud Di pot. 111Te4 4ILLSIYI4. theuensburie. INO3. A. J. EVANS' CLOTHING EMPORIUM, i'Veuvly opposite the Epieopol Church CLOfIIING OF ALL VESCHIPTIONS. lr stock 14 composed or floe clothina, medium 11/I and low priced—adopted to all ronoltomm tastes and W 114114. HP has the latest styles roc tap 44.114041-11 floe assortment or overcoats and Gentlemen's Shaw s t from lots to the very best ihs Goods are kasktunoble and well Mule In withtion to my stock or r , Iystads stothirrit. t have piece ports tur custom orders, Clotho+, Caisinierep•l &C. And hnvint one 4( tot• arld 1:13041 [110441, 'Juan We aAt in all ems owl love autialacilun. Alm a vantly WOOLEN AND LINEN SKIRTS , kt l orking,, Nvckitae. Collttrot. Starke. Ildnitherrhiefo —everything to the getitleutetee tine or ettahttte. Alpo. fiat*, 'Ponta and Shoe*, Trunk* and Carpet bags. I wilt cult at the lowest 115rk”t priett Please give Me a call White puretta , thit eteewhete. ANtineW J. EVANS, hi , ronheburg, Nov. 15, 12115„ N MILERS CENTEL:IL LSI .4:1 LI Lta `3ar.ECl:Zr i p DI It Efur notTE 'Nona AND SOUTH trough Way, n Bortimore and leadtater Without Change of Cars. N andifter Knvetnbv th, loBt,Triliti4 will 100 O at 4 NORTHWARD, MITA lA+ tArtit et 4 t00v404 Itattiototo 10 le, dairy. Plotodololoo m:ot M. Harrisburg 1,0,1 A. PM , Jon,. ,•ttnq nt Nottrinn.no..tail, 5,0'4 A. M. t.r teen on La. ilatvanna pn,l 111 ,, mit,inaig Nail Itini.t, fraying at 7.1:0 A, M. arriving in limn site 7.10 A.M, 843 A. M. Kingstun 141,411 A. M, btran. too 11.00 worn. M All. it..avra naMittiortt. 9.43 A. M. daily. (ttxrept 3oluttlY 4 ) Plitlatieltthla 7.34 A. al littrritattirtt 140 P. M, driivenui paiqeogr.r.i at Nattlinioberi.inii 444 for train on LarlaWallll4 and liloo siNburn hurl there at 4.14 it. M. arriving in Ilnuvithv ti.tin P. M. itinoni.barg 6.45 P. M. Klll2rtitn ll tot V. N. pi i . in nton 1033 ; north and arriving in Wllll.llsl4llfiti S r LINE 1..3v , -:t btutsrnnrr,rlailvf, J4y.'ll Il P. MI. l'ittt.ll , l,tt.t, t147u11, 4,111 P. M., Northumberland 613 P. M. re.unin Gypr awl leave lo.init 1101111141 at 'IAN, artivrng is ticrautun NO noon, sourinvA no. l'R Cfaft. Tit A IN, lean +•s Northumberland II 36 , p,M (eke, ehind.iy.O . rececetne inieeeneet, leecteg Sermittio ret 4 411 A. M. Pdtl4 , ll . Z 0 A. M. }tote:— v. 4 0.110 P tlt. eleitio.tiorg *ii; P. M. artivtaa in aftetpl nt 7.00 A. M. Burt ;shut:, 0.34 A. M. Baltimore 7.60 A M MAIL Tri AIN, leaven Northumberland MIMI A . M dlofy,i.ezrept:faradays%) rem.. ing paesengera. len r ttig Crre ohm at 5.50 A M. Pirmoti otl A M Kinston 6 53 A. M. blootawhitta A. M. Ifattttll,• 9.51 A. Al, alio ttitiVilni In Mai rtelmill 1,13 P. M. Philadelphia 3,501 * , M. Baltimore bllop, 31, Fuel (duo. leaves Nnrl hatuderland at 6.25 a. In. arming in ilarrlstn gn OAfti a. in. t itifpnia I:Jit p In. laantinore I no. By this ramie :right from Buffalo, gareperwion !Wedge, It Wheeler and of any luttruni Mate point on New York Coattail can be empred through, when in full cat liniale to any point on the I,arftawnnna soil ilitiontaltry, ICool, without bre,tong hulks Bates of freight anti Passenger bite tin low alla other route Oat:01111' , E. t, YOUNG. Gen') Sup 1, klairmlourc Pa. Pa's*. Agent. MlllOll OE. and lett AC M. StIitRIMER 110SINT. o,a't Western Freight Apia, itutfalu, N. Y. December, 19, lend. TO V ES AND WARE. A. M. RUPERT, Announce* to his many friends and numerous cus tomers %hut he continues the above business ut hi* obi ()face of business Ott MAIN STREuT. autums• BUNG. Ilia enetomereand others can be accomatadited with FANCY STOVES of all blade, Stavepipte,Tinv. are. nett every aNirta found in all wall regulntell STOVE: AND TINWAhr. kAr'l'AlitArrilMbliTd in the tii%vo. and on the tenet reformable term.. Le spot: TING, t'..f• bootleg and b tad, will be put up on blittst outlet+, Abt, all lauds of done poutptly nod upon liberal Immo. fiesta° keeps on hand a large *apply or Milk p an 4 , of thin.viit viers and prices ; bo.iide a a Ilse ae• fort loco of Flsnsr•a Paton. etif•Suallug !qua Pre• voicing Can.. Givehtw a call. Jul irkilk—tr. BLTERI3 110LIDAY PRESENTS Watches 1 . Watches : Ri etches DE THEY &CO., Importers and Wanins.ale Onainta I n Gold old Silver Watches of othieseriptim, 34 Liberty Street, N. Y., Qag to inform the public that they have hist re reived the must elegant, perfect, and accurate Watch ever introduced in this market. The rXrCIAIOR, beautiful. extra Wits jewelled, heavily Id Carat Gold Plated on Silver, magnificently engraved. fine ly and richly Enameled Motive Cases, Patent hey. er, genuine thitneithennet Hands, thoroosthy reels lilted by the observatory, and iverrantod to be the Ne Plus Ultra 'rune Keeper, A superb and most re• liable Watch, Gent's or Lady** size, will be sent free to any address on receipt of $l3, or. if prefer red, will be sent, c. 4). d„ on receipt of $3 as putt pal meat, The watch will be sent hy Express. or mail Milo -0,1134, so that there is almost acertainty or reaching Choir destination ; but should the Egress Co, or Post Office tail in their duty, we will send another watch immediately, Orders for any Um! of Watches prumpay and fa ithinkjiodfillrd. a !iberal Term. to the inure, intiN 1 . 14.—We wont Agents to every town and county to the ettontry, nod to those settog A such Memo itohteetnents wtll be etrered. l'lollo.l Pena mosey by Esyress, (rust Office Order or think OrallBo to DC THEY & CO, 34 Liberty Btree(, N. Y. Oct. RI, lane.—am. 3. A. DENTISTRY. • C. II 0 W E R SURGEON DENTIST, RPItPFa r1111,1.Y offers hie profess. howl eery wee to i he Wien and gentle nten or el moo•buroeiol I. prepared to attend to 411 the eu r io u ,. ',pow lone In the hue of his profeewou until' , provided wait Inte,el Improved PORDNLALIV TRATN; whin w II nd illearted on yold.plutincelleer end rubber be e to lookw , II se the onions, teeth Ml teral piste end bleok teeth manufurturod or• all oi l options un leeth.not rurally end properly attended to, ReWitertee end ollire a few doors above the Court 11=1110, came side. pf reatubtore, lone fl 11403 100,000 SHINGLES & A LARNE LOT OV PRCNING BOARDS lOR NM*. The undereigned torero for gale upon the mom rooeonohlo term., at hie place of lovelorn, In II RATON, COM/ MI HI A COUNTY ' oar hundred thou. nog ohloglea and a large lot of Noting boards, of the 'air quality. both Isles sgd Aemlotk. J. J. 111410INIT. buts, May I, INC GREAT IMPROVEMENT IN SEW INO MACIIINRS. Empire Shuttle Machine ! 1 1 4144 4 1111/osl4, 130 Itrundway, N. Y., 2110 W.a.himitgoto ft ref, 1 11 1P1M111. 941 Chu. nn! elrnet. Plnlodylphilb r Y VAS, 14, MOO. TMACIIINC I. errootruelm) on erirlyyly new A principle ! , of mrrlimmoto, por.roolof ninny rmre, end .011111b11/ Ilrlpr. VPIIIOIIIO. huvitlif been etlsoittril by lb. unrot profound export. nod prunuuuced cu too Simplicity and Perfection Combintd. tl t c ra n or/tight. Pnrboil.licltin , o, ll o n. wakes the nr $lll YELE PTITeII. *Moe will neither SIP nor RAVEL and is *like on With sides ; porforeie porfort rotting on evory tlesgriptioo moterial. rrelo Lonther tether finest Pionsonk with *lotion, town, ur silk thrsod. Anon tho tonfooor In the (two' unwept, Having at other CAS ur 000 'Vinci.. and the Nast possible friction. it Nei as .mouth no gloss, and is Emphutiottly rr Nro:vrlrxx Marhbir. tt requiree PI V'T PER etorr. les. power to drive it Owl oily other mochlue in the rourket A airs I µAge ,r,ito of eve can work it eteauily. whoout follgue or Injury to health Its rltretottli and Wonderful Pimplierty ofVonerrov. n on almost wpoooble to get out of order. and he aHAitAN't'tISD by the cowpony to giro en. tire eutieho thou. We tplooltulty invite n 110104.1 who owy tte t i t o to rappiy ben .wt wllit a POOP?' I ante)... to 4olott and eltimine this I:ti VAL1.1:11 tAcliIK. too bait 11001 , 0 onotuettoo it sutticiont to tomblo arty person to work obir tuochioto to their enure if at , ittOetoot. Ages.** wanted tot an tummy i.e the tinned Ratan, where ,ngetteiesillV o+4 llllNtidy estithlttiont Alan. Cuba. Nett." central and snnin itinnam to whoa* a litmrnt diaeagnt WM no given, L !OPINE SNWIN (A Al At.:lllNl3 Mira CO.. .336 14...1.1wity. N. Y. LA MIST KV";iL SDEMAND W. Bradley's telebraled Patent DUPLEX Eimurric ( og noun" s rvas „ ) .I;4z utivr rut cox, The Wilsl4erf Al Pleat Witty and great control and pleanuto to any Lady wearing the Haloes Elliptic Skin will he eithenenced nar'oentarly in 1111 erowiled Awoodieg, opera*, Cliff hie*. Khilltnold t%ata, AM) (Matra. Ch orch Paws, for Promenade and House Itreee, as the Shirt can he folded whim in UV! to n4': tiny A •1114111 place as eas ily and conveniently as a prim Drees, 1131 itiVallifible •plaility In mit,. olio , . not (moot In any entitle Siostt% t4ist. 1.8.1 y to Mg eiljoyrti 11 , 4' pkAlflef comfort, and great cmivet,i , iice of wearing the 1/oAfr% CHO/C. Steel Sorrow rim* rot II eingle day, will 41dV. 4 r After di.perifte unto their AI.V., ton Cliii• drat, Sll ,ses gil d Immo; Ladiea they at' rfliPVrata All ,AlOl,l, y will not tinnil Sir break Itkn the Single but ni:arrve, theis perfect and itravehil phone %lien lOreo or roar forMtiary Slime will have Gren thrown 4,4111 ff or ii4elerta, Tito Hoop.. are covered w,th doable WHO tWt. , toti thread. and the bottom WOO are eel only double whist*, but twice (or &Hobbit rottare‘t ; OTOVOOIIOO them trout tt tat MI out whoa 1:01,V0 010/14. 0f.410 4 . &C. The Duplex. Eliipite /4 a great favorite with all 14. dies a n d is untv , t+iittv rerommende by the t'aiiltion Aaromainea as the sl * tltibtAßLl tiKlItY OF EllE EAtio Ni Tiri enjoy We tollowing inestimable aiivaninzeu to Crinoline VIA: thiptrior quality, porfert niimorar , %:%f flOpe and thllo4l. 4or and eetntlrmy , einpiiie for J. V. tin Duple.: Laiptir. ur Onion, Spring Skirt, and in note you vt ihn genuine 0111011, eM; 11)%...T., 4 , 14(4 iigainut IMMATION btr polto SIT 10 Mia Ai Iti t.l OM;red as PLI:X" (MVP it,t Ink ,t 41411 viz : `l, W. Pratt. 11414,-x Ei! , /.114! Sfr, I 49 , frit.go," upon the WAltt• bated--none ‘4l)-r4 4.1 . , 4 , 41444. Also (hit eterpp ri.:44t 4 pin {mooed through the eeni re. toe two spring tin...toed i•igerilei therein, which to rho .ecret of their 444 and 4 combination nut to bit found in 44) totil,t shot. IA; in nil ,Marrs wht ro reiRST CLASS skill- ore bold throughout the Lulled States and eiJieiA Oen.. Mati,ll4lri tired hp the Sol , Owner. of On Patent, r it V, Utimot...l„ & ;Jot el neude 241.., N. Y. 004,h4 r to, -1.14 6 itEAT AT!' ICTION AT tza jl):Es3 ig 04: V Si On E. Tne, timien s sznP4l i,ave to monotone to tto rttlz.oa of liltallaMtarg 4114 for .11110110dilIN rouutrytbgtbe k,•epo rutMtanliyonbandatbin.44 bland 1110 naUtlr east corner of Main A1.11(011 *to" a pram: lot of GREEN AND RLACK TEAS, Cotten. Sumo. Syrups. Tebasee. Cigars, pried Fruit Cndl uti, zauntf, Spites, Witter. Etas. Land Cheese, Dried Deer, Crackers. Dings, Parlor and Mimi Lwow.. Perim! of nil mind*, and paid( hrtiSheO, 1110 stair, Dry eilllitoco, 114010 for boy', wear. Fleur, chop,